#Who is Monalisa husband
TMNT: Tang Shen
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You know, when you think about it...Tang Shen is the real hero in the TMNT 2012. Think about it, without her, there would be no TMNT!
The woman sacrificed her own life, to save her husband and her daughter's future! Without Shen's brave act, Splinter would have died that night, then he never would have gone to New York and adopted four baby turtles.
There would be no Earth! The Kraang would have gotten April because she had no Donnie to protect her and the whole world would have been destroyed!
Casey would have probably ended up dead, because his dumbass can't stay out of trouble, and he had no Raphael to look out for him!
Karai would have probably ended up being Shredder's daughter forever, never learning the truth and turn into a cold bloody villain like him because she had no Leo to care about her!
Leatherhead would have been the only mutant in New York and ended up being lost in his anger because he had no Mikey to help heal him! There would also be no Slash because there would be no Raphael which means, the Mighty Mutanimals would never exist!
Monalisa would have stayed in space fighting in war forever and probably never find her true love because her true love was Raphael.
Tang Shen made all of it possible by sacrificing herself! She is the center of everything! She is the reason; the turtles came to be! So, in a way, Shen gave birth to them more than that stupid mutagen jar did! Because if it wasn't for her, there would be no Splinter following a stranger into an alley and accidently getting mutated!
Call her mom, Mikey and not that broken glass jar!
She is not just the center of the rivalry between Splinter and Shredder but also the center of the whole show! Which is why, I think it sucks that she was only in one episode when they had a chance to add her again in the End Times episode! They could have had a ghost Shen helping out with ghost Splinter! But no, of course not, because why would they? >:(
Karai could have finally met her mom and the turtles could get closure for not being able to save the woman who was technically their mother as well and their father's true love. Can you imagine how they must have felt? I bet they were still carrying that burden. Mikey and Donnie's faces when they saw her dead with their own eyes, and all their faces as Splinter screamed like he was dying. Out of all the traumas these turtles have gone through, witnessing their mother (and father's) murder by the same man, was probably what stuck with them throughout their lives. I think Shen's is worst though and I say that because with Splinter's death, the turtles had no control over that but with Shen's death, they could have told her what was about to happen but didn't because they feared for the future.
Still, in the end, they tried to save her, even though they knew it could risk everything but failed.
Some people think that the turtles sacrificed Shen but they didn't. Like, did you guys not see them running in and Raph calling out to her, trying to stop her? They loved and cared about that woman so much. You can see it if you look closely, the future was not the only thing they were worrying about but Shen as well.
I know that the turtles never met her and never got to know her and are not related to her but that does not make her any less their mother. As I see it, she 100% is. Just because they never got to know her personally, does not mean they did not love her through the stories Splinter probably told them about her or wonder what it would be like if she was around to help raise them. I think their relationship with Shen, is similar to Karai's relationship with her. Never knowing her but still loving her and wishing she was here. Carrying her with them.
If Shen was in the End Time, you can not tell me she would not have called them, her sons and say she was very proud of them and Karai.
I can see Leo apologizing to her, feeling a lot of guilt. Raph only staring at her, unsure of what to say and Shen helping him with that. Donnie trying to explain their reasonings even though he felt like no reason would be good enough. Mikey hugging her while crying. Shen giving Karai a piece of wisdom that she could carry with her always.
I would have loved to see that and Shen telling them that she was happy to give her life, for her children, like any real mother would.
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axdently · 1 year
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To CHARLOTTE DEGRAVES, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of FERAL MIND grows a little stronger. They are a TIGER shade aligned to THE ORDER OF ATH. For THIRTY-SEVEN years, they have survived a world of magic with both their AFFECTIONATE + HEADSTRONG and CATTY + SUPERFICIAL reputations. They work as a TIGER HEAT CLUB OWNER & AN AMATEUR FOOT MODEL, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to KEEP HER SISTERS SAFE.
