#You can admit your mistakes. You can swear up and down that you've learned and that you'll try to do better.
fvsm4x · 2 months
𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 - 𝟓
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. ex! gojo s. x fem. reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭. Your boyfriend, who you loved more than anything, who was your will to live, broke up with you.
𝐜𝐰. angst / happy ending for reader but not gojo / wc. 4.1k / last chapter / kinda rushed
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
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But it wouldn‘t hurt to give him a second chance, right.?
But as much as you wanted to believe that a second chance could heal the wounds between you, doubt gnawed at the edges of your resolve. The pain he had caused was not something easily forgotten, and the memories of the betrayal still stung like fresh wounds. You had to consider what giving him another chance would mean—not just for your relationship with him, but for your own self-worth, your own sense of dignity.
"Gojo," you began, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside, "you say you want another chance, but can you honestly tell me why? Is it because you've realized what you lost, or because you're afraid of being alone now that she's gone?"
His eyes widened, as if the question had struck a chord deep within him. He struggled to find the right words, his expression a mix of desperation and confusion. "I... I just know that I don't want to lose you. I made a mistake, I see that now. I was stupid, selfish, but I swear, I’ve changed."
"You’ve changed?" you echoed, the skepticism clear in your tone. "How can I trust that? Last time, you promised me the world, only to break me apart when it suited you. How do I know this time won’t be the same?"
Gojo remained silent for a moment, the weight of your words sinking in. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between his desire to make things right and the reality of the pain he had caused.
"I don’t know how to prove it to you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I want to try. I want to be the person you deserve, the one who won’t hurt you again."
You let out a soft sigh, the tension in your chest making it hard to breathe. His sincerity tugged at your heart, but the scars he had left made it difficult to simply accept his words at face value. You had to think about what was best for you, not just what he wanted.
"Gojo," you said slowly, choosing your words carefully, "I need to understand something. What would be different this time? How do you expect me to believe that you're not just saying these things because you're hurt and vulnerable right now? That you won't just fall back into old habits the moment things get tough?"
He looked down, his hands trembling slightly as they gripped yours tighter. "I’ve learned from my mistakes," he said, his voice laced with determination. "I know I hurt you, and I regret it more than anything. I took you for granted, and I was wrong. I can’t take back what I did, but I want to show you that I can be better—that I can love you the way you deserve to be loved."
The sincerity in his voice was almost enough to break down your defenses. Almost. But the reality of the situation loomed large in your mind. You had been here before, heard these promises before, only to be left shattered in the end.
"Do you really understand what you're asking of me?" you asked, your voice soft but firm. "You're asking me to put my heart on the line again, to risk everything for the chance that you might actually change this time. But what if you don't? What if I let you back in, only to find myself back in this same place a few months from now?"
Gojo's expression faltered, the weight of your words sinking in. He knew you were right—he was asking for a lot, maybe too much. But still, he refused to give up.
"I can't promise that everything will be perfect," he said, his voice raw with emotion. "But I can promise that I’ll fight for us, that I won’t make the same mistakes again. I’ll prove to you that I’m serious this time. Just... please, give me a chance to show you."
Your heart ached at the sight of him, so vulnerable and desperate for your forgiveness. You wanted to believe him, to believe that he could change, that he could become the man you needed him to be. But the fear of getting hurt again was a powerful force, one that you couldn't simply ignore.
"I don't know if I can do this, Gojo," you said, your voice trembling with the weight of the decision before you. "I don't know if I can put myself through this again, not after everything that's happened."
He looked at you with a mix of hope and despair, as if he knew he was teetering on the edge of losing you forever. "Please," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Just one more chance. Let me show you that I can be better."
You closed your eyes, the tears finally spilling over as the emotions you had been holding back crashed over you like a tidal wave. The love you had for him was still there, buried beneath the pain and betrayal, but it was overshadowed by the fear of being hurt again.
Finally, you opened your eyes and met his gaze, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. "Gojo, I need time," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I can't just jump back into this like nothing happened. I need time to think, to figure out what's best for me."
His face fell, but he nodded, understanding that this was as much as you could give him right now. "I’ll wait," he said, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "I’ll wait as long as it takes."
With that, you slowly pulled your hand away from his, the warmth of his touch lingering even as you stepped back. The distance between you felt like a chasm, one that might never be bridged again. But for now, it was what you needed—to find your own path, to heal in your own time.
As you turned to walk away, leaving him kneeling there in the cold, you couldn’t help but wonder if you had made the right choice. The future was uncertain, the path ahead filled with doubts and unanswered questions. But one thing was clear: you had to choose yourself this time, even if it meant walking away from the man you once loved.
As you walked away, the echoes of your footsteps reverberating through the quiet night, the weight of your decision settled heavily on your shoulders. Each step felt like an eternity, as if the very air around you was thick with the tension of what had just transpired. The distance between you and Gojo grew, but the connection, the history, and the unresolved emotions hung in the air, clinging to you like a shadow.
You couldn’t help but replay his words over and over in your mind. The desperation in his voice, the sincerity in his eyes—were they enough? Could a person truly change, or was it just wishful thinking? The memories of your time together flooded your mind, both the good and the bad, each moment tinged with the bittersweetness of what once was and what might never be again.
But as you walked further, a different voice began to whisper in the back of your mind, a voice that questioned your own choices, your own feelings. You had been hurt, yes, but was there a part of you that still longed for the love you once shared? Was there still a flicker of hope that things could be different this time, that the man you had loved was still in there, waiting to be rediscovered?
You stopped walking, standing there in the dim light of the streetlamp, your breath visible in the cold night air. The silence was deafening, your thoughts swirling like a storm inside your head. You had asked for time, but the truth was, you didn’t know how much time you would need. The wound was still fresh, the trust still shattered, and yet, beneath all that pain, there was a part of you that wanted to believe in second chances.
What if you were being too harsh? What if, in pushing him away, you were closing the door on something that could be beautiful again? The questions gnawed at you, each one more persistent than the last. Could you really walk away from him, from everything you had built together, without giving him the chance to prove himself? Was it fair to judge him solely on his past mistakes, without considering the possibility that he had learned from them?
As you stood there, lost in thought, the memories of the love you once shared began to resurface. The way he used to look at you, the way his laughter would fill the room, the warmth of his embrace on a cold night—it all felt so distant now, yet so painfully close. You remembered the moments of joy, the times when it felt like nothing in the world could come between you. Those memories were precious, and they weren’t so easily erased by the pain he had caused.
But then, there were the darker memories, the ones that cut deep into your soul. The lies, the betrayal, the feeling of being second best—those wounds were still raw, still bleeding, and the thought of reopening them was terrifying. You had worked so hard to rebuild yourself, to find strength in your own company, to remember who you were without him. Letting him back in meant risking all of that, risking everything you had fought so hard to regain.
A small voice inside you, however, urged you to reconsider. People could change, couldn’t they? Life wasn’t black and white, and relationships were messy, complicated. What if Gojo truly had realized the error of his ways? What if he was genuinely remorseful, ready to make amends and to be the partner you needed him to be?
You shook your head, trying to clear the confusion. You had to be sure, had to know that whatever decision you made, it was the right one for you. Turning around, you saw Gojo still kneeling where you had left him, his form barely visible in the distance. He hadn’t moved, hadn’t given up, even though you had walked away.
Was it really fair to expect him to change? Could you risk your heart again on the mere possibility that things might be different this time?
The truth was, you weren’t ready to forgive him. Not yet, and maybe not ever. The wounds were still too fresh, the scars too deep. Giving him another chance felt like inviting more pain into your life, a pain you weren’t sure you could endure again.
You took a deep breath and forced your feet to move, each step taking you further away from the man you once loved. The night was silent, the only sound was the soft crunch of gravel under your shoes as you walked down the empty street. The distance between you and Gojo grew, but so did the clarity in your mind. You deserved more than empty promises and second chances. You deserved someone who wouldn’t make you question your worth, someone who wouldn’t break your heart over and over again.
Gojo remained on his knees long after you had walked away, the chill of the night air seeping into his bones. He stared at the spot where you had stood just moments ago, as if by sheer force of will he could bring you back. But the empty space before him was a harsh reminder that you were gone, that he had lost you once again.
A dull ache settled in his chest, spreading through his entire body as he tried to process what had just happened. He had begged, pleaded, laid his heart bare before you, and yet it hadn’t been enough. You had looked at him with such pain in your eyes, a pain he knew he had caused, and that knowledge cut deeper than any rejection.
He slowly rose to his feet, his legs unsteady beneath him as he tried to regain his composure. The night felt colder now, the darkness more oppressive as he realized how truly alone he was. He had gambled everything on the hope that you might still care, that you might still see the man he was trying to become, but the truth was undeniable—you were done with him. And maybe you were right to be.
As he started walking, his mind replayed every word you had said, every look you had given him. Your voice, so full of hurt and doubt, echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of the mistakes he had made. He had taken you for granted, convinced himself that you would always be there, waiting for him to get his act together. But now, standing in the aftermath of his own selfishness, he realized just how badly he had miscalculated.
Gojo’s footsteps were heavy as he walked back to his own place, the streets eerily quiet. For the first time, he felt the full weight of his actions, the depth of the hurt he had caused not only to you but to himself. He had ruined something beautiful, something that might never be repaired, and the regret was almost too much to bear.
He reached his apartment and fumbled with his keys, his hands shaking slightly as he unlocked the door. The silence inside was deafening, the emptiness of the space mirroring the emptiness he felt within. He collapsed onto the couch, burying his face in his hands as the reality of the situation washed over him.
He had wanted so desperately to make things right, to prove to you that he had changed, but deep down, he knew it wasn’t that simple. Change wasn’t just about saying the right words or making promises—it was about action, about becoming a better person, and that was something he hadn’t truly grasped until now. He had hurt you, deeply, and no amount of pleading could erase that.
The truth settled heavily on his shoulders: he had lost you, maybe for good this time. And the worst part was, he had no one to blame but himself. He had played with your heart, made you question your worth, and now he was paying the price. The realization that he might never have another chance with you, that you might move on and find someone who would treat you the way you deserved, was almost too painful to bear.
But as he sat there in the darkness, Gojo knew that this was his moment of reckoning. He could no longer hide from the consequences of his actions. If he truly wanted to change, it had to start now—with or without you. He had to learn to be a better person, not just for you, but for himself. And if that meant letting you go, if that meant accepting that you might never forgive him, then so be it.
Weeks had passed since that night, but for Gojo, it felt like a lifetime. The days blurred together, a monotonous cycle of work, training, and sleepless nights. He threw himself into his duties, trying to drown out the memories of you, but nothing seemed to work. Every quiet moment was filled with thoughts of you—your laughter, your smile, the way your eyes had softened when you looked at him, before everything had fallen apart.
He hadn’t tried to contact you since that night. He knew better than to push, to force himself back into your life when you had made it clear that you needed space. Instead, he focused on himself, trying to understand where he had gone wrong, trying to become the man he had promised he would be. But no matter how much he tried to move forward, the emptiness where you used to be haunted him.
One chilly afternoon, Gojo found himself wandering aimlessly through the city streets, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he watched the world go by. It was one of those rare days when he had no obligations, no missions or responsibilities to distract him from his thoughts. The city was bustling with life, people rushing past him with purpose, but he felt disconnected from it all, as if he were watching from a distance.
As he walked, he turned a corner and stopped in his tracks. There you were, just a few steps ahead, standing at the entrance of a cozy little café. For a moment, his heart leapt at the sight of you, his mind racing with the possibility of speaking to you, of seeing how you were doing after all this time. But before he could take a step, he noticed that you weren’t alone.
Standing beside you was a man—tall, with dark hair and a warm smile that reached his eyes. He was holding your hand, his thumb gently brushing over your knuckles as you both laughed at something he had said. The sound of your laughter, so light and carefree, pierced through Gojo’s chest like a dagger. It was the same laugh he had fallen in love with, the one he had thought he might never hear again.
Gojo’s breath caught in his throat as he watched the two of you. There was an ease between you and the man, a comfort that spoke of familiarity, of something more than just a passing connection. The man leaned in closer, and you responded with a soft smile, one that Gojo knew all too well. It was the kind of smile that came from genuine happiness, from feeling safe and cherished.
He felt his heart constrict, a mix of emotions swirling inside him—regret, jealousy, sadness. But most of all, there was a deep, aching sense of loss. He had known this day might come, that you would eventually move on and find someone who could give you the love and security you deserved. But knowing it and seeing it were two different things, and the reality of it hit him harder than he had expected.
