jessythebunny · 1 month
So my head is empty and i don't have any ideas at the moment i'm just thirsty and drawing some choatic thirst🥵
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Looks like James got some sweaty abs, there's no NSFW here this just a test of drawing abs i'm sorry ╮(╯▽╰)╭
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kenegalleofhoelbrak · 2 years
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woop here we go-
Women/girls in media beloved. In particular, Parvati, Elita, and Martha really impacted me as a teenager, and I already lean towards women of color when creating OCs for all my little series n books n games n whatnot. I hadn't thought too much about who influenced Kenegalle until I saw everyone else making this meme, so I dug deep and brought up all the ladies she carries a part of in her 💖💖
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the-record · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS: inspired by ‘margaret’ by lana 🫶
PAIRING: ellie williams x fem!reader
A/N: this is so stupid i LOVE it , love at first sight trope 🧎
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ellie didnt mind parties. the people weren’t always great, but it was good to sell and it made her friends happy.
she liked to sit on the couch with a blunt and people watch, dina chatting away in her ear or singing at jessie. abby trying to find her pic of the night with some help from ellie.
but tonight was boring. dina had run away to dance, pulling jessie with her. abby had an away game, states away. she sat on the couch alone, bored now.
and then she saw you. she thanked a god she didnt know existed that abby wasn’t there that night.
ellie watched for a moment as you grabbed a drink, waiting to see if you found a friend. but when five minutes passed and you still stood there, eyes floating around as you slowly sipped, she made her way over.
“hey,” you jumped a little as she spoke and she smiled softly. “shit, sorry. didn’t mean to scare you.” but you shook your head and laughed. “i’m ellie.”
“angel.” she hummed in response, a questioning tone to it. “what?”
ellie clicked her tongue. “angel? that you’re real name?”
“is ellie yours?” she nodded. “huh. well, maybe if you’re nice enough you can learn the real one.” you smiled teasingly at her.
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“you ever gonna tell me your name?” ellie’s arms rested on the window frame of your car door. “i thought i was nice.”
you laughed softly and kissed her cheek. “goodnight ellie.”
she sighed and pulled back, a blush rising to her face, and she watched as you drove away from the party. watching even after your car disappeared and you with it.
an arm slung around her and ellie stumbled as she caught dina’s weight. “good god, how much did you drink?”
dina giggled as jesse caught up to the both of them, her coat and his keys in hand. “just hold her while i bring the car around?” ellie nodded and watched jesse jog off.
“who was that girl?” dina wondered.
ellie smiled softly. “no idea.”
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yourusername followed you.
elliewilliams followed you.
angel: hey :)))
ellie: hello
e: three smiles??? way to make a girl feel special
a: mmm i try my best
e: nice name.
a: why thank you
a: whats ur weekend look like?
e: possibly busy, possibly absolutely nothing. why, someone wanna know??
a: no…
e: busy sunday night, but free otherwise
a: good.
e: and whys that?
a: ur taking me out friday night? obv.
e: damn ur right
e: mb thats on me
a: yes. so 8 pm ill send u my addy
e: addy??
a: i speak drug dealer
e: goodbye 😭
e: u ever smoked?
a: i hit a vape
e: …
a: once.
e: once again
e: goodbye 😭
a: nvm dont come on friday
e: waijikitjrjrjrjjrjrjr no
e: ill be there
e: 8pm sharp
e: forgive me :(
a: okay!
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ellie: oh me oh MYYYYYYYYY
dina: oh lord
jesse: no 🫶
ellie: pls!!!
dina: what.
ellie: ur honor i love her
jesse: yall havent been out yet??????
dina: lord.
ellie: STOP?
dina: no 🫶
jesse: mcscuse me thats my line
dina: ull make it
jesse: 😥
ellie: 8pm on friday
dina: NO.
ellie: guys ily PLEASE.
dina: NO??
jesse: sigh.
dina: JESSE?????
jesse: 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
dina: ihy all
dina: why are u bailing on ussddsss
dina: u must really like her
ellie: a LOT.
ellie: idk i just
ellie: ive got a feeling
jesse: when you know, you know
dina: blegh
jesse: UR MY GIRLFRIEND????????
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snow was falling outside as you and ellie stood just outside your door. “so.” you whispered.
“so.” she whispered back. “snow. on our first date. seems like a sign.”
“oh yea?” she hummed back. “and how’s it a sign?”
she pretended to think for a moment. “i love snow. only brings good things.”
“oh, so im only good now.” ellie blushed as you teased her
“i didnt say that. you’re more than good. great.”
you nodded. “amazing? perfect?”
“no, not yet.” ellie fiddled with your hands as she leaned against your door.
“oh so whats gonna make it perfect?”
“a kiss.”
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jesse: noo shh let the woman speak
ellie: thanks jesse.
dina: shh jesse.
dina: so that good then?
ellie: SIGH 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
jesse: oh lord.
ellie: shes so pretty
dina: mhm.
ellie: and so kind
jesse: mhm.
ellie: and a great kisser 🫠
dina: lovely
jesse: when u know
dina: u know.
ellie: i know.
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
Hi K! I have another prompt I’d like to send in. This time with Tommy. “I believe this is yours.”
I also decided to make you something so be prepared to expect something soon!
Hi Daisy! Thanks for sending this prompt in also! I hope you like what I’ve done with it - I had the temptation to be a little devilish with it….I hope it makes sense! Sorry I got a bit carried away with it too…. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
From Another Angle
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: some suggestive actions…nothing graphic
Word Count: 1318
Summary: (Y/N) takes a different approach to get Tommy Shelby to change the way he runs his factories.
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(Y/N) walked confidently across the factory floor, making her way directly to the office where she knew she’d find the man she needed to talk to.
She didn’t bother answering the man who questioned her presence. Instead she asked a question of her own: “is this Mr. Shelby’s office?”
“Ye-yes, it is. But why are you here, ma’am?” the confused worker asked, but he was not answered.
(Y/N) simply nodded and made her way to the closed door. She knocked on it, turning the knob and opening it before the man inside could call for her to enter.
The entrance that was made had Tommy expecting to see one of his family members. Upon looking up, he was surprised to see a woman he’d never met before. “Can I help you?” he questioned, his eyebrows raising as he removed the glasses from the bridge of his nose.
“You can,” (Y/N) answered, making her way to one of the chairs that were positioned in front of his desk.
Tommy watched her all the way in, his eyebrows still raised as she took a seat, crossing one leg over the other as she then stared pointedly at him.
A staring match ensued, neither wanting to be the first to break the silence. It was like they were sizing each other up; trying to work out the others motives and weak points.
Eventually, (Y/N) spoke: “I was sent at the request of Jessie Eden. You know her, don’t you?” she asked, her one eyebrow lifted in intrigue.
“I do,” Tommy answered with a single nod of his head.
“She’s a comrade of mine. We’re in the fight together,” she then explained the connection between her and the aforementioned woman.
“Well a friend of Ms. Eden’s a friend of mine,” he played cordial with her.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to assume my friendship, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) warned him, her red lips curving up into a smirk as she spoke.
“What can I do for you…?” Tommy trailed off, hoping she’d fill in his blank with her name. He also took this time to run his eyes over her figure, certainly not missing the fact that she was dressed for this occasion, her blouse and skirt tailored to her frame nicely.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she happily shared with him, “I want to speak to you about the prospect of equal pay for the women who are employed in your factories.”
A scoff left Tommy’s lips upon hearing the reason for her presence. He shook his head slightly before waving his hand, “what I said to your comrade still stands, Ms. (Y/L/N). I have no time, nor care, to negotiate.”
Most would have caught the abruptness in his tone and left right there, but not (Y/N). No. She was ready for the fight…truthfully, she was hoping for it. “I know what fields of business your family and yourself are in, Mr. Shelby. I know that you are well off and that you have enough money to own the whole of Birmingham, yet you are pitting your workers against each other, cutting the men close and the women even closer to wondering how their families will eat. Something needs to be done about it.”
“If I needed help figuring out how to run my factories, I’d ask for it. Now, Ms. (Y/L/N), if you could please…”
“Mr. Shelby, your 12:30’s here,” the same man that had directed (Y/N) to the office announced as he stuck his head into the room. Tommy looked past (Y/N) for a moment, nodding to the man before he stood up from his head. (Y/N) stayed seated.
“I have a meeting,” he said in a matter of fact tone.
“I wasn’t finished,” she bluntly replied.
Tommy raised his eyebrows at her answer, his mouth opened slightly as he tried to get a read on the woman in front of him. She clocked his stare, smirking under the intensity of it. He rested his knuckles on the desk then, his eyes still focused on her as he hoped she’d crack under his gaze.
“Mr. Shelby,” the man chimed in from the door, cutting into the staring contest that was happening.
“Tell them I’ll be done in a minute,” Tommy responded to the man without removing his eyes from (Y/N). For once, the huff that came in response just before the door shut didn’t bother him…right now he had other things in mind.
“Jessie Eden told me about you, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) finally spoke, her smirk still present as she stood from her seat to move even closer to him.
“And what did she say?” he questioned, intrigue flashing in his eyes.
“She said you had a peculiar way of going about business…that you’re not below going down avenues that others wouldn’t dare to even think of in order to meet an end,” she elaborated, setting her palms on the desk so the she could lean forward, knowing that she’d give him a better glimpse of her cleavage as she did so. She loved that his eyes dropped to her chest almost instantly.
“Why did she send you, Ms. (Y/L/N)?” he asked, his eyes flitting across her figure again, getting stuck on her dark red lips for more than a moment before returning to her eyes.
“I thought that it’d be beneficial to try things from a another angle,” she answered, leaning even closer. At this point, they were close enough to feel each other’s breath.
“What’s your angle, eh?” he questioned, intrigue present in his tone. His fingers were itching to reach out and take hold of her chin; to hold her in his grasp and secure the upperhand in the situation they both know was coming. But he kept them on the desk, his knuckles now white from how hard he was pushing them down.
“I am also not below going down those avenues to make sure business gets done.”
A smirk was present on (Y/N)’s lips as she closed the rest of the distance to press her lips to his, hooking him into a searing kiss. Tommy allowed his hands their freewill, wasting no time in taking hold of her jaw so that he could deepen the kiss. (Y/N)’s hands were busy finding something else.
Despite his grip, she was still able to break away from him. He let her face slip from his grasp, his hands dropping down to grab the desk again.
“Not bad, Mr. Shelby,” she commented, looking at him through hooded eyes as she ran her thumb along her bottom lip to make sure the her lipstick wasn’t messed up. She took a quick glance down at her other hand before letting out a breath of a laugh. “Oh…” she trailed off as she looked back up at him, “I believe this is yours,” she stated, holding a packet of papers that had the breakdown of wages written on them. It was the same packet that she managed to grab amidst their exchange.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak, a dumbfounded look now present on his face. Seeing it made (Y/N)’s grin grow. She now had the upperhand, and he knew it.
“I’m going to be taking a look at it…to make sure that us women get our fair pay,” she said before turning from the desk and walking to the door of his office, making sure to sway her hips as she went.
(Y/N) exited the office without another word being said. The grin stayed present on her face as she walked away knowing that she’d just left one of the most powerful men in the city speechless.
“Mr. Shelby’s ready for his meeting now,” she announced to the man who interrupted her earlier, her grin growing as she saw his reaction.
Damn, she was having too much fun with this.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @dlmlufics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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pixiesfz · 2 months
ohhh would love a rivals to lovers for teagan if you're up for it x
oh hell yes.
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bruins suck t.m x r
plot: you are the leading striker for USC and you can’t help but catch the eye of your rivals goal keeper
warning: none atm but we will see
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“You are a legend!” Jane cheered, jumping on your back, followed by others as you smiled yourself.
You had scored the winning penalty for the first UCLA verse USC match of your senior year, your yell of joy being clouded by smoke from the cold night weather.
The game had been at a deadlock 1-1 from the first half, neither team having a ball go into the net into the second.
USC were a bit more competitive than UCLA, your coach was a bit tougher and he had been worse since you came back from the last season.
This game was very important to you, whereas it was an opening match for the Bruins.
Your teammates finally got off of you as UCLA started to line up for hand shakes, with a giddy smile on your face you went to the back of the line.
Happily you shook the hands of the UCLA girls knowing they knew you were the girl that secured your win.
You also knew them, at least the seniors sharing some smiles until you reached the end to their goal keeper.
Teagan Micah.
With you a striker and Teagan a goal keeper you knew eachother faces, and a face she had.
You would never ever admit it though, she was thick and through UCLA and you were USC.
Your mother, father and brother hand gone there and you were finishing the legacy.
“Good game y/l/n finally got it into the net”
“At least I got it in when it mattered”
Teagan smirked, she loved working you up after a game, Win or loss
You knew what she was doing, you always did but you let it happen knowing it made her feel better a bit about herself.
“You guys going out to celebrate?” She asked and you looked back to your friends who were laughing around, your coach watching from afar, a smile nowhere near his face.
“I uhm- I think so” you said, your eyes darting between them and Teagan “You think so?” She asked and you nodded before realising you were speaking nicely to the opposition
“What you tryna get an invitation?” You asked with a smile and she shook her head “oh please a night with you I could only imagine where that would lead us”
“Not in your bed at least”
“Oh so you suggest yours?”
You rolled your eyes “how many comebacks you got in that head of yours?” You ask and she smirked again
You wanted to kiss fight that smirk off her face.
“Depends how many insults you got” she said before both of your names were called out for interviews “Just remember who won tonight Micah!” You yell on your way to your smiling team.
“I don’t know what I enjoy watching more you and Teagans relationship or you winning the game” one of your teammates perked up as you rolled your eyes
“Bruins suck”.
You all went to a local frat party that night meeting with some of the UCLA girls that you tolerated, rolling your eyes when you saw Teagan walk in behind them.
“Jessie why’d you bring your dog” you said pointing at the girl who smiled “I think you’re forgetting your in my college”
You rolled your eyes and looked at Jessie who shrugged “sorry” You wrapped your arm around her “It’s alright just keep her on her leash”
“I heard that!”
“You were meant to!”
The party was already in go when you all arrived, your game going later than usual and your friends waiting for you to get ready as you liked to take your time.
Teagan joined you and Jessie quickly after, both of you relatively shorter than the Australian.
“You look nice tonight” she said and you smiled “and you look like you just showered and grabbed the first thing in your closet”
“Sounds about right, are you trying to impress anyone?” She asked, Jessie dropping from under your arms, not being able to bear the tension.
“Well matter of fact I’m a girl with needs so yes” you replied smugly “who?” Teagan asked “anyone who manages to get me to like them, I’m a picky girl”
Teagan scoffed “So I hear” she started “You break all the pretty girls hearts over at USC” you laugh when you reached the door “let’s just go inside Micah”
With a free day of school and training the next day you started strong with your teammates, bruins girls not too far behind you.
You found yourself talking to a girl you forgot the name of as she talked about her basketball she had the next day.
“So if you’re off would you like to come watch?”
“Sorry Kazza she has plans unfortunately” a voice popped up from behind you before you felt the voice wrap her arm around your waist.
“Oh uhm sorry Teags” she stuttered before turning to you “maybe next time” she told you and you nodded, anger bubbling up for the girl beside you.
You watched the girl walk out of sight before you rolled your eyes, turning around and grabbed the Australian by her stupid dress shirt.
She let out a surprised moan before allowing herself to be taken by you, only to find herself thrown into the pantry.
“Wow you are stronger than you look” Teagan said with a smile
“Well am I angrier than I look” you deadpanned and the Australian stepped back “Oh cmon I was saving you, that girl humps more people than a bunny”
You stepped closer to her “Teagan I am under a lot of stress right now and I just really wanted to fuck someone I honestly didn’t care who!” You told her, whacking her on the chest after which she laughed at.
“Oh do not laugh at me as if I haven’t seen you talking to other girls at the party” you scoffed and she waved her hands in surrender “Oh so I got your attention now?” she smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“Teagan” you groaned, leaning into her, your head hitting her chest as you felt the vibrations of her small laugh, making you smile, unapologetically getting used to your position as she used her hands to stable you on your waist.
You fell into a comfortable silence, both of you enjoying the embrace, something you had never done before with each other.
You felt the urge to stay there forever.
“Y/n?” Teagan said and you looked up to see her staring down at you a different look in her eyes as you both seemed to sober up.
You both stared at each other, almost analysing every freckle on her face before you stared at her lips, meeting back to her eyes as you saw her look down at yours.
Your voice was sweet, heaven to the Australians ears as you were asking for permission to which she nodded at, squeezing your body tighter to hers.
You lifted your hands from her chest onto the back of her neck before you both lent in, it felt like a thousand years before your lips met but when they did it felt like fireworks.
The snap in your tension from all these years had broke as you moaned into the kiss “fuck” Teagan whispered as you pulled on her baby hairs.
Your hands scratched up and down her back as her hands travelled around your ass, squeezing it hard, smirking into the kiss as you let out a whimper.
Pulling away to take a breath Teagan looked down at you.
“Should we go to mine and help this little stress problem of yours”
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wonwoosthetic · 6 months
Hi there! Hope you are doing well! thanks for responding to my ask, I totally don't expect you to respond immediately. I really enjoyed the latest fan videos and social media posts you've uploaded!!! I'd also love a Minnie-Dino video! She'd be so supportive of his mixtape <3 All those variety shows you listed would be fun, also seeing how she and BM can bond over being in co-ed groups would be interesting. I wish Jessi's showterview was still a thing. Maybe Somi's yes or hot? --boo's pld anon
series masterlist
word count – 15k
a/n: I had troubles with the tags, but I think this will show up… let’s hope so🥲 thank you babes for your opinion and help! I decided to start with the minnie x dino fan video since I’ve also gotten private requests on my google form for a chapter like this so a big thank you to everyone you has sent in ideas for this through my form ˙ᵕ˙ Minnie and BM would be PURE chaos as well and I can’t wait to write something about them hahaha I thought maybe about doing a past Jessie‘s showterview kind of chapter bc I just love those videos so much, she’s so unhinged😭 but yes! Somi‘s yes or hot could also be an idea, I’ve only ever seen clips from her with hyuna, but I loved it hahah🩷 anyways, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter, thank you as always and please stay happy and healthy🫶🏼
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minnie and dino: the adorable noona-dongsaeng duo of seventeen
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[welcome, welcome]
[this video will for one, warm your heart]
[and two, tear you to shreds when you remember that you neither have a minnie or a dino in your life]
[have fun]
[when I tell you, this woman would literally defend this man with HER LIFE]
[i mean it]
The mood was abruptly changed to 'anger', already calling out for chaos as Minghao was just passing around the bottles of different drinks he had brought for the group. Speaking normally was unknown to the members from that moment on. They only knew how to converse in shouting.
Hoshi had come up to the '97 Liner, ordering him to go back again and get more drinks.
[the entire episode was so chaotic, good god]
He got on his way but stopped a few feet away from the rest of the group to ask for specific wishes as to what drinks the members would want. When Dino offered to come along and help him, Hao shouted at him.
[everything about this scene was so freaking funny]
[i literally almost peed my pants]
Getting an immediate response from the maknae in doing exactly that. The girl next to him chuckled, hiding her grin behind her hand as she tried to keep the juice she had just drank from the bottle in her mouth. It was rare to see Minghao in such a state of anger, even if he was just acting. The dancer disappeared around the corner when at the same time, Jeonghan decided to speak up.
"Dino, go with him!" He demanded.
The youngest, who was just about to sit back down between Minnie and Jun, decided to stay up and turn around.
"But he- he doesn't- he said DON'T!" He shouted out, making all of the other members chuckle and laugh out loud. 
[okay but why do i kinda want dino to scream at me now...]
Hoshi leaned onto the female member, almost unable to control his laughter.
"I want to, but he says not to!" Dino continued to argue with the '95 Line on the far left in the camera view as they continued to order him around, trying to get him to follow Minghao.
"Ya!" Minnie surprised everyone by suddenly standing up, "Leave him alone!" 
[minnie not taking shit from man, even if it's just acting, even if it's her own members, LET'S GOOO]
Getting a hold of the maknae's lower arm. "If you want your drinks, go get them yourselves!"
[her defending him is so fucking cute omg]
"You can go with him if you talk back to us like that!" S.Coups stood up, making the girl subconsciously take a small step back.
[not minnie or dino related, but i just KNOW that was muscle memory and our girl here was SCARED]
[i mean, who wouldn't be, yk]
[but i'd also be turned on bc it's scoups]
"Yeah, go with him!" Joshua joined.
Followed by Jeonghan, "You have to respect your elders, Minnie!"
[why could i actually hear them fr using these arguments with her omg]
She was just about to open her mouth again, a small smirk making her lips curl that she tried to hide so hard when she felt a soft tug on her arm.
[oh she was ready to go OFF on them]
[i'm so sad she didn't]
[i need the evidence of scoups constantly talkign about minnie talking back to him]
[i need it]
"Come on, noona," Dino dragged her along with him. "They're not worth it."
With a sarcastic shake of her head, she sent one last glare towards the three eldest of the group before following the younger member.
[the comedic duo we never knew we needed just disrespecting elders]
In the Soop 2 Ep. 2
[there's wayyyyy too much in the soop content]
[i should make a solo video of just minnie moments with certain members from in the soop bc it's literally my fave thing ever]
[but anyways, here we go]
Some of the members had gathered outside, drinking a bit and eating their dinner even though it was already late at night. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Dino, who before had been on their own in a tent a little further away from the others, joined them - some other members, like Wonwoo and Vernon, had already left, leaving Seungkwan, Dino, Dokyeom and Minghao on one side of the table, while Seungcheol and Jeonghan were occupying the other seats opposite of them. 
[they're were just enjoying their time together so much and i'm praying they'll get to do this OR things with na pd more often]
[pledis pls]
[but i know these bitches won't listen]
Minnie and Mingyu had decided to stand up with the rapper standing closer to the maknae line, his position fixed at the grill, and the girl resting her hands on Cheol's shoulders. The oldest member had put his right hand on top of hers, his thumb gliding over her skin comfortably. 
[again: not dino-minnie related, BUT LIKE...]
[are we interrupting something here?!]
[i mean we know how close they are... platonically... right...]
[we'll never know]
[but it was a cute scene either way, so you better bet i kept it in]
After the not-so-few few drinks she had had, she needed every little bit of support she could get.
She had blended out most of the conversation that was going on around the table, too occupied with trying to understand what Mingyu was trying to tell her - how the hell am I supposed to be able to read lips while drunk, she thought to herself. 