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Listen up, babe, because this is who you are, and we’re only saying it once – you're a whirlwind of Moira Rose and Carole Baskin energy wrapped up in one explosive package. The town knows you as that Alimjan sister with a reputation, the one who sent her husband packing ( six feet under ), Julien Degraves, in the most enigmatic way possible. Your realm is Tiger Heat, a haven where music and magic collide, but you're not just a host –you’re a ringleader of inclusivity, welcoming grass kids ( you know the kids who used to sit in the grass during lunch and hiss at people ), and the black sheeps of the family. The world's a stage, and everyone is going to dance, and celebrate or you’ll scream !! But that's not all, Lottie. You're not just a queen of the night; you're a fashion icon too. Clown Couture? Yeah, that's you, turning glitter into art and sequins into a lifestyle. And those three LITERAL TIGER cubs? More than family, right? You're the lioness to these little tigers, fierce and protective. Here's the kicker: You're the big sister, the eldest among Dottie, Dollie, Rosie, and Josie, but oh boy, you definitely channel that mama bear energy. Let's not forget your temper – a warning sign for anyone daring to get on your bad side. So, Lottie Degraves, you're a tsunami of glitter, fierceness, and unpredictability. A showstopper, a sister, and a force to be reckoned with.
NAME: Charlotte Lottie Degraves NICKNAME: Lottie DATE OF BIRTH: January 28th GENDER: she/ her HEIGHT: 5’6” MARKINGS: a mole on her big toe TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: her ears DECORUM: she always has to stand out with pink fuzz, quirky uses of denim, boots that shine, & the occasional glitter business suit. She loves to accessorize and you bet your bottom dollar that her tiger cubs ALWAYS match.  SCENT:  a minty trace of catnip, bubblegum cigarettes & Elizabeth Arden’s White tea GOALS: World Domination ✨ FEARS: Her grandmother POSITIVE TRAITS: Eccentric, Assertive, Talkative NEUTRAL TRAITS: Impractical, Confident, Curious NEGATIVE TRAITS: Scattered, Aggressive, Outcast ZODIAC: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon & Aries Rising ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ELEMENT: air  PRIMARY VICE: Wrath PRIMARY VIRTUE: Temperance  TROPE: Attention Whore, Comedic Sociopathy, Drama Queen, Everything’s Better with Sparkles, Impractically Fancy Outfit, Large Ham, No Inside Voice, Pretty in Mink, What the Hell Is That Accent? INSPIRATION: She’s a mix of Moira Rose, Monalisa Saperstein,  Noho Hank from Barry & heavily inspired by Carole Baskin OCCUPATION:  Illegal Animal Handler, Amateur Foot Model, Owner of Tiger Heat and CEO of a small company called of Clown Couture LLC. RESIDENCE: A house on the hill that resembles a mansion, that is always open to her sisters, though they’d have to sleep on couches due to the extra rooms being flooded with clothes and accessories for both her and her tiger cubs. HOBBIES: acrobatics ( when she was younger ), golfing, animal rights, sewing ( she has a small passion for costume designing ), Shopping HABITS: always losing her purse, speaking in a trained Trans Atlantic accent, never using her inside voice, pointing out the obvious ( Don’t tell her not to look at your Ex at the bar, she will ✨ ), chewing gum harshly and sticking it under tables, zoning out in boring conversations, succumbing to her own narcissism
The user can tap into a primal instinctive state of mind, which can release an unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. In some cases, the user's mind descends so far into the feral state that, mentally, they are little more than wild animals. The intensity of Feral Mind is based upon which variations are in play one being relatively tame, to all three being unmanagable. 
User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort. Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance.
Users, either innate or through training, are masters of wielding claws as weapons. The user is able to wield claws with great proficiency in brute power and close quarter combat. When it comes to wielding different weapons, the claws are the closest to hand-to-hand combat. User is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled and/or vertical surfaces, able to take advantage of any handholds they find, no matter how small, on trees, rocks, walls, etc using their claws.