Gojo stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to tear his eyes away from you. He knew he should leave, walk away before you noticed him, but something kept him there, some part of him that needed to see this, to accept that you were no longer his.
As you and the man turned to enter the café, Gojo’s eyes met yours for the briefest of moments. Time seemed to freeze as recognition flickered in your gaze. There was a flash of surprise, quickly followed by something else—something softer, perhaps understanding or even sympathy. But you didn’t stop, didn’t call out to him. You simply gave him a small, polite nod before turning away,
As the door of the café closed behind you, Gojo hesitated for a moment, debating whether to follow you inside. He knew he should just walk away, let you enjoy your time with the man who clearly made you happy. But something stronger than reason pushed him forward. The unresolved tension between you gnawed at him, a silent torment that demanded closure.
With a deep breath, Gojo pushed open the door to the café, the small bell above it chiming softly as he stepped inside. The warm scent of coffee and baked goods filled the air, and the soft hum of conversation surrounded him. He quickly scanned the room, spotting you at a table near the window, the man still by your side.
You noticed him immediately, your eyes widening slightly in surprise as he approached. The man beside you looked up, clearly sensing the change in your demeanor, but remained silent, his expression polite but questioning.
Gojo stopped a few feet from your table, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he struggled to find the right words. He felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him, the significance of what he was about to say looming large in his mind.
"Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, his voice low and tentative, trying not to intrude too much on your moment with the other man.
You hesitated, glancing at the man beside you. He gave you a small, understanding nod, standing up to give you space. "I'll be right over there," he said softly, before stepping away to another part of the café.
Once he was out of earshot, you turned your attention back to Gojo, your expression guarded but not unkind. "Gojo, what do you want?" you asked quietly, your tone not accusatory but rather cautious, as if you were bracing yourself for whatever he might say.
He took a deep breath, struggling to meet your eyes. "I just... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything. For the way I treated you, for the way I made you feel. I know I can’t undo the past, but I need you to know that I regret it all, deeply."
You looked at him, your expression softening slightly at his words, but there was still a distance in your gaze, a wall that hadn’t been there before. "Gojo," you began, your voice gentle but firm, "I appreciate you saying that. I really do. But what’s done is done. We can’t go back and change what happened. We both know that."
He nodded, swallowing hard against the lump forming in his throat. "I know," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "I just… I wish things could have been different. That I could’ve been better for you."
A small, sad smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Maybe in another life," you said softly, your words like a bittersweet melody that hung in the air between you. "Maybe in another life, we were meant to be. But in this one…"
You trailed off, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. The unspoken truth between you was palpable—no matter how much either of you wished it could be different, the damage had been done. The love you once shared was irreparably broken, and no amount of apologies could fix it.
Gojo felt a sharp pain in his chest, the finality of your words cutting through him like a blade. He had known, deep down, that this was how it would end, but hearing it from you made it all the more real.
"I understand," he murmured, his voice barely audible as he looked down at the floor. "I just… I hope you find the happiness you deserve."
You reached out then, gently touching his arm, the gesture both comforting and heartbreaking. "I hope you do too, Gojo," you whispered, your voice filled with a kind of tenderness that he hadn’t heard from you in a long time. "Take care of yourself."
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and acceptance. He knew this was goodbye—not just for now, but for the life you might have had together. It was the kind of parting that left an indelible mark on his soul, a reminder of what could have been.
With a heavy heart, Gojo nodded, turning to leave the café. As he walked away, he didn’t look back, knowing that doing so would only make it harder to let go. The door closed behind him, the cool air outside hitting him like a wake-up call. He stood there for a moment, trying to steady his breathing, trying to process the finality of what had just happened.
Inside, you watched him leave, your heart heavy but resolute. There was a part of you that would always care for Gojo, that would always wonder what might have been. But you knew, deep down, that you had made the right choice. Sometimes, love wasn’t enough to bridge the gap that had grown between two people. Sometimes, the kindest thing you could do was let go.
As you turned back to your table, the man who had been with you returned, concern etched on his face. He didn’t ask what had happened—he didn’t need to. He simply took your hand in his, offering silent support as you both sat down together.
Gojo walked down the street, the sun beginning to set, casting long shadows on the pavement. The ache in his chest was still there, but so was a strange sense of peace. You had found your path, and now, he had to find his own. And maybe, just maybe, in another life, things would have been different. But in this one, it was time to move on.
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© fvsm4x 2023/4 : do not translate, plagiarise or steal my work.
taglist: @3zae-zae3 @sexeyess @silkija @dancinhhillary @musicarose @vanevafu @labelt-san @cl16void @feellaaya @animechick555 @nanmiik @ichikanu @cupidszvlvr @pinksaiyans @phoenix666stuff @coffeeluvr96 @alpha-mommy69 @isaacdaholi @xx-rfg-xx @certainduckanchor @ambalikadubeyy-blog @r0ckst4rjk @xxemmarldxx @starrylibras @lady-cryptstone @sparklydhokla @hoeforchoso @sweetlilhoshi @getou0309 @n8mareee @integers @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @skittleabyss @softnorth @maliakealoha @avalordream @dazaisfavgf @thebacksack @darkphoenix3432 @mwtsxri @nothisispatrick300 @andioopsworld @sup-hoes-its-me @yihona-san06 @s3r-en-d1p-ity @mandysfanfics @adanfore @rainydayssmokescreens @luvvmae @aquamarine001 @chilichopsticks @tinyjeo @adoretaylor @girlsvvish @misfits1a
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH THIS STORY\(^ヮ^)/ new gojo series soon<33
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425 notes · View notes
dira333 · 5 months
What's in a passion? - Osamu Miya x Reader
requested by @notsochillnerd - tagging @emmyrosee bc she loves Osamu
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Sometimes you really hate your boyfriend.
Yes, yes, he's perfect, you know, with his stupidly good-looking face and his muscular body and his kind heart and his awful talent and, even worse, his passion, that he follows, without a doubt.
It's worse with Atsumu, you think, because you don't love him nearly as much but he's the same. Talented, good-looking and so sure of himself and his passion that he didn't even go to College. Now he's playing for the Black Jackals like it's how the earth should turn.
"Baby?" Samu's voice is muffled through the bathroom door. You huff.
"Are you still alive? You've been in there for at least half an hour."
"The water's still hot," you yell back. Which isn't true. But you don't want to get out. As long as you're in the bathtub you don't have to learn. As long as you don't have to learn you don't have to think about your studies. And as long as you don't have to think about them you don't have to face the most annoying question of your life - what do you want to do?
Not in the way Samu asks you after dinner, wiggling his eyebrows as he waits for the answer.
Not in the way you ask Samu every time he comes home from work, hoping that just this once he'll not make dinner himself but run down to the fast-food joint with you.
What do you want to do with your life?
"Are you coming to bed soon?" Samu asks from the kitchen. You don't know what he did in there until now, it's spotless anyway.
"Mhm," you say noncommittally, typing another line. You still need to finish this assignment. And you should get ahead on your reading.
"It's after midnight, babe, you need some sleep."
"Yeah, sure." Wait, do you write this word like that? Does it even mean what you think? You open another browser tab and type it in, waiting for it to load only to be interrupted by warm hands grabbing your sides.
"You've got ten seconds to save everything before I carry you to the bedroom."
"Samu!" You whine, "I have to get this done."
"No, you don't. Well, not tonight at least. You still have three more days to finish this. You need your sleep."
"Well, what do you care?" You snap. Surprise flutters over Samu's face like butterfly wings.
"What do you mean, baby, you know I love you." He sounds distraught, so pathetic you could almost mistake him with his brother. And it's your fault and your fault only.
You do the only thing you can do in a situation like this. You cry.
It's not a comfortable thing, holding a conversation like this at one in the morning when even your bones are tired and your alarm is gearing up to call on you in a few hours for yet another tiring day.
But Samu firmly believes in "never going to bed angry" even more than he believes in "getting enough sleep".
Is it hard to admit that you're a little jealous of his passion? Or, not necessarily his passion, but that he has one? Yes. It makes you feel foolish, like a little kid pointing an accusing finger at a grown-up.
But it's true. And it's Samu. He doesn't snicker, he doesn't call you pathetic even though you'd deserve it. Instead, there's understanding blooming in his eyes.
"Do you still love me?" He asks. You nod and swear and promise that you've never loved him less. So he tucks you into bed like he'd been planning to for hours, presses comforting kisses over the furrow of your brows.
"We'll get through this," he promises. You fall asleep because you trust him.
Ginjima brings over his little cousin on the weekend. The girl's five and even though you resemble a mess more like a human being, Kaede's seriously convinced that you're her idol.
"Can we play doctor?" She asks, holding up a stethoscope.
"Where did you find that?" "T'was in the box." She points at a box in the cupboard she most definitely isn't supposed to go through. At least she didn't find anything dangerous.
"Of course we can. Do you want to be the doctor?"
"No," she shakes her head. "You're the doctor, I'm a nurse, like Momma. Toshi can be sick."
"Thank you," Ginjima snorts. "I always knew you cared about me."
"Can I be a patient too?" Samu asks, pressing a hand against his chest. "I think my heart is going to fast. Can you listen to it, Doctor?"
"Dork," you call him, but little Kaede nods and tells him to sit on the couch so that she can get to him better.
And it's weird, how easily you slip on the stethoscope. Maybe you've watched too much Grey's Anatomy on top of your lessons, have read too far ahead in your books but you have no problem finding the right spot, Samu's heartbeat like a symphony in your ears.
"It's cold," he hisses. You can't bring yourself to tease him.
"Is he sick?" Kaede asks, pulling you out of your reverie. You nod with your gravest face. "He's lovesick. No cure, I'm afraid."
Kaede gasps in shock, but Samu laughs, his body shaking, knocking into you.
"Can I ask you a question?"
Suna furrows his brows. "When did you ever have to ask, Samu?"
Your boyfriend smiles his most innocent smile. You fear the worst.
"Did you always want to play volleyball?"
Suna snorts. "Nah. And you know that." He must sense your confusion because he turns, golden eyes glinting with amusement. "I thought about becoming an influencer instead in my third year."
"Why didn't you?"
"Ah," he shrugs, "I didn't want something I like doing to turn into a job, you know? That would take all the enjoyment out. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate playing volleyball professionally, but I'm already thinking ahead, figuring out options for when I'm done with it. Unlike someone else..." He can't help but dig into Tsumu and the latter never backs down from a Challenge. Soon it's an all-out fight on the table and you're sitting in the middle of it.
Samu leans into you, head an your shoulder, mouth pressed against your ear.
"There are plenty of options," he reminds you softly, "You can still figure out what you want to do."
"'m not hungry," Samu declines your offer for snacks. That's worrying enough. He's resting on the Couch, a rare sight this early in the evening.
"You good?" You ask, smoothing a hand through his messy hair. He nods.
"'m fine. Just some weird stomach issue."
"Yeah? What are the symptoms?"
"They're gross, I don't wanna talk about them."
"Did you drink enough?"
He nods, wraps your arms around you to pull you in. When you snuggle into his side like you always do, he's barely able not to flinch.
"What's hurting, boo?" You ask, now a little more worried.
"Just my stomach. I think you kneed me there a little."
You didn't, but he's unwilling to talk more about it.
Still, you can't help but keep an eye on him. He complains about pain in his lower back, convinced he pulled something when he lifted bags of rice earlier. You try to massage the area but he pulls away quickly, claiming it hurts to be touched, so you get him the heating pad you use for period pains.
He falls asleep soon after and you're barely able to get him up and into bed.
When you wake up at night to use the toilet and grab a drink you're surprised to find him flushed and feverish. Your little worry grows as you take his temperature, try to figure out what he could be suffering from.
It's like solving a riddle and every clue you have could mean a thousand different solutions.
It's only when he wakes up, parched and whiny, throwing up immediately after downing a glass of water, that the dots connect.
"Samu," you kneel next to him. "Where does it hurt the most?"
You let your hands wander, just the gentlest touch until he hisses when you reach the area around his navel. Following a hunch you move down toward the lower right side of his abdomen and he curses loudly, telling you exactly what you didn't want to hear.
"Babe, get up, we're going to the hospital."
"What?" His eyes are blown wide. You press a soothing kiss to his lips. "I'm not a doctor but this looks a lot like appendicitis. I'd rather get it looked at right now instead of having you go through emergency surgery."
Is it difficult to get a sleepy, pained, sick man to the hospital with nothing but public transport and determination? Yes.
