#You'd think having 6 of us in here would help make things less lonely
conveen · 4 months
I hate my brain so fucking much
0 notes
cursedkeyboard · 5 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.6 FINAL)
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What does Jason do after he secures his spot as your number one person and you slowly but surely grow up into an independent teen..? Wait, stop, you're not supposed to do that. You're his baby. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader / Batfamily & Child GN!Reader
Okay, let's be honest here, Jason would hate how fast time flies
As busy as he'd be splitting his life between vigilante work and fatherhood, taking down crazy new villains, attending to your school events, catching up with his friends, going on family vacations, Jason would 100% still notice how fast you were growing
By the way he'd have to often buy you new clothes because of your growth spurt
And how the current mark on the wall where he measured your height was inches apart from the first one he made
You were spending more time with your friends, the things you were getting interested in made no sense to him, and you wouldn't go to him to take care of your hair as much as you used to
It fucking terrified Jason
He hated it, so much
While he was proud and absolutely thrilled that you were independent, confident, and a hell of a charmer, he also wanted his baby back
The little brat who barely came up to his elbows
The one who'd cling to his legs whenever he told you to clean your room and would get dragged around
Hell, he really missed how you'd fit so easily in his arms as he carried you around
You still fit, he was a big guy after all, but for you it'd be a bit embarrassing for your dad to carry you around like that
Teenagers and embarrassment, am I right?
Now in his late twenties and over all that anger inside him, Jason would probably whine about it to his family
"I mean, how can someone grow so fast? It makes no fucking sense!"
"Jason, it's been five years, kids grow."
"Thanks Captain Obvious, but mine shouldn't!"
"What? You wanted the kid to be eleven forever?"
"Shut the fuck up."
Somehow, being so lonely and melancholic over watching you sprout and bloom, Jason would even end up bonding a little with Bruce
Think about it, at this point Bruce would already be in his sixties or something, so Cass would've taken over the mantle by then
I'd imagine he'd still work as intelligence for the League but with Cass as the Hero of Gotham and Tim as the CEO of Wayne Industries, the old bat would have a lot of time in his hands
Which he'd spend around his family and grandkid
And when Bruce noticed Jason's pouty and broody demeanor when you were texting a friend, he couldn't help but laugh
"Now you know how I feel."
"It's different. It's going too fast."
"Son, I watched all of you leave the manor in less than fifteen years, it's always too fast."
Begrudgingly, Jason listened to Bruce's advice, that same old anxiety rising up in his chest, leaving him vulnerable and restless
"The best thing you can do is talk to your kid. I learned it the hard way with all of you and I know things would've been different if I had reached out sooner."
Jason couldn't deny that, even if the look in his old man's face did make his chest hurt a little
It's not like he hadn't thought about it, to be honest, you two always had a very open and communicative relationship
That was the exact reason why you two trusted each other implicitly and barely ever had any fights
But he was scared, downright terrified that you would confirm his fears
Just imagining you saying "I'm fifteen, dad, of course I'm not gonna hang out as much with you anymore." already broke his heart
So after whining a little to anyone near him and almost getting stabbed by Damian for "being such a clueless moron", Jason decided to put his big, grown ass adult pants and talk to you
It would be during a late afternoon, when the sun is setting and you had decided to make dinner tonight while Jason set the table
He'd run his hand through his hair once, then twice, maybe even thrice, and ask without looking at you
"Are you embarrassed of me?"
You'd almost burn yourself by whipping your head so hard Jason thought you'd snap your neck
Ok, so they were doing this
Cool. Cool cool cool.
It was now or never
"You've been spending a lot of time away, always on your phone, we– uh, we haven't matched or hung out in a while either so– I get it, kid, I know you wouldn't want to–"
"Wait, stop, are you serious?"
Uh, oh, you were using the same tone as Damian
Like you thought he was the dumbest being to walk on earth
Damn that little demon for corrupting you
"I was just wondering, okay? I understand if–"
"No– dad, what? I thought you were busy!"
Let's rewind a bit
You'd always been pretty attached to Jason, always glued to his hip, mimicking his mannerisms and speech
Steph even called you "mini Red Hood" when you started to unconsciously copy the way your old man dressed and his slangs
It was terribly cute for everyone
And you were proud of it! You were!
Jason was your hero, your favorite person, your dad
You wanted to be like him and you weren't ashamed of it, not even when Damian tried making fun of you
Because he was a dirty Batman wannabe and nobody liked those
He was your best friend and confidant, the one adult you'd trust fully without questions, always by his side and supporting him through everything
Except for that one time playing monopoly but that was Cass's influence
You owned Red Hood merch, you liked spending weekends and holidays with him, you matched your tastes and likes to everything Jason liked because it was Jason and you wanted to be closer to him
Birthdays could end up being just the two of you and you'd still be thrilled to have your dad around (even if the other bats would never allow such sad little party)
You had around nine years of experience with shitty adults, so excuse you for being overjoyed that your real dad was someone worth loving fully and irrevocably
But everything changed when you turned fourteen and the kids in your class started acting... weird
"Urgh, my mom is so embarrassing."
"My dad keeps calling me little princess even though I told him to stop!"
"Why are parents so cringe."
Apparently, disliking your parents made you cool in middle school
But that's not what changed things
It was when your friends laughed at you for talking so much about Jason, asking you if your old man even had time to do other things when you kept clinging to him
Which... you had never thought about
In all honesty, being around your dad was so natural at that point, always in his field of vision, relating random things to him, texting one word messages just to check in, that you hadn't realized you've might have been hogging his attention too much
Some unease and insecurities wormed their way inside your vulnerable teen heart and you convinced yourself you had been taking too much of your father's time
You couldn't even remember the last time he hung out with his best friend
What if he became sick of you?
What if he was already annoyed?
That terrified you, it truly did
Long story short, you forced yourself to change a little, keeping a bit more distance, not being as needy or clingy
You even started doing your hair by yourself, which sucked so much ass
You never realized how much thought and care your dad put in taking care of you
It made you miss him even more, but you wanted to be a good kid and let your dad have some freedom
He was still in his 20s after all!
And with him a bit more involved with his vigilante side of life, going to the manor more often, and the rise in criminal activity, you had assumed he was busy being an adult
Which, eurgh, you missed him so bad
But you were being a good child!
So much for that
By the time you finished explaining your side of things, after the two of you stared at each other for long moments, Jason was left with his head in his hands
He made a noise akin to a deflating balloon, his shoulders slumping
Good god, the two of you were embarrassing
He loved you
So fucking much
Jason thought his heart would explode
He could've been a little upset that you didn't just... talk to him but then again, he also didn't talk to you
Like father, like kid
"You're so stupid!"
Your laughter warmed his heart as he grabbed you by the shoulders and wrapped you in a bear hug, squeezing you tightly
Yep, you still fit perfectly in his arms
"Says the one who listened to the words of fourteen year olds!"
"I was also fourteen!"
Even though you two bickered and grumbled, his sigh of relief in your hair was very telling
And so was the way you clung to him tightly
God, he had missed his kiddo so much
"Never do that to me again, okay? Babies shouldn't grow so fast."
"I'm fifteen, dad."
"And you're also cute and short, so you're still my baby."
"Everyone is short when you're six foot."
"Thank the pit for that."
"I don't think I will, actually."
That night, after the two of you ate your somewhat burnt dinner, Jason carried you to the couch despite your whining and cuddled you as you picked your movie of choice
You did grow, currently in that awkward teen phase with growing pains and longer limbs, but the way you tucked your head beneath his chin was still the same
The way you looked at him, eyes filled with happiness and adoration, was still the same
Your laugh and sharp words, how you still reacted the same way to certain scenes, your mannerisms, attitude, innocence
Sure, you were growing wonderfully
And you definitely mirrored him a lot more than you knew
But Jason had been a fool for thinking you were changing
You were still his baby, the mean kid with a soft heart, rough past, and dirty mouth he grew to love so much he didn't know what to do with himself
And to know that distance between you two had been manipulated and not purposeful ripped his anxiety right out of his chest
You wanted to be by his side just as much
You loved him just as much
And he couldn't ask for more
"You will let me do your hair tomorrow though, you fucking suck at it."
"Suck a bag of dicks, dad."
"Love you too, brat."
The end.
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maddymoreau · 9 months
Banban Analysis
I think Banban's story is the most interesting part of Garten of Banban and I'm extremely excited to see how it plays out. This discussion is essentially going to breakdown what Banban is and go through some of his behavior in the first four chapters.
