#Words: over 10000
nevaronn · 2 months
we as a society do not talk enough about the fact that izuru had to fucking sedate yumichika to keep him from doing stupid shit when ikkaku went down
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droplets88 · 5 months
Sun and Moon never really liked adults, never had a reason to.
To them, Sun and Moon were just a thing the adults could control. Forced to serve because they were 'programmed' to. Adults only spelt trouble, only wasting their time on them to order around, complain, or reprogram. At least until you came along. You were different.
Maybe a friend is all they needed, and maybe that's all you need too.
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shoechoe · 2 months
I don't think my interests generally are that weird (at least not the ones I post about on here) but I do feel self conscious about my interests pretty often because I am very bad at following what's trendy and have often taken interest in things people haven't been talking about for years/things that are just like... kind of "cringy" by most people's judgement
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Me: "Okay you have a couple hours between classes. You can use this time productively to get work done that's due later this week."
Also Me: "Ehhhhhh... Ghost Adoption fic though."
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tamagotchikgs · 1 month
realizing that for the first time ever being w my bf has given me the chance to actually just , kinda be myself without it feeling So wrong. like i am a nervous lil freak n me not being anything else is somehow ok. and not just used as a joke or like yeah thats the freak dont talk to them dont worry about them like my friends irl always did w me. even my therapist likes to ignore core parts of me, whenever i try to bring it up she always shuts me down with the "im sorry u feel that way" and changes the subject. and like i still want to be better n i still have support for changing n growing but it's like for the first time i can actually plant myself down in the ground instead of stretch myself thin trying to fit into everything im not. so maybe i do have a chance. maybe this is where i was always going wrong maybe this is what i could never reach
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wicked-jade · 20 days
When you blink, and suddenly what was supposed to be a short chapter has somehow gained 2,000 more words than it had the last time you checked. And you're still not done yet.
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Is the problem that I'm being too self indulgent with my plots that they start to lose coherency or is the problem that I'm not being self indulgent enough and thinking too hard about trivial things like whether they make sense rather than whether or not they kick ass severely and look good as the backdrop to my daydreams
#writing#writeblr#much to think about#much to write about#writer things#textpost#relatable#can't get over how much 2016-2017 me wrote just absolutely off the rails self indulgent angst mostly#with some demons and beasts and angels and melodrama#and i had that day where a week into nano having forgotten about it i wrote nearly like 10000 words#and had a vague plan of where i was going#and now it's like 7 words i'm burned out what am I doing#i gotta shamelessly self indulgently poor little meow meow ify some characters again#first nano project my character's introductory scene is him running from a ghost in a nightmarish chase scene that messes with his head#and has to do with his hashtag secret dramatic past#then having him be introduced to the other main character as passed out on the porch like a drunk before getting in a fight and getting sho#then getting driven to the hospital in a small car with claustrophobia with the person who shot him#and then arriving at said hospital only to be met with painful memories and meetings of a previous stay there#and then getting tricked into investigating a murder scene there that has to do with his specific backstory of demon angst#and then burning his hand on silver having paranormal flashbacks talking to demons and idk#i was just beating this guy up scene after scene glorious 37000 words unfortunately lost a couple thousand to a power out and lost steam#but still like it was so much writing and some of it wasn't even half bad#what happened that i can't write that self indulgently anymore#i mean worsening adhd and loss of structure and better writing skill and over perfectionism happened but hey#i used to daydream consecutive scenes and opening scenes now i just got that one thing in the middle half the time#and a premise and vibes with no solidity despite the ideas being more solid to me the execution is less solid#anyway ignore me#now my plots are very self indulgent premise wise but after I get the premise I start thinking of all these complicated things that get in#the way of the indulgence I think
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painsandconfusion · 5 months
what was the One Scene for showstopper???
This one! I just loved the idea of the detective having whumper cornered, then just wanting so badly to see them in action that they stop and watch instead of saving the victim 🤌🤌🤌
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sadsoftserve · 9 months
-Rebellion- An EE 'mini'-fic
(This is 10,506 words long, not mini at all. This is the fanfic I've been working on for the past couple days. Mainly Parker and Percy centric. The Fruit Basket quintuplet (yes that's what they're called) is in here too. My Google doc made this look way better, I was going to properly fix the spaces in-between each paragraph but Tumblr was lagging and I'm lazy. Inspired slightly by the twolooween stream.)
Halloween was the holiday Parker hated the most. Not because she was scared or didn't have friends, she had plenty of those. It was the fact she wasn't able to participate in it. The last time she went trick-or-treating, she was eight. Ever since the diagnosis, she’d been living with her aunt. Percy. Parker didn't understand her aunt. Sure, the ADHD and autism solidarity was there, but Percy was strange with how she dealt with children. Most holidays, besides Christmas and Thanksgiving, weren't celebrated. And Halloween was the one Percy forbade Parker from participating in. It bothered her. No matter how much Parker tried to persuade Percy, the answer was always:
“No.” Percy's voice was deadpan as usual. She crossed her arms as Parker fell to her knees and clasped her hands together like some pathetic guy begging a girl to go out with him.
“Auntie, Please!” Parker gave her best puppy dog eyes as she begged. “Just this once! All of my friends are going out! Please?” Percy was not swayed. She stood there, her arms still crossed as he exhaled, hard.
“Parker,” Percy said, her authoritative tone frightening Parker. “We go through this every year. And what is my answer every time you ask?” Parker slowly got off of her knees and sighed before she answered.
“No…” Parker mumbled out. As she hung her head, staring at her feet. She sighed again. She was fifteen, not a child, surely she could handle a couple hours out with her friends. But Percy made her stance and wasn't gonna change it. It was like this every year. Parker would beg, Percy would say no, and Bonnie and Sabrina would have to share their candy with her the next day. She just wanted one year, just to revisit and feel how it is. 
“Exactly,” Percy answered back. “My answer is always no,” Percy's voice was painfully monotone. At this point, Parker felt like Rapunzel. Trapped in the same boring life with the days blurring together. Even locked in a house. “You never know who, or what may be lurking in the dark. Or the sorts of costumes you will see. Like, sexy mustard.” Percy said with a scornful voice and look in her eyes.
“Yeah... I know.” Parker replied as she rolled her eyes slightly, a detail that did not go unnoticed by Percy.
“Don’t sass me.” Her monotonous voice rang through the room, like a dripped-out truck with speakers that fizzled with every bass drop. Parker didn't even bother arguing, she knew that Percy would find a way to make herself right. Thats what cops do.
“I’m- Nevermind. I’m going to bed.” It was around her ‘bedtime’ anyway. Percy nodded.
“Don’t-” She was cut off by Parker.
“Don’t forget to brush your teeth. I know. G’night Auntie.” Parker said as she rounded the corner into the hallway.
“Goodnight, Parker.” Percy responded as Parker went to get ready for ‘bed’. Parker had a wack sleep schedule, but she was normally able to shake off her sleepiness in the morning. She normally stayed up till three on her phone, then went to bed, sure, school started at eight in the morning, but four hours of sleep was better than nothing. 
Parker lay in bed, scrolling through her phone, when she got a notification from the group chat. Sabrina and Bonnie were probably arguing about something. When she saw Sabrina’s sugar glider profile picture and Bonnies snake profile picture she figured she’d join the conversation. 
Nightmare endurer- And yet YOU think sneaking into a college when they reject you is justified???
The creature-
@moth bby
Boy kisser- ?????
What are you yapping abt????
