#You can write interesting stories (even interesting romance stories!) about people who are already together! I've seen it!
amplexadversary · 4 months
I'm really hoping this isn't another case of the english having mastered the art of queerbaiting.
#fan wank#ignore Morg#Blegh the trailer implied that the male leads were together and that that the two female leads would be hooking up.#do we really need romance arcs in everything? can we have a story where the couple is already together and the conflict is something else?#I swear to god at least fanfic authors tend to write the romance *well.* In a way that feels organic and not a blatant lazy attention grab.#I'm going to share a controversial opinion but for example#I feel like Bones overall writing quality got much better once all the main couples were together#Sure it was nice having more drama elements but not nice enough for all that to be put on hold every few episodes#to introduce this week's disposable love interest#All of the romance teases in the early seasons were cheap and made the quality of the show worse.#And I swear that will-they-or-won't-they crap is cheap in EVERY instance I've seen it.#With an established couple you can have your characters tackle actual interesting conflict instead of the same tired shit.#Getting back to the point I feel like if you're going to advertise something as gay you're going to build a lot more good will#if they're just together at the start and have other problems to deal with.#Because if you do that - you've just handed your audience a solid guarantee they aren't being baited.#Fuck man the tease-y romance garbage has always felt so juvenile to me even back when I was a fucking juvenile#regardless of the orientations involved. It's. Just. Lazy. Writing.#You can write interesting stories (even interesting romance stories!) about people who are already together! I've seen it!#In fact I think you have more to work with if that's the case!
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lurkingshan · 6 months
I saw this great post by @respectthepetty this morning related to Unknown and other Taiwanese dramas that depict pseudo-incest romances, and it reminded me that I've been meaning to write up some thoughts about why this trope is so interesting to a lot of us.
Let me just set some boundaries first, because it's a big potential topic. Depictions of incest or pseudo-incest are plentiful and occur in media from all corners of the globe, and there are lots of different forms it can take. I'm most interested in the version of it currently being depicted in Unknown, which is a relationship change narrative about two people who are not blood related but grew up considering each other family only for those feelings to morph into something different over time. This trope can be hard for some people to stomach because the lines we maintain in our heads about what types of feelings we are supposed to have for the various people in our lives are firm, and it's uncomfortable when they're challenged. But that's what makes the story so interesting. And it's not the only romance trope that wrestles with this kind of change.
Two of the most popular romance tropes of all time are also rooted in a relationship change narrative: enemies to lovers and friends to lovers. When these tropes are executed well, the thrill in the story is watching the characters come to a realization of their changing feelings (never at the same time), wrestle with the angst and uncertainty and external strife that causes, and finally decide to fight for the relationship they want despite the risks. Changing the way you think about someone, and changing the way they think about you, is hard and scary and can feel like a huge threat to the relationships you already have. Sound familiar? It should, because these are the same core beats of a pseudo-incest romance.
But this trope adds an even more intriguing layer on top of all those already juicy dynamics, which is the cultural taboo. Pseudo-incest is seen as wrong and considered by most cultures to be a violation of family norms. To put it bluntly, you're not supposed to want to fuck your brother. And so these romances have a whole added challenge on top of all the internal conflict, because the couple not only has to come to terms with their own feelings and struggle through the pain to get on the same page with each other, they also have to deal with the judgment of everyone around them who feels their relationship is morally wrong. The cultural taboo means that everyone else in their lives has to change the way they think about their relationship, too.
So why do we love these stories? Because the character dynamics and relationship development at the core of them are fascinating. When done right, these are the kind of romances you really firmly believe in, because the feelings are so deep they can't be ignored and by the end you've watched the characters fight like hell to be together. A drama that takes this trope seriously will depict the whole journey with the respect the characters deserve and tend to all the relevant relationships surrounding the couple. Unknown is not finished airing yet, but so far it has been a stellar example of this kind of narrative and that's why so many of us are singing its praises.
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violetasteracademic · 1 month
I feel like not enough people have actually sat down and read this article, in order, in its entirety, and fully comprehend the development of this (thoroughly planned and staged ) conversation:
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Take a look at those paragraphs. Then read them again. One more time for posterity.
Often times with fated mates, the bonds are intense. Metaphorical. Poetic.
But other times- there are no metaphors. The connection seemingly random.
It's after this addressing that not all mating bonds are poetic, thematic, and some are lacking in literary metaphor and meaningful connection, Sarah explains that sometimes she plans for characters to be together and then she literally cannot force them to be together.
Right now there is actually only one mating bond that even remotely fits the category random, anti-thematic, and lacking literary metaphor connecting the two characters together. There is no power. There is no poetry. Only randomness. And Sarah admits sometimes her plans literally cannot be seen through because of chemistry issues. Lol. Guys.
People who say this could be about Azriel and Elain are completely missing the fact that this entire conversation is about mating bonds. And if you think Azriel and Elain are lacking in a connection of power (even though Azriel is the one who discovered her power while her mate couldn't) or theme (even though the amount of themes actually tying Elain and Azriel together in the books is insane) that is literally irrelevant- because this conversation is about some mating bonds being random and lacking literary theme and deep connection, not just any potential romantic pairings.
Read it again. Then again. Aaaaaaand once more, with feeling.
Leaving the photo of Josh and Sarah here so you can see I'm not cutting or rearranging the interview to create my own context- this is where the conversation develops from there:
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It's magic in a way how the characters guide the story no matter how many years in advance she tries to plot. The characters (not the strict decisions of the mating bond) guide the story and wind up with the people that offer them the most growth and joy.
Lol. Guys.
Meanwhile, in Az and Elain land in the books following Elain and L/ucien's mating bond reveal:
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Elain and L/ucien in the books following the mating bond reveal:
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And now here is the next part of the interview- again I have not cut or rearranged or done anything but snap screenshots in order to show the progression of the conversation. We were talking about the use of mating bonds in Sarah's story in everything leading up until now, and we are still talking about it:
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After revealing that sometimes her best laid plans don't work out the way she thought, and even she, the author, actually can't control who is right for whom no matter what her intentions were, she shares that her musings on "fated mates" are not set in stone. In fact, she finds the question and ideas interesting. This is all one continuous conversation about fated mates specifically, not about her relationships or love interests in general. The only idea that Az and Elain are relevant to is: What if I was put with the wrong person?
Let me tell you, if an author considers an idea interesting, something that offers a wealth of ideas to explore, and then rattles off about all of the implications and things she finds interesting about it... Babe. She is already writing about it.
SJM has not hidden in recent interviews (including her most recent), that the promise of a happily ever after is why she is a romance author:
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She speaks openly about the reassurance of romance. We all love romance for this. We know that the characters are going to end up together, no matter how difficult their journey is along the way.
However, when it comes to mates, she did not confirm she is a "fated mates" author because of the comfort. She did not say that part of what she likes about fated mates is that you know fate can never be wrong and therefore there is trust and reassurance in the process. In fact, what she said was she finds the concept of agency and choice interesting. She muses on how much there is to be explored about agency and free-will after the interviewer said if God put her with the wrong person, that's none of her business. The conversation of an imperfect process is one that a lot of readers find interesting, and SJM has shut down wacky ideas (like Bryce and Hunt not really being mates) in the past. But here, she not only welcomes the conversation, but expands on everything that fascinates her about it.
This is not a woman who will only have her characters ending up with their mates. In fact, she's been building a massive question over it for years.
Meanwhile, in the books:
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Free will. Agency. An imperfect system of matching.
Babes. This is all about Elain and L/ucien. Absolutely no one else.
If you cling to their relationship because SJM is a fated mates author and therefore they have to be together, I fear Sarah J. Maas may not be the author for you. She does not believe that the decisions made even by her about who will wind up together are set in stone. She is the one interested in exploring the concept of fate and free will. We did not invent this. She has never once described why she likes the fated mate trope and therefore exclusively uses it, only why she likes stories about romance and love conquering all.
I promise you, it's okay to subvert tropes. In fact, it's fun. It's hot. It's interesting.
The fact that Sarah still has a wealth of ideas to explore regarding mates and fate after years of telling the same story over and over is, frankly, so exciting. To us. To her. To journalists.
She has not come out here once and stood behind fated mates as a non-negotiable trope with her full chest, be it in the actual books that she writes or the conversations she has in interviews. We've been on this journey of questioning fate, Cauldrons, and learning the consequences of the mistakes made for years.
And it's gonna be sooo goooood.
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suzannahnatters · 2 years
Subplot Romance
Over the years I've created some twitter threads on writing and history and I've decided it's a good time to start compiling and sharing them on this Tumblr. I'm going to tag them "writing".
Here's what I've learned about writing subplot romance. (People who write genre romance probably already know this stuff. It's those of us who are mainly leavening romantic subplots into fantasy novels that need this info).
1. Romance = fundamentally character-driven. All internal conflict & internal growth. (Can these two trust each other? Will their character flaws drive them apart?) The more study you put into creating characters and building character arcs, the better your romantic writing.
A romance arc is not the SAME as a character arc, but it 100% NEEDS solid character work undergirding it.
2. Romance needs two ingredients: a compelling reason for the characters to be TOGETHER, & a compelling reason for them to be APART. This forms the conflict in the romance so do not skimp on either.