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Banban is the #6 experiment created by combining human genome from one of the doctors named Uthman Adam with Givanium for the upcoming Bring-A-Friend Day.
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At the time Case #6 was considered a success outside one flaw. He views himself as human and as the actual Uthman Adam.
Once Case #6 and the real Uthman Adam were introduced to each other this lead to disaster.
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As described (in Case Report #13 Update #3) Case #6 has a complete meltdown.
Which results in two things happening:
1. Case #7 named Banbaleena is created.
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Since Dr. Weverly Mason was the only person Case #6 was willing to communicate with it's speculated her genome was used to create Banbaleena. Especially since the real Dr. Uthman and Dr. Mason are close.
While Case #6 and Banbaleena both view themself as their human genome donor only Case #6 was introduced to his.
It's unconfirmed how Case #6 perceives Banbaleena. Either as her human genome donor or something else. Regardless he recognizes something in Banbaleena resulting in their long hug.
Banbaleena helps Case #6 feel less alone however it doesn't change his disobedient and aggressive behavior.
Sidenote while this part is also speculation the parallels felt too similar to not mention:
During Chapter 3 when Case #6 has us make Nabnab a companion he say, "Nabnaleena was that solution. We had a theory that Nabnab was as aggressive as he was due to his loneliness."
While part of the reason we're creating Nabnaleena is because Nabnab is on the hunt making it too dangerous to do anything. I think since Banbaleena helped ease Case #6's loneliness that's part of the reason he has us help finish creating Nabnaleena. As a way to help Nabnab no longer feel lonely.
2. They used a newly-modified Givanium to lower Case #6's ability to self-think.
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We actually witness Case #6 fall victim to his primitive instincts during one of the secret tapes in Chapter 3:
Case #6 is constantly struggling in between an internal battle Uthman Adam (who he perceives himself as) VS Banban (his violent primitive instincts).
After all it's Banban who has it's iconic quote:
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Even though Case #6 has met the actual Uthman Adam he still perceives himself as the real one.
We witness this through countless dialogue. Even during the creation of Nabnaleena this is mentioned. "We had a theory that Nabnab was as aggressive as he was due to his loneliness." Referring to himself as one of the doctors despite the fact Case #6 isn't.
The saddest example being this conversation in Chapter 4.
"I feel now is a good time to introduce ourselves, which we haven't done up to this point if you can believe it. I am Uthman. I worked here before everything came crashing down, literally and figuratively."
"My coworkers and I should've spoken up sooner. Perhaps all of this should've been prevented then. But then again, my coworkers weren't really friends in those last couple of months anyway, so it would've needed some good planning."
"You ever had those friends that suddenly turn on you for no reason? To say mine turned on me would be an understatement. They suddenly stopped talking to me. They looked at me like I was some sort of monster. Sometimes I lose my temper, sure, but it seemed excessive. I was and still am confused, to say the least."
The awful way Case #6 was treated by his "friends" could also explain his behavior in Chapter 2.
"Look, i'm sorry I hit you but you gotta understand I needed something from you that I could only get if you were unconcious and I was all out of sedatives. If you'd seen me, you wouldn't have trusted me, I know it. But there was one thing I didn't lie to you about, and that's me knowing why you're here."
I find Case #6's confusion SO INTERESTING!!! You have a character who knows others view him as a monster yet he cannot understand why. Since when Case #6 looks in a mirror he sees "himself."
While Case #6 holds all of Uthman's memories before his creation.
Who is the ACTUAL Dr. Uthman?
We have these two notes.
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Along with one letter between Dr. Uthman and Dr. Mason discussing the ball pit which reads, "This thing can barely support the amount of children we have enrolled in the kindergarten. We're having double that tomorrow. Something really bad is going to happen, and we need to be as far away from here as humanly possibly when it does. We've been on the bad side of the wrong people for a long time, and if we're still here when everything goes down, it will be the end of both of us. If not at the hands of angry parents, then at the hands of our superiors."
"A place like this should not exist. The stuff we've witnessed here should not exist. The casualties that will result from this catastrophe will only serve the greater good; which is shutting down this place once and for all."
"I'll have a plan ready for tomorrow. now, you just pack your things."
We don't know if this plan, Bring-A-Friend Day or something else are the result of how things have turned out.
Regardless both Dr. Uthman and Dr. Mason were unable to escape. We don't know what happened to Dr. Uthman but we do know Dr. Mason is currently with our child (from the notes they've left).
Boarding passes found in Chapter 1:
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There's one MAJOR difference between the real Dr. Uthman and Case #6. Unlike the real Dr. Uthman who was prepared to abandon ship even viewing the potential disaster and casualties as something for the greater good.
Case #6 wants to help and even acknowledges, "My coworkers and I should've spoken up sooner."
While Case #6 may be hiding another ulterior motivate since he retains most memories of Uthman including knowledge of the secret down in the basement.
I think overall he's being honest with his goals mentioned in Chapter 2, "But there was one thing I didn't lie to you about, and that's me knowing why you're here. You're here for your children. I, too, am working towards saving them if you can believe it. But someone else has them. Someone far stronger than you and me both that resides deep in the abyss."
However due to the internal struggle he experiences falling into his violent primitive instincts from the newly-modified Givanium. When control is lost that alters his goals to eating our pancreas.
Case #6 is constantly having to work around himself.
For simplicity in this upcoming section I'm going to refer to regular Case #6 as Uthman and the Violent Instincts as Banban.
Chapter Two
The first Case #6 we meet is in Chapter Two is Banban.
At first tricking in the player and hitting them from behind Banban says, "Three birds with one stone!"
Note: Mr. Kabob Man the statue in Chapter 3 that imitates Banban also says the quote, "Three birds with one stone!"
"I get all of your keycards, I get the perfect specimen AND I don't have to deal with that thing down there. And it's all thanks to YOU! Oh come on, I didn't hit you THAT hard. Or maybe I did. Either way, it's best you take a nap while I prepare for our little surgery."
Despite this they also leaving us a note warning about the attack. However it reads as more of taunt to me.
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While Banban mentions a surgery and using us a specimen nothing actually happens to the player.
Uthman could’ve gained controlled but I think that Banban was possibly prepping things when we woke up earlier then expected.
Since during Banbaleena's class Banban says, "Also teachers, please keep in mind that we are on the lookout for a very, very naughty student believed to be accompanied by a drone. If you catch them, call Principal Banban’s office immediately."
Very very naughty doesn’t feel like something Uthman would call the player.
When we later reunite with Case #6 there's a glass barrier between us. We can tell this is Uthman due to his behavior. He apologizes, is upfront with his goals and informs the player of a way to escape Banbaleena and Jumbo Josh.
Chapter Three
We first encounter Uthman over the speaker system.
"Glad to see you made it! I don't know how you did it, but then again you survived a giant elevator crash so I guess I shouldn't be surprised."
"Also, again, I apologize for hitting you over the head. In fact, it is for this reason that I believe we should not meet face-to-face. You see, for whatever reason I am prone to violent instincts, and I do not trust myself to not give into them again."
"I have locked myself inside of a surveillance room. That way I can help without being a danger to you."
Uthman sticks to his word helping the player throughout the chapter. It's ONLY when brought face-to-face by Stinger Flynn that Case #6's violent instincts come out. Being drawn to the smell of the player's pancreas.
"You can run away, but the smell of your pancreas will always draw me to you . . ."
Resulting in a chase scene and eventually a fight between Jumbo Josh, Banban and Stinger Flynn.
Chapter Four
When you reunite with Uthman in the infirmary he says, "When the Queen mentioned having many new visitors in one day, I knew it had to be you. Listen, whatever happened to me . . . Whatever I tried doing to you . . . Just know it wasn't actually me. I was forced to obey without much thought. I tried communicating with you from afar for a reason. Now you know the true reason why."
"Still, I want to make it up to you. The queen filled me in on the situation with the elevator. I want to help with that. I feel much more in control now. I'll come help you find the missing pieces of the elevator. I just need to rest for a little bit and I'll meet you at whatever that station is."
Which Uthman does until a fight between him and Nabnab breaks out. Which I think is really cool considering Nabnab is his opposite. Both in name and character wise.
Despite Uthman transforming into Banban during the fight he is able to restrain himself. Not attacking us for our pancreas even though we're so close.
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This is the final scene we see Case #6 AND I'M SOOO INVESTED IN HIS STORY AND SEEING HOW IT PLAYS OUT!!!!
