#Zoro: YOOOO
shima-draws · 5 months
Zoro being super into swords is such a cute character trait tbh…like just beyond owning them, he’s actually really fascinated by them and treats them like real people sometimes which is absurdly adorable. And it’s not smth that comes out very often, but Luffy getting a sword in Wano and Zoro being like umm hey. Can I look at it. Can I PLEASE look at it 😳 and Luffy being like no it’s mine!! And Zoro going all pouty like you don’t even know how to use it just let me hold it for like TWO seconds! It’s so CUTE 😭 Swords are his special interest let him look at your sword Luffy
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luscaina · 1 year
here's are some of my favorite little things from the OP:LA
the fact that they let Iñaki Godoy keep his lil accent even when playing Luffy like i love that so much
THE BOUNTY INTROS!!! i love how they get interacted with, Arlong's one is my favorite so far
Coby's huge bug-like glasses
Zoro's three little earrings – they look so NICEEEE I WANT THEM
Nojiko. [⬅️ Completely Infatuated]
Sanji being so sweet & kind with Luffy especially
Iñaki's acting oh my god he's so fun to watch and he has such youthful energy that's perfect for Luffy
Usopp and Nami holding hands for comfort...
The Outfits – everybody fucking thank the costume department RIGHT NOW AND ON YOUR KNEES
Garp throwing the cannon ball
Mihawk's little head tilts that remind me so much of an actual hawk surveying their surroundings
also Mihawk's speech pattern; i never knew someone could speak cursive
Zeff saying "little eggplant" (derogatory/affectionate)
Garp and Zeff's dinner feeling like old ex-lovers reuniting bitter-sweetly like what the fuck was that vibe and can we get more of that please
Gum Gum Gatling
just Sanji's temper in general, he's so funny bc he's genuinely sweet but gets riled up so fast
Usopp accidentally meeting Mihawk 😭
Luffy's casual touches and complete disregard for personal space
everyone's genuine confusion/horror/exasperation when it comes to Luffy's antics
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
YOOOO saw t4t sanami, do you have any specific thoughts on trans! nami?
OMG YESYESYES!!!!!! First of all, I adore t4t Sanami. It's the best type of Sanami. And I have so many thoughts about trans!Nami... My beloved.
She realizes she's a girl pretty soon in her life since her mom is her role model and she admires Nojiko a lot. But it's more of a gender envy thing most of the time, she just doesn't understand the concept yet-- The thing is, neither girls nor boys understood her passion for maps, and she barely had any friends apart from her sister, so it's a bit hard for her to actually understand what she wants. But she's sure she's a girl. That's something she has clear.
When she comes out to both Bellemere and Nojiko, they're obviously extremely supportive of her. Nojiko is thrilled to have a sister and Bellemere couldn't be happier that her girl trusts her enough to tell her this (you know, they're still young and Bellemere feels a bit insecure sometimes and wonders if they actually see her as their mom). In general, the village is very supportive. They love these kids, c'mon. Maybe there are some comments here and there from people who are more close-minded than others, but Nojiko always goes full protective sister mode.
They don't have money for new clothes, but Bellemere does her best to style Nojiko's old outfits for Nami!! She asks Nami if she wants to grow her hair, and Nami says it'd be a bit uncomfortable but she'll probably give it a try, if it bothers her then she'll probably cut it (she ends up doing it because it gets, indeed, uncomfortable).
Transitioning socially, even if most of the village is supportive, is a bit hard. Nami doesn't like being scared. Or feeling weak. But her mom always tells her to be herself no matter what other people say, because she's the only one who should choose how to live her life. She is a girl, and she has all the right to fight the ones who say otherwise. Nami wonders if fighting will make her look less feminine, but Bellemere says "Well, I fight, don't I? And you see me as a girl. Girls can and should fight. Even better than most men, honestly". And Nami is no longer scared of being more independent and strong.
I just know Genzo is the sweetest, most protective, and most supportive man ever. He even buys her some new clothes and kind of lets her get away sometimes if she gets into fights because he knows she was doing it to defend herself. He has a new picture of the girls on his desk and he's always keeping an eye on her because he knows she's gonna end up being gorgeous and he can't have guys flirting with her.
It's easy for Nami to look more feminine because of her complexion but she's still insecure over a bunch of stuff while she grows up. Everything is worse when she joins Arlong... Okay, so the Arlong Pirates aren't transphobic but Arlong is this type of "passive-aggressive" ally who won't stop asking Nami to thank him for letting her be herself. He's always highlighting the pronouns and sometimes he even buys her stuff that, okay, she likes it. But she doesn't want those clothes from him. It's a living nightmare. He also gives her the chance to medically transition which-- She wishes she could say no, really, but dysphoria is eating her inside most days and she doubts she'll ever have the money to do this on her own. Nojiko is the one who tells her to go for it even though the help doesn't come from the right people.
