takitakos · 1 year
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This year I got to work on a tabletop RPG doing some MonHun inspired characters and it was a ton of fun ✨ The game revolves around the wilders, mutated rangers that try to stop the frenzy, a virus that makes monsters violent and self-destructive. Not only hunters but also chefs! WILDERFEAST is live on kickstarter right now, you can check all about it and support it here!
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rpgsandbox · 1 year
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Wilderfeast is an RPG about becoming part of the natural world by making it part of you.
Players assume the role of “wilders”: monster hunters/chefs who wield gargantuan kitchen implements and gain powerful mutations from each monster they eat. Using those powers, they seek harmony between humanity and the wild.
All creatures, be they humans or monsters, obey the One Law of the One Land…
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In Wilderfeast, players take on the role of the mutated rangers who roam the land trying to stop the frenzy, an eldritch virus which makes kaiju-esque monsters violent and self-destructive before leaping to stronger hosts.
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Gameplay alternates between Journeys (high-intensity, travel and combat) and Downtime (low-intensity, rest and roleplay). In both phases, you resolve conflicts with a simple but flexible dice pool system, built around a central idea…
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Wilders are both, so they can choose which of their sides to embrace when taking Tests: will you focus up, and stay true to your human side, or go wild, and unleash the monster in you?
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The world of Wilderfeast is the One Land - a post-post-apocalyptic supercontinent, both familiar and fantastic, beautiful and harsh, where food is magic.
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The One Land is vast, wild, and old. It’s populated by humans and monsters, extraordinary creatures who take inspiration from paleontology, cryptozoology, and works like Monster Hunter and Godzilla.
The One Land is also vulnerable. Humans, relative newcomers here, have unleashed the frenzy, an eldritch virus which makes coexistence between humanity and the creatures everyday more difficult.
The One Land is not an easy place to live. It is littered with both the bones of extinct species and the ruins of fallen civilizations. But after each apocalypse, something new and green grows from the ashes.
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Wilderfeast’s system is fast, customizable and easy to learn.
All creatures, both humans and monsters, have these attributes:
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When something’s at stake, you roll a Test. Every Test combines a Style with a Skill, such as a Mighty Call to intimidate a monster into backing away or a Swift Search to follow tracks in the undergrowth.
Wilderfeast has a simple but flexible dice pool system. The mechanics are built around a central idea: humans use d8s and monsters use d20s. Wilders are both human and monstrous, and they can switch between these dice sizes.
To build your dice pool, gather a number of d6s equal to your level in the Test’s Style (such as “Mighty”, “Precise”, “Swift” or Tricky”). These are called your Style Dice. Every 5+ on your Style dice grants you a Success on the Test.
Then, add your Action Dice, which determines the quality of the Success you eventually achieved. Humans use a d8 for their Action Die, while monsters use a d20. However, wilders are both. During this step, you choose which side of yourself to embrace. 
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If you focus up, you stay true to your human side: add a d8 Action Die to your dice pool. This option is consistent and reliable.
If you go wild, you embrace your monster side: choose one of your Traits and describe how it helps you in this situation. Then, remove 1 Style Die and replace it with a d20 Action Die. This is risky, as it lowers your overall chance of success, but it could make your action an order of magnitude more effective. Now, roll your dice pool for a Test.
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Tests create a spectrum of results beyond binary success and failure. The range of choices when making Tests also accommodates different playstyles. You can aim for big numbers, deep strategies, and tactical play. Or you can get creative and add details to the fiction.
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Wilders are the ones most capable of stopping the spiral of fear and death that’s consuming the One Land. They’re not a formal order: some look like cavemen, others like wandering knights. Each is free to decide how to take on the job, but they all share some common attributes:
Each wilder has a Tool, enormous kitchen implements to produce mind-boggling amounts of food. Wilders repurposed those artifacts as weapons, though they still come in handy as cooking aids. There are 6 Tools in total (Cleaver, Pan, Mitts, Spit, Torch and Twine), and they define a wilder’s “class”: your training, disposition, and approach to being a wilder.