But it's worth it, you think when you explain the symptoms and the doctor nods with a serious expression, complimenting you for your swift course of action.
You get to hold Samu's hand through every step of the examination, press one last kiss to his lips when they prep him for surgery.
"I'm going to wait outside," you promise, "Call everyone who needs to know. In a few hours we're going to laugh about this, I promise."
He pulls you in, mouth pressed against your ear. "Nothing's going to happen to me with you at my side."
And maybe, you think as they wheel him away, as you wait for the first call to connect, you've never been on the wrong path.
You just lost a little sight of what it meant to be here.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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Only for you
Dark!yandere Marc Spector x gn!reader
Category: Twisted Letter - I recommend you read the informations for twisted letters first ->here<- if you haven't already.
Summary: Reader has escaped from Marc and he's on the hunt.
Dead dove do not eat - you'll get exactly what's in the tags!
Tags: Threats, hints of captivity, yandere themes, possessive Marc, reckless Marc, dark themes, use of sedatives, mention of kidnapping.
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Hi troublemaker,
You've done a big mistake, honey. Do you really think I wouldn't go after you if you escaped? Why did you even run in the first place? Didn't I promise I would keep you safe forever and take care of you? You're an ungrateful little brat...
I should have known you were up to something, you were so good the past few days it made you suspicious. You were just biding your time and strike when the moment was right, didn't you?
But all that doesn't matter anymore, I know I can't trust you now - or atleast you have hell of a job to do that will make me forgive you and give you atleast some trust back.
Do you know how worried I was when I discovered you ran away? How furious? You know exactly how I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt and this is how you repay me?
I swear once I have you back I will not let you out of my sight again, so there's that. But I will think about to cuff you to your bed so you won't be able to make any fuss.
And I really hope for you that you're atleast smart and don't run back to your house again, because that's the first place I'll check. Don't think you can run forever, I will get you back where you belong and you will learn to accept it.
Oh and I wouldn't recommend calling the cops, they can't stop me, not even the goddamn army can. The only thing they can do is stand in my way. And once I've tracked you down it's over for you.
You know I would go through hell for you. After I first kidnapped you I felt guilty, I admit that. But you had to have someone in your life who will protect you. I am the only one, and once I set my mind on something, I will go after it, and rightnow that's you. I promise once you're back I will improve security measures to make sure you stay put. That includes a fingerprint lock for the front door.
But don't worry, at first I will take away a few privileges, but if you behave and be good again I will give them back to you. And in return I expect you stay with me and don't scurry away, or else I might have to remove some of your privileges permanently...
I really hope you understand why I went after you. To keep you safe. I can be the sweetest and most loving guy in the world, but I can also be your worst nightmare. And trust me, you don't want to see that side of me...
And if I catch you, you better come peacefully or I won't hesistate to use sedatives on you.
Wherever you are rightnow I hope you know it's only a matter of time before you'll be back in my arms. And if someone tries to take you away from me, I'll teach them not to mess with me. If you got hurt I will take such good care of your wounds.
Lastly, I hope you understand that I'm doing this all for you. Only for you...
--Marc Spector
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 6
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 845
Saturday can't come soon enough. I feel like this week has lasted an entire year.
Then it's finally Saturday morning. I'm happy to go to work today, because at the end of the morning shift, you'll be waiting for me. My reward for my work. You won't even mind that I won't have time to change out of my usual clothes - it's a deliberate choice on my end, because you like how I look. You told Nadia about it on Twitter just three days ago.
@MoonShadow_: waarom zijn jongens in boekwinkels altijd zo lekker 😭😭
Which translates to: why are boys in bookstores always so hot
I didn’t realize you were thinking this way, (Y/n). If I'd known, maybe I would have made a move already.
Candace wasn't nearly this hard to read.
Candace wouldn't have been worth all this waiting, though.
I'm not ashamed to admit that Candace was a wrong choice. I thought I saw something in her that wanted to be known by me, to be taken care of, but I was wrong. You, on the other hand, are unknown to almost everyone except your dear childhood friend. It must be so lonely. But when you're with me, you won't have to be alone anymore.
Ethan notices I'm distracted today, but he doesn't say anything about it. He's happy to take over the regular customer service duties if it means I'll run up and down the basement stairs carrying heavy books from eight to twelve. Ethan is the kind of guy who swears by a Kindle.
You'd never use a Kindle, would you? I can't imagine it. You buy books way too often to bother about something as asinine as digital reading.
Maybe if I tell you the Kindle is everything that's wrong with modern-day America, you'll laugh and agree with me. But then again, maybe you'll just think I'm a ‘gatekeeping dick’. That's what you called someone on Twitter when they said The Secret History was awful and that only insufferable, snobbish, self-absorbed, classist rich kids would ever think to read this shit. Don't kill me, (Y/n), but I kind of agree with the guy. One day you'll see my side.
I kind of agree with you too, though: the world needs to learn how to read again, it doesn't matter where they start.
I used to judge people for what they bought at Mooney's, but now I don’t anymore. At least they're reading. You're making me a better person that way. You're making me realize that even if people are just reading whatever bullshit they saw on TikTok, at least they're reading.
It's one pm, and you're late. I'm not too upset about it, though. You texted me about an hour ago.
YOU: omigod joe!!!
YOU: my boss is super pissed i forgot to send a client this important email
YOU: i gotta fix my mistake i might be like
YOU: 15 mins late
ME: Don't worry. Take your time.
YOU: 😅
I didn't reply to your smiley. What on earth am I meant to say to a picture of a smiling face? Besides, a smiley isn't worth nearly as much as your actual smile.
And there you are.
Only ten minutes late. It could have been worse.
You look flushed like maybe you ran here, and your hair is a mess so you've covered it with a beanie again, but you also look so happy to see me. I'm happy to see you, too.
You hug me.
“I'm so sorry,” you say. I'm not sure what you're apologising for, because I'm still trying to get over the fact that you hugged me. “I've had such a crazy morning.”
“You're not even that late,” I assure you, which is true. Candace used to be hours late, sometimes. Sometimes she didn't show up at all. “Do you mind giving me a minute? I want to wash my hands and stuff.”
I don't need a minute. I've been ready to leave for a while now. But I think you might need some time, and I can tell you won't ask for it.
“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “No problem.”
So I turn and I head to the bathroom. This means leaving you alone with Ethan, which may be risky. Ethan might say something stupid, or something about me. But then again, I don't think he'd ruin ‘getting some tail’ for me.
In the bathroom, I wash my hands and check my hair. I look how I always do after a shift at Mooney's, but I think that's fine.
You look beautiful, (Y/n). It's too soon to tell you something like that, but you do.
I emerge. You look calmer now. You're waiting in the office - Ethan must have let you in - sitting with your hands behind your head and your feet on the table. Stretched like that, I can see a bit of the skin above your jean shorts.
It's deliberate. You're taunting me.
“Hey,” you say. “All ready?”
You're wearing make-up. You don't usually wear make-up.
“All ready,” I agree.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
It’s not that people necessarily lack a conscience or are so lacking in self awareness, it’s that the most natural human reaction is to punch back blindly. When we are hurt we want to cause hurt back, because it is the easiest course of action. And once we’ve committed to this action, it’s very difficult to run it back and admit our wrongs, so most people just double down and play the victim.
In my own drafts there are several editions of a post replying to you, because once long ago I made a mistake, and you rightfully called me out, and my first instinct was to lash out and say that you weren’t understanding me. And in fairness, there may’ve been a hint of that, but my own mistakes were far greater, and even any misunderstandings there might be did not excuse my initial comments. So I wrote and wrote furiously to defend myself. And I saved them and never published them and instead took the time to reflect on your words and my own and where I had gone wrong. And I read and learned and did my best to form new understandings.
But I was only a single button press away from being one of those other people. It’s really just a single second of flawed judgement that can separate us. Not everyone has that moment of clarity where they know that anger is just instinctive self defence. Some of them are good people who just are a little too impulsive.
All my best to you. And my respect to you. You speak your mind even when you know it won’t endear you to others, and that’s a kind of bravery of its own. Too many people only say what they know others will want to hear. I don’t always agree with your opinions, but I respect you for saying them.
thank you for sending this ask, and whoever you are i hope you're well! i've certainly had moments myself where i lashed out because i got overly defensive, and i do think you're right, it's far less a matter of conscience and more a matter of being able to recognize and control that instinctive response.
i think what separates "lapse of judgment" from "poor moral character" is repetition. i've personally known some people both irl and online who simply Always double down and never admit when they've done wrong, or who recognize their fault but refuse to change their behavior, and i do think that at a certain point that "instinctive response" defense loses its credibility.
anyway thank you for this ask!! this is gonna sound maybe like. self-absorbed? and i apologize for that. but i've never thought of myself as a brave person despite many people in my life telling me as such, and while i do appreciate the compliment, i don't think it's rly brave of me just to like. post opinions on tumblr. i certainly don't always take a step back and think irl the way i can on here, and you've correctly pointed out that we're all kinda the same human animal at the end of the day. i think one of the greatest acts of bravery can be really examining yourself and confronting your mistakes, and it takes a lot more courage than just saying shit online.
sorry i swear i'm almost done i just wanna share something my dad taught me dkvjdjd he's always had this little mantra when i messed up where he would say "what do we do when we make a mistake?" and i'd respond "acknowledge it, do your best to fix it, and never do it again." and i think that's like one of the most helpful little tools i have in my brain for accepting and addressing my own faults. we all mess up! it's just a matter of knowing where to go from there.
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kusanalogy · 2 years
An unanticipated letter
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characters: childe/tartaglia x gn!reader
a/n: CHILDE MY BELOVED <333 HERE IS YOUR BIRTHDAY SPECIAL !! Deepest apologies to the people that read this an hour before release ㅠ ㅠ there were many errors/spelling mistakes because it was written last minute. I hope after fixing it, it turned out alright
warnings: one swear word and mentions of marriage? is the marriage part even a warning
inspired from his 2022 birthday letter and art, Not the exact scenario (but same idea) and reader is not the traveller/mc
word count: 640+. My birthday specials were supposed to be under 500 words but it seems that i love him a bit too much 😭 im sorry
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You waited for your lover in your shared home, Deciding to wait till nighttime to give him with your gifts.
The gifts you prepared weren't much.
A homemade snezhnayan dinner (you spent time learning the recipes!)
a cake (you're still unsure if he's picky about cake flavors..)
matching bracelets (while buying it, you thought of out childish the idea was. hmph, blaming the harbinger and his love for this!)
your love(??? blaming him again for that.)
and something to remind him about the things he loves. You made sure to pick that item carefully, it was quite small because you wanted your lover to take it with him wherever he goes.
Not too long after, you hear the front door open as you lay down on your bed. "That must be him" You thought. Putting on your footwear, You welcome your lover home.
"Happy birthday, ajax!"
"Y/n! Thank you, i thought you forgot about it." He admitted, hugging you close
You pull away from the tight grip while helping him take off his jacket "How could i forget such an important day? Now before we eat, Whats that?" You say, turning your eyes to the bag he dropped by the doorstep.
"Ah, i was just about to bring it up. Since i had to get back to snezhnaya, i visited my family before going back here." He said, then turning around to get the bag "The items it contains are gifts they wanted me to bring to you- which includes a letter from my mom."
You wonder what she wrote this time. Another invitation to their home? No, you've already visited a few months ago. Something about your ajax? Could be a possibility. "A letter? Lemme see! While i read it, go freshen up. We're having dinner."
"No. I wanna see your reaction on spot." He pouts as he hands you the letter
You simply smile and take the envelope, Excited to see what she your future mother in law wrote.
Skimming through the writings, It initially seemed normal. Until a certain sentence caught your eye..
"-...But there is one topic i was also thinking about. When can i expect marriage between you and ajax? No rush of course!!! Just love eachother and keep yourself safe."
Reading it, you could feel your heart racing and your body heating up. That alone made childe laugh at you
"Hahahahaha! You wouldn't mind if i take a look right?"
"N-not at all." You answered, still flustered over his mother's question
He paused to scan the letter and find the sentence, a few seconds later a big shitty grin grew on his face
You knew he would react like that. Of course he would. Not that you dont mind though
"....Soon" he says, winking. He himself isnt sure if its a joke or not. Could be called a half joke, i guess.
Oh god. The heat is even worse. But you have to reply.. you can't leave him hanging. "Childe!!!"
࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚ ⪩ 𖧧 ⪨ ࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚
Once things calmed down, the fatuu recieves his presents, blew his cake (thats saved for dessert) and sat down for dinner.
