#a certain very specific mindset man idk
olympiansally · 1 year
Normal behavior in the house tonight: stalling to post a fic for the current fandom because it feels a bit like betraying the past one
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
i hate to be that person but theres no way anybody would say a trans woman facing domestic violence is a good thing because it means shes seen as a woman
normally i don't go for the "no one would say x if it was y person" but tbh in this context, and considering the history of the group of people saying it, yeah i think you're right. i don't think people should see a trans woman facing domestic violence as a good thing. they should see it as a horrific act of abuse. but like. it seems like a lot of ppl only think things like domestic violence or rape or police violence or what have you are wrong when they happen to the group people told them experience it most.
honestly it reminds me of what i was talking about in my post about tw/cw culture and how it's become disconnected from the actual purpose of trigger warnings. this is the post. basically, people no longer associate trigger/content warnings with "thing that warns you of material that could be triggering/upsetting" but with "putting tw/cw x at the top of the post or in the tags of a post." they've dissociated the action from the purpose. so people will see a post that starts out with "this article i'm linking mentions rape" and say "you need to add a tw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when the very first sentence is the trigger warning, because their brain is so used to associating the concept of a trigger warning with that specific action. even in that post, i neglected to mention other things that have triggers, like psychosis or epilepsy, because i'm so used to talking about triggers in the context of trauma that my brain associated them solely with trauma.
and i think people have fallen for this mindset with interpersonal and even systemic violence. people hear that women are more likely to experience rape because they are an oppressed group and rape often relies on a certain power dynamic, and because they want a quick and easy rule to follow, they go "ok got it raping women is bad." but they haven't internalized why rape is in and of itself a reprehensible act. which is how you get people rightfully condemning when a woman is raped, but not batting an eye when a man is raped, including when that man is trans. because their brain has associated rape being immoral with only women, so they literally just do not see it as immoral when it happens to a man, even if one of the reasons he was raped was that his attacker saw him as a woman.
the same thing, imo, is happening with people looking at victims of transmisogyny who aren't trans women and going "that doesn't matter." because in their mind it's wrong when trans women experience transmisogyny because they're the group that experiences it most often so that's where they learned about it. it's not transmisogyny at it's core that is morally wrong, because they haven't even fully unpacked what it is. so when someone who is not a trans woman experiences transmisogyny it just does not even register.
and like. idk how we fix that. idk how we convince people to care about other people. i just know this is my theory as to why it happens.
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ivyial · 10 months
Okay, I just saw your other ask about leshley/eagleone and felt like I had to get in on this because ever since RE4Make came out, I've been going crazy over this ship. I have always found it cute in RE4 OG, but now it's driving me crazy. I cannot understand how many people miss the many implications that Leon is trying to flirt during certain parts of the game. Like seriously, come on, pals, he's being so awkward, trying to sound cool and give compliments that end up sounding weirder than he intended. And I don't know if it's just me that noticed this, but I find it funny how Leon talks to Ashley in certain moments like it's the easiest thing to do; then, in other parts, he really has no clue how to speak to her. Does that not scream attraction to anyone?
i'm with you on this one. i don't know how people miss EVERYTHING about them. like they don't even go "oh?" at times when they're playing. it probably depends on the mindset you have when you're playing. if you're hyperfocused on the action, maybe you'll miss it. idk. on social media, there are two broad types of people who have negative reactions when it comes to leon/ashley:
1. aeon shippers (mostly, can be other shippers as well, but they're mostly chill because they themselves get forced into a corner by aeon stans) who think it threatens their ship
2. people who are fiercely anti-romance when it comes to whatever media they consume and consider it to be dumb and actively making a good piece of media worse (because in their eyes, romance is a lowly preoccupation to have)
and both groups are super bitter for no reason lmaoooo. you might have noticed a tendency in media discourse recently on social media that is very anti-romance - a few weeks ago, it became a whole thing on twitter because of the bear (the tv show) and the ship between sydney and carmy, to the point where even official media outlets started talking about it. romance is considered dumb. everything that contains romance is essentially a bad soap opera. blah blah blah we're all too smart for that. there's a very strong, almost puritanical anti-sex sentiment going around at the moment as well, and i wish it was just some isolated issue within fandoms overpopulated by young teens, but people lost their minds over two sex scenes in oppenheimer for god's sake. and if i had the time and willpower and knowledge, i'd turn this into a discussion about how that ties into humans being obsessed with moving away from every single instinct that they have, but well.
i also agree with the second part of your ask, about leon's attitude towards ashley. tbh, leon can't flirt for shit: most of the time, he's awkward (RE2R, the fence scene with claire: i can never tell if he's attempting to flirt, or if he's just awkward because there's a cute girl right in front of him) or even downright unfunny (was he trying to flirt with jill in death island? was he trying to lighten the mood? idk man leon is a bit of a whore so). he tries to flirt all the time: we got shen may in infinite darkness, ada, etc. we know he isn't smooth.
so one thing that really sticks out in RE4R is his tone with ashley, in two specific instances (maybe more): the one i mentioned in my previous ask, when he says "i can catch you", and when he sees ashley asleep on the bed in chapter 13 (and calls out to her). these are two very intense and high-stress situations where he kind of reverts back to RE2R leon (nick does a great job at conveying the difference in maturity in leon's voice in both games). he's very distressed. why does that matter? because fucking shouting ashley's name when there are two enemies 10 meters away (we know that, he doesn't, but the island is riddled with ganados, so why would he even try?) is the stupidest decision a special agent could make. and yet he does it anyway. there are other instances of leon being in a similar situation, yet he still retains that deeper tone of his - see his first encounter with krauser in chapter 11.
and it's not just because he's doing his job, which is what one of my friends argued, because you don't go around flirting with the person you're tasked to rescue for shits and giggles. not to mention, that's the president's daughter. if he was just doing his job, he'd stick to the plan, be stoic and get her home and that's it. that's what's required of him. implying that the first daughter is hot as fuck and that he doesn't usually enjoy his regular missions nearly as much as he does when he's with her isn't part of his job description. there's a difference between being a decent guy and not treating her like cargo, and overtly flirting with her.
i think he's also very awkward with her at first because he's toeing the line between what's acceptable and what isn't, so he can figure out if there is grounds for flirting and it's not wholly unwanted on ashley's part. then you get that pep talk in the castle, which is when they really start to get comfortable with each other and when he attempts some physical contact that isn't just 100% necessary. she reacts well, which explains why he takes it further in chapter 9. he spends the rest of the game painfully distressed and by chapter 16, they're all over each other (jetski + taking her hand to run to the elevator - leon, the girl is smart, she knows how to run and follow you).
leon has a crush. plain and simple. he doesn't know how to deal with it, except for the few times when he does and the flirting is technically reciprocated. idk how people can't notice the plain signs of attraction, even in a generation that is as recluse and introverted as mine tends to be, but they're very obvious once you start paying attention.
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thecoolerliauditore · 10 months
HEY ANON! Idk what it is but im feeling super duper extra forgiving and kind today so I've decided to actually type up a response to that ask but im answering it like this cus i don't wanna subject my followers to having to scroll thru what u wrote 👍
stuff below the cut (heed the warnings in the tags)
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this is the context, for those curious
FIRST OFF this is so so so SO not okay to send to anyone but ESPECIALLY not a stranger on the internet. Anon you are so lucky I am as comfortable as I am reading and talking about depression/suicide and (I hope) you didn't send this to someone who it could potentially trigger and that I am as normal as I am and not someone who would respond to this callously.
This is such a jump from "i don't draw good", nobody on this website is your therapist or your parent and nobody owes you the time of day to hear you vent. You really don't deserve a response at all but I am doing this because 1. I am nice and very very bored and 2. I believe I used to kind of be like you so I'm somewhat sympathetic.
That being said re: the 'draw more' comic
Anon not everything is about you or directly addressed to you. The message of that comic isn't to just draw more (if anything, mindlessly grinding art isn't the most productive studying you can do once you reach a certain skill level imo), it's to illustrate your mindset and why it's flawed.
The artist in that comic is frustrated with their own progress and skill only because they cannot see the 100x amount of work their more experienced counterpart put in. That doesn't mean their own effort doesn't matter, it just means they have no sense of scale and don't understand why, when they've done so much, they aren't as skilled as those around them.
It's this mindset that inevitably leads to the assumption that other people are just born more talented or didn't have to work as hard for their skills when they certainly did (this might not have been what you intended to say but using words like "life is unfair" paints a very specific impression). Which is. Frustrating, you could imagine, for those of us who have pushed through that period of growth only to be met with "oh woe is me, not blessed by the art muse like your holiness".
I put that there because your message reminded me of it. The last thing it's meant to be is a direct message towards You to Draw More.
re: learning art
My guy nobody is happy with their art straight away. I wasn't happy with my art for like. 6 years.
Learning art is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. The improvement over time chart is something I've tried to keep in mind for years when it comes to those "dip" periods in which it suddenly feels like you suck.
I've seen quite a few people touch on it in recent years but the first time I saw it was in this Sycra video.
Just like a bad mental health day due to seasonal depression I found it much easier to bear once I could sense a 'dip' period incoming and braced myself for it. I even.. kind of learned to enjoy it and accept it as part of my growth process because it was a sign I was going to improve enormously in the coming month or so. but that might just be me lol.
Eitherway, hope this helps 👍speaking of that though
re: depression/suicide/mental health
Let's be honest with ourselves here there is something much deeper going on with you in your life if Drawing Pictures gets you feeling suicidal.
Art isn't this all or nothing thing, you're allowed to take breaks for years and then come back fresh, you're allowed to start drawing at age 98. There's no expiry date on it. It's not professional gymnastics.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is that art is clearly a symptom of a bigger problem in your life that has you taking this attitude with yourself and the way you talk is doing anything but helping your case. You know what's especially unhelpful tho is venting to faceless block man artists on tumblr about this who don't know your personal circumstances or like.. who you are at all. seriously.
This is a problem you're going to have to fix yourself. "seek therapy" is the stock standard answer that we would all love to accept but that isn't realistic for alot of obvious reasons. I can't say what would work for you but personally I'd advise looking to online free mental health resources (forums like reddit are a last resort but if you can find the right space for that then what works works).
If you want an artsy spin on it I'd recommend literally any number of artists' youtube videos on their artistic journeys and their own struggles with impostor syndrome, insecurities, depression, etc. Off the top of my head I recall Jazza has made a few over the years and i adore these marco bucci videos in particular.
The bottom line is that you're going to have to help yourself, Anon. You can't expect others to make themselves smaller to make you more comfortable, you have to create that space for yourself.
We can all uplift each other but no one's going to respond kindly if you come out of the gate downplaying everyone else's efforts.
