#a good person because you work on the floor of a machine shop
ivan-fyodorovich-k · 1 year
look I’ve spent time with the Urbanites and also the Good Honest Simple Rural Folk and neither of you are better than the other, please find a way of being in the world that isn’t rooted in your need to be better than some massive and nebulous group with whom you have almost no personal connection
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bellyyearner · 13 days
Office life at 550+ lbs
Word count: 1061
Extreme obesity, mobility issues, work environment, feedee perspective
No gender mentioned POV
Being a working feedee is hard sometimes, especially when your gain slows down to a snails pace despite how much you've been eating. In the last 3 years you've only put on another 40lbs, but you have an easy job that pays the bills and allows you to live comfortably so you can't complain too much. The only part of this job you hate though, is the journey inside.
As you exit your car you can already feel the sweat forming between your rolls, it's been taking a few tries lately to stand up after swinging your hefty left leg out onto the concrete. You've even questioned if you should bring your car to the shop to check the suspension just in case your fat ass crashing back down onto the driver seat a half dozen times a day might be causing issues. At the very least you were thankful for your personal parking spot only being about 250ft from the elevator up to the office floor. Only 100ft from the buildings entrance and the cold AC running throughout the building.
And so you begin your slow pendulous waddle, thighs scraping against each other with every step, causing so much friction your jeans always have a distinct wear pattern only a couple weeks after buying them. One foot infront the other you waddle, repeating the laboured motion as your breath grows heavy and your belly slaps against the tops of your thighs. Halfway to the door now you hear the clicking of heels against the concrete, 2 interns whizzing by you without a word. You can't even imagine moving as fast as they do, or why they'd even want to move that fast in the first place. Your sense of urgency left you a couple hundred pounds ago.
Another 20 heavy steps later you reach the door, a mailman on the other side who was about to leave opens it for you, clearly staring at your mammoth size and brow covered in sweat. You make it inside and can barely catch your breath to say thank you before he's gone. The AC graces your hot sweaty skin and you feel relief, you spot your double wide chair HR had fought to get installed for you last year, and plop down on it with a huff. All there's left to do is catch your breath for a couple minutes, walk 60 steps through the lobby, turn right, walk 10 steps to the elevator, a minute of standing, and another 30 steps to your cubicle. Where you will then chow down on a couple snacks you brought and rehydrate before looking at spreadsheets and grazing on more food for 8 hours. A routine you had grown so accustomed to that it became second nature.
You look at the handle bar bolted into the wall and remember when you found it insulting, but now it was a necessity. Gripping the bar you start to stand hoping a second try isn't needed because of how many people were in the lobby. You can feel your heart quake and your knees whine but thankfully you hauled your lard laden ass off the seat in one attempt.
The second journey begins and the heavy waddle ensues, gut bouncing, thighs scraping, mouth open and breathing loudly enough that you're attracting attention. You try to ignore their stares but it's only fueling your appetite, already making a mental list of what you're going to grab from the vending machine once you get off the elevator. A few minutes later you round the corner and take the final few steps only to notice a sign on the elevator. You can't read it yet but you can feel your heart sinking already. It can't be right? They would've told you. They would've sent an email or a text. "Out of order".
Panic sets in, you can't climb 4 flights of stairs, you bought a one story house for good reason, you haven't had to climb more than a curb in years at this point. Your mind is growing frantic as you feel the burden your legs are under grow stronger, anticipating if you're really gonna be expected to climb the stairs.
Your phone buzzes, a text from Susy in HR
"Hey! I'm so sorry 'your name', this just happened like an hour ago and I totally forgot to tell you. The elevator is having some major issues and we don't know when it'll be fixed. I dug up that old paper work you filed 6 months ago about work from home and I'm gonna push it through asap! I've sent Lucy downstairs with a work laptop for you to bring home, just take a couple days off while we get all the paperwork in order."
Relief washes over you as you hear the distinct clicking of heels coming down the stairs. You steady your breath and try to seem unfazed, almost certain you look ridiculous.
Lucy: "Hey 'your name', here's your laptop and a cherry cola, figured you would need it before heading back to your car ;). You know I'm gonna miss seeing you around here, less stuff to talk about and no one to gawk at. You have my number so just let me know if you need me to come over to help you adjust"
A quick farewell and her heels were clicking back up the stairs, but all you could think about was how you're never gonna see the inside of that office again. With no where to go and no decency to be upheld there was no reason you wouldn't finally break 600lbs. You chug the Cola, wanting to make one final show for the coworkers and acquaintances you've made over the years, and start the final journey, one to immobility.
With a gassy belly swaying from side to side, your humongous thighs atop fattened lard laden calves carry you through the lobby one last time. Not even trying to hide your burps and groans you walk out of the building, skipping the chair by the door you once saw as a refuge. Thoughts of what takeout you're gonna get delivered and a quickly growing Walmart order forming in your mind as you slowly waddle through the parking lot one last time. All fueled by the dream of being an immobile work from home piggy
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Hi, I want to write a blind character (with only a residual central vision left) and I would like any input on how I write his son's relation with him, and how someone that's close to the character may act around him/to help him.
Hi! So it’s a good sign that you have an idea of what his vision capabilities looks like, and of course if you can get more specific with a condition that is very helpful, but that is only tangentially related to your question, just a side note!
As for specific ways of acting:
He likely will rely more on auditory cues. Announcing things that other people may not think to say aloud can be very common in domestic settings (ıe: “I’m in the kitchen” “Xyz is at the door”, etc) In my own home just verbally describing things is so commonplace that it barely even feels like something ‘extra’ — its a natural part of how my husband acts around me. Reading mail, cooking instructions, or other domestic “papers” aloud is also a way the son could help his father around the house.
Tactile cues can be equally as important, especially if your character is DeafBlind in any capacity. Touching shoulders, tapping the table, or otherwise signifying a presence can be helpful. You can get creative with these — what specific tactile rituals might the father and son develop together that reveal things about their culture, personality, etc?
If the father is older/has shaky hands, or otherwise might struggle with any personal grooming, would he want his son to help with that? For instance, I am not fully comfortable shaving by myself because I don’t want to cut myself. Note that this is not a given — plenty of blind people are capable of doing these things, it's just something to consider in character development and can provide a background for some emotional / bonding scenes.
Beyond what the son in specific does, there are considerations for the house itself that the son lives in and interacts with. I’m not sure if your work is from the son’s, father’s or both POVs but blind households may differ in a few ways.
Does the father have lights in the house or his room?
Bump dots! If he does use lights, or microwaves, machines, etc how might he mark them up to make them accessible to him?
Cooking tools like liquid level detectors, etc. There are plenty of these but looking around at shops like the Braille Superstore can give an idea of the types of tools that may be attractive to people who need them
Does he use braille or whatever equivalent a fantasy story may have if that’s your genre? If so, consider reading and writing materials, whether they are old school slate and stylus or a more advanced brailler machine.
Note that unless the family has recently moved to a new house or they have recently made interior changes or he is recently blinded, the father should be very comfortable navigating the space since it is his home he spends lots of time in. He likely would not use a cane in his own home, he would not frequently bump into major things like furniture, etc. However if the house is messy and there are hazards on the floor, or they got a new appliance, his vision got suddenly worse, or otherwise made an adjustment, then there is a greater chance of difficulties. Maybe he is more strict about cleanliness with his son so that’s another opportunity for developing their relationship.
This is barely just scratching the surface though. Feel free to follow up with more questions if desired. :)
Mod Zohar
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carolmunson · 2 years
wish i had a river (part two)
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here it is, the part two i said i wouldn't write. if you missed it, here is the first part - wish i had a river this is very much an eddie munson fanfiction, it's mostly from his perspective and follows his story through his eyes and actions. 'you' are mentioned and seen in this fic, but for the most part, it's all eddie all the time. cw: minors dni, adult themes, some smut references. angst. hurt/comfort. lots of mentions of poverty/hunger, sleep deprivation, all around eddie having a bad time. cigarettes/mild drinking but nothing inherently like -- bad? idk. unpopular ship mentioned. i did NOT proof read this.
The alley behind Macy's was a safe haven. Cold, a blue black, poorly paved, with nothing but the dumpters of other stores and the rats to keep him company. Eddie nursed a cigarette on his third smoke break of the night, two bad customers away from a total nervous breakdown. His anxiety built higher every day, every rush, every icy road report -- more people yelling, more people stressed out, more car accidents he'd have to clean up. Wayne's been in an out of the doctor's office more often and it's looking like he might have to retire early. The cigarette loses it's flame and he curses under his breath when he goes to light it again, the nicotine soothing his lips and tongue with a slow steady burn.
