#You can really see the effort that was put into them considering the base idea is that manga tends to entirely dialog heavy
dourpeep · 1 year
WAAH okay I just finished the first ep of season 4 for bsd and I just OTL
I remembered something from the light novel that season 4 is opening with (book 3, The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency), so don't peek if you don't want to be spoiled for those who either haven't read and want to, or want to wait for the anime to release more episodes
BUT MAN I'm so sad remembering this, but seeing it happen and reading is just???? It hits different but in a good way (or as good as angst can get lmao)
but just seeing 14 yr old Ranpo versus 26 yr old Ranpo and realizing that he really hasn't changed-
He knew, when he was 14, that people didn't see what he saw and understood that his 'ability' was something that was unique to him due to his upbringing and parents (both brilliant people--his father specifically being an incredibly well-known detective- so really, it makes you wonder if this influenced his bragging but that's something for another time), but kept himself under the guise that people understood because...
If adults can't see what he can see, then how are they supposed to help him out when he's still a child? A child can't do everything themselves, so the idea that no one would be able to help him just makes his parent's death that much worse
And despite Fukuzawa not really knowing this straight out, it's interesting to see how he handles it
Not sure how to comfort a child whose essentially jaded with a lack of trust towards others and a continually decreasing will because he just keeps on getting beaten down? Oh easy, just tell him that the thing that's been giving him indirect woe is a skill. He only is being affected by his own brilliance because it's something that can't be helped. Give him a reason to be proud of it instead!
Uh but I'm getting carried away.
Anyway-- then we see 26 yr old Ranpo now who, really, has known the entire time that his 'skill' isn't a skill, but instead accepted Fukuzawa's attempt at comfort those 12 years ago because now it's more the idea that...if it isn't a skill, then what is he useful for? Within a group of people so talented--not just due to their individual skill, but their combat abilities and all that--why is he so special that he is a part of them? And why would he be so deserving of everyone's praise if he's just...normal?
Long story short, I just mainly remembered Ranpo's deep insecurity that's rooted in his view of his own competence and the effect of the loss of his parents at an early age and I just wanna grab his cheeks and stretch
ALSO ALSO in season 4's first ep when he's trying to nab a bite of the actress' sweets and she eats it instead that was soiefhoih what a brat
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
HIYYAAA if it's not too much to ask I wanted to request if you could write Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Vox and Val having an S/o with weather based powers, like their emotions can influence the weather. Thanks <3
🥀Cw: none really, mostly fluff, a bit of omplied smut in vals part but what do u expect
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adam is not the most self aware, so it takes him a while to realize that your emotions coinciding with the weather are not just some cosmic coincidence
it strikes him as odd that whenever the two of you argue, the weather in heaven is always particularly nasty, but he doesn't bring it up because he thinks its an idiotic theory
when you eventually explain your powers to him he has the biggest AHA moment ever
honestly adam loves your powers and finds them to be so interesting. he was the first man after all, he was one of the first few to navigate earth's tumultuous weather patterns. seeing you control the weather and watching how it reflects your emotions is genuinely intriguing to him, and adam brags about your powers to others ALL the time
seriously though, adam is always yapping about how he has the most powerful partner and how you're powers are so unique. he genuinely admires you so much and wants everyone else to see you the same way
your powers are useful when it comes to arguments because adam is not the most self aware person, and he tends to not realize when you're upset until you actually flip out
even when you're not upset with him, adam makes sure to do his best to calm you down when he notices the weather being particularly wild
if anyone ever gives you shit about your powers, know that adam will be the first in line to punch them in the face. he knows you can't control your emotions sometimes and never blames wild weather on you
i think adams the type to enjoy warmer weather, and he always cracks the biggest smile when the weather miraculously turns to his favorite type when you're on a date together
definitely loves beach days with you, and the fact that you can make it permanently sunny is so enticing for him
still pissed they took the yellow font away from me
honestly luci is such a sweetie when it comes to your powers. he probably picked up on them pretty quickly considering how powerful you are, but he didn't want to be nosy so he waited until you mentioned your powers to ask questions.
he definitely did have a lot of adorable questions, and was very intrigued about the fact that your emotions were the catalyst that controlled your powers.
after learning that piece of information, he starts paying attention to the weather more often. even before he's dating you, luci will call you to ask how your doing when ever he sees the weather going haywire. he's learned to prepare himself for any weather misfortunes that occur, and always comforts you when you're feeling down
lucifer is quite attentive even without your powers revealing your emotions, and he will often be able to calm you down before the weather even takes a turn for the worse
he would never want to weaponize your powers or use them in any way because he knows how closely linked they are to your emotions. howeeeeeeveeeerrrr, he does admire you when you stand up for yourself with your powers and will definitely cheer you on from the sidelines as you kick ass with the weather without even standing up
lucifers favorite weather is snow!!!! on your guys' first year anniversary, you made it snow inside your shared bedroom as a gift and luci nearly CRIES. he hasn't seen snow in years bc, yk, its hell, not very snowy weather, so the fact that you put in so much effort to make his favorite weather for him honestly makes him feel so appreciated
after that he might ask you to make it snow more often, and he loves cuddling up with you with hot cocoa to watch a cheesy movie while pretty smowflakes fall all around you both
alastor would be intrigued by your powers to say the least. he's quick to figure out what they are, and would probably be drawn to you solely because you're so powerful. in fact he'd probably either try to use you for your power or challenge you and be petty, but over time he found himself growing a soft spot not only for your weather powers, but for you
i love al but he definitely saw u as an asset at first, in fact he was probably a bit intimidated and irritated by the spontaneity of your powers, but also very intrigued by your raw ability. he probably found himself attracted to your power more than anything at first, but once he got to know you, alastor began to see you as more than an asset and as a genuine friend, and that feeling continued to grow into something alastor was very unfamiliar with.
alastor probably picked up on your feelings towards him from your powers, and the fact that flowers would literally bloom whenever he was around. it definitely improved his confidence about his feelings and he'd probably pester you a bit into admitting your feelings for him. to your shock he reciprocates, and soon you become hells greatest power couple
alastor sees it as a weakness when someone wears their heart on their sleeve and is very emotional, so he will be very protective of you when your emotions are running rampant and the weather is reflecting that
he does NOT want people to know about your powers because he wouldn't want other sinners to try to hurt you, influence you, or use you to get to him
he'd definitely help you to master them and control them better, and would probably keep track of what each form of weather means and how it correlates to each of your emotions
honestly al loves your powers, and is so intuitive about when you're getting upset. i think he's the type to enjoy rainy weather, so he loves when you make it rain. while he rarely sleeps, once he trusts you enough some nights he'll ask you to make it rain at nightime because the soothing noise helps him sleep
vox understands that sometimes sinners aren't always happy about the powers and forms they receive in death- for goodness sake, he literally lost his head and has to deal with having a literal television as a head, so he understands it if you struggle with your powers
vox would encourage you to use your power, in fact he would probably love to see you electrocute your enemies or blow them away, vox is entranced by power and would be even more attracted to you if you were powerful
loves when you make it storm during alastors broadcasts so the radio is always staticy and cutting out, it always makes him giggle
it took vox a while to notice your powers, but once you fully explain them, he has LOTS of questions
hes a bit worried about your rain and his TV head at first, after all electronics and weather don't often mix, so he makes sure to waterproof himself and any technology you migh be around
(theres something so poetic about him falling in love with someone who holds the power to dismantle his entire technological empire and destroy his existence- ok i'll stop yapping)
vox doesn't go out very often, but when he does, his favorite weather is warm weather but with a nice cool breeze.
vox would use you for weather forecasts and people often wonder how he's always so accurate! little do they know about his sweet darling controlling the weather for him!
sometimes vox will text you in the morning with a goofy guess on what the weather will be today, something crazy like "the sky will be green" and lo and behold, when he opens his curtains, the sky is green and he is very, very surprised
very enticed by your powers to say the least
your beautiful, smart, and powerful? sign him up!
would probably ask you to film in some of his pornos and would use your powers for kink-related uses, such as like a mild electrocution kink (lightning) or waterboarding (rain, etc) or something like that
this oblivious man would probably not notice your powers AT ALL until you explain them to him, he's honestly so clueless but he finds them interesting regardless!!!
valentino is not the most aware of other people's emotions and he can be oblivious sometimes, so the weather is a great gauge of your emotions
he immediately knows when your horny bc he's memorized the weather patterns when you giys have sex.... u hear sum?
he likes teasing you and then hearing thunder boom outside
val loves that his partner is powerful, and loves showing you off and showing off your powers. he's absolutely supporting your right and wrongs
valentino loves hot weather, it gives him an excuse to wear lowkey scandalous clothing so he loves when you make the weather very hot
he assumes you have more control over your powers than you actually do sometimes, and will be surprised when the weather starts acting up as your trying to stay calm
for example, val will tease you by sending you a dirty picture of himself or flashing you a glimpse of his lingerie under his coat and will snicker endlessly when the entire room starts to heat up as the weather suddenly grows uncomfortably hot
sometimes when he's pissed at one or both of the other vees, he'll hve you cause a storm in their offices/rooms just for shits and giggles
SORRY THIS REQ TOOK 500 YEARS ITS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR AGES <\\3 i have never written for valentino before so im sorry his is so short😭 im trying my best yall BUTTTT ANYWAYS EXPECT SOME MORE WRITING STUFFS BC IM OFF SCHOOL FOR THIS WEEK
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cherryfennec · 3 months
So this was originally supposed to have a kickass artwork of the bros using the power- up and stuff but then I got sick and then I realised Im out of time and here we are so uh hieee everyone and welcome to my post-
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Happy MAR10 Day! For the occasion, let's go back to the (not discussed in a long time) Power-Up headcanons. This time I'll focus on the Ice Flower (most of the lore under cut like last time)!
This was surprisingly requested by some (3) people. I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered this one at first. I kinda know how it looks and generally what it does, which will have to be enough to base this entire thing on. With that being said, I did some thinking and here's what I've got:
General headcanons;
This one has difficulty surviving outside of it's original environment. If you want to keep a batch in the house your best bet is to use the fridge/freezer, otherwise it looses both it's blue look and the stored energy. See, the Ice Flower originally wasn't (and still technically isn't) it's own flower species. Let me elaborate:
Nowadays the conditions there are not as harsh, however a rather long time ago travelers heading towards places like the Snow Mountain needed to be both be specially trained and very well equipped to even attempt a climb. A heat source was a big must, and it so happens that it often consisted of Fire Flowers. They'd put some in their coats to keep warm, as well as store a few in the backpack just in case they needed to protect themselves from monsters. When setting camp during their journeys these hikers would use the Power-Ups energy to start fires and cook food. After the flowers were depleted of their energy and entered their hibernation stage (I talked about it in my Fire Flower post), they would be simply thrown away like trash. Waiting for them to recharge was often not beneficial, especially in conditions like this, so there was ultimately no point in keeping them. However like I mentioned before, Fire Flowers are very adaptable, which actually wasn't that known at the time. Instead of wilting, these stubborn plants would try gathering energy like the usual, but since it was very cold and direct sunlight was limited, they decided to collect something else. While not all flowers made it, a few managed to amass the eminating frost and turn it into a new kind of energy which proved to be enough for their survival. With time even their petal colour changed to blueish hues. And thus the Fire Flowers in the area became Ice Flowers and over the years started populating the mountains and snowfields.
The Ice Flower is a multiple use Power-Up in theory but more often than not you'll find yourself without a place to freeze it after using one. If it's not placed in a cold environment during it's hibernation it'll either die or, more uncommonly, simply revert back to being a Fire Flower after a long process.
Mario and Luigi specific headcanons;
While the idea of being able to freeze stuff sounded cool it wasn't very fun to learn.
In Marios case imagine: you're good at something, really, REALLY good at something. Okay great, now imagine being told that your knowledge doesn't matter because now you need to do the opposite of what you've learned. Back with the theme of "elements don't mix", Mario absolutely hated how much effort he needed to put into focusing the newfound energy to barely make a tiny projectile. Even before he got the Firebrand he had enough difficulty with it, so it only got worse from there. This was one of the rare times where learning the bare basics instead of mastering a Power-Up was enough for him.
Luigi didn't really mind. The main complications came more from the vague instructions he received during training rather than his own inability. Suprisingly or not the Thunderhand didn't make this one much of a pain either, I guess anomalies attract eachother. While he doesn't consider this Power-Up as a favourite he still finds it pretty fun that he can freeze and walk on water. Did you know, he used to be pretty good at skating in high school. If you didn't he'll make sure to bring it up at a given occasion. Back to ice powers, he definitely outdoes his brother on this one, even if not by much.
There's probably one more thing I should mention. Despite the contrary belief the Ice Flower does NOT increase ones tolerance to cold temperatures. To be frank it might even decrease it by lowering the bodys natural temperature, making the chances of frostbite higher. And so, they learned it the hard way.
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In conclusion, this is more of a situational Power-Up. It's neither easy to find or preserve which can be annoying but despite all this it's hard to deny that it's ultimately a useful tool.
Few bonus headcanons!
I don't know how much sense I conveyed through my broken wording and less than average writing skills but it's not that shabby if I say so myself. Just like last time some details might change in the future but for now that's the general idea that I have considering the Ice Flower. Once again thank you to whoever took the time to read this!
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kingdomoftyto · 11 months
I'm crying laughing, the DVDs are even worse than I remember... Season 1's menus are silent with a single static jpg of the same key character art they use for everything else, and the episodes on the Season 2 discs don't even match what's listed on the box! Absolutely stunning lack of shits given. Truly unparalleled. But I really shouldn't be surprised given... well... everything about how this series has been treated since the very beginning.
Time for a quick ~✨PHANDOM HISTORY LESSON✨~ to give newer/less hyperfixated folks more context for why the graphic novel being as great as it is is such a HUGE deal:
Danny Phantom was one of Nickelodeon's MAIN cartoons, in its time. It was a central pillar. One of the top three or four of their lineup, which is saying something when the competition includes the cultural juggernaut that is Spongebob.
Despite this, and despite its superhero theming making it perfectly marketable, it got basically ZERO official merch.
What little we did get was often ugly and very, very cheap. The dedication at the start of the graphic novel that jokes about collecting the Burger King toys? That's because it was some of the most notable merch the franchise EVER had. (I sadly do not have any of it. There was no BK in my hometown. Here's a pic from the internet, though, to give you an idea.)
