#a good old sfw crop
risto-licious · 1 year
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steamy fresh art of the big sea man risto, cropped so I can show it here lmao. he's..............flustered.
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
their private bodyguard.
request: can i request a scenario with tanjuro, oyakata-sama and kyojuro? where an person lunges towards them (you may decide the reason, it could be a disagreement) but their calm and gentle s/o acts and swiftly and professional pinned down the attacker before they even reached them
# tags: scenario; current relationship or current marriage relationship; light romance; a bit of drama; strong!reader; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. kyojuro rengoku, tanjurou kamado & kagaya ubuyashiki {kny}
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↘ That day you were exploring the city, looking for fresh vegetables, so that you could later make a delicious dinner for yourself and your partner. As you walked around, you two talked about your recent achievements and missions, as well as victorious battles with demons. This day was unusually calm and full of sunshine; you loved moments like this, especially on your days off.
↘ While picking out the prettiest tomatoes and sweet potatoes, you heard a strange rustle to your right. You also smelled an unusual, very unpleasant smell (comparable to the smell of rot and old mud), and then heard sand rubbing against the soles of someone’s feet. Before you knew it, the body involuntarily moved towards Kyojuro, who was about to touch the fresh, earth-smelling carrots.
↘ With one quick and strong move, you knocked down a young demon in a black cloak, and then you touch his face, which was covered with a long hood. His screams and curses mixed with the sound of his burning skin were unpleasant, but at the same time incredibly calming. You didn’t hear anything suspicious in the vicinity, nor did you sense anything strange. Instead, you stood up and sheathed your katana, looking around carefully.
↘ Your partner thanked you and then apologized to the farmer he wanted to buy some goodies from. Without a word, you began to search every corner of the town, calming down the people you met and the crying children. It was a requirement after defeating the demon – it was necessary to check whether there was another, more dangerous threat.
↘ Your lunch unfortunately had to wait.
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↘ You and Tanjurou were in the process of negotiating the price for the crops you harvested this year. You had one regular customer when it came to apples and pears. Thanks to them them that one of the inhabitants of the village was making delicious cider, i.e. alcohol based on these two fruits. You wanted to negotiate the most favorable price for yourself per kilogram of juicy goodness. 
↘ The man, however, stubbornly persisted in offering an extremely low (for you) price.
↘ You couldn’t agree to this, especially since you needed money to feed your family and also to save some extra coins for unexpected expenses such as medicine, new clothes and tools. So you asked a middle-aged man to think about your offer. 
↘ Still, he stubbornly stuck to his opinion and decision, cursing under his breath.
↘ So you have decided to give up trading at this point. You sincerely thanked for his precious time and offered other products, but the man suddenly got angry and started cursing your whole family and three generations ahead. Your husband tried to calm him down, but unsuccessfully. The forty-year-old almost immediately turned to your partner with the intention of grabbing him by the collar of his clothes, but you were two... No. You were hree times faster.
↘ You instantly grabbed his wrist and slammed it hard against the wooden table with red and green apples on it. You looked at the farmer angrily, getting him out of your property.
↘ You preferred to have no money and at the same time take care of your family in a different way than let yourself and the beloved man be humiliated for a few silver or gold coins.
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↘ It was a beautiful night full of stars. You and Kagaya sat in blissful silence. Your eyes were closed and you both savored the taste of freshly brewed green tea.
↘ Words were not needed, you understood each other without them.
↘ From time to time you looked up at the stars and from time to time you closed your shining eyes again to indulge in blissful daydreams and a pleasant vision of the future.
↘ However, at some point, your peace of mind and beautiful sight of tomorrow were destroyed by the rustle of grass, almost inaudible to the human ear. You quickly threw away the steaming drink and covered your beloved man with your body, while noticing a crazy look in the moonlight.
↘ At first, you didn’t recognize the man charging in your direction, but after a moment of thought and knocking the intruder to the ground at the same time, you realized that it was one of the people who did not complete the Hashira training. You couldn’t remember his name exactly, but your perfect eye memory was right.
↘ A week ago, boy named Zenitsu became the Thunder Hashira, not a swordsman lying on the ground.
↘ So he probably saw it as an injustice or a mistake.
↘ Fortunately, your composure, quick reaction and almost superhuman strength defeated the young man who wanted to humiliate the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps in a frenzy. But you would never allow it.
↘ The dark-haired young man was quickly taken from the Ubuyashiki property by three kakushi, and you and your husband could once again enjoy delicious tea and silently think about what awaits your family, friends and charges.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Meeting your lich boss
General Plot: You get a new job working for a very strange man
Lich (Lauden) x female reader
Part One, Part Two
Word Count: 2k
W: sfw monster fluff, descriptions of domestic abuse and old injuries eventually in part two, so you might not want to start this if that bothers you, yandere behavior
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“These are…all…the files?” you asked the woman who hired you, Sherry, as she piled a bunch of folders on your desk. 
“Yup this is it,” she said flashing you a sympathetic smile, “the last girl wasn’t much help so they are a mess. We’re lucky what we do have doesn’t have gum stuck to it.” 
She put a hand on yours. 
“Don’t take anything Mr. Heron says personally,” she reassured you, “he’s good looking, but he’s a dick.” 
This wasn’t the first time one of your new coworkers had said this about your boss Lauden Heron, CEO of Heron Consulting. You were his new secretary after the last one had been chased out in tears. Apparently Lauden wasn’t a nice man. 
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” you assured her. You were an experienced secretary. You’d worked with one of the most well known, discerning CEO’s in the area, Gloria Errolt. She was a titan in the shipping industry, energetic, and had put you through your paces. Now you were a confident, professional who could handle any situation set in front of you no matter how challenging. 
Sherry glanced at her watch. 
“Oh, I’d better make myself scarce, he’ll be here soon,” she said, then looked at you apologetically, “I’m sorry…I mean…” 
You waved her away and gave her a placating smile. 
“I’ll be fine, Sherry,” you assured her. 
She winced at you, but nodded and scampered away. 
You flipped through the files, quickly organizing them by date and urgency based on what you had already learned from Sherry about Lauden’s accounts. You were a really good secretary and had them quickly in perfect order. 
As the doors to the executive suite opened, you hopped up to greet your new employer. 
“Good morning Mr. Heron,” you beamed, sticking out your hand, “I’m (Y/N), your new secretary. I look forward to working with you. If there is anything at all I can do to make your life more streamlined please let me know.” 
The man in front of you was huge with broad shoulders stuffed into an immaculately tailored designer suit. His blonde, almost white, hair was cropped and slicked into a neat coiff. He was good looking as Sherry had said, but you noticed his skin was far paler than you were used to seeing. It almost looked a bit gray. He looked down his straight nose at you with disdain in his ice blue eyes. You were confused for a moment as he almost seemed to be sniffing the air like he smelled something foul. 
“You?” he asked flatly, raising an eyebrow. 
You frowned and pulled your hand away, smoothing your pencil skirt. 
“I assure you I come with the best qualifications,” you explained, “I graduated from (Y/C) and worked for Gloria Errolt for five years. I’m sure you’ve heard of her.” 
He thought for a moment, but his eyebrow didn’t lower. 
“Yes, I suppose I do know Ms. Errolt,” he said, his voice deep and crisp. 
You picked up a notepad from your desk and a pen. 
“I’m here to streamline your workflow,” you said, “so I’ll need to know the personal appointments you need me to manage. Your former secretary didn’t leave me any notes on your preferences. So I’ll need to know how you take your coffee, as well, and a few other things, but baby steps. You have an appointment this morning so I can’t take too much of your time.” 
He blinked at you as if no one had asked him this before. What had his last secretary been doing? 
“Personal…appointments?” he asked. 
You waved at him.
“Oh you know, wife I need to buy flowers for, kids I need to remind the nanny to pick up from school. Work and life overlap, I have to manage all of that for you for things to move along smoothly,” you explained, “I saw all of your appointments on your calendar, but nothing about your family. We can’t expect you to remember your wife’s birthday, can we?”
You chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the mood with a little joke, but Lauden’s mouth was a flat line.
“No.” he said as if that meant something.
“No…? What?” you asked, your pen hovering over the pad of paper. 
“No,” he snapped, sidestepping you and marching into his office, slamming the door behind him. 
You blinked after him. Your coworkers were right, he was kind of a dick. 
It took you a few hours to strategize your next meeting with your boss. You’d worked with flighty CEO’s before. They all thought they were eccentric geniuses and had to be handled with kid gloves. Lauden’s attitude did nothing to put you off, you only needed to figure out how to approach him. 
You knocked lightly on his door, carrying the stack of files you’d carefully reviewed, highlighted and tabbed where he needed to sign. Ignoring his disgruntled glare as you entered without being invited you shuffled around him, carefully laying out the files by which was more important.
“You will need to complete these this morning so I can send them off this afternoon,” you told him, then pulled out your pad, “and I’ll need to know your regular club to make reservations for lunch.” 
Gloria had taught you that every CEO had lunch at a private club where they could schmooze with their peers. He examined the files, his mouth opening slightly. 
“You did all this?” he asked, thumbing through the papers. 
“Is there a problem?” 
You looked over his shoulder for errors, but everything seemed in order. 
He frowned. 
“It’s all organized…and labeled.” 
That sounded a bit like an accusation but not a complaint so you ignored it.
“Your regular club?” you prompted. You couldn’t let CEO’s get lost in their own thoughts. They had a tendency to be flighty and needed to be redirected or you would never get them back on task. 
“No.” he grunted. 
You looked down at him. 
“You prefer to eat at your desk?” you asked, surprised.
“I don’t eat,” he hissed and your eyebrows went up. 
“Ooookay,” you said, jotting that down on your notepad, no family, no food.
“You know, sir. I’m extremely discrete. You don’t have to worry about me sharing any of the details of your personal life, I’m here to make things easier for you.” 
“Get out!” he snapped. 
You folded your notepad in your hand and marched back to your desk. He was a tough cookie, but you were going to figure him out. You’d figured out Gloria and you’d get him too. You were a really good secretary. 
The next few weeks you enacted your plan of being the world’s best secretary, but you couldn’t help but notice some strange things about Lauden.
One, he appeared to have no family or friends. He didn’t make or take any personal calls. He never texted anyone and as far as you could tell he didn’t even have a personal email account. No one came to visit him and he never met anyone for lunch. He simply worked through the hour as if it were any other. You knew he went straight home after work because you organized the car service that took him there. 
The second strange thing was he didn’t eat. Not in a health nut sort of way, picking over calories and drinking loads of water. He didn’t consume anything...at all. You never saw him drink a cup of coffee or even eat one of the little candies you kept on your desk. You’d asked him if he preferred coffee or tea so you could stock some and he just ordered you out of his office. 
Third, when Lauden did actually address you it always seemed like he was sniffing you. Occasionally you’d glance down to see him leaning into your sweater while you arranged his daily documents on his desk. You’d tried to drop hints to see if he had some problem with certain smells, but he never picked up on them. You finally stopped wearing perfume, afraid it was bothering him. 
After two weeks of hard work he wasn’t any nicer to you. He ordered you out of his office as an answer to 70% of your questions, but you still plugged along, arranging his appointments and organizing his documents, doing your best to make his life easier. 
Lauden thought he was going mad. You were the best secretary he’d ever had and you smelled like sugar cookies. Everywhere you went you trailed the sweet smell of sugar and vanilla behind you. It was all over his desk. In every hallway. There wasn’t a place he could go in the office to escape it.
He hadn’t eaten a sugar cookie in hundreds of years but his mouth watered every morning when you bent over his desk with his papers for the day. It was driving him insane. He wanted to fuck you then eat you.
It was unusual for many reasons. After he’d surrendered his mortal corpse and a virgin sacrifice to the dark god for eternal life he hadn’t really had a sex drive. His senses had dulled with death and his cock was one of the first things to go cold. But with you around he spent eight hours with an almost constant erection. You didn’t help wiggling around in those tight little pencil skirts. 
Additionally, you weren’t his usual type of meal. He liked to suck the life force from twisted victims who really deserved their bodies to be shriveled and desicated before their eyes, while they still lived. Only after death to find themselves trapped in the limbo of a void in his chest.
He had thousands of wailing souls floating around in him begging for the mercy of release, but as long as he lived that would never happen and he could torture them for their misdeeds. He thrived off of their pain. You were too sweet to be a satisfying conquest. It would be like killing and eating a baby chick. He would never stop hearing your sad wailing inside of him and the idea was crushing. 
 He did his best to keep you away from him. He would have fired you if you weren’t so damn good at your job. You knew everything he needed before he anticipated it and his productivity had tripled since Sherry had hired you.
The secretary before you had no idea how to use a cloud based appointment platform that provided him with your carefully written meeting notes fifteen minutes before his appointments directly to his phone.
She’d barely been able to use a word document, but somehow you’d managed to link the database you’d created for expenses to Quickbooks to streamline the reporting process with accounting.
That was just the start.
You were a really , really, really good secretary and now that he’d had a few weeks with you, he realized the truth…he couldn’t live without you. 
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
more she-ra rewatch!
s2 ep3 signals
I keep getting distracted because Mal the Cat is really determined to find some plastic to chew on. He is not allowed to chew on plastic. I keep having to chase him off from chewing on random shit.
He is currently pouting.
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okay ngl this is a little weird bc I finally got around to reading Olivia Joy Taylor's catradora comic on patreon. Which is uhhhh very adult in nature. It's also very good. But going from that to the actual show is just slightly surreal, even though I used to do that kind of thing all the time in SU fandom lol
The first pages (which are teeeeechnically sfw? are here on tumblr.
(She's doing a CaitVi comic next apparently, my crops are watered my skin is moisturized my [redacted] is [redacted])
*cough* ANYWAY
Glimmer: "we'll handle this the way we always do!" Adora: "brute strength?" Swift Wind: "almost dying???"
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(he's being a dick to Catra, or at least trying to intimidate her)
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do u tho
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(they're scaring each other with ghost stories)
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ngl that is in fact fucking creepy
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Scorpia's unrequited love is painfulllllll
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the joys of being in management. (I'd rather be stabbed in the face.)
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Voice actors having to say things like "Hordak's sanctum" with complete sincerity is why they get paid
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Meanwhile Entrapta:
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the joys of a rewatch include giggling bc you know what happens when she meets Hordak
The fact that all of Adora's ghost stories are about terrifying Princesses...
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damn right!
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wait I know I saw a post from one of the storyboarders of this scene but she's dabbing hold on
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(the original post is gone but here is my reblog of it)
What I love so much about the interactions with these two is that they only work because Entrapta is autistic. Hordak is trying to be intimidating and condescending and it is just completely sliding off Entrapta. Like I can tell she notices some of it but just does not care.
And she's just thirsty for information. Hordak is all "yes of course there's other planets, you backwater hick" and Entrapta totally ignores the insult and is like "TELL ME ABOUT THE PLANETS :D"
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(I am not a manager nor have I ever been one, and there's a reason.)
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no he'll trust Entrapta, a woman he just met, lolol
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ANYWAY plot stuff there was a beacon kind of thing in a village and the "ghosts" were holograms from an old message from the First Ones that kept repeating, they turned it off but there's still some kind of "degraded" First Ones' writing that Bow's little tablet keeps picking up, and in some abandoned location something full of First Ones' writing powered on, fade to credits.
Also my soup isn't done yet, I knew I should've cooked the beans first. Harrumph.
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innytoes · 2 years
Hello, five (or more, I wouldn't say no) spontaneous headcanons about a willex boarding school au? 👀 (sfw please)
-When Caleb gets a call that his sister left custody over her son to him, a nephew he never even knew he had, he is like: wtf. When he comes to meet with the social worker and sees the long hair, tie-dye crop top, and earring, he’s like: of course I am taking him in. (There’s a reason he hasn’t talked to his family for decades and he will not have them do the same to Willie as they did to him.)
Except being a full-time parent and running the HGC is not a great combination, especially with Willie’s flair for Chaos. So he makes him a deal: he can go to any boarding school in the country, or even the world, if he promises to behave enough not to get kicked out, and in return he can wreak whatever chaos he wants in the summers (within reason).
-Willie chooses the boarding school because they have a great art program, they’re queer-friendly (Caleb called to check), and it’s in the Woods and he 1) always liked the woods and 2) wants to see Bigfoot.
-Alex’ parents sent him to boarding school after he came out. Alex is not sure he understands their reasoning, given that it is an all-boy’s boarding school and that is like the opposite of ‘straightening him out’, but anything is better than the icy silence at home. Alex’ parents do not know the entire stack of Hot Gay Boarding School Romance Novels under his older sister’s bed that Alex may or may not have borrowed.