The power to have bite force greater than that of the ordinary. Users have an inhumanly strong bite, either because of sharp fangs/teeth, augmented jaw-muscle structure, etc. User can easily rip out/off the body parts from a target's body, whether it be the arms, legs, organs, head, spine, etc. Usually done by brute force, or can be done supernaturally as well.
FEATHERED VEIL OF CHARISMA: This ornate feathered veil grants a +2 bonus to Charisma checks while worn. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can release a dazzling burst of colorful feathers, forcing all creatures within 15 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. TIGER QUEEN'S GLITTERING BOOTS: These knee-high boots are embedded with sparkling sequins and allow the wearer to cast the "Misty Step" spell once per short rest, teleporting in a burst of glitter up to 30 feet. SHIMMERING SUNGLASSES: These crescent moon-shaped sunglasses grant advantage on saving throws against blinding effects and can be used once per day to cast the "Suggestion" spell on a target. GILDED CHOKER OF ELOCUTION: This exquisite choker enhances the wearer's speech and presence. They gain advantage on Charisma checks related to persuasion, and their words are imbued with a subtle charm that captivates listeners. TIGER CLAW PENDANT: A pendant in the shape of a tiger's claw, set with a sparkling gem. When worn, it grants the user enhanced agility, allowing them to add a +2 bonus to Dexterity checks and saving throws. 6.GEMSTONE HAIRPINS: A set of intricately designed hairpins embedded with sparkling gemstones. When used to secure hair, they grant the wearer advantage on Performance checks for music or dance. ENCHANTED BANGLE OF EVASION: A bangle adorned with swirling patterns. Wearing it grants the user the ability to use the "Evasion" ability as a rogue, allowing them to dodge area effect spells and abilities. SATIN RIBBON SASH: A delicate satin sash that shimmers in different colors. When worn as a belt, it grants the user the ability to cast "Color Spray" once per short rest.
COLOR SPRAY: A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs from your hand. Roll 6d10, the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures and creatures that can't see). MISTY STEP: Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, Lottie teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.
POTION OF GLAMOUR: Drinking this potion gives the user a radiant and captivating appearance, granting advantage on Charisma checks ELIXIR OF AGGRESSIVE ELEGANCE: This potion boosts the drinker's physical and mental prowess, granting a +2 bonus to Strength and Charisma for 1 hour. However, it also imposes disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws during this time due to their heightened self-assuredness. POTION OF CHARMED BANTER: After drinking this potion, the user gains the ability to engage in witty and flirtatious banter effortlessly. They have advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks for the next hour. TONIC OF SPARKLING ENERGY: This potion fills the drinker with boundless energy. For the next 10 minutes, they gain a fly speed of 30 feet and resistance to exhaustion. However, after the effect ends, they suffer one level of exhaustion. PERFUME OF ENCHANTING AURA: Applying a drop of this magical perfume grants the user a captivating aura. They gain advantage on Charisma checks and can use an action to release a burst of fragrance, casting "Calm Emotions. 6.TIGER BREW: Drinking this potion covers the user in a sparkling layer of magical glitter stripes. They become resistant to radiant damage, and any creature that makes a melee attack against them takes radiant damage in return.
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shrimpdinner · 1 year
if anyone just so happens to see the post i would love if you would consider sharing and donating to this very sweet family from moldova :)
my very dear friend ciara started this gofundme after meeting the family who had been asking for money near her apartment complex in baton rouge, louisiana. they are fleeing moldova to escape the unstable situations but they’ve really been through so much since they got here. they’ve been living in their car with very little to eat and as we approach the summer months we’ve really been wanting to find them some shelter that’s a bit more stable but it’s literally impossible unless they can get a work permit and that’s literally impossible without an immigration lawyer which is $10,000. we initially began to raise money after their car broke down, then shortly after maria miscarried and then was rehospitalized with an infection. we’ve really just been giving them money here and there so they can have a hot meal and a place to sleep, but now they really need some substantial help. if yall could please donate or even provide ciara with resources on charities, organizations, or sponsors that represent immigrant families that would be so kind. thank you :)
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pedropanulat · 1 year
The Tree of Strobe Lights
by: Pedro Pendukot
Hate me.
