#Wyndham Connor
animezinglife · 5 months
Emily Henry [fanon]: We're going to fancast this nineteen-year-old guy or guy who looks nineteen for Charlie/Alex/Gus/Wyn/Miles!
Emily Henry [canon]:
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toadtaro · 1 year
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Happy Place by Emily Henry
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Happy Place Quote!!
“I feel bad for all the Wyns in universes when you’re with guys like Harvard Hudson. They’re so miserable right now.”
“Or the Harriets in universes where you’re with the Dancers Named Alison of the world,” I say
“No,” he says quietly. “In every universe, it’s you for me. Even if it’s not me for you.”
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
buddie legally blonde (the musical) au with buck as elle eddie as emmett (evan and eddie, elle and emmett, i mean COME ON), maddie as paulette (and doug as dewey!), hen as enid, chim as her best friend she met in the peace corps who is now a boston paramedic, who's constantly running into nurse maddie at her hospital, taylor kelly as vivienne, tommy as warner, gerrard as callahan, lucy as brooke wyndham, greek chorus includes connor and at least one of the other evans, some convoluted backstory making bobby as buck's adopted dad and athena as his adopted stepmom and they're super loaded living in california
me nodding along and trying to remember anyone's name in that movie besides reese witherspoon
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naoa-ao3 · 11 months
Those That Shape Our Lives
Fred and Gunn give him too much freedom. Even Connor thinks so and he's the one getting it.
Usually they try to coax him into staying with them, remind him how dangerous it is outside at night but he already knows and they know he knows. That's why he gets away with it.
That and he's stronger than them.
He goes out and sometimes he does nothing, just walks around, takes in the rooftops and the city but others. . . When he's in a mood. . . When he's thinking about his father and the box in the ocean he goes out and kills something.
His life has come to a kind of stand still. Fred and Gunn aren't parents. They're good and he even likes them, despite everything but they aren't parents and he wonders sometimes if he's ever actually known what a real parent is like. He'd thought he had had a father once but now everything is muddled and all he knows is that one father killed the other and now he has none.
He doesn't know what it feels like to be a boy, not really. He's never known any other boys and his life hasn't been any kind of reference.
He'd heard his mother was a monster too and it hurts when he thinks about it. Makes him doubt himself.
What springs from two monsters?
But Holtz, the father he'd actually had, had said he was good, called him son and yes, lied to him some but he clings to that now. . . hoping for something that will make sense of make the edges of his mind calm.
He doesn't think Fred and Gunn will find Angel. They've been trying for months now and with no luck but he's hesitant to relax. The idea scares him. He isn't sure how anyone can relax. There's bad enough stuff in the world, demons and vampires aside. People hurt people and you can't tell them apart by their horns or tales.
Humans are as bad in some ways as demons.
One thing that's caught his interest is the man who's probably responsible for most of this. Pryce or whatever his name is. Fred and Gunn only argue about him now and they try not to do it in front of him. He thinks they're trying to shelter him from the man but it's stupid of them. The man is only human, whoever he is and whatever he's done. . . He aught to be afraid of Connor.
They've tried not to tell him too much about the man either but he knows a little. Things get through the cracks and he's got enough secrets to recognize when someone is keeping something.
Pryce had been friends with them but something has gone wrong. A prophecy, a lie. . . He doesn't understand all of it. Some of it has been kept from him and some they just won't talk about. Still, he's figured out where the man lives and he takes to stalking him on his moodier nights.
Maybe it's vengeance, maybe it's just him trying to fill in the little pieces of his life that don't make sense. . .
He watches him for a few weeks after the first night, seeing a man who doesn't impress him. Pryce. . . Wyndham-Pryce as he finds his name on a piece of mail- drinks too much. He doesn't take care of himself and there's a woman that comes and goes. She doesn't spend the night much and the man never really looks happy when she comes. . . or when she goes.
Connor doesn't quite understand that yet, he hasn't had time in his life to think about romance. Not really. Fighting has always taken the center stage. Fighting and staying alive.
Romance is foreign and for adults with too much time on their hands. People that don't know about or pretend there aren't horrors waiting to kill them. He's seen it isn't easy for Fred and Gunn. They try but it isn't and he doesn't really know why they try.
So instead of thinking of girls he goes and stalks the man who kidnapped him. Fascinated each time he sees the scar across his throat and the expression in his eyes.
He doesn't know if he should hate the man or not. Some part of him does. Some part is angry and in his empty thoughts of vengeance he hears a small voice say he should hurt the man but the man is only human and his father. . . His real father. . . His other real father forbid hurting humans so he doesn't.
He just doesn't.
He suffices to watch and to spy but other than that he doesn't do much.
He watches and sees the man in all his curious misery. The man in his secrets, there's another woman. An unhappy woman but Connor doesn't know her. All he knows is that some part of him is torn in the world. Torn between anger and rage and a small desire to be loved.
He'd been told by his real father that his life probably never could have been anything but what it was. Sent to hell or not.
If he hadn't gone to Quor'toth then he'd have been raised by vampires.
The reality is confusing and he doesn't know what part of him is supposed to feel what.
This man in all his misery. . . His gloom that reminds him of his other father resonates just a little with him.
He doesn't know everything that happened when he was a baby. For him it's been almost two decades. For everyone else not so long and that's strange too. Time and place seem to mean very little in his life except now he's gotten his revenge and he doesn't know where that leaves him.
Without a father.
Never with a mother.
Perhaps he needs something to obsess over. He needs somewhere to direct the massive tide of emotion trapped inside of him.
Wesley presents a kind of curiosity. One more piece of his life that could have been something else.
That was decided by other people. .
His stalking only lasts so long.
One night a knife flies at his head, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end even when it doesn't hit him.
The man knows he's here and so slowly he rises from the shadows and meets his eyes, heart hammering in his chest.
"Connor." The man says.
Connor stares at him, all of these people who shaped his life. This man more so than some. . .
"Did Fred send you?"
He shakes his head.
No one has sent him and he has the feeling that if they knew where he was the others might not like it.
There's a lot though that if they knew they might not like.
The man across the street stares at him, something hard and miserable in his expression.
"Then you've no business skulking around outside my building."
Connor could hurt the man, he's stronger than him but he doesn't. Instead he wonders at all of the things he's never known about himself and all of the lies he's been told.
"You're the one who kidnapped me." He say's, jutting out his chin slightly to see what the man will do, to hear what he has to say.
"Did they tell you that?" The man asks.
He shrugs. He's put some things together. "Did he do that?" He asks, meaning the scar on the man's neck and his own father.
The other man narrows his eyes. "No." He say's and for a second there's something else behind his eyes, something Connor can't decipher.
"You used to be friends." He say's to him, changing the subject. "Before me. Why didn't he forgive you?"
He doesn't see why he shouldn't ask, it concerns him after all. It's always been about him in a way.
Wesley however just turns looking pained. "If it were that simple it would be over with." He say's and the cryptic phrasing makes him angry. Everyone with their secrets and lies, his whole life has been shaped by them.
"I've seen you a few times." The man continues. "If no one is sending you here you should stop coming."
"Fred's sad when you don't answer her calls." Connor shoots for something else, some other angle. To hurt.
"I'm sorry to hear it." Wesley say's dryly and he wonders at this man and his cold expression.
"Why?" Connor asks before he can stop himself. "Why take me?"
Something pained on the other man's face, something sad. "I thought I was doing the right thing."
The admittance is hollow and croaked.
What's been months for Wesley has been years for Connor and his father is at the bottom of the ocean now. His real father is dead. Murdered by the other. He tries to come up with what matters but he can't think of anything.
"Maybe you were." He mutters.
If this man. . . if this man hadn't taken him then Holtz would never have gotten him and then. . . Connor can't imagine what being raised by Angel would have been like. He likes to believe he'd have probably ended up food and that way he can tell himself it was all for the best. He had a human father this way.
The look on the other man's face makes him uncomfortable, it's miserable and pained and so very tried.
"Go home Connor and help Fed and Gunn look for your father."
He almost forgets for a second to look concerned and he panics just a little when he thinks Wesley see's it on his face.
"Unless of course you don't want them to find him." Wesley say's, making him put his guard back up. He doesn't want to have to hurt a human but if it's this one then maybe it will be okay.
"I do." He say's but it's stunted and Wesley is giving him a curious look.
"Well then, I imagine they'll need all the help they can get." The other man say's, voice mild even as his eyes show something close to disbelief.
Connor doesn't know what to make of him, the man is strange and something lingers in the back of his mind that say's coming here was the wrong thing to do. He's almost glad this one doesn't live at the hotel. He has the feeling lying to him might be a little more complicated than the others who want to trust him and want him to be just a kid.
This man is smart and he doesn't like him.
He thinks maybe he can understand why his father never forgave him though. . . in the end this one isn't as easily swayed as the others. He looks down the dark street and frowns. The hotel is back that direction and Wesley is staring him down.
"Do you want them to find him?" He asks.
Wesley clears his throat. "What I want is of very little consequence." He say's.
Connor thinks this over. "Do you hate him?" He asks.
A dull, almost sad look. "Hating him and wanting nothing to do with him are two different things."
He doesn't understand this man and think's he's lying. Wesley has his own secrets and Connor hasn't found an adult he can trust. This one is just a little more dangerous maybe than the others. This one is smart and when he can't think of anything else to say the man motions him home with his head.
"Go on and don't come back here. There isn't anything for you or any of the others here." Wesley say's, he sounds scornful and Connor feels like he's been berated even though no one's spoken above a whisper.
"And if I come back?" He challenges, simply for the sake of it.
"I'll ignore you. I made a mistake with you once I highly doubt there's any room for any more."
Connor doesn't know if he should be insulted or not, he feels insulted, rejected in a way but then what had he been hoping for?
The man is miserable and he doesn't understand everything that's happened, probably never will but that's nothing new.
"Go home." Wesley say's and so he does, sneaking back into the hotel and laying down on his bed. . . thinking hard.
He doesn't understand this world, doesn't understand all that's happened here or what's passed between these people. . . why Fred worries so much about the miserable man he'd finally met or why Gunn doesn't want him around. . . maybe if he'd had real parents. . . a real home he might but he doesn't and he doesn't even know if that would have made a difference.