-Listen Alex likes his roommate Luke and he’s kind of open to the idea of starting a band with him but also he is SO ENERGETIC and he cannot sit still and he’s always humming and it drives Alex insane.
-So he goes to hide out in the library. Not the fancy new one with amazing computers and a 3D printer and shit, the dusty old one nobody uses because the wifi is shit and it‘s always cold and drafty but it looks great on pamphlets for the Old Money crowd. He bundles up in his hoodie and finds a comfy armchair and just gets to Be Still for a moment.
-Except his peace and quiet is interrupted at a gleeful shout and then a maniac on a skateboard comes into view, sliding his board on the fancy brass railings before landing hard and rolling right into Alex and his comfy armchair, sending both of them toppling backward.
-“Oh man you dinged my board” meetcute etc etc.
-Lots of cute sneaking around in the dark holding hands dates. Willie shows him how to get on the roof and it’s so peaceful and pretty there he loves it. They take up a blanket and watch the stars next time, and share their first kiss there.
-Maybe he sends his sister a postcard like: ‘Boarding school is great, I am learning so much, all this nature is so good for me, etc etc platitudes’ along with an abbreviated title of one of their favourite books with the chapter in which the main characters have their first kiss... on a rooftop.
- “I dunno what HGBSRNCH12 means, Mom, I think he was just trying to clean his pen or something, it’s just a random scribble. You know Alex hates when pens aren’t writing smoothly.”
-Soon they form a little group with Bobby (rich parents who travel a lot and don’t want to take him with them) and Reggie (the scholarship kid). Reggie is upset there are no secret societies at this school. He thought maybe none of them just wanted him, but he could still catch one in the act of secret society-ing. But Bobby (a legacy kid) told him there weren’t any.
-Obvs they start a secret society just for the fun of it. Since they can’t play music late at night without getting caught (then it’s not a Secret Society, Luke, you dumbass), their activities include Sneaking, Stealing Snacks, Trying To Find Bigfoot and/or Mothman in the woods, and picnics on the roof. But while wearing dramatic hoods and holding (fake, battery-powered, Alex does not trust these goofballs with fire) candles and stuff.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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tartan-tart · 5 months
hi! im alive. recently went through a Personal ThingTM which has kind of... soured. my good omens hyperfixation. i adore this community, but for now i need a bit of a break and probably won't be very active. feel free to follow or DM me on my main: @decayingdante
About Me: I generally go by Dante, but that or Tart works here. I am an 18 year old trans & gay man (he/him). I'm autistic and have ADHD. I mostly do digital art, but I enjoy traditional as well and i love figure drawing & anatomy!! If you need a human podcast to listen to ask me about Good Omens, fashion subcultures/alternative fashion, or medical illustration!
DNI: Under the cut but nothing you wouldn't expect! You're probably good. I hope.
Commissions: Closed
Where to Find Me:
I have far too many social media accounts, all of which can be found in the linktree in my bio, or right here.
However, if you'd prefer some more in depth descriptions, here they are!
My Main Tumblr: This is where you can find my non-Good Omens art (Mainly OCs) as well as many random reblogs!
My NSFW Tumblr: This account, of course, is only for those 18 or over and includes censored/cropped versions of my NSFW art as well as any reblogs I deem too spicy for here or my main blog. (OCs & Good Omens)
My Main Instagram: This is where you will find most of my OC art, as well as some fan art every so often. I am most active on Tumblr, but Instagram is a good place to look if you want to know more about my OCs!
My NSFW Instagram: This account, like my NSFW Tumblr, is only for those 18 and older and contains cropped and censored versions of my NSFW art. (OCs & Good Omens)
My Reddit (NSFW): My Reddit has both (censored) NSFW & SFW artwork and, once again, is only for people 18 and up. Currently all Good Omens, although I may post OC art there in the future.
My ao3: This account is, one more time: Only for those 18 and older. It contains my uncensored NSFW artwork. It is mostly Good Omens but I will be posting OC art there as well.
My Pinterest: I'm not particularly active posting here, but if you want to know more about my OCs, or if you're in need of some aesthetic app icons, this is the place!
DNI: Hopefully this is obvious but stay away if you are racist, xenophobic, a zionist, mysoginistic, homophobic (and anything LGBTQIA+ phobic), are vehemently anti xenogenders/neopronouns (not understanding them is fine, but if you believe they're harming """real""" trans people kindly DNI), a TERF (which ofc falls under transphobia), a SWERF, ableist, etc. etc. You get the idea. Oh! Also sorry but please DNI if you feel the need to hate on Anna and/or Georgia.
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undead-merman · 2 years
Thunderbird Avery and Sirris with GN-Reader SFW and NSFW
A spirit living among humans
Every few dozen years he comes down to enjoy the spoils of the human world. So many luxuries these days and he was happy to indulge in them, if not overindulge. 
He often takes a job in important places, easily manipulating humans to have them throw offers at him. He could just influence humans into giving him money but he loves having the authority over them. He enjoys threatening them by sending just the tiniest bit of electricity to induce panic without them even noticing. 
He partakes in liquor, and he loves them. He of course won't get sloppy but the taste some of them have is delightful.  
Every once in a while he tends to spoil some humans that catch his eyes, normally in the past he blessed them with good crops, but now that most humans live in cities where that doesn’t matter anymore. The people of this world now reveal and intertwine themselves in evil spirits to a point where some of them don’t even know they are corrupted. He gave up long ago on protecting this world.
He offers them money, time with him and his parading around the human world and all its glory. But when he gets tired of them he tosses them to the side. Most of the time in terrible places to watch them struggle just to wring out that last drop of entertainment he can get out of them. 
Taking an interest in you
He was getting a cup of coffee with a work acquaintance when the man spills coffee on himself as you set each one down and he goes off on you. Avery knows he’s trying to do some kind of powerplay getting all mad at you so he doesn’t seem silly, but you stand your ground and even blast insults back at him. He demands your job, and of course your shit manager kicks you out right then and there. 
He takes off right after you storm out and he goes to find you and ‘apologizes’ for that man and offers help, but when you hiss back that you don’t need help from someone who just let it happen he felt a shiver of lustful rage up his spine. 
Something about the way you toss his generosity pisses him off in a way that excites him, a little devil with an iron strong will and morals, he grumbles but he can’t say he hates that. After all, compared to the lot of these tainted humans you’re quite clean. 
He follows you at a distance, even hiring a private investigator to get more details on your life. And when he finally gets the folder he’s grinning ear to ear when he finds out that you’re trapped in an orphanage by a caretaker named Bailey who seems to take advantage of you and prevent you from leaving by holding an ever increasing debt over your head. 
So by a string of coincidences he decides to ‘help’. He sets it up so you’re hired in his building, a secretary with pay that’s too good to be true. And he’s grinning ear to ear when you’re introduced to him. He reminds you that you have a debt to pay back and smiles at your shock. 
But the work is shockingly normal, hectic, but normal. You’re running around filing paperwork, delivering coffee, organizing data and sending out emails. And Avery hovers over you tormenting you, adding more work to your plate and grinning as you fume. 
It just so happens that someone in the office has started to harass you. First with words, but now they're trying to stuff their hands in your clothes on the elevator or in the records room. Then Avery finds out. You're his human to torment and they have such a vile spirit that it passes him off more. He ends up so furious that the winds outside pick up and the clouds turn black, rumbling with thunder as he tosses them to the side. 
He turns to you and you get a sight of his inhumane nature. His hair having a more feathery appearance and bolts of electricity come off him like those old school plasma balls. He pulls you back pushing his hand over your forehead to look over your face as he stares down and just as you think he's going to unleash hell upon you he sighs and pulls you over to the couch he has and lays his head on your lap. He tells you to make sure no one bothers him and just falls asleep. 
Ever since then he's a bit more honest with you now. Telling you about his nature. He brags about his usual form about how beautiful his feathers are and how in the old days of man he used to protect humans from evil spirits. But he always seems so disappointed after and reminds himself those days are done. Still his interest in you has rekindled into something much bigger. Maybe even dangerous for him. 
He tries to take you out for dinner but he still might get the stubborn treatment from you but it only fuels him to try harder. He can't wait to crack that will. Keep him entertained, keep him going. If you agree he makes a show of it. Behave or he'll get pissed. Most people brown nose you since Avery seems to like you. He normally brings a different person each time. He's never brought the same person twice. 
A piece of mortal flesh
One night in traffic after a long night at the office both of you are drained, the streetlights and car lights bright against the dark skies and rainy streets, but leaves the car interior dark. The radio soft and down low as jazz plays. His hand slowly finding your thigh and stroking it, his thumb circling around the meat of your inner thigh as he stares ahead at the license plate of the car in front of him.
But when you don’t pull away the appendage gets more daring. Slowly creeping to your crotch palming it and cupping it as a smile dances over his lips. He ‘s enjoying your twitches. He’s glad you had some red wine, a natural aphrodisiac to make you just a bit more wanting. 
He sends small pleasurable currents up your body as he massages your crotch and with a skillful hand works at pulling your clothes off with looking. Freeing you from your confines as he uses his fingers to tease just barely touching. He wants that strong will to fold from your sexual desire. He works slowly until you let out moans, grind back into his fingers, or even ask for more. 
Once he gets that fold his hands get much more rough. His palms grind down and get dirty as they slowly work to finger you while he palms his own erection which is staining painfully against his trousers. 
Not soon enough he’s pulled you out of your seat and sitting you on his lap as traffic still stands unmoving and he stuffs his cock into you as he grinds your hips down as he fills you. Bounce on his cock a little and he'll send even more pleasurable shocks through you. He’ll make it so you can’t have human dick anymore, maybe you’ll get addicted to his own. Oh that would be wonderful. 
When he cums he makes you sit in it until he can get you back to his place, you can shower and he’ll fuck you full again. He loves how squirmy you are is his cum tries to drip out.   
A spirit living among humans
He decided to live amongst humans after his child was born, His child was mostly human and he adored them too much to leave them behind. 
He watched his little one grow up to be a fine human. Such a dedicated and smart soul he was so deeply proud of them, and proud to be their father. He didn’t even mind leaving behind his old life, he of course still spoiled himself with his sex toy hobby but he never took any lovers or anything, he promised himself to wait until they’ve moved out on their own. He doesn’t want to disrupt their home life. 
He decided to take a teaching job since he enjoyed sharing knowledge and what better way then to teach the bright young minds of the town he’s settled in. 
He’s gotten along well with most of the residents and realized that this town has many flaws, just like any town but does what he can. Taking an interest in students that seem like they need help or poor souls that seem lost… maybe that’s why his kid was taken to the temple?     
Taking an interest in you
Due to his watchful eye over his own kid, as well as his own child’s quirks they don’t seem to reach out to folks their age, really just burying themselves in study and worship. But you had approached them and they seemed to really really like you. He was absolutely thrilled. 
He had always had an eye on you, you always seemed to have mischievous spirits swirling around you and some evil ones trying to gnaw at your heart which he would often swat away. He just focused more on you now. Those spirits were concerning and they seemed to really attach themselves to you. Your will was strong but your heart was filtering at something else. You were still just as kind to Sydney. His eyes find you during Friday exams, drift over when he visits Sydney in the library, he even sees you around town. But during one of those drives he finds you beaten and limping as you trudge into an alleyway as he starts making his way home. He pulls over and yanks you from the alley asking what happened and he could feel his blood run cold and a queasiness hit him as you told him every detail about Bailey throwing you to a few buyers for missing payment. 
He bundles you up and takes you home, grateful for the first time Sydney stays out so late. He offers you a drink and speaks with you about everything that’s happened and he himself is nearly in tears. But you? Even in this vulnerable moment you remain strong, fight against the tears. He asks you how you do this and you tell him you have robin to look over, and then he makes the connection that you and him have the same goal. To protect someone you love. He offers you the house whenever you need, and tells you that Sydney would be absolutely delighted to have you over.  
Sirris starts to see more of himself in you and he starts to take you under his wing, he laughs at himself for that joke. At school he keeps an even more watchful eye on you, swatting away those who mess with you and even offer you rides home from school. Anything to keep you safe and get rid of those dark entities that are clinging onto you. 
But as he spends so much more time with you, he finds himself enjoying your company greatly, and when you start to help him with his shop he looks forward to those Fridays. 
Something in him though feels strange. Like he's has a sweet tooth and you're a slice of strawberry shortcake. Something inside him is craving something from you. 
Becoming one with a mortal
But all great things come to an end as one afternoon Sydney had something going on with the church and you were helping him set up the shop when a terrible storm rolled in leaving you both trapped in a sea of sex toys. 
But as you two sit down drinking water, he watches the way your throat moves as you drink and he gets iron hard in an instant as he thinks of those lips wrapped around his cock. He'd never thought a mortal human could get him wanting so badly. He promised himself he would wait. He was immortal, waiting was in his nature but you… he wanted you so badly. 
But then you press up against him. Rubbing his erection and his last thread of reason snaps. 
He tugs you into his arms with shocking ease as he finds a chair and sits you on his lap. His one hand with millennium worth of experience takes off your clothes and fishes out his personal vibe which he's used on himself while thinking of you more then once. 
He'll push it up against you and smile at your noises as he grinds against your ass. His pace is slow and savoring as he finally gets to taste what he's been craving but quickly gets desperate. 
He shuffles your clothes off and grabs one of the many packets of lube that seems to be within a foot of you no matter where you are in the store. And slathers your hole while also grinding his cock into you smearing the pink colored lube along it, lubing up both of you as he fucked against your hole. 
When he slips into that hole of yours it's so gratifying but he wants more, and he’s sure you feel the same with that face you're making. He’ll bring you pleasure that no human could ever bring. Tossing in some electrostimulation just to seal the deal and make it so this would be the most unforgettable moment in your life.   
He bounces you and grinds down on every never and with his status as a spirit he lets your nerves pick up every pleasurable session and puts it into overdrive. He’s pulling you into every position possible, even ones you didn’t know were and he makes you cum over and over but somehow you don’t even get tired as you lose count of each orgasm. The sun had fallen and it was still raining as he held you in his arms as cum dripped out of you.  
Maybe he made a mistake, Sydney loved you so much… but he did too. He might have broken that promise he made to himself, but with how you held onto him while passed out. He could feel the wings he once had try and puff and flap in excitement, but instead discharged a happy crackle of electricity. 
Well… What’s done is done, all he can do is spoil you and make the best out of everything that’s happened here. He offers you a soft peck on the head as he listens to the sounds of rain.       
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caskunart · 2 years
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The images are (by row, top to bottom, left to right): Chance+Sham, Chance+Sham, Capricia+Gwain+Andromache+Tzu kinda, Thessalyn, Chance+Sham (2015-2021 art improvement meme), Fenrah, my tortle from DnD, Basil, and finally Chance (again). All images are cropped; full versions on my website, which is linked at the bottom of this post if you want to skip to that!
So, hi there! I used to post a bunch of art related to Abigail Hilton’s novels here, primarily those set in the world of Panamindorah; the Pirates of Wefrivain series, and the Prophet of Panamindorah and associated short stories. You can scroll back if you want to see that, but it’s all quite old and not very good. Still, I have unpassword-protected this blog, so you may view it if you so wish.
I no longer post on Tumblr, but I thought I’d let any interested fans (of Abbie, not me) know that I have a website I update occasionally where I share fanart of her works (alongside DnD art, original art, and works for other assorted fandoms — it’s primarily Panamindorah/Abbie art, though). The above artworks are (cropped) examples of what’s on the site. Each image comes with an associated mini-ramble (much shorter than a real ramble).
Please note that Neocities free accounts have some bandwidth issues; the introduction on my art page explains a little more of what to expect from a site like this (in general, this is very much ‘amateur, free, static’ web design, as opposed to something professional. tl;dr: it loads like shit. You may find that charming, you may not).
I also have a Dreamwidth, where one can leave anonymous (or logged-in) comments regarding my art, or start a conversation (you don’t have to care about my art to talk to me), and where I plan to post rambles (many of which will be related to Abbie’s works...again, primarily those set in Panamindorah, and to be quite honest, mostly Prophet of Panamindorah...I’m a Chance Windar man, myself). I’m not a prolific poster, so if this sounds interesting, but the idea of being flooded with art and rambles doesn’t, fear not. Although, if you like people who make things with great speed, uhhhh... (creeps back into boggy, slow-paced swampland). Can’t provide, don’t plan to.