Also I like how Case #6 cares deeply for some of the other experiments. Whether it's some form of kinship or out of a sense of duty believing to be partially responsbile for creating them.
Examples of this are:
When Jumbo Josh falls for one of Sheriff Toadster's trap Case #6 comments, "Poor Josh . . . I can't imagine how confusing this has all been for him . . ." Holding no resentment despite the fact they fought in Chapter 3.
In Chapter 4 Case #6 intends to hand over the imposter statue AKA Mr. Kabob Man to someone he describe as, "very close to me." (This is speculated to be Zolphius). Even commenting, "He must've gotten very lonely, but I got him a new friend."
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In Chapter 2 Case #6 indulges in Banbaleena’s behavior. During her class over the speaker he refers to himself as Principal Banban.
I find it interesting the non-human version acts more humane than the real Uthman.
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wonderloste · 1 year
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DEAR ALICE ... IN SHORT , HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THOSE OF US IN WONDERLAND TO YOU , OUTSIDER ! / OH SHIT ANOTHER NEW YEARS POST FROM SOMEONE ON YOUR DASH ?! yes, that's me! i don't want to ramble too long, but i do want to thank everyone who has supported me on this blog over the past year & especially with how chaotic it's been on my end. i know my activity hasn't been great this year and i've been struggling a lot, but i still appreciate so much the people who have stuck by me & still interacted with me despite all the stuff i've been going through. <4 being here & talking to everyone & getting in interactions where i could has helped make 2022 a better and less lonely year than it would have been, otherwise.
i'm so sorry to people who i've let down when it comes to interactions & getting back to them through messages and whatnot. 2022 was genuinely such a rough year for me, but i am infinitely more grateful that in spite of those things, so many of you have still decided to stick with me. this blog was... so ambitious when i made it & i honestly didn't think i'd make it this far or that anyone would have any interest in a bunch of random furry ocs KJNEMRKHJM. i was just a fan of otome with a will to roleplay & a dream :') but you all have given so much love to these ocs and i can't thank you enough.
i hope that moving forward i'm able to interact with more of you!! and to continue interactions with those i've already started them with!! or rekindle ones that got caught up in my absence. thank you so much for your patience with me, & for sticking around! i hope you all have a HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR & that 2023 is kind to us!!
now let's point some fingers under the cut ehehehehe.
— FAMNESIA ... my little discord group clowns ! most of us have been in the discord for like, what? 6 years now? or smth? we spend pretty much every day together, both on & off tumblr rp so !
@londonfallen › ew it's my fiance AAAAAAAA MICHAEL. thank you so much for everything you do for me on this blog!! i'm so thankful to you, it's partially thanks to you this darn thing even exists. you rlly do fund so much content on here & i'm always thankful to have you participate in lore & art uwu i know this year has been especially rough on us, but hopefully 2023 will help us get back on our feet & you'll find your will to keep writing !! you've been doing so good lately look at you go <4 you rose out of the dead for silas and gave him love at first sight can u believe it... your blog & lore has so much thought put into it, i wish you'd be kinder to yourself and less mean to the things you create. your art & writing is beautiful u should be bragging on the dash 24/7 about how cool you are, actually. ily thank u for making the year better even when it was miserable on us, we're going to have the most disgusting wedding ever one day when we can afford mickey mouse wedding us before the eyes of kami-sama, our lord and savior mr. walt disney!!
@kusaranai › your ass doesn't even log onto tumblr anymore biancnya so i'll have to link this to your dms BUT I'M INCLUDING YOU ANYWAYS BC I CAN NEVER MAKE THESE POSTS WITHOUT YOU. i love u my wonderful furry waifu !! by wonderful i mean cursed and by waifu i mean the sleep paralysis demon i see when i get choked out in phasmophboia. my career on tumblr really blossomed when you came into my life and ruined it uwu and it will continue to blossom now that u are long gone and only annoy me on discord ! SOMEWHERE LIGHT AND KUMA LIVE ON. somewhere, even more importantly, i still have light telling kurisu that he loves her shoved into my drafts on an abandoned blog...
@galaxiasus › THE SMOL OF THE GROUP AAAAAAAAA LUNYA. i'm so glad that you've been around more often this year, even though it's been hard on everyone bc 2022 was phew. man it sure was huh. KJNERHKJN as always i'm so glad seeing you on my dash but i'm even more glad that you've actually remained active icb it </4 ur the only person who didn't abandon me on tumblr for 5 years until ren joined us, we were the sole beacons of rp together for a long while and we have so many good ships bc of it!! you're such a joy to write with and your writing is amazing 10/10 idc wtf you say lmfao. i'm so glad i got to rejoin famnesia and reconnect with you and i look forward to holding ur hair back while u scream cry throw up at the end of endwalker !! i'm sorry i'm so slow with dms but rest assured seeing u screaming in them always brightens my day
@zorkaya › REN REN REN REN aaaaaaaaaaaaa. did u know i used to be scared of you when i was a wee little unicorn... many blogs ago... tragic KEJRNHM. I'M SO GLAD that you joined the famnesia server and got to talk with all of us more often!! ofc we've been friends by proxy for a good couple years, but i'm happier to get the chance to talk to you more consistently / often :') you're such a sweet and super cool person, and your writing is so good !! thank u for teaching my fiance and my cohealer how to write pr0n. uwu zarina is such a beautiful & well developed character!! i'm so proud of you for picking up a strong female villain and sticking with her even though the rpc can be whiny when it comes to them. zarina DESERVES to be op and anyone who cries about it is a weak baby bitch. i look forward to writing more with you moving forward !! on all blogs !! with all my muses !!! take the whole roster idc
@eidetic187 › HI VERONICA UR ALSO NEW IN THESE PARTS, i'm just as glad to see you among our msging chaos throughout the day !! even though our schedules are different bc you're on night shift, it's always fun to wake up and see what's transpired in chat lmFAO. finally someone who appreciates the visual novel classics just like me !! kicks really cursed dating sims under the rug so that they cannot be seen. we don't look at those. we're all super glad to have you around partaking in all our discussions and i hope that the next year is kinder to you in every possible way !! also that you and your partner have a hella good new year together once you get out of work and are able to chill together :') we've been mutuals for like 500 years i feel like you were on my first follow forever tm {remember those} on monokuma and u will be on the last one when tumblr burns
@hakureimaiden › omg u came back just in time to force me to write more ppl on this post icb it /j IRMA WELCOME BACK TO THE HELLSITE i've been here on my lonesome for so long except the occasional showing of michael and luna, it's nice to see one of the og muses has survived since the disney murder game days... as always you are a pleasure on both the dash And in the chat!! you brought a lot of really neat friends together by merging our groups together and it's made things super fun getting into xiv and stuff with you!! i'm not always the most :') timely ship partner when it comes to msgs with how whack i've been this year, but i'm hoping wITH NEW ENERGY IN 2023 we can develop romesen... carmeo.... yeah carmeo, WE CAN DEVELOP THEM MORE KJERNHM. regina george is romeo's type? man. would not have guessed. UR SUCH A SWEET CHILL PERSON I HOPE U KNOW FAMNESIA FISTBUMPS WITH U.
@rotinthedark › HALEEEEEEEEEEY i know talking thru groups and stuff isn't ur thing and i'm naturally quiet on discord BUT U STILL GET TO BE HERE because :') we have worked so very hard for the sebalex ship and they are FINALLY making headway and i'm so excited for it!! alex? having a crush on seb? it is a-go, we are THERE, we have MADE IT KEJRNHM you're such a nice & fun person to talk to, and i absolutely ADORE writing with you!! sometimes our interactions are what keeps my love for stardew alive just bc i have like 500 hrs on it and sometimes i'm like broe what else can i even do... i can log on and reply to haley... that's what i can do... i had never thought of sebalex as a ship too srsly until writing with you and now it CONSUMES me i am broken. pls.
@dangaer › hi jupiter <4 i want u to know that your blog is one of my favs on this hellsite, i hope you know that the way you write ALL of your muses is so very pleasing to read. all their characterizations are genuinely SO GOOD. i've mentioned it before but even characters i didn't like much or just didn't consider v often are characters you've made me care about just seeing you talk about / write them on the dash!! like ofc i am so intensely biased to the amnesia muses bc that otome has... a very special place in my heart but despite what our rp history may make u think!!! i have played others!! KJNEMRH and your characters are SPOT ON, always, without fail. i love our ships & threads / interactions, even though i can be slow getting to stuff !!! the dynamic we've built up with ikki and darcy is one of my favs, i love them SO MUCH and idk i just think. they're like. kinda valid for wanting to destroy wonderland and stay together. the normal ending? a good option. i support them. i can't WAIT to see aleister and kageyuki's dynamic grow likewise, i know i'm going to love it just as much!! thank you so much for writing with me & support my dumb otome ocs :') i know they aren't a Real Otome, but it is v sweet to be indulged as if they are. i'm in tears rn actively.
