#You can get thin-thin lines to a medium thick
ckcomics · 4 months
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Ink Test: "New" Uniform
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Strange Mercy.
Summary: After hooking up with Harry occasionally, you fall pregnant. The real problem starts when he begins touring, and no matter what, you can never seem to make it past fans - or even the guards in order to tell him.
A/N: (D/N) = Daughter’s Name
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Length: Medium
TW: Cheating, Single Pregnancy, Violence While Pregnant (Slight), Hookup, Angst (Fluff at the end)
Celebrities: Harry E. Styles
Song(s) To Listen To: Strange Mercy - St. Vincent
You met him at a party. You had been a groupie of some lowly band, really just because you liked their music, but since then, their guitarist had taken a liking to you. You had hoped this meant you were his girlfriend, and yeah, he’d sleep with you and take you on ‘dates,’ but he’d do this with other women, too.
Truthfully, Harry wasn’t even supposed to be there. The party was in New York, close to the building that happened to be throwing an after party for an awards ceremony. So when he saw you smoking a cigarette outside the building, watching the dirty guitarist flirt with a few girls to the left of you, he approached you.
“Erm,” He began, shifting your attention.
He was dressed rather lavishly, but casual for the party. He wore a floral Gucci button up shirt and dress pants with Gucci shoes. The Apple Watch against his wrist read, “You’ve Arrived!”
“Is this The Louvat? It doesn’t really look like it…” His accent was thick, rolling off his tongue slowly.
Taking another drag, you chuckled a bit, “No, this is Lamar, the bar a bunch of shitty bands play at? You must have mistyped it.”
You looked back at your ‘boyfriend,’ watching as he slid a hand up one of the girls’ waist. You settled into your fluffy coat a bit more.
“Here,” You took his phone and typed in the right thing, “So you don’t miss it.”
Harry blinked. It was odd not to be noticed, but he wasn’t complaining, and eased into it, “Thank you.”
“The Louvat, how’d you miss that?” Another chuckle escaped your lips, “Hasn’t it got paparazzi littering the place?”
Furrowing your brows, squinting and pressing your lips into a thin line, you asked, “Are you famous?”
This time, it was his turn to chuckle nervously, “Eh,” He shrugged.
You softened your face a bit, glancing at Luke, the guitarist, who now was caught up wrestling tongues with a different girl. You looked down, “Well, you should probably get going, huh?”
You flicked your cigarette to the side, and he noticed the man you were looking at.
Dipping his eyebrows in worry, something came over him, “Would you like to come with me? Completely free. You just, I don’t think you really belong here, is all.”
A pink dusted your cheeks, and you couldn’t help but blame it on the cold Fall air.
“I…” You looked toward Luke, but the stranger stepped closer, gently turning your head toward him by the chin.
“Think of yourself, alright?”
Those sea green eyes could have controlled you. Suddenly, it wasn’t chilly. It was warm, stemming from your heart.
“Aright,” You responded softly, “I’d love to go.”
To be honest, he could have been a kidnapper or a killer, but could one have such sweet eyes? And to be fair, you’d rather be anywhere but here.
He smiled at you softly, “Well, I’m quite early since I had a feeling I’d get lost. Let’s get you something to wear, yeah?”
You’d been dressed the opposite of him - wearing a sleazy coat lined with faux fur zipped right as low as it could be without showing too much cleavage, Daisy Dukes, and a pair of tennis shoes. All to impress some boy that didn’t seem to want you anyway.
You’d felt hot earlier, but in the presence of this stranger and his enchanting eyes, you melted with embarrassment.
“That would be great,” You sighed with a smile, “Someone told me to wear this here, and now he’s off flirting with someone else.”
“I see,” Harry began, “Then you need to choose what you like…” He trailed off.
“(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N),” You took a hand out of your pocket and held it out, but he kissed it instead.
“Harry Styles. Nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
Luke caught a glimpse of you leaving with your handsome stranger, angrily shouting after you, but you flipped him off and laughed as the car strolled on, turning back to Harry soon after.
Harry had found himself enchanted by your laugh. You were gorgeous in the face of revenge.
And that’s where it began. You’d become good friends since then, and when you made your ‘debut’ accompanying him, you’d been dressed in lavish branded clothes, from your dress to your heels to your accessories.
You owed him a lot, really, but working as a waitress really sucked. You didn’t get paid much, unless some guy had taken a liking to you and you flirted back a bit.
But now, every attractive guy seemed less and less so, even when your coworker, Emma, seemed to gleam the handsome men. Harry, though, seemed more beautiful by the minute.
“I still can’t believe your friends with him,” Emma sighed, obviously envious, “And that you didn’t know who he was!”
She had begged you so many times to get him to meet her, and you refused, knowing her and her…tendencies. Not that you disapproved, you just wanted to keep Harry safe. Safe. What a weird way to put it.
Your shift had just ended and Emma was on break, though you weren’t even listening as you fixed your makeup and waited for your ride.
He came strolling in soon after, curls gorgeously bouncing with his steps, smiling from ear to ear when he caught a look at you.
The diner was nearly empty now, so he noted he could make a quick entrance and exit.
“H!” You smiled and ran toward him, hugging the taller man, “You all packed up?”
He nodded, hugging you back, “Yeah, but you call me if that Luke is giving you anymore trouble, alright?”
You nodded, starry-eyed and so obviously enamored, “Thank you.”
It was Harry’s yacht party when it happened. The both of you were as sober as can be. You had admitted (hesitantly, of course) that you were afraid of the water, and Harry, without the bat of an eye, decided that he would watch over you and drink nothing for the night.
Ultimately, you felt bad, but noted that he seemed to be having as much fun at his going-away party as he would under the influence.
“(Y/N),” He started, once he managed to come away from the crowd of celebrities you still couldn’t process were actually there, “I rented the yacht out for the night. After the party, you wanna take it around?”
Your heart leaped at the opportunity to have Harry alone, and you nodded, “That sounds great!”
And when the time finally came and the last person left, he turned to you with a huge smile.
Who would have thought that you’d be here, with the most handsome man you’d ever seen? He had a goofy smile and eyes that glittered, the ocean reflecting on them.
He was perfect.
“There are some pretty things out here,” He had spoken, excitement bleeding into his voice, “I wanted to show you.”
You were quite surprised that he even knew how to drive a boat, but you felt safe with him either way as he steered it through the night.
And there you sat together, staring at the stars that seemed so much clearer out in the open. His hand found the small of your back quickly but softly, and he smiled into the night sky.
“All of those guys forget that we’re just humans. We’re nothing compared to the stars,” He spoke, not even turning to you.
You hummed happily, not even noticing when he did face you, “Except you, (Y/N).”
You met his eyes in confusion, raising a brow before he continued, “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You smiled bashfully, looking down, “Ah…I’m not that special, H.”
“But you are,” He scooted closer, “I…I knew from the moment we met that there was something different about you.”
Your eyes glimmered when they met with his again, your heart skipping a beat as the salty ocean air nipped your cheeks, “That means the world to me.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he inched your faces closer, “(Y/N)…would you let me love you this once? Before the tour starts again.”
Your face flushed red. And suddenly it made sense. Harry had felt something for you since you met, only he decided not to pursue anything after your breakup, and when you explained to him just how much relationships scared you since Luke. He figured that if dating a minor celebrity hurt you that much, then dating him would only be worse.
But he’d be leaving soon. And you’d miss him so, so much.
You nodded softly, lips parted before his met yours.
The butterflies began to fight their way out of your stomach, even as the kiss grew in intensity, and when he hoisted your legs around his waist, carrying you to the bed downstairs.
There wasn’t much thought for either of you, as he looked down at you, straddling you, “And you’re sure…you want to do this?”
“Yes,” You replied quicker than you meant to, “Yes, I’m sure.”
He was going to say something, but was only surprised when you pulled him by his collar and kissed him deeply.
The gentle beams of bright ocean light woke you, and you found yourself covered from your chest down to your thighs in a thick white comforter that felt like the softest thing in the world.
When you turned, you were met with an empty bed, making your heart sink. You’d trusted Harry dearly, would he just leave like Luke would?
You felt your mood begin to sour, that was, until you heard soft singing from above, and smelt blueberry pancakes, your favorite from the diner.
It was Harry, you would come to recognize, and your frown morphed into a wide smile. Once you were able to find the complimentary robe, you slipped it on, noticing it said, ‘Mrs.’
You giggled, figuring Harry had the matching one.
“Good morning, my sweet creature,” He set a plate down on the bar table for you, and another for himself, “How’d you sleep?”
You sat down and began to eat, thanking him before doing so, “Quite lovely, prince of pop.”
He exhaled a laugh, tying the robe around him once more, seeing as it was coming loose.
Part of you hurt, because you knew that you still weren’t quite ready - Like had messed you up terribly, and though Harry made you feel safe, there was still a block.
“Hey,” Harry’s hand met yours as you chewed your food, “I promise this doesn’t change anything. We can remain friends until you’re ready to decide, alright?”
You smiled sentimentally, overwhelmed with his understanding of you, “Thank you, H.”
He kissed your hand gently, and the two of you finished breakfast in peace.
He left less than a week later, taking your source of light with him. You wouldn’t be able to have him back at your house for almost a year, and though you could still visit, it would be hard.
