#good news new fic coming soon
olympiansally · 1 year
Normal behavior in the house tonight: stalling to post a fic for the current fandom because it feels a bit like betraying the past one
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caelanglang · 10 months
I've reblogged the author's original post a while back when the first couple of chapters were written but now I finally had the time to open ao3 again and finally caught up with the chapters... BOY OH BOY ITS AMAZING PLEASE READ IT! This fic may have come from the same idea as my little prince skk childhood au BUT it's a gem on its own and has its own beautifully crafted world and written characters PLEASE PLEASE READ IT ITS SO SO GOOD!
Everyone say thank you to @uneducated-author for this beautiful work! <3 ToT I love it so so much
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 8 months
Sneak peek of a WSTW one-shot fic about the aftermath of Sonic Frontiers (Final Horizons in mind) coming this week ;)
"This is a little unfair, don't you think?" he protested. "You need this, too, but you shouldn't have to do it all yourself."
"It's fine," Tails insisted. "I can eat later. I just want you to take it easy."
"I want you to take it easy, too," Sonic pointed out, his tone easy and caring. "Just let me—"
"How about this," Tails cut in. "You eat what I got you. You take your medicine. Then I'll let you make me something."
"Hm. You drive a hard bargain." Sonic sniffed dramatically, making Tails giggle. "But fine."
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serendipity0930 · 8 days
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omg hey guys <3
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froggyteehee · 2 months
Yeah, I should work on that fic I said I would
But like
That character ai chat was really interesting...
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sourtomatola · 6 months
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Dear dark fae sun and moon fans,
I'm a liar. I'm sorry
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astrhae · 10 months
sorry for all the excitement but the Crowley fic was !!! the gradual reconnection as opposed to immediate forgiveness was so good !!
is there an aziraphale fic to follow? i can already imagine how you'd destroy us with the religious trauma etc
aksdksdkskdsk thank you! i just have a lot of feelings about them both, and sorry for the delay in answering this but here you go 💙 a fic in which aziraphale loses his memory, crowley drives around the world, and some things get lost in translation
scherzo in f-sharp minor, for orchestra | 18k words, complete
It was a truth universally acknowledged that an angel in possession of no memory must be in want of a wife. No, that was the wrong book. The wrong line. Aziraphale frowned. “What,” the gentleman before him asked, “and I mean what, are you doing here?”
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: February 10
“Blues Run the Game” by Jackson C Frank
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orcelito · 7 months
So I've had no time to write today bc work etc etc but I've been thinking about it like All day and
I have chapter 17 all plotted out, and tbh could potentially write it in a matter of days, brain willing. It's finally back to Not action, which as fun as action is to write its also fucking Hard. So it'll be nice not having to agonize over the sound of a fucking chain (Twice) etc etc. Add in the fact that it's gonna be angsty as hell (angst is always the Easiest for me to write) & I rly think I could knock this one out quickly.
And the Great news is that. Examining the timeline and what I have planned...
Wolfwood is definitely arriving in chapter 18. And not at the end like I'd suspected. No, he's probably gonna be there towards the Start.
I've gotten through the two most difficult arcs to write for early ITNL, so the ball is really rolling now. We are Finally getting places...
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duskandcobalt · 8 months
just pulled an SJM and scrapped a draft for chapter 2 of one of my fics after already writing 6.5k words bc I decided it was shit last minute 🤪 everyone say a prayer for my sanity hehe
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tenacious-minds · 2 years
In Clays and Creams and Yellow Music is now on ao3
Robin is gay, is the thing. She always has been.
She remembers being very small and watching the way girls skirts twirled around their knees, the way their hair would brush they collarbones and get stuck on their mouths, lips sticky with gloss and— his hair has grown out, is the thing. Since everything. Since it's all been over. He hasn't gotten it cut. 
Used to be every three months like clockwork, the minute it would start brushing his shoulders. And she'd asked him once, why he bothered when it looked so nice longer. He'd tensed up, facing away from her, hands still poised above the register. And then his shoulders had dropped, all at once, forced like, and he’d shrugged. Told her he didn't like the feeling of it brushing his shoulders. He hadn't looked her in the for the rest of their shift. 
She doesn't think she believed him then, either, but she hadn't known what to say to him about it (years later, in the quiet dark of their apartment, he will tell her about his first hair cut and his father and the way his hair brushing against his shoulder's made him want to cry and how confusing that was because it was from happiness and from fear and sadness and some weird twisted second-hand form of disgust (and she knows if she ever sees Harrington senior again she will absolutely break her fucking hand for the sheer pleasure of popping him one right in his great big nose.)) 