@redemptioninterlude › HENLO FRIEND u might be surprised to find yourself here, but :') i do keep up with your blog quite often actually. i know that i've dropped the ball on interactions a lot, this year has been so... much for me, & my activity really suffered, but i want you to know that i LOVE your blog!! and all of what we HAVE done together! and while i love alice specifically, for obvs reasons, i do also read your other threads / dynamics that you put on the dash and pls know that your writing slaps KJNERHM literally there's never a miss, from rue euphoria to ur interesting and well developed ocs, all of them are written in a way that's so amazing to read. you take such a diverse cast & breathe so much life into them, and i'm very lucky to be able to perceive your content when it gets posted. i hope in 2023 we're able to interact together more frequently !! :squeezes my wonderlandians like they're squeaky toys: i want to get a handle on my content SO BADLY and get stuff going with you again, on god !!
@heincus › maaaaaax i already yelled as you over your muses a lot, but i'll yell again!! so help me after i get moved into my new apartment after the holidays i would LOVE to figure out some match ups / dynamics between our muses because all your ocs have so much love / care put into them and they're all SO MUCH fun!! i love how much passion you have for writing, and how boundless your imagination is. ocs are HARD to write, you have to come up with a lot and juggle world building and character building and all the things, but you make it look so effortless :') your roster is full of so many colorful and expansive personalities and stories. i want to pick them up like barbie dolls and throw them at whatever the fuck weirdos are on my own roster and simply see what sticks. the possibilities? endless. rlly though your writing is so good, you should be proud of what you've created on your blog and i am so glad that i get to interact with you during times i'm not awol lying dead in a ditch ty &lt;4
@galaxylimbs › BANGS POTS AND PANS TOGETHER AAAAAAA u may not think it because my replies are slow as hell rn, but i love our ships HI HELLO EKJNHM. from code vein to oc otome hell, i'm so glad to see you back around again!! know that even though i can take 10 years to reply to things, i do absolutely love the dynamics we have with deirdre / magnus and louis / belle. it's such a joy getting to write with you, and i am SO DETERMINED to give you more ship content this upcoming year. i'm happy as well that louis and belle are back, they're such a fantastic duo and i have... so many emotions over code vein to this day, i'm excited to get back into exploring that world with you :') just as well getting to expand on deirdre and magnus's interactions, the potential is untapped !! thank u for sticking around and writing with me friend aaa
— FLOWERS IN THE GARDENS ... i love seeing you all on my dash! it's likely i've left you on read at some point or shoved our drafts in my box, but please know there's no lack of interest on my part. perhaps we haven't interacted at all, but unbeknownst to you, i see you on the dash all the time & you've left an impression. either way, i adore seeing you around & i absolutely want to interact with you!! thank you so much for brightening up my day with your writing. although i may be quiet, i notice u, and i am a fan kjenrhmkjernhm.
@untowonder / @innocenceimpulse / @seeasunset / @snowfeathered / @starlit-heir / @vibraea / @aceparagon / @jardinae / @tvrningout / @swerte / @aetherbled / @pluviacuratio / @synthwealth / @decoresca / @wishngs / @hymnblood / @tricksheart / @strywoven / @xdcwntherabbithole / @mcmcntomorii / @frestoniia / @reapcrbunny / @double-knots / @acandlelitdeath / @jaxxmulti / @tellescope / @hiisfire / @crownedveil / @shrapnelsong / @box-of-characters / @xamassed / XOXO TO U ALL !!
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resonance-eternal · 1 year
It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry I missed your last few birthdays. It's not that I don't think of you. January 31st is still etched in my brain. I still sometimes try to find ways to observe it, but it's been hard. I don't really know how to address you after everything that happened. You get that, right? Idfk, I can't find the words, I suck at this haha.
You pointed a gun at mom. Tried to splash bleach in her face. What the fuck am I supposed to think about that? Like you know I'm fucked up about that, but it's an elephant in the room. Fuck's sake. I'm glad that it was you that caught yourself eventually, mom was so quick to stop myself from screaming after she told me what happened, talked about that sudden lucidity. Told her to call the cops and arrest you. Fuck, man. Why? Why did this happen to you? You didn't deserve this shit. WE didn't deserve this shit. But I don't hold it against you, you were so far gone and fucked up on so many drugs; was the only way to cope out there, shit was so hopeless, and you seemed so scared by the end. I knew something was wrong and you were hurt. You had this expression. I didn't see that look in your eye often, the sheer vulnerability and pain. Like every time I'd see you examining sea-life on the shorelines up here. I saw it a lot when you'd listen to Blue October with us, or Nine Inch Nails. I still listen to them, by the way! You remember Trent's "Ghosts" project? He released two new entries back in 2020. I think you would've loved them, it still goes down that "creepy Aphex Twin" kinda vibe. I know you never liked those, but I dunno. They make me think of you. They make me think of many I've lost, but also like many that never really happened to begin with. That sounds like stupid word salad, I know. But it felt right to say.
All those last days with you, I didn't know what to say after you were released from jail. I know you wanted psychiatric help, and you never really got what you needed there. I'm forever angry, I feel like they let you die. But sometimes that sensation creeps up and I remember the things I said after the incident. Or maybe it was the things I didn't say? It doesn't matter. The point is I wasn't there for you and I wasn't kind to you. I didn't know what to do. I was one kid struggling to live, themselves. But if you knew I didn't hate you, that I still loved you, that I still called you my dad, would you have waited at least one more day? Just one more day where I could see you. Maybe I could get you help if I went back in time today. I have what it takes, and the laws up here in Washington would have wiped away all your criminal history! I could have worked. Why did you fucking leave us? Mom and little Jay still wake up crying, locked doors still send Jay spiraling. It's been 6 years. Even if I had one day where I could have told you I loved you. I fucking hate knowing that I let things end so coldly between you and I. And I get scared, I sometimes wonder if you'd be disappointed in me today if you were still here. I made such colossal fuckups and did such reprehensible shit. I don't do anything with my life and I'm cold, lonely, boring and forgettable. I don't know if you'd ever see me as a girl, if you'd accept the real me. You always made those jokes when you were drunk, I wished you did that less but I was so spineless. I feel like no matter which way I slice it, I'm failing.
You were such a mess of a father, but god you fucking tried. But I still have to acknowledge you and mom abused me, when you were both still using. Mom's clean again now, and she finished her degree. I think you'd be really proud of her.
There's nothing I can do or say to really make amends anymore. You're dead. Gone. Nothing left. I hadn't seen you for weaks. I didn't even see your body. I would have fallen apart and I'm too chicken shit to handle that.
I don't believe in the afterlife, but I hope when this is all over I can find you again. I want to be your daughter, and I wanna catch up with you again. Talk about computer science and engineering shit like we used to. Watch shitty arthouse films. I fucking wish I took you up on that when I was younger. I was such trash. I'm done. I can't write anymore. I love you, dad. You left us too soon, and I'm sorry I didn't do more
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1a-imagines · 4 years
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No excuses
》 Bakugo x reader
》 Word count: 5k
》 Overview: You were childhood enemies who always ended up stuck together, you were neighbours, got put in all the same classes, ended up living together in the UA dorms. Overtime you grew to accept each others company, maybe even enjoy it. So what happens when your new work lives separate you for the first time?
Every day was lacklustre.
You weren't sure what; but something was missing. Ever since you went pro and moved into your own apartment you felt as though your life lacked something. There was an empty hole but you just weren't sure what used to be there.
Perhaps you just missed those simple UA days? Being surrounded with your friends day and night and not having to worry about all the things pro heroes had to worry about? There was no doubt it was a much less stressful time.
Or maybe it was the fact you no longer had your family breathing down your neck every second of the day? You were an adult now and that came with a whole new sense of freedom. Maybe what you were missing was being surrounded by your loved ones all the time? You lived alone in your new apartment and it was a big difference in contrast to the UA dorms you lived in for three years.
You thought you'd enjoy the quiet but it turns out you found the silence painful. It was more peircing to your ears than any yelling or screaming you had in the dorms.