You never got to decorate cookies together on his impromptu 'sick day', you hadn't returned any of his calls. Not that he thought he was off the hook or anything, but he did basically write you a fifty two page love letter. If he had the time he'd come by your apartment to apologize in person but at this point exhaustion had started to over stay it's welcome. He could barely make it to the pharmacy on his nights off to get Wayne's medication. The guys at the auto shop could tell something was starting to go very left, 'cause why was the youngest guy there the one who couldn't keep up anymore?
And Eddie really couldn't keep up anymore.
At least his commission in the shoe section was doubling daily.
The cold bites his cheeks while he finishes his cigarette, tossing the butt on the dirty, uneven pavement and crushing out the flame with his work shoes. He rubs his eyes, heavy and swollen with lack of sleep, with scrubbed fingernail hands and sighs. Just another hour and he can go home, just another hour and it's not a closing shift, he can go home at seven like normal people with regular jobs.
He drops his coat off in the cubby area upstairs, stopping in the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. He inspects himelf, eyes half closing in disappointement while he does -- he looks like a shell of himself. He hadn't picked up his guitar in months, didn't turn the radio on anymore -- opting for silence since it was so rare for him to hear between Macy's, the shop, and Wayne's breathing machine at night.
He takes his hair down, shaking out the curls that had at least dried into waving perfection last night, and gives it a shake before putting it back up in a neat ponytail. His bangs sit on his forehead, a few strands framing his now gaunt face. He practices an awake smile in the mirror before he completely deflates -- one bad interaction, one rude look, one snap from a boss, and he'd lose it. The rawness sat in a lump in his throat, a grenade of tears ready to blow if the pin is even so much as nudged.
The door to the back rooms squeaks open on its hinges, revealing the never ending click of boots, heels, sneakers, and men's shoes on the sining tile of Macy's walkway floors. In the beginning, the scent of the perfume section across the way and the bright lights of jewelry used to be an assault on his senses -- but as Wayne says 'You can get used to anything.'
"You good, Ed?" he hears, and turns his head -- it's Angie. Angie is his favorite coworker because she makes the best and meanest jokes about people. If it wasn't for some nights closing with Angie he would've left this job a long time ago. He'd been keeled over in laughs with a duster in his hand so many times that it almost seemed wrong to abandon her there.
"Yeah," he furrows his brow at her, "Should I not be?"
"Some pretty boy's been looking for you," she says, nodding over to the boots section, "You got another business I don't know about?"
A grin stretches across her frosted red lipstick'd lips, crinkling her overlined and spider lashed eyes. She's what Eddie and the guys at Forest Hills would have called 'trailer park pretty' if she was thirty years younger.
"They would be so lucky, wouldn't they?" Ed smirks back, eyes following her nod and landing on a head of beautifully coiffed chestnut hair, "Harrington?"
Steve's eyes perk up like a golden retreiver, a winning smile spreading across his face with a flash of white teeth in it's wake, "Hey, Ed!"
Angie gasps when she realizes who it is, "Oh shit! Is this the guy that --"
"Shh, shut up Ange," Ed huffs, waving her off while Steve comes up to approach him.
"Hey dude, I was hoping you were here. I uh, got a pretty big collection to get tonight so I figured -- you know, I'd come say hi and ask for your help." It's frustrating how pleasant Steve is. How warm his demeanor radiates to others, his candor, the way that he stands. It's annoying that a denim button under a cozy green sweater looks good on him. It makes Eddie sick that he can pull off wire-rim glasses and still look his age, that he smells like spice but not in a cheap way. A twinge of fear shook in his chest when a seed of assumption planted itself in his head -- was this why you weren't answering his calls? Was Steve Harrington smothering you with Christmas spirit every night?
"Yeah, man, sure," Eddie responds like the world isn't sitting directly on his shoulders, which -- he observed -- were not nearly as broad as Steve's, "How can I help you?"
"I need like, four pairs of Moon Boots," he shrugs, "Guess they're in style again? My sister's and nieces want matching pairs so like -- two in a size 8 and then, if you have it, two in a size 4 kids?"
"What color? We have white, purple, black, some metallics," Eddie lists on his fingers, "Well, maybe not black -- those probably sold out already."
"You got silver? Pink, maybe?" Steve shrugs, "I'm just trying to get these wrapped by tomorrow."
Christmas Eve. Ed had almost forgotten.
"Let me see what we have and I'll bring it out," he offers. He wants to ask about you but it seems too obvious. You must have talked about the fight or about him in general, how else would Steve know he worked here? How else would he know to come looking for him.
Moments later, Ed comes out with four boxes, "I have two in silver and two in pink -- so it looks like your nieces will be matching and your sisters will be matching. Does that work?"
"Oh shit, that's perfect," Steve smiles the same winning smile. Eddie wonders for a moment what it feels like to smile genuinely, it's felt like years since he had. He guesses that when you're Steve Harrington, you must get to smile pretty often. Rich, girls love him, former captain of the basketball team, has a masters degree, painstakingly handsome -- no wonder you called him after your fight. Damn, he would too.
"Is that all?" Ed asks, reaching up to run a hand over the five o'clock shadow speckling his chin.
"No, actually, sorry. I need some like, work boots, if you sell those here -- is that okay?" Steve asks.
"Work boots like, how? Like construction?" he asks, "You're a teacher, Harrington."
"Yeah but my uh, my roommate -- he's not in construction but he's on a whole bunch of terrain for work -- desperately needs good shoes for that," he explains.
"What's he do?" Ed asks, guiding him over to the display of Timberlands and Doc Martens.
"He's a photojournalist -- he's all over the place," Steve answers, "He's worn his sneakers down to the sole and like, swears their okay --"
"Jonothan Byer's is your roommate?" Eddie asks, making the connection. He'd only known him from their photography class they shared in Eddie's second senior year, but he knew enough to know he went into journalism shortly after college.
"Yeah," Steve nods, running a hand through his hair.
"Hm," Eddie looks over the shoes and looks up at him, "If I can be honest -- he's gotta be quick on his feet, right? These are gonna be too heavy for him to be walking around in. You might just want to get him some higher quality running sneakers. There's a Foot Locker downstairs if you wanna check that out? A lot of our sneakers are sold out until next week."
"Hmm, shit," Steve clicks his tongue, "Well um -- could I maybe try a pair?"
"Of Docs?" Eddie asks with a laugh.
"Yeah, of Docs -- I can be hip and cool, too, Munson," Steve's faux defense is charming. Eddie wonders what else you find charming about him.
Part of it feels degrading, kneeling down in front of Steve, lacing and relacing each new and different pair of boots he tries on -- but at this point he's buying seven pairs of shoes and the commission alone will cover at least a month of groceries so he's not complaining.
"So you don't hate me, huh?" Eddie asks, slipping a lighter weight Timberland over one of Steve's argyle socks.
"Why would I hate you?" Steve cocks his head, amber eyes catching in the light.
"Oh, did she not talk about it?" Eddie flushes. Why would you talk about him? Your loser mechanic (maybe ex) boyfriend who works at the mall, and at the auto shop, and sometimes sells drugs.
"Your fight from last week?" Steve raises his brows, "Yeah, she talked to me about it. But I woudn't hate you for that."
Ed tightens the laces up his foot to his ankle with care, "Why not?"
"I mean, you're doing a lot right now," Steve shrugs, "I think it can be hard when you're teaching little ones, especially this time of year, to not get caught up in the magic -- you sort of popped her bubble. But y'know, it was sort of a reminder to her that not everyone has it so good."
"She didn't deserve me yelling at her like that, though," Eddie shakes his head, he can feel the threat of the grenade pin tugging on his heart strings. One false move. One shake. One nudge, and he'll blow.
"You're doing the best you can," Steve offers kindly. Eddie swallows hard, offering him a tight smile.
"Thanks. I'm trying, I'm--" he shakes out the tingle of a cry before tying up the laces, "I'm trying really hard."
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By the time Steve checks out it's about 7:15 and Eddie wants nothing more than to go to bed. His back hurts, he's gotta make sure Wayne took his medication, he's gotta eat sleep for dinner for the third night in a row.
"Thanks so much," Steve beams, "This is great, thanks for your help."
"Yeah, no problem dude," Eddie sighs, running a hand over his face again, "Have a good holiday."