"The food tastes just like the ones at home! You're such a fast learner sweetheart" He praises
"I mean, its your day today. I should give you the best. Now, do you have anything to say about your trip back home?"
As expected, he did. He looked quite eager to tell you aswell. "Of course. Let me tell you what teucer's reaction was to his new toy you helped me picked out! Or would you like me to start with the really big fish i caught with anthon's help? Hmmmm.. so many stories."
"okay, okay, i'll be listening to anything." Honestly, You're willing to listen for as long as he'd like. Even if it's been hours, you can never get tired of how his eyes light up whenever he talks about his home.
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rubysunnday · 3 years
A/N: The finale to my part in Olive's (@lxncelot) , writing challenge! This is fic 3 out of 3 (congrats if you made it this far, well done!) Again, prompts are all from Olive's dialogue and song prompt list) : 3) “I’ll miss this — us.” | 17) “Are we friends?”`| 26) “I could be in love with someone like you.” | rooftop kiss — james horner
Fic 1 | Fic 2 | Fic 3
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The wind was howling outside the whaling hut. It was so harsh the windows and doors were rattling in their frames, fighting to stay put. But the two occupants inside didn't notice. They were both too cold and uncomfortable and pointedly ignoring the other to do much more than sit by the fire, bundled in furs, wearing someone else's clothes underneath.
Of course, they were both as far apart from each other as physically possible whilst also staying within the warmth of the fire. Matthias was silent. Y/N was silent. Neither said a word.
Matthias leant forward and poked the fire with the poker, nudging the logs around. They sparked and crackled as fresh wood was added, feeding the fire. Matthias glanced over at Y/N, barely visible under the furs. "You need to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"That does not matter," Matthias said, leaning back. "Because you're so cold it means you don't feel hunger. Your body needs to eat."
"I'm fine. I just want to sleep," Y/N muttered, tightening the furs around her, trying to block him out.
Matthias looked back at the pot that was simmering over the fire. "If you sleep, you'll likely not wake up again."
"Oh, good, that saves you from having to kill me," Y/N said, refusing to look at him.
"If I was going to kill you, I would have done it by now," Matthias replied, rolling his eyes as he spooned the soup into two bowls. "Now, eat," he said, holding the bowl out to her.
Y/N reluctantly reached out a hand from underneath the furs and took the bowl, putting it on the floor in front of her. "And if I don't want to eat?"
"Then you'll succumb to hypothermia and pass out," Matthias said, shrugging. "All Drüskelle learn that mistake in their first few months. Most recover. Some don't. Brum always says that a Drüskelle-"
"If I eat the damn soup, will you shut up?" Y/N snapped, turning to glare at him.
Matthias nodded. He watched Y/N intently as she picked up the bowl and took a small sip of the soup, letting it digest before taking another sip.
"It's good soup," she reluctantly admitted, dipping her spoon back in. "If you've poisoned it, I won't mind dying this way."
"For Saint's sake," Matthias muttered, swearing in Fjerdan under his breath. "I haven't poisoned it! I am eating it too."
Y/N raised her eyebrows but returned to her soup.
Silence fell in the whaling hut again.
"You can have the bed."
Y/N looked over at Matthias as she finished her soup. "Don't be ridiculous, there's room for two of us." Matthias was silent so Y/N looked at him again. "Oh, don't tell me little Matthias is scared of sleeping next to a woman."
"I am not..." He paused, forcing himself to calm down. "I am not scared."
"Good, then we will before sleep in the bed," Y/N said, standing up, setting her half-eaten soup aside.
Matthias reluctantly stood up too. He watched as Y/N clambered onto the bed, wrapping herself up in the furs and getting comfortable.
"Oh for Saint's sake, stop being such a prune and come here," she snapped. "You're the one going on about hypothermia and yet you're over there, freezing."
"I'm fine."
"Oh, look how the tables have turned," she muttered.
Matthias climbed into the other side of the bed and lay down on the very edge - as far away as possible from Y/N.
"Drüskelle," she said, turning her head to look at him. "Do you want to freeze to death? No? Then move closer."
He shuffled closer.
Mattthias shuffled even closer. Y/N could feel his cold skin against her back and shivered slightly.
"There, now neither of us will die in the night and we can go back to hating each other in the morning, happy?"
Matthias grunted, burying himself under the furs. Y/N turned onto her side and pulled the furs up over her shoulder, tucking them around her. She closed her eyes and wriggled down a bit, getting comfortable.
The wind kept on howling.
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Matthias awoke suddenly as something jolted him. He sat up, expecting to see Y/N standing over him with a knife, about to cut out his heart. But the room was empty. It took him a moment to realise that someone was crying and that the someone was lying next to him.
He looked down at her and could see the tears falling down her face, the terror clearly written on her face as she relived something. Matthias wasn't sure why, but he felt his heart ache for the girl. He wasn't immune to nightmares - no one was.
Part of him wanted to leave her. A Grisha deserved to live through the terrors they had seen as punishment. But he couldn't believe that this girl - barely younger than him - could be so heartless and brutal. at such a young age, what could she have possibly experienced and seen that would have traumatised her in such a way.
Matthias reached out a hand and put it on her shoulder, shaking her gently. "Roëd," he said, for he didn't know her true name. Neither one had decided to share that information.
Y/N let out a panicked yelled and sat up, almost falling out of the bed. She pushed Matthias' hand away, flinging back all of the furs until she was just in the shirt and pants she'd found in the corner of the hut. Y/N pushed herself up from the bed and bolted from the room and out into the cold, cold night.
Matthias quickly got up and followed after her, not wanting her to get lost in the Fjerdan landscape or end up being attacked because, despite the death threats and the mutual hated, he did care for her. She'd saved him from the shipwreck and, somehow, they were still going.
Y/N fell to her knees in the snow - in the dark - and plunged her hands into the cold, wet snow, needing it to ground her and wake her up from her nightmare. Matthias stood in the doorway, watching warily in the background.
"Sorry," Y/N said quietly, her voice almost being lost in the wind. She sniffled and ducked her head, hiding her face. "I'm sorry."
Matthias approached cautiously. He hovered behind her for a moment before kneeling down behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Don't be sorry for something you can't control."
Y/N chuckled, a shiver wracking through her body. "You surprised that Grisha have nightmares too?" She asked, turning to look at him. "That we're human?"
Matthias was silent. Y/N scoffed quietly, knowing she was right.
Their silent argument ended abruptly when a wolf let out a loud howl, only a few feet away. Both Y/N and Matthias looked up, struggling to see the animal through the dark and blinding snow.
The wolf stalked forward, baring its teeth at Y/N. She didn't move.
"Don't attack it," Matthias said quietly, slowly rising to his feet.
"No offence, Drüskelle, but I'm not going to let a wolf attack me because it's a sacred animal to you," Y/N hissed.
"Just wait," Matthias insisted. "Let him move first. If he attacks first then we know."
"And if he just stands there?"
"Then we wait."
The wolf snarled, taking another step forward. It howled. And then turned around and walked off.
"Get up, slowly," Matthias said, holding a hand out to Y/N.
Y/N reached behind her and took his hand, letting him pull her into his side. Matthias wrapped an arm around her shoulders, trying to warm Y/N up, as they watched the wolf walk off into the night.
"I've never seen a wolf just leave before," Y/N said quietly, shivering under Matthias' arm.
"They're mainly peaceful if not provoked," Matthias replied.
"As are Grisha."
Matthias looked down at her, his eyes finding hers. He looked at her for a moment in silence. Y/N looked up at him. She met his gaze for only a few seconds before she swayed against him, her knees giving out and plunging her back into the snow.
Matthias fell to the snow with her, pulling her into his side and putting an arm under her legs, another around her back, and lifting her up out of the snow. He carried her back inside, sitting her in front of the fire.
He grabbed the furs off the bed and piled them onto her, wrapping them around her shivering form. Y/N didn't protest, her eyes closing involuntarily as she tried to stay focused on the fire.
"Now who's dying of hypothermia," she muttered, her teeth chattering as she gave Matthias a half-hearted smile.
Matthias sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, rubbing her shoulder as he tried to warm her up.
"For a man who hunts Grisha for a living, you are very determined to keep me alive," Y/N said quietly.
Matthias sighed to himself. "It was Grisha who killed my entire family. They set the village on fire and let it burn. My mother, sister and father all died. Because of Grisha."
Y/N was silent. Eventually, she spoke, her eyes focused on the fire. "Not all Grisha are good, Druskelle. Not all Grisha are bad. Like people. The Grisha who murdered your family are the minority. We are not all like that. And we are certainly not witches. We create from elements that already exist in the world."
"Such as?"
Y/N pulled her arm out from under the furs. She looked up at Matthias. "Are we friends?"
Matthias nodded. "We are."
Y/N nodded. She held her hand palm up and then made a scooping motion, her eyes closed. She felt Matthias stiffen as fire appeared in her hand, orange flames dancing around her fingers.
"It's not magic. I simply summon all the combustible gases in the world, for there are thousands, and fire appears." Y/N waved her hand and the fire vanished. She pulled her hand back inside the furs. "That's all it is. Small Science, as we call it. No magic."
Matthias nodded. He didn't seem to be able to speak. He eventually decided on what he wanted to say. "What was your nightmare about? Only if you want to tell me."
Y/N shifted closer to Matthias. "I'm sure you've heard of General Kirigan - or the Darkling."
"I think it'd be impossible to find someone in all of Ravka, Fjerda and beyond who hasn't heard of it."
"It was not a man, nor a human. It is simply it."
Y/N smiled to herself. It slowly faded as she returned to her mind. "I was a Grisha under his orders when Sankt Alina first appeared. I was fresh out of school - a young Grisha desperate to prove herself. And he used me like he used hundreds of others. I was trapped under his control until King Nikolai broke us out.
"But the Darkling had done enough by then. Being used by him - controlled by him is something I do not wish to repeat. Sometimes in the night, I think I see him. I know he is long dead and burnt but... I hear his voice in the wind, I see his shadows in the darkness and all I can think about is what he did to me."
Matthias was silent. He knew about the Darkling. Everyone did. But very few knew about what it did to the young Grisha under its command.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, by the way," Y/N said quietly. "I feel like since I'm pouring my heart out to you, we should know each other's names."
Matthias smiled. "I'm Matthias Helvar."
Y/N nodded. She dropped her head onto Matthias' shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Matthias."
Matthias sat there, an arm around her shoulders, watching the flames dance away until morning came.
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It took them five days to find civilisation. The snowstorm passed after three days and it took them two days of walking - and almost falling off a cliff - to reach safety.
The inn wasn't much - it was full of Fjerdan sailors on their way out or back from long trips out at sea. But it was warm and it was safe - for now.
"I don't know how I feel about stealing," Matthias said as Y/N unlocked the door to their room.
"I didn't steal, I borrowed," Y/N corrected, walking inside.
"Are you going to give it back?"
"Indirectly, yes."
Matthias laughed. Y/N stared at him.
"Saints, Matthias, I didn't know you could laugh!" She exclaimed.
Matthias chuckled as he took his coat off and sat down on the bed, stretching his legs out.
"It appears we have learnt a lot about each other this past week," he said softly, smiling at her.
Y/N approached him and sat down on his right, dropping her head to his shoulder. "You know, I have no idea what Roëd means."
"The other night, when I was having a nightmare, you called me Roëd..."
Matthias' smile grew. "It means red in Fjerdan."
"Red? Why red?"
"Well, when we first met -"
"When you kidnapped me, you mean."
Matthias rolled his eyes. "You were wearing a red skirt, like the one you're wearing now. Since I didn't know your name... I thought Roëd was subtle."
Y/N nodded, a smile working its way onto her face. "I like it."
Matthias put his arm around Y/N's shoulders - an action he'd found himself doing numerous times over the past week. He ran his thumb up and down her arm, gently following an imaginary line.
"What will you do now?" Matthias asked quietly.
The question had been praying on his mind for days now. What happens next. He could easily go back to Brum, resume his training, tell his tale. Y/N could easily return to wherever she came from - carry on leaving her life. Nothing would change.
Except something had changed. The world had shifted. Just a bit, but enough to know that there was no going back to the before.
"Find a ship back to Ketterdam," Y/N said softly. Her left hand was entwined with his, her fingers playing with his. "Tell my boss what happened and hope he gives me my job back. What about you?"
"I don't know."
"Have I changed you that much, Druskelle?" Y/N asked, tilting her head up to look at him.
Matthias looked down at her. "Perhaps. What is... Ketterdam like?"
"First of all, excellent pronunciation," Y/N said, looking back down again. "Second of all, it's shit."