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twinklepuzzle · 2 years
Man. I absolutely do not want to have contact with my mom once I move out. I already minimize contact. but I know I also won’t be able to immediately go no contact, if I can even go no contact at all. I might have to go extremely low contact to appease my dad. But even then it’ll have to be a gradual and slow process. and even that might not work. she might get angry and insistent, or sad and clingy. or both. depends on if she notices, and on how desperate she gets for interaction, since she doesn’t have many friends and her and my dad don’t actually like each other. I think they might love each other in some weird way, but my mom is so abrasive and inconsiderate and downright mean to my dad, and. I don’t know why my mom wouldn’t like my dad, other than some irrational resentment and anger at the fact that he has friends and hobbies. But I really don’t think she likes him. 
but. honestly I think she’s so desperate to become pals w her kids bc she doesn’t want to be alone and isn’t good at making friends. she doesn’t have many hobbies, she doesn’t really have much of a social life (I think she might have one close friend but. idk how often they even talk). She’s abrasive and rude and self-absorbed, so while people might find it fun to talk to her every now and then (bc she can be a good conversationalist, when she isn’t dominating the conversation), she’s not great for frequent conversation and she can be very off-putting. People don’t have much reason to be friends with her, and plenty of reasons to avoid her. Really, her only options left are family, but then there’s the barrier of obligation so it’s hard to tell if someone actually likes you or if they’re just putting up with you to avoid rocking the boat. But family are the only people left that, in her mind, can’t leave her. Family is permanent in a way that normal friendships aren’t. It’s clear in the way she talks to me and about other people that she doesn’t even consider the idea that I could or would stop talking to her, because we’re family, and especially because she’s my *mother*. My sister got married recently, and I mentioned how I wouldn’t want most of my family to be there, and the majority of my extended family would be lucky if they knew I was getting married at all. That almost none of them would get an invitation to my wedding, if I ever had one. And she immediately made a comment that she *better* get an invitation, because she gave birth to me and therefore deserved it. I was equal parts astounded and angry. maybe there was pity or sadness in there somewhere. Angry, because of the entitlement, especially since I hate the “I’m you’re parent, so you owe me everything forever” mindset and attitude. Astounded, because somehow she thought that giving birth (since those are the words she specifically used) outweighed everything else she’s done -- the neglect, resentment, gaslighting, exploitation, all of it; even if I did subscribe to the “you are forever in your parents’ debt” theory, that wouldn’t add up. But that really revealed that she feels entitled to me. My life, my attention, anything she could possibly gain from me. And she probably feels that to some degree towards some people who aren’t her children. Toward her brother, and his wife. Toward the cousins she got along with growing up. Maybe even to friends she’s known for a long time. And when any of them reject her, or don’t do what she wants, don’t give her what she wants, it shakes that. She probably feels betrayed, and angry, and hurt, and there’s probably some cognitive dissonance in there too, because it threatens the idea that certain people will always be there while they’re alive, because they *have to*. And that’s making a lot of assumptions about someone else, I know. I know that I don’t actually *know* these things, because I’m not her. These are just speculations, hypotheses. Educated guesses extrapolated from her actions, words, reactions. But I do have over 20 years of knowledge and experience with her, a good portion of which was basically her behavior as if she were unobserved, bc she liked to ignore me and also I don’t think she views children as people. I realize fiction is not the same as reality, that things are exaggerated for effect, or events are constructed to make the most interesting or satisfying or meaningful plotline. But she really feels like one of those characters that slowly goes insane and drives everyone away because of how they treat those people, and with every person driven away, they treat the others even worse; their behavior gets worse and worse until they’re alone and near unrecognizable. Until they’re twisted, sad and/or angry versions of themselves, completely miserable and either unwilling or unable to recognize why, or to fix anything. What bothers me the most is that I do still have some sort of attachment to her. I think most of it is made up of the fear of change, but part of it is the fear that I might, at some nebulous point in the future, need her for some reason. I don’t feel an affectionate, caring attachment; it’s entirely fearful, wary, anxious, practical. Because there are some things that only a parent can provide. When I consider a time when I have no contact with her (whether because I chose to or because she’s dead), I don’t feel sad. I feel anxious, scared, and a bit guilty.
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yumgrapejuice · 3 years
An analysis on Ranboo’s lore playlist
okay y’all first of all, ranboo has a killer taste, i love him, and second, i couldn’t resist. i’m an analyst by nature. am i looking too deep into some things? did ranboo maybe choose some songs purely for the vibe? perhaps. do i care? no. let me have my fun.
I’m gonna drop my own analysis/interpretation based on these songs but feel free do use this yourself if you want!! And also feel free to disagree/correct me on anything!! I’m not a professional musical analyst lol and I did take some inspiration from already existing interpretations for the more lyrical songs.
here’s the playlist btw
“Introduction to the Snow”—introduction to the album. Fitting for the playlist’s beginning, seeing the tone. It’s mostly referencing (self-imposed) isolation.
“Dream Sweet in Sea Major”—this Miracle Music’s whole album is about dreams and reality, how they clash, loneliness and the wish to be close to someone, yet still remaining isolated. Very whimsical, metaphorical, melodic, and it has this vibe as if on the edge of consciousness. I’d say it fits quite well with c!Ranboo’s general vibe. This song in particular deals with sleepwalking(ha)/being in a dreamlike state, the line between what’s real and what’s not blurred.
“The Mind Electric”—oh this one fits Ranboo extremely well. First part is in reverse, the second in normal (mirroring), and it can get quite unsettling. Like you’re not sure what’s happening with the instrumentals, many different voices. Again, very metaphorical, but to put it shortly, the protagonist is being judged for a crime they’ve committed and, in their defence, they say: “Father, your honor, may I explain, my brain has claimed its glory over me; I’ve a good heart albeit insane”. They get “condemned to the infirmary” for that, where electric shock is used on them as a form of “therapy”. As a result, the protagonist loses grip on reality and themselves and truly does go insane. They beg for mercy and sympathy, but there’s no one to help them. “Someone help me; Understand what's going on inside my mind; Doctor I can't tell if I'm not me”—need I say more, really?
“Live and Let Die”—the phrase “live and let die” means to live your life how you wish and let others live how they wish without interfering. At first, you live by the phrase “live and let live”, meaning you have your ideals and you try to change the lives of others according to them, but as life progresses, you stop caring as much/try to distance yourself from others’ business.
“Turn the Lights Off”—dreams and nightmares. Mildly foreboding yet energetic. The actual meaning is about growing up (transition from childhood to adulthood), but we can take some other interpretations that’d fit with Ranboo’s character better. This Tally Hall’s album deals with differences, black and white, and how there shouldn’t be a divide between them. In this song, there are some noteworthy lines that I’d like to mention:
- “Bend the nightmare, you control it; Artful dodger, easy does it”—lucid dreaming, you have to be careful with it so as to not lose control.
- “Shut the closet, get under the covers”—you’re afraid of something and instead of facing it and seeing whether there even is something to be afraid of, you hide.
- “Turn the lights off”—confront your fears. It can also mean that in the dark, there’s no differences between people, going back to the album’s meaning.
- “And everybody wants to get evil tonight; But all good devils masquerade under the light”—this could mean that everyone has a darker part of themselves but those who actually indulge in their dark tendencies do so in plain sight by pretending to be someone else.
“Ruler of Everything”—the main theme here is time and how it’s the “ruler of everything”; time doesn’t matter about where it goes, and it will never stop. The second verse is most interesting to me—there are two singers, man and time, but for the sake of interpretation let’s just see it as two voices. One is obsessed about being liked, fitting in, constantly asking for reaffirmation (“Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I talk?”), while the second criticizes the first (“You practice your mannerisms into the wall”). They argue—”I’ve been you, I know you, your facade is scam; You know you’re making me cry, this is the way that I am”. The second is calling out the first for not being honest to himself. Tone is lighthearted but with an edge of unease.
“Merry-Go-Round of Life”—from Howl’s Moving Castle soundtrack. The title’s self-explanatory, I’d say.
“Killer Queen”—this one’s a harder one to interpret in regards to Ranboo lol. The song is about, based on an interview with Mercury, a high class woman that likes to indulge in her various desires (mostly sexual). I would doubt that’s what Ranboo was going for, so! Perhaps about a person that has no regards for their reputation and instead does whatever they feel like it? They have a certain image but still act however they like. Yeah, not too sure about this one :’) But that’s what I’ll go with for my later analysis.
“Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked”—quite straightforward. A person that performs bad deeds has reasons for them. Not excuses, but explanations, and you can sympathize with it. We all do “bad” things for one reason or the other, and, in the end, we’re all just trying to get by. Once again, plays into the theme of there not being a clear distinction between good and bad.
“The Bidding”—another harder one to interpret. On the surface, it’s about an auction where men are trying to sell themselves to women. They all present themselves in different images, and it’s remarked that the women care less about the date and more about the prospect of it, the pretty words. The date, actually, ends up being disappointing. Could be about expectations. Some men outright admit they’re assholes so whoever chooses them should know that. People can tell you what their intentions are from the start so if you end up hurt, you have no one else to blame but yourself.
“A Mask of My Own Face”—another interesting one! Unusual instruments, strong beat. They’re singing about how they have a desire to pretend to be someone else while secretly still being themselves. “I’d rob my own apartment and I wouldn’t give a damn; I’d blame it on the person that nobody knows I am”—implying they have no regard for their own livelihood and are just out to have some fun. Plus, that no one would be aware it’s all an act. “I'd wear it on Thanksgiving and I'd laugh in the parade; At all the people hissing, knowing I'm the one they hate”—they take delight in the idea of upsetting others and them not knowing it’s actually the singer that they should be hissing. “And at the big finale I would tear my face away; And smile as they grip their own and try to do the same”—everyone wears masks, and this person implies that their mask and their true self is not different from each other while others’ are.
“Stardust Crusaders”—soundtrack from Jojo. Action-packed? idk never seen it sorry lol
“I Can’t Decide”—oh, this one’s a doozy! One of the ones that do not fit c!Ranboo at all, but that’s what makes it interesting. A classic, the singer is out to have fun, very lighthearted and yet they’re singing about murder. The protagonist here is clearly mentally unwell and they’re indecisive whether they should let their enemy/toy/(up to interpretation) live or not. Some curious lines:
- “It’s not easy having yourself a good time”—in the context of the song, that “good time” implies something wicked.
- “I’m not a gangster tonight, don’t wanna be the bad guy, I’m just a loner, baby, and now you’ve got in my way”—they don’t view themselves as “bad”, however, the next two lines are paradoxal—the singer says they’re alone and yet decide to “mess around” with whoever comes up in their life.
- “No wonder why my heart feels dead inside, it’s hard and cold and petrified”—signifying lack of empathy.
- “It’s a bitch convincing people to like you”—they don’t actually want to do that and see it as a bother.
“Stranded Lullaby”—back to Miracle Musical, back to the theme of isolation. Super lyrical, super musical. They talk about how their memories float around aimlessly in their head, a sea, and may sometimes get lost. The protagonist, a sailor, is losing touch with reality and can’t tell apart what’s a dream anymore and what’s not. They question what they’re going through and why.