Please note that this is not a portfolio-style website. WIPs, unfinished works, scribbles, doodles, and other scraps find their way onto my website, alongside more polished/complete/almost-complete works. I like that sort of thing, but you might not. There is also an on-site blog, although it’s mostly for ‘assorted nothings’. Lengthy entries will probably end up on Dreamwidth.
My second note is that there are (or will be) three art pages; the first is mostly SFW, although there is mild shelt (or other ‘fantastical people with no obvious genitalia’) nudity, kissing, and cuddling. The second page has more sensual or explicit works. The third page will be for (if I find the courage) more kinky, dark, or violent works. The whole site is technically Chose Not To Warn, but most adults should not have too much trouble browsing the main art page (and probably the first of the explicit pages). My website is intended primarily for adults. Links to the more explicit pages are marked as such, so those who aren’t interested should be able to avoid them easily (the third page doesn’t even exist yet).
Both my website and my Dreamwidth have RSS feeds. The blog on Abbie’s website also has an RSS feed, which can be useful if, like me, newsletters and your email go together about as well as oil and water.
Anyhow, links!
My Website (links directly to the main art page)
My Dreamwidth (this links directly to the journal entry for commenting)
About RSS feeds
More about RSS feeds
My Android RSS feeder (you do not need to use this, it’s just an example)
My Website’s RSS feed (you copy and paste these urls into your RSS feeder)
My Dreamwidth’s RSS feed (ditto above)
Abbie’s blog’s RSS feed; her newsletter is mirrored here for those who have trouble with email newsletters. (ditto above)
That’s all. As said, I don’t intend to return to Tumblr. I just wanted folks to know that other Abigail Hilton/Panamindorah fans exist out there. I know this website is very into Hunters Unlucky (sorry, I’m very bad at drawing animals; I do enjoy the books) so I should warn all you lovely folks that I don’t make much on that front. Maybe one day, though? I should be drawing more than Chance Windar and Sham Ausla (but Chance Windar and Sham Ausla have my heart). I suppose characters who aren’t animals (shelts are fine) are far more likely to show up, in the end.
May you all be happy and well!
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eon-cintran · 9 months
hello! i highly doubt my blog will ever be large enough to really need this sort of post, but im making one anyways!!
if tickling is mostly nsfw/a kink for you, please get off my blog.
it makes me very uncomfortable. i dont have anything against people who enjoy it like that, but tickling is entirely platonic and sfw for me personally, just a fun way to show affection. so if youre an nsfw blog, or associate heavily with blogs that are nsfw, please do not interact. if we're already good friends its fine, i dont mind, this only applies to strangers.
thanks :]
dni, fandoms, and other stuff under the cut!
- t/cest (please. no.)
- no age in bio/30+
- k!nk or ns/fw blog
- lgbtq+phobic
- pro-l!fe
- rac!st
- d0xxer/t0xic anti
- pretty much just basic dni criteria, dont be weird-
if you are included in this list anywhere, please do not interact. if you follow me, i will block you. there are plenty of other blogs out there, this one just isnt for you.
with that out of the way, heres some extra stuff! (subject to change at any time)
- feel free to send p much anything (within reason) in the askbox! ill respond to whatever i can :D
- DMs are open, but id prefer no teasing unless we've at least spoken before HJDKSB
- i'll put my specific boundaries on here if it becomes necessary, but for now theyre just basically dont be gross.
- this may change, but as of now i pretty much only reblog!! I dont often post my own content or fics, and i dont pretend to. this account is mostly just for me to "bookmark" fics i particularly enjoy. im trying to branch out currently and write some things for my new hyperfixation, but please dont expect much as i may lose motivation for writing abruptly and without reason-
- this is my second blog! my old blog is still up (@eoncintran) but im moving here because i wanted to make it a sideblog so i can swap easier between my main and tk account. my main is @citrus-blogs , so if you see interaction from there, its still me :]
Fandom List
(in no particular order)
- Smile for me
- rottmnt (and most other iterations of the franchise, but mainly 2018)
- the owl house
- voltron legendary defenders (mostly s1-s3 tho)
- gravity falls
- good omens
- stardew valley
- fnaf
- tma
- jwri (mainly apotheosis, but i do wanna listen to riptide and bitb at some point)
#eon writes - an ultra-rare tag for when a silly little idea pops into my brain! i hardly ever post stuff i write, so dont expect a coherent schedule or anything but i’ll probably occasionally toss some stuff into the Great Tumblr Void
#eon reblogs - anything thats not mine thats just a reblog, doesnt have to be a fic, might just be a cute dog idk
#fic recs with eon - fics i really enjoyed! ones id highly reccomend, the cream of the crop.
#eon rambles - anything that doesnt fit into the other two tags! might be posts like these, asks, or whatevers on my mind at the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
0 notes
angry-geese · 3 years
Sukuna requests. S/o makes fun of him all the time, calls him weak, etc. What nobody knows at the beginning is that s/o is significantly stronger than sukuna
The Definition of Human - Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: some swearing but its pretty tame. mention of death, and violence. Sukuna kind of needs his own warning. sfw. gn!reader.
a/n: as much as i love the idea of sukuna being soft for his human s/o i also love the thought of them being much stronger than him and him having no clue what do to with that
Word Count: 2.1k
You were just a sorcerer when he first met you, barely an adult, cast out by your village.
Someone so powerful hadn't been born for centuries. A sorcerer like you could turn the world of Jujutsu on its head. And that was the last thing they wanted to happen. The older you grew, the more unpredictable you became. You were far too strong for the village elders to handle. While you could have been a powerful ally, you would have been an even worse foe. The very people that had raised you, who taught you how to use your powers had begun to fear you.
Though you weren't trussed up like a sacrifice, you were sat by one of his altars like one.
It was only by chance you stumbled across such a thing. The surrounding woods were vast, and winding. No matter what path you took, you always seemed to wind back up by them. Perhaps it was a work of sorcery, meant to keep you lost in the woods forever. No trail seemed to lead back home. The village elders never expected you to last long on your own against the elements, let alone the King of Curses. But growing exhausted, and hungry, you had little choice but to stop and rest. The altar had offerings in the form of food, and a place to rest. Far more than Sukuna needed. You figured he wouldn't notice if you took a few things.
At the base of an altar sat a much smaller form. A human, one from the local village. Your shoulders were slumped, your arms curled around a bag. You didn't look sad, so much as you looked furious. You were talking to yourself, listing out all the ways you’d flatten each and every structure, how you’d salt the very earth they stood on, how you’d turn the once rich, fertile soil uninhabitable.
For having Sukuna’s interest in mind, he was certainly ready to burn it to the ground. Your village did little to appease the King of Curses. The humans in it were conniving, and rather quick to betray him. The relationship between the two was strained at best. In exchange for offerings in the form of crops, alcohol, and whoever decided to get on the village elders’ bad side, he wouldn't burn your home to the ground.
In a way, you were their last sacrifice to him, and by far his favorite.
As a child your parents had warned you, telling you never to go into the woods alone. A four armed man wandered out there, and he had a habit of making travelers disappear. Now that very same forest you once feared was your only sliver of comfort.
It took you a moment to realize he was standing there. And when you finally noticed him, you didn't look at him with the fear most humans did. There was a curious glint in your eyes. You sized him up, studied him in a way he wasn't used to.
In your hands you held an apple—an old offering—paring it with a knife. You were carving around the bruises. The texture of bruised apples always bothered you.
“It's dangerous to be out here alone, little one,” he said, eyeing you up like prey, “you should know that by now.”
“You’re the least of my worries, old man,” you said, popping a chunk of apple into your mouth.
You were still human. Strong, but human. You needed sleep, and food. If exposed to the elements too long you would freeze, or succumb to heatstroke or thirst.
“Old man?!” He said, clearly offended.
“What? You don't think I’ve heard the stories?” You asked. “You don’t scare me.”
And you were right. Even as he looked you in the eyes, you didn't back down once. You, unlike every other human from your village, weren't scared of him. He found you curious, and interesting. From the very moment your eyes locked with his, he was infatuated.
“I should frighten you,” he warned.
“You don't,” you said, “in fact, I think I could kick your ass!”
Expecting it to be an easy fight, he took your offer.
What resulted was a fight that would last days. Sukuna had never met anyone who could last so long against him. Let alone a human. Your strength was only rivaled by your unwavering rage. You were determined in a way he’d never seen before. Your village, along with half of the surrounding forest would be razed in the battle.
They had to have seen this coming. The child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.
And it's warmth you felt.
You couldn't imagine yourself being sad. You were too filled with anger and betrayal. There was no room left in your heart for sadness.
He remembers the look of the fires, and how they glinted in your eyes. He thinks that's when you began to turn into a curse.
After the third day, he had grown not only bored, but tired. It was clear neither of you were capable of destroying the other. He figured you were too tough to eat; you wouldn't make good meat. Uraume couldn't do a whole lot with you. And you were too combative to be a concubine. You would not go with him willingly. He's not one to give up, nor is he one to admit defeat, but he knows when he's not going to win. The two of you would mutually destroy the world before you would destroy each other. There was no end in sight. Sukuna simply wanted to leave.
So he simply headed for home.
That enraged you. After days of fighting, there was no climatic end to the battle. You wanted something more.
"Hey asshole!" You said. "You can't just walk away!"
"I know when I've met my match." He said. "Do you?"
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It means this world will burn before we destroy each other."
The two of you were quite literally a match made in hell. You would be a powerful ally and an even worse foe. There was no point in fighting you.
He did nothing to stop you when you followed him.
You were more of a nuisance than anything else. He often found himself comparing you to a cockroach. No matter how many times he tried to squash, poison, or starve out you always came back. If he couldn't kill you, then he had to have you on his side. You weren't something to be deceived, betrayed, injured, or killed. You were stronger than that. You were sharp, too, with a tongue to match. Whether harsh words he threw your way, you returned in double. It was rare he found a human with quite a tongue on them. He often remarked about having it nailed to his door. You simply pointed at his servants and dared them to try it.
They never did. Anyone who dared harm you often met a gruesome fate, either at his hands, or yours.
He didn't consider himself capable of falling in love. And he isn't. To some extent. But love is what he felt. You were the closest to an equal the King of Curses had ever met. In many ways you surpassed him, but those who admitted it often met a swift death.
He moved onto the next village. So did you. Word had not yet spread of what happened. People knew of the fires, but not of the deaths, and your connection to them. You settled down, taking up work with the local shamans. Though you were a newcomer, your help was gladly accepted when Sukuna first showed up, demanding offerings.
In the beginning you tried to warn them. That didn't help. They never listened. It always ended the same way; with a razed village and a bunch of needless deaths.
Sukuna would visit. Often in the late hours of the night as you were trying to get some sleep. He did little more than steal your food, and make himself far too comfortable. Of course that's how most of your meetings went.
He's not sure when he fell for you. But it was something that happened all at once. After years of a back and forth between you two, something gave. You took a place right by his side. He found himself no longer taking concubines, no longer indulging in the sacrifices presented to him. He found himself consumed with the thought of you. He had to have you.
“I can't believe you’re all out of sake,” he said, one night while visiting.
“I wonder who’s fault that is,” you said.
He cast you a glare from across the room. You'd have to buy more in the morning anyway. But all the good stuff has been put up as an offering, and the only sake left in the market is watered down, and worth nothing to you. You don't drink the stuff all that much anyway, you just used it for cooking.
“I question why I keep you alive,” he said.
“I think if you could even kill me,” you said, “you would have by now. Someone as weak as you doesn't stand a chance.”
He didn't like this, and hauled you into his arms, carrying you away from your cooking.
“No!” You squealed, too busy giggling to put up much of a fight. “The rice is going to overcook!”
Sukuna couldn't care less about the rice. He tossed you rather carelessly onto your shared bed, caging you in his arms. The kiss he pulled you into was fleeting, and soft, like he was almost afraid to touch you.
When the village elders first discovered these meetings, it didn't take them long to exile you. The very people that had welcomed you had ignored your warnings and betrayed you. You had gone from respected, and even loved, to feared in an instant.
At some point you stopped trying to warn them. If you really wanted to, you could stop him. Delay him at best. Give people time to run. At least someone would survive. But after a while, you began to think some of them deserved it. The sacrifices they provided were never enough when Sukuna grew tired of toying with them. It was just you and him. Two constant presences in each other's life. You grew used to his company. Enjoyed it, even. You’d never tell him that. Mostly because you didn't want to inflate his ego even more. You were as much his as he was yours.
At some point you became more curse than human.
You could breathe, your lungs would fill with air, but the action provided no relief. You no longer felt the need to eat, and often found yourself forgetting to do so. Food turned to ash in your mouth. The enjoyment of eating was long since lost to you. You're alive, but you're not. Your heart beats but the blood that courses through your veins is not quite right. Your memories of yourself when you were younger fade. But the anger. That fear, that anger, cast into the past, is the only humanity left in you.
You found yourself falling asleep next to him, and in turn waking up next to him. Sometimes in his arms, sometimes on the other side of the bed. He found himself opening his arms for you to climb into. You would do so, albeit reluctantly.
You were his partner. You were a nuisance, but you were his partner.
"Am I dead?" You asked, one morning in the fall. You think it was fall. You remember the leaves turning yellow and orange, but it wasn't cold enough to be winter.
"I haven't killed you yet, so no." He said. "Why?"
"Because I woke up and saw your face, and thought I had finally gone to hell." You said.
His mouth opened, but no words came out. An offended sounding huff left him. He rolled over onto you, pinning you to the sheets. His knees planted on either side of your body, his hands found your wrists. It’d take no effort from you to throw him off. But you didn't. You never did.
“You’re not in hell yet,” he said.
“I'd beg to differ,”
“Then beg,”
“Make me!”
He attacked your neck with wet, open mouth kisses, sending you into a giggling fit. Your skin was warm under his lips. You were always so warm. You were flushed from your chest to your forehead, blush dusting the tips of your ears and your nose. Your arms wrapped around your neck, pulling him flush to your chest. Your heartbeat was audible, racing as he pressed his ear to your chest.
“Stay in bed a little longer,” he said. He was pleading more than he was asking. And you weren't able to find it in you to refuse.
It wasn't entirely awful having someone stronger than him.
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
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Heimat (n.) - a place that you can call home; a sense of belongingness, acceptance, safety and connection to homeland
Pairing: Lee Felix (Stray Kids) x GN!Reader x Bang Chan (Stray Kids); Genre: Romance, kinda Shifter AU, kinda Love Corner, Fluff, Angst; Rating: sfw, PG-15; Warnings: incurable illness, coughing, mentions of losing consciousness, hinting at coughing blood, hinting at Totoro being a shinigami (death god), vomiting from coughing, mentions of painkillers, hinting at taking an overdose, hinted death; Wordcount: 9.873; Collab: Ghibli Collab by @daemour based on the movie “My neighbour Totoro”
Summary: After years of living in the big city you moved back to your old little town in the countryside. While being in the familiar area you remember more and more things about your early childhood. Even your imaginary friend Totoro. At least you concluded he was imaginary cause no adult had ever seen him. Until now.
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You leaned your head outside the open window of the bus. The wind blew into your face, brushing away some strands of hair. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. “Just like back then”, you mumbled and a smile played over your lips. The fresh air filled your lungs and brought back a sense of nostalgia.
When you opened your eyes again, you noticed the small houses up ahead and your smile got even wider. “Home sweet home.”
The bus entered a small forest, the shadows immediately cooling the air down. You sat back on the seat and pushed a small button to sign the bus driver you wanted to get off at the next stop. The stop at the end of the small forest.
You grabbed your luggage and stumbled towards the exit, giddy to get out already. You leaned forward and looked through the glass doors. As soon as the bus stop came into sight you nearly squealed out loud.
“It looks just like back then!” You traced your fingertips over the old rusty bus stop sign that tipped a little to one side now. The letters were barely visible, fading away due to time. 
You grabbed your luggage again and walked down the dirt road, skipping every other step. It has been years since you’ve walked down the road and it truly felt like a melody to your feet having an uneven setting instead of the never ending concrete.
You passed large fields of crops, few farmers working on them in the heat of the sun. You waved at them when they looked up with curious faces, not having seen a stranger for quite a long time.
You remembered how they had the same questioning look on their faces almost fifteen years ago, when you first moved into this area with your family. 
Back then your family bought a small house near a large sacred forest, hoping the fresh air and countryside would be a better environment for your health than the smoke filled big city.
You only lived here for some years though, making most of your teenage memories here. Once you turned sixteen your parents moved back to the city and you along with them.
“Is that little Y/N?”
You stopped upon hearing the old, raspy voice and turned around until you saw the person behind it. 