It started with small things. About a month after he left, you began to wake up in the middle of the night more often, restless. Your chest became sore, no matter what, scaring you since your mind jumped straight to the idea of cancer.
It wasn’t until you sat on the toilet after spilling up last night’s dinner that you realized.
You were late.
And the theory became fact as you held onto the two pregnancy tests later that day, hand shaking in fear.
You were happy, of course, but you were anything but ready. Neither of you were.
The rest of the night, you were pacing, trying hard not to freak out in your small, bummy apartment, to no avail.
That night was more restless than the ones before it, and at 4:36 in the morning, you finally decided to tell Harry.
ME: We need to talk. Call me.
And just as quickly as it was sent, there was a reply.
HARRY: Due to insufficient funds, your service has been shut off until further notice. If you think that this is a mistake, or you would like to make a payment, please click the link below.
What awful timing.
It had come between either the phone bill or the rent this month, and you’d decided that you quite enjoyed shelter, but now you regretted it.
There was your friends you could meet in the morning, but Harry would never answer a message from an unknown number, especially one claiming such shocking things.
And who could you even talk to about this? Your family hardly spoke to you, ever since they found out you’d dated Luke, and this would only drive them away further, using their religion as a scapegoat for their pushing you away.
So you’d have to track him down. How hard could it be?
You saved for about three months, finally getting enough money for a plane ticket to meet Harry again, and though you couldn’t afford the concert ticket, you did your best efforts to come up with a plan.
As you idly watched the clock tick by, you prepared yourself for what was to come. Fan girls. Guards. Flashing lights. Nauseating smells.
And then you packed your bag and were on your way. Sneaking in was pretty easy, actually, especially when you recognized one of the guards as the one who drove the two of you to the party that fateful night.
The hard part was getting backstage during his intermission.
You had made it through, but now here was this giant man hassling you. He was buff, standing at at least 6’4”, and looking down at you through his sunglasses. You couldn’t have been farther apart.
“Hey, miss. You’re not allowed back here,” He raised a brow, stepping in front of you again, “I won’t say it again.”
You shook your head, “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m a friend of Harry’s, and I really, really need to tell him something important!”
You pushed forward, trying to reach the bright vanity, but the man pushed back with his hands. Instinctively, you grabbed your belly as you fell, landing on your side, a forearm holding you up.
“Hey! I’m fucking pregnant! What the hell?!”
He didn’t seem to care, hoisting you up by the arm on your belly, to your feet. The grip hurt, and you closed your eyes tightly, “I don’t care. I’m doing my job. It’s your fault if the baby dies because of you, you sick whore.”
He had obviously been frustrated, you’d noticed, and maybe he was right. Who were you to sleep around with Harry? Or with Luke? With anyone? What good did it do you but bring you here?
Tears started to sting your eyes, but all you could mutter was, “You’re stupid.”
He tossed you on the ground again, and you landed like before, not even meeting his eyes.
“Very bold of you to s-“ He began, but suddenly froze cold at a voice.
“(Y/N)? Bryan? What the hell are you doing?!” It was the fastest you’d ever heard him speak.
Bryan, you guessed, turned, his mouth agape, “A trespasser.”
“That’s my friend, you idiot! And any man who treats anyone like that shouldn’t be here in the first place!” Harry was now in his face, not even noticing your bump, “You’re fired!”
He looked over to you and his eyes widened in a second, “Oh my god. (Y/N)…you’re pregnant.”
“Really?” You chuckled sarcastically, a bit annoyed at the man as Harry helped you up, “I almost wasn’t when he kept rag-dolling me everywhere.
“Fucking leave,” He turned to the man, venom seething through his words, and when he did so, escorted by other guards, Harry turned back to you.
“I’m so sorry, love. I’ll make sure he’ll never be near us again,” He looked down at the bump, a bittersweet smile on his face, “Was it Luke?”
You felt safe with him, like usual, and you felt butterflies begin to swarm your insides.
“God, no,” You paused, looking down before meeting his eyes, “It’s yours.”
He froze completely, and you panicked, “But…I don’t mind raising it on my own, Harry. You’re a pop star and I knew what I was getting into, plus you’ll be busy. We can keep it a secret a-“
“No,” He spoke sternly yet softly, his hands holding yours as he smiled down at you, “No.”
“I don’t think there’s anyone else I’d want to have my kid,” He chuckled, “I would tell you you have pregnancy glow, but you always look that good.”
He was practically beaming, “God, I’m going to be a father! I can’t believe it! Thank you, thank you,” He hugged you tightly before pulling away, looking as if he realized something grim, “But, erm…if you want to raise it separately and as friends, that’s okay.”
You smiled solemnly, admiring just how stupid this boy was, quickly pulling him by his collar and smashing your lips on his.
When you pulled away, he blinked for a few seconds, “Did I get my point across?”
He nodded, smiling like an idiot.
“Then go out there and focus on your fans, okay? I’ll be in the private booths.”
The night, you thought, couldn’t have ended more wonderfully, but that’s when you were proven wrong. He stood on stage, finishing the previous song, Grapejuice, when he abruptly paused the show.
“Before I continue, I want everyone to know something,” Your heart skipped a beat, “I would like to dedicate this next song, Matilda, to everyone.”
The sentence brought your anxieties back down, “But most of all, (Y/N).”
And the tears began to fall for you, a hand over your mouth in surprise.
“She’s a wonderful girl, a long-time friend of mine who was never treated how she deserved to be treated. The kindest person I know, and the strongest,” He continued on, “And I’m honored to be the father of our baby.”
The crowd erupted into screams and cheers, and tears began to fall from him as well. Shifting his weight on his other leg, he gave his signature air kisses before the music began to play.
“You were riding your bike to the sound of ‘It’s No Big Deal.’”
When she, (D/N), finally arrived, it was the best thing to ever happen to either of you. Harry would have sworn by it, despite his very fortunate life, and even as she grew to a toddler, she looked just like him.
It made you smile as you held onto your husband of two years, “God, she looks just like you. From her eyes to her nose to her jaw.”
She was playing with the Golden Retriever puppy you’d gotten to grow up with her. She giggled even as she fell onto her bottom and was covered in kisses.
“She reminds me of you, most of all, love,” He looked at her lovingly, “I’m just worried she’ll be lonely growing up. I can’t imagine not having Gemma with me. I know we rushed into it a bit for her sake, but it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. Well, aside from (D/N).”
You bit your lip slyly, “Don’t worry, H. She won’t have that problem in about seven months.”
His heart stopped, and he practically leaped up in joy, pulling you in by the waist and spinning you.
“You could have destroyed me and refused to be with me. You could have never told me she was mine or worse. When I met you, I knew you were going to be in my life forever. Thank you for taking mercy in the stupid pop star who knocked you up,” Harry met your eyes, speaking softly, “You’re my blessing, my strange mercy.”
