#Workers' Compensation Appeals
coremcenterusa · 8 months
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Ensuring the health and safety of workers is crucial in the ever-changing modern workplace. Workplace injuries can deeply impact an organization’s productivity and the well-being of the individual. In this blog article, we’ll go over important information about preventing workplace injuries and giving employers and workers the tools they need to establish a secure and productive workplace. If you need any assistance with Workplace Injury Prevention, contact Core Medical Center.
We have an experienced team who can also help you to make Workers’ Compensation Appeals by doing the official work. Even our team will help you by providing primary care if you have any work-related injuries.
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polawyer · 1 year
Workers Compensation Appeals: A Step-by-Step Guide with the Help of a Lawyer
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PO Lawyer - When an employee gets injured on the job, they may be eligible for workers compensation benefits. However, sometimes the insurance company denies or disputes the claim, leaving the employee in a tough spot. Fortunately, workers' compensation appeals exist to help employees get the benefits they deserve. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the appeals process with the help of a lawyer. Workers' compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who get injured or become ill as a result of their job. These benefits can include medical treatment, wage replacement, and disability payments. Why might a workers' compensation claim be denied? There are many reasons why an insurance company might deny a workers' compensation claim. Some common reasons include: - The injury was not work-related - The employee did not notify their employer of the injury in a timely manner - The employee did not seek medical treatment for the injury - The employee has a pre-existing condition that contributed to the injury
Step-by-Step Guide to Workers' Compensation Appeals
If your workers' compensation claim has been denied or disputed, you have the right to appeal the decision. Here are the steps you should take: Step 1: Hire a Workers' Compensation Lawyer The appeals process can be complex and time-consuming, so it's important to have an experienced workers' compensation lawyer on your side. Related : The Importance of Constitutional Lawyers in Criminal Defense A lawyer can help you understand your rights, gather evidence to support your case, and represent you at hearings and in court if necessary. Step 2: File a Notice of Appeal Once you have hired a lawyer, they will file a notice of appeal with the appropriate state agency. This must be done within a certain amount of time after the initial denial or dispute, so it's important to act quickly. Step 3: Prepare for the Hearing After you file the notice of appeal, a hearing will be scheduled. Your lawyer will help you prepare for the hearing by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and preparing your testimony. They may also negotiate with the insurance company to try to settle the case before the hearing. Step 4: Attend the Hearing At the hearing, you and your lawyer will present your case to an administrative law judge. The judge will consider the evidence and make a decision on whether to grant or deny your claim. Step 5: File an Appeal with the Court If the administrative law judge denies your claim, you have the right to appeal the decision to a higher court. Your lawyer can help you file the necessary paperwork and represent you in court. Dont Miss : Attorney Offices Near Me: Finding the Right Legal Representation Navigating the workers' compensation appeals process can be overwhelming, but with the help of an experienced lawyer, you can increase your chances of getting the benefits you deserve. Remember to act quickly, gather evidence to support your case, and be prepared to attend hearings and possibly go to court.
- How long does the workers' compensation appeals process take? - The length of the appeals process can vary depending on the state and the complexity of the case. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more. - Can I file a workers' compensation appeal on my own? - While it is possible to file an appeal on your own, it is highly recommended that you hire a workers' compensation lawyer to help you navigate the process. - Will I have to pay my lawyer upfront for their services? - Many workers' compensation lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Be sure to discuss payment options with your lawyer before hiring them. - What happens if I win my workers' compensation appeal? - If you win your appeal, you will receive the benefits that you were initially denied or disputed. These benefits can include medical treatment, wage replacement, and disability payments. - What happens if I lose my workers' compensation appeal? - If you lose your appeal, you have the option to appeal the decision to a higher court. Your lawyer can help you determine the best course of action. Read the full article
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avatar-anna · 6 months
Workday Blues
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2024 Masterlist
i wrote this weeks ago after a co-worker had me seeing red lol
"I just don't get it, H," you sighed, leaning back against the leather seat of your car as you waited for the light to change. Your voice felt strained, and you knew you sounded whiny, but you couldn't help it. After a long shift at work, you told yourself you reserved the right to complain. "Why can't people just, I don't know, do the job they showed up to do and get paid for?"
"I'm sorry, bub," Harry said, his voice tinny as it filled up your car. "Did you talk to your manager?"
You scoffed. "There's no point, but I swear I wanted to tell them I didn't want to work that shift anymore. I'm just so sick of—of—doing more than what's required of me and not being compensated for it."
Harry remained quiet over the phone. At this point in your relationship, he knew when you wanted his advice and when you just needed to vent about your job. The latter happened more and more as of late. Sometimes you felt bad for being so negative, but after nine hours of being overly positive as a restaurant server, you didn't have much positivity left in you.
"Need me to leave you a review again?" Harry finally asked.
Despite your exhaustion, you smiled. "What's that, now? The third one this month?"
"Fourth. Three and a half. I had Mitch leave one after the, what did you call it, 'influencer incident?'" he asked, referring to an afternoon where someone tried to pay for their meal by posting a video online.
"Hm. I'll have to bring him a slice of pie the next time I visit the studio."
"Hey, what about me? Where's my pie?"
Grin widening a bit, you said, "I'll give you something better."
"And...how far from home are you now?"
"Pulling in right now. I'll see you inside."
You pulled into the home you shared with Harry, resting your forehead against the steering wheel once the car was in park. Your feet hurt, you smelled like the food your restaurant served, and you desperately needed to take your makeup off. Sometimes you wondered why you were still putting yourself through all of this, and Harry definitely did too. For years now, Harry promised to take care of you, to take care of your student debt so you could focus on your career and not be so tired and unhappy. He didn't say it often because it typically led to an argument about independence and needing to be able to take care of yourself, but you knew how he felt, and after days like today, the idea of letting someone else take care of you financially seemed more appealing than it normally did.
Sighing, you slid out of the car, gathering your lunch bag and purse before shuffling into the house on slippered feet. "H?" you called, eyes lighting up when you heard the sound of nails scraping against wood floors. A shadow of jet black fur whipped around the corner and bounded toward the entrance hall to you, tongue out and tail wagging.
"Hi, pookie! How's my sweet boy?" you cooed. Hades nudged your leg with his nose, and you bent down to run your hands over his soft puppy fur until he eventually fell onto his back in need of belly rubs.
"You talking to me?" Harry's voice sounded like it came from the kitchen, which you followed once you straightened up and your dog was finished licking your face.
"You're gonna eat your words when you get your cute butt over here."
"I live with two boys, and only one of them greets me excitedly without fail. You do the math," you joked.
You smiled and shook your head at the comment. Harry knew your feelings about your "unflattering" work uniform, so he often went out of his way to compliment you whenever you were in it.