Your face lit up as you dropped your luggage and ran to the old woman. “Nanny! It’s so good to see you!”
“My, you got so tall! How long has it been?” She hugged you tightly despite her almost frail appearance. “What are you doing back here?”
“It’s been way too long!” You folded yourself into the hug, trying to become a little smaller.
“It truly has been. So what are you doing here?” She slightly pushed you away, still holding you at your upper arms to look you up and down with a smile.
“I bought the place we used to live at.” You vaguely pointed into the direction of the old house, shortly glancing there as well.
“What? My, you’re so grown up now.” She squeezed your cheeks. “I’ll send Felix over with some food once he’s back.”
Your eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the familiar name. “Felix? He’s here? Oh my god, I haven’t seen him in years!” As if on cue your head turned around in search of the freckled boy.
She patted your shoulder. “Not right now, sweety. He’ll be later on. I’ll send him to you! You should come over after you settle in. We can talk then. My, you’re so grown up now. Look at you!”
You laughed along with her and hugged her again, promising to visit soon. Even while walking away you turned around every few steps and waved at her with the biggest smile on your face.
“I can’t believe Felix still lives here”, you giggled as you skipped along the road. “What else has stayed the same?” Your eyes wandered around the area, remembering everything from when you were a kid. The little stream where you and Satsuki used to play after hot school days, the little shrine where you had to stand underneath whenever a heavy rainfall surprised you.
You stopped at the small path leading away from the road, taking a deep breath. Your gaze wandered along the road for one more time, remembering that you only needed to pass the sacred forest to get to Satsuki’s place. 
For a second guilt spread through your chest and the corners of your lips turned down. You wondered whether her parents still lived there - or at least the father. You weren’t able to picture Satsuki’s mom, remembering she stayed in a hospital most of the time due to an illness. You remembered how much Satsuki used to worry, wishing for nothing more than her mom to recover and come back.
Not only Satsuki though. Mei used to worry as well, even though she couldn’t express it quite right. After all she had only been four. 
You grabbed your shirt in front of your chest, clenching the material between your fingers. The painful memories you had buried deep down resurfacing again.
Your eyes wandered to the sacred forest while trying to blink away the upcoming tears. Once you settled in you would go and pay a visit to the large tree in the middle of the sacred forest, praying for Satsuki and Mei.
With that thought you turned and walked the small path up to your old home. Your solemn mood quickly got replaced as soon as the small house came into view. 
The colour had faded from the planks, the windows were covered with dust and dirt and the veranda had large piles of leaves littered on it. 
You placed your luggage down and stemmed your hands into your hips, letting your eyes roam over the house and scenery around it. You had a lot of work coming up to get everything clean and repaired again. Still, you smiled upon seeing your old house. “Home, sweet home.”
You brought your luggage to the edge of the veranda before you walked into the house, opening every window and door to fill the rooms with fresh air. After you found a broom you started sweeping the ceiling, getting rid of all the spider webs and dust. It only needed one sweep for you to cough heavily, rushing back out of the house with your hand covering your mouth and nose. You looked back into the house. “That won’t do.”
With a soft glare in your eyes you grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around your lower face, ready to storm back into battle. You grabbed the broom again and continued sweeping. You narrowed your eyes as much as possible, barely seeing anything, just to prevent the dust from falling into your eyes. 
After you swept the ceilings you started to sweep the floors, pushing all the dust and dirt out of your home. It was rather easy to get everything done with no furniture being in the way. You cleaned out the four rooms and the veranda before you walked around the house to get to the kitchen and bathroom. 
With dusty fingers you pushed down the lever of the water pump, waiting several seconds until the water came. You scrunched up your nose, seeing the rusty colour of the water. After a few more pumps though the water turned transparent and you quickly filled a bucket with it. You then grabbed a cloth and dunked it in the water. 
You carried everything back to the main house and placed the bucket in the middle of the living room, taking the cloth out and wringing it, before you wrapped it around the broom, wiping the floors. You did the same with the veranda floors.
Your face twisted slightly when you looked into the murky water bucket, deciding to get new water before you would start cleaning the bath and kitchen.
You were half leaning into the old bathtub when you heard someone calling. You pushed yourself up a little to answer. “Back here!” You didn’t recognise the voice but didn’t worry too much about it, continuing to clean the bathtub.
“This wasn’t a view I expected to see today”, a dark voice snickered. 
You pushed yourself up again, balancing yourself on the edge of the tub, as you turned around to see the person standing in the doorway of the bathroom. You looked the man up and down, feeling he was somehow familiar but with the dim lighting you weren’t too sure about it.
“Long time no see, Y/N.”
Your eyes widened in shock and you immediately dropped everything and scurried over to the man, looking up into his face. “Felix?” As soon as you saw his grin widen, you squealed and pulled him into a tight embrace. “Oh my god! It’s so good to see you!”
He wrapped his arms around your form and pressed you against his body, hugging you just as tight. “Same to you. Haven’t seen you in a decade.”
“God, that makes it sound so long”, you giggled and moved slightly back to look up into his face again. 
“It’s been long.”
“You’re right, you’re right. I know! I was honestly so surprised to hear you’re still living here. Is Kenta still here as well? How about Satsuki’s father?”
“Woah, woah, woah! Slow down.” Felix snickered again and grabbed your hand, pulling you outside towards the veranda.
You noticed the sun setting at the horizon and the breeze feeling cooler than before but you quickly shrugged it off, your attention turning back to Felix, who now sat down on the edge of the veranda. You sat down as well, watching him with big eyes.
“I did move to a nearby city when I turned eighteen”, Felix started to tell you, “but I didn’t like it and came back two years ago. Kenta actually moved out with me. He stayed in the city though. But he visits once or twice a year, mostly during Golden week. About Satsuki’s father - I don’t know. He shortly left after the.. - after you and your parents moved away.”
You nodded solemnly, knowing exactly what Felix actually wanted to say.
“Anyways, I think I’m way more surprised than you when I heard you appeared out of nowhere. What are you doing here?” Felix turned to look at you, quickly changing the topic again.
You smiled at him. “I bought this place.”
“So you’re staying here?” His eyes shone with hope and he moved slightly closer to you.
“That’s the plan at least. The moving truck should arrive here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, bringing my furniture and more of my things.” You pointed at your luggage with a giggle.
“Ah, then I’ll stop by tomorrow and help you move all that stuff.”
“You don’t have to! I paid the moving company to do that.”
“Don’t turn down my excuse to see you”, Felix laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
You laughed as well and hid your face against his shoulder. “You don’t need an excuse. I’d love to see you more often.” Your heart rapidly pumped against your ribcage, reliving your crush on him.
When you were twelve you had been playing with Satsuki around the stream and lost your balance, falling into the water. Felix stood above you and offered you his hand back then, looking at you with concern in his eyes. He helped you up and offered you the jacket of his school uniform. Felix even asked you a dozen times whether you were alright and only after you promised him you simply got surprised did he relax again and smiled brightly at you. Back then you compared that smile with the sun, illuminating the day with its rays. That was the moment you knew you had a crush on him.
You looked up at Felix, seeing he was still grinning, now with a light blush over his freckled cheeks. You still thought his smile resembled the sun. Maybe his smile was even brighter than the sun in your opinion. 
You two continued to talk late into the night, until Felix had to leave with a lantern, which he promised to bring back tomorrow. 
You waved him goodbye until you couldn’t see the light of the lantern anymore. You placed both your palms over your chest, feeling your rapid heartbeat for a while. Never did you imagine your body would react so intensely to seeing your teenage crush again.
With all the excitement in your body, you decided to grab the second lantern and continue cleaning the bath, as it was the last room to clean anyway.
Long after midnight did you finish cleaning. Slightly sleep deprived and exhausted from the long day did you fill yet another bucket of water. You grabbed a clean cloth and started washing yourself as much as you could this way. You placed your dirty clothes in the basin, wanting to clean them tomorrow while the sun was up, and continued to rub over your skin with the damp cloth. 
Feeling somewhat refreshed, you walked in your underwear towards the veranda, grabbing your suitcase and picking a simple top to sleep in. You also pulled out a sleeping bag and a sheet you would use as a makeshift mosquito protection.
When you woke up again it was still dark outside. You rubbed your eyes and groaned softly, reluctantly getting out of your sleeping bag. You stretched yourself, feeling and hearing the joints in your back crack. Still hazy from your sleep you stayed in a seated position with your eyes closed contemplating why you even woke up in the first place.
That’s when you heard something like a bead dropping to the floor again. You lifted the sheet and glanced through the darkness. 
The full moon was the only source of light illuminating the veranda and parts of the room in a blue hue.
You saw little shadows scurrying around the edges towards the darkness. Confused and curious, you tilted your head to the side, focusing your attention on the movements.
Before you could make out what you were seeing, the same sound drew your attention to the veranda outside. Intrigued by the sound, you crawled out of your makeshift bed and towards the open veranda door.
Clink - Clink - Clink
You laid down on your stomach and stretched your neck so you could look around the frame. 
Three shadowy figures rummaged through the dried up leaves in front of the veranda. The ones you had swept off the veranda earlier this day. Every now and then the sound appeared again and you noticed they threw something onto the veranda.
You squinted your eyes, trying to make out the things they were throwing onto the wooden surface.
Clink. One of the little things rolled towards the door, stopping right in front of your eyes. You grabbed it out of curiosity, raising it to your face. You twisted and turned the little thing between your fingertips until you realised it was an acorn. 
You looked around the corner again, blinking several times to make sure you weren’t just imagining things. “Little and Middle?”
Back when you were a child Satsuki had told you about the spirits living in the sacred forest. She and Mei used to call them Chibi, Chu and Totoro, meaning Little, Middle and Big Guy. At first you didn’t believe them but when you had a sleep over at Satsuki’s one night and met the spirits yourself you were awed. 
You had thought they were childlike imaginary friends. You even tried to use that explanation to convince yourself later that you never saw them in the first place, refusing to believe in them with Satsuki gone.
The figures stopped moving, two pairs of large eyes now staring at you. They squeaked upon making eye contact and immediately rushed towards the edge of the sacred forest.
“Wait!” You called after them, getting up on your knees and holding the acorn between your fingertips. “Your acorns!” You looked between the thick bushes they had vanished into and the acorns on your veranda. Several seconds passed before you jumped up, grabbed a sock and filled it with the acorns and rushed after the two figures.
You shortly stopped in front of the sacred forest, glancing back over your shoulder to your home. Before you were able to second guess your choice though, you fought your way through the branches.
A small path winded itself through the thicket, a few branches and roots being in the way every now and then. Whenever the ground got especially soft you even saw the footprints of your two visitors, as well as a third set.
You stopped on the path in surprise. These footprints looked human. You crouched down and traced the three prints with your index finger. Two of them resembled large paws, which were likely to be made by Chu and Chibi. Even though they weren’t as small or middle anymore. Their sizes matched a young teenager now. Yet they still looked the same from back then. The human footprint next to them appeared to be from an adult. 
You frowned and looked back up. So far you couldn’t see anything else but plants, trees and bushes. Though with the footprints facing the same direction you were heading, you would probably meet whoever it was soon enough.
After following the path for a little longer you reached the middle of the sacred forest with the largest three towering right above you. 
Your head automatically tipped back to look up to the massive canopy. Only then did you notice dozens of glowing spirits floating through the air, explaining why you were able to see inside of the forest in the middle of the night. Your mouth dropped open in awe and you turned around yourself, taking everything in.
Until your back collided with something behind you. In an attempt to see what it was, you stretched your neck even more, noticing a figure standing right behind you.
Surprised, you turned around to face whoever it was, eyes widening in shock when you saw a person standing right in front of you. At the same time you dropped the sock full of acorns, hearing how they landed on the ground - some of them rolling out of the sock as well. You barely noticed the small spirits rushing around your legs to pick them all up, too focused on the man looking right back at you.
He tilted his head to one side, observing you curiously. His hands were hidden in the pockets of a dark grey hoodie. His eyes wandered from your face down to your bare feet and back up. His gaze lingered for a moment on your chest before he looked back into your eyes, a warm smile spreading over his lips. “You came back.”
Your brows knitted in confusion, your own head tilting to one side as you mustered the young man in front of you. You neither saw him before nor were you able to remember that voice. Which wasn’t a good indicator to begin with, thinking back to Felix’s voice that drastically dropped a whole lot of notes. “I don’t think I know you”, you whispered with an unsure expression painting your face.
The man snickered shortly. “So you don’t remember the spirit of this forest? Or do you just remember a different form of me?”
You squinted your eyes in suspicion, looking once over again, but only after he grabbed his hood and placed it over his head, showcasing two large ears and a wide toothy grin printed on it, did your memories connect the dots. You gasped in surprise and took a step towards him, glancing up into his face hidden underneath his large hood. “Totoro?”
He snickered again. “That’s what you guys used to call me, right? I am pretty big, I’ll admit that, but you can call me Chan.” He pulled the hood back down from his head and stuffed his hands back into the pockets. “Long time no see.”
You pointed at him and vaguely waved your hand around, stuttering some nonsense until he grabbed your hands and squeezed them with a large grin. “I could have sworn you weren’t human”, you mumbled, feeling the heat spreading all over your face.
“Technically I am not human”, Chan teased you, wiggling with his eyebrows before he continued to speak, “but you are right. I changed my form. I can change it to any form I like and I often choose the one most needed.” 
“So I need a guy now?”
Chan laughed loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. “I would have said you needed someone to be there for you, to listen to your worries, to help you out when needed. Stuff like that.”
“That’s very kind of a spirit?” 
“What can I say”, Chan still grinned at you, “I am a pretty good guardian. Let me walk you back to your house.” 
With that he let go of one of your hands, intertwining your fingers on the other one, as he walked down the path you had used earlier. The whole walk back Chan talked to you and asked you questions, making you feel comfortable and safe. He even promised to visit you the next night, so you wouldn’t have to walk through the cold to meet him again, telling you it wasn’t good for your health to be that reckless. You simply rolled your eyes, telling him he wasn’t the first one to say that to you.
For a moment you felt something like sadness wafting off of Chan but before you could pick it up for sure it vanished again. Instead he pulled you into a hug and ushered you then back inside your house, before he disappeared in the blink of an eye.
When you woke up the next morning you were quite sure that you simply dreamt all of it last night, thinking your nostalgia tried messing with your head.
Yet every time you found an acorn while checking the rooms again before all your furniture arrived, you storaged them in a sock again
“Hey! Y/N! I brought your stuff!”
You looked up from the book you read on the veranda, smiling brightly when you saw Felix followed by a bunch of workers, carrying your furniture and boxes. You got up from your spot and hopped down on the ground, widening your arms for Felix to hug you tightly. You snickered and coughed softly when he held onto you a little too strong.
“Sorry. My bad.”
“It’s alright”, you waved him off and turned to the workers. “Please just place the stuff on the veranda. I'm gonna do the rest from then on.”
The workers followed your instruction, bringing more boxes and furniture on their next three stops, announcing afterwards that was all.
You thanked them over and over again for their quick work, waving them off when they left. 
“You want to get all this into your house alone?” Felix crossed his arms in front of his chest and switched looking between you and the furniture. “Isn’t that a little too heavy?”
You laughed and shook your head, hitting his shoulder playfully. “I’m not carrying it all at once, dummy.”
He only raised one eyebrow but didn’t question your decision further. “If you need help just tell me, okay? I know you just came back, but I don’t want you to overwork yourself now.”
You stepped next to him and leaned your head against his shoulder, hugging him slightly. “Thanks for the offer. It’s gonna be alright though.”
Felix immediately wrapped his arms around you as well. “You always say that. Even back then. Only for you to break down because you tried too hard.”
“I was a kid back then”, you whined and hid your face from him. Not that you were any better now, but you didn’t need to tell him that. Instead you diverted his attention, proposing to him that you could make lunch for the both of you. 
It felt slightly ridiculous sitting between all the boxes on the veranda, yet you wouldn’t want to change a thing. Sitting there with Felix and listening to him talk about his time, was the best you could ask for. It never really occurred to you over the years but you definitely missed being around him - despite your cheeks already hurting from smiling too much.
After lunch Felix tried to insist on helping you, saying he could call his work and take some time off for you, but you reassured him you’d be alright, waving him off until he was out of sight.
As soon as you were alone again you sat back down, taking a few deep breaths. The last one and a half days had been eventful and you finally noticed how exhausted you actually felt. All the new impressions needed a lot more energy than before.
You looked over the boxes, feeling how the rest of your little energy slowly vanished as well. Why did you have so much stuff again? You sighed deeply before you got up once more, grabbing the first box and carrying it inside the house. 
