grey-sorcery · 2 years
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Suggested Reading
*- Highly suggested for beginners
What is Witchcraft?* Fundamentals of Energy Work* Spell Design* Basics of Warding* Basics of Binding Basics of Banishing Introduction to Gnosis* Spell Dictation Anchors Paths of Least Resistance* Conceptualization Vs. Visualization* Research Tips* Threshold Theory
When first stepping onto the long winding path of witchcraft and mystical understanding it can be very intimidating, especially when it comes to casting your first few spells. The catch is that designing and casting spells is the only way to advance forward in your practice. It's a case of knowledge Vs. experience. Sadly, there isn’t much in the way of educational media on the topic of spell design, magic theory, and casting processes. This causes most practitioners to turn to Wiccan or Ceremonial sources for their initial research, neither of which are viable foundations for a well-rounded, effective and efficient craft. 
Trinity of Spellcasting
Intent, Headspace/Focus, Passion are the cornerstones of spellcasting. These elements create the network or threshold in which spells pass through to their target. These concepts are also the root of what constitutes a spell. Intent is the designation of the target for the spell. Headspace is the sight in which the spell is aimed. Passion is the fuel that fires the spell towards the target. Without pure intent, the spell will apply broadly, lowering its potency and lead to potential unwanted side effects.  Without a honed headspace, the spell will flicker out or lead to unpredictable results. A lack of Passion will cause a spell to be weak, ineffective, or latent. 
Spellcasting Process
Before casting a spell, there are some preparations to be made, especially when first starting out.
Decide on what spellcasting method you’d like to use.
Find and gather any representations, correspondences, and environmental boons for your spell. (Enviromental boons being things like candles, music, incense, or a physically clean space.) If you are using incantations, be sure to memorize them to the best of your ability.
Set aside time and energy for casting. Try to ensure that you will not be interrupted.
Cleanse all tools and components that are going to be used.
Enter into a state of gnosis or trance.
Prepare your subtle body and energetically prepare all tools and representations.
Take your actions for casting, being sure to consciously do energy work as you do.
Calm or center yourself and do a physical movement that helps take you out of the headspace. (Ex. snapping, clapping, jumping, ringing a bell, etc)
Cleanse yourself, tools, representations, and the space.
Beginner Friendly Spellcasting Methods
Here are some methods for casting. They can be used in any combination, if desired. I often use all three in my spells.
Sympathetic Casting: Method of casting through items, herbs, crystals, taglocks, etc that are representative of your target, headspace, passion, and correspondences. These items create a mental network of concepts in order to cast. 
Energetic Casting: Utilizing energy work to build constructs that contain all necessary components for a spell and then delivering it to the target.
Gestures: Using gestures to program the naturally existing energy into the components for a spell before delivering it to the target.
Intent, Desire, & Goals
Intent and desire are very different concepts. Intent is an inner truth, while desire is something that is wanted. Goals are an expectation of an outcome. For example, I am vehemently against capitalism and the notion of another’s loss for my benefit. Because of this inner truth, I struggle immensely with casting money magic, no matter how strong my desire is. No matter how clear my goal is.
Headspace, Aesthetics, & Visualization
Witchcraft and spellwork cannot be reliant on visualization and aesthetics. They are useful tools for constructing a strong headspace; but, using them alone will result in a spell not working, being ineffective, unpredictable, and/or weak. Using aesthetics to build yourself up will result in your spells working much better. Visualization isn’t energy work, but a tool to aid in planning and casting a spell, much like a wand. Aesthetics are an environmental boon. It helps build confidence, and assurance. 
Focus, Trance, & Gnosis
Focus is the purpose of the headspace. The combination of the two is called a state of gnosis. When spellcasting, trances and states of gnosis can be extremely useful practices. Trances may be induced with *substances, music, self-hypnosis, etc. Trance makes it easier to be of one mind about the spell you’re casting. Gnosis is a meditation-like state in which one embodies the very concepts that make up a spell. In a state of gnosis you become the working, allowing the mind to become of a singular essence. *-I am not suggesting using substances, nor condoning it. Merely stating that it is possible and is used by some practitioners.
Passion, Channeling, & Mental Health
When casting, it is in good practice and easy to get swept up in whatever emotions are involved in your spell. Emotions are channeled from the caster into the essence of the spell, empowering it. Depending on the working, this can be unhealthy or even dangerous if not done within reason and self-awareness. Channeling certain emotions can lead to triggering trauma responses or even cause trauma. Remain mindful of yourself and what emotions, memories, and/or actions may lead to worsening or feeding into mental-illness. 