Eg, a common mistake in male-penned stories: female lead has no compelling reason to want male lead. "He's a good-looking warrior dedicated to winning her throne!" Yeah nah, she's literally surrounded by good-looking warriors dedicated to winning her throne, why's he different?
3. Romance needs chemistry = a believable spark of attraction. Something that blew my mind when I realised it: romantic chemistry =/= sexual chemistry. Sexual chemistry (purely physical attraction) is simply PART of romantic chemistry.
Romantic chemistry is a good deal broader. (Read/watch some good romances to see how chemistry is built by different storytellers. One fave of mine is the Romola Garai EMMA. Peerless friends-to-lovers chemistry. Watch the actors' body language; the way they gravitate to each other; the way their faces light up)
Chemistry tip A: if the driver behind sexual chemistry is lust, the driver behind romantic chemistry is trust. Protag needs/wants someone to trust. It's the way you play with trust/distrust that will create romantic tension.
eg: love interest holds protag's hand. With sexual chemistry, protag simply feels a jolt at the contact. With romantic chemistry, protag feels comforted and trustful - then betrayed when it turns out LI is tracking her pulse to see if she's lying to him (see: MISS SHARP 😇)
Chemistry tip B: if protag is falling for someone, that person should occupy their mind. LI should be mentioned/thought of each scene, even when absent. When present: LI consistently provokes unaccustomed emotion - either positive or negative, depending.
Chemistry tip C: make the characters their best/most lovable/most iconic selves when with each other. Quirkiness, smarts, hilarity. Make these the most fun character scenes in the book & the audience will ship them. Passionately.
4. Build romantic chemistry/attraction through escalating moments of trust and tension. If aiming for happily-ever-after(HEA)/for-now(HFN), then the overall arc is towards greater trust, but you need those moments of tension to give the big payoff scenes appropriate catharsis.
OTOH, if you're writing a tragic/backstabby romance, you need the trust/comfort moments in order to sell the big tragedy/betrayal.
5. Trust, comfort, & happiness are POWERFUL. This is what genre romance thrives upon. Even in dark/spiky stories, the most surprising thing in the story can be the moment when the LI DOESN'T betray the protag. That too can be wildly cathartic. Use it.
6. Just as character-driven skills help you with romance, so if you master romantic writing, you'll be better able to write ALL types of relationship - platonic, friendly, hostile.
OK that's all so far. Two book recs: ROMANCING THE BEAT by Gwen Hayes & THE HEROINE'S JOURNEY by Gail Carriger teach you the rules/expectations of genre romance so you'll know what the rules are for a happy romance subplot & how to break them for a tragic version.
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koiiiji · 8 months
Hi hun. May I ask a date scenario with Monster? There are not enough content about him😔. I feel like most of people choose the "socially beauty standards fitting" mens and it makes me mad even though it's never their fault to begin with, people are allowed to have their preference ofc😭. A person even got ridiculed for asking a NSFW scenario with him in wattpad "seriously, there is people who want to f with this guy?", like damn that's too offensive😭.
omg!! i never got the idea why people in fandoms judging others for characters choice?? like guuurl just remember that once u picked ur ex and don’t mention that somebody ACTUALLY wanna fuck big (of course i mean his heart) hot men. and yesss 100% agree Monster deserve much more attention. his interaction with his teammate in last chapters?? sorry? hubby materials??? aaand i wanted to check his age on wiki but it display only his date of birth and omg!!! he is february pisces like me!!!
warnings : none, romance, fluff, you are clearly not friends, but still not a couple, everyday life
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you and Monster met in same class in university when it was first day of the semester. you two accidently seat together and when teacher started to read materials to the group, everybody started to type in their laptops so fast that poor boy were so confused. in the end of lecture you noticed that he barely wrote anything and clearly was confused to ask someone for leacture notes. so you kindly offered him your texts and asked to exchanges your emails, so you could easily send notes to him.
in the evening Monster recieved notification about incoming file. when he opened it he saw your texts from lecture and bull emoji added in the end (which you swear you put there unintentionally, just because he reminded you that cute emoji). he spent solid 15 minutes to upload notes to his laptop and another 10 minutes to write an answer to you and ask if you can teach him how to type that fast and how to insert that emojis in his works. in fact, this response looked more like an order than a request. imagine sitting at home, comfortably ensconced at a table, watching some kind of TV series, or preparing for the next day and getting an answer that looks like "hello. thanks for the notes. teach me how to type that fast. and how to insert such picture? thank you."
"such a technologically challenged granny," you thought to yourself as you chuckled looking in the monitor.
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so here you two were, sitting in café not really far from university on your 4th or 5th private IT lesson with Monster. you sit near each other and your shoulders nearly touched. Monster carefully listend to what you explained to him and showed on his keyboard. it was already five pm and golden light on sunset filled to café you two set in. and when he rose his eyes from your fingers on his keybord to your face he felt how his breath stopped. like he was on football field again, someone knocked him off and his breath got lost. your face was filled with golden light, the hair reflected the light of the setting sun even more strongly, and it seemed as if it was glowing. and then he made the greatest mistake, he turned his gaze lower to your lips… he didn’t hear what you told him, he simply was hypnotized and admired the view that opened before him.
as the golden hour bathed the café in a warm glow, the atmosphere between you two seemed to shift. Monster's gaze lingered on your lips for a moment too long, but when he finally looked back into your eyes, there was a spark of recognition, a shared understanding of something unspoken. with a smile, you gently redirected the conversation back to the task at hand, but there was a newfound connection between you.
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over the following weeks, your IT lessons together evolved into something more than just exchanging technical knowledge. you found yourselves sharing personal stories, laughing at inside jokes, and discovering common interests beyond the classroom. for example he asked if you want to came to his cycling competition, just to have a look of course, not like he wanted to show off.
as the semester progressed, so did your friendship. you attended more classes together, studied late nights at the library, and you even went on that cycling competition few times to cheer for him, which also mean that you met his friends and teammates. during one race you had a talk with Monster's friend - Gyuchan. "so you and Deokbong, huh?" - he asked looking down on you. in respond you looked away and blushed. you two clearly have something in between, but never talked about. "uuh, yeah, we are good friends, i help him with all that computer stuff, and we hang out sometimes, you know?" - nervously, your eyes searched something to focus on. Gyuchan just mumbled something, nod with his head and looked up on a monitor where race been translated.
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your friendship seemed to have reached a peak, or Monster lost his nerves, and one evening, when all the exams were passed, before the start of the summer holidays, once again escorting you home, he took a deep breath into his lungs and chattered quietly, "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?”
when you heard his words, you had almost opened the door, and immediately froze in disbelief. turning around, you rushed to him, and hugged him as tightly as possible, burying your face in his broad chest. "you're such a silly Deok!! why you needed to wait all that year?!!” - you could feel how your voice and whole body trembled and then his big, warm hands on your back and waist, gently rubbing you. “sorry..that i made you wait..” - he replied, after a little thought and in his usual, gentle tone.
looking up at him with your eyes, almost bursting into tears, you said “of course i will go on a date with you, silly Monster” - and he smiled at you for that nickname.
you spent another hour together, hugging and talking, sharing the ideas for your first date, until you finally chose the place and activity you wanted to do together. honestly you were surprised how you didn’t know that Deok had a skill with sewing, but you were excited to go with him to his classes, and finally he will teach you, something he were prof in.(something less traumatic then professional cycling race)
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the date day was truly wonderful, it was hot, but the cool breeze made it a little more bearable, there was not a cloud in the sky, and there were almost no people on the streets and in transport, because the holidays began only for students.
you met at the subway exit, and grabbing Monster by the elbow, you pulled him to move quickly, to show you what kind of sewing class he attended. when you were on the threshold of the classroom, you were met by a nice woman, and after greeting Monster, she looked at you with a smile and asked if you were his girlfriend, to which you both looked down, and blushing, Deok nodded silently. the woman chuckled softly and motioned for you to enter.
when teacher showed you how to handle all the materials correctly, she left the two of you at the same desk to help other students. you watched with interest how deftly Deokbong handled the needle, and inspired, you also set to work. and so, you both spent a couple of hours, sometimes asking him for help, talking about some little things or quietly hissing when a needle pricked your fingers. this didn’t go unnoticed by Monster. when you finished your work, and it was time to get ready to leave, you thanked the woman for the lesson, promising to come back again. As soon as the two of you left the room, to your surprise, Deok grabbed your hand and pulled you along without saying a word. "wh... what? where are we going?" you asked, smiling, inspired by his determination. a couple of minutes later, you were near pharmacy, and as he asked you to wait outside, Monster disappeared through the door.
less than 5 minutes later, he appeared again from behind the door, with a small box in his hands. it was band-aids. he took you a little further, onto the bench, and taking your hand began to carefully seal the cuts left by the needle.
it seemed such a simple act of caring, but the warmth from his big, strong hands, so gently holding your fingers, gave you a pleasant warmth in your chest. but then, he bent lower to your hand, and left a light kiss on the phalanges of your fingers, gently stroking them with his hand from the inside.
needless to say that in that day he walked you to your house as usual, and in golden sunset, you shared your first, shy kiss with Deokbong Kim.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Bonny we love everything you do! If you are up to, what about IT girl has a date and jk open a live coincidently on the same day and time so she cannot go
(Ps: Her date is an asshole and jk knows it)
You guys have really made me wanna write this... Warnings for Jungkook's internal dirty thoughts haha
First part: here
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There's no fucking way he will let you go on a date with someone like sangwook. Absolutely not.