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dangopango00 · 1 month
OM Appearance Hcs So I Can Draw Them Sometime
A/N: I was playing n then i realized they dont have much variation bc that levi line thats like “Asmo and I are brothers so why does he get all the good genes!?” So making hcs bc i kinda wanna draw them, at least headshots or sth
First Most to Least Objectively Attractive
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1. Lucifer/Asmo: Tbh i couldn’t pick because imo Lucifer is most handsome but Asmo is most overall good looking; hes probably a pretty boy
2. Mammon: It was hard figuring out how to rank him but since he’s a model I think he must take pretty good care of himself + Not quite a pretty boy and i think he’s a model for a different reason than Asmo (I think he’s more uniquely attractive rather than extremely objectively attractive)
3. Satan: Idk it just feels right for Mr Perfect like hes not the hottest guy ever but he takes care of himself pretty well if asmo hasnt already done it for him + since hes a unicorn i have a hugeeee hc that hes a pretty boy who doesn’t want to be perceived as pretty n had long hair when he spawned
4. Beel: No proof other than him nearly winning that popularity contest in NB despite doing nothing + he works out. Though tbh I don’t think his face is anything crazy, like he’s cute, well taken care of and nothing to scoff at (since diet and exercise r a big chunk of skin/body health) but I don’t think he’s insanely head-turning like Asmo
5. Belphie: He’s more like a cutie. Like he can be hot but usually he has his kewt face on + he has poor sleeping habits
6. Levi: Im so sorry bbg but 😭😭 He doesnt take care of his skin or sleep on time. Hes still hot but comparatively hes dead last
Distinguishing Features Hcs UTC
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- Smooth thin hair
- Ya’ll hear me out… a couple grey strands JUST A FEWWWWWW it alr looks like his hair lighting thing cmon
- Thin eyebrows with a bit of an arch
- SHARP GUY sharp jawline, sharp eyes
- Eyes are like small and straight not really turned up or down
- Eyebags (He doesn’t get dark circles but he does get bags)
- Very long angular features like long hooked nose long angular face shape (I like him having a hooked nose bc i feel like he looks a bittt unique and he takes pride in those unique features. Doesn’t gaf)
- Like a poodle. Very well taken care of; prim and proper in the public eye
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- Thick fluffy hair; keeps it soft for MC
- Eyebrows aren’t too thick but def not thin; gets them done from time to time with Asmo and/or MC; straight with no arch
- Eyes aren’t that big or small just like medium size and a bit downturned (pretty slightly)
- Also has a hooked nose ☹️☹️☹️ seeing lucifer so proud about it made him proud about it too ieueeuueueuew I HATE THESE MFS I CANTTT
- Angular face but has a softer charm to it idk. Like his chin is pretty similar but his cheeks protrude a bit more; cuter
- Really good skin naturally + he takes care of it; softer than you would think
- Really similar to Lucifer imo (ik they’re basically adopted siblings but I feel like some brothers look really alike and mammon and luci are examples of that 😭😭 feel like lucifer sees himself in mammon sometimes)
- Unrelated but like. I feel like he used to have freckles as a real young angel 😭
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- Thick tangly hair (he should brush it more tbh) (correction* YOU should brush it more) its soft though
- Thick rounded eyebrows; not super crazy but thick with a small arch— gets them waxed/plucked/wtv when he’s gonna cosplay with them showing bye
- Eyes are small and slightly upturned; cat (specifically thinking of that one card where he didn’t wanna go to school gn)
- Eyebags on good days and dark circles usually; sometimes both
- Long straight features, he wasn’t a giraffe that one time for nothing..! Long straight nose, Long face with barely any curves/angles very pretty boy
- Thin features too like thin long fingers and a slim face
- Good skin naturally + he bathes often but doesn’t really do skincare or anything so he has some blemishes
- Gremlin
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- Ik how crusty it looks in game but LISTEN HIS HAIR IS SOFT, smooth and a bit thick; slightly wavy idgafff
- His color scheme is really soft to me like maybe a slight edge with his bright green eyes but imo his hair should be lighter likeeeee 🦄🦄 idk i just love the idea that despite being the only one who was never an angel, Satan looks the most angelic he’s so fun to mould
- Pretty thin eyebrows but not super thin; arched
- Eyes are small and pretty much straight with a slight upturn
- Doesn’t have eyebags or anything; prioritizes his health
- Soft slender features with sudden edges, similar to his personality like he has an angular jaw but his overall face is pretty slender and soft in certain areas; has a greek nose
- Similar to Lucifer as well but softer (debatably softer than mammon too)
- Kept breaking out in acne or hives or sth when he first spawned 😭😭😭 stopped after like a week or sth but his brothers still make fun of him (he has sensitive skin)
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- SOFT SMOOTH HAIR Not super thin or thick smack dab in the middle
- Strawberry blonde and 😭😭😭 thats so special to meee because it reminds me of how he and satan are more alike than satan would think; Want to be loved and often misunderstood— also has a soft color scheme like satan but his is done in a sharper way
- Really well groomed thin rounded eyebrows with a slight arch
- Slightly larger than medium eyes like almond ish
- The BEST skin, he takes care of himself so well and it pays off! He is GLOWINGGG
- Another pretty boy with a slender face but strangely enough he has a handsome charm about it; really nice jawline and straight nose
- Imo he’s like aphrodite but like for any and everyone like he’s both handsome and pretty
- Has moles but not where he wants them 😭😭😭 wants the sexy lip mole and draws it on sometimes
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- Thick fluffy hair with a slight curl to it. Like extremely slight
- Thick eyebrows with no arch or a very slight one
- Eyes are medium sized with a slight upturn
- Eyes are a bit brighter than belphie’s
- Okay skin; doesn’t do skincare but diet + exercise makes up for it and doesn’t really have blemishes or eyebags or wtv
- Has freckles HE DESERVES IT 💔💔
- Not quite angular but like wide; manly face and straight nose
- To be honest I don’t have much to say bc imo when it comes to his face he’s kinda just some basic attractive guy 😭
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- Soft thick hair that WOULD BE tangly like levi but he gets others to brush for him gn
- Thick eyebrows with no/slight arch
- Eyes are medium n slightly downturned but his resting face they look ig siren ish n when he widens them they almost look doe
- Eyebags from sleeping too damn much but at least it makes his skin look youthful af
- Not very angular face with slightly chubby cheeks and straight nose
- There’s no reason for his color scheme to be softer but like BUT LIKE LOOOOOK 😭😭😭 he would be so cute it’d add to his dreamy temptation aesthetic
LIKE (https://www.tumblr.com/dangopango00/749877229405732864/belpheeeeeee)
- HES LIKE MESSY IN THE CUTEST WAY like hes not prim n proper but hes messy in that way you can’t help but wanna clean him up and pat him on the head
- Very similar to Beel like these mfs been linked since birth 😮‍💨
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yanderu-deredere · 9 months
THIS IS SO UNHINGED AND YOU TOTALLY DONT HAVE TO IF YOU CANT OR DONT WANT TO BUT i kind of 👉👈 have a hand kink and so 👉👈 could you like 👉👈 describe your ocs hands? and also can i be 👉👈 anon hehe
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a/n: lmao the fact that the hand kink as has so many hands is so so funny but also yes! i am lowk into hands too so this was super fun to write! thank you so much for this wonderful ask! i also didn't put any warnings cus like... it's just descriptions of hands?
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
Eun-jeong's fingers are very thin and willowy but his entire hand overall is very big. He also keeps his nails a medium-length. Not long enough to pop any gloves at the vet but they get longer because he forgets to clip them.
Unfortunately, since he was burned by hot oil as a child, his entire hand and a good amount of his arms are covered in burn scars. They make the skin of his hands look much redder/browner than the rest of his body. The scars are also very wrinkly but soft. He often covers them up with long sleeves and leather gloves.
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liam arieh ★ profile
Liam's hands are big but his fingers are neither thin nor thick. Kind of just the right amount LOL A fair amount of his fingers are calloused from playing the guitar growing up. He keeps his nails trimmed but, sometimes, he's too busy to remember when he should be trimming them. Other than that, his hand is comfortable to hold.
He doesn't have any scars on his hands or anything but he does have a fine-line tattoo of the face of Medusa on the back of one hand and of Arachne on the back of the other hand. They're both inked in red.
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gavin byrne ★ profile
Gavin's hands are small LOL He has fingers that are a bit on the thicker side but the length of them are a bit shorter than average. He has a scar on the side of his hand from one time he was misbehaving with a knife. He ended up knicking himself and getting chastised by his parents. He bites his nails so they're always super short.
Other than that, there's no callouses or anything. His hands are relatively soft and smooth. He does have a tattoo on the back of his hands though. It's a fine-line tattoo of a hawk on one side and a robin on the other side. When he puts his hands together, the two of them look like they're about to face off. They're both in vivid colour.
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
Ayaka has small hands too LOL . Her fingers are short and aren't exactly thick but they are on the chubbier side. She does have callouses from playing violin and cello growing up but she doesn't have any scars since she's always been very careful.
Her nails are always overly decorated in acrylic. They're not super long because she needs to text and stuff but her nails are longer than most people's nails. She asks her nail artist to put charms and gems on them so they clink sometimes when she moves them around.
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
Ryuu's hands are fucked up LOL. He has large hands with thick long fingers. He's played around with weaponry for so long that he has various callouses and scars from all of them; slashes from accidents with knives, raised bumps from times where he'd accidentally get pinched by a reloading gun, etc etc.
He often wears colourful band aids on his hands, just like on his face. He doesn't like looking at the scars (despite how much fun he's had getting them) so they're often hidden behind so many brightly designed band aids
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
Fujio has a big palm but thick fingers that are a bit on the shorter side. Like Ryuu's hands, his hands are also very scarred. A lot of them are ones he has on his fingers from jamming them into things or getting them stuck places LOL A couple of his fingers are also a bit crooked from the way he'd broken them because they weren't set properly.
He has a lot of callouses from the years of heavy-lifting and construction work he had to do before he settled on his job at the Creamery. He also keeps his nails especially short because of the heavy-lifting he often had to do and the habit basically just stuck
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gawain byrne ★ profile
Gawain's hands are long and lithe, with a medium sized palm and medium sized nails. Usually, he paints his nails black LOL but not for any other reason than he liked the aesthetic. Sometimes, he'd even go so far as to give them a white french tip. He often wears various gold rings to decorate his fingers too.
He has no scars on his hands or callouses but he does have a series of tattoos on his fingers. They're black vines wrapping around his middle finger, thumb and on his left pinky. The vines don't reach past his first knuckle and they match the vine tattoos he has on his torso.
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
Ryouta has very long fingers and a relatively large palm. His fingers are on the thinner side, though. He keeps his nails trimmed just because he types a lot and longer nails are a pain in the ass to type with.
He has a significant amount of callouses just because, as a young child, he had to do a lot of physical jobs to make ends meet. He doesn't have any sort of scars though. He does wear a ring on one finger but it's not any sort of significant jewellery. He just likes fiddling with it when he's bored.
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yeong-bae kigal ★ profile
Yeong-bae has large hands with thick long fingers. He keeps his nails on the shorter side but not trimmed to the finger and like they're really almost obsessively well maintained (by him LOL). He often wears a pastel green because that's his signature colour on the band.
He has crescent shaped scars on his palms from his bad habit of digging his own nails into his skin when anxious. He also has callouses from playing the guitar and the bass all his life.
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soren kumar ★ profile
Soren's hand is on the medium size and length but his fingers are a bit on the thicker side. He keeps his nails very well trimmed and as short as possible. He puts a cute almost coral pink nail polish on it, both because it's his signature colour in the band and because he really likes the colour.
His hands are both scarred and calloused from all the years he's been playing instrument after instrument, and from all of the mishaps he'd gotten from learning how to play them. Soren also often wears various rings on his fingers, in various styles and colours.