Nightmare endurer-  Bonnies being an idiot again
Shes the Ramsey of the group
Dalia isn't gonna help you
Because unlike us
She has a healthy sleep schedule
The creature- NUH UH
And my uncle is a respectable man
Nightmare endurer- HE EMBEZZLED MONEY???
The creature- Nobody perfect 
Boy kisser- my aunt arrested him
He is NOT a good man
The creature- GRRR
Nightmare endurer- Bonnie stfu
What’d Percy say?
You allowed to go with us??
Boy kisser- She said no
Like she does every year
Idk why she does this
Nightmare endurer- I think its the autism
So no parker again this year??
The creature- Damn
Just sneak out???
Its easy
Doubt she’ll notice anyway
I do it all the time
Nightmare endurer- well we don't live with a washed-up felon
Its not that easy
Slow one
The creature- Shit
Rat alert
Talk to you later
The creature went offline 
Boy Kisser- Damn
She probs got her phone taken
Nightmare endurer- nah
Probably for the night
Ramsey’ll give it back
Anyway i should go too
Even though i cant sleep
Boy kisser- goodnight <3
Nightmare endurer went offline
And just like that Parker was left alone. But Bonnie's words hung in her head. Maybe she could sneak out… but how does one sneak out? Bonnie knew all about sneaking out. But did she really want to go through with this? Was she that desperate? Maybe. She would have to ask Bonnie tomorrow if she showed up to school. As the tall, scrawny, blonde girl lay in bed, her frustration grew, as if it were a kettle, on the verge of spilling over. Maybe this is what she needed. A little bit of rebellion never hurt anyone.
The night came and went, as Parker got her dosage of a total of five hours of sleep. For the first time in a while, she was excited to go to school. Today was Halloween, and even though they had school, most of the teachers didn't care about their jobs enough to teach or show up on a holiday. So that meant the quintuplet could goof off as much as they wanted without their grades feeling the punishment. 
The ride to school was silent. Parker was in the passenger seat of her auntie's police cruiser, the very same place she had seen multiple people in before. Cops weren't something that scared her necessarily but being incarcerated did. The day Parker would be cuffed and in the backseat of a police vehicle would also be the day Percy lost her shit, either in anger or sadness. The reason she showed no emotion most of the time was that her emotions boiled over the second she got angry or scared. Two emotions Percy never showed often. 
The ride’s silence was interrupted by Percy's monotone voice. “Parker, please stop shaking your leg. It's causing the car to shake.” Parker hadn't noticed she’d been shaking her leg. She quickly stopped.
“Sorry…” She mumbled into her hand as she rested her elbow on the car door.
“It's quite alright,” Percy responded back, her signature half smile on her face. “I know you cannot help it. But please do consider I am driving. I want you to arrive safely to school, sweetheart.” Parker smiled a bit at her aunt’s precautions. She understood why she did it, but that was for driving. Not the whole, ‘not being allowed to participate in Halloween’ thing. But maybe Parker could discreetly ask how Percy would feel if someone (hypothetically her) snuck out.
“Auntie, quick question,” Parker spoke. “You know Bonnie right?”
“Yes. I know her, why do you ask?” Percy knew Bonnie alright. From being Ramsey's niece to being in juvie multiple times, Percy knew her well.
“Well I was wondering, do you know that sometimes she sneaks out? I don't think her uncles caught on about it yet. But if you were in Ramsey's position, how would you feel?” Yes. Asking how Percy felt about anything by relating it to someone else always stumped her. And Parker made sure she focused on the Ramsey and Bonnie bit. 
“Well. Certainly a good question.” Percy said before she thought about it. “Im not sure how I’d feel. One part of me feels betrayed and the other feels disappointed, or upset. It's hard to word. My apologies.” Percy quickly focused her attention on the road in front of her. “I certainly hope you wouldn't go that far and sneak around behind my back, Parker.” Ouch. That stung Parker straight through the chest. “I'd be disappointed.” Double-whammy, jeez. Parker was feeling really anxious about this whole thing now. The day her aunt was disappointed would be the day Parker’s condemned to hell. Once Percy was disappointed, she was disappointed. She would give you the silent treatment and everything.
“Yeesh. A disappointed auntie is not a happy auntie.” Parker joked trying to hide her anxiety. “Anyway… do you work tonight?”
“Yes, I’m on the schedule. Patrol, 3 pm-12 am.” Percy said as she pulled into the school.
“Oh, okay!” Everything was falling into place, Miraculously Percy's work hours happened to fall in when she planned to sneak out. If she had the balls to do that. Percy pulled into the car-rider line and stopped the car, letting Parker get out.
“Have a good day, Parker. Be safe.” Percy said as Parker grabbed her bag and smiled at Percy’s words. 
“You too auntie.” She flung her bag over her shoulder as she shut the car door, and ran to the front of the school. The quintuplet was always here 15 minutes before the bell rang, so they could talk before class started. Dalia, Bonnie, and Sabrina were already there. Bonnie was perched sitting on the metal bar fence, while Dalia and Sabrina stood next to her.  
“Im just saying hypothetically, if the world was flat, do you think the water would spill off the sides and go into space?” Bonnie was back to asking nonsensical questions. Parker was walking up to the group as she heard the conversation going on.
“The world is round,” Sabrina stated as she whacked Bonnie upside the head with a peice of paper. “Dumbass.” Sabrina looked at Parker as she was walking up to them. “Will you tell this simple-minded weasel right here that the earth is round?” 
“Bonnie,” Parker said with a twinge of cringe. “What are you on about?”
“Coke probably,” Bonnie replied with a shit-eating grin as the three girls in front of her mentally facepalmed. “Anyway, why are we talking about me, when we need to be talking about Parker? Her aunt is holding her hostage!”
“Hostage is certainly a descriptive word. I don't think its hostage.” Dalia inquired. “Besides, Percy isn't that strict… right?”
“You’d be surprised,” Sabrina replied. “The first time Parker had Wendy’s is when my dad took us after colorguard a month ago.” Both Dalia and Bonnie looked at Parker with a surprised look. Was Percy really that strict?
Bonnie got off the blue metal bar fence put her hands on Parker's shoulder, and shook her. “You have got to rebel. Do something about this! You're a prisoner in your own life! Percy is holding you hostage!”
Parker rolled her eyes. “She’s just… Protective. It's nothing… really!” 
Dalia and Sabrina exchanged glances before Dalia spoke. “She's… kinda a helicopter parent… and she's not even your mom. Doesn't it get old?”
Sabrina’s eyes widened. “Helicopter parent? More like an authoritative parent, she wants Parker to be like her… monotone… and bland. No offense. You aren’t able to have caffeine. Or fun...” Sabrina said her voice feeling bad for Parker, which was rare, she hardly felt bad for anyone.
“She's a cop… she means well.” Parker tried to defend her aunt's parenting style, but she knew that it was useless to do so. 
“Cop or not, you're in a prison! And I know a lot about prison.” Bonnie replied as she shook Parker again. “Yknow what, meet me at our spot at lunch, we're gonna get you freedom, by any means necessary.” Bonnie looked Parker in the eyes, the same look an army general would give his men before battle. Parker admired her friends, especially Bonnie for her candid ‘we're gonna do this no matter the consequences’ attitude. And right on cue the bell rang, and the girls went their separate ways. Bonnie to Science, Dalia to Math, Sabrina to History, and Parker to P.E. 
