arabella-strange · 1 month
also I'm pretty sure there was a moment (mid-cross talk during the ep) as somebody was mentioning Orym always being in the protective/defensive position and thus in the thick of it, when Dorian muttered almost too quietly, a little admiring, a little (hollowly) laughing, a lot sad, "Always right in the mix..."
and by "I'm pretty sure" I mean I can't stop thinking about it
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Golden is peak fob lyricism argue with the wall
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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plant-ago · 6 months
@quiddie’s use of color and symbolism for Suvi is fantastic. Not only does she wear pretty much exclusively citadel colors (blue) despite her favorite color being red, but her blue hair is a result of flying too close to the sun as a child… getting too excited about the promise of wizardly power in the erith depository, and when she tried to channel it through herself, it nearly killed her, and (I assume) left her with permanently white hair, so that she now dyes it blue. She was so enamored with wonders of the citadel that she gave up a part of herself to become a part of it. It has molded her in ways that she does not fully understand, and she must put parts of herself aside to allow that.
I’m feeling a little emotional about the Sky having to be blue all the time, but secretly liking red better.
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Dp x Dc crossover promt
What if GIW was created by Justice League
to answer the never ending calls for help?
I mean, it would be more believable then JL just ignoring it, right? (Black out, blocked off and isolated Amity park - no complaints, you’re doing great sweetie)
Maybe they’re different than what is seen in the show, but what if? They’d definitely hide their actual goals, and try to set the narrative, benefiting them. Maybe while they were formed, the government somehow affected the recruitment and its legal purpose (idk how to word it any other way, bear with me here), so GIW doesn’t turn out how JL expected?
Like, the main thing is the League knows about the problem and thinks it’s being handled, completely blinded by the GIW doing everything to JL from paying more than a glance towards Amity park. Possibly even gently swayed by the GIW , who’re being careful to give just enough info to make JL to draw their own conclusions, but not too much to alert the League of their less then moral goals and methods
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bookshelfdreams · 2 months
Saw a Take earlier today like "Ed stans have only 1 argument and it's accusing everyone who likes Izzy of being problematic" or something to that effect
and it made me think "Nah babe, you're not problematic. You're just wrong."
And then I thought. Huh. Why do I think that?
It's a perfectly respectable thing to read a text in a way it wasn't intended to be read. In fact, "reading against the grain", doing critical readings, shifting perspectives when engaging with a text - all of thee are important skills! You can, and should, do feminist, antiracist, postcolonial, queer, etc readings of texts that were never intended to be read that way. Hell, all fandom (often) is, is doing queer readings! Ask the text uncomfortable questions it doesn't want to answer!
However. It's pretty difficult to do a queer reading when the text already is a queer narrative. The questions you would ask the text if you did a queer reading, or a reading focused on gender roles, or similar things - those are questions the text is already actively exploring.
If you want to do a subversive reading of a text that is already quite subversive - what do you end up with?
"What's the story like from Izzy's perspective?" is a question ofmd deliberately doesn't focus too much on because Izzy's perspective is the default and ofmd wants to challenge that. There's a reason the angry white man is the antagonist in this show, and if you ask "Okay, but could he be right though?" you're missing the point.
Or rather, you're turning everything that's interesting about ofmd back around. You're asking "Okay, but why don't we focus on a white perspective that strictly adheres to oppressive power structures?" of a narrative who already asked itself this question and gave the answer "Because that's been done enough and there are other stories worth telling."
And I think people are aware of that, which is how we end up with completely bizarre takes like "Izzy has the only queer character arc". He hasn't, but he has the only arc that a queer reading can be done on - for everyone else it's text, plain and simple. Refusing to engage with that text in favour of centering Izzy is basically doing a heteronormative reading without being willing to admit it to yourself.
And no, interpreting Izzy as a queer man doesn't change that.
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brother-emperors · 2 months
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15 MAY 392, VIENNE Valentinian II, only twenty one years old, is found dead.
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Theodosius and the Limits of Empire, Mark Hebblewhite
Valentinian II has me feeling some kind of way, especially since Gratian had treated his half brother in a similar manner. It’s always been a prison! they’re never going to let you out!
I read about Valentinian II in the Valens biography and didn’t think much of it, but the situation became significantly less funny when I got started on the Theodosius biography. aughhh. Valentinian II……..
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 7: i miss my wife bonbon
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trekkiedean · 4 months
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[through gritted teeth, with my eyes red and puffy] I'm fine! I'm fine it's fine I am fine!!!!
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originalartblog · 5 months
this is so random but what if dazai goosamu met feathers mcgraw
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how the turntables...
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lydiaas · 1 year
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KIARA CARERRA & JJ MAYBANK in S03E04 THE DIARY What are we doing? We shouldn't be doing this.
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bolithesenate · 2 months
Thoughts? I don't have a penny, but I want the thoughts.
you wanna know what i think about all the time?
the jedi service corps.
they are so cool and so sexy to me. imagine having a direct line to the glue that holds the universe together and you get to do science about it!
i wanna know what that looks like!! show me the daily life of an exploracorps member who needs to find a scientific way to formulate 'yeah, that strange rock actually was an egg of an energy-based force-entity. after we made sure that we all were cool, we helped hatch it by hogtying it to the exhaust of one of our mid-size cruisers and going to hyperspace. its mother will recommend our services to their peers. that experience started another theological debate about the nature of the force itself and also about whether or not stones should be considered organic lifeforms'
gimme agricorps members who create the most fucked up franken-tree by grafting a hundred different branches from all across a system to a host tree. Gimme a medicorps member who then postulates that the same thing should theoretically be possible with a neti
give me a neti knight who immediately offers themself as a test subject. for 'science'
give me the educorps people trying to get all of this written down in a way that is not only understandable for future generations, but also carries added value for future generations (it's mostly cautionary tales of what not to do, lbr)
more people should get into the strange and exciting ways that the jedi experience the world around them and interact with it. i think there's so much joy and so many stories in there and i wanna read them all
maybe write some of them too
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brandtsstuff19 · 15 days
Missing them together 😔
Source: DFB_Team acc on douyin (TikTok)
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natp20 · 2 months
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fandom-trash-goblin · 4 months
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"Mister", she said. Dad, she meant.
The constellation who doesn't yet have a name. Shin Yuseung was well aware of who it was referring to. 'Mister.' It was only a gaze but in fact, many people died because there wasn’t a 'gaze' at an important moment. In that sense, Shin Yuseung was lucky.
[The constellation who doesn't yet have a name is nodding.]
Shin Yuseung received the attention of only one person in the world and stepped forward.
for @chocolatemalt (took the excerpt from the comments don't worry im not spoiling myself on the novel!)
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dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 157 | id in alt
Mai told Miwa that Kugisaki was a creature with no morals and because Mai is the one that directly protects Miwa's back most of the time? Miwa believed her.
Also Kugisaki is a creature. I rematched her death painting fights.
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