#Y'all should be thankful I can't do animations
leconcombrerit · 4 months
Okay but I see you by Missio as a Pheenon song, lyrics below if you've never heard of it, you're welcome I couldn't possibly get heartbroken on my own
I also can't really use it for New since he's been defined both by Non and himself as an absence or, worse, a lack of presence, but damn was I tempted to
I see you when you're down
And depressed, just a mess
I see you when you cry
When you're shy
When you want to die
I see you when you smile
It takes a while
At least you're here
I see you
Yes, I see you
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
I see you when you hide
And when you lie, it's no surprise
I see you when run from the light
Within your eyes
I see you when you think
That I don't notice all those scars
I see you
Yes, I see you
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
What a mess you've made of everything
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
And I'm hoping that you will see yourself
Like I see you
Yes, I see you
I see you
Yes, I see you
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
I see you when you chase
All the dreams inside your head
I see you when you laugh
And when you love until the bitter end
I see you in the dark
At the dawn of something new
I see you
Yes, I see you
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
And I'm hoping that you will see yourself
Like I see you
Yes, I see you
I see you
Yes, I see you
Even when you cry
And even when you're shy
You mean everything to me
Even when you lie
And even when you hide
You mean everything to me
Yes, I see you
(I see, I see, I see you)
I see you
Even when you cry
And even when you're shy
Yes, I see you
(I see, I see, I see you)
I'm alone with you
You're alone with me
And I'm hoping that you will see yourself
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ja3mln · 11 months
streamers!dreamies as your bf
special 1k!
cw: female reader, pure fluff.
note: thank you so much for your support 💓💗 i'll do my best to keep giving you content!! i love you guys! stay safe 💓
check my streamer!jaemin sns au!
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at first he didn't really want to introduce you bc he was scared of the hate you'll get but his viewers immediately accepted you and now he loves streaming with you. loves playing chill games like animal crossing or the sims 4 but also loves games where you need to play in team like fortnite or overwatch (you both keep dying trying to save each other but you dont care). obsessed with doing reacts and mostly with you (bc he gets to hold your hand and see you all excited hehe) doesn't really like showing affection on streams but does it behind the camera like putting his hand on your tight or holding your hand and playing with it when he's just chatting or reacting. his chat always asks abt you when you're not here and he gets pouty bc you're getting more attention than him from his own viewers. gets all happy when he sees you in the chat bc he loves when you take time to watch his streams. talks abt you a lot without even realizing it. "oh y/n have the same shirt", "wait this place looks so cool i wanna go with y/n" (he literally write down the name of the place to show you later), "this game is so cool i have to try it with y/n" (he calls you immediately to ask you to come over). "hold on i got a text from y/n" and the chat always trases him abt it: "we get it you're in love!!🙄" "stop pausing the video to talk abt y/n we're trying to watch😡".
don't really care abt haters and you do too so he didn't really have a problem introducing you asap. can't focus at first bc he can't get used to you sharing his passion, it really warms his heart. loves when the chat compliment you and he gets all clingy and smiley when they did bc he's just so proud to have you. more a switch player like mario or zelda games but when he starts playing more raging games like valorant or call of duty, he takes it really serious and play for his life and it surprises you everytime. watches animes or cartoons with you on stream bc you both love it and his viewers does too. loves doing diy with you bc it's so relaxing. loves doing vlog streams when you're going to the grocery or to the park bc he gets to film you both holding hands and being all lovey dovey. will give you small kisses everywhere on the face but the lips bc he wants to keep some intimacy. tweets about you a lot: "hi everyone i love my gf", "can't stream today i wanna cuddle y/n all day sorry guys". bought spare headphones and a controller for you so you can always join him whenever you want.
oh this man loves showing you off. he will not hesitate to show everyone that you're his. lets you sit on his lap while he plays, gives you a kiss when he feels like it or gives you long stares that just makes his chat scream (mostly bc they're jealous of what you both have). this man is obsessed with war games like battlefield or call of duty and gets bored when he plays chill games (but sometimes gets into it bc it's with you). can get really serious and don't want to be bothered when he's focused and you know that so you just watch him play and cheer him up. also loves playing horror games with you bc it's so funny. his viewers are so supportive and also always makes comments on how they're going to steal you from him so he gets clingy and hold you close while teasing them: "oh try me i'll fight for my life if i need to.". always posts pictures of you on instagram and spend minutes talking abt it on stream "y'all saw my new ig post? she's literally the prettiest girl ever i knoow", "should i post another one? ahhh my girl looks so good". always reassure you and shower you with love when you get insecure bc of the few hate comments you get.
he can literally spend a whole day on live. like this man really needs to touch grass sometimes. but his viewers are so loyal and supportive that they accepted you immediately (ofc there were hate comments but hc banned those ppl lol) and it just made hc so happy bc he loves sharing his passion with you. can someone get this man off league of legend and valorant? like you always try to convince him to play something else and sometimes he does bc it's with you but as soon as he can go back to his games he will. oh and you both loves reacts sooo much and he's mostly known for those reacts bc you both are just so funny. loves small horror games bc he can hold you while he plays bc you're scared and he also likes making fun of your reactions. takes breaks just to call you between games "say hi to the chat baby", "can you come over i miss you". when it comes to showing affection, he gets more and more comfortable with time, starting with small kisses and touchings to sitting on his lap and small neck kisses. you get worried a lot bc of the time he spend on playing games but he always reassure you that he's fine. has 2 days off in the week to spend time with you and rest. even if he spends a lot of time on his pc, he always listen when it gets too much for you and try his best to give you the attention you need.
this man is crazy in love with you so he introduced you to his viewers as soon as he could. it got a lot of bad reactions that he didn't expect but he didn't really paid attention bc he's just happy to introduce his baby. obsessed with tycoons mostly cooking one and loves playing it with you. also a lot of Minecraft, he builds houses and tell his viewers that it's your future house with 3 cats and 2 dogs. does reacts sometimes but only when you're with him. loves showing the pictures he took of you (he keeps some of it for himself ofc). he doesn't really like kissing or holding you on live bc he likes keeping this moments between you, when you're alone but he doesn't hesitate to compliment you in front of the chat. "look at my babyyyy", "oh my god why are you so cute", "i can't concentrate you're too pretty", "oh my god you did so good sweetheart" (and he gives you small cheek kisses when he can't resist it) always takes time off to spend it with you and give you the attention you need. like he can cut a stream anytime if you need him (even if it's just to go to the grocery bc you're craving something) and his viewers got used to it.
talked a lot about you during his streams but didn't really introduced you at first bc he was scared and shy (even if his chat encouraged him a lot) but once he did he didn't regret it bc streaming was even funnier with you. loves playing funny games and mostly sports games (get him off nba2k pls). you mostly watch him play and comment but he tries to involve you as much as he can. loves when the chat compliment you and even gets a bit shy bc he's proud that you're his. not really affective on live but teases you a lot and looks at you with so much love that the chat teases him and he gets all shy everytime. gets complains from the viewers bc he's always teasing you: "leave our baby alone!😡" "you're so cruel omg😔". and he always goes like "it's my love language leave me alone!!". always makes sure you're comfortable with it ofc, he will always asks you when the camera's off if you're okay with the teasing. face times you during streams to ask you random questions "hey what is the name of the new noodles we tried the other day?" "am i bad ta nba2k? my chat is bullying me help". always makes sure he have free time to spend it with you bc he's way more comfortable when you're alone.
really really shy at first (even now but less). he talked abt you before and his chat always asks him to invite you but he'll get shy and just change the subject. but you appeared on his live by accident one day. "hey jisung did you see my- oh...", "hum... guys this is y/n. my girlfriend." was very surprised by his viewers positive reactions and got more and more comfortable with you being around during his lives. even bought spare headphones for you. he mostly does reacts like tv reality shows or animes bc he loves watching those with you and even more on live. don't play a lot or when he does it's chill games bc he gets stressed easily. he loves playing Minecraft bc it's relaxing and also you love watching him playing it. also loves playing the sims 4 with bc it's a mess. hates when you makes him play horror games (but found himself having a bit of fun) whenever his viewers asks him to play a new game he just goes "nooo i want to play it with y/n" and pout. loves irl streaming when you go to the arcade. small attentions during streams like getting you snacks, making sure you're comfortable or caressing your tight (bc it's behind the camera) when you're getting anxious. has a lot of free time for you bc he doesn't stream a lot (like 3 times a week) but when he does it's long streams.
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Hi, could I request Joel Miller and reader fighting A LOT, and then reader saves his life by risking her own, but Joel thought it was so reckless and started scolding her. And then she just shut him up with a kiss and IT WORKED. And now he doesn't know what to do.
Love your work!
a/n: of course! hope you enjoy this 🖤 i may have changed the part where he doesn't know what to do lol
Warnings: cursing, kissing, making out, suggestive.
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"That's 1 for me, and none for you." Joel smirks, watching as you kick your clicker aside.
The bet was 'who could kill a clicker first'. Winner gets... well, the title of a winner. You and Joel are just very competitive individuals, who for some reason need to prove yourself to the other person.
Normal people would call it flirting, but you and Joel curse out whoever dare accuse you of such heinous acts.
"God.. get a room." Tommy mutters.
"Shut up, Tommy." You glare.
Maria chuckles, leading the group back to the base. "Why do you always push their buttons?"
Tommy shrugs. "They look cute flustered like that. Look, Joel won't even know how to talk to her now."
It's true. Every time someone says something along the lines of "y'all look good together", Joel does not know how to act. Yes, he curses them out, but then gets quiet with you.
"So," Joel mutters. "Wanna wrap this up and grab a beer?"
You get on your horse. "Are you buying?"
"I make my own beer."
"Gah, no thanks then." You say, though you know damn well that you'll take that beer in a heartbeat.
He rolls his eyes. "You're impossible."
A smirk makes its way up to your lips when you see another abandoned cabin nearby. "Tell you what Joel, let's go for another round. Cabin at your 10."
"Yeah?" Joel looks at the cabin. "Are we bettin' for something real this time?"
"How 'bout you bet for a date?" Tommy chimes.
"Shut up, Tommy." Joel glares at his brother.