Each wilder has a Specialty, which corresponds to one of the monstrous lineages. Your choice of Specialty indicates your character’s expertise in both hunting and caring for members of that lineage. There are eight Specialties in total, like Roaster, Fisher, Butcher or Gardener.
Each wilder has a three-course Background. Your backstory, initiation and drive, framed through food: what meal defined your childhood? What meal made you a wilder? What meal do you crave the most?
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These mutated rangers work in packs and have taken on the duty to stop the frenzy. Packs are free to decide both what harmony with nature means and how they hope to achieve it. For example, bounty-packs resemble the grizzled mercenaries of The Witcher, while free-packs evoke the wolf-raised warrior of Princess Mononoke.
As a wilder, what path will you walk?
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The One Land’s ecosystems are original, but not alien. All monsters celebrate and exaggerate the features of real animals, from dinosaurs to dogs. Their supernatural abilities are grounded in the struggles they face to survive. A breath-taking variety of creatures that share this world with humans and wilders: 30+ different creatures, each with its own Traits, body Parts and Behavior that make every hunt different.
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Wilderfeast features a modern and versatile style of combat that blends puzzle-solving thrills and fast-paced action strategy. Every pack of Wilders can take a different approach to the Hunt: will you split in groups and attract the monster’s fury to expose its weak spots, or will you growl at its face and go full frontal?
Each creature gains 3 Actions at the start of their turn during combat, which they can spend on the following Activities, each with a variable cost:
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Combat orbits around the Monster, so you measure all distance in combat using Strides. Wilders spend combat between 0 Strides, where you’re right on top of the Monster, and 4 Strides, where you just barely register as a threat.
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This number represents the distance you’re maintaining, not your static position. At all times during a hunt, you’re circling the Monster, chasing after it, or driving it toward more favorable terrain. Two wilders who are the same number of Strides from the Monster could either be right next to each other or on opposite sides of it, but that’s intentional. Moving around or with the Monster is automatic; moving towards or away from it takes effort.
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The iconic meals of the wilders combine the roughness of campfire cooking with the ceremony of a holiday festival. These wilderfeasts are celebration and mourning, all wrapped up in one. During this phase, you clean, prepare, and cook the Monster where it fell, turning it into a meal that honors its legacy and gives you strength. In doing so, you learn about it. The more you know about the Monster, the better informed your decision when you choose what mutation to inherit: after you eat The Feast, choose a Style, Skill, or Trait in which the Monster has more levels than you do, or which you don’t have at all. You permanently gain a level in that Style, Skill, or Trait. 
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Not every meal gives such dramatic mutations as a wilderfeast, but food is always magic in the One Land, even the most casual of snacks. Before setting out on the road, a merchant eats a meal full of hardy greens to give them the endurance for a day of travel; a guard, beginning their shift in a watchtower, chews on raptor jerky to sharpen their eyesight; a student brews tea with a night-blooming flower so they can stay up late studying. The changes caused by these meals are subtle and temporary, and they're woven into the fabric of everyday life.
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When you have a cooking opportunity, such as when you Camp during your Journeys, you and your packmates can make a meal. To cook, you select Ingredients, determine how much Stamina the meal restores (typically 1 for each Ingredient used), and determine the meal’s effect, choosing among those of the Ingredients you used.
These meals can either be served fresh or saved for later and turned into Snacks (so that you can consume a portion when you need to restore Stamina or trigger other effects but you don’t have the time to stop and cook). Once you’ve cooked the meal, be sure to describe it! Tell everyone enough about the dish’s flavor, textures, or appearance that they can taste it in their head.
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Wilderfeast is a letter-sized, hardcover book of 250+ pages, with full-color art throughout. It includes:
Fast and robust character creation, with 6 Tools (each with their own set of unlockable Traits), 8 Specialties, and suggestions for your three-course backstory. No matter how you build your character, you start with connections to the One Land and your fellow players.
Streamlined and accessible rules for each phase of the game.
A Bestiary with 30+ monsters, each with their own art, stats, and ecological information.
A travel guide, exploring the One Land and the Sen Coast, with detailed maps and extensive tables of cooking ingredients.