He lays in bed on top of the covers fully clothed and doesn't understand a thing.
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Team Angel was really at its prime when it was Angel, Cordy, Wes, Gunn, Fred, Lorne and baby Connor.
Too bad it didn't last that long
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boreanazfan · 6 years
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(1 of 3) Angel 5x22: Not Fade Away
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buggerthis · 2 years
i love you wesley wyndham pryce i love you lorne i love you fred burkle i love you doyle i love you lilah morgan i love you charles gunn i love you angel i love you pre s3 cordelia chase i love you s5 connor i love you s5 spike i love you illyria i love you harmony kendall i love you lindsey mcdonald i love you faith lehane i love you darla i love you drusilla i love you knox i love you hyperion hotel i love you angel the series
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, July 26th
Cordelia: Oz ? Oh, my god. Oz. It’s so good to see you. Good old Oz! Oz. (turns to Doyle and points at Oz) Oz! Doyle: Let me just take a stab at it, you’d be Oz? Oz: Good guess.
~~In the Dark~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Early Sunrises Over Sunnydale (Buffy, G) by thethinkling
Beginnings (Willow/Angel, T) by Ladyfae (Ladysaille)
Mama's Devilish Child (Buffy/Spike, T) by Lucky_19
Epilogue: Question 36 (Buffy/Spike, G) by stuffandnonsense
Standing Against the Forces of Darkness (Giles, T) by Aaronlisa
I Thought They Were the Kings (Fred/Gunn, G) by brightephemera
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Dark Side of the Gym (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by 3xy
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Episode 108 – Tabula Rasa (Poetry) by Buffyverse
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dear spike, will you be my boyfriend? (Buffy/Spike, NR) by prose-for-hire
Dear Spike, how do I make Buffy my girlfriend? (NR) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Save the Kid, Save the World Chapter 8 (Connor/OFC, M) by Editor1
Wilderness Chapter 19 (Tara/Willow, NR) by onebuttoneye
Far-fetched Complete (MCU crossover, Buffy/Steve, T) by Aeolist
Far From Home Chapter 34 (Buffy/Angel, M) by aboutafox
The Scoobies in a Marvel World Chapter 24 (MCU crossover, Buffy, G) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Undone By Love Chapter 16 (TVD crossover, M) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Sunnydale's Last Guardians Chapter 10 (Faith/Buffy, T) by RavenclawSlayer
The Mirror Broke (But All My Friends Were Laughing) Complete (Ethan & Giles, T) by 23Murasaki
Before He Screwed It Up Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Hello_Spikey
A (Mostly) Comprehensive Guide to the End of the World Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by MyAnnabell_Lee
Realizations Chapter 4 (Faith/Buffy, T) by Lesbian_Valkyrie
The Devil In Disguise Chapter 15 (Dexter crossover, M) by frogfarm
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And I Still Do (Love You) Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by slaymesoftly
The Worst of Humanity Chapter 31 (Buffy/Spike, R) by jhiz
The Calling Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Tennsters
Daughter of Aurelius Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Loup Noir
Do Not Read This Journal - Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love and (Un) Living on a Hellmouth Chapters 89 - 92 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by IvoryPetals
Princess Buffy's Choice Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, PG13) by zarryspolo
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Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess Chapter 32 (Cordelia & Doyle, K+) by myheadsgonenumb
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Darkness Rising Chapter 12 (Anita Blake crossover, Buffy, FR18) by Deesse
Rogue’s Hunter Rewrite Chapter 2 (X-Men crossover, Xander, FR18) by KnifeHand
A Matter of Control Chapter 5 (SPN crossover, Oz, FR13) by Rod
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: The result of working on my oil portrait skills during my WFH rewatch by kt_albino
Artworks: Wesley Wyndham Price, Fred/Illyria study, and An old buffy sketch by Beingnonchalant
Artwork: Digital drawing of Buffy by _Clem_Eats_Kittens_
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Artwork: Spike Facebook/Twitter header by maddievisuals
Artwork: Illyria by whatshisfaceblogs
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Willow Has a Girlfriend Now - a BtVS Fanvid by Periru3
buffy & spike | my kingdom come undone by burningveins
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch: The Trial of Xander. Week 12 (s03e13-s03e16) by tjareth
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Buffy S3E7 ‘Revelations’ by pass-the-bechdel
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Lacewings - everything_rhymes recced by Priceless
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Character Battle Tournament 2 by DeadlyDuo
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Wizard World Announces ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Virtual Experiences by Nerds and Beyond
[Fandom Discussions]
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Number of Slayers by ChaseRules
Cordelia and Wesley by nightshade
Riley's Age and Buffy by nightshade
Faith Lehane / Alan Finch Murder: Did She Deserve Jail Time? by fauxindigo
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Reacting to Reactions! - alley box. / failwhale34 / Liam Duke / van by Stoney
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Post Chosen Fanfic universes vs. the Comics by MelinaBallerina
How would you change Season 4? by DoctorNettle
I'm so glad that The Gift wasn't the conclusion of the show by jdpm1991
Spike and Robin Wood by DeepBreath220
Why did the inmate Deb in Season 4's Salvage attack Faith? Who sent her to kill Faith? by jdpm1991
Why is Buffy sped up in the European releases? by jdpm1991
Season 2: I think Xander got out of his lie to Buffy way too easy by
What was the most gruesome scene? by NebCam101
Legendary Buffy Board game: Recommended decks? by LiaBrooksy
Does anyone else use Buffy as comfort viewing by Bella-Lugosi
I may be ill informed as I’m only on season 3 but I kinda think Xander is a douche by aRobot9000
started playing the buffy gameboy game from 2000, and there was this cute little call from cordelia by holy_decay
First time "Buffy" has ever let you down? by jdpm1991
My heart done got broke by bubblesnap
Anyone else not a big fan of Xander? by TheWaywardSister
How would Buffy handle The Circle of The Black Thorn by jdpm1991
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gaze in when she was bad by impalementation
Buffy/Angel and Darla/Angel by demandingbillydolls
Glory by thehollowprince
What is the difference between the love Spike had for Drusilla and the love Spike had for Buffy? by marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer
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thewhitepaladin · 5 years
The Lion’s Roar Spotify Playlist
Back by popular demand! 
I had to take down the last one because my spotify account was being a bitch to me and I ended up making a new one. Here’s the link!
The songs on the playlist are under the cut (in no particular order, but starred ones are in or referenced in the series itself)
- Praying by Ke$ha (+Cover by Chase Holfelder) - Havana by Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug - Revelation by Troye Sivan, Jonsi - Would That I by Hozier - Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant * - Butterfly Water by Pastelle * - Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons - Octohate by Sweet Signatures - Survivor by Destiny’s Child - Demons by Imagine Dragons - Angel in Blue Jeans by Train - Dinner and Diatribes by Hozier - Animal by the Neon Trees (Cover by Chase Holfelder) - Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan  - Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons * - Sunflower by Post Malone - Sunlight by Hozier - My Fault by Imagine Dragons - Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers * - Invincible by Amine - Hide by Juice WRLD ft. Seezyn - Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier - Memories by Thutmose - Scared of the Dark by Lil’ Wayne, Ty Dolla $ign ft XXXTentacion - Love Runs Out by OneRepublic - Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin * - Home by Vince Staples - How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox 20 - A Hole in the Earth by Daughter - Hold Each Other by A Great Big World - Losing My Religion by REM * - Mélancolie by Soprano - FOOLS by Troye Sivan - human by Christina Perri - I Am The One by Raney Shockne - God Help the Outcasts by Heidi Mollenhauer - Rocketman by Elton John ( + the cover by Taron Egerton from the film Rocketman) * - Into the West by Annie Lennox * - Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons - Not Afraid by Eminem - Stay by Rihanna - Bad at Love by Halsey - Dream by Imagine Dragons - I Will Remember by Train  - SUBURBIA by Troye Sivan  - Marchin’ On by OneRepublic - Love the Way You Lie by Rihanna, Eminem - Lucky Strikes by Troye Sivan,  - Dreams by the Cranberries - Papercut by Zedd, Troye Sivan - Outta My Head by Daughtry - Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde - All This And Heaven, Too by Florence and the Machine - TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan  - Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day - Lovebug by the Jonas Brothers - Bloom by Troye Sivan - Youth by Daughter - Too Good At Goodbyes by Sam Smith * (who uses they them pronouns!!) - My Way by Frank Sinatra (Cover by Chase Holfelder) - Control by Halsey * - Gasoline by Troye Sivan  - Built for this Time by Zayde Wolf - Centuries by Fallout Boy - No Place in Heaven by MIKA * - Let’s Hurt Tonight by OneRepublic * - Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur - I Walk The Line by Halsey - Avenir by Louane - TOO GOOD by Troye Sivan  - In Any Other World by MIKA *  - Young God by Halsey * - arms by Christina Perri - My Love Will Never Die by AG, Claire Wyndham - Haunting by Halsey - Edge of Night (Pippin’s Song) by the Celtic Angels  - Walk Me Home by P!nk - Castle by Halsey - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics - Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton - Seventeen by Troye Sivan  - Without Me by Halsey (Your Song by Elton John - Hell or High Water by the Rescues - Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra - Nightmare by Halsey - Warbringers: Jaina (Beware the Daughter of the Sea) by Neal Acree - The Good Side by Troye Sivan - I’m Still Standing by Elton John  - Deep Water by American Authors - Boum Boum Boum by MIKA * - Piano Man by Billy Joel - I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young - Tiny Dancer by Elton John - Animal by Troye Sivan  - The Bitch is Back by Taron Egerton (from the film Rocketman) - Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T’s - Different World by Alan Walker, K-391, CORSAK, Sofia Carson - A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton - My My My! by Troye Sivan - Thief by Imagine Dragons - Hope For Morning by Icon For Hire - Hurts by MIKA - Drops of Jupiter by Train - Empty Shadows by Tiffany Sanko  - Flesh by Simon Curtis * (This song is FILTHY please be warned not to listen to this song with your parents) - Second Chances by Imagine Dragons  - Heroes Never Die by UNSECRET, Krigare - (I’m Gonna) Love Me Again by Elton John - The Subway Song by Delacey - Humans by the Faim - Second Chance by Shinedown - When the Day Met the Night by Panic! At the Disco (take a wild guess why this one is in here) - I Want Love by Kit Connor, Gemma Jones, et al. (from the film Rocketman, bring tissues) - 7 Years by Lukas Graham  - Song of the Lonely Mountain by Neil Finn - Hit the Back by King Princess - Blood // Water by grandson - 11 Minutes by YUNGBLUD, Halsey ft. Travis Barker - I Think I’m OKAY by YUNGBLUD, Travis Barker, Machine Gun Kelly - Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi - Trampoline by ZAYN, SHAED - Sign of the Times by Harry Styles (i was shook that this dude wrote that song lemme tell u) - 21 Guns by Green Day - Someone Like You by Adele (Cover by Benny Garner) - All I Want by Kodaline  - We All Lift Together by Keith (lol) Power - Zero by Imagine Dragons - This Is Our War by Halocene
more will no doubt be added later on!