No matter how much you wondered what was missing you just couldn't seem to place your finger on it. It's not like you weren't  keeping in touch with your friends and family. They called everyday, you certainly weren't lonely. So why was your heart still yearned for something... maybe even for someone?
With a sigh, you dried the last plate of the bunch and put it away. Finally done with your chores for the day. You dried your hands and went over to check your phone that had been thrown onto the couch. You saw a text notification pop up.
Blastard: (1 new message)
Oi! Idiot! Are you dead yet? I haven't heard from you in weeks!
You couldn't help but chuckle at his unique way of showing worry, though it would be a lie to say you weren't used to it by now. It was such a typical Bakugo move. You shook your head before typing out a reply.
Bad news for you, I live!
You hit send before throwing your phone back down. You felt awfully giddy about him texting you, which was a strange feeling, usually you annoyed the hell out of each other. As weird as it was; it had been awhile since you'd last spoken to him.
Maybe you were just happy he hadn't completely forgotten you exsisted, you figured once you went your seperate ways that you'd probably never talk again; unless it was work related.
You had grown up together, always forced to be around each other no matter how much you despised it. You were neighbours, you didn't go to the same schools, but you'd always hear him yelling through the walls whenever he was home, you'd always pass each other when leaving your houses on the morning, and to your 10 year old self? There was no worse way to start off your day than his stupid face being the first thing you see when leaving your home.
It was like you couldn't get through a day without running into him at least once.
Then you both ended up in the same highschool, UA, which meant you walked the same route everyday as well as being in all the same classes. Then you lived in dorms together for three years, which meant you were around your childhood enemy almost every minute of everyday.
It was like the universe was trying to torture you both.
You hated each other as kids, always getting into scrapes and arguments, but as you got older the hate died down into more of a friendly rivalry. You bickered non stop but you also grew to enjoy all those comebacks and quick retorts, it was like a never ending game of 'who can make the best comeback/insult'. It even made you laugh at times.
Eventually, somewhere during your UA days, you both got to a point where you could actually admit you were friends.
But after being stuck together for so long? You'd think you would be happy to have some peace and quiet around here. You no longer had to deal with explosions going off or yelling every 5 seconds. No yelling from downstairs or next door, no insults or smartmouthed comments.
Though, even you had to admit he had matured a lot since you were kids, he still kept true to his grouchy self, but he was no where near as violent or bad tempered. He'd calmed down a lot as you grew into adults and you were proud of him for coming so far.
You were about to go take a bath to relax after cleaning all day, but when you saw your phone light up again you couldn't stop yourself from diving for it.
Blastard: (1 new message)
The fuck do you mean? That's not bad news for me dumbass.
It was a little weird for him not to give a snarky reply but it's possible hero work was tiring him out as much as it had been tiring you out. You were about to tell him it was just a joke but then another message came through,
Blastard: (1 new message)
Have you been eating alright? I know you can't cook for shit and you're living alone now.
Your eyes softened at the message, a goofy smile spreading across your lips. Not only had he made an effort to message you first, something he rarely did, but he also was showing care for you? Your cheeks heated up and you took a second to press your face into a pillow, a way to collect yourself before you replied.
Aw, you care about me?~
I've been eating fine! Instant ramen exists for a reason! It's for people like me who "can't cook for shit" :P
His next reply was almost instant, it scared you how quick your phone was to sound with another notification.
Blastard: (1 new message)
Don't fucking tell me you've been living off of instant ramen this whole time-
You felt too shy to admit to the truth. It was true you hadn't been eating great since you had been living alone. Your job was so demanding you didn't have time to cook. Choosing fast options over home cooked meals had been your way of living for the past few weeks and admitting to it felt like a punch to your pride.
Blastard: (1 new message)
That's it, I'm coming over to make you an actual meal tonight. See you at 6.
You did a double take at the response.  There was clearly no room to argue.
"He's coming over!?" You jumped up in a panic at your sudden self invited guest. Lucky for him you had a rare night off work, and lucky for you, you had spent the day cleaning up. Maybe it'll look like you have this whole "adulting" thing down.
After glancing at the time and seeing it was only 4pm you threw your phone down. You needed to freshen up before he came over.
For some reason you felt this pressure to look good in front of him? But you had known him since you were little kids! He wouldn't care, he's seen you look much worse, so why did you care about looking good this time around? You shook your head, sick of all this over thinking and went to take a quick bath. Once you were done you dried your hair and threw on a fresh pair of clothes.
You felt excited to see him again and almost-... Nervous? It was a strange sensation, you shouldn't be feeling nervous to see him, you used to see him everyday. Maybe it was because this would be the first time you'd be spending time alone in your new home? Yeah, that must be it!
Glancing up at the time you still had half an hour until he arrived. You decided to take your mind off of all your swirling thoughts by mindlessly scrolling through your phone until your door bell finally rang.
You pushed yourself up with a small groan. You walked to your front door, your heart raced in your chest knowing who was on the otherside of the door. You took a deep breath through your nose before opening the door to see your familiar, scowling, friend. He stood there, a bag in his right hand and foot tapping on the floor as if he had been waiting ages for you to open the door for him.
"Kat! Long time no see!" You beamed up at him only for him to roll his eyes and brush past you. "Shut up and show me where your kitchen is, you need a proper meal."
You couldn't help but smile as you noticed the bag he carried was filled with fresh groceries. He was alway so bad with words but it was actions like this that made you see how much he really cared about you.
"Through there." You nodded your head toward an opening and followed him through after shutting the door. He put all the ingredients down and you leaned back against the counter watching him prepare the food. "What? No 'Hi Y/n, how have you been?' You cut right to the chase as always." You chuckled softly to yourself earning a glare from the blond as you attempted to imitate his voice.
"First of all! I don't sound like that! Second of all, I'm only here because you can't take care of yourself." He scoffed before adding. "Still annoying as always."
'Why was I missing him again?' You huffed, blowing some hair from your face in the process. "So! Chef! What are we having?"
"Curry." Was his quick reply as he began to lay out and cut up the ingredients. You hummed in delight at the thought of homemade curry. It had been a while since you had a good home cooked meal. Your family sometimes brought you leftover foods knowing how busy you were with work, but they couldn't come feed you everyday. You were an adult now and you needed to learn to cope on your own! Even with a busy career life.
"You remember what I like?" You asked, your eyes glimmering with an emotion he couldn't quite tell, in order to avoid looking at your face he kept himself busy with making dinner.
"I've known you for over 10 years, just because I haven't seen you for a few months doesn't mean I'm going to forget everything about you, idiot." He tutted, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You leaned back against the counter beside him, your lips twisted into a soft frown.
"A few months huh? It feels like longer..."
You did not intend for him to hear that but he did, and honestly? He agreed.
Without you around to annoy him every hour of the day, things just seemed to go by painstakingly slow. Without you his days were boring, and as much as he hated to admit it, your stubbornness, your quick remarks and sarcastic comebacks, as much as they annoyed him, they added a certain spice to his life.
They kept him on his toes, he liked the challenges you gave him, whether it was getting the last word, winning against you in training or just coming up with the best insulting nickname. He couldn't believe he actually missed it all, but he did, and honestly? This whole dinner thing had just been an excuse to see you again.
He missed you.
"Tch, feels like not long enough." He grumbled as he moved over to the stove to turn it on. You sent him a cocky grin, shifting your weight onto your other foot. "Oh yeah? Then why were you so quick to come over here?" You hummed, tilting your head. He knew you were teasing him, he could tell by the way the words melted from your lips like butter, you were practically purring as you grinned at him. It reminded him of a cat.
He decided not to dignify you with a repsonce and you took that as a sign of victory. You giggled before turning to grab a drink from the fridge. You cracked open a can of soda and upon hearing the unmistakable fizzing noise Bakugo's head shot around to you, his eyebrows creased together in distaste. "You shouldn't be drinking that shit!" He barked at you.
"Oh come on! I've cut right back on the junk food. Look!" You threw the fridge door open to display the variety of fruits and vegetables in front of him. "I've been really healthy! I've even been doing a lot more weight training! Soon I'll be as strong as you! Maybe even more so!" You smirked, he wanted nothing more than to wipe the smug look from your face. You shut the fridge door with your foot before taking another swig of your soda.
Bakugo scoffed, "You wish! You'll have to work a lot harder before you can even dream of matching up to my strength!" He sent you a toothy grin as he watched your shoulders deflate, eyes narrowing up at him.