When you finally made it to where Harry was standing at the kitchen counter, tears nearly welled up in the corners of your eyes. "Is that—"
"Wild Cherry Pepsi," he said, his grin wide and knowing as he read your expression. "With pebbled ice. And dinner, but I know you care more about the drink with that sugar addiction of yours."
"You know me so well," you said, your voice rising in pitch as your head bowed.
"Aw, come here, bub." You shuffled over the last few steps to Harry, folding right into his welcoming embrace.
His body was firm and comforting against yours, his t-shirt soft beneath your cheek. Breathing in deep, you wrapped your arms around Harry's torso, letting every frustration you felt at work fall away as he held you.
"Thank you," you mumbled, tilting your head up after a minute or two had passed.
Harry smoothed his hand over your hair and down your back, pulling at the hair tie that held your braid in place all day. "For what?"
You shrugged, eyes closed as he began to pull the strands of your braid apart. "I don't know. For being you, for not suggesting I should quit when I know you want to."
"Another time," Harry promised. Pulling out a chair at the kitchen table, he gestured for you to sit down. You practically fell into the chair, feeling like you could finally relax as you took the plastic to-go cup into your hands and took a sip. Your eyes closed, feeling as though you could fall asleep right then even though you knew you should probably eat. As if he could tell you were on the brink of sleeping, Harry asked, "Do you want to keep talking about work or are you ready to forget?"
Harry wasn't being rude, nor was he belittling your frustration. You'd done this song and dance a time or two, but some days required you to vent more than others.
Around the straw, you said, "Can I?"
He sat beside you, taking Hades in his lap, who was happy to be held even though he was getting way too big for it. Usually, you chided Harry for holding Hades like that, but you were too tired, and honestly, it was kind of cute.
You talked while you ate, and Harry listened, letting you get everything you needed off your chest. He was quiet but attentive, apologizing for things out of his control and cursing your co-workers when you did. None of it would really improve the situation at work, but you always appreciated Harry's willingness to listen when you needed him to, and share in your anger and frustration when necessary.
Standing from the table, you took your plate and put everything in the dishwasher. Grabbing your plastic cup in one hand and Harry's hand in the other, you said, "I think I'm all done."
Harry kissed your temple before pulling you up the stairs toward your bedroom. Hades snaked between you and him to run ahead, waiting on the landing impatiently. "Good, because the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City won't wait for just anyone."
"Not a reading night, huh?" you asked, resting your head on his shoulder. Harry looked down and raised his brows in an expression that expressed he was not, in fact, going to be cracking open his book tonight. Kissing his cheek, you said, "Go ahead and start the next episode, baby. I'm gonna hop in the shower and wash my day off."
Harry, who'd been on his way to do just that, paused and frowned. "Well now I want to watch something else."
Grinning, you held out your hand while you continued to sip your drink. "Come on."
Hades, who had already claimed his spot at the edge of your bed, tilted his head to one side, clearly confused as to why his parents were walking away instead of joining him. "We'll be quick," you promised, even though you knew your dog didn't understand. But the message was for Harry too.
When you were finally in bed, watching Harry's show through eyes that were struggling to stay open, you looked up from where you resting against his shoulder. Harry's glasses were perched on his nose, his eyes focused on the television in front of him as he ran his hand idly over Hades' fur, who had conveniently found his way onto your lap once you settled into bed for the night.
"If you insist," Harry said on an exhale, turning the shower on and setting it to a temperature he knew you both liked.
"Be honest," you said suddenly. "I'd be happier if I quit, right?"
Harry was quiet, but you knew he'd heard you. He was just weighing his words. "Is another job lined up in this alternate universe?" he finally asked.
"I don't know, maybe. They argue quite a bit, though. Don't think you want to be part of all that drama," he replied, taking the remote and pausing his show. He looked down at you, eyes soft but perhaps a little concerned. You'd never considered his offer of letting him provide for you this seriously before. "Honestly? I think you'd get bored, bub."
You shrugged. "I don't know. You've said you'd always take care of me. What if I just...let you? I could be one of them," you mused, nodding your head at the women on your TV.
A nod and a noncommittal hum was your only response for a few seconds until you'd gathered your thoughts. "I'm just so...tired. I'm tired of everything I do not being appreciated. I'm tired of not being supported. I love my regulars and I like most of my co-workers, and part of me feels a sense of loyalty to this place despite, well, everything."
"We'll do some job hunting tomorrow," Harry said. "I'll help you update your resume, you'll send some feelers out, and we'll go from there. How does that sound?"
"I could get a remote job," you mused. "I'd get to be home more. I could travel more with you."
Harry kissed the top of your head. "As much as I would love that, I think your strengths lie in the connections you make with people. You certainly charmed the pants off me."
"Literally or metaphorically?"
You grinned, cheeks reddening as you recalled the night you first met Harry.
"Holy shit you're Harry Styles."
Your hand immediately clapped over your mouth, as if physically covering it would keep you from embarrassing yourself further. In your defense, it was the first time a celebrity sat in your section at work, and no one had thought to warn you. And Harry Styles, no less. The man in front of you was probably still immortalized on your childhood bedroom wall, and now you'd all but outed yourself as a fan when he'd no doubt wanted some privacy.
"I'm so sorry, I—" How were you supposed to recover from this? Harry stared at you with a small smile, a pitying one, no doubt. God, you had one opportunity to act cool in front of a celebrity and you blew it in less than ten seconds. "I'm sorry, let me start over. Hi, I'm Y/n, and I'll be taking care of you today. Can I get you something to drink?"
"Just a water please," Harry replied, his voice soft as his smile widened, which made you think that perhaps he thought you making an absolute fool out of yourself was at the very least amusing.
Once you made it back to the service station to retrieve his water glass, you gave yourself exactly one minute to collect yourself. "He's just another customer. An extremely attractive customer," you murmured, grabbing a pitcher of water from the fridge. "You can do this, Y/n. Pull yourself together."
From there, things went smoothly. You acted like you hadn't freaked out when you initially greeted Harry's table, and Harry was thankfully on board with that plan. He was polite, wasn't fussed when a dish he wanted couldn't be made vegetarian, and was surprisingly interested in making conversation with you anytime you were at his table.
"How long have you worked here?"
"Too long," you joked. "Sometimes I feel like there's a bit of Stockholm Syndrome with this place, but the tips are good."
Your eyes widened a bit when you realized he might think you were making a joke about one of his songs—which you absolutely weren't trying to do—but you didn't comment on it, and thankfully neither did he. You talked a little bit more about the career you did want to get into, and casually asked what brought him to the restaurant you worked at. It wasn't one celebrities tended to frequent, but perhaps that was its charm to Harry.
