#Yang Xiao Long is Summer's daughter
tequiilasunriise · 1 year
“Why is Raven so awkward in this scene??”
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You fools, does ‘like mother like daughter’ mean nothing to you?? Yang inheriting her Genetic Chronic Gay Disaster Disease™️ from her deadbeat bird mom IS CANONNN alrighty these two dumbasses have NO CLUE how to act around the girls they’re so heavily whipped fer
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min3nc · 1 year
putting my thoughts together... looking back, the whole "raven left, and summer and tai got together because summer was there for him. then ruby sort of happened as a result of that" never really sat right with me.
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and with this scene it does so even less.
i kinda expected them to kiss farewell, you know, having thought of them as being together for the past *checks watch* 8 years? but... they hugged.
to me, it makes me think they are together because the two of them are raising Raven's kids. Together, but not together-together, yknow?
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it does feel like raven's words here aren't just because of summer leaving yang.
"what about... you're just gonna leave them?"
"you're one to talk"
Them. not just yang. them. And since Ruby's just far too similar to Summer to say that she's Raven's and Tai's... yeah. I wanna believe that she's Rosebird's daughter.
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st-whalefall · 1 month
“I love you…”
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“…just the way you are.”
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sedlex · 1 year
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Shoulder checking Raven on their way to go do heroic shit.
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She's never beating the allegations
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
I'm always a slut for Summer being Yang’s mom content!!
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pedanticat · 1 year
Because of how their relationship is displayed in the present, I sometimes forget that there was a time when Tai neglected his daughters with Yang dealing with the responsibility of having to raise Ruby. Tai clearly got his act together with him seeming to have a good relationship with both of his daughters, but I do wish the show addressed more of the strain/distance that's lying under the surface. Ruby did feel more comfortable leaving a goodbye letter to Tai that explained how she would be traveling to Haven rather than having an actual conversation with him. And then there's the fact that Tai never told either of his daughters much about their respective mother for the longest time.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Thank you for making that corset Ruby prompt work.
Anyway, here's another one I'd like to request:
Summer wasn't dead. She got hit by a de-aging spell, lost her memories, and has since been Ruby this whole time.
Summer quickly tucked Ruby away into a small tree and wrapped her up in a blanket to keep her calm. As the sounds of grimm had started to make their way closer, she slowly looked behind her. “I’ll come back for you as soon as I’m done, Ruby.” She looked at her daughter one last time with a sad smile, and then turned to face Salem. “I’m here, just like you wanted.” 
Salem smirked as she made her way closer to Summer. “With how you’ve managed to avoid my followers, I thought you’d be more intimidating. Instead, all I see here is another child that Ozma has managed to sway with his words.” 
Summer reached for her spear and readied it at the grimm witch. “He told me all about you. Who you really are.” 
“Did he?” 
Summer gripped the shaft of her spear tightly, arms shaking as she looked around at the grimm. She knew it was dangerous to bring Ruby along, but it was the only way she knew she could end everything right here. Her eyes had only ever flashed when her family was in danger, so as long as she had someone close she had to protect, that would be all it’d take to finally end Salem once and for all. She took a step back closer to the tree and took a breath to try to steady herself. “I… I know you cant be killed, but I know I can stop you. Here and now.” 
Salem made a glance from Summer and to the tree, a wicked grin crossed her lips. “I see. In that case, I’ll just have to make sure you dont have the chance.” 
Before Summer could move, a flash of light burst from Salem’s hands and hit her square in the chest. She winced as her back slammed into the tree behind her. “I’ll make sure you-” 
“Oh, I dont think you will.” Salem slowly walked over to the tree and pulled Ruby from it and cradled her. “What kind of mother brings her child to a fight like this?” 
Summer slowly stood up, her spear felt heavy in her hands as the world seemed to grow around her. The clothes that once fit her snugly now felt loose and started to drape themselves over her as she struggled to catch her footing. “W-what did you do to me?” 
“After centuries of fighting your kind, I started to ask myself how Ozma keeps finding you.” Salem took a step closer to the child that once stood in Summer’s place, smiling at her. “And then it hit me: if he keeps his eyes on anyone with silver eyes, what would happen if I raised one myself?” 
“My team will find me!” Summer yelled as she started to grow younger, barely older than Yang. “Then we’ll stop you!” 
“If you remember me.” Salem turned away from Summer and held Ruby close. “Though, I suppose I should bring this one to her new family. Somewhere quiet and out of the way where no one will ever find her again.” 