After all of your boxes stood inside the right rooms, the sun set once more. You turned on your small lanterns and sat down on your plush chair that still stood on your veranda.
You coughed lightly and leaned back against the headrest, gazing up into the sky. A few clouds chased each other through the ever darkening sky. “Hopefully it won’t rain until tomorrow”, you mumbled and closed your eyes, sighing deeply. Carrying boxes definitely took its toll on your stamina. You pulled your legs up on the chair and moved slightly around until you felt comfortable in the small space. 
Disoriented, you woke up again and looked around with half lidded eyes. 
“Hello sleepy head”, a soft voice greeted you, “long day, huh?”
You turned your head until you spotted Chan, standing in your doorway. He closed your door and came over to you, crouching in front of your chair. You sat up and blinked several times, feeling slightly confused. “Wha-, When, I, uh, how?”
Chan grinned up to you and sat back down on the veranda, leaning back on his hands. “You fell asleep on that chair. Took me a while to find a blanket for you.”
You looked down and noticed the blanket, mumbling a little “oh”, before you looked back up at Chan. “Thank you.”
“No problem. You need to take better care of yourself though. Especially when you’re on your own.” 
“Not you too”, you whined and leaned back again, pulling the blanket up over your head. Only after you heard him snicker, did you peak out from underneath it, slightly grinning upon seeing his toothy smile and half moon eyes. 
“Moving on! I hope you’re happy with the placements of your furniture. I’m sorry if they got a little soot on them but the little soot sprites tried their best to keep them as clean as possible. You wanna check it out?” Instead of jumping up and offering you a hand to pull you up as well, Chan stayed seated on the ground. He simply looked up at you and waited for your response, as if he sensed how weak you currently felt.
You didn’t like to show your weaknesses. Most people immediately tried to overpower you or showed you pity, which you hated more than being overpowered. Even though you knew neither Felix nor Chan were the types to pity or overpower you, you were damn sure they would try to help you out wherever they could, meaning you wouldn’t have to move a muscle anymore. And not doing anything would drive you crazy sooner or later - probably sooner.
“Why did you guys move the stuff into the house? I would have done it tomorrow.” You frowned, feeling confused and helpless as you noticed all the missing furniture. “I, I don’t know what to say.”
Chan only shrugged with his shoulders. “You seemed exhausted and the soot sprites were ecstatic, knowing you came back. They wanted to surprise you.” 
In that moment a dozen little black balls rushed towards Chan, jumping around him and making high pitched sounds.
“Why does it feel like they aren’t agreeing with you?” Your mouth pursed in amusement, watching the soot sprites jump around even more. “And why does it feel like I just hit bull’s eye with my question?”
Chan laughed loudly and shooed them away, mumbling something about not embarrassing him in front of others. 
You watched them with endearment. The soot sprites jumped around him once more before they scurried away into the shadows, leaving you and Chan alone again. “I really thought meeting you was a dream.”
“Do you still think I’m part of a dream?”
You hummed softly, tapping with your index finger on your chin. “Not too sure.” You snickered shortly, when Chan clutched his hoodie right over his heart and gasped loudly. “I just woke up, feeling totally disoriented again. I’m not sure I actually woke up.”
“I’m just as real as the moon above us or the mist wafting through the grass. Here, take my hand.” Chan leaned forward and stretched out his arm, offering you his hand. He waited patiently, ignoring your questioning gaze all together.
You bit on your lower lip, suddenly being afraid everything would turn into smoke if you actually tried touching him.
“You did hold my hand yesterday”, Chan reminded you.
“Actually you grabbed my hand. This time it’s completely different!” Before Chan could answer your ridiculous statement though, you shut your eyes and reached forward, placing your hand in his.
He carefully drew circles on the back of your hand with his rough fingertips. The sensation of his touch sent tingles and sparks through your body until you shivered in delight.
“I might just believe you’re real”, you whispered with a smile on your lips, still refusing to open your eyes. That was until you heard Chan moving closer to you and placing his head on your lap and your hand on it, while he hugged your legs. You ran your fingers through his locks and opened your eyes again, looking down to your lap. “Okay, I definitely believe you’re real.”
Both of you laughed quietly and neither of you tried to change your positions, relishing in the comfort that surrounded you.
“Can I expect your visits every night from now on?” You shortly glanced down at Chan again before you looked over the fields surrounding your home, watching some fireflies dancing across the grass.
“As long as you live here.”
You hummed softly. “I should build something comfortable for the both of us when we continue to stay out here during future nights.”
“Who says I’m not comfortable”, Chan mumbled with closed eyes, relaxing from your gentle ministrations. “I could stay like this forever. If it weren’t for the approaching sunrise.” Chan sighed deeply and got up, dusting off his pants despite them being clean. He looked down at you with an almost rueful smile.
“Can’t wait to see you again tomorrow”, you offered him. You stood up yourself, ready to see him off, when your vision suddenly went black. Out of habit you aimlessly let your hand move around, searching for a counter or anything to lean on before you could actually fall. You felt your body losing its balance more than seeing it. 
You braced yourself mentally for hitting the floor but instead you got caught and pulled against a sturdy chest. You clung to him until your vision finally returned, waiting a few more seconds to make sure you wouldn’t just crash down again.
“Remember to take it slow.” 
“Remembering stuff and taking it slow are both not my strong suits.” You joked and stepped away from Chan, immediately yearning for his touch again. “But I promise I’ll try to do better.” 
With that promise you waved Chan off, watching how he disappeared within the thicket of the sacred forest.
Weeks passed ever since you moved to your old home. Felix and Chan visited you daily and it became quite amusing to you that they never met each other so far. Still, you enjoyed both their company, your heart always pounding stronger than ever when they were around.
After all this time you finally got everything you needed to build a porch swing, having enough of only being able to sit on some pillows whenever you got visitors. Sure, you could simply go inside and sit at a table but as long as the weather allowed it, you liked to stay outside as much as possible. Hence the porch swing.
You moved around, trying different spots for the swing and checking whether it would hit something as soon as you’d hang it. Once you finally found the perfect spot, you got your ladder and began to drill a hole into one of the wooden joists above your veranda. You got back down and moved your ladder to the other side, repeating the process. Sweat slowly ran down your spine and temple, letting some strands of hair stick to your skin.
With the holes drilled into the wood you got back down from the ladder to get the hooks, climbing back up and installing them.
You stopped counting how often you climbed on the ladder and back down again, after the third time adjusting the height of the swing. You counted every ring of the chain and hung it up to the hook, climbing down to do the same on the other side, climbing down yet again to sit on the swing and decide whether the height was good enough or not.
You stopped on top of the ladder, about to adjust the height one last time, when you felt your lungs constricting painfully. Your fingers clung to the ladder, knuckles turning white from the force, when you started coughing heavily. The ladder shook dangerously underneath you.
It took everything within you to get down from the ladder while coughing. Right as you placed one foot on the veranda, you shook hard from a deep cough, pushing the ladder away. It landed with a loud thud, the metall ringing uncomfortable in your ears, while you got down on your knees and hands.
Your whole body shuddered and started to writhe in pain as you tasted iron on your tongue. You pressed one hand against your chest, hoping to suppress the coughing somehow.
“Y/N!” The deep voice of Felix reached your ears, the panic evident in his tone. “What’s wrong? What happened?” He clumsily dropped down next to you, his hands hovering above your body unsure what to do. 
“It’s. al- right”, you told him between coughs, “I. just. choked. on. my. spit.” 
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, trying to get control over your body again. When the coughing finally subdued, you nearly slumped down if it weren’t for Felix catching you.
He pulled you close against his body and hoisted you up on his arms, carrying you to your bed and placing you on the soft mattress. 
The second your head hit your pillows, the exhaustion took over your body and you drifted off. When you woke up again your limbs felt as if they were attached to several tons of weight, making it especially hard to move around.
“You scared the living shit out of me”, Felix whispered, catching your attention.
You turned your head around until you saw him on a chair right next to your bed, holding your hand with his. “I’m sorry”, you croaked, face twisting in pain from your sore throat.
Felix immediately handed you a glass of water, helping you take a few sips before he placed it on the night stand again. “I remember you told us once that your parents moved here in hopes to improve your health.” Felix stared directly into your eyes, searching them for an answer to his unspoken question. “You’re back because of that.” 
You smiled sadly. “It does seem like that, doesn’t it?” 
“What happened?” 
“Nothing really”, you reassured him and patted his hand. “I’m just too dumb to breathe.” 
“I don’t believe that.” Felix said sternly, his eyebrows furrowing from disbelief.
“True, I was too dumb swallowing. That’s what caused it all.”
“Stop joking! This looked a lot more serious! You’re important to me! I can’t just stand by and do nothing when you’re obviously sick.” Felix cried out, tears brimming at the edges of his eyes.
You pushed yourself up, despite the numbness being replaced by dull pain. “I am alright.” You opened your arms and silently offered Felix a hug, smiling to yourself when he lurched into your arms, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, tears now running freely down his cheeks and onto your shoulder. 
“Always worrying about others”, you whispered softly and rubbed his back, “just like back then. It reminds me of the day I fell in love with you.” 
Felix tensed in your arms and you did as well as soon as you realised what you just blurted out without thought. Felix straightened until he looked right into your eyes, his focus switching between the right and left one. The tips of his ears turned red as he slowly leaned forward, gaze dropping ever so often to your lips.
Before you knew it you had your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer, kissing him as if your life depended on it.
Felix crawled over you, wrapping one arm around your body to pull you against him while he leaned on his other, making sure not to crush you with his weight. “I was heartbroken when you and your parents moved away”, he mumbled between kisses, “you have no idea how excited I felt when I heard you were back. It felt like a second chance.”
“You never told me.”
“Neither did you.” His hand slowly glided over your body, resting at your hip where it played with the hem of your shirt, his fingertips brushing your bare skin underneath it ever so often. 
“I thought you liked someone else”, you admitted breathlessly, arching your back and throwing your head back to give Felix more access to your throat and collar.
“Never.” He kissed along your bare skin, nibbling at it every now and then, eliciting soft moans out of your mouth. “It has always been you.” His hand slipped underneath your shirt, fingertips ghosting over your skin there until you shivered from the light contact. “Your laugh, your eyes, the way you talk or move, how you tried to count my freckles numerous times, the way your hand felt in mine, every time you ran up to me and jumped into my arms. I fell in love with you every second we spent together. Even right now. I’m falling in love with the way your hair spreads on the pillow, the way your lips are glossy from our kisses, the way you look at me from underneath, the way it feels to touch you, the way it feels when your hands are touching me. Everything makes me go crazy for you.”
“I,” you gasped and grabbed his hand, noticing how your breath became uneven from his ministrations. 
“I don’t think I can continue watching you overwork yourself. I wouldn’t forgive myself if my ignorance would cause you harm.” With that Felix dropped down on the mattress next to you, wrapping his arms and legs around you and pulling you close to his body. 
You turned around and snuggled up to his chest, smiling softly. “Don’t take the responsibility from me. I’m a grown adult. Nobody but me is responsible for my well being.”
“If you’re out cold you need someone to help you though.” He squeezed you gently, brushing strands of hair out of your face.
“And you’re offering to be that someone?” You asked cheekily, running one finger across his chest.
“If you’ll accept me.” Felix kissed your forehead, before he placed his chin on the crown of your head. 
“Of course.” You closed your eyes as a few more coughs rippled through your body. “I’d like that very much.” 
Soon enough the both of you fell asleep in each other's arms, snoring softly deep into the night.
You stirred on your bed, the heat you felt becoming almost overwhelming. It took you a while to remember why you felt so hot in the first place. You immediately smiled again as you opened your eyes and saw Felix sleeping soundly next to you. He still had his limbs wrapped around you, holding you tightly against his body. You traced his cheekbones with your fingertip, contemplating turning on the light so you could see his freckles, but you quickly decided against it.
Instead you wriggled yourself out of his hold and stood up, grabbing a light cardigan and throwing it over before you walked out to your veranda. Before you even opened the door, you noticed the familiar silhouette sitting on your swing.
A soft melody reached your ear when you opened your door and silently tiptoed towards him. 
“How are you feeling?” Chan suddenly asked, his head turning to you.
A pout formed on your lips, disappointed you weren’t able to scare him with your arrival. Though it turned quickly into a soft smile when he patted the swing right next to him, offering you a seat. “I’m alright”, you answered him as you sat down, immediately scooting closer to him, seeking his warmth during the almost chilly night.
“Is that so?”
You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder. “I’m better now. There are good days and days I try to ignore as much as possible.”
“And today was a day like that?”
“Not really.” You hummed in thought. There was still a tightness in your lungs and you could still feel how your lungs tried fighting against something invisible. You knew for damn sure there was nothing in your lungs but it still felt like something made its way inside and tried disrupting your breathing. It felt like embers burning in the depths of your lungs, ready to burst and catch on fire at any given time.
Sometimes when you choked on your spit or when you had a hiccup, those embers would fire up, leaving you a coughing mess for hours and sometimes even days. Usually it was a few coughs here and there but occasionally something like today happened, where your lungs constricted so hard that you were close to seeing stars.
“I want to ignore the incident this afternoon but otherwise it was a good day. I even got this swing up for us!” You grinned and patted on the wood underneath you, a sense of pride filling your chest.
Chan looked at the swing and every little detail of it. “Really? That’s incredible!” He then looked at you, locking eyes. “You can be proud of yourself. It must have been quite a challenge.” Chan wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer against him, gently cuddling with you. “I also feel honoured you did this for us. I wouldn’t have minded to sit on the floor each night though.”
“But I minded it”, you scoffed and pulled your legs over his lap, snuggling into his embrace. 
You stilled for a second as your heart suddenly stung and your thoughts wandered to Felix, who still slept soundly in your bed. Yet you felt at ease with Chan next to you. It was a different kind of ease from the one you felt with Felix but just as strong. 
You tilted your head back to look at Chan’s profile. Your eyes wandered over his fluffy hair, to his dark eyes, his big nose, his seemingly soft lips and his contradicting sharp jawline. As if your body had a mind on its own, you raised your hand and traced his jaw with a finger, smiling softly and cupping his cheek when he looked at you.
You loved Felix, adored him even but at the same time you loved Chan as well. 
Chan’s grip on you tightened and he slowly leaned closer, his breath now fanning over your skin. His large hand and fingers splayed over your neck, pulling you closer to him as well. His gaze shifted between your eyes and your lips.
You felt his lips brush over yours but instead of sealing the kiss, he changed directions and kissed your forehead instead.
“It’s not time yet”, he mumbled and brushed his nose along your temple, jaw and neck.
“What do you mean?” You pouted again and leaned your head against his chest, closing your eyes as you listened to his heartbeat. “Are there rules you have to follow because you’re a spirit and I’m a human?”
Chan sighed deeply. “Something like that.”
“Can you explain it to me?”
“I’m not sure. It’s complicated”, he sighed again, “but I promise you I’ll kiss you one day.”
You snickered and hit his chest playfully, before nuzzling your face against his hoodie. “Don’t say something like that. It’s embarrassing.”
“Oh ho? I can be even more embarrassing if you want me to!”
“That wasn’t a challenge”, you whined and curled into yourself, hiding away from Chan so he wouldn’t see your large smile.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go easy on you for tonight.” With that Chan pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you. He placed his chin on top of your head and started swinging back and forth, using his foot to control the pace.
You two stayed like this until the dark blue night sky slowly turned purple, red and orange. You knew what that meant and yet you still prayed silently for Chan to stay even after sunrise.
“It’s time”, he murmured softly and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “You should go back inside so you wouldn’t worry Felix once he wakes up.”
Your eyes widened in surprise upon him mentioning Felix, since you hadn’t brought the topic up. 
Chan grinned slightly when he saw your surprised expression. “I can hear him”, he answered your unspoken question. “I’m glad you found a human companion.”
“You’re not angry?”
“Why should I? Part of you is still mine.” He grinned mischievously and nibbled at your neck. “I’ll share, but only because I know he’s a good kid.”
You snickered and hid your face in his shoulder. “So you do remember him from back then.”
“Sure thing. It’s a shame he isn’t able to see me anymore.”
“He’s not?” You looked back up, tilting your head in confusion. “Why am I able to see you then?”
“You’re special.” Chan kissed the tip of your nose and pulled you down from his lap, standing up and stretching his limbs. “Take care of yourself.”
You watched him leave through the open field and into the sacred forest, disappearing out of your sight after he passed the first few branches. You longingly gazed towards that spot, rocking on the swing mindlessly.