"Had a day to myself, just thought I'd do some exploring," he explained before you left him to enjoy his meal.
You'd gotten a couple more tables since then and couldn't go over and talk to Harry like you wanted, but perhaps that was for the best. You flitted around the restaurant floor like you always did, charming customers and taking complaints in stride with a smile. Tips were key, and snarky comments or not being accommodating would get you nowhere with certain customers, even if it did kill you inside just a little bit to see an insufferable person get their way.
You didn't realize it at the time, but according to Harry, he watched you—not in a creepy way, per his recollection of your first meeting. He watched you chat with regulars and help your co-workers place orders and carefully placate disgruntled customers. And all the while, you still managed to stop by his table, smiling and topping off the coffee he ordered after he ate, which, according to him he'd done just so he could keep talking to you.
Apparently, he'd been working up the courage to flirt with you when you finally set the check down on the table. "No rush," you said with a smile before heading to another table, a party of ten that you accidentally huffed to him was supposed to be a party of five.
Harry paid, then smiled when his bill and credit card came back to him. Sorry for acting like an idiot earlier. It was nice meeting you! you'd written on the receipt, adorning it with a smiley face. You watched as Harry smiled as he read your note from Expo before one of the line cooks shouted at you to run the food that was up.
You didn't think you'd ever see Harry again, a universal truth, some might've called it. But for some reason, the notion disappointed you, and not because you didn't get a picture with your teenage crush. It felt bigger than that somehow, which was altogether crazy considering you'd only just met him.
So imagine your surprise when you saw him again two days later. "He was supposed to be in my section, but he insisted on yours. Don't fuck it up," one of your more vile co-workers told you, clearly jealous. And as you saw him, his head bent over the menu and his knee bouncing beneath the booth, your heart leaped in your chest in a way that made you both nervous and excited.
"You forgot something," he said as he closed out his check for the second time that week. Time had passed in a blur, despite it slowing down every time you went over to talk to him, which was to say a lot. It wasn't as busy as the day he first came in, leaving you no choice but to check on him more than you normally would.
"Did I?" you asked, looking down at the bill with furrowed brows.
"Last time I was here, I mean," Harry corrected.
Last time, you thought. All Harry had gotten was a salad and a coffee, but the tip he left was well over half of what your other tables had left that day combined. But you rang everything in correctly. Perhaps he was expecting a discount for his celebrity status? He didn't seem like the type, but that was the only conclusion you were able to draw.
"The note you left," he continued, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. He sat up straighter, giving you a better view of the Keith Harring shirt he wore. "It didn't have your number on it, so I've had to come back the last two days so I could ask you for it. Only now I know you don't work on Mondays."
Shock ran through your entire body, to the point where you couldn't even speak. Harry, Harry Styles, mind you, wanted your number. Badly enough that he'd come back to an average Mom-and-Pop restaurant to get it.
"No, I—I don't," was all you could manage as your entire face heated up.
"I hope I'm not sounding like a creep right now," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I realize now I may have participated in some light stalking."
"You're not," you blurted, trying to remember how to speak. You felt like you'd somehow entered an alternate dimension. "Here, hold on."
You pulled your order pad from your back pocket and scribbled your number down, willing your hands to stop shaking. Ripping it off the stack, you handed it to Harry, who took it from you graciously.
"Can I call you later?" he asked, standing up from the booth. You had to back up a couple steps to give him room, and you were now aware of just how tall he was as you craned your neck to look at him.
"Please," you blurted, cursing yourself for sounding so eager. Harry didn't seem to mind, though, smiling as he slipped his phone and wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. "I—I mean, sure. I'm off at eight tonight."
"I'll be counting down the minutes," he said before cursing under his breath. "Shit. I sounded like a stalker again, didn't I?"
A laugh bubbled out of you, making Harry's shoulders relax. "I'll allow it. Just this once."
Harry laughed too, then winked, and you were honestly so proud of yourself for not swooning in front of him. "I guess I'll be talking to you later then, Y/n."
"You made me so nervous," you said as you recalled the memory of how you'd embarrassed yourself in front of Harry the first time you met.
"I know," he said, laughing when you smacked his arm. "It was cute, though! And you also made me plenty nervous, to be fair."
"That is true," you sighed, grinning a little as you turned your face into his arm. "One of us stalked the other, and it certainly wasn't me."
"Sure, but one of us has posters of the other plastered all over their childhood bedroom."
Scoffing, you sat up and scooted away from him, making Hades bark in protest. "It's one poster. And you weren't even my favorite. Zayn was."
"Sure. Keep telling yourself that."
"I will."
Sighing, you settled deeper against him, as much as you could considering the puppy still in your lap. "Sometimes I think I keep the job because that's where we met."
"It's okay to let it go. We'll have the memory," Harry promised, his hand meeting yours as he began to scratch Hades' fur. "We'll figure it out. I promise."
Nodding, you reached for the remote and pressed play on the show, content to leave the conversation there. If Harry promised to help you figure it out, then you believed him.
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faust-the-enjoyer · 5 months
Anonymous asked: Adoptive!dad!simon x adopted!kid!reader but it starts off with the reader being a foster kid whos lowkey kinda scared of simon
You Remember the First Time You Called Him "Dad"
Tags/warnings: gn!reader, kid!reader (mid teens), foster!father!simon turned into adoptive!dad!simon, sfw, familial, mentions of the military, mentions of therapy, mentions of mental health issues, implicit mentions of child murder, uk foster care system, a bit of angst, fluff, crying.
A/n: aaaaaaaah i loooved writing this!!! I did my research to write it too!!! Hope you like it anon!
-Divider by (@/saradika-graphics)!
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After being discharged from the military due to his mental health, Simon got monthly compensation from the military, and started working as a butcher again, all while going to therapy at the same time. Since he's pretty much done from working as a soldier, he had to find other things to do, he had to learn to help himself, and find purpose, find a new life for himself.
After going to therapy for a good couple of months and being on medication, he found that his life became...repetitive and dull in a way. It's the same thing over and over again, work, therapy, and the times that he went out with his old teammates didn't change things that much, considering they were on missions on many occasions, dating didn't help either, that didn't work out, he's not one for that.
He'd talk about it with his therapist, he'd talk about with his friends, and he'd get a lot of advises, but none that appealed to him. He didn't know what to do, but sometimes, he'd see one of his co-workers at the butchery with his kid sometimes, seeing couples and single parents out with their own as well, and it all just reminded him of his nephew, that poor kid, Joseph. Although it opens up old wounds that never healed, he did think it over, and even asked his therapist for advice over it, and he finally decided to foster a kid after months of thinking about it and considering it.