Summer dropped her spear as her arms and legs started to give out, her memories started to fragment once she was finished getting younger. She started to cry once she wasnt sure where she was anymore, wrapped up in her cloak as grimm surrounded her. The sound of metal striking through bone and flesh filled the air around her. Summer slowly calmed as she felt someone pick her up, no longer recognizing the face of her teammate. 
Qrow sighed as he held the child close and looked around for any sign of his team leader. “I know Summer was reckless, but I never thought she’d bring Ruby here.” After a fruitless search and only grimm tracks to be found, he took the child back home, not ready to tell Tai that Summer was gone. 
10 years later 
“Ruby! Dinner’s ready!” 
Summer let out a sigh as she heard Tai’s voice echo through the house. “Coming dad!” She slowly got up and looked down at the journal she had been writing in, trying to make sense of the memories that seemed to swirl around her mind. Many of her memories seemed faded, while others were still clear, like the day she first went to Beacon, but she couldnt seem to remember why or who she was with. Her eyes went to a sketch of a child in a tree that she had drawn years ago, still unsure of why she’d draw it. 
“Dinner’s getting cold!” Taiyang yelled. 
“I’m just finishing something up!” Summer closed her journal and started to rush down the stairs, making sure the white cloak she had found while cleaning was secured tightly. She smiled as she reached the kitchen and quickly took her seat. “Told you I was coming.” 
Tai rolled his eyes and shook his head as he finished dishing up for his daughters. “And you’re still the slowest one-” he paused as she turned around and saw the cloak “Ruby” was wearing. “-where did you find that?” 
“I found it while cleaning the attic.” Summer smiled and stood up. “I think it fits me perfectly.” 
“You need to put that back where you found it.” 
“What’s the big deal? Its just a cloak-” 
“I said you need to put it back.” 
Summer sighed and slowly took the cloak off. “Are you ever going to tell me why? And dont say you’ll tell me when I’m older, because you still havent told my why you wont let me train to be a huntress.” 
Tai let out a heavy sigh and walked to the other room. 
“You know its because you look just like mom, Rubes,” Yang said as she slowly cut into her steak. “And you know how dad gets about that.” 
“I know, but I still want to be a huntress. It felt right to train with that spear that Uncle Qrow holds onto. And he knows I’ll be careful.”  
“And as careful as you’ll be, it doesnt take away that you remind him of mom.” Yang gave “Ruby” a sad smile. “But as long as you continue to train with me and Qrow, you can take the entrance exam to Beacon in a couple years.” 
“Right…” Summer sighed and stood up to make her way to her room. “That’s what you always say.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“Stay out of trouble?” 
“You know me, I’m always avoiding trouble.” Summer kept her cloak secured tightly as she stepped out of the house and started to make her way to the ferry to Vale. She pulled out her scroll and started to look up the dust shops to find which ones would still be open by the time she got there. There was no better way for her to clear her mind than to see what she could snag from the shops to build her own weapon. 
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bestworstcase · 5 months
the perennial Tai Discourse is really interesting to track bc, speaking broadly, the two major camps are just:
those who focus primarily on ruby’s recollection of her childhood and relationship with her dad (and filter what yang says through that lens such that “i had to pick up the pieces and keep things together when i was five” gets diluted into “yang had responsibilities as a child”)
those who focus primarily on yang’s memories and her arc in v4 (and tend to just ignore or minimize the things ruby says that suggest a positive relationship with tai, in particular often just flat out disregarding how excited ruby is to spend time with or receive care packages from him)
when it’s like. yeah that’s. literally the point. that ruby and yang had profoundly different childhoods.
they’re half-sisters in a story about fairytales and only one of them had a decent dad. rwby is unsubtly interrogating the fairytale archetype of the Evil Stepmother/Dead Mother with raven (not dead, but absent) and summer (villain, presumed dead) and that archetype quite literally requires its counterpart archetype of the Neglectful Father who remarries and tacitly participates in the Evil Stepmother’s abuse of his child from his first wife
tai is as much an exploration of the fairytale Neglectful Father as raven is the Dead Mom and summer is the Evil Stepmother. that’s. a core aspect of the narrative surrounding the rose xiao long family.
the Dead Mom often reincarnates as a bird or tree or similar spirit to watch over her child; rwby turns this on its head by reimagining the Dead Mom as an absent one. raven watches over yang in her bird form because she is too afraid to be meaningfully present; she isn’t dead, but her absence in yang’s life is so complete that she might as well have been, and the fairytale tension between the Dead Mom’s death and her lingering presence is explored through these cramped and inadequate half-measures raven takes in trying to have it both ways.