Hate me now.
For I clean my dirt with my left hand tied to my tongue.
Hate me.
Hate me now please.
Life wants me to choose between good and evil.
Evil is good and good is life.
Honest I do not want to choose for sometimes good is evil too.
Stay away.
Stay away and hate me.
Let me die in my own drama.
Let me die for my sins.
For Mother is gone and none will guide my demons from day to night.
Hate me wife.
Hate me daughter.
I am no husband and no father.
Only a sinner who reads the Bible and highlight the verses that hurts my soul.
It hurts.
Yes, salvation hurts.
So is ego and pride.
So is monalisa's empty smile.
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Who made Akshara Singh Saiya yesterday, today made him Bhai... Fainted after hearing 'Swami', watch video
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Akshara Singh's Marriage: Akshara Singh is called the fashion queen of Bhojpuri film industry. Akshara dominates the news corridors every day. Sometimes because of her movies, sometimes because of her album songs and sometimes because of her Instagram posts, the actress' name is in the news corridors every day. Recently, a new video of Akshara Singh is creating a lot of buzz on social media. In this video you can see what yesterday the actress called her husband, today she openly calls him brother. Vikrant Singh Rajput himself faints as soon as Akshara hears the word bhaiya for himself. What's the whole thing, let's get into the details… Also read- The hip surgery ruined the entire look of the actress, people taunted her after seeing the transformation Akshara Singh's new video has gone viral In fact, Akshara Singh is very active on social media these days. He shares his daily, every work with fans through social media. Recently, Akshara Singh posted a picture on her social media account, where she can be seen with Monalisa's husband Vikrant Singh Rajput. At that time both Vikrant and Vikrant were wearing garlands and Akshara also wanted vermilion. As soon as Akshara shared this picture, the comments section started pouring in congratulations. At this time, many speculated in their own style that Akshara and Vikrant got married. But please inform, this marriage is not offscreen but onscreen. Actually Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput will soon be seen together in a film. The picture is from the shooting of that film. Yesterday's brother has become today's brother At the same time, Akshara shared another new video, in which she can be seen making out with her brother-in-law today. This video of Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput is very funny. People are smiling and laughing at the fun acting both of them are doing in this video. However, at the end of the video, Akshara Singh herself is seen laughing at her anger. We tell you that Akshara shared this video few hours ago and within few hours this funny reel video has crossed 50,000 views mark. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Monalisa Photos: डिजाइनर से ज्यादा सिंपल साड़ी में अट्रैक्टिव दिखीं मोनालिसा! दिलकश पोज से जीता फैंस का दिल!
Monalisa Photos: डिजाइनर से ज्यादा सिंपल साड़ी में अट्रैक्टिव दिखीं मोनालिसा! दिलकश पोज से जीता फैंस का दिल!
टीवी और भोजपुरी के अलावा अभिनेत्री ने हिंदी, तमिल, तेलुगु, कन्नड़ और उड़िया जैसी कई भाषाओं में भी काम किया है. (Photo Source- monalisa instagram) Source link
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saturnleaf · 3 years
It’s pretty simple, really: I pick my ships based on what they’re called
Ineffable husbands?? ABSO-fucking-LUTELY
SamBucky?? SOUNDS DUMB AS HELL but I’ll be damned if I don’t ship WINTER FALCON
Eremika?? Who on earth wants to ship that
Matchablossom?? I haven’t seen a single episode of sk8 but I already ship it, it’s as simple as that really
Lumity?? SOUNDS LIKE A BEAUTIFUL POETIC NAME, of course I’ll ship it
Solangelo?? You bet (it’s basically the same as Lumity)
NARLIE?? Pretty gnarly, speaks for itself
IzuOcha?? WHO WANTS TO SHIP THAT, but oh boy, whoever came up with GRAVITYSMASH deserves my fucking respect
Venther?? What is this, a sidelined villain from the despicable me franchise??