He wanted to do a short-fostering plan, just in case it doesn't work out for whatever reason. The application took a couple of months in order for him to become a foster parent, but he didn't mind, he worked on his mental health at the time, and even cleaned out a room in his apartment for the kid that'll be there. After making an inquiry at a local foster care agency, and after a social worker visited him and the process took place, he was given some parenting training, and finally matched up with a kid to take care of, that is, you.
Your first meeting was with him and your two's social worker in a small restaurant, he was a big guy, piercing brown eyes, some scars here and there, and a black surgical mask that he took off when he sat down and started talking to you. He was just a bit scary, just a bit though.
After the social worker introduced you two, Simon took the initiative and started talking to you. "R/N, you can just call me Simon, alright?", he asked in a calm tone, and you nodded, it made sense since you two just met, and he really just wants you to be comfortable. After you two chatted a little and he paid for the meal, the social worker walked you two to his car, and talked to you, you were more than willing to stay with him if that meant some stability in your life, even if he was a little scary, so you agreed to stay with him, and he agreed to foster you, and you said your goodbyes to the social worker.
You didn't want to sit in the front passenger seat, this was all too new to you, and Simon didn't make it any better either, all broody and quiet, with that somewhat harsh look on his face, though he doesn't mean to seem like this at all, he really just wants you to feel safe around him, so he lets you get into the backseat and sees you put your little bag of belongings on the seat next to you, "Put your seatbelt on R/N.", and that you do. Five minutes into the drive and he starts talking.
"So, your school's pretty close to where we will, and to be honest with you kid, I'd prefer to drive you every day there, but tell me, what do you prefer?", he asks, eyes on the road, he'd prefer to drive you because it's safer, and he honestly hopes you just choose that, "...I...ok, um, I don't wanna take the bus, so...", you trail off, you can't even talk about what you want, let alone address him by his first name. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Car it is then.". The rest of the drive is filled with him questioning you on the meals you like, and inquiring you about your hobbies.
As the days passed, you two slowly warmed up to each other, and his kindness would show; in the first couple of days of you settling in, he took you shopping, giving you a certain amount of money and telling to buy whatever clothes you needed, he also encouraged you to buy that plushie you had your eye on but didn't openly say you wanted because you're "too old" for it. He'd ask you to cook dinner with him as way as to spend time with you, letting you chop all the vegetables with your not-too sharp knife, and letting you add them and the spices into the pot.
Hell, it would even extend to other things as well, he wouldn't hug you unless you gave him the green light, nor would he enter your room without knocking or asking for your permission first. And in the first week of picking you up from school, he asked if you if anyone was bothering you, and if you made or already have any friends, if you needed any school supplies, or if you wanted a packed lunch. On the first weekend you stayed at his apartment, he ended asking Johnny to borrow that old gaming set he doesn't use anymore just so you (and him) can play on it.
But you were still scared a little, this new environment was too comfortable, too quiet, your mind kept telling you that something was wrong, when you knew there wasn't. Week by week, your fear would slowly melt away, though it was quite slow, yet the social worker was quite delighted during the check-ups that happened.
One night after brushing your teeth and getting into bed, it started raining, that was fine, relaxing even, until you were deeply asleep and got frighteningly woken up by the loud thunder, heart throbbing, body shaky, you needed water, you needed to calm down. You went into the kitchen, heavy breathing echoing throughout the room, you were so shaken up that you accidentally broke the glass of water you were trying to get out of the cabinet, shattering the glass all over the floor, and prompting Simon to wake up and run to the kitchen, only to find you shaking above the broken glass and breathing heavily, you looked like you were on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt.
He carefully walked up to you quickly, "R/N? You alright? Did you step on the glass?", you look up at him, and the waterworks are on, he can't say anything to you in this state and he knows it, so all he does is usher you into a tight hug. "Shh...shh...it's alright, you're not hurt, you're fine kid...", after calming you down, he sits you on the couch and hands you a cup of water, covering you with a blanket and patting your head, "You can tell me what happened, I won't be mad, I promise.", he sighs, he doesn't know what happened, but he wants you to feel safe in this moment and just breath.
You drink from your cup and set it on the coffee table, breathing in and out, "I was just sleeping, but the thunder woke me up and I just...", "You got scared kid?", you nod, eyes still tired from having your sleep interrupted in such a horrifying manner. It's still thundering loudly outside. He sighs, "Alright, tell you what, since you don't have any school tomorrow, how 'bout you sleep on the couch, and I sit near you, yeah? How does that sound?", you think it over, at least he'll be there if you wake up scared again, "Ok.", he gets up and sits on the armchair next to the couch, letting you lay there and get comfy with the blanket and couch pillow. As you slowly close and rest your eyes, you suddenly open them wide, "Wait...you'll sleep on the chair?", "Yeah, what, you've never done that before?", he lets out a small chuckle, you smile a little and put your head back onto the pillow. After you fell asleep, he got up and quietly cleaned up the broken glass in the kitchen, then returned and sat back down, slowly falling asleep too.
As the months passed, you fell into the routine that you two had, it was a calm one, a comforting one that made your worries disappear. He tried his best to be a father to you, a parental figure to you. He'd pat away any creases in your school uniform, make you lunch boxes, and openly told you to rant to him about school and your friends, about what you wanted to do and be in the future. He wanted to know more about you, and if you ever had any issues, you knew to come to him for help, and you did. He never shamed you for it, never made fun of you, he always helped you out, even if your problem seemed "trivial".
He wanted to know what you liked to do, where you liked to eat. On some weekends after you'd do your homework, he'd take you to a small amusement park then to try a new restaurant, and once he even let you have that sundae you've always wanted to try. On some weekdays, he'd help you with your homework after dinner, telling you how proud he was of you, and after, you'd help him with the dishes. He gave you a monthly allowance ever since you started living with him, letting you buy whatever you wanted (within reason), and you wanted to help him with the house, so you started doing some chores, it was perfect, cozy, loving, what you've both wanted. What he offered and gave you was what every child deserves and should have, you both know that, but neither of you ever had that.
You found someone you can lovingly call your parent, and he found a kid he could proudly say was his. It's been a good year since he fostered you, and now he's sat on your bed, talking to you, "R/N, I...would you like me to adopt you? It's possible you know, just some paperwork, I've just...been thinking it over.", your eyes glimmer with joy and content, and a smile is painted on your lips, "Yes!". A man of his word, after discussing it with the social worker and getting the paperwork done, he ended up adopting you out of the foster care system, now having you as his child, permanently. You were so happy, so so so happy.