"You done for the night?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, just gotta y'know -- grab my shit and go," he shrugs.
"You wanna grab some dinner with me in the food court or something?" Steve asks, balancing the many shopping bags he'd collected this evening in his hands.
"I don't know, dude. I don't wanna keep you or anything," Eddie says. His stomach clenches at the word dinner, his body reacting like a dog who just heard the sentence 'you wanna go outside?'
"You're not keeping me," Steve assures, "C'mon, it's on me."
Before he knows it, Eddie's been corralled into a mall food court, sitting slumped over on the sticky table. He tunes out the shreiks of children, the tinny Christmas music playing in the background of the cocophany of noise that is the mall on December 23rd. His forehead sticks to the leather jacket over his forearm, only lifting it up when he hears the slap of a plastic tray being put down in front of him. He surveys the Burger King in front of him and huffs a laugh, it'd been a long time since he'd ventured into the food court. He almost forgot what fast food looked like after the past few months of thin ham sandwhiches or cold cans Spaghettio's.
"So why didn't you try to swoop in?" Ed asked, toying with a french fry before biting off the end, "When you went to her house the other night?"
He savors the oil and salt on his tongue, warm and crispy on the fry disolving in his mouth while he waits for a response.
"Swoop in?" Steve asks, shaking his head, "No, I wouldn't. We just -- we work together. She's my work friend."
"So you never thought about what the kids say?" Eddie challenges, still trying to keep it light hearted, "How the first grade teachers should get married?"
"Her classroom is across from mine and we make lesson plans together," he assures, "What the kids say is what the kids say. They're six, what do they know?"
"Whatever you say, Harrington," Eddie shrugs.
"Munson, seriously -- she's my friend. She's not my type," he offers. The way he says it stings Eddie, what's not his type about you? You're perfect. You're the best person he knows.
"The card thing though? That was cute. I'm gonna put that in my arsenal if I ever fuck up," Steve laughs. Eddie chest rattles when he realizes that Steve was still there for that. He never even knew your reaction.
Eddie clears his throat, "Did um -- did she like it?"
Steve nods with a lazy smile, "Yeah, she liked it."
"Did she say anything?" he asks hopefully.
"She cried," Steve answered, Eddie leans his head on his hands, "I know that might not be what you wanted to hear."
"I didn't wanna make her cry more," he explains, "I wanted to make her happy."
"They were happy tears," Steve encourages with a nod, "She knows you love her. She loves you, too."
"Then why isn't she answering my calls?" he asks, another fry passing his lips.
"I think she's hurt, a little embarrassed. You know how girls are, they never come right out and say it," he shrugs, taking a bite of his cheeseburger. Ketchup drips out onto the paper mat on the plastic tray with a wet plop, Eddie sighs.
"Did you end up getting anything for her for Christmas?"
"No I -- I can't afford it this year," Eddie rubs his eyes again, more swollen and aching than before. Heat beams through his cheeks in embarrassment, tinging pink and then red.
"Well I had an idea," he offers, "If you're up for it."
"Yeah, go for it Harrington. Shoot," he says, the enthusiasm was greatly lacking.
"Well her uh, her class room needs a lot of repairs and the custodial team isn't really equipped for that. The school'll either bare bones it for her or make her pay for it out of pocket if she asks," he starts, "And she told me you're really handy, y'know, working at the garage and all. So maybe you could take care of her class room this week while we're out for break. I can let you in and everything."
He mulls it over in his head, "That's a really good idea, actually. I could um, I could ask the guys at the shop if I could borrow some tools."
"And there's a bunch of wood palettes in the backrooms at Medvald's. Jon said he's happy to get them out of there for you," Steve says with a smile.
"Oh, so you already talked about this?" Eddie smirks.
"Well, yeah, kind of," he blushes, "I was asking around just to see if it was a plausible kind of thing."
"Definitely a plausible thing," he nods, taking a bite of his own cheese burger. He holds back the moan in his chest from eating something warm and mildly filling after such a long time, "Do you think she'd like it?"
"Oh, Munson," Steve shoots him the 'okay' sign, "She'd lose her mind. All she does is complain about how nothing ever works and everything's falling apart. Doesn't even have new chalk."
"Chalk I can definitely handle," he laughs, "I think I can afford chalk."
He feels a moment of calm wash over him when the van rumbles to life in the parking garage. Finally heading home and going to sleep with a full belly, finally with a plan to make you happy, finally feeling like after the new year things can go back to normal. He flicks on the radio and doesn't even change the station when Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas' crackles through the speakers. He heard it 700 times today, happy to hear it for the 701st.
It was your new favorite song, after all.
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Eddie woke up feeling slightly refreshed on Christmas Eve, the dull ache in his back mildly relieved. He fished into his pajama pants for his lighter, flicking it a few times before getting the fuse lit for his morning cigarette. He stood at the open door, bathrobe tied tight around him, and listened to the hum of Wayne's machine from the other end of trailer. The mug of black coffee in his hands had the bitterness cut by the soft sweetness of cinnamon -- that's what you always did this time of year.
'I like making it a little festive for you, honey,' you'd giggle, 'Don't be such a Grinch.'
He wished he appreciated it more, all the little things you did to try to make him happy. The faces in fruit on his pancakes some mornings, making his old favorites for dinner at your place, 'build your own sundae' nights. Scratching his head, scalp massages, hand massages. You'd call them man-icures so he didn't feel weird about you doing his nails and softening his callouses. He didn't care that it was just a manicure with a stupid name, all he cared about was your cute face when you concentrated on his cuticles. He missed your laugh, the way you tap your pen out to your favorite songs when you're grading papers or writing lesson plans, your elaborate schemes to make learning subtraction more fun. The way you're kind to everyone, all the time, constantly. When he first started taking you out he'd get embarrassed by how forward you were with people, how you'd make small talk with cashiers, or grab someone's hand to tell them their nails looked beautiful.
Maybe in a lot of ways, he wished he was more like you to start.
He took a shower and slipped on his coveralls, opting to be one of two guys in the shop today. Him and George. It was George's garage, and for the past six years, Eddie had always volunteered to be the emergency mechanic on deck on Christmas Eve. He got paid time and a half and never had to wait for the check, he'd always get paid at the end of the day.
He laces his boots before trudging down the hall to wake Wayne, taking off his machine and flipping the switch.
"I'm headed out," he whispers, "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Wayne groans when he sits up on the rickety mattress, "I have a new perscription, not sure if the pharmacy'll be open but would you be able to pick it up on the way back. They called last night but I couldn't make it to the phone, it's ready I think."
"Yeah, I'll grab it on my lunch break Wayne," he softens the more he looks at him, "Have some coffee already to go for you on the table, there's a couple eggs left for you too."
"Thank ya, son," his voice is grizzly, but it still feels like home.
Eddie shivers his way into the shop, George in the office organizing some files. The day was always slow, but there were some cars still in need of fixing so he got right to work.
"Hey George," he calls, knocking on the door.
"Hey kid," he calls back, "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, round six," he laughs back. He goes back to the break room and drops off his coat and his back pack. Normally he'd have you to look forward to later with a plate of cookies from your family's Christmas Eve party and some left overs expertly packed. You'd drive an hour and a half to bring it down to him and then an hour and a half back to spend Christmas with your family. But not before he gave you a present, or multiple presents, in the break room when George went out to get a six pack.
"Ed," he calls again, "C'mere when you're done dropping your shit."
Eddie heads over to the office, leaning on the door frame, "'Sup bossman?"
"Someone left a message for ya on the answering machine, think it's the pharmacy," he said, "Ya might wanna give 'em a call, s'probably for your uncle."
"Oh, yeah, I think his prescription's ready," he nodded, "Can I use your phone?"
"Yeah, by all means," he said, pushing it toward him, "Want me to give you a minute?"
Ed shakes his head no, "It's fine, just a quick call." He's got the number memorized by heart at this point, clicking the numbers on the grease stained white plastic buttons while barely looking at the machine.
"Hawkins Pharmacy, this is Debbie," Eddie smiles because he knows Debbie. He likes Debbie a lot.
"Hi Deb, it's Eddie, Eddie Munson," he says, "Calling for my uncle, looks like you called my work. I was gonna come by and pick up his meds on my break, will you guys be open?"
"Oh um, about his prescription Ed..." she starts, and he can hear the hesitation in her voice. The clip in the grenade buried in his chest jiggles slightly, he takes in a breath through his nose.