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Betty Tompkins: deciption of sexuality art.
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Carrying on looking into artists who focus on Femeinity in their work, I came across Betty Thomposon who is known for a series of giant genitalia 'fuck paintings' (inspired by her husband's porno mags), the 72-year-old painter was once blacklisted and disregarded by radical feminists for her frank depiction of sexuality. *Featured snippet from the web*.
She created a series of work titled ‘womens words’ The #MeToo movement helped inspire the artist's latest works.
As you can see, her work consists of portraits, such as the Monalisa, the paintings—text works based on around 3,500 submissions from people around the world of phrases used to describe women—were originally completed between 2002 and 2015. But with more suggestions—the most common being “bitch” and “mother”—she gamely tried to continue.
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byronmuyimbwa · 4 years
20 Ideas To Help You Keep Your Livelihood During Quarantine
 So you’re in quarantine. You do not know what day of the week it is anymore, because you wake up only to sleep again. You just want to take a nap, after a long day of sitting around.
Come on fam, don’t be that guy.
You’re tired of watching the news, you’ve exhausted your play list and you have completed your Netflix list. There are still plenty of things to do. I’ve got you covered.
20 fun ideas/ways to maintain your livelihood.
1.       Do a Challenge
There are fun challenges going around on social media every other day, pick one you like (make sure you’re good at it). Scratch that; just have fun with it. What have you to lose?
Don’t mind the embarrassment. I mean it’s only going to be on the Internet forever. Here are some fun challenges to try.
2.       Stay Fit
It’s important to stay fit and healthy; you do not want to leave this quarantine with diabetes or some fitness related disease. One you could have avoided by just doing a few exercises. Find an online instructor, download a fitness video, stick to it, and be true to yourself.
For the first timers, be sure to warm up thoroughly before any routine and don’t push yourself too hard.
3.       Try something new
There are plenty of things to do outside your usual routine. Write a blog, create an app, write a book, do some art, learn how to play an instrument, try an on-line business, write a poem, try to rap.
Trust me you’ll have a new respect for the professionals in these different fields. And of course you’ll have fun, plus you may just be a Steve Jobs, Eric Worre, Mark Zuckerberg in the making.
4.       Plan life after
Well I hate to be the bearer of the good news, but the quarantine is ending soon, I mean it will end eventually. And when it does, you need to have planned your kickoff journey step for step. You do not want to be the snail in the race. You want to hit the ground running.
Also for recreational purposes; plan that family vacation, be intentional.
5.       Network
Connect with people. Your friends, your family, people you rarely talk to, your future workmates or business partners, people you look up to, celebrities, everyone. This is the time they’re not too occupied. You may learn something or just simply build your network.
6.       Grow Deeper in Knowledge
Read that blog, read a novel, read a magazine, read a Bible, read the TV remote manual, read the instructions on the sanitizer bottle, just read or watch a documentary.
Knowledge is power and it is satisfactory to know that you’re smarter than you were just a moment ago. No need to thank me.
7.       Know the back-story
Don’t you ever get curious about the most weird topics; like why is shoe polish black or how a TV came to be or why dinosaurs no longer exist or why that is your favourite movie of all time. What is the back-story? This is good a time as any to find out.
8.       Your own version
Make your own version of the harry potter novel series, try the moon walk or the nae nae and add your own spin on it, cover your favourite song, re-create the Monalisa, your favourite scene from the Avengers movie. Have fun, but be careful.
9.       In door games
Luddo, playing cards, chess, checkers, monopoly, snakes and ladders, indoor hide and seek, charades. The possibilities are end-less, you can even invent your own game. And if you’re home alone, try online games.