Maria chuckles at Tommy's little jabs towards the oblivious couple. "We're going to checkout that cabin tomorrow anyway, so go knock yourselves out. But be careful, it's getting dark out."
You raise your eyebrow at Joel, who looks doubtful.
"Scared you're gonna lose, Miller?"
Joel scoffs. "Careful there, sweetheart. You don't wanna tease me."
You and Joel take a turn towards the cabin, Tommy and Maria riding ahead. The cabin seems to be in pretty good shape, no sign of clickers. Until of course, you spot the ominous amount of blood seeping through the back door.
"That amount of blood," you whisper to Joel, "Gotta be a big animal. Maybe a horse."
"Or just a shit ton of humans." Joel adds.
As if things can't get worse.
And it does.
The sun's setting, but you can hear the sound of a clicker inside. You're sure it's just the one. You and Joel both agree that you should finish this quickly. Usually, a more silent approach is preferred, but since there's only one clicker, it can't hurt, right?
Joel kicks the door open and you make your way inside. The clicker's already running towards you, but with quick work, Joel shoots it down like nothing.
"That was easy." You comment.
"Too easy." Joel frowns. "Looks like it's two-nil, sweetheart."
You're about to roll your eyes when you catch a stalker unlatch itself from the wall and about to attack.
"Joel, watch out!"
You push Joel aside and let yourself get pushed down by it. Your arm is preventing it from getting close to you, and you shoot it dead. Joel kicks the stalker away from you and help you up.
"Fuck." He checks for any bite marks. "Tell me you didn't get bit. Or a-any scratches-"
"I'm fine, Joel-"
He checks again, and sighs in relief once he found nothing. "Why on earth would you do that?"
You frown. Still in shock, but Joel's comment shocks you more. "I just saved your life."
"No one asked you to." He quips. "You could've died- worse, it could've bit you."
"Yeah, it could've bit you, Joel." You say. "That's why I stopped it."
"You were reckless." Joel scolds.
You scoff. "You know what, let's just head back. I'm done having this conversation with you."
You try to stand up, only to almost fall. It seems like you've sprained your ankle when you taking the fall. Hoping Joel didn't notice, you slowly make your way to your horse.
But of course Joel notices.
"What's wrong with you?"
You glare at him, "I said, I don't want to-"
"No, what's wrong?" He frowns. "You're limping."
"..It's just a sprained ankle." You mutter.
And despite Joel's lack of hearing in his right ear, he picks that up perfectly clear. He hops off his horse and helps you get on yours before tying your lead to his.
He doesn't say anything else for the rest of the ride back home.
Once you've arrived at the stables, Joel picks you up and gets you down from your horse before you can do it yourself. The only problem is that he's not putting you down.
"Joel, I can walk by myself."
"The hell you can." He mutters.
You sigh. "Put me down, Joel."
"Can you quit fussin' around?" He frowns. "You're heavy."
You look at him in disbelief. "Put me down right now. No one asked you to carry me."
He fully ignores you. Once he's sure that the horses are good, he leaves with you in his arms, back to his place. All the while, you're still demanding him to put you down.
"Joel, honestly." You sigh again. "People are staring."
"You'd rather walk to your house with that sprained ankle?" He questions, "I know you're in pain."
"It's barely a sprained ankle." Lies.
"Probably just sore." More lies.
Joel sets you down on his couch and goes to get an ice pack. You took this chance to stand up and make your way towards the door - which, obviously, with your sprained ankle, you can't do very fast.
"Jesus Christ," Joel sighs. "Can you just sit down??"
You huff and sit back down. There's no winning against Joel now.
Joel kneels in front of you and takes off your boot. He examines your ankle and sighs. You won't be able to walk properly for the next 4 to 6 weeks.
You're in severe pain, but you're not about to let Joel know. You can see that your ankle is badly swollen, and when Joel tries to move it, you hiss in pain.
"You really shouldn't have been so reckless."
"Joel, please-"
"No, cause what if you'd gotten bit?" He looks at you. "I'd need to-" He doesn't even want to think of what he'd have to do.
"It's just a sprained ankle, Joel." You tell him. "I'm fine. I can handle it. I've been doing this just as long as you have."
He shakes his head. His face is all kinds of worry. Despite being so sour and sassy all the time, Joel actually has a soft heart. It's what draws you to him. He's very caring, he just hides it.
"All, I'm sayin' is, next time, just let me handle it, alright?" He says.
"Ugh, Joel-"
"No," He interrupts you. "I don't want to hear it. You keep doing this and I keep worryin' about you-" he rambles on and presses the ice pack on your ankle.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" You wince.
"See? This is why you-"
"Oh good God, just stop." You grab his face and kiss him before he can lecture you further.
Joel drops the ice pack and his hands find the back of your neck. Your legs spread and he places himself between them, pulling you closer to him.
There's a need of exploration and urgency. You don't even think about taking a breath because you don't want this to end.
"Joel." You moan softly when he pushes his tongue. His hands softly squeezes your waist and the other inching closer to your inner thigh.
You try to take charge, but Joel's having none of it. His hand travels up to your neck and gives it a gentle squeeze, reminding you who's in control. He smirks when a gasp escapes you.
You might've started this, but Joel is definitely winning.
"Too much for you, sweetheart?"
You're both left breathless. Touching Joel again feels electrifying, yet somehow the world surrounding you feels like a blur. It's making your head spin, and you want more.
Joel chuckles at your state and presses the ice pack on your ankle again. You moan out in pain, resting your head on his shoulder.
He smirks and whispers in your ear, "Save your moans, babygirl. You're gonna be doing a lot of that tonight."
a/n: I hate that I can't write smut :(
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yayakoishii · 8 months
Hello love! I saw your post asking for Sanji requests and as a die hard lover of both the anime and live action Sanji, I'll happily provide.
The crew ends up docking at a random island to rest and stay a bit on solid ground. When looking for a place to stay/eat they come across the readers restraunt. Just as they're about to walk in a customer gets thrown out the front door with the reader angrily yelling about manners and how to treat people respectfully.
The readers a cook, a little short tempered, loud, and unapologetically themselves and Sanji instantly falls in love.
Alright alright I'm done now ~ 🍄🐛💫
Respect | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji × Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff??
A/n: Hey there anon!! I'm super late, but I hope you're still around to see this <3 tbh, this isn't my best work and I feel like it got a little ooc and derailed a bit towards the end but I hope you enjoy it! for all my short temper, I have no idea how to write an angry little gremlin lol.
To everyone else, thank you for the 100 followers and all the likes and comments!! This is insane tbh, I wasn't expecting anything on any of my works 😭 Y'all are too kind ❤️
also available on ao3!
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The island they had docked on wasn't all that big, but the people there were lively. There weren't many hotels they could find since the town wasn't all that big, and any that they found were already filled to the brim. Finally after walking around for a while, they found a small tavern quite a ways from the shore. It seemed to be a little lively because there were sounds coming from the inside but it seemed to not be so full that they couldn't grab a table.
As they neared the door of the establishment, it suddenly banged open and two men fell through, looking a little roughed up and angry. The crew lingered at a distance, wondering what was going on when you came out, your chef's hat perfectly atop your head, with your hands on your hips.
"I better not see you around here ever again!" You snapped at the two, who flinched ever so slightly. "If you lack manners, that's YOUR problem. You can't take it out on my girls and expect me to treat you like the valued customers you are not."
The two sat up and glared at you, ready to retort but you raised the pan in your hand, waving it in front of their faces.
"Scram, unless you want me to burn your face," you finished calmly. That was enough. The two immediately scrambled up and ran into the distance. You huffed and blew away the lock of hair that had slipped out of your hat. You were about to turn around and go back in when you noticed the group standing there. "What?"
"Oh, um, we were looking for a place to eat?" Chopper felt the need to answer because you were staring at him. (You were a little curious and didn't mean to stare but that was hard when the group was full of… unique characters.)
"Well, a table just got empty so help yourself in," you grumbled, jerking your thumb to beckon them inside. The crew silently followed you in, to find that your tavern was mostly full too but the people were more calm and the ruckus of the other hotels was missing. "Oh yeah. Before you settle in, you should know the one rule of my establishment."
You narrowed your eyes at them. "You treat any of my girls with anything less than respect and you'll be thrown out like those two. Capisce?"
The crew just nodded, too hungry to actually bother with anything else but Sanji couldn't help but find you absolutely charming. It was common to find people who bent and let their customers do whatever for the sake of business, but you were protective of your employees and you didn't care about being a fake sort of nice. He watched you stalk back to where the food was being cooked, responding nicely to the customers asking if all was good. You were nice where it mattered, and unapologetically yourself if your values were threatened. It was all too easy to find you like a breath of fresh air.
That wasn't even what did it, though. For Sanji, what did it was the moment one of your waitresses had come back with the food they had ordered and he had tasted the dish he had watched you prepare with the ease and expertise of someone who clearly loved and lived for their profession. One bite and he nearly moaned there, masking it under a hum of appreciation.
Even Luffy was looking at the food star eyed and his speed in sucking up the food somehow increased. Sanji tried to not do the same, wanting to savour the taste as long as he could but it was clear that if he took too long, Luffy would have finished it all by then.
The hotel was nearly empty by the time they were done and they were one of the only customers still remaining. Sanji was sure it was dark enough outside that they would need light to make their way back to the ship. You were finishing off, calling out orders for the girls who were starting to clear up. You caught his eye and Sanji couldn't look away, mesmerised by the sight of you removing your hat and shaking your hair free. You were gorgeous, a good cook, and had the personality of a firework. He had to do something–
"Let's take her with us!" Luffy announced suddenly, banging his hand on the table. Everyone startled and Sanji stared at him as if he has grown two heads.
"Uh Luffy, that's kidnapping–" Nami's words died out the moment she noticed you walking up to their table.
"Hey there," you gave them all a small smile. "Will you guys be needing anything else or should I draw up the bill? I'm afraid it's getting close to closing time."
"Come with us!!" Luffy grinned. You paused and looked at him weirdly.
"Sorry?" You said.
"What he means, mademoiselle," Sanji intervened, giving you the most charming smile he had, "is that your food was absolutely delicious. Our captain would like to have you onboard as a chef."
You were silent, staring at them all with a blank look, until you finally looked at Sanji. Your gaze made him putty but he tried to remain firm.
