turnipoddity · 2 months
Hello! I really love your art, so at one of the cosplay photo shoots, my friend and I repeated one of your art
thank you very much for your creativity!
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pinkykitten · 6 years
I can be Loved
Stephen Strange x plus size & fire power! female reader
Warnings: some curse words, violence, reader being self conscious, death, also i did not re-read this cuz i made this too dang long!
Specifics: death, sadness, romance, comedy, Avengers: Infinity War, man vs man, fire power, pictures, videos, plus size reader, race neutral reader
People: Stephen Strange, you, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Wong, Peter Parker, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, Peter Quill, Drax, Mantis, Thanos, Gamora (mentioned), Thor (mentioned).
Words: 4,229
Requested: By anonymously Hi doll❤️ I love your writing please keep doing what you are doing! Do you write for chubby girls or plus size cause I live for that!!!! If so could I request a plus size reader, where she is with doctor strange and many think she is all scrawny and can’t stand up for herself but she proves them wrong by fighting like a bad ass like Thanos makes fun of her and tries to degrade her but she is just too cool and she fights along side Dr. Strange so fluff and angst cause she reacts to his death
Authors Note: hi there anon! thank u so much for ur kind words. i do write for plus size beautiful woman! i luved this request and it makes me kinda sad to not see a lot of fanfics for dr. strange cuz he is such a cool character and it is the benedict cumberbatch. i went a lil bit overboard with this its just i really lived for this request also i made the reader have fire power because i wanted her to be powerful hehehe. but there is a lot to read so im srry. i loved writing this i didnt reread this so there may be mistakes but my back, fingers, legs hurt so yeah. thnx for requesting and i hope u enjoy this. remember i luv to hear ur guys thoughts. 
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The world as you know it was going to change, one way or another it was going to either perish or fight.
You all looked outside. The wind was strong and the noises of people screaming was all you could hear. Your heart racing in fear you consciously grasped Stephen, your fiance’s hand. 
As Tony opened the door many citizens raced the opposite way of..something. Some falling, some terrified, like you. 
“Y/n, I should go see what it is. You stay here,” Dr. Strange ordered you, letting go of your hand. 
“No Steph, where you go I go. I can fight too you know.” With that you walked ahead of him following Tony. 
Stephen quickly grabbed Wong’s attention. “Whatever you do, you keep y/n alive. Alright?”
Wong saw the seriousness in his friends eyes and just nodded. 
As you turned the corner a ship that was a circle with a hole in the middle landed on New York City grounds. You gasped loudly at how large it was. This was no human tech, this was some alien crap. 
Stephen, Wong, and Bruce followed you and Tony. Suddenly, a blue beam appeared and out came a skinny alien guy that looked like Voldemort, and another alien guy except he was huge and kinda looked like a dung beetle. 
Your group walked to them, curious expressions. 
The skinny alien then started to say how they were Thanos children, and that you all were about to die from them and it was a privilege. 
You turned around all sassy to Bruce, “Is this guy serious?”
“I’m sorry Earth is closed today,” shouted Tony Stark to the alien men. “You better pack it up and get out of here.”
The skinny alien then focused his attention on Stephen, “Stone keeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?”
“Certainly not, I speak for myself!” Stephen using his magic to maybe scare off the aliens and show that he was not playing. (god that part that he does that hand thing is kinda hot......anyways enjoy reading) “You’re trespassing on this city and on this planet.”
Wong after him brought out his magic. 
Just then the huge alien was walking towards your group, hitting his giant hammer on anything he sees. 
You tapped your foot impatiently, “hey guys are we gonna do anything? I really don’t think this guy likes us!” 
Well since he was big you all then looked at...Bruce...well you all wanted the Hulk. You all stared at him awaiting for the green monster to rage on out. Instead, Bruce was having trouble getting him out, “c’mon man, c’mon.”
He was still pushing, and pushing, and pushing some more. Everyone awaiting, and staring impatiently. 
“Ugh men!” You stated placing a hand on your plush, curvy hip. 
“Wheres your guy?” Tony Stark asked looking as if Bruce lied to him. 
“I don’t know we’re sorta been having a thing.”
“There’s no time for a thing. Thats the thing right there, lets go.”
The big alien man was coming closer and closer. Then he started running towards you all. You quickly turned your whole body into fire, your skin turning orange, and your hair turning into flames. Your eyes a bright sun orange (kinda like flame princess from at). “Step away boys.”
“I love it when she does that,” Stephen said as he stared all amazed at you. 
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(not my art! do not own!)
You stood in front of the massive alien, ready to shoot him with some fire balls.
(TONY’S COOL MOVE YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS srry) Tony decided to help as well. He turned his track suit into his Iron man suit. But in a cool way. 
He added some blasters to his suit and all of them came out to shoot at the alien. You and Tony shot at the same time making the alien fall back onto the skinny one but surprise surprise, his powers were telekinesis. 
He, with the power of his mind moved the other alien harshly to a car. 
Tony put his blasters away. 
“Holy crap that was frickin amazing!” A excited Bruce yelled, making you turn around and chuckle. “You turning into fire and you, Tony, where’d that come from?”
“Its nano tech, you like it?” Answered Tony, turning around to you all. 
“I got to say that was pretty awesome,” you smiled placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder. 
Tony placed a hand on his mouth and gasped, “ooohhh wizard man, how you feel about your fiance touching me and oh wait, yeah, calling me awesome?’
Stephen shook his head and his cloak smacked your hand off Tony’s shoulder, “she was only trying to be nice to you...she calls me better things in bed.”
“Wow,” Tony said. 
“Babe! Thats private,” you shouted, laughing at the end. 
“Wow, that was so unneeded, like to the point where you didn’t need to do that.” Tony shook his hands, shaking his head. 
Suddenly, the skinny alien man used his powers to throw a car at you all. The other worked on it while you and Tony threw it back to him. He used his powers to cut it in half. 
Tony then used his boosters to try to fly to him. You used your fire power to fly to him as well. As you tried to fly, Stephen brought you down. “Hey sweetheart, why don’t you stay here, I really don’t think you going over there is such a good idea.”
“Are you serious? Honey, I’m fine.”
Bruce came into the conversation, “yeah y/n, maybe Stephen is right. Maybe this is a little bit too much for you.”
“You know what, I know this isn’t a woman thing because you all let Natasha fight. This is a size thing. Are you all serious? You think I can’t fight cause I’m too big, too fat for the normal superhero.”
Wong then raised his hand and tried to tell you something, but you just ignored him. “Thats fine think what you want to think,” you almost cried, Stephen going to you and saying that thats not it, and of course it wouldn’t be it.
