#Youtube Imagine
wcters · 6 months
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
summary: you find a video of a series of clips that someone found of you and chris being cute
warnings: established relationship, swearing, kissing, covid (yes, it has to be a warning because it is horrible)
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Your eyebrows lifted in surprise when you saw the title 7 minutes of Chris and Y/n being cute. You had just been scrolling on YouTube while sitting on the couch of the triplets house, waiting for the boys to be back from filming. You had started on Instagram, catching up on family and friends, and liking some posts that you were tagged in. You then moved to YouTube after getting bored and there was nothing new on your feed.
You never expected to see something like this besides the five to ten second clips on TikTok when you’re caught in the back of a video or posted on someone’s Snapchat story, but you were surprised and entertained that someone had gotten a whole seven minutes. You weren’t an influencer or content creator of any kind; you worked a menial job and only posted on Instagram and TikTok, and rarely featured in the boys’ videos. You knew you would be in the public eye when you and Chris started dating, but you didn’t expect your relationship to have a following.
You ended up clicking on it, interest taking over and the amount of views reeling you in. You wanted to see why the video was so popular . . . And maybe show it to Chris when he came home. The first thing that greeted you was an intro, and then the clips started. The first one was from a recent video where Nick, Matt, and Chris travelled to Texas for a Sam and Colby collab. You tagged along, wanting to go to a couple stores and also offered to help film for the duo’s video. The clip was where Nick decided to wake up you and Chris with Lemonade. You barely remembered that happened as you were so drowsy, and are still confused why the oldest brother thought it was so funny.
Nick walked towards the bed where you and Chris were laying down. Chris was on his back with his head facing the direction of the camera. You were on your stomach, head tucked into the boys neck as your arm was sprawled across his chest. Chris opted to sleep shirtless even though it was insanely cold in Texas while you were wearing a sweater and some spandex, your leg peeking out of the comforter. When you and Chris cuddled when you slept, he always ended up burning hot and you subconsciously slip some part of your body out of the covers.
“Chris do you want a sip?” Nick’s voice was heard as he tilted the bottle of lemonade towards you both. “Y/n?” You made a ‘hm’ sound and Chris lifted his head up, delirious but still making sure not to knock your head. He put it down once he saw his brother. He shuffled a little bit, turning his head. “Do you want a sip or no? Are you thirsty?” Nick continued, tilting the bottle even more? This time you had opened your eyes, looking up at your best friend. “Nick . . . What?” You questioned, confused. “Of what Nick?” Chris’s voice came from beside you, hoarse from sleep.
“Lemonade. Do you guys want some?” The oldest triplet continued. You curled more towards Chris and tightened your arms around him as you made a sound of annoyance. “Nick, I’m tired. Please.” You begged him, shoving your face into the crook of your boyfriends neck again. “Are you fucking stupid?” Your boyfriend asked, awake enough to realize what was happening and get angry. “Leave us alone.” Nick raised his hands in defense. “Alright, alright. It’s over here if you want it,” he spoke as he placed it down. “Go away.” You murmured as you fell back asleep, Chris turning towards you.
The next clip was the boys on the podcast. They were talking with Nate about childhood memories and growing up together in Boston. The camera flipped from Matt to Chris as he was doing something on his phone. “━━ I’m sorry Matt. Chris . . . what are you doing?” Nick interrupted the boy as he faced towards Chris. Chris lifted his head in surprise. “We’re literally doing a podcast. Who are you texting?” “Probably Y/n.” Nate guessed as the whole table started to laugh except for Chris. “No, I’m not.” He denied as he covered his face with his hands. “You totally were.” Matt argued. “Okay, fine, I was. It was about something important though so let’s drop it and get back to what we were talking about.” Chris shut the conversation down and placed his phone on the counter face up.
“Alright. Matt, what were you saying?” Nick turned to Matt. The topic was dropped but every once in a while Chris would look at his phone. The group must’ve been really into the podcast as no one noticed your car pull up, or the door opening and you walking in. You had placed the cases of Pepsi and Doctor Pepper on their counter before opening the Pepsi case, grabbing one, and heading upstairs. Nate was in the middle of talking about hockey when they heard your footsteps. Everyone swivelled their heads to see you walking into the room with a can of Pepsi. “Oh. My. God. Chris.” Nick gasped as he saw you. “Hi,” you waved, “sorry to interrupt.” “It’s no problem babe.” Chris responded, grabbing your body as you got close and put you in his lap.
“Did you call her all the way over here to bring you Pepsi?” Matt asked, clearly shocked. Chris blushed out of embarrassment in response. “You think he wouldn’t?” Nate butted in making everyone laugh. “I also got Doctor Pepper,” you shrugged, “I was also getting off work.” Your boyfriend pointed to you. “Like I said, it was important.” Nate was laughing as his best friends stared at their bother in shock. “Alright, I’m going to head out. The cases are downstairs. Anyone want one?” You asked, getting up off of Chris. There was a chorus of ‘no thank you’s’ from around the table. “Thank you.” Chris smiled at you as he grabbed your hand and kissed it. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun!” You waved as you headed downstairs.
The first time you had really been “revealed” to the fan base was on a livestream . . . And it was by accident. This clip was shorter than the rest, but it was probably the most popular if you had to guess. You had been dating Chris for awhile and this live was around the time when they started to get attention and more followers on their social media. It was back in their house in Boston. Nick had started a livestream for whatever reason and Matt had joined it after a couple minutes. You and Chris were watching a movie in his room so you didn’t participate ━━ and the fact that people didn’t even know about you. You didn’t even know it was happening, the boys didn’t text and warn you guys, so when you went downstairs with Chris to get some popcorn and drinks, both of your figures were shown in the background.
Nick and Matt didn’t even notice you guys until you appeared in front of them and were in the middle of opening the fridge. They looked to the chat to see if they saw you . . . And they definitely did. Not enough to identify you because all of the comments were asking who you were, but still enough to let people know Chris had a girlfriend. The two boys looked at each other before muting the live. It stayed on for a minute or two before they had ended it with a quick ‘goodbye’. Next thing you knew, #chrissturniologirlfriend was trending on your twitter with pictures of you and Chris from the live plastered over the tweets. That’s what led to the soft launch Instagram post and your presence being known, as well as you making your Instagram private for awhile.
A certain clip had you smiling and blushing like a little kid, remembering it happening and the whole trip. It was when went to Vermont for their annual family holiday and Chris had asked you to come along, as well as Nick and Matt. You said yes, but we’re nervous. I mean, you were going on your first trip with his parents? They ended up loving having you there, but you were scared shitless. Nick was holding the camera showing Matt feeding some of the Alpacas with Chris in the back.
You could see the brunette go slightly out of frame before he comes back, you trailing behind. “Come on,” he said to you, “just try it.” You playfully rolled your eyes before he passed you some of the feed and you held it out. You let out a noise of surprise as the alpaca started to eat it. “Oh my god.” You whispered, looking at it before pulling away. You were clueless to the camera showing you and Chris whispering while you were holding each others hand. “Do you want to do it again?” Your boyfriend asked you. “I think I’m alright.” You laughed. “Here’s a couple change to get some more food though.” He kissed your cheek as you passed him some coins from your pocket. “You’re the best,” he said before quickly kissing you and going back to the machines.
You never knew how they get their hands on them, but so many clips of Chris and Matt playing lacrosse ended up on your for you page and feed on Instagram. You didn’t even know those were on the internet except for Mary-Lou’s socials. There were so many edits of that clip of Chris taking his helmet off and them posing for a picture with all three of them and their mom, but you had yet to see this one. It was practically the same, all four lined up while their picture was getting taken. Then Mary-Lou made a ‘come here’ movement with her hand and you appeared on camera next to Chris. You remembered that moment and being so proud, but not video taped.
You posed for a couple pictures with them, then just you and the triplets. They were also your best friends, you even came to the game with Nick and Mary-Lou. You three had gossiped while watching the game and taken so many videos. Then, the two brothers moved away and Mary-Lou moved into frame with her phone up. It was just you and Chris posing this time, and it caught you licking your finger to get some of the leftover face paint that was a little messed up off his face. Chris had made a weird face but let you do it anyway. You would’ve slapped his hand away if he even tried. You think you said something along the lines of “you’ll thank me later.”
You had watched Larray after you had seen some of his vines on a vine compilation while YouTube was just filled with those. You were so excited ━━ and jealous ━━ when the twins got noticed and met up with Larray for the first time. You were even more excited when you met him. You had watched him for years, through all his phases, so you recognized when one of his videos popped up.
“Where would you want your first date?” Chris had asked Larray. They talked about Larray’s choice of waffle house before Chris said “I want to go to Topgolf.” “You want to hit balls with your girl?” Arrington replied, looking at Chris. “Well, I didn’t have a chance to take Y/n on a first date in LA, and we’ve only went with Matt and Nick, so I’d want to go to TopGolf with just her,” Chris explained, “our first date back in Boston was at some mini golf place. I’d like to take her to remind her of our first one . . . And because we both like TopGolf.” “That was so cute.”Larray chimed in, covering his mouth with his hand. “It’s one of the only times.” Matt joked which earned a slap from his brother. “That’s so not true.” He argued. “Either way, it’s well deserved. She’s amazing.” Larray praised you.
You remembered watching this with Chris when it came out and literally standing up in shock, hitting him when you got up. “You got more excited over Larray complementing you than me being cute and talking about us?” Chris asked in shock. “You think I wouldn’t?” He nodded at that. “Still upset, but that is true.”
The last clip was one of you and Chris like the rest . . . But also Nick and Matt. Nick had had a cold the last time you saw him, Matt, and Chris. He didn’t think it was anything but a cold, but it turned out it was COVID. Chris let you know as soon as they figured it out, and then Matt tested positive. You felt bad because they were stuck in the house for at least a week . . . And they’re not the best at cooking food for themselves, all they did was just order in or go out if you didn’t bring over some food or cook when you’re over there.
Since you weren’t over there, you figured you would go over and drop off some pre-made food and some other drinks and necessities like medicine, toilet paper, masks, tests, etc. You had had the weekend off so you had time to go over and help them. You didn’t know they were vlogging so you were surprised when you knocked on Chris’s door with a mask and a bowl of soup and he greeted you with a camera in your face. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked you, tilting the camera down a bit. “I felt bad because you guys - no offence - eat like shit and thought you would want some homemade food.” You laughed, giving him the bowl as he put the camera down.