[i don't know what kind of messages they were sending each other but istg minnie and mingyu are something else]
[or maybe just when they're in the soop, i don't know]
[but i freaking love it]
Only snapping back into the present when Dino's voice rang through her ear.
"Have you ever lit a campfire before?"
Jeonghan's answer, was, as expected, "No, I haven't."
"Oh, he hasn't!"
"So, let's try lightening it tomorrow," the '95 Liner proposed.
Minnie let her hand drop from the leader's shoulder before walking to the other side of the table, passing Joshua, who had also joined them again. S.Coups' eyes followed her form as she walked up to Mingyu. To whisper something into his ear, she placed her hand on one of his arms, that he had crossed over his chest, to make him lean down to her height. As he raked himself up again only two seconds later, he smiled with a nod.
Her attention was then immediately back on the maknae.
"If there's no fan with your mouth-" he spoke but stopped to show them how to blow onto the imaginary fire he was trying to create. "You have to blow like this to light it up," he continued explaining.
The female member was already grinning from ear to ear, listening attentively to every word the youngest was saying.
[she loves him so much, i can't]
[he's literally just talking and our girly here is looking at him like that]
"Honestly," Jeonghan pointed at him, "You did this to look cute, right?" Minnie smiled to herself as this was exactly what she was also thinking.
[oh he most definitely did]
[gotta impress the noona]
As soon as the '95 Liner and Seungkwan started to imitate Dino's antics, there was no going back for him. They reenacted his pretended cuteness, getting chuckles from everyone at the table.
"Ok ok, then let's say that's not it and say it again," Jeonghan tried his best to get the maknae to repeat himself.
"Yeah," Dino started again. "When I went camping with my friend, we tried to light a fire, but we couldn't."
The '95 Liner played along. "Oh, then how did you light it?"
[jeonghan is such a parent HAHAHAHAHA]
[gotta love him]
"So, I just- I thought I should blow on it a lot. Like this-" the youngest repeated his action, adding an extra tint of cuteness as he imitated a 'blowing onto a fire' facial expression.
Not able to hold back anymore, along with the rest of the members, Minnie started cheering and laughing out loud at the over-the-top cute antics of their maknae. 
With quick steps, she was right behind him, throwing her arms over his shoulders to pull him back against her.
"Aaaah, our Dino's so cute! So grown up, but still so cute!" She squealed, getting a chuckle from the man in her embrace as he petted her arms. 
[mine's a rat fr]
[but for minnie...]
[it's like once she looks at dino, nothing else is important anymore]
[but tbh, same]
The two swayed slightly before she released him again. In the next second though, her hands hand his cheeks, squishing his face in between her palms.
"Look how cute he is!" Getting another round of giggles from the guys surrounding them. 
[i love how this seems such normal behaviour for them]
[i desperately need to drink with them one day]
[i want to be hugged and squeezed like that by minnie]
"Our little maknae!" She let go of him completely after pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
Minnie Birthday Live 231222
The female member's eyes were fixed on the screen in front of her, frantically moving up and down and left and right as she tried to read through the comments Carats were writing. The cake she had only eaten a little bit of, was still in front of her, on the table in the hotel room she was staying in.
[i have so much to say about this birthday live]
[and just want to quickly adress how proud i am of her for adressing the airport issue]
[a queen]
[and now back to how much dino and her love eacht other]
"'What are you listening to these days?'" She read out loud, a small smile immediately appearing on her lips. "Well... I don't know if you've heard about it, but there's a new song that came out in... November- at the end of November. It's called 'Wait' and it's by this really cool artist called Dino," she couldn't help but chuckle at her own antics. 
[and y'all are still arguing over who is the biggest dinonara, when this girl right here exists]
"So, yeah. In case you haven't looked up that song, I highly recommend it."
[of course you'd just try to mention him literally whenever you can]
[and of course, i've already listened to the song]
Right away, the comment section was filled with different coloured hearts - mostly pink and blue ones.
She giggled. "But jokes aside, I really have been listening to Wait a lot. It's really good and I really enjoy seeing this side of Dino. It's different... a little. But... it's good. And I'm really proud of him, so I want to support him, of course."
[she really is the best big sister ever wtf]
"Oh, is Dino watching? Some of you guys are saying Dino's watching." 
[he can't miss his noona's live]
The girl looked down at her own phone, which she wasn't filming with, chuckling down at the screen. "Ah yes, he is watching. He asked me how much longer I'll be live. Wait a second, Carats."
[he's actually a fan just like us, i'm telling you]
After a few taps on her phone, she put the speaker up to her ear. Only a couple seconds later, she spoke up.
"Hi, I think I'm still gonna be live for a while. Do you want to join me?" 
[i'm actually convinced her voice changes slightly whenever she talks to him]
[but i'm also delusional af, so it's probably just my brain telling me that tbh]
The corners of her lips curled up at what came from the other side of the call.
"Ok, ok. I understand. Of course, yeah. Alright, we'll see. Bye-bye." She ended the call and looked back into the camera.
"Dino's gonna make a quick trip to the gym downstairs, and then he might join us," she explained and grinned at the end of the statement.
A knock echoing through the room made her head shoot up towards the door.
"I'll be right back, Carats." She was quick to leave.
[girl is SPRINTING to let in her favourite little brother]
In the background laughter could be heard, coming from both male and female voices - everyone obviously immediately knew who was out of the camera's view.
After a few short moments, steps became louder and heavier as the two got closer to the table again.
"Look who's joining me!" Minnie called out, letting the maknae appear on the right side of the screen. "Dino-yaaa." 
[shout it out girl, yes]
With a big smile, she patted the empty chair next to her. Without having to be told twice, the youngest sat down and right away, scooched closer towards the female member, both now perfectly filling out the screen.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted into the camera, waving his hands. "How was the live so far? Is Minnie entertaining you enough?"
[i could literally watch her just sit and it would be entertaining enough]
[i wish i was joking]
With a smile, the girl shook her head. "I've been entertaining them very well," she answered for herself.
"Have you been enjoying the cake?" He turned towards her, looking at her with expecting big eyes as she nodded.
"Yess. It's really good, thank you." She patted his arm comfortably. "Do you want a little bit?" Not even waiting for his answer, she was already putting some of the cake's dough, along with the icing onto a fork. But before she could bring it up close to his mouth, he stopped her.
"No, no, thank you."
[he broke her heart with that, i just know it]
With a pout, she glanced at him. The fork still in midair. "Why not?"
"I just came from the gym. I have to be careful what I'm eating."
"Because of your diet?"
Dino nodded quietly. Minnie wasn't going to let him go off like that so easily.
"But it's good if you have a little bit of cake. Just a little."
[minnie lot letting him diet is soo big sister of her]
The maknae chuckled at her. "Says who?"
"Me!" She exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, chuckling afterwards along with him. 
[i agree]
A few seconds later, she was back in her 'big sister agenda', "But it's really not good to diet too strictly. If you eat cake you'll be happy. And being happy is more important than to be in good shame." She kept up her guard by still holding the fork.
[i love her so much]
With a sigh, he gave in. "I know, you're right." Leaning forward to eat the small piece of cake. "Noona's always right."
[jesus christ]
[they're so much closer than just siblings]
[this is the kind of platonic love i just don't get]
[but i love it]
Minnie laughed out loud as he chewed. "I'd be careful with that statement. I might use that against you later," she pointed out.
[i mean, at least she's warning him]
"Oh," his face dropped immediately, "you're right." 
[this, my friends, is the look of immediate regret]
Before laughing together with her, knowing damn well she will FOR SURE use it later at some point.
The two continued to spend a comfortable time together, going through some more comments, and talking about the tour, the upcoming concert, a little bit about the Christmas time, and his mixtape.
[they kept talking and talking and talking, like damn...]
"'Minnie and Dino haven't done the 'Wait' challenge yet', you're right!" The youngest member pointed at the screen in front of them. "We haven't yet. We still need to."
[i was actually so surprised that she wasn't one of the first ones though]
Without missing a beat, the girl just spat out, "Do you wanna do it now?"
[i love her]
Dino turned his head to look at her. "Do you know it?"
"Of course, I know it!" She scoffed. "How dare you think I wouldn't!"
[she was so offended omg haha]
He raised his arms in defence. "I don't know! We haven't learned it together yet, so I wasn't sure."
"Let's do it now," Minnie impulsively decided, standing up quickly and getting her chair out of the way - Dino copied her every move. 
[there wasn't even a 'yes' or 'sure' from him]
[she just wanted to show everyone that she knew the dance even without actively learning it]
[bc I BET she watched that mv an unhealthy amount of times]
[girly is probably half of the streams]
Soon enough, they had also moved the phone they were filming with a little further back, giving them more room and showing more space of the hotel they were staying in.
"Wait, we need the music," the maknae remembered, looking around to find his phone.
Minnie pointed towards something on the right side of the screen, "You can take mine."
Dino looked at her with scrunched eyebrows. "I thought you were using your phone for the live? Who's- ah, ok," he started but cut himself off before walking over to where she had pointed, coming back into the shot with the female's member phone in his grasp. He unlocked it, and a few taps later, the intro for his Mixtape was already playing. 
[such a small thing, but i just noticed it: he knows her passcode?!]
To get to the chorus quicker, he moved the bar on the music app, stopping shortly before the part they'd be dancing would start.
"Are you sure you know it?"
Minnie just nodded enthusiastically. "Of course!"
And sure enough, she did.
[she freaking killed it]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] Golden Disk Award Sketch
The group was in the middle of their practice session for the upcoming award show. Diverted into different small groups, the members were scattered around the room.
The group consisting of Jeonghan, Dino, Seungkwan, Hoshi and S.Coups, was up next to not only practice their own little moment but also ready to perform it and let their choreographer film it.
Youngjoon growled as soon as Seventeen's leader walked up to the camera. But once Dino had stepped into view, it was Minnie's voice that called out from the background.
[wonwoo and minnie are fr fighting for biggest dinonara and she is giving it 110%]
"LET'S GO DINO!" Getting a smirk from the maknae before he started his solo movements.
"WOW, SO COOL," she continued to cheer him on, making not only him but every other member too, chuckle, along with their choreographer. 
[imagine being loved as much as dino is]
As soon as Hoshi moved into the middle, she fell quiet again.
In the next shot, after the practice round was finished, the camera was on the '96 Liner, who just looked at something out of view. A pout was evident on his lips.
Minnie chuckled, making the cameraman move over to her, letting everyone know that it was her, who Hoshi was looking at. "What?" She giggled.
"Why were you only cheering on Dino? What was that?" He asked her, keeping up the disappointed expression. 
[compare this moment to all those stories they told about minnie being literally terrified of hoshi]
[how are these the same people HAHAHA]
This only made her chuckle again.
"Well," she sighed, "I guess you just have to work harder for me to cheer on you too."
Before the performance unit leader could say anything, their maknae appeared from the right side, rushing over to the female member. 
"No, Minnie just likes me more than you," immediately throwing an arm around her shoulder. 
The girl giggled against his side before wrapping both arms around his torso, cuddling even deeper into him, as he put his other free arm around her frame as well - both now just standing in each other's embrace with big grins decorating their faces.
[i would actually do anything and everything for them]
Hoshi just continued to stare at them.
Dino was in the middle of getting interviewed by the cameraman when in the middle of the sentence, the female member of the group surprisingly appeared. She engulfed him in a side embrace, her arms around his upper body and arms, holding him close as she let her chin rest on his shoulder. 
[just IMAGINE being minnie and just getting to do that on the regular]
[he literally just continued talking as if this was nothing new to him]
Absentmindedly, she nodded along to everything the youngest was saying. After a few moments, he stopped and looked moved his head to look at her.
She answered him with a simple nod and smile before opening her mouth to answer him.
"But don't worry Carats, Dino's body will keep me warm." Her comment got a chuckle out of the maknae, whose hands had started to rub her arm, trying to create some form of warmth, knowing she was one of the members to easily get cold.
"You know," she glanced into the camera. "Whenever I'm hugging Dino these days, it feels like I'm hugging Mingyu." 
[but she just had to mention it once again]
She dropped her arms to free him just in time as her compliment made the maknae laugh out loud, giving her his signature contagious bright smile as he threw his head back. She grinned at him.
He shyly smiled at her, "Ah, noona, don't overreact-"
[don't get all shy now]
"Hugging Mingyu?" Suddenly the familiar voice of her fellow '97 Liner appeared from the side she had just come from as well. "What about hugging me? Do you want a hug?" 
[this man has ears EVERYWHERE when it comes to minnie]
[my god, my guy, she just mentioned you, calm down]
Without waiting for an answer, Mingyu copied her stance from before, wrapping both of his arms around her shoulders, her left arm buried into his muscular chest as she chuckled.
"I just said that hugging Dino feels like hugging you nowadays," Minnie glanced up into his eyes. "He's been working out a lot."
[also: can we talk about when the hell minnie went from pushing mingyu away to literally MELTING in his embrace?!]
[what chapter did i skip?!]
[bc i literally remember her avoiding his hugs to annoy him like it's yesterday]
[and now she's suddenly like this?!]
The rapper nodded, both of the '97 Liners smiling at the youngest, who had a subtle, yet noticeable blush brightening his cheeks.
"That's true."
"But be careful not to get too big, Dino," the girl added, still in the embrace of the older member.
With a frown, Mingyu looked down at her, his arms loosening around her frame. "Are you saying I'm too big?" He wondered. 
[no mingyu, don't worry]
[minnie noona is just looking out for her favourite little dongsaeng]
No answer, just a pat on his chest and a loud laughter from the maknae followed.
'sleepover live hihi'
[i really do think that we as carats have moved on way too fast from this]
[their sleepovers... who seem to be like an almost REGULAR occurrence?!]
[but anyways, here are some of my favourite moments]
[mind you, this live is almost two freaking hours long... it's so hard to cut out only a few parts for this video]
The live started with no members in frame. The only thing Carats could see was the edge of a table and a navy couch in the background.
The comments were skipping over the screen at a quick pace.
'Who is this?'
'Which member put on the live and forgot?'
'Who's sofa is this?'
'omg they're having a sleepover????'
Then all of a sudden, two heads popped into the frame from each side.
Minnie and Dino greeted the livestream with wide smiles as they showed their faces, scooching in closer to sit right next to each other. Both of them were not wearing any makeup and in sweats, along with him in a black sweatshirt and her with, what appeared to be the same one in cream.
"Hi Carats," the girl leaned forward with a grin, her eyes scanning the comments. "Ah, everyone's so shocked to see us."
[not surprised]
[but i definitely wasn't expecting it ngl]
[but this has to be one of the best lives in svt history]
"That means our surprise worked," the maknae added, a proud smirk on his lips. He leaned back against the sofa, swiftly brushing a hand through his hair.
Minnie nodded, "Looks like it." She stopped for a second before continuing. "'Dino and Minnie look so cute so late at night'" Thank you," she chuckled. "Even though we've already had a few drinks, Carats still say such nice things about us."
[i feel like she gets so giggly when drunk and just even more beautiful fr]
[y'all see that GLOW?!]
"Mm," the youngest nodded, now joining the girl by leaning forward to also read through the comments. "Yeah, we've already had a few drinks, but we only now decided to put on the livestream."
"I think not a lot of Carats expected us to drink together like this."
"Hm, yeah, that could be true," Dino stated before his eyes fixed on one specific comment. "'Are you really having a sleepover?'-"
"Yes!" Minnie showed a bright smile to the camera, stretching out her arms to the sides.
[you gotta love her, come on]
The youngest changed his seating position slightly. "Minnie invited me over to her place."
[defo not crying]
"Because you haven't slept over here yet," she glanced at him as he nodded.
"That's right, not here yet."
[didn't know wtf they were talking about back then]
[now we know: mimiwon moved into a new apartment]
[and minnie needed dino and her to have a sleepover at the new place]
A yawn escaped her lips, making Minnie cover her mouth and close her eyes for a second. "But I'm more tired than I expected, to be honest," she commented.
Dino smiled at her, his hand patting her shoulder comfortably. "We've been preparing for the album very hard, that's why maybe."
"Mm, probably."
After a few minutes of just casual conversation flowing between the two idols, as if the camera wasn't even recording, the girl had gotten up to get them something more to drink.
It was now Dino who was in charge of entertainment.
"Okay," he looked down at his own phone, which he had put on the livestream, so he could read through the comments more easily. "'Do you have sleepovers like this often?'" He read out before speaking up slightly louder, looking to the right side of the screen where the girl had disappeared into. "Would you say we do this often, noona?"
[there's just something... about him... he's just too adorable]
Minnie's distant voice could be heard in the background. "Not as often as I would like to." Her comment got a wide grin from the maknae in return, who tilted his head to the side.
"Awww, noona! You're so cute!" He almost squealed, making her laugh out loud. 
"Carats, Minnie-noona is really so sweet, right?' For a second he went quiet, now back to looking at his phone. "They're all saying how sweet you are!" Dino called out to let her know.
[well, gotta let the queen know that we love her, yk]
Minnie chuckled, "Thank you, guys!" She shouted out to make sure her voice could be heard in the live.
"Oh-" the maknae suddenly stopped mid-sentence.
"Some are saying Vernon is watching- is he watching? Hold on" After tapping around his phone, his lips curled up. "Aaah, he really is watching. He commented 'Wow, now I'm jealous', 'Minnie is making drinks for you?'"
[of course vernon is jealous of them]
[i'd be too]
[minnie pls take good care of him as well]
[god... minnie and vernon are also so adorable together]
With quick steps, the girl was back in the living room,
"What? No! I asked him if he wanted to come too, and he said no!" She whined out loud as the sound of clinking glass rang through the background, coming from everything she was placing on the table for them to drink.
[missed his chance i guess]
"He's regretting his choice now," Dino stated. 
[i'd be regretting it for weeks tbh]
Once the girl went back into the kitchen, the youngest's eyes went wide as soon as they landed on the amount of liquor on the table that was hidden from the view of the livestream.
"Noona! You really think we're gonna drink that much?"
[let's gooooooo]
"I don't know, maybe," she just answered. "Maybe Mingyu wants to drink something too."
[she really thinks of everyone, doesn't she?]
[god, i'm gonna cry]
"Aaah, ok ok," Dino nodded, going back to reading through the comments while the girl came back with takeout containers, putting them somewhere behind the camera and onto the floor before she made herself comfortable again next to the maknae. "'Is Mingyu invited too?' He... I don't- I don't know, is he invited?" Directing the last question to the girl, who just chuckled.
"I can't not invite him. He lives here."
[she knows that we know and i know that we know, but will i ever get enough of mimiwon living together? No.]
[i need all the domestic shit about them, pretty please]
[including dino, their child, having fun sleepovers at their place]
"Exactly!" A loud voice surprised the two younger members, making them jump up and look to the right side, groaning when they came to sight of the culprit.
Minnie was holding her chest. "You idiot! Stooop! Don't scare us like that!"
Mingyu ignored her scolder and started chuckling, "Did you buy the entire liquor store? Are you crazy?"
[not him judging her for that]
[bro, when i tell you i bet he drinks even more than her]
"I can buy whatever I want. It's my money, and I'm an adult," she fought back and sat up straighter, making the maknae clap and nod proudly as he was just sitting there, listening to the two '97 Liners bickering around.
[love supportive feminist dino]
"Wow," the rapper sighed, "You two... you guys are really- wow..."
[he's so done]
[he is sooooo done HAHAHAHA]
"'Dance cover now please'" Minnie chuckled after reading a comment she found amusing, "Right now? I don't think that's a good idea." And oh how right she was, but that wasn't gonna stop the maknae.
"No, noona, let's do it!" 
He turned towards the camera, "We've been wanting to film a Danceology video, but we can never decide on just one song. We have so many songs we want to do, so it's hard. But we can show you now." Without wasting another second, he pushed himself up from the floor, only for Minnie to quickly reach out for him.
"No, Dino, stop," she laughed, "You're gonna hurt yourself. Don't. We can do it another time, but not after drinking," she assured him with a nod.
[when i tell you: she will in fact be the most amazing mom]
[i don't care that they're 'only' two years apart]
[the way she acts with him, takes care of him, AND TALKS TO HIM]
[perfect sister and perfect future mom]
[minnie pls adopt me]
Slowly, but surely, Dino lowered himself onto the floor again, landing on his butt with a heavy sigh. "When did you become so responsible?" 
[but in all seriousness: jesus, just call her out like that]
[minnie just gets responsible when it's about dino]
[her favourite]
Making the girl laugh out loud.
[melting every single time.]
"Hm?" Minnie hummed in wonder while her eyes were still trained on the comment section on her phone in front of the duo.
Dino, who was still looking at his own screen, leaned forward, tapping his older sister on the shoulder to make her turn towards him as he pointed at the screen.
"Read it," she told him with a nod, but he shook his head.
"I don't know how to pronounce it."
Her frown at first quickly turned into a kind smile as she tilted her head in awe. "Yes, you do. You can speak English. Read it."
"Ah, noona, I don't want to. You do it." Pushing his phone towards her.
But even with his cute voice ringing through her ears, Minnie stood her ground, "No, you can do it."
[the way she keeps insisting on him reading it]
[like yes, go on]
[i love how supportive he is of every member whenever they speak english or want to speak it]
"Then I will look for a different comment," he shook his head and leaned back against the couch, getting another chuckle from the girl.
[but then, she also doesn't push him to make him feel uncomfortable, but just lets him do his thing]
[UGH, probably looking way too much into this, you don't have to tell me, but just leave me to it pls]
"'Is Dino... your... fa-vourite member?'" Dino read out loud in English.
With a wide smile, the girl turned her head to glance at him, "Of course, you are."
"Ah, noona!" With a shy squeal, he hit her arm, making both of them chuckle in synch. "You are my favourite member... too."
[stop, he's actually the cutest]
"I'd hope so."
"It means I would hope that that's true."
The maknae surprised the female member with his sudden laughter.
"'Minnie and Dino have couple hoodies?'" 
"What?!" She whipped her head to look at him, shock written all across her face. "Those aren't couple hoodies!" Minnie whined out while all Dino could do was fall onto the floor, his laughing continuing.
"Why would we own couple hoodies?!" She wondered out loud, more to herself than to anyone in particular, before looking back into the camera. "You guys," she pointed a strict finger. "Ew, why would we wear something like that?"
"Hey!" The youngest pushed himself up again, glaring at the girl. "Why 'ew'?"
[oh no dinooo]
Minnie sent him an unamused facial expression. "What else am I supposed to say? It's weird."