You're way too nice to say no to the guy, and he himself knows that the staff member has a certain way with words, knows how to get his way. But Jungkook has also heard the horror stories of the guy getting girls drunk until they're barely conscious, just so he can have his way with them- and he won't just sit here and let that happen to you of all people.
Not if he can do anything about it.
Jungkook and you had honestly had a great time when you eventually came over to eat the re-heated instant noodles together. He learned some stuff about you, about your interest, about who you are apart from just your job. You share a lot more interests with him than initially thought, both of you having a love for gaming and good food. And he especially enjoyed how natural you were, treating him like a normal person, not like the idol he is.
Maybe that's why he just can't let you go now.
He'd heard of the date from Sangwook himself- he'd been chatting with another female staff about you, and how he'll 'find out' if you're 'as innocent' as you apparently act. It made Jungkook feel like throwing up, a guy like that potentially filling you up with alcohol just to eat you like prey- he can't let that happen.
You've told him how you seek love, romance, excitement and something almost childish.
Exactly what he wants, too.
So he goes live, the only way he knows he will keep you there, well aware that you take your job (hopefully) too seriously to go on a date instead. He doesn't know how close you are with him yet- maybe it's a lost cause, maybe Sangwook had been the reason you'd been so hesitant with jungkook in the first place-
But he has to try.
"Hm, hello." He greets the fans, but more so you who he hopes is watching on the other side. "Its quite sudden, isn't it?" He chuckles, holding onto the iced wine in the glass mug in front of him. "Looks like a date? Ah, yes it does, doesn't it?" He grins, acting all shy.
And there it is. An angry smiley- several, even.
It makes him chuckle as he reads the comments and imagines you fuming in your home, but he can take the heat coming his way if he at least prevents that horrible date from happening. Have you already started to get ready? He wonders what you might look like all dolled up. In a short dress maybe, one that hugs your curves just right, with simple delicate straps holding it up over your shoulders. He knows you need no fancy designer shit.
He'd rip it off of you either way.
"Army.." he hums, referring to the fans, but hoping that you get the message most of all. "If you go on dates, late- you be careful, right?" He says, taking a sip of his iced wine, before setting the mug down, and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. There's another round of emojis flooding in, and he can't help but laugh.
He continues this game for almost an hour, making sure that your date was not happening, before he ends the live.
And not even half an hour later, you're in his apartment, fuming, angry, upset. But you're there, and not with him, so Jungkook can't help but be satisfied.
Especially at the sight of you in a strapless denim-dress. Short, but long enough to cover you comfortably. The fabric stretches a bit over your curves, tits looking so good but a little uncomfortable. He would just have to pull down a little, just a tiny bit, and they'd spill out, he's sure of it. He can't see bra straps.
Are you not wearing one? Interesting.
You're pushing him lightly. "You asshole!" You yell at him. "You knew I had a date! You knew it!" You complain, and he nods, a simple smile on his face, and it only angers you more. "Stop laughing!" You demand, but he just raises his hands as if to show you he's no threat, but you just reach out to push him again-
But instead he pulls your wrists towards him, wraps his arms around you, completely catching you off guard as he holds you close, trying hard to ignore your body's warmth against his.
"I'm glad you didn't go." He says, and it sounds surprisingly serious. "I was worried you might." He tells you, and you hate how good he looks, how good he smells.
"Cause you wouldn't have someone to play around with?" You mumble still angry, and he chuckles.
"I'm not playing with you." He denies, swaying you both from side to side a little. "I really am not." He says as if to make sure his point gets to you.
"And yet you still ruined my date.." you complain.
"Sangwook isn't worth your time." He shakes his head.
"Oh but you are?" You scoff. He chuckles. Again.
"I mean, you're here, are you not?" He states.
You are. And you're not sure why you're here, why you didn't at least change, why you don't want to leave just yet.
"To tell you to stop trying to ruin my love life." You snap back in defense, and he laughs.
"Then stop trying to ruin mine." He says back, making you freeze in his arms before you both detach a little. "I thought we were good? Why did you agree to that date?" He wonders, and you shrug, crossing your arms.
"He asked... nicely, you know?" You say, looking at the floor.
"And you couldn't say no." He sighs. "Because you're too nice yourself." He scolds softly.
"I just.. wanted to, you know, talk to someone. Be social. Spend my evening with something else than animal crossing and icecream.." you try and justify yourself, and Jungkook suddenly opens his arms wide, shaking his head before he hits his chest.
"Am I not right here?" He complains. "Am I just an illusion or something?"
"..no?" You wonder, and he tilts his head in irritation for a moment.
"Then why am I not an option for you?" He asks, a little agitated. "I thought we were fine last time you were here. We had a really good time, talked, fuck I thought we were going somewhere!" He complains.
"I'm just.. scared." You say, and he runs a hand over his face.
"I know." He nods. "Lets just- okay. Do you want to try this?" He asks, motioning between you and him. "Yes or no."
"I don't know-" you start, but he shakes his head.
"Not an answer, try again." He tells you, crossing his arms.
"Jungkook what if we get caught-" You start again, but he denies it again.
"Yes or no. It's pretty easy." He says.
"What's your answer?" You ask, and he throws his head back in agony. "Okay, yeah- yes? But-"
"Good, great, fuck!" He barks out to no one, before he holds your face in his palms. "Just trust me. Please." He begs, eyes sparkling in both the light of the candle on his kitchen table, and the neon colored laser points traveling all around his walls from his moodlight.
"What do you want from me?" You ask, and he smiles.
"Your love." He answers, before he shrugs playfully. "And maybe the occasional fuck on the couch if I'm in the mood-" he starts, and you hit his chest at that, though you laugh.
"So you really do just want to screw me!" You whine, crossing your arms- unaware of how you're pushing up your cleavage.
"No, baby." He shakes his head, tongue running over his lip piercing. "I don't only want to fuck you." He answers.
"Though I won't say no if you're ever offering."
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skyfallscotland · 3 months
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Some updates since the last summary post. I didn't go to the convention on Sunday, but @caitm1 did and she said the workers told her that Rebecca's wrist swelled up from the amount of signatures she was doing (already, one day in!) and she had it taped up.
Rebecca also mentioned last night (Monday) at the second event I attended that she'd had a vestibular migraine just before and couldn't walk in a straight line a few hours ago, so I mean, I felt like I wanted to mention that first because as a chronically ill girlie I know how fucking hard it must be and I don't think a lot of fans appreciate what she does for us and how much she puts her body through.
Her signings this weekend were free and even though we paid for a ticket on Monday night, if you bought the ticket with the pre-signed book, that was at cost. $20 for a signed paperback. So yeah, just...I know it's a business, but she does a lot, ok. Don't be unappreciative of the extra mile.
Now, I recorded both Saturday's panel and Monday night's, I'm trying to figure out how to post it, but no website wants to cooperate with such a big file, so stand by, or like...help if you know tech things 💀
If you haven't seen my post with what we learned from Saturday's, it's here. Below is a summary of what we've learnt since then.
Bombshell alert: @caitm1 tells me that on Sunday, Rebecca said one of her original ideas for the end of Iron Flame was for Violet to become venin and not Xaden. *crickets* let's just take a moment here together... 😨
Honestly, I'm all for it, I low key feel like I would have liked that better, it would have been so good, but alas, we have venin-Xaden now, so we have to deal 🥲
Now, about Monday. A lot of the questions asked and things spoken about were the same as Saturday. The host picked the fan questions she asked and didn't really pick much that was plot or character related. She didn't pick any of mine and yes, I'm still mad about it. WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES
Here's the quotes, questions and tidbits I found interesting:
• Her editor for Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, is the head of Red Tower, so she's the publisher. I did not know this. I don't think I've seen this in practice before? She's also involved with the Amazon series because of this.
• "I'm not afraid of hurting you." That we already knew. 💀
• "Because we knew what had the television series when I was in edits, so we had to write out a synopsis and when I first thought it would be five books, I immediately sent the synopsis to my editor, who, you know, we sent it to Amazon because we needed to tell them; this is the definitive vision for the story. I can tell you, in Onyx Storm, I've already deviated from like...who I thought would pass in that book, as opposed to...I've already deviated some from that."
Sorry, what? Who was meant to die? My money is, as always, on Rhi or Garrick. You know I have thoughts/feelings about that. Look, if I've learned anything this weekend it's that someone important is going to die, a lot of people are going to die, ok? She's very frank about death and the realities of war and if you're worried about your favourite side characters for the next few books, well...you should be.
• She loves writing Ridoc. @yanny-77 no chance to ask about bodoc, sorry! 😂
• On Xaden and people's perception of him: "It's always funny because I always hear...he gets compared to Rhysand a lot? Xaden's like twenty-two at the beginning of Fourth Wing; Rhysand's like what? Five hundred? Ok, twenty-two, so it's very much like—it is a college. It's a college romance and that first love."
• She was surprised at how much people loved Aaric, given how little he's on-page.