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emm fiala ★ profile
Emm's hands are large and long and thick. She keeps her nails extremely short because growing them out would often lead to problems like breaking a nail or chipping them. She doesn't wear rings but she does have a tattoo of a rose on both the backs of her hands, with it's vines spreading out and wrapping around some of her fingers.
She has a lot of scars and callouses from her years of just working in construction and from all the scavenging she does on her routes around the abandoned factory town. Notable scars are a big one on her palm she got from some glass as well as a gnarly one on her pointer finger when she got it caught in something.
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casimir fiala ★ profile
Casimir has the hands of a surgeon LOL His palms are definitely on the larger side but his fingers are long and lithe. The kind of fingers that are good with doing detailed work. He keeps his fingers on the medium side but doesn't like trimming them too much just because he likes the way they look. He always paints his nails pitch black because of the same reason.
He doesn't have any callouses or any tattoos of any sort. He'll wear his wedding ring, of course, but that's really it. He does have maybe a few slashing scars from the years he'd learned how to hone his knife skills and from some rather stubborn meals he'd captured.
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mel lowell ★ profile
Mel's hands are of medium size and length but his fingers are very thick. He keeps his nails as short as possible because he hates it when he gets dirt under them. It's like the most uncomfortable feeling in the world for him LOL
He's lived his entire life in the woods so his hands are rough and scarred. A lot of the scars are just slashes he'd gotten from getting scratched or from mishandling a knife.
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isamu lowell ★ profile
Isamu has hands proportionate to his height; very big palms and long fingers of medium thickness. Definitely wants to keep his nails short but forgets to trim them so they're kind of medium length. Doesn't take very good care of them though LOL
He does have a couple of scars from working with metal and with cars. Same goes for his callouses; he works a lot with cars and motorcycles so his hands have gotten rough over the years.
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leonard lowell ★ profile
Leonard has very pretty hands. They're on the smaller side, with longer willowy fingers. He takes very good care of his nails and, if not coloured, they'd at least have transparent nail polish on them.
Unfortunately, though they look pretty on the outside, his palms are very fucked up. There's overlapping slashes over his palms from his years of getting hit there as punishment. He doesn't mind them but he's aware of how bad they look. He also has callouses from working around the cabin and from his life before he started living with Mel.
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mistergandalf · 9 months
Hollandaise is not just for chefs! You can make it too!
For @theweathermellon and also the rest of you. Beware though. Once you know how to do this, you're gonna want to make eggs benedict at home ALL the time.
These instructions are VERY detailed so that you understand the process! You'll the get hang of it if you practice. Recipe under the cut!
OKAY so first: your basic measurements. The numbers below are to make enough hollandaise to cover ONE serving of eggs benedict. If you're making this for two people, double it. Three people? You might be able to get away with two egg yolks still, depends on how much hollandaise people like. I like to drown my eggs benny soo that's me.
1 egg yolk from a large egg (if you're using an extra large egg, you might need a little more of the other liquid ingredients. I don't recommend using smaller than a large egg)
1/2 tablespoon milk (I use half & half a lot of the time bc I have that more often)
lemon juice to taste (start with a very light teaspoon and work your way up or you're going to have a VERY lemony hollandaise. I recommend squeezing a real lemon, because bottled lemon juice has lemon oil added to it and it changes the taste a bit.)
salt & pepper to taste (go easy on the salt. you can always add more, but you can't take it out)
1/2 cup SALTED butter (you can sub unsalted if you must, but you'll have to add more salt anyway, and it's just not the same. trust me)
AND NOW HOW TO MAKE IT. I'm going to give you TWO ways to make it. The first is the way I do it when I'm just making it for myself, because the measurements are so small, and it's just easier with less cleanup. The second is the way I do it when I'm making enough for several people, as it feels more worth it. Here we go.
Melt your butter in a measuring cup you can pour from. Don't let it pop or overheat! Just enough so that there's nothing solid left in the cup. If your butter is too hot, it'll cook your egg yolk, and you'll have to start over.
Whisk together the egg yolk, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a small microwaveable bowl. Don't do the milk and the lemon juice at the same time, or your milk will curdle.
Whisk in the milk. Stirring is not an alternative. Whisk it.
SLOWLY pour a thin stream of butter into your egg yolk mixture as you continue to whisk it. Don't pour it all in at once! You're making an emulsion, which is when you combine two ingredients that don't usually want to combine. You have to do it slowly so that they actually mix!
Pop that baby in the microwave at 50% power (or power level 5) for 1-3 minutes, taking it out to re-whisk every 15-30 seconds. This is where it gets tricky! The less you're making, the less time it needs, and the more often you need to whisk it. This is not the time to multitask. Watch your sauce.
Your hollandaise is done when it's shiny and JUST thick enough where you can see lines from where you've whisked it. Any thinner and it'll just be slop on your plate. Any thicker, and - well, it'll become thin again. Because it'll be too hot and it'll break. You'll know you've broken your sauce when you just have a yellow oil with tiny, whispy egg bits floating in it. If this happens, well - we'll talk about that in a minute.
Taste your sauce. Add in extra salt, pepper, or lemon juice as you need until it tastes the way you want!
Do steps 1-4 above, but instead of whisking the egg yolks in a bowl, you're gonna do it in a double boiler. That's the pot that has another pot that fits right on top of it. If you don't have one, you can put a glass or metal bowl over a pot of water - you'll want one big enough to sit on top without touching the water at all. You only need about an inch of water in the bottom pot. THE STOVE SHOULD BE OFF TO START.
Put your double boiler on the stove and turn on the burner to medium-high or high heat. How high the heat needs to be depends on what kind of stove you have. I have a gas stove, so I don't need it on full blast. If you have an electric stove, crank that baby all the way up. Your goal is to boil the water in your bottom pot.
As soon as the water starts to heat up, start whisking your sauce and do not stop. What you're doing now is emulsifying your sauce over heat without applying the heat directly to the sauce. If you stop, your sauce may start to boil and break on the sides, so keep going.
Your hollandaise is done when it's shiny and JUST thick enough where you can see lines from where you've whisked it. This is the same as #6 above. If you catch yourself thinking, "Oh, I just want it a LITTLE bit thicker," and it's already starting to stick to the whisk, stop yourself. Repent for your hubris before the food gods break your hollandaise.
Taste your sauce. Add in extra salt, pepper, or lemon juice as you need until it tastes the way you want!
It happens! Even I still do it sometimes, and I make it all the time. SOMETIMES, you can save it! What you'll want to do is take a small spoonful of HOT water, nearly boiling (if you're poaching eggs at the same time, the water from that pot is perfect) and drop it into your sauce. Then whisk for your life and pray for mercy. If it forms back together into a nice, smooth, shiny yellow sauce, the food gods have answered your prayer.
If you try that and it doesn't work, then you'll have to start over. Sorry :(
AND THAT'S HOW YOU MAKE HOLLANDAISE. And an additional tip for poaching eggs: Add a little bit of vinegar to your water - just like a teaspoon or so. Your water should be a nice, rolling boil - not boiling out of control. And stir your water into a lazy whirlpool and drop your egg into the middle of it, from as close to the water as you can manage without burning your fingers. You're welcome.
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the-squeeze-inn · 7 months
Gluten free pumpkin sponge:
3 US large/UK medium eggs, room temperature
150 g (¾ cup) caster/superfine or granulated sugar
150 g (⅔ cup) canned pumpkin puree
½ tsp vanilla bean paste (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
80 g (⅔ cup) plain gluten free flour blend (I used Doves Farm Freee plain gluten free flour that doesn't have any xanthan gum added. You can also mix your own gluten free flour blend using this recipe. Note that for this homemade blend, 1 cup = 150g, so ideally use a digital food scale for best results.)
¾ tsp xanthan gum (If your gluten free flour blend already contains xanthan gum, reduce the amount to ½ tsp.)
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
Vanilla cream cheese filling:
155 g (⅔ cup) heavy/double cream, cold from the fridge
60-80 g (½-⅔ cup) powdered/icing sugar, sifted (depending on how sweet you want the filling to be)
½ tsp vanilla bean paste (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
150 g (⅔ cup) cream cheese, cold from the fridge
You will also need:
1-2 tbsp powdered/icing sugar, for dusting the top of the cake
Gluten free pumpkin sponge:
Adjust the oven rack to the middle position, pre-heat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC) and line a 10x15-inch (25x38cm) rimmed baking sheet with parchment/baking paper.
Using a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or a hand mixer fitted with the double beaters, whisk the eggs and sugar together until pale, thick, fluffy and about tripled in volume (the ribbon stage). This should take about 5-7 minutes on a high speed setting.
Add the pumpkin puree and vanilla, and whisk briefly until combined.
In a separate bowl, sift together the gluten free flour blend, xanthan gum, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.
Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and whisk well for about 15-30 seconds until no flour clumps remain. Scrape down the bottom and sides of the bowl to prevent any unmixed patches. The final batter will be smooth and fairly fluffy in texture.
Transfer the batter into the lined baking sheet and smooth it out into an even layer. You can tap it a few times on the counter to make it perfectly level and also to get rid of any large trapped air pockets.
Bake at 350ºF (180ºC) for about 12-14 minutes or until well risen, golden on top, soft and spongy to the touch, and an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Immediately out of the oven, cover the baking sheet with a large sheet of aluminium foil. Allow to cool to room temperature or lukewarm – ideally, the temperature of the sponge shouldn't drop below 72ºF (22ºC).