“Hidden In The Sand”—a song about longing, in my eyes. The protagonist sings about how “you” love things and how he wishes to love the same things, in the end admitting that “all I’ve wanted was you”. They don’t wish to be separated, they wish to have someone in their life that they could love.
“Now I’m Here”—euphoric. They sing about how they’re alive again, thanks to one specific person. I’m not gonna go too much into this one (partly because it’s a more difficult one for me again, partly because it’s Queen and I don’t wanna uhh talk nonsense on accident lol), but what I got from it is that when one one else saw them, someone did, and they made them “live again”, and now as a result the protagonist is devoted to them.
“&”—really highlights Tally Hall’s album’s theme of black and white and that there shouldn’t be a divide. The repetition of comparing opposites is present throughout the entire song (Weak & Strong & Wet & Dry…) and it’s heavily implied we should “say goodnight” to this mindset. But people love to choose sides, put things into good or bad categories. By the line “They took a lesson from their fathers” it’s implied that people don’t develop this mindset by themselves and are rather influenced by others around them. The whole album is titled “Good & Evil” and Tally Hall examines and criticizes this idea. If we keep dividing people into good and bad, eventually, we’ll all destroy ourselves.
“I’m Gonna Win”—a song about someone who’s struggling to get by. “Sometimes it can seem like a merciless dream”—life can get really hard and the protagonist wonders “what’s really worthwhile”. In the chorus, whoever, they declare that they’re “gonna win” no matter what. They might get “bloody and bruised” but they won’t give up until they “won’t be abused” and until they’re “laughing alone”. No matter how hard life/others kick them down, they’ll keep going. By the lines “It’s hard to be charming and smart and disarming; It’s hard to pretend you’re the best; It’s hard to fulfill everyone’s expectations; It’s hard to keep up with the rest” it’s implied that they find it tiresome to keep up appearances and be liked. It’s challenging to always fit everyone’s expectations, but they’ll continue doing whatever they have to to “win”.
if ranboo ever adds more songs to his playlist, i may add them here too :) 
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wizzardhat · 2 years
I understand that giving lots of internet teens the impression that they have ADHD when they do not is not great, but. I feel like some people become very uncomfortable with the idea that more people than we previously thought had ADHD. Not just neurotypicals, who want to believe that A FEW people can be allowed extra help but MOST people should be fine with just their boot straps. But also people who have ADHD who kind of want to believe the same thing? Who feel like the extra help they genuinely need will be taken away if they have to share it, or who have gotten comfortable expecting certain accommodations from loved ones and are uncomfortable with the idea that they might be entitled to the same thing. People get kind of stuck in the mindset of "im the one who needs extra paitence" that they also get comfortable in being the one who doesn't need to GIVE extra patience. I would never say "oh, they use it as an excuse" because thats ableist bullshit, but I think there is a sort of internalized ableism at play here that makes people FEEL like their "excuse" will be taken away and they will be forced to suffer as they did before being diagnosed. That they like to believe that other people CAN just pull themselves up by their bootstraps specifically BECAUSE they can't (or just shouldn't have to). But, no, maybe everyone who is lazy is just in need of some kind of accommodation. Maybe everyone who is "lazy" actually DOES have an explanation that lies in mental illness or neurodivergence, and maybe everyone DOES deserve help instead of moral judgement. Maybe we don't have to feel like being different needs to be exclusive to be taken seriously. Idk man. Just spitballing here.
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disengaged · 3 years
You know I respect your opinion a lot, but I have to be critical here too or implode. I don't like that and how you use the term "genuine weird kid". You use it and then add some vague descriptors like "probably poor" and "probably mentally ill".
a) The vague nature of these descriptors shows how hard it is to define a highly subjective term as "weird". Some tiktok people dressing up unconventionally (aka freaks?) will absolutely and with no doubt be regarded as freaky and weird by the middle aged middle class. So in this way, they actually might be called "freaks".
b) It sounds like you feel that these "posers" (you didn't call them that I think, but that's one of the words usually being used in this context) take something away from the "real" weirdos. What is that? Do they take away their identity as the poor, mentally ill kid? Do they pose as such because dressing in a certain way? That point also connects to
c) I know and knew plenty of people who are/were hella weird (myself included) that are/were not poor and don't/didn't have noticable mental illnesses. "Noticable" in italics because generally speaking I don't believe in a normal. Still I would call them "weird" without hesitation since they were very far outside the norm in regards to their mindsets. And only a very few of them actually wore a specific kind of fashion.
ok sure
to A: yes, their outfits are intended to be highly noticeable and unconventional, that's the point. that's why they're doing it. looking unconventional (in a way that is still deemed socially desirable and attractive) and posting it on the internet = acceptable, good, encouraged.
to B: i didn't call them 'posers' for a reason, because that would invoke connotations of Trueness vs. Falseness, and idk these people well enough to make judgements about their 'authenticity' as weird (?????). & no, i definitely don't think they're actively responsible for bullying poor or mentally ill kids (lmfaooo) !! my point is more along the lines of like .... this kind of curated and performed aesthetic (fashion, makeup, internet follower base) is nothing but an idealized image, which doesn't really stand for anything in particular. it's surface stuff. it lacks substance. it's ephemeral. it'll probably be out of fashion within the next two years. anyone can do it as long as they have the time, money and skill (and level of beauty to attract followers tbh). it's entirely separate from something innate like personality or character, that's kinda my point.
to C: not sure what the argument is here ? i agree that there are probably a bunch of people out there who are financially well-off, completely mentally well, and still broadly considered 'weird' by their peers. i agree that they probably do dress in a bunch of different styles, & go about their lives being their weird little selves. that's fine by me. i don't think weirdness is entirely definable, and i don't think it should be reduced to a fashion trend. as said above, i think the current internet obsession with looking as physically outrageous as possible in order to gain popularity (and typically spending a lot of time and money doing it) has next to no correlation with anyone's actual personality or character.
dunno what else to say, man. not my hill to die on
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
I wanna know your thoughts on the possible new my hero moivee With all the different theories going around I wanna know you standing point
I’m glad you brung it up ‘cause I’ve been dying to talk about it for a hot minute, first of all -
Okay. I have so. many. thoughts. on this and I’ve been waiting until I felt a bit better after being sick to answer this ask because I tried to write up a response already and my brain was so foggy that it literally made no sense, I was just *rambling* and then I pointed to a picture that was completely unrelated and went - see?!?! Ahaha! Like, oh my god.
But! Now I’m back on my coherent rambling bullshit so - here we go. (Please be aware of any slight spoilers regarding the manga / series in this post and that all of these are my own opinions and my own theories, which you are more than welcome to disagree with or have some kind of rebuttal for. I’m just here to be a part of the discussion and throw in my two cents on a few things since some of my followers are curious!)
These are all of my first immediate thoughts upon seeing the promotional image and the tagline included.
*cracks knuckles*
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Their new costumes??
Their new costumes?????
I don’t know how to describe this feeling that I have nor do I have any evidence to back up this first claim that I am about to make but my only thought on the costumes is that they are government-issued or specially-made specifically for a certain mission or training exercise, mostly because of the NHA (National Hero Association???) logo printed on the sides and also because they’re not shown in the manga or anything like that outside of this promotional teaser -
But damn, are they sleek as FUCK.
Like, if Todoroki went the rest of his days using that suit, I would die happy, because wow, immaculate. I am so in love with Bakugou’s new gauntlets. Just fucking send me to heaven (or hell idk the rules) now.
As for the “HE” in the teaser sentence shown on the original image – I think, like most people do, that it is meant to be inferred that they are referring to All for One in some degree (though I don’t think that All for One is going to be the main villain of the movie. I think there will probably be a side villain or something that takes precedence over All for One and that All for One might appear just for a bit at the end or something).
HOWEVER, I have other theories about who “HE” is referring to, which I will get into in a moment.
(Quick side bar here –  Do any of my followers also think that All for One is Deku’s father or something? Because let me tell you, ya girl just can’t get this damn fan theory out of her head ‘cause like... Deku was born quirkless, All for One is about borrowing and lending quirks, all the other parallels, and we know how much my man Horikoshi loves parallels… I just... I don’t know what happened along the way and I think someone posted something ages ago that may or may not have debunked that entire theory already but after the Dabi reveal of recent chapters it just feels very in line with the BNHA mindset and previously displayed plot twists, but WHAT DO I KNOW, BACK TO THE SHOW!)
The three musketeers.
There’s a lot to unpack there.
Firstly, I think Todoroki is going to experience One for All at some point in some way, because Bakugou already experienced it and the whole slogan for the three musketeers is “all for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall” - which is obviously a play on the quirk and All for One, blah, blah, blah. So I think that at some point Todoroki is also going to have One for All for a short period of time just like Bakugou had in Heroes Rising (but boy, if they try to pull the same bullshit they did before where they were like “OOP. He used OfA but he doesn’t remember any of it lul” I’m going to lose my fucking mind, cause that really pissed me off in Heroes Rising LOL).
But. I also wanted to take a closer look at Alexandre Dumas’ novel “The Three Musketeers” - just for funsies (stay with me on this wild ride, I promise I connect all the dots at the end):
Disclaimer: I am a huge literature nerd. I’ve read “The Three Musketeers” so many damn times, it’s insulting, and there’s A LOT that happens in those novels that I won’t ever be able to ramble on about for long enough to do it justice for those who haven’t read it and that’s fine because there’s only a few things that I would like to bring to everyone’s attention in regards to the original stories and how they may or may not connect with this movie.
1. None of the three musketeers are the protagonist of the story.
The protagonist is actually a man called D’Artagnan, or sometimes he is referred to as “the fourth musketeer” by readers, who arrives in Paris because he wants to join the King’s musketeers, but somewhere along the way he ends up offending/pissing off the three musketeers and they all end up challenging him to this duel (because of course they do, violence solves everything, don’t you know?) and the duel ends up getting interrupted by a bunch of guards working for the ‘bad guy’ (who I won’t name just to keep this as simple and straight forward as possible) and D’Artagnan ends up fighting WITH the three musketeers to defeat the guards and they all end up being friends (LMAO I am way oversimplifying this but that’s literally what happens and now you get the point).
2. The ‘bad guy’ has a lot of his work done for him by his right-hand woman; MiLady de Winter.
I believe (and this is just one of my theories) that MiLady from the three musketeers is SUPPOSED to make us believe that it’s the reflection of the UA traitor, but I don’t think she actually IS, and I will also explain what I mean by that in another moment.
With these two pieces of information in mind, I theorize that the aforementioned “HE” in the tagline actually doesn’t have anything to do with a villain or All for One at all, but it’s actually referring to whoever ends up fighting alongside the three musketeers (Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki) in the movie, and who the entire movie is going to be centered around in some way or another (don’t misread this; I still think that Midoriya will be the main NARRATOR of the movie but I don’t think that means that he will be the main CHARACTER – there’s a very distinct difference between those two roles. One of them is telling the story, the other is who the story is actually about).