• She also defended Dain again 🥳💗 #DainApologistsClub
• She expanded a little more on Jack. So perhaps what she meant on Saturday about his reasons, was simply that his reason will be touched upon in OS, but it's clear. "Jack's motivations are clear-cut, which makes him so easy to write. He's such an example of the hunger for power and what happens when you aren't selected for the power you think you deserve, which is one of the themes of Fourth Wing. So Jack's an easy character, he's straight-on."
• Are there any easter eggs that you put in the first two books that you don't think were caught by fans? "Violet's second signet! I totally thought it was obvious. Um, I did, to the point where my editor was like 'hey, we should probably put a line in here' and I was like dude no, people will catch it." Y'all know my thoughts on that so I'll stay quite over here in my corner.
Someone asked "what is it then?" and she replied, "no, no, no, now we're having fun with this, now."
• The hardest scene for her to write in Fourth Wing was the battle scene, because it was her first fantasy and so her first one. She wrote it and her editor said no, it has to be a little longer than this.
"So that was really hard for me to write, especially because in the moment she loses Liam, she has to get up and go. And I'm used to being able to give my characters this moment to grieve, this moment to take the news, this moment to absorb it and really feel it. And it's hard to get the reader to really feel that emotion when death is coming straight for you. So that was really difficult. And I was crying."
• If she was to describe Onyx Storm in two Taylor Swift songs, it would be Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? & So It Goes.
• If Empyrean was written in interconnected stand alones, she would have already jumped to Rhi or Imogen.
• Her favourite sections are the epigraphs that she writes above the chapter headings. "It's my most valuable real estate, the fact that you guys skip over them sometimes, I'm like—I'm wicked funny in there, ok?"
• If Violet and Xaden visited Australia, what would they do for fun? "I'd say go visit places they can't catch on fire. I guess they could find a beach." @empyrean-thrones there you go, we're on point! 😂
And that's about it! Happy theorising! 💗
It was a wild weekend, but so worth it. I was in my feelings a lot. I hope you guys get a chance to meet her or hear her speak in person one day, too 🫶
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nico-esoterica · 11 days
How To: Manifest a Celeb SP (Romantic)
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TLDR; It's the same as manifesting a 'normal' person! But I've added some additional tips for safety precautions and sustainable outcomes~
Read these and put them together. Learn to see yourself in relation to this person differently, learn to value yourself, and start telling yourself that you're already in a relationship IRL with them, they're talking to you, etc. And just let the universe do the rest. Do not go back and forth about it or change your mind. Let the 'what ifs?' die to stop delays. You either have this person or you do not. If you believe it can't happen or it's unrealistic for you, then yes, you're right. But if not, let's continue.
These are tips to shift your mindset to help you see how easy this is and you can apply it to anything:
Self Concept. Start developing an immaculate one. Put yourself on a pedestal, start telling yourself a new story about how great, wonderful, beautiful, etc, you are. In every area. Money, relationships, health. Start normalizing that you believe you're gorgeous and perfect. This isn't a requirement, but it's a fail-safe for your mental health. You do not need to lose weight, get surgery, or 'glow up' for anyone to love you. Ever. But it helps your self image if you already believe you're beautiful so it'll be easy to expect others think the same. Beauty is just a belief. You don't have to do anything to become it. You just are :)
Self Concept - Relationships. Same as above but you need to start changing the story you tell yourself about how your romantic relationships go. Your ideas about romantic partners should be idealized w/ 0 guilt. Saturate your mind with new ideas about perfect love, being put on a pedestal and being adored, cherished, etc. Go back to the ideas of romance you had as a child and let them take root again. Believe that only the best romantic partners are magnetized to you. Nothing else is necessary for this but if you feel that you'd benefit from shadow work or any sort of healing in this area, then do so. But just changing your assumptions about relationships is what it boils down to. This person is just a regular human being you will be dating, marrying, fucking, etc. Expect the best.
Instant Manifestation. Start telling yourself that you manifest instantly, within seconds, immediately etc. That nothing takes time. Even if it doesn't materialize, say it did. Eventually you'll start seeing little things pop up instantly. Celebrate those wins and maintain the story that everything instantly materializes and you never have to wait. How this person contacts you or how you bump into them, etc, will happen based on what you're unconsciously open to. If it's a late night DM, a concert parking lot, meeting them through a friend you haven't talked to in ages but they randomly reached out, etc. As long as you tell yourself that you manifest instantly, quickly, etc, and you're letting your new story marinate about your relationship, it's going to happen. Sometimes, people just wake up in new realities with it all set up with no preamble. That can be you if you believe it can be :)
Select 'Your' Version of this Person (Optional). If you already like the public image and the slivers of 'reality' of who this person is, then you're pretty much done and only have to think about your new awesome relationship. But if you want to tweak their habits or behavior like how Hailey Bieber had Justin get clean before they were serious, you can choose a version of your sp that's more compatible to you and your interests. This approach is the same that people follow when they manifest sps from scratch. Same thing. Write a list of new qualities, habits, or parts of their life you're writing in and start seeing your version of them instead of the original. Even if you don't see the changes, maintain that story and you eventually will. You can't trust what's on the surface sometimes. This also means that if you see the opposite story, you need to stand firm no-matter-what so you get the best version of this person.
Entertainment/Hollywood, etc. Regardless of anything you've heard, start changing the story you tell yourself about people who work in the business that you encounter. Start saying that they're well intentioned, that you only encounter well meaning and good natured people who are loyal to you and put you on a pedestal. This will be useful when you encounter people your sp works with including the industry itself. Just because others have had bad experiences doesn't mean that has to be you. Tell yourself that you're always the magical exception. You need to Mary Sue the living fuck out of this. Even if there's assholes, decide they're never around you or they never mistreat you, personally, ever. This is why, imo, having a strong SC pays off because when you're surrounded by beautiful and successful people, you'll feel comforted or at home or at ease opposed to small, bulliable, and intimidated. This is YOUR world now. Everyone else is just a side character within it.
Rumors, tabloids, stalkers, 'spin.' This is all my opinion and can be disregarded bc the top 3 are all you really need. But I'd go several steps further and start manifesting that you're always protected, no one but a trusted few know your identity and that your information is safe, there'll never be any leaks, and that everyone around you both are trustworthy. These last two tips work in tandem for a reason. They're like pillars under your relationship keeping it solid. Next, apply this to the internet. Start assuming that social media will never, ever learn about your relationship in any capacity. As long as you maintain that story despite anything you may see or hear, then any potential issues will be snuffed out or be seen as credible to the online world. Imo, I'd start assuming your safety immediately to avoid issues that'll throw your nervous system out of wack. I recommend to research Nervous System Regulation even if you find that you don't need it or use it. I'm just giving it to you so you have something in your arsenal to have. Should you decide TO let people know about you, choose that story in your head ahead of time and imagine different outlets reporting 'you' the way you want and they will. You can choose the what, how, means, and everything. Just, as always, don't change your mind! This is also a great opportunity to mention that Revision is a real thing in manifestation. Means changing the past. If anything was posted or reported that you didn't like, just tell yourself that it never happened. It'll get deleted or updated as false. Remember, this is YOUR world and always was. Only YOUR rules apply.
That's all :) Enjoy yourself, Icon <3
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works-of-heart · 5 months
"E/riel has plot!"
What plot? If they're already 'in love,' what's the plot for them to fall in love?
Oh Forbidden romance?
...You mean how Elain ISN'T FORCED AT ALL to accept this mating bond? How literally no one is forcing her hand one way or another and it's up to HER whether she wants to accept her mate or not?
How Rhys challenged Azriel to show he had ANY feelings beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to, but fell short?
Or how Rhys said that if Elain DID choose to reject it, that she would have their support? (Clearly Rhysand isn't standing in the way if Azriel's feelings for her were anything beyong "the fantasies he pleasured himself to." or could at least say with his chest he was over Mor.
Oh, you mean the tons of other 'theories' that e/riel has come up with that literally destroys all the character/ story build up she's been writing? Having an SA survivor be evil and luring men. Or having that character not be involved at all (Because you know, THAT plot threatens your ship.)
Oh riiight, the millions of different kinds of 'mate' theories. How ONLY Elucien's bond is the wrong one, but everyone else's? They're right! Even though, Lucien shares the SAME mating qualities that Rhysand and Cassian share. The longing stares, (Azriel had that for Mor too before Moriel got retconned. Don't worry Az, there's a fiery red haired beauty waiting for you!), the concern, the mate desire and the chant of "you are mine and I am yours." Sounds like Lucien's bond fits right alongside the others doesn't it?
The plots they claim would literally take Lucien's HEA away, despite SJM's OWN WORDS that there was 'someone special' for him, then making him mates with ELAIN. Then going on to say that there's a great deal of Tension, growth and HEALING for them( TOGETHER). Oh, look! That sounds like PLOT doesn't it? A plot of healing tension and growth! Something that SJM is known for in her books. Something Feyre, and Nesta got. Interesting.
Lucien is carrying the story in the Background. He has his hands dipped in Koschei, Vassa and Jurien, Beron and Eris, Spring court, Day court (finding out his true heritage), Emissary to Night court and Ally (As Rhys clearly explains).