Dino shrugged, "It's funny. Maybe they are couple hoodies and we didn't realise when we bought them."
With a pout, the female idol leaned back against the couch. "Now I don't know if I want to wear them anymore."
[she's so dramatic, i love it]
"No, you can't take it off," the maknae was quick to tell her, his eyes giving her a serious look.
"Why not?"
"Because... I would be really hurt," he simply told her, making Minnie giggle. 
[well now she REALLY can't]
[she'd never do that to him, we all know that]
She threw her head back against the cushion, reaching forward with one hand to push the younger member away from her.
Dino chuckled at her reaction, touching the spot where she had shoved him. "I mean it, noona. Let's just continue wearing them."
[love how persistent he is about this]
"Okay, okay," Minnie agreed, running her fingers through her hair to get them out of her face. "But let's not call them couple hoodies."
"Yeah... it feels a bit weird," the youngest admitted shyly, sending a quick look towards the camera when a sudden touch from the girl surprised him.
"I told you!"
[you gotta understand]
[if dancers do a livestream, they gotta also dance]
'That That' by Psy feat. Suga was blasting through the speakers in the living room of the apartment. The coffee table had been pushed back, the phone still prompt up on it. Minnie and Dino's bodies were eliminated by the colours reflecting on them from the video the beamer was displaying on the wall. The duo had the choreography perfectly memorised- of course, they did.
[i just imagine wonwoo and mingyu somewhere in the apartment, just praying that minnie and dino will get tired and just go to sleep]
[it was way too late for them to be up and have this much energy for dancing like this istg]
Along with the, at this point probably too much, alcohol in their system, singing and dancing had become much harder than each of them expected - now rather slurring and panting through the lyrics of the song. 
Shortly before the song had reached the end, the female member fell to the floor, her hands on her knees.
"Jesus..." she breathed out heavily.
A laugh erupted from the maknae as his eyes fell on her crouched frame. "Noona! You're a main dancer, come on!" Reaching out and grabbing her arm to pull her back up.
[oh to have dino's energy]
Minnie groaned as she straightened her back, "I'm not as young as you anymore, Channie." Only making him shake his head and laugh even more.
[she really just took over jeonghan's old person personality]
He turned around to snatch the phone from where he had thrown it onto the couch and tapped on its screen. "What do you want to do next?" He moved his body around to let the girl get a look at the screen as well. "This?" He asked her, to which she nodded,
"Let's do that."
[whatever the baby wants, the baby gets]
Vernon stepped into the shot first, greeting the camera with a quick "Hello" as he passed the cameraman. Dokyeom, Wonwoo and Minnie were already taking their seats by a table that wouldn't be used in the scene the crew and Dino were filming.
"Our Dino's first mixtape," Seokmin smiled into the camera as he spoke. Behind him, the girl was standing up with her phone in her hand, filming and taking pictures with a big grin on her face.
[insert kris jenner's camera meme]
Wonwoo took a quick glance to his left, the same direction Minnie was focused on. "Woah, so cool!" He shouted out proudly, getting a chuckle from the other members.
[again: the fight for biggest dinonara continues]
[why not just agree they're both the unofficial parents and leaders of the dino fanclub?]
"Dino-ya!" The female member called out, making the maknae turn around, immediately smiling when he saw her with her phone on him. He sent her a quick grin and a thumbs up. The girl's smile widened.
[she's such a mom omg]
One last picture later, she put her phone down, turning towards the other members, who were looking at her in amusement, when she noticed the camera was still filming her.
"I'm gonna send those pictures to Dino's parents." She explained, taking a seat opposite Wonwoo, who was still gazing at the youngest member.
[her sending his parents pictures of their son, omg stop i'm already about to cry myself to sleep]
[this is too much for my heart]
Seungkwan and Mingyu had joined the group, also deciding to visit their maknae on set. The younger of the two was speaking into the microphone as Minnie joined them, walking up to them behind her fellow '97 Liner to stop by his right side. With her arms crossed she kept her eyes on the younger member, who had started to comment on Dino's hair.
[i love how literally whenever there's seungkwan bickering with dino, there's minnie showering him with even more love]
The girl suddenly got closer to Seungkwan, motioning for him to hand her the microphone, not wasting a second, to voice her opinion.
"I love your hair, Dino-ya!" She smiled brightly. "And I love you too!" 
[gotta let the world know yk]
Her quick addition earned her a gentle smack on her arm by the '98 Liner while Mingyu just chuckled at the duo, as Minnie had started to hit him back.
[don't even get me started on seungkwan and minnie, my god]
DINO Mixtape 'Making of Wait' EP.1
The youngest member was in the studio with Seventeen's main lead vocalist and producer. The two were going through the lyrics Dino had written for his upcoming solo.
"Minnie said she'll be here in ten minutes," he explained to Woozi. "I want to show her before we record."
[stop being so adorable, dino, please]
[for the sake of my well-being]
"Ok ok," came as an answer from the '96 Liner who was out of the shot, his voice only barely noticeable.
The maknae turned towards the camera after reaching for his water bottle on the couch behind him. "I really trust noona when it comes to lyrics. Maybe she has better ideas for them."
[you don't want to know the noise i made when he said that]
The next moment, Minnie entered the studio, greeting the room with a cheery, "Hi!" Getting a wide smile from the '99 Liner in return. His eyes lit up as a plastic cup of coffee was placed right in front of him, slightly covering the camera's view.
"Wow, thank you, noona." As Dino reached out for it, the female member gently patted his head with a grin before letting herself fall onto the sofa.
"Oh-" he stopped himself before he went to take a sip, snatching a piece of paper from the table the camera was placed on. "Here are the lyrics." Turning around to face her, Minnie stopped him by waving her phone.
"I read through them on the file you sent me."
"You already looked at them?"
With scrunched eyebrows and a slightly shocked facial expression, the girl gazed at him. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"
[how dare him even question this]
Dino shrugged, taking a sip from the Iced Americano. "I thought you were busy maybe."
Minnie had started to hunch over her phone, her screen brightening up the lower half of her face as she looked up at him. "Yeah, but this is important to you. Of course, I'm gonna look at it right when you send it to me."
[... i am so not okay]
[i don't even think i know people that care this much]
Before the youngest could answer her again, Woozi spoke up from the right side of the screen. "You never do that with my lyrics. You always text 'I'll take a look later, I'm busy now.' And then you never do."
[lee, i'm so done with this girl but i also love and cherrish her so much and even let her stay in my studio when i'm not here and will always support her but also annoy the hell out of her and be an annoying ass brother who just loves her so dearly and will support her till my last day, jihoon]
"Stop lying!" Minnie exclaimed. "I don't say that! And you never look at MY lyrics!"
[the money i would pay to be a fly on the wall in the studio when they're there]
The maknae chuckled at the silly argument going on behind him, laughing out loud as Minnie tried to throw a pillow at their producer.
[and he's just sitting there enjoying this PLS HAHAHA]
"Alright," she took a deep breath as she pushed herself up to her feet. "I'm gonna go now."
"You're not staying?" Dino turned around, looking up at the older member.
Minnie stopped in her tracks, "You wanted me to stay?"
He shrugged, "No no, I just thought maybe you want to."
"Aah..." she let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I'm meeting up with someone. If I knew you wanted me to stay, I wouldn't have made plans."
[just drop them, minnie]
[drop them]
[stay with him]
[pls he needs you]
"It's okay, don't worry," he assured her. "Go, don't make them wait."
[noooo dinooooo]
The girl couldn't help but chuckle after she finished putting on her jacket again. "I shouldn't 'tell them, wait'," she imitated the sound of the song he was about to record, getting a laugh from him in return.
[... girl has been spending too much time with wonwoo bc good god, that was even worse than a dad joke]
"Exactly," he chuckled.
Before she left the duo to finish the recording, Minnie leaned down to be back in the camera's shot.
"Carats, please support Dino's solo well. It's gonna be really good and I know you're gonna love it."
[and she was right]
[we did]
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] UNESCO Youth Forum Special Video Sketch
Seungkwan was grasping onto the sheets of paper in his hand, the maknae of the group right by his side as they read through the lyrics they had printed out. They were going through the English version of the group's song 'Together'. With both of them unsure about their pronunciation, Dino started looking around.
His eyes stopped scanning the room. "Noona!" He called out for the female member who was out of the cameraman's view. 
[i could literally make a compilation of just him shouting out for her and wouldn't get tired of it]
"Can you help us?"
With quick steps, Minnie jogged up towards the two, coming to a halt by his left side. "Hm?" She hummed as her eyes fell onto the black-on-white text in front of them.
[girl was so quick]
[she'd definitely drop everyone and everything to help him]
[reminds me of when wonwoo called her with na pd-nim and she was on her way literally while they were still talking]
[she loves them so much, like HOW]
"You and I are never losing our way. You and I, we will be walking straight." The two younger members sang along to the song that was playing in the background. Seungkwan went over the lyrics with slightly more ease than Dino, who started chuckling at his own struggle.
"Try going slower first," the female member placed a comforting hand on the younger's upper arm.
[she is so patient]
[... god... please let me have my own minnie]
[or dino honestly too]
"But it's supposed to be sung at a quick pace," he told her.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah, but try speaking the lyrics slowly first and then increase the speed. That way your pronunciation will be clearer and you won't stumble over your words."
[the way she's also explaining it to him so softly]
[as if he was delicate keramic]
[what a comparison, wow...]
With a grin, Dino turned towards the camera, "Everyone," his arm was thrown over the petite shoulders of the '97 Liner. "I have the best English teacher." 
Getting a shy giggle out of her and a smack towards his chest, making him chuckle.
After his somewhat decent acrostic poem to UNESCO, Dino called out for the girl as she walked past the cameraman's back. Without having to be asked twice, Minnie showed up right next to the younger member.
"We're filming for UNESCO right now and we'll be in Paris in a few days, right?"
"Mm," the female performer nodded with a grin, the strong wind blowing through her hair, making her squint her eyes and tighten the colourful jacket around her body.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course," she smiled, "I can't wait to finally be in France with almost all of the members."
Dino nodded along with her answer. "Should we learn a little bit of French? Can you teach me something?"
[he really wants her to teach him, stoooop]
[omg imagine if he just started learning french from her]
[he'd be unstoppable]
Minnie chuckled, "What do you want to say?"
The maknae looked around the open field for a second as he thought to himself, the girls' eyes never leaving his form. He turned back towards her. "Something like 'thank you for your support'."
"Merci pour votre soutien."
[fuck, she's so hot]
"W-What?" Dino just glanced at her dumbfounded, taken aback by her quick answer, not remembering a single syllable that just dropped from her mouth. "What did you just say?"
[same dino, same]
Minnie couldn't help but laugh out loud at his reaction, stumbling back a few steps. Her cheerful sounds must've caught the attention of Wonwoo as he suddenly showed up next to her, bringing the girl into the middle of the two male members.
[and oop, there we go, the next dinonara appeared]
"'Thank you for your support' is 'merci pour votre soutien'"
"Ok," the youngest nodded slowly, "Merci-"
"Hm," Minnie supported him with a smile, "pour."
"V- Votre."
"Soutien. Sou-"
"Tien. Soutien?"
"Exactly," she nodded proudly.
"Merci pour-" Dino stopped himself before continuing, glancing at her with squinted eyes as he tried to remember the correct pronunciation.
"Votre soutien," Wonwoo suddenly spoke up. "Merci pour votre soutien."
[just when we thought he couldn't get hotter...]
With a shocked facial expression, the maknae looked at the '96 Liner. He pointed at him, "Who on earth do you know how to say it so perfectly?" 
[i mean i'm no french expert but that sounded pretty freaking good]
[also: if you have minnie as a teacher, you're gonna learn well either way]
Getting the rapper's signature deep laugh in return.
"I already taught him," Minnie chuckled, looking back at the other member as he caught himself again, a small smile still on his lips.
[this is a minnie x dino video, so could you quit acting like the cutest freaking lovebirds, my god]
"Aaah, ok ok," the '99 Liner smiled along with the older duo. "Ok, so... Merci pour... votre... and then?"
"Soutien is support?"
Minnie nodded.
"Merci pour votre soutien," Dino repeated her phrase slowly, looking straight at the French speaker of the group, whose eyes went wide in pride.
"Yes!" The girl clapped her hands, Wonwoo joining her.
[#proud #oursonisagenius]
The youngest turned towards the camera. "Carats, merci pour votre soutien."
"Well done," she patted his back, the proud grin not leaving her face.
[i could actually cry from the way she looks at him]
[Relay Pick] BALANCE GAME with SEVENTEEN ┃Performance Team
[teacher minnie strikes again]
[but yk, sometimes you gotta teach 'em about life]
The next two scenarios were presented to the unit.
"Peeling perilla leaves or peeling shrimps," Hoshi read out loud. Minnie's head popped out from behind his shoulder, trying to get a look at the screen ahead of them.
Dino, who was standing right behind her shook his head, "I don't really know this."
"Really?" The female member whipped her head around, looking up into the wide eyes of the maknae. "You never heard of that?" But he just shook his head. 
"Do you know this?" He asked her, to which she nodded.
"Of course, it was a big debate."
Jun, who was just as lost as the youngest of the group, had walked up to the screen, disappearing out of the camera's view.
"Look, it's like this, Jun," the performance unit leader started explaining. He took a step back, urging the others to do the same to create more space between them as he started.
"But why must it be perilla leaves?" Dino suddenly wondered, getting a chuckle out of the female member and making her turn around to describe the situation to him.
"Perilla leaves get easily stuck together, that's why they chose it."
He nodded along, "Aaah, ok ok."
[just accepting everything she tells him]
[i love them]
Mingyu's sudden voice surprised the duo that was deep into their own conversation.
"You're seriously so old fashioned," the '97 Liner commented, "it's a famous topic nowadays-"
"But that just means that he doesn't get jealous easily, that's good," Minnie fought back to the man she shared an apartment with.
[oh- there we go again hahahahaha]
"But he's part of the MZ generation, come on."
"No," a gentle pout formed on her lips as she took a small step back to place a hand on Dino's upper arm, "He's not the jealous type, it's a good thing. Old fashioned isn't bad anyways."
With a smirk, the youngest turned towards his older sister. "But that means that you're really jealous, right? You know a lot about this topic."
[wow dino...]
[she got called out fr]
Minnie's expression changed when she glanced up at him with an open mouth, surprised by his statement. Hoshi moved to the side to take a look at the duo, chuckling at the situation when laughter in the background could also be heard, followed by Minghao and Jun who joined in.
"No!" The girl defended herself quickly, shoving him away from her. "I'm just... I'm into popular stuff at the moment, so I know about discussions like this."
[MH, sure...]
"No, noona. You just admitted that if you know about this, you're a person that gets easily jealous-"
"Alright, but it's not a good thing!" She quickly gave in, getting another round of laughter from the members in front of and behind the camera.
[this is were the real sibling energy is coming through]
[why would he call her out like that in front of the camera hahahaha]
"But how can it be considered normal for a friend to do things like that with your partner?" She whined out loud.
"Well," Hoshi answered her, "It depends on how good their relationship is, I guess."
"It's TOO GOOD if my friend does these things!" 
[ngl... i feel a very deep and desperate need to see jealous minnie]
[i NEED it]
A soft hit on her shoulder made her chuckle. Turning to the side, she found the youngest leaning into her, his laughter ringing through her ears.
"It's okay, noona." Infecting her with his joy.
[little siblings, istg...]
"I'm okay with peeling shrimps," the leader made his final decision, "but the perilla leaf one is weird." He stepped to the side to leave a stunned Minnie in the middle - Dino, with a matching facial expression, right behind her.
"Amazing..." Minghao added to the shock.
[they were NOT having it]
[but i get it bc same]
"Peeling it by hands like this," the maknae imitated the action of peeling a shrimp to the rest of the group.
"That's so much worse!" The girl agreed with him. "You take your time to peel it... only to then give it to the partner of your best friend?!" She turned to Hoshi. "That's not okay."
"I agree," Dino nodded, linking his arm with hers as he dragged her in the opposite direction in which their leader had gone.
[dino went from not knowing anything about this topic to agreeing with his noona]
[gotta love them]
[i'm so obsessed with every pi cheolin x minnie/a minnie character interaction]
[why do her characters literally ALWAYS have beef with him HAHAHA]
[but i think that might need to be a seperate video ngl]
[anyways, the following few scenes have still made it into this video just bc i love them so much]
"And I've also been working with a lyricist recently," Woozi explained to the man in front of him.
"Ooh," Pi Cheolin sat up straighter, "Who is this new lyricist?"
"Her name is Minnie, but she sometimes goes by Minhee."
"Minhee?" The man's face scrunched up in almost disgust. "I don't like that name." 
['i don't like her name' when it's literally her government name😭]
Getting a chuckle out of Woozi that he couldn't hold back. "Where's she from?"
"She's from abroad. Europe," the '96 Liner continued. "Young and very talented."
"I see..." Dino, deep into his character, glanced around the room. "Then she must be really good in English, right?"
Woozi nodded, "Yeah, she lived in England before. She writes a lot of her lyrics in English, actually. And I, ehm-" he cleared his throat. "I actually asked her to accompany me here today to this meeting, I hope that's okay."
"Oh, of course, of course!" Pi Cheolin raised his arms up into the air. "The more, the better!"
The producer nodded with a smile, "Good, good. She should be here any second, I think." Just right after he had said that, a knock shook through the door.
"Come in!" Pi Cheolin shouted out. 
Only a second later, the door opened to reveal the face of the girl they had just mentioned, peaking in to look around. Her eyes held still on Woozi's form, but before she could say anything, the man in the hat shot up from the chair.
"Minnie! You must be Minnie!" With a hard push, he jumped up onto his feet, his chair hitting the wooden shelves behind him before rushing over to the female member. 
[bruh HAHAHA]
"What a beautiful young lady!" 
[he's too good in this role, i love him]
Without warning, he grabbed her by her upper arms and pulled her in, letting first their right cheeks touch, then the left ones. Each time, he added an overly dramatic kissing sound.
"O- Oh- ok-," Minnie looked at him taken aback as soon as they were face to face again.
[so this was definitely not scripted, i guess]
Pi Cheolin smiled brightly at her. "That's how you greet people in Europe, right?"
"I- sure? I guess?" She just shrugged.
[her new personality: europe]
Harsher than needed, the man patted her arms, making her almost wince.
[i can't] 
"I'm glad to finally meet you!" Without looking at her again, he turned back around to go to his seat. "Please, take a seat! I heard so much about you."
Minnie directed her eyes towards Woozi as she claimed the chair right next to him, raising her eyebrows to ask him 'Really?"
He shrugged, "I only just started telling him about you. I don't know what he's talking about."
With a slow and unsure nod, she sat down.
[they're too good]
"I have to be honest with you, Minnie," Pi Cheolin suddenly turned seriously after the three had just negotiated the producer-writer duo to join his agency.
"Ok..." the girl carefully answered, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
With his teeth tightly pressed together, he hissed in a breath. "Minhee. Your other name."
"My legal name, yes."
"We have to change it." He simply stated.
"What?" Minnie stopped with every little action she was previously doing, glancing over at the man. "But that's my real name. My grandma gave me-"
"We need to change it," he interrupted her, making her send an unamused look right into the camera. 
[he really don't give a fuck about the grandma huh?]
For a second the room fell into complete silence. Pi Cheolin had a finger on his chin, looking like he was deep in his thoughts. "What about..." he spoke before stopping for a bit again. "Minstar!" He shouted out, surprising both members, making them cover their mouths as chuckles escaped their lips.
"Minstar?" The girl wondered.
The man nodded. "Yeah. 'Min', from Minnie. And 'star' because you are A STAR!" The sudden change to English was all it took for another round of quiet chuckles to fill the room.
[he's so random for what]
After not getting an answer in return, with Woozi covering his face with one hand and Minnie turned around towards the wall, trying to calm down her laughter, Pi Cheolin continued.
With his arms opened wide and a big grin plastered on his face, he stared at the two. "Do you love it or do you love it?"
The girl just sent him a thumbs-up.
[i just KNOW i could never hold it together in front of the camera]
[i know, out of all the members minnie falls out of character the most, but i would be so much worse omg]
[how could you not if you have someone in front of you playing this old man just a little too well for it not to be real?!]
As soon as the three walked into the recording studio, where Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Dokyeom aka Leo, Charles and Seokmin, Minnie was holding her hand up to cover her mouth, unable to keep any grins hidden as soon as her eyes fell on her fellow members.
[she was having a hard time keeping it together for literally the entire episode]
[but who could blame her]
They stood up to greet the CEO, producer and lyricist.
"Have you seen these guys before?" Pi Cheolin asked, pointing at the trio in front of them.
Minnie and Woozi shook their head. "We've never met them before," the '96 Liner answered for both of them as the female member was busy wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes due to her laughter.
"Oh, is that right?" The man exclaimed. "Then I'll introduce you-" As soon as he turned to the girl, who was crouched over, he stopped. "Are you okay? What's so funny?" 
She was quick to catch herself, standing up straight again, "Nothing. Nothing. I'm okay."
With a slight squint, Pi Cheolin glared at her. "Lyricists need to be a bit more serious, I think."
[oh okay]
"I'll try my best," she promised him.
"Well then, let me introduce you to the best singers in the industry! Say hello, starting with you," he pointed at the '95 Liner, who revealed his age and name, followed by Wonwoo until they landed on Dokyeom.
But instead of talking to them, the '97 Liner started moving around, showing them a variety of what could only be described as 'tiktok moves from 2019'. Minnie couldn't hold it again and gave in as she turned to the side slightly, trying to ignore her fellow member in front of her. Pi Cheolin was having none of that.
"No, no," he grabbed her shoulders and turned her back around. "It's rude not to look at people when they introduce themselves." The girl just nodded.
After a few more seconds, the CEO took the word again. "Your name... what's your name?"
"Seokminie," Dokyeom answered him.
"Oh, Seokminie?" Pi Cheolin's eyes widened. He surprised the girl with a slap on the back. 
[why is he like this]
"See! Another reason why you have to change your name." But she just continued to stare at him. "So people don't confuse you two!" Pointing between the '97 Liners.
"So they don't confuse us?"
"Yes! Look at you two. You could be twins. Both young. Both attractive." 
No comment was made to his statement as everyone was trying to hold in their giggles. Minnie shook her head.
After a few more jokes back and forth, including Seokmin shouting into their ears and bursting their eardrums, everyone had sat down.