“Y/n, I think you’re the most beautiufl woman on this Earth, and trust me I know you are capable-”
“Save it. I don’t need any of you. I am going to fight, whether you like it or not, and I’m gonna show you all that bigger woman can do things in this world, especially be a superhero!”
Your fire became more intense and you flew next to Tony. The skinny alien was using his powers to throw some of the road on you two. The big alien threw a claw at Tony and this set Tony back. 
“Stark!” You shouted. “You are not eleven from Stranger Things, are you?” You raised your eyebrow to the skinny alien. “Thats okay, you look more like the demogorgon.” You blasted flames at both aliens. Dodging one of the punches of the big alien. 
The skinny alien threw the fire back onto you. You just chuckled, “You do realize I’m made of fire, right?”
The skinny alien smiled and heaved a huge piece of building onto you. 
“Y/n!” Yelled Wong and Stephen. They tried to get to you but they had to fight the skinny alien. 
“Ouch!” You quickly burned the piece of building into ashes and saw the skinny alien go to your fiance. “Steph!”
He put Stephen to the wall and placed bricks on him. You knew he wanted that stone. You also knew Stephen placed a spell on it. 
“-then I’ll take it off your corpse.” The alien took Stephen and threw him to you. 
“Oh my god babe, honey,” you took off your fire power to touch him, carressing his face. “Steph are you okay?”
His cloak brought him up and he nodded to you. He tried to use the time stone but the alien wrapped thorny vines around his arms. 
“Let him go!” You try to burn the vines away but its not use, they just keep reappearing. The vines go around his neck and knock him out unconscious. 
“Are you serious?” You try to take the vines off of him, they are strong and grab on real tight. “C’mon babe, stupid frickin things get off!”
The alien brings Stephen with him and you fall off the platform. The cloak then takes Stephen away from the vines. You, your fire power ignited, go after him, with the skinny alien following you two. 
“Steph I am right here. I got you.”
He then goes by Tony, and you notice Tony fighting with the big alien. You also notice your favorite...SPIDER MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
“Hi sweetheart!” You wave to Peter. 
“Hi Ms. L/n!”
“Kid thats the wizard and y/n, get on it,” ordered Tony to Peter. 
“On it!”
You flew backwards now, your attention on to the alien behind you. “Go away freak!” You started shooting fire at him, him dodging every time. Peter tried to get the alien but he through a piece of debris at Peter.
“Peter!” You shouted look at his state to make sure he was fine. 
“Not cool, yeah Ms. L/n, I’m fine!”
As Stephen was getting away from the alien, the alien used his powers to stop Stephen. By bending the street lights one of the lights caught Stephen by the cloak making Stephen fall out. You tried to catch him but you would of burned him. In that moment you felt defenseless, helpless, unworthy. You couldn’t even do a simple job as saving your future husband. They were all right about you. 
Peter came to the rescue and saved Stephen. With a sad face you thanked the young boy for doing something you couldn’t do. You just followed them slowly, until you were lifted in a beam. You tried to hold onto something but it was no use. You were going to die, how did you know this? What use were you, they didn’t need you, nor want you. You were garbage to them. You were garbage to everyone. You tried to shake the self conscious thoughts out of your mind, but you couldn’t. They were eating at you, telling you things that were not true. 
Peter tried to hold on with his spider web to Stephen but the skinny alien used his powers to bring Peter up. 
You entered the ship with Stephen and ran to hide behind a piece of the inner ship. Watching to see someone come by. 
“This is bad,” you thought. “Really bad.”
You meet up unexpectedly with Peter and Tony. You see in the distance the alien is pointing these needle like things to Stephen to get the time stone. The needle things go into his skin and you hear his screams. Tears coming out of your eyes you try to go to him but Tony stops you. 
“Don’t blow our cover y/n, we will save him.”
As you all try to think of a plan Peter says, “hey have you guys ever seen a really really old movie called Aliens?”
As the alien is threatening Stephen, you and Tony go behind him ready to blast him away. He turns around to the sound of Tony’s high pitched suit. 
The alien uses his power to bring out pieces of the ship to you and Tony. You smirk and say, “have fun in space.”
You and Tony blast a hole in the ship sending him and Stephen flying.
“Steph! Peter get him!”
Peter grabs Stephen with his web and then a new feature of his suit comes out. HE HAS SPIDER LEGS!
“HOLY SH*T THAT IS AMAZING!” You squeal in excitement. 
Peter jumps up and brings Stephen in. Tony closes the hole. 
You quickly run to Stephen and hug him, “oh my god, I thought I lost you. I’m so happy you’re alive.” You look into his eyes and he looks into yours. 
“Sweetheart about earlier, what I was trying to say is that-”
You stand up quickly, the emotions and self conscious feelings interrupting your mind again. “It doesn’t matter right now.” You turn around, shyly placing a hand on your arm and rubbing it. You then mutter as you’re walking away, “I don’t matter.”
Stephen tries to go to you to help you and to make you feel better but Tony places a hand on him to decide where to go. 
Stephen thinks Earth but Tony thinks wherever the ship is going. His thinking is he feels wherever this ship is going Thanos must be there, if all of you were to go then it would be an element of surprise. Stephen disagrees in the begging but you agree with Tony. 
“If Thanos is going to be there then maybe this isn’t such a bad idea. I mean I know, we have to protect the stone but I don’t think Thanos is awaiting this much of an impact or this much of a plan. I say we go for it.”
The ship lands harshly on a planet named Titan. 
A smoke bomb lands between you all and with impact you all go tumbling back. 
“What in the world!”
You look up to see some wannabes trying to fight you all. You fly to the one with the funny looking goggles. 
He shoots you with his gun while you blast a hole power of fire. 
“I call this roast some buns,” you blast harder your fire at him. He dodges it with his cheap looking jet pack thing. 
“What are we in The Krusty Krab?” The unknown person jokes along with you. 
You all fight with each other and form a circle of whos killing who. 
The person you were fighting takes his mask off and point the gun at Tony. “I’m gonna ask you this one time, where is Gamora?”
“Yeah, I’ll do you one better,” Tony took his mask off. “Who’s Gamora?”
And then the alien, buff man talked, “I’ll do you one better, why is Gamora?”
“I’ll do you all one better, why are we still talking about this Gamora?” You stopped your fire powers.
After going back and forth on where this Gamora was at the guy holding Peter mentioned Thanos. 
“Wait, what Thanos. Alright let me ask you this one time, what master do you serve?” You looked at Stephen as he questioned the new comers. 
“What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus?” The guy answered back, still holding Peter. 
After explaining that you were trying to defeat Thanos as well Peter took off his mask, “We’re the avengers man.”