The Importance of Keeping a Spell Log, Critical Thinking & Objectivity
Especially when taking your first steps, keeping a log of your workings will allow you to remain objective and aware of your past casting. If a spell backfires, or has unwanted results, having a detailed log of your workings can make the canceling process much easier. Keeping a log will also aid in studying your craft as objectively as possible. Recording an estimation of when the spell should take effect, the specific goal, and qualifications of success will allow you to judge whether a spell was successful or not. When a spell isn’t successful it becomes a learning opportunity. Figuring out which components worked, what processes could be improved, etc. will help advance your craft rapidly if you cast regularly. When doing these studies, you are conceptualizing aspects of magical theory, or a critical approach to magic. 
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triciamfoster · 1 year
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Herbal correspondences for your grimoire: Lavender
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cantva190 · 7 months
About Love Spells❤️
The Different Types of Love Spells. Sweeten ( sweetening ) : enhance positive feelings and improve coexistence. Domination: It is used to control, subdue or tame someone Although I want to give a small clarification, it is not only used for matters related to love, it is also used to dominate enemies. Tie up: to strengthen love bonds Make a person you loved come back. For most, Sweeten ( sweetening ) is considered white magic. Because it doesn't hurt. and tie up dominate like black magic. Because it hurts the other person. Because you are forcing him to feel something that he no longer feels towards you. Why are you forcing that person to be with you even if they no longer want to. Furthermore, you are closing the opportunity for that person to meet Someone else ,and not only to that person but also to yourself,You Are closing yourself off from the opportunity to meet someone else. Or it may end up becoming toxic or obsessive. Sometimes the best thing is to let go and let go.
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
The Witch's Calendar & The Sabbats🔮
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This beautiful artwork depicts a Ukrainian tradition but I imagine that ancient pagan celebrations likely looked similar.
What are the Sabbats?
The pagan sabbats are the 8 religious holidays associated with Wicca. Although these holidays come from many different places, they were complied into the wheel of the year by a Wiccan. Most witches celebrate some variation of these holidays even if they are not Wiccan. The sabbats were specifically chosen to correlate with important transitions within the seasons (like the equinox, etc.) so it is common for witches from a variety of different practices to celebrate during these days.
The witches wheel of the year begins on Samhain (or Halloween), which is considered the witches new year.
Where do They Come From?
The witch's wheel as we know it comes from Wicca, although all of the sabbats originate from other traditions. They were first gathered and incorporated into modern witchcraft by Wiccans. This is why some witches choose not to celebrate the sabbats in the format present below. Some will only celebrate the sabbats that are meaningful to them, while others will incorporate them (amongst other celebrations) into their ritual work. It all depends on the practitioner and what they want to do.
Many of the sabbats originate from Celtic culture with evidence of several celebrations found in Ireland, Britain, Scotland and Wales.
Celebrating the Sabbats:
Note: Pinterest has many different offering/celebration ideas so if you are looking for more ways to celebrate, I suggest going there!
Samhain- when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. The last harvest festival and a time to celebrate past ancestors. Offering can include apples in honour of the dead.
Yule- the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. Signifies the return of the sun and the lengthening of the days. Offerings can include yule logs and holly.
Imbolc- a celebration linked to fertility and rebirth. The halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Offerings can include Brigid's crosses.
Ostara- the spring equinox and a germanic holiday. This is the time to plant seeds and begin projects. Offerings can include coloured eggs and is strongly associated with the rabbit.
Beltane- celebrates the coming of summer and is the halfway point between the equinox and the summer solstice. Offerings can include a bonfire, a maypole and lots of dancing. This is still celebrated across Europe as May Day.
Litha- longest day of the year and the summer solstice. Signifies the shortening of days. Offerings include feasting and honey cakes.
Lughnasadh- halfway point between the solstice and the fall equinox. The first of three harvest festivals and signifies the ending of summer and the coming of fall. Offerings include bread and wheat.
Mabon- the fall equinox and the second of three harvest festivals. In hellenic paganism, it is when persephone travels to the underworld. Offerings can include fall leaves and acorns (or other tree nuts).