Tip: Covering the sponge with aluminium foil traps the moisture within the sponge, making it much more pliable and flexible – and therefore less likely to crack when you roll it.
Vanilla cream cheese filling:
You can prepare this filling by hand with a large balloon whisk, using a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, or with a hand mixer fitted with the double beaters.
If using a stand or a hand mixer, whisk the filling on a low speed setting. This gives you better control over the texture/consistency of the filling and it lowers the chances of over-whipping it.
In a large bowl, whisk together the heavy/double cream and powdered/icing sugar until soft peaks form.
In a separate bowl, whisk the cream cheese until it's smooth and looser in texture.
Add the cream cheese and vanilla to the whipped cream, and whisk until well combined and soft peaks form.
Assembling the pumpkin roll:
Once the sponge is sufficiently cooled, remove the sheet of aluminium foil and loosen the sponge from the edges of the baking sheet with an offset spatula or a thin knife.
Tip: For the next steps, you can work with the sponge still in the baking sheet, or you can carefully slide it off the baking sheet onto a work surface – either option works well.
Spoon dollops of the filling evenly over the sponge, and use a small offset spatula to spread it out into an even layer all the way to the edges.
Note that when assembling the pumpkin roll, you want to get a 10-inch/25cm long pumpkin roll, starting out with a 10x15-inch/25x38cm sponge.
Turn the sponge so that a short edge is closest to you.
Using the parchment/baking paper underneath (the one that lines the baking sheet) to help you, lift the edge of the sponge closest to you and gently fold it over itself to start the roll.
Gently lift the parchment paper to continue the roll all the way to the end (so that the sponge rolls away from you) – the parchment paper should easily peel away from the sponge as you roll it. You should get a crack-free 10-inch (25cm) long pumpkin roll.
Tip: Make sure to keep the roll fairly tight from the very beginning, otherwise you’ll be left with an empty hole in the centre of your pumpkin roll.
Dust the pumpkin roll with some powdered/icing sugar before slicing and serving.
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knitmeapony · 1 year
I have been desperately looking for a good potato soup recipe -- I keep running into bland ones. Would you, perchance, be willing to share your potato soup secrets?
The trick to tasty potato soup is to realize that potatoes themselves don't have a lot of flavor -- they pick up the flavor of everything you put in them, so you gotta roast'em with lots of flavor first!
Scrub a couple of big potatoes and then chop into big cubes. Lay them out on a lined cookie sheet and then add THE FLAVOR. I usually peel and chop a couple of carrots and some celery, along with onion and garlic. Drizzle the fat of your choice on top -- I like melted butter but olive oil is also tasty af. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top, and feel free to add s'more spices to that as well. I usually add basil, oregano, and parsley, or that pre-mixed 'italian spices' jam at this point.
Roast them in an oven preheated to 450 or a broiler until they look tasty. Don't get them TOO crispy -- you want them to soften a little more in the soup. Set'em all aside.
Now for the broth -- this is gonna be your standard soup recipe. Chop up and boil another large or a couple medium potoatoes until they're soft, then drain and set aside.
Melt 2 tbs butter in a pan (you can add more allums here; if you do saute'em until brown) and gently incorporate 2 tbs flour until it's smooth. Mix 1.5 cup milk with .5 cup heavy cream and then add slowly, stirring as you go. Make sure to add it slow enough that the mixture never really cools down. Once the milk/cream is all in, bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally, until it starts to thicken up real nice.
Add the boiled potatoes and really mix that sucker. I recommend an immersion blender if you've got one. You want that nice potato texture to go right into the broth.
Once that's done, add the roasted potatoes and such, and let the mix simmer until it smells too good and you can't stand it.
You gotta play with the proportions until it's as thick/thin as you like. Some folks also like to add ham or bacon, I support this if it's your jam.
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detectivechandler · 3 months
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▸ IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE? at 6'2 he is considered 'tall' by most people's standards. ▸ ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ? He is, yes. I think he would be a bit aware of the fact that it does (rather unfortunately, in his line of thinking) tend to sometimes draw attention his general way. I think in those instances where he'd rather float through something 'under the radar' so to speak, that particular consequence does bug him. but he is also aware that it is not just his height that calls attention from others and he's accepted that. ▸ WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? blonde. leans more toward thick rather than thin, medium in length and (if left alone and unstyled) can be a bit unruly. at work and other public places, he styles it perfectly. there's no other word to describe it. that professional side part is his pride and joy, leave him alone. ▸ DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING? yes. seeing joe slightly disheveled and not 100% together is kind of like catching sight of a woman's ankles back in the day. scandalous ! he spends about 30-45 minutes on his hair every morning and checks up on it throughout the day. like i said .. pride and joy. back off. ▸ DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ? yes...and no. he definitely cares about his appearance. i think the way he presents himself (especially his clothing choices) acts as a sort of armor, even if he won't admit it. that sense of nothing can be out of place, i need to control everything before it all falls apart bleeds into how he carries himself and how he appears. He cares what others think in the sense that he wants to be well-groomed and he wants to appear capable (and professional in work settings) and powerful (i hesitate to use that word bc i feel like people are gonna take it differently than what i mean but my brain isnt working right now) and he does, on occasion, get self-conscious about certain people's opinions .. but at the end of the day, the way he dresses etc gives him confidence and he's not going to sacrifice that for the sake of opinions.
▸ INDOORS OR OUTDOORS? indoors. ▸ RAIN OR SUNSHINE? overcast, but no rain.. ▸ FOREST OR BEACH? beach ▸ PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS? gems. ▸ FLOWERS OR PERFUMES? perfumes ▸ PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE? both. but appearance gets judged first. not from an 'are you attractive' standpoint, but more 'do you look like trash'. ▸ BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD? he would rather be alone. ▸ ORDER OR ANARCHY? absolute order. without a doubt. ▸ PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES? painful truths. ▸ SCIENCE OR MAGIC? science. he doesnt believe in magic. ▸ PEACE OR CONFLICT? peace. though he is aware conflict is what leads to growth and change. ▸ NIGHT OR DAY? day. ▸ DUSK OR DAWN? dawn. ▸ WARMTH OR COLD ? cold. ▸ MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS? few close friends. ▸ READING OR PLAYING A GAME? reading.
▸ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? he is very stand off-ish. he can be very critical (both of himself and others) and often jumps to judgments before having all of the facts. He is stubborn and has a tendency to ignore the ideas of other parties once he is 'certain' his answer is the right one.
▸ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? At the age of 32, he's lost a few people in his life but the one that affected him the most was his father's suicide at the age of ten. Finding him, trying to save him, the guilt that came with it, the questions that followed .. they left a mark on Joe''s psyche. While he can acknowledge that he has always had the tendencies associated with his obsessive-compulsive disorder, he easily pinpoints that particular event as the catalyst that set the more severe aspects into motion.
▸ WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Growing up with Adam. Things were always a bit harder for Joe in the sense that he always seemed right on the edge of any social circles, but his brother always ensured he was included as much as he wanted to be. Some of his best memories are the nights one of them would climb into the other's bed and they'd whisper stories and jokes to each other, never acknowledging that either one of them were afraid. sometimes, when things get overwhelming and he feels like he's going to have a breakdown (we've all been there) he remembers those nights and remembers that his brother is only a phone call away if he truly needs him.
▸ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL? absolutely not. he believes he caused his father death by certain inactions that left his father 'vulnerable', but other than that .. he has never taken a life.
▸ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN? He's one of those, I'm about to lose it guys. He can get teary eyed but its not often out of sadness or despair, more anger and frustration..that feeling of helpless desperation. Joe has crafted the ability of 'keeping it together' like its an olympic sport and he's in the running for a gold medal, but when that facade breaks .. it can be very ugly and very messy. It takes a lot to get through to him after that point.
▸ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? yes. he could name 4 people off the top of his head who he knows without a doubt would keep him safe and alive. Six if you're counting people who would probably try their best.
▸ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? very committed. vulnerable. loyal. romantic in a very old-fashioned way. self - sacrificing. dependable. one of those guys who texts good morning and good night at the same time every day as part of a routine but means every word of it. joe is his partner's very best friend and their biggest supporter.
tagged by: stole it from @caracarnn (thank youuu!) tagging: @gentlemanstarkey , @volchtsa (amren or talia), @senstrike (tell me about kreese in love buddy), @homebehind (elaine!), @dodgedabullet, @theresastargirl, @wornkindness + you !! tag me.
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nightmaskart · 1 year
Do you have a post somewhere that talks about your art style, or how you draw things with those lines? Because I'm trying to level up my linework, and it seems like you've gotten a high degree of skill in one of the areas I'm trying to improve.
Hello! I don't really have a post yet explaining how I work, but I'm very happy to answer questions or offer advice! Here's a short list of advice off the top of my head for linework based art like mine:
- It’s important to focus on line weight when using any medium, making thick to thin continuous lines. 
-When creating shadows always close your lines with shapes. 
-When there are highlights don’t be afraid to leave negative space, leave your lines open! 
-Always establish your light source and determine where your light is so you can determine where your shadows are.
- When doing a drawing I always do a light sketch underneath to block in where I want things, don’t feel like you need to just throw hard lines down. Take your time to build your lines up. 