"So!" Pi Cheolin suddenly stood up again. "Now, I'll introduce my trusted people right here." He placed both of his hands on the female member's shoulders, making her tense up slightly, which he noticed right away.
"Aah, don't be so tense, Minstar," he started massaging her shoulders, clearly not in a comforting way though as her face scrunched up and she tried to free herself from his grasp. 
[he's really going through with it]
After a few seconds, he stopped, only to squish her face in between his hands. "This is Minnie. We call her Minstar because she is A STAR!" His hands started moving around, squishing her cheeks a slight bit more. "
[minnie is so much stronger than i am bc i would actually beat him up as soon as the cameras go down, but i just know she lets him do this bc he's dino and she loves him]
[bc imagine if this was seungkwan]
I mean look at her." The room went quiet. "Look at her beauty. Her talent. You can smell her intelligence." Another moment of silence washed over the group after he took a big and loud sniff. 
"I see, you agree with me." He freed her again, making her touch her own cheeks again and frown at the camera.
"Let's move on to Woozi, the genius producer!"
[something about dino in this episode was just so pure and cute]
The members cleaned up nicely. Each one of them was wearing a personalised, colour-coded outfit for the filming of the third part of their Don't Lie series. Minnie was sharing the couch with Minghao, Seungkwan and Jeonghan, sitting between the '95 and '98 Liner.
After going through the casualties and flaming Mingyu along the way, the group decided to let Dino be the first in the starting round of the Lie Detector test.
He got down to the floor, to sit right in front of the coffee table with the machine on top of it. After securing his hand with the velcro seal, one of the producers behind the camera started to explain the rules.
"After detecting your heart rate, when you're asked a question, press the button and answer-" 
The members listened attentively, some nodding along to her words, but the maknae seemed as lost as he possibly could be. Dino looked to his left, making the girl chuckle as she could practically see the wheels in his head turning.
"How?" He suddenly asked, his eyes wide in lostness. 
[oh dino]
The group couldn't hold back laughing at his reaction.
Not even a second later, Minnie was already up on her feet, Jeonghan's hand on her back, dropping down to his side. 
[she literally only smiled before she SHOT UP to get to him]
[the older sister instincts KICKED IN]
[also: pretty sure jeonghan kinda like pushed her forward bc he saw his baby in need]
She walked over to him and crouched down on the floor, her knees hitting the carpet as she tried to explain it again in simpler terms. But his eyes told her everything she needed to know - he still had no idea what to do. It just made her chuckle even more.
[minnie pls he just needs your help]
[pls help him]
"I'll do it for you. I'll activate it," Minnie placed a hand on his shoulder while her other one was on top of the coffee table, close to the lie detector. All Dino now had to do was listen to the question and answer truthfully.
The female member whipped her head around at the sound of the youngest's voice. An awaiting smile was already plastered on her face.
With quick but short steps, Dino was right in front of her within a second.
"Is there a pharmacist?" He wondered in a hushed tone.
[i love how she was the first person he thought of to ask]
With scrunched eyebrows, clearly confused by the random question, the girl looked at him.
"Is there a pharmacist in the game?"
"A pharmacist? Like... someone that works in a pharmacy?" She repeated his words, still unsure if she had understood him correctly. After getting a nod from the maknae, she spoke up again. "Why?"
Dino quickly glanced at his left and right, before leaning into her just a little bit closer and lowering his voice. "Jeonghan said he's the pharmacist," he explained, "I didn't even know there was such a role."
[well ngl i wouldn't believe anything that comes from jeonghan's mouth after being with him in the same group for this long of a time]
[the trust issues i have with this man are unreal]
"Aaah," Minnie nodded, almost unable to hold back her chuckle. After having dealt with the older's mischief for far too long, and getting involved in it for just as long, she immediately saw right through the lie.
You could see her eyes looking around the room as she debated her next statement - she could play into it, or she could tell him the truth.
But with those boba eyes looking right at her, she only had one option.
"No," she shook her head with a grin. "He's just joking with you. There's no pharmacist role."
"Really? Are you sure?"
Minnie nodded.
"But he keeps on collecting little pieces of paper that he finds," Dino imitated the size of the mentioned paper slips.
"I don't know... maybe he wrote them earlier? He was writing something before we started filming." The female member dropped the truth, making the youngest look at her with an open mouth.
[she even reveals jeonghan's secrets to dino, like what]
"Aaah... wow..." he shook his head. "He's really passionate about this game."
[he IS REALLY passionate about that game]
[but so is everyone else of you, sooo...]
The female member laughed as she agreed with him by nodding again.
[GOING SEVENTEEN] Runner-Up Sports Day #2
Part of the members were standing in a line, waiting for the next instructions during their filming. Vernon was holding the ball they'd be using for the dodgeball match that was coming up. It was fairly windy, but Minnie had found out the Mingyu was a good wind blocker, explaining why she was standing to his left. 
[the gose producer's caption 'the great wall of mingyu' was perfect]
Dino was next to her, on her other side.
The group had fallen into a comfortable conversation, forgetting about the multiple cameras on them for just a few minutes.
After finding out that the only members to know about 'Shaun the Sheep' were Vernon and Minnie, Dokyeom had another question,
"Who knows 'Fairly Odd Parents?"
The youngest member of the hip-hop unit turned to the '97 Liner, continuing to subconsciously play with the ball in his hand.
"Ah, the Nickelodean cartoon?"
Dokyeom confirmed his wonder.
Minnie was fixing her hair when the maknae spoke up after a chuckle fell from his lips,
"My nickname in elementary school was Jimmy Neutron." The girl next to him fell into a fit of giggles, her head falling back as she was surprised and most definitely amused by the sudden comment. "My head was so big back then," Dino continued to explain.
With a pout, the female member reached out to touch his arm, leaning forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder, hiding her amusement.
[she adores this man so much]
Without even thinking twice, Mingyu opened his mouth, "It still is." Followed by a chuckle.
[no filter]
Minnie's head immediately shot up. Her eyes wide, but her lips pressed together, trying to keep the corner of her lips from curling. She turned to her side and got a groan from her fellow '97 Liner in return as his hand flew up to where she had just smacked him on the chest.
[go off big sister minnie!]
[getting ready for defence]
With a sarcastic unamused facial expression, Dino commented on his statement. "You say such nice things." To which the girl was quick to turn to him, 
"Awww," she laughed out and let her hand come up to cup his cheek, leaning onto his shoulder once again.
In the Soop 1 Ep. 2
[what i want to say:]
[i am very sorry to end this video with this in the soop moment]
[it's literally probably my all time favourite minnie x dino moment, EVER]
[we see them always acting all sweet and loving and just caring for each other]
[but this... this was so much than that]
[and i still cry whenever i watch it]
All of the members left to do their individual things. Some had started getting ready for bed. Others were already sleeping. A few had gone into the kitchen for snacks. The only ones left outside were Dino and Minnie. As it was starting to get colder, Minnie had thrown a blanket around her body, while the maknae had chosen a jacket to keep him warm. The girl had started to collect some of the trash left behind by the other guys and put together the empty bottles of alcohol, so they'd have it easier to throw away.
It was quiet. The only sounds filling the open outdoors were coming from the river from a distance and the crickets and other insects that you'd find close to the woods.
Dino's eyes were trained on the female member, following her every movement. 
[i don't know what it is, but dino just gazing at her is something that hits me so hard]
[like, a lot of the members look at minnie in a specific way, but dino... it's very special]
[again: pure adoration]
He stayed quiet, feeling just a bit sorry that he wasn't helping her, but the sudden rush of tiredness had surprised him - Minnie knew that and wouldn't comment on it.
Then the maknae suddenly broke the comfortable silence, "I'm really proud of you, noona."
The girl stopped in her tracks. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. "What?" She chuckled. "All of a sudden?"
"No," he shook his head almost shyly, immediately crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I've been wanting to tell you things like that, but... I've never found the right time."
The female member stopped her actions, taking a seat in the chair that Seungkwan had previously occupied. 
[notice how she literally dropped everything and just sat down to listen?]
"Well..." she took a deep breath, "Do you think now is the right time? Do you want to talk to me?"
"I always want to talk to you, but...," Dino admitted, looking down at his hands before up at the older member again. "I don't really know... how to say it well."
"You can always talk to me. I'm always all ears for you, you know that," Minnie reached out to get a hold of the glass of water one of the members had left for her.
[first tears started falling]
"I know- Of course, I know." The maknae gulped. "But I really am proud of you."
The girl's eyebrows shot up as she tried to fight a pout. "Thank you, I'm really proud of you too."
Dino nodded. "You've been working so hard, so I... I just wanted to tell you that. Especially this year, you've been working a lot- I mean, you've always been working very hard with writing lyrics and helping Woozi... and also doing photoshoots and promoting Seventeen so well."
"Thank you, Channie," she smiled at her younger member who had been trying to avoid her gaze. 
[something about her using his real name seems so special]
[i mean, maybe it was the alcohol]
[but also maybe not]
She continued, "But you should be really proud of yourself too. You've been doing a lot for not only the group but also for yourself. You've grown a lot over the past few years. You can be very proud of that."
Dino's eyes were fixed on nothing specific as he just glanced into the dark emptiness to his right.
"Do-" he suddenly started again. Minnie was still waiting patiently for him to speak, a soft smile plastered on her face as she couldn't take her eyes off the maknae. "Do you ever feel like you've missed out on something?"
She scrunched her eyebrows, "What do you mean with 'something'?"
He took a deep breath, brushing his hands over his thighs as he looked down. "That's something I've always wanted to ask you... but I was never sure if... if you wanted to talk about it." He took another second to let the question fall from his lips. "...Do... you ever feel... like you've missed out on something because you're in a group with us?"
"Because you're guys?" She wondered.
The maknae nodded. "I've been wondering about that for a long time I think, but especially now... and... after our contract renewal- I don't know-" he shook his head slightly. "I just... I was asking myself that. And if... like- do you ever think about how you're life as an idol in a girl group would've been?"
[bc of the contract renewal]
[makes me kinda think what if he was scared that she wouldn't want to renew it bc of that exact reason]
[brb gotta dry my tears]
A nearly sad chuckle tumbled from Minnie's lips as she looked at the younger member in front of her. "Why are you wondering about that?" Sounding almost concerned.
[fr don't make us cry like that]
Dino shrugged. "I was always wondering about you... and the group... but... when the contract renewal became a topic... I... almost started to feel bad, I think." Minnie decided to stay quiet to let him continue and give him as much time as he needed. "I was thinking about if...if we were maybe taking something from you... or... just in general... if you feel pressured into resigning maybe for some reason."
"Ah..." Minnie sighed, looking down at her own hands, "Why are you worrying so much, Dino?" As soon as she looked up again, the camera, as well as the youngest, caught her glassy eyes. She didn't get an answer from him in return as he just continued to look at her.
"I..." she started quietly, her right hand brushing through her hair as she looked up at the sky and gulped. "I definitely- during the contract negotiations, thought a lot about the future and... also, of course, the past and... everything that has happened and what we've been through and... also how my mindset used to be in the beginning, you know? Because it changed a lot."
"What do you mean?"
"I... I- like you asked about me missing out on something. I never felt like that. I never thought that I was missing out on... for example, being in a girl group. Because... all of you make me so so happy. And... I know that every single member is, like- I know that all of your guys' kindness and support, and... just everything about you... I couldn't ask for anything more, because... it's so much more than I could've ever imagined already. And so much better and... I don't deserve any-"
"No no, stop," he was quick to interrupt her. "You deserve everything, noona. You deserve so much more."
[i don't want to interrupt this beautiful moment but yes, I'm crying]
"No, stop!" She chuckled.
"You really deserve this."
"Well, you do too!"
"But you're doubting yourself right now!" He argued back with a sad smile.
Minnie stopped him with a wave of her hand. "No, no, I'm not, don't worry. I mean... I don't know who even in this world would deserve a group as wonderful as Seventeen, you know?"
"You do, noona."
"Ah, stop, you're gonna make me cry!" 
[you and me both sis]
The female member chuckled as she covered her sight with one hand before trying to wipe away the tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes.
"No, don't! Please don't" Dino giggled along with her trying to find a napkin he could hand her. After his eyes landed on one clean one, he reached out with it for her to grab. Minnie thanked him.
"There were definitely times where... I doubted if I should be in a group like this, you know?" 
She continued, and the maknae nodded while listening attentively. "Especially shortly after our debut... and during our trainee years," she cleared her throat, sitting up just a bit straighter. "None of the members have ever made me feel... like... I'm not a part of the group. You've always made me feel very included and... accepted... and just... never made me feel different, but... just... my own mindset and a lot of other things, you know? It sometimes told me that... I'm not- I'm not supposed to be here. That it's supposed to be only you guys-"
"But without you, something would definitely be missing."
"Thank you," she whispered, feeling the tears pool up again. "But I've learned not to listen to that and... just enjoy the time that we have right now. And... that made me realise that there is nothing better I could ever ask for. During our trainee days, I- I've definitely felt a bit lonely at times, of course, because... I was also growing into an adult, and that's a hard time already. But... I'm just so thankful for all of you... that's why I renewed it. I definitely didn't feel pressured by anything. I just... I couldn't imagine what else I would be doing, you know? I love you all so much, and I'm so thankful... I just want to hold onto every single member for as long as I can."
By the end of Minnie's speech, Dino's eyes had also turned slightly more glassy than before, but he continued to nod along to every word she spoke.
[seeing him like this in front of her is actually breaking my heart]
"During our trainee days, I don't think I thought much about it, but as I'm getting older, I started to realise that some times must've been very lonely for you. And I couldn't help but to feel sorry about that. Because... I don't want you to ever feel lonely. We all appreciate you so much and we hope that you can see and feel that... we really do. But when I was younger, all I thought was that it was weird but cool to have so many older brothers and one older sister because I never had that. And then... especially to have you as a sister... someone I know I can always rely on and ask for help and who I know will support me... but getting older, I just had to start thinking about what this all must be like for you. And that it must be very- ah, noona!"
And this point, there were already too many tears to count that were running down Minnie's face. She chuckled at the youngest's reaction, trying to pat away the stains on her cheeks, the silence of the night now also filled with her sobs.
"I didn't want you to cry, I'm sorry," the maknae spoke gently as he stood up, quickly wiping away his own tears that had started to fall before he pushed one of the chairs as close as possible to her. After taking a seat, he was quick to wrap his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a comforting side hug.
"I just wanted to talk to you about this because I was thinking about it and I noticed that you're never complaining about it and have never said anything about this."
[i will stop interrupting now bc i don't even know what to say anymore]
[i love them so much]
[both of them deserve the world]
"What?" He chuckled at her sigh.
"You've grown so much. You shouldn't be worrying about me or us in general like that," the tears were still running down her cheeks, but she was able to speak normally.
The maknae shook his head, "Don't say that. We all worry about each other."
"Yeah, but," she snuffled, "You're our maknae..." and looked up at him as his grip around her softened. "You haven't acted like a maknae since... I don't even know... since never. And... it's kind of... really hard to watch you grow up so quickly because... it's okay if you want to act like the maknae. You can act like a maknae! It's okay. That's what we expect from you. To see you all grown up like this and think so much about worries that shouldn't even cross your mind is really scary..."
Now it was Dino's time to look up, trying to blink away his tears. Minnie took his hand into her grasp with a sad smile.
"Please don't think that you have to grow up quickly. I feel like you couldn't even enjoy your youth much because you became a trainee so young-"
"You became a trainee at 13 too," the youngest told her with a somewhat chuckle.
Minnie nodded with a smile, "Yeah, but I was almost an adult when we debuted. You weren't. And... I feel like that may have made you want to grow up quicker than we wanted you to." She reached out to touch his cheek, running her thumb over the fresh tears that had escaped his eyes. "Please don't worry about us so much. Focus on your youth and enjoy it. And be a maknae at times. Don't be so mature, you're gonna make me sad to see you grow up!" Her scolding made both of them laugh and lean into each other.
"But-" Dino cleared his throat, "I feel like you never talk about your struggle and that worries me. I can't help but worry. You're a special person in the group. Of course, I'm gonna worry about my older sister."
"But you shouldn't," she patted his hand again. "I... I sometimes do talk to... Coups-oppa, especially. But you know... everyone has their own worries, so I don't want to hurt anyone with my worries even more."
"I know..." the maknae copied her soft tone.
"It's hard sometimes, but... yeah... everyone is struggling a little bit differently, but we all learn how to deal with it. And... we know that we can always rely on each other."
Dino nodded again. "And I just wanted you to know that you can always also rely on me."
"I know," Minnie told him in a whisper, another round of tears already making their way down her cheeks again. "But don't worry," She took a deep breath, "A lot of happy things have happened recently, so... I'm very happy as well." And smiled shyly, making the maknae copy her expression.
"I'm really happy for you." His whisper hit her ears oh so softly.
"Thank you." With a big smile, she wrapped her arms around the muscular frame of the '99 Liner. "Just remember that you'll always be our maknae. You're not the oldest here, so don't feel pressured to act like it."
"I know," he buried his face deeper into her neck. "You're a very important part of the group. And also to me. I mean it... I don't know what I would do without you, noona. I really love you."
"I love you too, Channie," she tightened the hug, noticing him doing the same, making her smile. After they released each other again, the female member took another look at the maknae. 
"And you can always talk to me. You don't have to wait for a good moment or something like that. If you need to talk to me, I will listen. Doesn't matter when or where."
Dino decided to just nod, scared of the lump in his throat that was about to appear again.
[they both have been through literally so much individually]
[i'm so glad they found towards each other]
[if none of the moments from before convinced you that they need each other, i hope this one did]
[i really hope that they will be forever happy and healthy]
[i'm actually convinced that finding someone that cares about me as much as minnie and dino care about each other would heal me from inside out]
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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starlight-savegery · 24 days
Hiii! Here's are a few fic scenarios:
- Joel thinks Ellie and Jessie are dating and when Ellie shuts it down, Joel's like "uh huh, just be careful" (or the fic where you see how red you can make Ellie's face 😂)
- A sick-fic of any kind
- Ellie's first patrol 🐴
(this is @adhdprincess btw. Can't send asks from sideblog)
Ok, ok, I am working on all the other requests (including in this ask), but this one got me too excited and I just HAD TO. I absolutely love Joel thinking Jesse likes Ellie, it's hilarious!!
Palestine Masterpost, Daily Click, Palestine Masterdoc, How you can help
It all clicks for Joel that night when he's nursing a mug of coffee that, admittedly, is far too much water compared to bean, and tastes like, as Ellie would say, burnt shit. What he wouldn't give for good old coffee.
“Can Jesse join us for dinner at Tommy and Maria's?” Ellie asks him, and he can't help but chuckle. He'd had a hunch for a while that maybe the boy had a crush, considering just how much he talked about Ellie. But this?
Well, he was pretty damn sure his babygirl had a boyfriend.
“Course, kiddo. This gonna be a regular thing?” He raises a brow, and out the corner of his eye she sees her shrug.
“I dunno, maybe.” Joel hums, taking a sip of the warm drink. So, that's a yes then. Lucky for Joel, he speaks teenage girl.
He nods slowly, leaning a little more weight on the porch railing, watching as moths flutter around the porch light spilling out onto the grass. He sighs softly, his breath coming out in a visible cloud that rises up into the chilly night.
“You just be careful, yeah?” He mutters, receiving a scoff.
“Careful of what?”
Ellie makes a choked sound, followed by giggles that she fails to stifle with her fist. Without looking, Joel knows the exact expression she's got; her eyes scrunched up, the corner of her lip curling up, her nose twitching like a bunny.
“Jesse isn't– We're not–” She stammers a few times, then decides it's useless, going quiet until she can stop laughing.
“Uh-huh.” Joel hums, taking another sip of his drink. Christ, it's a shit coffee, but he'll take what he can get. Beggars sure as Hell can't be choosers after all.
“I'm serious!” Ellie retorts, giving a light shove to his side that has Joel letting out a startled huff, shooting her a glare that's not serious in any way at all. Her cheeks are pink, and Joel has to hold back his laughter.
“Okay, serious. Whatever you say.” He smiles to himself, hiding it with the rim of his owl mug.
“Fuck you, dude.” Ellie grumbles, storming off inside.
The door clicks shut, and Joel chuckles to himself. Then it opens again, only for it to be slammed shut.
Damn. Teenagers.
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lackadaisicallizard · 8 months
Yes, I know it's halloween and I tried to write angst but I couldn't do it.
So enjoy this bit of Halloween fluff instead.
“Don’t laugh.” 
James is clearly trying very hard to keep a straight face. “I’m not laughing.” 
Regulus scowls at his husband. “Why on Earth am I dressed as a discount Dolly Parton right now, James?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t know what costume it is. You know exactly what costume it is.” James’ resolve falters and his lips curl up in amusement. 
Yes, Regulus does know what costume it is. He is currently wearing blue jeans with cow-print chaps, a white and yellow top, and a red cowgirl hat complete with a fake red plait that’s fetchingly draped over his left shoulder.   
“Why do you get to be Woody and I’m stuck with the frilly yellow fabric?” Regulus walks over to the mirror next to the wardrobe and glares at his reflection as he tweaks the cuffs on his ridiculous sleeves. 
James isn’t put off though it seems as he comes to stand behind him, his smile wide now. “If it helps, you look very cute in cow-print.” 
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Are you telling me you have a thing for cowboys now, Potter?” 
James laughs lightly as he wraps his arms around Regulus’ chest and his own hands subconsciously move to hold them. He can’t help himself. James Potter and his strong arms have always been his weakness. Well, one of them anyway. 
“Nah I have a thing for you,” James bends down to kiss his cheek, his next words low in his ear, “although now that you mention it, the chaps…” 
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Keep it in your pants, Potter, we’ve got places to be.” 
As if on cue, the bedroom door is flung open and the world’s most adorable Buzz Lightyear comes bounding in. “Daddy you said you’d be ten minutes and it’s definitely been way more than that!” 
James lets go of Regulus’ chest, but keeps his right arm wrapped around his husband’s waist as he turns to face their son. 
“Sorry Harry. I was ready in ten minutes but your papa was taking his time as usual.” 
Regulus hits him lightly in the stomach. “Maybe if I didn’t have to figure out how to pin my hair up so it didn’t show under the wig, we’d be leaving on time.” 
James nods. “It does look good, love. Don’t you think so Harry?” 
Harry nods too, a mirror image of his father. “You look just like Jessie! She’s my favourite you know? Well, after Buzz.” 