“Thanks. I miss your cooking and you over here. It’s so fucking boring.” He told you. “I’m sure you’ll survive. On the kitchen counter there’s some medicine, masks, tests, and some other stuff that you might run out of. If you need anything else.” He nodded. “I wish I could hug and kiss you but I’m sick and don’t want to get you sick.” “How am I going to survive?” You teased, smiling at him from under the mask. “I don’t know. Well, anyway, go save Nick and Matt too. I’m sure they’ll appreciate you.” Your boyfriend smiled at you as he waved and closed the door.
It was almost the exact same situation with Matt and Nick. Door opening with a camera in your face and surprise written in theirs. You had given them your soup and the same rundown you gave Chris. They said their ‘thank you’s’ and Nick promised to give you a hug. This was all caught on camera and added into the vlog, with an edit from Nick saying “you saved our lives.”
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yourimagines · 11 months
Favourite person
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers; fluff
- Summary; you are Harry’s favourite person
I was watching a movie when my phone blew up from messages. “What the hell.” I paused the movie and picked up my phone. People were tagging me in a post, sending me private messages and friends of mine were texting me. I opened one of the text messages
Bestie❤️: oh my god, you have to see the new sidemen video
Bestie❤️: just watch the video at 13:43
I opened YouTube and went to the newest video. I saw a lot of comments about harry.
‘Aww he so cute.’
‘I wish i had a bf like that.’
‘Nahh who make me cry.’
I started the video at 13:40.
‘But who’s your favourite person then?’ Tobi asked harry ‘Uhh my favourite person? It has to be Y/N.’ Harry smiled ‘Really?!’ Ethan asked, Harry nods. ‘Yeah I never get tired of her but I do get tired from you guys.’ They all laughed. ‘Okay, so your girlfriend is your favourite person?’ JJ asked him ‘Yes, why are you so surprised, I thought it’s a normal answer.’ Harry threw his arms up. ‘It is Harry, they just don’t know it yet.’ Josh said, causing them to talk all at once. ‘I just love her mate.’ Harry says while picking up a new question card.
I sat alone in my room, smiling brightly at my screen. “I’m his favourite person.” I giggled and tried to call him but he didn’t answer. ‘He’s probably filming a new video.’ I lay down again and started the movie.
I heard someone open the front door. “Hello!” Harry yelled through the apartment. I stood up and ran to the living room. He stood there with some groceries. “Hey, I’ve missed you.” I jumped at him, hugging him close. “I missed you to.” He returned the hug. “How was your day?” He sighed. “Long, exhausting.” I nod as I picked up the bags. “But I brought you some stuff, your favourite food.” I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you Harry.” He smiles at waved me off. “Nahh don’t thank me.” I unloaded the bags. Harry took a seat on the sofa, pulling his shoes off. “Are you staying here tonight?” “Yes, if you want me too.” I looked at him. “Harry, I always want you.” He laughs. “Good, it would be very awkward if you didn’t want me.” I placed the last items in the fridge and walked over to him, crawling on top of him. My hands where resting on his chest, his hands where on my hips. “You are my favourite person Harry.” He blushes and throws his head back. “Oh no you already saw it.” I started to giggle. “You are so cute.” He slightly pushed me. “Stop, I’m not cute.” I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. “It was adorable.” He groans. “Everyone is talking about it today.” “Do you regret it?” He shakes his head immediately. “No, no I didn’t mean it like that, I would say it thousands times more, I mean it more like, people acting so weird about it, do I really neglect you in that. It’s like they don’t know I love you.” I cupped his face. “Who cares what the people on the internet says, I know you love me and you don’t neglect me Harry, you always show your love to me.” He smiles at me. “Good because I don’t want to lose my favourite person.” He placed a kiss on my hand. “Good I don’t want to lose my favourite person either.” He pulled me close to cuddle me. “So who told you?” “A lot of people Harry.” “Dammit.”
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lunarwts · 1 year
love me, love me
george clarkey x fem! reader
a tiny headcanon of george and his need of physical touch (374 words)
hello!!! here's a little something i wrote on the train! let me know what you think - enjoy! 💗✨
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okay so this man has always got to be touching you
or at least all up in your personal space
out in public he has his hand in yours, or around you shoulder, or holding your waist, or in your back pocket
even just linking your pinkys
and is. not. ashamed. 
in private it’s even worse better
will just lay on top of you
head in your neck or on your chest and just has this cute little content smile on his face
staying at his place and having a movie night with the boys and them just looking at you two with disgust 
(but also lowkey with adoration because they love that george is happy)
alex and arthur tease him by calling him cuddle bug
he pretends that it annoys him but he actually loves because it’s true
he is your cuddle bug 😌
his wallpaper is definitely a picture of you both during one of said movie nights that alex took of you cuddled up on the end of the couch with a bowl of popcorn and huge smiles on your faces
and in bed???
his hands are either on your hips, your boobs, in your hair, around your neck
links his hands in yours on the pillow above your head and leans down to nip and whisper in your ear
getting ready for bed and brushing your teeth, doing your skincare in the bathroom and in walks george
wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder while watching you in the mirror as if your hanging the stars in the sky
even though he’s seen you do this countless times
and then when you’re done he’ll grab your hand and walk you into bed
once you’re both under the covers he is pulling you straight into him
sometimes your head is on his chest, other times it’s tucked under his arm
his hands are around your waist while yours are either holding him or just resting on his chest
legs tangled together like a pretzel
and then you somehow wake up even closer
moral of the story;
if it was possible to get inside your skin, george would do it 😪🌷💛
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | youtube masterlist
pairings : harrylewis x reader
summary : reader is being harassed by a creepy man harry is a little too late to save her. [ words ]
warnings : creepy man, verbal sexual harassment, very mild violence, alcohol use, drugs mentioned. established relationship
notes : this is my first ever fic so i’m very sorry if it’s bad and for any mistakes, if you have any suggestions or requests feel free to say.
halfway through the third day of the festival you had left most of your group to go and see another band with a few of the girls you had met — not interested in the artist the boys were obsessed with.
obviously, despite harry trusting you with his life, the boys had instructed you to meet them by a certain group of port-a-loos so they could take you back to the campsite safely, the girls you were with had kept you company until it turned quiet and they had to leave to find their own tent, meaning you were now stood alone.
your outfit was way too revealing for the current weather since you hadn’t fully realised how cold it would be until now, when all the adrenaline and excitement was rushed out of you and all you wanted was to go to sleep. you were almost leaning against the makeshift toilet as you waited.
sighing out, you glanced down at your phone but harry hadn’t sent any more texts except the last one only ten minutes ago reading ‘on my way’. crossing your arms you tried to find any body heat as you looked for your boyfriend and his group of friends.
“you cold?” the voice almost made you jump but your body had slowed down with todays activities. at first glance you could tell that the man speaking to you was on something with his fuzzy looking eyes and slurred speech. you weren’t sure what he was on but you didn’t want to be around it.
you didn’t answer his question directly, instead just shaking your head with a polite smile. “i’m fine, thanks.” you expected him to go away but instead he continued to stare you down, causing you to pull up your low waisted trousers a little more to hide yourself from the creepy man.
“just waiting on my boyfriend and his friends to come and get me…” you felt extremely uncomfortable in his presence, so you used the trick you usually did. men — especially ones that are drunk or on drugs — didn’t fully respect you until they knew you had a man.
of course he was different, a lazy smirk finding its way onto his dirty looking face. “so?” he shrugged while taking a step closer to you, now only a little bit away from where you stood backed up against the loo’s.
you glanced down at your phone and typed out a text quickly before sending it, simply saying the words ‘hurry, creepy man’ because you knew it would have harry running across the field until he found you. “are you okay?” you questioned the man in hopes he would back away.
you were trying to keep him distracted so he wouldn’t be solely focused on getting close to you. “i am now i’m with you, baby.” his bad attempt at being smooth made you physically cringe, but you stood up straight instead of showing weakness.
“my boyfriend is on his way right now, he’ll be here any second.” you stated in hopes on scaring him off. instead, he took another step until he was directly infront of you. he smelled disgusting but he didn’t seem to notice or mind.
“i don’t see any boyfriend, girl—“
he reached out his hand to touch you just as you kicked him straight in the balls as hard as you were able to. he let out an very audible grunt before falling to the ground quickly after.. “you little bitch!” he swore out before hissing in pain again.
you took a few steps away from the man on the ground, ignoring his rambles when you heard the noise of people trecking over the grass using a very fast pace. the sudden noise only installed more fear in you — right up until you realised who it was.
harry, ethan and tobi were running toward you full speed, all of them looking relieved when they saw that you were fine. “there’s my little guardian angels.” a smile graced your face at the sight of them.
harry immediately began to check you were okay before wrapping an arm around your shoulders and placing a kiss firmly on to the top of your head. “jesus christ, you scared the shit out of me.” finally, you felt safe.
“no worries, i handled him.” you referenced to the man still on the ground. “what the fuck did you do to him, y/n?” ethan chuckled slightly at the agony the man on the floor was currently experiencing.
“i only kneed him in the balls, he’s overreacting.” you brushed the creepy man off while leaning further into harry’s chest, beginning to walk away from the scene, feeling glad the boys hadn’t spoken to the drugged out man.
“you’re not going off on your own again—“ harry squeezed your shoulder to get his point across, “i’ll come wherever you want, ‘kay?” he peered down at you as you nodded with a small smile on your lips.
“where’s the rest of yous?” you questioned as all four of you joined the much smaller crowd walking towards the tents. most people had headed straight for bed while others took there time. “they copped out early.” was the answer.
“yeah, like big losers.” ethan’s own comment sent him into a fit of laughter, far too drunk to realise that no one else was joining in. tobi chuckled slightly at his friend until they finally reached there campsite. you all had paid extra for a nicer area, in which there wasn’t campfires set by drunks ready to burn down all of your belongings.
“night, tobs, thanks for making sure i was okay.” you gave the boy a half hug before glancing at ethan that was already stumbling off to go and find his own tent. “need any help with him?” you referred to the almost black out boy.
“nah, he’ll be fine.” tobi answered before following after the ginger. “come on, then.” harry wrapped his arms properly around you to lead you to your shared tent, climbing in quietly to not disturb anybody else.
“i feel dead.” you murmured with a grunt while harry zipped back up the opening. you quickly changed out of your restricting clothes into a baggy shirt and some pyjama shorts, finally able to become fully comfortable.