Bakugo continued to put the chopped up ingredients into the pan, "Why have you been eating instant ramen this whole time if you have all that shit anyway?"
You turned your head away, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. It took a lot to swallow down your pride enough to mutter the next words. "You know I can't cook very well." It was painful to admit you were an adult with the cooking capabilities of a child. Between school and work placements you just never found the time to practise new recipes. Not to mention the fact your family usually cooked a lot of meals for you.
You had contemplated practising some recipes in the past but something always manages to come up! You knew working as a pro was going to be hard, that you'd be busy every day, but you didn't know it would consume your life to this extent.
Without another word you walked towards the living room. "Let me know when dinner is ready!" You sent him a cheeky grin as you left. Bakugo turned back to the food, grumbling something about how he wasn't a damn slave, despite being the one who offered his services in the first place.
Looking around, he finally had time to take in the room, he hadn't seen it since you first moved in and bugged him and kirishima to help move boxes. The room was well decorated, not a thing out of place. Despite the apartment being pretty small you had done well to make it homely.
As he made the curry, he added in some spices and when he picked up the shaker labelled "Extremely hot", He smirked. He recalled the good ol' days in the UA dorms. He sometimes went out of his way to spike your food with hot spices. Your face was always priceless! The thought crossed his mind to do it again. After all, it wouldn't affect him, he loved spices and, unlike you, they didn't turn his face red.
He sighed before shaking his head. You were both grown up now, and you needed to eat a proper meal. He hated to even think about it but he did care for you. More than he would like to admit. He always thought once he went pro and finally got away from you, this "curse" you two shared of always being stuck together wherever you went would disappear, and he would be happy.
But he wasn't, somewhere down the damn line he has gotten used to your annoying presence, he had grown to like your quick remarks, how you never backed down from him, you weren't afraid to speak you mind or put him in his place, and as much as all those qualities used to bug the shit out of him as a kid, he had grown to respect them, even-... love them?
He clenched his teeth when he felt his cheeks heating up. God, he hated this. He wasn't cut out for this lifestyle! Why was he even here!? He could be out training! Not pining over his childhood enemy! The curry sauce started to bubble over in the pan and he cursed to himself, once again he was so distracted with thoughts of you that he couldn't concentrate on the task at hand!
He finished making the food, doing everything he could not to let his mind wander back to thoughts of you. He grabbed a few plates before putting the rice and curry onto them. He yelled through to you that the food was done, "I'm only in the next room! You don't have to yell so loud!" He huffed in amusement, your words were ironic considering your volume matched his. He smiled at your never ending bite, you always had something to say.
Such a smartass. He shouldn't enjoy it as much as he did.
You came through, throwing the empty soda can into the trash as you passed and sat down in the seat beside him. You hummed in delight, "Smells so good!!"
"Of course it does! I made it!" He grinned, taking a bite. While the lack of extreme spice was underwhelming for him, he knew you would like it. Your face twisted into distaste at his smugness, "I forgot to never stroke your fat ego."
He growled, ready to yell at you for the remark but when he saw you take the first bite of food his anger was forgotten.
Your eyes lit up like fireworks on a cold winter night. "I also forgot how crazy good of a cook you are!" You beamed, happily digging into the curry. His features softened, something about seeing you enjoy his food so much felt really good. He almost forgot to eat himself as he watched you stuff your face. You had gotten some rice stuck to your cheek as you shoveled the dish into your mouth. It was so stupidly cute, a soft smile graced his lips.
You caught him staring, it was rare to see him smile, no cocky grin or smirk, it was a real smile. Soft, relaxed, happy. You thought your heart was going to jump out of mouth. You did not expect that sight when you looked up from your food.
You gulped, not because there was food in your mouth, but because the atmosphere had suddenly changed. There was an invisible weight ontop of you both, crushing you.
"What…?" You asked quietly, hiding your face behind your hair. He snapped out of it, realising he'd been caught he froze, his heart skipped a beat. However, there was no time for him to get embarrassed because next thing he knew he was throwing a towel at you "You got rice all over your face, idiot! Wipe it off! You look stupid!"
You grumbled as the fabric hit your face, yet complied and wiped your lips clean. You went back to eating, this time more carefully so you didn't make a mess. You noted the mild spices but didn't comment on them. It was unusual for Bakugo to not fire up his dishes with spice. The decision to make the curry mild definately wasnt for his own benifit. He'd done it for you.
It made you smile, and as much as you wanted to thank him for it you figured he wouldn't want you bringing up his strangely nice gesture since he had been so silent about it.
During the dinner you talked about your new work lives, how you'd been coping living alone, anything that came to mind. Of course, that came with a variety of witty comments and snarky comebacks, but it was just how you liked it. It was how it had always been, how you always wanted it to be.
Once the plates were clean you stood up, reaching over to grab his plate so you could clean up but his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. You paused, looking up to meet his eyes. "I'll help clean." He said, picking up his plate and taking it to the sink. You smiled, following him with your own plate.
"Wow, cooking and cleaning? Has anyone ever told you that you'd be a perfect house wife?" You smirked at him as he filled up the sink with soap and water.
"At least I can cook." He shot back without missing a beat. You laughed st the remark, nudging his side as you pushed your wasy in front of the sink. You continued to chat as you cleaned up, you washed as he dried.
As you finished up scrubbing the last dish Bakugo made a comment about you eating like a pig at dinner which, in return, made you splashed his face using soapy dish water.
He growled when he felt the droplets soaking his face and hair, but hearing your laughter made it hard to stay his usual, grumpy self. Instead he settled for dipping his fingers into the water and flicking you back.
Your face scrunched up, eyes closing to avoid any soap suds getting in your eyes.
You took his reciprocation as a declaration of war and it soon turned into a mini, kitchen water fight. Laughter filled the once quiet apartment as you fought each other.
For a moment it didn't feel like you lived alone, for the first time in months you felt like that empty space in your life had been filled again.
You had to stop the water fight before you soaked the kitchen as well as each other. As fun as it was you didn't want to have to clean up for the third time today.
Once all the dishes were put away and you dried yoursleved using a spare towel; Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the front door.
He wasn't sure if he should go, a part of him didn't want to. He only came over to make you dinner, now that was over he had no reason to stay. Should he make up some bullshit excuse to stay? He didn't want you teasing him again.
Despite taking a few minutes to think up an excuse to stay, he came up with nothing. Grumbling to himself he kicked his foot against the ground and turned around to you, ready to say goodbye.
His eyes widened upon landing on you, you held up two gaming controllers, a grin on your lips as you pushed one towards him. "Wanna try finally beating me at mario kart?"
"What are you talking about! I win all the time!" He rolled his eyes and snatched a controller from your hands, taking on your challenge. He felt the weight lift from his shoulders, you were giving him a reason to stay longer and he wasn't about to turn that down.
"You beat me at super smash bros! But never mario kart!" You backfired, plopping down onto the couch as the console fired up.
"Then let's play super smash bros!"
"We do not play that in this household!" You stomped your foot at the thought of the game you could never beat him at. Bakugo scoffed and sat next to you. "You're such a fucking sore loser!"
You forced a laugh before sending him a glare, leaning closer to him. You reaction must have amused him as he smirked at you. "I do not want to hear that from you!"
"Shut up and let's play!" The first round started up, the familiar countdown sound ringing in your ears. You'd like to say things started pretty civil, but It didn't take long for you to start shoving each other as you battled for first place. There was a lot of yelling, combined with a lot of laughter and cheering. It was the most lively your apartment had ever felt, in just one night Bakugo was able to change all of that.
A few rounds turned into hours. You didn't even notice how high up the moon was in the sky. You were too busy enjoying each other's company, having more fun than either of you had experienced in months.
You shot out of your seat pumping your fist into the air as you passed the finish line in first place once again.
"HAH! You still can't beat me!” You boasted.
The blond threw the controller down, his teeth clenched tight as he grumbled. “Next time I’m bringing super smash bros!” You sat back down, giggling as you poked his side. “Who's the sore loser now huh? Big baby.” You teased, poking a finger into his side, much like poking a bear with a stick, it was a recipe for disaster.
He growled and jumped to you grabbing your hands to keep them away from prodding him. You started laughing again, squirming and battling with him, determined to keep attacking but your giggle fit made it hard to fight back.
As you were laughing you missed yet another rare smile on his face. He didn't know what was going on with him, maybe he was just in a good mood today? He had taken down a group of robbers earlier when he was on patrol, and taking down villains always felt good.