Now, IF we’re sticking with the three musketeers theme (which you can tell I’m obviously leaning very heavily on that being the case in all of my theories because that is literally all that we are given to theorize about at this time), then I would like to provide my take on who is who, because I think it’s a very important distinction, which are as followed:
Bakugou is Porthos
Porthos is generally known for being very extroverted, loud, he is known for his physical strength, and he is described as being “gullible” (which, that word by itself with its reflexive connotations doesn’t seem to fit him at all, but when you think about what the word gullible actually means – easily persuaded or manipulated – then yeah, it fucking fits the boot LMAO). Not to mention that he (Porthos) is often used as a sense of comic relief, which I truly believe that Bakugou is ‘used’ sometimes as a comic sense of relief throughout the manga and anime, because it off balances his ferocious nature in a way that further proves to the audience that just because he is feral, that doesn’t inherently mean that he is bad.
Midoriya is Aramis
Aramis is generally known for being vastly ambitious and never satisfied in the sense that he is always working for more, which stumbled me at first because I was originally picturing Bakugou as Aramis, but he (Aramis) craves to live the life of a solider (see the parallel? Midoriya craves to live the life of a hero), and he (Aramis) sees every new victory as a step in the right direction to a ‘greater power’ (which, if my characterizations are correct, parallels Midoriya’s mindset that every new victory or challenge he overcomes is another step towards better handling and controlling One for All and making it his own quirk).
Todoroki is Athos
Athos is generally known for being very noble, handsome, and he is a bit of a sad or melancholy character, as he has a very depressing and mysterious backstory that he actually ends up telling to D’Artagnan, but he doesn’t end up telling D’Artagnan that the sad story is based on him (which, I don’t know about you guys, but that damn near sounds like Todoroki Shouto to me).
Are you guys ready for this? We’re gonna get into the really good theories here.
I would no doubt be flooded with inboxes and messages if I didn’t mention the poses that the boys are portraying in the teaser image and how it all connects to the mysterious UA traitor and how everyone (including me) is losing their damn minds over the fact that Bakugou is using Kirishima’s pose, and so people are theorizing that must mean that Kirishima is the traitor since Midoriya and Todoroki are mimicking both Shigaraki and Dabi, respectively.
Here is my theory on all of that, and here is the detail that I think a lot of people are overlooking that I think might be really important IF (seriously, all of my theories ride on this) IF Horikoshi and the producers are indeed leaning heavily on the comparisons between “The Three Musketeers” and the BNHA characters (which I can only assume that they are, otherwise they would have chosen different wording, etc, for their promotional images).
So, Athos’ big sad backstory is all about how he was married to this woman who then ended up being revealed as this convicted thief and all this angst happened and by the end of it, Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos (TODOROKI) believes that his thieving wife (MURDEROUS BROTHER - DABI) is dead.
I just. I feel like this is really important BECAUSE in “The Three Musketeers” story, Athos’ thieving wife who he believed to be dead (drink every time I repeat that line ahaha) is actually alive and well and working for the aforementioned ‘bad guy.’
It’s my theory (and my own opinion) that this whole movie is going to be heavily driven by the Todoroki family and all of their Keeping up with the Kardashian type drama in some way (maybe not directly because manga and spoilers and blah, blah, blah, but in some sort of significant way), because the first movie was all about Midoriya going to I-Island and learning more about One for All and All Might and everything like that, and then the second movie was all about Bakugou and how he ended up using One for All and how he and Midoriya worked together and they showed snippets of the LoV doing their things back in Musutafu, and now I just assume that Todoroki is probably going to be given One for All at some point in this movie, or he’s going to share it amongst Bakugou and Midoriya, because the three musketeers, and the fact that he’s in the promotional teaser when literally nobody else is, and the fact that his character heavily seems to reflect Athos character in the novel to an almost absurd degree.
So, for me, the whole ‘Kirishima being the UA traitor’ and that being proven by Bakugou using his signature move in the teaser photo is not anything to seriously worry about - and I don’t say this just because I’m a KiriBaku fan or anything at all like that (though seriously, if it’s true, what the fuck am I gonna do with this damn blog, I-?? Ahaha!) but I say this for a few different reasons;
I don’t think the “convicted thief” or whatever that is heavily implied within the three musketeer story is connected to Bakugou in anyway, I think it’s all a contrasting parallel to Todoroki and the Dabi reveal somehow, and that the UA traitor won’t be making any kind of appearance in this film in that way.
I don’t think their relationship (Bakugou and Kirishima) is center stage enough to be used as any kind of plot twist in the story, unfortunately. And what I mean by that is; I think that the entire relationship was built up as a way to influence the audience into rethinking their original thoughts about Bakugou’s character from the beginning of the series (since in the beginning he was literally the most horrible shit kid to Midoriya and everyone hated him and he was treated as a villain – blah blah blah – thus building up the suspense leading up to the rescue arc in which the audience was genuinely divided at the time on whether or not Bakugou was actually going to side with Shigaraki and join the LoV), because then once he (Bakugou) declines the offer to join the LoV and he accepts Kirishima’s helping hand, it was supposed to be a turning point for the audience to realize that they may have been misled by his feral ambition into believing that he could really be a bad guy when in the end, he’s just as much of a hardcore hero fanboy as the rest of his class, and that if such a great guy like Kirishima can befriend him then he must not be all that bad.
We have already seen Kirishima’s backstory. We have already seen the struggles he faced to get accepted into UA, we have already seen how much he looked up to Mina’s bravery, we have already been introduced to his undying love for the most chivalrous hero Crimson Riot, and hey, maybe this whole persona thing he has going on is all an act, sure. Maybe the villains got to him when he was still dark-haired and weak, and maybe they are copy+pasting Crimson Riot into Red Riot as a way to slip under the radars, yeah, maybe. But I really fucking doubt it. Mostly because, unfortunately, I believe his relationship with Bakugou (as mentioned above) was written specifically to reverse the audience’s opinion of Bakugou, but then since he became so popular and was such a loved character, that then his inclusion in the Eri rescue operation sort of solidifies him as the man that Horikoshi says he is. It just wouldn’t make any sense, in my opinion as a writer, to turn Kirishima right around in a 360-twist to be revealed as the traitor, since it would just feel like too much of a stab in the back in regards to the trust that the readers are giving Horikoshi in believing that what he shows us is more or less the truth because we don’t have anything else to go on and he went into such great detail into his backstory that it would be such a waste to then say, ha, SIKE.
I think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is a deliberate red herring – I think it’s specifically meant to throw the audience off in all these different directions and to get the theories growing in the fandom, and I actually think that it’s meant to pull attention AWAY from Todoroki, because in my opinion, the entire movie will most likely focus heavily on Todoroki in some way or another (whether because of Dabi or not), since I believe that he will probably gain the use of One for All at some point during the film, just like Bakugou had, and I believe that the LoV (and more specifically, Dabi) will have some part in this film outside the realm of All for One.
I just think that the narrative is constantly trying to lead us in different directions so that you don’t end up paying much attention to all of the other little details that would then point towards something else, much like how (spoilers for some of the manga chapters here - if you don’t want to read then skip the rest of this paragraph) they keep kind of hinting at Bakugou’s death, over and over again, like dangling it on a string and being like, is he gonna die this time? What about this time? What about now - with his guts all over the place after he fucking saved Deku’s life? Could happen at any moment!
So, I just think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is just because Kirishima has had a huge influence on his character development and it would be the perfect red herring to lead the fans on some wild goose chase in the interest of gaining public awareness for the movie.
(Also - in the discussion of the UA traitor, I really believe that it’s Class 1-B’s sensei, actually - ahaha! Either that or Aoyama, but I’ve started to kind of lean away from that one because Class 1-B’s sensei is fucking sus and I don’t care what anyone says, that’s my own theory until proven wrong! Just let me live in this world a little longer, okay?! :,D)
Soooo... to sum this shit up (TLDR AMIRIGHT LMAO), because holy shit this got way out of hand and I haven’t even really gotten into the meat of all of my theories regarding the fucking PLOT of the new potential movie yet but whatever –
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-        I think the really cool NHA suits are temporary costumes issued specifically for some type of training exercise or undercover mission or something like that.
-        I think Bakugou posing like Kirishima is some kind of red herring meant to make everyone panic, but I don’t think it really holds any weight in the UA traitor discussion/theory, and I don’t think the UA traitor will be revealed in the movie – because it would kind of be dropping a BIG plot point in the series into a separate movie that maybe a good portion of the manga readers / anime watchers might not even see and therefore would not fully understand once the series caught up with the movie (whenever the timeline might be). I just think a lot of the stuff that happens in the movies are not directly related to the series for the very purpose that if somebody watches the anime but then doesn’t watch the movies, they don’t miss anything too important.
-        I think the movie might lean heavily on Todoroki and perhaps include some of his family drama, especially in regards to Dabi (since the reveal happened right before the promotional teaser dropped and generally speaking it takes about 8-9 months after initial speculation for the movie to then come out with a trailer of some kind, which would be plenty of time for those who want to read the manga to have done so by then), and that at some point during the film Todoroki is going to use or obtain One for All in a similar manner that Bakugou did in the second movie in order to help fight off a random side villain that doesn’t have much of an impact in regards to the fight between heroes and villains happening in the main storyline.
-        I think the “HE” in the teaser image doesn’t have much to do with All for One, but actually it’s referring to some mysterious side character who is going to end up fighting with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya (playing the parallel, inferred role of D’Artagnan) and that All for One won’t actually be the villain in the film, but he may show up for a bit at the end.
All of these theories revolve HEAVILY around the basis that the producers and Horikoshi are attempting to lean on any of the other parallels regarding “The Three Musketeer” novels – or if they just thought that The Three Musketeers sounded dope as fuck, let’s throw that on there because there’s three of them, right? Get it?
Which, if that’s the case, then literally most of my theories go right out the damn window and I have no idea what this movie could be about, LMAO!
So… yeah. What do you guys think?? I’d love to hear your ideas – rip this post to fucking shreds if you want to, because there’s like an 87% chance or higher that I’m completely off base with everything I’ve just said and that my over-active imagination clung onto The Three Musketeers relevance and just wouldn’t let go of it and it totally sent me off in the wrong direction, I don’t know! It’s possible, ahahaha!