"Then why would you want to go back?"
"Because it was the only place to welcome me after I left Ravka. I fitted in seamlessly there. No questions were asked about me or my powers. I got a job and they treat me well. It works for me."
"I cannot imagine what it must be like to be... persecuted everywhere you go."
"Saints, I have changed you!" Y/N said, looking back at him. She smiled. "It's hard. Trusting people is harder. I haven't used my power in years as a result but... I prefer it that way, oddly. I was used and wanted for my power in Ravka. In Ketterdam I am just me. I'm just Y/N."
Matthias stared at the wall for a moment. "I'd like to go somewhere like that. Where it is simply just... you and I. Simply Y/N and Matthias."
"No prejudice."
"No hatred."
"Just us."
Matthias looked back at her and leaned down, capturing Y/N's lips in a kiss before she had a chance to move. He leant back and pressed his forehead to hers.
"I'll miss this," Matthias said quietly, knowing deep down, that it would inevitably end as all good things did. "Us."
Y/N closed her eyes, pressing her lips together. "You know, Matthias, I could be in love with someone like you."
"I know. As could I."
And that was the truth. She could love him and he could love her. Despite the ways they'd been raised. Despite what they'd lived through and experienced at the hands of their people, both of them, Grisha and Druskelle, could and did love each other.
It was the truth and the pain of it. Knowing that their love was never meant to be.
And that it was never destined to last.
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mochiable · 3 years
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— how you met nct dream.
anon request: hello! i don’t know if you take this type of request but i would love a scenario on how you meet nct dream ot7 if it’s possible, thank you!
warning: one swear word
wc: 1.5k
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you had been watching that cute boy on the badminton court playing with his friends ever since you had started working in the gym and you couldn't help but become more and more interested in him with each passing day. the noises he made when he hit the shuttlecock, the whimpers that came from his pink fluffy lips when he missed the expected shot and the way he frowned and puckered his mouth when his partner missed were some of your favourite things about going to work. yet you had never been able to strike up a conversation. never until this day, when his friends decided to take a break and go watch the football match, while he preferred to stay and practice a bit more.
"you're good," you complimented him once you approached him and threw him a bottle of water, which he managed to catch on the fly. "thank you," he replied flashing you a shy smile, causing his cheekbones to bulge. "where did you learn all that?" you asked sitting down on the bench at the side of the court. he turned to look at you nervously, setting the bottle down once he had taken a sip. "my father... well... he taught me, i guess," he replied, averting his gaze to anywhere on the court except your eyes. "and what do you like best about it?" you questioned him, watching the feather he was playing with bounce on the ground. "ahhh, i... i like badminton, i mean... i like it a lot, like... the... the... the rackets are really nice," he replied trying to find the right words, looking even more tender than ever and causing a smile to form on your lips. but just then his friends arrived, so you stood up and approached him. "nice to meet you, mark," you bowed your head and he copied you, failing to hide the blush on his cheeks.
you snorted once more when the card of the hotel you were staying at wouldn't open the door. you had just taken a dip in the pool and were starting to get cold from wearing only a t-shirt over your swimsuit. you had already used every curse word the dictionary had and still the door wouldn't open. until suddenly you heard a click and it did, so you hurriedly tried to enter. however, something a little softer than the door blocked your way, making you bump into it or, rather, into someone.
“can i help you with something?” the boy smiled kindly as two others a little taller than him appeared from behind. you frowned, looking at the number painted on the door and then looking at the number written on your card. it was then that you realised your mistake, “shit! sorry, sorry. i've got the wrong room,” you apologised, trying to hide your embarrassment and nervousness. “is your room next door?” he asked leaning the side of his body against the door frame, to which you nodded, “i hope to see you again then,” he spoke, as the other two boys who hadn't moved yet tried to hide their laughter. you smiled still a little self-consciously and turned around with the intention of getting out of there. “nice outfit, by the way.”
you were taking the dog for a walk in the park as you usually did, but this day was a bit different. you let the dog loose, trusting him completely, although you regretted it after a second when you saw how he ran away from you, starting to chase a boy riding his bike. you ran after him, calling his name and wishing you were born with more stamina, because your lungs weren’t strong enough for that. the boy slowed down when he noticed the animal running after him, who didn't think twice before jumping on top of him and knocking him off his bike, licking his face while getting petted. when you managed to get to where they were, you apologised repeatedly, getting several "don't worry" from the boy, smiling with amusement at your furry friend.
“i hope your dog doesn't attack me again,” he laughed softly, hopping on his bike and riding off, reassuring you that there would definitely be a next time.
in the summer you worked in a flower shop, you didn't get paid much but it was enough to pay for your studies. that day, your boss sent you to the most famous dance company in your city to deliver a bouquet with yellow sunflowers, something strange you had to admit.
leaving the lift you bumped into a handsome guy who apologized for not having noticed and almost destroying those beautiful flowers. as an apology he offered to guide you to your destination and you, a bit shy, accepted shyly. you could notice the look of confusion when you pointed out where you should deliver the sunflowers and, when you entered the room, he didn't hesitate to speak.
“so the flowers are for me, you’re the one sending them?” he approached them to smell their soft, fresh scent and then looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. you shook your head slightly, watching an amused pout form on his handsome face, “how bad, i would’ve wished to receive such a gift from someone so pretty.”
Songpa Naru Park was perhaps your favourite place to spend the afternoon when you didn't have too much to do. coming here, watching the almond blossoms swaying in the wind, listening to the swallows singing and watching families having a good time were your favourite images. you couldn't miss the photographs, you were nobody without your camera and your snapshots.
at that moment, watching the black and white ducks arguing over which part of the lake belonged to each of them, you felt a flash in your right profile, which made you startle and your camera, which was in your lap, rush to the ground. however, a big hand prevented that horrible disaster.
“forgive me,” the stranger apologised, “i didn't mean to,” he showed you his perfect white teeth as he returned the camera to your lap. “did you take a picture of me?” you asked looking in his direction, remembering that bright light. he looked at you with regret and put his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously, “sorry about that too.” you gave him a tight-lipped smile and lifted your shoulders, “don't worry, it's all right,” you replied turning your gaze back to the lake, “it’s beautiful, isn't it?” you asked, watching him out of the corner of your eye. “yes, very pretty,” he replied, looking at your picture on his camera, which brought another smile to your face, a bigger one this time.
you were definitely lost. maybe if you hadn't listened to your brother, you would now be at the restaurant where your parents were waiting for you. but obviously, he didn't want to use the gps as he had "memorised the way". and this is when he forced you to roll down the car window and ask some stranger for help.
“excuse me, could you tell me where Las Torres restaurant is?” you asked a handsome guy, wearing a loose summer brown shirt. he smiled at you and asked for your phone so he could write it down for you, which you readily agreed to. “here you go. i’ve drawn you the official route, but also a small detour that will get you there faster,” he explained, handing you back the phone through the window. after thanking him and saying goodbye, he gave you a smile with a wink, which caused a slight blush to appear on your cheeks. you soon learned the reason for this gesture. he hadn't asked for your mobile phone just to guide you, but to write down his number as well.
you were having dinner with a friend at one of your favourite restaurants, celebrating the end of the school year and another year of your friendship. however, you weren't paying full attention to your friend, as you were busier watching the boy who hadn't stopped looking at you all night and who, when you looked back at him, looked away, blushing slightly. halfway through dinner you could notice his friend saying something in his ear, looking in your direction, and how the boy's eyes widened while he began to shake his head. but suddenly, the other boy stood up and, ignoring his friend's prayers, approached you with a mischievous smile on his face.
“good evening,” he greeted, interrupting your conversation and resting his hands on the table, “you've caught my friend's eye, but he's too shy and cowardly to come and ask for your number himself, so i’m here to make his dreams come true,” he addressed you with confidence and amusement, pointing to the sweet boy who was now covering his face with the tablecloth. you finally decided to write down your number on the napkin and your heart skipped a beat as the boy smiled shyly at you after receiving the piece of paper with your number written on it.
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requests are open!
main masterlist | nct masterlist
a/n: this is my very first multiple scenario and i have to admit i’m very nervous about it. i’d really appreciate it if you could provide me with some feedback and tell what do you think of it! hope you liked it, love you<3
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🐈‍Aizawa HC’s🐈‍
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I dunno if people will care for this; I suspect my HC's for Aizawa are a little off the fandom norm. Still. I tried. Things get approximately NSFW under the cut. Minors do not interact.
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He has like, one discernible change of clothes per season. There is no distinction between hero outfit, casual wear, and pajamas. That fabric used to be black. It is now an exhausted shade of ‘please stop washing me.’ If you suggest that he buy new clothes, he will stare you down like you have three heads, and none of those heads have a brain.
This man does not spend money. He has a mind-blowing amount of savings, but no one will ever know until he dies and wills it all to a random animal shelter in the middle of nowhere. Has a secret scholarship fund for UA students. Again, this is completely anonymous. Only the principal knows.
He's a startlingly competent sketch artist. Nothing fancy, and he never took an art class in his life, but his quirk innately lends itself to spacial reasoning and feature recognition. He has sketch books brimming with sloppy but pin-point accurate life drawings. He can capture your soul in three strokes of a dried-up ballpoint pen. It's eerie.
Given his schedule, you’d expect him to prioritze convenience first, but junk food makes him cross-eyed. His body is a temple and he eats like a fucking monk.
He’s a wine snob. Well, a liquor snob generally. He knows the name of every regional sake-maker in Japan, and can tell you exactly which bottle is the best, down the the month of production. Assumes everyone possesses such laser-focused knowledge.
Tea drinker. Yeah, he has encyclopedic knowledge about that too. Apparently everything this man drinks comes with a bibliography.
Technically he’s supposed to live in the UA dorms part of the time. He sleeps poorly there, and goes home whenever he has the opportunity.
His house is old, but not valuable. Probably inherited. Traditional style with very few modern updates. He keeps it meticulously clean and does repairs as needed, but the age is still obvious. Everything creaks. You swear the place is haunted but won’t dare admit it aloud - he WILL laugh you out of the house.
There’s a garden but he doesn’t have time to keep it up. He has a lot of memories of the plants in full bloom. Letting it go to seed upsets him more than he lets on.
He has zero personal possessions aside from household appliances, which he meticulously researches and keeps in perfect condition.
Reads an insane amount of books. These mostly come from the library. There’s always a stack near his bed. You have no idea how he finishes them, because every time you see him with a book, he’s asleep with it on his face.
He doesn’t adopt cats so much as just leaves his doors open and lets them freely colonize the place. It’s not his house, it’s theirs. Somehow there's not a single cat hair on anything.
Most of these cats are cuddly little angels; you've never met nicer. But there’s a few beasts in the mix, with battle scars and three legs and a craving for human meat; these are Aizawa’s special favorites.
- - - - -
Falls for you when he stumbles across you taking care of one of the hideous strays he usually feeds on his route. Doesn’t approach you at first (definitely tries to hide) but the cat is like "mrrr?" and brings you over to him, giving the game away. Traitor.
Will make you pay for your half of everything, down to the last yen. So what if you’ve been together for ten years? You have your own income.
One exception to the above: he’ll never buy you presents but he WILL treat you to lavish meals in dark restaurants with hand-written menus. Don’t mistake this for romance, he just likes the quiet atmosphere and excellent service.
He cleans every day; there’s an unwritten five-dimensional schedule and that schedule is EXACT. Zero time wasted. He’ll never actually ask you to help with any of it. He’ll never directly thank you, either. But if you learn how to take over certain chores and do the daily upkeep while he’s away, he’ll love you forever.
Not the type to talk about his day; he’d rather sit with you outside. He values silence. Not because he doesn’t want to talk to you, but a lot of the time he doesn’t have the energy to give you his full conversational attention. Physical contact is easier, and more comforting besides. Just... hold his hand a while.
His scalp gets tingly and sore from overusing his quirk. If you run your fingers through his hair he will pass out instantly.
He will cozy trap you. He’s touch-starved and was definitely a cat in a past life. Will hang all over you if you don't give him enough attention and constantly falls sleep in your lap. Hope you don’t need to get up anytime soon; he’s not moving.
You don’t exactly ‘move in’ with him. He never wants to spend a night without you, but his living space is already exactly how he likes it. He will never move out of that old house, but he’ll give you some rooms to yourself. Your stuff and his... complete absence of stuff... stay pretty much separate. Do NOT clutter up the bedroom.
The kitchen is the exception. That's a warm and cozy shared spot, the heart of the home. You’ll always be stepping around a cat.