All he knew was that he never wanted the moment to end, it was nice to hear your stupid laughter again, to see you smiling as you tried to match his strength and fight back. He hadn't even realised that some point during your play fight he had knocked you down onto your back and was hovering over you.
He had always been the stronger of the pair so you lost fairly quickly. His hands pinned yours beside your head. "That was a good fight you put up, but it's still not good enough to match up to me." He smirked down at you
You stuck out her tongue at him, panting as you tried to kick your legs at him. Turns out he had thought ahead and pinned those down too. You huffed through your nose, tasting defeat was bitter.
You stared at each other, as the laughter died down so did the playfulness. The atmosphere became serious. He wasn't sure what it was, but there was some sort of unspoken feeling between you both. He gulped, noting the way your hair was sprawled out on the couch beneath you, creating a halo of hair around your head. Your eyes shone as they stared into his, he had never noticed what a nice colour they were, and your lips- they looked so soft..
There was a pull, an invisible red string tugging you closer to each other and connecting your hearts.
But, you both ignored it. He got off of you and sat back. He ran a hand through his hair, you both avoided eye contact.
Looking out the window Bakugo finally noticed that the moon had long ascended into the night sky. Had he been here that long? God, it must be passed midnight but he felt like he had only been here for an hour. He shook his head and stood up, You watched him with parted lips, your heart racing at the tension.
What was that feeling between you two? It was so strong. Did he feel it too? It was sending your head into a spin.
"I should go." He muttered, he didn't want to go, he really didn't but the words were leaving his mouth before he had time to process them.
He had felt it too, and he didn't know how to react. He hadn't felt anything like it before, it made his heart race, he felt weak and he didn't like it. He knew he felt- something for you? But was it enough to call it love?
You looked up at him, giving him a nod, not like he could see since his back was already turned. You stood up, arms wrapping around yourself as you walked him to the door.
There were so many unspoken words between you. So many feelings left unexpressed. You bit your lip, voice caught in your throat as you watched him silently slip on his shoes. He opened the front door, pausing for a second, hesitating... "See ya."
"Bye." You replied as he closed the door behind him.
The appartment suddenly ran cold, silent, a chill running across your skin. The silence cut through your ears like a sharp blade.
You pulled your arms tighter around yourself. How could you deny it? Having him around again had been amazing, even if just for one afternoon. You despised him as a child, but over time, throughout highschool, through building a silent trust, a friendship had formed, and then-… and then somewhere down the line it turned into more.
No matter how much you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you loved being around him, you had a strong bond, you had watched him grow and become a better person, you had seen each other at your best and at your worst. You had fought each other but also fought with each other. You cared for each other, you annoyed the hell out of each other, you had been through so much together.
He had always been there, even if you didn't want him to be. You had hated him and you had loved him...
You… loved him…
Your eyes widened, "I.. love him." You muttered, saying it out loud made it all the more real. A feeling of wanting to slap yourself silly for being so blind overcame you.
You loved him! Of course you loved him!!You had always been so focused on school and work that you hadn't even noticed you were growing feelings for your childhood rival?
You couldn't let him go again! How many more months until you got to see each other again? You had always somehow ended up stuck together, it felt like he would always be there but now you had witnessed what life was like without him around… you hated it! For the first time in your life, you wanted him around.
You couldn't sit around in your lonely apartment each day now you knew you were in love with that jerk!
"God damnit! Why did it have to be him." You ran to the door and flung it open, not even thinking of shoes as you ran out into the cold night air. "Maybe he didn't get far-"
You rounded the corner before colliding with what you could only assume was a brick wall. You winced, pulling back and rubbing your nose. You looked up, coming face to face with none other than the man himself.
You stared at each other in shock, he came back for you too? This whole scene, these feelings, neither of you could have ever imagined this is where you would've end up.
"I need to tell you something!" You spoke in unison, making you both cringe.
"You first." He crossed his arms stubbornly, wanting to know you were on the same wave as he was and hadn't just ran after him because he left something.
You sighed, rubbing your arm, glancing away for a second to collect yourself. You hadn't thought this far ahead so you had no idea what to say. You sighed, looking up to meet his eyes, the best way would be to face your feelings head on. No going back! Even if he rejects you, at least he would respect you being blunt with it, he hated when people beat around the bush.
"I love you." You said, your head lifted high. His eyes widened at your bold declaration, his tense demeanour dropping. "I wanted to tell you before you disappear for months again. So there you have it, I'm in love with you. Believe me or not I don't care. I just- mmph!" Hands yanked you forward by your hips, smooth lips molded against your own when he head dipped down.
It took a few seconds to reciprocate, but when you did he pulled you closer. Your hands went to his shoulders to steady yourself, your legs felt weak, but that didn't stop you from kissing back.
You smiled into the kiss, you couldn't help it. Not only did the kiss feel great but the way he had pulled you in for it without wasting time with words was just such a Bakugo thing to do.
"I love you too, dumbass." He muttered when he pulled away, You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head. "You have such a way with words~"
"Shut up." You giggled at him before you went back in for another kiss, longer, holding more passion as your years of pent up feelings finally reached the surface. Your heads tilted and turned, hands roaming each other's bodies, his arms wrapped around you, his body heat protecting your bare skin from the chill of the night.
He backed you up agaisnt the wall. His tongue ran across your bottom lip, you weren't sure how long you had been standing there but it felt like you were the only two people in the world.
It was so late not another soul was to be see. It was just you, him and the city lights.
His hand ran down towards your thigh, only for you both to jump back when the distance sound of a car honking ripped through your serentity.
Panting as you stared at each other, almost not believing you had just msde out with each other. You pressed your fingers to your tingling lips. A smile on your face, "So- uh, wanna come inside for a bit?” the mischief in your eyes did not match the innocent smile on your face. He knew exactly what you were planning, "Fuck yes."
And there was no way he was going to turn it down.
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You know you're getting more asks from me since I'm obsessed with the eloquence and insight of your answers ;) A Stelena one: what do you see as their commonalities and their main (and hopefully complementary) differences? What are your five or so favorite Stelena scenes of the series? And other than wishing they had stayed together and were endgame, what's one thing you'd have wanted to see more of or less of from their relationship?!
Well, I’m always up for answering asks, so thank you for sending them in! 
To answer your first question about Stefan and Elena’s similarities, they share a lot which bring them together. They’re both incredibly emotional people; they’re sensitive and feel things deeply. This is why they both struggled to adjust as vampires, because the heightened emotions they felt overwhelmed them. In fact, as vampires they were very similar in regards to their loss of control when feeding, the depression, the ruthlessness when they had no humanity and keeping trophies from their victims. They’re particularly attuned to the emotions of others and this is the foundation for their compassion. Whilst Damon’s instinct was to kill Caroline when she first turned because she was an “inconvinience”, Stefan and Elena never once considered that and devoted themselves to helping her. Similarly, despite Damon’s actions (particularly in the early seasons), neither of them ever gave up on him and were able to sympathise with him even when he did something unforgivable. 
Their sensitivity also leads them to have another commonality: writing in journals. This is all part of the way they express themselves and process their thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. But the journals are about more than this; they’re a manifestation of the loneliness they feel. In season 1, Elena feels incredibly isolated following the deaths of her parents. Likewise, Stefan feels lonely as a vampire who is unable to connect with humans but doesn’t fit in the supernatural world either due to him not feeding on humans. So in addition to them both being emotional people, the emotions they experienced were very similar. This is what brought them together in season 1, because they had a spiritual connection and understanding that stemmed from them both feeling alone and like they don’t belong. 
Stefan and Elena also have the same moral compass and operate on the same wave length. Their priority is always to care for those around them and to act on compassion and forgiveness. They repeatedly show forgiveness and mercy to those that wrong them and their calling to help people was why Stefan wanted to be a doctor and why Elena actually became a doctor. They also share the same philosphy in regards to how they live their lives. Despite there being constant drama in Mystic Falls and danger lurking right around the corner they both believe in the importance of living in the moment and appreciating what they have in the present. 
Intellectually, they were also on the same level which we saw hints of from their exchange of books, the way they expressed themselves in their journals and interest in medicine. They also wanted the same from their life - to be human, to have a family, to be doctors. Their visions for their ideal future perfectly aligned and so in this way they also understood each other. 
As for their differences, their main one is that Elena is much more extroverted than Stefan. She’s more sociable and likes to go out and party, dance and have fun. In comparison, Stefan is much more introverted and although he’s able to socialise without any problems, he’s far from being a social butterfly. Of course, in this respect they compliment each other because Elena is able to bring Stefan out of his shell and enable him to be himself in a safe environment.