So, yeah. His hair is getting long, and the longest bits reach past his shoulders, now, and the front pieces are falling just past his chin, with this one extra short bit— lifted by his great big swirling cow’s-lick— tickling his cheek-bone. And he’s stopped swooping it up with too much hairspray, lets it fall soft and wispy around his face instead— and the door opens, bell jiggling, and he smiles at the pretty girl on the other side of the counter. All big and flirty-like, that one that shows off his one crooked incisor and it makes her stomach twist uncomfortably and she feels sick with it. But Steve is talking with his hands now, fingers flying as he explains the plot of whatever movie he’s recommend, and she can see the way the girl tracks them, nose wrinkling, and that makes Robin's stomach twist for a whole other reason, sinking like a rock in her fucking abdomen, tugging at her diaphragm until she can't breathe with it either. Because really, Steve’s picked up a lot of that from her and Eddie, the way he flourishes his hands. But Eddie knows better than to really do it much in public, and he’s created the kind of personae that it wouldn’t matter even if he did but Steve doesn’t have that, and he doesn’t even really know. 
But Steve is ringing her up now, and they’re both smiling and the girl is thanking him and—it’s fine, really, it's all fine.
Except that now Robin's looking at his hands too, all cluttered with rings, which he's slowly been collecting for the past month now—two months? All delicate weaved silver and floral motifs, one with a small inset amethyst and one with weaving ivy (from Robin) and another, the only chunky one (one of Eddie’s)— an old signet style ring with a heavy lined moth, weighing down his pinky-finger in tarnished silver. And his nails— they’re painted. A soft pink clear coat you can barely see, except for when it catches the light just right and the florescent bulb shines in arcs across them. He'd had Robin repaint them Saturday night, after the girls had left, from a bright yellow ( his favourite colour) to this ‘so he could still wear it into work’. (When pressed he had simply stated that he'd promised El, and then, in a much quieter hushed kind of voice, that he thought it would be good for Will to have some positive roll models.) They're well cared for, Robin knows, and by turns soft and rough—slightly callused from years of sports and swinging his dumb bat at dumb terrifying monsters, but he has this whole drawer full of fancy creams and she knows that he trims his cuticles, files his nails until they are a perfectly shaped oval—
“-obin" Steve is looking at her now, head tilted to the side with that soft exasperated Robin-smile he saves just for her. "Robs?" he says again, and he laughs softly when she just blinks at him, it makes something in her stomach clench painfully. She feels sick. Is she sick? She wonders if this is all some sort of fever induced hallucination and— Steve is looking worried now, stepping closer with that little furrow between his brows, one hand lifted like he's thinking about pressing it to her forehead to check her temperature and— is he wearing lip gloss what the fuck? But— no. Steve is not allowed to look worried.
He's worried so often— about her and the kids and Eddie and even Nance and Jonathan, and there's absolutely no need for him to be looking like that right now, not about whatever is happening inside Robin's head because its nothing. So she laughs and pokes at his forehead, and he swats at her hands, still kind of frowning at her, and she knows he's still worried.
“I'm okay, Stevie, really” she says, and then he goes a little pink, the way he always does when she calls him that, fond and pleased, and he squeezes her hand tightly between his.
"You looked a little warm, are you sure?" and she doesn't stop him from pressing the back of his hand to her cheek, forehead, neck until he's satisfied. He smells like the lavender he puts on his temples before bed and like something else sweet and musky and floral. Fuck.
"See?" She says, and squeezes his other hand where they're still clasped by their sides. “All good."
He hums, still looking her over. "Alight, but let me know if that changes okay? We’re closing early to day to help out at the middle school, so I can always drive you home and then come back to finish closing up on my own.” And then he's back to work again, squinting at the computer screen and typing with his painfully slow two-fingered jabs. 
And Robin's gay, is thing. She always has been. She likes women, or at least, she doesn't like men.
But Steve is—
Well. Fuck.
Part 2 
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
So, @quietlemonhush and I are writing a fic together that we are almost done editing to post. It is literally 16k of smut.
In anticipation, I wanted to share our chaos comments to each other as we wrote and edited this.
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baeshijima · 1 year
its 10pm, my project is due in 14 hours, im at around 800 words out of 2k, and im abt to power through an all-nighter with a gallon cups of tea bc adrenaline is high and sleep is fucked like usual <33
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good morning!! :3
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Lord help me I’ve gotten nothing done on my assignments today but I am outlining a fic that’s more like a bloody novel
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sourtomatola · 6 months
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Dear dark fae sun and moon fans,
I'm a liar. I'm sorry
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