The Last Chamig, a set of four standalone scenarios also playable as an overarching campaign. These accessible and easy to set up scenarios are designed to introduce Guides and Wilders to the game system and come with full-detailed maps, stat blocks, pregenerated characters, an a set-list of events. The pitches for each chapter of The Last Chamig will be revealed over the course of the Kickstarter campaign!
Essential advice for running the game, including recommended safety tools, tips for creating your own monsters and regions, and player-empowering mechanics to help the group define the adventures they want to have. Do you want to steward the wild, get stronger, protect your community, or explore ruins from the ancient past?
Kickstarter campaign ends: Tue, September 26 2023 10:59 PM BST
Website: [Horrible Guild] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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a-wa-c · 7 months
Over the weekend I ran the quickstart adventure for Wilderfeast, which quickly summarised is 'Monster Hunter X Delicious in Dungeon' and encountered the delight of the game's two main mechanics: cooking and fighting.
In the first style of cooking, the players combine Ingredients together to make a meal for their party. Different attributes allow each character to collect different ingredients, then come together to contribute to the meal itself. Watching my players name their creation after building its effects was great.
Combat for the game is aggressive. Rolls are made up to 3d6, looking for at least one 5+ to perform the desired action, followed by a roll of a d8 or a d20 to determine how effective an action is. Want to forage for food like a truffle pig, drop a d6 and upgrade that d8 to a d20 for a huge increase in results should you succeed. Monsters always use the d20 so attacks HURT. Additionally, the monster entry gives a lot of good information about how to behave as the monster, and how to target opponents. It's excellent.
Finally, once you've hunted your monster, you get to do the second style of cooking. Let me tell you, it's a lovely experience. Your players have a feast as a ritual to mourn the loss/celebrate the hunting of their quarry. As the players establish more details about how they prepare the monster, what main/side dishes they will make, how it ties to their personal history, or how they will remember the meal, they get to ask questions about the monster's statblock and then select an ability or trait of the monster to add to themselves.
All in all, it's fantastic and I can't wait until I have the proper book in my hands.
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Finished another sketchbook! Last page is all my ttrpg characters that I remembered and could fit including my Tav <3
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dunkaroniandcheese · 2 months
RPG a day 4! An RPG with great art!
This one's a toughie, cause I like a *lot* of ttrpg art, but I think I'll go for Wilderfeast! The vibrant colours, cool monster/hybrid designs, use of lighting, and just, plain good artstyle I like alot :) I think good design and art direction can do a lot for the "feel" of a ttrpg, how you're supposed to envision the world when playing, the world is vibrant! Colourful! Scary! Of course, I'm interested in the game for more than the art alone, but it *is* the thing that caught my eye at first, and I'm very excited to play it in the future :)
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arsene-inc · 9 months
Let's look at this list from Dicebreaker
Bad Start with the Dragon Games, to the dungeon with you
Then Pendragon 6E, not my type of fantasy, a pass
Daggerheart : The cards with the character sheets may be interesting, waiting to know more
Stormlight Archive RPG :I should read the books first. a D20 system ? hope they are doing something more. If I remember correctly, the magic system is based on promises and bonds, that is interesting and I will wait to see more
Wilderfeast : Okay so I was part of the wrowdfunding. I like cooking monsters... and there was an apron! I can't say no to an apron! Also the Monster Hunter thing.
Break : Also funded. I wanna be a murder princess
Triangle Agency : Another game funded. Do I have good taste ? A mix of Control, X files and SCP. Honestly I listened to the AP on Party of One @partyofonepod and immediately went to the KS page. A little love for the D4
Through The Hedgerow : Did I miss this ? Usually, the words Neil Gaiman in the description are enough to get my money. Well i'll wit for the release and see then. The illustrations looks great
Eat the reich : Already played actually, but not against another go it was so fun. (maybe with the speedrun system added to it). I love exploding fash.
Shadow Scar : First time hearing about this. Yokais ? tell me more. The guy from Witcher Rpg ? meh.... didn't enjoyed this game and its system.
The Hidden Isle : Have you seen the artwork !? Tarot ? Of course i helped fund this.
Jukebox : The karaoke Musical ?!?
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Stonetop : Building a fantasy village ? hmmmm.... Pbta you say ?... let's see for chill sessions.