Anyway- She grows up. The story continues as it is. And when she meets the Strawhats and they defeat Arlong, it's extremely freeing and liberating for her. She finally feels like she can be herself with people who actually care about her. I think the only ones who know she's trans are Zoro (transmasc/transfem communication), Luffy, and Usopp, because she told them at some point. It's not like she hides it from Sanji but... But, you know... She doesn't know how Sanji will react.
It's not that surprising to find out Sanji is a girl too. What is surprising is the fact that she takes it so well. In terms of concept and support. I mean- She knows what being trans is, and accepts it. Apparently, it's just hard to accept it when it comes to herself. She confesses it one day while she's drunk, saying being a girl would be great because they're just... Amazing and perfect. She describes all the things she likes about them and most of it sounds like gender envy and dysphoria to Nami. Something that Sanji confuses a lot with liking them sexually (also true and something Nami understands because she's a lesbian and it's always hard to tell the difference between attraction and gender envy). But Nami just says "You can just... Be a girl, you know? If you wanted to" and it kind of changes Sanji's world forever.
(Quick mention of Alabasta and how Nami falls for Vivi right away, something that she wasn't expecting because being in love is dangerous for her. But they have chemistry and they deeply care for each other. So before they leave, they have this intimate night together in which Nami is extremely scared. She doesn't want to lose Vivi for something like this. She isn't even sure how Alabasta's culture works and if Vivi will be as accepting as she looks. So Nami, still scared and shaking and almost crying for the first time in a long while, comes out to Vivi. The princess is... So accepting and loving it's overwhelming. I know we talk a lot about how Nami probably flirts with every girl she meets and has more experience than Vivi, but I'd like to see this as Nami's first time. Or at least, Nami's first time feeling so loved while having sex. Also, please assume Namivivi is a thing in this post too. Sanamivivi <3).
Nami starts seeing Sanji in a different light, by the way. Not instantly romantic, but she understands now why she acts like that around women. Sort of. She sees her being uncomfortable in her own skin. Sees her twitching whenever somebody highlights the fact that she's ""a man"". Nami even calls her "pretty" once, instead of the usual adjectives, and Sanji tries to act like she doesn't like it but she does, so much it's obvious it hurts her to realize. The egg is cracking and it's not slow, nor subtle, but Nami can't see it because they get separated in Sabaody.
To summarize, Nami gets an amazing boob job there. That's my wonderful explanation for the enormous change in her body after two years. The doctors up there are really good, okay? She lets her hair grow the way her mom mentioned once, and now that she knows how to fight, she can handle it a lot better! Meanwhile, Sanji is having a whole gender crisis back in Momoiro Island but she ends up figuring out that she's a girl and Ivankov is always our salvation for these things.
They find each other again, and Nami couldn't be more proud of Sanji. I mean- All of them are proud of her. They love her. They love her even more now that she has accepted herself. But for Nami, having somebody in the crew who went through the same things as her and who now feels comfortable with her body makes her incredibly happy. So long story short, Sanji moves to the Girls' quarters. Also, they find out Robin is also trans, something she hadn't mentioned because obviously there's no need to do it, but the girl is a fucking mystery and she hadn't mentioned it until NOW??? And Nami is about to start crying because she finally doesn't feel so alone.
You know, things go by smoothly. Nami likes wearing tops and bikinis to show off her body because she's really proud of it and Sanji keeps wearing her suits but sometimes they also share clothes. Although Sanji has a liking for Robin's outfits better. They grow closer and share experiences and even though Nami opens up about her past, Sanji doesn't. And it's not like she has to do it... But Nami wishes she trusted her more. Anyway- Showering Nami with love wasn't something Sanji only did before, she still does it. And Nami is starting to fall a little bit for her? She hates to admit it, but Sanji is gorgeous. Gorgeous and really, really sweet and not that annoying anymore, now that she has found herself. Nami thinks it could be just sexual, but she knows it isn't only that-- She's scared of falling in love because falling for somebody means being able to lose them. And she would hate it. But she lets herself do it for once.
And then Whole Cake Island happens, and Nami kind of wants to die. It's when she realizes she's in love with Sanji (yay! Losing more people she loves!) and she's extremely angry at her for doing what she's doing. Pushing them away. But Nami can't really be that furious, right? She did the same thing to them, after all... It's so, so painful to see Sanji act like somebody she isn't. Her family made her cut her hair. Wear a binder and everything. Nami isn't sure whether she's crying for the fight or Sanji right now. When Sanji comes back to them, Nami wants to hug her and never let her go,, They start dating pretty much right after WCI, so Wano is painful because they aren't together and Nami realizes, right after the big fight, that Sanji is going through something she doesn't want to talk about. Not that she has to do it, because Nami will be there no matter what.