"You don't have a cook or something?" You smiled, a little amused.
"Sanji is the cook!" Luffy answered, pointing a finger at the blonde man, who was too busy giving you googly eyes to answer. You cocked an eyebrow at that, looking at the said man.
"And you don't mind another chef invading your territory?" You asked, curious. The crew didn't seem to be more than the people in your hotel. There really didn't seem to be any need for an extra chef to you; and anyway, you were happy with your little hole in the wall place. You were just asking because you were curious, not because you actually planned to join them.
"If it's you, you can invade any space of mine, my lady," Sanji's eyes had turned into hearts as he uttered the words. Nami whacked him on the head, worried he would freak you out but that earned him a loud laugh from you.
"You're funny," you grinned, looking back at Luffy with an apologetic smile. "Unfortunately, I'm happy where I am. Thanks for the offer but I can't. Now, are you gonna pay up or…?"
Luffy looked like he was going to protest but Usopp held him back. Nami grumbled as she pulled out the pouch of money to pay off their bill and yet all Sanji could think of was begging you to join them. He didn't need another person to cook; he was quite enough. But you, with all your loud beauty, were like a sparkling gem he would never find again. He wanted to have you, to know you, to know all your little quirks and interests. He wanted to cook beside you and fall in love– with cooking and with you, all over again.
The crew started to make their way out but Sanji lingered back, making his way towards you. You noticed and gave him a smile, noting that he really was handsome when he wasn't all heart eyed and half a puddle.
"Is there any way I can change your mind?" He blurted out, feeling his insides shake in anticipation.
"I don't know," you teased, suddenly starting to contemplate if it wouldn't be such a bad idea. You had always wanted to travel, to cook for all kinds of people with all kinds of ingredients; you just never could and had to make do with a small hotel on a small island. Wasn't this a chance to make your dreams come true? "What can you do to convince me?"
"Anything you want from me, mademoiselle," he said breathlessly, gently picking up your hand to press a soft kiss on the back of it. Your heart fluttered at the action, and you flushed. No one had ever treated you like this, like you were something delicate and priceless and every moment you looked in Sanji's eyes made you feel like you were about to be set on fire.
"W- Well," you stuttered, feeling like you had lost control, "how about you help with the dishes then?"
Surely he would not agree to that. This was just a game, and it was time he would back out. You would go back to your little place, and he would go back to his ship. There was no way he would be okay with–
"Is that all it takes, my lady?" The light purr in his voice made your cheeks feel warm.
"N- no, it's just the start," you turned away from him, trying to hide the blush rising up your cheeks. He was far too good looking to be paying you so intense attention and there was something about him that was capturing your heart, tempting it to agree to his words. If you left your girls behind, who would take care of them? All those men who treated them like they were dolls on display would not just disappear the moment you left the island. You couldn't leave them…
"Then, show me the way," he smiled at you, all perfect white teeth shining under the golden lights of your hotel. You just pointed him to the tower of dishes that his own crew had left behind and watched a little astonished as he really started to wash them.
"He's certainly one of a kind," your fellow cook and friend nudged you as she spoke. You couldn't look away from him as you answered her.
"I don't know what it is about him, but whenever he looks at me, I feel…" You abruptly cut off, feeling embarrassed. "Nothing!"
"You feel nothing?" You friend teased, "That blush on your cheeks doesn't look like nothing to me~"
"Shut up," you growled, hackles raised at the teasing. You never fared well with being teased or flirted with, and unfortunately, it seemed the blonde man– Sanji, his captain had called him, you remembered –was exactly of the latter type. He was no good for you, right?
"I don't know," your friend sighed, drawing up a sad smile as she looked at you. "I know your dream. Even if you don't feel anything for him, I know their offer is a chance for you. Why don't you just take it?"
"I can't leave you all behind," you murmured, heart paining at the thought of ditching them just for your dreams. "If I'm not here, what if–"
"Nothing's gonna happen," your friend interrupted you. "Come on, we aren't no weaklings. And I'm here, aren't I? I'll make sure everyone is safe and taken care of. So don't worry about us and go get your man– I mean, go fulfil your dreams."
You whacked her arm at the teasing, smiling genuinely as you watched Sanji finish off the dishes already. He was so fast, and you couldn't help but feel silly for finding that sexy. Competence and confidence was always sexy.
"Alright," you mumbled to yourself. "I'll do it. But, I think I'll take my time. I did say this is just the start."
Your friend raised an eyebrow at your amused smile. Sanji waved at you to indicate that he was done and you waved back, starting to make your way to him.
"It's more fun this way, isn't it?"
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Can't Help Himself (18+)
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Inspired by this wonderful piece of art I wanted to write some non-con with pit mad Jason and Danny, with some random LoA assassin holding Jason's leash.
Trigger warnings (seriously y'all); rape, vaginal penetration, degradation, manipulation, Pit mad!Jason, sexual violence, forced breeding.
This is Dead Dove
“Keep a tight grip on the leash,” Talia said as he handed over the chain with a personable smile. “He’s very well trained but that doesn’t always help when you’re not holding the leash. I’m loathe to part with him of course, but grandfather says you have an important prisoner and Jason is an excellent guard dog~” She ran her painted nails through the young man’s black and white hair.
The masked assassin nodded, looking down at the young man at the end of the leash, he glared back with glowing green eyes, swirling with the sort of mindless rage particular to the Lazarus pits. Such people were little more than animals but they could still be useful. “I’ll take good care of him,” She assured the leader’s daughter, bowing to her before she turned to leave. When Jason was reluctant to follow Talia made a sharp hissing sound that made him flinch and follow his temporary mistress without resistance. 
It was a quick walk to the cell in the depths of the league base that held one of the more interesting things they had managed to capture. “I brought you a friend, Phantom” the assassin said cruelly as she flipped on the lights. 
Inside the young man with slow white hair and intelligent Lazarus green eyes hissed at the sudden light. He glared at the assassin baring too sharp teeth and snarling, he had talked a lot when he had first been brought here but when he seemed to realize it didn’t do any good he had stopped. Now he was giving everyone the silent treatment seemingly out of spite, occasionally yanking on the Lazarus treated shackles, the only things they’d found that could hold him. He was wary as he glanced down at Jason, his eyes widening slightly. 
Jason too had fallen still and stopped snarling, the two men were just… staring at each other. Well that was odd. The assassin clicked her tongue and gave Jason’s leash a brief tug, reminding him who he was answering too and his purpose. He blinked and, rather than falling back into line he strained towards their captive, trying to get closer. 
She hissed sharply and kicked high, bringing her foot down on the chain connected to Jason’s thick collar, using her weight to drag him down to the floor. Jason let out growling oof as he barely caught himself enough to break the fall, finally looking away from the prisoner to look at the woman now standing on his leash, keeping him down on the floor by his neck. What shocked her was the whine that Phantom let out in response. When she looked up she saw that he was also straining towards Jason, matching green eyes filled with sympathy. 
“He doesn’t want to help you, you know,” She scoffed at Phantom. “The violence of the Pit runs deep in this one, he barely has enough of his mind left to know his own name. You should thank me for keeping him away from you, he probably wants to tear you apart,” she laughed only to be met by an Extra glowy glare from Phantom.
“You want him Fine,” She said, rolling her eyes and taking her foot off the chain, letting Jason get to his hands and knees. He moved towards Phantom hesitantly, expecting to be pulled back again, but this time she let him, following with a tight grip on his leash. She didn’t think the Demon Head would be pleased if he actually let a Guard Dog hurt his prize so she had to be ready to yank him back if he got too violent. 
When Jason realized that he wasn’t going to be pulled back he sped up and practically pounced on Phantom who let out an oof as he was pushed down to the stone floor. Before the assassin or, it seemed, Phantom, knew what was happening Jason was scrambling at the being clothes. 
“No, Don’t-” Phantom yelped, the first words he’d said in days as Jason tore Phantom’s shirt open from collar to waist like a child unwrapping a present. He lashed out to try and push Jason off but bound as he was Jason was stronger and didn’t seem to be struggling to hold Phantom down. Despite not needing to breath he gasps as Jason bears down on him, grabbing at the front of his shirt. What was interesting though was that despite looking scared and saying no Phantom was not fighting as hard as he could, wasn’t going for Jason’s throat or eyes.
“Well this is getting interesting~” She laughed, Phantom’s gaze snapped to her as if he’d forgotten she was there. 
“Make him stop,” Phantom gasped and she grinned unapologetically down at him, her mouth still covered by her mask but judging by his despair he saw it in her eyes. 
“No, I don’t think I will. I think I like where this is going~” She laughed. She did pull Jason back but it was not to stop Jason, but he was so mindless right now she wasn’t even sure He knew what he wanted. But she did~ When she pulled him back onto his knees she could see that his cock was rock hard and straining against the loose pants he was wearing. 
This was wrong of course, but she wouldn’t be an assassin if she didn’t have a sadistic streak, or cared at all about what was right. So she was just going to have fun, and right now what that means was shoving Phantom over onto his stomach with her foot and leaning down to grab the back of his pants with one hand, yanking them down and fully ignoring his screams for her to stop. 
Jason was staring, his eyes roaming over the curve of Phantom’s ass and when she yanked Danny’s hips up she saw how Jason’s pupils dilated when he got a good view of Phantom’s pussy. She planted her foot on the back of Phantom’s neck to keep him down and semi-still. “Good boy Jason,” She told Jason, talking over Phantom’s objections, knowing Jason would listen to her, the one holding his leash, like he was trained to. “Now you, take off your pants.” She ordered, and of course he obeyed though never did he take his eyes off of Phantom the entire time.
“Well, I think you know what you want, go ahead and take it~” She told Jason, pushing off of Phantom’s neck and leaning against the wall, though of course she still kept a firm grip on Jason’s leash. She'd step in if she had to, but she’d much rather just enjoy the show.
Jason hesitated for a moment, but as soon as Phantom started to pull away it broke through whatever was holding Jason back and he lurched into motion. He grabbed Phantom’s hips and yanked him back making the being yelp. Jason leaned down, his nose was nearly pressed into Phantom’s pussy as he breathed deeply, scenting the other as Phantom whimpered his protest. 