The Periods blurred together, it was the same thing every day. But 4th period was Parker's favorite, Art. It was a class she shared with Sabrina, besides 8th period. The art classroom with Ms. Wade. She was an eccentric individual, and one Parker trusted with anything (besides Mrs.Cox, she’s the nicest teacher at SJHS). Ms.Wade’s flowy blue hair and silver round-rimmed glasses made her quite the person. Not to mention her small stature. Sabrina was barely shorter than her.
“Parker…? Something wrong?” Ms. Wade asked as Parker snapped out of her daze, unaware she was staring directly at the boy across the room. 
“Ah- !” Parker snapped back to reality as Ms. Wade's high-pitched voice rang through her ears. “I’m fi-”
“Then why were you staring at Micah?” Sabrina cut Parker off, as she moved to take one of her black colored pencils.
“I was zoned out, Sabrina!” Parker spoke through her teeth in an annoyed manner. Parker huffed as she turned around in her seat to speak to Ms.Wade. “As I was saying before I was rudely cut off. Im fine. I zoned out.” Parker picked up her pencil again as she stared at the blank paper in front of her.
“You don't seem alright.” Ms.Wade stated as she leaned over and looked at Parker's blank page. “Having trouble with the prompt?”
“You could say that. How do I take an insecurity and draw it? Arent those just thoughts?” Parker asked. Sure she had insecurities, everybody did, but how does one translate that onto paper? It seemed impossible.
“Well, you think of something you're insecure about, like me, im insecure about my height. You take that, and you imagine a picture that speaks without speaking. Like a picture with meaning.” Ms.Wade did her best to explain, but she had no idea how to describe the prompt. 
“Is being afraid people will be disappointed in you an insecurity?” Parker asked ideas slowly coming back to her.
“Sure, you can do that. I look forward to seeing what you create.” Ms. Wade gave Parker a gentle shoulder pat, as Parker resumed looking at the paper. As Ms.Wade walked away, slowly Parker began to run her colored pencil across the page, drawing a large silhouette of a woman with one hand holding a smaller sadder girl, and the other hand on her hip. She flipped over the page and quickly scribbled some writing in her chicken-scratch handwriting. The most notable thing about the drawing was the fact that the large woman had a striking resemblance to Percy, and the smaller girl looked like Parker, even though they were blacked-out silhouettes. 
“Is that supposed to be Percy?” Sabrina leaned over and asked Parker, as the girls put down their pencils. Parker picked up her drawing and held it up tilting her head to look at it at another angle.
“Huh, it does kinda look like her… thats weird,” Parker stated as she put the drawing back down on the table.
“I’d say. Wanna see mine?” Sabrina asked. Parker nodded. Sabrina held up her drawing. It was two people both that looked like her, but one was blacked out and looked like something from a horror movie. “Cool right?”
“Thats creepy. What even is that?” Parker asked her face turning into one of slight disgust.
“It's my nightmares... OooOOOhhHHh… spooky… isn't it?” Sabrina asked with a sly grin on her constantly tired face. 
“Jesus… how do you function?” 
“I don't,” Sabrina replied. “Im constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown.” Even when saying something like that, her grin never wavered. Parker was slightly concerned but knew Sabrina was just like that, so she let it slide. “What’s that supposed to represent anyway?” Sabrina pointed to Parker’s drawing.
“Uh, disappointment? Im insecure about people being disappointed?” She said with uncertainty. Parker wasn't sure what it conveyed exactly, but she knew it conveyed something. Sabrina raised an eyebrow and playfully punched Parker.
“You need therapy.” Sabrina jabbed.
“I'll get it when you do,” Parker responded. Soon enough, the lunch bell rang, and Parker shoved the drawing into her bag. She and Sabrina hurried from the art room in the 400 hall to outside underneath the bleachers in the football field. It was a colder day, rounding out at about 50-ish degrees. The chill hit the duo as soon as they walked outside and to the football field, where Bonnie and Dalia already were. Bonnie had a paper in front of her along with a poorly drawn blueprint map of Parker's home. And a neighborhood it looked like. Dalia was munching on the expensive school Snickers from the vending machines. 
“About time y’all showed up.” Bonnie crossed her arms, as the two climbed under the bleachers sitting around the paper.
“Bonnie, maybe don't be mean-” Dalia went to say but was quickly cut off by Bonnie, who quite frankly does not give a shit. 
“Hush, lemme speak.” Bonnie playfully slapped the side of Dalia’s arm. “Okay. Now you may be wondering why I have all this paper spread out.”
“We aren’t,” Sabrina said.
“Hush Dumbass,” Bonnie said glaring at Sabrina, who was now on her phone. “As I was saying, the reason we have all this paper is because we are gonna help goody-to-shoes here gain her freedom.” She held up the poorly drawn map of Parker's house. “And I have the blueprints to help.”
Sabrina looked up from her phone at the blueprints. “Those look like a four-year-old drew them.” She said mocking Bonnie's terrible art skills. “Isn't your uncle an online artist? I thought you could do better than that.”
“Kill yourself and let me speak, dickhead.” Bonnie retorted. “If you would let me speak, I would tell you what the plan is.” Parker and the rest of the girls sent their attention to Bonnie. “Finally, now here's what's goin’ down. Whenever Percy leaves the house, you're gonna make a fake you out of pillows and stick it underneath your blanket. Then all you gotta do is walk out of the house and meet us at Greengage Gated Community.”
“It’s that easy?” Parker asked as she fiddled with the hem of her black denim shorts. She honestly thought it was gonna be much harder, but the way Bonnie was describing it made it sound so easy. “I thought it was gonna be harder.”
“It is that easy. Plus you live in a one-story house, so it'll be even easier.” Bonnie spoke cockily. The girls murmured and mumbled to one another before all collectively agreeing on something. Sabrina spoke up.
“I live in GreenGage, you can meet us there Parker. And if push comes to shove, I'll throw myself under the bus and say it was my idea.” The girls all nodded in response.
“Really? Wow, I didn't expect you all to be so… open to this. Are you sure though, im sure my aunt, if she found out, she would chew all of you and your parents out.” Parker said, her voice full of slight guilt and embarrassment, like a child confessing to breaking something.
“Nah, it'll be fine, my uncle knows how Percy is.” Bonnie shrugged off Parker's worries and gave her a pat on the back.
“Yeah, my dad and Sabrina’s are pretty lenient. I’m sure it'll be alright.” Dalia added, trying to soothe Parker's worries rather than brush them off like Bonnie just did. The four girls looked at each other, and all grinned.
“Last one to the lunch line is a rotten egg!” Bonnie said quickly before dashing back into the school building. The other three girls quickly ran after her, Sabrina being able to catch up with almost no difficulty, Dalia and Parker following close after. 
(insert break line here)
Percy had a few hours to spare before needing to even leave for work. She sat at the empty kitchen island in the empty kitchen. Normally she didn't mind being alone, but today something was eating at her. She clutched her glass of butter water and sighed. She could not place it but an empty pit of dread was in her stomach. Why? She couldn’t explain. 
“Maybe I’m being too harsh on her…” Percy had a knack of talking to herself when she was alone. “She's growing she needs to learn… but what if im stunting her social-emotional growth…? I don't want her to end up like me… a social recluse…” Percy sighed. She was probably just overthinking things again. Seems like thinking as all she ever did. Percy was awoken from her overthinking state when she heard a knock and a shout from her door.
“Per-CY!” Ah, Rose, right on cue. If it wasn't for that ungodly voice crack, Rose would've felt confident right about now. But in returning Percy's badge that she had accidentally left over at her place, she had forgotten what Percy did to her. At this point, she wouldn't have been surprised if Parker started calling her “Auntie’. At this point, she hung around Percy so much that the girls even started to suspect something was going on. At this point, Rose couldnt deny it.