- Always step away from your drawing and look at it from a distance, you’ll see any immediate issues from far away!
-Draw from life and as much reference you can get your hands on!
-Drawing from reference is good, but in the end it's your drawing that matters most, that should take priority, it's more important that your drawing makes sense rather than how close it is to your reference.
Let me know if you have anymore questions!
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rjalker · 8 months
Turning the formerly feral kittens into public domain characters, starting with Sapphire, because she was the first to hold still for me to get a picture as a reference for her face.
Includes a more detailed guide and cute simplified versions, including one where her white paws are literally mittens and boots.
Fun fact: Her name is Sapphire because she was so fluffy, and at first we wanted to name her Cloud, but then we were like no, there's too much of a theme here already. So then we were like "okay but what about Sephiroth as a reference to clouds". And then we were like no, because we want someone to want to adopt her. So Sapphire it is. As a reference to the name Sephiroth. As a reference to the fact that she's fluffy like a cloud.
She has the biggest ears of all her siblings, and the shortest, skinniest, but fluffiest tail.
Feel free to draw her in whatever style you want. Or change her pronouns. She's a cat. She doesn't know what gender is. But she could in your version!
They can all have the last name Jupiter since we caught them on / the day after the 4th of July, and I can't think of any other name.
So, Sapphire Jupiter.
As of September 2023, she weighs 4lbs.
Gizmo is now posted!
Not drawn yet:
Eclipse Jupiter
Taaz Jupiter
and their mom, Marlena Jupiter.
Who is the father? The world may never know....unless you decide to create him yourself.
...Aand she has just jumped into an empty trash can. So I will edit the picture I just got of her in the trash can into this post. Lol.
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[ID: Three digital drawings, each with the same royal blue background, each showing a black and white kitten character. The first shows the kitten with more detail, drawn linelessly, with the head and torso in the center, and the arms and legs off to the side, disconnected to fit in the square frame of the image. The character is labled, "Sapphire", and a small photo of the kitten it's based on is in the upper left corner. Some notes read, "Yellow eyes, thin, fluffy fur", and "short, skinny fluffy tail". The kitten has a mostly black body, with round yellow-gold eyes, and a pink and black nose. The face is solid black, except for an irregular white stripe from the chin, going crookedly up to between the eyes at a diagonal. Where the white stripe overlaps the nose, the nose is pink, and black where the stripe does not meet. The kitten has a thick white fluffy chest like a collar, and a thinner white stripe on the belly all the way down. All the feet are white with solid pink paw pads, with the front feet having the white end at the end of the foot, and the back feet stretching up to almost the knee, like tall socks. The tail, drawn to one side, is skinny and fluffy, and slightly more than half the length of the torso. The next two images show a much more simplified version of the character, standing upright against the blue background. The character now has larger pointed ears, oval shaped yellow eyes with a line for pupils, a simplified face stripe, a black nose and mouth, and a simpler white collar and belly. The limbs are drawn as simple bendy lines ending in white, with the tail raised happily behind. The second version of this image is the same as the first, except that the white parts of the front paws, or hands, have been extended out to form little gloves or mittens, and the white markings on the back legs have been extended into boots. End ID.]
I would share pictures of her for drawing references...but dear gods these cats do not want to be photographed lol. Every time I try to take a picture they're already moving.
Edit: Nope, lol, here's the picture of her in the trash can:
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[ID: Another photo of the kitten depicted above, now looking up while sitting in the bottom of a medium sized white trashcan.]
@publicdomaincharacters some more public domain characters :)
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
I really like how you draw eowyn could you please do a tutorial or show us tips?
OH. Oh wow! Sure, I’d love to! It’s pretty simple, really.
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Step One: Get Head. I have a variety of different face shapes that I use to differentiate characters from each other. I can sorta break it down into three categories:
Face height: Long, Medium, or Short
Jaw shape: Triangle, Square, or Circle
Face fat content: Gaunt, Angular, Average, Soft, or Pudgy
Mixing and matching these gets you different face shapes that you can tailor to express the personalities of the characters. Pippin is short + triangle + soft. Aragorn is long + square + angular. Gaunt and Pudgy face shapes are reserved mostly for Gollum and Sam, respectively. Eowyn falls somewhere in the realm of medium + triangle + soft when it comes to her face shape.
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Step Two: Silhouette. I’m only drawing her from the shoulders up here, but the principle is the same when I’m drawing the rest of her body too: think long, slender, and no hard angles. Eowyn has a long, slender neck, narrow wrists, and thin fingers. She has a slight hourglass figure, but she has a tiny bust and her hips are not very wide. I try to keep in mind that when she’s wearing armor, she looks indistinguishable from a young man, so even though she’s pretty, her figure isn’t overly feminine.
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Step Three: Eyes. I also have a lot of different eye shapes to choose from! Sam, Pippin, and Legolas are Round, Frodo and Aragorn are Slender, Merry and Gimli are Square, and so on. Eowyn’s eye shape is Round but with a little wing on the side to give the impression of thicker eyelashes. (I also realized on this step that I didn't make her cheek round enough, so I fixed that. I'm always making micro-adjustments like that as I draw.)
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Step Four: Face. Again, think “long and slender”. Eowyn has a thin little button nose, a small-ish mouth, and very narrow eyebrows. Her ear shape is one of my rounder ones, but only because I think it’s cute.
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Step Five: Hair, The Beginning. So this is where the hard part starts. Most of my characters have hair that either covers their forehead (eg. the hobbits) or doesn’t (eg. elves), but Eowyn’s hair does both. It’s also parted on the side, which makes it asymmetrical. I’ll show you how it works from this angle, but I have to get more creative when I, say, draw her from the other side. (I always have to keep in mind the shape of her hair, imagining it as a 3-D object and drawing it as such.)
So here we're gonna draw the bottom outline of her bangs where they sit on her forehead. Pick an “origin point” on the side of her head, where the hairline sits. Make a little jagged squiggle there to represent the roots of her hair. Then one little S-shaped swoop to show where her hair springs out of that point and then goes behind her ear, and a BIG S-shaped swoop up and then down over one eye. These lines form a slight “m” shape—with the “origin point” in the middle—and that makes the hair look like it has volume and lift, as opposed to just sitting flat on her head.
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Step Six: Hair, The Second. With the bottom outline covered, let's take care of the top. Again, hair has volume, so it doesn't sit exactly flat on her scalp, but hovers above it in little hills; the closest it sits to her skin is that line where it's parted on the side of her head. I use faint, loose lines here, just trying to capture the flowing, wavy texture. Think Ariel’s hair from The Little Mermaid; you know, with the iconic swoopy floppy bit right in front of her eyes.
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Step Seven: Hair, The Third. Eowyn’s hair goes down to about her mid-back, and it’s very thick and wavy, which I portray by using pretty much only S-shaped lines as I draw. It’s impossible to think about the physics of every strand of hair individually, so I’m drawing it in sort of loose “chunks” or “ropes”, keeping in mind how all those “ropes” would interact with each other and the shape of her body that they’re sitting on. You can see that most clearly in the “rope” of hair that lies on her shoulder. There’s no need to think too hard about this, but I always have it in the back of my mind somewhere.
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Step Eight: The Frecklening. Now to add some details, including the lines on her neck and collarbone, the off-the-shoulder dress, and a bajillion freckles. She actually has less freckles on her neck than Pippin does—I concentrate it more on her cheeks and shoulders instead—but it’s still a lot, LOL! They are also on the backs of her arms and hands, where she’s most likely to be touched by the sun.
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Step Nine: SHADING. This is why it’s important to think of what you’re drawing as a 3-D object, ‘cause you’re gonna have to work out how light interacts with it. There’s a shadow on her neck under her chin, of course, but where this gets really interesting is when it comes to the hair: because she’s blonde, I don’t shade her hair except a) at the hairline and b) on the bottom side of the waves, where shadows would form.
The darkest shading is on the underside of her hair. Think of it like putting a hood on your head while standing under a lightbulb: the outside of the hood gets light, but the inside, next to your head, is in shadow. Similarly, we can see the shadows on the underside of Eowyn’s hair, and especially under the floppy Ariel bangs. Adding that shadow gives the bangs the illusion of volume, which is exactly what I’m going for.
(EDIT: Forgot to mention that when I'm adding shadows to hair, the lines I'm drawing actually follow the path that the hair takes. The shadows on Eowyn's hair swoop and curve and wave because, well...that's what her hair is doing. There are some exceptions when I'll ignore the texture of hair and just shade it in with straight lines of hatching—especially when it's so dark it won't matter much anyway—but for the most part, "follow the texture" is my rule of thumb.)
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Step Ten: DONE! A couple more details—including shading where her hair casts a shadow on her skin, and more freckles—and that’s it!
I hope that helps, Anon! I kinda skimmed over the basics here—like why I draw that + shape as a guideline on the face—but I’m assuming you already have some experience in drawing and just want to know the thought process behind my design. Feel free to send another ask if you need to know anything specific! Thanks for asking!
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lord-of-dorks · 11 months
I'm an aspiring artist and I mainly work traditionally but my art still sucks, how do you add all the details you do without messing it up? I love ur art and I'm very inspired by it <3
Oh man,,, I rarely receive an ask and I'm absolutely floored that my work can inspire you. Even if just a lil bit! I must also state, that in regards to my detail work I may just be a somewhat feral creature that loves adding fiddly bits to add to character's character. Or to push the vibes/themes in the piece. As well as, having days where my art also sucks, trust me I've been there, and remembering that art is an ever changing learning process that can take time. So, don't give up, but do take breaks as needed, haha.