Hmmmm. It sounds to me like Lucien has a TON of plot surrounding him. Elain being a seer, being said that Spring court was built for her. Her scent is the "Promise of Spring." (Who is currently stationed in spring court? Oh, Lucien, her mate! Look at that, it's already set up! =D) Even Rhysand states that we haven't seen all there is to Elain, and yet SJM is prepping her to go to spring.
Tell me, how does E/riel fit into spring? Do we need yet another contradicting 'plot/theory' to make it work?
The way Az's shadows don't run from Gwyn, they dance with her. They don't raise up alarm (which let's be real, if she was evil, his shadows would ABSOLUTELY tell Azriel to be cautious. Instead, they sit calmly at his shoulders. They're playful and sing.) Azriel not having to hide his scars, not having to think negative, degrating thoughts about himself while he's with Gwyn. The spark in his chest he got at the thought of her teal eyes lighting up. A thing of secret lovely beauty (Not a thing of deciept and magic). And no, he never got a spark in his chest for Elain.
The tie to Valkyrie and Illyrians, there's banter and laughter between them. Nesta being Gwyn's chosen sister, Cassian being Az's chosen brother. Think of the cute double dates they'd have!
If E/riel needs to make people who SJM have literally set up to have epic stories 'villains' or have them die, or not even exist for the ship to work, if their HEA includes ruining entire plots and stories, butchering characters, then it isn't very good now is it?
Meanwhile, Elucien and Gwynriel are set up to have intrigue, healing and growth for BOTH of the couples. I dunno, you can call the bad character breaking theories 'plots' if you want. If that helps you believe in your ship, sure? I rest easy knowing SJM isn't out here trying to rewrite her WHOLE entire story and throw out everything she wrote in the garbage, just to make ONE ship happen when she said there were clearly 2.
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befehlvonganzunten · 3 months
thoughts on the bear season three
since some people on the internet are already yapping about how season three is trash and the worst thing that’s ever happened to them because syd and carmy don’t end up declaring their undying love for each other in the season finale, let me tell you something: the bear isn't a romcom. it's a show about grief, family, generational trauma, miscommunication, mentorship, and the many natures of passion. it’s also a show about love and relationships, yes, but romance has never been the main focus. if anything, romance has been utilized as a distraction so far, e.g. the whole claire plot.
i agree that there is something between syd and carmy, but i firmly believe that this something is neither entirely platonic nor entirely romantic. it’s somewhere in-between and that’s precisely what makes their dynamic (and its ups and downs) so interesting imo. shipping is fun, but it’s not everything and i fear that sometimes it tends to undermine the power and importance of individual character arcs. (also: im sorry, but it’s not bad writing just because the story isn’t going where you want it to go.)
these two are very complex and compelling characters. they’re both workaholics, they’re both perfectionists and they both have issues. they also both have individual relationships with the other characters of the show, who are also very complex and compelling. they're cute together, sure, but even if romance were the main focus of the show: carmy has reached a point where he isn't worthy of being in the same room as syd or pretty much any other character of the show ... and that's fine. it doesn't make him a villain, it just proves that trauma is tricky and isolating, and that sometimes it has to get way worse before it can get better.
i know that there’s more to the criticism of season three than the whole sydcarmy situation, but i guess this bothered me the most. i'll save the rest for another time.
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goldenspringmornings · 2 months
so I’ve been sorta contemplating why I find acotar to be so disappointing (outside of all the complaints I’ve already made) and I think that interview post I reblogged earlier actually has the big reason in that, I honestly and genuinely think that sarah j maas doesn’t actually know what older fantasy/romance readers want or like
like there’s a reason that these genres have such formulaic tropes and cliches, romance especially, and that’s cause people like them!!! people reading these genres who have been for years and years already aren’t coming into a ya fantasy/romance expecting you to flip the entire genre on its head, they already know what they like and they know how this story is supposed to go. selling readers one thing just to pull the rug out from under them to say “actually this story was about this other thing all along don’t you feel foolish” is actually insulting and bad for the industry as a whole
if you don’t want to write fantasy and all the work that comes with it, don’t write fantasy- keep the story as just a romance. and the inverse is true too! if you don’t want to put the work into a believable compelling romantic arc, you don’t have to write a romance
but it really feels like acotar doesn’t know what it wants to be, it’s a high fantasy with no world and it’s a romance with a flat and unbelievable love story so idk what sjm was really even trying to say over the course of 4.5 books. not only does her writing fail on a technical level, ie none of her characters aside from maybe nesta having actual character arcs, it fails in a meta way too because as someone who loves fantasy and romance why should i care??? what am i actually doing here? digging for scraps the author never meant to be found? picking at a decaying corpse like a vulture desperate for something substantive? all that I enjoy about acotar comes from my own headcanons and the fandom’s critical analysis discussions inferring something interesting about the barebones world sjm threw onto the page
in romance, good male love interests before the pervasiveness of acotar weren’t “alpha holes” or whatever the new term is now, they were written to be everything the female protagonist, and thereby the reader, wanted but denied herself- even objectively bad men can be good love interests, take Edward Cullen or Christian Gray for example because it’s about the wish fulfillment in finding your perfect partner
sjm is writing for booktok, girls under 25 just getting into reading because it’s trendy now and the more popular books don’t actually have a real story to tell, which imo is okay!!! just don’t pretend to have a deep and impactful theme/messaging if you wanna write feel-good popcorn fiction, don’t take yourself so seriously if you’re not gonna write seriously.
this feels like I’m rambling now but ig my real point is that old school romance/fantasy readers choose the genres for a reason, either the complex other worlds or intense meaningful love stories they provide their audiences and sim’s acotar is devoid of both those pivotal things that mesh so well together is hard to imagine one without the other now. and that’s sad.
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animentality · 7 months
I just wanna say that while I don't ship either of them myself, I respect that the ships that don't become canon, like Drarry and Zutara, will always have much more powerful and diverse communities than the ships that become canon.
You can't tell me that more people ship Harry and Ginny RIGHT NOW than Drarry, or that Zutara's fanbase is less active than Kataang's. I was in the tag an hour ago while on a megalomaniacal rant in discord, and literally most of it is Zutara things, and it's been like what. A decade? Still going strong off of scraps, huh? I admire it.
When a ship becomes canon, people celebrate in the moment and then move on. You get smatterings of people who re watch the series, and do some doodles here and there. But the ship dies with the fandom itself, because a canon ship is not even a ship, it's just part of the story. And it's not the most interesting part of the story most of the time, especially in a series as richly packed as atla. the romance isn't done that well, it's barely focused on. and that's fine, but it's not the thing atla fans really talk about to this day...
you don't see atla fans talking about how epic the kataang romance is. not really. that whole genocide is bad plot is far more interesting.
But when a ship is entirely nonsensical or only lightly hinted at, or maybe just entirely theoretical but intriguing narratively...
that ship can go on for years.
The lack of content is paradoxically what makes the fandom content even better.
Fans can do anything they want with an empty sandbox, and thus fans become creatives in their own right, constructing a canon that fits their own interests.
And that's far more intriguing to consider because of it.
A Kataanger can write about katara and aang getting married, but canon already did that. How interesting could that really be? the creators did that and it was whatever.
a Zutaran, meanwhile, is writing a whole new story and mythos based on the meager scraps they were fed a decade ago. They're totally re writing canon and reconstructing a narrative about opposing sides coming together in the form of their narrative representatives.
they're red blue shipping, fire and ice/water, sun and moon, enemies to lovers, the sunshine and the grump, bad boy x good girl, learning to forgive, redemption arc, theyre basically dispensing with canon and writing a psychopathic descent into their own psyche.
they're making entirely different stories because they were dissatisfied with an aspect of the one they got.
and frustration/need breeds creativity. it stirs the imagination.
if you were satisfied with your ship becoming canon, you celebrate and then you move on.
if your ship never got its chance...
well. you could spend a life time wondering what if.
and you're thinking well of course a durgetash crack shipper would feel this way... and you're right.
but I'll be here. I'll be here still thinking about durgetash long after the last Astarion x Tav shipper has gone.
it's the small things. it's the blank slate, the holes with potential. it's the little gaps in the concrete of canon, where the most twisted but entertaining weeds grow and can never be destroyed, not fully, not permanently.