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*All images are from Pinterest*
🖤For more information on the sabbats and their origins, check out this website:
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soull-searchingg · 1 year
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hellocupcakeitsme · 1 year
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My #bookofshadows turns 26 this year. It was a #birthday present from my parents when I turned 17. They got it from a store in Riverside California. It survived a house fire. Me being #homeless Living all over #southerncalifornia and moving to washington its been a staple in my life and one of my most cherished possessions. @realdragonmarsh #wicca #witchcraft #witch #witchcraft101 #witchy #pagan #pagans #Santeria #brujeria #brujo #voodoo #hoodoo #rootworker #lightworker #spells #Magic #magick #newage #spiritualism #folkmagic #mystic #mroveron #tarotreading #tarot #tarotcards #followme www.mroveron.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvOsogrjZi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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my-grim-grimoire · 1 year
Never assume it's done if you don't put a stop to it!
And don't assume "I made sure no permanent harm would come from it" means it's gonna be a small inconvenience
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rosesforhekate101 · 2 years
The Elemental Triangles
Someone coming to witchcraft and Paganism for the first time will quickly encounter the most common representations of the material elements, the elemental triangles. source These symbols are representative of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, the four elements of manifestation which Greek philosophers posited were the underlying components of all creation. Combined, these four elements then create…
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grey-sorcery · 11 months
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Suggested Reading
A.I & Witchcraft Research Tips Basics of Spellcasting Threshold Theory Introduction to Gnosis
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Central to the practice of spellwork are correspondences, the intricate connections and associations between various objects, materials, colors, planets, and plants, among others. These correspondences serve as the building blocks of spells, imbuing them with symbolic potency and aligning them with the desired intentions. However, the task of researching, establishing, and using these correspondences is not without its challenges. Correspondences serve to establish a network of interconnected concepts that constitute the essence of a spell. However, it is essential to recognize that correspondences, if misunderstood or misused, can hinder the efficacy of spellwork.
How to Research Correspondences for Use in Spellcraft
When researching to find correspondences, a vast majority of contemporary sources are going to be flowery, simple, and repetitive across many materials, colors, planets, and plants, etc. These correspondences can work fine for you if they resonate with you and are easy to conceptualize. When researching to find pre-existing correspondences, the most reliable sources are going to be the ones that are shared between well-established genuinely old traditions. This obviously does not include Wicca. This can only be done by cross-referencing multiple sources or settling on one you resonate with. These correspondences tend to not be protected concepts and tend to be publicly accessible. However, it is always best to talk to practitioners within that tradition in order to verify. Some correspondences may require cultural context, that you won't have, in order to fully conceptualize them.
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Creating Correspondences
When creating correspondences, there are two main avenues of approach, and I recommend using both. Memory & Emotion: When you experience the object/concept in question, think about what it can cause you to remember. Reflect on those memories and find what sticks out to you. Then, you can also reflect on the emotions within that memory. If the thing in question evokes emotion just from its direct experience, include that as well if it differs. Sometimes there may be multiple instances of recollection. This is okay; one can never have too many correspondences. It is okay if correspondences are contradictory, negative, or hyper-specific. What matters is how they could potentially aid in spellwork. Medicinal, Physical & Chemical Properties: These properties can offer a lot of insight into common predictions about their correspondences. They can also be pulled from directly to form new correspondences. Some of these properties may not be useful concepts in spellwork, but having them listed can open the opportunity should it present itself.
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Using Correspondences: Threshold Theory
Correspondences are used in order to form a network of connecting concepts that make up the entirety of the spell, which includes the means of manifestation, path of least resistance, energy work, gestures, incantations, and taglocks/targeting mechanism. In order for correspondences to be the most effective, they must be something that is easy for you to conceptualize without needing to break gnosis in order to remind yourself. The nodes created from correspondences should not have overlapping meanings or interpretations in your mind but should have connections that can be made. The process of node creation and connection is a mental and energetic one. The correspondences you use should form a web of concepts that all support the main focus and goal of the working and have a way to be connected to the target. This web should be incorporated into your gnosis and orbit around you as you do your working. While using the objects that have these correspondences is in no way necessary, having them incorporated into your physical working, provided you’re doing one, can be beneficial so long as doing so doesn’t interrupt gnosis.