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If you think I'm exaggerating about that being the most significant physical merch to come out of the series, consider that the first video game had an entire menu option specifically for the Burger King promotional tie-in:
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That video game, by the way, was one of only two ever based on the show. The first was an adaptation of "The Ultimate Enemy" in the style of a short sidescrolling beat-em-up, and the second was themed around "Urban Jungle" and (as far as I can tell--I've only played the first couple levels) was an arcade-style scrolling shooter. Both were for the Gameboy Advance, and both are...... fine, as far as cash-grabby video game tie-ins to kids' shows go. This was pretty normal for the time, so I suppose we did okay in that department, actually. They're not GOOD, but they're playable and have at least a bit of effort put into them.
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But besides those two video games (plus a handful of simple, long-defunct Flash games on nick.com)? In the decade and a half since the show ended?
No books, no games, no comics, no web shorts--unless you count mega-crossovers with every other Nicktoon (a la Nicktoons Unite), or soulless promotional material like "Fairly Odd Phantom" (which, trust me, despite being the first new DP animation in over 10 years was not even worth the effort of watching).
...I think there was a limited edition FunkoPop once?
So yeah.
A Glitch in Time is not just the first cool, well-made thing we've seen from the franchise in a while. It's the first THING we've seen since the show. PERIOD. And arguably the first worthwhile supplementary material to EVER come out of the show, depending on how you feel about those GBA games and the Nicktoons crossovers.
This franchise is widely beloved even now, almost 20 years after it first aired, and it feels like that fact is now, finally, FINALLY getting some official recognition.
PLEASE read A Glitch in Time. Tell other people about it. The series--no, the fans--deserve this (and more of this, if the folks in charge see enough of a response and decide to grace us with any followup). It's LONG overdue, but better late than never.
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avocado-writing · 10 months
you could do crowley x reader
You're taking a ride in the Bentley with Crowley, the Reader is bored, you find yourself in a land of bawdy fantasy. Crowley gets you out of all this and knows your desires. Crowley has you right where he wants you.
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notes: sorry if you didn’t want this to be so smutty. That’s how it turned out. pairing: Crowley/GN!Reader rated: E, minors dni
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“If we’re going to drive through the countryside,” you tell Crowley, “you might as well slow down enough for us to actually appreciate it.”
Crowley mutters to himself and reluctantly drops out of fifth gear. The green blur outside separates into actual distinct trees, and you press up to the glass of the window to take in the beautiful outdoors. 
“Cows!” you announce to Crowley when you see a field full of them; the job of anyone in the front passenger seat. He manages a smile before you finally fully turn to him. 
“What’s the matter?”
“Look, I’m bored, that’s all. It’s just miles of nothing.”
“Well, I’m bored too,” you sigh, face back to the window. “Ooh, sheep.”
There’s silence for a moment. You go to fiddle with the radio but Crowley interrupts the silence. 
“You know, we’re alone on this road.”
“We could… well...”
It takes a moment to register as Crowley nods downwards, and then your eyebrows skyrocket. 
“Anthony J Crowley, are you asking me to give you road head?”
“I’m just saying it might be more interesting than pointing out every farmyard animal we drive past.”
You consider this for a moment. He’s not wrong, really. Plus you’re reasonably sure he won’t crash the Bentley if you do indulge, he’s far too precious over it for that. 
You look around, making sure you definitely are the only two people on the country path, and reach down to his fly. 
He’s already half-hard from the idea, and it only takes a couple of strokes to get him all the way there. For a moment you just do that, fucking him with your hand, long and languid, watching his face as you swipe your thumb over his head. You can see the way his jaw tightens as he feels you begin to tease him. 
“Come on, Crowley,” you mutter, voice honey-thick with sex, “let’s see those pretty eyes of yours.”
He takes a moment to flip his sunglasses up. His pupils are blown wide, only a sliver of yellow to be seen. 
“Good boy,” you whisper, before reaching down to put your mouth on him. 
Crowley has a lovely cock. Just the right size, slightly curved, and right now a ruddy red and dripping with precome. You take him down your throat in one movement and you feel him swerve the car just slightly as you hit his base. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. One of his hands comes to settle in your hair, but you gently pull off of him, spit dripping from his shaft. 
“Both hands on the wheel. Behave.”
He makes a whiny little noise but does as he’s told. His knuckles whiten as he grips the steering wheel, trying to keep calm at the feeling of your warm wet mouth bobbing up and down the length of him. You lick a stripe up the vein on the underside of his cock, toy with his slit using your tongue. The taste of salt floods you. You close your eyes and hum, enjoying the experience of making him lose his mind. 
“You asked for this,” you chuckle as you feel him squirm in his seat. 
“I forget how—ah!—good you are,” he manages through gritted teeth. His chest rises and falls with the effort of taking breaths he doesn’t need, but desperate to find a way to calm himself down. 
“Do you want to come in my mouth?”
Crowley grips the wheel so hard you hear a crack as it breaks. 
You take him down once more and, when he hits the back of your throat, you feel him release in a thick jet. You stay put until he finishes panting, then sit back up and make a show of swallowing. 
“Still bored?” You ask wickedly. Crowley doesn’t reply, too busy trying to miracle the car back together. You go back to looking out the window. 
Taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @idontmeanto @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Heartbeat / Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Heartbeat. Same pairing as Picture and I got you.
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Simon Riley/female reader 3.9k words - part of the Sassy series - AO3 Warnings-Tags: 18+ Minors DNI, pregnant reader, pregnancy complications, Simon is soft for you, flashbacks, emotional hurt/comfort, medical inaccuracies, military inaccuracies, violence. You're slipping in and out.
“But not the thick crust kind. The thin kind, well done. Tell them-“ You heard the sound of a door being shut, and the little jingle of his keys.
“I know, Sass. I know.”
“that I want it with black spots top and bottom. And extra cheese! Last time they forgot it and-“
“I got it.”
“Erm, right.” You hang up the phone with a sigh, rubbing a circle on top of your belly. All you can think about is that pizza right now. Gooey, cheesy pizza with a crispy crust. Your mouth practically waters and you cast a glance at the full laundry basket in the living room with a sigh. Tiny baby clothes aren’t going to fold themselves.
You yawn when you finish, little pants and shorts and onesies all categorized and stacked into piles across the coffee table, sorted by color and size so you’d know where to put them in the dresser. You grab two of the piles to bring upstairs, the idea of a nap sounding better and better as the minutes tick on, and you’re already thinking about how you can convince Simon to feed you the pizza while you lay in bed. A twist in your lower abdomen makes you wince mid stairs, and you groan. Being pregnant is for the birds. When you get to your room, you feel a twinge in your belly, this time stronger, and it nearly causes your knees to buckle. Alarm bells ring in the back of your mind. That didn’t feel normal. You try to take a deep breath but white-hot pain blooms across your body, the sharpness making you gasp, and you fumble for your phone, trying to get the screen unlocked while your body trembles.
“F-fuck.” You hiss against another surge of pain, leaning against the side of your bed for support, dropping the phone completely. It clatters to the ground a few feet away and your legs give out, your body falling to the floor with a thud.
The ceiling of your bedroom is the last thing you see before everything goes black.
Soap whistles. 
“Shew, Sass. You’re lookin’ pure dead brilliant.” Your skin goes hot across your nose.
“Shut up, Soap.” 
“You got a date or something?” 
“Or something.” It wasn’t a date, not really. Just a few drinks with another operator from this base. The 141 had been here for a month, between ops, and Price said you didn’t leave for Belize for another three weeks still. You were bored. You were tired of waiting around. 
“Who with?” Gaz pipes up from the corner and you roll your eyes. 
“It’s not a date. I’m just getting off base, having a couple of drinks, no big deal.” A blur of shadow catches your gaze behind Johnny, and you track it with your eyes until it steps into the light. Ghost. 
“You’re goin’ off base?” he asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“She’s gotta a date, LT!” Soap practically shouts. Underneath his seemingly innocent smile, there’s a smirk of something hidden. Something he knows that you clearly don’t. You glare at him. 
“It’s not a date, I-“ 
“Did you get going off base cleared with Price?” Ghost tilts his head. Is his stance a little wider? You sigh in exasperation. 
“No. I didn’t think I had to considering we’re ‘consulting’ and this is not a state sanctioned op.” Johnny’s eyes dart between the two of you. Ghost says nothing, just studies you. His eyes travel from your feet to your mouth, and heat blossoms in the pit of your stomach. You turn on your heel and Soap yells to your back. 
“Have fun!” 
You’re sitting at a table, across from your ‘not date’, Johnathan. Very nice guy, communications specialist. He’s spent the last two weeks making small talk with you in an effort to get you here, off base, where he can try to lay it on. Which he is. Trying to lay it on, that is. Succeeding, you weren’t so sure. He was cool, you guessed. Talked a lot. 
“So, I forgot I don’t actually know what you’re doing at Humphrey’s?” You bite your tongue. He didn’t know because you never said. You tried to keep your affiliation with 141 off the radar when the lot of you were on a base. You’re about to launch into some drawn out, confusing explanation, but he makes a weird sound in his throat and looks over your shoulder. 
“Holy shit. Is that Simon Riley?” he practically whispers in awe. This. Cannot. Be. Happening.
You turn nonchalantly to see the giant man in the skull mask standing in the doorway, Soap and Gaz filing in behind him. 
“Yeah. Guess it is.” You’re going to kill all of them. 
“He’s infamous. Like a legend. I heard a rumor the 141 was here but didn’t believe it. Did you know he-“ 
“Aye lass!” You close your eyes. 
“Soap.” You grit out when he gets closer, smug grin plastered on his face. He’s had a few beers, you can tell by how relaxed his posture is. Ghost looms behind him like the god damn grim reaper. 
“Who’s your friend?” Johnathan stands immediately, extending his hand which Gaz takes readily, making introductions like this is some group social outing. Soap asks him what he does, and starts peppering him with questions, effectively stealing the entirety of his attention. Your ‘not date’ devolves into anything but a date in a matter of minutes. 
“Sorry about your date, Sass.” Ghost’s voice rings out as you exit the bar, and you turn with a glare. 
“Are you?” He doesn’t say anything, just watches you from behind the mask until he’s pushing off the side of the building and heading back inside.  
The room is incredibly white. Sanitized. Your eyes flick back and forth, trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s loud, and there are people talking. The ceiling tiles are the ugly kind, small porous patterns bobbing and weaving above your face. More noise. A ripping sound. And then, another. Cool air. You think you hear Simon, above it all. Maybe. He sounds off kilter, unnerved. That’s odd. What’s happening? Somebody shines something bright in your face and you wince. Jesus. Blind a girl, why don’t you? You hear Simon, again. He’s saying your name, first and last. Not your call sign. You want to protest. Then he says your birthday. Your blood type. You try to turn your head, but you can’t. It’s stuck in something. You feel a pinch. Simon. You try to say his name, but another pinch in your arm steals your breath. You fade away.
Your lungs are screaming, tac vest compressing your chest as you sprint across the building before diving forward behind a half wall. 
“This was not the plan.” Gaz says from behind you, and you nod. You knew that. This was definitely not the plan. You were operating so far outside of the plan right now, and you still had not set your charges. 
“Look, take-“ shots pop and whiz by your head, forcing you lower. Your low position is a disadvantage against where these guys are sitting a floor above you, and you’ll both need to move in a matter of seconds. “Take this.” You shove the drive into his hand. “And meet Ghost and Soap at rendezvous.” He stares at you like you’ve lost it. You feel a little bit like that too, but it doesn’t matter. 
“I can’t leave you here!” more bullets fly between the two of you, and you lean forward to peek, firing off a few shots before turning back to him. 
“I am telling you to. I will be right behind you.” before he can argue, you press the button for your comm. “Gaz is enroute to rendezvous location, over.” 
“Roger. What’s your location?” Soap’s voice crackles across the radio but you ignore it, giving Gaz one more beseeching look before you start to crawl towards the other side of the room. “Sassy, location. Over.” Soap radios again. You duck around a corner, walking low in a crouch to make your way down the stairs and into the dimly lit hallway. When you don’t answer, you hear the radio click again, but nobody calls through. A few seconds pass, and then- 
“Sass report your location.” It’s Simon now, and you can practically hear the sound of his teeth grinding. You were breaking protocol. Smashing the plan to hell. Ignoring your superior. 
You were operating blind. 
When you come to the first set of joists, you set a charge, fingers flying over the wires until you were satisfied. Fifteen seconds, not too shabby. 
“Come in Sass.” He calls again, something different in his voice this time. A low vibrato, the echo of mounting desperation every time you don’t answer a call. Your eyes catch your next chokepoint, the long beam running along the first floor. You’re underneath it in a beat, but the charge is giving you an issue, forcing you to close your eyes and take long, slow breaths to steady your hands. Too long, it’s too long, those guys could be on top of you any second, this is taking too long, it’s- “Sass. Report your location. Now.” You take another deep breath, counting in and out until your hands still and the wires cooperate. “Report your location Sergeant, that is an order.” You rip the comm from your ear and toss your radio to the ground. The pit in your stomach widens, threatening to suck you in whole. Simon never calls you by rank. 
You’re blinking and staring at different ceiling tiles now. These are a softer color, like a beige. You think. Everything is fuzzy. You blink again, but this time your eyes stay shut. You try to force them open but it’s too hard, and you huff in frustration. Wherever you are, it smells like disinfectant and bad mess hall food. You wrinkle your nose. Simon laughs quietly in that gentle, throaty way that you only get hear every now and then. Simon?! You really want to open your eyes. Really, really bad. You try, and then try again but can’t, so you try to speak instead. A hand smooths over the crown of your head, and you swear you feel the press of a mouth against your cheek. None of it matters though because you slip back under in a heartbeat.
“Don’t use my name right now.” Simon is yelling at you. He steps closer, close enough that you can see the cracks in the paint around his eyes. “You had no idea what you were doing out there!” He roars, thrusting a finger in your face. “You were operating blind, like a fucking idiot.” Your mouth falls open in shock. “Are you a bloody idiot, Sass?” His raised voice has captured Soaps attention, who drifts closer to where the two of you stand. You glance at him. “I asked you a question.” Ghost snaps, and you feel like melting in the ground. Soap steps between you both, hand out towards Ghost like he’s trying to catch a wild animal. 
“Take it easy, LT.” 