Percy quickly answered the door. “Rose?” Percy opened the door and stepped out on the porch. “What brings you here?”
“Oh- ! Uh, right…” Rose fiddled inside her cargo pants pockets, trying to find Percy's badge. When she found it she held it out, letting Percy take it back. “You left that at my place. I figured you would need it, for your job. Not like you don't have like three spares but, I figured I might as well return it.”
Percy looked at the badge before softly smiling at Rose. “Thank you. I was wondering where this went. I was afraid I was going to have to wear my spare.” Percy said as she swapped this badge with the one she was currently wearing. 
“It's no problem really… I pass this way while going to work so I figured I might as well return it.” That was a lie, she took a fifteen-minute detour to get here, she just wanted to see Percy, hopefully, that would give her some motivation for the shift upcoming. Hopefully the same could be said about Percy. 
“Well thank you. I appreciate it.” Percy gave her small half smile to the tan woman in front of her. Before it dawned on her. Rose had siblings, multiple actually. “Rose, may i ask you something?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, go ahead,” Rose responded as she shifted her position to lean against the column on the porch.
“Is it wrong to shield a child from the outside world?” Percy asked as she crossed her arms, trying to comfort herself. Rose thought about it for a moment before responding.
“Not wrong, but it's not good either. The more you shield a child from the world, the more curious they get, and the more likely they are to rebel.” Rose said giving the best answer she could. “Kids need some form of freedom, keeping them shielded, while it is safe, it's also a recipe for disaster.” Percy took this into account. Parker would go that far. She was a good kid, she wouldn't rebel… right?
“Hm, I’ll take that into account. Thank you.” Percy said uncrossing her arms and fixing her rigid posture.
“No problem, I’m always-” 
Roses pager was going crazy. She quickly took a look at it before chuckling to herself. “I guess thats my cue to leave. See you around?” Rose returned around as she walked down the steps of the porch. 
“See you around Rose.” Percy waved back to the tanned woman who was now walking to her car. She waved one last time before getting in and pulling away. Rose's answer only brought up more questions for Percy.
It was safe yes, but what did Rose mean by ‘recipe for disaster’? Surely Parker wouldn't do anything that drastic. Percy began thinking again as she walked back inside. She looked at her watch. Still, an hour to kill. She sat back at the kitchen island thinking again. She’d been doing a lot of that lately. Thinking. Mostly about Parker. The very child she was sworn to protect. Thats what she told her brother. She would take care of his daughter, no matter what. But lately, she’s been more protective. 
Maybe it's been the string of kidnapping cases thats been going around the police station. Parker was a young, blonde, blue-eyed, and as much as Percy hated to admit it, a curvy young girl. She was also a mundie, if she were to be abducted, she’d have no means to defend herself. The subject matter was important to Percy, she would defend, protect, and ensure Parker's safety, even if that meant keeping her inside. Percy didn't feel much remorse for saying no to Parker's pleas to go out, she knew it was for the best.
‘It was for the best’, was what Percy kept saying to herself. She didn't want Parker to end up like Bonnie, poor girl. Why was she comparing her niece to a girl who has gone through more than her? She was trying to prevent what happened to Bonnie, from happening to her. She needed to get her mind off of this subject. She decided to bite the bullet and go to work early, maybe that would help her get her mind off of this. So much for taking Roses advice.
(Insert another line break)
When Parker arrived home Percy was already gone. Perfect. This was the most opportune time for her to be gone, it's like the gods responded to her multiple prayers about being stuck inside with the same boring life. It felt good. Around 6-ish Parker left, in an old Hyena hoodie she had. It had a few loose stitches, and a couple of stains on the back, but the hoodie combined with her black leggings made the last-minute costume come together. At the end of the road was Sabrina, Bonnie and Dalia, all waiting for her. Upon seeing them she picked up the pace, and walked faster meeting up with them.
“Y'know, for someone who doesn't celebrate Halloween normally, you look like you've done this multiple times before.” Sabrina said with sarcasm. She was talking about Parkers costume. Out of the four of them, hers was the most last minute looking. Sabrinas looked the most put together, she had face paint and everything. “I'm a skeleton, spooky, right? I plan to scare some children and take their candy.” 
“That’s kinda mean Sabrina. They worked hard for that candy.” Dalia spoke, fiddling with her hands a bit. Sabrina looked at her as they all walked to GreenGage Gated Community. “What if we get in trouble?”
“Dalia, you sensitive soul. I'm not taking just any children's candy. I'm aiming for Stink and Stonk. They're the ones who avidly look to steal candy. I'm simply helping.” Sabrina tried to justify her actions.
“The seventh graders? Why waste your time on those guys? They're probably still believing in cooties.” Bonnie said, adjusting the headband to her rat costume. Fitting, especially for her. Sure it was a gray t-shirt and jeans with a headband, but it got the job done.
“Are cooties still a thing?” Parker asked.
“Yeah. I heard that last year one of the Roughhouse twins sold a jar of their ‘thooties’ to Stink and Stonk at the Halloween store. They got 50 bucks.” Dalia responded to Parker's question as she twisted her wand in her hand. Dalia was a wizard, she had on a black shirt and pants, along with a cartoony purple cape with silver stars on it. All equipped with a pointy wizard hat.
“Sounds like something me and my uncle would do.” Bonnie responded. The girls had walked a good distance now, as the arrived at the gates of GreenGage. The place was really nice actually, to most of the girls surprise. “Did you take us to a neighborhood with full size candy bars? Because that's what it looks like”
“Of course I did.” Sabrina smiled. “My friends deserve nothing less.” She was full of herself. Sabrina took them here to flex on Sylvie that she has friends. Unlike him. “And my dad just so happens to be giving out said full size candy bars.”
“No shit.” Parker replied as the girls started running into the neighborhood.
“H-Hey! Wait for me!” Sabrina shouted as the girls nearly knocked her over. She ran behind them as they walked into the nice neighborhood. Lights from all the identical suburban houses, and the bustling sounds coming from children and adults alike rang throughout the place. It was beautiful.
“I was missing out on all this?!” Parker exclaimed as she threw her hands up.
“Yup. Aren't you glad your friends talked you into this?” Bonnie said as the group began walking through the road.
Sabrina and Dalia were having a conversation about smart people things, talk that Parker and Bonnie wouldn't and didn't want to understand. “Hey Parker, I know a cooler place than this.” Bonnie said to Parker as the two were walking down the road. Bonnie's grin was mischievous, and Sabrina and Dalia would shut down any idea she had. But they weren't here right now. And Parker was gullible.
“Really?”Parker asked falling for whatever Bonnie was planning.
“Mhm hmm. Yup.”
“What is it?” 
Bonnie looked around a couple times, as if she was looking for any sign of an adult. She grabbed Parker's hand and led her out of the community. The border between the community and the other neighborhoods was unclear. So Bonnie could be leading her anywhere. Soon enough she led her to another Neighborhood, one that wasn't as nice. In fact it kinda looked like the ghetto. But the nice part of the ghetto. “I don't do all that Richie stuff. Sure, I like the large amounts of candy, but it's the experience that counts.” Bonnie said as she led Parker through ‘her part of town’. All sorts of people were there, along with all sorts of food, and smells. It was almost homey.
“I like it. It smells nice.” Parker said as the two walked.
“It does, doesn't it? Oooh! Just wait till we get to Mama’s food stand. She makes the best food.” Bonnie said enthusiastically.
“Okay! You have money, right?”