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wipbigbang · 5 years
Art Claims Round 2
Second round, same as the first, only better. We got some stories claimed this past week, but we still have about 92 that are up for grabs and need some wonderful artists. In this round, you can definitely take two stories at a time. If you'd like to claim two stories, please wait until you get an email confirming your first claim, then fill out the form again for a second claim. Everybody spread the word! Grab your artist friends, stuff them in a potato sack, and drag them here kicking and screaming if you have to! This year, art claims are working a little differently than in years past. We are using a google form to streamline things, which should make things easier both for you as participants and us mods. To claim a story, the form requires email, check in ID, and the identifying number of your first choice of story. Putting your top three choices is best in case your first or second has already been chosen. Please be sure you've read the FAQ before claiming.
Click here to claim a story.
Stories are listed by fandom in alphabetical order and then by the story name, with a number identifying that story (for our records). Stories are first come, first serve. I'll update the post as stories are claimed. Official posting dates begin on July 27th. Once all stories are claimed and all artists/authors have been notified, I will put up a sign-up sheet so authors and artists can choose their posting dates.
Authors, if something is wrong with the info for your stories, please let me know ASAP here or via email at [email protected].
See all fandoms in a google doc.
A Song of Ice and Fire #1 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Ned Stark/Cersei Lannister Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Ned Stark and Cersei Lannister are made to marry after the Rebellion ends Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer #41 Story Title: Like Stone Pairings, Characters: Connor, Dawn Summers, Buffy Summers, Angel, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (and pretty much the complete cast), not shippy fic but there is Angel/Buffy and Connor/Dawn) Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence Summary: Twenty years after the battle with the First and the aftermath of Jasmine’s reign, life still isn’t easy for Buffy and Angel and their friends and family. Connor has been on the outside of his father’s life for years and isn’t particularly happy to be brought back in when Dawn shows up in L.A. with a case that requires his attention. But that is just the beginning of the badness threatening to swallow them all whole. Arrow
#3 Story Title: No Regrets: A Love Unexpected Pairings, Characters: Oliver Queen/Roy Harper Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: An A/B/O love story. Roy learns that he’s not a beta like he always thought and has to cope with starting to have omega heats. Due to circumstances, and latent affection, alpha Oliver agrees to help Roy through his first. They unexpectedly bond during that first time, and the successive chapters each explore another aspect of the couple coping with their relationship: a heat coming on suddenly while Oliver is out of town, and Oliver going into rut while they’re in public, finishing up with a softer chapter of some romance and switching, ending on a hopeful note. Lots of feels and smut. Batman #4 Story Title: Scenes From a Gotham Romance Pairings, Characters: Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Bruce finally pops the question to Selina and she accepts. Slowly, they begin building a family together. BBC Sherlock #6 Story Title: ...And All The Men And Women Merely Players Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Mary Morstan/John Watson, Eurus Holmes/Jim Moriarty; Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, John Watson, Mary Morstan, Anthea, Janine, Eurus Holmes, Jim Moriarty, Original Child Character(s), Mummy Holmes, Siger Holmes Rating: Mature | M Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Mycroft Holmes is not-so-subtly trying to make sure there's a reconciliation between his youngest sibling Sherlock and his ex-wife, Molly Hooper, by forcing them to work together on a theatre project. But it isn't all smooth sailing when his and Sherlock's sister comes back from the States with a boyfriend who is the devil incarnate...and all hell is about to break loose. #7 Story Title: A Boon For You, A Boon For Me Pairings, Characters: Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper; Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Eurus Holmes, James Moriarty, Siger Holmes, Mummy Holmes Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: When Molly saves the life of a fairy prince, she’s given the chance to ask for whatever her heart most desires, and since what she wants to do most is help others, she’s given the ability to grant boons by the prince’s eldest brother. Little does she imagine such a simple and generous wish will change her life forever... #8 Story Title: A Merry Christmas After All Pairings, Characters: Mycroft Holmes/Sally Donovan; Sally Donovan, Mycroft Holmes, Anthea, brief appearance by Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Sally and Mycroft make an arrangement to have a pretend relationship together, culminating in a spectacular break-up at a destination wedding in Hawaii. But what they intend to have happen doesn't go according to plan when pesky feelings decide to get involved. #9 Story Title: A Study In Pink Pairings, Characters: Eventual Sherlock Holmes/Mary Morstan (though not in this story), fake!“John Watson”/Mary Morstan and Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper one-sided infatuation; Mary Morstan, Mike Stamford, Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade, the cabbie, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Rosamund Mary Watson had never expected to set foot in London again, but she finds herself in need of employment and a better flat. Enter her old professor Mike Stamford, who tells her about the man who will change her life forever... #10 Story Title: All The Little Signs Pairings, Characters: Eventual Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, John Watson/Mary Morstan, past Tom/Molly Hooper, one-sided Greg Lestrade/Molly Hooper; Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, John Watson, Mary Morstan, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, others TBD Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: The repercussions from Sherlock’s faked death did more than just affect his relationships with his friends, Sherlock realizes when Molly loses her position at St. Bart’s for falsifying medical documents and loses her fiancé in the process. While Molly gets her life sorted out and decides what she wants Sherlock does the same, but is it too late when he decides what he wants in his life is Molly? #11 Story Title: As Long As You Love Me Truly Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper; Molly Hooper, Mrs. Hudson, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Sally Donovan, Henry Knight, Irene Adler Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: All Molly Hooper wants to do is get her big break on the London stage. She might have a chance when she's asked to be the lead in one of the most anticipated productions on the West End, and by the star himself, Sherlock Holmes. But things don't exactly go according to the plan she had in her head of how she would become a well known actress, and as time goes on she needs to figure out whether she wants fame or whether she wants something more fulfilling. #12 Story Title: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes/Anthea, Mr. & Mrs. Holmes, OC pairings; Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Mycroft HOlmes, Anthea, Mummy HOlmes, Siger Holmes, OC Holmes Brother, assorted OFCs and OMCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: It all begins with an invitation to Mycroft's wedding to his PA and seven days at a resort in Jamaica, with the assumption that Molly pretends to be his girlfriend that his mother might be under the impression that he's going to propose to sooner rather than later. It ends up being so much more than that... #13 Story Title: Ever Changing, Ever Growing Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, background Mycroft Holmes/OC and John Watson/Mary Morstan Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: They make the arrangement to present what society wants from them to the world as husband and wife, but childhood friends Sherlock Holmes and Margaret Hooper agree that their lives are their own. But with the death of Sherlock's brother and an unexpected scandal, their marriage of convenience is shaken. Will their friendship remain intact as their marriage falls apart, or will they decide that it is in their best interest to make this a true marriage between partners instead? #14 Story Title: It Can Be As Real As You Or I Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper with background John Watson/Mary Morstan and Janine Hawkins/OMC; Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Janine Hawkins, Kitty Reilly, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: At the very beginning of a case to help Janine, it comes out that the very eligible and spectacular stud in the bedroom Sherlock Holmes has married local specialist registrar, Dr. Molly Hooper. Which would be fine and all, except it's a fake marriage...that Sherlock wants to make real by the end of the case. But Kitty Riley's constant hounding of him throughout the case, turning every tidbit she hears (always out of context) into tabloid fodder, is going to make that virtually impossible, he fears...though he might very well be surprised himself. #15 Story Title: It Takes The Whole Of London Pairings, Characters: Background John Watson/Mary Morstan and mentioned fake!Sherlock Holmes/Janine, but generally no pairings; Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, John Watson, Tom, Meena, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Mike Stamford, Sherlock Holmes, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Original character death offscreen Summary: When one of Molly's best friends and her husband die in a car accident, Molly finds herself the guardian of their six-month-old daughter, and in an instant her entire life changes, and she comes to find solace in the fact that there is truth in the old adage"it takes a village"when she finds herself raising Maya on her own. #16 Story Title: Jam Session Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper with background Mycroft Holmes/Sally Donovan and John Watson/Mary Morstan; Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Sally Donovan, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes. Jim Moriarty, John Watson Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Molly Hooper is known for making some of the best baked goods in all of England, and no one knows what her secret is. Her most popular dish is her Jam Tartlets, and it’s a recipe she shares with absolutely no one, not even those who work in her shop. When a new resident arrives in the village, an apiarist named Sherlock Holmes, they begin an exchange: some of her special jams in exchange for his honey. But what starts as a simple trade of sweet foodstuffs becomes so much more when Molly’s shop is broken into and ransacked by someone looking for the secret recipe. #17 Story Title: Like Night And Day Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, background John Watson/Mary Morstan; Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mary