He LOVES when you cook for him (so that he doesn't have to take the time). Will shower you with praise and encourage you to make huge earthenware vats of old-timey tsukemono that the two of you cannot possibly eat by yourselves. He’ll help with food prep and knows his way around, but he insists you’re the better cook (even if you aren’t).
Big on actions over words. Makes an effort to be present with you as much as he can.
Will stare into your eyes until you look away. When you look back, he's still staring with a rare warm smile on his face.
God, he loves you. You will never, ever know how much. He doesn't tell you often, but he shows you every day.
- - - - -
This man is A-fucking-sexual. He’s not sex repulsed in any way, he’s just not personally invested.
Aromantic too. Deadass doesn’t get the hype. You are the most important person in his life and he’s deeply commited to and comforted by you. Just don’t expect to be seduced; it will literally never happen.
If you are allosexual, he will still be devoted to your sexual well-being. At first, that means buying you a DELUXE toy and encouraging you to use it on your own.
His voice is too damn sexy, even when he isn’t trying. He’ll give you all the phone sex you want; he thinks it’s sweet how you unravel for him. Edging you for ages is a fun little power play, but he’s definitely grading papers while he does it. Don’t be offended. Toshinori has overheard some THINGS.
When your relationship gets sufficiently serious, he’ll help out with his hands. He’s VERY SKILLED AT IT. He likes to lay down next to you and whisper encouragement in your ear. Eventually he gets possessive about your orgasms, and will make you ask for permission.
Sometimes the stars align, but his arousal is a rare bird. He'll take a whole afternoon to prepare. It’s love-making, full stop. Always slow and intensely emotional. He'll cherish every inch of you but might not cum at all; you can’t force it.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 1/3
Loki would like to express his feelings to Mobius but doesn't know how to do it, he finds a sympathetic ear in Miss Minutes, without knowing that Mobius is suffering from the same problem...
Chapitre 1/3 - Chapter 2/3 - Chapitre 3/3
A little story, of love, of friendship, of two idiots in love...
1374 words - Rating G
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"Good job Loki!" Mobius smiled at him before continuing, "I'm really going to start thinking you're trying to steal my job."
Loki, once again touched by the praise more than he should, followed him with his eyes as he returned to his office.
"I can see that..."
Loki snapped out of his contemplation at the small voice of Miss Minutes who seemed to have taken up residence on his desk. He had formed a rather curious bond with the small animated clock.
"What? What can you see?" replied Loki, turning to his desk.
"That you're making eyes at him..." she smiled at him knowingly, making Loki realize that there was no need to deny it. He didn't feel like it either.
"So what? Why should I deprive myself of it?"
"Oh but don't deprive yourself for me, my little Loki, though don't you think you should tell him?" she came to sit on the edge of the desk, looking a little more serious.
"Tell him what?"
"That you love him."
"I don't -" Loki paused, because he didn't feel like denying that either. It was the truth after all.
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
"This is difficult."
"I know I'm not the best one to talk about feelings, but I've seen a lot of things, so why not just tell him?" asked Miss Minute gently.
Loki sighed again.
"I... I've never actually said those words to anyone, well once to my brother, but that doesn't count. It's not the same thing, obviously. And this time especially I-"
He slouched on the desk and took his head in his hands.
A few seconds later, he felt a small tap on his forearm and he looked up to see Miss Minute settling comfortably against his arm.
"I hope you're comfortable at least?" he asked a little offended to see his arm relegated to the role of chair back.
"It's not bad, but it lacks a bit of fluff, you should think about filling it up a bit, my little Loki."
"Hey, you cheeky little thing!"
"Anyway, let's not change the subject, smart ass! What were you going to say Loki?"
"This time I have everything to lose." he exhaled before continuing, "Mobius is probably, no he's definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm not even sure I deserve it. In fact it's impossible for me to quantify how I feel about him."
"That my little Loki is love, it's impossible to know the width and depth of it. At least that's what I read somewhere."
"I feel like just telling her 'I love you' isn't enough. And besides I don't even know if he feels the same way about me."
He was interrupted by the sight of Miss Minutes writhing in laughter on his desk.
When she got serious again she asked him, "Seriously? It's clear to everyone how you feel about each other, believe me, if you're smitten, he's as smitten as you. You guys are anything but subtle. Mobius and Loki's devotion to each other is probably known on every time line!"
"I can't believe you're laughing at me! Watch out or I'll turn you into a pocket watch!"
"I can't help it, you're so cute when you get mad."
"You're starting to get too cheeky for my taste Mimi!"
"Admit it, you like it."
Loki pouted, not wanting to give in.
"Let's get back to the topic at hand, you say that just telling him 'I love you' isn't enough, how about you tell me why you love him?" asked Miss Minute as she resumed her seat, sitting against Loki's arm.
Loki reflected for a few seconds before he began to speak, "I think the first reason is because he challenges me to be a better version of myself.  Because from the beginning, he kept trying to make me understand that I didn't have to be what others wanted me to be. And despite the times I failed, he was able to forgive me and he continued to believe in me."
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
"Hm I see," Miss Minutes replied, "What else?"
"He's not intimidated by me, by the entirety of who I am, by my past mistakes, he doesn't lie to me. If I screw up, he tells me, if I react badly, he tells me, but never makes me feel inferior. And in the same way he tells me when I do something right, and that's super new to me, to the point where I'm a little embarrassed at how much it makes me feel good."
"That's just because you're not used to it. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being happy knowing you're doing something right." she replied with a little wink.
"Sometimes he annoys me, because he has this know-it-all side, because he can read me. And for me who spent my time hiding, even from myself, it is sometimes heavy. I want to wipe that little smile off his face! But that's what also makes him understand me perfectly, and since it's also a first for me, well, we'll say it makes up for the annoyance."
"You've learned to compromise, bravo, I'm proud of you my little Loki." the little clock smiled at him again in a cheeky way.
"So you told me about what he did for you, what he's doing for you, what else? I don't know, his appearance for example, some might say, and this is not my opinion so don't hit me, that he is far from your type physically..."
Loki looked offended and replied heatedly, "What do you mean not my type physically?"
He transformed into his frost giant appearance for a few seconds before resuming his appearance.
"What is my type physically? First of all what does that mean, what is that concept? What does it have to do with feelings?"
Miss Minute stood up again and patted his arm, "Loki, don't get upset, I told you that wasn't my opinion. We're friends, right? I like to think so. Imagine Loki, the god of mischief is friends with an animated IA in the form of a clock."
Loki cooled down a bit and smiled at her, seeing what she was getting at, before resuming more calmly this time.
"If the question is whether I am physically attracted to Mobius, and more importantly what is it about him that attracts me, I would say yes I am attracted to him. His eyes, the way they sparkle so much that they light up the rest of his face, the way his smile starts in his eyes. That smile he has only for me. And his hands, Mimi, his hands! They are so strong, any excuse to touch them or to have them touch me. They excite me and make me feel safe at the same time. And I'll let you in on a secret, I'm glad no one knows him in anything but a TVA suit, because I assure you the way the jeans fit his beautiful beh-hmph."
The little watch had jumped up to close Loki's mouth with her two little hands.
"It's okay, it's okay, I think I got it and the rest will be too much for my pure little chaste ears!"
"But it's true! I swear! It makes me want to take off those jeans every time!"
"Lokiiii! That's enough!" Miss Minutes gave him a little kick.
Loki laughed out loud.
When they had both calmed down, Miss Minutes added, "Loki, tell Mobius, tell him everything you just told me, I don't know anyone in the world who wouldn't like to hear everything you just told me."
Loki looked a little sadder and replied softly, "But what do I have to offer him? I am not a good person for him. And I'm still waiting for the day when he can't stand my kind anymore and tells me I have to leave."
"A couple of idiots, that's what I'm saying." said a female voice behind him.
Loki turned around, Sylvie was standing in the doorway of his office, his lover just behind her.
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it.🥰
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speedypandaweasel · 3 years
Change of Plans - A Yancy x Neutral! Reader
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 MASTERLIST
Where we left off:
So much for a lie in. You slowly rose from the cocoon of warmth you had made for yourself and you felt your toes wriggle up the bed and hiss at the exposed coldness of the room. Dragging yourself out of subconsciousness, your eyes finally decided to greet the grey interior and the black-barred window that perched just out of your arms reach. Why would they put such a tiny window if they didn’t want anyone to look out of it? Pretty pathetic actually. The Penitentiary really needed to repaint the bars, some of the black paint had flaked onto your pillow whilst you were sleeping.
You sat up, a little too quickly, and a cold, hard sensation hit the top of your body. Well good morning to you too World.
The unbearable ringing continued as you brought your arm down onto the squawking alarm clock. The room fell into a comfortable silence once more. 7:30am, not too bad, yet it could have been a little longer. Yet it was as if someone decided to balance a massive book on “how to not have a headache” on your already sore head. You’d ask Boggs for some paracetamol, or maybe some Ibuprofen as you tried to ponder on what did you do to deserve this...
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~ Chapter 5 ~
MatchBox Analysis - 2.3K Words
"I'm here to speak to Officer Boggs." You timidly spoke, playing with the hem of your shirt. The man that towered in the small door frame in front of you was the most intimidating of all: Officer Rexx.
There were rumours about him that were too obscure and dangerous to mention twice, You only happen to hear about them when you overheard a couple of prisoners talking about "the anniversary" of how he lost his previous job, whatever that meant. To be frank, you didn't want to know about whatever hell hole he wriggled out of and treaded on eggshells around him, even if you weren't speaking to him. Something about that man caused you to feel insecure about something that you couldn't point your finger at, but there was no doubt that it was there.
"Yeah, he's in here." He paused for a moment. "You're one of the newer ones around here, aren't you? I've seen you around but never had the pleasure to meet."
He stuck out his grubby hand, his sausage fingers extended shortly at you, waiting for you to touch them. You grimaced before wiping that expression off your face. Rule 1: Never acknowledge the fingers.
You stuck out your hand bravely and shook his greasy one. His strong grip tightened around your knuckles as he shook hard, almost breaking your frail fingers.
"Well, I'll just go get him. Stay there." He spat. The door firmly closed behind him, the staff room's view blocked once again. You peeped through the mesh windows and managed to decipher the blurred silhouette of the sofa and coffee counter. You backed away as the door swung open again to the familiar face of Officer Boggs, his much shorter height made you relax second by the second.
"Oh hi Y/N, shouldn't you be outside?" He asked before shutting the door behind him, leaving the both of you outside in the wide hallway.
"Well I am, but I forgot to give you this from last night." You replied, planting your hand into your pocket before pulling out the owners key. Boggs let out a chuckle as his rosy cheeks grew even merrier.
"I forgot I gave you this! I'm glad that at least someone doesn't take my naivety for granted" He continued. "I respect that about you."
He unhooked the jingling keys from his beltline and clipped the Cafertiera key on the chain. He had a proud collection of keys to his name - being a veteran member of the Prison, it did have its perks.
"Well thank you, I really appreciate that Boggs. You know, sometimes I don't feel like I fit in here myself." Sounded cliche, you internally facepalmed yourself. Normally you wouldn't be telling this to anyone, but Boggs had been there since forever so it was nice to tell at least someone your true thoughts about staying here.
"Oh now don't think like that, every prisoner when they first come in her feels like that, but don't worry, I'm sure that the others will welcome you soon. Have you tried talking to them? I know you're not the socially inclined person but give it a shot. Who knows? You might actually enjoy their company" He concluded.
When Boggs gave advice, it could go two ways: either it was incredibly awful which ended in bad decisions being drawn from it, or it could be genuinely heartwarming and sincere words of wisdom. Thankfully, this was one of those pieces.
You allowed yourself to run over the speech the superior had just given and smiled. You could spark up a conversation with Yancy, you could ask him about what that poem meant! Maybe that could be the starting point of breaking out of your introverted shell.
"Thanks Boggs, I really do appreciate you." You said, before heading off outside.
"Have fun! But not too much fun, I don't want for you to get hurt!" His yells sounded down the empty corridor.
The mid-day sun blazed down on the steaming concrete, the prisoners having that work-out glow. Yancy had rolled his short sleeves even shorter, exposing his lesser-known tattoos, and his private box was stuffed in his trouser leg conveniently, away from the guard's view. If anyone found out what was in this box..well, it would ruin him.
Racing became tiresome after a couple of hours so the prisoners resorted to lazily running laps around the small quarter, this included the songbird himself.