“Duh! I may be a delinquent, but I'm not a criminal.” Bonnie rolled her eyes. “You wait here, I'm gonna find Mama.” And Bonnie was off. Parker leaned up against the wall of one of the buildings. She pulled out her phone, and started to play an offline mobile game, not paying much attention to her surroundings.
Before long, a lanky man leaned up against the wall next to her. He was wearing a stained wife beater, and a pair of jeans that were a weird tan color with stains around the hem. “What's a lady like ya’ doin' out here?” The man had a breathy raspy voice and weird stubble across his pale face.
“I-I’m not alone… I’m here with a friend.” Parker responded as politely as possible but found it a little unnerving a man like him was talking to her, a teenager. The man let out a small grunt of acknowledgement.
“Where is them?” The man's lack of grammatical correctness, also through Parker off.
“Getting… food.” Parker responded with a bit of hesitancy. He let out another noise of acknowledgement. The man glanced at Parker, his brown eyes staring into her skin. His whole vibe was off. Really off. 
Parker tried to ignore him, by continuing to play her mobile game. But the man scooted closer to her. She scooted farther, trying to maintain the distance between her and this man. “Why ya’ runnin’?” The man said as the shink of a pocket knife was heard. Before Parker could react, the knife was up to her neck.
“AH-!” The man quickly covered her mouth with his grody hands.
“Don't make this any harder than it has to be.” He said as Parker started to cry and try to squirm herself away from this man. “You know what I want.”
No she didn't. What did he want? What did it have to do with her? Where's Bonnie? Sabrina? Dalia? Anybody? She felt hopeless. She should've stayed home, she wanted to be anywhere other than the grips of this man. She shook her head, she didn't know what he wanted. The man took the hand that had the knife and gently ran it down Parker's face, and slowly down to her torso leaving small holes in her Hyena hoodie. That's what he wanted. Her. No. Tears started spilling from her eyes as she tried to scream and squirm her way out. It was all in vain. The street was so crowded, but no one was helping, and the few who did notice were too scared to help or didn't care enough. 
“Hey Parker! I got some-!” Bonnie stopped dead in her tracks. The food that was in her hand dropped to the ground as she looked at the man and Parker, who was trying to free herself. So Bonnie did what she does best. Scream. She screamed loudly, loud enough to be heard from a good half mile. Her own experiences would not let this happen to her best friend. She'd been in Parker's position before, but she didn't have anyone to save her. So, she did what baby Bonnie would've wanted. She was going to fight.
Bonnie, after her lengthy scream, moved quickly. She didn't have an Epithet either, but she did have pure will and fists. And to her that's all you needed to fight. The teenager lunged at the man, giving a good punch to his gut. He didn't barrel over in pain like she hoped he would. Instead he used the pocket knife and slashed her cheek. Thankfully It wasn't her eye.
Bonnie doubled back in pain as she winced uncomfortably. “Dammit…” She touched her cheek, the blood trickled down her face, dripping onto her gray shirt. She delivered another punch, but he quickly deflected it. He sent a punch to Bonnie's nose, sending her backwards and onto the concrete. 
By now the authorities were called. People were recording, but not doing anything to actively help. Most of them were cowering in fear walking as fast as they could away from the scene and the more braver ones were recording.
“Attention all units, attention all units. We have a possible 240 and a possible 261A in progress. All units in the area of Armen Avenue and Outland Road please report immediately.” Percy’s radio went off. She quickly picked it up and answered it as her police cruiser sped up slightly to get to the named location. 
“This is Officer P. King reporting in, what exactly is the situation?” Percy's monotonous voice was heard over the radio.
“Two female teenagers in the hands of a dangerous man. Multiple witnesses have called in about the disturbance. Man seems to be armed with a pocket knife.” 
“10-4.” Percy quickly responded as her cruiser turned onto Armen Avenue. The shrieking wails could be heard through her car, even with the windows up. With her sirens blaring the crowd around the man and Parker quickly aired out, leaving Bonnie and the man to their own devices, not far from them Was Ramsey. Trying to desperately get through the crowd to his niece and Parker.
Percy's eyes widened as she saw just who exactly was in the arms of the dangerous man. Part of her wanted to freeze in place, the other wanted to beat the man until he was dead. Percy, instead of reaching for her sword, reached for her gun. Her Glock 19 was firm in her hands as she hissed. “Put the child down! I will open fire!” Parker was still crying In the man's grasp. This was the worst possible outcome. Not only was she being held hostage by a man, but the cop who had to stop this situation was her aunt. And Parker could see Percy's anger plastered on her face. 
A familiar voice rang from the crowd behind them.“Damnit..! Move!” Ramsey was shoving his way through the crowd, pushing anyone that was in his way. He must've heard Bonnie's scream from that dingy apartment not far from here. “Bonnie!” Bonnie was trying to hold her own. Out of all the fights she’d been in, this one was the hardest one. She should've expected it, she was picking a fight with a man who belonged in prison.
“Put the weapon down!” Percy gripped her gun harder. Her arms were flexing so much to the point of shaking. “I will open fire! This is your final warning!” Her usual monotonous voice was full of emotion. Anger and fear. Her gloved finger was on the trigger, ready to pull. The man simply gave a twisted smile. He lifted Parker up by the collar of her hoodie.
“Ya’ wouldn't shoot a kid, right officer?” The man adjusted his position to be holding Parker up in front of him, still by the collar. Her hoodie was slightly small on her and this action caused the hoodie to start choking her slightly. She let out a gasp for air. “Not especially yer daughter… right?”
Percy out of instinct lowered her gun. “Put her down. Now.” Her voice was still stern as ever but it held a great amount of fear. The man simply put his pocket knife up to Parker's neck.
“An’ if I don't?” The man asked with his twisted grin. Percy couldn't respond. Her mouth went dry. She looked around. No other officer was here. She was the only one. She felt hopeless. If her niece were to die she would never forgive herself.
The red-headed rat man came barreling out of the crowd. “Listen to the damn cop, jackass!” He stumbled out of the crowd and next to Percy, who was surprised by his sudden entrance. “Put the kid down, an’ you'll leave with your face still intact.” Ramsey raised his arms, and got into a fighting stance, his arms were made entirely of gold. Bonnie was on the verge of passing out. She stood next to Percy as well.
“Put my best friend down. You have no business with her.” Bonnie said her voice filled with resentment and anger. The man was outnumbered, three to one. 
The man gave a laugh, an unnervingly hearty one. “This girls comin’ with me. She's too purtty to be left out here… alone.” The man gave a weirdly unnerving smile. Percy has just about had it. Her gloves came off and her sleeves went up. 
“You'll find that my daughter is coming with me.” Her voice hissed. Ramsey and Bonnie exchanged glances but didn't think much of the statement. “As a police officer, I have full jurisdiction to use force if I'm forced to. And you'll find I am an excellent boxer.” Percy got into a fighting stance, throwing all weapons to the side. No sword or gun. She had her fists and pure will.
Thean gave another unnervingly hearty laugh. “I'd like to see ya try.” As soon as the man finished his sentence, Percy swung. She delivered a swift yet powerful punch at the man's jaw, sending him backwards. He dropped the pocket knife, moving both of his hands to his jaw. “What the hell!” He let out a long wince. Before he was able to recover Percy kneed him in the gut. He barrelled over in pain. The pocket knife that was on the ground he picked back up. And lunged at Percy. Percy caught the man's arm before it stabbed her, but the lanky man was surprisingly strong. She wouldn't be able to hold it forever.