Just then the alien bug looking girl said, “you’re the one Thor told us about.”
Tony asked, “you know Thor?”
The Missouri guy nodded, “Yeah, tall guy not that good lookin, needed saving.”
You eyes widened, “oh my god Thor’s alive. We may still have a chance...I say we all work together on this. We all want to take down the same purple raisin so we should combine all our powers to become one and destroy Thanos.”
“Thanks for the input lava girl, didn’t know we were all gonna turn into Voltron with all our lions.” The blonde hair man said as his eyes were on you. 
You walked up to him with a serious face, “my name is y/n, and I don’t think fragile skin can stand against hot fire.”
You walked to the exit while Tony, Peter, and Stephen giggled. “Gotta love her,” Stephen said as he followed you. 
You all came out of the ship and stood on the planet, trying to come up with a plan. You learned all the names of the new people.
Mantis in a low voice asked, “Does your friend do that?”
You all look back to see Stephen moving his head quickly back and forth. You go to him and place a hand on his cheek. He comes back to reality with a startle cry. 
“You okay?” You ask worried. 
Stephen was using the Time Stone to look into alternate futures. You ask about if you win the battle, but out of the millions of futures he foresaw, he sees that you are all victorious in none but one alone.
Your heart pounds and you squeeze your hand shut, tightly. All in your head was how you are going to die feeling worthless, feeling like you contributed nothing to this world. Tears start to form in your eyes and you walk to a nearby rock, covering yourself from the others. 
You wanted to show Stephen that you were not just the girl that got made fun of in high school because of her weight. You’re not someone you can make fun of and push around as if you don’t have feelings. You wanted to come out victorious and explain these terrible feelings you’ve been having lately to Stephen. 
Stephen see you crying behind a rock and walks over to you. He kneels down to you and takes your hands in his. 
“Sweetheart please talk to me, I’m here for you.”
You wipe your tears, “I know I can’t do many things in life, I can’t prevent many things. But I can try to fight. I know I’m fat and ugly and big but I want to try to prove my worth. To you and to them.” You pointed to the group. “I’m so useless, aren’t I?”
Stephen kissed your hands. “No. You are so much more than those degrading words. Back there I wasn’t trying to make fun of you honey, or bring you down in any way. I didn’t want you to get hurt, I didn’t want, I don’t want anything to happen to you. You are so important to me and to so many others, you just don’t see it. You prove to others and to other young girls, just women in general that even if you feel useless and nothing you can make something of yourself, you can save the world. You are beautiful in and out y/n, you are my superhero, my hero, you save me y/n. It will always be that way. I know you are so capable of so many great things and I encourage you to do everything in your power to be you, to be the amazing, powerful, strong you. This means so much to me,” Stephen said holding up your ring on your finger. “It means that soon you and I will be one, we will be husband and wife. We will not just show love but be love. You are my everything y/n, thank you for standing by me sweetheart.”
Your eyes were wide and you were shocked. “I love you so much Steph, thank you for saying those things. I really needed to hear that, you make me so happy Stephen Strange. I can’t wait to get married to you and when I call you mine. Thank you love.”
You sit on his lap, not caring about your weight. Stephen holds you upright with ease, resting his hands on your hips. You trace massage your fingers into his dark locks seeing his ice blue eyes look into yours. You place your hands on his cheeks, taking in his complexion of high cheekbones and milky white skin. You kiss him on the lips lightly, enjoying the presence of him. He deepens the kiss his right hand going to your cheek, making the kiss more passionate. In the middle of the kiss you hear a cough. You and Stephen turn your heads to see a startled Peter, and a annoyed Stark. 
“Sorry am I interrupting something, cause we’re in the middle of a war if you haven’t noticed. Anyways, you two, The Notebook, we have a plan.”
Thanos had come to the planet Titan and tried to explain his belief of genocide. It all seemed so crazy to you. You all almost got the gauntlet off but you all especially Peter Quill learned that Gamora was dead. Peter got so mad at Thanos that he punched him knocking him out of the sleep phase he was in with Mantis. 
It almost worked the plan, now it was to make it up as you guys went. 
You gave this war, this battle everything that you had. All your being your strength, everything. 
Everyone was focused and paying attention to other things in their way that you were left with Thanos. 
By yourself.
All the struggles in life, all the beat downs, the I’m not good enough have led you up to this moment. You were going to show this monster, this demon that you are good enough and you do deserve love and happiness.
“I, I’m not afraid of you,” you stood proudly in front of this giant. 
“No my dear child not of me, but of others.” Thanos said as he walked slowly to you, bringing out his hand to your cheek. You gave him a scowl, scoffing. 
“What do you mean?”
Thanos shook his head, “I know your deepest fear. Y/n, you are afraid of how others perceive you, how they think of you. You try your hardest to please others. You are the coward, you say you are not afraid but I know deep down you’re terrified.”
Your eyes were wide, “no, no, no, I’m not like that. Stop.”
“But of course you would be young one, you know how it feels to have your inner demons. To know your not good enough, not even good enough to be in this world.”
You started to shake your head, hands clutching the sides of it trying to not listen to those terrible words that have scarred you. Thanos smiling, knowing that he was getting to you. 
“Stop leave me alone you monster,” you cried out. 
Stephen came out and stood by you, “Y/n don’t listen to him. Remember what I told you. You are better than this.”
“Leave her be, let her make her own decisions. Y/n you are not happy with how you look, when you see yourself you see disgust. You are not afraid of me.”
You started shaking your head while tears were starting to come out, “no stop, stop!”
Stephen tried knocking sense in you, “Honey don’t listen to him, you are better than this. Remeber how much I care for you.”
Thanos kept going, “you are not afraid of death.”
“STOP! Just stop it!”
“No, you are afraid that no one will love you for who you are.”
At that being said it ignited something in you. All your power, the fire held inside you spilled out with a cry and shriek. 
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Thanos eyes widened and he used the power stone to be able to go through the fire you ignited. 
“You are wrong about me Thanos! I have love, I have someone who loves me! You don’t, you know why, because you KILLED HER!”
Thanos used the power stone again on you to try to destroy you, but you were too powerful and uncontrollable to stop. 
All the fire coming out of your body amazed everyone, you were so powerful. With another cry more fire came out making Thanos go behind some boulders to shield himself from the flames. Stephen stared at you with immense respect, amazed at how you fought. After a time your body was drained from all the power you used. Your eyes felt heavy and your body wanted to just lay down. The fire stopped and you were normal now, you fell from up in the air but you were caught in a pair of strong arms. 
“I got you sweetheart,” came the soothing voice of your dear love, Stephen. 