10.   Volunteer
Apply to organisations like VSO and be of good service to your community. Of course while following the safety measures provided by W.H.O and not breaking curfew. You can even be recruited as an E-volunteer. You can offer your skills and help the global community without leaving home.
Donating, sharing food and supplies to people in need is also one effective and important way you could volunteer. Big shout out to everyone doing this.
11.   Get Creative
Try a new recipe, do some DIY life hacks, do some art, make a dance routine, write code, knit a face mask, learn how to make a sanitizers or just soap, try new things, you may be surprised that you actually were or can get really good at something  you had just never tried.
This could also be one way to channel your emotions, and it’s definitely therapeutic.
 12.   Pray
Get down on your knees and pray. Be thankful that you’re still alive, but do not take it for granted. This is a wakeup call. PRAY!
13.   Solve a problem
Fathers, mothers, siblings, you have been successfully dodging the responsibility of helping your child, kid sister, or nephew with math home-work. There’s nowhere to run now, you might as well just dive in. Good luck!
14.   Do some chores
Husband, brother, uncle, working mother, step mother, student in boarding school; you’ve been dodging chores for quite a while now. The jig is up mate, just get to work. There’s so much to do; sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, slashing, washing dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, cooking . Wait on second thought; you should leave cooking to the pro’s ok.
15.   Deep clean your home
You know that kind of cleaning mother always makes you do when her in-laws are visiting the next day or right before Christmas, or right when you get your holidays. If you don’t, this is the time to find out.
Do some general cleaning; (de-clutter, re-organise, scrub, re-paint, and remove that cob-web). It should be fun.
16.   Talk to a loved one
This is the time to constantly check on the people closest to you. Make sure they’re safe and carrying on good. Send them a word of encouragement (SPEAK LIFE).  Help them out if you can.
If you’re in need, reach out to your loved ones, there’s no shame in survival. This is a life or death situation.
17.   Shoot your shot
Gents, you know that lady, the one that drives you crazy, the one you’ve never worked up the courage to go talk to. This is it, don’t wait. Ladies, there’s that one brother that is always allegedly too busy for you, well thank heavens he has no excuse now. Go for it. I mean, what have you to lose?  “If you die you die”.
18.   Throw-back
This is the best time to set up a slide-show (pictures, videos, recordings) and some good music; sit together as a family and journey through all those memories. The fun times, embarrassing times, triumphant times, emotional times, celebrations, losses. These are all important because they lead up to who you are now.
19.   Leave a mark
Write a book, an article, a blog, a song, invent a new sewing technique, create a master piece (art), play the guitar like no one ever has. Let this period be an inspiration to you. Let the world, your descendants or even just your grand children remember you for something you created during the lockdown (Covid 19). I mean all great innovators start somewhere right.
20.   What’s your take
I mean I know I promised y’all 20 ideas, but we all know there’s a lot more. And I do not want to make this blog one long boring grandma story, so I’ll just pass y’all the ball. For any ideas, tips and additions visit my comment section.
If I’ve been of any help to someone you’re welcome.
Shout outs!
To all the Health workers fighting at the fore-front of this pandemic, I salute you. The scientists working everyday towards getting a cure, the generous people donating and sharing something in their different capacities and capabilities, the governments making the crucial decisions to guide every sector accordingly, the volunteers reaching out to the communities globally at the local level, the security force making sure we maintain order where there should be panic and fear, the local food delivery guy and every single person helping out in any and every way they can; we’re thankful and grateful. You’re the real heroes. May God Bless You.
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by  ByronMuyimbwa on 24rd April 2020
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RoDAW Tag Game: Mona
queeIt’s Day 3 of RoDAW so we can talk about my Lebanese Queen, Mona! Please tag as many people as you want so we can keep this game going and learn more about each other!
Huge, huge thank you to @universallypizzataco for helping with the questions. 
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1. What's the one thing you like the most about this character?