A couple of days after the adoption process was done, you sat next to him on the couch as he was reading the newspaper. "Simon.", "Hm?", "Can I call you "dad"?", his eyes widen a little, and he has to hold back some of his emotions, or else he'll cry in front of you, "Yeah, yeah can call me "dad" if you want to kid.", he lets out a small chuckle, ruffling your hair. You laugh, "Thanks dad.", it's a much more comfortable term than his first name, one that suits him.
Gaz: So how's everything with the kid?
Simon: Dead good, they're happy.
Gaz: I told you you'd be a good father, you didn't need to worry so much man.
He sets his phone down and looks at you studying for your exams in the living room, a small content smile on his face. He's glad that he can start anew, and he's glad that he's able to give you what he never had; stability, and a loving parent.
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Since SAG AFTRA has also gone on strike, does that mean the negotiations between the WGA and executives went poorly?
This is a great question, because it allows me to do some educating about labor law!
Today's topic: "bad faith" bargaining.
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While often honored more in the breach than the observance, U.S labor law requires employers to engage in collective bargaining with unions, once those unions have been recognized as the "exclusive representative" of the workers via card check or union election.
Because Leon Keyserling and Senator Robert Wagner were not idiots and could see it coming that employers would drag out negotiations in order to try to destroy the union through attrition, the Wagner Act of 1935 required employers to not just negotiate with unions, but to negotiate "in good faith" and made it a violation of the law to negotiate in bad faith.
Two major forms of negotiating in bad faith are "dilatory tactics" (deliberately using the procedures of collective bargaining and labor law more generally to delay the process) and "surface bargaining" (where the employer goes through the motions of meeting with the union, but refuses to engage in substantive discussions). This can include stuff like sending representatives who don't have authority to negotiate, refusing to schedule sessions or trying to unilaterally control the timeline, not asking questions or engaging in back-and-forth discussion, refusing to discuss topics that are germane to conditions of employment, and so forth.
These kinds of actions are considered Unfair Labor Practice violations and the NLRB can issue "cease and desist" orders and "affirmative bargaining" orders, as well as some rather creative "special remedies" that get around the Wagner Act's lack of monetary penalties. As that suggests, however, part of the problem is that because the Wagner Act doesn't have significant monetary penalties, a lot of companies will just budget a line item for breaking the law and treat that as the cost of doing business, while using the same dilatory tactics to appeal NLRB decisions through the courts in the hope that they can outlast the union. (This is why one of the most effective labor law reforms that could be passed in a Democratic Congress would be adding compounding daily monetary penalties and streamlining the ULP process in both the NLRB and the courts.)
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From what I've read of the negotiations, I think there's a pretty clear cut case that AMPTP engaged in surface bargaining and used dilatory tactics, with the intent to run out the clock and thus provoke a strike in which they believed economic pressure would force the union into surrender, essentially a lock-out without declaring a lock-out.
I think it's backfired on them. A big part of AMPTP's strategy for winning that strike was to divide-and-rule - hence why they came to an agreement with the Director's Guild - by getting through the lean months by filming and releasing shows and movies with already-completed scripts. Now that SAG-AFTRA is on strike, that lifeline of content is immediately cut - which means AMPTP is going to run out of revenue in the near future, which as WGA leaders have pointed out means bad quarterly earnings reports, which means stock prices tank, which means investors and boards of directors get angry and executives become the ones facing the prospect of losing their jobs at the same time that all the compensation they've structured as stock options to avoid taxes loses value.
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Air Canada court ruling sees former Aveos maintenance workers aim for $100M in compensation
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Judge decided on formula to calculate damages for 2,200 former employees in Montreal, Winnipeg, Mississauga
Air Canada could have to pay more than $100 million in compensation to workers who lost their jobs at maintenance centres more than a decade ago, say lawyers in a class-action suit.
A 2022 ruling in Quebec Superior Court found the airline violated federal law by failing to keep three centres operational when Aveos Fleet Performance Inc. — the contractor that ran them — collapsed in 2012.
Air Canada has filed an appeal, which has not yet been heard.
This week, the judge decided on a formula to calculate lost wages and other damages for the 2,200 former employees of the shuttered Aveos plants, located in Montreal, Winnipeg and Mississauga, Ont.
The compensation will likely top $100 million — at least $45,400 per employee — said Elodie Drolet-French, a lawyer representing the workers. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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iww-gnv · 7 months
Reuters: "Home Depot Ban on Worker's Black Lives Matter Apron Was Illegal, US Agency Rules."
From the article:
Feb 21 (Reuters) - Home Depot violated U.S. labor law by barring a retail worker from wearing an apron that said "BLM" in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, a federal labor board ruled on Wednesday. The National Labor Relations Board in a 3-1 decision said the worker's refusal to remove the writing from the apron was protected by federal law because it came amid complaints about racial discrimination by employees at the New Brighton, Minnesota store. The worker, Antonio Morales, who uses they/them pronouns, in 2021 was told not to return to work with the altered apron and quit in response. Morales and other workers at the store had previously raised concerns about racial harassment and discrimination, and wearing the BLM apron was a "logical outgrowth" of those complaints, the NLRB said. The labor board found that Home Depot broke the law by forcing Morales to quit because they had advocated for better working conditions, which is considered protected conduct under U.S. labor law. The board said Morales did not have to explicitly link the apron to a workplace protest because, in light of the complaints about discrimination, "the BLM symbol accumulated meaning relevant to working conditions there." Home Depot was ordered to reinstate Morales and compensate them for lost pay and benefits. The company, which can appeal the decision to a federal appeals court, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Read the rest here.
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etirabys · 7 months
What were the major factors for you in deciding whether to have kids?
Unwillingness to forego one of the most intense and unique human relationships possible: "The key to the sociobiology of mammals is milk. Because young animals depend on their mothers during a substantial part of their early development, the mother-offspring group is the universal nuclear unit of mammalian societies."
When I was younger, my major objection to having kids was that it would interfere with my career. I cared a lot about my career and looked forward to transitioning from a student who worked really hard and excelled in classes to a professional who worked really hard and excelled in the workplace and also earned a boatload of money. But then it turned out that I wasn't a hard worker, I just loved studying and taking exams. I don't have a career or the relationship to a career I envisioned, so that's the major obstacle removed.
Seven years ago, I went to a meetup hosted by an economist who liked historical reenactments. His three adult children were in SCA garb, served the guests food from a medieval Persian cookbook, and sat around arguing with him (and the rest of us) about economics. It was my first encounter with a family where the children shared interests with their parents and talked like peers. It fundamentally changed my mind on what families could look like.