Until two arms wrapped themselves around your upper body from behind and Felix snuggled his face against your neck with a soft sigh. “You’re up early”, he mumbled, still half asleep, “how’re you feeling?”
“I’m good”, you answered him, raising one hand to his soft hair and playing with it. “I was just thinking about the past. Do you remember Totoro?”
Felix hummed softly and for a short moment you even thought he fell asleep on your shoulder before he piped up again. “Yeah, we used to think he lived in that forest, right?” Felix rounded the swing and sat down on it, pulling you close against himself and hugging you tightly again. “I think Satsuki said he was the guardian of the forest?”
“Do you remember seeing him?”
“Wasn’t Mei the only one seeing him? I thought we all played along, just for her.”
You nodded shortly, guessing becoming an adult also meant finding reasonable explanations for your childish fantasies. “What if he’s real?”
Felix rocked the swing back and forth, thinking about your question. “Well,” he started and a soft smile grew on his lips, “if he’s real, I hope he won’t just guard the forest but its neighbour as well.”
You leaned into Felix and cuddled up to him, smiling too as you nodded your head. You knew full well that Chan was looking after you.
The time flew by and the long sunny days became colder and shorter. A harsh wind blew over the fields and you had started to repair spots of your house that weren’t completely water- and windproof. 
Both Felix and Chan had been chiding you whenever they caught you working too much but you always waved it off, feeling completely fine. After all, you were able to dance around with Chan at night before both of you were too exhausted and sat down on the porch swing, or played around with Felix during the day where you ran around and laughed until either of you were able to breathe properly. So doing some light work didn’t feel straining at all.
You just finished preparing dinner, knowing Felix would arrive at any moment after his workday, when you suddenly started coughing again. You grabbed the door frame with one hand and pressed the other on your chest, desperately trying to get a hold of yourself again. Instead the frequency and the force behind the coughs just increased. You leaned forward, about to drop to your knees, when an especially hard cough clutched your insides strongly enough to let stomach acid rise up to your mouth.
Panicked, you let go of the door frame and stumbled outside. You pressed one hand on your mouth, hoping you could reach the bathroom in time. Instead another cough forced itself through your body, letting you drop to your knees in the grass and hurling your insides out. Tears sprung into your eyes as your stomach continued to pump acid out into the open, only interrupted by heavy coughs.
Small whimpers escaped your lips when you noticed through your blurry vision how some red was mixed into your vomit. Your ears were ringing and your whole body shook from exhaustion, barely letting you stay in that kneeling position.
“Try to breathe”, a soothing voice told you, while a warm hand rubbed over your back and another pulled strands of your hair back.
You whimpered again, relieved someone was by your side. “I have medicine in my night stand”, you said shakily, hoping the usual cough medicine would do the trick.
The person hummed behind you, before they pulled you up and guided you to the bathroom. “Felix is calling for a doctor. I’m afraid your medicine won’t work the way you’re hoping it would. I suggest we clean yourself up a little, get you to your bed and hear what the doctor has to say after he checks on you.”
You stumbled alongside that person, half carried to be more precise. For the first time you looked up and saw Chan, who grimly stared ahead of you, guiding you towards the bathroom. “How does Felix know I need a doctor?”
“I told him.”
Chan shook his head and shortly looked down at your questioning expression. “You shouldn’t worry about that now. I have my ways, that’s all you need to know.”
You nodded shortly, dropping the topic when the exhaustion overwhelmed you again. You were more than thankful that Chan helped you clean up as much as possible, wiping your face and neck, cleaning your hands and helping you to brush your teeth. He then carried you back out and to your bedroom, placing you on the mattress and pulling the sheets over your form. You lost consciousness the minute your head hit the pillow.
The next time you woke up again, was when Felix and the doctor silently mumbled in one corner of the room. 
You turned your head and tried to locate them properly with bleary eyes. Once your vision became sharper, you noticed Chan standing near the window, silently listening to the conversation, before you turned to look at Felix. You were about to call out to him when another heavy cough disrupted your peace. You rolled on one side and leaned over your bed, clasping your shirt and silently begging to make the coughing stop.
Felix was immediately next to you, holding you and gently rubbing your back until you stopped coughing and rolled to your previous position again. 
The doctor stepped forward, clearing his throat and addressing you. “I’m afraid…”
“I know”, you interrupted him with a sigh, closing your eyes in annoyance when another coughing fit started just from that. Once you calmed down again, you tried speaking again. “It’s only getting worse from now on.”
“I assume you visited another doctor before you came here?”
You simply nodded to answer his question, too tired to actually recall your last doctor’s visit. It was enough knowing that your illness was incurable and that you were dragging out the inevitable.
“So you knew?” Felix asked you, unshed tears making his voice shaky. 
You turned to look at him, raising your hand to wipe away the tears that made it past his waterline. “I’m sorry.” 
He vigorously shook his head, having trouble accepting the truth. “There must be something! Maybe if we check with some alternative medicine?”
“Felix”, you softly interrupted him, catching his eyes with yours, “it’s going to be alright. Let us just enjoy the time we have together.”
“I can leave you some painkillers behind”, the doctor spoke up, rummaging through his case already, “there is not much else that I can do.”
Felix accepted the small bottle and placed it on the nightstand for you, shortly excusing himself to guide the doctor back out and towards the main road.
Once you couldn’t hear their voices anymore, you turned to look at Chan, patiently waiting for him to say anything.
“Are you in pain right now?”
You shook your head. “Not more than usual.”
“It happened quite suddenly, didn’t it?” Chan looked out of the window, following the silhouettes of Felix and the doctor with his eyes.
“Not really. It comes and goes. This was just an especially extreme phase.” You swallowed, dread started to fill your chest and for the first time since you came here, you actually felt fear. You weren’t afraid of the outcome, not really, but the path from now on scared you. Losing control like that mixed with the pain you felt while coughing and knowing it only got worse, scared you beyond comparison. 
As if Chan sensed your fear he came over to you, sitting beside you and rubbing softly over your leg. “You’ve got the medicine to ease it”, he whispered and offered you a hug, which you willingly accepted. “I promise you won’t suffer.”
“That’s quite a huge task you burdened yourself with.”
“I’m sure Felix is going to say the same in a few minutes.”
As if on cue the young man stormed back into your room, staring at you with wide eyes and breathing heavily. He only calmed down again when you patted the mattress next to you, waiting for him to crawl into the bed. Felix almost carefully laid down beside you, afraid anything he did could worsen your condition.
“As long as you’re not starting an open fire right next to me, nothing you’ll do will hurt me.”
Chan stood up to give you some room, smiling sadly when he saw how timidly Felix took his place, shaking like a leaf when you leaned against him and tried to relax. “Spend some time with him. I’ll see you again.” With that he leaned down and kissed your forehead, leaving you and Felix behind as he walked out of the room.
Felix hugged you gently, caressing your upper arm with one hand and leaning his chin on the crown of your head. “We should probably rest”, he mumbled, noticing how the adrenaline wore off and tiredness took over his body.
Surprisingly both of you fell asleep after whispered ‘I love yous’ and shared kisses. The dread you had felt before slowly disappeared while you stayed in his arms, letting you sleep peacefully.
You woke up again in the middle of the night, feeling like someone was stabbing into your lungs over and over again. You rolled out of Felix’ embrace and grabbed the bottle with the painkillers, swallowing some of them dry. A violent tremble ran through your whole body and you knew you had to drink something to get rid of that unpleasant feeling.
Silently you tiptoed out of the room, after you kissed Felix once more, smiling softly when you saw his sleeping face. You clutched your hands together and pressed both of them against your chest as you walked through the darkness of your house.
Even after you reached the porch and the moonlit night helped you to see your surroundings, did you keep your hands close to your chest. Somehow the pressure soothed your mind into thinking you had the coughs under control, ignoring the fact that you couldn’t control them at all.
“Water?” Chan stood at the end of the porch and held a glass of water out to you, looking at you attentively. 
You silently thanked him and eagerly gulped the cool liquid down. “I should place a can full of water and a glass on my nightstand from now on.”
“I can do that. You should sit down and rest some more.” Chan pointed at the swing and waited shortly until you moved towards it, before he left to prepare the water. Once he was done, he sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap again and rocking the swing back and forth.
“I’m going to miss this”, you mumbled and snuggled against Chan’s firm chest, “just being out here with you.”
“With a bunch of blankets we can continue to meet here. Even when it’s colder.”
You sighed and closed your eyes, feeling as if you couldn’t keep them open for too long. “Soon enough I’ll be bedridden and not able to do anything at all.”
Chan gently placed his thumb on your chin and raised your head, waiting for you to open your eyes and look at him directly. His hand moved from your chin to your cheek, cupping it gently, while his eyes switched between yours and your lips. He ever so slowly leaned forward, his breath fanning over your skin.
Despite your sleepiness your heart skipped a beat when his lips brushed against yours. Your eyelids fluttered shut and you involuntarily held your breath.
“I promised you, I won’t let you suffer.” Chan mumbled against your lips, sealing them right afterwards and holding you tightly against his form.
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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dropoutfailure · 2 years
⚠ incest cw ⚠ / stancest / and some slightly explicit 🔞 shipping art. digging up old art cause I’m thinking about those old men cause I miss them....
so hey
google lens is surprisingly good. source image (this is. sfw enough cropped I think): 
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and visual matches: 
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somehow it got the right characters and pairing for most of the results! technology is amazing. I’m gonna reblog as much of those as still exist on tumblr for old times sake
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aztecbrujeria · 3 years
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Good Morning world…Let’s have some Nanami Kento HC’s
NSFW/SFW WARNINGS: BDSM themes, aftercare, really fluffy...I think that's it...
Man is a foodie, the way to his heart is through his stomach as cliche as that is, the first time you surprise him with a home cooked meal he knows you're a keeper.
His love language is Acts of Service so small domestic acts of cooking and making him lunches with those cheesy love notes makes him smile and fall for you hard.
His favorite thing is coming home and hearing Selena blaring on the speakers as it fills the atmosphere with your essence. When he leans against the doorway to the kitchen, he finds you are the sexiest in your booty shorts, vintage off the shoulder cropped band tee, and high messy bun.
He is a man that likes meat on your bones, and he LOVES that you are curvy and thick. His favorite part of you is everything...You're stretch marks, your rolls, your jiggle, and your ass. He just loves that you are soft.
He will smile wide and be in wonder as he watches you dance and stir the cooking meal on the stove. It's when you turn and sing at the top of your lungs and see him you will walk over and grab his hand to dance with you, he will join you awkwardly at first but catch on and surprise you with a few cumbia moves making you giggle.
When he sees a smudge of masa on your cheek, he will take his thumb and brush it off, "My little chili pepper I see you found your way around the kitchen." He will cup your chin and bring you lips to his and moan against yours as he tastes the spices from your dish upon them.
As you're finishing one of your favorite dishes you shoo him to make the table. When he sits down, he watches you put the toppings for pozole down and then the huge pot, enough to feed an army, and your tortilla warmer.
The first time he tries your pozole he's in heaven, when you watch him awkwardly work with the handmade tortillas and the toppings, you can't help but giggle. When he moans at the foodgasm in his mouth you feel so much pride.
As you eat, he can't help but look at you and hold your hand on the table during your meal together. He will think to himself that he is the luckiest man alive to have found you finally.
After dinner while you're finishing your glasses of wine he will walk over and put on some old school R&B to relax the atmosphere. He'll scoop you up in his arms and take your lips for deep kisses and heavy petting. It's when you move to the bedroom you can't help but get excited.
You’re quite surprised when you see the bedroom it’s cool blues with black, modern, with the decorations of a tantric chair and St. Andrew’s cross.
This man SCREAMS Daddy Dom energy. His need for control and precision in his life bleeds into the bedroom. While he lets you have control in other aspects of your everyday lives.
When he takes you to the bedroom you notice a change in demeanor making your arousal light like wildfire through your veins.
He’s calm, cool, collected and very blunt. You must be able to handle the utter honesty that spills from his lips.
He will take the time to educate you in the bedroom. He will fall harder in love when you do give him complete submission and tell him you trust him with your life.
He takes his time testing your limits, he gets off on the perspiration that carves its way down your luminous skin, if he can make you mewl and beg for release, he’s done his job.
He will reward you with the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known. He will always put your pleasure before his own and gets off when you give him the power of pleasing you in his own way.
This man is the god of edging, orgasm denial, and oral pleasure. He likes his toys and tools and not afraid to use whatever he has in his arsenal to make you quake.
There is a sleek mahogany chest by the wall lined with bookshelves. When he opens it his rope, leather cuffs, spreader bars, and riding crops are arranged with expertise.
He’s a tantric lover, hence the chair and taking his sweet ass time.
Sex with Nanami is all night into the early morning. He will end his scene with you and just make sweet sensual love to you throughout the night.
His aftercare is always having you soak in a hot bath with luxurious salts and essential oils. He likes to bath you paying attention to wherever rope, cuffs, or tools have touched. He memorizes each mark, each mole, each scar, he kisses and massages. He will take you out and dry you off with gentle care before picking you up to carry you to bed.
Once in bed he will cover you and pull you close and never let you leave reassuring you and praising you telling you how perfect you are. How much your love and trust mean to him. He will always keep you close
Just some Nanami thoughts...I'll definitely be adding more later.
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bovine-providence · 3 years
Can I request general sfw & nsfw hc with Prosciutto
Of course! This was fun to write. 💖
Prosciutto HCs
SFW and NSFW headcanons for Prosciutto. NSFW mentions GN!partner.
Minors, DNI. CWs under the cut.
[CWs: smoking, discussions of sex, Dom/sub dynamics, impact play, bondage, blindfolds, finishing inside.]
He was an only child in an upper-class family; Prosciutto also had family members involved in the mafia, so he picked up on those values and principles early in life. He knows how terrible such an organization really is, but he still wants to uphold some ideals of honor and chivalry.
He’s in his mid to late 30s. While he isn’t self-conscious about it, he’d prefer it not be made a big deal by the rest of the team. It annoys him more than anything else.
He smokes unfiltered cigarettes. He started as a teen, and while he never smoked heavily, per se, it was still a bad enough habit that he cut back considerably by the time he joined La Squadra. If he offers someone a cigarette, it means he’s accepted them as a teammate; however, it doesn’t matter to him whether the person declines or accepts the offer, since that’s personal preference. It’s the fact that he offered that matters.
He may go out with teammates to relax, but sometimes he’ll venture out alone (even without Pesci). He’s a classy sort, and goes to a jazz club for a private drink away from the team. It’s his sanctuary away from the rest of La Squadra, and it’s good for a relaxing time with live music and good alcohol.
His music tastes are surprisingly versatile. While he does enjoy old jazz and soul standards, and will listen to classical sometimes, he’s no stranger to psychedelic rock or some show tunes. Perusing his record collection (because of course he has one), there’s albums by Steely Dan and the Grateful Dead right next to Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday, along with some Broadway hits.
While he’s not too into technology, he does know how to use it. Not a lot of apps on his phone though, and he’s probably behind on some viral trends. Please be nice to him and don’t tease or prank him too much.
It may come as a surprise to some, but he does enjoy board games with the team! Prosciutto may claim that he thinks it’s good for bonding and that the games encourage strategy and even creative thinking, but he genuinely enjoys playing. Don’t play Monopoly with him though; he makes everyone bankrupt.
He’s great at gift-giving. While he may not always understand a friend or partner’s interests, he does pay attention to what they’re interested in, and will do research to give the perfect gift. If someone’s into high fashion, they’ll be getting cologne or perfume from one of their favorite designers. They enjoy cooking? Here’s a recipe book for their favorite cuisine/food stuffs, along with some hard to find ingredients that tie in with it!
Prosciutto’s sex drive is a bit higher than most, but he can keep it under control. However, if he gets particularly frustrated, he’ll masturbate. Won’t dwell on it though, just enough to let out some tension before cleaning up and continuing with his day.
He’s into power dynamics. The particulars would be discussed with his partner, whether it’s Daddy/princess, Master/slave, etc. He likes being in charge, but is flexible with how it’s enforced; he wants his partner to be comfortable with it too. Some more subtle elements may be done outside of the bedroom as well.
On a related note, when you’re good for him, he’ll be very good to you that night; he likes making his partner feel good. But be brat, well… he’s not above orgasm denial and mild sadism to make a point.
He won’t leave too many marks; he doesn’t like hurting his partner that much, and any marks he does leave will be in hidden places. He’s private in regards to what happens in the bedroom. But that doesn’t mean he won’t use crops, paddles, or leave love bites; he does like impact play and some pain involved at times, he’s just on the milder side of it.