the Evil Stepmother is a vehicle for making the fairytale heroine miserable; she has no identity nor any reason for her monstrous treatment of the child who is not her own. rwby, again, flips this over with the mystery of summer rose. who was she, really? did anyone know? she was a good stepmom—she loved yang like her own daughter—but now she’s gone. she left. she never came back. she lied. she joined salem. why? what expectations did she feel on her shoulders? what broke her? why did she do the things she did?
lastly, the Neglectful Father must either be a love-blind fool or a weak, contemptible man with no love or loyalty to his own blood; he forgets his motherless child at the behest of his new love. rwby turns this on its head too by rendering tai as a human being—messy, flawed, fully-realized. wicked stepsisters exist for the purpose of being spoiled by the Evil Stepmother in juxtaposition with her cruelty to the first child, who is kind and good because she remembers her mother’s lessons. the fairytale children of these archetypes function as repetitions of their mothers. rwby makes that the central conceit of its spin on the Neglectful Father: what if he loved both the Dead Mom and the Evil Stepmother so much and then both of them broke his heart in mirrored ways, leaving him a single father to both of their children? if he sees raven in yang and summer in ruby, how does that color his relationships with both girls? if you take away the Evil Stepmother but not her daughter, does the Neglectful Father remember his first child? or are people more complicated than that?
and with all three, the narrative engages with these one-dimensional archetypes by constructing complicated, multi-faceted characters on top of them; by tossing the simplistic moral didacticism of a fairytale and presuming, first, that everyone is trying their best, that bad choices can be made from good intentions, and that no one gets it right all the time, or even most of the time. love and profound dysfunction can coexist.
ruby and yang had very different childhoods. that’s the narrative foundation the whole rose xiao long family is built on, because they’re a deconstruction of the archetypal fairytale blended family.
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Guardian Ghost: Ruby Rose Hype
The mention of Ruby Rose, the beacon of hope for aspiring Huntsmen and an emblem of courage, stirred a sense of admiration within Jaune. To him and countless others, she represented the epitome of what it meant to be a Huntsman—brave, skilled, and unwavering in the face of adversity.
There was a reason she was dubbed by many aspiring students as "Humanity's Hope".
Qrow: Let me tell you something kids, if you ain't ready to fight, or have the resolve to risk it all, even your own life, then none of you will even reach the level of Ruby Rose
Cardin: Don't you know? Xiao-Long is the younger sister of the Ruby Rose
Reese: You kidding me!? She's Ruby Rose's sister!? That means she's gotta be freaking tough right!
Jaune: So, if it was a fight between you four and Ruby Rose, could you win?
Coco: *Chcukles* We may be the best team out of the 2nd years, but we don't hold a candle to Ruby, there's a reason she's been the only Solo Huntress in Beacon history.
Yatsuhashi: Trust me, I don't think there's a single person, even those in PAYS, that could last a second against Ruby
Harriet: *Looking at Coco* You tell Rose, one way or another, She better show up, I want my goddamn rematch!
Ironwood: *playful smirk* The Specialist will be taking part in today's Vytal Tests, I doubt any of your new students will get far.
Summer: *Chuckles* You think so? you're lucky my daughter isn't here, last I heard she wiped the floor with your little Ace-Ops, and even defeated Winter, from what I heard~!
Yang: There's not a person in the world who can beat my sister, there's a reason she's one of the strongest huntresses in all of Remnant!
Weiss: You actually lost to her!?
Winter: *Nodded with a small smile* Indeed, Ruby Rose was quite the formidable opponent, I see why many believe her to eventually surpass her Mother
Pyrrha: I may be called the invincible girl, but that's a lie... if there was anyone truly invincible, it would have to be Ruby Rose.
Weiss: Why would you say that?
Pyrrha: I've seen her fight before, she took down Grimm and Hunstmen faster than I ever could, even with my semblance.
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
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So besides Genetic Chronic Gay Disaster Diesease™️, we are adding Puppy Dog Eyes Towards The Woman You Love Most™️ to the list of ‘random shit Yang inherited from Raven besides great hair and greater tits’.