And how could Regulus do anything but melt at that comment? Because this is the reason he agreed to the ridiculous outfit- his son’s request for them to dress as his favourite characters from his favourite movie. 
Harry is and always will be his biggest weakness. 
Regulus finally smiles now, fully and properly, and moves to kneel down in front of the grinning six year old, adjusting the helmet that is slightly wonky on his head. “Buzz is my favourite too.” 
“Absolutely. How could he not be?” 
“Exactly! Daddy says that his favourite is Rex.” 
“Yes well Daddy is wrong as usual.” 
“Hey!” Regulus turns to his husband’s mildly hurt facial expression. 
“Two against one.” 
“We win!” Harry exclaims and James’ face immediately shifts back to a smile. He scoops Harry up, careful not to damage his wing in the process. 
“I guess we’ll have to watch it later to really decide a winner, won’t we?” 
Harry looks at Regulus who is now standing next to them. “Can we, Papa?” His voice is brimming with excitement 
“Let’s see how we feel after trick or treating, yeah?”
Harry thinks on this for a second before nodding. “Okay.” 
“Speaking of which, we’d better get going before all the good sweets are taken,” James says as he puts Harry down. “Why don’t you go and grab your bucket and we’ll be out in a second?” 
Harry furrows his brow and Regulus speaks, “I promise I won’t take forever this time.” 
“Okay,” Harry says, easily convinced, and he rushes back out of the bedroom. 
James turns to Regulus, his smile soft and his eyes glinting with the same joy that he just saw written across their son’s face. “Are you ready?” 
And as Regulus takes one last look at himself in the mirror he no longer sees a stupid cowgirl costume that his husband made him wear. He sees a stupid cowgirl costume that belongs to his son’s second favourite Toy Story character. And while the former may not have been enough of a reason for him to pull on a pair of leather boots and go outside to be seen by the general public, the latter definitely is. 
So he answers with a nod of his head and a tone more resolute than he ever thought it would be under the given circumstances. “Let’s do this.” 
“To infinity and beyond?” 
“Don’t push it, Potter.”
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thewalkingthread · 3 months
you're losing me - r.g. (part 2)
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part 1
pairing: rick grimes x reader
summary: you're adjusting to life after rick cheats on you
warnings: cursing, rick is an absolute lost puppy without you
author's note: i'm not sure what you guys were wanting in the part two in terms of resolution, but i wrote this with intentions of rick being a loser LOL BUTTTTTT, I can absolutely make an alternate ending where they work it out. but for now, boss babe Y/N.
It's been a month since you and Rick broke up. The day after you caught him and Jessie you packed all your stuff up and moved into Daryl's little cabin just outside the walls.
It was odd at first, being away from Rick. Being away from Carl and Judith. It was miserable. You were miserable.
You stayed in the cabin for a week straight, despite Daryl's several attempts to make you go into the walls with him during the day. Eventually he stopped, knowing you would face everyone when you were ready.
By everyone, you meant Rick.
Everyone caught on pretty fast considering you moved out of the house, out of the whole community. Maggie and Carol were the first to come see you and ask what happened.
It wasn't until Carl came knocking on the door with Judith on his hip that you decided to take that step and go back in to the walls.
According to Carl, everyone knows what happened. Everyone knows that Rick cheated. Everyone knows it was with Jessie- not like that was a surprise to anybody.
Your first day back inside was awful. Everyone kept giving you pity glances, knowing that you were the victim. You hated it. Yes, Rick cheated on you but you definitely didn't need anyone's pity.
You avoided Rick like the plague at first. Any sight of him you were turning the opposite direction. Whether you liked it or not, Rick is the leader of Alexandria- your leader.
You couldn't avoid him forever. But you sure as hell did your best.
Now a month later, you still weren't okay. Who would be after finding your boyfriend macking on another woman he told you not to worry about?
"I'm here to relieve you of your duties, madam." Abraham bowed deeply to you. You rolled your eyes, handing him the rifle.
"Thank you, kind sir." You laughed, heading down the ladder. Things were a bit easier now. People were acting normal towards you again, everyone was moving forward.
Well, not everyone.
Rick has made several attempts just to get you to glance at him, let alone speak to him. Despite him cheating on you with Jessie, you haven't seen them together since then. It seems that they broke off whatever they were.
It didn't matter though, the damage was done. The trust was broken.
You walked towards the pantry, needing to take note of the things we were running low on for the next run with Daryl.
Your footsteps slow down when you hear commotion by the pond. You see Carl and Ron a few feet apart from each other. You could tell just from their body language that things weren't alright.
You stopped, watching them for a second before deciding whether or not you should intervene. They're teenage boys, surely they can sort out their issues.
"Well your mom is a homewrecker!" Carl shouts at Ron. "She knew my dad and Y/N were in a relationship!"
Ron scoffs, raising an eyebrow at Carl. "It's not her fault your dad is a cheating pig! He chose to cheat on Y/N, sorry my mom's better."
Before you knew it, Carl was lunging himself at Ron. "Take it back, you little shit!" The two boys began to roll around in the grass, wrestling one another.
You ran towards them, other people stopping to witness the commotion.
"Y/N, is the best thing that's ever happened to my dad." Carl grunted, landing a punch to Ron's face.
"Carl!" You shout once you reach the boys. You pull on his shoulder, trying to tug him off of Ron. "Get off of him, Carl." You urge.
Much to your dismay, the boys continue to pull at each other, both trying to land a punch.
"What the hell-" You hear the all too familiar southern accent from behind you. You look around and see a small group of people gathered around. Jessie comes bursting through the wall of people, seeing her son on the ground with a black eye.
Rick manages to pull Carl off of Ron, pushes him back. You grab onto Carl, checking him over to see his bruises that were already forming.
"Do one of you want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Rick shouts at the two teenagers.
Both of the boys glare at each other, neither one of them saying anything. Rick glances around the area, "Nothing to see here." He shoots everyone a look. Everyone scatters except Jessie, who pulls her son off the ground.
"Carl?" He angles his head to his son once the crowd disperses.
Carl scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, son." Rick clenches his jaw. "You think this is acceptable be-"
Carl stops him before he can finish. "Oh save it, dad! Everything was fine. Everything was great! But you decided to cheat on Y/N and then everything went to shit!" Carl snaps.
“No! Y/N left and now we’re all feeling emptiness! I’m feeling it, Judith is feeling it- You’re feeling it.”
"You want to talk about acceptable behavior?” Carl scoffs, nodding his head up at his dad. “Check yourself first." He shakes his head before walking away.
You stand there awkwardly. Rick glances at you as if to ask for an explanation. You cock an eyebrow at him and shrug your shoulders.
Carl has a point.
“He’s a smart kid,” You say smugly before heading away.
“Look, Y/N-“ you could hear Rick’s footsteps follow shortly behind you. His hand latched onto your elbow softly, halting you in your spot. “Can we talk… please.”
There was a desperation in his voice that you haven’t heard before. His eyes stared at you deeply, dark bags had formed beneath his eyes and the wrinkles on his face seemed deeper.
“I don’t really think there’s anything to talk about, Rick.” You shake your head at him.
His frown deepens. “There is, there’s so much we need to talk about. I- I need to say things. Explain myself-“
You raise an eyebrow at the scuffed up man in front of you. “Explain yourself? There’s nothing you can say that will justify you cheating on me.” Your voice raises slightly, causing the few surrounding people to glance at you two.
“Y/N, please. Can we just talk?” He glances around. “Somewhere private?”
You sigh deeply, glancing around the audience around you. “Fine.”
You turn on your heels, heading towards the house. Rick followed closely behind you, you could practically feel his breathe on your neck.
Carl was on the living room floor with Judith, playing with some blocks and dolls. His eyes lock on yours when you open the door, a smile spreads on his face before disappearing when he sees Rick step in behind me.
The father and son lock eyes before Rick nods his head towards the stairs. Carl rolls his eyes before pushing himself off the ground and stomping towards the stairs.
“Carl-“ Rick glares at the boy. You put your hands up to stop him.
“I’ll go talk to him,” you shush Rick quickly before following Carl up the stairs. He was on his bed, a comic book opened in his hand.
“Hey, you.” You smile at Carl as you knock on the door frame.
Carl sighs deeply when he sees you. “I’m not going to apologize for hitting, Ron.” He mumbles.
You laugh, head tilting backwards. “Oh, please. I wouldn’t want you to. The little shit deserved it.” You smile at him, stepping into his room. You sat at the end of his bed.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
Carl frowns, shutting the comic book and tossing it to the side.
“I miss you. We miss you.” He says. “It’s different without you. Judith doesn’t sleep through the night anymore, dad can’t cook for shit. The house is a mess, there’s no order.” He ranted on.
“Things between me and dad have been hard. He knows I’m angry with him and so there’s this weird tension between us.” He sighs.
You bite your bottom lip, hearing the frustration and tiredness in Carls voice.
“Do you think I should give him a second chance?” You ask Carl, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Honestly? No. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve you.” Carl shakes his head. “You shouldn’t be with something that makes you question their loyalty.”
“You know, no matter what happens with me and your dad… Our relationship will never change. I’ll always be here for you, Carl. No matter what.” You reach out, placing your hand on top of his to give it a good squeeze.
“Thank you for sticking up for me to the little brat.” You smile, lightening the mood. Carl gives you a smile, nodding his head.
“I guess I better get downstairs. Just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And hey, cut your dad some slack… what he did to me was wrong, but that’s an issue for me and your dad.”
Carl nods his head in defeat as you walk towards the door.
“Hey, Y/N.” You stop, turning back at the teenager.
“I meant what I said. He doesn’t deserve you.”
You give him a tight lip smile and nod your head before heading downstairs. You could hear Judith’s cries from the top of the stairs. Your heart instantly breaks at the sound.
Rick’s in the middle of the living room, bouncing Judith in his arms in an attempt to soothe her. Her cries seemed to get louder as soon as she saw you walking down the stairs.
Her cries turned into screams as she thrashed in Ricks arms.
“Ma!!” She cried, reaching for you. “Ma-maaa,” she screams between cries. Rick looks at you desperately as you approach the pair.
You reach for the toddler, your hands grazing Rick’s at the hand off. The screams instantly subsides once she’s in your arms. She hiccups as she clutches onto you.
Rick sighs and falls onto the couch. You sit at the opposite end of the couch, Judith lets her head rest on your chest, trying to calm down.
“Carl said she hasn’t been sleeping well,” You break the silence between you.
Ricks eyes squeeze shit as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “None of us have since you left,” he mumbles.
Your heart breaks a little at the thought. You don’t say anything after that, not really sure what to say. Rick shifts his body towards you and you really take in his current appearance.
He looked tired.
“I know I messed up,” he starts. “I know there’s nothing I can do to change what I did. But I want to fix this- I want to fix us.” The desperation stays in his voice.
“This past month has been absolute hell, without you. I’ve been- I’ve been miserable.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for hurting you, I’m so sorry for ruining us. Please just let me make it right. Please give us another shot, Y/N.”
The way he was looking at you right now was almost enough to make you crack.
"I can't," I said quietly. The room fell still. Silence enveloped us in a suffocating hug.
"I'm sorry, Rick. I can't." I repeated. I felt tears well up in my eyes, saying it out loud.
It's taken an entire month for me to even be able to look Rick in the eyes. I was a few begs away from giving in and taking him back.
He doesn't deserve you.
Carls words rang in your mind.
"I think you and I both know the end of our relationship began as soon as we stepped into this place." You frowned. "Whether you meant for it to happen or not, you allowed this place- Jessie, to drive a wedge between us." You sigh.
"You." You lock eyes with him. "Not me." You shake your head.
"I let it go on for a while. I forced myself to just deal with a lot of the stuff. The late nights, missing dinners, forgetting dates." The memories of you waiting endlessly for Rick caused a scowl to settle on your face.
"I really wanted us to work. I loved us. I thought we were it." A small chuckle leaves your mouth. "I would've lassoed the moon for you if I could. Even though you hurt me over and over again with each lie, I wanted to stay. Because I loved you with everything I am."
Rick's jaw clenches and his eyes are moving around the room repeatedly before settling onto yours sadly.
"Loved." His voice cracked.
You gave him a tight sad smile.
"I asked Carl if I should give you another chance." You clear your throat. "He said, no."
Rick tugged his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Said you don't deserve me."
Rick chuckles with a nod. "He's a smart kid," Rick echoes what you said earlier that day.
"I really did love you, Rick." You reach over, latching his hand in yours. "I'll always care for you. For the kids. Y'all have a special place in my heart." You nod, holding Judith close to you.
"Would you believe me if I said I do love you?" Rick cocked his head to the side. "That I'll spend every day of my life loving you even if you hate me." Something in his eyes tell you that he's being 100% honest.
You squeeze his hand 3 times.
"Thank you for everything." You offer him a smile. Despite better judgement, your body leaned towards him, capturing his lips with yours for one last time.
Rick sighed deeply, taking you in for the last time.
Rick watched as you got up to put Judith to sleep. Then he watched as the love of his life walked out the door because of his stupid mistakes.
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Camp Counselor Munson
paring ✦ Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary ✦ You’ve been attending summer camp since forever. This year a new camp counselor joins, it’s Eddie. You’re the cheer captain, he’s the town freak. What could possibly happen between you two?Modern AU Contains smut
word count ✦ 4,800ish
authors note ✦ I love Eddie so much ): this took me forever for whatever reason lol hope y’all enjoy
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This was your seventh year attending Camp Summer Haven. You've been here a few weeks out of every summer vacation since you were 11. Now at 18 years old, headed into your senior year of high school, you were too old to be just an attendee. Since you turned 16 you have been volunteering as a camp counselor. All you really had to do was make sure the six girls you were in charge of didn't miss activities and they made it through the two weeks alive.
You had grown to love this place it was an escape from the real world. Two whole weeks with friends you only seen once a year. With the no phone rule you were able to make actual connections with these people. As the cheer captain at Hawkins a lot of your friendships felt forced. For two weeks you weren’t one of the most popular girls, just another girl at camp. A few of the kids also went to your school but as you got older they stopped showing up. Which you were grateful for, you already spent all school year around them. That was more than enough for you.
"Okay guys, go get settled in your cabins," Trevor, one of the camp leaders, announces to the group of camp counselors in front of him, you included.
"The kids should be here in an hour. When they arrive please make your way to the entrance building so we can get the kids split up between everyone." He explains, passing out the cabin keys. You all nod in agreement before he takes off. Your key lets you know you'd be staying in the Cabin nine, the one the farthest away from everything. Great you mumble to yourself, annoyed.
"Yes! I got cabin two." Jessie cheers.
"Which one did you get?" She asks when she notices your sour attitude.
"Nine," You groaned. Everyone knew that cabin nine was the farthest away so usually the most neglected. Also rarely did it entice camp leaders to make the trek out there. Meaning you could possibly get away with more but that didn't matter because you never tried to get away with anything especially with six kids staying with you.
"Sorry chica," Jessie laughs.
"I'll be fine. Just late to everything." You joke back. You two had gotten extremely close several summers back.
"Well once you get settled in were all gonna meet up at the rec hall and catch up till the kids get here." She smiles when you agree and then you both part ways. Making the long walk to cabin nine.
About thirty minutes later your on your way to the rec hall. You changed into your Camp Haven get up. A t-shirt with the green and orange logo and the matching shorts. As a camp counselor you had a few different options to wear, you usually wore the shorts because if you were being entirely honest you liked the way you ass looked in them.
When you enter into the rec hall a few of the girls are standing around in a circle, whispering.
"What are we talking about?" You ask infiltrating their group discussion.
"The newest camp leader." Jessie chimes, her tone of voice leading you to believe he must be hot. You follow her finger where she points to Trevor speaking to the long haired, tattooed camp leader.
"Oooh," you coo agreeing with Jessie, he was fine. At least from behind, his jean so perfectly hugging his butt.
"What do we know? What's his name?" You ask, needing to know all details.
"His paperwork said Edward." Lucy answers your question, she spent most of her time helping in the office so she was the go to for all information.
"That's a ugly name." Lacey laughs. Lucy and Lacey were basically twins always attached at hips. Blonde hair, blue eyes; borderline perfect.
"Maybe he goes by Eddie." Jessie suggests and that's when all the pieces start to connect. You groan outwardly when you realize its none other than Eddie Munson. The long haired "freak" who would make a fool of him self on a daily bases at school.
"What?" Jessie asks at your groan.
"He goes to my school."
"No fucking way." Jessie chirps, all the girls attention on you now.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Girl he is so fine. Why are you so distraught?" Lucy asks, puzzled by my reaction.
"If you went to school with him you'd understand." You tried not to judge anyone but its pretty hard when he's jumping on lunch tables hissing at the jocks, some your friends unfortunately.
"Whatever. I call dibs." Lucy laughs and you listen as they all argue over who gets to claim him. Lucy was known for sleeping around with the male counselors, rumors starting when she was 15. So she'd probably get him, she always got what she wanted.
The bickering comes to a halt when Trevor leads Eddie to the group of girls to introduce him. "Girls this is Eddie he'll be our newest Camp Leader. He’s going to be heading a guitar class.”
You watch the girls as they introduce themselves all basically throwing them selves at Eddie. You can’t help but roll your eyes at them only for your attention to be drawn back to Trevor when he calls on you.
“He says he’s goes to Hawkins, isn’t that where you go?” Your eyes move from Trevor to Eddie, who’s already staring at you.
“Yes it is.” You smile making eye contact with Eddie. You had never been this close before, his eyes were breathtaking. So much that you don’t hear Trevor’s words so he says your name again this time louder.
“Sorry what?” You ask face red giving your full attention to Trevor.
“I was saying maybe you could show him around.” You nod in agreement, eyes wondering to Eddie once again. He’s actively listening to Trevor explain whatever he’s explaining. You’re too busy admiring Eddie’s features up close to listen to the words. Only to be startled when he snaps his eyes towards you, smiling because he caught you staring at him.
“Oh I think I left your cabin key in the office. Follow me and I’ll grab it for you." Trevor says to Eddie before instructing you to stay put so Eddie can find you when they’re done. You nod yes before they leave you alone with the girls again.
“What the fuck was that?” Jessie laughs the question obviously directed at you.
“What?” You ask playing dumb.
“You we’re one second away from full on drooling.” She says, everyone’s eyes on you.
“Sorry he’s so pretty?” You say as a question.
“He was totally checking you out.” Lacey says while Lucy looks pissed.
"Does not matter I called dibs." Lucy snorts.
"You can't call dibs on a whole ass human." Jessie responds, her tone annoyed.
"Still doesn't matter not like he'd want anything to do with her." Lucy says like your not standing right there. Before you can respond for yourself Jessie speaks over you going off on her. Out of the corner of your eye you see Eddie let himself back into the room, the other girls entirely unaware. You make your way towards him leading back out the door he just came through.
“What was that about?” He asks, backpack and a sports bag in hand.
“Just Lucy be her usual terrible self. She’s kind of the worst.” You admit.
“She gives off that vibe.” He laughs, the two of you walking down the dirt walkway.
“We’ll you better be careful your her next victim.” He looks at you confused.
“She called dibs on you.” You further explain.
“Dibs on me?”
“She wants you. Thinks your so fine.” You laugh mocking her bitchy tone.
“I’m good.” He laughs.
“Good.” You say before asking which cabin he got stuck in.
“So what brings you to Camp Summer Haven? You’ve never gave off summer camp energy?” You ask, leading him to his cabin.
“Joey at the music store told me I could make extra cash this summer teaching kids to play guitar.” He explains.
“You’re getting paid?” You ask acting like your upset.
“You’re not?” He asks.
“No I’ve been going here since I was ten now I volunteer.” You explain.
“You don’t give off summer camp energy either.” He responds.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” You smile, walking ahead of him.
Eddie follows you around as you show him to his cabin. Where he unloads all his belongings while you sit outside waiting. After that you continue your tour highlighting all the most important places.
“This is the cafeteria. If you’re ever in need of a late night treat I can teach you how to sneak in through a window in the kitchen.” You motion to the window that sits above the sink, the lock has been broken for years. The camp too oblivious to notice.
“Is that an invite?” He asks.
“Perhaps. Promise you won’t say anything. If they find out the lock is broken I don’t think I could ever forgive you.” You tease, sort of joking.
“I promise.” He laughs.
“Good. The ice cream is to die for.”
After your tour is over you two head to the front gate to greet the kids. All the camp leaders and counselors are gathered. Trevor quickly approaches the two of you. The two of them start a conversation while you notice Lucy shooting you a dirty look. You slip away from them to find Jessie. She sits at a picnic table with other people so you join her. Mostly sitting in silence listening to everyone else talk.
Shortly after a couple busses filled with children start to show up. Once they’re all off and waiting, Trevor gives his pre camp speech. Letting the children know to get in a single file line so they can check in, turn their phones in and retrieve their cabin number. You end up with six younger girls. You introduce your self to them and they take turns introducing themselves as you all make the trek to Cabin 9.
“So where’s everyone from?” You ask trying to get to know the kids. They all speak at once, firing off their hometowns. Some of them look familiar from previous years, the oldest whose 15 lets you know she’s from Hawkins too. Her names Mandy.
“Hawkins? Do you go to Hawkins High cause I do and I think I don’t recognize you.” You admit.
“Probably cause your one of those stuck up cheerleaders. No you’re actually the queen of the stupid cheerleaders.” She retorts, her eyes rolling back into her head.
“Okay.. just gonna try my best to not get offended by that.” You laugh as an attempt to lighten to mood.
“Whatever.” She says, attitude apparent in her tone. She doesn’t respond again so you continue to converse with the other girls. Pointing out significant places to know while staying at Camp Summer Haven. Once you arrive to Cabin 9, you continue small talk. The clock on the cabin wall lets you know, it’s nearly time for the first get to together.
Everyone slowly shows up in the recreation center, sitting in circles taking turns saying their name, age and fact about themselves. Switching every five minutes as an attempt to have everyone get to know each other. You catch Eddie more than once staring. Or maybe he was catching you staring at him. Who knows?
“Everyone switch!” Trevor yells, so everyone listens. Your with Jessie’s group now, you quickly make you way to her. She leads the activity as you sit back and let her. The kids begin, one after another. You’re not paying any attention, too busy trying to see if Eddie’s back looking at you.
“Girl Lucy is fuming,” Jessie laughs.
“Because she’s trying to get Eddie’s attention but he’s too busy checking you out.” She says, pointing over to where Lucy is sat. Her annoyed face tells you everything you need to know.