You smile weakly, “I know.”
Thanos came to you both threatening to kill you. Of course Stephen loved you so much that he gave up the infinity stone to save you. 
He risked the whole world to save you.
“Why would you do that?”
Stephen just hugged you tightly like his life depended on it while kissing your forehead, “we’re in the end game now.”
You all waited for a sign, for something to show..anything. You hugged Stephen the whole time, enjoying what you didn’t know was the last moments together. 
Suddenly, Mantis disappeared like the wind. Your eyes widened and then it went to worse. Like a list, others started to become ashes right before your eyes, and you could not prevent it from happening. Next came Drax, then Peter Quill. Tony then went and looked at Stephen. Automatically you started crying, “no, please, don’t tell me...no please no.”
Stephen looked so guilty and so pained at you and Tony, “There was no other way.”
Stephen grabbed your face and kept his forehead to your, “Time is so important yet so short. No words can describe how much I love you and will always love you even in death. I love you y/n, I love you.”
Stephen starts to disappear making you sob. Your heart is broken and all that is left is his ashes. You start to feel strange and notice in your hands you are also turning into ashes. Tears start to form in your eyes but you welcome this feeling because no feeling is worse than the feeling you just experienced of losing Stephen. 
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clarespace · 6 years
oh god, i just saw the official mv and my heart is screaming. it’s also 2am and im gonna gush about pete and ae with quick and dirty gifs, so watch out: 
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ugh, i love these scenes so much. wait, i love every scene, but these first ones are so important. ae is presented as the typical confused guy but get this, he’s so soft and expressive with his feelings, and he’s. not. ashamed. of. it. quite a contrast with pete, whose been internalising his shame. the wonderful thing with ae is that he’s so honest and direct. he says what he feels and thinks. more importantly, his actions coincide with what he says. often, that just doesnt happen in bl stories. the guy feels something for another guy? he goes out with girls and avoids the guy, etc. not ae. the boy just dives right in after a few moments of self-reflection. what an awesome dude. 
and pete. our sweet, shy pete is saying, while looking into ae’s eyes, that he’s liked ae from the beginning. how cute is that? but more than cute, there’s the impression that he’s reached the point where he feels really safe and secure with ae that he can openly say this. wasnt it only a few episodes ago where he was still worried about bothering ae, and ae has done so many things to affirm pete’s trust in him that they’ve reached this point. which episode this will be, who knows, but they get here, hopefully with as little fuss as possible. 
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look. at. THAT. that’s one of the cutest things i’ve ever seen and it just screams ‘couple in love’. i gotta say, the body direction in this drama has been SPOT ON by the director and the actors. they’re horribly in love and it should SHOW. they should have their own couple language, their sweet gestures. see how tender ae is, and how content pete looks, especially with the way he closes his eyes when he finally rests his head on ae’s shoulder. just...the way their bodies are positioned is so so so good. boys sit like that! and the way they are subtly turned towards each other shows openness and interest...hear me heave my biggest, happiest sigh. 
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idk what happens in this moment except i want more of it. study date? sleep over? moving in together?? okay, the last one is too soon but i have a weakness when my otp spend time sleeping with each other and doing their nightly routines and just living life in love. also, ae, dont be extra. pete is really cute when he’s asleep but that’s no reason to look at him as if he’s literally doing cartwheels and you’re so proud of him...ugh, fine, i take it back. look at him with love ALL THE TIME.
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ok it’s so hilarious to me that pete was smiling his dumb ‘ai ae’ smile and then the next frame he’s all serious as ae pushes him down slowly on the bed. also. fooling around in broad daylight? i approve because it’s so ridiculous when dramas only seem to portray that sex happens at night, in the dark. definitely not. also, they could just be cuddling here and i wont object to that either. ae just really dives into this whole thing, huh? 
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once again, no context except that ae is so happy and pleased to see pete. get you a man who looks at pete the way ae does. look at the fondness in those eyes. he’s so expressive, i love it. kudos to the actor for his portrayal! also, pete looks...hesitant? surprised? that ae is waving at him? and like he’s leaving in a hurry? hmmmm also i love a guy in a football kit so much
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wow guys, just show off your love, huh? like i said, one of my favourite things is watching a couple actually be a couple. what they do, how they act, their own gestures, their rituals and it looks like ae and pete are the kind of ridiculously soft, touchy feely, sweet af couple who love to spend as much time as possible...and that happens to be my all time weakness, my ultimate goal. it’s like, pete is either making a joke or telling him something funny and ae gives that little huff and everything is smothering me with joy. 
i am surprised, though, by the implication that they spend a lot of nights sleeping together. it’s something i dont come across often in asian dramas. western, yes, when they’re dating and spend days and nights in their own world, and this is what i see happening with ae and pete. it’s modern and new and accurate. or am i just surprised because in kdramas they dont even hold hands and they flinch whenever they look each other in the eye? maybe. 
they’re so freaking DOMESTIC and i am so here for that shit. who sleeps on what side of the bed? who wakes up first? do they sleep all cuddled up?(remembering ae sleeping on top of pete, that’s a big YES) who makes breakfast? who fixes the bed? I NEED TO KNOW
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hands down my favourite moment. not only is it a great shot, it’s just so...normal. they’re just ordinary boys with an extraordinary love that they’re not afraid to show. look at that body language. the familiarity, the softness, the smoothness of the action. is this the end where they’ve fully accepted each other? told each other all of their stories? cleared away the misunderstandings and are now just basking in the joy of being together?
also, it’s quite telling that ae is being presented as the top. now, i do have my own preferences for top and bottom but i dont really care who does it, tbh, and it doesnt matter. you could have your own headcanons about it and that’s fine as long as you’re not being toxic. i’ve seen so many people refuse to read/watch something if this or that person is placed in a specific role. on that note, i like how they’re showing that the one who’s physically larger isn’t the top, as is the case most of the time. they’re going there. 
there are a few more moments but now it’s 3:30am as i type this, my eyelids are getting heavy (even though my heart is still going kyaa kyaa) and im gonna end this with the two biggest things that the drama is going right with pete and ae: 
1. you dont have to be a jerk and use tricks to make someone fall in love/pay attention to you. 