Morstan, Meena, Mike Stamford Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Illegal drug use, drug overdose and withdrawal symptoms Summary: Molly loves Sherlock, she does, but one night when Sherlock makes a decision that nearly costs him his life, she knows she can't be his caretaker anymore without dragging herself down too. Trying to make a clean break of things, she leaves the university they attend together and goes to the States to finish medical school and put it all behind her. But after graduation, Fate has other ideas... #18 Story Title: My Chosen Queen, To Rule By My Side Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper; Molly Hooper, Hooper OCs, Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, other OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Ten years ago, Molly Hooper got lost in the forest near her brother's cottage trying to find her niece. She found the girl as well as an injured man who was more than he seemed. Now, Molly's niece is missing again and so Molly ventures into the forest once more to find her, with decidedly different results this time. #19 Story Title: Neither Living Dead Nor Fully Living Pairings, Characters: Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper, past Sebastian Moran/James Moriarty and James Moriarty/Molly Hooper; Sebastian Moran, Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, OCs Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Major Character Death, Character death is temporary, as character is turned into a vampire Summary: When Sebastian Moran inherits a building, a business and a servant from James Moriarty, he tries to live as normal a life as he can. But when Molly Hooper does the unthinkable and falls in love with him, he finds himself fighting a battle he'd never imagined he'd be in. #21 Story Title: Nothing's Changed That Matters Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, past Mycroft Holmes/Anthea; Sherlock Holmes. Molly Hooper, John Watson, Eurus Holmes, Greg Lestrade Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: When Sherlock comes to Molly in Oxford ten years after their divorce with a favour to ask, she agrees to help. While a lot has changed some things remain very much the same...including the love that Sherlock and Molly once shared. #22 Story Title: Old Books & New Flames Pairings, Characters: Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade/Sally Donovan, John Watson/Mary Morstan; Molly Hooper, Sebastian Moran, Mary Morstan, Sally Donovan, Greg Lestrade, John Watson, Jim Moriarty Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: When Sebastian Moran asks local bookstore owner Molly Hooper for a job, all he wants is a second chance to live the life he should have been living before prison. What Molly gets is more than a loyal employee and good friend. What she ends up with is what she had always wanted her entire life: happiness. #23 Story Title: Pawns On The Board, Flies On The Web Pairings, Characters: Mycroft Holmes/Anthea, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper; Anthea, Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes, Elizabeth Smallwood, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Violence, OC character death Summary: When an American politician is murdered and deposited in Mycroft’s office, it’s Sebastian Moran’s sign that he is done allowing Mycroft and Sherlock their little game at dismantling Moriarty’s organization. But with Sherlock having returned to London, albeit not in time to stop the plot from being put into motion, Moran’s ploy may not be as effective as he hopes it to be, not with Mycroft, Sherlock, Anthea, Molly and others working hard to stop him in his tracks. #24 Story Title: Rectifying Past Mistakes Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Mary Morstan; Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Anthea, Mary Morstan, John Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: When Mycroft gets Sherlock out of Serbia, he drops a bombshell on him he isn't quite prepared for: after years of being gone out of his life, Sherlock's ex-wife Elizabeth has reappeared, under the name Mary Morstan. While he was off taking care of Moriarty's mess she was protecting those he cared about and helping his brother, for reasons, he finds, that she is keeping close to the vest. But when they're forced to stay in close quarters at Baker Street both secrets and old wounds come to light and, perhaps, things might turn out for the best after all. #25 Story Title: The Babe On The Doorstep Pairings, Characters: Mycroft Holmes/Anthea; Mycroft Holmes, Anthea, Greg Lestrade, OCs Rating: General | G Warnings: Child Abandonment Summary: One morning an infant is left on Mycroft’s doorstep with a note, signed by a woman named Laura. As Mycroft tries to find out who would entrust a child into his care he slowly opens his heart to the infant and lets the other people in his life that he’s kept at arms length in more, bit by bit. #26 Story Title: The Cursed Dragon Pairings, Characters: Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper, forced engagement between Charles Augustus Magnussen/Mrs. Hooper; Margaret Hooper, Mrs. Hooper, Charles Augustus Magnussen, Mary Morstan, Sally Donovan, Irene Adler, Meena, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: On the eve of Princess Molly's twenty-fifth birthday, a dragon comes to lay waste to her kingdom. Eventually, a lottery is set up to give the dragon a virgin sacrifice, but when Molly stumbles onto a wicked scheme by the royal advisor Magnussen, she finds herself picked as the next sacrifice and kept from telling the truth to her mother. Prepared to fight the dragon on her own if need be, she is taken to a remote part of her kingdom by the dragon...who is not quite what he seems. #28 Story Title: The Head Knows What The Heart Wants Pairings, Characters: Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper, background John Watson/Mary Morstan; Sebastian Moran, Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, Mary Morstan, Mycroft Holmes, Eurus Holmes, OCs Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Mild violence Summary: After the revelation that there had been some plotting between Moriarty and Eurus before his death, Sebastian Moran had decided to do whatever it took to keep Molly safe...even if that meant ruining whatever the results of his ex-lover's collusion with the Holmes sister were. But after enough time had gone by, things changed, and that was when Eurus decided to strike. That was when Sebastian couldn't deny the truth any longer: Molly Hooper had become the most important person in his life...and he would do whatever it took to make sure she was safe. #29 Story Title: The Pesky Virginity Issue Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, John Watson/Mary Morstan, past Tom/Molly Hooper; Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Tom, OCs Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After Molly's engagement ends she decides she wants to rid herself of her virginity since that was a major cause of the dissolution of her relationship with her ex. When her friend Mary suggests she knows the perfect person, things don't go quite according to any sort of plan she may have had in her head...but it has a pleasantly surprising result nonetheless. #30 Story Title: To Live Again Pairings, Characters: Pre-Mycroft Holmes/Mary Morstan, background Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, past John Watson/Mary Morstan;Mary Morstan, Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After the events at the aquarium which leaves most of the world thinking Mary Watson is dead, Mary deals with conflicting feelings and moving on in the wake of knowing her marriage is, for all intents and purposes, over. #31 Story Title: What Could Have Been, What Will Be In Its Stead Pairings, Characters: Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper, past Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, mentioned Anthea/Kate and Mr & Mrs. Holmes; Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper, Siger Holmes, Mummy Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Anthea, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Major Character Death Summary: When Sherlock dies, he leaves behind a woman he planned to marry and a child he did not know about. Mycroft is determined to take care of them both in his brother's stead, but nothing is ever as easy as one plans. That is the true Holmes legacy. BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who #32 Story Title: The Detective And The Hound Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond, background John Watson/Lorna Bucket; Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Amy Pond, Henry Knight; other Sherlock characters in"The Hounds of Baskerville" Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Unconcensual drug use Summary: Sherlock and John get given a case from Henry Knight, who believes his father was killed years prior by a hound in the moors. But what starts as a much needed break from the tedium that Sherlock is experiencing turns into a case that has him questioning many things and feeling something he has not felt in a long time: the type of fear that leaves you with a chill in your bones. #33 Story Title: When In University Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond; Amy Po/nd, Sherlock Holmes, Aunt Sharon, Mummy Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Mrs. Hudson, Rory Williams Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Sherlock Holmes was a jerk the first time she met him. She had no idea how much he was going to grow on her as time went on... BBC Sherlock/Marvel Cinematic Universe #34 Story Title: A Potential Loophole To Exploit Pairings, Characters: Thor Odinson/Jane Foster, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, implied Loki Laufeyson/Darcy Lewis, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Antoine Triplett/Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz and Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff; Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Frigga, Phil Coulson, Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Jane Foster, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Antoine Triplett, Daisy Johnson, Darcy Lewis, Sif, Heimdall, OCs Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After Thor and Loki leave a meeting with their mother, they start to talk about what can be done to stave off the foretold arrival of their sister, Hela, and begin to make plans. #35 Story Title: Playing The Game: Act II – Knights & Knowledge, Romance & Regret Pairings, Characters: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, implied Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff and pre Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons and Antoine Triplett/Skye | Daisy Johnson; Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, Phil Coulson, Mary Morstan, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Melinda May, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Antoine Triplett Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After tracking down Phil Coulson and his team, Molly and the others join him on their hunt for Grant Ward so that Molly can get retribution for Victoria’s death and Nat and Clint can further Fury’s assignment to help deal with all of the escapees from the Fridge. But as things get more complicated with the appearance of the Diviner and all the entails, Molly begins to wonder if she will ever get her end goal of Ward disappearing in a deep dark hole where no one can find him. #36 Story Title: The Forgotten Wife Pairings, Characters: Stephen/Molly, past Stephen/Christine, eventual past Tom/Molly; Stephen Strange, Molly Hooper, Wong, Christine Palmer, Baron Mordo, Tom Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Fifteen years ago, to fulfill the dying wish of someone who inspired him, Stephen Strange married Molly Hooper on a whim. And then life happened. A life full of many different things for both of them. But when Molly turns up at the Sanctum Santorum demanding an annulment so she can marry her fiancee, it presents an entire situation where neither of them have any idea how to approach a marriage that they aren't sure they want to end as they get to know each other better. BBC Sherlock/Midsomer Murders #37 Story Title: Every English Village Has Its Secrets Pairings, Characters: Past/Unrequited Mycroft Holmes/Gregory Lestrade, Tom Barnaby/Joyce Barnaby, Sally Donovan/OMC; Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Mycroft Holmes, Tom Barnaby, Gavin Troy, OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Summary: When Greg and Sally get called to Midsomer County for a case, right from the start Greg knows it will be a headache when Mycroft offers him lodging (so long as he's alright with his former lover being his housemate for his time there), and it doesn't get much better when he meets DCI Tom Barnaby and immediately their Detective Sergeants take an instant dislike to each other when Sally arrives the next evening. And that isn't even getting into the actual case itself and all the secrets hidden in the village of Elverton-cum-Latterley... BBC Sherlock/Star Trek: AOS #38 Story Title: Serendipity & Coincidence Pairings, Characters: Leonard McCoy/Molly Hooper, background Jim Kirk/Carol Marcus and Spock/Nyota Uhura; Leonard McCoy, Molly Hooper, Jim Kirk, Carol Marcus, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Joanna McCoy, OCs Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Bones knows one thing: he likes Dr. Molly Hooper and doesn't want his friendship with her to change...even if the voice in the back of his head says he'd like more than just a friendship with the female Starfleet officer. But a dare from Jim leads to more than he had expected and certainly more than he wanted...or could ever have hoped for. Black Sails #39 Story Title: a tide of hope Pairings, Characters: Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones Rating: Mature | M Warnings: mild violence Summary: "My point being, unless my crew decides that they don’t want to give me up for dead, and if what you say is true and no one will come looking for you, then we are very much stranded on this island.” Abigail Ashe awakens to find herself shipwrecked on an island. However, she is not alone. Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones, post season 3. Boku No Hero Academia/Star Vs the Forces of Evil #40 Story Title: Princess' guide (title may be subject to change) Pairings, Characters: Star Butterfly/Tenya Iida Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: A Sequel to 'An Earthling's Guide to Dealing with Mewberty' Star was serious when she offered to take Iida on a multidimensional adventure as a thank you for helping her get through Mewberty, and after hearing about the Hero Killer's capture, and Iida's own encounter with Stain, Star is more sure than anything else, that her friend could use some uncomplicated fun. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hellblazer #42 Story Title: Insert Hell Pun Here Pairings, Characters: Rupert Giles & John Constantine, Willow Rosenburg/Tara Maclay, Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins, implied John Constantine/Spike Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Giles thought he'd never see John Constantine again. But when John turns up at the Magic Box looking for help, it brings back some memories Giles would much rather forget. Some sins you don't get absolution for. Code Geass #43 Story Title: World Enough and Time Pairings, Characters: Suzaku/Lelouch and Gino/Kallen (both minor) Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Graphic Violence Summary: Six months after Ragnarok, all Kallen wants to do is protect the people she loves, even if it means betraying everything in her heart to serve a Britannian prince. Suzaku wants to reverse a mistake he made but would never take back. Euphemia is willing to risk everything of herself in order to be a better person and find a cure. And Lelouch... Lelouch wants to make the world safe for his little sister, even if it means destroying everything in his path. (The AU where the royal family controls the elements through music instead of Geass, and the Ragnarok Connection united the living and dead... by bringing back the dead.) Critical Role Campaign One/Dragon Age Origins (Awakening) #44 Story Title: TBA Pairings, Characters: Vax'ildan/Keyleth; Vax'ildan, Percy, Vex'alia, Scanlan, Keyleth, M!Mahariel, probably others from both canons, Grey Wardens from Awakening Rating: No Rating Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: Merging of the two canons, but mainly in the Dragon Age setting with some Critical Role characters. Vox Machina finds the ancient thaig containing the tomb of the Raven Queen's champion, but in the process Vax'ildan is infected with the Blight. Only Loral Mahariel, hero of Ferelden, can save Vax's life -- but will he be willing to pay the price? Crossing Lines/Grey's Anatomy/Hawaii Five-0/Marvel Cinematic Universe/The Sentinel/S.W.A.T. #45 Story Title: This is our sanctuary Pairings, Characters: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/James Street, Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson, Ellie Defont-Bogard/Sebastian Berger Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence Summary: Clint Barton and Jim Street have been together for about a month as Guide and Sentinel when Jimmy's mom is released from prison. Clint wants Jimmy to have nothing to do with his emotionally abusive, Hydra mother. But Jimmy feels he owes Karen Street too much to abandon her, and Clint loves Jimmy too much to break his Sentinel's heart. So despite Clint's misgivings, they go to Los Angeles to visit her. The idea is to spend a couple hours with Karen and then hopefully never see her again. But what not even Jimmy realizes is how much Karen hates Clint for being Jimmy's Guide instead of her. Or how far she'll go to get her son back. Because Karen Street will do anything to get her son back. The problem is, Clint and Jimmy might not survive it. CSI: NY #46 Story Title: Twist Of Fate Pairings, Characters: Don Flack, Jr./Jessica Angell; Don Flack, Jr., Jessica Angell, Mac Taylor, Stella Bonasera, Lindsay Monroe, Danny Messer, Samantha Flack, Don Flack Sr., Sheldon Hawkes, Adam Ross Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: What if Jessica had a very good reason for not escorting Connor Dunbrook's kid to trial? What might have been? CSI: NY/Law & Order #47 Story Title: Theraputic Pairings, Characters: Eventual Danny Messer/Lindsay Monroe; Danny Messer, Mac Taylor, Emil Skoda, Don Flack Jr., Lindsay Monroe, Lennie Briscoe Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Major Character Death, Character deaths are in the past, but they were characters from CSI: NY Danny knew Summary: In Danny's eyes, the hits just keep on coming...though this particular hit may turn out all right in the end. Daredevil #48 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Brett Maloney Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Brett Maloney has no magic. He is not magic and he likes it that way because it means that magic is not his proble- Oh who is he kidding. It's totally his problem. Especially since this latest serial killer case he's sticking his nose into has magic written all over it and he's the best cop to investigate. Now to catch this guy before he targets another Hell's Kitchen witch like Foggy... DC Extended Universe #49 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Dick Grayson Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence Summary: After Superman dies, Dick Grayson reconnects with his father Doctor Who/St. Trinian's #51 Story Title: Adventures In Unexpected Places Pairings, Characters: Rory Williams/Amy Pond; Amy Pond, Camilla Fritton, Kelly Jones, Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams, Mels Zucker Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After being sent to the worst school in the whole of England, Amy meets up with the man whose fault it is that she’s there, and things go vastly more differently than anyone expected. Dragon Age #52 Story Title: loves to learn, love to burn Pairings, Characters: fenris/f!hawke, carver hawke & f!hawke, Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence, there's an implication that a character might consider suicide (from a different character's perspective): there are no mentions of suicidal ideation expressed as such. haven't decided if i'll keep that in or not but it is currently in one of the snippets. Summary: pictures at an exhibition sort of thing about what we don't see from a fenris rivalmance from playing da2. if you're not a total music nerd then I guess i'd describe it as scenes loosely arranged around a central plot of a rocky romance, and of finding family- broadly following the chronology of the game. also explores how carver and marianne hawke deal with the changes to their family (losing bethany and their mom, etc). Football RPF #54 Story Title: It's A Long Way Up When You Hit the Ground Pairings, Characters: Christian Eriksen/Vincent Janssen Rating: Mature | M Warnings: No Warnings Apply Summary: Vincent's future is still uncertain, but rather than dwell on it, all he wants to do is welcome Christian home from the World Cup and find a few moments of bliss in each other's company before the world comes along and sweeps them away again. Christian, however, isn't making things at all easy, and Vincent starts wondering if maybe he has other ideas. A story about moving in, uncertainty, finding true friendships, and questioning everything about your past, present, and future. Gilmore Girls #55 Story Title: The Thing He Carried Pairings, Characters: Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano and Luke Danes/Lorelai Gilmore Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply, Minor violence Summary: This story is based on a post on Tumblr pertaining to what if Jess did not go to California. It is also based on 'The Things That He Carried' by Tim O'Brien, who also wrote an episode of 'This Is Us'. It's about growth and acceptance. it's about love and relationships. It's about rising above adversity. Glee #56 Story Title: Merry and Bright Pairings, Characters: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Kurt's built his life to cut out all feelings. The cute singer that comes into the Lima Bean every Thursday night breaks that idea. Guardian #57 Story Title: As Winter Fades Pairings, Characters: Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: dub-con Summary: Zhao Yunlan is a proud omega, but when he gets thrust back into Old Haixing, his life depends on impersonating alpha Kunlun. Then he meets Shen Wei and it all goes to hell. Hannibal #59 Story Title: The Art of Her Mind Pairings, Characters: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, Aralie/Travis Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depiction of drug use Summary: A young girl was accused of murdering her entire family, but one clever psychologist got her to serve a five year sentence at a mental institution. The day she is released from the hospital, Aralie has to adjust to life beyond her past. Aralie finds that when her anxiety becomes to much she occupies her mind with sketching the world around her and losing herself in ballet. Harry Potter #61 Story Title: Lionhearted Girl Pairings, Characters: Regulus Black/Severus Snape (minor), no other pairings at this time, but future Female!Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply, Forced Amnesia Summary: Roswitha Artemis Black had gone from orphan to heiress to daughter in remarkably short time frame, like a dream come true. Now starting her first year of Hogwarts, she faces challenges she is certain regular first years don't have to deal with -- like the castle talking to her and demanding she find and evict an artifact deep beneath the stone floors. Or how whispers of another girl, nameed Heather Potter, stir some strange dream within her. #62 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: OMC/Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: Warnings: Summary: Evan Potter grew up knowing two things were true: that he was the Boy Who Lived, and that because of that, it wasn't safe for his squib brother Harry to live in the magical world. He'd be an easy target for any angry Death Eater who wanted revenge. No matter how badly he wants to be an ordinary kid with an ordinary brother, his life is never going to work that way. Then it turns out that Harry isn't a squib after all. And when Evan follows him into Slytherin to protect him... well, maybe his life isn't as set in stone as he'd always thought it would be. Hetalia #63 Story Title: From Spacious Skies, To Perilous Fight Pairings, Characters: America (Hetalia); Canada (Hetalia); Germany (Hetalia); North Italy (Hetalia); England (Hetalia); France (Hetalia); Molossia (Hetalia); Additional micronations Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence, Invasive Medical Procedures Summary: America’s explosive appearance on the national stage sent ripples of shock throughout the world. As he grapples to find his place as the Personification of the United State of America, dark forces begin to stir once more. Sequel to"In Need of Representation". James Bond #64 Story Title: GoldenEye Interrupted Pairings, Characters: James Bond/Alec Trevelyan Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: James Bond meets up with his partner, Alec Trevelyan, to complete a mission — destroy a chemical weapons facility. When he finds Alec, he quickly discovers there’s something else going on. Following his instincts, he talks to Alec, leading the pair to realize they have two different sets of orders. The two partners know that if they had followed their separate orders, they might both have been killed. Now, they will carry out James’ orders to destroy the facility, and then they will go hunting. There’s a mole in MI6, and they’re just the Double O’s to catch him. #65 Story Title: My Partner the Car Pairings, Characters: James Bond/Alec Trevelyan/Q Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: James Bond's partner, Alec Trevelyan, recently died. When he goes to pick up Alec's old car, he discovers there's more to the Jaguar than he realized, and that Alec wasn't as dead as everyone thought. With the assistance of MI6's Quartermaster, James has to find Alec's body, and somehow return Alec's spirit to his body. It might be an impossible task for some, but not for MI6's best Double O's. Law & Order #66 Story Title: a moment of transition Pairings, Characters: Mike Logan/Elizabeth Olivet; Mike Logan (Chris Noth), Elizabeth Olivet (Carolyn McCormick), Caroline Olivet (I'm picturing Madeline Zima), Lucas de Motigny (OC, I'm picturing Tom Sturridge) Rating: Mature | M Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Caroline Olivet starts her first semester at Yale. Les Miserables #67 Story Title: We’ll take a cup of kindness, yet Pairings, Characters: Minor/Background relationships. Grantaire, Enjolras, Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Joly, Musichetta, Bossuet, Bahorel, Bahorel’s laughing mistress, Feuilly, Jean"Jehan"Pouvoir, Eponine Thenardier, Marius Pontmercy; Cosette; Gavroche Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply, Alcohol, mentions of marijuana, Summary: They’re having some sort of winter holiday… thing. She’s never quite sure what to call these gatherings. They're not religious, and they’re not meetings; they have regular meetings and this is not one. But, it’s not quite a party, either. It could be if they decided on a theme or reason, beyond"its cold and we’re all busy and everyone else is getting together, so let’s eat food and enjoy each other."So, it’s a thing. That works right? They’re having a December Thing. In which R discovers Enjolras can cook, Cosette tricks Gavroche into eating vegetables, Bossuet both forgets and wins at White Elephant, and having close friends is just generally awesome. Marvel Cinematic Universe #70 Story Title: it's in the past we can make this leap Pairings, Characters: Characters: Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, a few OCs, some Howard Stark, Colonel Phillips, Daniel Sousa, and Angie Martinelli. Pairings: Mostly gen, with minor Steve/Peggy, minor Clint/Natasha Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After a mission goes horribly wrong, the Avengers end up separated and scattered in time. Clint joins forces with someone unexpected while Steve meets a kid who’s in way over his head. They both try not to completely screw up history. #71 Story Title: till human voices wake us Pairings, Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton, James"Bucky"Barnes, James"Rhodey"Rhodes, Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: Tony is called out on a rescue mission. Things deteriorate from there. [post-Civil War sort-of fix-it reconciliation fic, de-aging (kid!Steve), action/adventure, ensemble, eventual Steve/Tony] #73 Story Title: Whoops, I slipped Pairings, Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, and the rest of the Avengers in more of a supporting role Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: There's an explosion in the labs and Tony Stark finds himself in the body of a 3 or 4 year old. Unfortunately, his adult brain is calibrated for an adult body and all of the connections are scrambled, so he's in a bit a pickle. It's hard to let your teammates know that you're capable of rational thought when you can't even figure out how to operate the controls that enable you to walk and talk. #74 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Matt Murdock & Peter Parker; Peter Parker & Tony Stark Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Matt never liked Tony Stark until he met Peter Parker. Now... now he HATES him. But he's not going to be the one to start a fight. End it yes, but there's no way he'll risk Peter's anger by starting it. And what does Stark mean, Peter's missing? Marvel Cinematic Universe/Torchwood #75 Story Title: The Stars Lead Me to You Pairings, Characters: James 'Bucky' Barnes/Ianto Jones, Natasha Romanoff/Toshiko Sato, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Thor/Loki, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson Rating: Teen | T Warnings: MPREG, Miscarriage, a/o/b Summary: A person can only take so much being someone's second or in Ianto Jones case third or even fourth choice but still he stays with Jack because he loves him until the case with the Space Whale cost him the child he didn't know he was carrying, unable to watch Jack fawn over Gwen anymore Ianto decides to leave. Seeking out his father Phil Coulson advice Ianto ends up becoming the second handler to the Avengers and finds himself growing closer to the former Winter Soldier Bucky, who seems to know him from another time and many just find happiness with him. Once Upon A Time #77 Story Title: The Stowaways Pairings, Characters: Ruby/Belle, Killian/Emma Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: On a much needed vacation, Emma and Killian find that they are not alone on the Jolly Roger. Original Works #78 Story Title: Taking Over Pairings, Characters: Original Male Character/Orc, Original Male Character/Original Male Character Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Graphic Violence, Major Character Death, Chooses not to use Warnings, Past abusive relationship, PWP that grew plot, Summary: The King is dead, long live the King... As king's consort, Teyrin had never expected any strife. Then the orcs attacked. Now Teyrin has found himself torn between two world: rebellion against the new King of Athary is brewing in Neith. However, stuck at the castle, Teyrin finds himself falling in love not just with the Orckish culture, but with their king as well. As the consequences get more dire, Teyrin finds the stakes increasing. It's no longer just his life that hangs in the balance. #79 Story Title: The Naked Legion Pairings, Characters: Original Male Character/Original Male Character Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Graphic Violence, Tentacle sex, ovipositioning, inflation, symbiotes Summary: Rio's husband Shen has joined the Bio-Armor Division of the Stellar Marines, those who bond with a symbiote to gain living armor in order to fight powerful extraterrestrial threats. Six months after Shen, Rio is now ready to go through the intense bonding process with his own symbiote and join his husband in the Naked Legion so they can make a difference in the fight against the cruel and uncaring Krellians... Peaky Blinders #80 Story Title: A Battle Joined Pairings, Characters: Esme Shelby/Tommy Shelby Rating: No Rating Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: "Your wife is gone, Tommy. Does it matter how?" A sprawling tale of family and deceit, love and regret, anchored by Esme and Tommy's complicated arranged marriage. Primeval (BBC) #81 Story Title: untitled role reversal fic Pairings, Characters: Nick/Stephen, Ensemble Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Nick emerges from an anomaly into a world where Stephen is still alive . . . and Nick is the person who betrayed the team by siding with Helen. Nick doesn't know if he could return to his own 'verse even if he wanted to, but finds that Stephen is reason enough to make him want to stay in this one. At first Nick is distrusted, especially by Claudia. Nick helps the ARC by pointing out the differences between his world and this one and helping them try to figure out what Helen's up to. Eventually he is allowed back on the team; this time with Stephen as the team leader. Connor and Abby welcome Nick back with open arms (even if he isn't ~their Nick) and the four of them hang out together as a team and as friends. Nick and Stephen rekindle their friendship and grow even closer until they admit that the relationship they want is far different from the one they had before. (If you're familiar with Primeval, this fic was started for the role reversal square for trope_bingo.) Star Trek: AOS #82 Story Title: The Paths We Take, Glittering And Entwined Pairings, Characters: James Kirk/Spock, Leonard McCoy/Christine Chapel, may be other ships; Spock, James Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Christine Chapel, Nyota Uhura, other characters TBD Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Drug use; drug withdrawals Summary: When Captain Spock is assigned captainship of the USS Enterprise, he thinks it will be nothing more than a chance to improve upon his last post...until he finds himself in the same room with Ensign James T. Kirk. They find themselves both on the receiving end of a mental link that they now share, which brings complications for them both: for Spock, it is how to remain unattached in the face of a crisis and for Kirk it is how to keep the secret he is keeping from both his captain and his best friend. But in the face of a threat that could bring about the end of the Federation as they know it, perhaps this link is the best thing for both of them in the end. Star Trek: DS9 #83 Story Title: Shared Burden Pairings, Characters: Keiko O'Brien/Kira Nerys, Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Pregnancy, description of injuries, infidelity Summary: After Keiko is injured, her unborn child is transferred to Major Kira to finish its gestation. The O’Briens invite Kira to stay with them while she is pregnant with their child, but she and Keiko share more than one burden. The attraction that existed previously now blooms to something far more serious and complicated. Star Trek: TOS #84 Story Title: Day Of The Cypok Pairings, Characters: Pavel Chekov/Irina Galliulin Rating: Mature | M Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Pavel Chekov experiences his own version of Groundhog Day--aboard his new command, USS Integer. Star Wars #85 Story Title: a million lightyears away (from you) Pairings, Characters: Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings, canon typical violence, injury recovery, developing relationships Summary: Following Crait, Hux takes a medical leave, to recover from his injuries. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren does not approve. #86 Story Title: Cinnamon Sugar Pairings, Characters: Finn/Rey Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Rey is a pretzel stand worker hoping to go to Republic University right across the way when she meets a handsome student, Finn... #87 Story Title: Out to Sea Pairings, Characters: Kylo Ren/Hux Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: A hundred years ago, a lord's son was lured to the sea by a mermaid and was never seen again. Now a mermaid has appeared once more, and she seems to have her sights set on Kylo. As the mermaid promises Kylo a better life under the sea but can he trust her? If what she is saying is true, then Kylo needs to decide between paradise and his family. Based off the book"Forbidden Sea." #88 Story Title: Pivotal moments (working title) Pairings, Characters: Luke Skywalker/Han Solo Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Han wasn't used to looking at life through its pivotal moments #89 Story Title: Still un-named Pairings, Characters: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Kylo Amidala is the drag queen who keeps getting arrested by Hux nearly every week. #90 Story Title: Strike True Pairings, Characters: Kylo Ren/Armitage hux Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: Seducing the new Supreme Leader is the best course of action, Hux decides, both for the order and for his own personal safety. #91 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Anakin Skywalker/Padme Naberrie, Obi-Wan Kenobi Rating: Warnings: Summary: There haven't been any more major changes in Obi-Wan's life in the months since Anakin and Padme's not-so-secret marriage (and pregnancy) became public. He's almost let himself become optimistic since Dooku's death: all they have to do is stop Grievous and the war will be over for good - and, after this amount of time, the Council can't possibly change their minds about allowing Anakin to be a married Jedi. Everything's going to work out the way he wants it. Life, of course, is never that simple. Star Wars Legends, X-Wing series #92 Story Title: Just Like That, Everything Changes Pairings, Characters: Wes Janson/Derek"Hobbie"Klivian, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, minor characters Rating: General | G Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: After years of being"just friends", an imminent separation forces Wes and Hobbie to finally accept their feelings for the other, and in time, they may even admit this to each other. Supernatural #93 Story Title: Angel of the Morning Pairings, Characters: Gabriel/Christa(OFC) Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: slightly inspired by the Juice Newton song of the same name. sequel to Invisible Touch (OC Edition). Things don't go as planned for our golden-eyed Archangel (do they ever?) Not every human has an Angel as a soulmate, but every Angel has a human as a theirs. Will Christa be able to accept the truth when she finds out just how deep the bond between her and Gabriel goes? Or will she reject him forever? Can true love really conquer all? #94 Story Title: Minus One Pairings, Characters: Jody Mills Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: When Dean turns up on Jody's doorstep, injured and minus Sam, she and Bobby have to work out what happened in order to save both Winchesters. #96 Story Title: surrender feels safe Pairings, Characters: Gabriel/Sam Winchester Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: Sam just lost his job. And no, it wasn’t his fault or his employer’s. This isn’t the best of times for small enterprises in Detroit. He is also a week away from being evicted from his apartment and nobody seems to want to employ him. But let’s take a step back and think about the mysterious job offer he receives on the night he becomes unemployed. With no options left, he gives it a try. He doesn’t expect to throw his new employer’s world off-kilter, forge an unexpected friendship with the oldest being in creation and be swept off his feet along with all of it (not necessarily in that order). Things just happen, right? Right. Supernatural RPF #97 Story Title: Spies, Suits and Alpha's Pairings, Characters: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Minor original character death, a/o/b, attempted rape (not by either J's), alpha!Jensen, omega!Jared Summary: J2 version of Kingsman. Jensen Ackles made it his mission to look after his fallen partner's family, especially his omega son Jared, promising Jared he would always be there for him. When Jared's step father attempts to claim him Jared runs and calls Jensen for help as a Kingsman Legacy Jared's world is changed as he proves that just because he is an omega he is as good as any alpha and deserves his spot. Transformers Generation One #98 Story Title: Pairings, Characters: Prowl & Barricade, Prowl & Bluestreak, Prowl & Bluestreak & Barricade, Prowl/Starscream, Prowl/Jazz, Codicil, First Aid, Lifeline, Nightstalker, Accord, Trailbreaker, Crosscut, Pulse, Incidental OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply, Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: Prowl, a young single parent, manages raising his creation, the demands of his own neglectful former guardian, and seeks to enter into a relationship. TVXQ #99 Story Title: Digital Stockholm Pairings, Characters: Jung Yunho/Shim Changmin Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: mentions of suicide, stress induced anxiety, depression symptoms Summary: Yunho has no idea why there are concerning videos of Changmin on his laptop, but it might just unhinge the volatile and complicated relationship he’s maintained with Changmin for the last decade. Set at the end of 2014, a psycho-dramatic get-together fic. Vampire Hunter D #100 Story Title: Delivery Pairings, Characters: D, Left Hand, Necessary OCs Rating: Teen | T Warnings: Chooses not to use Warnings Summary: Vampire Hunter D has his most difficult bounty yet...taking care of a six month old child across the Frontier! Voltron: Legendary Defender #101 Story Title: An Inconvenient Attachment Pairings, Characters: Keith/Pidge | Katie Holt, Ryan Kinkade/James Griffin (mentioned), past Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Male character, Pidge | Katie Holt Shiro (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Iverson (Voltron) James Griffin (Voltron) Ryan Kinkade Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: No Warnings apply, Trans Female Pidge | Katie Holt, Accidental Voyeurism, Summary: In the aftermath of the failed Kerberos mission, Katie Holt descended into despair. No amount of skill would give her the information she wanted, especially after being banned from Garrison property by Commander Iverson. Thus there was only one solution in her mind. She had to infiltrate the Galaxy Garrison, to be close to the source and enable her to find what she needed to find to know the fate of her father and brother. Getting in was the easy part. Being able to stay? That was a little harder. Remaining unattached so she could focus entirely on finding her family? That was the hardest part, harder than she ever could expect after years of being brushed aside. #103 Story Title: home is just another word Pairings, Characters: Keith Kogane/Lance McClain Rating: Teen | T Warnings: No Warnings apply Summary: When Lance and Allura break up, it’s quiet. Keith doesn’t understand why that bothers him so much. OR: after a kinder, gentler season eight, Keith and Lance go on a road trip, and Keith doesn't have any reference points for the ways he's starting to feel. #104 Story Title: show me what you're made of Pairings, Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Male Character, Pidge | Katie Holt/Ryou Shirogane, Pidge| Katie Holt, Ryou Shirogane Rating: Explicit | E Warnings: Underage Drinking, Dubcon, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Ryou is Shiro's twin brother, Trans female Pidge, Transphobia, trans slurs Summary: Katie Holt, graduate student at the Taylor-Keaton Institute of Technology, was proud of the work that her father and brother did at the Galaxy Garrison. Even knowing they were going to be gone for several months at the least going the furthest any manned mission had gone, filled her more with pride than with dread. Months passed, and then days passed without word from Matt. And then she saw the news. And her world crumbled apart. (A story in five parts about mourning, denial, and coming into adulthood by throwing oneself in the deep end and struggling to stay afloat.) Watch Dogs (Video Games) #105 Story Title: Hurricane Pairings, Characters: Aiden Pearce/Jordi Chin, Marcus Holloway/Wrench (Watch Dogs) Rating: Mature | M Warnings: Graphic Violence Summary: People keep going missing in downtown San Francisco, including a member of DedSec. When Marcus and the rest of the gang start to investigate, their mission runs face first into one that Aiden Pearce is involved in too—but this time, close and personal instead of from behind the safety of a camera and a drone. When all of that piles on top of a job Jordi Chin's on, Marcus begins to wonder if he's pissed off any unloving gods recently.
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atlanta-rpggossip · 4 years
What typical high school cliques do you think some of Atlanta’s residents would be in?
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the popular clique – bobby anders, liv wilson, harper lovell, ella jane ford, annika ivanovthe loner clique – jon bryn, declan o’hare, aoife moran, sebastian ward, tereik al-damiri, connor bordreaux the jocks - jet anderson, tom joseph, rc tuscon, judah becker, weston hawthornethe nerds - jakob winter, mackenzie lightwood, kasper marr, jade hawthorne, ezra best, topher smythethe goths – circe deflino, mariella winter, berwyn rhodesthe artists - hayden armitage, skyler dean, lukas edwards, nathan wyndham, rory reilly, paxton argent, jaxon moon, rusty argentthe stoners - woody anderson, micah fielding, james mason 
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ninewheels · 5 years
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Buffy Summers - 2630 Angel - 2008 Willow Rosenberg - 1258:15 Xander Harris - 1067:30 Cordelia Chase - 1038 Wesley Wyndham-Pryce - 840:15 Rupert Giles - 820:30 Spike - 760:30 Charles Gunn - 575:45 Winifred “Fred” Burkle - 480:15