"What's up?" he asks, his voice his short and curt.
"Well, he changed his insurance recently, as you know and -- well there's a lapse in his coverage right now. His new plan doesn't activate until the first," she expains.
"Okay, and what does that mean?" he says, his palms sweat onto the cool plastic of the phone, his ear sticks to the receiver.
"Basically," she says, and then sighs, "His current insurance can't cover it and neither can is upcoming insurance, so the prescription has to be paid out of pocket."
"Um -- uh, fuck -- okay," he says, a chill courses through him, tightening his veins. The pin jiggles again, "H-how much?"
"For the month?" she asks, "For this prescription it's, hold on, let me check...it's looking like it'll come out to around..." she takes a breath of defeat.
"Around three hundred dollars, Ed," she says softly.
"Three hundred..." he repeats back quietly, "Is there like, is there a cheaper version cause he like..."
His voice cracks, the pin rattles dangerously while his eyes start to sting with oncoming tears, "He really needs these pills, Debbie."
"This is the cheapest option," she says apologetically, "I'm so sorry."
"I'll um, I'll figure it out," he shakes his head, "I'll come by and I'll figure it out. Thanks uh, thanks for letting me know Deb."
He doesn't wait to hear her response before he hangs up the phone, quickly leaving the office to go back to the break room. He sniffles in big shuddering breaths, sweat dripping down his back despite the lack of heat in the garage.
"Kid," George says softly, following behind him, "Hey, Munson. What's goin' on?"
He feels George's big hand on his shoulder, the soft squeeze on the muscle under his skin.
"I can't afford my uncle's medication," he says, the pin jiggles, "I mean I can, but like, if I get his medication I'll be late in paying the gas bill, but if they turn the gas off there goes our heat. Or I can delay the electric bill but if they turn the lights out he can't use his machine at night. So maybe I could like, go out tonight after this and shovel some driveways in the rich neighborhoods or -- I could -- I could --"
The pin falls.
He breaks.
He breaks hard.
Eddie's cries turn to wails, his body shaking with hunger and exhaustion and the unbearable heaviness of having to be himself. The tears pour in droves down his face while he tries to catch up with them, trying to find the words to explain to George that he's okay, he'll figure it out.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay, it's okay," George soothes, his aged face crumpling while he watches Eddie break down in front of him. He pulls him in tight, a hand plopping ontop on his mess of curls.
"Why don't you tell me what's been goin' on? You haven't been yourself for months," he says softly, "Talk to me."
George smells like Old Spice and Newports, it's a scent that's always made him feel safe. Like having a second dad -- well, a third dad, if you count his real dad. He never counts his real dad, though.
Eddie sits down at the table while George takes a couple of beers out of the fridge and places them down in front of them. He cracks them open and settles down, two sets of brown eyes meeting each other.
He begins.
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"Well if Wayne was sick why didn't you tell me?" George exclaims, "I've known Wayne longer than you've lived in Hawkins, boy. I would've helped you figure somethin' out. Taking shifts at Macy's? At Christmas time? No wonder you're so exhausted."
"I mean, I'm young. I can do it," Eddie shrugs.
"Those bags under your eyes say you can't," he says matter of factly, "And y'know you shouldn't have to. You're -- damn you're a kid."
"I'm like, inching towards thirty George," he laughs.
"And what about your little girlfriend? She not helping?"
"That's..." he sighs, "That's a whole other mess."
Eddie rehashes the story he told Wayne last week and then Steve's visit from yesterday, "So today I was gonna ask if I could borrow some tools and go in tomorrow or something to fix everything up. But now I gotta figure out how I'm gonna make an extra three hundred bucks for these meds."
"How about this," George starts, "You've been workin' for me a long time. You come early and you stay late. You cover for everyone. You know -- damn -- you know more about cars than I do and I've been runnin' this place for thirty years. How about you take this week off to work on your girl's classroom and I'll see you after the New Year."
"I can't. I need to work, George, I need the mo--"
"How about," he interjects, loud and stern, "You take the week off to work on your girl's classroom and get some rest, and I will pay you for the week. It's not like you're just sittin' on your ass."
"I can do that, that's not f--"
"If you say no again, I'm just gonna fire you. Is that what you want?" George challenges.
"No sir," Eddie quickly shakes his head and shuts his mouth.
"And," the older man continues, "I will cover the cost of Wayne's pills. I'll go pick them up at lunch for 'im and drop 'em off. 'Bout time I caught up with that geezer anyway."
The tears build back up in Eddie's eyes, his mouth lets out a sputtered version of a 'Thank you'.
"You gotta stop pretending like you have to do everything yourself," George's voice holds a fatherly fondness when he gets up and tosses their empty beers in the trash.
"C'mere, kid," he chuckles while Eddie tearily gets up out of the chair and back into the dad like embrace of his boss.
"You got ten minutes, but then we got some cars to fix."
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Eddie didn't tell Wayne about the insurance lapse or the pills, even though he was surprised to see George at the trailer park that afternoon. Eddie went home with his tool belt from work, his time and a half, and a little extra that his boss insisted he take with him. Wished him luck on his repairs and that he'd see him on the 2nd.
He was warned that if he didn't rest, Wayne would tell him, and it would mean hell for him at the shop.
Eddie'd already been through hell, so he didn't really want to have to do it again.
Christmas morning came and Eddie woke Wayne up to a cup of coffee and some breakfast.
"Thanks, son," he said smoothly, pushing in his chair at the table in the kitchenette, "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas," he wished back, tapping some cinnamon into each of their cups of coffee.
"What's that for?" he asks before a harrowing cough bubbles out of his chest. He takes a sip of coffee to ease the ache of the rattle in his throat.
"It's just festive, Wayne," he teases, "Don't be a Scrooge."
"Doing anything today?" Wayne asks, eyes casting up to look at the old pictures of a younger Eddie sat on Santa's lap. No longer a holiday where they stayed home and snuggled, where he played with his toys, where there was magic.
"Gonna go fix up my girl's classroom as a gift," he says, picking at his nails, "Thought it'd be a nice gesture."
"She hasn't called ya back, hm?"
Eddie shakes his head, already dressed in the Black Sabbath shirt you got him that he hadn't gotten a chance to properly thank you for. The chain you got repaired hung aroung his neck delicately, the pick hitting his chest in a gentle reminder that you're still here with him. You had to be. He'd know if you just decided to be done with him.
By the time the late afternoon rolled around he hopped in his van after Wayne fell asleep in the recliner. The perk of the holidays was that he could drive around in the rich neighborhoods and no one was out to give him and his car dirty looks. No one was around to be confused that Steve Harrington was hopping into his passengers seat to head to Melvald's. No one was around to be confused as to while they were loading wood from broken down pallets into the ample trunk space.
"Good holiday?" Eddie asks.
"Same holiday it always is," he shrugs, "My parents weren't around so I stayed home. Jonothan went to California with Joyce to go visit Will so he wouldn't have to pay to fly home."
"That's lonely," Eddie mutters, "Sorry dude."
"Don't be sorry, I'm used to it," he looks out the window. Steve looks well dressed for repairs -- a pair of worn in jeans, white on white Air Forces, an Izod half zip sweat shirt -- he might as well look like a father of three, "Have you heard from her at all?"
"No -- I left her a message on her answering machine, but I think she's already up with her family. I don't know what she told them so -- I don't want to bother her parents if they're upset with me," he explains.
"They'd never be upset with you," Steve shakes his head, "They're good people."
"I'm sure they wish on a star every night that she was with you, Harrington," he jokes.
"You'd think, right?" Steve laughs, "No, she told me how much they like you. They think you're so good to her -- you are so good to her."
Steve speaks about you with a fondness that makes Eddie wonder. He softens, looking over at him while he turns down the road to the elementary school, "Do um...do you wish it was you?"
"I already told you, man. I love her to death, but she's not my type," he laughs again, but there's a pain there.
"You keep saying that but like -- are you sure? 'Cause you can tell me it's not weird," he assures.
"She hasn't told you?" Steve asks, brows furrowing.
"Told me what? Did you guys used to fuck, or something?" Eddie asks, his heart hammering, "Did you fuck the other ni--"
"No, no, Ed I'm --" he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm gay," he says quietly, "Like, Jonathan isn't my roommate he's -- he's my partner. I'm gay."
There's a silence there for a moment and Eddie shifts in his seat a red light. Oh, I'm such a fucking idiot. Of course that's why they aren't together. I thought maybe he had a weird dick or something.