“L-Leave her alone!” Parker's heart wrenching cries rang out as she tried to attack the man who was currently trying to stab her aunt. “Stop it! Please!” Parker tried her best to fight the guy off of her aunt. The man threw her off of him, and sent her stumbling backwards onto the ground.
That distracted the man long enough for Percy to knee him in the jaw. His jaw made a loud popping noise. She dislocated it. The man grabbed his jaw, clenching it in pain. “You whore! God damnit!” He winced out. He turned away about to book it out of there, before his ankle was grabbed. The grip was as strong as it could be from Parker. Her tear stained face, and her pitiful voice didn't sway the man, it only agitated him more.
“No… you're not going anywhere…” Parker said as she gripped the man's ankle.
“Let go of me, bitch!” The man tried shaking her off, but quickly realized that wasn't going to happen. In a last ditch effort to get away he kicked Parker in the face, knocking her unconscious. Her grip loosened as she passed out, leaving the man to be able to run away. Percy wasn't letting that happen. Quickly summoning a wizard tower to paralyze the man.
The lighting sprung out of the tower and electrocuted him. Making him black out. Percy threw the eraser cuffs to Ramsey and shouted. “Deal with the man, I'm getting Parker!” Ramsey, noticing the shocking amount of worry on her face agreed. He ran over to the man, quickly cuffing him, as Percy ran to the unconscious teenager, laying face first on the concrete. Shouting her name as she ran, Percy felt herself grow more worried. Tears were forming in her eyes as she crouched to Parker's level. “Parker…? Sweetheart please, don't do this. Parker?” Percy felt her throat closing up as she tried to shake Parker awake. She was out cold. Percy checked for a pulse, out of worry. Thankfully one was still present. “Parker, love, you gotta wake up. Please.” Percy was begging for her to get up, give her a sign she was alright. Before Percy knew it tears were streaming down her face. There was no stopping her emotions, she was already melting down.
Ramsey handed the guy over to the other officers who finally arrived at the scene. He quickly ran over to Percy who was bawling now. “Aye, Percy. You alright?” He asked crouching down next to her, he put a caring hand on her back.
She shook her head no. How could she be alright? She let her niece get hurt, if she hadn't got there sooner it would've been worse. Percy knew this was her fault. “No…” She sobbed out. Ramsey really didn't know what to do in this situation. He'd never seen Percy so distraught. Ramsey quickly called Bonnie over, to see if she could do anything about the situation. The two brought Percy over to the other officers, handing her over so they could hopefully do something about her state. 
Soon enough the scene was filled with ambulances, cop cars and news anchors. Percy wanted nothing to do with them. She wanted to crawl under a rock and die. She wanted to be away and just cry. She knew this was her fault and she was responsible for Parker getting hurt. No matter how much Ramsey and Meryl tried to soothe her.
“Percy, it'll be alright. She's in good hands. Please calm down.” Meryl said as she stroked Percy's hair. The two were crowded around Percy, who was sitting in the open back of Meryl's police cruiser.
Percy kept crying. “I-I failed… I didn't make sure she was safe… it's all my fault…” She wiped her face, smearing her mascara across her face.
“It ain't your fault Percy. You didn't know this would happen.” Ramsey tried to soothe her now. He knew that Parker wasn't able to go out at night, let alone Halloween night. So he knew who's fault it was, but he wasn't going to bring it up. Not now at least. “Like Meryl said, she's in the hands of the hospital. That's the safest place she can be right now.” Percy cried into Meryl's shoulder, getting wet mascara all over her white coat.
“I'm… I'm supposed to be the safest person for her… I failed…” Percy’s cries dissolved into soft sobs as she spoke.
“Why was she out alone anyway?” Meryl asked as she continued stroking Percy’s, now messy blonde hair.
“I don't know… she was supposed to be at home…” She responded.
“I think I know what happened.” Ramsey glared over to Bonnie who was currently giving her statement to an officer. “Parker most likely snuck out. With the help of Bonnie…” He pinched his nose bridge.
“You heard me Percy.” He responded. “I took Bonnie's phone last night, all the girls, except Dalia, were online talking about Parker and how they wanted her to come with ‘em tonight.” He sighed as he looked over at Bonnie. “I can't believe she'd go this far.”
Percy hung her head. She knew this would happen. “I- I figured…” she sniffled. “I'm too hard on her, I- this I didn't want this to happen.”
“None of us did Percy.” Meryl comforted. “It'll be okay though, just keep your head held high.” She placed a caring hand on Percy's shoulder. She looked at her watch. “Let's get you out of here. Your shifts about over anyway.” Meryl helped Percy up, and led her to her police cruiser. She held out her hands for the keys, which Percy willingly gave. Meryl started up the police cruiser and drove away, leaving Ramsey and Bonnie at the scene, they lived close by, they'd be able to get him easily.
“Bonnie Lynn, get your ass over here!” Ramsey shouted as she gently tapped his foot against the ground. Bonnie heard his call, and heard her middle name. It was serious, but not as serious as her full name. Bonnie walked over, her hands in her pants pockets. “Just what the hell were you thinking?!” Ramsey spoke. Whenever he started a lecture like that, Bonnie knew it was going to br ranty and lengthy. “I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and assumed that those texts were just jokes, but no. You deliberately go behind not only my back, but Percy’s as well. Tell me Bonnie, what the hell was going through your mind when you decided to help Parker sneak out?”
Bonnie hesitated. “I thought I was helping. She always seems so sad she never gets to do stuff with us. I'm sorry.” She hung her head, as her uncle continued his rant.
“Bonnie, look at me.” He paused letting Bonnie lift her head to look up at him. “Percy does that for a reason. She doesn't want Parker to get hurt, like I do with you, she does with Parker. Yes I'm aware I'm not a perfect figure, but I'm better than a lot of people out there. But the point is, that was dangerous, dangerously stupid as well.” He paused, catching his breath slightly. “Bonnie, you're a good kid. You mean well, but when it comes to people's lives, you gotta let stuff happen. If Percy says no to something, either let it slide or come to me. Okay?”
Bonnie nodded. She looked up at Ramsey. “Is Percy mad at me?”
“Percy doesn't do mad, disappointed, yes. But she'll never be angry at you.” He reassured. As he looked at Bonnie he noticed the cut she had gotten from the fight. “That's a nasty scar, hey, you match your old man.” He pointed to his own eye scar.
“I guess.” Bonnie sighed. “I just really didn't want Parker to- y'know.” Bonnie's voice held a bit of guilt. Ramsey knew exactly what she was referring to, and found it admirable Bonnie was trying to save Parker from that.
“I know, kid.” He pat her back with affection. “You did good tonight. But don't let it happen again.” He warned.
“I won't, old man.”
“Good. C’mon, let's go home, the police have a lot of work to do.” Ramsey wrapped his arm around Bonnie's shoulder and led her away. The walk back to their dingy apartment was mostly silent, the two walked side by side, all was silent for most of the walk, but then Bonnie's standard ringtone went off. She was ignoring the first time, but they kept calling and calling, to the point she had to answer it. The caller ID was Sabrina. She answered it and was met with the loud sounds of the tired girl's voice.
“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??? IS PARKER OKAY???” Sabrina shouted from her line of the phone.
“Parker's fine. She's in the hospital right now, but she's fine. Why?” Bonnie asked.
“The news dumbass! It's all over. ‘Local teen fights of creep, authorities get involved.’ WHERE DID YOU TWO EVEN GO ANYWAY?” Sabrina shouted through the phone. She was clearly concerned, and her volume was starting to make Bonnie cringe.