“You might as well shut up again Phantom. He only listens to the one holding his leash,” She mocked. Not that Jason seemed to be listening to her very much right now, whatever innate instinct to breed Phantom seemed to be overwriting just about everything else. “Besides it looks like he just can’t help himself.”
Jason ran his tongue over Danny’s pussy, a long sweep from his clit to his taint making him gasp and shudder. Jason did it again and Danny yanked against his chains, trying to cover his mouth but coming up just shy. “Jason Stop!” He pleaded but was completely ignored, just as she had warned him he would be. 
Jason growled and pushed deeper, his tongue disappearing inside the boy’s cunt. It was only a little disappointing to see Phantom bite his lip to silence himself, less so as she watched green blood drip down his chin from where his fangs had sunk into his own lip. Behind him Jason’s growl slowly morphed into a purr before he pulled back. His dick was an attractively desperate shade of pink as he adjusted his grip on Phantom’s hips and then ground against his ass. 
Phantom yowled like a furious cat and thrashed, but chained and pinned as he was there was nowhere for him to go as Jason wrestled his legs apart. Danny fought, until with one quick, clumsy thrust Jason forced his way into the pale being body. Pinned and penetrated Phantom finally fell still with a keen that would have been heartbreaking, had anyone who was listening been sympathetically inclined. 
She cackled and yanked on Jason’s leash, dragging him further over Phantom, further into his unwilling pussy. Jason’s face was read, his strong back covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his eyes glowing more intensely than ever before, fixed down on the object of his unwanted affections. 
He pulled out and pushed back in and Phantom yelped and shuddered, clawed fingers digging into the very stone beneath him as Jason wasted no time in fucking him. He looked up at her with hatred in his eyes that… if she was honest scared her a little. His gaze seemed to promise that the second he got out of these shackles she would pay, but she didn’t show that fear of course. 
“Don’t look at me that way~ I’m not the one fucking you,” She mocked him and he gave a broken snarl before spitting blood at her feet. Huh he must have bitten his tongue at some point. 
Jason’s eyes slid closed, his breathing coming in shallow moans and keens as he rutted into Phantom’s body with reckless abandon, uncaring and eager. He found some sort of rhythm, his moans and the sound of flesh on flesh the only sounds in the cell. Phantom had bitten his lip again, his eyes closed tightly and his fists clenched so quickly she could see the blood where his claws were digging into his own palms. 
Jason’s moans took on a new breathy tone as he lost track of his rhythm, bucking his hips in frantic shallow thrusts until he came. She knew he must have because Phantom wailed so loudly she knew it would be ringing in her ears for days.
Jason let go abruptly and Phantom collapsed to the floor, curling up in a ball and hugging himself tightly. “Wonderful performance everyone,” She laughed pulling Jason away. “But I don’t think you’ll be a good guard for him after all Jason. Sort yourself out. I’ll take you back to Talia and find someone who won’t fuck the prisoner.”
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 92... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has brought back some previous plot points that I and many others have been thinking about for quite some time now...!! 😌 So let's talk about it on this wonderful Christmas Eve, shall we...? 😉
Today's chapter begins with something that we knew was coming...:
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...THE FINALS...!! 😤
Mentioned all the way back in Mission 42, we learned that if Anya does bad on the finals, she will be separated from Becky (and Damian), so it is extremely important for her to do well them...!! 😲 But she isn't the only one worried about the upcoming finals...
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Of course Twilight would be stressing out about whether or not Anya will do well on the finals, but because on of certain goofy spy (last seen being already defeated in a tennis match in Mission 32), Twilight can't even cheat on the test for Anya anymore...:
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(*Sniff* I'm so glad to see Daybreak again, even it's just flashback...!! 🥹)
But since Anya did quite well in Classical Language (also mentioned in Mission 42), Twilight wants her to work on that subject and believes that she could even get a Stella for it... Then this happened:
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After Twilight lost all hope for his daughter to well on the finals, Authens show up and invite the Forgers to have some cookies!! 🍪
While at the Authens' place, we get a lot of interesting information about Authens, but the things that peaked my interest the most are that Mr. Authen taught neurology at the University that he used to work at and that him and Mrs. Authen moved back to Berlint to be close to their son and his family...!! 🤔
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I don't know if either these things about the Authens will lead to anything, but I'll still be on my guard about them... (Especially about who might be their son...! 🤔)
Moving on, Sigmund starts to help Anya with Classical Language by *GASP* using something that she loves to help her with her studies...!! 😲 (Yes, I know Twilight to tried to teach Anya using Spy Wars before, but... He didn't do it properly [as seen in Short Mission 9, which was also mentioned in today's chapter as well...! 😄]) AND IT ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!! 😆
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And after some more studying, Sigmund congratulates Anya for all of her hard today:
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The Forgers prepare to leave the Authens' place and Anya says that she'll keep coming to the Authens place to study (as long as they have cookies...! 😋) But then, Sigmund asks Anya what's her main goal after becoming an Imperial Scholar, and she says...:
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(I take back being suspicious of him, at least for now...! 😌)
Anya continues her training (I mean studying) with Sigmund until she ends up looking like Solid Snake...!! 👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣
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Anya, you so crazy...!! 😂😂😂
After that, Anya heads off to school (with that permanent marker 5 o'clock shadow on her face 🤭) ready to take the finals...!! 😎 And then...:
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And that was Mission 92, a nice little on Christmas Eve that finally brought back things that haven't been brought up in while (like Daybreak...!! 😆) I loved that Anya was actually enjoying studying for once, thanks to Sigmund!! 😊 And to Twilight, I love you, but... THIS👏IS👏HOW👏YOU👏SHOULD👏HAVE👏APPROACHED👏ANYA👏WITH👏HER👏STUDIES!!!👏😤 My guy Twilight really doesn't understand children AT ALL (especially his own...!! 😌)
I truly don't think that the Authens are bad people after this chapter, but I still believe that they (particularly Sigmund) might have a dark past...!! 🤔 As for the mention of the Authens' having a son has got my theory brain a rolling...! 😵 But, my best guess of who their son could be is either he's Anya's biological father or one of the scientists that experimented on her... 👀
Anyway, I think that's all wanna say about this chapter...!! 😊 And if know me tomorrow is my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! 😆 I probably won't be on Tumblr at all tomorrow, so until December 26th or the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, be kind to one another, & HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! 💗😆💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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neverchecking · 1 year
I have a brain rot for sage, hes challenging the chain for their time with player/reader, he basically wants all His/Her/Them's attention, of course none of the chain and sage are going to "play" fair their going to cheat no matter what. the only ones he might not win against is time, FD and maybe twilight. wind, four, Hyrule, and sky would do sad puppy eyes to get cuddle time, twilight and legend turn into their animal form to get pettings, sage and wild would cook food to get points for being delicious. (etc.etc.) just some yandere shenanigans for attention. the challenges he did were sword fighting, bow and arrow targeting, sparing, arm wrestling, and so forth.
Okay, last one for the night! I figured since this isn't really a request, I could spitball some more of my headcanons for our beloved Sage.
Jk it delted itself so I gave up and went to bed bc last time I tried to push through I wasn't happy with the end product, so sorry for the delay!
For those of you who don't know, Sage is another name for the Tears of the Kingdom Link--dubbed Hero of the Zonai-- should we decide he is not in fact Wild.
For the Wild and Facesitting request, it's in progress I promise! I try to go in order with my requests, but like I said, this is more headcanons versus a scenario. It should be out tomorrow later today so look out for that ;)
Y'all. The amount of Sage requests in my inbox right now? You guys are feral for this man and I love it. So I'm here to feed you guys.
TotK spoilers below!
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・❥・Okay, so lemme start this off by saying. I have done you all wrong. And for that I apologize.
・❥・Because our wonderful @wayfayrr has opened my eyes to new possibilities that I would've never even thought of. So everyone say thank you rn >:(
・❥・So let's make some amendments!
・❥・First off, let's talk about nicknames. I love the idea that Reader, and only Reader, can call him anything other than Sage. And calling him other herb-related nicknames? Kills me. He is a flushing red mess the first time it happens. You had deemed him worthy of a nickname? You considered him person enough to have a moniker that wasn't also a title? If he was down bad before, it's so much worse now. Because you see him as a person. He's sure the others just see him as a means to the end. The second one of them, maybe save Wind, try it, he's shooting them daggers and snarling at them for even daring to try and impeach your privilege. (I also love the Calm, Wild and Feral thing, I thought that was so freaking clever.)
・❥・And you know how each of the hero's have their own 'sword' right? Well, what if Sage's was the Master Sword Remastered? Like Sky's (Like most of their Master Swords actually) but now it's been boosted by ten thousand years worth of direct light magic. (Does the Zonai time fall before Skyward Sword or after? I have no idea where they fall on the timeline tbh.). Just a thought. It could also be a gloom sword which probably wouldn't effect him as hard in other timelines because there's no demon king to power it, but it probably does hurt the others if they try to touch it.
・❥・Now, the juicy part. Let's retouch on Wild's and Sage's relationship. I originally said that Sage was okay with him? I lied. Wayfayrr has opened my eyes.
・❥・Sage probably can't fucking stand Wild. As they said, this is a version of him that didn't have this second adventure. Got to rest and distant himself from the Hero Title. And that just pisses him off. Why did he get the shittier hand? Why did he have to do it all over again? Why when this failure got to get off easy? Why couldn't he have the same grace, huh? What made them so different?
・❥・And if we're using the past oneshot (Here!) as they're 'canon' meeting, this filth let you get hurt. You were hurt before meeting him, which means that they can't be trusted with you. Especially Wild. So Sage cannot stand you being near Wild. At all. It eats at him and he doesn't last long before splitting the two of you up.
・❥・Calamity is even worse. There is probably an active hate towards Calamity (In this Yandere world, in a normal, not toxic world? They probably work out their differences a little better). This was a version of him who didn't even have to die to complete his quest. And this just shows that Fraud has favorites and it's not him.
・❥・You know who else he probably doesn't like? Twilight. Now, hear me out. This is purely me just spitting this out, but Sage has to be aware. He listens when they don't think he does, he's awake when they think he's not, he's watching when they don't even know he's there.