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strqyr · 3 months
Hi, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but what are you personal headcanons for the rose-xiao long family if you have any :)
I've been curious for a while now seeing how positively you view their family dynamic compared to a good majority of the fandom
i'm. honestly not sure if i really have any? like, canon provides sufficiently enough that i don't have this huge "need" to come up with any.
like, the most is derived from my own desire to "redesign" their house and where it's located lol. no one can tell me they wouldn't have a small garden in the backyard where they grow food during the summer—like carrots, onions, potatoes, etc—and that each plant has been named by ruby and yang. every single year there also has to be a patch for strawberries, as demanded by ruby (and tai is like, the worst when it comes to actually saying no to his daughters), doesn't matter that there are wild strawberries growing in the forest not even five minutes of walking away.
on the kitchen doorway there's height marks for each girl, always tracked on their birthdays—though the latest are from the day before they went to beacon, mainly bc ruby wanted to know how much she would grow during her time at beacon once she graduated.
and like, tai's overprotective but like i said, he's also the worst at saying no if ruby or yang really want something, so if ruby wants to make one of the most dangerous weapons the world has to offer to use as a weapon, well... he'd prefer if she picked literally anything else, please and thank you, but he'll also make the call to qrow to get his ass over here, ruby made a scythe but she sucks at it and now she's sad and this will not do. train her or else.
or how yang has a motorcycle like that's?? expensive??? but also a Death Machine™ like please, not again... but he's still going to save money for it and buy the dorkiest helmet possible as a promise that she will get her motorcycle, eventually, because safety is important and if yang wants to ride a motorcycle, she's gotta be prepared. (and yang could have absolutely bought a different, much cooler helmet by the time she actually got her bike, but the dorky helmet means something, so she wears it with pride.)
whenever qrow comes back from his missions, he brings some kind of souvenirs to the girls, especially when they were younger. he may not stay around for a long time each visit, but he tries to make it memorable.
there also totally should be a small lake within a five or ten minute walk of their cabin for swimming and fishing purposes, be it summer or winter, it makes no difference.
also x2 tai has absolutely tried to teach ruby and yang how to cook. ruby just seems to get distracted by something every single time, and yang just keeps discovering new ways to mess up to the point it feels like a sabotage, but she swears it isn't. the kitchen tho? definitely cursed.
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zozoistireds-blog · 3 months
ModernMythicalsOfRemnant lore details: mythical ages (part 1)
Dragons are one of the longest living mythicals in existence within the world of modern mythicals of remnant,
Living up to 500-600 years or more, varying from dragon to dragon, unlike humans, dragons stop aging around the physical human age of 40-50.
Dragons in au: yang xiao long, taiyang xiao long.
Harpies, unlike dragons, can only live up 300-400 and tend to age similar to humans but much slower.
Harpies in au: qrow branwen, raven brawen
Were-animals (were-wolf, were-cat, monkey demon, were-rabbit etc.) can live similar lives to dragons though how similar can depend on the type of were-animals.
Were-animals: blake belladonna ghira belladonna, kali belladonna, sun wukong, velvet scarlatina, fox alistair, Neopolitan
Humans can only live up to 80 - 90 Years compared to mythicals, leading to a lot of human/mythical families within remnant to outlive specific members of their family's ex. Their mother, their daughter, or their wife/husband, while all mythcials are aware of this fact it doesn't make losing people any harder.
Humans in au: Ruby rose, nora valkyrie, jaune arc, coco adel , summer rose (deceased)
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the-path-to-redemption · 10 months
Long Post Ahead
So, I just rewatched the first episode of Ice Queendom, and MY GOD, did it just pisses me off even more when I looked at the entire series as a whole.
It set up the characters, the dynamic, the pacing, and the motivation so fucking well that I'm more than just disappointed that the entire series derailed at the end. The first episode was amazing, and I think that's why many of us wanted to give the franchise another chance.
Already in the first 5 minutes of the episode, we were shown what we always wanted from canon RWBY: Yang's interaction with Summer's grave and how she felt about her mother. Hell, she even calls Summer "Mama", and gives her a wink as she embraces Ruby who just told Summer about her sister's admission to Beacon. It establishes their family dynamic, which only furthers when we see Tai interacting with his daughters.
He jokes with Yang and talks to her about their family having an outing, he goes with her to Vale to check on Ruby when she's late with the present, and they both wait for Ruby at the police station. He even sent them off on the airship. Where the fuck was this guy in the canon?? Ice Queendom actually managed to make him believable as a single father who's trying his best to support his girls, instead of someone sitting around in his house doing nothing.