“we’ll don’t die until monday,” harry joked as he aswell changed into sweatpants to sleep in, “i’m not driving home with those idiots.” he referenced to your friends that were currently in there own tents.
you only chuckled before climbing into the large sleeping bag you had purchased together, a very thin mattress underneath that kept you both off of the ground by a few inches and made sleeping a lot easier for the both of you.
“hurry up.” you groaned out while harry set his clothes away, “i’m freezing.” you complained until he finally climbed into your shared sleeping bag, the goosebumps on your arms slowly fading as you snuggled into him for warmth.
“alright, babe, i already have a blanket i don’t need another.” he teased you but held you closer until you were practically draped over him. you didn’t even bother to react — too used to your boyfriends teasing comments.
instead you let the silence respond to him so you could finally close yout eyes and let exhaustion take over. thankfully, you fell asleep quickly thanks to your sore limbs and harry’s overly warm body making the sleeping bag feel like your own personal oven.
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Relationship Headcanons with WillNE [Requested]
Adventurous Dates:
• Will loves taking you on spontaneous adventures. Whether it's a surprise road trip, exploring a new city, or trying out extreme sports like skydiving or bungee jumping, he’s always up for an exciting date.
2. Humor and Pranks:
• His sense of humor is one of the best parts of being with him. You both love pranking each other and friends. The house is filled with laughter and light-hearted banter.
3. Creative Collaborations:
• You often collaborate on his YouTube videos. He values your input and loves bouncing ideas off you. Sometimes, you even appear in his videos, much to the delight of his fans.
4. Supportive Partner:
• Will is incredibly supportive of your goals and dreams. Whether it's a career change, a new hobby, or personal growth, he's always there to cheer you on and help you achieve your aspirations.
5. Cuddly Evenings:
• Despite his energetic and outgoing persona, Will enjoys quiet evenings at home with you. Cuddling on the couch, watching Netflix, or playing video games together are some of his favorite ways to unwind.
6. Travel Enthusiast:
• Will loves traveling and experiencing new cultures. You both have a bucket list of places to visit and often plan trips together. He's always eager to try new cuisines and explore off-the-beaten-path locations.
7. Cooking Together:
• You both enjoy cooking together, experimenting with new recipes, and having fun in the kitchen. Will's not the best cook, but he tries his best and often ends up making you laugh with his kitchen mishaps.
8. Affectionate and Romantic:
• Will is surprisingly romantic and loves doing little things to show he cares. From surprise flowers to handwritten notes, he always finds a way to make you feel special.
9. Late-Night Conversations:
• You both enjoy deep, late-night conversations about everything and anything. These moments strengthen your bond and help you understand each other on a deeper level.
10. Supportive of Each Other's Friends:
• Will makes an effort to get along with your friends and family, and you do the same with his. You both value each other’s relationships and enjoy spending time with each other’s loved ones.
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g-xix · 4 months
☁️💢Gone, Gone / iloveyou | ChrisMD
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Highschool AU ChrisMD x Reader! fluff & angst Summary: Sharing the sadness that comes with your best friend, first love, absolute world, leaving you <3 (tw: mildly cringe if u dont deep it) Wordcount: 1.8k
The familiar blonde tumbled onto the grassy spot besides you, joining you in lying flat on the tall hill, letting the lush green grass tickle the back of his neck - breathing in the crisp Spring-nearly-Summer air that dried the fixture-sweat off of the back of his neck, orange-y sunset panorama painting his pale skin a gorgeous tan that he'd undeniably develop as the summer rolled in.
His chest heaved, up and away from the earth, his lungs filling with swathes of delicious air - still warm from the sunny day - and yet refreshing and grounding with it's cooler, nightly undertones.
He could help but let his head lazily roll to the side, eyes brushing over your features - the way your lips slightly parted, hands folded over your stomach peacefully - eyes glittering in the golden sunset hues.
"How'd your game go?" As if the silent melody of the peaceful evening wasn't enough, your mellifluous voice was metaphoric music to Chris' ears.
"Great," He breathed, lying back and enjoying the peace. "Scored a last minute, won the game."
"What a hero you are." You smiled, your sarcasm earning a playful bump. "Good for you, keep it up and Mourinho will be on your doorstep in no time."
That earned a snort from Chris, making your little heart bloom at moments like these.
As end-of-year exam stresses faded away and days stretched out as Summer approached, days filled with laze and autonomy clouded your vision, and provoked urges of doing absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing with your favourite person, though.
Your hand was lifted slightly, before it was blanketed underneath Chris' warm palm, his digits threading through yours and painting a smile on your lips as your own fingers held his - the thumb that oh so gently ran over the velvety back of your hand bringing delicate butterflies stirring in your stomach.
It made your heart ache knowing your childhood best friend, love interest, eye-candy boy was leaving next Summer though.
To great London. To pursue that YouTube career, his footballing goals - heck, he could even follow the biology route in University if he really wanted. He'd made it so clear he was rearing to go, nothing was holding his excitement back, and it made all energy in your body sink when you were reminded he'd be leaving. But you couldn't tell that to him - hold him back. No, you'd silently let him know that you were already mourning his loss even whilst he was still here - but you'd never verbally made any statements. You weren't gonna hold your starboy back.
"We're gonna spend this Summer together, right?" You let your gaze turn to meet Chris' soothing blue eyes, the mere sight of them already applying soft kisses over the pain you felt filling your chest.
"What, like last Summer - and the Summer before that - and the one before that?" He questioned mockingly. "Yeah, obviously."
You scoffed at his humour, letting your head turn away again, not feeling quite as soothed by his words and instead feeling that angst within your chest multiply, dragging the feather light carelessness that Summer should've brought, transforming it into a heavy sinking feeling.
"C'mon, I'm just playing around - sorry, love," He squeezed your hand, picking up on your melancholic mentality and displaying his guilt within the apologetic tone. "...You know, I always say I can't wait to go to London - and I really am - but every so often I get some... second thought..."
That made your head roll back around, tucking your hair behind your face and cushioning your cheekbone by slipping a hand between your face and the rough, stubble-y grass that licked your skin.
"What do you mean, I was sold that you were counting down the days before you were off."
"Well, I mean, don't get my wrong I am, but..." Chris sucked in a deep breath, breaking eye contact as he confided. "I'm just scared and, well, it's kind of pathetic really..."
You watched him trail off, shutting his own eyes as he himself shut himself off, isolating those thoughts he'd hate to let out and let manifest. You couldn't bare seeing that confident, boisterous loud-mouth shut up though. Especially not from self-consciousness. 
"No, go on," Your hands had separated slightly, but yours crawled back into his, connecting him back to yourself and squeezing his hand as a gesture of presence. "Better to share it than to let it bottle up..."
"...It's... It's just..." Chris let out a deep sigh. It reminded you of the age of you two. That you weren't young teens, able to just mess around and be weird because you were still going to change and had your whole teenhood ahead of you. No, you were grown - able to make decisions for yourself now. And Chris already looked worn down from that autonomy, tired of those choices that could no longer be decided with the help of a omniscient-seeming parent. "I think the only reason I don't really want to go is because... I can't bare to leave you."
That brought a heart pang different to the pain you'd felt all those times you mourned the date Chris would leave to live in London. 
Empathy flooded your body, this sort of soothing - and yet sinking - sensation that you'd been so blind basking in your own self-pity, that you'd completely forgotten how Chris would be feeling. He was just like you - still developing that late-teen-going-adult freedom and learning to cope with that - learning to cope with the fact that he still felt like a child but had to pretend to fulfil a role of being mature and grown.
No, the heart of him wept just as much as yours at the prospect of growing up and leaving his childhood home, his childhood Isle, and his childhood best friend - which unbeknown to you - was the hardest part for him.
"Oh, Chris..." You felt succumbed by the overwhelming urges, and acted on them - turning to wrap your arm over his body, fingers clutching at the football shirt's jersey material which bunched together on the other side of his body, letting your head fall onto his chest - your inhalation allowing you to drink in that same scent he'd sworn by ever since year eight. 
Some peppermint, maybe lavender, some sort of wood-y smell... You felt your body fill with some sort of melancholic peace as your head filled with Chris' smell - his own arm wrapping around your side, sliding down your back until it comfortably sat around the lower area, against your exposed skin.
"Chris, you know..." It broke your heart, being between that rock and hard place - of course you didn't want to tell him to go. You'd never be ready to let him go, and have it your way he'd be by your side forever. But couldn't let yourself be the reason Chris never prospered and kept himself tied to this island where opportunities just didn't come knocking like they could in London. "Go, Chris. I'm not going to hold you back regardless of how much I..."
You didn't feel the lump growing in your throat until it was there, build up of confession and raw emotion that blocked your throat and clogged your words. You couldn't finish your sentence because of it though. Because you weren't going to let Chris hear you choke over your words when you wanted to let him shine, without holding him back yourself.
"You what?" Chris questioned, and you would almost hear a pleading tone within his voice, just wanting to hear what he knew you were going to say. 
Your eyes had been closed. In trembling nerves, you'd blocked all vision from the world around you. Slowly, now, you opened your eyes to look up at Chris - noticing that he was already looking down at you bittersweetly - his skin paler, milky and almost pallid looking as the healthy golden sunset had departed to introduce it's wan moon sister.
Your eyes followed the source, looking up to the sky and finding the crescent in the sky - a sliver of it's full greatness and yet still the brightest in the inky abyss above. The stars were beautiful - little burning pinpricks of gleaming white which illuminated the void with their distant galaxies. 
"Love you." You finished your sentence. Eyes finding the heart-throbbing constellation of Andromeda and Perseus in the sky as the words tumbled from your mouth.
"Please," Chris' voice was quiet as ever, barely audible and thickened with emotion as he heard those sacred words from your mouth for the first ever time. "Look at me and tell me..."
He was like a child. Inconsolable and needy, scared and alone - seeking you for solace. And who were you to deny it from him?
Your eyes turned from the stars in the sky, looking down and capturing the stars beheld in Chris' pupils, watery eyes reflecting every beautiful pinprick within the sky above.
"I love you"
Your lips trembled as you said it, but Chris' hand met your cheek so tenderly, fingers tracing over your jaw whilst his thumb pad caressed your cheek - you could almost feel all that weight and pressure built up in your head evaporating into his hand - your cheek lying and confiding against his hand, letting those fingers guide your face closer to his - sitting himself up by leaning back on his forearm - separating that gap between you and letting your lips find his.
