victoriously-regal · 4 months
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laianely · 6 months
Arrest me, please, detective 😏
Tag people who may be interested: @killianxswan @teamhook @booksteaandtoomuchtv @exhaustedpirate @anmylica @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @winterbaby89 @undercaffinatednightmare @resident-of-storybrooke @caught-in-the-filter @tiganasummertree @stahlords @lfh1226-linda @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite @motherkatereloyshipper @soniccat @jrob64 @beckettj @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jonesfandomfanatic @zaharadessert @bluewildcatfanatic @once-upon-a-happy-end @ultraluckycatnd
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intothewickedwood · 1 year
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Ouattober 2023 Day 6 - Favourite Rarepair
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
ouat screenshots as random posts I've seen on tumblr
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
One: Killian's singing?? How did I not notice how mind bogglingly beautiful that was before now? Idk what it is about his singing in that scene but I'm gonna cry
Two: The voice crack when he mentioned his mother this man has so much completely unaddressed childhood trauma you can just see it all over him at any given time. The daddy and mommy issues are strong with this one (not saying the mommy issues are from any wrongdoing on Alice's part but she's dead and my guy is wounded from that)
Three: Other than memories of his mother he MUST be parenting with only the guidance of "be the exact opposite of everything my father was" because it's not like he knows what a good father looks like (unless you wanna count Liam who practically raised him)
So yeah that's my ramble thanks for coming
@fairytalepsuedonym Enjoy my knightrook shenanigans
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stubblesandwich · 11 months
I know many of you didn't watch season seven, but for those who did: does anyone else just kind of feel..... bad for wish!Hook? (Don't people call him Nook? Like New Hook? I don't know the lingo)
But like, the poor dude now has to live in a town (granted, it's now enormous after all the realms are merged) with another version of himself who is happily married to his True Love. New Hook won't ever have a True Love, because he's the same Killian Jones, up to a point. It's not like there's another Emma Swan out there waiting for him. So, what does he do with that information? Does he try dating, knowing that anyone he ever finds won't ever be his True Love? That kind of sucks. (Unless Arthur can like, resurrect Milah for him or something, now THAT would be interesting.)
And then he also has to live in this town where everyone knows the other version of him? He's constantly running into people now who think he's the Killian they've known for years. Do the two Killians each decide to get different haircuts so people can tell them apart? How does New Hook make friends in this town, exactly? Also, New Hook has law enforcement experience. Is he also going to want to be a deputy? That might be weird for Emma.
And Alice, his daughter, has to live in a town where there is another version of her dad, who doesn't know her at all? What does she do when she runs into Killian at the grocery store? And our Killian has this woman out there who is genetically his daughter, but that he doesn't know at all? Are those two supposed to get to know each other? Does Alice try to get to know Hope, who is genetically basically her half sister? It's not like Hook and New Hook are twin brothers or something. One is a copy of the other; they literally have the same DNA, presumably.
(Okay, side note, it's actually adorable to think about Alice coming over to babysit Hope now and then. I accept this headcanon.)
I dunno! I just feel bad for the guy! He's basically just got Alice. I like to think that Emma and Killian are gracious and have him over now and then, or maybe Killian makes an effort to hang out with him (does he go sailing with himself? have epic sword fights with himself in the park? so many options) But again, wouldn't it be weird for New Hook to be around Emma for extended periods of time? Wouldn't he just fall in love with her over time, and pine for her from a distance?
Do you guys ever think about this, too, or are you normal?
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hecckyeah · 7 months
hook gave up REVENGE on the CROCODILE. WITH ZERO HESITATION. all to stay in a little tower with his DAUGHTER.
the one thing he'd moved heaven and earth for. his one life's purpose. the thing that had been driving him for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. just. LITERALLY turned and walked away from it and went to RAISE HIS DAUGHTER. a PIRATE. who committed his LIFE to finding and killing rumple. turned over his beloved ship to smee and just LEFT. AND THEN SCALED THAT WALL AGAIN AND SANG A LULLABY to the daughter of the witch who tricked him but it doesn't matter because she's HIS and he's going to RAISE HER, stuck in the tower or not. HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE IN HIS HEART AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT.
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workingonit-currently · 2 months
I couldn't help but think Rogers makes the same mistakes over and over in this episode.
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goldenqueened · 1 year
Rumple: Regina has been this close to my face for countless years, looking at every flaw and pore. And she still wants to jump my bones, often twice a day. Isn't that the behavior of a psycopath?
Wish!Hook: Sounds like the behavior of someone who loves you for you.
Rumple: But I'm me. Look at me. Is this the face of someone who deserves Regina?
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oakwyn · 2 years
what I think is happening: "ew look at this new person, they're probably weird or mean. We should stay away from it"
what is probably actually happening???: i'm new and no one knows me yet???
So, I want to introduce myself to all the fellow Colin fans.
Name: Oakwyn | Age: 30
Gender: F/nonbinary
Some stuff you might be wondering about, and some info about myself:
I love Captain Swan, or whatever fictional ship people want to ship. I'm not gonna dis your ship 'cause I don't care what ya ship, you know?
That said, I don't ship real folks. That includes Colin and anyone he works with.
Yes, I think he's 🔥. Like surface of the sun 🔥. There may be a little gender envy in there, too? Maybe that's for Hook...
I don't like the NFT thing. I don't think anyone really does. I'm with the "don't like but will support Colin's other work in the meantime" consensus.
I'm a big fan of animation, Douxie is my favorite little spunky punk, and I love the VA work Colin has done recently. I really hope he gets more into the animation circle.
Detective Rogers is AN ABSOLUTE BABE AND BABY. Definitely a favorite.
I just REALLY wanna talk about this awesome dude's work and be a part of the amazing fan base he has that's supporting him. My asky boxy thingy is open, if you have any thoughts or questions. I'm here for joyful things. I'm not here to cause a ruckus or yuck anyone's yum. Rest assured I come in peace. 😎✌️
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bellecourageuse · 2 years
I'm super slow I know but about my pre-last post — the one about Roger's morals — isn’t it what Emma said about Wish!Hook? That he's doing the wrong things for right reasons and needs to team up with someone (Henry, in that case) who knows what’s the right thing to do? Is that some kind of parallel between the real world and the cursed world of season 7 or am I reading too much into this?
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juliangelart · 18 days
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"I've been searching, all of my life,
Finally I've found my north star."
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crispyliza · 6 months
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I've got you all figured out fanartists
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skelinor · 6 months
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we've all got things that gnaw at us detective rogers + blue for anon
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
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I love Rogers sm. He's such a adorkable depressed little shit and so far removed from normal Killian. Look at that responsible adult with anxiety go.
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