However, to answer your question to the best of my ability, strap in. Cause I'm likely to start rambling, so sorry in advance if this gets long!
My works are usually traditional, with the occasional digital thrown in as I learn how that works,,,, so, with that in mind I usually work in alcohol markers, India/calligraphy/acrylic inks, and sometimes watercolor. I spent a lot of time experimenting with my mediums until I found a process I felt worked best for me most often.
I tend to do my sketches semi-detailed adjusting until I'm somewhat happy with them, and do my colors/shading before my line ink work. Hoping I don't mess said line work up with my trembling hands. Less running and bleed involved,,, and sometimes do my backgrounds in watercolor for a softer look or for depth.
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After color, I do my line work in ink like these with a calligraphy pen. I will admit it took some practice to not make an absolute mess everywhere, and achieve a line variation of thick/thin I like. I do all my detail work with the same pen, I'm sure it seems well used/loved at this point.
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One of my particular favorites is my chainmail! I actually, am a madman who, draw(s) all the chinks/loops individually. Which isn't always very visible from afar but does achieve a really pretty metal reflection imitation when done in iridescent ink! Though you can also use the belt chain detail as a different example. As those were faint sketch lines to help me remember how the chain would drape, and only became actual chain in the inking stage,,,
I hope some of that was helpful, though I'm always down to talk my art process/clarify more!
Maybe I'll figure out how to do an art process time lapse if anyone is interested?
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cherrypikkins · 10 months
hello! I found you through one of your art tutorials and absolutely loved it, it's really inspired me to try it. I was just wondering, not being familiar with digital art, what set up/ app/ tools do you use (or recommend)? do I need a fancy tablet? thank you :)
I'm so glad to hear it! I hope wherever your drawing journey takes you, that you will keep having fun along the way :)
I am always glad to show my setup!
Let's start with the hardware!
Nowadays, I use a Wacom Cintiq 16, which I purchased this year for around $800 CAD.
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This device very much on the fancy side but as someone who has done digital art for 20+ years, it has helped me complete my works in a much shorter amount of time. The Cintiq surface allows me to draw directly on the screen.
Before that, I used a tablet - the Wacom Intuos v4 S, which I received as a gift from my Dad. It held up for 10+ years and was still working excellently when I gave it away for my Mom to use. :) In 2009 I believe it was priced around $250 CAD.
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The surface was a lot more matte when I purchased it and has since gotten shinier from all the abrasion and usage and skin contact. I remember it had a protective transparent sheet which I tore off on the first day of use. LOL
My desktop PC is i7 processor @ 3.20 GHz with Windows 10 64bit, 16gb, with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 video card. Monitor is 24". Notably I use my PC for other activities such as gaming.
Now let's talk about drawing programs!
My software of choice is PaintToolSai v2! It is very lightweight and has a smaller toolset compared to Photoshop or Clip Studio.
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I favor it because I feel that it has a better response to pen input, which helps create higher quality lines. It is very stable and performs very well - I don't think I've ever had any crashes while using v2, which is still in development. The smaller price point helps. The current price is 5500JPY, which should be around $50 CAD these days? The price was lower when I purchased it years and years back, and I was able to upgrade to v2 without any additional cost.
As for what I recommend for a beginner? I admit, it's a little hard for me to say - the landscape of digital painting has changed so much over the past ten years that so many new tools and software have come out while I was still using Sai and my Intuos!
But if you start shopping around, there are some things that may factor into your decision. Please note that I will be speaking as someone who uses mainly desktop systems and tablets for digital art.
Price: The price of a good-quality drawing tablet can range from the $100s to the $1000s. If you are a beginner, you may not experience the benefits of a professional-standard tablet right away, so it's ok to start small! For software, there are quite a few free options to get you started, such as Medibang or Krita. If you have an iPad, Procreate is available on the store for $9.99, though you may need to invest in a stylus.
System Specs: If you have a laptop or a PC, be sure to double check your specs to make sure it can support the hardware and software of your choice! The requirements are less stringent than gaming, so at least i3 with 8gb RAM will work! You will also need to make sure you have enough storage space to hold large files. I've read that the sweet spot for storage is 128GB. If you are a beginner, you probably won't hit the limit in a short amount of time - just be aware that file sizes for digital art can reach 100s of MB depending on size and complexity.
Pressure Sensitivity: This is a measure of how sensitive your tablet is to pressure changes so that you can vary between solid/translucent and thin/thick lines as you are drawing. The recommendation for newcomers is 1,024 levels. Any less, and the experience may be lacking and the results less than satisfying.
Display Size: Tablet size can vary! Wacom Tablets in particular come in Small, Medium and Large. Make sure it can fit on your working space! I've had no problems creating art work using the smallest size, though it has caused a bit of wrist strain.
A monitor/display screen of at least HD quality with a resolution of at least 300dp is recommended! Screen size will also affect your experience. So, similar with gaming, consider what might be most comfortable for you!
Learning Curve: If you are drawing on a screenless tablet for the first time, then it may take some time to get used to the feeling of drawing the tablet surface while keeping your eyes on the monitor. Don't be discouraged if you're not getting the same results as you would using pen and paper! It will definitely feel different, but with time and practice you will gradually get accustomed to it.
Each software comes with its own toolset - some larger than others! For complex programs like Clip Studio and Photoshop, the number of features and the level of customization available can be overwhelming! That said, most software programs for digital art come with a standard set of basic tools, such as Brush, Select, Straight Line, Erase, Zoom, Copy + Paste, Undo etc. So it is perfectly feasible to get started using a complex program, familiarize yourself with the basics, and try some of the more advanced features once you get confident.
(Meanwhile, I am terrified of Clip Studio's seemingly endless features whenever I open it and usually find myself running back to Sai for safety lolol)
Public Opinion: Take caution when watching Youtube reviews, as artists (especially popular ones) are known to accept company sponsorships. Ask around if you can, take a look at the best, worst, and average customer reviews, and check out a public discussion like Reddit where opinions may differ! Take note of the good and bad experiences. And, where invited, ask artists like or not-like me. :)
I should note this far that I'm not sponsored by anyone or anything. ;;;; I swear on my Mom I'm not a Wacom plant. (That said I will gladly continue to sing my praises of PaintToolSai for free. It is an excellent program and please consider supporting the smaller devs!)
That's it! ...I think? I'm almost certain that there are at least one or two things that I've neglected to mention, but so far, those are the points I can think of, so I hope you find it useful. :)
Each digital art journey is different, and so your mileage may vary with the factors above! I do hope that as you get started with creating stuff digitally, that you have a fun and enjoyable experience.
I also invite other people to share their opinions, agreements, and disagreements to the points above! Especially if there is anything important that I may have missed. I hope this is helpful and thank you again everyone for your positive comments on my tutorials. :')
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hexfloog · 11 months
Hiya! I was thinking about the remastered animation Cel style evil Conan post you put up recently, and I just wanted to say how amazing and impressive it is! I love love love the look of old animation and you really nailed it. I’ve been trying for ages to mimic that look myself and haven’t been able to crack it, so if you ever wanted to talk about your process on this piece, I’d be all ears! Wonderful work, again!
Waaah hi liv!! Thank you, I'm so glad you like it, and that it comes across so convincingly!! One of my favorite things is to make digital art that can have a second life as a different medium, and I wish I had an easy answer for you as to how I go about doing that, but the truth is that it's mostly the result of a lot of trial and error. And a metric ton of references.
Here's a quick process video of my last piece to try to show off what all my layers are like, but I know it's mostly useless without an explanation!! I can't explain it all because I was kinda winging this one for funsies but I can give you general tips for this particular look.
Clip and words below the break!
As a disclaimer I didn't really go into this one intending for it to come out looking the way it did. So it's more of a hybrid look between my usual "clean" digital rendering and a fake screenshot.
[1] Reference, role models, and inspiration - I'm not kidding when I say I used to tote around an entire, dedicated folder filled with printed reference. These days that usually takes the form of about a million browser tabs ( ̄▽ ̄) I stare at early Detco and the first six movies a LOT. And Cowboy Bebop. And Akira. And and [insert your choice of 80s-90s anime film]. Depending on the exact look you're trying to replicate, you can always look to a more era-appropriate movie.
I love pulling inspo from films in particular (both animated and live action) because cinema is a whole other art that employs all kinds of techniques for our usual considerations (like lighting and framing), and looking to them can inspire some pretty poignant imagery, especially when you're trying to create something that's meant to mimic a single-frame capture of exactly that. I don't keep up with movies or anything, but I do have my favorites, and it didn't really occur to me to look to them until some of my favorite artists revealed that they do the same with theirs.
For this particular piece, I also had to establish some consistency with the other piece that bookends the scene, so I actually referenced my own art, too.
[2] BIG canvas! I usually work at two or three times the size I expect to export. Following standard aspect ratios for animated productions can help sell the look. Letterboxes have their own ratio, too, if you choose a widescreen canvas; and subtitle fonts are usually standardized to certain font families and colors since their primary purpose is to help make the media accessible. All this is usually a quick google search away, OR… if you're like me, and you still watch physical media… you can just yoink most of this from a real DVD.