It was affirming - having his lips silencing yours - promising everything would be alright without even saying a word. That most careful, tender, delicate kiss as though anything harder would shatter the either of you, his lips slowly eclipsing yours and melting into your touch. 
"Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Jesus fucking Christ- I can't stop saying it- I love you-"
Chris' breaths were shaky, speech broken with hands tremoring as they pushed your hair behind your shoulder, lips barely parted from yours and still kissing yours with each broken word. 
Maybe it was because he felt that cold, droplet slide down your cheek - his cheek only millimetres away as it was. Maybe that's what triggered him. Because he couldn't help himself in that moment - whispering those three words rolling through his mind like a mantra as he pressed his lips to yours frenziedly, kissing you like there wasn't a second he could miss without having his lips against yours.
And you poignantly kissed back - feeling a tear trailing down his own cheek, wet lashes brushing your own cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your waist, in some feeble, desperate way of protecting his forever, and praying he'd never truly have to say goodbye.
Little bit angsty! Little bit deep! Kinda the feels considering ik skl's ending really soon n sm people are leaving, including all the ppl I care about and even those who ik I dislike, but i'm still gna b kinda sad to see them for the last time </3
Alsoooo did smth a lil different by creating a remix of those 2 songs for reading - how do we feel about that? Is that sth you'd perchance wanna see more often? Pls lmk in comments or in my inbox, love u lots!!
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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fluffy haired gamer boy ~ ranboo
word count: 2056
request?: yes!
“Oooo i saw you said you might write for Ranboo. I was wondering if I could request something. I've been having a rough few days and kinda just want some comfort fluff involving him if you could. You don't have to if you dont want to”
description: in which they’re a popular twitch streamer and their fans like to make jokes about their fellow gamer boyfriend
pairing: ranboo x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing, absolutely no plot other than fluff
masterlist (one, two, three)
(i just wanna note i started writing this before ranboo came out as nb and using he/they pronouns, for the sake of consistency and for the title i came up with beforehand i am using he/him pronouns and referring to him as “boyfriend”)
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Behind every popular Twitch streamer is their fluffy haired, gamer boyfriend who brings just a sense of wholesomeness to every stream they are a part of.
I laughed at this once when it was brought up by a friend of mine as we were streaming one night.
“Not me!” I said, because I was an idiot and thought I was special. Because, at this point in time, I didn’t even have any plans on getting in a relationship. Even if I did, I wasn’t going to be public with my relationship. I was so sure that if I were to date someone, they wouldn’t be famous in the same way I was and I wouldn’t want to ruin their privacy by putting them out there for my hundreds of thousands of followers to see and harass and never leave alone.
Boy, was I ever wrong.
I met Ranboo for the first time after being invited to join the Dream SMP. I wasn’t much of a Minecraft fan and had no idea about the whole “SMP” stuff that had gotten so big on Twitch, but I decided to give it a try. Even if it was just one time to say that I did it. And I had become online friends with a few of the Dream SMP members, so I felt comfortable being brought into this world for the first time.
I don’t know what it was about him, but I was drawn to Ranboo almost immediately. I could barley form a sentence whenever I was talking to him. Every time he laughed, my heart would do a flip in my chest. As much as I wasn’t into Minecraft, I started putting up with playing it more just so I could spend time with him.
The day he messaged me asking if I wanted to call, just the two of us, no streaming and no video games, I almost jumped for joy. Quite literally.
And then, when he did call, he managed to make me feel so many emotions all at once.
“Hey,” I said when I answered his Discord call. “What’s up?”
“Hey,” he responded. Even with just the one word, I could tell something was going on.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah, everything is fine. I just...” He took a deep breath. This seriousness was starting to worry me. “I really like you, (Y/N). I’ve been enjoying getting to talk to you when we’re gaming together, but I want to have more than that. Like...more than friendship, even. And I know that’s a lot to ask when this is our first time talking outside of streaming, but I needed to tell you.”
I was silent for just a moment, before I started to laugh. I didn’t mean to, it just happened. I think I was just so shocked by his confession that I had no idea how else to react.
“Ouch,” I heard him mutter to himself.
“No!” I said, finally regaining myself. “I’m sorry, I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just...I feel the same way about you. I have since we met, actually.”
We both laughed together upon realizing our similar situations.
That was the start of our relationship. We kept it a secret from our audiences for the first few months. It wasn’t hard when we lived in different states, so we weren’t physically together, and we didn’t act much different when we were playing together than we had before we started dating. The cat was let out of the bag when Ranboo came to surprise me at home, not realizing i was mid-stream when he did. We thought we could get around it by me ending the stream before anyone could see him, but unfortunately we didn’t take into account that my viewers would hear him. But, our fans were ecstatic with excitement when we finally confirmed we were together, and we were slightly relieved to not have to hide anymore.
But, with the fans finding out came the usual teasing from them. Someone found the clip of me and my friend talking about how I’ll never have a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend and started circulating it on Twitter. It became a running joke in my fandom. I couldn’t escape the damn clip.
Especially when I was streaming with Ranboo.
One night while we were streaming, my chat was just constantly filled with the quote I had said from the video.
“I’m going to shut off my chat at this rate,” I commented, only half joking.
“Why? What are they saying?” Ranboo asked.
“They’ve taken an old clip from one of my streams and made it the fandom joke. My entire chat is just them quoting the clip. It’s only, like, five seconds long, but at this rate it’s the longest five seconds of my life.”
There was no response to this. We were playing a game together, and it took me a moment to realize his character wasn’t moving either.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he responded.
“Okay, sure, I totally believe that.”
He was silent again. A quick glance to my chat gave me the answer: he was trying to find the clip on Twitter.
“Do not look up the clip!” I said, although I knew I was powerless at this point. He was in a completely different state, already in the process of looking for it on Twitter. I had no way of stopping him unless I was somehow able to get to his house hours away within a matter of seconds.
“Your viewers are so mean, they’re tagging me in tweets that include the clip,” he said, a light laugh in his voice.
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
Seconds of silence passed as Ranboo watched the video. I heard him chuckle slightly, then chuckle again as I assumed the video re-started.
“Is this what they keep quoting?” he asked.
“The part where I say I won’t be getting a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend? Yeah, that’s what my chat is full of right now.”
Well, actually, at that moment my chat was full of my viewers either apologizing over the fact that he had now seen the video, or laughing about the fact that he had. Twitch chats are the worst, let me tell you.
“How long ago was this before we met?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t even remember saying it until someone tweeted the clip at me, like, the week after we announced we were dating.”
“Someone in my chat says it was a few weeks beforehand.”
“Y’all keep track of this?!” I asked my chat in disbelief. “How do you guys know that?!”
“The date on the VOD, I’d assume.”
“Okay, but still. You guys are scary.”
I managed to get the attention back to the game, mainly because we had forgotten to pause and Ranboo’s character was getting killed. I veered away from the topic of the video and tried to keep Ranboo distracted with the game. My chat, however, was a lost cause. They were still reveling in the fact that he had finally seen the clip. It seemed that this was going to be the new thing for my viewers to spam and meme me with.
When we finished playing, Ranboo said he was going to stay streaming for a bit because he was set to play with someone else. I could feel my eyes starting to burn from the strain of looking at my computer for so long (one of, if not the biggest downsides to being a streamer) so I decided to call it a night.
“I’ll call you when I’m finished streaming?” Ranboo asked.
“Yeah! I’ll be up for another while,” I responded.
The chat filled with messages about how cute we were - both positive ones and playful disgust ones.
We ended our Discord call and I said goodbye to my chat before shutting down my stream. I rubbed my tired eyes, trying to get some moisture back into them to help with the strained feeling, before getting up from my desk.
After streaming for a long time, I tried to stay away from screens for at least an hour. This included watching anything on my TV. So I decided to make something to eat, playing some music in the background so it wasn’t so quiet in my apartment. Once I finished eating, I went to get a quick shower, and then pulled on my pajamas and got into bed to start reading. I was starting to nod off when my phone started playing the tone for a Discord call. I placed my book on my nightstand and rolled over onto my side to answer it.
“You’re done playing already?” I asked.
“It was just a few rounds of Life,” he responded. “They wanted to play something else, but I wanted to call you before you went to bed.”
“Awe,” I teased.
He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. I’m cute. I know.”
I chuckled. I shifted under the covers to settle into my bed more. I had a feeling I was going to fall asleep during the call, which usually happened. I knew Ranboo would just hang up once he realized I was asleep.
“So,” he said, “you weren’t planning to have a gamer boyfriend, huh?”
I groaned and rolled my eyes, which made him laugh. “God, I hate that clip. It was funny at first, but now everyone spams me with it as if it’s the funniest shit they’ve ever seen. Like, I get it! I ended up with the exact thing I said I wasn’t going to have!”
“It’s just so ironic. Especially that you said it weeks before we met.”
I rolled onto my back and covered my face with my hands. “I had no intentions of dating when I said it. I’ve never really had a serious relationship, and I wasn’t about to have a public one with another streamer. Twitch relationships are full of all sorts of drama. Except for Ludwig and QT, but he’s a YouTube streamer now so it doesn’t count.”
“For the record, I also wasn’t planning to be in a relationship. I especially didn’t expect to meet someone through Minecraft of all games.”
I chuckled. “Really? Are you telling me Minecraft isn’t the ideal dating site?”
“No, I prefer Club Penguin. I used to get so many bitches on there.”
We laughed together. I looked up at the ceiling and felt my eyes beginning to droop. I wouldn’t have long till I was completely passed out, but I didn’t want to end the phone call just yet. I know I was streaming with him for hours beforehand, but there was a difference between talking to Ranboo while we were streaming and talking to him personally. I didn’t want to end our personal time just yet, even though my body was screaming at me that it was time for sleep.
“I’m glad you didn’t completely close your mind to the idea of - what did they call me? A fluffy haired gamer boyfriend,” he said.
I chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the term exactly.”
“What does that even mean? Why is it so specific of a distinction?”
“Well, think of some of the people you’ve played with. Like...I don’t know...Karl. He’s a wholesome gamer boy with hair that’s considered fluffy. It’s, like, a whole genre of gamer men who aren’t toxic. That’s usually the type of person that other streamers end up with. It’s like the whole golden retreiver-black cat best friend dynamic I told you about once.”
“I still don’t understand how I’m a golden retriever.”
“You don’t have to understand, you just are.”