Shadow of the Weird Wizard : Like D&D with a d20 system ? meh.
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modi-favorite-list · 1 year
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rushman96 · 10 months
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This was a while back, but a friend of mine had the stuff from the Wilderfeast kickstarter, and we played the given one-shot. I was a character named bug, a hyperactive guy with oven mitt boxing gloves and I loved that little goober so much I made this meme after we finished the one-shot. I feel it captured the session pretty well!
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kanjiham · 5 days
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An assortment or random ttrpg nonsense
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danceontheceiling · 1 year
i keep finding so many different tabletop rpg systems that i want to try out and it makes me so sad that my ttrpg group doesn't meet anymore
i keep thinking about going to the local game shop and putting something in the looking for group section but you really never know the kind of nerds you are gonna get there, it would not be the first time i have met a group and played a couple sessions before figuring out "oh you are just not a good person"
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Hi! I was talking to some friends at work about possibly, some time in the future starting an RPG group with them. I asked what kind game they wanted and they asked for a game based on food and puzzles, influenced by currently popular media.
I’m not familiar with a game that is centered around both puzzles AND food. Can you offer any suggestions?
THEME: Food and Puzzles!
Hello friend, so I have a Dungeon Meshi recommendation post that was very poorly tagged, but I’ve fixed it now!
Not everything in this post is beginner friendly, but I’ve talked about these kinds of games a lot before, so I definitely recommend checking out the other links I have in this list, especially Cook & Hero and Wilderfeast. Now, on to the recommendations!
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FOODIE’S, by Sam Bullock.
The world has ended. Only psychotic people are left limping through the devastation, trying to scrape by on whatever prepackaged and shelf stable food they can find picking through the wreckage. You are sick to death of eating this shit. You are a Foodie, and your tastes will be satisfied even if it kills you (and it probably will).
Become crazy wasteland chefs willing to fight and die for their next insane culinary creation. Kill raiders, hunt radfauna and escape the endless cycle of mediocre food.
This is a game that’s meant to be as radioactive and shocking as the apocalypse it’s set in. Use whatever you can around you to cook horrifying meals in an effort to make something more than edible. The game uses a system that adds and subtracts dice from your pool depending on traits that you (and your food) might have that make things slightly easier to do or less appealing to cook with. If you want a game that’s stomach-churning but only a few pages to read, maybe check out Foodie’s.
Forager’s Feast, by FUNONEGames.
Your old adventuring group retired, but you couldn't keep yourselves out of the action. And so, you opened a fine-dining establishment where you serve only the finest monster, locally caught and immaculately presented.
Each week after serving your exclusive clientele, you sit down to eat from the menu and tell tales.  Before long, reliving current and past adventures has you sharing deeply with your comrades.  
Roll on a series of d12 roll tables to determine what kind of adventurer you were, and what your role is within the restaurant that the group of you run together. Players take turns selecting a dish from the provided menu, and telling a story about how the group found the related monsters, the process of putting the dish together, and what heavy price they had to pay: an experience from their adventure that left a mark on who they are as a person.
Forager’s Feast is definitely the least focused on stats and mechanics, and more focused on storytelling happening within turns. You are provided with prompts and then asked to jump right in - great for groups who are really interested in storytelling, and much less focused on things like character abilities or hit points.
No Picnics in the Dungeon!, by Biscuit Fund Games.
Classic adventuring through megadungeons and catacombs distilled down to an easy-to-follow recipe: the comfort food of dungeon crawlers! 
Built on the robust Powered By the Apocalypse engine, No Picnics in the Dungeon! is an accessible, rewarding dungeon-crawling experience that’s easy to run and even easier to play. Create an adventuring party in minutes and descend through dungeons requiring a minimum of preparation. Find rare ingredients from the monsters you battle and the flora you find, and cobble them together into beneficial potions or hearty meals. Track down rare Curios, negotiate with the dungeon’s denizens, and come up with a recipe for a fantastic adventure.
The dungeons hide many secrets and many more delicacies within their walls for you and your friends to discover. Ah, dungeon picnics… there's truly nothing like them.