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How Correspondences Can Hinder Your Spellwork
Nearly all spell guides and witchtips you’ll come across express a very simple implementation of correspondences that is wholly ineffective outside of potentially affecting your own psyche. Putting things in places or containers because they have a symbolic meaning to you is not spellwork. Doing so lacks crucial connections, energetic projections, decided means of manifestation, and no direction. While using some things medicinally is very useful, it is not magic as it is no longer the medieval period, and we now have a solid grasp of chemistry. And while using some things in the pursuit of self-care, like putting cinnamon in your coffee or romero in your food, can be comforting, it is not magical but either chemical or psychological. Treating it as witchcraft will result in actual spells you attempt failing and the potential miseducation of those you hold discussions with.
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triciamfoster · 1 year
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Herbal correspondences for your grimoire: Lemon Balm.
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wiccapedia-author · 1 year
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organicbeing · 3 months
Embark on Your Magical Journey: The Beginner Witch's Guide to Practical Witchcraft Tips
#PracticalWitchcraft #WitchyWisdom #MagicalJourney #WitchyReads #Witchcraft101 #EnchantingGuide #Spellcasting #BeginnerWitch #MagicWithin #WitchyLife #WitchyCommunity #WitchyVibes #MysticalWisdom #MagicalReads #BookishMagic #WitchcraftLove #WitchyTips #Ma
Greetings, fellow seekers of magic and wisdom! As your guide on this enchanting journey, I welcome you to delve into the realms of practical witchcraft through my latest book, “The Beginner Witch’s Guide.” In the hallowed halls of mysticism, let’s explore the gentle art of spellcasting, the beauty of rituals, and the transformative power that lies within. Unveiling the Mysteries: A Professor’s…
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
This is your gentle reminder...
Although I choose not to post about the current political climate (I would like my account to be a place that people can escape to for a few minutes), witchcraft is inherently political. I do not believe you can call yourself a witch without activism. My heart goes out to all those currently suffering and although I am not posting about it on this platform, I do support you and will show my support privately!
If you believe there are any causes that warrant my attention, time or money then please send me a message or an ask :)
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morrigans-crows · 5 months
Tips to craft a Book of Shadows
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oasislibraries · 1 year
Tag Keys:
[ Intro to witchcraft, where to start researching. ]
[ Knows what witchcraft is, needs guidance on how to start practicing. ]
[ Knows the basics/wants more perspectives/ trying to find your path ]
[ Comfortable in the craft 4+ years. Wants more info and details more complex resources ]
[ 6+ years rec. Really building up your arsenal of witchcraft knowladge and in depth information/complex spells. {Least active tag} ]
Share's posts from Witchcraft101 but in addition has more advanced sources ie websites like theoi or book recommendations.
Excellent Base Source
How to use tags to search the library?
{ Example: #Novice #Tarot Spread, #Experienced #Spells}
If you just use one or the other the search will be generalized ie all levels of Tarot Spreads
Tarot Spreads differ from information about tarot/how to do tarot.
(#tarot #witchcraft101 would be how you search for how tos and information, #tarot #tarot Spreads #Novice is how you'd get Novice Tarot Spreads)
Post, Tag layout
{Example, a tarot spread post: #Novice #Tarot #Tarot spread}
Be specific in your tag searches in order to find what you're looking for, if you don't know where to start head to the libraries:
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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The March Tamed Wild Box 🌸 📦
Set your spring intentions…🌱
There is a change in the air. Can you feel it?
Spring is on the horizon, beginning on March 20th in the northern hemisphere. 🐰
The new season arrives during these days and then unfurls like a seedling into the following weeks and months. The Spring Equinox is also known as Ostara by Pagans and those who observe The Wheel of the Year, and this season is all about new beginnings, planting seeds, setting intentions, and grieving that which died or ended during winter. 🤍
Every rebirth cycle also carries messages of death, compost, and grief. ✨
Spring is a potent time to connect seeds and spells, metaphorically and physically kneel in the dirt, and tend to the garden and the land.
In this month’s ritual, you will enchant a piece of jewelry with an intention or affirmation to carry as a spell this spring. 💫
Each subscriber will receive…
✨Moon Tote Bag
✨Spell Bottle Enamel Pin
✨Jar of Roses
✨Amulet & Necklace (The Raven, The Leaf, The Crystal, OR The Moon)
✨Flower Booklet (not pictured)
The box is $20//month + $8 shipping at tamedwild.com. Each month includes an intention-setting ritual that guides you through using your new tools to manifest and create. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#tamedwild #ritualmagick #seasonalmagick #wheeloftheyear #witchtips #witchcraft101 #witchyvibe #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #shesawitch
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