"I tell's ya T, you wanna stop off for a few minutes? this box is gettin' uncomfortable." He protested, shifting his weight from one foot to another, finding a comfortable spot in his trouser leg.
"Why, you chickening out? Scared that someone will beat your record?" T retorted.
The prisoners slowed to a stop. Yancy regrettably paused his track game and attempted to get his ragged breath back.
"No ya dingus, it's 'cause dis box is scratchin' my skin off! I swear I's bleedin' down my shin by now."
Tiny's retort turned into concern as they pulled over to the side of the quarter. Once out of sight, Yancy slowly rolled his trouser leg up to his shin and took out the small, worn-out box from the bottom of his leg.
"Your leg hasn't been sawed off Yance, but you sure you need to keep it there? You could hurt yourself."
Yancy chortled shortly, not willing to admit that his friend was right. After what happened last time, he was going to learn from his mistakes. He rubbed his fading ankle bruise as he remembered the time he stayed in the medical ward. But the question was: where was he going put the little thing?
His eyes scanned the usual nooks and crannies that he had hid stuff in before, but word somehow got out and now everyone was using them for their secret stashes. Great - so much for having the upper hand.
His eyes continued to look for somewhere to stuff the thing until his ears pricked up on the outside door swinging open. His frustrated face broke into a smile as he saw you walk out timidly, and perching on a weight bench.
"Here, can youse hang on to it for a hot minute, just don't open it alight," He said, his curious eyes never leaving your sight.
Tiny was startled. The Boss never let them hold anything of his, let alone the one thing he persistently never left out of his sight. Tiny slipped the matchbox into their shoe before taking a squat down the brick wall as they watched their mate stride over to the newbie, but chose not to follow suit.
You picked at the seat cushion like it was the most interesting thing ever to you, whilst plucking up the courage to go and talk to the most confident person out here. Your eyes managed to look up. partially blinded from the sun but saw the small huddles of prisoners near the water pitches, walking around, or down by the blind spot. Guards stood at every entrance broadly, letting people in and out of the area, their moist uniforms made you wonder how the hell they managed to keep composure in this heat.
Your moment abruptly came as you saw the man of the hour coming towards you, his wide shoulders fully exposed to the heats rays. You knew he worked but w-w-wow.
"Finally decided to join in the fun eh?" He sprung up the conversation.
Chuckling, you look down, embarrassed and in amusement "And I'm guessing that this is the newest trouser look. Is this asymmetric chic? or is this just you trying to use illusion to become taller?" You threw a double whammy at him.
Yancy's shocked eyes bored into your own mischievous ones for a brisk moment. Suddenly, he exaggeratedly placed a hand on his chest before crumbling to the grass floor. "Oh de pain! I can't bear it anymore! Not another short joke!"
Other people around the quarter edge were starting to laugh along with his flailing and happily applauded when he finished his piece. The cheering and jeering died down as the conversation drifted back to normal, as Yancy dragged his trouser leg down and sidled up next to you and he bumped his hard shoulder next to yours.
"What a Drama Queen." You continued, letting out a small smile.
"What can I's say, I got's to get ma training in somewhere." He replied "So how's it been with you? Finish dat book yet?"
It was as if he read your mind! The topic of the poetry book caught your attention as you chipped away at your social shell. "Uh, not yet, but I did want to ask you a couple of questions about poem 19. You know, the one you recommended I read?"
The prisoner stretched his arms and placed them behind himself. "Oh yeah! It's one of ma favourites! I personally thinks its about de good and bad sides to love and once you've actually caught feelings for someone, it pains you to do things dat even surprise yaself. Youse got me?"
You would have never known that Yancy had a passion for literature, just listening to him made you even more dedicated to spending time with him. Boggs was right with his advice, it didn't bruise your ego that bad to socialise with new people, as it made you question what other things the man had up it sleeve - or trouser leg.
You rephrased yourself, "Ok then Yance, do you read poems often then?" your feet started to dance around the grassy floor, flattening pieces of green.
"So do you analyse poems often then Yancy?"
The man interrupted you "Oh please, call me Yance, only the big dog calls me Yancy."
"I used to when I was a youngin', my family hads a nice library ya see. Dey's had Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and some oder authors I can't remember but when youse a fabulous actor like myself, you gotta keep up ya noggin' in check." He smiled and looked out onto the busy area, almost reminiscing about his past life.
He never liked to bring up the subject of his past but when Yacny was with you, it felt- right. To finally talk about childhood memories and just laugh about them, instead of it always being dragged back to the soul reason why he was locked up at Happy Trails in the first place.
His strong arm planted on the side of your small shoulder as he gave you a tight squeeze. "How about youse? Do you read?"
"I-Uh... I"
Words formed in your mouth, yet your tongue was on holiday, not responding to any sentence your brain was throwing at you. Butterflies were born in your stomach as your face started to feel warm, too warm for your liking. What was happening? Were you having sunstroke!?
"Youse ok? Ya looking a little warm d'ere" Yancy said, dropping his arm from your side. "Youse want me to go grab you some water?"
This signalled your tongue to finally come back to work. "Oh. No, I'm fine thanks and yeah, I read, that's what I was going to ask about you actually." You said, forcing confidence.
"No way! Heh, I guess great minds think alike huh?" He replied, grinning his addicting smile. He looked over to where he left Tiny and an idea sprung in his scheming mind. "Hey, youse wanna come over to the wall, I got's a friend who you could meet. I mean, only if you wanna?" Yancy laughed, trying to sweetly coax you deeper into socialisation.
You hesitated. This man sure was alluring, but risking another episode like that caused you to reconsider. You bit your bottom lip, slightly, your eyebrows became sewn together as you weighted up your options. Either go over and run your social battery out completely, or decline and recover from this moment.
"Thanks Yance, but I think I'm done for the day." You responded. "All this talking and warm heat" and maybe some other things "has made my head spin a little."
"Ok, well if youse's sure." Yancy stood up once more and punched your shoulder "See you around Keys!"
You saw him walk back to his mate and sit down together under the shade of the building. You blissfully made your way back inside of Happy Trails, back with you and your own thoughts.
Its blasting air conditioner made your arms tingle as you pulled out a chair in the Cafeteria and went to reach for the poetry book. The silence hung much thicker in the air as you sat uncomfortably. Is this what withdrawal felt like? To be isolated not a minute after being surrounded by people. You kind of missed the feeling of having someone to talk to, but everyone had their boundaries - even you. You tried not to linger on the thought of feeling like you let Yancy down. He gave you the opportunity to help you overcome your fears but you didn't take it. Maybe next time you would take it, but for now, you did something new today: You should be proud of yourself.
You scanned around at the empty chairs and tables, the occasional guard whistling by the Cafeteria's door frame before you brought your head to the window. Your eyes soon spotted Yancy sashaying around with his friend. They must have said something funny because he soon showed his pearly whites, his chest rising and falling as his strong hand clutched his chest. Your eyes couldn't tear themselves away from this scene. The jailbird was the only person who actually tried with you. Smiling to yourself, you looked back up and your breath hitched. He was looking directly back at you and giving you a small wave. His smaller companion followed suit, shooting their hand straight up, frantically joining in. You sheepishly waved back before opening the book from you left off.
"Missed me Y/N?"
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hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
Hello lovely, and thank you for everything you've written for us! I'm going to keep the Miki flag flying high this time with SFW alphabet ༼♥ل͜♥༽ Can I request: A, C, G, M? (⺣◡⺣)♡* just a little flufff
It’s our very own Haku Trash Man!! He absolutely deserves some fluff, and thank you for waiting such a while for this one! 😘
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s rather brash and not really used to caring for another person’s feelings like this, so at first he goes back and forth between too cold and too forward
Very dedicated to you though, and a little possessive, so he doesn’t like to leave you alone for long if you’re somewhere other guys might hit on you
Always makes excuses to touch you somehow in public, like drawing you close under his arm to mark you as taken
Teases you so much it’s almost like having an annoying sibling sometimes; he gives you a hard time for being too serious, then for being too naive or carefree. He just really enjoys your honest reactions and finds them very endearing
Other people teasing you is definitely not okay, however. It’s a familiar back-and-forth only he’s allowed to have with you
As often as he exasperates you by saying the wrong thing, if he found out anyone else was picking on you, he’d get very riled up on your behalf. Saburo leans toward overprotective when it comes to you and your reputation
He’s not the best at sweet talk or tenderness, but he’s always been unafraid of confronting problematic people and situations for you. Taking care of them so you don’t have to is one of the main ways he shows affection
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
At the end of a long day, he really loves a good cuddle from you, although sex is usually the first priority
Other people’s bullshit makes him feel like he’s going crazy sometimes. Coming home to you after all that is like a mental reset that wipes away that day’s pent-up frustration
He doesn’t have much to say during that time together, a nice change of pace from the way he normally runs his smart mouth
Doesn’t like to ask for it or admit it, but sometimes he really needs a long hug while you tell him everything’s going to work out. You learn to initiate those and to tell when he needs one from that stormy look he gets
It makes him grumble whenever you point it out, but he really really loves the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair from his nape to the top of his head
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gentleness is not this man’s forte
Saburo tends to be really blunt with his words. Most of the time he really doesn’t mean to offend or upset you, but he manages it pretty often, out of pure tactlessness
Seeing your face fall at something he said makes him feel like an absolute ass. He’ll inwardly kick himself, but he’s usually too proud to actually admit his mistake. So instead he’ll click his tongue at you for being so sensitive when obviously he was joking
Still, he swears to himself that he’ll try harder next time to think before he speaks
He’s basically a complete novice when it comes to being a gentleman toward a girl he really likes. You make him nervous, a feeling he hates; in the early days especially, his nerves usually make him blurt out rude things to try and seem like he’s not so affected by you
Physically, he’s a little grabby when he wants you
He doesn’t get the concept of boundaries at first. You firmly set him straight, informing him that while you very much enjoy how much he appreciates your assets, appreciating them that openly in public is not something you enjoy
Alone with you, he can be surprisingly hesitant when there’s no one else around to try and act cool for
His feelings for you also make his confidence falter a bit; when it’s just one-on-one, he feels like you have the upper hand over him much more than he was expecting
It unintentionally slows him down and makes him gentler. Whether it’s younger-sibling-insecurity or just his personality, he always wants to put out the impression that he has it together around you, even when you’re making his heart race
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
For all of his devil-may-care attitude, Saburo’s surprisingly dedicated to his work
If he has things to do early in the morning, you sometimes wake up to find he’s already dressed and out the door. He’s by no means a morning person, but he’s tough when it comes to biting the bullet and leaving those warm covers
Unless he’s nursing a particularly bad hangover, he’s not usually one to linger in bed even on days off–until he starts sharing a bed with you
He starts looking forward to waking up early, because in those quiet moments while you’re still asleep, he gets a chance to watch your peaceful face and feel some tender things toward you without anyone else around to notice, especially you
On the rare mornings when you’re first awake, you often find he’s curled up close to you with an arm draped over your middle
It’s adorable, because so often he complains you steal the covers or your hair gets in his face when he’s trying to go to sleep, so you respect his boundaries and give him some space at night. Yet without fail, he seems to gravitate right up next to your shoulders once he’s asleep
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irepookie · 6 years
Summary: QUEEN AU where Rog (aka Rowan Queen) is young single dad struggling to make it into music industry.
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff, Fluff, and swearing.
Word Count: 1926
Okay so this is the closest picture I could find to Row's state in the next two chapters:
Chapter 2: PIPER
Row has a lot questions to ask himself, and he knows it's on only his own future at stake, but also The Prune's, who may be getting a name.
Of all the things Rowan Queen might have aspired to be, -a Rockstar, a Roger Taylor level drummer...- a 19 year old solo dad wasn't amongst them.
All he knew was that since he had first held that small Wrinkly being and her eyes had met his, she had stolen a part of him, and that the only way to feel completed again was being with her.
Ridiculously sappy, he knew.
"But that's what makes best parents" Callie, the nurse who had introduced them assured him one day when he confessed his thoughts out loud, while he watched her sponge bath the infant "Don't feel stupid, or embarrassed for feeling that way, Row. In fact, that's exactly how it should be. Always. And those fathers who deny it or fight that connection, end up estranged from their kids as they grow up. Take it from a daughter who hasn't seen her father in 5 years"
But, alas, there he was, living between his flat and the Hospital's newborn aisle, because he just couldn't get that one girl out his head, despite don't knowing how he had come to this.
"Well I haven't seen mine in 9"
"And that scares you, don't it?"
He gasped, and nodded slowly.