Combine your class and background to put together an adventurer right out of Dungeon Meshi. Powered by the Apocalypse games are very different from what you may expect in D&D, but I think they can be easier to learn because each character works similarly, and doing things is boiled down into moves, which typically involve rolling 2d6 and interpreting the results as either success, failure, or mixed. If you want to learn more about the PbtA school of games, you can check out my system overview, as well this advice on resources when learning how to play.
Death Cap Sauté, by Junk Food Games.
It’s the year 23XX and our world is now The Wasteland. The legendary, reclusive Shroomp Lord is hosting a new cooking competition and your restaurant has received an invitation! Can you survive through the challenges and cook your way to the top?
Death Cap Sauté is a GM-less TTRPG and dice game for 2 to 5 players and is meant to be played in a single session. Each player takes the role of 3 culinary team members representing their restaurant that has entered a deadly cooking competition. Make the best dishes and impress the judges to earn Shroomps. The restaurant with the most Shroomps at the end wins! 
Because Death Cap Sauté is GM-less, it requires everyone around the table to have some understanding of the rules; which means you could teach it as if you were teaching a board-game. The pdf includes a bunch of roll-tables for the competition, as well as hazards that show up in your attempts to make the best dish at the competition. Your characters each have mutations that lend them special powers, allowing you to do things like add or subtract values to your dice, or re-roll certain dice. This is also designed to be a one-shot, so if you want a goofy game that is low-commitment, this might be the game for you!
Delicious in Torchbearer, by Games by Corey.
Delicious in Torchbearer is a Delicious in Dungeon inspired supplement that adds a variety of cooking centred options to Torchbearer 2E. Ideally meant for use at character creation, these rules extend and increase the focus on cooking in the game.
This game is meant to be an add-on for Torchbearer, so I’d only recommend it for your first group if you really want to get up to your neck in the amount of game that’s here. Torchbearer uses a system called Burning Wheel, and much of its mechanics involve making tough decisions regarding your resources, in the hopes that you will be able to outlast your enemies. If you want puzzles, this game can definitely provide them; many of your choices will require your characters to think carefully about their resources and the best way to go about solving problems. Character progression is slow and painstaking; perfect for groups that are in it for the long haul, but for your first game, maybe not so much.
You might also want to check out…
The Laughing Kobold, by therabidbanana.
Bug Dish: Amouse Bouche, by Ryan Khan.
Spirited Cafe, by A Couple of Drakes.
Stewpot: Tales From A Fantasy Tavern, by Takuma Okada.
Consuming A God Recommendations
My Monster Recycling Rec Post
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twiggies-draws · 6 months
I want to look at more TTRPGs. What other ones do yall enjoy? Sell me on them. Bonus if they have a nice pretty book to read through. bonus bonus if they're easy to GM for (ie in Pathfinder 2e the CR rules actually work. This is more relevant in ones with more stats like pathfinder and DnD as examples).
Some ones I've played/GMd for:
- DND 5e (severed all ties, fuck DnD and fuck WoTC and if you don't know why search up the ogl fiasco and all the layoffs. Also imbalanced, builds are shallow and looked like heck to build encounters for)
- Pathfinder 1e (fun to play but the minmaxing powergaming gets too intense after a bit and it looked like hell to gm for)
- Vampire: The Masquerade (too depressing)
- City of Mists (Seems fun but the group I played with we never really touched the mechanics much before we moved on to another system, would be nice to give it another go some time)
- Pathfinder 2e (what I'm currently actively playing and gming for. My favourite so far with actually balanced and tight numbers meaning you can't just yolo solo stuff and have to strategies and work with ur friends)
- Wilderfeast (GMd 3 one shots with the beta demos. Fun concept and I late pledged for the book and am looking forward to playing more when it's released)
I also have Monster Care Squad and the art is so pretty but I haven't dug into the rules deep yet. And eyeing up Cats of Catthulhu cuz cats funni and the 10th anniversary Kickstarter book looks pretty
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omophagic-beast · 1 year
🔮 and 🌱!
hi thank u!!