“-from her too, because I don’t want ya to end up with my ugly mug.” It’s Simon, and you can feel the vibrations of his words through your skin, but you can’t see. Everything is dark. “Hopefully, you’ll get her smarts. She’s really smart. Smarter than me. Good with words, and puzzles. Everything.” You want to protest, but your mouth feels like cement, and you can’t even get your eyes open. “You got real lucky, havin’ her as your mom. I’m not gonna be… as good as she is. At this.” The sound of his voice fades and you frantically try to hold onto it before you fall into the inky black of sleep.
He’s watching you pace back and forth, your fingers tapping a staccato rhythm across your belly. You don’t need to look at his face to know he’s clocking your every step. You can feel weight of his eyes, the searing heat of his gaze working its way under the collar of your shirt. 
“I don’t want you here. You can’t just… keep showing up and sitting in my driveway. That’s called stalking.” 
“The other night-“ 
“Was a fluke. I’m fine. I had a moment of weakness but I’m fine.” He doesn’t say anything, just tracks you from where he sits on a tiny kitchen chair. They’re really normal sized, but he dwarfs the one he’s in, jean clad thighs spread wide, arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“Don’t ‘Sass’ me. Just-“ He stands and your words die in your throat. You turn on your heel mid pace, eager to escape whatever it is he’s about to lob at your armor, whatever weapon he’s wielding that will undoubtedly breakdown your defenses. 
“Sass.” He cuts you off, hands folding over your arms, holding you still. You immediately look at your feet. You’ll break if you look up at his face, and he knows it. “Look at me.” Rage flickers in your blood. 
“No.” You step away, slipping out of his grip. “Fuck. You. You don’t get to just waltz in here, after everything, and pretend it’s all okay because you said you’re sorry. Because you have some self-awareness all of the sudden.” 
“I don’t think everything’s okay, and I regret what happened. I-“ 
“You… You’re such a dick. You pushed me away!” Your voice warbles a little and you swallow it down. “And then you did worse, and I’m so… I’m so fucking angry with you. You were supposed to have my back.” 
“I know.”
“No, you don’t. Your job didn’t get messed with. Your boss and… your… me, didn’t make a backhanded deal to get rid of you! I trusted you. I-“ 
“I know.” 
“STOP saying that.” You’re really yelling now, words flying out of you with no filter, anger taking control of your mouth. “You don’t know shit, Simon Riley. You only know about yourself, you don’t care about me, or this baby, you’re just here to alleviate some weird guilt.” A shadow flickers across his face, and the baby jams his foot into your left ribs, making you wince. Simon takes a half step forward and reaches out towards you, muscles tense. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You grit your teeth and shake your head. “Your son likes to play soccer with my organs.” You tap your foot impatiently, rubbing your hand in a circle. You usually hum, but you won’t in front of him. Something about it feels too intimate.
This time, when you blink, everything feels a lot clearer. You can tell there’s a tube in your nose, and something, a few things probably, are taped to both of your arms. The lights are bright, and they feel like they’re shining up under your eyelids into your skull. Someone makes a pitiful noise, a half whimper, half groan. No, not someone. You. You blink more rapidly, trying to clear your vision, and turn your head from side to side. Where… where are you? What’s happening? 
“Sass.” It is Simon. Simon’s here. You try to speak but the only thing that comes out of your mouth sounds like garbled nonsense. “Shhh, sweet girl. It’s alright. You’re okay.” Thick fingers stroke across your cheek. Where are you? What’s happening? What’s- 
The pain. The baby. 
Your hands press across your body, eyes wide with panic. The baby, the baby, what happened? Simon’s big hand envelopes yours. You wet your lips with your tongue.
“Baby.” You croak, but it doesn’t really sound like baby, it sounds more like abby, or bubby, or something. Why is your tongue so heavy? Why is your throat so dry? You focus on your bump, trying to feel for your son’s movement or kicking. Your chest suddenly feels tight, and the beeping sound in the background gets steadily faster.
“Hey, hey. Everything’s okay. You’re okay.” You watch him look up over your bed, eyes fixing on something you can’t see before coming back to you. “I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath. Just try.” You do, feeling your chest expand a little further and he rubs his palm in a soothing circle against your belly. “Good girl. Another one.” You get a deeper breath in this time, and his eyes crinkle, just a little, so that you can tell he’s smiling behind the mask. “That’s it. Just relax for me, alright?” You hear the click of a door, and a woman’s voice. She approaches you from the other side of the bed, speaking in low tones to Simon, who doesn’t take his eyes off you. When you glance over at her, she gives you a warm smile.
“There she is!” She says as she presses some buttons on the machines next to your bed. You hear the scrape of a chair and feel the sudden lack of Simon’s presence. You try to call his name, but it doesn’t come out right. A big hand bleeds warmth onto yours.
“I’m right here.” He’s sitting now, head just about eye level with you. Oh. You want to ask him what’s going on, what happened, but your eye lids tug low, and you yawn. “Go back to sleep, Sass. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Where did you learn to cook like this?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“It’s just shepherd’s pie.” 
“Better than a ration pack.” You snort, stabbing the last piece on your plate with your fork. 
“It’s not that hard.” You sigh, leaning backwards. Simon finishes too, and then reaches across the table for your dishes. “I got it.” You say, hand flying forward to stop him. Your fingers brush across the skin of his wrist and you shiver involuntarily. 
“You cooked. Let me.” He rolls up his sleeves, bending forward so he can reach into the sink. He’s washing dishes in your kitchen, the realization settling into your brain as his arms dip below soapy water with a sponge. It’s so… domestic. You feel like you’re in a daydream. You pull yourself onto your feet and say his name over clink and clatter of Ikea plates and the running water, his broad back flexing when he turns to look at you. He wipes his hands on the dish towel. 
“Sass? What is it?” He leans down to catch your eye, brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You whisper, and watch his face, every quiver, every twitch of every muscle, everything you’ve never seen before. You wonder if the baby will have his nose. Maybe they’ll have the sandy blonde hair too, or the deep brown eyes. “Simon.” You say his name, and he frowns, probably thinking you’re about to try to throw him out, again. “I want… I want to trust you. I want to believe you, but this-”
“Give me a chance.” 
“How? You… you wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t pregnant.” His mouth abruptly closes, and he stares at you for a few long seconds before speaking. 
“I think… I would be. That somehow, I would’ve found you again, pregnant, or not.” You take a deep breath. 
“Why did you do it? Why did you shut me out? Why did you have Price get rid of me?” He’s silent for a long time, eyes trained on the ground before he reaches out to take your hand. When he looks at you again, you see it. The fear. The pain. The trauma, rippling across his face clear as day. When he speaks, his voice breaks.
“I was scared.” 
The next time you wake up, Simon’s face is squished next to your ribs. He’s wearing the black hoodie, with the hood up over his head, and the civilian face mask. You clear your throat, grasping for the cup of water sitting just out of your reach, and he’s awake and lifting the straw to your lips before you can even blink.
“Hey.” Your voice sounds a little better. He doesn’t say anything at first, just stares at you for a while. It feels like forever until-
“Bloody hell, Sass.” He slumps forward in the chair, sliding the mask down his face and pressing your palm to his lips. You smile at him, but the stupid tube across your nose tickles, and you reach to yank it free. “No.” He grabs your hand and brings it down by your side. “Leave it be.”
“Simon, what-“ You’re cut off when there’s a knock at the door. Your OB stands on the other side when it opens, her face carefully blank.
You’re sitting across from Ghost, listening to Gaz and Johnny ramble on and on about an op that went south last year, too many things going wrong in one day. 
“It wasn’t the worse we’d been through though, huh LT?” Johnny laughed, ribbing the larger man with his elbow before catching a death glare. You smirked. 
“What about you?” Gaz piped up, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You took a sip of your beer, slowly. These guys didn’t know too much about you, and you didn’t like to divulge too much. Getting too personal with them would be a mistake, you know it. 
“I made a mistake with an IED once. It was on a teenager, thought I had it. Two power sources.” You didn’t say anything else. You didn’t have to. The look Soap gave Gaz was enough.  
“You lose ‘em?” Ghost breaks the silence. 
“And a few others.” Nobody says anything. Ghost nods, eyes never leaving yours. He knows. Better than anyone. 
It’s placental abruption. Minor, or as close to minor as you can come without having to deliver, spurred on by your high blood pressure and previous abdominal trauma, risk factors both you and her have discussed at length. A pang of guilt stabs into your heart. You’ve been shot. Stabbed. Blown up. Worked a burn pit. Inhaled a million different chemicals. You knew this, and still decided to keep the baby. It was hard not to feel the weight of your decision. What if it had been worse? 
She gives you a sympathetic look as she explains, and Simon traces his thumb across your knuckles in the same pattern, repeatedly. You nod robotically as you listen, fingers curled in his.
“So, I want to send you home, but you’ll need to be on bedrest. Ideally, we would like to get you to thirty-four weeks.” Six weeks of bedrest. You stifled a groan. Simon is going to be insufferable. You sneak a look at him. He’s watching and listening like a hawk while she talks about activities you can and cannot do, things you should watch out for, the importance of keeping your stress level non-existent. Once she’s done, she promises she’s going to get you out of here as soon as she can and leaves the two of you alone again.
“I wanna go home.” You whine, scratching at your arm where the IV port is while beating back a yawn that’s creeping up your throat. He looks down at you and your heart breaks. He’s afraid. You squeeze his hand and try to comfort him, even though there's not much you can give. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
“I know. And I’m gonna take you home as soon as they let me.” He combs some hair away from your face with his fingers, careful not to get them caught in the tangles. “Just rest for now, okay?”
“Okay.” You mumble, already feeling the pull of exhaustion again. An errant thought enters your mind before you fade away. “Hey. Did you get extra cheese?” He laughs, and you slip peacefully into the warm embrace of sleep. 
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ark-fork · 1 month
💌Love letters; 👨‍🌾content farm
Recently, a situation happened to my blogger friend that really pissed me off. It took me some time to put my thoughts in order and think about what I wanted to convey in this "podcast".
(Yes, this column is back because you, beloved and dear anons and not only, are constantly doing something crazy)
To begin with, let's start with something less complicated and scary but just unpleasant.
🔴Declarations of love to bloggers \ flirting with them.
Okay, I think this already sounds crazy, for the simple reason that you confess your love to a media personality in their inbox.
To begin with, this is not just strange - but also rude to some extent because a blogger does not always want such attention to themself. Many of them already have their soulmate in life, which is why most declarations of love or flirting are considered ignorance and an unpleasant event.
But still, the prevailing part of them may simply not be looking for a relationship here. Therefore, the best solution would be NOT to TRY to impose your feelings on them and not talk about it.
(Considering that some of you actually write something like: "Haha, I'm obviously going to regret this decision later, but I'll do it anyway because I want to").
If you like this blogger and personality, keep your flirting and declarations of love to yourself. You will spoil your relationship with them in this way. It's stupid and embarrassing for both of you if you still admit your feelings to him. Damn it, there may be a hundred, a hundred, or more of you who want to confess to them!
Ahem, I hope the general point can be grasped because I'm not so good at talking about anything and simply expressing my feelings about the situation as a whole and, for the most part, being hot on the head.
🟠Accusing someone of making low-grade content.
This particular situation infuriated me the most.
Now, I want to talk about what "content farm" is and what they are eaten with.
To begin with, the content farms are YouTube channels that strive for more views on this site and get to the recommendation pages for your kids. These are common unflattering animated videos with questionable context contained in them.
Their distinctive feature is repeated stock images of characters, stolen pictures, and designs, interweaving characters from completely unrelated works with the one based on which they make their videos.
Well, I hope this brief description of what content farms are is enough.
I don't understand people who see the obvious, admiration for the author of any show and create their content with care and soul, investing ideas and efforts, and accuse them of being one of these pathetic bastards from YouTube who absolutely don't give a fuck what they release on the platform, caring only about views and clickbait.
Before you write insults to the author in the anonymous mode in their inbox, think a little, damn it. Just think how much you insult a person who is burning with their art and ideas by saying such words to them while under the guise of anonymity, a fucking coward.
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Time doesn’t exist you already have your desires!!
As you may have heard before, some of the greatest minds in the world have been pondering this idea for centuries. Albert Einstein famously said: “Time is an illusion.”
But what does that mean, exactly?
At a fundamental level, time is simply a construct of our own making. We make up the idea of time passing as a way to measure and make sense of our lives, but in reality, time doesn’t actually exist. So, if we accept the idea that time is an illusion, then it follows that the idea of manifesting our desires right now is not just possible but inevitable
The key to manifesting our desires is to believe that they are already available to us. We need to be able to see the possibilities that are available to us if we open our minds and hearts to them. We also need to be willing to take action that aligns with our desired outcome. We need to focus on the present moment and put in the effort and energy required to accomplish our goals. If we keep our focus on the present moment and take action, then the universe will be able to manifest our desires.
But regardless Time is a tricky concept. We often think of it in a linear fashion, believing that everything is happening at the same time, but this isn’t the case. In fact, that’s a rather simplistic view of how time works.
Let’s consider the basics of time. We measure it in seconds, minutes, hours and days. These are arbitrary measurements, based on the rotation of the Earth and other celestial bodies. The sun rises and sets, creating what we call a day. This is our natural unit of time, but we break it down further in order to keep track of our activities.
If we take a closer look, time is really just our perception of change. Change is all around us, and time allows us to measure it. We may feel like time is fleeting or moving quickly, but in reality time is a constant. One second is always one second, no matter how fast or slow we perceive it to be.
Time can be viewed as an illusion. We can’t experience everything at once, so we experience moments sequentially. This is why we have multiple clocks - digital, analog and other types - because they help us measure the differences between points in time.
That said, there are numerous theories that attempt to explain the concept of time. Some people believe that time is cyclical, meaning that everything happens in a repeating pattern. Others believe that it’s an illusion created by our perception of events. And then there are those who believe in a multidimensional view of time, with each individual moment connected to the others in an infinite web.
Regardless of which theory you subscribe to, the bottom line is this - time is relative. We see it differently depending on our own experiences and understanding of the world. Our perception of time may be skewed and unreliable, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist - it just means that we have to use our brains to make sense of it.
How does this apply to manifesting
Have you ever been waiting impatiently for something only to have it suddenly appear or manifest in your life? This could be in the form of a job, a relationship, or any other desired situation or object. You may have been waiting for weeks or months only to have it come to you in an instant.
This is because time isn’t actually an absolute reality; it’s just our perception of reality. The truth is that everything is happening in the present moment. There’s no past or future, only the now. This means that whatever you’re looking for is already here – you just haven’t seen it yet.