2. being soft and in love is nothing to be ashamed of. 
i hope that there wont be the usual misunderstandings with the girl, or unnecessary, or break ups. i’ve noticed some people say that pete and ae dont have a complex story and therefore their love isnt complex or strong, and i’d just like to correct that assumption. just because a love story isnt full of angst and bloodshed doesnt make it a lesser love, just like a love story full of hardship and pain makes it somehow more worthy. there is nothing romantic about pain or break ups or messy love triangles. yes, these things happen because the characters are idiots and make such choices that lead to these things, but ae and pete seem to make choices that are good and healthy for them and there is nothing wrong with that. there is nothing wrong with falling in love, getting that person, and living a happy life. it’s so rare to get this sweet, soft gem of a love story between two sweet, soft boys. let’s enjoy it and not wish them to break up or go through silly misunderstandings. if that happens, then it happens logically and not just to throw unnecessary angst in there. 
happiness is not boring. we’ve (or at least, i have) been waiting for so long for a main couple who gets that smooth-sailing love while the secondary ones go through all the mess and have that role model of good, healthy relationships as the focus. again, not saying they should be in a perfect, conflict free relationship but the meddling third parties? the miscommunication? nothing in their personalities makes those things possible long-term, tbh. ae would just be blunt about it and tell the truth. pete would probably agonise a little bit and then ask. if you find dark, angsty love stories as your thing, good for you, but dont wish for that to happen just for the sake of it. 
please let them be happy. look at these adorable children! they should only know happiness and cuddles and sweet kisses.
come talk to me about ae and pete! i am so down with talking about them!
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(seeing as there are several volumes of the novel, it would seem that pete and ae do go through some stuff but they remain steadfast and true, as much as i can gather. just no avoidable bullshit, please.)
(also 4am. if you read all of this word regurgitation, thank you and im sorry lmao)
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Y/N = Your Name
B/F/N = Your Best Friend Name
Hoseok x Reader (Fluff / Angst / Smut)
 @gaiyofanfiction @nerdygaloresposts
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Three years ago you started your own event and promotions company and hired your best friend as your assistant. This year all your hard work is finally paying off. You landed the contract to run the Monsta X summer tour in the U.S. The contract is lucrative and has helped put your company in even higher demand.
What you didn’t expect was to develop a deep friendship with all the members of Monsta X and to fall head over heels for Lee Hoseok, who goes by the stage name Wonho. Your connection with Hoseok became comically apparent during one of their stage rehearsals. You arrived at the concert venue late that morning because you had one of the weekly video conferences to update the upper management of Starship Entertainment on how the tour was going. It was a rainy day and the air was rather chilly for late spring. In deference to the weather you had worn your favorite pink Puma sweatshirt.
When you arrived and entered the backstage area, Kihyun was drinking from a bottle of water and when he saw you he choked. Minhyuk pounded him on the back and looked at you with a ridiculous grin on his face.
“You look very cozy today Y/N,” Minhyuk smiled.
“Thanks?” you replied hesitantly. You looked down at yourself wondering if you had spilled coffee down your shirt.
When he stopped choking, Kihyun advised, “B/F/N is supervising the stage this morning, she might need some help.”
“Is everything okay?” you ask.
“Yes, but the stage looks really awesome today, you should totally go see it,” Minhyuk added with a twinkle in his eyes.
You thought they were behaving oddly, but brushed it off as early tour jitters. After all, it was only a few weeks into the tour. Or maybe they were just extra proud of their practice set today. You follow the music to the side stage area and see B/F/N watching the guys currently practicing on the stage.
“Hey B/F/N, how are we doing today?” you ask as you approach her.
“Everything looks good,” she says as she turns toward you and stops mid-sentence. She places her hand over her mouth to stifle a sudden bout of giggles.
“Good Lord, what is going on with you people today? Kihyun damn near choked backstage and Minhyuk looked about to burst when I walked in. Now you’re being weird,” you admonished as you eyed B/F/N. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No,” B/F/N giggled. “You look especially cute today though.”
Now you were completely self-conscious. Feeling your face flush and your palms dampen, you pulled the hem of your sweatshirt out so you could see your choice of clothing more closely. Finding nothing you asked, “Is there something wrong with the way I look today?”
At just that moment, the music stopped and the guys trooped over to where you and B/F/N were standing. It took all of two seconds for you and Hoseok to see one another and grin at each other like idiots. You both were wearing the exact same sweatshirt. And that began a three month escapade of finding out you and he had a ton of things in common; from your favorite movies to your favorite coffee. You and Hoseok bonded over the smallest details and the deepest conversations that lasted well into the wee hours. You both unintentionally fell hard and fast and in no time, you were a serious couple.
But time has a way of moving along and before you knew it you were approaching the last two weeks of the tour. And when you had to start making pre-arrangements for the group and staff to travel back to South Korea, the reality slammed into you that your soulmate needed to go back to his home to chase his dreams and he was going to take your heart and soul with him.
Making the decision to let him go was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. You spent days wrestling yourself into submission. Your heart screamed and howled to ask Hoseok to stay, that surely to God he would say yes. But you knew asking was wrong. You truly loved him and that meant making sure he reached his full potential and the pinnacle of his dreams and that meant he had to leave you. Every time you looked at him, every time he turned that beautiful, bright smile to you, your heart shattered a little more. And finally late that fateful evening you dragged your leaden feet to the door of his hotel room.
Hoseok beamed when he answered your light knock. He didn’t waste a second pulling you inside and wrapping you in his arms. You let yourself get lost for just a few moments in his warmth, in his scent, as you wrapped your arms tightly around him one last time. You laid your head against his wide chest and listened to his strong, steady heartbeat while yours stuttered in your chest and wept bitterly.
You pulled back and gazed into his chocolate eyes and took a deep breath. There was just no point in prolonging the inevitable.
“Hoseok,” you began, trying to be gentle and calm and still maintain your composure.
He looked concerned at the tone of your voice, his eyes searching yours.
“I have really enjoyed these past months with you. But with the tour coming to a close, I think it’s best if we just…just ended it here.” You finished your statement looking at your feet.
“Wha…?” Hoseok was stunned. “Y/N, I thought…but….” he spluttered.
You pressed your hand to his cheek and kissed his lips softly. “Goodbye Hoseok.”
And then you forced yourself to turn around and walk out the door. You held yourself together just long enough to make it to your own room. You crumpled onto the bed awash in a haze of pain and tears. Your chest heaved and it hurt so bad you thought your heart was being crushed under the weight of your lungs. You spent an immensely long, lonely night staring at the window of your hotel room; alternating between soul crushing despair and trying to convince yourself you would make it through the next few weeks. When the sun finally came up, you gathered what little courage you had left and got ready to face day.
You were standing over the file boxes in your makeshift office when your assistant B/F/N walked in.
“Y/N what is going on?” B/F/N asked; the ever present mic and earbud in her right ear.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you said slamming the file folder in the box a little harder than you intended and bending it in the process.
“You’re not fine. I can see it on your face. And the guys told me Hoseok is a mess. What happened?” she queried seriously.