🔮 One of my favorite memories playing a game by someone else.
oughh ok ok so, my friend and I were playing Our Time on Earth by Alex Roberts which is a fantastic epistolary game about being aliens who are visiting earth and telling eachother about your experiences on this weird little planet. I also highly recommend the Party Of One episode about it which is what got me to play the game.
BUT ANYWAYS my friend and I decided to play this game and amidst all the lovely marveling at the weirdness of humans we slowly started to essentially incorporate fuck-ups? Like all those little cultural things that you would get wrong if you had no context for them. Anyways tdlr we started using <3 as a butt instead of a heart. It was really cute and fun and still makes me smile.
🌱 An unreleased/not-yet-crowdfunding game I’m looking forward to.
Ask me more things, and dont be afraid to ask something that has already been asked!!
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a-wa-c · 6 months
One after another, I've encountered quickstarts for TTRPGs that are both using a very similar mechanic for combat that I have quickly come to adore.
I'm calling it 'Target-Relative Combat' and it basically only cares about how far you are away from the target of your combat. It does away with grid-based combat, and assumes that you are moving in sync with the main target of the combat.
The first one I saw for this was 'Wilderfeast' which ignores direction and only deals with range...
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...which allows you to focus on hurting parts of a monster and helps smooth out combat for a Monster Hunter type of game, and the other is from a game that is yet to go on Kickstarter called 'Hollows' that aims to create a Soulsborne-esque version that is more intricate with this version that also cares about direction from the target.
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I'm so happy that we are finally seeing design like this because for most games, it's a struggle to create good fights in either of these styles that isn't in a board game.
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marvelousmsmolly · 8 months
Thoughts/Reactions to the Dicebreaker 2024 list
Thoughts / teency bit bitchy. This is purely based off vibe for the ones I didn't already know about. Be normal
Pendragon 6E: I've looked at older pendragon stuff before and glazed over it, might give this a look
Daggerheart: Spenser Starke save me, save me Spenser Starke (only reason it has a foot in the door for me, I hope I like it. it just takes a lot for me to care about a D&D-like)
Stormlight Archives: D&D-like based off a fantasy novel series screams of a specific era of OGL to me, the bar is on the floor for licenced games so hopefully it actually has some fun stuff
Wilderfeast: this looks cute and inoffensive at worst, I'll probably read it
Break!!: I've actually been looking forward to reading this for a bit, but again, any D&D proximity is a mood killer for me at this point
Triangle Agency: Really excited to read this, I might even try and do a one shot or something
Through the Hedgerow: HELLO? ok the theme fucking rocks if nothing else, haven't heard about this
Eat the Reich: Gonna read it, heard some criticisms that I'd wanna hear followed up on. Love Grant Howitt though
Tokyo: Otherscape & Legend in the Mist: Reading both of these, I've never not had a lot to say about a son of oak game, iykyk
TMNT: space intentionally left blank
Shadow Scar: I'd wanna follow up on some things about this before I say shit, lot going there /maybe pos
The Details of Our Escape: HELLO? /intrigued
Bad Bad Bad: This looks really cute
Big Grave Fashion Fantasy: oh this rules actually, this really rules
The Hidden Isle: I already have the Tarot deck for this game, very excited anytime someone uses a game system but actually fucks with it
Jukebox: The Karaoke Musical TTRPG: I need people to play this with, I need people to play this with, I need people to play this with I can be trusted with the microphone
Diablo RPG: ok so this seems like their first rpg, releasing alongside a board game, this could either be good or just be the dark souls game from steam forge again, it doesn't say shit about 5e tho so fingers crossed
Assassins Creed: again, see what happens but licensed game so whatever
Stonetop: people who's opinions I value v highly have told me it fucks, excited to dive into it
Shadow of the Weird Wizard: Couldn't care less tbh
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salamancers · 1 year
just finished our first game of wilderfeast and its such a fun system
it feels intuitive, the traits system is flexible, the combat feels dynamic and fast-paced in a way i honestly havent felt in most other systems ive tried.. and getting to eat the monster you just defeated together with your friends afterwards let our whole table play around and be creative together in a way i really liked
idk its been a while since ive been this excited about a ttrpg system and i just really look forward to when the full game gets released
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