"That's y'know," Ed shrugs, "That's cool with me, man. Like, silence equals death and all that."
"Oh, shut up man," Steve laughs and shakes his head, putting his hand up to stop him from talking, "Don't like, do that all shit. I'm just surprised she hadn't said anything."
"If you told her not to, she wont," Eddie's voice drops to something sweet, "She's a good girl like that. Great secret keeper. Great -- Oh, shit..."
When the boys pull into the lot, Eddie's surprised to see a couple more trucks sitting by with their lights on, doors opening at the sight of them. A gruff voice calls out from the dark, a light snow obscuring him and the name on his coverall.
"How long were you gonna keep us waiting here, kid? It's a holiday."
George's gruff voice cuts the silence, a couple of the guys from the shop chuckle in the background. Eddie smiles, a genuine, warm smile -- the kind he envied from a couple nights ago that he saw from Steve. These were people who cared about him, who wanted to help. This was, he guessed, was what Christmas was really about. This was what you were trying to tell him the whole time. His heart breaks all over again, and he swears he can feel the pulse of your heart beat in the guitar pick hanging at his chest.
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By the 27th, most of the repairs had been done. The help from the guys was beyond what he could've imagined. They were able to replace part of the roof that had water damage, fix the windows, repair a cracked pane, build a new bookcase, fix the wobble in all of the desks, and yours. Now, he was just adding a new coat of paint after spending the morning chipping off all the shards of it that were falling off. In his backpack was an overflow of new chalk, pens and pencils, markers, crayons, construction paper, pipe cleaners, and glue. The guys went through their kids bookcases at home and donated a slew of new books for the room -- some duplicates, too.
He felt good. He'd gotten two nights of adequate sleep, heeding George's warning that he has to rest. He was able to buy a good crop of groceries and most of the guys from work came by to drop off so many Christmas cookies that Wayne was nervous he'd start losing his teeth too. Now, all he had to wait for was you. For you to come in on Friday and see his surprise when you dropped in for your professional development day with Steve. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave flowers or gingerbread men with the card but he figured he'd cross that bridge when he --
He jumped, nearly falling off the ladder he was on to reattach over head light that had rusted on the ceiling, "Jesus Christ!"
He clutched his chest, letting his heart rate settle down when at the bottom of the ladder, there you stood. His face blushed pink, pulse ping ponging through his wrists at the sight of you.
"Hi, sweetheart," he smiles, "This um...this was supposed to be a surprise."
"Who told you?" you asked, looking around, "About all my stuff?"
Eddie climbed down the ladder carefully, "Steve came to the store, told me that you needed some help. I figured y'know, if I couldn't get you a present I could just -- I could make you one."
"It's not done yet though, I still have to paint and put all your art supplies away," he explains, meeting you in the center of the room. He looks at you and then at the tears in your eyes, the heat rising in your cheeks. You don't say anything, his heart races in embarrassment. Maybe it wasn't enough, maybe you didn't like it. Maybe you wanted to do it yourself.
"And um, the guys from the shop, they uh, they brought books," he says, walking over to the new bookcase, "And I uh, I built this, like, with my hands."
He painted it to match the rest of the decor, a fun bright color that would hopefully draw the kids in to read. You'd mentioned that the got bored with the same ten books and weren't sharing well -- half of the books were falling apart since there wasn't anywhere to put them.
"And uh, I got you some new chalk -- white obviously, but I got you some multi-colored sets cause I know you like to do little sketches on the board during holidays and like, with spring comin' up maybe you could do little flowers or something?" he doesn't realize it, but he's gasping through his rambled sentences. Watching you walk toward him slowly.
"It's okay if you don't like it," he assures, "You can tell me and I can fix it I just wanted to--"
Your kiss feels like a spoonful of summer warmed honey on his cold lips. It trails down his throat and into his chest, down through his fingertips and his toes. He feels your soft hands cup his face, resting against his cold prickly cheeks. He's afraid to touch your face because you haven't given him a manicure yet this week. He doesn't want to scratch you with his rough hands, so he places them around you instead, frowning when you finally break away with a soft click.
"I just wanted to do something nice," he says against your lips.
"This is the best gift ever," you whisper quietly, a little sniffle stifling your cry, "It's very nice."
"Merry Christmas, baby," he smiles, leaning in for another kiss.
"Merry Christmas," you wish between kisses.
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He wakes up wrapped up in you, in your sheets, in your scent, peering at you while you sleep soundly next to him. You both had barely made it through the door of your apartment before you both had shed your clothes -- landing on the bed with a mutual 'oof!'
It had been so long since he'd been present. Savoring every soft moan out of your mouth, every shake of your thighs, everything whine, every clench, the way you'd rake your nails down his back, the way you'd pulse when he held your hand. You both laid there together after round one, eating cookies in bed (which you'd allowed just this once), while he told you everything. About how hard it had been taking two jobs, how he'd completely shut down, about Wayne's insurance lapse, about the guys at work, about Steve coming to Macy's, about how much he loved the gifts you got. About how he cried the night he yelled at you but was too afraid to face you after because he felt so awful. He listened when you told him that you just needed some time, but that you felt awful that you weren't there when he needed you.
"Need you all the time," he mumbled between heated kisses, "Never lettin' you outta my sight."
His eyes rolled and his toes curled when you took him in your mouth, letting you take the lead. He gasped and writhed, whining for more when your tongue swirled and sucked, showing him how much you missed him. How you'll always take care of him -- and he made sure to show you how he'll take care of you back.
Round three was long and drawn out, slow and sensual, close and quiet -- your boom box playing low static by the end.
Your eyes opened, stretching out when you see him sitting up in bed.
"You heading out?" you yawn.
"No, baby," he smiles down at you before laying back down, losing himself under the covers with you again, "I have the week off, so I'm intending to spend every moment I'm not with Wayne, in this bed, with you."
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ddoxhan · 1 year
your existence
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like your shining smile, you brighten up my world with your existence
word count : 1.9k words
genre : fluff; when hanni comes over to blue rain for her cup of coffee but after you clocked in to work; florist!hanni x fem!reader (a year older than hanni); BREAKING: actual sighting of two lovesick puppies
t/w : none :)
a/n : here's part 2 as requested by y'all <3 there will be a part 3 with the way I ended this but it will take some time as I have loads of assignments to finish :') meanwhile, here's this to enjoy !!
usually, the florist comes over real early for her regular vanilla latte, making her the first customer of the day. however, she decides to sleep in a little before starting her routine, and you decided to show up a little earlier after running late twice. (chaewon was going to cut your pay and you were here to make some extra to buy that switch)
that meant, chaewon would usually be the one opening the shop to make the first drink of the day for hanni. you, being a nice friend and employee decided to open the shop for her this time round because fingers crossed, minju might actually let you off early on some days when she comes to know of your good deed. (or maybe you just know your crush comes over early for her coffee and you want to see the most beautiful person in the world to start your day)
you pedaled harder than usual with spring love songs playing in your earphones, scaring chaewon a little when you blasted your spring playlist in the cafe because you were one grumpy kid during the season of spring. (she had experienced it thrice and was extremely ready to get you to try a dating app)
it was undeniable that even you yourself, felt that you were more giddy and giggly recently, because of a certain someone who works at the florist shop that is two lots before blue rain. it took you some time to realize that you were crushing on her and when you told chaewon and minju, the two looked at each other before hugging you at the same time. they were so proud that you finally like someone, perhaps even love, as they were so worried you might actually die alone in the future. (jokes aside, they genuinely thought you were asexual at one point)
although it was slightly tough trying to open the cafe on your own for the first time, you did a pretty good job at managing things. coffee machines, tables and chairs, windows, floors, even the storage room. you made sure everything was in place before you flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'. the clock struck 8 and your favourite person should step in anytime soon to get her usual vanilla latte. (the coffees weren't your expertise, but you learnt the vanilla latte specifically from chaewon so that you'd be able to make her favourite drink anytime she drops by)
30 minutes passed by and still no sign of her. it was weird since she was always on time with opening the shop, and you were growing worried that she might be sick and decided to close for the day. if that was the case, you'd clock out this instant to check up on her. how did you come to know where she lived? you decided to offer to walk her back one day when you were about to ride back to your place, seizing the chance to spend more time with your crush.
she gladly accepted your offer, the smile on your face widening so obviously that the girl had to look away to stop herself from smiling too, and from falling even harder for you than she already did. riding your bike would take less than 5 minutes but walking would take about 15 and no way were you choosing the bike. she was the one who asked, and seeing how you refused to ride and walk instead, made her feel hopeful that you felt the same way that she did. (at first, it was one lovesick puppy, now it's two)
just as you were ready to grab your coat, the bell on the door rang as it opened, revealing the one and only person you had been waiting in nervousness the entire morning.