So how do we access our desires? The answer lies in shifting our consciousness into the present moment. Instead of thinking of our desires as something that we need to create or manifest, we can instead bring our awareness to the here and now. Accepting what’s happening in the present moment gives us access to what we want right away.
This doesn’t mean that the goal of manifesting our desires isn’t important, it just means that trying to force things into existence isn’t necessary. Instead, by being mindful of the present moment and releasing any attachment or expectations about what will happen, you create a space for your desires to organically manifest themselves in your life. This includes shifitng
In the vast sea of scientific theories, multiverse theory stands out as a fascinating hypothesis. It proposes the existence of multiple universes in addition to our own. While the concept of parallel universes has been around for centuries, the current scientific understanding of multiverse theory is fairly new.
The basis of multiverse theory in congruency to time is the idea that time is not linear. Instead, it’s a fluid concept that can move backward and forward, and bend and change at will. This means that time isn’t just a line, but multiple branches and pathways that lead to different outcomes.
It’s easy to see how this could explain the concept of multiple universes. Depending on the choices we make and roads we take, we could end up moving from one universe to another. The variations in time could explain why we live in one universe and not another.
But why does this matter?
Well, for starters, multiverse theory has implications for two major scientific fields: quantum physics and cosmology. By better understanding the concept of multiple universes, scientists can unlock more secrets about the universe, from uncovering its history to ultimately understanding the future.
Multiverse theory also gives us a better understanding of how each of our choices could shape our future. It proposes that for every choice we make, a new future path is created, giving us an almost infinite number of new possibilities. This is what we know as shifting and manifesting in the simplest terms
It’s an incredible concept, and one that continues to have researchers fascinated. By studying multiverse theory, scientists can gain a greater understanding of our universe and its place within the multiverse. It’s an immense topic of study with limitless possibilities
The reality is that our lives are happening all at once, take a moment and think about it – have you ever had a déjà vu experience? That feeling of familiarity where you feel like you’ve already been somewhere or experienced a certain event. It’s because you already have.
It is this non-linear notion of time that allows us to manifest our desires. Your desires already exist in the present moment, but your limited awareness of the present moment makes them appear to be in the future. When we focus our awareness on the present moment, we can begin to access and experience the manifestation of our desires even though they appear to be in a future reality. Manifesting works because we live in a limitless universe that supports us and has our best interest at heart. So if we can accept that time doesn’t exist and that our desires are already ours, we can begin to manifest our dreams and create the life that we desire instantly.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Ok, I have a request based on your new prompt list. The names got me thinking, and I was wondering if you could do just the Gladers x Fem!Reader who joins them and is a total badass, and has a title, like in the books, and she’s “the warrior.” And she’s named Joan after Joan of Arc. Could be a fic or just headcanons, whichever is easiest for you. Thanks!
Ooo this is a really fun idea. I'm gonna do some headcanons simply because that is easier for me to do.
Also, not my normal headcanons with separate sections for each boy - this is about your life in the Glade and relationships with the Gladers.
Also, fem!reader, so no romance with Newt as specified on my masterlist, but y'all are buddies.
And I've decided to use another one of my ideas, so you're even more of a pain in WICKED's ass :).
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SUMMARY: See above. Book based fic.
WICKED stole your name and called you Joan - and there's a good reason for that. You were a test Subject and WICKED prodigy that broke into the Maze to help your friends - and WICKED couldn't really do anything about it.
(If you're actually called Joan, congrats, this is for you, I guess.)
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, actually follows the naming canon so no (Y/N), awkward Glader flirting. I fully don't how I'm gonna write this so prepare for me to butcher this prompt. This is a bit of a different layout so I decided to have some fun with it.
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SUBJECT NUMBER: A3 "The Warrior"
NOTES: Subject A3 shows signs of rebellion and aggression. This is not surprising considering the means she went through to enter the Maze Trails. Though, her efforts may have been beneficial. Due to being the only female Group A Subject for the majority of the Maze Trails, she is volatile and untrusting. However, A3 does display close relationships with several other Subjects.
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You had an eventful first week in the Glade.
As eventful as a first week can be, really.
Initially, you freaked the fuck out.
You woke up in a dark box with nothing but your name and the smell of burning oil.
And then the Box opened up and you weren't the only one freaking out.
Surrounded by a couple dozen boys - no one knew what to do.
Unbeknownst to you, not only were you the only girl the Gladers had ever seen - but you'd also shown up between Greenie days.
They weren't due another Greenie for another week and a half.
Confusion spread through the Glade like wildfire.
The first person you met was Newt.
He seemed to be one of the few boys that weren't going absolutely savage at your presence.
He offered you a hand, which you refused to take at first.
Until the Box jolted again, and started to move with you still inside it.
"Oi, come on! Jump!"
"What's happening?!"
"I don't shuckin' know! Jump!"
With the help of several other pairs of hands, you decide to jump, and Newt yanks you up.
And you see the the Glade for the first time.
And the opening in the Walls.
You don't even have to think about.
When Newt tries to talk to you, you clock him square in the face and book it towards the exit.
AKA. The Maze.
Which results in a kind of stampede as you rush to escape.
Which, is where you meet Minho.
It's late in the day and Minho has finished his route early so he's coming back to chill out for a bit.
Except that doesn't happen because you come whizzing past him.
"Minho! Stop her!"
"Stop the shuckin' girl!"
Admittedly, you are faster than he expected.
But not faster than him.
You manage to get around a corner before he tackles you, rugby style.
He manages to restrain you, and Alby and Newt come to help and wrestle you back to the Glade.
You're put in the Slammer.
The Gladers use the time you're locked up to figure out what to do.
Alby puts a very strong no touching rule in place and threatened to Banish anyone that dare break it.
After that, he goes out of his way to try and calm you down and explain what's happening here.
Eventually you oblige.
And Alby shows you the place.
He introduces you to people of note - Winston, Zart, Gally, Frypan and the other Keepers.
And he reintroduces you to Newt and Minho.
You learn things about yourself over the next following weeks.
You're feisty and forward.
You have a short fuse.
You're somewhat skilled at hand to hand combat and could probably put up a good fight against most of the Gladers.
You're sarcastic and quick witted.
Though, you remain level headed and fast thinking.
You try out all the jobs.
You settle on being a Builder for a while.
Which Gally is thrilled about.
You, surprisingly, actually get along with Gally quite well.
Sure, he's a bit of a dick and has far too many opinions.
But, he's a good boss.
He's strict and hard-working; pushing his men to the bets of their ability, and in your opinion, what they need.
This lands you in Gally's circle, which includes Frypan.
Gally isn't well liked.
Which is fine with you.
It means the boys leave you alone.
And, you get the opportunity to build your own little hut.
You like working as a Builder.
This also leads to the first of the boys developing a crush on you - Gally.
Frypan is quick to second that.
The third is Minho.
It's not like the pair of you are particularly close, but after Newt suggests you be a Runner - that changes.
You're fast and resilient; both of which Minho is looking for in his men.
You decide to try out, which makes Minho your boss.
Gally isn't very pleased, but you work where you're needed.
It's not that difficult, the worst part being not getting lost.
But Minho isn't going to leave you alone until you're ready.
Spending time with you, he learns you have a similar sense of humour.
And you've forgiven him for flooring you.
So, he starts crushing on you too.
As in my other headcanons, Alby really doesn't care about you.
Well, he does.
But just as another Glader.
Though he does appreciate the hard work you do, and the fact you keep the majority of his most problematic men distracted.
Newt is probably the person you're closest to.
Mainly because you never catch him staring at your ass or tits.
He's respectful.
And not attracted to you.
Because he's gay.
You're a fully fledged Runner by the time Thomas shows up.
You don't really think much of him at first.
Because absolutely no one did.
But he admired you.
He thought you were cool and skilled, very much the same way he looked up to Minho.
You were devastated when Thomas, Minho and Alby got stuck out in the Maze.
Gally tried his best to comfort you, but he didn't get very far.
"If anyone can survive the Maze; it's Minho."
"No one survives a night, Gally - we both know that."
Frypan's attempts weren't much better.
Newt was too busy figuring out how the heck he was going to run the Glade without Alby.
Yet, somehow, they both survived.
You don't think you've ever hugged someone as hard as you hugged Minho when you saw him.
Everyone's jealous of Minho for that.
Oh yeah, Teresa.
She showed up the day after Thomas.
You were thrilled to have another girl.
And then she wasn't conscious.
You kinda forgot about her after that.
Until she woke up, and everything went wrong in the Glade.
The sky disappearing, the Doors not closing, Grievers taking someone every night.
Including Alby.
And Gally disappeared.
A devastating blow.
You became one of the faces of the escape.
Cracking the code wasn't easy, but you all managed.
Thomas and Minho's theory about jumping into the void had you skeptical but you didn't have anything better to do than throw rocks off the Cliff for hours.
Thomas then gets stung.
And once awake, tells you how you were never meant to be in this Maze. You broke in, presumably to help your friends.
No wonder Newt and Minho wanted you to become a Runner.
Anyway, you escape.
Gally pops up again.
Kills Chuck.
Thomas flips his lid.
And you escape.
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Definitely not my best work but I really didn't know how to do this.
I'm stressed and I tried my best lmao.
Hope you're cool with that. Kinda.
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
Argyle never gets frustrated with Steve when he doesn’t understand something. He doesn’t roll his eyes, or give That Sigh. He explains things patiently, if a bit abstractly, and when Steve is way off base Argyle runs with it. Is Vecna a vampire? Whoa that would be wild, man! Do you think he can’t have garlic? We could just take him out with a gnarly garlic pie, my dude!
the way you're seeing into my mind.... argyle being really soft with steve and taking the time to make sure he doesn't feel stupid when he's confused is something i've considered AT LENGTH (specifically in dms with @himbohohoharringtxn who has the unfortunate luck of being on the receiving end of Most of my argyle thoughts fdjghkdfj)
i would like to preface this by saying that i am firmly in "argyle and steve are both genuinely smart" territory. i think steve is very neurodivergent coded (i see the arguments for adhd/autism/dyslexia/ocd and as someone who might be autistic but is diagnosed with the other three....i see these arguments and i agree on all fronts) and there's also the head trauma of it all, though that's not what this is about. he's not fucking dumb, he just needs things broken down and explained to him in a very specific way. nothing wrong with that!
as far as argyle is concerned - we've literally seen him in action noticing small details no one else has(one of my fav parallels between them), which ends up being the reason the cali group finds nina and el. he's not fucking dumb either, just delivered to us as a comic relief stoner character with little dimension because the duffers need to be fucking stopped
BUT ANYWAY! you're so right! argyle would see the way steve sometimes gets brushed off and spoken over. the rest don't mean it to be hurtful and steve tries not to show that it does sometimes sting (because it's really not that big of a deal to him and it's not like they're being outright mean) but he would ABSOLUTELY "yes and-" whatever steve's off the wall question or idea was, if anything just to make him laugh, relieve some of the tension. AND IT WORKS is the thing.
it's not just, "duuuude, what if we just lure vecna into the sun? he'll be TOAST in five seconds flat, no fighting necessary. nancy, you can put the gun down, we're gonna hurl garlic cloves at him with a slingshot!" in one fell swoop, argyle is 1. making sure steve feels heard and not spoken over; 2. acknowledging steve's input and effort in a way that, let's be honest, the others don't do very often; 3. putting a smile on the group's faces for a while because fuck they're kids in a stressful situation and need a laugh; 4. putting himself in the line of fire so the others can rag on him instead.
argyle would do this when they aren't even dating yet and steve definitely would not be normal about it, he'd be smiling so big and soft and then argyle would catch his eye and smile back and they'd have this little quiet moment between them amidst all the chaos and dread.
after they're dating though? oh, they'd be INSUFFERABLE. they'd be such a pda couple, with the ridiculous pet names("what the fuck did you just call me?" "don't worry about it, my lil sweet potato pie."), and the open flirting until their friends are fake-retching, the whole nine yards. argyle is hanging off of steve's back with his arms around his waist and not even acknowledging it as he makes his argument to the rest of the group that, "no, no, listen. steve is onto something here, i just know. what if-"
and when they're alone, it'd be less of the theatrics and silliness and more of the gentle patience. they're both smart in really different ways and when argyle gets something steve doesn't and steve is getting a little frustrated about it, he'd take his hand or pull him close and just distract him with a little bit of affection to get him to cool down because he knows being frustrated isn't going to help steve figure out whatever it is. conversely, steve does the same when he's trying to explain something to argyle - though he's less likely to get as frustrated when confused, and more likely to pretend to take longer to get it than he actually does because listening to steve explain a subject he's knowledgeable about is fucking hot, can you blame him? they're just soft with each other, okay
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cinnamonest · 2 years
Will any of the yandere boys try to put a ring on their darling and even have an official marriage or is keeping them locked up good enough for them? 👀
Ooh I like this concept! Not really an AU but kinda sorta AU-ish, basically Teyvat being more accurate to the time period it's roughly based on than the actual game, and thereby more... traditional if you get me. Traditionalist hyperconservative restrictive judgemental societies add flavor 👌
I also added the ones least likely to be into marriage, so this list goes down a scale of most likely to least likely to want to marry. There’s a few not in here but I think this is most of the boys, I may make another one later covering the rest. For some I did the idea of it being forced upon darling, and for others that darling is the one wanting it just to make it work.
I'm also blessed to have this opportunity to return to the Xingqiu reverse shotgun wedding agenda so thank you anon <3
//mentions of stigmas around premarital sex, mentions of a character being young-ish, fem reader, pregnancy mentions for some, slutshaming, some traditional wife stuff, forced (fictional) culture/identity erasure, the usual for this blog
Okay so you have some who are very into the idea of marriage and insist upon it, some who don't care, and some who actively dismiss the idea. Even between those that would be willing to, there's another significant divider between "would initiate getting married" and "would never think about or bring it up, would require you to initiate."
Marriage can also be a good idea on your part -- if you're the one to initiate such a commitment, you may just find yourself significantly decreasing the likelihood of ever being fully confined, if not escaping the risk entirely. Several would-be kidnappers would feel comforted by a legal bind such as marriage, and may be able to use it to their advantage.
We're going from most likely/insistent on marriage, to least.