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tomatograter · 4 years
I have a genuine question and really want to learn... I prefer june, but I have friends who still enjoy j*hn, most of them being transmasc. they do it on their own and like the idea of june as well and dont bring j*hn up on june posts. but is it... bad ? to be letting them do so? should i be pushing more for them to let him go, or is it fine to do on their own? feeling very caught between oh its just a story leave real ppl alone and telling them to listen to transfems
You can't be everyone's parent but the fact is there's only heated discussion and high rejection rates targeted at june because people find it... impossible to relate to transfems? And they don't want to question why? You can circle the discourse however many times you want, it'll always come back to hostility targeting trans women and highly defensive takes that equate her existence to a "threat" on the fanon creators that by and large want her to be a cis dude who fucks other cis dudes. A brief stroll on the rated by kudos ao3 section provides not only a confirmation of this but a light urge to puke at some of the top ranked edgelord material lol
Can you actually forcefully change someone's mind by arguing with them? Not really. What you'll most likely get is bigoted rhetoric parroted at you, motivated either by nostalgia or feeling like you're trying to attack Them by 'stealing' their favorite character and making them 'unrecognizable'. There is a very strong sense from a lot of people that if they can ignore her or deny her for long enough she'll go away, and it's why you can get a barrage of shitty comments for simply stating 'i like her, she's not going anywhere.' Or 'i dont want to draw june as a dude anymore'
Is it bad to insist that june is a dude on the second year she's been widely adapted into the community? Well, yeah, if you care so much about trans rights why is it only ever readily in support of a very specific group of transmascs. June never read as a trans man to me, much less one that has been out since they were a kid. June can't even have herself referred as a gay man in comic. This isn't a narrative for me. It doesn't have to be. If you're clear-headed enough to understand portraying june as a man negates her existence as a trans woman, then you can also understand the only thing being accomplished by further feeding into the bubbles of the community that vehemently insist she's a man is the spread of the mindset that it doesn't matter. This content isn't being created nor does it exist in a vacuum. A certain june boyship used to have 300~ fics last year but has been embraced so deeply as a reactionary response to "June Existing" it currently sits at 500+ and counting, most fancontent revolving around her firmly asserting how much of a Man she truly is, and somehow people don't find this unsettling in the thick of it.
There's no easy answer. For /me/, i cannot and will not find myself backing an argument that mirrors outright transphobia, disenfranchisement of transfems, and repeated misgendering for the funsies of it. For everybody else?
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Idk. What will you do?
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topconfessions · 3 years
Someone mentioned that korean women are not satisfied with sex on an ask. I am just like why can't couldn't they learn how to communicate what they want. Is it that hard or embarrassing?
Cause the culture and the total understanding of sex is not how it is America and the West. They are pretty much still in the 80s-early 2000s mindset of sex minus the young people who are teens -20s. Sex is more geared towards the man and Korean men are often suppressed if not able to be open / comfortable with sex themselves as Asian society doesn't have this wide range ingrained comfort with sex like America does
(tbh on the flip side this is a blessing cause America is SO open about sex to the point its TOO open and sex is an intimate private matter that is now out of bounds and is often used a form to disrespect both men & women. Age shame with Virginity, shame people for not having sex, making sex too much a part of everyday convos and aspects of life and having media telling you what is good sex and what isn't. I mean don't get me wrong, you have planned parenthood, condoms, sex aids and birth control as well sexual education abundant there but as a double edged sword, if you're a private person who wants to keep sex to yourself and partner, obstinate / celibate, trying to find yourself sexually / orientation wise or you are a virgin especially past the age of 25, Americna society as a whole gives you shit for it instead of accommodating or promoting that you take your time. You have to find this relief and positivity from certain people as well maybe the older generation.)
Korea may have changed now but tbh you go there and unless you are specifically seeking it out, Sex is not this open abundant thing. Hence why love motels exist and why hotels are basically geared towards couples or one night stands for sex with Travel or temporary stay being the 2nd main reason. If you were to tell a bunch of people you and so so are staying in a hotel they are going to assume the obvious outright. People go to have sex at these places cause most live with their family / parents or one has their own place and the other doesn't or they dont want everyone in their business.
Korean men get down and fuck around like American men but its mostly known amongst themselves. I hope this explains it.
I don't think I buy what that anon said 100% but it could explain why the Asians are so bold with outright approaching American girls especially white girls for sex on apps whether it's dating apps or regulwr language exchange apps cause the Korean girls ain't taking their shit or don't bend as much.
I just feel this is a grey area that I can't speak too much on. Korean American girls and Guys seem very extroverted, somewhat loud and get around amongst themselves.
All I can say is Asia has a totally different attitude about sex and all so the men are probably not as adept to giving women pleasure and putting their pleasure first like a majority of men I. America are. Like maybe what the anon meant was Korean men are probably forcefull or lack skill / romance in sex and its that kinda sex where they are focused on whatever they want / busting a nut and could care less if you think its wack or if you clearly aren't into it during the sex. They want what they want probably.
So idk. But as for women I can't say. I don't know what their thought process is on thatm
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lockawayknight · 3 years
👫 kinsman time kinsman time--
from Send 👫 and I’ll Talk About Our Muses’ Relationship [accepting~!!]
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kinsman time! kinsman time! i’ll start with the sad ones and work my way up LOL
this one’s based in game lore, but at the beginning of his and brom’s knowing each other, i hc that creighton had an almost unhealthy attachment to him (assuming they met when brom let him out of the lockaway like in in-game events, of course.) they met at what was by far creighton’s weakest point in life, nearly-hollowed, betrayed beyond anything he could comprehend, sick and tired and abandoned, the only person who ever cared about him suddenly gone and him left convinced nobody in the world would come for him... when brom showed up, helped and showed kindness, let alone remembered him down the road — gods, he might as well just grovel at brom’s feet. him leaving his white sign for brom was no casual repayment. that was him leaving his very self. his admiration and respect bordered on obsessive. it’s a miracle he left him alone at all. but that was just the beginning... thank god fjfjd
once creighton used a fucking effigy and all the pate bullshit was sorted out (read: he was in his right fucking mind LMAO), like, thank god he got out of the mindset that brom was some sort of god, but he DID still admire him beyond belief, understandably. and still does, of course. i hc there’s something about brom that feels very much like home to creighton, very much like a family he never had, full of love and support he’d never known — not love like pate’s airs of romance, or his girlfriends’ lovingly supportive reassurances, but something brotherly and supportive specifically of the lion warrior within him. all that is to say, i hc he couldn’t think of a better king for drangleic than brom. creighton is an inwardly obtuse man, fickle and with finicky outward dedication. his heart is that of a knight, though it hides within a stubborn child. he craves a lord to serve, a king to command him, but he’s often far too uptight and headstrong to admit it. he’s a wanderer. a loner. a murderer, cruel and cold, antisocial and resenting the world... or so he wants people to think. but brom can certainly see through that facade like a sheet of glass. especially once the crowns have been captured and the throne is his, i hc that creighton is quick to drop to his knee and pledge. it’s what he’s been waiting his entire life for, really — a lord like brom, actually worth a shit. and (we touched on this in a prompt once) the fact that brom is so quick to reassure him that they are still brothers, still equals, still comrades despite it all, is honestly one of the most life-changing events in creighton’s life. it redefines his entire perspective of lordship and himself. which leads to...
hh this one is self-indulgent but i really like to think that brom helped shape creighton’s genuine confidence more than anyone else. seeing him as what he is, who he is, at his lowest and worst, and not just reassuring him that he’s still worth a shit, but also reassuring him that they’re brothers and equals really, really radically changed him. for his entire life, creighton had strove to be the perfect knight, but brom helped him realise that belonging can coincide with finding who you really are. it used to be such a switch. idk how to explain it well but the long and short is just that: i like to hc brom really fundamentally changed and improved creighton’s self-image in the way that he’s finally, finally able to hush the voices of his past telling him he’s unworthy, hush the trauma of abandonment and know he has family out there that runs beyond bloodline, and hush his own inner demons that tell him he needs to be and act a certain standoffish terrible way in order to fit the role he’s been given. brom helped him not discover who he was, but learn to let him out and love him. he wouldn’t have made it through all the hell with pate if he hadn’t met him, really. or so i like to hc
PHEW okay but soppy stuff aside let’s end on a happy note: by the time ds3 era rolls around creighton and pate are both in very nice happy healthy and sane as two undead can be places, creighton meeting brom again and knowing he survived all this hell is gonna bring the bih to absolute tears fnfndm. this dude’s gonna give brom a hug strong enough to knock the forossan giant to the ground lemme tell u. brom’s ABSOLUTELY part of the fam by ds3 times, i like to think. gets invited to dinners and outings and gets to see their little home in irithyll. hang out on weekends. even creighton’s shitty nightmare rabbit will sit on brom’s lap. gets to try pate’s shitty cooking and have ale around the fire. they’re family babey!!! kinsman time kinsman time kinsman time k—
jfjksak agh this got rlly long but ty ty i love themmmmm ;-;💕
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brvdleymilligan · 4 years
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HLO slinks in thru a bead curtain.......... truly sry this took me so long to concoct bt i’m here now, hand on hip, smiling coyly at u all...... i’m nai n i’m rly excited to b here so i’ll just dive right in!! u can find bradley’s pinterest board here n her muse tag here. like this or hmu for plots!
[ cis female, she/her, margaret qualley , twenty-four ] i can’t be sure, but i think i just saw BRADLEY MILLIGAN drive onto the parkway. don’t they know we’re not supposed to be driving on that haunted road right now? maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re so +RESILIENT and -VOLATILE that makes them feel UNPHASED about everything going on. i guess we could also chalk it up to the fact that they’re always reminding me of LEMON IN A FRESH CUT, THE AMBER BLINK OF AN ANGRY ALLEY CAT, GRINNING WITH BLOOD ON YOUR TEETH. either way, i hope they get back safely. [ nai, she/her, 24, gmt ]
aesthetics: singeing a hole in your fishnets with the cherry of a menthol, spitting a pistachio behind the bar just to hear it ping off the nozzle top bottles, lemon in a fresh cut, a war torn poppy standing alone in an empty field, pressing thumbs to yellow bruises, stomping over flowerbeds when there’s a path right besides it, dangling over ledges just to feel your chest jolt, a snarling rottweiler that needs muzzling, limp feet poking out behind a door, ‘I PROMISE I DON’T BITE’ scrawled on a name tag, slapping a bald head in front of you at the cinema like it’s a bongo, not owning a single jacket that isn’t stolen, driving a stranger’s car down the wrong lane against the screaming traffic, hair more feral than a wolf cub and eyes smudgier than a coal mine.  
ok SO. her father owns a strip club in crescent hill named no angels. it’s kind of.... a seedy establishment i won’t lie. hs a red glowing sign like it’s lighting up a window in amsterdam. cigarette butts floating in oil slick puddles outside. unsavoury characters crawling all over like rats in a sewer. despite this it’s a legitimate business on the surface of things n it does pretty well in trade. it’s like.... that place people warn u NOT to have ur bachelor party at unless u fancy urself the type tht willingly enters a lion’s den bt tht almost??? adds to the allure in a way??? ppl r like wow so sketchy it’s the thrill of a lifetime........ i mean run while u still can bt go off i guess
it isn’t Confirmed Public Knowledge bt it’s pretty heavily implied thru the rumour mill that bradley’s father is the head of a gang of rly............ Not Nice people. all the ppl that work for him u would hands down NOT want to run into in a dark alley. while things seem legitimate on the suface it’s pretty clear they’re into shady dealings n the townsfolk that suspect that would indeed b correct! the club’s a front for a drug business n they’re also washing n running counterfeit cash thru it. they probably also have their hands dipped into a few other local businesses to run their cash thru these too n keep it all seemingly by the books so nobody comes sniffing around. they even r friends with a member of local law enforcement that’s working w them for a cut so they honestly have all bases covered to keep things airtight n foolproof. perhaps a business in reed too which bradley oversees bt i haven’t given this Too Much thought as of yet??
so ya she’s grown up fairly local most of her life n would maybe be known around town as such.................. the milligans r certainly Interesting as far as families go so like. it honestly wldn’t surprise me if ppl nudge elbows when they see one of them coming n immediately walk in the opposite direction. just quite an intimidating presence...... they’re like caged animals where ur specifically instructed NOT to stick ur fingers between the bars bc they WILL bite
on a more personal note her dad is pretty much the worst human being alive n bradley hs like….. a lot of issues with herself as a result of years of toxicity n abuse
in terms of more family bkground info her mum’s name was alyssa n she vanished when bradley was 12. jst like…. into thin air. nothing. no note. zilch. gan! n when bradley asked her dad abt it his response was essentially “guess she didn’t love us enough to stay”. as bradley’s got older tho n become (without intention) more involved in the business side of things, it’s become pretty clear there was far more to the story.