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whywoulditho · 5 months
I'm glad, that DC writers are changing constantly and therefore the characters are protected from the Bat-family. The Bats are the cancer of DC comics. There wouln't be any independant characters anymore if they could gez their grubby hands on the other DC families
That's another way to look at it.. I agree that they're trying a bit too hard to connect every character to the bats' storyline. so you might have a point there. maybe it would create more bad than good if they let batfam authors interfere with the other storylines... but i still wouldn't call the bats the cancer of DC. I think if you took the bats out of DC, it would lose like half of its charm and quality.
with all that being said though, i still think the biggest problem of DC romances (or comic book romance in general) lies in each run having separate authors. think about why harley x ivy worked. it's because both of those characters already existed before they got together. both of them were loved villains and later anti-heroes, they both have their own story, their own past and their own redemption arcs. they're both INTERESTING. and when DC made the risky choice of making them a couple, it worked.
i'm not saying it would work with any other characters, or that they should make all their major characters date each other. but if you want to explore romance in your comics you have to give the readers an actual relationship, involving two realistically written and interesting people. not a major character and their accessory love interest. that's my issue with tim x bernard, or jon x jay. no one will get attached to, or even invested in, these relationships because we don't know anything about the love interests. they're just some random people. even if you try to give them personalities they will still not have a story outside of their relationship with the major character. bernard and jay were only created so tim and jon would have someone to kiss. it's hard to care about them, and therefore their relationship. they're just boring romance side plots.
you can introduce a character with the sole purpose of making them a couple with one of your major characters and still make it work, like batman and catwoman. you can create chemistry with a new character just as well as you can with already existing ones. but i think we need more of the first option. less last minute love interests and more people falling in love. i think what makes DC special is that they show us so many different versions of their major characters, we get to see them grow and change (take notes, marvel) so it wouldn't be off-brand to see already existing major characters, like superboy and robin, ending up together. not when it's DC. to be honest i think it would be like super iconic of them to do that. and i also think that DC fans would much rather have their favorite characters end up with the kind of person they went through hell and back with instead of like, a random citizen. tim and kon have so many parallels. they're both people who didn't have to be heroes at all, but still chose to do it. they both struggle with carrying a mantle too big and the fact that they were not chosen for it makes them even more insecure. they also have a past together, they're close friends, they would take a bullet for each other. so much potential. dont even get me started on damian and jon. those two are like, literal mirrors of their fathers. they have huge legacies on their shoulders and they're like quite literally the only people that could understand one another. again, so. much. potential. i'm not saying they have to be together, but if DC was gonna write romance for these characters I wish it could have been with each other.
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bylertism · 3 months
tfilygate (The First I love You)
a byler theory based on the “The First I love You” parallel!
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ok sooo this is a bylergate i made <3 if someone made this already uhhhhhhh i did not know oopsies also first serious post on here scary
for those who don’t know the parallel: 
“The First I love You” is a song from the stranger things original score. the reason i’ve been writing it with proper formatting is because the way it’s written is *very* important. the word “love” is off – it’s missing capitalization. we’ll get back to this later.
this song (which i’ll be referring to as “tfily” from now on) only plays in two scenes: first near the end of robin’s coming out scene and second near the end of mike and el’s scene at the end of s3. the song isn’t played in any other scene.
as you probably know if you’ve watched the show, in the first scene, steve confesses to robin. robin rejects him because she's a lesbian. in the second scene, el tells mike she loves him and kisses him. he doesn’t kiss back (keeps his eyes open, too) and doesn’t say anything. he just stands there looking confused.
what's interesting is that they could've used any other song for the mileven scene –  hell they could've even made a new one seeing as tfily is new in that season – but they didn't. they specifically chose the song they already used for a failed confession. for a scene with unrequited love. back to the uncapitalized "love" from the title.
this is also the only song in the entire show to have a titular word like this uncapitalized (no, words like the and if etc do not count. that's just how you write a title) so randomly in the title. it automatically makes you think that something is wrong with the love, at least on a surface level. then you see the stobin scene. there's something wrong with the love. it's not true love. it's unrequited love. we can assume that the lowercase love probably means untrue love or unrequited love. now we look at the mileven scene… it's also a confession scene. el confesses her love to mike (albeit they're already in a relationship). of all the songs they could've chosen, they chose the song from another confession scene. a confession scene that did not end in the characters involved becoming a couple. if we established that the "love" stood for untrue or unrequited love then… we can only assume that el's love for mike is unrequited. and no i don't mean his love in general as so many milevens think. i mean his romantic love. he definitely still loves her platonically, but this isn't about platonic love. we're talking about romance. specifically, failed romance.
long story short, the lowercase "love" in tfily is important and stands for untrue/unrequited love. it plays during scenes where one character confesses and the other doesn't feel the same.
now that that's out of the way…
onto the theory!
compared to the explanation of the parallel, the actual theory is so short, but i needed to have that explanation there for people who didn't know about it… so anyway!
the theory is that sometime in season 5 we'll get another parallel to both scenes mentioned before… but a bit different. 
the two differences: 
this time, it'll be a byler confession.
the song playing in the back will be titled "The First I Love You" with love capitalized. This will signify that their love is not unrequited and is true love.
to tie this together, the person confessing in this scenario would be mike. even though mike has said i love you to el before, it wasn't true romantic love. in this scene with "The First I Love You," it would be his first true ily that he means with actual romantic intention.
(if this st writers post is mike to will and the last blank is "love, mike", then the song would be "The Second I Love You" instead. basically the same thing, love is still capitalized)
wow that was short.
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fantasygerard2000 · 3 months
Have Fandoms Become Ungrateful?
It's not exactly a surprise that not every fandom is healthy, especially the ones towards popular media. However, even small fandoms can just be if not more unhealthy, mainly because the media they're a fan of is just a version that exist in their heads.
There's this issue within fandoms where they want more of the things they want over appreciating the things that were already made. Unless you're in the Miraculous fandom. However, instead of dropping media they don't like and watch something else different that suits their tastes, they want to change the already existing one to cater to said tastes.
And what better fandom to use as an example than the Wish fandom, or rather the fans of a version of Wish that doesn't exist, where they didn't like the movie for scrapping unused and cut concepts like a villain couple and Star having a human form to which they misunderstood as being Asha's love interest. These fans make numerous fan material based on these unused drafts and that's what most of the Wish fandom is while the fans of the film that appreciated it as it is are rare.
Honestly, I am not against making fan content based on unused ideas. I do encourage making content based on early ideas. I just don't like encouraging this behavior of treating a content that has a thing you're like is better than the one that doesn't.
I do in fact agree the an unused draft of Ruby Gillman is kept where Chelsea is indeed Nerissa's daughter and not a fake identity is better than in the completed film. Some fans say so because they like Ruby and Chelsea's friendship or because they shipped them, but for me and several people is because of the film's plot point about prejudices between the Krakens and the Mermaids. So having the "good mermaid" actually being evil all this time sets of a bad example for a plot point about prejudices.
Another example for unused concepts is Emperor's New Groove. During development, it was originally intended to be an adaptation of the Prince and the Pauper called Kingdom of the Sun with love interests for the two main leads and songs. However, production issues cause the film to change into the one we all got and love. And as much as I wanted KotS to the one that was completed and released , I am fine with ENG being the one released because I don't really need to see KotS. In fact the reason why I liked the KotS draft because it was more in line with classical Disney. And that's sort of why I have a soft spot for Wish, because of the classical tropes.
I'm not bothered with the vocal minority of people who don't like the film, it is Disney in 2023 after but the ones that do over the dumbest reasons like the aforementioned unused concepts do. Like, you can just watch a completely different film that has a romance with a human and a star or one that has a villain couple.
Controversial examples are the Steven Universe and The Owl House fandom. And I wrote controversial because I'm aware that the fandoms of these shows disagree and would witch hunt me but here me out first.
Despite already ending and getting a movie AND a sequel miniseries, SU fans still wanted more of this show. Now, I don't like Steven Universe, as in I am neutral towards it, but I do genuinely hate the writing and the implications about its themes. So seeing how fans wanted more of it is like "what else is there for you to WANT more"?
Same thing can be said with TOH fandom, which also ended but fans want more. Which is partially justified since the series was planned to have three seasons but was cut into two with the last three specials being made to serve as a finale. However, as much as I understand that this show deserved its story told through three seasons, I genuinely think that it should have cut several things out.
Now, I like The Owl House, but I would be lying if I say it doesn't have any issues. Said issues being that it has the need to spread its lore like puzzle pieces around for fans to put together when all that lore is just a backstory for the villain and it serves very little purpose to the story currently, that is Luz's journey to stop Belos.
TOH and similar shows like Star Vs and Amphibia all share this problem where they want to do what Gravity Falls did, leaving in clues and lore tidbits for the fans to piece together but all that secret lore stuff feels like an imitation just to get fans invested when they should be invested are the characters, not some information about the villains' backstory.
This extends to shows after the Owl House where fans of it skipped Hailey's On It because "it wasn't becoming the next Owl House". That's it. That's the reason why they didn't wanna watch this show, and that's what this whole thing is. They just want Owl House again.
In Ghost and Molly McGee, fans wanted Andrea to be the next Amity Blight and I find that baffling because we already have Amity Blight, why do you want her to be like her?
Same thing with Zuko from Avatar and how every show after it, there will always be that one character who is like Zuko, but without the charm that made us all love Zuko in the first place. His "clones" are just there for the trope of "recurring villain turning to the good guy's side" and the satisfaction it gives the audience who are into that over the genuine redemption they deservedly earn.
This is the real issue with fandoms. Their media diet are so rigid that they want the same show, just with a different skin. They say they want a sequel series or a prequel series, but they actually don't like the ideas of prequel and sequels in general but still want to, because it's more of the media they like.
Fans want more of Steven Universe and Owl House because they think they were unfairly canceled despite they were finished over the actual shows that were indeed canceled.
Being mad at a movie because it didn't have a trope you like isn't the fault the creators, that's just you being upset about your specific tastes not being fulfilled. You want an original 2D animated film, yet you are too lazy to find one to watch.
Instead of watching and praising existing 2D animated films, you complain more about Hollywood's over reliance on sequels and reboots.
If Potterheads need to read a different book, then fans of any show need to watch a different show.