“Anyways,” he said, “as I was saying. I’m glad that you didn’t close your mind to the idea of a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend. Otherwise I wouldn’t have stood a chance. So, I guess there is some positives to stereotypes and whatnot.”
I sleepily smiled to myself. “I guess there’s not.”
“You sound like you’re falling asleep.”
I had lost the fight in keeping my eyes open. I was just barely registering anything Ranboo was saying to me. I tried to say something back, but it just came out as incoherent mumbling. I heard him chuckle and wish me a goodnight before I let the sleep take me over.
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angelicsoka · 4 months
there’s absolutely nothing for my boy but i don’t want to write it if no one will read it
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Fairytale | Karl Jacobs
Karl takes you on a fake date... or is it? wc: 2.6k (so I got a little carried away) an: I had a lot of fun writing this!! I got into the flow very quickly but it may be noticeable that I wrote the ending first and for that I apologize. Anyway, enjoy everyone! Dedicated to @briceyj! thanks for the request darling!
It was no secret that you had the biggest crush on Karl Jacobs since the two of you were teenagers. 
The minute he sat down at your table at lunch and asked if you were going to his friend's party that weekend had your heart swept away and kept in his hold all this time. 
You were still shocked you remembered in perfect detail how you met your best friend of so many years. The rest of your first meetings in friendships washed away with time but this one had always stood so clear in your mind. Quite literally from day one, Karl Jacobs was different to you. 
Fast forward all these years later and you were still hung up on Karl but had tried many times to get over or ignore the simmering feelings in your chest. Your latest attempt? Damien. 
You and Damien had gone out a couple of times and you really did enjoy spending time with him but you both admitted to having zero spark. He was hung up on his ex and you? You were still thinking about Karl. 
It didn’t hurt any less though, so you found yourself wallowing in self pity, eating ice cream, and hoarding yourself up in your apartment. 
“(y/n)!” you hear a banging on your front door accompanied by the sound of your best friend's voice and you shrink away from the noise. 
Karl had had his fair share of helping you get over a breakup and you hated that he was always the one to see you at your worst. Flowing tears, snotty noses, messy hair, baggy clothes, the whole nine yards and every single time he asked ‘what can i do?’ your heart cracked open just a bit more. 
Karl finds your spare key hidden away and lets himself into your apartment. He kicks his shoes off and shuts the door again before seeking you out in your living room. 
“Go away,” you half murmur, tugging your blanket further up so it hides your face. 
“What happened pretty girl?” Karl asks, ignoring your request and sitting down on the couch next to you. 
He pulls the blanket out of your grasp and your shiny eyes meet his concerned brown ones. You can’t help but wonder if this is the way things would always be, you a damsel in distress and Karl showing up as your prince once more to save you from your heartbreak. 
“We broke up,” you supply, shifting to a sitting position and pulling your knees in close to create a physical distance from Karl. If you didn’t, you might do something dumb like pull him close and beg him to never leave you. 
“You deserve so much better than all this,” Karl sighs and your heart clenches at his words.
Karl vowed from the very first day he met you that he would keep you in his life no matter what. You were a ray of sunshine, a light in the darkness, the apple to his eye, every single other cliche in the book he could think of to describe what you meant to him. 
Unfortunately, this also meant hiding his real feelings for you so nothing could ruin your friendship. 
He stood by you all these years, picking up the pieces of your heart after every wrong guy came into your life and destroyed it. He wanted to hold each piece, sew them back together and hold onto it so you didn’t have to worry about it anymore.
But he also knew that he couldn’t lose you. He’d wait a million years for you if it meant that he was still graced with your presence each day. 
“I have an idea,” Karl says, pulling you back to the present and not the sweet words your best friend had said moments before. 
“I’m taking you out on a date,” he declares and you choke on your own spit for a moment, sputtering and coughing until you’re settled and seeing the earnestness on Karl’s face. 
“You’re what?” 
“I’m taking you out on a date tomorrow. You deserve the world and I want to show you how a real man should be treating you,” he explains. 
Your heart twists, jumps to your throat before flinging itself down into your stomach and rolling like a stone before forming wings and kicking back around your stomach again. How did he always know exactly what to say and do to make you feel better? It was like the cosmos themselves had come to tell you that this was your soulmate and he would always be there for you. 
“So, you wanna take me on a date?” you ask, still uncertain that you’re actually hearing Karl speak and this isn’t a cruel dream. 
“I’ll pick you up at 6.” 
When Karl steps out of your apartment the sound of the door clicking shut behind him pulls him down to earth again. Did he just informally ask you out? Did you say yes? Was he actually taking you on a date tomorrow? None of it could possibly be real. 
However, Karl is well awake and energetic as he drives home and plans out every second of the perfect date he would take you on and pray by the end of it, it wasn’t a fake date anymore. 
You’ve been panicking all day long. 
You’ve switched outfits three times, taken two showers, and drank far too much coffee that has only quadrupled your anxiety. Karl would be here in 20 minutes and you were on your last outfit. A light blue sundress and white sandals with your favorite pieces of jewelry to make it a bit cuter. You take a last look in the mirror and just as you’re picking up your purse a knock on your door sounds. 
You check the time to see its six o'clock on the dot and you smile widely. You had gotten used to the routine of guys showing up late, texting you ‘here’ and sitting in their car the entire time. To be honest, this was already the best date you had been on in a while and it hasn’t even started yet. 
You swing open your front door and it takes all of your self control not to audibly gasp at Karl. He stands in a dark gray t-shirt, black jeans, sneakers, and a chain around his neck. In his hands is a bouquet of your favorite flowers and on his face, an almost nervous smile. 
“Hi,” you greet, nerves fluttering through your veins. 
“Hi,” he responds and for a moment the two of you take the appearance of the other in. 
“So,” he utters and you snap out of your trance. 
“Right! Sorry,” you apologize. 
Karl watches as you take the flowers from his hand and follows when you gesture for him to come into your apartment. His eyes trail your figure as you move quickly, placing the bouquet in a vase filled with water before turning back towards him. 
God you were beautiful. 
“Ready to go?” Karl asks nervously and your smile washes over him like the sun shining after a long winter. 
He holds his hand out to you and you nod, slipping your hand into his. A zap of electricity flows through both of you as Karl leads you out of the apartment and you’re one hundred percent certain this is already the best date ever. 
Karl leads you to his car and when you get there you automatically reach for the door handle. Karl is quick to block your movement though, shaking his head as he reaches for the door. 
“A girl as beautiful as you should never have to open a door.” 
Your heart flutters and buzzes throughout your chest at his words and you feel your cheeks flush with heat. You step into the car and watch as Karl shuts your door before getting in on his side. 
“Where are we going?” 
“It’s a surprise,” he says, winking at you when you meet his eye and a giggle escapes your lips. 
The drive to your destination feels like five seconds and five years all at once. Time always feels like it slows down whenever Karl is around and you find yourself focusing on every movement, every breath, every word he says and letting it sink into your being so you can hold onto it. 
Finally, you pull up to the restaurant, a gorgeous Italian place that you had been talking about wanting to go to since it opened. Your face beams and when you look over to Karl, he’s already grinning at you. 
That smile. 
Even when it wasn’t directed towards you it still felt like you were on another planet. The image transcends space and time and releases a joy unlike any other. 
Karl slides out of the car, rushing over to grab your door and holds a hand out to help you. He feels that same electricity when your hands touch and it makes him feel giddy like he just chugged a monster and all the energy slams him at once. 
He leads you into the restaurant, the inside being far more gorgeous than the outside could ever convey and a waiter takes you to your semi secluded booth. Karl being the gentleman he has been all night, helps you slide into the booth before getting in on his side. 
Every move and every thing Karl has done or said since he picked you up has been just right. He knew exactly how to treat you and make your stomach twirl happily at the simplest things. You couldn’t remember the last time a guy treated you this well and the thought makes you sad for a moment. 
“What’s up?” Karl asks, noticing your shift of emotions as he hands you a menu before taking one for himself. 
“Just thinking that this is probably the best date i’ve ever been on,” you say and Karl tilts his head in confusion. 
“I’ve never had a guy treat me this well,” you shrug and Karl’s face falls. “Even on a fake date.” 
Instead of saying anything, Karl reaches across and takes your hand in his. He squeezes lightly before running a thumb back and forth over your skin. 
“Good evening! My name is Melissa and I’ll be taking care of you two tonight. Can I get you guys something to drink?” 
You order your drinks and make small talk until the waitress comes back and takes your food order as well. 
“I don’t want to sound too forward,” she says and you and Karl look up to meet her eye. “But you guys are truly such a cute couple.” 
Your smile widens and you can’t help but look away at her declaration. The fact that you and Karl even looked like a perfect couple made your heart race. 
“Thank you! I’m sure lucky to have a gorgeous girl like her,” Karl responds and your heart flares out, skips a beat, and then reigns back in again. 
When she walks away again, Karl’s eyes meet yours and you feel yourself heat up under his gaze. 
“Just enjoying the view,” he responds with ease. 
Dinner goes by quickly with you and Karl keeping conversation the whole time. You talk about anything and everything and there’s never a dull moment. Maybe this is why everyone says your significant other should also be your best friend. 
“Are we ready for the check?” Your waitress asks and Karl nods. 
She sets it down before walking away and you automatically start to reach for it. Just as your hand hovers over the black check holder, Karl pushes your hand out of the way. 
“No way,” he says, pulling the check towards him. 
“At least let me get the tip,” you bargain. You weren’t trying to be annoying, you just genuinely hated when other people paid for things for you without you chipping in even a little bit. 
“I asked you out so I will pay,” he explains and you finally pull your hand back. 
After Karl pays, the two of you head out and back towards his car. You’re thinking about how you never want this date to end as Karl opens your car door and helps you in again. 
When he gets in and starts to drive off, you hum along to the music and enjoy the quiet for a minute. Your brain overturns every tiny detail of the night and you’re already giddy thinking about it all. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Hmm?” Karl says, glancing at you for a second before focusing on the road again. 
“Why take me out? Do all this nice stuff?” The look on Karl’s face flips to a frown and you keep talking to explain yourself better. 
“We’re best friends. Why take me on a fake date and show me how men are supposed to act? You could have just bought me ice cream and watched sad movies with me to make me feel better.” 
“Well,” Karl starts, unsure how to answer your question without revealing his true intentions. But also, wasn’t that kind of the point of all this? 
“Who said it was a fake date?” 