・❥・So he probably picks up on all of their little secrets. Meaning he knows Twilight is Wolfie. And (I think this is Canon is LU but I'm not sure) Wild had Wolfie as a guide. Which means Sage had Wolfie as a guide. The difference? When he needed him the second time, left stumbling around like a newborn fawn crawling out of the shrine all over again, he was left alone. He was fighting robots with a fucking Stick. He fused a mushroom to a shield just to buy himself more time. At one point, he was fusing a long stick to another long stick just to fight from a distance to save his battered body. Rauru did as much as he could, but there were some times he wished he was left for dead.
・❥・Not anymore as that means he would've never met you, but then? different story.
・❥・They also brought up that Sage probably doesn't stop at just cooking your food and I agree. When on the road, he for sure goes straight to the source. If he doesn't know exactly where it came from, it's not going anywhere near his Goddess. Nope. Not a chance in the gloomy depths from hell.
・❥・He's going to farmers themselves rather than merchants for produce, hunting any protein himself, climbing trees for eggs, he probably even makes his own butter. Now, because he's also cooking savy this for sure makes the rivalry between him and Wild widen. Wild is set in his cook for the chain, not you. Sage can't trust them to not hurt you again. Whose to say they don't over spice the food? Or undercook the fish? Or drop shells into the egg?
・❥・He can't trust them and may force you to pick one of the other. Depending on who you chose, he'll either hold his victory up high or work even harder to separate you from the chain. Can't you see, Reader? They aren't good for you.
・❥・When it comes to the Gloom, he for sure uses to his advantage. You know he's been infected, but you don't know how much light he's gathered to dispel it. At this point, he's probably gotten most, if not all of it, out, but you don't know that. And he preys on that fact.
・❥・Oh, the Traveler wants to down to the river with you? But, Reader, there's something rotten in his chest and he's stumbling against trees, exaggerating his steady steps just in case to really sell it. He needs you by his side, can't you see?
・❥・Oh, the captain is trying to get you to settle with him for the night? But, Reader, he's tossing and turning, feigning sleep and acting just enough to catch your attention. He's listening, ears pricked, just to hear you swiftly apologize before your gently hands are laying on his shoulders and he's won again.
・❥・And because his Hyrule is one of, if not the most dangerous Hyrules, he's given so much ammo to keep you tethered to him. You can't trust anyone, don't you know? The Yiga uptake has skyrocketed and they are everywhere, along with Ganon's new ability to make puppets? Can't you see how you can't trust any of them?
・❥・He even entertains you when you come up with the idea to have a secret saying between just the two of you as a fail safe. (It's probably something like 'Deforestation Enthusiast' because of how the two of you met.) Anything to have you pulling further away from the Chain and into his arms.
・❥・If it begins to take longer than expected, Sage is not above letting you wander just enough in his Hyrule. Maybe you set off a bit of Gloom hands (Or maybe he nudges them in your direction, hard to tell, really) and they go charging at you. The others don't know how to deal with them, but he does. He saves your life before the others even know what hit them. He's cooing into your ear, reassuring that where the others fail, he would never dream of it. He's whispering that he knows how scary the feeling of those hands are. He knows how freezing the feeling of sudden restriction, only accompanied by the burning sizzle of malice, is. He knows and he understands, but he's right here. He'd never let anything happen to you. Not like the other frauds.
・❥・Now, all that being said, Sage for sure does not play fair. Oh no. He does challenge them in his own ways, but does it in a way that can only reflect badly on them should they call him out on it.
・❥・He's fighting (Picking apart) with Wars and Calamity on their sparring routines, angling it in just a way that should they snap back he can turn on the innocent little look with a 'But I'm just trying to protect you. I don't know how any of you fight, I'm still learning.' Just in time for you to catch them barking at him to 'Learn faster' and it just falls perfectly into place.
・❥・He's calling out Twi and Four every time they try to wander off (Probably to bring out Wolfie or split to relieve a headache of sorts) because 'The woods are dangerous, what are they doing going off alone?' and now they can't leave because all eyes are on them and he's restricting their movement without even really trying. They wanna go foraging? But he and ...Wild were their best foragers and they were busy with dinner (That was something bitter to get out).
・❥・And wow, Time, Legend and Fierce have so many secrets, can you really trust them? Sage has laid down his entire adventure to you, and regardless if Reader is a LoZ player and knows of them regardless, Sage told you. Those two are trying to hide from you. He would never.
・❥・Wind, Hyrule and that filthy disgrace want to drag you along to go Shield surfing? Reader, do you know how dangerous that is? Especially with someone's track record. Here, you wanna go riding on this motorized wagon he just happens to have on hand? (Between the Zonite in his Purah pad, he can build any component necessary.)
・❥・Not even Sky and First are safe as he uses carefully laid words to sully their once golden image towards you. Afterall, they're so close to Hylia, whose to say they aren't behind all of this?
・❥・Now, you said that the only ones he may not win against are Time, Fierce and Twilight, but like I said, I can imagine him loathing Twilight, so instead, may I suggest First.
・❥・Time and Fierce are both pretty burly dudes that demand some semblance of respect and while Sage has muscles, he's not overly tall. So while he doesn't bow, he may just back off from their forefront for a while.
・❥・Now, First. He's probably the only one who can put Sage back in his place of the hierarchy. It's the first in the timeline, versus the last (As of right now). And it's not pretty. They probably go to blows a few times when you're out of ear shot.
・❥・The problem is that First can only push him back when you're out of ear shot and Sage makes it a point to keep you as close as humanly possible.
・❥・And while yes, some of them may use puppy eyes, Sage is not above using pity to get what he wants because he just hurts so badly don't you know?
・❥・He unfortunately can't do anything about wolves or rabbits. If they manage to disappear before he can call them out on it, he's left bitterly sulking as Wolfie laps at your cheeks or dumb rabbits nose at your hand. He may know who they are, but not even he's cruel enough to call them out (Yet) because that would just pit you against him. They weren't his secrets to tell, you would scold, and he just couldn't handle that possibility.
・❥・The biggest difference between Sage and Wild, one that the chain will fail to realize right away, is that Sage is much more experienced. He is on his second, THIRD if you count the pre-calamity, adventure. He knows everything Wild does, and more. Wild knows how to improvise and adapt, Sage can do it faster. Wild knows how to forage and concoct incredibly potent elixirs? Sage can do it tenfold with half the ingredients. He knows all the little tips and tricks and is not only backed up by the champion's gifts-- should they have remained-- but now he has the sages with him.
・❥・Like imagine their mid-battle, they had forced you away from Sage just to create some distance (At long last) and mans comes rolling in a giant fucking robot. He's using Sidon's sage to shield you over and over again and decimating a battle field using nothing but Riju and an arrow. Hell, the bigger enemies are struck down by Yunobo crashing into them. Sage alone is enough to cut the enemy hordes in half through recall and sending their own attacks back at them or fusing together weapons they wouldn't have ever dreamed of with new abilities. Even his outfits give him benefits far beyond anything they could think.
・❥・You saw him as someone more than just Link. He wasn't just the Swordsman to you when that was who he was to everyone else. You dubbed him something far beyond what a damned sword made him.
・❥・And he would have to be four days dead before letting you go.
・❥・And as he's proven before, Not even death could truly kill him.
I am so glad I waited bc I like this one so much more than the one that was deleted.
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mooechi · 4 months
first and foremost, have some riri doodles!
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I've been gone for a while. however, I've actually been active at my other blog! ( @lonesomelad )
basically, that acc is primarily just for my antics and that alone. it's kinda like my free place where I share my thoughts and reblog alot! treating it like a certain social media, yes.
you can add me there too. I'd love to have a free chat with y'all!
now, I've been busy lately not only just coping with my studies- additionally, I've been working on a project. no, not a school one. rather, an animation!
here's two previews both in gif and MP4 format..
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I felt like dying after realising it took a day trying to figure out how and where I should make the hair blow in a way that'd make sense. moreso when I realized I had to color-
in all honesty, this is like..my third time trying this. please don't ask about the first two, it's horrid.
back to what I was as saying- I've only really finished just one frame, literally.
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did it stray so far away from the ds artstyle? hahahaha....it def did.
it truly hits hard when u actually do an an animation urself. the dread u get after being smacked in the face with an "you can't copy paste the colours to each frame because it each flows DIFFERENTLY." 😭
serious props to all the animators out there, y'all are a diff breed.
I..don't really have anything else to say, lol
must be bc i just recovered from a surprisingly quick fever today? yeaaa, most likely
anyhow, I'll try to frequently post again when I have free time.
in the meantime, I'll be trying to catch up with what I've missed. I feel very bad for all the notifs I didn't answer yet..I sincerely apologize.
that's all for now, thank you!
yes, I made all this.
guess the references used...FBJE OFC‼️‼️😍
please refrain from stealing, thank you!
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ponyartistbrainiac · 10 months
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I know this won't mean much to y'all but after over 10 years of trial and error and practice and experiments my art has finally gotten to the place I wanted it to be since I was a small girl. I always wanted to make beautiful emotional pieces that i pour my heart and soul into that showed my passion with every stroke and despite being mostly blind I made it.
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These pictures gain very little traction and get virtually no notice at all but despite it all I pour hours upon hours of blood sweat and tears to make pieces I can be proud of.
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And even though no one understands me or my work (outside of my boyfriend who is the amazing light of my life I can't seem to stop myself from making them from time to time marking occassions only I understand but I always wish people would enjoy the art anyways for what it is.
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Perhaps one day people will appreciate my work. Perhaps I will just be a blip in history that no one remembers or maybe some sort of cautionary tale about being autistic and having a passion that burns hotter then anyone can handle. Either way I am proud of how far I have come. Being mostly blind and autistic no one ever believed in me but maybe thats what fueled my urge to want to prove my worth to everyone by showing them how powerful my imagination truly is.
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Even if it scares them...
Im not sure why I am writing this tbh my grandfather just died and I have been thinking about my life up until now quite alot this week. Where do I go from here? What do I do now?
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My friends are all moving to live around me and its wonderful and crazy and everything is happening so fast. But I wish to push myself even further beyond.
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Maybe someday i can make something that everyone can appreciate or atleast my peers. But for now perhaps I should look into new horizons perhaps maybe practice more on my aliens that I love to draw thanks to Outer wilds or maybe work on my animation skills so I can make moving pictures no one understands.