Similar story: I visited my friend's family two years ago, and stayed in his teen daughter's room because there had been an in-house auction to determine whose room would go to the guest. She won and was monetarily compensated for it. In addition to having another example of a Relatable Family Where The Members Actually Like Each Other, I found my friend and his spouse's financial philosophy appealing and will be compensated for pregnancy and childcare by my spouse. 20% of my objection to having kids was objection to the financial arrangements of traditional marriage (which imo fucked over both of my parents when their relationship broke down... but more so my mom), so it shifted me on the kids issue to see & adopt a financial arrangement that to me feels more autonomy-preserving, egalitarian, and respectful of my labor and opportunity costs.
I knew I didn't want to be pregnant, didn't particularly like infants, didn't want to interact with toddlers for more than an hour (I like them but get very fatigued and have to go lie face down to recharge), which seemed like a good argument to not have kids. But I also simulated being 70 and childless and it felt distinctly bad. Among other reasons I noticed for the first time that I want a connection to the coming generations, which was startling.
It was hard not to notice that the giant would make an excellent dad, and also that we have complementary skill sets and preferences qua parents.
I read "Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids" after I'd already decided to have kids, but when I was discussing the decision with friends, multiple of them brought the book up. Its basic argument is that we (I suppose I mean Americans and East Asians here) invest in our children well past the point where it matters, which increases the quality of life difference between parents and nonparents, which sucks because lots of people would enjoy raising kids if the unnecessary expectations were dropped. Once I actually read the book I found it suspect (I stopped reading when Caplan described a study and then drew an inference that didn't logically follow), but the conclusion seems true based on observation and common sense. My own parents and I had a lot of conflict over piano lessons because proficiency in an instrument was expected in their milieu. My mom regularly fought me to make me eat breakfast (to this day I don't eat in the morning, my body just isn't made for that) even though it would have been fine to send me off to school with a banana to tide me over until lunch. People trade away health and career points to breastfeed even though the evidence is shaky that it matters. My sister is pursuing a zero screen policy with her child and said this choice significantly increases work and emotional toll. Once I noticed I was the type to be an overworked neurotic parent and that I'd priced my own terrible personality in when simulating how hard childrearing would be, I also noticed I could (with effort) not be that person and have an easier time. So my expectations of parenting changed.
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On this day, 22 June 1948, the Empire Windrush arrived in Tilbury docks bringing the first group of 492 Jamaicans to the UK. They had answered an appeal for workers from the UK which needed to rebuild following World War II, amidst an acute labour shortage. By 1970, around half a million people from the Caribbean had arrived, and became known as the Windrush generation. Many of the arrivals were highly skilled workers, but were forced to work in low-paid and unskilled jobs due to discrimination, sometimes with the collaboration of trade unions. Others were subjected to physical attacks by racists and fascists, including at times large mobs of hundreds of people. In 1971, all prior Commonwealth arrivals were given automatic, permanent right to remain. But in 2010 the government destroyed all the landing cards from ships, which recorded when migrants arrived. And in 2012 the Liberal Democrat-Conservative coalition government introduced a policy called the "hostile environment", which was aimed at trying to force some migrants to leave. The Home Office was aware in 2013 that legal Windrush generation residents were being targeted by its policy, which included having private contractor Capita write to residents telling them they were in the country illegally and had to leave. Others were illegally denied NHS treatment for conditions like cancer, detained, deported or refused re-entry to the country, and many were wrongly sacked from their jobs. Outrage eventually caused a government climbdown and pressured them into providing compensation to those affected. But despite an estimated 15,000 people being eligible for up to £570 million compensation, as of June 2022 only around 1000 people had received any compensation. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9495/Empire-Windrush-arrives Picture: new arrivals on the Windrush on this date https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=648550490651503&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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Male checkout worker ‘kicked in the backside’ by female colleague wins sex discrimination case
A supermarket worker has won a sex discrimination case after he was kicked by a female colleague.
Choon Seng Goh, a checkout worker at Asda, told an employment tribunal he was left “humiliated” by the woman, who kicked and kneed him twice, and that if a man had done the same they would have been “sacked on the spot”.
Bosses took months to start investigating his claims before eventually finding Mercy Asante, the woman who kicked him from behind, had “no case to answer”, the hearing was told.
Now Mr Goh is in line to receive compensation after a judge ruled Asda’s investigation had been “seriously flawed” and that the supermarket had discriminated against him on the grounds of his gender.
Mr Goh had started working at a Croydon branch of the supermarket in December 2010.
The tribunal heard that while at his checkout in January 2019, Ms Asante “kicked him in the backside”, although Mr Goh did not report it at the time as he thought it was “a one-off”.
However, in February, Ms Asante then “kneed” him in the backside with enough force that he “jolted forward” and later needed to see his GP.
‘Angry and humiliated’
The tribunal, held in south London, was told the incident left him feeling “angry and humiliated”.
He reported it to his manager, but the panel heard nothing was done over the following months.
When Mr Goh overheard colleagues in June talking about him being kicked, he was upset and approached the store manager, who told him to re-submit his complaint.
When interviewed by managers and asked about his relationship with Ms Asante, Mr Goh said they “joked and laughed” but were “never close”.
He recounted the first incident where Ms Asante “smirked” at him as she walked away from kicking his backside and said he had no idea why she had done it.
Telling bosses about being kneed, he said it had been “eight out of 10” on the pain scale and he had problems with his bowel since.
Ms Asante was interviewed by a different manager and said she did not remember hitting Mr Goh, claiming the pair “always hit and punch each other as a joke”. She was told she “shouldn’t take these jokes to another level and be aggressive”.
At a mediation hearing that December, Ms Asante then claimed Mr Goh had touched her breasts – something he strongly refuted and said was “completely untrue”.
The tribunal heard that following this, Mr Goh took out a formal grievance and was “furious” it had taken nearly a year for the complaint to be acknowledged.
Formal grievance
At a formal grievance meeting, he claimed the matter would have been dealt with quicker “had he not been male” – and that a man would have been “sacked on the spot” if guilty of the same allegation.
The investigation concluded that Ms Asante had a “very playful/banter relationship” with Mr Goh and said of their investigation that “gender had not come into it”.
In May 2020, Mr Goh appealed against the rejection of his grievance, and took Asda to court after his appeal was rejected. 
The tribunal panel ruled the sex of the perpetrator was a “relevant circumstance”.
Addressing Asda’s handling of his complaint, Employment Judge Stephen Heath said: “We have little difficulty accepting Mr Goh’s complaints were not taken seriously.
“There was no proper attempt to grapple with the core part of his complaint, namely, that had he been a woman his complaints would have been dealt with differently.
“We conclude that the appeal hearing and its outcome was mismanaged. The focus was not on addressing his complaints ... the outcome was significantly flawed in that it did not address a crucial element of the complaint.”
Mr Goh won claims of direct sex discrimination. A remedy hearing to decide on how much compensation he receives will take place at a later date.