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good-griief · 1 year
Time ; Acceptance
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third and final chap of my "time" series! i really hope yall enjoyed it cus angst is one of my fave things to write. i didn't want to drag it out too much but i was thinking of doing one-shots and some au's of this idea, so if ur interested in that, i'd be glad to know!
warnings ambiguous relationship between abby and reader, reference to romance, implications of unrequited love (it's not), she/her reader, lasting effects of torture to reader, morally grey reader, ambiguous/story-teller dependent interpretation of major past event between characters
tags @frogtits1 @sawaagyapong @augieee21 @sunkissedbibi @eden-nox
part one part two
part three on ao3
Ellie looked over the pictures she took from Leah as she and Dina sat in the theater, pausing at the sight of someone she didn’t recognize. “Who’s this?” She asked, picking up the photo. California was written beneath the picture of a girl and a younger-looking Abby, clearly candid as they leaned against one another by a bonfire. She flipped over the picture. Soon, was written with a heart next to it. 
“Dunno.” Dina swiped a few pictures over to her girlfriend. “There are a few of her.” 
Ellie looked them over, seeing Leah had written and scratched out Santa Barbara on one before scribbling hearts on others. Finally, there was a recent one. Your name was under the picture of you two together, and on the back was a small note. Finally back home was all she read before she stopped, realizing how personal it was and tossing it aside. It had nothing to do with her, and she refused to feel bad about anything pertaining to these people. 
Abby found the pictures in the theater after finding Mel and Owen, taking them and stashing them in her bag. 
She knew you’d seen Leah. She had the pictured proof of it, but she was hoping that night you would tell her why; tell her why, and tell her why, again, you didn’t stay. 
“Just fucking stay here, then!” Your squad member had yelled at you, already being scared that you were so injured and now scared that you’d be leaving, when you debated whether or not to go and speak to your old friends. There was a tightness in your chest, stomach twisting as your heart raced to the point that it felt like one continuous, loud beat. This was all so familiar, but you weren’t going to leave this time. “Go back, see if they’ll take you in, but don’t come crawling back to us.”
You didn’t even have the option. 
“What’s the verdict?” You asked one of the other medics back on the island after he looked over your recovering injuries; still having a severe pain in your stomach and hip that made you nauseous, flaring up to the point that it was debilitating at times. 
It scared you; not being able to do your tasks. What if there was no use for you? Where would you be then? Alone?
And again by your own design. 
He gave you a look. “You’ve got some pretty bad damage.” There was a big, splotched bruise on your stomach that hadn’t left in the days you’d been recovering. “Could be internal… We can’t have you over-exerting yourself. You’re our best medic.” You scoffed at that, nodding. “No more patrols, alright? At least, not until we can do something about this.” 
It’d been months of this now, and you still weren’t better. You had a feeling walking around was making it persist, but you couldn’t just stop working. You refused. Even if it was killing you to do so— figuratively, of course. 
Because of how distracted you were by that, you hadn’t noticed Abby’s distancing. You would set out a pouch of anti-poisons and poultice ingredients for her each time she went on patrol, but you hadn’t noticed she wasn’t taking them until they began to pile up. 
You sighed, putting them in a basket to take to her. You hadn’t realized how heavy these were, as you’d been loading them up just for her, but you went ahead and began walking toward her and Lev’s home. 
You hadn’t realized how far it was, but by the time you got there, you were feeling sick. 
You knocked weakly, Abby not even realizing someone was knocking until you did again. She came to the door, surprised to see you. She couldn’t help the small smile that came to her face. You smiled back, but it faltered almost immediately. “Come in.” Abby stepped aside. “Are you alright?”
You sat down on her couch, setting the basket on the coffee table as you exhaled and held your hip. “Fine,” you forced. “You haven’t been picking up your pouches, so I thought I’d drop them off.”
Abby shut the door, coming over to you and kneeling. “Let me see it.”
“It’s just a cramp—“ 
Abby pushed you to lie back on the cushions, moving your hands and frowning at the clammy feeling. “Do you have a fever?” She asked, making you put your forearm to your head. You shook your head, but she lifted her arm to your head anyway. “God,” she muttered, moving to lift your shirt. The bruising was still there, still red, purple, and unfading. “What happened?” Her hands went to the cramping muscles in your abdomen, massaging to help break up the bruising and making you cringe in pain. “I’m sorry. It’ll help.”
“I know,” you sighed. “It happened back in Washington; your leader questioned me with some… weapon,” you said vaguely. “It’s just muscle bruising.”
“This looks like internal bleeding.“
“It was.” You sighed. “But it’s been like this for months. I’d be dead if it were internal bleeding,” you laughed out, though Abby didn’t find it funny. “The bleeding stopped before we left Washington. That’s why we stayed a few days longer; when I saw Leah.” Abby nodded along, her hand now resting on your stomach in a comforting hold, thumb running slowly over your skin. “That feels nice,” you mumbled, making her look down at her hand. 
“Does it?” She was holding where the deepest part of the bruising was, right above your hip, your sentiment concerning her more than it should. “Did you hurt your hip?”
“Maybe on the trip back. Overexursion.” You nodded. “Sprain, or something.” 
She frowned. “You should’ve just come back. Mel would’ve treated you.”
“They wouldn’t have waited for me.” You shook your head. “I didn’t want to have to go back alone— and don’t say I could’ve stayed. Not there.”
“I could’ve gone back with you.”
You didn’t realize that was something she might’ve wanted, making you pause and look down at her. “Would you have?”
“We all would’ve.” She pulled down your shirt, standing and getting you a bag of ice. “And even if they didn’t… I would’ve. If you asked, I’d go.”
“No you wouldn’t,” you huffed, laughing slightly. She sat next to you, holding the ice against your hip and pressing down to aid in compressing. She scoffed at you, shaking her head. “What? You would’ve just left?”
“For you? Of course.”
You grimaced, swallowing harshly. “Don’t say that.”
You shook your head. “You have no idea what kind of guilt would burden you after doing something like that.”
There was a beat of silence. “I know how you felt,” she started, letting you hold the ice now that you were in less pain and seemed to be able to move. “Or feel. Even if you won’t tell me, I heard you say it… And I’ll be honest, I was angry that you left; that you were alive. We all were. But not at you. Never at you.” She kept her eyes away from yours, staring into the dead fireplace across from the two of you. “Just that… you couldn’t speak to us— And after what we did—“
“What you did?” You frowned over at her, shaking your head and objecting before she could continue. “I left—“
“The things we said—“
“No, Abby,” your voice was firm, wavering, but firm. “I left. That was my choice. When my friends needed me— when my family needed me, I wasn’t there because I left you. What I did,” you enforced with a tone she’d never heard directed at her from you before. “That is why I couldn’t speak to you.”
There was a long silence, Abby’s breath shaky as you sat back with a wince. She knew you shouldn’t be having this conversation right now, but it seemed like this was the only conversation the two of you could have.
And she just wanted to speak to you. 
“I still would’ve left,” she concluded; a complete dismissal that made you scoff out a dry laugh. “I don’t care what you say; what stories you come up with to blame yourself.” You shook your head at her stubborn attitude. “I still would’ve left for you… And the only thing I’d feel guilty for, is caring about you more than I ever cared about anyone else.” You stayed quiet, letting her know she’d gotten your attention. “And I’m not asking you to feel the same—“
“Don’t do that—“
“—Or to change how you feel…” She spoke over you like you hadn’t even opened your mouth. “But I am asking you to understand me.” You knew she was choosing a time when you were vulnerable to come clean on purpose, making you grimace as you reluctantly listened to her try to get you to do the same. “Because you do know me, and you know that I would leave for you, even if you wouldn’t do the same for me.”
“Fuck you, Abby.” At your quiet voice, she knew she’d gotten through to you. Past your false passiveness and down to what you tried to hide from everyone. But you couldn’t hide from her. “I left for you.”
And she couldn’t from you. 
“Don’t go there.”
“No, really.” You forced yourself to sit up and face her. “If this is what you want to talk about, then fine. We need to, anyway. No placating, no pacifying, nothing. Let’s talk.”
She took in a deep breath, turning to face you as she pushed herself to the other end of the couch. “Well?” Was all she said. 
“Tell me the truth.” She immediately rolled her eyes; immediately got defensive. “That night, you wanted me to leave. Didn’t you?” You spoke slowly, meeting her eyes. “That’s why you feel so guilty; why you won’t let me. Because you wanted me to leave, and I knew that, and actually left.”
She was quiet, staring you down. “I thought you were going to leave.”
“How many times do I have to say it—?”
“I know you. That’s what you just said.” Your tone became hostile quicker than she could process, making her look away. You knew she wasn’t telling the whole truth. “So I know you wanted me to leave. I shouldn’t have, but that’s why I left, and you know that, and you regret it…” You spoke firmly, words clear and cutting into her with every pause you took to emphasize them. “So just tell me the truth. Please.”
She was quiet for a moment, chest tightening as she grimaced. “If you were going to leave, I wanted to be the one to decide that we wouldn’t see each other. I already told you that.” She tip-toed around the question, earning nothing from you and making her more on edge. “So, yes, I wanted you to leave. I wanted you gone for suggesting you go.” When you let out a breath of satisfaction, she continued over you. “But then tell me the truth. You weren’t planning on us going with you. Were you? You were suggesting to go alone.”