Ayato is probably the most insistent out of anyone. It's largely an upbringing thing. That whole upper-class lifestyle really emphasizes the importance of marriage, and upper-class parents such as his were tend to be very traditional when it comes to such matters -- nobility are very strictly taught to be married at a fairly young age, and the "no sex before marriage" thing is likewise heavily hammered into their heads. For such people of high economic and social standing, the thought of a premarital sex scandal is heavily frowned upon, especially if, gods forbid, it results in pregnancy.
On that note, he's also the most patient, willing to actually wait until marrying you to actually have sex, since that's just the proper way things are done. He does things the "normal" way too, seeing as he's the type to strongly prefer a relationship that mimics one two normal, well-adjusted people might have. No unseemly, brutish things unbefitting of himself like forcefully abducting you or anything of the sort. He would consider himself to be above such acts, he has too much of a sense of pride and dignity to resort to it. After all, doing that would imply that he can't win you over with ease on his own.
Which he puts every effort into doing, that much isn't hard. He's good with words and has a natural charisma, and even if that's not enough, constantly spending money on you will make you feel grateful, no? The proper way of doing things involves a period of courtship, and that will provide enough time to earn your affection too. So it will be easy to assure that, when the time comes to bring the matter up to you -- which isn't very long, only a few months in -- you will answer in the affirmative.
Just in case, though, he takes certain measures to ensure it.
He makes sure to ask you on the matter in front of a large number of people. Presents you with gifts of astronomical monetary value in the moment. Ensures that he's spent all the time leading up to the moment carefully, slowly taking control over every aspect of your life, rendering you dependent. Making you need him. First you lost your job with no warning, then there was a fearsome incident so close to your house that you just had to find somewhere to stay for a few days, then one of your family members was seriously injured in some sort of freak accident, and who was the one who covered those expenses when you couldn't? Gave you so many gifts you didn't have enough space for it all in your home? Ensured you were always safe, walking you back to your home at night?
So even if there was a moment of hesitation in your mind, the feeling of indebtment inevitably weighs down. And you don't have a particular reason to say no, now do you? So just as planned, just as ensured, you say yes.
Oh, and don't worry. He'll take care of everything, or at least, delegate someone to have everything taken care of. He'll still do the choosing, though, and just have someone take care of actually doing the contacting and reserving and mailing and the like.
He'll choose everything. The expenses, the arrangements for everything needed, a list of invitees.
And which members of your family will come. What date it will be. Where it will be. What you wear. What you'll say as a vow. How any hair and your face will be made up. He'll take care of all of those things... so just accept what he does. It's only fair, he is paying for everything.
Oh, and if you're from one of the other nations, don't expect to include anything of your own. It would be... unseemly, is all. No wedding dresses traditional of one of the other nations, he'll get you one that fits Inazuma's traditions. Likewise, anything you find perhaps a bit unnerving will be dismissed as a cultural difference. Yes, it's very normal to get married to someone you've known for a short time.
This is such a happy occasion and all... surely you won't spoil the atmosphere and excitement by making any negative comments or questioning his choices, right? And if you should begin to express second thoughts, if he gets the sense that you’re trying to back out of it all… well, maybe you just need reminders about everything he’s done for you. And if that doesn’t work, perhaps a more direct method of telling you what could happen to you if you try to back out will be more effective.
Come on now, don't be like that. It will be perfect. You'll see.
Diluc has every intention to do the same when it comes to marrying. He was raised to believe it's important and good, that it's right, and his father always told him it reflects how you view the person you're with too. That if you don't marry first, it means you don't have respect for the other person. And more importantly, if people find out, it will be frowned upon.
However, he has a bit less self-control than Ayato, so he's more likely to end up giving into impulsive, heat-of-the-moment urges, thereby making a "mistake." And besides, he has a lot less charm to his personality, so he wouldn't know how to smooth-talk his way back into another opportunity like Ayato would, and instead leaps at the chance to have sex because his typical sternness doesn't do him many favors in terms of winning affection. 
He doesn't need a pregnancy scare to get the metaphorical wheels turning. The most likely case scenario is that you sleep together once, and the moment the post-nut clarity sets in, it's full force. Guilt and panic come crashing down. It's one of a few times you'll actually see him very blatantly anxious.
Okay. It's alright. Don't worry. This can be fixed. He can have an ordained minister come by tomorrow evening -- no, that's not soon enough. He'll just go grab one of the horses and make his way to the city and go ahead and knock on the door of the church until someone answers and get it arranged right now. Okay? Okay. Easy. He'll leave right now, just, uh, put on clothes and--
...Why are you looking at him like that? You have this bewildered expression on your face.
You sort of stumble over your words, in part due to not wanting to offend and in part due to sheer confusion, but you manage to get out that it's... it's not necessary to do that...? Isn’t that, uh, rushing things a bit? You don’t really know each other that well, you say…
He sighs. You’re very particular about how things are done, you must want to take time to make sure it’s all perfect or something. That makes sense – he doesn’t really care about such things, but you must want a big pretty wedding or something and need time to prepare… Okay, so then how long do you want to put it off? A week? A month?
You stare straight ahead, blinking all perplexed and uneasy. You take a moment before you speak again.
We don’t… have to do that at all, you know…? Why would you…?
He can't really conceive of how you could possibly be okay with this arrangement. It goes against his social programming. Why not?? Don’t you want to? At first he’s just confused… but then as he thinks about it, he starts to feel… hurt. Why don’t you want to? That’s clearly the expectation here, is it not? You wouldn’t have done this with him if you didn’t intend to marry, so what made you change your mind?
Eventually, as you go through a rather awkward exchange, you have to get the message across to him that the two of you seem to have… different conceptions of how things work. That you weren’t… implying anything by spending the night like this. That’s a pretty harsh blow, but he tries not to let that show.
You get the sense, though, that this conversation hasn’t deterred him much from the line of reasoning that it’s not a matter of if, but when, and that your rejection is actually just a matter of putting off something that will happen. You come to see him again, albeit a bit hesitant… but when he’s so persistent that you come back (approaching you in the middle of town, asking why you haven’t come by since then, eyes a bit too wide to the point you feel uneasy), you figure that he’s over the matter and you want to give him another chance. He’s nice enough, after all.
Once when he ran into you in town, he made a displeased face, leaned over and fastened an extra button at the top of your shirt, claiming you shouldn’t walk around with that much of it undone. Little aspects of control, as if in his mind he already has the authority over you. And he still seems to feel a lot of guilt whenever you spend a night there and inevitably end up sleeping together again. Still, he doesn’t say a word, doesn’t bring it up… but you can feel a sort of desperation in the way he keeps an arm wrapped around you.
While he has some restraint as well as self-awareness when it comes to his own internal feelings, he’s actually rather low on self-awareness in the sense of gauging how his actions are perceived at times. He doesn’t realize just how overbearing he’s quickly becoming. He avoids using the exact words or blatantly addressing marriage itself, in fact he hasn’t brought the word up since the first night… but you feel the pressure nonetheless.
But even if he doesn’t realize it, you’re acutely aware of the behaviors, and if anything it all makes the prospect more frightening. If he’s like this now, how much more controlling would he get when he actually has a piece of paper tying you together? You’re starting to think you don’t want to ever find out… and you’re very worried about how he would react to that sentiment.
Tighnari really likes the idea of marriage, because in his mind, a legal bind is the closest thing he can get to making sure you experience the same need to remain together as him.  Recognizing that you don't share his hyper-monogamous nature puts him in a very vulnerable position.
At the same time, he knows the same is not true for you. He's seen plenty of couples get together, stay with each other anywhere from weeks to years, only to split up and break apart and go to someone else. That frightens him. He can't fathom such a thing.
He tries not to think about what all that really means -- you don't need him like he needs you, and no matter what, with your human nature, you can never be as attached to him as he is to you. That... hurts.
You may get a wandering eye, even if you never act upon it. You may get tired of him. He may do something that upsets you to the point you no longer feel you want him. You will never experience the same unyielding need. It's painful, and it's frightening. It makes him feel vulnerable, anxious, paranoid that you're going to slip away from him forever.
Marriage is thus a very useful tool to him. Without it, it would be easy for you to leave him. You wouldn't have to hesitate. But if there's something legally binding you to him? You'll be much less likely, you'll hesitate more. And being willing to marry is a sign of commitment, which is comforting, because if you agree to it then that means you can at least envision the two of you being together for life, right? He fixates on the concept, spends a lot of his time as he goes about his work thinking about the matter.
He's still afraid of rejection, though, so he hesitates to bring it up. He has to balance the deep desire to latch onto any conceivable way to tie you down to him, and trying to abide by societal conventions of normalcy and appropriateness, such as not getting married to someone you've known for a week. He would like that, but he knows it's not normal, that suggesting it would make you feel uneasy and potentially drive you away.
So while the thought is constantly lingering in the back of his mind, he holds himself back. He does obsess over that thought though, spends at least some time each day contemplating. He's started going through a calendar, marking dates to determine how long you have known him, internally debating with himself as to what day is suitable -- maybe 100 days in? Can he push it a little closer? Maybe 80? Or maybe be safe and make it 200? How is he supposed to know? And more importantly, no matter how long he waits, you could always say no anyway.
He ends up trying to gradually ease into it rather than asking outright. Asks you about your plans for the future, for your life as a whole, subtly trying to gain information and gently nudging you towards certain choices -- no, probably shouldn't move far away, sticking around here would be a lot better in the long run... you don't need to pursue something big like a really good job or higher education, it would be better to focus on building a future where you're happy with someone else, right? You wouldn't want to end up all alone because you focused so much on work or study that you never made time for anyone else and drove people away, would you...?
Once he can actually get you to agree to it, after all that effort and gradually, so painstakingly slowly moving towards this moment, he considers it all to be worth it.
Xingqiu has the same upbringing as Ayato and Diluc, but due to being younger, he has a lot less self-control. Of the "rich family" trio, he's the least likely to actually wait to be married before giving into urges, so to speak, what with those teen boy hormones and all.
Besides that, there's a few key differences between him versus Ayato or Diluc. One, he has living parents, who will inevitably be involved. Two, he's several years younger, and most people would consider him to be a bit below the normal marriage age, whereas the other two are right around that age where people start asking and expecting them to find a spouse. Especially among nobility -- the men marry later, they spend a few extra years acclimating to the world of higher-up business and political figures before “settling down.”
His youth becomes a problem when he's also the least likely to take preventative measures, doesn't have a very good sex education, and consequently ends up inevitably getting you knocked up within a fairly short time.
You see his eyes go wide and he freezes up when you tell him. No, no, he's happy! He has to reassure you of this, because his face looks like he's in abject horror. It's just that... well... his parents... um, they might not be… super overjoyed about the matter… In fact, even though you offer, he insists it’s… best that you’re not there when he tells them. You can tell how nervous he is, even if he tries to act otherwise.
They’re still polite to you when you next see them, although you sense a strong disdain. You smile and try your best to talk to them, say it’s not a problem, you won’t tell anyone, you won’t cause a scandal…
But they seem almost perplexed by your words. Of course you won’t cause a scandal. Sure, people will talk a bit, but as long as the marriage is taken care of quickly, it will all be fine.
They say it very casually. As if it’s not a big deal, as if it’s expected, as if you already understood that this was the plan. You find yourself blinking, mouth open, processing what’s being said as it continues… have to get this and that prepared and arranged… make sure certain important people are aware of the occurrence… and you, make sure you’re trained in certain etiquettes to ensure you don’t cause embarrassment with your... lower-class upbringing and all.
It all goes very fast. You never get time to interject. You never get the opportunity to speak up. You might have questioned it, might have objected or tried to slow things down, but before you really get the chance, there’s someone dragging you over this way to go measure you all over, another person dragging you over somewhere else to pick out various aspects of the whole thing. It’s too much, too quickly. If you try to bring the matter up to him – if he feels like you’re about to express some kind of dissent – he changes the subject, interrupting you, talking over you, anything to avoid letting you voice your thoughts.
It all feels like a blur, and suddenly the day comes and your choices are essentially gone. You know that if you were to act up now, cause a scene, they could ruin you and your family. And his parents, at least, probably would. You know that. It keeps you quiet.
People do make comments. In fact, it becomes almost immediately obvious that everyone... knows. They all acknowledge that there's only one real reason why he'd be getting married so young, why there was such little time between the announcement and wedding itself. They think there's only one reason why nobility would marry so far down the social ladder. You see a few judgemental gazes, looking you up and down with some vague feeling of condescension, eyes occasionally fixating on your lower stomach. You hear choice words.
Some are kind. Oh, being so dedicated so young, how... sweet. There’s an edge to their voices, though, an insincerity. Most, however, are not kind even in the slightest.
…sure didn’t waste any time…
…not visible yet… probably wanted to get it done before it became too obvious…
…just some commoner, too… parents must be furious… their own fault for not raising him right…
...not a prostitute, though, right? Surely not...
If he hears it, too, he doesn’t let it show. Maybe he’s just ignoring it. Maybe he’s too happy to care. He’s too happy for you to voice anything. He’s so, so happy. The thought of taking that away makes you feel so horrible guilty. The thought of the consequences of not going along with everything… you don’t want to think about it, both out of guilt and genuine fear.
Words come out of your mouth without you really thinking about it, mechanical and rehearsed, when the time comes for you to give your affirmation. You can almost feel the consequence and weight of it, like the click of a chain locking around you as you condemn yourself. Nobility don’t get divorced, either, you know, it’s simply not how things are done. You don’t like to think about it, but you know you’ve sealed your fate permanently.
Perhaps surprising to see him high up on the list, but Kaeya would actually be very enthusiastic about marriage... and rushes into it. Due to his inclinations to act on those pesky subconscious abandonment issues of his, marriage is a very comforting concept.
He's one of the fastest to suggest so, too. He's actually a rather impulsive person sometimes, despite having a composed demeanor. He's made a lot of regretful decisions based on going with what he feels like in the moment without thinking it through. Alcohol significantly increases the likelihood of making such decisions, though.
Impulsive binge drinking on a week night, leading to him wasting his allotted vacation days in bed with hangovers. Impulsive unnecessary purchases, impulsive potentially dangerous decisions in battle, impulsive 3 a.m. walks through the empty streets.
And, perhaps the biggest issue, impulsively developing attachments to people to a degree that is inappropriately disproportionate to how long he's known them or how well he knows them. He's had to learn to reign that tendency in over the years, learned how to hold back in his teen years and has practiced it pretty well ever since. It gets a lot easier with time and maturity… but sometimes one can fall into old tendencies, under the right conditions. You just so happen to meet him on one of the nights where he's feeling especially depressed, self-restraint barely held together by a thread that will break with ease by you being so, so nice.