The first episode also established the Schnee family so fucking well as a contrast to the Xiao Long-Roses, with Weiss already too familiar with her mother's day drinking habit and her tense relationship with Whitley, who was given a moment of complexity! What the fuck, they actually feel like siblings who never connected because their parents are never there for them without villainizing neither kids for feeling the way they do.
It even shows, in the end, how Weiss felt about her grandfather. Which had it been written by capable writers, we could've seen Nikolas Schnee from various perspectives. He could've simultaneously been a good family man, a great man whom Weiss idolizes, and a colonizing monster that he is to everyone else, especially to Vacuans whom he spearheaded their decline. There was something here, people, fucking do something about it.
And Blake... oh, baby girl I am fucking mad for you at the end of Ice Queendom. It sets her and Adam up so well, even with him clearly letting her go so that she, in his mind, can truly understand the cruelty of the world and how it treats Faunus. None of that bullshit "abusive relationship" shtick was shown, but rather what we expected of them: they have a fallout due to differing opinions but still aim for the same goal which is Faunus liberation.
But nope, her shadow self was villainized at the end for speaking the TRUTH. Weiss and her family did exploit the Faunus. Hell, Weiss herself in the nightmare clearly groups the exploitative, parasitic board members of her company in the same hostile environment as the people they abuse, the Faunus, who she portrays as monsters. In Weiss' mind, these two groups are the same, and that's fucking horrid. Weiss don't give a fuck about the truth at the end, she's just embarrassed that now everyone she knows sees how much of a fucking racist she is.
Ice Queendom disappointed me, and I hate it.
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noneatnonedotcom · 1 year
that's actually a good reason
jaune: "dad! why won't you train me to be a huntsman?" papa arc: **sighs** "alright I wanted to spare you from this part of the world but..." jaune: "I can handle tragedy" papa arc: "this story isn't about tragedy jaune, it's about stupidity" jaune: "what?" papa arc: "let me tell you the story of team strq" papa arc: **with a thousand-yard stare** "Our story starts with the members Raven Branwen, Qrow Branwen her brother, tai-yang xiao-long and their leader Summer Rose. Raven got teen pregnant in her first year in Beacon and then left as soon as she had her daughter Yang. two years later Summer got with Tai since they weren't kicked out of Beacon for not having enough people for some reason and had Ruby while also still in Beacon. they graduate and that means that for 5 years they were an independent team of three that still kept the four-letter name for some reason but then Summer dies because she went out on her own for a hunt. which means that they must have kept Yang and Ruby with them before that since it's said that qrow and Tai were always with her before and they didn't have babysitters for the girls. she then dies, Tai goes into a depressive episode and since Yang was ten at the time Ruby and Yang almost died that means that they were left alone with him for two years before qrow thought maybe he should step in and stop that shit. jaune: ".... you know what? fair enough, I don't wanna be a huntsman anymore"
papa arc: "It's not that I don't think you could do it physically jaune, you're a literal genius. it's that I've seen what the huntsman system does and it's really fucking stupid" Papa Arc: "Like, sweet Christ Jaune, it is peak mental gymnastics 24/7" Papa Arc: "It's demanding as all hell and it will put you through the wringer. And even having other responsibilities won't stop it from fucking you over." meanwhile with yang and ruby Ruby and Yang: listen to the story of the mental bullshit that Tai and Qrow go through
Ruby: "...Hey Yang?"
Yang: "...Yes Rubes?"
Ruby: "I don't think I wanna be a Huntress anymore."
Yang: "...I don't think I want to either." edit: big thanks to @thatorigamiguy for helping me write this
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reashot · 2 years
For @notmaplemable feat. Wolf Faunus Ruby.
Vet Visit
Curled up in her own bed and under her blanket while sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Ruby Rose let out a content sigh while wagging her fluffy tail...
Ruby: Ahhh.... This is the life. All snugged up inside my bed watching anime in my scroll while drinking hot cocoa. And with the air conditioner in full blast. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. Absolutely nothing. 😁
Yang: Hey Sis! It's time for your daily check up with the vet.
Ruby: Ruh-roh. It's time for me to make my exit.
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Ruby after hearing the word she dreaded the most. Decided to escape through her window. But when she opens the window and sticks her neck out. Her neck is suddenly grabbed by a catcher pole from seemingly out off nowhere.
Summer: I knew you would try to escape from here. Oh Ruby, try to at least be more creative with your escape attempt. 😔
Ruby: Mom please don't sent me to the Vet. I'm not even sick. 😷
Summer: No can do Ruby. You know that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. 😌
Yang: Hey mom, did you catch her?