He loves lingerie, both for his partner and for himself. He likes when his partner is dolled up for him in something lacy and frilly. But sometimes, he’ll have his partner watch while he undresses to reveal a very flattering lingerie set under his suit. He looks good in lace and he knows it.
Bondage, shibari, and sensory play are definitely going to happen. It ties into his D/s kink; seeing his partner tied up and helpless on the bed, squirming in anticipation of what he’ll do to them next, unable to see because of the blindfold… he loves it.
Don’t let all this fool you, however; he’s into some hardcore stuff, but he can also be extremely soft and romantic. His partner has a rough day, or it’s a special occasion? Whatever his partner wants, he’ll become a service top if need be. He wants his partner to know they’re in control those nights if they need it.
Loves to finish inside. There’s something primal about marking a partner in such a way, that he can finish there. And watching his cum drip out after from wherever he’s finished, it’s like he’s an artist looking at his masterpiece. It helps that finishing inside also lessens the cleanup.
No matter how the night went, he always, always provides aftercare. Prosciutto wants and needs his partner to know that they’re safe and loved, and that what happens during sex isn’t the extent of how he sees his partner. He’ll get them water, clean them up, and praise them for how well they did. He’ll run a bath and hold them close as he washes the aftermath away, and cuddles them in bed after. He’s not going anywhere, and his partner will never doubt it.
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maddgicalgirl · 3 years
Paracosm Resources <3
Need help bringing your paracosm to life? Try these free resources!
⚠️ Updates always pending! Suggestions always welcome! Feel free to message me any tips or questions <3 ⚠️
(Cont. below cut, or with real time updates on this google doc!)
Art Programs
FireAlpaca - 2D Art Program, Animation. Where I make most of my digital art, and paint the frames for my animations :) It is free to use, and easy to learn and use! It can make basic animations as well, such as gifs. It requires download.
Krita - 2D Art Program. Professional, free digital paint software :) I have not used it before, though I have heard good things.
GIMP - 2D Art Program, Photo Manipulation. It's free to use, but I do not like it/recommend it highly. But! If FireAlpaca and Krita don't float your stoat, try Gimp! For 2D art, but also able to emulate Photoshop to a degree ^^
Inkscape - 2D Art Program. Free to use digital illustration software. Makes 2D art :)
Of course, who can forget classics like good old MS Paint, and the new and exciting 3D MS Paint, which can both be used to create some really neat things! Classic MS Paint is available here in browser form! If you need that. I just think it's neat!
Art AI
Petalica Paint - Coloring Software. An in browser, watercolor manga style coloring software, which can (almost) effortlessly color in any of your line art pieces! I've played around with it for my Thorn illustration style piece, and enjoyed it! It is free to use, and can take user input to make the colorations more precise.
ArtBreeder - 3D Realism Software. Using Artbreeder, you can create lifelike images of your paras, planets, or potentially even fursona, using the intricate AI they let you work with for free! A premium version exists, but most functions are fully usable without - though I recommend donating ^^ You can randomly generate, or prune and shape what you make until its perfect! Slow to use and get the hang of, but very worth it! Artbreeder is also pioneering an intriguing animation software to go alongside their product! Browser based.
3D Software
Blender - 3D Modeling, Animation. The best (in my opinion) free 3D modelling software.
MagicaVoxel - 3D Pixel Art. Free to use! Could be interesting :)
MikuMikuDance - 3D Rigging. Anime style rigging and animation software, free to use, and certified internet artefact! Has stood the test of time, and is still used and loved today. Can support ports of many kinds of assets, including, I believe, those from Blender, and of course those that are downloaded. DA has a bunch of old MMD communities you can raid for assets!
Animaze - Face Rigger. Use 3D models and a webcam to watch your paras talk! Models can be made in Blender, downloaded online, or even from CHARAT V, CHARAT GENESIS sister app!
Character Creators
CHARAT GENESIS - 2D Character Creator. Browser based anime style character creator, with multiple crops and poses, and infinitely customizable options. It is legitimately insane. Has a 3D function called CHARAT V which can apparently convert characters made in CHARAT GENESIS into 3D models compatible with Face Rig and Animaze!
V-Katsu - 3D Character Creator. Free on steam! Anime style, intensive character creator, by the same people who made Koikatsu, and Koikatsu Party, two amazingly detailed 3D hentai makers. While V-Katsu is a SFW VTuber maker, if you're looking for NSFW anime content, you could always spend roughly $70 on the full NSFW versions. V-Katsu requires a translation mod (free online as well) which you have to install, or the ability to read Kanji <3 Works with VR tech.
V-Roid Studios - 3D Character Creator. Free on steam! Anime style, fairly in depth character creator, that allows for some degree of digital 3D hand sculpting, particularly with their amazing hair engine, to get your paras looks perfect!
And, of course, Picrew has thousands of character creators of various styles and quality uploaded by the artists who made them! Also, honestly I think we as a society should embrace making dinky chibis in Gacha Life. IDK why everyone is mean to the gacha kids, like we weren't all cringe at some point,
World Design
HomeStyler - 3D and 2D Room Designer. Make a model of an interior for a home or building, using real 1:1 furniture of IRL brands! Apparently this is free to use, though there is a premium version, and  it offers 3D and 2D models.
Map to World - 3D Planet Maker. Turn your fantasy world into a 3D model of the planet. Put maps directly on, or design the surface and textures of your world. Takes a lot of getting used to, but it is AMAZING. Free to use, and browser based!
PlanetMaker - 3D Planet Maker. Make a customized 3D planet! Free to use browser site! I have never used this, but I would love to mess around with it sometime! Allows you to add orbital rings, change textures, and more at the click of a mouse.
If on sale, I also recommend snagging a copy of the Sims, particularly 3 or 4, for character creation and world design. Maybe not the best gameplay without mods, but it's also a load of fun, and very easy to add custom content to! Minecraft also. But you just need Minecraft, in general. Beyond its ability to fairly faithfully recreate structures from your paracosms, it's just Good.
Game Creators
Maybe you wanna turn your paracosm into a cool game idk, just thought I'd put these here!
Construct 3 - 2D Game Creator. Beginner level game making :) Drag-and-drop if/then style programming.
GameSalad - Codeless 2D Game Creator. Drag and drop style/no coding, beginner friendly. Free version available!
Solpeo - 2D Game Creator. HTML5 based game engine for 2D and isometric game development. Some programming knowledge needed. Platforms supported: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+. Free version available.
Stencyl - Codeless 2D Game Creator. Drag and drop style building/no coding skills needed. Has editable templates!
Scratch - 2D Game Creator. Very easy to use and totally free, though relatively basic!
Unity - 3D, 2D, and VR Game Creator. Make games with 3D software. Import your own assets (Blender compatible) or download free options, or buy the rights to models. Works for 3D and 2D games. Free version available, and now works with VR tech!
Unreal Engine - 3D Game Creator. Extremely advanced 3D game developer. Highly customizable. Free to use!
Twine - Text-based Game Creator. Use a map to make a branching paths text-based story game. Free to use.
Squiffy - Text-based Game Creator. have used Squiffy and it can make some really, truly incredible things. Can take a while to pick up, and learn how to use to its full potential. Free to use! Has an online and offline library of player creations you can get inspiration from!
Quest - Text-based Game Creator. I've never used this, but it seems cool! Use it to make interactive text-based DND game adventures in browser.
Ren'Py - Visual Novel Creator. Visual novel engine, that is well acclaimed, and of course, free to use!
Companion AI
Replika - 3D Companion.
Kajiwoto - Chatbot Companion. Customizable, learning AI you can shape into a personality. Communicates via Discord like chat box.
Toyhou.se - Character Gallery. A customizable library where you can upload all of your paras and characters for the public to view! Free to use, but requires a premium member to invite you!
Refsheet - Character Gallery. I haven't used it before, but I've heard good things, and that it's a suitable alternative to toyhou.se if you can't get an invite!
Notebook.AI - Character Gallery. I haven't used it before, but I've heard good things, and that it's a suitable alternative to toyhou.se if you can't get an invite!
World Anvil - World Building Toolset. Like character galleries, but for worlds and their lore :)
Scabard - World Building Toolset. Aimed at DnD campaigners, but I reckon it'll be useful for many!
YARPS - World Building Toolset. More focused around story and lore than Scabard or World Anvil, and looks beautiful! Still in its prototype stage, however.
Pinterest - Photo Organizer. Look at, collect, and sort images into boards. Personalizes your feed based on that, and is free to use and join! However, unlike their myriad of wonderful recipes, DIY tutorials, and the likes - a lot of the images are uploaded by second parties and not credited, so be careful reuploading anything you find! Also great for finding outfits and art inspo for your paras!
Fantasy Name Generator - Name Generators. Does what it says on the tin! Generates fantasy names. Is a lovely website, run by a purportedly lovely woman.
Fantasy Map Generator - Map Generator. Randomly generates a fictional map, which you can view in 2D or 3D.
Donjon RPG Generator - Multiple Generators. Can make maps, weapons, items, etc.
Seventh Sanctum - Multiple Generators. One of my favorites from high school! Does all kinds of things - the standard items, spells, and names - but also prompts, backstories, characters, and even comedy generators!
ShindanMaker - Multiple Generators. User created and uploaded, any kind of generator you can imagine, of varying complexity. And when I say any generator? I mean ANY generator.
Audacity - Record and Edit Audio. What can't Audacity do? I love Audacity to death. At surface level, it records audio. I've used it to record voices for my paras, and get audio for animations and games I've worked on. I cannot recommend it enough. Comprehensive editing, and with some investigation, it can do so, so much more than just record simple dialogue.
FL Studios - Compose. Compose music with an unlimited free trial. Upgrades available for purchase!
Indie Game Music - Royalty Free Music Library. Free to use Indie Game Music. What it says on the box!
AudioJungle - Royalty Free Music and Audio Library. Thousands of free to use audio clips!
Online Piano - Someone could use this, for recording, or just messing around. I've seen plenty of paras who play piano, this could just be used for fun!
Online Guitar - Same reasons as above, but this site looks kinda sketchy. Use at your own risk or reward! Audio
For real, if you ever need music, sound effects, or really any MP3 clips that can be used without infringing on copyright laws, just search 'royalty free' (music/audio/insert thing here) same applies for photos! Make sure the source is reputable, however.
W3Schools - Coding. Learn the basics of coding, for free, online!
Debut Video Capture - Screen Recorder. Record game footage and let's plays for free! Professional and home versions. I see a few of our community members have paras who run YouTube channels, and I thought these might help! It could be a nice way to connect your parames. YouTube quality <3
Pixton - Comic Maker. Comic making website. I have no experience with this at all, but some may find it useful!
Picfont - Image Editor. Puts customizable text on an image. I used these for @paraesthetics paracosm header edits <3 It has a premium version (???) but the free version has all functions, but it crashes regularly (honestly seems timed :/) but once you get it down, it's a very quick process, and you won't have to worry about that at all.
Itch.io - Publishing. You can publish your self made games here :)
Korsakow - ??? Described as, "The Future of Storytelling" and is apparently a way to create interactive films. I *just* found out about this, but thought I should include it for someone who may know how to use and appreciate it! Free? Unknown, at the moment.
Tips and Tricks
Animation Done Easy
Our forefather's of internet animation used MS Paint, Windows Movie Maker, and Audacity. All of these, or their equivalents, are free on standard computers. I, personally, use FireAlpaca - which works just as well, if not better, than MS Paint for animation - but takes longer, and definitely lacks that retro feeling. I also use my trackpad to draw and animate everything, so its doable, but probably not totally comfortable, to animate like this for most people :)
⚠️ Updates always pending! Suggestions always welcome! Feel free to message me any tips or questions <3 ⚠️
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
Hucow!AU Story, Part 2 (N/s/f/w)
Things get steamy in this part; I stayed up all night finishing this.  Again, credit belongs to @dark-side-blog2 for creating the Hucow!au, and giving me the idea for this story in the first place.
All characters aged up to be 18 or older!!!
WARNINGS: not sfw, yandere, noncon, dubcon, lactation, ruts/heat, manipulation,  Bruno being very manipulative and naughty lol.  Let me know if any of you are interested in a part 3, I might be persuaded into continuing this story~
EDIT: omg i’m an idiot i forgot to post the actual fic sorry lol
While Bruno got Narancia situated in bed, Mista helped you in the kitchen as usual.  
“I was thinking we’d have some fresh garden salad with our stew tonight, how does that sound y/n?” Mista called out from the fridge he was rummaging through.
“Sounds good to me!”  You replied, dicing the ingredients for the stew and tossing them into the pot.  This was a daily routine between you and Mista nowadays.  While you would fix breakfast and lunch, he would usually help you make a hearty dinner for all of you.  It was not only tasty, but healthy, utilizing the freshest ingredients from your farm.  Bruno seemed to be something of a farmer himself, actually, as he cultivated a few unusual crops you’d never heard of before, but nonetheless delicious.
 For example, Mista and Bruno had introduced you to a hucow staple.  It was called mulgeo salad, made primarily of edible flowers that were a pretty lavender blue.  They made sure you had some with your dinner every night, as apparently it has many health benefits for female hucows, and therefore must be good for human women as well.  You couldn’t really complain, even if it did have a funny aftertaste, as you did notice feeling healthier after changing your diet.
“Here, I tried a new dressing this time, try some!”  Mista prodded you with a fork full of some mulgeo salad and what looked like a vinaigrette.  You sighed and opened your mouth, and Mista happily fed you his creation.
“Not Bad,” you told him, “maybe a squeeze of lemon juice?”  You suggested, mulling over the taste in your mouth.  Mista tried some of the sauce himself, and nodded, agreeing with you.  “Good thinking, that’ll help with the aftertaste.”
Meanwhile, Narancia was tossing in your guest bed, fussing with Bruno who was trying to be patient with the younger bull.
“Brunooo, I don’t want to be in bed, I want to see y/n!  You know she’s the only one who can really help me anyways!” Narancia whined, as Bruno gently but firmly pushed him back onto the bed.
“What I know is that you need to preserve your strength, and let y/n get ready for tonight.  You want your first time to be special, don’t you?”  Bruno countered, handing Narancia a glass of water and some medication.
It’s true, Narancia was feverish, and he wasn’t feeling his best, there was a perfectly good reason, and it had nothing to do with being sick.  But Bruno had told Narancia that humans don’t go through what hucows go through, at least not as intensely.  So Bruno had asked Narancia to be patient with y/n, and to help her into the herd.  Narancia didn’t understand it all, but he trusted Bruno, and he loves y/n, so he takes his medicine and tries to be patient.
But he can’t wait forever.
Dinner was good but uneventful, you carried a tray of food up to Narancia who ate it like a man starved and thanked you.  After dinner, you helped the boys get situated into your guest bedroom, Bruno taking a chair and the rest sleeping on the floor, with all the pillows and blankets you could find.  The bulls each thanked you, and conked out surprisingly easily.  Well, you guess old blankets and pillows were still more comfortable than grassy fields and dirt.
You wished them all a goodnight, and made your way to your bedroom.
  Ever since dinner, your body’s felt heavy and warm- you hoped you hadn’t caught Narancia’s fever.  You tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep, but despite your body being so tired, you felt too… hot.  Your cheeks burned,’Really, y/n? Now?  The bulls are in the room across from yours…’but you just couldn’t sleep. 
 You turned over to your bedside alarm clock-11:30 pm-it had been a few hours since the boys had all gone to bed, and they had looked exhausted, too.  Surely, they wouldn’t wake up so easily?  After another deathly silent minute, searching for any possible sign the bulls were awake or could hear you, you made up your mind and threw off your covers. Pausing again and hearing nothing, you slowly pulled off your panties, shocked at how wet they were.  What’s wrong with your body, why were you reacting like this?  What would the others think if they saw you like this?  Your mind protested, but your fingers had other ideas.  
You pulled your night dress off, fondling your breasts and twisting your nipples.  They had been so sore recently, and if you didn’t know better you would swear they felt larger than normal. Feeling a sudden wetness, you gasped. Why….
“It hurts”
Like a shot in the dark, Narancia’s voice rang out and pulled you out of your stupor.  You sat up, trying to cover yourself up.  “N-narancia, what-?!”
“It hurts, y/n; it hurts and I can’t wait anymore!” Narancia repeated, pleading for something but didn’t know what. He stumbled into your room, naked and,well-
He crawled onto your bed, climbing on top of you and grinding into your hips.  Yes, just like you, he was incredibly aroused.
