#Word of the week
thatsbelievable · 2 hours
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For the @ficwip word of the week: sick.
“Jamie, open the door.”
Each minute outside Jamie’s front door was ratcheting Beard’s nerves up tick by tick.
“Jamie. You know if I don’t actually see you Roy is going to be the next one here. Just open the door, you’re worrying us.”
“I’m fine, Coach. I'm just sick,” Jamie coughed as if to prove his point but Beard wasn’t swayed. “I don’t want you to get sick too. The team needs you.”
“The team needs you, Jamie. Please open the door.”
Beard heard locks slowly turning on the other side of the door and relief coursed through him, but it quickly turned to dread as Jamie opened the door a sliver before stopping. Beard could see only one grey and bloodshot eye and barely half of Jamie’s face with his hood pulled so tightly around his head. Beard stuck his foot in the crack of the door before Jamie could close it again.
“Jamie. Let me in.”
“Christ, Jamie, just let the fucking Yank prick in and get this over with will you?”
Beard’s blood ran cold and ice wrapped around his throat, cutting off his air supply. All his worst fears confirmed in one Mancunian accent, and not the happy one he’d become accustomed to over the last three years. No, it was the one that haunted Beard’s dreams on some nights. It was the voice that almost silenced Beard’s permanently.
James Tartt.
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(Value) We do not allow our phones to drown in water if, within reach.
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God did not allow Noah or his household to drown. (2 Peter 2:5).
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Proverbs 20:5 "The thoughts of a man’s heart are like deep waters..."
Sometimes, we drown in our "thoughts." Christ (mediator), who is at God right hand, separated the water. (1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:6 and Acts 2:33)
"...Let the dry land appear... God called the dry land Earth, but the collecting of the waters he called Seas..." (Genesis 1:9,10)
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eljefa · 1 year
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Word of the week 1: Cietrzew (Polish)
Translation: Black grouse
The language: Polish is an Indo-European language belonging to the Slavic branch. It’s spoken by 36,7 million people in Poland, where it is the national language. One typical sound feature of Polish is the six s- or sh-like sounds [s, z, ʂ, ʐ, ɕ, ʑ] which are all pronounced closely and similarly to each other. There are also multiple affricatives (sounds combining a stop and a fricative, like the ch in the beginning of ‘church’ being pronounced [t͡ʃ]) made with these sounds. Using that many similar sounds is uncommon in the sound systems of the world’s languages. It is also possible to cluster up to four or five consonants in a row without a vowel.
Why cietrzew? It sounds awesome and it's very Polish: ci, trz and -ew all in one word. The verb “zacietrzewić (się)” comes from it, which means ‘to black-grouse oneself’ if I were to translate it literally. It generally means becoming angry and determined (other Polish speakers feel free to elaborate)
(and the bird is great too)
Submitted by @sierpeek
Do you want to submit your own word or learn more about word of the week? Check out my pinned post!
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rainsparadiso · 3 months
Nonchalant -feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed
Ambidextrous -able to use the right and left hands equally well
Phenomenal -remarkable or exceptional
Enigma -a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand
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talefoundryshow · 7 months
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If saturation causes flooding, what does oversaturation look like??
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ariellewm · 3 months
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ilovenycee · 6 months
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mhalachai · 2 years
new feature: word of the week
I made some new year’s resolutions around posting more frequently, and one of the things I’m going to try is posting a word of the week, ie a word in use (in Canadian English, to be precise) that I've newly encountered. 
I write for a living, and I keep coming upon new words. It’s great. 
So, to start off this month with:
Verb; definition: to cut away (in the carpentry sense) a 90-degree edge to make an angle between two adjoining surfaces.
this is easier for my topographically-challenged brain to describe visually:
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Origin: mid 16th-century, from the French chamfrain, from chant ‘edge’ + fraint ‘broken’ (from Old French fraindre ‘break’, from Latin frangere).
I came cross this word in a metal restoration video yesterday and had to backtrack the captions to double-check the word. Here’s to starting the new year with learning new things!
The video in question, of a book press restoration, from My Mechanics on youtube. The chamfering occurs very briefly at 14:44.
Back next week with a new word!
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smallumbrella369 · 2 years
David returns from the bar’s restroom, delighted to find his drunk husband being hit on. 
She purrs, “Do you like my necklace?” A long gold chain dips between her breasts. 
Oblivious, Patrick stares down her cleavage and shrugs, unmoved. “It’s okay.”
“What would you think of pearls?” Her fingers flutter across her chest. 
She’s bold! David snorts. Patrick turns and lights up.