(abuse tw) they had a horrible marriage n tony ws emotionally manipulative at the best of times, violent at worst, which didn’t help the fact tht alyssa ws struggling a lot w severe depression n rly just… not in the mindset to b dealing w anything else, even where motherhood ws concerned. bradley p much… would look after her a lot n they’d both b scared of her dad n it was just a whole unhealthy mess.
(death implied tw) anyway im rambling bt basically tony (bradley’s dad) gt wind of alyssa sleeping w men tht worked fr him n he just… got rid. bradley’s kind of worked out over the yrs tht her mum didn’t jst leave on her own accord n tht something must hav happened to her bt she’s too scared of her dad to ever directly accuse him
when her mum went all of her dad’s cruelty pretty mch got channelled straight onto her. it ws diluted between two before bt as u can probably imagine her upbringing was jst…. a steep downhill decline
(drugs implied tw) she learnt ways 2 deal w the incurring trauma bt they weren’t healthy ones at all! bsically jst. will do or take anything fr the distraction. chases a thrill like it’s the only way to remind her she’s alive. has absolutely no regard fr her own wellbeing n often gets other ppl in trouble too bc she’s so insatiably reckless
(hospitalisation tw) she hd….2 separate stints of psychiatric hospitalisation n she never tlks abt it. like ever. acknowledging she’s been vulnerable is her worst nightmare n bc of the way her dad raised her she always thinks any sign of struggling within herself is weakness. truly does…. not kno how to properly emotion
CUT TO!!!! the present. she’s currently living at the motel which is like. the least homely place she cld ever live rly but bradley loves making her life uncomfortable n doesn’t rly believe in growing sentimentally attached to anything if she cn help it <3 probably gets into arguments all the time w her neighbours it’s a whole thing.... atrocious at feeding herself has breakfasts frm the vending machine like her organs aren’t screaming fr vegetables.... plays music too loud n sometimes vanishes for days at a time without a word. she’s a lot.
i honestly feel like the murders haven’t rly phased bradley too hugely....... i won’t lie she probably genuinely is like. oh maybe it’s smthn to do w my dad. n just blinks the other way not rly that phased. on some subconscious level i think she rly just thinks........ death follows her wherever she goes n is like. this is just life for me! kind of depressing. holds her hand bt then screams n pulls away when she inevitably bites me.
the kind of sour cherry only certain people have a taste for
once drank a bottle of whiskey, insisted she could still do a cartwheel and accidentally kicked an old man’s front tooth out in the process. proceeded 2 collapse into a flower bed and laugh so much abt it that she cried
barely takes anything seriously 50% of the time and is angry the other 50%
if she was a coffee she’d be black with five grains of sugar that you couldn’t taste until the last sip
(alcoholism tw) high functioning alcoholic. if u ever see her w a coffee cup u jst kno tht one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage. honestly idk hw she does it her liver must b yellin
loyal to a point of fault. if she cares abt u (rare) and u murder a man in cold blood (not so rare in the broad scheme of bradley’s life) she’ll brawl anyone that says ur guilty
honestly wld probably fight a person over anything. sometimes she’ll jst be having a bad day n she’ll burst n take it out on whoever says the wrong thing. minefield!
has the worst luck in romance…. ever. ALL her past bfs hav been absolute beasts n as a result she has the ‘romance is dead n love is a lie’ mentality. definitely NOT a romantic. very cut n dry abt these things. sex is mostly just sex n she’d kind of scoff at anyone that wanted more from her
mostly wears stolen clothes from strangers and jackets that swamp her. huge chunky stomping boots with steel toe caps that would RLY bruise if they gave u a kick. hair is p much always a wild mess n she usually hs kind of smudgy/smoky makeup bcos apparently she’s allergic to combs and generally looking presentable… relatable content. the only time she rly looks put together is when she has to do something/go somewhere/see someone on behalf of her father....... he kind of uses her as a sort of. honey pot sometimes fr shit his gang get up to it’s like. not! a way u should ever utilise ur daughter but :/ i cannot stress enough how much i wna drop kick him in the neck
she’s v sarcastic. blunt. kind of has a habit of…. assessing a person n she’s quite perceptive bc she’s been trained to b by the way she always has to monitor her dad’s expression fr the slightest emotion change. she’s very confident n can p much mke a conversation out of whatever if she feels like it. independent too like she hs a bunch of (predominantly surface connection) friends bt she doesn’t care abt going out places alone n does this often. she’s probably kind of known around town bt itd b a 50/50 balance between bein known as intimidating n bein known as that one girl tht always gets into anarchy
likes: drunken snow angels that drag on so long they flirt with pneumonia, stealing cars, throwing watermelons off rooftops to watch them explode, shooting pedestrian’s with bb guns from hidden spots on rooftops. 
dislikes: telling the truth, tulips so yellow it’s like they’re gloating, playing music loud enough to fry your brain and serve it on a piece of toast, going home.
someone tht works at the ‘no angels’ strip club?? either as a dancer or bartender or whtever. just a forewarning it’s probably gna b a pretty….. seedy and Not That Pleasant environment bc it’s like. a crime hotspot inevitably bc it’s a gang hangout so. ur chara wld truly be in fr a rollercoaster ride to say the least
(drugs tw) she deals coke fr her dad’s gang so perhaps ur muse buys off her
anyone….. she’s brawled in the past like. she’s literally a menace i cnt express this enough. wil jst randomly throw a drink in someone’s face fr no reason bc she’s bored. she’s probably pissed off 1000 diff ppl in 1000 diff ways. the possibilities r endless n i jst think tht’s a sexy prospect!
fwbs perhaps??? exes??? (probably ws a tumultuous relationship honestly bradley is. a handful...... it’s also rly not often she ties herself down tbh so this would maybe have to b discussed/be circumstantial/kind of rare)
mayb someone tht she met at an aa meeting when she hd to go fr a court mandated thing one time after bein arrested fr public indecency. i feel like there’s probably a rly expensive statue somewhere thts fancily sculpted n she like. did a flying kick n broke the dick of it off n gt arrested fr it
ppl she……. Goes Wild Goes Crazy w. truly jst the most self destructive person alive so anyone w a similar mindset wld b a hellish bt fun combination
on the contrary a gd influence cld b nice perhaps? like someone tht genuinely cares abt her n she jst doesn’t kno hw to compute it
maybe people who r her neighbours that live at the motel too??
OH it could b fun if ur muse runs or works at a local business maybe like. a bar? idk? n bradley n ur muse have developed a rapport bc she frequents the place n is................ a Character
um. honestly the world’s our oyster. hmu n we cn brainstorm if none of tht catches ur eye!
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reymurray · 3 years
25, 30, 31 <3
Thanks Gloria c: I’m gonna answer these for Kai, May, Laura, and Lonnie for the most part since they’re the main focus of the majority of the story. 
25. How stubborn is your oc? Are they open to considering different options or opinions, or are they more closed off?
The Lin’s (Kai and May) are pretty stubborn. Kai, in the sense that he thinks he knows best. May, in the sense that she doesn’t want to appear like she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She does! Usually! But she doesn’t come across as smart as she really is to other folks so she feels like she has to try harder.
Laura can be a bit of a pushover, but put her foot down if she feels it’s necessary (for example, if the other characters are considering an option that could harm others outside of their group)
Lonnie is somewhere in the middle. She’ll express her disproval, but ultimately usually doesn’t want to be the one making the big choices, so she’ll just deal with it. Can’t guarantee she won’t complain about it, though. 
30. How caring/empathetic is your oc? Are they the type to immediately adopt and protect others, or are they a true sadist?
 I used to worry that my characters were too similar because a lot of them are very caring, but I realized that’s a dumb thing to worry about. Too many people who give a crap about others? Honestly that’s probably my brain manifesting what I wish the world was like. But yeah, Laura is the most caring person you’ll ever meet. Kai is a good man, but for the majority of the story, he’ll do anything to keep May alive, even if that means she winds up hating him. As long as she’s alive and well, he’s okay. In the beginning, Lonnie generally agrees with Kai. She has this mindset that nobody cares for her, so why should she extend a hand out to others? As she grows to allow herself some vulnerability overtime though, she comes around and starts being (begrudgingly) good. Omg I can totally imagine her having a Zuko moment and fainting from doing a good deed HA. Finally, although Lonnie and Laura are good people, May is usually the one to battle her father’s ideas. This is mostly because regardless of if May cares as much as Laura, May is assertive and unafraid of expressing her opinion. 
So yeah, very caring cast. Even Kai is caring, he just has certain priorities that make it hard for him to showcase that he wants to be better.
31. What inspired the creation of your oc? Any specific things, a general aesthetic or idea, or something completely random? Honestly, guilty pleasure of mine, but The Walking Dead (show and game) got me really into zombie stories. The apocalyptic scenarios, found family tropes, moral dilemmas, it’s great. I still love TWD but especially back when I started Eradicate in 2014. Although I’ve never been much of a fanfic writer, plus there were things in TWD that I wish had changed, so I suppose Eradicate was my self-indulgent fixer upper project. When I first started Eradicate, the main character was basically a cooler version of me and it was so cringy omg don’t judge me I was THIRTEEN AH but it’s changed so much and I’m honestly proud of the ideas I have. I’d say of IT but I need to write something before i can be proud of it itself oop hantlnatlntjanhldjnognago
omg i just realized this question says creation of OC not story............... :I i have brain rot
Well Idk really
Honestly May originated as the love interest for the character that represented my real life brother, and Lonnie was basically a love interest for the character that represented me, but now they’re so much more than that. My brain has expanded past just creating women to be girlfriends thank god. It’s kinda ironic cause now May and Lonnie are love interests to each other omg what those rebels
I don’t remember what inspired Kai and Laura though. I don’t think Laura was in the very original draft, but I could be wrong. Maybe I thought of Laura because I have a soft spot for stories where they have to protect a young child, so she brought Ant with her. omg all of my women were inspired for the sake of being wives and moms what's wrong with thirteen year old me D: 
Honestly I don’t think it matters what inspired them anymore because they’re all COMPLETELY different. 