“That’s a shame.” You tease, laughing.
Dinner rolls around and your group of girls follows you to the cafeteria where you all wait in line. You notice Eddie’s already here sat at a table. When he catches you he smiles and waves, you shoot him a shy smile. Confused why he’s got you feeling this way.
“Disgusting.” Mandy says to you, actually the first thing she’s said to you in hours.
“What?” You ask.
“The way your practically drooling over him.”
“I’m not.” You lie.
“You totally are.” Another girl chimes in, a few years younger than Mandy.
“It’s okay though, he’s so cute.” She adds causing the other girls into a fit of laughter. Only Mandy doesn’t laugh, rolling her eyes for the millionth time.
The line moves slowly but eventually you have your dinner. You follow the girls to where they want to sit, when in reality you kinda really want to sit near Eddie. Your too distracted following the young one ahead of you to notice, the leg that stretches out to trip you. You fall forward, your plate goes flying as you hit the ground with a loud thud. Silence falls over the room. You look up where the leg came from, it’s none other than Lucy. She’s sat there giggling, along with Lacey.
“You should really watch where your walking.” She snickers as you attempt to pick yourself up off the floor. Her plan backfires entirely because a pair of hands lead you up, your greeted by those chocolate brown eyes you haven’t stopped thinking about since you first seen them today.
“You good?” He asks as you get back on your feet, wiping away the dust that sticks to your shirt.
“I am now.” You say and it comes out more flirty than you had intended. Doesn’t matter because the smile that spreads across his lips makes it all worth it. He helps you clean up the mess Lucy created, walking to the trash can with you.
“Thanks for the help.”
“I saw her trip you.”
“That’s Lucy for you.” You respond, looking over to where she’s sat. Her eyes already on you, giving you the nastiest look.
“What did you do to make her feel the need to trip you?” He asks, bringing your attention back to him. You could either play dumb or tell him the exact truth.
“She’s jealous.” His face tells you he wants to know more.
“She thinks there’s something going on between us. She called dibs, remember?”
“Is there?” He asks, shocking you a tad.
“Maybe.” He nods his head, trying to rack his brain. How he came to some random summer camp only for Hawkins Highs Queen to be here, lowkey flirting with him.
“If there is, maybe you’d want to sit with me for dinner. Really stick it to her.” He teases, you bite your lip thinking. Trying to decide what you should do. If anyone from school knew you were throwing yourself at Eddie “The Freak” Munson it’d be social suicide. For the most part you want to believe that you don’t care what they think.
“Yeah let’s do that.” You respond finally.
“Let me grab another plate and then I’ll be there.” You add before leaving to replace the food that was wasted. Once you’ve done that, you race to Eddie’s table sitting right next to him. You smile at Lucy before letting yourself scoot closer to Eddie. He looks down at you with a smile before continuing his conversation with whoever.
“Really Eddie?” You recognize the voice, it’s Mandy.
“What?” He responds.
“You’re just gonna forgive her? She’s the queen of all the people that treat you like dog shit.”
“Mandy stop.” Eddie demands.
“No it’s bullshit.” Mandy yells before standing up and leaving the table.
“Sorry. She’s my cousin, when her mom found out I was working at this camp. She thought it’d be good for her. If you couldn’t tell she has some anger issues.” He explains.
“She’s right though, my friends are dick heads. I’m sorry.” You contemplate leaving, embarrassed.
“You’ve never been a dick. That’s all that matters.” Eddie says, giving you a reassuring smile. When you can’t come up with a response, he continues.
“You’ve been nothing but kind to me. If you promise not to judge me for what other people have to say about me. I promise to not judge you because of your stupid friends.” You sit momentarily, trying to take in everything he just said.
“Deal.” You respond, smiling. You two continue the conversation with small talk, nothing too deep. Eventually people sit around you guys, taking Eddie’s attention away from you. So you listen and watch Eddie intently when he talks, nodding every so often.
Dinner is over, you and Eddie walk out of the cafeteria. It’s nearly 9pm, time to call it quits for the day.
“So we sneaking in tonight to get some ice cream?” He asks, reminding you that you had offered that earlier in the day.
“Yes let’s meet by the window at 11. Usually by then it’s safe.” You smile before separating. Mandy and the girls follow shortly behind. They are not so quietly whispering about Eddie and you. How they ship the two of you, while Mandy disagrees. Bringing a small smile to your lips, shook that Eddie Munson is the one causing you to be so giddy.
“Where is that-“ You say aloud, getting interrupted and spooked all at the same time. Eddie is finally here.
“Hey,” he smiles, trying his best not to laugh at how he startled you.
“Sorry I’m late. Trevor showed up to my cabin, wanting to talk about tomorrow.” Eddie apologies.
“It’s fine, your here now.” You respond, pushing the window open. It was much easier when you were younger, to slip in. Now you had help because all of a sudden Eddie’s hands are guiding you in. In that moment your extremely grateful he can’t see your face. Realizing quickly your ass is not full display as you climb in. Once in, you jump with a thud off the counter. Turning to face Eddie who has no problem making his way through the window.
“It’s in here,” you speak, walking over to the freezer. Eddie shuts the window before following you. You pull out two ice cream sandwiches. Sitting down, letting your back slide down the wall in the process. You look up to Eddie who’s looking down at you with a smile. Handing the second ice cream sandwich over as his sits down next to you.
Eddie is the first to start eating, you follow his lead. There’s an borderline uncomfortable silence between you two as you realize you two are alone.
“This is some good ice cream.” Eddie speaks up, breaking the silence. You face him, watching him go to town on the ice cream. Bringing a small laugh to you. Before you can even get in a second bite, his is all gone.
“You got something on your face.” You point to the chocolate that sits on his upper lip.
“If this some sick ploy to kiss me, I won’t stop you.” He says with a smug grin.
“Damn I wish I thought of that.” You tease back, taking another bite of your ice cream.
“You convinced me to come to this secluded area, all alone. Dark as fuck. Either you want me or you want to murder me.” He says, your response is laughter. Laughing harder than you laughed in a while. Only stopping when you remember you’re not suppose to be in here.
“I’m gonna murder you actually.” You respond, flatly. Finishing off your ice cream as Eddie talks.
“Makes sense. Hot cheerleader seducing the schools freak for some sick murder ritual, sacrifice type shit.” He let’s out a defeated sigh, sitting back as if he’s ready to be murdered sending you into a fit out laughter again.
“I wasn’t joking though you got something right there.” You say before doing the unthinkable. Something you could of ever imagined yourself doing in a billion years. You close the space between the two of you, pressing your lips into his. Shock radiated through Eddie’s body, causing you to pull away feeling as if you did something bad.
“I’m sorry I thought-“ You apologize.
“No don’t apologize. I was not expecting that. You’re you and I’m me, that doesn’t happen. At least not to me.” He laughs, fixing his posture so he’s sat up.
“Well it did happen.” You say.
“Can it happen again? This time I’ll be ready.” He reassures you with that stupid little grin on his face. With a roll of your eyes, you go in for a second kiss. This time Eddie wastes no time kissing you back, hands finding the back of your head pulling you in deeper. The position isn’t the most comfortable so you hook your leg over the both of his, letting your self sit on him. Hid tongue reaches your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You let it in, your tongues fighting for dominance. His hands move to your hips, pushing you down on his growing boner. A sweet moan leaves your lips at the friction.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans, pulling away from your kiss to catch his breath. Also to attempt to wrap his mind around what happening, he’s in the process of hooking up with Hawkin High head cheerleader. What the actual fuck?
“What?” You asks innocently.
“Are you sure we should be doing this? What if we get caught?” He responds with another question.
“Not Eddie Munson worried about being caught.” You say, laughing still sat in his lap.
“I mean like I was specifically told to not fraternize with the camp volunteers. That’s exactly what this is.” He says, worry in his voice.
“But I want to fraternize with you.” You respond, biting your lip. Worried that maybe you miss read the situation.
“Fuck it,” he says before kissing you again. This time more forcefully, palming the meat of your thighs with his hands. You start grinding ever so slightly on the tent in Eddie’s shorts. The feeling of his hard member feel great between the thin clothes you two wear. Eddie is the one to pull away so he can speak.
“If you keep that up I’m gonna cum.” He admits, his voice breathy.
“Can’t have that yet.” You smile, temporarily backing away from Eddie. You pull at Eddie’s shorts, bring his boxers with them. He sits up quickly in a attempt to help you slide them off easier. Letting them rest at his ankles, you had every intention of riding him. You grasp his cock, pumping it slowly. Watching him squirm under you touch, you’re enjoying this way too much.
“Not fair, you’re not nearly as naked as me.” Eddie pouts his bottom lip. You laugh in response before pulling away from his dick, lifting you shirt up over your head. Eddie reaches around you to unbuckle you bra, watching intently as it falls exposing your tits. Eddie goes blank for a few moments just starting at the view presented in front of him. You shimmy out of your shorts. Your bare body on full display.
“You’re so fucking hot.” He manages to get out, lost for words. Still not believing whats happening right now.
“You can touch me ya know?” You laugh at the fact that’s he’s been sat here gawking at you when he could be touching the real deal. It’s like a light bulb goes off in his head, his brain finally catching up with his eyes. Reaching for you, pulling you back on top of him. His mouth finds you nipple, licking it softly causing a small moan leave your lips. You wet cunt rests on top of his cock, begging for some friction. The sound of your nipple leaving Eddie’s mouth makes a pop sound.
You lift your self up just enough to align his cock with your hole. Eddie watches in amazement as you slowly sit on his cock, letting him fill you up completely. The stretch hurts a bit but you’re taking him so good. His hands rest on your hips, waiting patiently for your next move. You start off slow, grinding on Eddie’s cock. Your hands are on his chest, he’s under you letting obscenities leave his mouth.
You’re pace picks up, Eddie’s hands guiding your hips faster. He starts bucking up into you, hitting you right where it feels the best. Moans continually leave your mouth, letting Eddie know just how good he’s making you feel.
“Get on you back.” He demands, his voice deep. You listen getting off of him and laying on the floor, using your bundle of clothes as a make shift pillow. Before you know it Eddie is between you legs, holding his cock to your entrance. He slams into you, wasting no time pounding into you a brutal pace.
“Play with yourself,” he says and it nearly comes out as a growl. You do exactly what he says, finding you clit with your fingers. Rushing circles around in. The mixture of his relentless pounding and the new clitoral stimulation is almost too much.
“Just like that.” He grunts, switching up his angle ever so slightly. This new angle is just what you needed because shortly after, you’re cumming. Your coming undone on his cock, he never slows only pumps into you harder. Not long before he’s pulling out and finishing on your belly, falling next to you. Both of you lay their in silence for a moment, breathing heavily.
“Fuck,” he says barley audible. You lazily nod in respond unable to respond with words. Eddie stands up throwing his clothes back on, finding something to wipe you clean with. He helps you put your clothing back on, placing a small kiss on your lips one last time.
The next day is filled with glances between Eddie and you, whispering to each other in passing. Promises to meet up that night. It turns into an almost nightly event, meeting up in the cafeteria to each ice cream and fuck. Your feelings quickly grow for him, his growing just a fast. The last day of camp ends with you two agreeing to go on a real date once back in Hawkins.
The rest of summer is spent avoiding your friends to be with Eddie in private. Occasionally inviting Mandy along so she can learn to like you, maybe one day. Just a few days ago she came over to watch a movie and didn’t roll her eyes when you spoke. Not even once. You considered that a sign of progress.
Your anxieties grow as the first day of your senior year approaches. Eddie can’t help but wonder what your going to do when school starts up again. Part of him terrified it’ll be the end of you two. You don’t want it to end but you worry what will happen if everyone found out you two were dating. In the end deciding your best bet is to invite Eddie to the last summer party of the year, it’s a annual tradition. The last Saturday before school starts everyone meets at the lake, gets drunk and makes fools of themselves.
“You sure you want to do this?” Eddie asks noticing your stress.
“Yeah I do.” You attempt to smile reassuringly, failing in the process. You two are sat in his van, the party is going on in front of you. It’s not too late to dip, no one’s noticed you yet.
“It’ll be okay.” You say, not believing your own words. Eddie hops out of the van before you can you get out, you hear the sound of a jock approaching the van.
“What the fuck are you doing here Munson?” You quickly hop out, approaching the two men. More basketball players appearing. Walking up behind Eddie, you intertwine your fingers tightly squeezing tightly.
“He’s here with me.” You respond, everyone looking at you like your crazy. Ignoring them you walk right past, Eddie follows behind you closely. Towards the bonfire you see some of your friends, they’re cheerleaders too.
“Hey…” Their voices trail off when they see who’s with you.
“Y’all know Eddie right? He’s my boyfriend.” You say, smiling softly. He waves to your friends, they’re unsure if they should believe this.
“Interesting duo.” One responds.
“How’d you meet?” Another asks, eyes full of judgement. You explain politely. Their faces tell you all you need to know. They don’t approve of your new relationship. No one brave enough to tell the head cheerleader. After a short time of small talk, you find a seat for you and Eddie near the fire.
“That wasn’t so bad.” He says. You lay you head on his shoulder, hand finding his.
“They’ll come around.” You smile.
“And if they don’t?”
“They will. They just need to get to know you, learn to appreciate you like I do.” You explain, kissing Eddie publicly for the first time. Not realizing in the moment that everyone’s eyes are on you two, whispering about the cheerleader dating the town freak.
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supernovafics · 10 months
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series masterlist | last part
pairing: modern!actor!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 8.1k words
warnings: explicit language, angst, fluff, smut (18+)
summary: it’s ten months of texts, phone calls, voicemails, anything to make it feel like everything isn’t too different. and for the most part, it works. until you and steve finally see each other again
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EPILOGUE | ❝𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆❞
You: How’s New York so far?
Steve: Good aside from Tom trying to force me to do more press stuff than what we initially agreed on and I’ve only been here three days
You: I kinda miss that british man
Steve: That truly offends me</3
You: I’m sorry<3
You: Okay very very important question
You: Empire State of Mind or Welcome to New York?
Steve: ???? 
You: You’re in New York for the next month so one of them has to be your signature song (and yes this is coming from the person that has only been to New York a handful of times. shut up don’t mention it) 
Steve: Can I say no to both of them?
You: No.
Steve: Okay then 
Steve: The Taylor Swift one
You: Solid answer
You: Now I will start your morning right every day you’re there by sending you lyrics from that song :) 
Steve: Oh god
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Steve: What was the name of that show we watched for almost five hours at your place that one night?
You: It sincerely hurts me that you forgot the name of Brooklyn Nine-Nine….
Steve: Yes, that’s it! I was thinking about this one episode we watched of it but I couldn’t remember the name
You: Are you about to watch it without me? (if the answer is yes that hurts me even more)
Steve: Yes I was… But now no way I would never watch it without you
You: A true friend. Thank you 
Steve: Oh wait I’m just now realizing how late it is where you are. How are you even talking to me right now? 
You: Yeah, it’s 2am but I can’t sleep. First day of real filming tomorrow. First day being AD. And yes all the pre-production stuff me and Jessie have been doing since we got to Spain two weeks ago has been perfectly leading to this moment, but now it just feels so fucking real and even though I know I’m not gonna mess up or anything I’m still nervous
Steve: You’re gonna do great and actually I think it’s impossible for you not to be really good at what you do  
You: Thank you
Steve: I would suggest that I call you and we watch an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine to take your mind off things but you should sleep 
You: No actually can we do that? I’m wide awake right now and I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep anytime soon 
You: Also fun fact: I’m actually able to function better when I’m running on barely three hours of sleep 
Steve: That’s a huge lie but okay
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“… Please leave a message after the beep.”
You listened to the all-too familiar sound of the “beep” and then began speaking. “Okay, I know it’s like three in the morning in LA right now, so it completely makes sense why you didn’t answer. But, anyway, I just landed in London last night and now it’s morning and I’m at the coffee shop that you told me I should go to while I’m here.” 
“It’s really, really great, and I hate how right you are about the tea being amazing, and it actually makes me change my mind about how much I dislike tea. Oh, also, I got my first ever British scone from here and it’s so good too. I think I’ll probably be spending every day at this place while I’m here for the next month.”
“And I know you raved a lot about the breakfast sandwiches here too, so I will try that tomorrow. I think you said that the bacon one was your favorite, but please confirm that because I can’t fully remember… Oh, wait, nevermind, it’s definitely the bacon because I do remember you saying that you miss it a lot.”
“I could bring you one back if you want? No, wait, actually, that wouldn’t make sense because even when I leave London, I’m still gonna be in Europe for three more months… Wait, I see that they sell coffee mugs here, though, so I could definitely bring you back that if you wanted me to? They have some cool options.” 
“Alright, I think I’m just rambling at this point so let me shut up.” You let out a small laugh. “Okay, bye.” 
Call Ended
You: *image attached* 
You: Enjoy that picture of me being the most touristy tourist in the world :) 
Steve: I can’t believe you’re doing the leaning tower of pisa pose thing
You: I had to. I couldn’t come here and not do it. It feels like tradition. A rite of passage, if you will
Steve: You’re such a dork 
You: Joke’s on you because I fully take that as a compliment, so thank you 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The feeling of your phone vibrating in the back pocket of the jeans you were wearing surprised you because you thought you had turned it off for the day. And then seeing Steve’s name take over your phone screen further surprised you, but you didn’t hesitate to answer the call.  
“Hi,” You said. You were on a break for the first time that day, so the timing of his call was actually kind of perfect. “This is a pretty nice surprise.”
“Hey, how’s it going?” It felt really good actually hearing his voice for the first time in what felt like forever.  
“Pretty good. I never thought I’d actually find myself truly missing LA, but now I kinda can’t wait to be back there in three weeks,” You answered, saying what had been on your mind for a while at this point. “How’s Vancouver?” 
“Nice so far. It’s actually been snowing a lot, but I like it.” 
“I hope you've been doing all of the snow and Winter activities; making snow angels, sledding down hills. Y’know, all the stuff they do in children’s Christmas movies.” 
You almost immediately heard Steve laugh at your words. “The apartment I’m staying at here has a balcony, and last night after it stopped snowing I made a really small snowman.” 
You smiled. “I love that. Please send me a picture of it.” 
Things became quiet for a moment, and it was a silence that easily felt comfortable and you didn’t mind it at all. Simply knowing that Steve was on the other end of the call felt like enough. 
“This is a random thought, but we never usually talk on the phone. Mainly because our time zones are insanely different, so the timing is never right, and we’re either leaving each other voicemails or just texting, which is fine. But it’s really nice hearing your voice. It’s just… really comforting.” You let out a soft breath. “Where I am right now and where I’ve been the past five-ish months have become my makeshift “homes,” but talking to you actually feels like home, in a way… And I know exactly how disgustingly cheesy that sounds. Don’t say anything about it, or I will end this call.”
Steve laughed a bit. “No, I agree with you. We’ve talked about feeling lonely before, but even though we haven’t seen each other in what feels like a really long time, whenever we text and especially when we talk on the phone, it’s hard to feel lonely. It’s like all of these miles between us don’t really matter, which is nice. You’re my “home” too.”
You were quiet for a second, fully taking in his words and smiling at how happy they made you feel. It was the kind of happiness where you also kind of felt like crying. 
You loved what you had been doing currently with your job and you wouldn’t have changed any of it, but you also really wished that you could see Steve right then; you would’ve killed for a hug.  
“Okay, I think I should go before I start crying,” You said, only slightly joking with your words. “Also, I only have ten more minutes of my break, and I haven’t eaten since this morning.” 
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you. “No, don’t be sorry. Like I said, I really like when we can actually talk to each other. I like hearing your voice.” 
“I like hearing yours too,” He told you and somehow it was easy to hear the smile in his tone. “Okay, I’m gonna hang up now. Go eat something.”
“Aye, aye captain,” You said with a small laugh. “Talk to you soon.”  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You: I just watched the final cut of Fear of Lonesome with Jessie… Enjoy this picture of me currently bawling my eyes out at the ending
You: *image attached*
Steve: Sorry for making you cry?
You: It was worth it, honestly
Steve: You’re coming to the cast and crew screening next week right?
You: Of course. I will happily cry at this movie again :)
You: It’s kinda really fucked up how good of an actor you are 
Steve: Thank you? At least I think that’s a compliment
You: It is<3
You: Anyway I’ll see you next week then
You: The first time in a really really long time. Holy shit 
Steve: That feels a little weird to think about. But a good kind of weird
You: Yeah definitely the good kind 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It was a moment that was ten months in the making. 
Ten months of texts, voicemails, and sporadic phone calls. Ten months of being so far apart from one another, but doing so much to make it feel like you weren’t. 
It was all leading here— seeing Steve in person at the small theater in West Hollywood that had been rented out for the night’s occasion. And when you saw him, talking to random members of the cast and crew, it didn’t exactly feel real, which made you not say anything. 
Until he saw you and your eyes met and small smiles were quickly shared. You gave him a small nod before you got pulled into a conversation with someone.
He looked a little different, hair grown out a bit more and there was something minorly different about his stance, but overall he was still your Steve. Well, not technically yours, but close enough. You then wondered if he thought you looked any different. You personally felt a bit different, in a good way; like you’d become better over the past ten months, and in some ways, more of yourself. 
It was almost amusing how, most of the time, the time seemed to move slowly over the past ten months, but now it was suddenly moving so much faster. 
Everyone left the lobby area and started making their way inside the room that the screening would be happening in since it was scheduled to start in five minutes, but you and Steve lingered back, walking toward each other until there were only a few beats of space between you two. 
You smiled at him again. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He stepped forward to close the rest of the distance between you and pull you in for a hug, but you stepped back. 
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m allowed to hug you. Y’know given that you’re an engaged man and all.” You tried to be completely serious with your words but it was hard not to laugh at least a little bit.
According to many celebrity news outlets, Steve and his female costar of the limited series he’d been filming in Vancouver for the past five months were dating. It was a rumor that started about two months into filming, and there had been no confirmations about the said relationship but there were also no hard denials, so the speculations continued. And then there were even a handful of news outlets that went quite insane with their headlines and said that the two were secretly engaged. You both had laughed about it then when you sent that article to him, because the rumors were hilariously ridiculous, and you couldn’t not joke about it now. 
“Ha ha,” He said, voice deadpan. “I didn’t even get to tell you, but Tom suggested that me and Lily actually start fake dating because, in addition to all of this giving so much more press to the show, it could also help me. If I’m dating someone it will fully “kill off the asshole image.” I immediately vetoed that idea, though.”