She’s the most real and the most pragmatic of the crew. Mona’s the one that has seen the consequences of this lifestyle and unfortunately, is the one that has to experience them again. It was harsh to hear but she was right when she said “You wanted freedom? The fast cars, the bad boy? That whole life? This is it. And it’s not for you.”
(I know it’s one thing but I do like how she was able to relate to MC considering she herself was in a similar situation years ago)
2. What's the one thing you dislike the most about this character?
She seemed cool with Colt’s plan - knowing there was a whole person that was kidnapped - and that doesn’t settle well in my stomach. Otherwise, I just really love Mona.
3. What is the one thing/who is the one person you’d make a great sacrifice for?
My husband. He’s my other half, my soulmate. I would make a great sacrifice for him. 
4. What would you buy for Mona’s birthday? 
Can you buy freedom? (I think if the price is right) But would she want freedom to be bought (esp after Kaneko)? But let me tone it down to ...  a vanity plate on her car. “MONALISA”
Tagging: @choicesarehard @zaffrenotes @scgdoeswhat  @ladykateofhousebeaumont @tallulahshh @client-327 @poeticscolt @queenkaneko @monagf @twin-skltns @queerchoicesblog @universallypizzataco
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sodivine83monark · 3 years
Introducing me!!
Hello , how are you ? My name is Queen Monalisa Einstein-Davinci! Wait , kick the name Queen off pull off the cover and the coats . I am , I want you to know me as Monalisa a real woman of the Ethics Of Thee Ages! I am 38 year old looking woman . I am from England ! I am raised in Transylvania. I was diagnosed with tumors at an young age. I was later on living in St. Judes Children Research Center for Babies , Children and Youths. My dad had been drafted through the army where he met my mom in Cambodia. While I was younger I had lost my mom due to pneumonia (hey fever). Yet I heard that my mom had met a new lady where he formed a new family. I am was left growing  and aging there until about thirteen years old. That he had no clue that I had been born. But yet the best information was passed onto me had come. My grandparents would take me in , I had a choice of either going to my dad’s parents or my mom’s parents. That was the begining of my life long story. Throughout these passages , qoutes , statueses and blogs I will be letting my friends in this network know the real me. Besides I don’t like being stereo types and my classified because of my skin , my glasses or my dress style. I am a tomgirl , I like to look and feel sexy when needed by who was and always be needed by me. Rather you preferred me with my husband or my children father as my husband it will always be my choice. I rarley get to exercise my power of choice in this small town that reminds me of Salem ,  not America’s Salem yet Salem in Sydney , Australia! I am a victim of Grizzley in Yosmite’! 
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joaksblog · 3 years
7 Nigerian Female Celebrities Who Quit Marriage Because of ‘Fake’ Husband
Marriage is a beautiful thing and when you find true love it is the purest form of happiness. Some of our Nigerian female celebrities in search of true love to spend the rest of their life with met with fake husband who made their life miserable. So therefore in this video I will be sharing with you 7 Nigerian female celebrities that quit their marriage because of ‘fake’ husband. Monalisa…
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Akshara Singh married Manolisa's husband? In demand, wearing vermilion, garland around the neck and writing on the picture - Janu I love you
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Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh's picture goes viral: Akshara Singh, the fashion queen of the Bhojpuri film industry, is regularly in the headlines these days. Akshara Singh will be seen in many films this year. In such a situation, Akshara Singh recently created panic by sharing a picture on her social media account. Akshara Singh is seen in a married getup in this picture. Surprisingly, Monalisa's husband Bhojpuri actor Vikrant Singh Rajput is also with her in this picture, who wears a garland around his neck. Also read- Yash Kumar’s Rang in Nidhi Jha shares unseen pictures and video from Haldi ceremony for the first time, watch Did Akshara Singh get married secretly? Akshara Singh created a stir on social media by sharing this photo with Monalisa aka Antara Biswas' husband Vikrant Singh Rajput. Both Akshara Singh and Vikrant are seen in bride and groom avatars. Both wear garlands around their necks. In the same picture, you