Kai started as a guy who was supposed to be an antagonistic crazy dude who wound up killing members of his own group but then I just realized there’s so much more to Kai than a dude who kills anyone he doesn’t like -- He’s a really loving father and protector of his people. 
Lonnie started off as a goofy girl without a care in the world and now she’s more realistic. She has mental health issues, she’s angry at the world, and all her wounds won’t disappear the second she kisses the cute girl or someone tells her they care about her. 
May started off as a shell of a girl, only there to be a love interest. Now she’s an independent young woman who is frustrated with the cards she’s been dealt, but is going to do her best to make life easier for everyone who’s left. She’s an innovator and researcher. 
Laura was just there to be a mother, but now she’s a woman who holds the group close together because she knows they need one another. She’s a lover and peacemaker. But she’s not perfect. She may seem that way on the exterior, but on the inside she’s broken. She is capable of doing unimaginable things but chooses to love instead. That’s who she is. 
Wow rant over omg they’ve just come a long way ok
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
song lyrics I use to characterize Dick Grayson
This is definitely not everything (& I would love to do more) but it’s also Extremely Freaking Long so. Many thanks to @zitkaplushie for chatting w me abt this! I would love to hear your thoughts/additions/etc. If u disagree w any of these, feel free to debate w me but please be civil!!
Drag Me Down by One Direction: okay there are tons of parts that fit but this line is the best: “I've got fire for a heart / I'm not scared of the dark / You've never seen it look so easy”
I think this one is kind of straightforward lol but. The first line kind of tells me that Dick is passionate, and feels more with his heart than his head. The second line is just kind of a tongue in cheek thing like obviously he’s not. And the third one is both Dick’s confidence and also that it’s just TRUE. He makes things look easy, all kinds of things. It’s just a fact. 
High Hopes by Panic! at The Disco: ugh this has such good lines but this one: “Mama said / Burn your biographies / Rewrite your history / Light up your wildest dreams / Museum victories, every day / We wanted everything, wanted everything”
So I think “Mama” thru to “dreams” ties back to him becoming Nightwing, or going through different identities and kind of letting himself go with it to an extent. Like he doesn’t let it hold him back. The rest of it, like...that’s just Dick’s superheroing career. “We” in this case could be him and Bruce, him and the Titans, him and Damian, etc etc
Catch My Breath by Kelly Clarkson: um. the whole song. the whole thing. buuuut one line I’ll analyze will be: “I don't wanna be left behind / Distance was a friend of mine / Catching breath in a web of lies / I've spent most of my life / Riding waves, playing acrobat / Shadowboxing the other half / Learning how to react”
“I don't wanna be left behind” - he knows this feeling well already and doesn’t want to relive it
“Distance was a friend of mine / Catching breath in a web of lies” - he has like no civilian friends in canon, and even then he’s always lying to somebody about something. There aren’t many people he can be truly close to and open with, other than like Donna and Roy and Kory
“I've spent most of my life / Riding waves, playing acrobat / Shadowboxing the other half / Learning how to react” - idk, when I see this it makes me think that he’s just lived this life that isn’t exactly normal and he recognizes that
Birds by Imagine Dragons: this one makes me so sad but: “I know that / Ooh, birds fly in different directions / Ooh, I hope to see you again / Ooh, birds fly in different directions / Ooh, so fly high, so fly high”
So obviously Dick has lost a lot of people important to him over the years, either because they died or DC said XYZ and Dick’s relationship no longer has any rights, but. This is how he would feel about that. Grudging acceptance, hope to see them again, wishing them well. 
Dance Monkey by Tones And I: I had to. “I said, oh my god, I see you walking by / Take my hands, my dear, and look me in my eyes / Just like a monkey I've been dancing my whole life / But you just beg to see me dance just one more time”
I’ll mention this later on, but I think that Dick projects an image a lot of the time that isn’t what he’s really feeling. This ties into that - I think at certain points in his life, he just gets exhausted and wants to take a break, but he can’t. He feels like everyone is counting on him, either to do this or that, or keep up this appearance. Sometimes they really are, and sometimes it’s pressure he’s putting onto himself!
Icarus by Bastille: tbh this is a song that I think applies to most if not all of the batfam, but for Dick, this is part of it that I like: “You put up your defenses when you leave / You leave because you're certain / Of who you want to be”
I prefer the version of canon where Dick willingly decides to stop being Robin, but even in the way that he gets kicked out, this tells me that he’s steeling himself for whatever may come, and that he’s sure of his actions. 
Stars by Grace Potter: now THIS one is freaking sad. “All those times we looked up at the sky / Looking out so far, it felt like we could fly / And now I'm all alone in the dark of night / And the moon is shining, but I can't see the light.”
Again, he’s lost a lot of ppl!! I usually think of this song as him referring to his parents or Bruce after he “dies”, but it could apply to anyone really. And these lines in specific just make me think that he feels lonely without whoever it is, that he’s not in a good place.
Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd: "Boy, don't you worry, you'll find yourself / Follow your heart and nothing else / And you can do this, oh baby, if you try / All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied"
Okay so maybe I hc that the Graysons were very much so free spirits who rubbed off a lot on Dick. But with that aside, to me this is Dick being determined to live a happy life, and knowing it’s going to be a struggle at times. “You’ll find yourself” and “if you try” are things that I think Dick keeps close to mind. Like, maybe he doesn’t know everything right now, but he will. He’ll figure it out. And he can get through anything if he just pushes through it.
Weight In Gold by Gallant: “I’m pulling my weight in gold / Call me anxious, call me broke / But I can’t lift this on my own”
I’ve already mentioned this but Dick has a lot of pressure on his shoulders, like all the time. And he’s also someone who reaches out to others, which is what these lyrics are saying. He’s aware when he can’t handle the pressure anymore and can admit it to himself. (I don’t think this fits him ALL the time, I mean it just doesn’t, but. Sometimes.)
Tears Of A Clown by Smokey Robinson: I really fuck with the idea that Dick is, still, an entertainer. that + the pressure he’s under = “Now if I appear to be carefree / It's only to camouflage my sadness / In order to shield my pride I've tried / To cover this hurt with a show of gladness”
The word “camouflage” stands out to me because I think sometimes the way he hides parts of who he is is to protect himself??? Dick can also be a prideful person, who might not want others to know that he’s been hurt by something they’ve done. 
The Show Must Go On by Queen: relatedly,,, this whole song fits him perfectly. but to do something not related to smiling: “Show must go on. / I'll face it with a grin. / I'm never giving in— / Oh—with the show. / I'll top the bill, / I'll overkill. / I have to find the will to carry on with the show.” 
This ties back to him hiding his real feelings, of course, but also it speaks to how he doesn’t do things by half. This makes me think about being Batman, about how he won’t give in to the pressure, will push through and keep going and uphold his dad’s legacy as best as he can
Pumpin Blood by NONONO: “It's so magical feeling, that no one's got a hold / You're a catalyst to your own happiness you know”
This goes back to my thoughts that Dick has this mindset that if he keeps going, keeps putting in as much effort as he needs to, then he can get what he needs. It’s also kind of those moments where Dick realizes that where he is is good, like being Robin, but it’s not great, and it could be great. When he decides to stop being Robin, it’s like he’s thinking, “I could be happier, and if I want that, I need to do it myself.”
Rocketeer by Far East Movement: this song fits in a lot of spots but. “Here we go, come with me / There's a world out there that we should see / Take my hand, close your eyes / With you right here, I'm a rocketeer”
Overall imo this is a shippy song but this lyric specifically could be Dick and anyone at all -- he’s the kind of guy who reaches out to others, who would enjoy showing people new things. I also think the last bit kind of speaks to how he can feel better and more empowered when he’s not going through things alone 
I Want To Break Free by Queen: “But life still goes on / I can't get used to, living without, living without / Living without you by my side / I don't want to live alone, hey / God knows, got to make it on my own / So baby can't you see / I've got to break free”
This goes back to a few things. For one, I feel that when he feels held back or held down, he’s VERY aware of it and doesn’t like it, and wants to have his freedom back. Another one is, considering all the people he’s lost, it’s like...he doesn’t want to live without them but there’s no choice, he has to. And finally, I also think this is to Bruce, like he’s feeling like he could do and be more if he weren’t being restricted by Bruce
Teams & Friends, Ships, Family, & Bruce under the cut!
Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy: there’s a reason why I named my fic after this lol. “When Rome's in ruins / We are the lions / Free of the coliseums / In poisoned places / We are anti-venom / We're the beginning of the end”
I think that Dick really does enjoy superheroing, and that he’s proud of himself and those he works with for being courageous, kind, and helpful to the world. In his more positive moments, this is what I feel like he’d think of his teams and their impacts.
Home by Daughtry: I’ve always thought of this one as a batfam song but tbh I think it works better as a Titans one. “Well I'm going home, / Back to the place where I belong, / And where your love has always been enough for me. / I'm not running from. / No, I think you got me all wrong. / I don't regret this life I chose for me. / But these places and these faces are getting old, / So I'm going home.”
The way I interpret this is like...he DOES love Bruce, he does love the batfam, but ultimately when he thinks about home he thinks of his friends. This is kind of him talking to Bruce, at least in the second half. Another reason why I put it here is that there’s another lyric in the song that says, “I'm going to the place where love / And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.” In the batfam, as zitkaplushie said, love isn’t conditional or anything but it IS exhausting. It takes a toll on them. Love with the titans is just easier.
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae: Dick is bi like this song and this line describes his at-times tumultuous relationships: “It's like I'm powerful with a little bit of tender / An emotional, sexual bender / Mess me up, yeah, but no one does it better / There's nothing better”
He takes comfort and strength from his relationships and sometimes that’s good, hence the powerful/tender part! But in all his relationships, not just his romantic ones, it’s (sometimes) easy for people to affect him
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by Celtic Thunder: this fits all of his ships imo: “When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be / I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you / And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream / I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you”
He’s just a sappy boy who is in love. That said, I don’t think these feelings would overtake him!