"morning, unnie! I didn't think I'd see you here this early."
hanni flashes you her signature smile that literally has your heart skip a beat, each and every time without failure. somehow, you wish it stays that way because the butterflies makes you feel all giddy on the inside, and the only person who succeeds in doing it is her.
"good morning, hanni. you know, just happened to wake up early. the usual right?"
when you tried your best and you don't succeed. yeah, the nonchalant reply did nothing to mask the intention of yours to see her and even have her drink order embedded in your head.
"hmm, I come here so often that you remember my orders."
as you keyed in her order into the cashier, she leans closer to the machine, looking at you from an angle that has you swooning over her adorable antics, but you did a fairly good job at hiding it from your face.
"of course, you're our favourite customer."
"are you sure? or am I your favourite customer?"
but her flirting always gets you down bad for her, it's like she has done this many times before. the thought of it kills you on the inside a little but you didn't jump to conclusion on the spot, knowing it's not right to do so. (and to be honest, hanni's been in a relationship only once and that was back in elementary school. so that's invalid, meaning she just really loved teasing you and see you turn into a red tomato)
"o-of course! chaewon-unnie and minju-unnie likes you a lot too..."
a red tomato you turned into indeed. to ease down that burning blush, you attempted to cool down by running your hand down your nape. but every time you feel like you calmed down, she pulls another move on you to make you turn into a darker shade of red.
"aww, that's a shame, cause you are my favourite barista."
"I'll get your drink done in a few minutes!"
all you could do was look away and shut your eyes close, distracting yourself with work so you don't hyperventilate and walk over the counter to hug hanni. the urge was so strong, but so was your self control. (at times like this, why is your self control so good? it should be like this when you shop)
while you were trying your best to avoid eye contact due to your very evident crimson ears, hanni just stared harder from the side. she found the way that you were just so shy but tried hard to not be, extremely endearing.
and one of the reasons is because she likes you so much that everything about you was adorable to her. you being slightly shorter, the dimples that appear when you laugh, your habit of scrunching your nose occasionally. this girl was head over heels for you but you were so dense, you could never tell. (and her too, that you literally just blush so hard because you like her, a lot. she thought you were just a really shy person)
"here's your vanilla latte, have a great day!"
you were trying very hard to brush away those compliments from your mind and tell yourself that she was just being friendly. although hanni was really just blatantly flirting with you, quoted from chaewon. for real, it made her so frustrated that you two really were just two dumb puppies who couldn't realize each other's feelings for one another.
"thanks unnie! and no worries, it's already extremely great when I get to see my favourite barista."
as you handed her the cup, the slight brush of her hand over yours drove your brain into overdrive and you just stopped functioning. it didn't help that she even winked at you as she said that before stepping out of the cafe to head back to the florist shop.
all you could do was stand there like an idiot you are, again quoted from chaewon. you could always trust her to roast you like no tomorrow but she only does that because she cares for you like you're her little baby sister. (she actually shed a tear when you told her that you have feelings for hanni)
speaking of the devil, the front door opens revealing her as she steps in with knitted brows due to you having your mouth open with widened eyes.
"what are you doing?"
just as you heard her speak, that was only when you snapped out of your daze.
"hanni just called me her favourite barista..."
"well, congratulations on finally realizing."
the unsurprised and dry tone made you glare at her, a huge contrast of whatever happened earlier. if hanni made you feel butterflies and brightened up the store like the sun, chaewon's reply brought the rain with her. very inclined with the cafe's name.
"you knew?"
"oh my god, you're one clueless idiot."
you clearly saw how she rolled her eyes, as if being very done with whatever she's going through. (of course she is, she literally has to witness every time hanni drops by and see you two all giggly like high school girls)
"and what's that supposed to mean?"
"exactly what it's suppose to mean."
all she really wishes is for you and hanni to get together as soon as possible cause this whole situation is just so suffocating for her. her and minju didn't even last a week of flirting cause chaewon quite literally asked her to be her girlfriend when they were on their third date. by giving her a kiss by the way. (if you were on a bicycle, she was on a bulldozer)
"I hate you."
although you muttered under your breath, if it comes to things said about her (and her girlfriend), she develops an amazing sense of hearing. and you really just wish that you kept your mouth shut during these kind of times.
"I heard that, and I'll be cutting out three days of salary from your total."
"I love you so much, ms. chaewon. you're the best boss. I'll head to the storeroom to check on the stocks."
flashing your capitalist smile, you headed to the back knowing she'll let you off the hook. chaewon might make it seem like she's annoyed and very done with you, but it makes you feel very warm. being the only child in the family, you've always wished to have a brother or sister who you could rely on. you've always had a hard time expressing your feelings and thoughts, and without even needing to say anything, she's always there for you to lean onto. just like a sister.
you smile to yourself, thinking about how you've come to enjoy your days recently. chaewon, minju, and hanni. you couldn't ask for more from god cause he blessed you with the existence of these three people in your life. a sister, a good friend, and? a crush?
leaning back against the wall, you wondered. crush doesn't really sound that nice. perhaps you should make it girlfriend. yeah, that rolls off your tongue so much better. maybe you should finally confess, after 3 months of meeting hanni. you do have to admit that after she appeared in your life, days have been nothing but cherry blossoms and spring breezes for you. you constantly remind yourself that you were the person who hated spring with their guts.
you changed the moment you met her that day where those baby breaths and lemon candies brought you two together, and that's when you knew.
her existence made you love spring, as she was your spring.
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buckingham-truther · 1 month
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Chapter One
Characters: Robin Buckley & Chrissy Cunningham. Background Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson
Summary: Just a cute little coffee shop AU
Word Count: 1056
Warnings: None for this chapter
A/N: This story is very much a work in progress, I have almost no plan for it and so please keep this in mind when reading future chapters. The warning may appear as the plot develops.
The gentle hum of the coffee machine and the talk of customers over it allowed Robin to get too far into her head over the disaster of a date she had been on last night. Becky had been lovely enough but Robin wasn’t sure anything would come of it, something just wasn’t right between the two and she didn’t seem to appreciate Robin's sense of humour.
Steve had been lovely enough and had cut his nightly facetime with Eddie short when she turned up after it, bottle of wine in hand. He assured her that if someone was worth her time she wouldn’t need to hide any part of her. That ‘ her person’ wouldn’t cringe when she stumbled out of the door at the end of the date. She felt bad for interrupting his and Eddie’s evening given that Eddie was on tour and this was one of the few evenings he wasn’t on stage but it was an unwritten rule that Robin came first for Steve and the band came first for Eddie. 
 A jingle from the bell above the door pulled Robin out of her thoughts and she stepped towards the counter and looked up, into the most beautiful blueish grey eyes she had ever seen set into what only she could describe as the face of an angel with a halo of strawberry blonde hair. 
“Wow,” She whispered, “Welcome to Bakin ‘n’ Robins, what can I get you this morning?” Robin asked finally, after what she was sure was too long of a pause.
“Erm can I just take a hazelnut latte with almond milk please? And maybe whatever your favourite from the bakery section is” the woman smiled and didn’t that just make her even more stunning.. 
“Sure, coming right up. It’ll be $6.70 when you’re ready, cash or card?” Robin said as she tapped it all in the till, she was so glad this was all muscle memory at this point because she was sure there wasn't currently a thought in her head aside from how gorgeous this woman was.
“Card please” The woman smiled again and tapped her card on the reader when Robin indicated. 
“Take away or to sit in?” Robin remembered to ask before stepping away to make the order.
“I’ll sit in please, this seems like a super cute place to sit and read” she said, patting the book Robin had failed to notice in her arms. 
“You go and find a seat, I’ll bring it over to you” Robin nodded towards the selection of tables they had.
“Table service too, thank you.” she giggled and walked away. 
“Who was that?” A voice came from beside her as she started to make the coffee. 
“Jesus Christ!” Robin quietly exclaimed, almost dropping the mug she was holding, “Do you need to sneak everywhere?” 
“I literally dropped the opening on the counter so hard,” Steve, her partner in this coffee shop, laughed from beside her. “So, who is she?” 