You turned to face her. “He’s a.. mess? Oh, Jesus, B/F/N. I cannot have this discussion right now,” you plead.
Little did you know; B/F/N had the guys on the phone in her ear. The mic was on and they could hear the conversation between you two. Kihyun had called B/F/N early this morning when he awoke and found Hoseok had been up all night broken hearted and crying. He was pissed and wanted to know what was going on and Hoseok wasn’t very clear on what happened. He just kept saying Y/N said goodbye. B/F/N didn’t know what was happening either, so they came up with the phone plan to figure it out.
“Y/N you have to tell me what’s going on. Did you even sleep last night?” B/F/N observed the dark circles under your eyes.
“I may not sleep the rest of this year,” you said edgily. “Look, Hoseok’s going back to Korea soon. I had to tell him goodbye.” Your voice broke and you were trembling so hard you grabbed the edge of your desk to steady yourself. In your misery your breathing was becoming raspy and you couldn’t even raise your eyes to meet B/F/N’s. You were taking shallow breaths, maintaining a tenuous hold on your emotions.
“Oh honey,” B/F/N took a few steps toward you.
“Don’t touch me, B/F/N. Not right now. I can’t do this if somebody touches me.”
“Can’t do what? Why did you tell him goodbye?”
“B/F/N he has a life in Korea! And I am barely holding on right now. If I lose control of my emotions right now I’ll probably do something stupid.”
“Stupid like what?”
“Stupid like beg him to stay,” you sob.
“Why would that be such a bad thing?”
“Hoseok has worked so hard for so many years to get where he is now. He is fiery and passionate and so creative. I am not going to be the one to cause his dreams to fail and extinguish that flame. He’d hate me later and I can’t handle that either. I’d rather him hate me now and still be able to chase his dreams.”
“Y/N,” B/F/N began.
“B/F/N! Stop! Please, just stop! I cannot do this!” you repeated on the verge of hysteria.
Kihyun was aghast in B/F/N’s ear. “Oh my God, this is not happening. I thought they had a plan or something.”
Hyunwoo added in, “I’ve never seen Hoseok like this. And Y/N sounds just as bad as he does. We have to do something. There has to be a way to fix this.”
B/F/N heard Hoseok sobbing in the background almost as hysterical as Y/N. It sounded like Minhyuk was trying unsuccessfully to comfort him.
“Y/N, look at me! You LOVE him! Don’t tell me that you don’t!” B/F/N yelled in frustration.
“I love him enough to let him go!” You yell back, sliding down your office wall to the floor. “Get out B/F/N. Just, please go.” You whisper, completely broken now.  You hugged your knees to your chest, trying to breath through the tears.
B/F/N was shaken at the sight of you like this. She knew you hadn’t been this broken even when your high school sweetheart had cheated on you and left town with another woman the day before your wedding.
B/F/N left your office. Once out of earshot she was listening in to the conversation the guys were having.
“Y/N loves me. I heard it, what the fuck is she thinking!” Hoseok had completely lost his shit at this point.
The rest of the guys were joining into the conversation now, “You can’t be mad at her logic,” Jooheon soothed.
Hyungwon added, “It sounds like she wants what is best for you.”
“She IS what is best for me!” Hoseok stormed and sobbed at the same time.
“Did you two even discuss what you were gonna do when this tour was over?” IM asked.
“I…. well… no….. I just assumed she’d come back to Korea with me.” Hoseok was hiccupping tears again. He really was a mess.
“You assumed!?” B/F/N could hear Kihyun yelling now. “Hoseok you can’t assume people know what you’re thinking. She assumed you would hate her if she asked you to stay here. You both are idiots!”
“I’ll agree to that,” B/F/N said. “The question is what do we do now?”
“I don’t think Y/N will leave the building.  So we’ll bring Hoseok to her. I think they need to actually discuss this face to face,” Hyunwoo decided.
“Come in the back entrance. Door marked with a C. We’ll get him in here without everyone else knowing something’s wrong,” B/F/N advised.
“We’ll be there in 10,” and Kihyun disconnected.
B/F/N sighed; she had never seen two people so made for each other be so stupid.
You were still on the floor of your office. You weren’t sobbing as hard now, but the tears just wouldn’t stop. You were still crying into your knees when you hear the door of your office open again.
Assuming it was B/F/N again you didn’t bother to look up as you said wearily, “Please leave me alone, B/F/N. I just can’t do this right now.”
“Why do you have to do this at all?” asked Hoseok’s deep voice as he shut and locked the door behind him.
You lifted your tearstained face to his. Your heart was pierced again as you took in his bedraggled appearance, his face was puffy and his eyes were red and bloodshot. He had obviously had as rough a night as you had.
Your sobs renewed as you dropped your head back to your knees. “Please, please. You’re going back to Korea, Hoseok. You belong with the guys.”
He sat beside you and pulled your trembling form onto his lap. “I belong with you,” he admonished.
You buried your face in his chest and he felt the hot tears soaking into his shirt. He wrapped you in his arms and held you, tears coursing down his own face.
After a few moments, he placed his fingers beneath your chin and lifted your face to his. His dark eyes gazed into your vivid green ones. “I’m not going to lose you,” he whispered.
He lowered his mouth to yours. His full lips gingerly kissing your soft ones. Moving against them gently, he coaxed your lips open so his tongue could delve into your sweet taste. He deepened the kiss and you felt him moan into your mouth.
You break the kiss returning your gaze to his. “You need to chase your dreams. You’ve worked so hard, Hoseok,” you said brushing his soft blonde hair out of his eyes. “You belong in Korea, making your music, writing your songs. You belong with someone who will let you be yourself and support your creativity. I want you to stay. But that’s selfish and I know that you need to go. And it’s ok,” you looked down from his gaze again, trying to hide more tears.
“So you don’t love me?” He asked quietly.
Your head flew back up, your heart shattering again, your breath caught in your chest at his words. “Of course I love you! That’s why I’m letting you go.” You desperately needed him to understand.
You tried to gently remove yourself from his embrace but he wouldn’t let you go. He turned you around so that you were straddling his lap and couldn’t look away from his gaze again.
“You’re letting me go?” he asked solemnly.
You just nod miserably.
“So you won’t come to Korea with me?”
You gasp. “I….What?”
“I already found the person who lets me be myself. I found the person who not only supports, but fuels my creativity more than I dreamed possible. I just didn’t find you where I expected you to be. I love you. I belong with you. I just assumed you were coming back with me. It never occurred to me to have to ask. Come to Korea with me. If you don’t then I WILL stay here. I’ll find something to do. But I’m not leaving you behind.”