Summer: I got her. Tell Tai to warm up the engine. We are going to the Vet. 😇
Ruby: No! Please save me sis! 😵
Yang: I'm sorry Rubs. But remember it's for your own good. Now be a good girl and please get into the pet carrier.
Ruby: What. No! It's embarrassing to be seen in that. 😠
Summer: If you didn't try to escape every time we go into the vet then we won't have to resort to this sort of method everytime. 😑
Ruby: *sniffs* Okay... I will be a good girl. So please don't put me in there. 😢
Summer: *Release Ruby* Good girl. Now go to the Car and wait for us. ☺
Defeated Ruby slowly leaves her room in and get into the family's car. Along the way she didn't say anything even when she finally arrive at the hospital.
Ruby: Please dad don't let me go inside. I promise I'll be good from now on. *cute puppy wolf eyes* 🥺
Tai: *visible pain* I'm sorry Ruby but a routine check up is important. We don't want you to get sick, okay.
Summer: That's right dear. We only wants the best for Ruby. 😉
Yang: Oh I'm so gonna share this video with everyone.
Ruby: I hate you Yang. 👿
Announcer: Ruby Rose the vet will see you now.
Tai: That's us Ruby c'mon.
Ruby: No! I won't go in! 😫
Yang: C'mon Rubes just go inside you're embarrassing us.
Ruby: Good! Because I refuse to go in without a fight. 😩
Tai: C'mon Ruby please get inside. I'll buy you ice cream after this.
Ruby: No! I will not go in. Not even for choco strawberry double scoop sundae. 😤
Summer: Young lady if you don't go in there right now. I will erase all your save game data from your scroll. 😐
Yang: Wow mom. Overkill much?
Ruby: You monster! You wouldn't dare! 😨
Summer: Try me. 😈
Ruby: Hhhh..... Fine! You win. You monster. 😭
Tai: Uhh that's great honey. But can we go meet the vet, now?
The entire family then all go in together with Ruby. To make sure she didn't try to escape. Again.
Nurse: Rose-Xiao Long family I'm afraid that the usual veterinarian will not be attending.
Ruby: Yes! We can go back home now. 😆
Nurse: Fortunately we have someone on standby. But I have to tell you that he is rather young.
Ruby: (Oh no just my luck... And I bet him being young just mean being slightly younger than my dad. 😏)
Jaune: Hi my name is Jaune Arc. I'll be the one doing the checking for... Miss Ruby Rose I presume.
Ruby: (hubba, hubba. He can play doctor with me anytime.)
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Jaune: So I received Ruby's file from her last visit. She a half-wolf faunus, in her early teen and have no record of sickness the last time she's in.
Summer: Yes as you can see my little Ruby is the perfect picture of health. And we would like to keep that way this time too. 😊
Ruby: (he's so dreamy) 🫠💕💕💕💕
Tai: *feeling concerned that her daughter might have feeling for the blonde teenager*
Jaune: Excellent then let us proceed. Now miss Ruby can you take off your clothes?
Ruby: As you command. Master. 😋 *proceeds to strips everything*
Tai: Ruby!?
Jaune: *hides his face* Just the outer top please and you can keep your undershirt on!
Ruby: Oh phoey... 😟
Tai bottles up his emotion seeing her baby daughter obviously smitten with the boy. And seeing him touching her body under the excuse of checking her condition does not help with it one bit.
Jaune: Well everything seems to be okay. There's nothing to worry about.
Ruby: *moan~* (Yes touch me more pls 🥴) *wags tail*
Tai: Good then just write us the bill and we will be on our way. C'mon Ruby let's go!
Yang: You heard the man sis.
Ruby: But, but I could be sick. In fact I think I have one of those virus that are in the news lately. *cough* *cough* I think I might have to stay a bit longer. 🤢
Tai: Nice try Ruby but the vet just said you're fine.
Jaune: Well... We can have her stay overnight if we're still not sure. And don't worry the insurance also cover this.
Ruby: Staying Overnight? But Mr. Arc we just met. 😍
Jaune: Please just call me Jaune. I mean we're around the same age after all.
Summer: Ohhh look our little girl is in love. Maybe we should let her stay the night. Who knows maybe that Jaune boy will mate with Ruby and gives us bunch of cubs. ❤
Tai: Summer!
Yang: Mom!
Jaune: Mrs. Rose!
Ruby: Me! 😝
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