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen her before but she’s super pretty ok so I’m naturally going to do something like spill her drink all over her or drop her baked goods on the floor. Or even forget how to speak as I get there and just throw the whole tray at her and run” Robin started to ramble. 
“Okay okay stop right now” Steve interrupted her, “You sort her the rest of her order and I’ll do the latte, I’ve got you sorted okay” he winked at her nudging her out of the way with his hip. 
Less than 5 minutes later Robin was walking towards the blonde trying her best to hold the tray as steady as possible. She had found the biggest and freshest almond knott and Steve had made a heart with the milk on her latte, it was a perfectly solid heart too, he was just showing off now. 
“Oh, thank you” The woman squeaked as Robin placed the tray down, it seemed to have pulled her from a deep thought. “This all looks wonderful” She grinned when she looked down and saw the latte. 
“Enjoy” Robin smiled as she walked away. 
“I can’t believe you did the heart!” She hissed as she got behind the counter again, smacking Steve lightly on the arm as she walked past him.
“Did she like it though?” he grinned “She watched you the whole time you walked back and she still keeps glancing over, I think you’re in there birdie. Anyway I need to start prep work on the pastry for the next batch of baked goods. Can you do the stocktake of the things behind here and I’ll get El and Max to do the stockroom tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Sure, I’ll get that done and make sure it’s all okay for Dustin to come in to take over from me.” She replied. 
“Thank you,” he said loudly as he walked from behind the counter and to the back where the kitchen was. His pride and joy, the reason he wanted this all along.
Robin spent the rest of the day thinking of the women from that morning. Trying to think if there had been any clues as to who she was or anything else about her. 
“I’ve got a present for you,” Steve declared as he walked into her apartment one evening a few days later, before throwing a small package at her. 
“Thanks,” She mumbled as she tried to catch it. 
Opening it up she noticed it was a name badge, her name was written on it along with her pronouns and a tiny lesbian flag on it. 
“Oh, this is so cute, thank you” She said as she launched herself at him. 
“I’ve heard that the blonde from the other day has been back a couple more times, only ever getting take-away after looking around. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let her know your name and that she’s got a chance. I’ve had them made up for all of us. I really liked the idea when I saw them ages ago and just kept putting it off. I felt like the pride flags around the place were enough to let people know we’re a safe space but you and this girl gave me the excuse I was looking for to get these” Steve shrugged.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Forgot to give more context 😅. Yandere Gabe nsfw hcs please.
AN: Here ya go
TW’S: Daddy kink, yandere. size kink, creampie, oral(f receiving), panty sniffing,
Daddy Dom? Daddy Dom.
Size kink, no matter how big/small you are he's bigger than you and gets dummy hard whenever he leans down to kiss you or covers your body with his own.
Bite him please, hard as you can, you can feel the shiver that racks through his body, takes it as a sign of love
He likes leaving hickies in places juuuust outta eye sight, right below your collarbone or your inner thighs. If he sees someone checking you out and your legs are showing he'll subtly show off the love bites with that shit eating grin.
Loves teasing you, but he can never do it long because he's very bad at denying you.
He loves how it feels to cum inside you, but cumming on you? There's just something about your perfect form being so lewdly decorated by him, it made him downright feral, like he was marking his territory.
Licks every drop off.
He gets jealous easy and the way you can tell is how needy he gets when talks
"Tell me you love me." "Only I get to make you feel this good right?" "Gimmie your hands."
He whines when he gets close.
Loves interlocking your fingers.
Will fuck you anywhere, anytime.
He's pretty big down there, 7.5 inches and thick.
Sensitive tip, first time you give him head and kissed it he cried.
Thinks cockwarming is super romantic.
Likes to make you look him in the eye when you cum, he's addicted to the little twitches in your expression.
Favorite position is cowgirl, he gets so deep and the way you always struggle to keep up is so fucking cute he has to bite his fist not to cream then and there.
Likes to fuck you so good you lose all ability to do anything but moan for him, thinks the way you start babbling his name is to cute.
He learns everything you like, not afraid to ask if he's doing something wrong.
He's a naturally dominant guy but once in a blue moon he needs you to take care of him.
Aka he needs to be babied just let him suck on a titty for a few hours and he'll be good to go.
Or you could hop on top and give him everything you got, play with his hair and tell him how much you love him.
Will eat you out for hours if you let him.
Obsessed with marking you and you him. Scratches a possessive itch in his noggin.
Car sex car sex car sex
He will laugh his way into your panties
Sorta goofy, like it never breaks the tension in a bad way, but it does make you less nervous when he gets stuck in his shirt trying to take it off or slips on the floor from how eager he was to take you.
Made you squirt once and it's his personal mission to do it as often as he can.
It's never quick with you to, one round is never enough because one second he's massaging any areas he thinks are sore then the next thing you know he's fingering you.
Scent kink, obsessed with your natural smell, has stolen your underwear before, he snuck into the bedroom while you showered like some kinda creep and the second he let's his intrusive thoughts win and brings the cloth to his face he's painfully hard.
He couldn't decide between huffing them like a fiend or wrapping them around his cock, going back and forth between the two.
Every once and a while you have underwear go missing and just figure the washing machine is eating them.
He has a shrine dedicated to you in his locker at the shop, his favorite pair of your panties are securely tucked away.
Gets so worked up once, you two start grinding against each other like it's the last chance and he cums in his pants, he finds out some things about himself.
If you ever try to tease him with a sexy pic or lewd text when he's at work, unless it's life or death he's dropping whatever he's doing and is on the way home lmao.
Like he won't be able to think about anything else until he feels you surrounding him again.
If he ever had to be away from you for a long period of time he's all but insatiable when you return, sure you spoke every day and he'd grown to love listening to you play with yourself over the phone, nothing compared to having you in his arms.
Bought a bigger gaming chair so you can ride him while he plays.
Trying to shower with him always makes you late so be warned.
If he's had a particularly bad day please just let him bury himself between your thighs and eat his stresses away.
If he ever cums before you best believe he ain't stopping till you're both shaking.
Hearing your sweet voice calling out for Daddy does something to his brain, you can feel the difference, how he fucks you that much harder, how his grip on your skin tightens, it's a surefire way to get him to bust.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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manorpunk · 5 months
‘Comprador’ refers to an agent of a large multinational corporation whose typical job responsibility is taking a small underdeveloped nation and turning it into a vending machine for a natural resource - oil, coffee, coal, minerals - then getting that nation so dependent on selling those raw materials to that company that they effectively control it.
Unrelatedly, the Global Logistics Network was the single largest anything of 2069.
They weren’t a monopoly, no, no, no. They were… you see, the crowded and fragile system of intercontinental shipping was simply too important to be left in the hands of any single nation. You all saw what happened when the Brits monopolized it, and when the US monopolized it after them. You’ve seen how nations owning major canals turns them into a hive of corruption. Shipping belongs to the world, which means it belongs to the GLN.
They were headquartered in Qingdao, a major city in the Shandong province of China. Don’t be fooled, China fumbled the past few decades as much as everyone else, but every institution needs a head, and every head needs a headquarters, and the headquarters of the Global Logistics Network were located in Qingdao. The complex of skyscrapers that comprised GLNHQ was large and populous enough to form its own city-state, a closed loop of offices, gyms, fabricators, dormitories, labs, shops, copackers, cafeterias, and warehouses. You could spend your whole life there without ever setting foot on the earth itself. Many did.
Such was the Global Logistics Network. Like capitalism rising centuries ago from the sclerotic and shambling remnants of feudalism, the GLN rose from the old ways of hyper-financialized over-leveraged capitalism to create something new, something so new it didn’t even have a name yet. Much like the transition from feudalism to capitalism, things were better overall, but good lord, what a low bar to clear.
Towering above it all at the top floor of the central skyscraper sat Meng “Harold” Jianli, sole co-founder of the GLN. One might wonder how someone could be a ‘sole co-founder,’ and the answer was that the GLN was so powerful and omnipresent that its leader could have called himself a living god for all the power that sat upon his person. He certainly had more power than those who had historically claimed the title of living god.
But Meng “Harold” Jianli was no god, living or otherwise. Despite the vast power seated upon his person, or perhaps because of it,he looked rather disheveled, with a jowly face like splotchy old parchment, a sagging belly, and a crudely functional flat-top of black hair. His suit was slack and rumpled - his weight had a tendency to fluctuate wildly thanks to the stress.