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Anyways thanks for sticking around through everything if you have been here a while. The internets on fire and I am doing my best and if you are new... Hi I'm Pepper and I am glad you are here.
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And thank you for everything
I started making these paintings after recovering from covid which I honestly thought was the end
I was so over joyed with being alive i painted that first painting of derpy and rarity and I have been chasing that level of zen... that high... ever since and I can finally recreate it consistently. Thank goodness
I was worried it was lightning in a bottle for a while...
Never give up!
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
Meet Me at the Farmers Market - A Christmas Special - 🎅 Santa's Baby ❄️
A Farmers Market! Joel AU x Confident! Plus Sized! F! Reader
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: What does a Contractor do in his spare time? Sell his wood carvings at the Saturday Farmers Market, of course! A Grumpy x Sunshine Joel Miller series collective of one shots
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 1.4K
Chapter Warnings & Notes: Explicit language, Miller Family Hijinks, Joel's in a costume, Ellie's in a costume, everyone is in a costume!, Naughty Santa, Tommy just can't help himself, One big-time jump into the future!, Joel is a girl dad through and through, Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!
Summary: What happens when Joel is forced to be the market's resident Santa? This story takes place five years after Pt. 6
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A/N: ... and the Miller Family Hijinks™ are back!
In all seriousness, I want to thank everyone who has read, shared, liked, and loved this little series of mine. What came from an insane idea one day working at the farmers market to where we are now, I am so thankful for all of you that has supported me and my silly little series this year! I am so so so happy you all love Farmers Market Joel, and I can't wait to write more for you all! Here is a little Christmas treat set a few years in the future. I hope you all enjoy! Merry Christmas, everyone!
Dividers by @saradika
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“Tommy, you fucking owe me… big time.”
Joel shifts uncomfortably in his seat, the cheap polyester of the ill-fitting Santa suit clinging to his bare skin, leaving him itchy beyond belief.  Thank god it’s decently cold in Austin this time of year, he thinks to himself- if I had to do this in 90-degree weather… he pulls at the offending white beard strapped on his face, “Tell me why I’m being held against my will being Santa yet again-“
“Oh, come on, Joel, no swearing in front of the kids!” Tommy teases, slapping his brother's back as he fiddles with the digital camera fixed in front of Joel, making sure that it sits steady on its tripod. “Besides, you certainly look the part, you know. Maybe you could lay off on the after-work beers once in a while.”
“Go fuck yourself, asshole-“
“I thought we were going to try not to bicker and cuss each other out this year?” Sarah suddenly interjects, an elf hat fixed on her head as she smooths out her elf costume. She smirks, turning to a not-too-pleased Ellie in her costume, muttering to herself about getting paid to endure the torture of volunteering for the annual Christmas festival at the market. “Oh Ellie, you look so-“
“Stupid? Because I feel like a moron-" she chides, stomping next to Tommy as she fiddles with the camera. Tommy whacks her hands away as he shoos her off. “This is so fucking embarrassing! At least Joel doesn’t have to wear a pillow under that suit-“
Three of the four Millers burst into laughter, Joel glaring at them as he shakes his head. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, glad y'all are having a blast at my expense… next time Maria asks for a Santa, you-“ he points at Tommy, his face still red from laughing, “as her husband, should volunteer yourself-“
“… but you wear the suit so well, brother! Besides, I’m sure Sunflower would love for you to climb up her chimney…” Tommy interjects with a mischievous grin, sending the group into another fit of laughter.
“Oh gross!” Ellie shrieks, “Please tell me you’re going to burn that suit afterward!”
“Okay Millers, are you ready?!” Maria claps her hands together as she approaches, a wide smile on her face as she pushes Tommy aside, settling herself behind the camera. “Got all of the swear words out of your system? Let’s get into our places, there’s a lot of antsy kids waiting for Santa, we can’t keep them waiting, can we!”
Joel adjusts the too-big Santa trousers once more and gives her a thumbs up. “Okay, Let’s get this shit over with!”
“Dad, your beard is crooked,” Sarah laughs, reaching over to fiddle with the fake beard and kissing his cheek. “For the record, you are the best Santa the market has ever seen…”
“… and yet, this doesn’t mean that you’re getting a new car-“
“… she’s going to love it,” Sarah cuts him off, a small smile on her face. “Besides, don’t you think she’ll be happy to see you all dressed up?”
Joel smiles at that, nodding. “I hope so, I’m doing this just for her, you know?”
“Yeah, Dad, I know.” His eldest daughter laughs, “You’re going to kill it!”  
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After what feels like forever, families keep streaming in as the day goes on. Kids of all shapes and sizes take their turns on Joel's lap—some looking terrified, others just thrilled to meet Santa. Thankfully, the line finally starts thinning out as the last hour of the festival approaches.
Joel, finally catching a break, stands up to stretch. He twists his back, and you can practically hear his body protesting in agony. "I'm getting too old for this shit," he sighs, frowning.  
"Excuse me, Santa," a little voice calls out from behind. "Is it my turn?"
Joel can't help but smile as he turns around, facing a little girl, no older than four, her head tilted to the side. She sports a wide grin and a pink beanie atop her head, her brown hair fashioned in charming braids, holding her mother's hand. "Sure, baby girl. Come to Santa!" Joel exclaims, settling back into his sleigh. He pats his thigh invitingly, the girl's mother giving you a knowing wink as she carries her onto Joel's lap.
“So, have you been a good girl this year?”
The girl beams at him, bouncing up and down as she nods. "Yes! I water all the plants at my mommy’s stand-" she points off into the distance, "and my daddy said that if I’m a good girl, he’s going to teach me to carb animals too!" She exclaims, "Just like my sisters! I’m a big girl now, that’s why!"
"Is that right? How old are you now?"
She holds up four little fingers. "I’m FOR!"
"... and what’s your name, pretty girl?" Joel asks with a twinkle in his eye.
“I’m Anna Miller!” she replies, her hand raised in excitement. “You can call me Annie! My mommy and daddy sell stuff at the market, do you know them?”
“I might,” Joel replies knowingly, giving her mother a wink. “Your daddy tells me that you have been very good this year!” Joel plays along, a conspiratorial smile shared between you and him. The enchantment of the moment continues as Annie beams with joy at the confirmation from Santa himself.
“Really?” she cries, “I’m so happy, I want to learn how to make my favorite animal, my daddy promised! He’s not here today,” she pouts, “it’s just me and mommy! I miss him. Mommy said he’s busy working his other job, do you think daddy is going to come to the market before it closes?”
“Well, baby girl,” Joel smiles as he winks at her mother once more, “as Santa, I can promise you that he’s going to be here, I’ll make sure of it. What’s your daddy’s name?” Joel continues the charade, eager to sprinkle a bit more magic into his daughter's day.
“Joel! My daddy’s name is Joel Miller! Do you know him?!”
“I sure do!” Joel replies, patting her back as Maria takes a photo of the two of them. “We are really good friends, you know?”
Anna turns back to you as you stifle a laugh. “Mommy, did you know Daddy is friends with Santa?! All of my friends are going to be jealous! Can you call Daddy and tell him his friend is here?” She leaps off of Joel's lap, running to you as you hike her up onto your hip. Joel hurriedly rips off the Santa costume, leaving him in his undershirt and jeans as he smirks at his wife and daughter.
"Sure, baby," you coo, looking over your shoulder as you laugh at Joel, giving him a nod, making sure the coast is clear.  
"Hey, baby," he says from behind, his daughter squirming in your grasp.
"Daddy!" she shrieks, wiggling herself from Sunflower as she barrels into Joel. "You're here!" She frowns as she takes him in, her lip wobbling as she starts to cry.
Joel looks at you in horror, turning his attention back to his daughter as she cries in his arms, moving her back and forth as he attempts to console her. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Daddy, why do you have Santa's beard on you?" Annie innocently replies, pulling on the cheap beard as Ellie erupts in laughter from behind, Sarah whacking her sister as she tries to get her to settle down. "Are you old like Santa?"
"It's okay, baby," Tommy suddenly appears, his smirk as wide as Tim Curry's from Home Alone. "He's older than him, don't you know? That's why they're such good friends!"
"Oh, go fuck-"
"Language!" you scold Joel, covering your daughter's ears as you approach him, kissing him on the lips. Joel attempts to take off the offensive beard, your hand suddenly halting his movements. "Keep it on," you whisper in his ear, "Maybe Santa might let me sit on his lap later, do you think you can ask him, being that you're such good friends and all?" you tease, pinching his ass. 
"Oh, I think I can convince him," he winks, slapping your ass as you jump in surprise. "Have you been a good girl this year? Or have you been naughty? I think Santa likes them-"
"Gross! Get a room ya filthy animals!" Ellie yells, ripping off her elf hat as she throws it at Tommy, "This is the last time, you hear me?"
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gothoffspring · 8 months
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Previously on Living a Nightmare;
Riley received an AMAZING chance card and jumped all the way to the top of the comedy career! He quickly became an overnight sensation and is now a one star celebrity! This is definitely Riley's biggest accomplishment and it means we'll have to spend a lot less time at work as the legacy progresses which I'm happy about!
Immediately after being promoted, Riley was flown out to Del Sol Valley to film his very FIRST comedy special titled "Hot and Heavy". It was a resounding success! "Hot and Heavy" was one of the most popular comedy albums of the entire year, and Riley has the plaques and posters to prove it. His life has skyrocketed in a very short amount of time. He's got a beautiful girlfriend, a job that he loves and grand ideas for what the future holds for him.
Monica decided she was ready for more and autonomously asked Riley if she could move in! They're both so infatuated with each other and don't want to waste any more time not being together.
Under the cut you can find some a lot more info on the gameplay aspect of the legacy and my future plans for the Burns family!
First of all, I had to extend the short lifespans just a LITTLE bit. Short is TOO short y'all, I can't. I still made them shorter than the normal lifespan. Lifespans are as follows:
Baby: 2 days
Infant: 6 days
Toddler: 8 days
Child: 11 days
Teen: 14 days
Young Adult: 18 days
Adult: 25 days
Elder: 8 days
We'll play out this first generation with these lifespans and see how it goes, I may have to adjust it a bit but I'm not sure. I really did not realize how difficult this challenge was going to be, because I get attached to my gameplay sims very fast. They're all gonna DIE so quickly, pray for me. I'm honestly excited to see how much progress we can make in a short amount of time though.