“N-naranica, please! Get a hold of yourself!”  You pleaded with the bull, trying to pry him off of you.  It was hard to get a grip on him, his skin was sweaty and he leaned into your touch instead of fighting it.  Up close, you got a better look at Narancia’s face, and you could tell something was off with the bull.  His eyes were unfocused, his face flushed red, and he couldn’t stop moaning into you.  At first, you had thought it was his fever, but now, it seemed like his “illness” was something much more...animalistic.
“Oh, Narancia,  you went and spoiled the surprise.  You must have given y/n quite the fright.”  Bruno chided.  As if out of thin air, possibly during your struggle with Narancia, Bruno appeared, looming over the two of you with an eerie smile.
“Bruno, help me!  Narancia, he, he-”  You started, panicking while trying to keep a modicum of dignity.
“Why would I do that, bella?  You seem to want this just as much as he does.”  He replied, unwavered.  You looked at him incredulously, and he reached under Narancia to pull your legs apart.  With humiliating ease, he sunk a finger into you, and white hot pleasure rocked your core.  You moaned, surprised and aroused, and earned a whine just as loud from Narancia, still thrusting into your hips. 
 “Bruno, stop, please!”  You begged, trying to break away from Narancia and now Bruno.  
“It’s perfectly natural, Bella, don’t be afraid.  You’ve never met any other hucows besides us, have you?”  Bruno pulled his finger out, and with the same hand, stroked your face, moving hair out of your eyes.  Your eyes followed his hands, watering, and said, “W-...no?”
Bruno sat down on the bed, putting a hand on Narancia’s back that stopped him immediately, to your relief.
“For Hucows, when we reach adulthood, we start to have regular ruts, or in a heifer’s case, heats. Like many animals, we have a monthly cycle of intense carnal desires--our body's way of saying we’re at our most fertile.  And it looks like your body has synched with Narancia.”  Bruno explained, stroking your head, watching your eyes widen in shock,fear. 
“This is ridiculous, I'm not a Hucow, I'm not like you!”  You argued, pushing his hand away. This was becoming too much, these were not the bulls who’d wormed their way into your heart. Bruno had the gall to laugh, and your stomach sank with dread. In a flash, he grabbed your cheeks and cooed, “Really, y/n, there’s a difference in being coy and being oblivious.  I mean look at you, haven’t you noticed your body changing?  You’re soaking wet without being touched, your bodies hot to the touch, for god’s sake, you’re leaning into my hands”  And to your absolute horror, as he pulled away his hand, your head followed.  He was right.
Bruno grabbed your breasts, and you felt the familiar wetness from before, “Not only that, but haven’t you noticed your breasts?  You’re producing milk.”  As if by divine fate, the clouds decided to move out of the way of the moon, shining a light onto your breasts, and sure enough, you could see rivulets of milk leaking from your nipples.  Tears fell from your eyes-shocked, confused, betrayed not just by your friends but your own body.  Were you going crazy?
“Shhhhh, shhh It’s okay amore, it’s okay.  You’re bodies just changing, it happens to every heifer your age.  It’s nothing to be ashamed of, in fact it’s beautiful.”  Bruno reassured you, stroking your breasts fondly, “Your body just wants to be bred, to be filled with our calves, isn’t that wonderful?  Don’t worry, we’ll be good fathers, and you’ll be a wonderful mother!”  Bruno’s breathing growing heavier, his eyes staring you down with a deranged intensity.  
Narancia, not wanting to be left out, latched himself to one of your breasts, “I’ll be gentle, y/n, I promise!  I know your heat must be painful, with no one to help you out.  My ruts have been so painful too, without you.  But that’s over now, yeah?  We can finally be a proper herd, and raise lots of cute calves together.”  He mumbled into your chest, as if stabbing you with his words directly into your heart.  
“Poor bambina, I know you’re so confused, and scared- I remember my first rut. The other bulls and I, we won’t let you go through that same pain.  We’ll take care of you, y/n, that’s what herds do.”  Bruno rested his cheek on your head, planting the softest kiss to your forehead.  You didn’t even have the strength to resist him.
At this point, you weren’t even surprised when you saw Abbachio, Fugo, and Mista come into your room.  
“Just relax y/n; we’ll take care of you and Narancia.  This time it’s you two in heat, but soon enough we’ll all sync up, that’s what happens normally in herds.  Leave this to us”  Bruno cooed to you, licking up tears you didn’t realize were falling.
“...Please take care of me…” You gave up, closing your eyes.  
The bulls had piled all the pillows and blankets they could gather onto your bedroom floor, so there was enough room for all of them to gather by your side. Narancia curled into your side, Bruno propping you up against his back, Abbacchio standing by the door( as if guarding it from being opened) , Mista sitting front row watching, and fugo awkwardly kneeling off to the side as if too embarrassed to look directly at you.
“Narancia, please hold her legs open, we need to prepare her before she can take us.” Bruno instructed, as if he was giving orders on farming or something else as mundane.  Narancia was quick to follow, and spread your legs open despite your embarrassment.
You buried your face into Bruno’s chest. 
“No Bella, don’t be shy.  We love this part of you, we want to see you lost in pleasure,”  Bruno reassured you, turning your head back to the other bulls.  Narancia and the others stared at you with feverish intensity, Narancia groaned at the audible sound your cunt made as he parted your folds.
“Y/n, you’re so wet, have you been like this all day?  Is it because of me?”  Narancia asked, unable to look away.  His fingers traced your lips delicately, as if he were afraid to break you, and gathered your slick onto his index finger.  
“Don’t just gawk, idiot, make her feel good!” Mista chided, palming himself.  At this point, all of you were naked, and you saw for the first time how the bulls...measured up.  They had been naked when you had first met them, sure, but you hadn’t looked closely, and they hadn’t been quite as, well, excited.  They were large, and animalistic not just in size but shape.  Needless to say, you would need a lot of preparation if you were to take any of their cocks.
Just as impatient as Mista, Narancia plunged two fingers into your pussy, and you couldn’t contain the squeal you let out.  It was sudden, and not an experienced hand, but his fingers felt like such a huge relief, you were starting to believe Bruno and wondering if you really were in heat.
“Jesus Christ y/n, I can feel you clenching on my hands! What should I do, Bruno?  What’ll make her feel good?”  Narancia gasped, he seemed to have trouble controlling his hands and body.
“Remember what I showed you before, and how we got you ready when you helped us with our heats?”  Bruno reminded Narancia, leaving you to wonder what they’d done in the past before you.  
Narancia’s Fingers Curled and massaged the front walls of your pussy, searching for your special spot.  Based on the noises you were making, he was doing a good job of finding it. Bruno reached one of the hands he had wrapped around your waist down to your pussy, and lightly rubbed circles into your clit.  You moaned again, bucking up into their hands. You were beyond losing control, you had lost it as well as any other thoughts of resisting.  Your body was in ecstasy, Narancia and Bruno double teaming you was too much.
 Suddenly, you felt another, unfamiliar hand toy with your breasts.  You opened your eyes you hadn’t realized were closed, and saw Mista leaning over you, massaging you.  As he squeezed them, some more milk squeezed out of your tender breasts; as mortifying as it was, it also gave you a small sense of relief? You weren’t sure whether it was arousal or merely a relief of your breast’s fullness, it felt much better than normally when you played with yourself.
“Holy shit, you really must be a heifer, your tits are full of milk!”  Mista exclaimed, “Hey y’n, you wouldn’t mind if i had a drink would you?  I'm awfully thirsty~”  He snickered, latching his mouth onto one of your breasts. 
 You cried out wantonly, getting finger fucked and your tits sucked at the same time was bringing you close to the edge.
“P-please, I can’t!”  You begged, not sure what you were begging for.  
“Awww, begging for us?  Our sweet little bambina, you don’t know how long I've been waiting for this day,”  sighed Bruno, playing with your bud more and more intensely.  “Narancia, why don't you try using your mouth, I think she’d like that.  She’s so close.”  Bruno suggested to the smaller bull, who nodded eagerly and lowered his face into your crotch.
You couldn't help yourself, you cried out and tried to close your legs as you felt Narancia nuzzle into you. “Wait, Narancia, it’s too much!”
“It’s okay, y/n, I’m gonna make you feel good, I promise!” Narancia murmbled, cheeks squeezed between your thighs- it’d be hilarious in any other situation.  Narancia pried your legs open again, peppering them with kisses.  Tentatively, he licked a stripe vertically up your pussy before sucking on your clit, moving Bruno’s hand away.  He wrapped his tongue around your clit and massaged it, while you bucked and writhed underneath.  You were begging incoherently, not sure what or who for, but the boys seemed to understand.  Narancia slipped his wet fingers back into your pussy and kitten licked your bud; Mista played with your breasts in each hand while he sucked milk from you like it was a delicacy.  Bruno turned your head to look at him-even upside down you could tell from his blissed out face he was enjoying himself as much as you were. 
“Are you gonna come, Tesoro?  Your expression is so indecent, you must be close.”  Bruno teased you, sticking his fingers into your mouth before you could answer.  But he was right, you were close.  Narancia and Mista’s mouths were full, but their faces were as indecent as yours must have been, as they doubled down on your efforts.  Your insides were quivering, your thighs wrapped around Narancia’s head again to pull him closer. Close, you were so close…
“Come for us, y/n, for the first of many times tonight,”  Bruno all but commanded, so you complied.  A wave of pleasure rolled over you, and Bruno’s  fingers couldn’t contain your cries.  Narancia ate you through it, his own moans vibrating onto your overstimulated pussy, and didn;t pull away until you pushed him with your hands.  Mista laughed into your breasts, but the look in his eyes was hungry, preditorial.
“That was so fuckin’ hot, y/n, you moan like a porn star!” He joked, popping off of your abused nipples.  
Narancia pulled away too, with wet eyes, “Y/n,that was wonderful, I'm glad I could make you come, but please…”  He tugged one of your hands onto his hard throbbing cock.  It twitched in your hands; you could tell he’d been restraining himself.  You slowly, against your better judgement, stroked the up his shaft, tracing a pulsing vein along the underside.  Narancia cried in relief, bucking into your hand grinning wildly.
“So goooood, you’re hand’s so soft, way softer than mine.  It's so small…” Moaned Narancia, giggling as he held your hand in his own larger one to show you how to properly touch him.
“Y/n, I think it’s time now, don’t you?” Bruno asked you, loud enough for Narancia to hear.  “Narancia made you feel so good just now, and he’s been so patient for you.  Won’t you help him feel good too?”  
You were nervous, to be honest-you’d never been with anyone,or even used a toy their size.  And Narancia was the smallest of the group.  But your orgasm hadn’t cleared your mind at all-if anything you were even more horny.  If you had been in a better state of mind, maybe you could have realized how they were manipulating you and said no.  But…
You pulled Narancia up to your face and kissed him for the first time that night.  Narancia early reciprocated, pulling you as close to him as possible.  He took it as an invitation to grab his  dick in one hand, slobber it up with remnants of his spit and our cum, and sink his cock inside of your wet hot pussy. 
You both simultaneously cried out  but for different reasons as the head entered you, Narancia’s tip stretching you to your limits.  Narancia tried to go further in, but sensing your discomfort, Bruno grabbed Narancia’s hips and held them from moving any further.  Narancia cursed, trying to fight out of Bruno’s hold, clearly not in his right mind.  But Bruno Wouldn’t budge.
“Wait Narancia, or you’ll hurt her.”  Bruno commanded, not backing down.  For once this night, you were thankful for Bruno’s involvement.  
Reluctantly, Narancia slowly pushed further and further inside of you, tears streaming down his face and moaning like, well, like he was in heat.
“It’s heaven...y/n is like heaven inside!”  Narancia cried, a blissful smile on his face.  You wished you could say the same as you were stretched to your limits, nails digging into Narancia’s arms.  
“It’s too big!  Narancia, you're too big for me!”  You pleaded, trying to relax your muscles and allow yourself to be stretched.
“Fuck yeah I am!  My big cock’s doing this to you, right?  I’ve made you come from feeling so good, right?? I’m gonna make you come lots more, so many more times y/n! I’m gonna make you come on my dick and get pregnant!  Take it, take it y/n!” Narancia snarled, finally starting to thrust properly.
  He was so happy his rut came first, that he was able to fuck you before the others and stake his claim early.  Sure, having to wait sucked, but this was definitely worth it.  Since Narancia’s libido could no longer be contained, Bruno decided the next best thing would be to help you enjoy yourself more.  He bit the shell of your ear, massaging your clit between his fingers.  
“What a good girl you are for us, Bambina, letting Narancia fuck your little pussy with his big bull cock. I bet you've never been so full in your life, huh?  We’re gonna keep you nice and stuffed too, all of us will. I can’t wait to see how even more beautiful you’ll look, satisfied by all of our dicks.  We’re gonna make you feel so good, bambina, you’ll go crazy~”  Bruno moaned into your ear. 
 It alarmed and aroused you at the same time, which didn’t go unnoticed by Narancia.
He picked up the pace, and you started to move with him, getting into the feeling.  Against your better judgement, you looked up to see what the others were doing while you were getting railed by Narancia.  
Abbachio was leaning against the doorframe, stroking his cock as he watched your breasts bounce with each thrust.  When he saw you were looking at him, he smirked but said nothing.  His eyes were intense, staring at you unwaveringly.  The only way you could tell he was affected at all (aside from jerking off) was a light blush that trailed from his cheeks down to his chest, breathing heavily.  
Fugo looked like he was trying to hide the fact he was so turned on, face flushed and glancing back and forth from you to the floor.  He gingerly palmed himself in between his legs, trying to cover it up from you. His tail was swishing in anticipation, and he bit his lip to keep himself from making any noises.  Mista, on the other hand, was manspreading on the floor, eagerly watching and wolf whistling at the show.  Clearly, he wasn’t bothered by the fact that you were getting the daylights fucked out of you by Narancia, and happy to give you a look at himself masterbaiting.
“Like what ya see, sweetcheeks?  I’d be happy to let you touch it too~”  He flirted, winking at you.
“Wait your turn.” Bruno told him, before Narancia or you had the chance to react.
The pleasure in your was building up again, slowly but surely, as Narancia’s prick massaged your aching walls.  Narancia was getting more and more desperate as well.
“Fuck, y/n, i don’t know how much longer I can last, you feel too good!  Are you close?  Please say you’re close!”  Narancia begged, just as he hit your g-spot directly.  You cried out loudly and clenched down, unable to help yourself, to the bull’s joy.
“Oooh, I felt that y/n, you like it when I hit ‘here’ right?”  He teased, fucking you harder and focusing on your sweet spot.  You nodded, unable to form the right words, but Narancia understood regardless. You clung to him now, it seemed like the two of you were the only ones in the room, as you cried out from each thrust inside of you and on your clit.  You wouldn’t be long now, and Narancia was right behind you.
“Y/n, I love you.  I love you so much, so fucking much it hurts.  I’m about to come in the girl I love so much and make her pregnant, fuck, I can’t wait! Please take it-take it take it take it!!!”  Narancia felt too good inside of you to hold on anymore, he’d been so good for you.  He came and true to his word, filled you to the brim with his hot sticky cum. It felt too good to hold out yourself, and you came on his cock with a sharp gasp and locked your legs around his waist.  He shivers, and has enough in him to gush just a little more into your abused hole.
“Thank you so much, y/n...that was so wonderful,”Narancia mumbled into your cheek, kissing you gently.  He collapsed onto you, and you couldn’t help but pat his head sympathetically-that was quite the workout, after all.  Narancia cuddled into you, peppering you with kisses he was too shy to give you before.
You were too tired to resist their affections any more, too tired to move, too tired period.  You were ready to finally fall to sleep, when you heard Bruno’s voice call out to you.
“That was wonderful to watch, y/n.  I’m very happy you’ve finally accepted us.  But, don’t you think you’re forgetting something?”  You cracked an eye open, reality settling in.  Standing over you were the other bulls, all hard and looking very impatient.
“Hey, you’re not gonna leave us hanging, are you bella?”Mista teased you.
“You’re crazy if you think we’re gonna let you go after just one round,”  Abbacchio replied deadpan.
“It’s just not Narancia, we, I need you too y/n!”  Fugo ordered (pleaded with) you.
Bruno stroked your hair again, licking away new tears from your cheeks.
“We’re famiglia, y/n, we always do things together.  You wouldn’t want us to feel left out, would you?”  Bruno asked you. You could feel his desire poking into your back.
“Hey, I'm not done yet! Y/n, don’t pass out on me yet!”  Narancia complained, weakly thrusting into you again.  You moaned, unable to form any protest.
This was going to be a long night.
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