I would also say that Stefan is a darker character than Elena. Elena is certainly not a saint and she struggles to adjust to being a vampire but Stefan struggles with his darker impulses a lot more than Elena does. Whilst Elena is able to get control over her urges and impulses by the end of season 4, for Stefan it’s an ongoing struggle. I really put that down to the fact that Stefan is so much older than Elena and has endured hurt and had experiences that are so deeply embedded in him and that impact everything he thinks and feels as well as how he behaves. Even in this way though, they compliment each other because Elena is Stefan’s anchor, the tether to his humanity and what keeps him grounded. Whenever he loses control or is struggling to keep a handle on things, she’s there to act as his voice of reason and to remind him of who he truly is. 
Choosing just 5 favourite scenes is impossibly difficult because I love so many but some of my favourites are: 
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I just love the angst in this scene. How Elena is going to let him leave but then catches the door just before it closes because she can’t watch him leave without saying what needs to be said. I love what she says to him and how she challenges the way in which he’s shut her and everybody out. This is Elena knowing Stefan better than anyone; seeing through the facade and knowing that no matter how indifferent he acts or how hard he pushes her away underneath it all he still cares and he still feels just as deeply as she does. I love how at first Stefan tells her to stop because he can’t handle facing up to these emotions but how he breaks down and admits how much he hates himself for the way in which he hurt her. I love the way physical touch is used; how she uses her hands to encourage him to meet her eyes but he resists because he’s too ashamed to look at her. And I love the final line “If I let myself care all I feel is pain”, because it needs to be said and now Elena can finally understand why he has been behaving the way he has. 
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I love everything about this scene. Not only do they both look gorgeous, but it’s so sweet, tender, romantic, sentimental, reminiscent and pure. It’s two people that have a complex history, that have been through hell and ripped apart, coming back together and falling in love all over again. You can sense how nervous and giddy they are and how taken they are by each other. There’s a clear spark and for tonight they can forget about all of the crap they’ve been through and enjoy being together. They compliment each other, Stefan gives her a token of his love and they have a little bit of banter with the whole “Some guy I dated said it once or twice” and don’t even get me started at the way they look at each other in this scene. Definition of heart eyes.
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This scene encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. Elena is about to die, but she’s so selfless and loves Stefan so much that she wants to give him hope that they could find a way to save her without her having to complete the transition. They can’t even see each other, but the power of their words is what makes this scene. Elena loves Stefan so much that she died making her way back to him and right here she’s telling him that she doesn’t regret that because she loves him so much and it will always be the best choice she’s ever made. You really can’t get more true love than that.
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There are three words of dialogue in this scene “Elena, hey” and “Hi”, yet this scene is so bloody powerful. The sheer relief in Elena’s face and the way she throws herself into Stefan’s arms, how he holds her close and breathes her in, the way they cup each others faces and gaze at each other so adoringly. You can see in that one look that they are each others light, they actually glow. Their kiss is passionate and filled with emotion, the way they collapse onto the bed and the perspective shifts so that we’re looking in through the window at this private moment as Elena constantly pulls Stefan closer and they kiss more fiercely. I honestly love this entire scene and will never get tired of it.
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Once again, this scene is one of those that encompasses everything I love about Stefan and Elena. They’re a team and they’re united. Elena knows better than anyone the struggles Stefan has with his bloodlust and she also knows that he needs his strength now more than ever. And she trusts him and is devoted to him so much that she willingly offers him her blood. Blood sharing, as we all know, is intimate and personal and it binds them together in an extremely profound way. Her simple statement, “It’s you and me, Stefan. Always” is the perfect dialogue for this specific moment because it’s the two of them becoming one. After Stefan has feed from her, the way Elena looks at his vampire face and how she leans in to kiss him, completely accepting and showing him how much she loves him. It gives me all the feels. 
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This is one of the most underrated Stelena scenes and I love it so much. After everything they go through in season 3 this is a completely honest and unfiltered conversation where they finally say all of the things they’ve been wanting and needing to say. I just love that dialogue “I never stopped loving you”, “I know that. I know you didn’t, even though I did everything possible to push you away”. It’s so honest and it’s so simple but effective. And I think it’s so powerful that Stefan is so attuned to Elena and so sure of their love that he doesn’t even doubt that she loves him. He knows that she loves him and he never stopped, but he admits that he also knows he has done so much wrong and that he probably isn’t deserving of that love. I also love that he isn’t afraid to confront her about Damon and acknowledge her feelings for him. He could easily ignore it, but he doesn’t, he faces up to it but he reassures Elena that regardless of how he feels he loves her and he will always love her. It’s such a powerful and understated scene. It reaffirms how much they love each other despite everything they’ve been through and it’s not over the top or in your face, it’s real. 
I could choose so many more, but since that’s 6, I’ll leave it there. 
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I mean I can send another if you want? Like if you'd like to do prinxiety I'd be down for that? ~S
S, you’re an angel and you can send however many you want
big spoon/little spoon:
I like to think they switch. Sometimes, Roman needs comfort and Virgil needs to protect. Sometimes, Virgil needs comfort and Roman needs to protect.
favorite non-sexual activity:
Disney movie marathons together. They playfully argue a lot throughout it, but they both love the movies and the time they spend together
who uses all the hot water:
VIRGIL. He takes like 45 minute boiling hot showers.
most trivial thing they fight over:
Like, 65% of their arguments are just trivial things. Idk WHICH would be the MOST trivial
who does most of the cleaning:
To everyone’s shock, Virgil’s a bit of a neat freak. It makes him less anxious when he knows where everything is and there’s no clutter
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
They do share it, but Roman commandeers it more.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
Roman does. Not because he’s cold. He has a pretty darn good cold tolerance. But Virgil is freezing and too anxious to call
who steals the blankets:
Virgil, hands down. Roman SOMETIMES does it, but Virgil does it 98% of the time. He’s cold.
who leaves their stuff around:
Roman, and it drives Virgil crazy. He’ll leave a freaking sword on the dining room table and Virgil is just like “we eAT HERE”
who remembers to buy the milk
They both can be a bit absent-minded at times, but Virgil remembers more often than not
who remembers anniversaries:
They both do. Virgil because he’s terrified of missing it because anniversaries are Roman’s fave (and also he just wants to treat his boyfriend like the heck Roman learn self-care). Roman because he’s a hopeless romantic.
Who cooks normally?
They’re both pretty good cooks, to everyone’s shock. They swap off
How often do they fight?
Because they’re so different, they do tend to argue a lot, but they’ve gotten better at dealing with it quickly and compromising without a lot of frustration or anger. It’s rare when there’s a REAL fight that they don’t work through quickly.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
This usually only happens when Roman goes on extended quests in the imagination. Virgil is a little lonely, especially at night, but he can deal alright. He definitely misses Roman a lot. Roman misses Virgil TONS and just wants to get home to him (but tries not to rush the quest because that’s Dangerous). They’re not, like, dangerously co-dependent. They just love each other a lot.
Nicknames for each other?
Roman is the one to come up with all the cheesy, sappy, gross, cutesy nicknames for Virgil. Virgil isn’t a huge nickname person, so, if not his name, it’s either “Princey” or “Ro.” There’s occasionally a “babe.”
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Definitely Roman. He’s a huge hopeless romantic and wants to be chivalrous and a gentleman.
Who steals the covers at night?
Once again, this is already above so idk why it’s there twice, but VIRGIL most definitely.
What would they get each other for gifts?
They’re both super thoughtful when it comes to gifts. Like, they’ll remember conversations from 6 months ago where the other said they wanted something and get them it. And the other person won’t even remember that they said they wanted it and they’ll get so excited to have it.
Who kissed who first?
I can see it going both ways. Roman is more confident and romantic, but Virgil is impulsive and would totally do it spur-of-the-moment and then freak out about it.
Who made the first move?
Probably Roman? He’s a lot more confident
Who remembers things?
Definitely Virgil. Like I said, they can both be a bit absent-minded, but Virgil’s anxiety helps him to remember stuff.
Who started the relationship?
Roman. He probably had some elaborate way of asking that totally embarrassed Virgil but it was so heartfelt that he couldn’t be mad
Who cusses more?
I definitely think they’re both the type to swear like sailors, but I’m leaning toward Virgil.
What would they do if the other was hurt?
Virgil would panic and then try to fix it. Roman would threaten everything in the vicinity (and try to fix it)
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