It doesn't matter if you met last night. It doesn't matter if the only conversation you have had was inebriated. He's already financially and logistically planned out the next ten to twenty years of life together in his head while you were still asleep. And added some leeway for variations based on what type of house you want or how many kids you were thinking of having, he’s not particularly picky on that matter.
He’s actually rather daring, though, in that he might as well take a chance and try something, even though he makes sure his wording could be interpretable as not serious.
Hey, you wanna get married?
He sort of chuckles after saying it, trying to make it sound like more of a lighthearted, playful joke. Just direct enough that if by some miracle you were to say yes despite having known each other for less than 24 hours, he could immediately jump at the chance, but just playful enough that if you were to laugh in response or show some sort of displeasure he could easily pull a haha, I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
He gauges your reaction and responds accordingly, most likely leading to the latter of the two possible scenarios… and a bit of hurt disappointment, although he doesn’t let it show, and tells himself he really shouldn’t have expected any different.
He takes it pretty well, actually, as he’s fairly rational on the matter and, more importantly, believes that it’s just a matter of time, he can certainly win you over.
Which he does certainly try to do. He can be patient. And he’s willing to put in a lot of effort.
That being said… the longer you go seemingly not growing attached to him as he anticipated, the more desperate he starts to become, and while he’s normally very good at hiding such things, every now and then the frustration becomes evident.
Eventually, if you’re taking too long to do exactly what he wants you to do, or gods forbid start going for someone else or otherwise try to distance yourself from him, he’ll probably just decide that kidnapping you is easier. 
And at that point, not really much of a need for marriage… although in particularly spiteful moments, he may use that against you. You could have been so happy, could have done things the normal way, could have had one of those nice weddings people dream about… but this is the way you chose instead, so you have no one but yourself to blame.
Thoma is in a position where social expectations to be married are not nearly as big of a deal as it would be for higher ranking individuals like those above, but he still has somewhat of a public image to maintain, can’t afford scandals as it would reflect poorly on his superiors.
Not that he’s opposed to it on a personal level, no. The only reason he hasn’t asked at this point is to not drive you away. You've known each other for what, a few weeks? If he asked now, you'd probably get weirded out and break things off entirely. He certainly would after a matter of time that feels sufficient, though, as soon as he feels what he’s gauged as the socially acceptable amount of time has passed to not be rejected. Even then, a more short-term scenario wherein you bring up the matter after knowing each other a short while is an entirely different situation.
Thoma would leap at the opportunity. All things considered, even though he’s grown wise on matters of politics and exchange in the scope of his work, he’s still very, very naïve when it comes to things like romantic love. He would jump in without a second of hesitation, euphoric and overjoyed with the belief that you must really love him.
He makes a big deal out of it, too. Takes every opportunity to tell people, often more than once, to which others usually get annoyed and remind him that yes, they’re aware, he’s made sure to tell everyone he knows that he’s getting married five times already… The boundless eagerness is quite cute, really.
That being said, if you prefer something quiet and small, he’s fine with that. Or if you want something big and extravagant. He doesn’t really care! Whatever you want is what he wants.
Unless, of course, he gets this… subtle feeling like maybe you’re losing enthusiasm for it. You don’t seem as excited as you did before. Whether or not this is a genuine and accurate observation, or just him being paranoid, is up to you. Regardless, if that’s the case, well, he starts to need your reassurance. You do love him, right? You do want this, don’t you?
The first few times, you think he’s just having a normal level of insecurity that everyone has, but then it begins to grow in intensity. He starts to want more than just words. You love him, right? So you’ll gladly walk around in public holding hands. That one is, of course, easily filled, but it starts to get more intense. Perhaps a bit more uncomfortable. You’ll kiss him in front of people. You’ll spend the night as his place every night. You’ll remind him you love him. You’ll let him touch you and hold you and cum in you – even if that’s something you haven’t done together before.
It’s okay because you’re getting married anyway, right? Should you disagree, though, he might just take that as a sign of hesitation, and then he might need to take more drastic measures to ensure you remain his…
Albeit raised in a sort of pseudo-nobility environment (even fallen clans were still once of higher standing, and thus still preserve their typically traditional values and all), social expectation is not necessarily Kazuha's primary reason for wanting to get married. Sure, it's up there on the list of reasons, and he does have it ingrained into his mentality that it's a necessary in the long term, but more importantly, it's very practical to have a legal bind for all sorts of reasons… and, well, he just likes it.
Really, it’s just the kind of person he is. Romantic at heart, hopelessly so, sentimental and so very head-over-heels in the intensity of his affections. The concept of unity and lifelong togetherness between two individuals has been one of fixation by humanity for centuries, and with good reason, he thinks. It’s a beautiful concept in a profound, poetic sort of way.
Thus, he gets very excited on the matter and would jump at the chance. If you two actually have a mutual, shared feeling, it’s actually very cute, in addition to how overtly affectionate he is in general. He has the kind of affection people roll their eyes at, goes overboard with the pet names and constant reminders and gestures, it’s so sappy and sweet, but highly endearing.
If the sentiment is not mutual, however… well, he’s perceptive enough to sense that, and he won’t push. He knows that pushing for it will only turn you off to the idea. This applies even if you’re already in the “non-consensually dragged along with him under not-so-subtle force/threat” stage you two eventually enter (don’t want to make you resent him even more than you already do…).
So he doesn’t bring it up, but subtly tries to make certain implications, taking every opportunity he can. You struggle with some sort of legal matters when trying to cross from one nation to another, due to you not having certain necessary documentation that he didn’t exactly think of getting before dragging you away from your home. 
Ah, what a headache. It would be so much easier if we could just have one set of papers. The rest left unspoken would be that, of course, in most of the nations, a married couple can have only one set that counts for both. So on and so on, little hints like that.
On another note, for the sake of social conventions and avoiding any stigma – swear that’s the only reason! – he does lie. Every time you take shelter for the night in an inn, every time you run into other travelers. Introduces himself, and then—
—and this is my wife. Gives them a soft smile as he gestures over to you.
He asks you not to get angry for him saying so. He tells you he’s just saying it because some of the innkeepers and patrons, particularly the elderly ones or ones in certain areas, wouldn’t take kindly to the two of you staying and traveling by yourselves if he were honest. Might be given judgmental glares and the like, some particularly pretentious owners might even deny you the right to stay. Besides, it’s quite the inverse when he lies – people find it so sweet, they smile and say you’re so cute together, wish you the best in your travels.
And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t also take into account the aspect of an actual contract of marriage being a legally binding force. Going back to practical purposes of marriage, being married entitles him to certain privileges… the most important of which being, that if you were to “go missing,” go running off and far away in hopes he can’t find you… well, he can always go to whatever law enforcement exists in the current nation you’re in, and they’ll help.
If he were just some random guy who claimed to know you or be a lover to you, they’d be suspicious and likely not keep him well informed. But of course they’re going to be more than willing to keep a rightfully concerned, loving husband updated as to every little detail about his missing wife. They’ll gladly tell him that someone claims to have seen you, that there’s record of you making a purchase at this place or that, and from such clues he can easily get a good idea of where you’re going, and more importantly, to be sure he knows where to intercept you. As it’s often said, marriage has little perks like that.
Childe would, actually, be the one to initiate, but only after a very specific point.
Not that he doesn’t like the thought of it all, he almost just kind of… forgets you’re not married. After forcefully dragging – rather, escorting you away from your home, you’ve been traveling with him and all the various attendants and grunts that travel with each Fatui mission with you, and he’s sort of just started treating you like a wife anyway.
You’re pretty sure he referred to you as “wife” to several people already. When he politely and very sweetly asked you to sign a paper so that you could get a proper passport necessary for entering some regions, after getting over your initial refusal (and warning squeeze to your thigh that told you that if you keep being a brat in front of these people you will regret it later so just sign the damn thing), he had you sign it… but made it clear to use his surname and not yours.
Complicates things legally, you see. As he’s been going about signing for this or that, reservations for places to stay and documentation for travel and the like, he may or may not have already been lying and claiming you to be a married couple on all the documents. He even specifically checked a box to indicate such a few times. And registered you as having his surname. So, uh, play along, don’t make things unnecessarily complicated.
But despite all of that, he kind of… forgets to actually get it done. In order to get married, you have to obtain it from a specific place, and different nations sometimes don’t recognize certain certificates under certain circumstances, so he thinks it’s best get one that will be recognized back home. And because, unfortunately, the one in the nation you’re currently staying in requires both of you to sign and that’s a big issue… anyway, problem is, he hasn’t gone back home yet to find someone legally authorized to do it.
By the time it becomes relevant, he’s almost forgotten he’s never actually legally married you.
But, see, he insists you meet his family. He is a family-oriented guy and it means a lot to him, so after acquiring you he's very determined on getting you to come home with him the next time he visits family... and to make sure you're compliant and broken in enough that he can trust you to be good for such a venture beforehand.
It’ll be so great! You’ll do this and that, he’ll have to show you this or that thing, meet this or that person… he spends the night before your arrival rambling on and on about it, slowly turning to quiet murmuring, until he starts to drift off to sleep, with you doing the same…
Until his eyes snap wide open, and he bolts upright in a sudden motion of alarm.
Oh no.
Oh no.
His parents are going to kill him.
You're not actually married!! He's mentioned you more than once in recent letters, and divulged the information that you're coming back with him. The way he worded things makes it obvious you've been spending a lot of time together, and that you're traveling together, which would obviously make it likewise evident that you’ve been… well, you know.
And, uh, he... may or may not have embellished a bit and said you were married? Like, word for word, non-interpretable any other way, specifically used the phrase “got married”? Complete with lots of details and a specific date to make it believable?
Listen, he just knew that it would make them happy, and he totally intended to do it, he just forgot! Don’t give him that look. You just have to also go along with the story he told them. It’s not like they’ll actually want to see the certificate.
…Or maybe they would… he can’t say with certainty that they wouldn’t… he can just lie, right? No, that wouldn’t work, since there would be no reason to have left it anywhere else, and they’d be pissed if he said he lost it. He definitely needs that. Oh no.
As to why it’s so important, well, it’s just one of those cultural values things. Rural area, very traditional people and all that. Word travels fast in small rural places. What would all his relatives and all the local elderly leaders and all his parents' friends think?? They’d all see it as if he had committed some kind of transgression against you.
Besides – most important of all – if you're not married, they'll disapprove of you sleeping in the same room!! They'd probably force him to sleep on the couch and let you take his bed for the entire three days and he can’t have that. If he can't whip out proof of marriage the moment he walks through his front door, he'll never hear the end of it.
This can only be resolved by getting married immediately. Good thing he has the authority to force an entire ship to make a stop in a major city for the sole purpose of dragging you out to the nearest judicial establishment. Easy. Solved. He’ll just, uh, have to grab a pen and tweak the date written on the bottom to the best of his ability.
And you, well, you just have to play along with what he tells them. Don't you dare tell them the truth. Seriously, he's begging you. Besides, now you’re really married. Isn’t that great? Sure, grabbing a paper from a courthouse in a fifteen-minute dash might not have been the ideal way you pictured your future marriage, but he’ll make sure to get you a bunch of nice stuff as a celebratory measure. Don’t ruin the joyousness of it all by getting him skinned alive by his parents. Please.
Bennett and Chongyun are, as you might expect, a fairly nice middle ground due to having some degree of higher patience than some and far less forceful about the matter.
Well... in some ways.  They both lack the gall to be physically forceful or threatening to get you to agree to it, and that's simply not in either boy's nature anyway. Why would you want to scare someone into it? Then it wouldn't be sincere, and who would want that? Likewise, they lack any financial or social status power to pressure you into the matter.
But despite consciously wanting it to be genuine... that doesn't necessarily mean they might not subconsciously act on urges to give you a push. In both cases, they utilize family.
Bennett was also raised to value the concept of marriage, albeit not as much as wealthier, higher status families. Still, several of his fathers had advice for him, plenty had stories about how they met a wife... several more bitter individuals had cautionary tales about their ex-wives, told him to be careful. Still, he was raised to be very optimistic towards the idea.
Bennett is also rather good at emotional manipulation, whether or not he realizes it. It’s what he’s always done – you often hang around with him more than you’d really like because you feel bad for him being so disliked and avoided by others, you slept on his couch overnight because he seemed so worried about an injury and you wanted to ensure he was okay. His happy demeanor in and of itself creates an inherent guilt; you don’t really feel comfortable being alone, but he was just so excited when he invited you to go on an outing in the forest that you would have felt terrible for saying no and disappointing him…
What he ultimately ends up doing is creating an expectation that you would feel guilty for not following. See, several of his dads are older, don't have the sharpest of memories anymore, get confused on some things sometimes. One of them seemed to have gotten something mixed up and was under the impression you were already married. Oh, haha, he just laughs it off awkwardly… but later tells you not to tell him otherwise, he’s just confused is all! Don’t worry, he’ll forget the whole conversation, no big deal.
It seems to happen more and more often… almost as if they’re being fed the idea from somewhere, that leads so many of them to getting “confused.” He says he’s not sure… but it’s kinda sweet, isn’t it? Haha, they must really think it’s in your fate… or something like that, you know? He drops the topic as soon as he sees you get an odd look on your face… but brings it up again the next time it happens. And again, and again… hoping that maybe it will lead to something. If not, he can always try getting a little more direct, but this slow conditioning to the normalcy of the idea is certainly helpful even if he reaches that point.
Similarly, Chongyun’s clan family has, in the past, worried about his prospects, seeing as he has his energy-related issues and episodes. That could turn some potential partners off.
So they’re very, very excited to meet someone he has supposedly been spending a large amount of time with. He actually doesn’t have to do much of the work – he knows his family is pretty insistent on trying to persuade you, so he doesn’t have to ask them to do so or anything.
They’re so nice. You’ve never been given so many gifts by essentially strangers. You’ve never been so warmly welcomed to a new place. It’s… almost a little creepy. Still, he doesn’t make any effort to get them to stop being so forward and overbearingly eager to talk to you, so it must be normal for this family, right? Maybe they’re just naturally really affectionate.
It does strike you as odd that they seem to be talking about the future quite a bit… mentioning things that seem to be getting way too ahead of themselves, things like where you’ll live and what you’ll be doing long-term… all as if they’ve already decided that the two of you would be together in the long-term. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them, then… or so he hopes.