“You know me so well,” your tone was dry, mocking and almost demeaning. It was a blow to the chest, making her bite her tongue. “There was no point in suggesting you go, but I was. Even though I knew you wouldn't have gone. All you wanted to do was find him—“
“I would’ve gone in the middle of the fucking night and left eveyone else if you asked.” Clearly, the demeaning tone of your voice was too much for her, her tone biting without a second thought as you continued to push her to get the full truth before you opened up, too; why she wouldn’t just let you take the blame for something that was so clearly your fault.  
“No you wouldn’t.” You were pushing for an argument now, tone lazed and grating on her nerves. 
She always let things slip when she was irritated. 
“You didn’t fucking ask. How would you know?” She was quick to say, feeding off your dismissive tone. 
“You would’ve left Owen. Really?”
“For you?” She laughed at your naivety. “I’d do fucking anything.” She shook her head. “But you wouldn’t ask me to—”
“And Joel?” She shook her head, shrugging. You did the same, shaking your head at her. “You wouldn’t have left them— him? No fucking way.“
“That’s where you’re wrong.” You scoffed. “I would’ve left as soon as you brought it up, and I would’ve made everyone go with us, if that meant you wouldn’t fucking leave—”
“Oh, and you’re not angry at me—?”
“Fuck you.” 
You laughed in response, shrugging. “You’re the one that wanted me gone—”
“And everyone blamed me for it!” You shut your mouth at her exasperated response, looking over her flushed face and glossed eyes. “They all knew if I didn’t say anything, you wouldn’t have left… And they all knew you wanted to leave, so they blamed me for letting you.” She paused, a thick swallow bobbing in her throat. Now, you were getting somewhere. “That night; when you looked at me… I just wanted to give you the choice.” She blinked rapidly, but couldn’t control the way her voice broke, “I wasn’t telling you to go.” She spoke over you when you went to comfort her, “I would’ve told you to stay if I knew you’d already decided,” she got out quickly, shaking her head at herself when she felt her eyes burn.
Somehow, you always got her this way. Even if she thought the conversation could go her way, you always found a way to get to her. 
“If you hadn’t fucking said anything—!” Jordan pointed an accusatory finger at Abby. 
Just as they’d flipped on you, they were doing the same to her. They’d all been on her side last night, but suddenly she was at fault. 
“Fuck off, Jordan,” Owen huffed out. “You were being an asshole.”
“And you weren’t?”
“Why don’t we just stop arguing and go find her?” Abby suggested, exasperated. 
“Like she’d come back,” Leah scoffed. “Just let her go.” She was flippant, shocking everyone. “What if we find a body? What are we going to do then?”
“What the fuck, Leah?” Nora scoffed at her. 
“I’m not the one that said anything to make her leave in the first place,” she bit back, though she wasn’t immediately blaming Abby and instead looked between Nora and Mel. “And now you wanna go find her?” She then looked at Abby, scoffing at her avoiding her gaze. “Go fuck yourselves.”
“You’re not any better,” Mel said. “You didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah? And what did you say, huh? Just go if you want to? What the fuck did you think—?”
“That’s enough, guys,” Owen spoke up, stopping them before they said anything else they’d regret. “She wanted to leave, so she left. It’s not anyone’s fault. It was a choice. Clearly, she decided to leave before she even brought it up.” Leah rolled her eyes. “I say we just go. We don’t know where she went, and we can’t track her.”
Abby could understand why Leah was the one you could speak to. How you could open up to her, and admit to her what you wouldn’t to the rest of them. She understood, but she still wished it was her. 
She wished she could get to the gentle, comfortable part of the conversation without arguing first. 
But that would never happen until you were honest with each other. 
And that always took a fight. 
The conversation had taken up so much emotional energy that you were in physical pain by the end of it; it continued on past Abby’s admission until she heard you tell her exactly how you felt. Just admitting it to her got you choked up, and seeing you that way did the same, but now you were holding the ice pack to your stomach as you curled up on her couch. 
“Fuck, let me help.” Abby quickly got up and blinked away the feelings you’d just brought up, reaching out as she sat next to you and pulling you into her. There was really nothing she could do to help, but she told herself she was warming you up by holding you— helping tense muscles relax. “Try to relax.” She took the ice from you, setting it aside and pulling you closer. 
You tried to even your breathing as she rubbed your back, but it only made you more upset. “I shouldn’t have started an argument. I’m sorry,” you muttered.
“I think this one was necessary,” she laughed, soothing you as you pressed your ear to her chest. “Even if you hate arguing, you were right. We needed to talk about it, and we never would’ve gotten here peacefully.” You laughed at that, wincing as you did. “But that doesn’t matter… What can I do?”
“Just…” You sighed, rolling your eyes at yourself. “Lie with me? You’re warm, so it… helps the muscle relax.” It was true enough, but Abby knew better. She knew you got scared when you were injured, and she knew being held helped. 
Despite how you mocked her for one wrong judgment, she did know you. Even now. Still. 
What she didn’t realize was how her embrace felt as comforting as it did when you were younger, not like the first time you hugged her— when you hardly recognized her touch. Even if you recognized her then, you recognized her touch even more now. The work she’d done to regain her strength brought feeling back to it. A lively, gentle feeling. 
“You think you can walk to my room?” She asked tentatively, grabbing the ice pack as she stood and helped you up. You nodded, and despite her not believing you, she kept her arm around your waist and walked with you. 
You looked down the hallway, huffing at the impossible length of it and forcing yourself to keep going until you faltered. Abby caught you quickly, scooping under your legs despite your protesting of “I’m fine” and carrying you the rest of the way. 
She lied you down on her bed, making you lie flat to help the muscle stretch before lying with you and opening her arm for you as she set the ice aside. 
“Now that you’re being all nice to me,” you said after a moment, earning an eye roll. 
“I wasn’t being mean,” she countered. 
“Why would you leave for me?” You asked as if she hadn't spoken. “Help me understand that.”
“I wanted to be with you. I told you that—“
“But why?”
She didn’t respond for some time, staring up at the ceiling. “You know why.”
“Abby,” you sighed, defeated. “Just tell me.”
She looked down at you with a frown. “Why do you need me to tell you?”
“Because, it doesn’t make any sense?” You scoffed at her, moving to sit up, but she held you down before you could cause yourself anymore pain. “I know how you felt about Owen, and I know how you feel about me. It’s not the same.”
“So you understand why he broke up with me then.” She laughed at that, as if it was the funniest thing she’d heard all day. You frowned. She hadn’t even told you that yet. “In the end, after seeing you that day, he wanted to come to Santa Barbara and find you too, but I guess he couldn’t understand why I held on all those years.” 
“What do you mean?”
She pursed her lips, pushing herself up and going to her closet. She supposed it was her turn to show you all her keepsakes now, as she’d finally gotten them all back from the boat. 
She emptied her backpack onto the bed, Leah’s polaroids and her old photos falling out. Books and folded up maps, too. Even an old journal. 
You grabbed Leah’s pictures first, a smile coming to your face when you saw the one you took together. 
“I know it’s a weird question, but can we take one together?” She’d asked after giving you pictures of your friends, to which you gladly agreed to before she had to leave. 
You flipped it over, seeing the note she wrote and swallowing hard. 
Finally back home
Again, I wish you’d stay, but I know why you can’t. 
I don’t want to either. I don’t want to keep fighting. 
I’m afraid that I’ll be gone before I get to see you again, but I’m glad we got this. Whatever it was. 
Who would’ve thought that a few hours makes up for a few years apart?
You set it aside, lips pursed as you looked through the rest of them, all with notes just as feeling as that, some even sounding angry at the rest of your friends. 
You looked to the maps, unfolding one and finding a small picture of you and Abby taped to it. Dots littered the paper, connected in a pattern that led to a circle around the picture, taped over central California. The next map was the same, towns being written out  with information beneath them. The handwriting changed with each of the maps, getting clearer and clearer as Abby got older. 
The last one was empty, only a picture taped to it. 
The books had passages underlined, some annotated to show to you, or that you’d like them. 
The last was her journal, binding cracked and worn but not because it was old. Because she’d written in it so much that the pages were worn, even teared with how hard she pressed into them, emotion sinking into the ink and through the pages. 
You opened it to the middle, another photo falling out; one Abby had taken with Leah’s camera. Just of you. 
There were entries upon entries, letters upon letters, and this one was the one you just had to open to. 
It spanned for pages; pages, and pages of just one letter to you. One letter, pouring her heart out to someone who couldn’t— no, wouldn’t even reciprocate. 
Your conversation, the one you turned into an argument for no reason other than to prove yourself right, replayed in your mind. 
“I would’ve left.” For you. 
“I’d do anything.” For you. 
“If you’d ask me.” 
“You wouldn’t ask me to.”
“If you asked, I’d go.”
You stared down at the book, her words repeating and repeating and making your vision blur as you finally took them in. “I’m not asking you to change how you feel.” That brought you closer to understanding, brows knitting together. 
Even if you’d mocked her for it, she knew you well. 
She knew you well enough to know you were finally letting yourself understand. She took the book from you, replacing it with her hands so she could pull you close, holding you to her chest just as her words sunk into your heart. 
A blow to the chest. 
I’m not asking you to feel the same. 
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