"Is better having no father figure at all than having a bad one. Just like I think your Prune is luckier having one brave dad than a coward mom"
"And two fit parents?" He asked, eyes flicking to the untouched pile of adoption papers
"Well that's the ideal situation, isn't it? But the weight always ends up relaying more on the mother, you know? The father always steps back, because society still thinks it's more acceptable for us women to raise the children because, of course, we have deeper connection with 'em for carrying them around for nine months and blah blah blah." She got the towel and handed it to him before laying the squirming 2 day old In his arms.
He carefully wrapped it around her and sat down so he wouldn't drop her, then started to stroke her soft delicate skin with the towel.
"But that's bullshit." Callie continued "That's an excuse you men came up with to sneak out from changing nappies. But I believe you guys are just as capable of taking care of children as us. And that you might be the ultimate proof of it." She gathered her hair in a ponytail, and smiled at father and daughter, as Row was now
leaning back on the rocking chair with the Prune, -as all the staff had begun to call her- laid on his bare chest.
"So forget whatever prejudices you have. This kid needs you, she doesn't know nothing about what's going on, she misses her little warm oven, the voice she was so used to hear and that she'll never hear again because that world has left her behind the first chance she got and she's very confused.
But also, She doesn't know about gender stereotypes, or that she's a girl. But she knows you're here. And her instincts tell her you're safety, and warmth, and love. Sure, I'm around a lot too, but soon you'll be discharged and everything she'll have will be you. A d then she'll grow up and will be forever grateful for everything you will have done for her"
The teen nodded, taking in all the words but remaining silent. Quiet moments like this -when she was calm and content- were quite meaningful.
"I just want the best for her. And I'm not sure I am"
"Well, from where I'm standing, you're pretty much up there. Nobody gets her to settle down as quickly as you do. That has to mean something, right? Newborns have this amazing instinct of detecting sources of love and protection. And you are hers. She trusts you: trust yourself"
Days went by, and Row found himself getting up early in order to go back to hospital. At home he was restless, as questions filled his head.
Was she better off with him?
Was he ready?
How could Callie be so much more sure about the whole thing than he was?
What if be wasn't good enough
What if mom was right?
Why did he want to become a dad in the first place?
Should he just sign those papers before it was too late and forget the whole thing?
The sixth day, he made his way to the hospital as usual, but something felt off. What it was? He couldn't put a finger on it, so he shrugged it off and entered the NICU area where she was.
"Hey, lovely one, look at you, a bit bigger each day" he cooed at his yet unnamed daughter, as he put his hand through the incubator hole to let her know his ore6 "So strong and so beautiful" he smiled brightly as her small hand closed around his finger.
"Yes, this way please" he heard a male voice and turned his eyes to see a doctor and a man and a woman who were probably in their thirties
"Oh my gosh she's so tiny!" The woman exclaimed, walking towards the glass
"Who are you?" Row asked, stepping defensively in front of her before she could reach the baby.
"You must be Rowan Queen?" The man held his hand out "We're the adopting couple..."
"What?" He basically slapped it away "No! Who told you she's in for adoption?"
"Mister, you signed the adoption papers" the Doctor said
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did. Here" the doctor looked through the pile of papers on his hands and showed him.
He snatched the file from him. That was his signature but he didn't remember signing anything. He may have doubts about being a dad, but Callie was right, the little prune and him needed each other. They belonged together And he wasn't gonna give her away. The only way was through.
"There must be a mistake. She's not up for adoption"
"Err... Yes she is" the man said
"No she's not! I should know better than you, huh?"
"We've heard about the mother. So sad. But babies need their mommys, don't they?" The woman cooed from the other side of the incubator
"You can't take her" if looks could kill, Row would have murdered her right then and there.
"No! He's my daughter!"
"Sir, signing this you gave up your parental rights"
"And what the hell does that even mean?"
"Legally, she's not yours anymore"
"But I don't remember signing anything!"
"But this is your signature"
"Yes. But I... I didn't mean it"
The woman scoffed "Well you clearly did."
"Mind your fucking business!" He snapped, before turning to the doctor "Look, I really don't know how my signature is there but I need you to... I don't know, forget it, okay?"
"Forget it?"
"Yes! Whatever that stupid paper says, I'm keeping her. And I will do everything you want me to"
"Sorry. There's nothing we can do about it now. You could take this to court but... It's a lost cause"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"A 19 year old against a healthy, stable marriage?" He used the same arguments mom had
"But I'm her dad..." His voice quivered, as his baby started to cry.
"Don't worry sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy are here now" the woman said "Our Judy"
"Judy? What the fuck, you're not naming her Judy!"
"What we do with our daughter is our business, sir" the woman said "Now please, leave us alone"
"No! She's not Judy. She's my prune, I'm gonna prove to all of you fuckers wrong, because I can fucking do this if I want you. Not because I wanted to at first, or because I can't have my own kid like you; she's my own kid and she belongs with me. And I may not be a middle upper class, or drive a goddamn Mercedes, or have a huge house and a stable boring job at whatever office. And she may not have a goddamn mother, or her own room. So what? She has me. Because I'm the one who's been here for the whole bloody week worrying about her. Not you, not her mother. So fuck off and choose another kid!"
Two men who Row hadn't even seen arrive took him, as he fought and called his crying daughter "PIPER! PIPER! DADDY WILL GET YOU! I'M YOUR DAD, DON'T FORGET!"
Then he woke up with a jolt in that same hospital room, as his newborn baby awoke too beside him
He quickly sat up and leaned over to place a hand on her tummy, to check that she was real, letting out a sigh of relief when feeling her warm skin
It had been just a dream. Well, a nightmare rather than a dream. But she was there, safe next to him
"Hey, baby girl. Yes, hello darling. You had a good night? Gave trouble to the nurses?" he asked, stroking her torso "Are we hungry?" He offered his little finger,and she began to suck on it as response, which made him chuckle. "Alright, I'll call so they get us a bottle okay?"
3 minutes later, he was sitting on the green rocking chair, Baby Prune on his bare chest -because apparently skin to skin helped parents and kiddos bond or whatever- as he gave her the bottle.
He had to admit, ever since he had learned how to properly hold her, he looked forward to feeding, because he had grown to love these little moments, and by the end of them, be always felt closer and more in love with that tiny, wrinkled human being which he had helped make.
Who was a part of him somehow, and who he couldn't imagine his life without despite having only known her for 6 days.
She was so amazing. So mesmerizing. With her clear grey eyes and her peachy skin, and her adorable ears.
He just couldn't get his eyes off her.
"You're gonna come home with me in a couple days, and..." He realized he hadn't really thought about a plan. He had just moved out mom's, and the apartment was still empty. He'd have to start getting stuff. But anyway "... And we'll figure something out. I'm not gonna renounce to you. No ma'am. You've got me. And I've got you. And I'll look after you and make sure you're always happy and safe and... loved. I fucking love you so damn much and I don't even know how did this happen. I mean you're not even a week old and you've already turned my life upside down just by bloody existing. You can't even understand what I'm saying. But here I am, making all this plans and Shit... I, who never thinks ahead, who never knows his future beyond what meal he's gonna get. But I... Damn. Do you babies have like special powers or something? Do you like... Is it a defensive instinct? Like you manage to make us go nuts about you by casting a spell it whatever so we'll stay enchanted? Because this is fucking ridiculous."
She finished the bottle and he put it aside.
"Speaking about plans, we can't keep calling you Baby Prune. We're gonna have to choose a name. A pretty unique gorgeous name for a special, perfect little princess like you. So, let's see" he changed his hold on her so they were face to face. Something the nurses had called.. ? He wasn't really sure but he had got hand on it "Yes, hello" he smiled helplessly at the sight of her "Baby girl. Baby girl" he cooed absentmindedly as he analysed her features
Then he remembered his dream. He had called her Piper. He wasn't even sure if he had heard that name before but he liked it. It was original, cool, rare enough people would associate it with her but not awful, like other names he had heard.
"Piper" he whispered, tasting the word while contemplating her face. It sounded good to him. "Piper Queen" he said, a bit louder this time as her tiny hand closed around a strand of his blonde hair. "You like that? Piper?"
She just blinked, but he interpreted it as an affirmative answer
"It's settled, then. Piper. Pips for short." He smiled, and brought her back to his bare chest so he could lull her back to sleep with his rambling, which had worked the previous times.
"My Piper" he kissed her head and began to rub her back "I'm so scared honestly. I won't lie to ya, I have no idea what I'm doing but you can rely on me. I'm good at improvising so I'll figure it out. Don't worry. But you gotta take it easy, hm? If you have a bit of patience, it'll be just fine. And about this?" He reached for the papers -which were unsigned- and ripped them off "Fuck it. Just fuck it."
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A big Hola to my dear fellow @definitely-darcy whose kind review and attention to detail has made gain confidence in this.
So, I've written this one in different bits which I've had to tie up together. Hope you guys like it.
That's about it, really. Please comment and let me know what you think (always nice and constructively).
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launicababyj · 3 years
Davis Island
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Introduce me to a sacred place
Curious what can be destined
While others merely disconnected
In this now place I called tainted
where you claim to rest your head in
drained thoughts that you want to shred
trying to understand life
or make amends
or is it
where you
let your ego go around
breaking hearts
just to see what is inside
So you brought me here
to make feel like I am alive
Just for these deep creatures in the waters
to hear,
your inner cries
deep within to fill that void
Taking whatever is offered
to feed into your pride
Did you ever stop
think that
I can possibly be your last try?
Now I sit here
In the very bench pleading at this bay
to try to understand the ways
of how we
Inhaled this very air
many times
breaking nights
for when we are together
seemed time no longer matter
enjoying that
beautiful scenery
Sky blue
clouds disappear
only now
stars are watching us
knowing there was no limits
of what we can do
for all of sudden we got lost
and it was just about us
Where the water we longed to touch
was never afraid to cleanse us
wash all our past mistakes away
for it seemed all our problems
just ran away
taken in awe
counting how many times
you've been here
but you swore with me,
it was distinctive
an aura twist
like a tourist
Discovering lifes purpose
and all it's meanings.
But now I sit here
Thinking of all the things
how the hell it went wrong
for silence is all I know now
for that is all
you have shown
How I feel like
such a fool
because I actually
believed in you
trusted you
let you get in more deeper
than I can ever imagine
you became all my secrets keeper
Who would of thought the same
I hear thru these headphones
while we became one
Is now the same voice
I am listening to question
if at all
was it a
real bond?
Singing along
With my all my soul
aching broken heart...
Mr. Serial Lover
I wish your mother
Loved you liked like that
That way you would known how to love a woman
Mr. Conditional Lover
I wish your father would've stayed
I wish you never made promises
that never did come true
But is okay
you abound to find a way
cause it will all
come around one day
If you don't learn,
you'll never know a good thing
Its okay,
You just
don't know no better
you're better being there alone
Hope you find comfort in all the lies you told
You will never get it,
I get it
I'm here on my own
But it's okay,
I'm going to find my way (Jhene Aiko ~Lying King )”
And yes I will,
because I know what is about to happen
You will soon discover how easily you can be manipulated
By the same person you swear
you know better than me
But you can't even tell us apart, i see
So it don't matter how well you know psychology
In the end of the day we all have someone to meet
Karma is her name
she will be who,
I leave precious memories here,
Confusions i can't no longer bare
for nothing makes sense
you had the chance to leave
instead you said to stay
we will find a way
but now that i know you were making request
at the very place we met
accusing me while you were doing the things you swore
to never do
what a foul move
leaving me feeling so betrayed
while you last words to me
is asking to pray?
Was it all planned out
little by little
trying to cover the tracks
was that all a plot
cause you were a coward to man up
I don't believe it
but all this seems so
though my thoughts
feelings are at war
for all this I will admit
I can't believe this is happening
I hate now the very things I once adored
For you could of just walked out the door
But instead,
As hard it is to accept what it seems
a huge conspiracy
why couldn't you just simply stop talking to me
why you had to hurt me so mercilessly?
But here,
In this very sacred place
I will leave what was given
So now,
the water hears my cries
tears falling down my eyes
who would of thought
all those deep in the shore
that one night
I might come
back alone
to leave everything I once felt
here to die
since I have no idea what is going on
so how should i fight
a battle
that I am shined
Don't seek to fathom
who and what longer matters
once I made my presence known
It even knew
after long talks with the moon
That I need to let things just go
let not words but actions exemplify
no longer seek the truth or reasons why
Just come and do what I came to do
Simply say Goodbye
*written works copyright © 𝓛𝓪 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓪 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓙. 🖤
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