“We went to Armen Avenue.-”
“ARMEN AVENUE??! ARE YOU INSANE?!” Sabrina shouted. Murmurs of Dalia and Mr.Ashling could be heard in the background. Before Bonnie knew it, Dalia took Sabrina's phone and started speaking.
“Is Parker okay? We heard she took a good kick to the face. What about Percy, is she okay too?” Dalia asked, her volume much more manageable than Sabrina’s.
“Yes, Parker should be fine. Percy was crying a river though.” Bonnie replied. The other line was silent for a good moment before Sabrina shouted again. 
Bonnie hung up and put her phone on silent. She already had to speak about the situation to the police. She didn't want to do the same thing with her friends. She sighed. She wasn't gonna hear the end of it for a while.
Percy and Meryl were in a silent car ride. Originally Meryl wanted to take Percy straight home, but Percy voiced that she wanted to get the statement and paperwork out of the way. Percy was fiddling with her gloves the entire ride, her leg bouncing as she did so. Meryl noticed Percy's state of anxiety. She knew it was from the previous situation but she felt the need to ask anyway. “Percy, are you alright?”
Percy shrugged. “I'm not sure. I'm conflicted. And worried. Half the police force saw my meltdown, they're gonna put me in mandated therapy before I'm able to work again.” She sighed. Talking about feelings were hard for Percy, and with a stranger it was even harder.
“That's okay. Maybe it'll help.” Meryl tried to make light of the situation. “I'm sure the therapy will help you get rid of feelings you've been avoiding.”
“Avoiding? I don't avoid my feelings.” Percy said, defending her way of feeling.
“Yes, you do. Ramsey told me you called Parker your daughter, despite the fact you know she's your niece.” Meryl said. “You don't just do that. If you say something it has meaning. With that, I think that you're avoiding the fact you think of Parker more than just your niece. She gives you a maternal feeling, doesn't she?”
Percy went silent. “What does that feel like?”
“Well. It varies, I'd assume.” Meryl started. “It's like when you really want to be there for someone, and look over them like they’re family. Which Parker is, but, I think you see a part of yourself in her.” Meryl said as she looked directly at the road in front of them.
Percy thought for a moment, thinking about what Meryl said. “I'm not sure if I do. We're two different people. How can we be alike?” Percy asked.
“I'm sure you'll figure that out. You always do.” Meryl smiled. The drive went silent again. Maybe Meryl was right. But how? Percy thought about it and just couldn't find an answer. The car pulled into the police station, and the women got out. Heading inside. Percy knew she didn't want to be here, she wanted to be with her niece, even if it was in a hospital.
The cadets stared at Percy as she walked through the police station. She was disheveled, her hair awry, her mascara smeared across her cheeks, and her uniform wrinkled and dirty. Percy immediately got to her paperwork. The statement was the most daunting part. Her penmanship, which was mostly neat, was barely readable. The pen ink smeared as she moved her hand across the page. Her leg bounced underneath the desk. Her breathing was uneven, and her eyebrows were furrowed the entire time. Minutes turned into hours as she did the paperwork. It was almost three in the morning when she finished, and she had been up since 6 yesterday. She had been awake for almost 21 hours. She felt like passing out. She turned in her paperwork and left the station, walking out into her police cruiser, and getting in. She sat in the driver's side seat, just sitting. She was in no state to drive right now and she knew that. She sat there, for a good minute. Before resting her head on the wheel. She sighed. “What is wrong with me?” She asked herself out loud. She felt like crawling under a rock and dying.
After a good minute, she finally started the car. She was in no state to drive right now, but she didn't care. She started to drive, following all the proper road laws and obeying every light and sign. She drove a good twenty five minutes to the hospital, and parked. She knew visitor hours were over. Even so she still stayed in her car, to tired to drive home now. She leaned the seat back the farthest it could go and laid back. Sure it was uncomfortable and the bright lights from the hospital and lights from the parking lot were unbearable, but being at least this close to her niece made her feel at ease. She moved her arm to cover her eyes, hoping to block out some of the lights that were coming from the parking lot. Percy's thoughts spiraled as she sat there, each thought different and contradicting one another. She blocked them all out. Soon enough she fell asleep.
Hours passed and the sun started Percy in the face as she woke up. As she sat up from her uncomfortable position in the seat her back cracked. The car clock read 9:12. Five hours of lousy sleep that she didn't even count as comfortable. “Damn.” She winced as she fixed her seat to be in the upright position. She stretched the best she could, given the small space she was in. Visitor hours were from 10am-10pm. She had a little over half an hour to kill. Though she didn't feel like killing it. Percy, even though she knew the hospital wouldn't do anything about letting her in, decided to start walking up to the hospital anyway. As she was walking through the parking lot she pulled out her phone. It was almost dead, not having been on the charger for almost a day. There were a couple of texts, ones of which she was too tired to answer right now. Walking into the hospital she was met with the sounds of a man panicking, however, this wasn't just any man. This was her brother.
“Who cares if I'm early! My daughter is in there, injured! I swear to God I will sue!” He threatened. 
“Daniel. Put the empty threats away.” Percy commanded in a tired tone. Daniel turned around at the sound of Percy’s voice.
“Percy? What the hell are you doing here?” 
“I was going to make sure my niece is alright. Now move.” Percy's tone was cold. Colder than normal.
“I-Im sorry to intrude but visitor hours aren't until ten…” the small older receptionist lady behind the desk stated with a wavering voice.
“I am aware. I was going to wait.”
“Wait?! Percy! Parker is in there!” Daniel shouted. “She could be dead!”
“She's not dead. I know that, because I was there.” Percy’s tone got colder. Her brother's lack of common sense always bothered her.
“Oh, if you were there why the hell didn't you do something?!” He said back, his voice getting louder. He widened his stance, his six-foot frame trying to intimidate Percy. She was tired, anxious and upset. She didn't have the time or the patience for his shit today.
“For your information, I did. I was there, I fought him off, and I did my job as an officer and a caregiver. Something you wouldn't know about because, for the last seven years, you and Harper have been in Glassport doing God knows what.” Percy snapped. Her tone didn't raise, but it got cold and harsh. “And only when it's convenient for you is when you do anything for Parker. When was the last time you spoke to her?” Daniel didn't reply, he stood there. His arms crossed. “Exactly. I didn't think so. I have done my damnedest for this girl, trying to do everything in my might to understand and connect to her. The only reason you sent her with me is because of her neurodiversity damnit. God forbid anybody in this family be different.” Percy was surprisingly gentle with her rant.
“So I'm not allowed to make sure my daughter is alright?” Daniel retorted.
“She's not your daughter anymore when your sister has been her goddamn caregiver for seven years!” Percy was getting loud. She felt slightly bad that she was arguing in a hospital, but she needed to tell her brother her thoughts. “Tell whoever the hell you want, but Parker is my daughter! I've fed her, clothed her and put a roof over her head for the last seven years! And I've done all that while still maintaining my job, my social life and my own neurological condition!” She breathed heavily. “So no, you have no right to call her your daughter.” 
Daniel scoffed. “What the fuck ever Percival. That damn autism still making you a stubborn little shit.” He rolled his eyes and left the hospital. He wasn't gonna deal with her shit, to him she was still a child, one who couldn't do anything on their own. She was viewed like that by all the King men in the family. Percy being left standing there, breathing heavily, looked at the clock on the wall, 9:44.