Although the asshole narrative that surrounded Steve still existed— not as prominent as it once was but it still lingered whenever his name was brought up by the media— it was hard to see him like that anymore.  
You let out a laugh. “Of course Tom would suggest that.” 
“Yeah, he’s…” Steve trailed off with a quick shake of his head. “Anyway, c’mere.”
You walked into his open arms that time, pushing up on your toes to circle your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist. Your eyes fell shut as he held you tight and it was then that the time felt like it started to move slow again. 
“I have something for you,” You told him after a moment, words getting somewhat lost in his neck but he was still able to hear you. “A little gift. It’s in my car, I’ll give it to you after.” 
“I also have something for you,” Steve whispered, and you opened your eyes at that.
You pulled back from the hug, still smiling at him. “Great minds, hm?”
He nodded and matched your smile with one of his own. Seeing him right then still didn’t entirely feel real just yet, so you went quiet once again and the two of you simply looked at each other. 
During the past ten months you and him had talked pretty much all of the time, but there was something different about this moment. Feelings that you thought you had successfully pushed far away rushed right back to the surface. 
“We should head inside,” He said, breaking the silence and pulling you out of your thoughts, which you were grateful for because you really didn’t want to think right then, especially not about that.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You were the one that suggested Steve come back to your place and the small gift exchange happen there. 
The screening felt as if it ended too soon and the inevitability of the night itself ending started to hang in the air. However, you couldn’t allow that to happen; you wanted this night to last as long as it could. 
Steve agreed with your suggestion and thirty minutes after various goodbyes were said, the two of you were sitting on your couch as a frozen pizza that you’d just bought yesterday cooked in the oven because both of you were hungry. 
You were already wearing the navy blue oversized crewneck he got you that had “Vancouver” embroidered in white across the front of it. It was comfortable and perfect, and a simple gift but also the best thing you’d received in a while. 
“I hope you like this,” You said as you handed him the gift you’d gotten for him; a cream colored mug with the logo of a coffee shop in brown lettering on the side. “I know you said that you were okay with not getting a mug from that coffee shop in London, but I just really wanted to get you this one.”
Steve looked at the mug for a second and then at you, a smile on his face. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” You said and your fingers started mindlessly playing with the hem of your crewneck as you continued speaking. “I’ve missed you a lot this past year. I know we talked so often and everything, but being right here, in person, feels really nice.”
“I’ve missed you too,” He said softly before he placed the mug on the coffee table barely a few feet away and then met your eyes again. “There were so many times where I wanted to just drop everything and go see you. Rearrange plans or cancel some stupid press stuff and meet up with you. Even if it would only be for barely a day or whatever. I just always wanted to see you.” 
You wanted to tell him how much you related to his words. You wanted to say how there were a countless amount of times where you had yearned to do the exact same thing. However, you couldn’t find the words to tell Steve any of that, so instead you only looked at him for a bit.
It was almost funny how many times you had become at a loss of words so far that night simply because of him. But it was as if the fact that you were suppressing so much made you unable to say pretty much anything. Because you were scared of where exactly your mind would go if you didn’t immediately shut down some of your thoughts that involved you and Steve, especially now that he was right here instead of thousands of miles away and no longer solely limited to the confines of your phone.  
He was your friend. Best friend. And it had been so much easier to pretend that that was where you and him solely began and ended when you both were so far away from each other— when he wasn’t right in front of you and you weren’t so easily reminded of how close you two used to be in such a different way. 
Those same revived feelings from earlier that night came right back again, and they practically increased tenfold because you found yourself wanting to kiss him so fucking badly. And, of course, there was a part of your mind that immediately told you just how bad of an idea that would be. However, at that moment, you became okay with all logical thinking being pushed out of the window. 
In your mind it felt like you were moving in slow motion, scooting closer to him on the couch and sliding into his lap so that your legs were on either side of him, but in reality it was happening so much quicker. However, you stopped there before you did anything else.
You could see some confusion in his eyes and also something else that you couldn’t fully decipher, maybe he was contemplating things as much as you had been before you decided to take this sort of plunge.  
That look was almost enough to wake you up and remind you of what had been agreed upon all those months ago, but it wasn’t enough to make you pull away from Steve. However, instead of sliding off of his lap or moving things further, you gave the metaphorical ball to him. 
You let silence hang in the air as the two of you simply looked at each other and you gave him the opportunity to push you away. To tell you that there wasn’t any part of him that wanted this to happen. That he was so far past feeling anything like that toward you anymore. That he never even thought about it.
You would’ve been okay with any of those things happening because even though it would’ve hurt, it would actually make things a thousand times easier. 
But, he didn’t do or say any of that. Instead, he closed the last bit of space between you two and slotted his lips against yours. 
It was an immovable and obvious fact that you had missed him so much over the past ten months, but you now realized that you had missed this just as much. A soft kiss that almost immediately turned into something more with one of Steve’s hands coming up to cup your cheek and the other finding your hip to keep you steady. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when his tongue ran across your bottom lip making the kiss deeper, and your hands fisted themselves into his t-shirt to bring yourself impossibly closer to him. 
For the time being, you effectively turned your mind off. You deliberately chose not to think about what this exactly meant or what it would come to mean. All you focused on in that moment was how fucking good doing this with Steve felt. 
Your hands found the hem of your crewneck because you suddenly felt way too hot and you pulled away from Steve for a second so that you could slip it over your head, leaving you in just your black tank top and shorts.  
You became so lost in the pure happiness of everything that was happening right then that you couldn’t hear anything except your heart pounding in your ears and the soft sounds Steve was managing to elicit from you due to the way he was squeezing your hips.  
“The oven,” He mumbled against your lips, which slowly snapped you out of the haze you were in. “The oven is beeping.” 
It was then that you heard the incessant noise; almost too loud and clear. 
You abruptly pulled away from Steve and maneuvered off of his lap. “Oh, shit.”  
He followed you into the kitchen as you opened up the oven and used a mitt to grab the circular pan the pizza was on and place it atop the stove. 
“That was, um…” You trailed off not knowing exactly where you wanted to go with your words. 
Steve shook his head. “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.” 
“I don’t regret what just happened,” You blurted out. They were the words that pretty much mimicked what was said after the first time you two ever had sex. But, instead of those words first coming from Steve they were coming from you. “And I don’t really know what that means, and I kinda don’t wanna think about what it means right now. I kinda just don’t wanna think at all right now. Sometimes I feel like I think way too much when it comes to us.”
He was quiet for a second before he nodded at you. “Okay.”
His hands found your hips and you were softly pressed against the side of the kitchen counter. You two shared a look that felt as if it was saying a million things, none of which you particularly wanted to decipher right then. 
Before things could stay silent for too long, before you accidentally let your mind fall down a spiraling rabbit hole, you nodded a bit and mimicked Steve’s previous word. “Okay.”   
His hands came up to cup your face before he leaned in to kiss you again. You didn’t waste a second to push yourself onto the counter and Steve’s lips found your neck, roughly kissing and nipping at the skin. Your hands started playing with the hem of his t-shirt before circling in the loops of his jeans and pulling him flush against you. When you felt his hardness press against your inner thigh, you took in a sharp breath and let out a soft moan. You were completely certain that you would’ve let him pull off your shorts and underwear and do whatever he wanted to do to you against your kitchen counter if you weren’t reminded of something else. 
“The pizza?” You mumbled, a bit unable to form the question coherently because all you could really focus on was the feeling of Steve’s mouth against you. 
He pulled away from your neck and met your eyes. “We can eat it after.”
He didn’t have to specify further for you to know exactly what he meant. You smiled and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “Yeah, after sounds perfect.” 
It became a blur of movements after those words fell from your lips. His hands found the backs of your thighs and he picked you up— the abruptness of the action made you simultaneously yelp and laugh as your arms came up to circle around his neck. You were carried to your bedroom and softly placed down against the unmade bed. Clothes were quickly shed until there was nothing between you and him. 
No words were said in these rushed moments where hands and mouths roamed almost everywhere on each other's bodies; the brief looks shared and breathy noises coming from both of you were enough. 
It was as if one mind was being shared or a song that only you two knew the words to was playing and both of you were singing along. Your hands were in his hair, softly pulling because the groans he’d let out were probably the hottest thing you’d ever heard. And his middle finger softly teased your clit as he whispered the filthiest things in your ear because he knew just how much that would make you lose it. 
It had been almost a year but neither of you forgot these little things about one another and it almost felt like second nature to be with each other in this way. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness or awkwardness, and maybe that was saying a lot more than you wanted to admit. 
You were positive that if you fully thought about what was happening right then, your mind wouldn’t hesitate to yell at you that this was a bad idea; that it would only make things complicated, and start you both back at square one. 
However, it would also tell you that the times in your life where you felt your happiest and most comfortable mainly consisted of moments with Steve, and that was something that felt as if it would never change. 
Therefore, when he slipped inside you with a low groan that you caught with your mouth and proceeded to make you come faster than you had in such a long time, it was hard to feel anything but completely happy. 
Your legs wrapped around him, coaxing him deeper inside of you and soft “pleases” fell from your lips begging him to come. And after a particularly hard thrust, he let out a loud “Fuck” and came inside of you, and you couldn’t do anything but moan at the feeling of his cum painting your walls. 
The weight of him crushed you in the most comforting way possible, and you tilted your head upward a bit to meet his lips in a soft and lazy kiss. The two of you stayed just like that for a while, coming down from your highs and letting your racing hearts return to normal. Your head fell back against your pillow, eyes closing, but you didn’t feel tired. 
“When those articles about you and Lily dating started coming out, I knew exactly how ridiculous the rumors were because I feel like we have the kind of… friendship where you’d tell me if you were dating someone… But, there was still a small part of me that believed it for a second, and it was actually so hard to not feel a little sad about it.” Your words came out quiet, and you actually had no idea why you had just said all of that— perhaps that confession did not make for the best post-sex pillow talk conversation. But, for some reason, you wanted to say it. 
It was a thought that had weighed on you all those months ago, and you knew that you couldn’t tell that to him then because of what it implied. And you weren’t entirely sure why and what made this moment different from then. 
Steve was quiet for a bit and his face was buried in your neck as he softly spoke. “I don’t really know what to say to that.”
“It’s okay,” You whispered back. “You don’t have to say anything. It was dumb of me to feel that way about it.” 
He rolled off of you and the feel of his warmth against you was something that you missed almost immediately. For a second you thought that maybe you ruined this moment, whatever it was, but then he said something.  
“What are you doing this weekend?” He asked, and you were grateful for the randomness of the subject change. 
You let out a breath that you didn't know you’d been holding and turned on your side to face him. “For once, absolutely nothing. It’ll probably be the last time I actually have nothing to do before the documentary I’m helping out on starts filming in a month, and I have to do some pre-production stuff for it soon.”
Work was honestly the only thing in your life that felt completely certain, so it always felt easy to talk about.
“You should come to New York. I’m going tomorrow, and I'll be there until the premiere here for the movie next week. I have to do some press stuff and have a few meetings. A bunch of boring stuff, but you should come for the weekend,” Steve said, one hand finding your bare hip and softly rubbing the skin. “To make the boring stuff a lot less boring.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at that, and you nodded at him, quickly deciding not to think too heavily about your answer. “Okay.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It was a little surprising that it wasn’t surprising how easy things fell back into that old place with you and Steve. Back to what sort of resembled the “arrangement” that had started during filming a year ago where you two pretty much acted like you were in a relationship, but neither of you would say the words or wholeheartedly acknowledge that fact. 
There was a lot that you two would eventually have to talk about, but you decided that that would be a bridge that you’d cross once you were hours away from getting on your flight back to California. And it was a flight that kept changing because you didn’t want to leave New York just yet; you didn’t want to leave Steve yet. 
So, your weekend trip extended days upon days until Wednesday came and it was agreed upon that you’d just go back to Los Angeles Friday morning when Steve was heading back there as well because that was the same day as the movie premiere.
You had a little work to do during those first few weekdays you were there, but you found it easy to respond to emails and make the phone calls you needed to from the comfort of Steve’s apartment, which was smaller than his place in LA but of course still massive and had a great view of Central Park. The dining room area became your makeshift “work from home” spot with your laptop at the table at pretty much all times. And while you did that, Steve was off doing press stuff for the movie, or he was in meetings; the things aside from filming that came along with being a famous actor. 
And then when the day would change into the evening and then night, you two were together, doing everything that you both had desperately missed doing. You two still knew each other’s bodies so well, and it was as if that fact was only further and further proven every night. 
It was hard not to be close to each other when for so long, you hadn’t been able to be, and because of that, things became a little different this time around in comparison to what the “arrangement” had been. There were little touches and affections— holding hands while sitting as close as you possibly could on the couch or Steve kissing you goodbye before he’d leave the apartment— that hadn’t happened before because of the lines that had been metaphorically drawn, but they felt pretty blurred now. 
A sort of routine quickly and almost effortlessly formed and it gave you that glimpse into what you and him could be if the circumstances were slightly different. And it was hard not to admit that you completely adored what this “what if” looked like. 
“We need snacks.” Your words were random and abrupt and Steve only looked at you amusingly. 
It was Wednesday night, days before things would inevitably change, and you weren’t completely sure what they’d change into— if they’d go back to the normal you had created with Steve where the two of you were friends and nothing more, or if things changed into something else entirely. You still completely avoided thinking about it all, and it was pretty damn nice living in this fantasy world. 
The two of you were on the couch in his living room. Your legs were draped over his lap and a blanket covered you both.
One of Steve’s hands was absentmindedly rubbing your leg beneath the blanket as he spoke. “There’s some stuff in the pantry.” 
“If we’re about to spend the entire night watching The Hunger Games movies we need more than just the chips to keep us alive.” 
His eyebrows furrowed at your words. “Am I underestimating how long these movies are?”
“You definitely are,” You said with a small laugh and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. You then pulled off the blanket that had been draped over the both of you and stood up from the couch. “I’ll go to the convenience store down the street.” 
Steve got up as well. “I’ll come too.” 
You quickly shook your head. “No way. It’s kinda insane how the paparazzi seem way more ruthless here. I think they’re always camping outside the building.” 
Over the past few days, you had come to the conclusion that it was lucky that Steve lived in an apartment building because whenever you would leave and come back, no one could ever know that you were there for him. And you knew just how big of a field day they would have if they did know, especially because of the dating rumors that were still circling about him and Lily.
“Yeah, way too many famous people live here,” Steve said as he followed you into his bedroom.
Your small suitcase, that had only been meant for a weekend trip and was packed as such, was a haphazard mess in the corner. You slipped off the shorts you were wearing and pulled on a black pair of leggings.  
“And yet, I’ve still not run into Paul Rudd on the elevator since I’ve been here,” You jokingly said and expected Steve to laugh, but instead he bypassed your statement.  
“Wait, it’s raining. You sure you’re gonna be okay out there?” 
You smiled at his slightly concerned face. “Okay, I know I’ve been living in LA for a long time now, but don’t worry I have in fact experienced rain before.” 
Steve shook his head at you but still couldn’t help but laugh a little at your words. “Hold on.” 
He almost immediately walked away, heading into his closet, before you could ask him what he was doing, and then returned moments later with a hoodie and umbrella. 
“I was already planning to steal a hoodie, but thanks for the umbrella,” You told him with a smile as you put on the plain black hoodie. “What kind of candy do you want me to get?”
“Solid answer,” You responded with a nod. 
The two of you headed toward the front door and you put on your shoes that were next to it. Once you were done, Steve handed you the umbrella. He then pulled the hood of the hoodie over your head and then leaned in to press a kiss on your nose. “Don’t meet Paul Rudd on the elevator.”
You laughed a bit. “I’m sorry, but I really, really hope I do.” 
You didn’t meet Paul Rudd on the elevator, and you told Steve that with an over dramatic sad sigh when you came back from the store twenty minutes later, a bag full of junk food in hand, before you both settled back on the couch.
The two of you were only able to fully watch the first two Hunger Games movies before falling asleep an hour into the third one, around two in the morning. You half-woke up when the credits were rolling and then lightly poked Steve awake so that you two could go to his actual bed for the rest of the night.
“This is how it would be, y’know,” Steve said in the morning, words slightly getting lost in your hair.
The two of you were cuddled in his bed, your back pressed against his front and one of his arms draped over your waist. You had just finished having a half-awake discussion about what to do for breakfast before he said that he had to leave soon for the final day of press interviews for the movie, but he told you about a bagel place nearby that you’d probably like. And then the conversation shifted to a pinky promise agreement that you and him would finish the final two Hunger Games movies that night. 
Things became quiet after that, with both of you savoring the last few minutes you could spend in bed, and you found his hand, intertwining it with yours and pulling it up to kiss the back of it. 
You almost shifted around to face Steve after he abruptly said his previous words, but you felt too comfortable in your current position to do so. “How what would be?”
“You and me if we decided to be something real.”
 “Steve,” You said softly and then decided to shift around so that you were looking at him. His hair was a little disheveled and he looked pretty tired, but he also looked so cute. If he hadn’t just abruptly pushed open the door to the conversation that you knew needed to happen, you were certain that you would’ve kissed him right then. 
“I’m just saying...” He said as his shoulders upturned in a small shrug. “Also, I’m slightly kidding. This week has been really good, and I’m glad we got to have it, but I know things will go back to… normal soon. And that’s okay.” 
Hearing him say that— confirming that things would just go back to how they were, a friendship where you both seemed to just lie about what you really wanted and how you felt— made you get hit with the sudden realization that you hated the thought of going back to that.
However, for some reason, you couldn’t find the words to tell him that right then, so instead you nodded at what he had just said and plastered on a fake smile. You made your voice sound as light as possible. “Yeah.” 
He left the apartment forty-minutes later and you left it twenty minutes after that, deciding to go to the bagel place he suggested because you were hungry and also because you didn’t want to be alone in his apartment with only your confusing and contradicting thoughts to keep you company. 
However, somehow as you walked aimlessly around Central Park— your bag with your plain cream cheese bagel in one hand and iced coffee in the other— that was when it felt like the dam broke, and your mind started spiraling because it finally felt impossible to keep avoiding and pushing your thoughts away. You were finally facing the bridge that you had told yourself you’d eventually have to cross, and in your head, you could see that the end of it was leading in two completely different directions. And you knew the exact direction you wanted to go in. 
Your friendship with Steve was supposed to be more than enough. That was what you had told yourself that night at the wrap party to convince yourself that you were completely okay with only having a friendship with him. 
But now, after these past five days of getting that glimpse into what something more could look like, you knew that just being friends really wasn’t enough, and it never would be. And although a part of you still felt a little scared to risk it all, there was an even bigger part of you that didn’t want to give this up anymore. 
You couldn’t give up how completely and irrevocably happy Steve made you in more ways than just friendship. It was a mixture of the butterflies you’d get in your stomach whenever he would pull you close to him to press a soft kiss against your forehead or cheek and the wide smile you’d get on your face when he’d come back to the apartment after being gone for hours. It was also how he would look at you so adoringly when you would ramble about work stuff and how he could easily manage to convince you to stay in bed for “five more minutes;” five minutes that would always turn into at least ten but you never cared. 
Steve Harrington made you the happiest you’d ever been and you suddenly became tired of continuously avoiding that fact.  
It was a series of quick but definitely long overdue actions that happened next. 
You found yourself sitting on a park bench with the thought of eating your bagel or drinking more of your coffee long forgotten for the time being, and instead they simply sat next to you, because there was something else you needed to do at that moment. You pulled out your phone and went to Steve’s contact, pressing the call button before you could think twice about it. 
It went straight to voicemail, just like you knew it would because he always kept it off during interviews, so you waited for the way too familiar “beep” sound and then started speaking. 
“Hi,” Your voice came out softer than you expected it to, so you cleared your throat. “I knew that you weren’t gonna answer, and I’m kinda glad that you didn’t because I just want to get all of this out all at once. So, stay tuned for a very long-winded ramble from me.” You let out a small laugh. “Um, anyway, these past five days that I’ve been here in New York with you have been so good, like insanely good, and I’ve been avoiding thinking about what would happen after this and what would exactly change between us. And I was completely okay with not thinking about any of that because it made it easier to just live in the moment and be happy with what we’ve been doing. But then this morning, you said that it’s okay that things will go back to normal soon and that finally made me think about everything, and I realized that I don’t want us to go back to “normal.” I actually kind of hate the thought of doing so.” 
You stopped for a moment, gaze becoming fixated on a group of friends that had blankets spread out in the grass and were having a picnic not that far away from you, and then you looked at a couple that was walking down one of the paths holding hands. 
After taking a quick breath, you kept going. “You’re so important to me, and our friendship is so important to me too… But I love you. I’m in love with you. And because of that, I can’t just be your friend. I want more, I want us to be something real; and that’s pretty much exactly what you said that night at my apartment almost a year ago. I’m so sorry that it’s taken me this long to realize just how fucking great we are together.”  
Your hand that wasn’t holding your phone to your ear began absentmindedly playing with the hem of the sweatshirt you were wearing; it was the Vancouver crewneck he got for you.
“I want us to have days like this past week forever. And I know that this week has kind of been a fluke because, for the first time in a really long time, our schedules worked out pretty well. But we can make this work. I know we can. I was an idiot to say that we don’t make sense before because we do. Yes, our lives pull us in pretty different directions most of the time, and it sucks, but it's okay because it doesn’t change how I feel about you, and it never will. And I think that's the most important thing. It's why I know we, us, can actually work.”  
You leaned back against the wooden bench and let out a breath. “Okay, wow, I’m so surprised that I haven’t been cut off yet… I’m currently sitting on a park bench in Central Park, and I got a bagel and coffee from the place you mentioned. I haven’t tried the bagel yet, but the coffee’s pretty good…” You trailed off with a shake of your head and then laughed a bit. “I have no idea why I’m telling you that right now. Um, anyway, I’m gonna stop talking now, and I’ll see you back at the apartment later. Bye.” 
When you ended the call and pocketed your phone away, you felt an immediate weight lift off of your shoulders and you let out a contented sigh that turned into a small laugh. 
You waited for a second, though, waited for something that resembled dread or regret to suddenly hit you, but it never did. And that was what let you know that what you’d just done was fully the right thing to do. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Hours later, you still felt nothing but complete contentment with what you had done, leaving the minute and a half long voicemail that would, in fact, change everything. You wanted it to change everything. 
After responding to a handful of work emails and then enduring an hour-long phone call with one of the Producer’s of the soon-to-be filming documentary, you were in the kitchen searching for some sort of a snack to eat. However, hearing the sound of the front door opening halted your rummaging. 