As far as future plans, I'm completely over Strangerville and it's annoying NPC's. I did not beat the Strangerville story and I was using a mod to toggle the story on and off, and sometimes I would forget to toggle it and it's just so frustrating. there should ABSOLUTELY be an option in the gameplay settings to turn the story off.
We are officially going to be moving to Chestnut Ridge! I figured it would be fun to try out some horse ranch gameplay and own a huge ranch. We're going to be taking out a loan in order to afford it, and Riley is going to keep working for a while as a top comedian before he retires and dedicates all of his time to the ranch. We're going to be attempting to survive by selling nectar, breeding horses/doing competitions, and farming! Monica may also pick up crocheting or cross stitching as a side hobby. Maybe canning?! I haven't done any canning at all yet! I know it makes little to no sense for them to be moving to a huge ranch from a very rundown home, but since Riley shot to stardom so fast I like to think he realized the first thing he wanted was a nicer home.
I think it fits Riley PERFECTLY. He's always wanted to make his own nectar and being a country boy at heart, Chestnut Ridge won't feel too far from home. Monica is also an animal enthusiast and VERY excited to get some animals, so it's going to be great for both of them. They've been doing some house hunting lately and they've almost found the perfect place. I've already moved some of their friends to Chestnut Ridge and given all of the original Chestnut Ridge townies little makeovers! I also added a couple more sims to the world just to fill it up a bit more. Riley and Monica will be making TONS of friends I'm sure. There's a bunch of couples ready to have babies at the same time as them which I'm excited about, gotta make sure our kids have friends!
I think that's it for now, but I did just want to say thank you so much to anyone who shows any kind of interest in following along with my gameplay. I know I've been widlly inconsistent and have rarely been posting gameplay, but I truly believe that's about to change as I dive back into this legacy and get things rolling again!
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apostleofgreed · 1 month
It's here, the finale - my friends thoughts throughout Nona the Ninth (it's a long one)
Right which one of these idiots is stuck in Nona's body
Signs point to both
I think more likely Harrow and shes just removed the massive stick up her ass
Most other signs thus far do point to Gideon though- lack of aforementioned stick, finds herself attractive, loves ass jokes, wants to pet dogs (Harrow seems like a don't work with animals or children type)
Also these other kids have names like they're gonna be running in the fucking grand national
Honestly what the fuck is going on with child conception in this series???
Someone has five dads, God was asking if Harrow and Ianthe were being 'safe' sexually and I'm just confused
Okay so I've only listened to half an hour today but if Crown isn't coronabeth I will eat my own arm
My theory is that neither of them are in Harrow's body and that she's being possessed by The Body
Maybe I should follow in Harrow's footsteps and ask you to fucking lobotomize me
No beta we die like Babs
"what do you think is sexy?" "Eating breakfast" Me too, Camilla, me too
Maybe someone needs to lobotomize Judith, has anyone thought of that?
Thing is I feel like I'm supposed to think John is really bad and is the villain here but I just don't
The worst thing he's done is lie to his friends for a few thousand years
Finally, the baddest bitch in all the nine houses (it's Ianthe)
What a power move honestly first she steals Babs' soul now she steals his body, absolutely inspired
She could literally kill another 200 babies to resurrect Harrow and I'd be like what a babe 😍 at this point
I'm bored of shooting can we go back to swords and doing weird things with your body please
I just think it would be great if Harrow could hop back into her body and have a full meltdown about how to function in this world
Erm Corona darling can you please try to stop them bombing your sister in the body of one of your lifelong pals pls and thanks
Y'all better sTOp
Fucking marry, kill, reanimate I can't hahahaha
"that's not actually crown's boyfriend Nona, it's her sister but I don't think anyone could blame you for getting confused" Fair hahahahah so very true
Don't know how they think this is gonna work seeing as though Harrow and Ianthe literally lived together for like over a year and had an interpersonal relationship but ok
Maybe it's because pash has the accent of a rudeboy from Oldham and suffer is weirdly French (on disliking We Suffer and Pash)
Palamades in Ianthe in Babs is sending me west
Abigail died too soon and really she did all the legwork in Harrow
Can't help but feel all of this drama could have been avoided if Harry had just done the job properly in the first place and just let Gideon die properly
All of this just because an 18 year old gave herself the brain scramblies
Cam has just burst into fire wtf
Can't believe Crux hasn't dropped dead tbh
I've got less than an hour left I feel like we're cutting it fine to get Harry back in her body here
Big flex to be waiting for everyone to arrive smoking a ciggie with your golden skeleton arm
Fucking friendship bracelets and a secret handshake hahahahah
Gideon needs to stop being such a bloody himbo
Who has shouted "get in line thou big slut!" Hahahahah
There we have it, the full series. Hope y'all have enjoyed this.
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adaginy · 1 year
Xaarc was visiting a friend, Senna, as a guest in her quarters on another ship. They were waiting for her to wake up from "sleep" when they felt a strange vibration in the air. They turned their sensorium and 'saw' the distorted heat signature of a person, identifiable even through the wall as Senna's wife, thanks to her unusual warmth. Xaarc stepped around the corner to find Lisabeth scrubbing the cold food storage unit. "Human Lisabeth, what are you doing?"
Lisabeth stopped with an facial expression and stance the humans called "deer in head lights." Xaarc was very proud to have figured out the meaning of this phrase by themself: You see, only fish deep deep in the terrifying Earth ocean have lights on their heads, and deer are timid land animals. If a deer is being spotted by a creature with head lights, it knows it has made an error and done something it should not be doing. It was unclear in this context, however, what that might be.
"What mess cannot be cleaned by your cleaning robots and must be cleaned in the middle of your 'sleeping hours'?"
"I can smell garlic. Anywhere in the rooms, I can smell it. Senna says she can't. And I can't sleep right now. And I'm nesting," she finished with a sigh.
Garlic was a pungent human food. Eating it was a sign of loyalty to one's mate, because it warded off other suitors. It also warded off 'vampires' and Lisabeth worked in the hemoanalytics lab, which must be why it bothered her when it would usually be celebrated. And when humans say they "can't" sleep, it's not that they are physically unable to, it is only that they are unable to when they want to be doing it. Xaarc did not know about nesting, and it seemed to be important to this conversation now instead of something to figure out later.
"What is nesting, please?"
"Oh, you know. Baby is coming. Not due for two weeks but it might be coming any day now, if the nesting is right. Some humans get an urge to clean right before the baby arrives. Not always. My mom nested every winter, as soon as it started getting cold."
Interesting. Humans must need to keep their young cold? So the cold food storage unit doubled as a creche on a space station with no winter.
"Senna said I should visit before the baby arrives because you would not want guests after. Should I leave if it is soon?"
"No, no. Even if it comes early, you can stay for the rest of your visit if you'll help with cleaning and cooking. I won't make you do diapers."
Xaarc enjoyed cooking in a human style, even if the human foods they could eat were limited. Humans used science to transform foods and it was amazing. Xaarc did not know what diapers were, but if they were not doing it, it did not immediately matter.
"I helped detach a Y'chiri's offspring when the budding was completed, I have brought a Peprine refreshments when her pod was difficult to break open, and I have adjudicated a Talt division. If you would like me to be present and assist I would be honored."
"Uh. Xaarc, what do you know about human birth?"
"I have been told they grow from eggs, and that it's something between hatching and budding. And that they are brought to you by a creature similar to a very stretched-out Pfalot." "Okay, they aren't brought by a stork. That's a myth told to children. ... Xaarc, you know the baby is here, right?" She put both hands on her prodigious belly, hefting it up and down slightly. At Xaarc's look of shock, she continued, "What did you think this was??" "Human guides tell us not to remark on human bodies! They give us a very small list of things which are safe to compliment" (though they did warn that even these may be taken as attempts at courting) "or ask about but say everything else is too complicated to explain! So you have grown a bud for it to hatch out of??" Senna appeared, blinking in the doorway. "Couldn't sleep, hun? What are y'all yelling about?" "Senna, sweetheart, I'm going to try to go to bed. Could you please find Xaarc a video of... maybe not a human birth. Maybe start them on something like a goat?" Xaarc watched the goat video. Xaarc did not watch a human video. Xaarc asked to leave early and Senna understood.
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palepinkgoat · 21 days
Weekly Tag Wednesdayyy
Thanks for the tags @heymacy @mmmichyyy @deedala @gardenerian and @jrooc! I adore you all!
name: Karen
your time zone: EST
favorite food: soup. any soup.
your eye color: blue
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? all y'all with your wavy hair you straighten. Try having the finest, straightest, thinnest hair in all the world. It sucks.
coffee or tea? Coffee
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? To Bring You My Love - PJ Harvey
how many countries have you visited? 7. Canada, Mexico, Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Spain in that order
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): instagram
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? house cat
relationship status: (flashes ring-less ring finger) Imagine a ring on it though. I don't wear a ring, but I'm married.
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? For a year. I studied chain-smoking and lesbianism with a side of creative writing.
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? I don't even know that that is! But top 4 films maybe? Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, American Movie, Rushmore
what’s one of your pet peeves? people who think people can't have special interests, or that things should be cringey. Just let people like what they like.
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? I'll go with @jrooc and say candy. I love getting candy sometimes.
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? probably sewing. I have tried but I just can't figure it out.
Tagging @mybrainismelted @crossmydna @francesrose3 @transmurderbug and you!
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whochromatic · 5 months
I must not read chapter 109 and wait for the chapters to pile up.. I must not read chapter 109 and wait for the chapters to pile up.. I must...