Your eyes widened as you realize what he just said.
“Just say yes. The guys and I will help with whatever plans you need to make. Come run your event business in Korea. I know Starship was impressed with you and your talents, they’ll probably be your first permanent client.”
“I never thought of that as an option. You really want me to go back with you?” you hiccupped, sure you were imagining things.
“Yes. You are my heart. And don’t ever say goodbye to me again. It damn near killed us both. Well?” he eyed you expectantly.
“Yes,” you answer breathlessly. There was never any other answer.
He placed his hand behind your head and drew you in for another kiss. This time it was filled with all of his heat and passion. You fisted your hands in his hair and returned his fervor. You could feel his erection growing through his sweatpants and this time it was you who moaned.
Hoseok stood in one fluid motion, his hands locked beneath your ass and your legs wrapped around his waist. He made his way to the couch on the other side of the room. He didn’t even break the kiss as he laid you down upon it. He pressed his hard length against your core and you couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped your lips.
“Touch me,” he whispered against your lips.
You palmed his length through his pants, but you both needed more. You slipped your hands beneath his waistband and wrapped your fingers around his girth. Pumping him slightly, you ran your thumb over his tip and he hissed between his teeth as he threw his head back. God he was beautiful you thought.
“I need you,” he whispered. “Now.”
“I’m yours,” you whispered back.
He stood and made quick work of both of your clothes. You stared in awe at that hard body you loved. He lay back down, half covering your body with his own. He moved with purpose now, taking your lips in a hungry kiss. His hand moved down your body until his finger unerringly found that tiny bundle of nerves. You gasp when he presses lightly and then again when he slips two fingers inside your velvet heat. He moans at how tight and wet you are. He curls his fingers on the spot he knows will have you coming undone beneath him. His thumb presses your clit while his fingers pump inside you. He feels when you start to quiver and knows you’re close, “Come on my baby, cum for me.” And he swallows your moans with his mouth as you quickly hit your peak.
“I love when you moan for me Y/N. I’m going to make you mine. You’ll never moan for anyone else.” Hoseok insisted.
He slips between your legs and raises them to his shoulders. He knows this angle will be deep and that’s just what he’s after. He kisses you gently as he positions himself at your entrance and then slams into you until he is fully seated. You gasp into his mouth at the sudden sensation of him filling and stretching you.
He set a brutally slow pace, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you. You can only arch your back and whimper because you are so overwhelmed with the sensations. His thrusts quicken when he feels you start to shudder again. He gazes at you, as he releases all his pent up emotions into each of his thrusts.
You scream his name, “Hoseok!”
“Yes baby,” he answers. “Mine. Say it,” he encourages.
“Yours,” you pant in agreement.
The sound of skin slapping against skin and breathy moans fill the room. Hoseok feels you reach your high and thrusts even faster. He takes your mouth again and greedily swallows your beautiful sounds. He feels you contract around him a second time and with one final, violent thrust he follows you over the cliff.
He wraps you in his arms as you both catch your breath. “So when do we start packing?” he asks you and smiles, placing a light kiss on your nose.
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argylemikewheeler · 6 years
BRO HAVE I GOT A PROMPT FOR YOU, BECAUSE I SAW YOUR AMAZINGN POST AND IM HAVING A MOMENT billy meets will and the entire party just goes off and protects him and our badass boy will is awesome and the hero we all need
+ Will has powers (put Byler somewhere). also? i love Will with powers.
Friday after school, Max promised Will she’d teach him how to skateboard in the parking lot. Everyone watched and waited by the bike rack, Max trying to explain the basics to Will without letting him place a single foot on the skateboard. Will listened intently, nodding his head and trying to copy Max’s footing on the asphalt before placing himself on the board.
“Please be careful.” Mike gasped, placing a hand over his mouth. Will tripped over his shoelaces the week prior taking a walk with Mike on Mirkwood and Mike nearly had a heart attack at the amount of blood Will’s knees could spill. If it hadn’t been for Will’s stubborn attitude, Mike would have carried him home.
“I will.” Will laughed, placing a delicate foot on the skateboard. One foot, and he was still steady. As he planted the second, he immediately began leaning back, the board getting away from him. The group jumped forward, Lucas nearly skidding under him to break his fall, when Will stopped moving, held mid-air. “El, I’m fine! You don’t have to babysit me!”
“Okay.” She said, blinking and rolling her eyes. Mike thanked her quietly before sitting down next to her along the school wall. She gripped her hands in her lap, but still kept her eyes focused on Will as he flitted around the lot. Mike watched as well, twisting his hands and trying to not follow him around with his arms out.
“What time is it?” Dustin asked, leaning his head against the wall. “I have to be home by four.”
Eleven checked her watch, holding it out in front of Dustin’s eyes, nearly hitting his face. “Not.”
“Three-fifteen. Cool.” Dustin pushed her arm back.
“Three-fifteen?” Max echoed, turning her head to stare at Dustin. “Already?” She took her eyes off Will and he began wobbling. “No. Your watch must be fast.”
“I’ve got three-fifteen too.” Lucas said, holding it out for her. “Mike?”
“Yup.” Mike said. “What’s wrong?”
“My brother is supposed to be here.” Max said, scrambling to grab her bag. “I have to–”
“Ow!” The group whipped their heads to see Will on the ground, skateboard rolling away from him. The board came under the booted foot of Max’s brother, driver side door open directly over Will. Will cradled his head and rolled onto his side.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Max said, swinging her bag over her shoulder and taking off running. “Everyone stay here.”
“No. I’m not leaving you with him.” Lucas argued, following her closely. He reached behind him to dig through his bag, searching for his wrist rocket.
“Is he okay?” Mike fretted, getting to his feet and running after him.
“Move.” Eleven said, waving her friends out of her way as she walked towards Billy, head lowering and hand raising.
“No! Don’t!” Dustin cried. “You can’t do anything too crazy right now. You’re still hiding, El.” He grabbed her arms and yanked them to her sides. She sighed and rolled her eyes, slowly nodding and understanding the danger.
“Will! Will, are you okay?” Mike tried to reach Will but Billy stuck a hand out and shoved Mike into Dustin.
“These your friends?” He said to Max. “You guys hang out with this bitch?”
“Leave her alone.” Lucas said firmly, pulling his wrist rocket string back.
“Oh, we’ve got some toy soldiers here today, fellas.” There was no one else there, but Mike already felt like they were outnumbered. “Let’s see who gets sent home first.”
“What is your goddamn problem!” Max cried, throwing her bag at the car. “Will, are you okay?” She reached out and pulled Will to his feet, walking him over to Mike and Eleven. Eleven still had her eyes fixed on Billy, but wrapped an arm around Will’s shoulders and pulled him close to her.