He’s very awkward about the matter himself, though, and get flustered just thinking about it. So likewise, he takes indirect methods of bringing the matter up. Largely things about the future, what you want out of life and all that… he listens to your answers, gauges exactly how he can best project the idea that being with him forever is the ideal way to meet those goals. And if, unfortunately, they turn out to be very antithetical to the idea of getting married in general, he will, as slowly and subtly as possible, try to steer you away from those plans and dreams and towards ones he finds more favorable.
If you still don’t give up, though, he may just be able to convince himself to take certain measures to ensure that whole career of yours or whatever doesn’t work out. And then, you’ll need someone to take care of you, right? Such is his logic. That’s just an added bonus. You’ll surely agree to it then… hopefully.
Notably, these two are also very much exemplary of being able to deter someone from worse actions with a compromise. Both could be easily persuaded that kidnapping you and invoking resentment from you is not worth the risk, not when you’ve already agreed to be married. They’re both relieved enough by your agreement to be married that it will deter them from taking any measures that might ruin the tranquil and mutual feelings between you two, so getting married is actually quite a wise choice if you prefer a legal document to... you know, any one of far worse situations you could end up in.
Now we get to the ones who, at least initially, actually would be against marriage.
Xiao just finds it pointless. Why would he bother to emulate humans?
It's dumb anyway. He's seen weddings, stumbled across a few happening at random over the centuries, and some people have even held weddings at the inn. He's watched them out of curiosity, hidden in a high vantage point looking down below. They have these big noisy get-togethers and eat tons of food and be loud. There's usually a part where they talk and drone on for a long time and you have to sit there and wait for it to be over. How boring. What's the point.
...No, seriously, what's the point? He's always sort of wondered. Why do they do this? You would know, you're human. He asks you with genuine curiosity.
You say something about commitment, the desire to display love to others, an act of symbolism of the bond... it ties two people together, you say.
He just looks at you with eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glazed-over eyes. Symbolic gestures are pretty much lost on him. He sees no point in getting the law involved regarding commitment, he doesn't doubt his own commitment. And you don't have a choice anyway.
What's the point in a legal document to "tie you together?" Metaphorical wording like that is so strange... how does a piece of paper "tie" you to anything? If he needed to tie you to him, it would be much more effective to just use a rope. But even so, he can't afford to be tied together, he has things he has to do. So rather than tying, just keeping you locked away in this room is better suited for your situation. A piece of paper doesn't prevent you from walking away, but a locked windowless room certainly does. His way is more effective. The humans should take note.
It's a way of showing everyone how much you love someone.
What's the point in that? Do humans truly believe that if you don't want to show your relation to someone off, it means your feelings for them are somehow less genuine? That's ridiculous.
There's social stigma if people have sex or children without being married.
Huh? Why would he care?
Eventually he just gets frustrated with any further dialogue on the matter. He has cemented in his mind that it is a pointless waste of time, like so many other human traditional practices, that they perform for reasons he will never comprehend and are most likely dumb reasons anyway. He’s perfectly content keeping you inside.
He gets frustrated the more you bring it up, staunchly refuses and insists it’s pointless. But… oh, now you’re mad at him. You’re being cold, you won’t talk to him. This has to be remedied.
When you go back later an envision the events that must have taken place after that conversation, it’s quite amusing to picture – the poor thing must have been very awkward, going into some building, having to talk to someone (and did he even know what to ask for? Or did the person have to take time to explain how the documentation process works?) but in the end, a day after you discussed the matter (while you’re still sulking and giving him a cold shoulder), he comes back with a piece of paper freshly obtained.
This is what you wanted, right? Or so he thinks. He sees it as a very simple formula wherein obtaining this thing you wanted will make you happy and love him and will fix everything. The thought that you might have wanted the whole package, so to speak, with more than just signing a legal document… well, that didn’t cross his mind. This should fix you. Come on. Sign it.
In truth, he never goes on to take it to a legal agency to certify and approve or, nor to really do anything with it, just stores it away in the inn somewhere. He just hopes it will at least win back a bit of your favor. Just love him and go back to being nice.
Albedo's relatively low position here is solely for a specific reason: a deadset intention of eventual confinement, and an incapacity to be deterred away from that course, from day one.
For most, kidnapping is sort of a somewhat gradual process, even for those that do it very quickly. The thought pops up a few times, they push it away out of paranoia and not wanting to accept that there's something wrong with them for thinking something so abnormal, realistic acknowledgement of potential consequences, or merely a moral compass. The vast majority who do end up kidnapping you and/or locking you inside do so spontaneously, after a specific occurrence or something that sets them off.
Likewise, as previously mentioned, a lot of the boys above who might have otherwise kidnapped you, could be placated into not doing so by marriage – after all, if you're willingly loving them, there's no need to lock you away, especially not if it could potentially upset you. They're content if they feel their affection is fully returned, or if they feel marriage alone is enough to bind you to them to a degree that is satisfactory.
He qualifies under none of those. He's one of a few who would very willingly "ruin" a fully consensual relationship through this means – keeping you hidden away is preferable to a somewhat normal life. Even if it makes you upset or resentful, even if you were fully willing to marry and stay by his side forever, that isn’t going to change anything. 
There’s no guarantee you would feel that way forever, so why take the risk when he could… not? Why have to deal with the frustration of knowing you’re outside interacting with others on a daily basis when he’s not there, when he could rest assured knowing you’re locked up in a dark room for him to come back to? He simply doesn't trust you enough. It's easier to not trust you. Why leave that proverbial window of opportunity open, when you can keep it shut?
Additionally, his is much more well thought-out and determined ahead of time, rather than spontaneous or on impulse after trying to fight the urge for a while. He knows from the beginning that that is what he will eventually do, and has no reservations; it's not a 'what-if,' but a 'when.' He just takes a sufficient amount of time to plan every aspect of it before acting upon it. Consequently, the notion of legal marriage is... problematic.
After all, when a person goes missing, and that person happens to be married, who is the first person that authorities usually look towards as a suspect?
Exactly. There lies the issue.
And you, well, you are a soon-to-be missing person, even though you're certainly not currently aware of it. Having a written record that ties you to him could potentially come back to bite him. The authorities would be right to suspect him, and they’d likely find you.
If you say something about it, he just sort of goes on a quiet slow mumble-spiel against the idea. It's an arbitrary concept, you know, essentially just a social institution created for community status and taxation benefits, and by no means does it actually reflect the quality or intensity of the bond between two individuals and—blah, blah.
He’s conflicted – on one hand, it’s incredibly pleasing and makes him very happy you want that, but on the other hand, it puts him in an awkward position in which he has to essentially reject you (and feels very bad about it, wishes he could explain that it’s not that he doesn’t love you, it’s just that he loves you more than that even). He’s worried, too, that you’re hurt by what you perceive as rejection… which just means he has to hurry. So basically, bringing it up is actually just going to accelerate the speed that he executes his plans and reduce the amount of time you have left in which you see the sun regularly.
He can explain it to you later, which will hopefully make you feel better. He still loves you, you know. In fact, he still goes out of his way to go get you a ring, hoping it will make you feel better. Gets one for himself, too. The sentiment is what's important.
And at the very bottom, is Razor.
You would have thought that that wouldn’t be the case, based on your experience with him so far. He likes mimicking a lot of things humans do, and he does so at every opportunity when it comes to expressions of affection. The first time he saw a couple walking down the street holding hands and inquired about it – it’s because they love each other, you had said – he practically wouldn’t let go of your hand in public places from there on out.
He’s always quietly observed people, often staring out windows even while you do your own tasks, and has taken it upon himself to spontaneously recreate the things he sees. He brings you flowers (complete with dirt still hanging off the roots, crumbling all over the floor). He made you food (once, but with the resulting disaster left behind you’ve tried to steer him towards other creative outlets). He brought you (read: stole) jewelry he saw sitting on a display by one of the local stores (since no one was watching it anyway, so they must be okay with him taking it).
So you’d think he would be on board with any means to express or display affection, but as it turns out, marriage is different. He doesn't directly admit to it, he's very wary of anything involving written contracts due to his own illiteracy.
He's become less and less naive in recent days, the more he interacts with people and, well, learns just how horrible they can be. He experienced someone who caught onto his lack of monetary knowledge and effectively swindled him, there was a time you lied to him and he found out (poor thing couldn't even conceive of what a lie was prior to that), and so on. Consequently, this has made him more and more paranoid. He's come to learn what "truth" is: it's when someone says something, and what they say matches what actually happened or when the thing they say is actually the way they said it is. But when people say something, it isn't necessarily "true." Sometimes they say things that aren't true – these are "lies." It's all very confusing.
Animals don't lie. He's not used to having to consider the possibility that someone could be telling him something that isn't true. It makes him very paranoid.
Granted, Varka managed to teach him how to write his own name, so he's capable of signing things (and Miss Lisa even let him practice signing off on packages that arrived for the library!), but he would have no idea what the paper he's signing says. Sure, it can be read out loud to him, but... what if you're not telling the truth, when he asks what it means? What if there's something you leave out, like something saying you can leave him at any time? That's no good. He can’t know for sure.
And there's so many big, weird words. 'Matrimony?' 'Cherish?' ‘Fidelity?’ What does any of that mean? You can try to explain it, but you can tell by the expression on his face that it’s like talking to a brick wall.
It’s not even necessary though, right? Humans do this thing, but wolves don't do it and they're just fine. In fact, wolves stick to each other even better than humans. Wolves will stay together in their mated pairs no matter what. Humans have divorces and leave each other, so clearly, their ceremonies and rings and stuff don't actually mean anything. No point.
There’s… not really much of a point in pushing it, if you were even the one that wanted it in the first place. He’s too wary. He’ll get you things that have symbolic meaning to you – you wanted the “marriage” because you wanted this or that thing, right? He can get you that. But to actually, legally have it done, is simply not going to happen, and he just gets frustrated if you continue to try. He can’t fathom the cultural significance or importance of the matter, so to him it’s like you’re just continuously asking for something with no real meaning.
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rustybottlecap · 9 months
There is something about Goodbye Volcano High's gameplay that really fascinates me but I'm not seeing it being talked about a lot even in positive reviews, probably because it's not stated outright and may take more than one playthrough to notice it's happening.
One of my favorite things about indie games is when they take a game mechanic or habit on the part of the player that we take for granted and put a spin on it related to storytelling. For example, Undertale expecting the player to instinctively gain "exp" to increase their "Lv"; Omori with the status conditions during battles being emotions (or lack thereof) that carry several implications throughout the story; and Anodyne knowing full well that the player will want to find every secret hiding in the game to the point of providing them the means to do so on a silver platter and simply letting them wallow in their obsession.
Goodbye Volcano High is at its core a visual novel. In visual novels you usually follow the story along, making decisions by picking options out of a list, that lead to different scenes and endings. Often, these decisions involve what the playable character gets to speak aloud in-universe. This is not the case with Goodbye Volcano High. When the protagonist Fang is asked a question, and the player picks an option, what Fang speaks is usually not the same as what the option says, altough it's usually the same basic idea. Sometimes, even when the options are very different, the inmediate outcome and dialogue are the same, yet the symbol that indicates that a decision has been made still shows up. Sometimes the options suddendly change their wording or become unselectable or behave weirdly. Why all this?
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Because in this game the options aren't a call to action, they represent what Fang is THINKING and FEELING. Internally. And not just the options, but the basic mechanic of selecting them itself too. When you select an option, you are choosing what thoughts and feelings Fang accepts and internalizes, regardless of wether they act on them or not. When you so much as hover over an option, you are still making Fang think and consider that option, wich may have an effect on the options. As in, the character ends up displaying stuff like doubt, anxiety and bargaining in the form of the options changing their wording or becoming unavailable. If Fang is overly exited or nervous, the options may change constantly. Sometimes the options require more effort to select. Or they look a certain way. All these things and more play into a core idea.
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In theory, when it's not skill-based, choosing the "right" or "wrong" option in any game is not exactly hard. Sometimes it's very obvious what choices will lead to the good and bad endings, and choosing becomes a matter of preference or completionism, the player becomes an spectator. Goodbye Volcano High works around this by aiming to put the player inside Fang's mind and make the most of it, with choices that should be obvious becoming hard and confusing through Fang's personal filters (is an option the wrong one or only feels like it because it requires more effort and looks scary as seen above?), and little things that players may do out of instinct ending up translating into in-universe habits that may be unhealthy (hovering over different options equals overthinking and doubting and thus the options may change). That there is sometimes a timer also plays a factor. And all this pays off through the game's other big mechanic: the affinity chart.
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It's nothing new to have the player's choices affecting the protagonist's relationship with other characters. But as mentioned, in this game the choices are internal on the protagonist's part, and may result in seemingly the same outcome. How, then, can the choices affect this chart that represents how close the protagonist is to the other charcters? Because much like the choices, this chart is also internal. It represents how the protagonist FEELS about the other characters, or at least how much they are willing to open up to them, regardless of what's happening on the outside. And depending on that is that Fang may be willing and capable of speaking sincerely with them during certain moments of truth.
I haven't confirmed it myself, but there is word that the game also takes note of how the choices affect Fang themselves. It's not hard to believe, seeing as how some choices don't involve other characters, but reflect purely on Fang's self-esteem and being nice or harsh on themselves. Being on good terms with others doesn't change the fact that you need to love yourself.
And all this factors in the end.
Visual novels tend to let you make choices to get different endings. Goodbye Volcano High is about teen dinosaurs coping with the threat of an asteroid that may destroy the planet. We know that an asteroid hit the planet during the age of dinosaurs. The asteroid may be unavoidable. The end may be unavoidable. But by being you through the gameplay, the game lets you choose how to face the end. You can make it bitter, bittersweet, and even sweet.