Losing My Religion by R.E.M.: I read this heartbreaking fic recently that dealt with how Dick hid his feelings from EVERYONE and no one noticed anything was wrong, really, except Cass. so. “Every whisper / Of every waking hour / I'm choosing my confessions / Trying to keep an eye on you / Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool / Oh no, I've said too much / I set it up”
Dick is more open than his siblings, but he does still hide things, especially from them. The line “I'm choosing my confessions / Trying to keep an eye on you” makes me think of Dick trying to take care of his siblings, whichever way he can
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody) by Kishi Bashi: “Home is where I want to be / Pick me up and turn me round / I feel numb - born with a weak heart / I guess I must be having fun / The less we say about it the better / Make it up as we go along / Feet on the ground / Head in the sky / It's OK, I know nothing's wrong... nothing”
“Make it up as we go along / Feet on the ground / Head in the sky / It's OK, I know nothing's wrong... nothing” - this reads happier than it’s sang but I do think it describes the more positive side of the family dynamics! 
You’re Not There by Lukas Graham: this one is abt (all of) his parents :( “I only got you in my stories / And you know I tell them right / I remember you and I, when I'm awake at night / So give it up for fallen glory / I never got to say goodbye / I wish I could ask for just a bit more time”
There are times where the deaths of his parents & Bruce (and Alfred) weigh heavily on him, and that everything he does is kind of continuing on where they left off, or doing something they didn’t have time to do. I think he would tell his kids stories about them and that he would try to be as true to them as he can be. And then of course, “So give it up for fallen glory / I never got to say goodbye / I wish I could ask for just a bit more time” is kind of his relationship with his parents after they die
(I gave him a separate section bc I have a lot of feels abt them okay??)
The Ballad of Dick Grayson by Crafty McVillain: there are actually a lot of songs abt Dick Grayson, but I picked this one bc of this: “Broken hearts improve, but my mind's broken too / Show me how to hurt and I'll hurt them with you / I'll take on the world, I will fight for you / But tell me how to stop, cause now I'm fighting you”
This is abt when Jason takes on Robin but I like to look at this like:
“Broken hearts improve, but my mind's broken too / Show me how to hurt and I'll hurt them with you” - this is when Dick first comes to the Manor, and when he’s first becoming Robin. He’s struggling and Bruce shows him a way to cope. (is it healthy? lmao)
“I'll take on the world, I will fight for you” - this is just...any time really lol. Dick is loyal to Bruce (to an extent) and will fight alongside him, will do almost anything for him
“But tell me how to stop, cause now I'm fighting you” - then this is how it feels when they’re broken apart for the first time, when they aren’t getting along and it’s just a change from the past few years, and Dick doesn’t know what to do about it
Let You Down by NF: “Feels like we're on the edge right now / I wish that I could say I'm proud / I'm sorry that I let you down / Let you down”
“I'm sorry that I let you down / Let you down” - this could be pre-emptive, Dick kind of thinking that no matter what he does, he’s most likely going to let Bruce down
Like how Bruce is always that 8 year old who lost his parents, Dick is always who he was the first night he went out as Robin, desperately wanting Bruce’s approval
He wants the approval and hates that he does, it feels like it holds him down
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac: “Listen to the wind blow / Watch the sun rise / Run in the shadows / Damn your love / Damn your lies”
When I read these lyrics, I think about Bruce and Dick when they’ve been arguing, having a quiet moment (the peace after the storm, zitkaplushie said), kind of reflecting, and Dick just thinks, “I want you to love me but I want you to stop lying to me.” Or like, “your love comes with your lies and I don’t know if I can handle that [right now].”
Numb by Linkin Park: “I've become so numb, I can't feel you there / Become so tired, so much more aware / I'm becoming this, all I want to do / Is be more like me and be less like you”
There’s this moment in canon, before he even gives up being Robin, where he’s acting just like Batman, hunting down criminals with a single-minded ferocity that has his friends legit concerned for him. I can’t remember exactly what he felt about it when he kind of snapped out it but these lyrics remind me of that. He doesn’t want to be like Bruce, he doesn’t want to be Batman, and especially as a teenager, that last line is big. Overall it also fits when Dick IS Batman, and he feels like he’s kind of being swallowed by everything that it is
The Archer by Taylor Swift: okay I’m sorry I can’t pick between these two: “I've got a hundred thrown out speeches / I almost said to you” and “And all of my heroes / Die all alone / Help me hold on to you”
There are a lot of things Dick doesn’t say to Bruce over the years, or things that he wants to say but doesn’t for however long until he can’t hold it in anymore or it’s the right time or whatever. Ultimately that line just tells me that their relationship isn’t one with great communicating
“And all of my heroes / Die all alone” - Bruce ‘dying’. “Help me hold on to you” - Batman when Dick is him. Or it could be about Dick’s parents, and then Dick trying to keep Bruce alive as Robin/Nightwing
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lizzybeth1986 · 4 years
This won't make you feel better, but this anon might have an explanation for the problems in Pixelberry's stories: essentially, I think it's because media and fandom culture in general has been hijacked by people with much older value systems, value systems where "whether behavior hurts people or not" was at best a secondary concern. The way Olivia is coddled, for example, does resemble how children used to be expected to be grateful to abusive parents for at least being given food and shelter.
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Thank you for the ask anon.
Initially, when you'd sent the first ask, I'd had a different answer planned. Because sure, those kind of mindsets could very possibly factor in on how they treat a certain character type or trope...but it never actually happened with any sort of consistency. There were these invisible unspoken rules that certain characters would get away with breaking, and other characters would be punished for. So if there is no consistency in this treatment, how could I believe that it comes from a value/belief system that the writer holds, and nothing else comes into play?
Which brings me to the second thought you had. It's possible, yes, that the demographic they're hoping to cater to the most are the ones who may benefit the most from seeing white (and perhaps straight) characters thrive above others. The ones who will benefit from black and brown characters being placed on a heirarchy of worth - the most exoticized being the most "worthy" of "good treatment". But PB does benefit from a show of appreciating and celebrating diversity, and they do know it - as you can tell from the posts they were putting out during Black History Month last year:
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(Thank you @nikkisha16 for helping me source these!)
This is a "nice gesture"....if we ignore the fact that only three out of the handful of default black characters featured at all. And if we ignore the fact that Griffin from this tiny list was hardly given an opportunity to use his skills in the biggest "disaster relief" diamond scene in the series, just to make more space for the white guy. Or that Luke's "alternative romance" arc was given more attention than the one where the MC chose him - to the point where we didn't get to see his mother (more attention to the alternative arc is often a surefire sign that the team is focusing on another LI and presuming said character as single by default, which is why you'll see more effort in the playthroughs where they're single). If the demographic you aim to please are the ones who may not notice or care about what actually happens to such characters in their respective stories...why this posturing? Why this pretence that you care?
It's not that PB is evilly rubbing their hands and contemplating on which character of colour to screw over today. It's very rarely as cut-and-dried as that. Very often it is just as possible that they don't know, or notice how some of these subconscious beliefs translate into their art. Ignorance of how damaging certain tropes can be for certain communities, and an unknowing favouritism towards certain characters based on their skin tone just as plausible causes for the mess we see in most stories of PB now. And a certain dismissiveness, would account for why it keeps happening despite people pointing out these problems. (I mean, this is the company that issued an apology on Twitter for Drake Walker calling a pink cake girly. And I don't recall them making apologies for anything else thus far)
It takes awareness to understand the cultural weight of some of these tropes and archetypes, and certain kinds of treatment in some cases. It also takes awareness to figure out ways to empower these characters within their stories and arcs! And I do believe for that kind of awareness to emerge in the storyboards and the office meetings...there (possibly? Idk what the PB office is like) would need to be more voices from varying communities in the rooms. For instance, look at this incredible interview by Chelsa Lauderdale on the experience of writing Griffin's character in The Elementalists:
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Griffin is the rich, fullfilling character that he is because the writer brought her own experiences and worldview to that character. And you can see glimpses of that promise in so many different black and brown characters when they're given even half a chance. Kiara's ambition and logical bent of mind. Hana's loyalty and struggle to discover who she really is. Sloane's courage in taking on the world while battling an anxiety disorder. Teja's love for her craft and desire to excel in her field. Jax's protectiveness towards the underprivileged. Lily Spencer's humour and playfulness and recognition of those who have less privilege. William's (RoE) recognition of his work-home imbalance and his commitment to change that for this woman he loves. James Ashton's creativity and insecurities. Victoria's wisdom and her experience in the film industry. Aurora's desire to make a name that's her own, so that no one will ever view her as benefiting from her aunt's high position again. But unfortunately, we're often only allowed glimpses for a lot of these characters, rather than whole stories that use these traits as a foundation. Having writers from diverse backgrounds and with diverse experiences - not just a handful but many - with voices that will be embraced and respected, would go a long, long way in both pointing out these blind spots and in enriching the writing and stories themselves. Only a handful of writers cannot be burdened with the task of "educating" an entire company, but a vast team of diverse writers would mean there is an environment where they can more openly question and maybe shoot down more tone-deaf narrative choices.
@massivelysilentchaos made an amazing post about this sometime last year IIRC. A lot may have changed since this post, but there's plenty in it that still applies. More now than ever, I tend to go back to this one paragraph in her post (but please, please read the full thing):
I think a lot of PB’s problems with regard to representation in their writing could be helped by having more diversity on their writing staff. That’s not to say they don’t already have a fairly diverse staff (at least it looks that way from their blog) but some of their narrative choices are tone deaf in a way that tells me they could benefit from more black and brown perspectives on more of their stories. Specifically I’m thinking of the choices to have a book set in Trump country where an eventual protagonist pulls a gun on a potentially black MC or the recent decision to include the detail that Syphax, a black man who spent 8+ years at Lena’s scholae where MC was presumably taught to read and write, can’t read. Both of which were entirely unnecessary to the overall story they’re trying to tell and left a bad taste in mine and many other black fans’ mouths.
To add to this - I can speak, as a South Asian woman who was excited everytime a South Asian character appeared in a series - of Teja Desai getting one solitary scene to address her parents' initial doubts about her becoming a filmmaker, and one solitary scene about being a "woman in a boys club" as a director - which the writers never bothered to connect to her current work ethic - and being presented her as overworked, pressurized, frazzled by the punishing amount of work she was taking on - only for RCD's narrative to turn around and compare her to Marcus von Groot, the mediocre white male whose lack of control over his crew came from his own incompetence and delusions of grandeur (btw, in subsequent books he was written as this adorable funnyman the MC could bond and hang out with). I can talk of Jackie Varma, who was placed in a position where players could pick and choose between her and Bryce (with Bryce having more free scenes), before the narrative wrote her out for a large chunk of the story. Even in Book 2, scenes we get with her explore OUR backgrounds more than hers. Given that getting into medicine or engineering is such a huge deal in our communities, I can just imagine the ways in which that would tie up with Jackie's work ethic. And I know that many desi voices in that room would maybe make those connections and understand how to tie that into these stories.
I'd like to close this post with a quote from Chelsa that I showed you all earlier in this post: "Stories can perpetuate stereotypes or change narratives. That's really up to the people who write them". And perhaps, the people who hire the writers as well.
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