[3] Thin lines!! I still can't quite nail the right line weight for these-- I definitely went too thick here-- but they tend to be very fine. And imperfections are good! Nobody has a perfectly steady hand, especially with traditional cels.
[4] Less is usually more when trying to sell a screenshot look… it's easy to over-ink and over-render and-- in my opinion-- restraint is necessary to sell it. This is the hardest thing to explain… it's design vs. rote emulation, I think. But that said, digital aids (next point) do a lot of the heavy lifting in these - as far as the art is concerned, a little will go a long way! These were some of my easiest lines and shading. So on that note…
[5] …Blending modes, masks, and filters are all your friends o___o I get a lot of mileage out of the default tools already available to me in the art software. There's plenty out there that's available for free, too! I recommend you find a fake anime screenshot tutorial, follow it once, and just go nuts when you get to the part where you can play with these settings. The make-or-break for a convincing screenshot-- in my opinion-- is texture and bloom, and all these digital tools will help you achieve that.
I hope this helps!! Hopefully the video can help you see a bit more of the process since I can only really offer tips. It shows everything at full size so you can see the details, so go nuts!
Thank you for the ask! Beaming plenty of good luck that you can find the look you want!!
the same tips apply though so i hope they still help all the same :3c
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udo0stories · 3 months
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Fries with chili cheese sauce are the only thing that will work sometimes. You know? Fortunately, this equally comforting vegan version is now available to satiate that craving! Though it comes together quickly using healthy pantry staples (like fiber-rich lentils!), it feels opulent and special. Friends, all you need to nourish your body and soul are ten ingredients. Allow us to demonstrate how to do it! Given that they are dubbed chili cheese fries, let us talk about the chili first, the cheese second, and the fries third. For the vegan chili, we went with a wholesome base of lentils and seasoned them with chili powder, smoked paprika, apple cider vinegar, ketchup, and coconut aminos. It’s a smoky-savory mix that cooks until thick and flavorful. It’s not too saucy because soggy fries are not a winning move! Now, on to the cheese! We opted for our cashew + carrot vegan cheddar, which is also good on grilled cheese sandwiches and in mac ‘n’ cheese. It has a neutral, cheesy flavor and is super creamy and delicious! For the oven-baked fries, we kept it simple with potatoes, avocado oil, and salt. Cooking at a high temperature (425 F / 218 C) ensures they get golden brown with crispy edges (a.k.a., fry perfection!). Put the three parts together, and you’ve got CHILI CHEESE FRIES! Cue the face stuffing. Keep it simple or make them beautiful and extra special by topping with quick pickled onions or pickled jalapeños, vegan sour cream, green onions, and/or cilantro. We can’t wait for you to try these vegan chili cheese fries! They’re: Savory Spicy “Cheesy” Satisfying Comforting & SO delicious! This dish is the perfect meal for satisfying your comfort food craving and getting your fiber in at the same time. It would also be perfect for enjoying when the “big game” is on (or whatever the sporting folks say). Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes minutes Total Time: 45 minutes minutes Servings 3 (Servings) Course Entrée Cuisine: Gluten-Free, Vegan Freezer Friendly: 1 month (stored separately) Does it keep? 2-3 Days Cook ModePrevent your screen from going dark FRIES 2 large (~1/3 lb each) potatoes, scrubbed clean but NOT peeled, cut into 1/2-inch “fries” (Yukon gold or russet work well) 1 Tbsp. avocado oil 1/4 tsp. sea salt CHILI 1 (15-oz.) can lentils, drained and rinsed 4 tsp. chili powder (or store-bought; if salted, start with less coconut aminos) 1 Tbsp. smoked paprika 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 Tbsp. ketchup 2 Tbsp. coconut aminos 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional) 1 tablespoon avocado oil, for cooking Cheese: If serving with homemade vegan cheddar cheese, begin soaking your cashews and carrots now. 2/3 cup (80 g) cashews + 1/2 cup (64 g) thinly sliced peeled carrots covered with boiling water. Set aside.   FRIES: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (218 degrees C). For easier cleanup (but slightly less crispy fries), line a baking sheet with parchment paper (we didn’t). Add sliced potatoes to the baking sheet and toss with oil and salt. Spread the fries out so they are all on a flat side with the peel facing up, and ensure that no fries are overlapping. Bake for 20–25 minutes or until beginning to brown on the bottom, then carefully toss and bake for another 8–10 minutes until tender but crispy.PRO TIP: If your fries are sticking, use a metal (or other thin/hard) spatula, flip it upside down, and push it under the fries to lift and flip, keeping all the crispy goodness (think scraping rather than scooping).   CHILI: While the fries bake, add your lentils to a mixing bowl along with the chili powder, smoked paprika, apple cider vinegar, ketchup, coconut aminos, and cayenne (optional). Toss until evenly coated.   Heat a 10-inch or larger nonstick or well-seasoned cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add avocado oil and place your lentil mixture into the skillet. Distribute the mixture into the pan, ensuring an even layer. Cook for 4-5 minutes, undisturbed. It should be sizzling and bubbling nicely; if it’s not, turn up the heat a bit.
  Once some of the liquid has cooked off and the mixture is slightly browned on the bottom, use a spatula to flip sections as evenly as possible to brown the other side for another 3 minutes. Once the mixture is darkened in color and looks thick and chili-like, turn off the heat and set aside.   Cheese: Finish making the vegan cheddar cheese at this time. Stop cooking when the “cheese” looks creamy and thick like queso, but before it firms up too much.   Time to assemble! Plate your fries and top with lentil chili and vegan cheese sauce (there will be extra cheese sauce). Garnish with pickled onions (and/or pickled jalapeños), vegan sour cream, green onions, and cilantro (all optional). Leftover chili and vegan cheddar keep (stored separately) in the refrigerator for 2-3 days or in the freezer for up to 1 month.   Serving: 1 serving Calories: 489 Carbohydrates: 66.7 g; Protein: 19.4 g; Fat: 18.6 g Saturated Fat: 2.5 g Polyunsaturated Fat: 3.4 g Monounsaturated Fat: 10.8 g Trans Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 652 mg Potassium: 1527 mg Fiber: 13.6 g Sugar: 9.6 g Vitamin A: 2687 IU Vitamin C: 9.5 mg Calcium: 136 mg Iron: 11.1 mg
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
I am officially in love with Avior and I will not shut up about it. Have a ficlet where absolutely no projecting has been done.
Avior approached them hesitantly, trying, it seemed, to keep a respectful distance.
"You… you called for me?" Starlight sighed.
"Yes. Yeah, I did. I… I'm still not ready to talk about… everything, I just wanted to ask you a question."
"Of course, what is it?" Starlight ran their fingers through their hair.
"You, uh. You said that you had made stuff out of magic in here before, didn’t you?"
"Yes, I did… I mean, the meridian tries to pull it apart pretty quickly, but I can still make things…" Starlight fidgeted with their fingers, fiddling with their knuckles and picking at their fingernails. Avior wanted nothing more in that moment than to take their hands, like he used to all the time, to calm these very nervous tics. He shoved his hands into his sleeves. 
"It’s okay if the answer to this is no, but… could you make me some— some paints? And paintbrushes?" Avior cocked his head.
"I mean, yes, of course but… if you don’t mind my asking— why?" Starlight shook their head.
"I don’t mind. I have… a lot, on my mind right now, as you clearly know. And… something sensory, like painting, can sometimes help calm me. Ground me." That gave a half-hearted smirk, glancing around at the predominantly black obsidian walls around them.
"Plus, it's not like this place couldn’t use more colors." Avior nodded.
"I… yeah. I can do that. I’d love to do that for you." He held out his hands and focused, pulling the magic up from inside himself like drawing water from a well. Three tubes of paint fell from his hands. Magenta, cyan, and yellow. Next came a thick brush, a medium brush, a small brush, and an assortment of hairline-thin ones in case they wanted to do detail work. For good measure, he added two more tubes of paint— black and white. They grabbed them.
"Thanks." They turned their back on him and squirted paint onto their non-dominant hand, taking the thick brush and dipping it into the puddle on their hand.
"I can get you a palette too, I mean—“ Starlight cut him off.
"No thanks. It’s… it’s nicer like this. I like feeling it on my skin." 
"Okay." He didn’t want to walk away. He did. As he got further away, he heard them quietly humming. Their voice was so beautiful. They were singing a song about colors. 
A couple hours later, when the humming had long stopped and he was sure they were in a a different part of their own little hell, he went to where they had been painting. It was… chaos. Lines all over the place. Very few actual forms, though he was almost sure he saw something that looked like him through a swath a turquoise and red in one corner. There were no spaces left in between. Every inch of the wall they had chosen filled with lines, shapes, and colors. Colors everywhere. Words, too. Lyrics. Some sort of pseudo-calligraphy. Cursive. Doodled lists of things they liked. Avior stared. His Starlight had put themselves out on a wall for him to see, using paints he had given them. He sat down cross-legged, memorizing every line. Every color. Every word and feeling they had vented in their creation. He wished he could have an image of this to keep. If they ever got out of here, if his old steward ever asked him how he had fallen in love with a human, all he'd have to do is show them this.
I didn't know how to spell the stewards name soooo… ye I hope y'all enjoyed!
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