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quibbs126 · 9 months
For the fan kid thingy, can I get a velvetgatto? (Affogato x red velvet)
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Finally…after an eternity (about 6 months, which Jesus that’s a long time), he is finished. Zuccotto Cookie
So his name. Zuccotto is basically like an ice cream cake, so a combination of Red Velvet’s cake and Affogato’s ice cream. Also, it’s Italian, like affogato. I vaguely recall the name giving me trouble at first, until I realized cake and ice cream was a valid combination and got this
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So I had his design sketched out like a month ago, and I think I recall telling you all that I couldn’t figure out how to make his design work. I had left the design I made and just went and did something else, and then today I was looking for something to draw and I said “yeah the design looks fine, don’t know why I didn’t like it” and just drew that
But also this means that I don’t remember all the reasons for his design details, most notably the staff
I mean, I know I based it off the staffs some of the Cake Monsters have, specifically the Pomegranate shamans or whatever they were called. I also know originally I was trying to make it a spork, but I couldn’t get it to look good, so I switched to the other staff. But I admit, it looks a bit out of place. I mean, I changed some of the colors at the end to match it, but I think it still looks off. But I’m not going through the effort of making a new one, I remember that staff being a pain
Anyways, so I think I was trying to give Zuccotto a style more befitting a shaman, but also with a more modern twist to emulate Red Velvet. I think I did it well
But one thing that was a real struggle was the colors, because I had no clue what to do for them. In my mind he had a black and red color scheme, and that’s how I had it at first, but I was having difficulty with putting the reds next to each other, and I changed some of the colors at the end to match the staff, and I think it worked out fine in the end
I feel like he looks too similar to Affogato, at least without colors (I felt that when I was drawing the sketch). But maybe I just need to take some time away from him and come back to really know. He probably doesn’t look as similar as I think
Also I’m just realizing that considering he’s not made of a food that contains coffee, he probably shouldn’t have dilated pupils, but like, both Red Velvet and Affogato have some form of them, so shhh
Anyways, so let’s move on to him
So Zuccotto is part of the Cookies of Darkness (assuming they stay for a long time and/or there’s a new group), and he’s some sort of Cake Shaman, summoning Cake Monsters to do his bidding. Though he has a great respect for Cakes and see them as equals. He’s not necessarily a bad guy, but he’s very loyal to the Cookies of Darkness and has no inclination to leave, feeling that normal Cookies have no respect for Cakes
I can imagine him playing cards or chess with the Cake Monsters, or at least the ones with hands
Now one of the other main things I have for him is his relationship with Licorice Cream, a darklico fankid I did some time ago, and whom you can see in the sketch (it’s supposed to be a recreation of that Toy Story meme). Basically my idea is that they’re both part of the CoD and they’re this duo within the group. Zuccotto is the straight man that gets dragged along into Licorice Cream’s antics and tries to stay the voice of reason. I said in my head that they have a dynamic similar to Mule and Sonia from Berserk, but also it’s been a while since I’ve read the chapters with them, and my mind may have branched off from that initial dynamic. But basically it’s “weird girl and normal dude who has no clue what she’s on about”. Actually that’s probably not accurate, I just don’t know how to describe Sonia, so sorry to those who haven’t read Berserk and don’t know what I’m talking about
Zuccotto’s also generally the more mature of the two, despite Licorice Cream being older (Zuccotto’s like a teenager while LC is an adult)
I feel like I should have more, but really those are the only two bits I have on him, I don’t think he’s that complicated. But I might have more to say about him when I redo Licorice Cream, since I have a better idea of what to do with her now, and they are rather close
But yeah, that’s Zuccotto Cookie, hope you like him and that maybe he was worth the wait!
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cinco-guijarros · 6 months
hi i'm doing a thing and i NEED to know your opinion on the ancients having disabilities. thank you. :)
Hi hello. Thank you for reaching out!!
So I asked an expert on RW lore (my Friend) so we could bounce some ideas at each other, and I will try to summarize our thoughts in bullet points, hope this helps :)
Well, let's get the basics out of the way and say that there absolutely were disabled ancients, regardless of technological progress.
In fact there probably exists a lot of support for disabled ancients, going from mobility aids, aids in day to day life to prosthetic body parts.
Heh, now that I think about it maybe some people even had purposed organisms designed to be guide or support animals.
My Friend also suggested that body modifications were common, which I feel a lot of disabled people could take advantage of, not necessarily to gain functionality but just because it's cool, same with mobility aids.
Picture someone on a wheelchair passing everyone on the street, Maybe even power it with void fluid I Don't Know.
We both did agree that there was likely some ableism present in their beliefs, sadly. But my friend suggested that there's no reason for that to be representative of all of their society.
Like, maybe an inclination from the Ancients in high society would be to not put any effort on disabled people or consider them worthy of life, but commoners don't need to agree.
There definitely is space for community support and care, I think.
On my end I feel like it was possible that some abled ancients kinda pushed the idea that disabled folks were closer to ascension because their conditions would "deprive them" of ever fulfilling some urges and kinda thought that they were more fit to reach personal ascension.
But like, I think most of us agree ableism in fiction is tiring and overdone and that the above POV doesn't need to be generalized, so let's move on to other stuff.
Despite all of this, I think there could be a lot of value in diversity, and the unique contributions they can make in society.
So, for instance, I can think of disabled communities using qualia records as a way to assert their identities, and use these records as a statement of the worth of their own experiences.
Kind of like saying "My experiences matter and are worth being shared in their truest form."
Like I can see this as something ancients with sensory disabilities or folks who don't use verbal language could do really cool things with.
I'm also thinking that some disabilities may be more prevalent because of the places the ancients live in. People affected more deeply by pressure changes, lack of air, and so on definitely were impacted when the cities moved to be on top of the iterator superstructures.
Also, if you're making your ancients have different base abilities or senses compared to humans, for anything they have, there definitely exist some way in which someone can be disabled with it, yknow? Those are cool concepts to explore too.
And lastly! Cycles, death and rebirth could also be cool topics to play around, such as the question of whether some disabilities carry across cycles, or whether they're only present in one of them. This, of course depends on how you think cycles work, whether people change body's but preserve a sense of continuous identity or the body itself just regenerates to some degree.
In my opinion, I could definitely see both disabilities that persist and some that don't, but I will leave that more open.
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
This is a lighter chapter compared to the last one but I still put a little lore in it just for you, dear readers.
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 17: Languages
"You Know What I Find Interesting?" Papyrus asked out of nowhere one afternoon while you were sitting together on the couch.
You looked over at him quizzically. "What's that?"
"It Is Interesting How You And Frisk Can Communicate So Well Just By Making A Few Gestures With Your Hands," he said thoughtfully. "Is It Something All Humans Can Do?"
You chuckled softly and shook your head. "No, we had to learn and most humans don't know the language because they don't need to."
"Do Humans Have Multiple Languages Then?"
"So many," you said. "I couldn't even begin to tell you how many there are. I only ever learned sign language in order to communicate with Frisk but I'm still a bit rusty at it compared to them."
Upon hearing their name, Frisk glanced up from the drawing they were working on at the coffee table. They smiled warmly at you and Papyrus before going back to colouring.
You smiled back at them. After a few minutes of silence, you spoke again but in a slightly lower voice this time. "As far as I know from what little I've talked with their parents, Frisk just doesn't talk, even though they know how. They were put in special classes at school which is where they learned sign language. When we first met, Frisk was still learning but they didn't have many people to practice with. That's one reason I learned actually, so they could practice more."
"That Is Admirable," Papyrus hummed thoughtfully. He shifted slightly closer to you so he could put his arm around your shoulders and hold you close. "Do You Think Their Parents Miss Them?" he whispered in your ear.
You didn't answer at first as you considered his question. "Probably, it's only natural to miss someone once they're gone, especially if they're part of your family," you finally concluded.
You could feel Papyrus' eyelights on you. Turning to look at him, you could see he could tell you hadn't been entirely truthful. He didn't press further but his eye sockets were slightly narrowed as if he was silently judging your vague answer.
You sighed and glanced away. "I really don't know, Papyrus. I hope they do, but...they always seemed to act like they didn't care. They seemingly made no effort to learn how to communicate with their own kid and for crying out loud, they let them hang out with a complete stranger."
You chuckled and ran a hand over your face before continuing. "I tried to communicate my concerns with them but they always brushed me off. I tried not to get involved at first but I couldn't shake the feeling that something awful could happen to them. So, I started spending time with them and we became friends."
Papyrus nodded quietly, "Wow... I Can See Why You Care So Much About Them."
"Yeah, I want them to be alright but there's only so much I can do." You sighed, "I wish I could do more some days."
He squeezed your shoulder in a comforting way. "You Are Doing A Good Job All Things Considered," he said.
You smiled slightly at him. "Thanks."
After a moment's silence, you had a question for him and wanted to talk about something more positive anyways. "You and Sans seem to have no issue understanding Frisk. How do you know sign language?"
"Oh, I Do Not Actually Know Sign Language. I Can Understand Them Though Even If I Do Not Remember How To Replicate The Gestures." He thought for a moment before adding, "It Is Just Something I Know, But I Can Also Read Their Intent And Get An Idea Of What They're Saying That Way."
Sans teleported into the living room just then and after glancing at the three of you, he stepped into the kitchen.
"How does that work? Is it like magic based?" you asked, barely registering Sans' presence.
Papyrus looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Sort Of? Monsters Are Made Of Magic So Most Things We Do Have To Do With Magic. Intent Is Like Reading The True Desires Of Your Soul And Is Quite Useful In Communicating With Others," he explained.
Sans came back into the living room with a mustard bottle in hand and you motioned for him to come closer. He tilted his skull curiously and walked over to the couch. " 'sup?" he asked.
"Papyrus just told me he can understand Frisk, despite not knowing sign language himself. Are you able to as well?"
Sans hummed in agreement, "yep, i think there's two reasons for that. intent, as paps mentioned, but the way i see it, sign language is just similar to wing dings."
"Wing Dings?" you asked, but Sans just shrugged and started to walk away. He was apparently uninterested in explaining it to you.
Papyrus seemed a bit surprised. "I Had Not Thought Of That," he murmured thoughtfully. Seeing your visible confusion, he smiled and decided to elaborate a little.
"You Would Not Be Able To Tell As You Cannot Read Intent, But All Skeletons Speak In Unique Tones And Are Traditionally Named After Typefaces Or Fonts To Reflect This. I Am Named After The Papyrus Typeface, While My Brother Is Named After The Comic Sans Typeface."
"That's interesting. So what is Wing Dings then?" you asked again.
"Wing Dings Is An Old Tone, However There Is No Record Of Anyone Being Named After It, At Least Not That Either Of Us Could Find. It Is Almost Like A Separate Language And Heavily Relies On The Listener's Ability To Read Intent In Order To Understand The Speaker. While We Understand It Regardless, The Strange Thing Is That Neither Of Us Can Remember Learning It."
"Languages aren't normally something that you can suddenly just know, unless I'm wrong and it works differently for Monsters?"
"I Do Not Believe So. Monsters Do Not Have Nearly As Many Languages As Humans Do, So While It Is Curious That We Know This Language, It Ultimately Does Not Matter."
You frowned slightly, "You mentioned before that neither of you really remember much of your early childhood. Maybe you learned Wing Dings but forgot about learning it?"
Papyrus sighed and shook his skull. "There Is No Way Of Knowing Now As We Are The Only Skeletons Left." He said it so casually, as if he hadn't just dropped a bomb on you by saying that.
You stared at him in shock. You couldn't imagine being the last of your kind, let alone having never met any of your own.
Seeing your concerned reaction, he patted your shoulder reassuringly. "It Is Alright. Sure, We Have Often Wondered Why We Were Completely Alone And Without Memory Of Our Parents. But, The Main Reason Seems To Be Because Almost All Skeletons Were Wiped Out During The War And There Are No Records Of Any Surviving Skeletons In The Years Afterwards."
You didn't know what to say after all that. So instead, you snuggled a bit closer to him and he responded by gently nuzzling the top of your head.
It suddenly occurred to you that it had been almost a full month since you'd even considered leaving to try to return to the surface with Frisk. While you knew that it was currently impossible, you'd also started to feel at home here. What with everything that had happened and then Undyne finding out about you two, there was no way you wanted to leave any time soon.
You found yourself wanting to be there for not just Frisk, but Papyrus as well now that you'd come to understand him better. You wanted to open your life to him and make more happy memories together. You wanted to tell him how you truly felt about him too.
You wanted to love again.
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dislyteshack · 2 months
Originally I did not know what to do with my Odysseus esper but after listening to some epic the musical songs I have some really cool ideas
Basically like he hasn't technically seen his family in 10 years but that's only because he was in the union all this time but then
Starting from 2027 he's like unironically missing
And also for context I have his son as an esper of Patroclus
Achilles esper event: Adrian helping his boyfriend track down his dad
Also I like to think that they end up metaphorically encountering some events that are inspired by obstacles in The Odyssey
It's going to be very very very very loosely based
I am including certain espers with patrons like Scylla calypso and what not and they are going to be a few new OCS
Some of them non esper but representing Odyssey characters
Some of them existing espers who might not be in the same mythology but they do serve a purpose
Oh epic the musical we're really in for it now
I know technically it means the event technically focuses more on relationships other than Adrian himself but like he's kind of like the glue starting it and moving stuff forward
And there is in fact a personal character arc for him in there
I'm going to be putting a bunch of four stars in this event
I imagine some of the events happened to Peter and it would be Adrian and Orion walking in on the aftermath
While some of the loose events would happen to the boys directly
It's probably going to be like an odyssey Saga where the characters kind of move back and forth between the worlds but it's held together by the story
So there's going to be an event for
Adrian (Achilles)
Orion (Patroclus)
And Peter (Odysseus) to tie it all together
Although I am a little torn as to whether I should put Orion first or Adrian
Because technically you can count them as both protagonists because they're the ones following the trail that was left behind by peter
Peter can also be counted as a protagonist but I'm having parts of his perspective obscured until his event
Supporting characters include dahlia, Meredith, a little cameo from leora or David maybe
I was almost thinking about Arcana making an appearance but no one will probably need to give me propaganda for that dude to make me consider
Biodina has a partial role that shares loose similarities to Poseidon's actions but it's more impersonal
If anything she would be acting on behalf of a client or someone who had accompanied Peter on his personal project that caused him to disappear but then they disappeared too
I think you can tell I have kind of been listening to epic the musical because this is why I have so many thoughts on this
I Def am planning on Peter having certain espers as temporary traveling companions
For the prophet who ends up giving the prophecy on one hand I could take a certain canon character who is already predisposed to seeing the future but on the other hand it would not be wrong for me to make an entire OC
But also dont I want to go through the effort?
Because they effectively share the same purpose of saying a prophecy
And also I think the problem I have the most is that like I already have arcs planned out for Orion + peter
It's mostly me figuring out stuff for Adrian
All right I did figure out a reason for the disappearance
Basically I kind of engineered my own ocean monument where I imagine there's like a bunch of Raya shit in there and then initially Peter owed a favor to someone and they decided to cash in on that favor so that he investigates the archeology site for him but then after that stuff starts going wrong when he decides to turn around and go home after they got everything
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