Little transfem!Nami / T4T Sanami quick headcanons:
As I said, they share clothes but Sanji prefers wearing Robin's style. However, Nami does steal Sanji's shirts all. The. Time. Not that the cook cares, though, she looks gorgeous.
Sanji is a bit self-conscious because Nami has bigger boobs. Not that it matters at all and Nami finds it incredibly stupid, but anyway- Nami is always worshipping Sanji's body when it's needed. Sometimes she thinks Sanji just says it to fish compliments from her.
Nami loves Sanji's short hair and is constantly reminding her that she looks beautiful this way, even if she prefers it long.
Nami actually is pretty insecure about her hands. They don't look as feminine and she would like them too. And she knows it's stupid but,, It still bothers her. Sanji is always kissing them and painting her nails, though!
I like Nami being extremely deranged sometimes and maybe a guy tells her that's not very lady-like and Nami always thinking about Bellemere and how she'd kick ass anyway.
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YOOOO!!!! 😆 ✨️
I don't care if I get crucified for saying this but the One Piece live action adaptation is FIRE!!!
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It's perfect for the older fans & for the newcomers.
Oda's handpicked cast are ALL CRUSHING their perspectives roles. The props, setting & effects are doing an amazing job. The devil fruit users & Zoro's "three sword style" look incredible!
It all just *chef's kiss*👌
Don't come @ me Quality is Quality
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Image Spoilers below
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*bangs on the door* LET ME IN!!!!
Sanji, Zeff & the Baratie battle was my FAVORITE part of the manga!
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stuffedtoytiger · 1 year
Yoooo someone needs to make a gif of Zoro saying fucking clown. And then @ me or something. I need it.
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xxbanditoxx · 1 year
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Some of my favourite lines from my plans for shitty One Piece / Zosan drawings + fanfics Part 4
Ah, the bitch posts for the first time in a millennia and it's just one of these again. Top of my game. basically just a magical baby acquisition fic, woohoo? - Woohoo. and there's just a fucking baby hangin out kinda slumped over sanji's leg - Aw man, how'd that get there? they don't really pay much attention to that anyway cause like - a baby just fucking spawned in front of them and they're mostly focusing on that part, right - I mean, I feel like if I touched a statue and a baby just materialised on my leg, I'd be pretty concerned also. they come back out and are just kinda like 'we found this' and hold the baby up - Me when the local plant life and I team up to locate a magic infant. and luffy goes 'booo~! sanji brought back a baby, we can't eat that~! …or can we?-' - 🤨 'since of course same-sex couples were frowned on in those days. and by frowned on i mean that they would be stoned to death, but regardless.' - Yoooo, Robin telling it like it is. 'you made a big deal when you made a fucking child' - Zoro hates children question mark exclamation mark?! zoro is like 'you just fucking said it was an accident, how do i have any more part in raising that thing than you! just fucking put it back or something, i don't know!' sanji is like 'first of all! we can't just send them back to where they came! can we…?' and robin smiles like 'no, i don't believe there's a way to unbirth the child' - No post magical statue birth abortions today boys, R.I.P. zoro tries to object but a couple of the crew, maybe nami usopp franky and luffy kinda boo and jeer at him and zoro huffs and he's kinda like 'so, uh… baby that materialised out of weird cult magic… did you ask to be born?' - Booo, boooo! Ask the baby existential questions! franky snaps a finger then a tiny hand comes out of his big hand and snaps a finger again and his hair turns into a snapping finger - Bro's emoting into the 6th dimension, what the fuck. while zoro goes 'even if i don't want the fake magic spawn here, doesn't mean i'm gonna kill it. i'm not that dumb or violent.' sanji kinda smirks like 'and people say you aren't self aware' zoro's just like 'die.' - Oof. and luffy's like 'alright! sanji'll be the best katniss gargoyle you've ever had!' usopp's just like 'not even close' - 🤨🤨 chopper goes 'it's kitsune guardian, luffy' he's like 'that's what i said! sanji's already got all that stuff you said. he's super strong, super nice, he's 21 and umm… what was that last one?' zoro smirks like 'virgin' and sanji's like 'oi.' and luffy's like 'that too! super virgin.' - basically, dude's gotta have a few specific qualities to fulfil the role he straight up got dragged into and those were it. also: 🤨🤨🤨⁉️⁉️ nami just konks him over the head again and now he's got two head injuries (🥳) - 🥳 then the elders are kinda just like '… his name, please.' sanji's like 'three brain cell style.' '…' 'algae' '…' 'the green one' '…' - Roronoag Zorgo 👍 immediately the crew are kinda like 'woah' then like 'awoooga. hoh-uh hoh-uh. wink wink nudge nudge cough cough hack' right - Humina humina. and sanji's a bit on fire, just a little - Oopsy doodles. and sanji straight up just rams a sandal in his mouth at mach 4 speed glaring pure death - Nyoom.