Anya Jenkins - 379:15 Dawn Summers - 376:45 Lorne - 281:15 Faith Lehane - 256:15 Riley Finn - 241 Connor - 231:45 Tara Maclay - 211:30 Daniel “Oz” Osbourne - 181:15 Joyce Summers - 164:30 Darla - 154:45 Lilah Morgan - 153 Allen Francis Doyle - 132:30 Lindsey McDonald - 128:30 Harmony Kendall - 123 Andrew Wells - 122:45 Drusilla - 97 Det. Kate Lockley - 88:45 Jonathan Levinson - 79:15 Jenny Calendar - 65:45 Principal Robin Wood - 65:30 Warren Mears - 56 Illyria - 55 Kennedy - 54:30 Daniel Holtz - 51:30 The Groosalugg - 50:45 The First Evil - 50:15 Glory - 50:15 Mayor Richard Wilkins III - 44:30 Eve - 41:15 Jasmine - 41 Anne Steele - 38:45 Principal Snyder - 38:45 Gwen Raiden - 38 Amy Madison - 34:15 Justine Cooper - 32:15 Holland Manners - 30:15 Forrest Gates - 29:45 The Master - 27 Ben Wilkinson - 27 Kendra Young - 25 Nina Ash - 24:15 Adam - 22:30 Amanda - 22:30 Sahjhan - 22 Rebecca Lowell - 22 Skip - 21:30 Gavin Park - 21:15 Caleb - 21 Prof. Maggie Walsh - 20:45 Linwood Murrow - 20:30 Buffy-Bot - 20:30 Parker Abrams - 19:45 Bethany Chaulk - 19 Knox - 18:30 Ethan Rayne - 18:30 Graham Miller - 18:15 Sam Lawson - 18:15 Mr. Trick - 17:30 Virginia Bryce - 17:15 Halfrek - 16 Marcus Roscoe - 15:30 The Beast - 15 Rona - 15 Inca Mummy Girl - 15 Roger Wyndham-Pryce (doppleganger) - 14:30 Trish Burkle - 14:30 Roger Burkle - 14 Ted Buchanan - 13:45 Rondell - 13:30 Clem - 12:45 Vi - 12:45 Dana - 12:45 Quentin Travers - 12:30 Marcus Hamilton - 12:15 Billy “Ford” Fordham - 12:15 Jhiera - 12 Molly - 11:45 Holden Webster - 11:45 Veruca - 11:30 Numéro Cinco - 11:30 Barney - 11:15 Owen Thurman - 11 Melissa Burns - 10:45 Jinx - 10:30 Kathy Newman - 10:30 Judy Kovacs - 10:15 D’Hoffryn - 10 Merl - 10 April - 10 Gene Rainey - 10 Cassie Newton - 9:45 Trevor Lockley - 9:45 Tina - 9:45 Richard Straley - 9:30 Olaf - 9 Larry Blaisdell - 8:30 Gio - 8:30 Gwendolyn Post - 8:30 Katrina Silber - 8:15 Silas - 8:15 R.J. Brooks - 8:15 Willy the Snitch - 8 Cyvus Vail - 8 Alonna Gunn - 8 Harriet “Harry” Doyle - 8 Penn - 8 James - 8 Nancy - 8 Rack - 7:45 Samantha Finn - 7:45 Dracula - 7:45 Jack O’Toole - 7:45 Justin - 7:45 Landok - 7:30 Natalie French - 7:30 Collin, the Annointed One - 7:15 David Nabbit - 7:15 Luke - 7:15 Drogyn - 7:15 Jo - 7:15 Doc - 7 Scott Hope - 7 Marcus - 7 Dr. Ronald Meltzer - 7 Catherine Madison - 7 Lee Mercer - 6:45 Nathan Reed - 6:45 Murk - 6:45 Russell Winters - 6:45 Ryan Anderson - 6:45 Hank Summers - 6:30 James Stanley - 6:30 Billy Blim - 6:15 Shannon - 6:15 Paige Anderson - 6:15 General Gregor - 6:15 Debbie Foley - 6:15 Sweet - 6 Prof. Oliver Seidel - 6 Prima Ballerina - 6 Dr. Angelman - 6 Seth Anderson - 6 Magnus Bryce - 6 Sid - 6 Billy Palmer - 6 Grace Newman - 6 Archduke Sebassis - 5:45 Jesse - 5:45 Chloe - 5:45 Anne (William’s mum) - 5:45 Gage Petronzi - 5:45 Doris Kroeger - 5:45 Pete Clarner - 5:45 Chao-Ahn - 5:30 Dr. Kriegel - 5:30 Sheila Rosenberg - 5:30 The Valet - 5:30 Menlo - 5:30 Tom Warner - 5:30 Sunday - 5:30 Collins - 5:15 Spider Monster - 5:15 Razor - 5:15 The First Slayer - 5 Dr. Sparrow - 5 Wo-Pang - 5 Orlando - 5 Ken - 5 Kyle DuFours - 5 Rhonda Kelley - 5 Tor Hauer - 5 Heidi Barrie - 5 Chris Epps - 5 Coach Carl Marin - 5 Wilson Christopher - 5 T’ish Magev - 5 Lee DeMarco - 5 Zachary Kralik - 4:45 Lyle Gorch - 4:45 Mr. Maclay - 4:45 Vyassa - 4:45 Sam Ryan - 4:45 Jenoff - 4:45 Weatherby - 4:30 Cousin Beth - 4:30 Vanessa Brewer - 4:30 Daryl Epps - 4:30 Devon Macleish - 4:15 Principal Bob Flutie - 4:15 Lissa - 4:15 Nikki Wood - 4 Olivia - 4 Deputy Mayor Allen Finch - 4 Uncle Enyos - 4 Percy West - 4 Smith - 4 Maude Pearson - 4 Old Man (Hell’s Bells) - 4 Eric - 4 Morgan Shay - 4 Richard Anderson - 4 Vocah Demon - 4 M’Fashnik Demon - 4 Female Oracle - 4 The Judge - 3:45 Kit Holburn - 3:45 Caridad - 3:30 Whistler - 3:30 Gronx - 3:30 Cain - 3:30 Dante Chevalier - 3:30 Cameron Walker - 3:30 Zack - 3:30 Tony Harris - 3:15 Male Oracle - 3:15 Izzerial the Devil - 3:15 Dalton - 3:15 Janice - 3:15 Eddie - 3:15 Lorne’s Mother - 3 Senator Helen Brucker - 3 Liam’s Father - 3 Dreg - 3 Donny Maclay - 3 Balthazar - 3 Philip - 3 Lydia - 2:45 Nigel - 2:45 Hus - 2:45 Det. Stein - 2:45 Ed, Grand Potentate of the Fell Bretheren - 2:30 Sandy - 2:30 Lorraine Ross - 2:30 Kakistos - 2:15 Laurence - 2 Jessica Harris - 2 Teeth - 2 Merrick - 1 Numfar - 1
That’s a lot of damn characters. Counted by and rounded to the nearest quarter-minute.
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stuckontheisland · 5 years
Bootleg Masterpost
Hi party people! I’m a new trader and have a small collection of stuffs that I want you all to know about in case you’re interested in anything or would like to trade! Feel free to msg me! <3 <3 
Anastasia | Sep 17, 2017
Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dimitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily), Mray Beth Peil(Empress Maria),
Bonnie and Clyde| Sep 28, 2013
Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Jeremy Jordan(Clyde Barrow), Melissa Van Der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Louis Hobson (Ted Hilton)
Bridges of Madison County| March 9, 2014
Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara), Hunter Foster (Bud), Caitlin Kinnunen(Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Michael X Martin(Charlie), Cass Morgan(Marge)
Carousel | April 26, 2013 | Lincoln Centre Production
Kelli O’Hara(Julie Jordan), Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow) Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), John Cullum (The Starkeeper/Dr. Selden), Jessie Mueller (Carrie)
Dear Evan Hansen| Oct 19, 2018 | LA Opening Night
Tracked Audio
Ben Levi Ross(Evan Hansen),  Jessica Philips(Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna(Zoe Murphy), Marrick Smith(Connor Murphy), Christiane Noll(Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar(Larry Murphy), Jared Goldsmith(Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe(Alana Beck)
Dear Evan Hansen| Unknown
Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck)
Falsettos| Lincoln Centre/PBSProfessionally Recorded
Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells(Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms(Dr. Charlotte), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia)
Gypsy| Unknown 2008 | Broadway Revival
Laura Benanti (Louise), Patti LuPone(Rose), Leigh Ann Larkin(Rose), Boyd Gaines (Herbie), Tony Yazbek(Tulsa), Alison Fraser (Tessie Tura), Leonora Nemetz (Mazeppa), Marilyn Caskey (Electra)
Hamilton| Unknown
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Phillipa Soo, Leslie Odom Jr, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff, Sydney James Harcourt, Daniel J Watts, Neil Haskell, Ephraim Sykes.
Into the Woods| Unknown 2002 | Broadway revival
Vanessa Williams, Stephen DeRosa, Kerry O’Malley, John McMartin, Gregg Edelman, Laura Benanti, Molly Ephriam, Adam Wylie, Marylouise Burke
Leap of Faith| April 4, 2012 | Broadway
Raul Esparza, Jessica Phillips, Kendra Kassebaum, Kecia Lewis-Evans, Leslie Odom Jr., Krystal Joy Brown, Talon Ackerman
Legally Blonde| Unknown |Professionally Recorded MTV
Laura Bell Bundy(Elle Woods), Christian Borle(Emmett Forrest), Orfeh(Paulette), Richard H Blake(Warner Huntington III), Kate Shindle(Vivienne Kensington), Nikki Snelson(Brooke Wyndham), Michael Rupert(Professor Callahan), Annaleigh Ashford(Margot), Asmeret Ghebremichael(Pilar), Tracy Jai Edwards(Serena)
Next to Normal| March 18, 2010 Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| June 6, 2009 | First post-Tony performance
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| Nov 29, 2009
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| March 18, 2010
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| March 20, 2010
Tracked Audio
Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Priscilla Queen of the Desert| March 6, 2011
Will Swenson (Tick/Mitzi), Tony Sheldon (Bernadette), Nick Adams (Adam/Felicia), C. David Johnson (Bob), Jacqueline B. Arnold (Diva #3), Anastacia McCleskey (Diva #2), Ashley Spencer (Diva #1), Jessica Phillips (Marion), J. Elaine Marcos (Cynthia)
Songs for a New World ​| June 2018 | NYCC Shoshana Bean, Colin Donnell, Mykal Kilgore, Solea Pfeiffer
Spring Awakening| August 15, 2008 | First performance, San Diego
Kyle Riabko (Melchior), Christy Altomare (Wendla), Blake Bashoff (Moritz), Steffi D (Ilse), Sarah Hunt (Martha), Kimiko Glenn (Thea), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto), Matt Shingledecker (Georg), Andy Mientus (Hanschen), Ben Moss (Ernst), Angela Reed (Adult Women), Henry Stram (Adult Men)
Waitress | March 30, 2016
Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr. Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie)
Wicked| August 17, 2005
Shoshana Bean(Elphaba), Meghan Hilty(Glinda)
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5-4-3-2-1 Tag!
I was tagged by @jimmyfission
Name: Here I just go by Glory.
Age: Getting older every day…
Where Am I: currently I’m at my grandma’s house, although my mind is in Derry, Maine (always).
Job: None to speak of.
5 Favorite Fictional Characters: Ben Linus (Lost) Henry Jekyll (The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde–I feel like that goes without saying, but there are so many versions of the character, and I want to make it clear that I mean the original) Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (Angel) Phil Connors (Groundhog Day: The Musical) Currently tied for a place on this list are Michael Bluth (Arrested Development) and Larry Underwood (The Stand). Michael is just so funny and great and awkward; Larry has so much potential as a character, fan I think that his arc is going to be incredible…but I haven’t finished the book yet. So I’ll cheat and add them both ;)
4 Movies I’d Rewatch Over and Over: Aliens, Spider-Man 2, The Phantom of The Opera at The Royal Albert Hall (the 25th anniversary live stage recording).
3 Favorite TV Shows: Lost, The Office, Angel.
2 Favorite Ships: Willow x Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Dwight x Angela (The Office)
1 thing I love About Myself: There are actually a lot, but I’m gonna go with my mind. I feel that what goes on in there is crazy and big and unique. It’s a big part of what makes me the way I am, and I wouldn’t want to have a brain that works any way other than the way it does.
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wartorne · 4 years
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RELATIONSHIP   STATUS :   single babeyy .  FAVORITE   COLOR :  sea / ocean blue .   basically just the ocean pls . LIPSTICK   OR   CHAPSTICK :   daily on the chapstick ,  love a good matte lippy. LAST   SONG   I   LISTENED   TO :   giants by dermot kennedy. LAST   MOVIE   I   WATCHED :   extraction .    are we surprised ? TOP   THREE   TV   SHOWS :  ooh buddy .   psych,  avatar: the last airbender,  and uhhh bad education.   but letterkenny, ncis, and the it crowd deserve shouts. TOP   THREE   CHARACTERS :   HMM .   raleigh becket  &  tyler rake,  obvs.  aaron hotchner,  and  steve rogers.   ziva david,  natasha romanov,  and katara. TOP   THREE   SHIPS :  for tyler ?   w.  steve  ( warfighting,  soulmates  &  timeforgcd,  amnesia!au ),  connor  ( fearfeeling ),  and hal  ( securcity ).   in general ?   chaleigh  ( i’m absolute Trash TM  for these idiots ),  bellarke,  and raleigh & jane wyndham  ( lovemartyred ). BOOKS   I ’ M    CURRENTLY    READING :  mindhunter:  inside the fbi’s elite serial crime unit by john douglas & mark olshaker   &&  the cadaver king and the country dentist:  a true story of injustice in the american south by radley balko and tucker carrington
tagged by :    @echojace​ tagging :   u !!
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