You get out of the car for the final time, Karl refusing to waste a second pulls your hand into his and intertwines your fingers. It occurs to you in that moment that possibly, just maybe, Karl did like you the same way you liked him and the world became a bit clearer with the idea. 
The walk to your apartment is slow and you’re wishing it could last forever with Karl’s hand holding yours perfectly tight. Your heartbeat has tripled since leaving the car and you wonder if Karl can feel it through your connected hands. 
You finally reach your apartment door and you find yourself turning to lean your back against it as Karl stands before you, hands pushed into the pockets of his jeans. Your eyes survey his stance and for a moment you wonder if he’s nervous. 
“So?” Karl asks, nervously bouncing on the balls of his feet. 
“Today was a fairytale,” you sigh out, not caring if your true feelings for Karl are being exposed at the moment. 
“It was perfect,” you smile earnestly up at the taller boy and his cheeks flush red at your words. 
“I’m glad.” 
There’s a beat of silence and you quickly realize Karl’s superpower of slow motion is activating once more as he steps closer, one hand reaching for your waist and the other, agonizingly slow rests against your cheek. 
He searches your eyes for any hesitation but all you do is match his gaze and his heart leaps from his chest into your hands. He takes what is hopefully a subtle deep breath before leaning in. 
You were sure this had to be true love. You had fallen head first for Karl the moment you saw him but the way his lips mold against yours and move as if they always belonged there has you thinking about soulmates, weddings, old age, all of it all at once faster than you can comprehend. 
Karl could only describe this moment as magical. It had to be magic, right? How could someone like you fall for someone like him? Regardless, he knew this kiss was magical and easily the only thing he’ll think about for the rest of his life. 
You break apart when both of you have pulled all the air out of each other's lungs but Karl doesn’t move too far. He hesitates before resting his forehead gently against yours and you watch as his eyes flutter shut. 
“I get what you mean by fairytale now,” he whispers and you giggle against him. 
“Feels like a fairytale for sure.” 
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cagritanblog · 1 month
Youtube İzlenme
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wcters · 5 months
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k
summary: when you think you’re ready to give matt’s stuff back and move on, one question from his brother breaks you
warnings/notes: part two of ‘Polaroids’, angst, established relationship, mental health mentions, kissing, thank you to everyone who wanted a part two! this is for you 💋 also based on ‘i can do it with a broken heart’ by taylor swift because the new album is amazing 🤍
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You always thought of yourself as resilient. You pushed through hard times and tough situations even though you felt like you couldn’t. You hear the phrase ‘fake it till’ you make it’ your whole life from your parents . . . So that’s what you did. You put on a fake smile and pushed through. You only let yourself feel every once and a while, while the rest was spent pushing it down.
With Matt, you never had to do that. You always had someone there to let you know you were okay . . . That you weren’t alone. He was there holding your hand and grounding you, he was there being your shoulder to cry on and held you when you broke down. For years, you weren’t alone. Now you were again, and you needed him.
After that night you put the last few polaroids from your wall away, you pushed your feelings to the back of your mind like you used to. You felt like you had been tricked ━━ like you had been fooled. You didn’t hate him . . . You were just unknowingly putting the blame on him because you felt embarrassed.
You went out with your friends acted like you were having fun, dancing and smiling for pictures while you felt like you were dying inside. You answered Nick and Chris’s texts with fake ‘I’m okay’s’ and ‘I’m fine’s’. You were now the one tricking everyone else. No one seemed to catch on that you could see. But Matt did.
He saw how your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, how your hands would be gripping a glass to the point where he knew it would make imprints into your palm. He saw how you used your punctuation when you answered his brother’s texts and how he heard your voice when they FaceTimed you (they thought he was asleep). He knew . . . He would always know.
It was a couple months after you had finished packing his things that you still had away when you decided it was time to drop them off. At that point in time, you were too focused with acting like you were okay to realize you weren’t actually ready. You didn’t realize it until Nick asked you that one question.
Your knuckles banged against the wooden door as you waited. You saw that Chris and Matt were out from one of Chris’s snaps he sent you, so you thought you could get it over with now and not have to face your ex-boyfriend. There were footsteps before the door was opened and there stood Nick. You smiled at him, and he smiled back. He knew something was wrong but it didn’t solidify until he saw your face.
Your eyes were sunken ━━ under eyes black like a buildup of cried-up mascara. Your face was pale, the rosiness of your cheeks Nick was always jealous of was like a fading memory. You looked almost . . . Hollow. A facade of your old self. He decided not to say anything, at least not yet. “Would you like to come in and set that down? Matt and Chris are out.” He told you. You nodded, not wanting to talk just yet incase you broke down.
You two made your way up their stairs, walking into the kitchen and putting the box on the kitchen. You resisted to look around or sit down like you used to. You weren’t his anymore, this wasn’t your second home anymore. “Want a coke?” The brunette asked you. You replied with a small ‘sure’ and stayed where you were. You were handed the coke and Nick went to sit down, looking at you as if to to tell him to follow him. You did.
You two sat in silence for a minute before you started the conversation. You were confident enough you weren’t going to sound like you wanted to cry. You didn’t want this to be any more awkward than it already was. You two talked about things ━━ family, friends, things that have happened. You don’t know how long you were there for, but soon enough your drink was finished and you were excusing yourself. Nick was following you to the stairs when he spoke up.
“Are you okay?” Nick asked you. You froze. Were you? You had tricked yourself into thinking you were okay because you acted like you were fine . . . But you weren’t. A sob broke through your lips and he grabbed you and pulled you in. You knew you would feel embarrassed if you could think about anything else but the feelings you had pushed down breaking through the dam you had put up. “Oh honey.” Your knees shook and Nick continued to hold you even as you fell to the floor. You ignored the pain that flared in your knees.
“I miss him.” You cried, knuckles holding on to him as if he would disappear if you let go. “I miss you too.” This time, the voice came from behind you as you turned around to see the boy who still had your heart. Now, you felt embarrassed. But also relieved that you weren’t alone in feeling like absolute shit. Matt nodded to Nick and Chris who showed up with Matt who then left leaving you and Matt. You continued your sobbing and Matt joined you on the floor. He pulled you into his lap and just held you, whispering things you couldn’t hear over the sound of your cries into your neck.
Matt was hurting as bad as you were, but he knew you. He knew you had been holding everything in. He knew you needed to let it out more than he did. He never stopped you or interrupted you once, just rubbed your back and told you to breathe every once and awhile. When you finally stopped, you looked up at the man who was holding you.
He had tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” You apologized, moving to get up and wipe your tears. “Don’t be sorry.” His hand stopped you, keeping you where you were. “I was an idiot. I never should have hurt you the way I did. I made a promise, and I broke that. I’m sorry.” You could feel his hands against the sides of your face. You smiled softly, a tear joining the ones stained in your face. “I don’t want my things back. I want you back, and want you to keep them. I want the Polaroids up on your wall, the smell of your perfume permanently on my sweaters, and you the evidence of you in my life. I want you.”
You pulled him into a kiss, your feelings being let out. You were letting him know how you were feeling. “I love you, Matt.” You whispered as your forehead pressed against his. “I love you so much,” you laughed, “I love your shoes at my door, the smell of your hoodies, you.” He smiled. “Glad we’re on the same page with that one.” He joked as you let out a quick laugh.
“Just shut up and kiss me, Matt.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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yourimagines · 8 months
can we please have NSFW alphabet for arthurtv? :)
Yes of course, I hope you like it
What he likes
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: 18+, Smut, Kinks, swearing
A - Aftercare, What he likes after sex: he’s a big softy, so he absolutely loves taking care of you and himself after the deed. He likes to take a bath or shower with you, Wearing some cozy clothes and cuddle with you in bed or on the sofa, watching your favourite movie or tv show with some snacks.
B - Body part, his favourite body part of himself and yours: he likes his arms, you grabbed them a lot and that makes him feel good. He loves your thighs, he loves the way you squeeze your legs together as he lays his hand on them. Just loves them
C - Cum, Anything to do with cum: he isn’t a big fan of making a big mess but he likes to see it dripping out of you, just makes him go crazy.
D - Dirty Secret, A dirty secret of himself: he secretly wants to record you guys but he’s afraid. He doesn’t want the videos being leaked on the internet because only he can see and hear you like that. He’s also afraid that you find him a creep so he always makes sure his cameras are off and placed somewhere else.
E - Experience, How experienced is he? Does he know what he’s doing: He knows but is a bit shy and sometimes It looks like he doesn’t know but trust me he knows, he not innocent he’s just a bit shy.
F - Favourite Position: You on top riding him, he loves that. Even during a game or a movie just hop on top and ride him.
G - Goofy, Is he more serious in the moment, or is he more joking around: he jokes around because he’s a bit shy and doesn’t know how to respons, he never makes fun out of you tho only himself.
H - Hair, How well groomed is he: he shaves everything down there. He likes it that it’s clean, he doesn’t really care if you shave or not, he just doesn’t like it on his own private parts.
I - Intimacy, How is he during the moment, on a romantic aspect: Very romantic, sometimes a bit dirty but that’s only when he’s drunk and not shy. He likes to please you and shower you with affection and compliments. He isn’t a big fan of degradation, he wants you to feel loved and that’s not the vibe in his opinion to love someone.
J - Jack Off, Masturbation: he’s shy but not innocent, he will Jack himself off if he sees you posted a beautiful photo of yourself. He thinks a lot about you at night and just loses his fucking mind.
K - Kink, One or more of his kinks: well hes a shyer person but he really loves to role play with you, not to weird but just teasing each other. He loves to tie your hands so you can’t touch yourself.
L - Location, his Favourite places: bathroom or in the bedroom in bed, it’s a safe space for both of you. He also likes to do it in a hot tub but other places than that it’s a big no for him.
M - Motivation, What turns him on: if you straddle his lap, biting your lip, kissing his neck, being a little bit cheeky. He also loves to see you in his clothes that’s a big turn on for him as well.
N - NO, Something he wouldn’t do: No weird stuff like poop or piss stuff, no hitting or really hurting each other and no degradation. For the rest he’s open for everything.
O - Oral, Preference in giving or receiving: he likes both, he likes to go down on you and he likes it if you go down on him.
P - Pace, what is his pace: He’s a softer person so his pace is mostly sweet and slow but sometimes he’s a bit rougher and faster but still makes sure you’re okay with that. He loves when you are on top and goes nuts, he likes when you go rougher and faster because everything wiggles 😉
Q - Quickie, His opinions on quickies rather than proper sex: Big fan of proper sex, he isn’t a fan of quickies. He’s too awkward for that.