can see Akshara Singh with a garland around her neck and vermilion on her forehead. As soon as Akshara Singh shared this picture, the commenters started arguing about it. Fashion queen Akshara Singh shared this picture and captioned it – Jaanu I love you… In such a situation, netizens gave a lot of shocking reactions. Someone said – you are married… then someone asked – what will happen to Monalisa now… someone congratulated her for her marriage, and someone asked – when did this marriage take place, why did you not give a party? What is the authenticity of Akshara-Vikrant's viral photo? In such situation, for your information, we tell you that Akshara Singh is not really married to Vikrant, but this picture is related to her upcoming film, where Akshara Singh will be seen as the lead actress opposite Vikrant Singh Rajput. Earlier, Akshara Singh shared another post, which Akshara Singh wrote, 'Starting new project from today... Thanks a lot Ratnakar sir... Also I want to thank Anurag ji for this new start. In this post, Akshara Singh also tagged Vikrant Singh Rajput and said – Sera Har Har Mahadev for us and our team. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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soyboyjames · 4 years
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The Voice of the Martyrs: August 2020 — Redemption in Kandhamal The Voice of the Martyrs
10 Favorite Lines:
Persecuted Christians are not a cause to back or problem to solve — they are our family members.
“God knows everything about what happened and why it happened,” Puspanjali reassured Monalisa as she wept by her father’s body. “He will take care of us.”
Although Maoist guerrillas had openly declared their intent to kill Saraswati and subsequently claimed responsibility for his murder, Hindus and Odisha state chose to blame Christians. The gospel, they believed, posed a bigger threat than communism to India’s Hindu identity and way of life.
…her prayer is that she’ll be able to share the gospel in her district until her death. “I want to serve the Lord,” She said. “Pray that my whole life God may keep me… I only need a grave. All I need is a place to be buried when I die.”
When Nalini knelt down and cried out to God, she heard Him telling her that although challenging days lay ahead, she needed to remain faithful and depend on Him.
“How could I hold Jesus and live [with anger]?” She said.
“[The Martyrs] were all men who said, ‘It doesn’t matter what you do to me; I’m not ashamed to be a follower of Jesus Christ,’” a VOM worker said. “And now their wives are saying, ‘I’m not ashamed that my husband was a follower of Christ. I’m not ashamed that I am a follower of Christ.”
While Indian Christians love their homeland, they are more loyal to their Savior, Jesus Christ, who redeemed them from their sin and the darkness of Hinduism. And they are willing to risk their lives to bring the eternal hope of Christ to a land that belongs not to the Hindus, but to the one true God they faithfully serve.
“After hearing their stories of extreme hardship and persecution, I was impressed that their deepest desire is to see their tribe come to know Jesus. Even though their persecution continues, their faith is unshaken.”
“…they know that there is little point in trying to fight these church closures,” said VOM’s regional director for Southeast Asia. “Instead, they pray for their oppressors and worship in the church courtyards or the streets in front of their closed churches. Indonesian Christians have learned well to turn the other cheek.”
Learn more about Voice of the Martyrs.
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lehrennetwork · 4 years
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Monalisa Compares Sidharth Shukla With Her Husband Vikrant Singh Antara Biswas popularly known as Monalisa, who is a big name in Bhojpuri industry but rose to fame when she Bigg Boss 10.
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profzubby · 4 years
Actors Guild Of Nigeria Replies Actress Lala Akindoju For Blasting Its Leaders For Visiting Regina Daniels
Actors Guild Of Nigeria Replies Actress Lala Akindoju For Blasting Its Leaders For Visiting Regina Daniels
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The Actors Guild of Nigeria AGN, have replied actress Lala Akindoju, who called the leadership of the association after they paid a visit to new mom and actress, Regina Daniels, and her billionaire husband, Ned Nwoko to congratulate them on their new baby
In a statement released this night, Monalisa Chinda Coker, the Director of Communications of the AGN, said ordinarily the organization would…
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