“I’m fine.” Will said, smoothing his shirt down. “I’m okay.”
“Already running from the fight? How did you survive the woods again?” Billy chuckled, situating his feet far apart and resting a hand in his pocket while the other clamped two fingers around a cigarette. “Why didn’t they just let you die?”
“Shut your goddamn mouth.” Mike said, glaring at Billy. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He placed a hand on Will’s shoulder, keeping him still as he slowly turned towards Max’s brother.
“Mike, don’t. It’s okay.” Will pleaded, gripping his hand and pulling him back. “I’m fine.”
“Right between the eyes, Lucas.” Mike said lowly, pointing his hand at Billy. He laughed openly and flicked his cigarette butt at Mike, the embers fizzling out at their feet. Will watched it come at them, pulling Mike by the waist to avoid the burn.
“Guys, it’s not worth it. Go home.” Max said, starting to march the group back towards the school. She seemed to forget she had to get in the car.
“Run, bitch. Run.” Billy rolled his tongue along his bottom teeth, watching them rush away from him as if his long sigh was blowing them towards the school. They all raced away, Mike’s hand gripping Will’s arm tightly. Dustin was at the front door, holding it open for the group, and Eleven stomping besides them all, still craning her neck to stare at Billy. He was laughing, calling after his sister and spitting words after them. Will felt his feet dig into the ground and his arm slip out of Mike’s grip.
“Will? Will, come on.” Mike said, reaching for his hand.
“No.” Will said slowly, turning to face Billy. “No. No, I can’t let him talk about her like that.”
“Will, please don’t.” Mike pleaded, reaching for him again. “Please, he’ll hurt you.” Mike could see Billy’s face twisting into a smile as Will faced him, about to continue the fight.
“Byers! What are you doing!” Max yelled, watching him step towards Billy. “Byers!”
“Don’t talk to her like that.” Will said, inching towards Billy. “She’s our friend.”
“Well, guess what princess, she’s not mine.” Billy laughed, pulling another cigarette out of his pocket. “Fuck off.” He pulled a lighter out of his pocket and held it up to the end of his cigarette.
“No.” Will’s arm swung out and the flame flickered down to a puff of smoke. “You take it back.” Mike winced as Will moved. Beside him, Eleven froze, watching Will with eyes that grew wider the closer Will got to Billy.
Mike reached out to stop him but Eleven shook her head. “He’s fine.” She said quietly. “Will’s fine.” She sounded uncertain and surprised.
“Apologize to her. Now.” Will cried, waving another hand outward and Billy’s lighter following suit. It clanked against the asphalt, every set of eyes following it. “NOW!”
“What the fuck are you.” Billy said lowly, advancing from his car. His boots thudded against the ground, advancing towards Will in a standoff. “Since when do faggots fight?”
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Mike cut in, stepping up besides Will. He had no means to fight, but now had a fire flaring in his chest as he watched Billy laugh at Will.
“It’s okay, Mike.” Will said, turning to him. He placed a hand on Mike’s arm. The touch sent shivers through his arm; it felt strong, but his fingers never gripped tighter than he would around a flower. “I can do this.”
“Do what?” Mike asked, shaking his head. Will couldn’t fight. Mike knew it and knew it from a sincere and loving place in his heart. Will couldn’t do what he had heard and seen Steve do. There was just no way– and no way Will thought he could either. “Will? Will!”
Will started walking towards Billy. Mike was sure he had smashed his head against the pavement when Billy pushed him; he had to be hallucinating. Will was walking so surely towards a boy with a rumbling car, a fiery look in his eyes, and a tight grip pulsing his knuckles closed.
“Oh, this is gonna be good. This is going to be so good.” His arm tilted back, elbow bent and wrist set straight.
“Will, please don’t, Will. Oh my god, Will. Stop.” Mike pleaded.
“Don’t hurt me or my friends ever again.” Will spoke as if to a teacher, firm, but polite and still phrasing it as if it was a request. “Leave us alone.”
“You think I’m scared of you?” He kept his arm cocked, still walking towards him in a strange bow-legged fashion. Will cocked his head in confusion. His eyes left Billy, looking at the space between them, allowing himself to face only his thoughts. Will lifted a hand, looking at his palm, and left the whole group frozen; he was going to get himself killed. “You think I’m scared of you– a puny, shrunken, tiny, infantile–”
“Yes.” Will said, throwing his hand out towards Billy. As if in a gust of wind, Billy flew back into his car. His head slammed against the car frame and his back bowed backwards into the empty driver’s seat.
“What the–”
“Eleven! I said not to do anything!” Dustin hushed, staring at her with wide eyes.
“I–I didn’t. I didn’t do that!” She insisted, shaking her head and holding her hands up in surrender. “I didn’t.”
“Will did.” Mike said slowly. “Will did it.”
“What?” Max stepped up to Will, standing in his line of vision with Billy groaning behind her. “Did you do that?”
“Yeah.” Will sounded breathless, although his chest wasn’t heaving trying to catch his breath. A single stream of blood ran down from his nose. “I could do it.”
“I’m sorry I doubted you.” Mike said quietly, taking the hand still raised as a threat to Billy and squeezing it in his own. Will’s hands were shaking, but Mike was sure there were no powers involved in that. He held Will’s hand tightly in both of his hands, and pressed it against his chest as he walked Will back towards the school. They ignored the winded and moaning teenager trying to call after them.
“El, would you please?” Will said, stepping in time with Mike.
“Yes.” She said, lowering her head again. “Mouthbreather.”
They heard Billy’s car door slam and the engine turn off as Mike and Will walked through the school doors, Dustin directly behind them.
“How long have you been able to do that?” Dustin cried, throwing his hands up in the air. “That was incredible!”
“I–I don’t know. I just kind of… felt it.” Will shrugged, flexing his fingers in Mike’s grip. Mike squeezed tighter. “I just thought of it. I could see it happening– so then I made it happen. I wasn’t going to do anything at first.” Will closed his eyes tightly, his voice dropping off. “But then I just… I got so angry. I felt it everywhere. Everywhere. I knew I could do it. I knew it. I knew I could fight back.” He smiled at Mike, proud of himself.
“And that’s incredible.” Mike whispered, taking Will’s other hand. “But don’t go into a fight unless you know you have superpowers. Okay?” He nodded, biting his lip.
“Between you and El, we are definitely going to get arrested.” Dustin muttered, lifting his cap to run a hand through his hair. “Holy shit.”
“Our dad is the Chief of Police.” Will said, looking at Dustin with a smirk. “We’re fine.”
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