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avissapiens · 1 year
How to be a Himbo Ch. 7: Work
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(ID: https://twitter.com/armzbro97)
If you’ve somehow managed to snag a himbo into a standard work environment, then you have won yourself one of the best tools you could imagine.
Pure charisma and charming sex appeal; they’ll have customers begging to give you their money with just a smile. They excel in a position where all of the attention is showered on them. Maybe that’s a customer service role with slack-jawed clients barely disguising their lust for him.  Or maybe it’s a warehouse position where all the other boys can gawk and ogle at the way his khaki’s strain around his ass every time he goes to pick up a box. That’s why a Himbo comes into work. A captive audience to shower them with Adoration. Eyes coming and going and looking and staring hungrily at them. Their true job, no matter what their title, is to perform and oblige their hungering adoring fans. They know exactly which itches to scratch to get those extra bonuses at the end of the year and they are more than happy to use their most potent resource to get it.
*Omnipotent Demon narrator voice*
Sure, Victor’s been written up more times than he can count(not that he can count super high) for supposed “dress code violations”; but he knows that’s just the HR guys' way of flirting with him. He always comes back the next day, technically compliant but only technically.
With a body like his he knows he’ll get complaints about being a ‘distraction’ and ‘ a threat to my marriage’ regardless of what he wears. So might as well have fun with it right?
He knows he’s untouchable…at least in the metaphorical sense. Literally speaking he is probably the MOST touchable person around (The IT specialist wishes he could use those tits as a mousepad.) But when you basically have being the Bosses personal desk toy as a part of your total compensation, you wield the immunity and privilege that gives you as a badge of honor. Doesn’t matter what anyone says, you’ll spend all your time draped over someone else's desk or checking your hair in the mirror. It’s a part of your contract.
But Victor is a really hard worker nonetheless. It’s an exhausting, but rewarding business when your body is a product for the company. Most days it’s just a matter of undoing the top few buttons, but bigger clients can really be a handful…and a mouthful, and occasionally an ass-ful. Two if it’s a part of a joint account. But the Avis Athletics Agency prides itself on using the best practices when whoring out our top performers, and employees who prove themselves in that role can expect ample benefits and further responsibilities in the future. The bigger Victor grows those tits, the more he flashes that pretty smile, the more dress code violations he gets; the better. He knows the boss has his eye on him. That's just how he likes to do his work.
To find resources to help embody your Himbo Journey you can check out the Himbo Archetype guide on my Patreon for free .If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also, be sure to join me and my community on Discord. 
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coremcenterusa · 4 months
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Our lives revolve around our work, but what happens when it negatively impacts our health? Even though work-related illnesses can be detrimental to our health, there is hope if you know your rights and know how to file a claim for a work-related illness. We’ll travel through the nuances of Work-Related Illness Claims in this blog, illuminating the way to justice and well-being. Before we dive into the discussion, if you are looking for the best help with your Workplace Injury Management paperwork or treatment for your work-related injuries, reach out to Core Medical Center, USA, today. So, if you find difficulties in the Workers’ Compensation Appeals paperwork, contact us today.
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kenyatta · 1 year
These companies have strayed from their core products — helping you find information, buy things, or connect with people — because their focus is no longer on innovation or providing a service, but finding a "good enough" service that they can then sell advertising around. Despite statements reiterating their commitment to users, workers, or the world, it's clear that tech companies and executives have become totally enthralled by one set of stakeholders: Wall Street. CEOs over hired and then laid off thousands of people or hyped new tech only to reverse course months later, all in an attempt to woo investors. This monomaniacal focus on market performance incentivizes a rot economy — a consistent yet unsustainable trajectory that favors the illusion of growth at the expense of actual development.
The biggest tech companies are encouraged to chase growth not as a way to have happy customers or become sustainable and profitable enterprises, but to have fancy-sounding numbers to send the stock price higher. It doesn't matter to investors that Mark Zuckerberg is burning billions of dollars a year and has absolutely nothing to show for it, or that the basic Facebook product experience has been getting worse for 10 years. Zuckerberg began "the year of efficiency" to show some newfound sense of discipline, but the mass firings are only going to make employees more miserable and the product worse. Even these companies' internal evaluation and compensation systems push employees to develop shiny "new" projects that produce flash-in-the-pan customer interest over building or sustaining existing products for current users.
This mindset has even trickled down to early-stage startups, which are typically thought of as proving grounds for innovation. Venture capital and other investors have pushed for a growth-first model, prioritizing "line goes up" metrics rather than building a useful product and sustainable business. VCs also incentivize companies to appeal to whatever hot trend could get them the highest multiple on their initial investment, rather than doing what will make the best user experience.
The net result of these rotten economics is a genuine lack of innovation. When companies are incentivized to grow at any cost — even if that means degrading the user experience — they will never seek to change or improve the world. Innovation can be expensive, time-consuming, and unprofitable, which means that the only innovation we'll ever see is the short-term kind that leaves a smile on a VC's face but angers average users.
Google, Amazon, and Meta are making their core products worse — on purpose
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
In what case litigants are calling the first time an American jury has held a U.S. corporation legally liable for atrocities abroad, federal jurors in Florida on Monday found that Chiquita Brands International financed a Colombian paramilitary death squad that murdered, tortured, and terrorized workers in a bid to crush labor unrest in the 1990s and 2000s.
The federal jury in West Palm Beach, Florida found the banana giant responsible for funding the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) and awarded eight families whose members were murdered by the right-wing paramilitary group $38.3 million in damages.
EarthRights International, which first filed the case—Doe v. Chiquita—in 2007, called the verdict "a milestone for justice."
"The jury's decision reaffirms what we have long asserted: Chiquita knowingly financed the AUC, a designated terrorist organization, in pursuit of profit, despite the AUC's egregious human rights abuses," the group said.
"By providing over $1.7 million in illegal funding to the AUC from 1997 to 2004, Chiquita contributed to untold suffering and loss in the Colombian regions of Urabá and Magdalena, including the brutal murders of innocent civilians," EarthRights added. "This historic verdict also means some of the victims and families who suffered as a direct result of Chiquita's actions will finally be compensated."
One of the plaintiffs in the case called the verdict the "triumph of a process that has been going on for almost 17 years, for all of us who have suffered so much during these years."
Plaintiffs' attorney Agnieszka Fryszman said that "the verdict does not bring back the husbands and sons who were killed, but it sets the record straight and places accountability for funding terrorism where it belongs: at Chiquita's doorstep."
The U.S. labor reporting site More Perfect Unioncalled the verdict "an unprecedented win against corporate violence, which could [be] the first of many."
A Chiquita spokesperson toldFruitnet that the company plans to appeal the verdict.