*reads it anyways*
Why did I do that. Damnit, I should've known that reading that chapter would have re-activated my need for more. I was way better off ignoring anything related to Yohaji and just went about my day, not thinking about Yohaji every minute of the hour of the day of the week. But the damage has been done. Now I have to read the whole manga all over again just to satisfy myself once again. But no. That's not enough. I searched every corner to hunt every single content of Yohaji. Tumblr. Twitter. Youtube. Tiktok. Ao3. Our lord and savior Canada's account. The giver of reason in life, one who resurrects the dead, the sailor uniform to my life, Tanamai-sensei's account. I know that the Yohaji content in this world is not enough and will NEVER be. The moment I discovered this manga, I knew that it would be my life. The fact that it had only reached me last year, ber month is unforgivable. Why did it not have content as many as the amount of numbers there are to exist so that it could reach me at the start of it's existence? It should have been Yohaji. Not BNHA! Nothing against that anime by the way. Well, I am grateful that I stumbled upon Yohaji while it had 100+ chapters though. And the fandom being small enough to only have nice and cool people in it. But those fics in ao3 though? Why- I mean, I don't really care or pay attention to them but the fact that the amount of nsfw fanfics is probably (I'm saying probably because they might just be more) equal to the amount of sfw fanfics in there is- I swear, WHY ARE THERE SO LITTLE FANFICS OF YOHAJI?! 3 PAGES?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? There might be more in other places but I only read in ao3 and Tumblr if I find some there. I'm so thankful for the translators though!!! I love y'all. I love the fandom. I love the characters. I love Yohaji. I love the creator. God- sorry I forgot I can't use sensei's name in vain. I'm telling y'all, Tanamai is the GOAT. A GENIUS!! Your brain is beautiful. What goes on in head yours? Tell and everyone might gain more braincells. What's with you? What's with your humor?? What's with your lore?! WHAT'S WITH YOUR ART??? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!?! SENSEI WHEN I CATCH YOU OHH WHEN I CATCH YOU. But of course, it's not your fault that I'm starving for more Yohaji chapters. One month is nothing to me- IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CREATE THIS WONDERFUL AND HEAVENLY HOOK THAT CAUGHT ME EVEN ONLY WITH IT'S TITLE AND ART?? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE?!?! Senseiiiiii*sob* waaaaaahh... Still, I'm sooo happy this is getting an anime this year!! I've been waiting for this ever since I found out it existed along with other Yohaji fans. I knew it would happen soon enough because it's the law. It's a crime to not make an adaption of amazing yet weird yet amazing manga like no other. Death row. DEATH ROW!! It's fine even if it's low quality. As long as it exists, I can finally pass on peacefully- when it airs it better be as good as the manga and look immaculate, I'm telling you. Haha, just kidding. Or am I..? I cannot wait until April or whatever how long it takes for the anime to air just please. Please even the trailer only. But I'm sure everyone is already working hard to make the anime for it. Do your best!! You're doing the right thing! And.... uhm.. 24 episodes... please..? AHHH HARUAKI'S SMILEEE!!! IT'S INVADING MY MIND!! GET OUT! PLEASE GET OUT!!! THIS LOWLY UNGRATEFUL UNDESERVING WORSE THAN DUST BUZZ BUZZ KILLABLE STUPID MORTAL ABOMINATION CAN'T HANDLE OR DESERVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I can't do this. More. More. More Yohaji. I NEED IT. IF AIR AND SAILOR UNIFORM IS LIFE THEN SO IS YOHAJI!! RAAAAAAAHHH
Also I accidentally deleted a longer version of this and rewrote it with my memory. Thanks for wasting your time on this like I did.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 14 days
Send to the mha omegaverse
Am I dead?!? Ch.1 ch.2 A03
A/N: This story is a self-insert x shigaraki if you don't like self-insert, y/n and dark theme content this isn't for youuuu!! It's for me personally since I thought about it for a while so I finally wrote about this, I hope y'all don't find me too boring in this story. 18+ no minors or antis, maps interact with my contacts GO AWAY!! I'll post this every Thursday not this Thursday but the next one!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。*edit* I changed my quirk a bit so it's not a touching type of quirk but eye contact means that the reader can't look at people in the eyes so I do apologize for anyone who got confused by it.
✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。 ♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *
Living a boring life as a 26 year old woman, I would wake up to feed my cute dogs as I sat down to watch YouTube on television. It's like a hamster running on its wheel, everything repeats and it's the same. 
My life isn't as perfect as the others, it's like a roller coaster sometimes. I enjoy my time alone by watching anime and gushing over fictional characters online.
Most importantly tomura shigaraki, I couldn't help but smile whenever I see him on screen while I scroll on YouTube. I would gush over his voice and the way he talks in it.
I giggle whenever it's shown a video of him talking in his gaming references.
Man I love him so much, I thought to myself as I scroll away to see crochet Tiktok or tutorials on how to make cute items.
I pouted as I thought about it. Maybe I should crotchet outside and make a cute little bag with flowers, I smile happily.
I get up to walk into my room, I bring my bag that has my material as I went to get the yarns that I want to use.
Once I get a good handful of yarns, I begin to walk outside to look at the sky. It's a bit cloudy then usually as I walk towards a chair with a nice shade underneath my tree.
I begin to crochet quietly and watch the neighbors do their work. It was calm and relaxing weather today.
Suddenly I feel a drop of rain on my hair as I look up, maybe it won't rain as bad.
I continue to focus on my project as I ignore the rain. It was getting a bit bad as I quickly put my project away and started to run towards the door.
A sudden flash of light hit my view, costing me to close my eyes tight and ringing in my ears… Am I dead?!? as I fell over onto a cement… weird, I should feel the hard ground of dirt why is it hard and why am I hearing people talking?!?
I slowly raise my head up to witness a group of people standing around me. What I notice off the bat is that it's not realistic but it's like something that you feel is uncanny.
Everyone looked like cartoon characters and I noticed there was a mall that had a hero merch.
I immediately recognize the hero as it has all might… could this be.. no it can't be, I sat upwards as I began to look around my surroundings.
There were heros rusting in and asking me questions, it felt so surreal and it hurt my brain.
How… Can a simple thunder send me here in their universe!? I started to breathe heavily, feeling like it's a twilight zone.
I grip my hair as I curl into a ball, this isn't happening but this is what you wanted right?
You get to be someone in this universe then your old boring life, I begin to blink a few times to notice my belongings aren't with me.
What the hell? Where is my bag and everything??? Then I hear a familiar voice coming in, he has a concerned gentle voice.
“ Are you alright ma'am? ” I immediately look up to see izuku midoriya standing in front of me. It feels so bizarre, there is no way in hell. I can't look him in the eyes, everything feels and looks weird as I try not to freak out.
I slowly get off the floor, I clean myself off as I said.” I-I’m okay thank you young man.” is this the first season?? because izuku looks like he's wearing a black outfit and golden button as I witness the hero taking down a big villain that has deep brown hair as people were gathering toward mt lady while kamui woods looks a bit annoyed by this.
“ y-yeah you fell over on the ground costing everyone to be worried about you. ” he awkwardly put a hand on his neck as he chuckled as I stood still. Does this affect the story of this universe? It feels so wrong talking to him and knowing what happened in the manga.
“ yeahh… I'm doing fine-.” wait do I have a quirk in this universe, I gotta have a quirk.
Hopefully it is useful, people are more interested in the hero than a random stranger falling to the floor as I try anything.
Izuku tilts his head a bit confused by what I'm doing as I throw hands in the air or something like a power move..
“ What are you doing? ” I stop as I look at him but not directly as I think of something that isn't crazy.
“ uhh… I'm trying to see if I have a quirk but nothing is working. '' his eyes widened in an optimistic way.
“ oh!! Maybe you have something to do with contact kind of quirk?? Are you quirkless? ” I tilt my head as I think, it could be like a normal quirk or it could be like shigaraki's quirk. Where I accidentally hurt someone and that is izuku as I try to stay calm.
“ uhh I'm not sure… to be honest. ” I don't know how to tell someone that I'm not in this world or don't belong here.
“ Uhhm do you have a paper or pencil? ” he nodded his head as he pulled a piece of paper out.
I put my hand out as he put the paper on my palm, nothing happened okay so it's not like decay quirk as I sighed in relief.
“ mhmm how about you use it on me ma'am? ” I tilt my head with confusion as he begins to wave his hands fast.
“ no.. I meant to use my hand. ” I shake my head as I apologize to him, I hold my breath.
“ What if it hurts you? ” I had a worried look as izuku has a hopeful expression. 
“ I mean it didn't affect the paper, it would be-..” he started to mumble as I forgot he does this sometimes as I waited patiently and he started to apologize quickly.
“ oh my goodness I'm sorry miss, I-I tend to have a habit of doing that. ” I smile gently as I said.
“ you're fine, I tend to have it too when I'm hyper focused about something. ” he sighs in relief as he puts his hand out.
“ Whenever you're ready, miss.” I begin to hold my breath as I put my hand on top of his..
Nothing works, alright I'll try looking at him-... As we make eye contact as I pause for a second as I look at midoriya.
He looked at me strangely as he had a doopy silly smile and pulled me close into a hug as I gasped out loud.
What the hell?? Why is he acting like this so suddenly?
“ I'm in love with youuuu ma'am~!! ” oh… does this mean my quirk is.. something to do with love? Or maybe it's a yandere lovestruck type of quirk.
I shake him out of it and he blink a few times.
“ uhh w-what happened? ” I feel my cheeks getting red from embarrassment as I awkwardly laugh.
“ I think my quirk is lovestruck because you hugged me and said that you're in love with me so I can't make eye contact with anyone.”
“ in l-love?? That…” he gasps from this as he writes it down in his notebook fast.
“ incredible!! That quirk sounds so interesting and puts people in a mindset where they can't remember anything afterwards-. ” hearing him mutter about the possibilities of my quirk as I start to feel nervous so I can't make eye contact with others, this is gonna be a challenge .
I start to think about the possibilities as I put my thumb on my lips. A lovestruck quirk sounds harmless to others but I can't imagine if I accidentally look at the wrong person, will it be a dangerous individual or…
I widen my eyes as I pause for seconds since I know shigaraki and every character exists. What if I accidentally stare at him, will he be fully yandere towards me?
No that's possible, this is crazy… Everything feels so bizarre, I need to get home asap.
“ ma'am? ” I don't look directly at Midoriya but with confusion as I noticed him holding his nose as if I smell bad, I don't think I smell… okay now I feel self-conscious about it.
“ you should get patches on your neck, you don't want an alpha to bite your neck..”
Not only I'm in my hero academia universe but it's an omegaverse, this couldn't get any better..
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