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one piece manga spoilers
|| Yoooo, Dorry and Broggy are apparently co-captains of the giants! Awesome!
Also, Zoro has gotta finish fighting Lucci soon so he can join his captain||
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Solution to the zoro/luffy tab thing someone found for getting rid of it, if you want to
YOOOO thank you!!?
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shima-draws · 11 months
Love seeing the crew go absolutely apeshit any time somebody insults their captain
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3dfeels · 3 years
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YOOOO i listed my zoro keychain and OP mimir stickers again
available on etsy you can go there through my carrd or
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doctorgerth · 3 years
Yoooo the person who said zoro would love the cellulite dimples. Absolutely true and I love them,
I raise you horny kid and horny shanks grabbing any dimple they see bc “babe you’ve already got these grooves for me to grab” 😍 both pawing at you in needy, rough but different ways 😅I’ll see myself out
omgggg it’s like grooves on handle bars (I’m sleepy plz help) or whatever and they grab at you and you yelp and they’re like “sorry baby but your body is telling me exactly where to grab you and I gotta follow the instructions” <3
they’re so cheesy I can’t 🙄😩🔥 SHANKS especially
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Watching One Piece: Warship Island Arc – Dragon Island
Episodes 56-61
- marines are attacking Gunkan, meanwhile all Straw Hats are meeting the dragon
- Operation “Getting A Dragon Out Of His Cave” is on
- marines noticed the dragon!
- they got their dragon into the sea!
- huh, sketchy guy wants Young Potion for yourself, who would have thought
- this poor dragon has flashbacks of when he wasn’t the only dragon around :( he has trouble remembering where his lost island was
- so Zoro ans Sanji doing dishes together is from this episode? From what I saw, fandom really misses that type of domesticity
- yo, what is this
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- the island isn’t sunk, it’s hidden!
- anyway, marines got scared by their disapperance, so they’re done following them. Eric The Sketchy Guy will go after them alone
- they’ve got there! But something is wrong, it’s nothing but ruins
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- they’re in some kind of a temple
- oh, so that’s not a lost island, it’s its neighbor. But there’s a map on the temple’s ceiling so tht’s something
-  back to Gunkan I guess
- “We really have more luck than brains” - Usopp
- how did they survive this
- AHAHAHAHAHA, oh, Zoro, Luffy will be the death of you
- lol, marines really hate the Sketchy Guy
- damn it, it’s I-Don’t-Care-About-His-Rank Nelson! …And his fleet. He’s the one who started the whole Dragon Bones Business
- um, NO, that guy is NOT an Admiral
- the whole fleet is fighting them
- alright, everyone, Usopp wins that fight
- ahaha, this isn’t Zoro’s day
- time for our Monster Trio to shine!
- did Zoro just cut steel. But it’s before Alabasta! Maybe it was just some alloy. Anyway, badass
- RYUJI GOT MAD, YES, FINALLY (the dragon)
- so he Can fly! I thought he was too old for that!
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- don’t worry, he’s still alive. Barely
- …what is happening
- oh wow, Ryuji called all the lost dragons to get back to their land that is rising from the water as we speak. This is awesome
- …Ryuji died. Rest in peace, old dragon, you got to see your land and your friends one last time
- so dragon land shows up every thousand years? I’m glad I got to see this
- dragons :)
- small dragons :) and now I’m crying, damn it
- so there’s no Potion of Youth. I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was a thing in One Piece, but not in a filler
- ok, the only thing left is we have to take care of (aka murder) Erik The Sketchy Guy and we’re done here. You go, Luffy!
- yoooo
- Apis and her people will protect the island so the dragons will be safe
- It’s time for a goodbye now. To the Grand Line!
Ok, I really liked this arc. But I still don’t know how Luffy could understand what Ryuji was saying.
Pre time-skip Anime Index
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
i saw an anonie ask u your guess about toji's va hehehehe i wanna share mine :> takehito koyasu (dio brando-jjba, adam-sk8) nakai kazuya (zoro-one piece, hijikata-gintama) hmm mamoru miyano does voice acting really good but i usually hear him voice lean and tall characters (like dazai, chrollo, and light) and i rarely hear him voice buff characters and the only one i could remember is probably benimaru from fire force,,, but that one got me thinking,,, maybe his voice will suit toji too :DD
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babblebuzz · 4 years
Yoooo wish I knew you forever ago, back in the day me and two compatriots had a bottom zoro fanclub where we just picked a rando and plotted horny style - found a lawzo one you might enjoy
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latinsoulbrother · 5 years
Yoooo that new OP for one piece is soooo goooodd , the animation style. Omgg. Zoro look so doppee to.
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