#Without Borders
thepersonalwords · 2 months
Yes, look at him," Marisol said. "Sleeping in a hammock, waking before the sunrise to take care of poor people. He is so terrible.
Amanda Heger, Without Borders
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soon-palestine · 7 months
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More profound when you consider that Doctors Without Borders rarely makes political statements.
In #UNSC mtg on Middle East, @MSF SG Christopher Lockyear says: "Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. And now for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence. Our colleagues in #Gaza are fearful that as I speak to you today, they will be punished tomorrow."
He adds: "The humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion. A convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. Calls for humanitarian assistance have echoed across this chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less every day, less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety."
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ericstrunk78 · 8 months
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sayruq · 7 months
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The IDF also designated Al Mawasi a safe zone
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mado-know · 11 months
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ssavaart · 5 months
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What does the word Genocide mean to you?
For me... the word Sayfo comes to mind.
Sayfo is the word we use for the Assyrian genocide.
In 1915, my grandfather fled his village of Charbash near Urmia in Iran when he was just 11 years old.
The Ottoman Empire took the land from the Assyrians. The indigenous people native to Mesopotamia (where modern Iran, Iraq, and Turkey exist now).
Over 250,000 Assyrians were wiped out by the occupying Ottoman Empire.
Half of the entire population of the remaining indigenous people.
The rest fled for their lives.
My grandfather and grandmother, being two that, thankfully, made it to New York.
Now, Assyrians have no homeland. No country.
An entire ethnic group that  has been around for around 3,000 years almost completely wiped out of existence by an empire that no longer exists.
It's just so senseless. 
This painting I did of a woman in a Hijab. I have posters of them on my site. 
All of the proceeds from the sale of this poster is going to Doctors Without Borders.
I'll sign and ship each and every one of them. 
I know it's not much. It won't stop a genocide. 
But maybe... just maybe... 100 years from now someone's grandchild will be alive and they can tell the story of THEIR people... and what happened to them.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
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sissa-arrows · 8 months
Imane Maarifi, a French North African nurse, who was helping in the European hospital in Gaza for 15 days and just came back said that adults are making makeshift fireworks (like small ones not actual fireworks) and sometimes they reunite the children and use the fake fireworks and tell them that the bomb noises their hear are just children using fireworks somewhere else to try and reassure the kids when they are too scared…
She said that they have to make very difficult choices giving the exemple of a child who had a bullet wound. The bullet was still inside so he needed surgery and they couldn’t give him a tiny bit of morphine to calm the pain while he was waiting because if they did it meant doing the surgery without morphine so they kept the morphine for his surgery…
She also explained how it’s going to be worst for the next team (PalMed and Doctors without borders) cause the bombs are getting closer and closer each day…
Edit: I’m adding a video of part of her testimony with English subtitles.
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accelldraws · 7 months
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kitsune kitsune kitsune kitsune!
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Levels of understanding other slavic languages
oh we also have X and it means the same!
that looks like X but misspelled
that's just the archaic variant of X
this sounds a lot like Y from another slavic language I know which means X in mine so this almost 100% also means X
this word is completely different but I can kinda tell the meaning from the morphology
okay right now I'm gonna have to dissect the entirety of this language's history to figure out how the FUCK did y'all get to the point of calling X that and not something more normal
I wanted to ask for X and accidentally called someone a whore
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8pxl · 9 months
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the art vs the magic card ✨ artist proofs available here buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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mysharona1987 · 7 months
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“Suicidal five year olds” is honestly one of the most bleakly depressing things I have ever heard in my life.
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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monamoon8 · 5 months
My friend Bilal,from Gaza,is reaching out to the free people of the world to help him evacuate his family to safety before it's too late.
Bilal's family consists of 18 members including 4 children and 3 newborns. Two of the babies are currently in hospital. Their health is deteriorating due to the harsh conditions in their tent. The hospital they're in is overcrowded and lacks necessary equipment and medication. The doctors are doing their best but they say the babies won't fully recover if they carry on living in the same hazardous conditions.
Bilal's family had just finished building their new house in Northern Gaza when the war broke out and destroyed everything they had including his father's shoe business, which was their family's only source of income.
Trying to escape the ongoing attacks, Bilal's family kept moving from one place to another but nowhere is safe in Gaza. They are now living in a tent in Rafah city where basic amenities and adequate healthcare are denied to them. Unfortunately, the city previously described as a "safe zone" is currently under heavy bombardment and the ground invasion they have been dreading is already underway. They have been asked to evacuate once again and have nowhere to go.
With no ceasefire in sight, Bilal is endeavouring to rescue his family from the unbearable ordeal they have been experiencing. Bilal has been doing everything within his power to provide for his family but the evacuation costs have proven to be a challenge. That is why, He is humbly asking for help in raising the necessary funds to get his loved ones to safety.
Every donation, no matter the amount, can make a difference.
Sharing the link to Bilal's fundraiser campaign as widely as possible is also tremendously helpful.
Your unwavering support is the only way to achieve some sense of normalcy and stability Bilal's family desperately longs for and deserves.
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sayruq · 6 months
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politijohn · 10 months
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communistkenobi · 11 months
It’s so funny when liberals lecture communists about not knowing how anything works, that we need to grow up and face the real world etc, while publicly demonstrating that their political imagination is so deeply impoverished that they genuinely believe the only thing the leader of the most powerful country on the planet in all of human history can do is block a slightly more fascist guy from taking his place every four years
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