R - Risk, Does he likes take risks and game to experiment: no not really, he likes it when you do it, he’s too awkward and too self conscious about it.
S - Stamina, How many rounds can he go for, how long can he last: he can go for one good round, then he needs some time before he can go to the next round.
T - Toy, Does he own toys, Does he use them on you or himself?: he doesn’t own toys, he uses yours on you, he’s open for everything so maybe he will try them together on himself.
U - Unfair, how much he likes to tease: He likes to tease you a little bit because he doesn’t like to be teased so it’s not fair if he does it and you can’t. A little bit can’t hurt anyone right…?
V - Volume, How loud is he and what sounds does he makes: He mostly moans, whimpers and whines, most of the times it’s softly whimpering and some moans.
W - Wild Card: He likes everything you do, you want to go on top then you go top. You want him to fuck you, he fucks you.
X - X-Ray, what’s going on in his pants: he’s average length and it bends slightly to the right, completely shaven and a nice rosy tip.
Y - Yearning, How high is his sex drive: Average, Not every night but also not once a month. He likes sex but he also likes to just cuddle with you.
Z - ZZZ, how quick he falls asleep afterwards: he awake for a while, he’s full of energy and loves to spend some time with you afterwards.
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | navigation
❀ fluff
❥ sad
❆ angst
*⁀➷ also known as wroetoshaw
❆ ❀ another blanket
❆ ❥ love is a choice
*⁀➷ also known as tiktoks biggest star
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where a fan made an 8-minute video with a compilation of Matt and Y/N being in love.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anons, @myfavoritesstuff, @dracoflaco and @ecliphttlunar
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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8 minutes of cute moments between Matt Sturniolo and his girlfriend, Y/N.
1st minute - "Trying Japanese snacks with our parents!!!":
The triplets were recording a video where they tried different snacks from Japan, and their parents were participating of it as guests, just like Y/N - which was nothing new, since the girl made at least a small appearance in every video from the triplets channel.
The six of them were around one side of the kitchen table, and all the snacks that would be used in the video rested on it. Y/N stood next to Mary Lou with her head resting on her shoulder, while the woman's left arm wrapped around her waist affectionately.
Matt was explaining to the camera about the snack they were going to eat next, when the girl raised her head slightly, pointing with her left hand at the only glass of water on the table, which was in front of Mary Lou.
"It's yours, right? Can I have a sip, please?" The girl asked her mother-in-law, receiving a big smile and a nod in response.
"Of course, go ahead!"
Y/N smiled back, picking the glass and taking a generous sip. Before she could take another one, Chris suddenly interrupted her, cutting off Matt's sentence.
"Someone's invisalign is in that water." Chris pointed to the glass, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw his sister-in-law drinking the water from there.
Y/N stopped her hand holding the glass in the air, her eyes widening comically as her cheeks puffed out in embarrassment.
"What?" Her voice came out high-pitched, her eyes going from Chris to the glass repeatedly.
"Oh my God, babe, it was mine!" Matt pointed out, a laugh escaping his mouth, followed by Mary Lou, who curved her spine slightly as she laughed, trying to apologize.
"Ew, ew, ew." Y/N mumbled repeatedly, dropping the glass on the table with a loud clinck. She began her steps towards the sink, ready to give her mouth a thorough rinse.
Her steps were interrupted by Matt, who lightly pulled her into his arms, hugging her from behind. His arms wrapped around her waist as he rested his chin on her head, an amused look still in his eyes.
Y/N let out a groan, trying to free herself from Matt's arms, wanting to clean her mouth.
"No need for all that, baby. You've had worse in your mouth." Matt threw, his voice loud enough for everyone there to hear.
Nick let out a dramatic scream, covering his ears with his hands quickly, a look of fear taking over his features. Chris's eyes widened momentarily before laughter escaped his mouth, followed by Jimmy, who patted Matt's shoulder. Mary Lou raised her eyebrows at the couple, shaking her head playfully.
Y/N opened her mouth in surprise, her eyes widening as she stopped fighting against his hold. She felt her face burn with embarrassment, her mind still processing what her boyfriend had just blurted out in front of his parents, siblings, and camera.
"I'm kidding, baby. I'm sorry." Matt said, his tone full of amusement, showing that he wasn't sorry at all for what he said.
The brunette lowered his face, resting his right cheek on Y/N's right shoulder with his face toward her neck, sealing her jaw repeatedly, exhaling the natural scent of her skin as he tightened his arms around her, throwing a playful wink towards the camera.
2nd minute - Silent treatment:
The triplets and Y/N were at Target buying the drinks that the boys would use in the channel's next video. Nick had his vlog camera in hand, recording bits of their little trip, just like they used to do.
The four of them had decided to split up to optimize their time, as Y/N needed to get some things that had run out at their house. With that, Y/N and Matt went one way, while Nick and Chris went the other.
At some point, Y/N approached Chris and Nick with a giant pout on her lips and arms crossed, her heavy steps against the floor drawing their attention.
"Uh oh, what happened?" Nick asked upon noticing her upset expression, focusing the camera lens on her face while frowning in confusion.
"Matt is ignoring me." Her pout deepened, her eyes dropping to the floor momentarily. "I just wanted to get a Diet Coke, but he said we would get that later and that the focus now was on the video stuff." She explained in a defeated tone. "But I said I felt like it, and he told me to stay quiet and just do what you said, and then he started ignoring me and giving me the silent treatment-"
The sound of approaching footsteps interrupted her, her eyes quickly looking up to the source of it, seeing Matt approaching with a basket with 10 cans of assorted drinks, and at least 15 cans of Diet Coke.
Y/N's eyes filled with tears when she saw him and what he had picked, lowering her crossed arms and watching him with hopeful eyes.
"Matt! What did we talk about giving the silent treatment when you're mad?" Chris raised his eyebrows, resting his hands on his waist in a playfully confrontational gesture.
The brunette rolled his eyes, completely ignoring him and approaching his girlfriend.
"I'm sorry, babe. It was childish of me to ignore you. But look, I got you a bunch of Diet Coke." Matt asked, lifting the basket with the cans before looking into Y/N's eyes, frowning in concern when he saw them teary. "Oh no, don't cry, pretty girl. I'm sorry."
Matt's tone was desperate, his hands dropping the basket onto the floor before wrapping around Y/N, pulling her into a tight hug. He pressed her head against his chest, lowering his own and sealing her temple for long seconds, whispering "I love you" repeatedly, pressing several kisses to the same spot.
"Ugh, how can you two be so disgusting even when you're fighting?" Nick's voice sounded from behind the camera, the lens shaking as he suddenly turned around, leaving that aisle and pulling Chris with him.
3rd minute - Y/N's birthday:
It was Y/N's birthday, and at her own request, the celebration was being something small, just a little thing with her closest friends, at her house - which she shared with the triplets, one of them being her beloved boyfriend -, without alcoholic drinks, but with several different snacks and sweets, as well as a pink cake, heart shaped and covered in glitter.
It was time to sing the happy birthday song and Nick quickly fished his phone out of the back pocket of his baggy jeans, opening the camera and setting it to record, wanting to keep the memory forever.
"Baby, can you stay by my side?" Y/N asked in a low tone, her eyes focused on her boyfriend, Matt, as she was already standing behind the table in their kitchen.
The cake was in the center with two pink candles filled with pearls in the shape of her new age on top, surrounded by sweets and snacks, as well as several drinks filled with edible glitter and dishes in different shades of pink.
Matt smiled at her request, his cheeks taking on a reddish color in shyness and love, walking over to his girlfriend and positioning himself next to her, his arm wrapping around her waist automatically.
"Wait, let me light it." The brunette interrupted Y/N's next movements, who was ready to light the candles.
Matt quickly did so before straightening up, nodding as he heard everyone start singing the "Happy birthday" song, while clapping and smiling at the couple.
The boy tightened his arm around Y/N, lowering his head so that his lips approached the side of her forehead, sealing her skin for a long time while humming the song along with everyone.
"Happy birthday, pretty girl."
It was Y/N's birthday, but it was Matt who was getting an amazing gift for the fifth year in a row.
4th minute - Guess the triplets by zoom in pics:
The triplets were finishing the video where they had limited time rounds to guess who it was in the photos shown, just by a small part of their body or face.
"Before we finish, we want to do something different. We'll call Y/N so she can play a round alone. But the trick is: we'll tell her that these are random photos of the three of us, but actually, we'll just show photos of me." Matt explained in a low tone, his face closer to the camera so that the lens captured his words, an eager smile decorating his face.
While the brunette talked to the lens, Chris did the job of calling Y/N and explaining what she would have to do, taking her into the frame after Matt finished speaking.
Y/N smiled slightly at the camera, waving quickly before sitting down in one of the two chairs set up behind the table, keeping her arms on the wooden surface and looking at the triplets expectantly.
"Okay, Y/N, are you ready?" Nick began, scrolling his thumb through the separate photos in a folder in his phone's gallery, before clicking on one. He zoomed in on an almost unrecognizable area, turning the device towards Y/N, showing her the screen. "Who's-"
"Matt." Y/N interrupted Nick abruptly, slamming her hand on the table right after, momentarily forgetting that she needed to tap there before saying the answer.
Chris raised his eyebrows from behind the camera, approaching Nick and looking at the photo quickly over his right shoulder, before taking the device from his hand and searching for the next picture, looking for one that was just as difficult.
"Okay, you got it right, but that one was too easy. Let's see something different." Chris smiled sideways, covering the phone screen with his free hand so that no one but himself could see what he was doing.
Matt rolled his eyes, smirking as his eyes met Y/N's, watching her cheeks take on a red hue under his intense gaze.
A few seconds later, Chris finally chose the photo, zooming in on the area most unlikely to be recognized before doing the same process as Nick, showing it to Y/N.
The girl looked at it for a few milliseconds before slamming the same hand on the table.
"Matt. Again." She smiled smugly, lifting her chin in the air in pride.
Matt let out a loud laugh, clapping his hands momentarily, entering the camera frame, and walking up to his girlfriend's back.
He leaned forward slightly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and laying his head in the crook of her neck, before repeatedly kissing her cheek.
Y/N smiled in shyness at his loving gestures, feeling confused by the sudden actions.
"I said my girlfriend knew me as well as I knew myself." Matt spoke to his brothers behind the camera, smiling into the lens in excitement.