The older receptionist lady behind the desk quickly scribbled on a pink piece of paper and handed it to Percy. “Here, love. If anyone asks, tell them you've been waiting for a while and I let you in early.” The piece of paper had the receptionist's name on it, a time, and the room number for Parker. 
Percy nodded. “Thank you.” Percy took the paper and held it in between her index and middle fingers. She wasn't expecting to argue with her brother this early in the morning, hell she wasn't even expecting him to be here at all. But she meant every word she said to him. Percy walked through the quiet, cold halls of the hospital. The smell of stagnant death in the air. The smell was off-putting, so much so that she resorted to mouth breathing.
Parker's room wasn't much different, the smell and vibes were the same. Percy didn't bother knocking or anything. Parker was seen on the bed tapping her fingers together. She noticed Percy walk in and went to speak, but before she could Percy walked up and hugged her. This hug held more meaning than the other hugs they had shared in the past. This one was tighter, and full of protective love. When Percy pulled away she placed a gentle hand on Parker's cheek and spoke. “Are you alright?” Parker nodded.
“Yeah, I'm okay, Auntie. You look tired… Are you okay?” Parker asked back as Percy held her hands.
“I'll be fine. Just a little shocked is all.” Percy responded.
“I'm sorry. About everything… I should've-”
“No, don't say anything.” Percy hushed her. “I know what happened. And I was expecting it. You're a stubborn girl, and you're a problem solver. You sneaking out wasn't as much of an issue as it was what happened last night.” Percy squeezed her hands in her own. “I know you weren't expecting it, but you did well holding your own.”
“If I did well, why am I in a hospital?” Parker asked. “And if you're not bothered by it, why do you look so stressed?”
“I'm stressed because I'm worried. About you. And the way I handle things…” Percy admitted as she sighed. “I know I'm not perfect, I'm far from it. But I try. And what happened last night scared me. And I'm sure it scared you just as much.” Parker nodded. It gave her one hell of a scare.
“It did.” Parker said. “Why do people like that exist? I was minding my own business.”
“I'm not sure, sweetheart. Just know he's behind bars now.” Percy softly smiled as she moved a strand of Parker's hair from her face. “Did the police come speak to you?”
“Yes ma'am. They did. I gave them my statement and everything.”
“Good girl.” Percy smiled. “I'm glad you're alright. I don't know what I would do without you.”
“Who knows? Glad I won't have to find out.” Percy laughed a bit. As she gave Parker a side hug. The two went on, carrying on conversation for a while. Soon enough a doctor came in.
“Ms. King?” He said. Both girls perked their heads up. The doctor looked at the two and asked Percy, “You're Parker's mother, correct?” Percy was going to correct him, she was her aunt, but figured she might as well just accept it.
“Yes.” Parker gave Percy a confused look.
“Here's her discharge papers. Fill these out, give them to the front desk and she's able to leave.” He handed her a clipboard, then promptly left the room.
As Percy was filling out the paperwork she could sense Parker's look of confusion. “Parker? What's with the look?” 
“Why didn't you correct him? You always correct people.” Parker asked as Percy continued the paperwork.
“Simple. Didn't need to.” The confused Parker more. Percy went on to explain. “If I take the role of a mother, I might as well accept it, right?”
“I assume?” Parker said. “So… I'm your daughter…?”
“Not biologically. But yes.” Parker let out a noise of acknowledgment and happiness. Percy wasn't usually this open with how she felt. But she wasn't objecting to it. “Paperworks done, grab your stuff.” 
“Yes mom” Parker said jokingly as she grabbed what few things she needed to.
“Let's not go that far.” Percy responded.
16 notes · View notes
quibllyfish · 3 months
Me watching my silly Mammon headcanons gain more traction than my Satan minific through tears and gritted teeth...
(IM STILL GRATEFUL! Its just silly how a lower effort work is more well received than something I spent a couple hours on! Perhaps you all prefer short form content?)
6 notes · View notes
walkinginland · 10 months
seven sentence sunday
starting this off today because it'll be a busy day for me but I'm really pleased with the progress i'm making on this work song 5+1 and i wanted to share :) hoping to have it done in the next few weeks!
She’s not supposed to be here. Yes, here in this time and this country and with him, this was her place. He accepted that long ago, and there is no going back from how they are bound together. This may not have been the time that she was born into, but it was now hers. And she had belonged here at his side, he thinks, for longer than either of them have been alive. But here on this mountainside, with smoke and musket balls flying, with the dirt slick beneath him with the blood of himself and others, she was supposed to be anywhere but here. He had known this day was coming, and he hadn’t wanted her to see it. She was supposed to stay behind, and stay safe.
Not that she had ever done what she was told, and god damn her, he loves her for it.
He had been drifting before, lost in the chaos of the battle moving above him, disconnected even from his own pain. Claire found him though, and he is no more connected to his body, no more likely to live through this. But he is steady. She and her stubbornness holding him and weighing him down from his drifting.
There is just so much blood.
no pressure tagging @flyinghome-againstthewind, @theawkwardterrier, @three-drink-amy, @freneticfloetry, @liminalmemories21, @homerforsure, and anyone else who would like to share a lil something they've been working on!
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targkso · 1 year
I've never felt more desperate to finish a fic before because my GOD I just want other people to know the PatCap Torments I Have Been Dealing with
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sansbyshipper · 9 months
Chapter 5 is done
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School was hardcore this week...I don't think I will promise a chapter when I have 2 essays due around the same time again. Sorry for the wait. I opened my ask box so y'all can yell at me now. (Questions, theories, requests) hope y'all enjoy...
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dream-sans-mogai · 29 days
Ive officially exited my " oh God! I don't wanna get called out and harassed by the mogai community! I value this community but I hate all the inner policing! I'm so scared to say anything and accidentally upset people, I'm just gonna be quiet and hide" era and entered my " fuck off, get blocked and glocked. Im here to post flags and identities and that's fuckin it. I litterally don't care anymore, nothing you say is based in reality or matters outside of this horrendous site. No one is thinking about any of this other than you and like 500 other people, if that, so I'm not apologizing for shit." era so watch out for the debris.
#clover speaks#i dont care anymore lol#ive been really quiet for awhile but honestly its not worth it#if i piss you off cause i stood up for myself or said something that wasnt worded in your perfect little ways#just take your ass and leave#if you genuinely care about all the little shit you have lining your dni about inate online identities that will never see sunlight#you have bigger problems than me saying something on this webbed sight that dosent 10000% align with everything you've ever believed#im not clarifying anything this is not a safe space its a blog with flags and identities#you will have to face people who disagree with you in your daily life and cope with it#btw this wasnt particularly started by anything and isnt a vague or anything about any muturals or something#ive just decided finally that i dont care anymore and im just gonna do and interact with what i please#and if you stick around great#enjoy that#if not you wont be missed#bye 👋🏼#im just gonna start blocking people who say stupid shit that makes no sense for my mental health#i cant handle half this shit and i dont really need to so fuck it lol#im here for flags your here for flags who gives a litteral shit about identity 3748394747393847373838#no one will physically even say it irl because its so obscure#i will still call out people for doing stupid shit but im leaving this stage and making my own#fuck all that noise have fun and fuck off doing so#btw im not abandoning the community im still gonna make shit lol and so will sunny and ink#its just with alot less nice words and being pushed over
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elexnorislingtxn · 1 month
brb gonna delete everything i just wrote
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ssruis · 2 months
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(Insert rui curtain call untrained) there are. 2 scenes written. 2 SHORT scenes. The rest is all barebones frame work of the other 10 scenes. There will probably be more scenes added. Why does this always happen.
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