The AUC was formed in 1997 via the union of right-wing paramilitary groups battling leftist guerrillas—mainly the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN)—in the South American nation's civil war. Closely linked to Colombia's U.S.-backed military, the AUC—some of whose members were trained by Israelis—was designated a terrorist organization in 2001 by the U.S. State Department, which cited its "massacres, kidnappings of civilians, and participation in the trafficking of narcotics."
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A female correctional officer in Canada has won an employment tribunal case after she suffered a mental health injury while being assigned to monitor a trans-identified male inmate who had been transferred to a women’s prison.
According to a court ruling filed on October 3, the female correctional officer will be entitled to workers compensation benefits after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) she had acquired while being forced to monitor a trans-identified male inmate for 12 hours without relief despite her increasing anxiety. 
The plaintiff, a 55-year-old woman who had been working in corrections for 11 years, had been assigned to monitor the inmate after he had been placed on suicide watch in December of 2019. The officer immediately made her employer aware that she had mental health concerns due to childhood sexual trauma, making the task difficult for her. 
She testified that on December 16, 2019, she had been sent to the maximum security wing of the institution she was employed at and told to take over the monitoring of a trans-identified male inmate while he was on suicide watch. The assignment required her to unwaveringly monitor a video stream from inside the inmate’s cell.
According to the court records, she was made to sit in a small, dark office by herself and record what was happening in the cell every 15 minutes, including when the inmate went to the bathroom and masturbated.
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While the identity of the prisoner is unknown, the court documents state he had been incarcerated in a men’s institution for “years” prior to claiming to be transgender and receiving a transfer to a women’s prison. 
The officer repeatedly requested she be relieved of this duty, and advised her managers that she felt a male officer should have been responsible for the task considering the inmate was fully intact, but her requests were denied and she was told she had to remain at her post.
Throughout her shift, the officer became increasingly anxious, and ultimately divulged that she had survived child sexual abuse to her supervisor. But her boss threatened her with disciplinary action or termination if she did not complete the task assigned to her. 
While she was originally scheduled to work from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., management was unable to find a female officer willing or able to assume her post at the time she was supposed to leave, resulting in the worker having to remain at the station until 2 a.m. During the course of the 12-hour shift, she had also been denied a proper break or bathroom time, as no one was able to assume her post.
The day after her shift, the officer sought mental health assistance. She was given a note by her doctor to remain off work until January 3, and was ultimately diagnosed with PTSD within that timeframe.
According to the ruling: “The worker testified about the impact on her life since the incident. She testified that she could not return to work and was constantly reliving her childhood abuse. She felt re-traumatized and unheard by the employer when she tried to reach out. She felt like she had no options to get out of the assignment and felt numb. She testified that it was devastating.” 
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Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) initially denied the worker’s claim for PTSD benefits, claiming it fell under certain exemptions in WSIB’s Traumatic Mental Stress, Chronic Mental Stress, and First Responders policies.
But the Workplace Safety and Appeals Tribunal ultimately ruled in favor of the female officer, finding that being forced to monitor the male inmate for an extended period of time without break “triggered memories and a reliving of childhood trauma,” and ultimately caused the worker’s PTSD. She is now entitled to workplace benefits for the trauma she suffered while employed at the institution.
As of December 2017, inmates in Canada who claim a “transgender” identity can be housed in the facility of their preference regardless of physical anatomy unless “there are overriding health or safety concerns which cannot be resolved.”
While it is unknown what institution the female correctional officer was employed at, details from the court document suggest it may have been a federal facility due to the length of sentence the male inmate was serving. In Canada, inmates sentenced to prison terms in excess of 2 years are under the jurisdiction of the Correctional Services of Canada, which operates only one facility for incarnated women in Ontario — The Grand Valley Institution for Women.
The facility has had multiple controversies surrounding the transfer of trans-identified male inmates in recent years. 
In September, female inmates at Grand Valley Institution reported that a violent male necrophiliac had been transferred to the facility after beginning to identify as transgender. Catherine Lynn was incarcerated for the 1995 murder of a woman. Lynn stabbed the victim to death before raping her corpse.
Heather Mason, a former federal inmate who served her time at the Grand Valley Institution, has been on the front-lines of providing information to the public on the necessity of keeping prisons in Canada single-sex.
Mason, now a vocal women’s rights campaigner, reported last year that 50% of male inmates seeking transfer to women’s prisons in Canada had been convicted of sex offenses.
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The data is consistent with findings from other nations. 
In the United States, it was found that almost 50% of male Bureau of Prison inmates who identified as transgender had been convicted of sex offenses. In the United Kingdom, 60% of all trans-identified male inmates with legal gender change documents have at least one conviction for a sexual offense. 
Prison self-identification policies in other countries have also resulted in the sexual harassment and even rape of incarcerated women by male inmates who are transferred to women’s prisons.
Earlier this year, a trans-identified male inmate at Rikers Island was convicted of raping an incarcerated woman while in the female facility of the New York City prison complex. Weeks later, Reduxx exclusively revealed that a trans-identified male inmate reportedly sexually assaulted a female in a California institution.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
Why not just build a separate wing for trans identified prisoners? They would be safe from the other men and women would be safe from the whole lot.
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chaosdisorganized · 1 year
Got some bad news today. My boyfriends workers compensation case was denied. We're requesting for an appeal and contacting lawyers to help with the case. This is all such bullshit. He did everything the BWC told him to, he turned in all the necessary paperwork and went to whatever doctor they told him to go too and it still got fucking denied. He can't file for temporary disability because this is the first job he's had in a while and he got injured there after a month so even if he got approved for temporary disability, he'd get very little out of it. He can't file for unemployment because he can't go back to work due to his injury and unemployment needs proof that you're actually looking for work in order to approve you. Half tempted to try our luck at the welfare office because what other choices do we fucking have. Only problem is me alone makes "too much" and since I'm a part of the household I'd be including in all decisions regarding any benefits he could receive. I put too much in quotations because I really don't make shit, I can't pay rent or bills or buy groceries or anything with how much I make alone but the government doesn't see it that way. I don't know what we're going to do. Rent is due on the 1st and I have nothing for it, how can I make 800$ before the 8th? I don't know. My electric and internet bills are super late and crazy high because of late fees. My old job never sent my last paycheck which was only going to be 50$ anyways but fuck that's something. I called them yesterday and nothings come of it and I'm thinking about calling a lawyer myself just to get the money I'm fucking owed.
Anyways this goes without saying that we need help and we're accepting donations. Dm us for info. I start my new job on the 3rd but I can't possibly make up the 800$ I need in 5 days. We're almost out of groceries, we're almost out of money. We need help please.
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