"Wait, was that a prank?"
5th minute - "We bought the zoo for a day":
The triplets and Y/N were at the zoo for 24 hours, a way of thanking the fans of the Sturniolo Triplets channel for making them reach 6 million subscribers.
Y/N felt over the moon, having grown up with a huge passion for all types of animals, made her enthusiasm triple every time her eyes met a different animal, dangerous or not.
The four were in the zoo's tour car, accompanied by their guide, who stopped in front of certain groups of animals from time to time and briefly explained their species and main characteristics.
Nick and Chris, who were sitting in the seats behind the front ones, listened intently to the guide as they recorded themselves and their surroundings, often focusing the lens on the couple in the seats behind them, Y/N and Matt.
Matt nodded his head every few minutes, wanting to show the guide through the rearview mirror that he was listening to him and understanding his explanation, while his eyes fixed on each of the animals shown.
A huge smile decorated his face, accompanied by his pupils that seemed to shine bright. Y/N's right arm was around his waist, keeping him close.
Her hand caressed his covered skin lightly, gently squeezing it every time she felt him jump in place excitedly, or when he simply waved at the animals, whispering "hi" or "bye's".
God, how she loved him.
The camera, focused on Nick at the moment, captured the image of the two in the background, recording the cuteness of the couple, who seemed to be in candy land.
Y/N leaned into Matt's side from time to time, her pupils dilating as they ran over his excited, awe-like features. She sealed her lips over his cheeks and jaw every minute, whispering against his skin how much she loved him and adored seeing him that happy.
The girl also laid her head on Matt's right shoulder sometimes, squeezing her arm around him and pulling him closer - if that was even possible.
That only intensified Matt's happiness, who smiled so big that his eyes closed, shrugging his shoulders in shyness and enthusiasm.
6th minute - Disgustingly cute:
Nick and Chris were in the living room as they spoke to the camera, explaining what they would do in that vlog, which would be posted next Wednesday.
Chris remembered that they had to call for Matt, commenting that the boy was still in his room and that they had been calling for him for over 20 minutes already.
Nick rolled his eyes, muttering something like "I don't know what I did to deserve this shit" in an ironic tone, walking quickly to Matt's bedroom door, turning the camera so that the lens captured the environment inside.
His free hand worked on turning the handle, pushing it quickly, hoping to give Matt a scare.
He just didn't expect to see Y/N still lying in bed - which left him confused, as he imagined that the girl would already be at the market, since there were some things that had run out on their house and she told him that she would get new ones while they were filming.
The girl was dressed in the clothes she would wear to go out, her makeup and hair done, and her face carrying a defeated expression. Meanwhile, Matt was lying on top of her, all of his weight against Y/N's body.
His face was buried in the crook of her neck, only the sight of curly brown hair apparent. His back rose and fell slowly, on the rhythm of his calm breath.
Matt's body was covered by the sweatshirt set he would be wearing for the video, and Nick quickly understood that they were ready for the day, Y/N about to leave, when Matt interrupted her for a lovey dovey session.
Y/N had her eyes closed and a smile resting on her face, seeming to dive into the moment. Her right hand was in Matt's hair, and her fingers threaded through his curls, massaging his scalp. While her left hand was on his back, traveling from his shoulders down to the small of his back, and back up again.
Every second, it was possible to see Matt moving his head slightly, and a sound of lips sealing against skin sounded throughout the room, making it clear that he was kissing Y/N's cheek or neck.
Whispers of "I love you" and sweet nothings were occasionally released from their lips.
"Matt, I'm going to fire you if you don't get up now and do your job." Nick's voice sounded like thunder between the four walls, scaring the couple.
Matt quickly sat down between Y/N's legs, turning towards the door with wide eyes, while Y/N opened her own eyes abruptly, her right hand flying to her chest, feeling her heart racing under her skin.
"You are crazy." Matt shook his head, moving to get up from the bed, casting a sad glance at Y/N, longing to return to her arms.
"And you guys are disgusting." Chris added, smiling roguishly, letting it know that it was a joke. "Y/N makes Matt a softie. She has him on a leash, I swear."
"Shut up, Chris."
7th minute - Gamer boyfriend:
Y/N felt her shoulders heavy from the extremely busy day at work. All the tasks placed on her duty made her almost go completely insane, and all her body asked for was her bed and her boyfriend's arms.
So when she got home, the first thing she did was go up the stairs and enter her shared room with Matt, her movements almost robotic and automatic.
The sound of voices echoed low from one of the corners of the room, and Y/N quickly noticed that Matt was sitting in his gaming chair, his arms resting on the computer desk as he played one of his addictive games.
His eyes were fixed on his computer screen, his ears covered by the headphones from which the voices were coming from.
Y/N smiled slightly, feeling her heart warm by finally seeing her boyfriend. She quickly grabbed a set of the boy's sweatshirts and left the room, going to the bathroom, where she took a shower faster than usual - just wanting to be able to sleep as soon as possible - and got dressed.
As soon as the girl entered their bedroom again, she noticed Matt talking into the microphone of his headphones, and she quickly understood that he was streaming, probably with his brothers and on Twitch.
Y/N walked slowly towards her boyfriend, touching his right shoulder lightly, alerting him to her presence.
Without the two noticing, the chat went crazy from the moment the girl appeared in the frame. Miscellaneous comments about her or the two of them as a couple were sent so quickly that if Matt were watching them, he wouldn't be able to read any.
Matt lifted his head quickly, lowering the headphones so that it would hang around his neck, a big, bright smile appearing on his face as his pupils instantly dilated.
"Hi baby! I didn't notice you coming." The brunette's voice came out in a low tone, his eyes taking note of his girlfriend's tired expression and tense shoulders, his eyebrows almost automatically furrowing in concern.
"I arrived just now, I just came in to get some clothes so I could take a shower." Y/N whispered in response.
Matt smiled as he saw his own clothes covering his girl's body. The boy lifted his arms, encircling her waist and pulling her closer, sealing his lips lightly over her covered waist.
"Do you want to go to sleep?" The brunette asked, tilting his head back so he could see her face, ready to just turn off his streaming if she said yes.
"I do, but I want to be with you more." Y/N spoke, raising her right hand quickly, interrupting Matt before he could even consider stopping his streaming. "I don't want you to stop it... Can I just sit on your lap while you play?" Her tone was vulnerable, her tired eyes looking into Matt's expectantly.
"Of course, my love. Always." Matt quickly responded, nodding his head as he moved slightly away from the table with the help of the soles of his feet against the floor, opening his arms, waiting for his girlfriend to fit between them.
Y/N smiled in gratitude, positioning herself between his thighs before sitting on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms hooking around his shoulders, getting comfortable.
She sealed her lips against his right cheek in a lingering kiss, stroking the soft skin with the tip of her nose, before laying her head in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily and finally closing her eyes.
Matt kissed the top of her head for some seconds, arranging his headphones against his own ears again, giving a shy smile to the camera.
His right hand traveled to the mouse, pressing play on the game again, while his left hand caressed Y/N's back, helping her get into dream land.
He felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment as he watched the chat go as fast as he thought it be possible, keeping his focus on the game.
8th minute - "Trying and guessing 21 different drinks":
The triplets were recording the video that would be posted that Wednesday, where they had to try 21 different drinks - some that they are used to drinking every day, others that they have never even tasted - and guess what which one was.
Y/N was participating in the video as a special guest. She had a feeling she would do poorly at the task, since she wasn't used to drinking anything other than Diet Coke.
Nick had decided to leave her for last, telling her to rearrange the positions of all the drinks in each of the boys' rounds.
Soon, it was her turn. She cast a quick glance at Matt, concern and nervousness present in her expressions. The brunette just returned it with a quick wink, waving his hand as if to say "you can go", waiting for her to leave the kitchen so he could rearrange the drinks.
Before calling her back, Matt surreptitiously took a photo of the position of the drinks, quickly putting away his phone, finally calling for his girlfriend.
Y/N returned to the kitchen with a tense smile, stopping in front of the table and behind the drinks, looking at the triplets, waiting for them to give the go-ahead.
Given the start, the girl bent down to take a sip of the first drink, her expression brightening and her eyes instantly widening as she tasted her favorite drink.
"Diet Coke!" She quickly said after rising from her slightly bent position, pulling out the paper with the image of the soda.
"Okay..." Chris muttered, nodding his head in confirmation. They knew she'd get that one right since her obsession with the drink was as strong as Chris's obsession with Pepsi.
The girl bent down again to take a sip of the second drink, momentarily catching her throat before she could swallow the liquid, the horrible taste flooding her mouth.
She stood up abruptly, swallowing the contents roughly, looking at the brothers with a frown, receiving laughter in response. The girl stopped in front of the images for a few seconds, internally analyzing which one it could be.
Her fingers worked on pushing away the images of the drinks she had already drank before and was sure that wasn't the horrible thing she had just drank, staring firmly at the ones that she didn't know.
When her finger went towards one of them, the image of Matt moving his arm around caught her attention. She looked up and saw her boyfriend behind his brothers, trying to get her attention.
Matt, realizing that she noticed him calling out to her, discreetly pointed to the right image with his free hand, his other hand occupied by his phone, which was displaying the photo he took of the correct order of the drinks minutes before.
Y/N smirked, dodging the path her hand was going, picking up the right image and placing it in front of the corresponding straw.
That cycle remained throughout the process. Chris and Nick were in shock, even thinking about the possibility that Y/N had some kind of superpower..
While Matt had a discreet smile on his face, biting his bottom lip to stop the laugh from escaping every time he saw his brothers reaction or the way his girlfriend smiled like a mad woman.
Upon finishing her round, the girl stood in front of the table with her arms crossed, a convinced expression taking over her features as she waited for Nick to confirm how many she got right, even though she already knew the result.
"Look, I don't know what kind of witchcraft you did, but you got everything right." Nick said, his face with an expression of annoyance.
An excited scream escaped Y/N's lips. She ran towards Matt, hugging him tightly while jumping in place.
Matt laughed at her reaction, pulling her closer, kissing the side of her head repeatedly, jumping with her.
"Ugh, I hate you guys."
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kamyylovee · 22 days
this is SOOO giving when chris eats you out and he’s tasting you 😩😩🤭🤤😮‍💨
FUCKKK bro this man has me DOWN BADDD
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loveadri · 1 month
quackity in jaidens art style is everything :]
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i may have taken WAY too many screenshots of him BUT HES SO CUTE
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