“Hi,” You said, watching Steve enter the apartment and then close and lock the door behind him. 
He met your eyes almost immediately. “I really loved that voicemail.”
You smiled at him, at how quickly he wanted to address the elephant in the room before it really even had a chance to enter. “Yeah?”
He didn’t hesitate to nod his head and he smiled back at you. “Yeah. I’m never deleting it.”
He looked so happy as he walked over to you where you were leaning against the kitchen island, and that look made your heart constrict in your chest. 
“I love you,” It didn’t feel the tiniest bit scary to say the words right to him, they just felt so honest and undeniable. Your voice was soft and your arms came up to wrap around his neck, hands immediately finding home in the hair at the nape. 
“Mm,” His eyes slipped shut as his arms circled around you, pulling you against him.  “Say it again.” 
Your mouth was right against his ear as you spoke. “I love you.” 
He hummed again and then pulled back a bit, his nose brushed against yours and his lips did the same. It was all so teasing, like he wanted to take his absolute time with kissing you. However, now it didn’t have to be slow or drawn out because none of this was going to abruptly end; there was no expiration date apart of this like the arrangement you had a year ago. 
“I love you too,” He said before finally slotting his lips against yours.  
There was so much expressed in the soft kiss. It completely felt like the beginning of something new, something better, rather than simply a continuation of what you two had. The kiss was so certain and sure and it only further confirmed to you that everything happening was right and good and perfect. This was what you had wanted from the moment the two of you made that pinky promise during the wrap party; the one where you both said that you wouldn’t let your friendship end. Technically, it wasn’t being broken. 
You pulled away when you started feeling lightheaded and you met Steve’s gaze as you allowed yourself to breathe for a bit. You were quiet for only a second. 
“This will work,” You whispered. 
Steve nodded and then pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah, it will.” 
The three simple words comforted you, they wrapped around you like a warm blanket, and you savored the feel of them. For the first time, probably ever, your overthinking mind felt sated; it couldn’t find anything wrong about this moment. You finally felt like you could breathe so goddamn easy because there was nothing to truly worry about, and you found yourself wanting to cry at that feeling, but you didn’t. Instead, you kissed Steve’s cheek and then his other one, and then his nose and forehead. 
“This is random, but I’m really, really glad that I was forced to be your assistant.” 
Steve laughed a bit at that. “Sometimes it doesn’t even really feel like that's where we started.” His hands found yours, intertwining them and giving them a light squeeze. “But, I’m so fucking glad that it was you.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
author’s note: i'm gonna miss these two<333 i hope yall enjoyed this series! its been a rollercoaster fr (a good one for the most part though lol) i might do lil blurbs for these two someday because i'm way too attached to them and i have some minor ideas of some things i'd wanna do involving them.... but that probably won't happen for a while because after somehow being able to put out chapters weekly for this i do in fact need a Break lmao but anyway thank you for reading and enjoying this series🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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desmond69miles · 2 years
I don’t know if you like- still work here but can I rq a Judd x reader sfw hcs? Like how he’d be in a relationship? Also I love ur work <3333
 im so late i think im preganaet 
i finally got a new keyboard so I can write easier hehehehehehehe and it makes really nice clicky noises
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[-: judd is not a fan of love affirmations or praises. (besides sexually, and still very minimal.) it’s not that he doesn’t like you, or that he doesn’t care, he just prefers to use actions rather than words.
[-: relating to the one above, you both call each other rude ass names. Bitch, whore, fucker, etc etc. His parents were concerned until you jokingly bit back. his parents fell in love with you when you threatened him with equally nasty things, putting him back in his place.
[-: I’m getting off topic but his parents fr fr love you. they basically stalk judd until you come over and then his mom basically kidnaps you while his dad acts you all of these questions and judd is just like “don’t fucking dare you old ass nutfucks.”
[-: he’s the stereotypical “I hate everyone but my s/o” type boyfriend, and lives up to it shamelessly.  
[-: raccoon cuddles!!!! you spoil them soo much but judd is just like “don’t feed those fat fucks their already taken cared of.” 
[-: you both get high/drunk together and absolutely demolish some poor persons car. 
[-: nick is of course in love with you, as usual. it’s like jessi’s obsession with judd, but its you instead. like, your older, your hot, and you don’t want to kill him? ugh please marry him. judd hates when you hang out with his siblings instead of him, he just wants to have you all for himself hehe
[-: speaking of which jessi has a 20 point plan on how to get rid of you so judd can be hers. 
[-: burh jessi is so passive aggressive about the relationship. she 100% steals the shirts you got from judd. 
[-: yall’s relationship is fairly aggressive. “play” fighting, biting, and you both fight a lot... but thanks to his parents (judds spite for his parents) get you back together again. 
[-: you’d patch him up after he got into a fight, or when he got injured training the raccoons. your his own little goth nurse hehe
[-: im sorry im watching season 6 of bm and i’m so confused on the fuck is happening this is so confusing
[-: he’d be whipped? I feel like he’d be whipped in his own special way. violent, yes, but also sweet in his sick and sadistic way. 
*ask box open!*
vergilsladyfriend 2022. do not repost without permission. reblogs are appreciated!
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jflemings · 5 months
Prompt 1 w jflem plzz
— mine
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prompt: 1 “you are the best thing that’s ever been mine” from this post
a/n: my fav taylor song w jflem oooooo anon you are my best friend!!! also so funny that i was already working on a ‘mine’ fic for jess but that’s a whole diff thing xx
georgian bay glistens as the sun sets on the horizon, the last of it’s rays painting the sky with blues, oranges and pinks. jessie almost can’t believe her luck.
she’s got her arm around you as an attempt to fight off the chill breeze nipping at your faces, her nose turning pink from the cold. your face is tucked into her neck and both of you are holding one end of a blanket that’s wrapped around your shoulders. the scenery almost makes her forget why she brought you out here in the first place, the sight so breathtaking that it’s somehow distracted her from one of the most important things she’ll do in her lifetime.
jessie’s grip tightens on her end of the blanket as her heart rate speeds up, the sudden anxiety washing over her like how the waves would smother the rocks at high tide in burleigh heads. she thinks back to her time in australia fondly, but her thoughts always came back to you and how she felt sitting near the water watching the sunset with her arm around you, similarly to how the two of you are sitting in this very moment.
she doesn’t really know why she’s nervous because she knows your answer. the two of you had talked about marriage plenty of times before and every time you assured her that when she decided to ask, the answer would be yes.
you sigh and sit up “we should start heading back, i really don’t want to make your mum wait for us”
jessie shakes her head “i told her we had dinner plans. she’s not expecting us”
a puzzled look crosses your features “we have dinner plans?” you ask “you didn’t tell me that”
“spur of the moment type of thing” she shrugs before looking at you “we’ve got all the time in the world”
“i’d rather not be freezing my ass off in the dark, fleming” you say, dropping the blanket and standing. you brush off your bum and stretch your arms up before stuffing your hands in the pockets of your coat, admiring the view.
jessie takes a deep breath and runs over what she wants to say in her head, biting her lip and keeping her gaze focused on the water as she speaks to you “can you grab my waterbottle?” she asks.
you turn and walk three steps to where your stuff is, moving things around to find what you’re looking for. jessie knows you aren’t going to find it, it’s tucked into her side, but she needs at least forty five seconds to work the nerves out of her hands and get on one knee.
the midfielder shakes her hands out and puts one knee up, keeping the other on the ground, whilst she pulls the ring box out of her puffer pocket.
“jess are you sure it’s here?” you ask loudly “because i can’t find it, maybe you left it in the car” you exclaim, throwing your arms out and putting them on your hips before turning to face her.
your jaw drops almost comically at the sight of your girlfriend in front of you. her rosy cheeks are more flushed than usual, she’s wearing a nervous smile that you’ve never seen before and you can swear that her hands are shaking. sat in her grasp is a small black velvet box, the simple diamond ring occupying it catching the light.
“nope, no, you have to let me speak” she cuts you off, shaking her head
you nod shyly, bringing one of your hands up to cover your mouth “go on then”
jess let’s out a shaky breath “y/n i can’t count on my fingers how many times i’ve said that i’m going to marry you. i’ve said it directly to you, to my family, to my friends, anyone who would listen. everytime i’ve said it, i meant it. from the first time when i said it in that crowded bar in london, to two nights ago when we were in my childhood bedroom.” she says almost breathlessly, smiling when she realises that you’re tearing up.
“i have loved you longer than you’ve known” she says more quietly “i’ve had the privilege of watching you grow into such a kind and caring person. your compassion and ability to see everyone for who they are never fails to amaze me. everyday i wake up thankful that i get to spend my life with you so i’m asking, will you marry me?”
hey honey brown eyes are filled with hope and anticipation, leaving you to almost forget that she’s awaiting an answer from you. you shake your head and pull your hands off your face in borderline disbelief “of course i’ll marry you!”
jessie’s face breaks out into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen, tears welling up in her eyes as she carefully slips the ring on your finger. she grabs your face before she even gets off the ground and pulls you into a passionate kiss. the pads of her thumbs glide softly over your cheekbones before her grip tightens, pulling you impossibly closer.
you both pull apart from eachother so you can breathe but her lips still ghost over yours while she’s got her eyes closed.
“you are the best thing that’s ever been mine” she whispers against your lips before kissing you again, softer but with just as much passion as before.
you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with her.
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sarawritestories · 1 year
The Trade
Harry Wells x Fem Reader
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Tags: @eonash @twilightlover2007 @yetanotherwells
Summary: It's the holiday season and Y/N's favorite time of year. Knowing Harry is upset not being with his daughter to celebrate the holidays. Y/N knows the perfect gift for him.. even if that means she has to sacrifice her freedom to get it.
Content warning: kidnapping, taunting, and a big cliffhanger
Word count: 1404 words
She should have been at the West House celebrating the holidays with her friends. Though, the last few days were bothering Y/N as she was interacting with her favorite grump from Earth-2. He was not himself. He was withdrawn, barely made smart insulting comments to Cisco, and barely bantered with her. It didn’t take her long to figure out why. He was missing his daughter and not being able to celebrate the joyous season with his family. So that was why she was in the industrial district shivering in her long sleeve dress, doing nothing to retain warmth, instead of enjoying Grandma Esther’s egg nog.
Y/N heard a car door slam and peeked from around the empty rig where her own car was parked. Seeing Harry get out of the S.T.A.R Labs van. She decided to move closer to get a better view as she reached the S.T.A.R Labs van as a breach opened, and Zoom appeared. Y/N pressed herself flush against the vehicle as she peeked over with wide eyes watching the speedster approach Harry.
The two men were having a discussion she couldn’t make out what they were staying and was focusing on staying out of sight. A flash of light illuminated the night sky as another breach opened only for it to close just as fast as Zoom returned with a young woman with short brown hair her clothes dirty. “Jessie,” she whispered to herself. Harry embraced her tightly, and just as quickly as she was in his arms, a father and daughter reunited. She was gone, and he was holding air. Y/N’s heart broke for the scientist. She wasn’t close enough to see his face, but she knew that he was in pain, losing his daughter for the second time.
Zoom returned once again and began to speak. Her heart pounding in her ears, her body had started to move before her brain could catch up with her. “Zoom!” Y/N screamed out her voice, not sounding like her own, as it echoed throughout the open space. Both men looked in her direction, Harry’s eyes widened as his mouth parting slightly stunned.
The evil speedster turned back Harry, “I told you to come-“
Y/N held up her hands and interrupted him, “He didn’t know I was here, Zoom. I saw him leave I followed him. He had no idea I was here.”
Zoom sped up to her, causing her to stumble slightly. He circled around her like a shark stalking his prey. He stopped behind her, his masked face close to her ear as he whispered, “Is that so?”
She forced herself to straighten her back, resisting the urge to shiver at his close proximity. “Yes, and I have an offer for you.” She moved her head to the side to meet his gaze, staring into his black orbs as lightning was rippling off his body. She provided some distance between her and the speedsters, walking towards Harry on the platform.
Harry’s blue eyes locked on hers as he grabbed her arm and whispered, “What are you doing, Y/L/N.”
She gave him a small reassuring smile and patted his hand slowly removing his hand from her arm. She turned back to Zoom, who followed her back to the platform, choosing not to use his speed, “Don’t keep me waiting.”
Y/N took a deep breath and took a step away from Harry and closer to Zoom, “I propose an exchange,” she met his eyes, and a shiver rippled her body this time. “Give Harry back his daughter,” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry’s head snap toward her, but she refused to meet his gaze.
Zoom tilted his head, “In exchange for?”
At this question, Y/N turned to Harry and gave him another smile, his face a combination of realization and shock on his face. She turned back to the evil speedster, “Me, Zoom, In exchange for me.”
“No! Absolutely not.” Harry protested, reaching out to grab her hand, but she moved too quickly to for him to pull her away and got closer to Zoom.
“Think about it. If you keep his daughter, you only hurt two people. But as someone who is close to Team Flash, you take me, you can cause pain to a larger number of people.”
“What makes you think that I wouldn’t just keep you both?”
Y/N bit her lip in contemplation of the question. She crossed her arms, “Because you take me, you agree to my terms. Leave Harry and His daughter here on this Earth and let them live with the guilt and the pain of someone sacrificing herself to protect them. A pain that would be lifelong.” She shrugged, secretly hoping that he would take the bait.
Zoom walked up to her, his tall frame crowding her space, his face getting close to hers, “What are your terms?”
Y/N tampered her excitement that her plan was working, “Five minutes to say good-bye to Harry.” She added, “That gives you enough time for you to grab Jessie.”
Zoom moved from her face and nodded his head, and sped into a breach.
Y/N turned to Harry, who had tears in his eyes. “Princess,” He whispered.
She briskly walked towards the scientist, “Don’t. I’m doing this to save your daughter, and I don’t want you to feel guilty.” She grabbed his face gently with both of her hands and pressed her forehead to his. “Listen to me, okay? You are going to go to the West house and tell them what happened to me.” As her eyes were closed, she could feel his hands wrapping on top of hers. Her voice waivered slightly as she continued, “Then you tell them to close all the breaches.”
She felt his hands pull hers from his face as he lifted his head. Her eyes opened, and he began shaking his head fervently, “Absolutely not, I know I’m not the only one who will object to that idea. We will not leave you stranded alone with him.” He squeezed her hands, “I will not leave you.” He whispered.
She met his eyes, taking in the vibrant shade of blue, committing it to memory as she smiled, “They will if you tell them that’s the only way to keep this city safe from him. Harry, they will listen to you because they trust you just like I do.” She pulled her hands away only to embrace him in a hug.
Y/N felt his arm around her waist, the other holding the back of her head tenderly. His voice waivered as he asked, “Why? Why are you doing this, Y/N? You could walk away right now.”
The younger woman pulled away from him and smiled, “It’s the holidays, Harry. You should have your family with you on the holidays.”
Harry rubbed his hand over his face, “Princess, I-“ He looked at her, not knowing what to say, so instead, he grabbed the back of her neck and crashed his lips onto hers.
Y/N felt butterflies in her stomach as she returned the kiss, though it was brief. She pulled away from the kiss right as the breach opened, and Zoom and the young girl emerged. The two faced them as they walked toward them. Y/N turned back to the Earth-2 scientist, “Promise me that you will have the team close the breaches.”
Harry gives her a curt nod, pain in his eyes, “I promise, Princess.” The young woman that was in Zoom’s captivity rushed past them into her dad’s eye.
In a moment, she was thwarted from Harry and suddenly in a cage in a dark grungy room. Her hands bound above her head. She struggled in her bonds as Zoom’s voice boomed through the cave, “You are a fool.” His voice grabbed her attention.
Y/N gave him a sly smile, “Funny a lot of people tell me that, and yet I now get to confront you, alone,” she paused and looked in his direction, “Jay.”
Zoom stood still for a brief moment, Y/N’s heart rate speeding up. Then he reached back and pulled his mask off to reveal what the young woman had been suspicious of the whole time. Jay revealed his face with a maliciously smiling at her as he sped closer to her. He grabbed her by the jaw, forcing her to look at him. “Oh sweet little, Y/N, we’re going to have so much fun.”
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Is it alright if we politely point out a character's age if you forget to tag a minor poll?
Because the gender non-conforming poll with Jessie and Haruhi and some others I don't know anything about is missing that tag, and Haruhi is 15.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, with tumblr fucking up and deleting all the polls you had in your queue, I can understand forgetting a tag on a couple posts.
Yes, this is when I need people to say something. Just comment that it's missing the tag, and I will fix it as quickly as possible. Especially right now, because a lot of The Pride Event requests, most of them just say assumed adults, so I have no clue if I need to add the #minor poll tag. I don't need the exact age of a character. I just want to know if I need to put the minor poll tag. I also sometimes make polls in a hurry and can miss it in a rush.
And people have lied about character ages before, So if you know something's off, say something. I've had people lie about a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old, saying they're 16 in the request. That's when you need to speak up, and I don't have a problem with that
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madisonwritesstuff · 10 months
Hi!!! This is my first time ever requesting here on tumblr lol and I managed to stumble across your fic about Hannibal and Muslim reader! It was nice to read a fic about it since there’s so little fics with Muslim readers 😭😭 anyway, I was wondering if you could write another one with Muslim reader, but this time she DOES wear the hijab and how Hannibal and maybe Will might react to her being a doctor and agent while being maybe 28 or so. (You don’t have to separate it into two, maybe jsut one about them being friends (like a trio) and if they’d be curious about her religion and what not)
Thank you so much and hope your having an amazing week 🤧🤧
★ ; she deserves it. -------------------
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Hannibal Lecter x Fem! Reader x Will Graham.
I hope this is an accurate representation of muslims! lmk if smth is off and have fun reading :3
Tags ; Fluff, besties with will n hanni, trio goals, islamophobia tw, platonically protective hannibal n will :3, subtle hints at hannibal being the chesapeake ripper, yandere-ish will and hanni, but mostly it's supposed to be platonic 💀.
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You fixed your hijab and made sure your hair was neatly tucked underneath, before exiting the women's bathroom and making your way to your patients ward.
He had called you there earlier with a few other people to interrogate one of the rippers victims, and one of your patients. Somehow she had survived, while on the brink of death you were able to resuscitate her.
You walked into the ward, it was a private ward specialised for Jessie herself, which was your patients name.
Will and Hannibal seemed to turn around at the same time at the sound of the door opening, you gave them both a faint smile as you walked up to them both. “How is she?”
“Unconscious.” Hannibal spoke up. “But didn't one of the nurses say she woke up from her coma over a week ago?” Will spoke up, looking between Hannibal and you.
“Yeah no, she did wake up. She's probably just asleep. Which is also weird since that's not up to her sleep schedule. I've been documenting.” You mentioned, right then she started stirring awake.
“Speak of the devil.” Hannibal mumbled as you three watched her open her eyes and blink a few times before sitting up and staring at you three. “Who...?” She spoke up. “Jessie Freeman, right? I'm Y/N L/N, your assigned doctor. This is Will Graham, an FBI agent. And Hannibal Lecter.” I spoke up, motioning to them. Will gave a little wave while Hannibal nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“You're... My assigned doctor?” She spoke up scanning you up and down. “Yes, I assure you I'm the most skilled doctor in the facility.“ You smiled, trying to ease her worries. “No I'm not worried about that it's just... You're...” She trailed off, staring at you.
You were confused as to what she was talking about, but Will caught on, looking over at Hannibal who gave him a look which said „Did she really just say that?„ And Will shrugged back, raising an eyebrow as he stared at Jessie.
“I'm what? I'm sorry if you could clarify it would be a great help.” You smiled politely, trying to be as kind and understanding as possible. “You're a Muslim, aren't you? Look, I don't mean to be rude but I'm really uncomfortable around your kind of people and would just appreciate it if you could assign me a new doctor?”
You stared at her in shock and Hannibal almost regretted not finishing her off earlier. But he'd have more of a reason to now.
You were silent for a second. “Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow. “You heard me clearly Dr. L/N. I don't like that thing you wear on your head either, it makes you look stupid.” You stared at her with wide eyes, not expecting her to insult you that far. “If you want to be a true woman at least take that stupid towel off your head.”
You walked up to her in fury. “Listen to me, you have no right to speak to me like that. If I wanted to I literally could cut off your life support. You're an incompetent being that has no brain and thoughts other than to insult people who have done NOTHING to you!” You yelled at her in anger, she was surprised to see you arguing back. “Well- I-i Fuck you! You're a terrorist! You're arguing like one too! How dare you threaten to kill me! You murderer!” She screamed and lunged at you, ripping your hijab off.
“Alright, that's enough.” Will spoke up before punching her square in the face, hard enough to knock her out. You were too horrified by the fact this woman just took your hijab off infront of two men to even think about yelling at Will about what he just did. You felt tears swell up as you hurriedly grabbed the scarf from the ground and covered your head, sniffling. Hannibal and Will immediately noticed and turned around, simultaneously.
After you were done you let out a sob. “I... I can't believe she did that.” You whispered, which prompted Hannibal to walk over to you and hug you, letting you sob into his shoulder as he pat your back in a soothing motion. “It's alright. It wasn't your fault. Some people are just born to be... Rude. Rude people get dealt with sooner or later.” He spoke as he stared at the blood seeping from Jessie's nose.
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better I promise I didn't see anything, but I wasn't expecting that either.” Will spoke up tried to comfort you while you sniffled. “Sniff, thanks for um, turning around when I was fixing my hijab. I'm- I'm sorry about crying I just-”
“Hey hey hey, there's no need to apologize, if anyone has to apologize it should be her, not you. Alright? None of this was your fault, you can't blame yourself for crying.” Will retorted, and now it was his turn to hug you.
“I think you should go home now.” Hannibal spoke up from behind. “Will, take her home, I need to stay behind.” He spoke as he glanced at Jessie's unconscious body.
“Alright, you alright now Y/N?” Will asked with a worried expression. “Yeah I'm- I'm alright now, I just wanna go home.” You spoke up with a faint smile. Will escorted you outside the ward.
“-Jessie Freeman, found dead in her hospital bed. Investigators say she was cut open while still conscious and burned to death whie still being conscious.”
You stared at the news on the TV in shock, you couldn't save a ripper victim after all. But was it such a bad thing? She deserved it.
No, what are you even thinking about? She was still a living being. Going through that was worse than what you went. Was it? It doesn't matter.
What matters is that she's gone, whether she leaves alive or dead.
But are you happy with that outcome?
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