“Hiiii, husband! This is my David. David, my husband.” Patrick hugs him. “I love my husband’.”
David smiles at the woman over Patrick’s shoulder. “Sorry. My husband is really gay.”
She chuckles, “Lucky you.”
David grins. “Lucky me.”
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thatsbelievable · 2 days
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Alive from the next chapter of rage, rage against the dying light for the @ficwip word of the week:
“I’m so fucking sorry, Roy,” Jamie says, voice cracking, blinking up at the ceiling, willing the tears away the way he learned to when he was younger and with his Dad and in danger of crying.
By the time Jamie manages to compose himself enough to look at Roy, he’s asleep, his hand limp and cool in Jamie’s warm and clammy one. But Jamie only squeezes his friend's hand harder, holding into it like a lifeline, proof beyond the beeping in the room that Roy’s still here, that Roy’s alive.
And then the dam breaks, and Jamie’s body shudders as a sob tears through his battered body. An inhuman noise of grief and relief, fear and acceptance escapes his lips and he cries until Keeley returns to the room half an hour later. His shoulders shake as she pulls his head to her, and Jamie grips her desperately with his good arm. She runs her fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and whispering reassuring words until Jamie cries all the tears he has.
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auraspoetry · 4 months
In the silence of my room, a single candle lit.
I saw your spirit leave my items and exit my room
I felt your fingers let go of my chest through my shaky breath 
I scattered your ashes, by the water I once asked you to take me to
I said my final goodbye and I grieved you 
I shed my last tear for you
Just like that your face was now distorted  
A dead person and I saw the body
I sat there at first pulling at my hair in denial 
I rocked back and forth asking for forgiveness 
The memorial was beautiful and the eulogy was silent
I watched the doves fly off the rocks 
If I ever see you again, I will witness a corpse walking
I will look once and I will not look again
I was the only one to attend your funeral
I alone know of your death. 
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writers-weekly-words · 9 months
sparing in the use of words; abrupt.
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Word of the week rules and submissions!
What is this?
This is no longer a tournament as that takes too much time and admin. We have also already decided that многоꙮчитїй/ mnogoočitii from Old church slavonian is the best word, so no need to do that again. Instead, I will use this blog to highlight a word (or a couple of words) every week (or other time period if the queue runs out) from languages which aren't English. This will be based on reader submissions with me editing for clarity and adding a blurb about the language, much like in the tournament.
In short, tell me about your favourite words! Let's all learn something new! (My favourite phase of the tournament was definitely research/round one)
Who are you?
I'm a linguistics student and language nerd from Sweden who decided to run a tournament of non-English words because I wanted to highlight language diversity. My native language isn't English, so please be kind if my posts are worded weirdly sometimes (or my username is misspelled lol)
What makes a word good?
There are many ways that a word can be good, but here are some examples: it sounds good/feels good to say, the script looks nice, it denotes an interesting concept, it denotes a concept you like, it does something interesting grammarwise, usagewise or soundwise, it's funny, it's an interesting/fun compound, it has an interesting/fun etymology, it just has good vibes... The possibilities are endless
No words in English, but loanwords from English are allowed with good motivation
No conlangs (I love them but the focus is on natural language)
Words from signed languages are allowed and encouraged as long as you can provide an explanatory picture or film for the sign
Words from pidgins are allowed
Words from extinct languages are allowed
Usage should be widespread within a language community (if it isn't/wasn't used in the language it doesn't belong, neither does words only your family/friend group uses, but slang words are allowed)
No words that have appeared in the tournament or previously on word of the week (search for the word on my blog, all words are tagged)
How submissions and posting work (read these before submitting):
Each person is can make two submissions at a time. Please wait until yours have been posted before you submit more
The submission form is currently open. It will remain so until I have too many unposted submissions, then open again when those have been scheduled
If you're able to, please provide an IPA transcription for your word (the International Phonetic Alphabet has a sign for each sound used in any language, which makes transcription of exact pronounciation possible)
You will need to provide a translation/explanation of the word in English since that is the language used on the blog for ease of communication and reach. If the exact translation of a word is part of what makes the word good, please provide that too
It is possible to be credited for your submission if you want to
If more than 5-6 words in the same language are submitted, all of them might not be posted until some time has passed to avoid one language dominating
I reserve the right to pick which words I want to share if I have many submissions and don't want to do all of them. I do this in my very limited spare time because I think language is fun and if it doesn't spark joy I won't do it
Submissions will be fact-checked, edited for clarity and get a short text about the language. If I find something interesting while researching I might add a note about that as well
Have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions and learn something new!
Submit your word(s) through this form
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