It was stressful, being in charge. Past a certain point, you don’t really get more powerful, you just have more people to babysit and more fires to put out. He had to keep an eye on Novo Karo Bioresearch, or they’d be so excited to show off their new research that they’d start doing eugenics. He had to keep an eye on Vae Victis Engineering, or they’d get so excited testing out their new tech that they’d start a world war. And now, with his hands steepled and his brow furrowed, he had to keep an eye on the vtuber that the American League had elected president.
 He stared at Sunny Roosevelt. Sunny smiled back and gave him a little wave.
“I am willing to work with you, miss Roosevelt. The GLN is willing to work with just about anyone, it’s one of our biggest strengths.” He shifted effortlessly between ‘I’ and ‘we,’ treating the two as synonyms. “The issue is, we are still trying to figure out what your administration actually intends to do.” 
“Hmm.” Sunny put a finger to her chin, pursed her lips, and looked upward. An ellipsis appeared over her head.  “You got a copy of my campaign objectives, right?”
“Are you referring to this?” He held up a single sheet of paper, on which was written ‘make anime real’ in 48-point font and nothing else.
“And you think this qualifies as a roadmap for your presidency.”
“Personally, I think it’s quite ambitious.”
Harold puttered his lips. “Miss Roosevelt-”
“Please, call me ‘mommy.’”
“Miss Roosevelt, I understand that you are standing on rather shaky ground. The National Board of Directors is being dragged away from the provisional US government days,” he said, which neglected to mention how half of the National Board of Directors were former GLN big names, “and the new state congress acts more like a rehab clinic for celebrity podcasters than a governing body,” he said, which stood just fine without caveats.
“I understand,” Sunny said, nodding and still smiling, “I’m a bimbo who’s in way over her head, so you’re going to unveil the GLN’s big five year plan and tell me to follow it like a good little girl.”
Harold was already in the process of lifting a hefty unlabeled binder, intending to thump it dramatically atop his desk, but the accuracy of Sunny’s comment left him slightly deflated. “I prefer to think of it as an advisory-”
“And then I’ll kiss up to you during our conversations,” Sunny continued, “but stall and drag my feet when it comes to actually implementing anything, and you’ll say,” she loosened her face and dropped her voice, “dammit Sunny, are you trying to play me for a fool?”
“I don’t sound like that. I don’t sound like Richard Nixon,” Harold protested, sounding kind of like Richard Nixon.
“And then I’ll say, it’s not me, it’s the state governors, they just refuse to cooperate. The new congress is one big old boy’s club. Even the Board of Directors is demanding overly-detailed descriptions of everything before they’ll sign off on it, it’s malicious compliance!” Sunny hung her head and threw her hands, wailing, “you set me up to fail, Harold. You set me up to fail, you rat bastard!”
“Are you done?”
Sunny straightened back up. There was that smile again. “Yep. That was fun.”
“In any case, while I understand you are currently something of a figurehead, even figureheads cannot afford to do nothing. Not when a third of the country is still lacking even the barest measures of centralized government.”
“What, you mean the Midwest Autonomous Zone?” A little question mark appeared over Sunny's head. “I mean, yeah, but it’s not like that started with the fall of the old US. Missouri was a dump long before the thirties.”
“Be that as it may-”
“That’s the 2030s, because we’re in the future.”
“Miss Roosevelt.”
“Please, call m-”
“No. Miss Roosevelt, why did you become president if you are so averse to actually presiding?”
Sunny shrugged and let out a huffy little sigh. “Look, most people weren’t exactly begging to have America back. Not even Americans. They don’t want someone with a bold, inspirational vision. Bold, inspirational visions are what start world wars, for George’s sake. I, for one, believe that bench-warming is not just a good idea but a moral imperative.”
“George’s sake?” Harold repeated.
“Saint George Washington. Oh, right, America’s got a brand new religion now, it’s called Founderism. We took the whole Founding Father worship thing and made it an official heresy. Also, Jesus was a small business owner.”
Harold grimaced and considered leaving the former USA to the wolves for a few more decades.
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Hi! I really love your memes. Have you already done MBTI types as video games?
Thank you so much!! Honestly, I probably have at some point in the many years, but if I have, it's been a long time, so let's give it a go. I tried to get a mix of old, new, classic, and modern games in, and tried not to give every one a SUPER OBVIOUS game. Hope you like it! 😸
MBTI Types as Video Games
INTP: Slime Rancher
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It took everything in my power to not do Portal 2 for INTP, because it seems like the obvious choice and I wanted something other than that. Maybe not as puzzle-oriented, but Slime Rancher captures a different side of INTPs like their affinity for unique experiences through Ne, comfort Si that allows them to organize all their slimes effectively, and their inferior Fe that lets them take care of cute little creatures with minimal risk.
INFP: Minecraft
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An instant classic that lets your imagination run wild and live your life the way you think it should be lived, without the limitations of oppressive reality. Build the comfiest home with as many floors, rooms, walls, etc. as you want. Your house wouldn't be structurally sound and is impossible to create in real life? DOESN'T MATTER, it's what the INFP wants, and it what they can have in their own little world.
ENTP: Among Us
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A creative and random environment where you have to either find the killer or be the killer terrorizing the space ship crew, interrupted by segments of ARGUING ~*~discussion~*~ about who the imposter might be, followed by voting to eject them into space via mob-mentality? Is there any game more chaotic and perfect for the ENTP to thrive in that I'm missing, here?
ENFP: Skyrim
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You are the nonspecific protagonist with unique dragon powers that let you literally scream somebody to death, and, once again, live your life the way you want to live it, as chaotic or lawful as you might want. Become a criminal werewolf who leads a dark, murderous cult by night, and is the dean of a magical college by day? YOU CAN DO THAT.
INTJ: Satisfactory
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Slowly and steadily building the most effecient space colony to mine resources and build interesting and novel alien technology? What could the INTJ want more. It won't happen overnight, but the efforts of the INTJ compound with each and every day, and one day, they'll make use of every square inch of the planet's surface for their factory.
INFJ: Coffee Talk
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A lesser known game to some, but just as impactful, nonetheless. You're simply a barista in a coffee shop, but you have the pleasure of meeting and hearing the stories of a diverse cast of characters that let you into their unique inner worlds. You'll get to explore their experiences and choose your own dialogue to interact with their lives and offer your input that is tailored to the individual character.
ENTJ: Left 4 Dead
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The goal is simple and well-defined: survive the zombie apocolypse. But the only way to do it in this game is to have all 4 players work together in perfect syncronicity as a well-oiled machine to cover all your bases as you traverse each level. It requires delegation of tasks, foresight of what's to come, and just a little bit of quick, thinking-on-your-feet, a perfect combination to engage their Te, Ni, and Se, respectively.
ENFJ: Mario Kart
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Everyone knows Mario Kart, and everyone loves Mario Kart. Much like an ENFJ, themselves. Mario Kart has a very low barrier-to-entry so that the majority of people can learn to play quickly, and enjoy time with their friends! It's fun, it's casual, and it requires a bit of that tertiary Se to make some quick turns to finish in first. The game resembles the ENFJ personality itself, and it is a favorite of an ENFJ I know for those same reasons (as she doesn't play many video games).
ISTP: Assassin's Creed
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(Couldn't find any good covers with Altair that fit tumblr's format, so I did Ezio, the fan favorite (and also probably an ENFJ assassins which is p cool?))
The franchise has undergone a lot of change over the years, so I do NOT mean the RPG elements, but rather the original elements of the games that made them so great! ISTPs would rather have a more focused way to engage the game, instead of the endless possibilities of an open-world, anyway. Quick reactions to stay hidden, a good grasp of the terrain around you and how to use it against your enemies, and a solid amount of Ti to calculate the most logical time to strike makes for a great way to engage the ISTP's top functions.
ISTJ: Super Smash Bros
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Again, the goal is simple, fight your friends and be the last one standing. The rules are simple, in fact, they are completely customizable so you can save your settings to define exactly what kind of experience you want to have, and you know what to expect. You can play it simple with a set number of lives and no items, or you can crank the spawn rate of all items up to the max, if you're in a particularly low-Ne, (low-risk) feeling, kind of mood. Still, the goal is always the same. Hone your strategy, defeat your friends (or foes lmao)
ISFP: The Sims
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Introverted by nature, they appreciate being able to spend some time alone without having to give up the things they like about the sensory world, including house and clothing fashion-design. These aesthetics were made to be seen, but sometimes they can only be made in a video game, and sometimes you need a break from real people. It's a realistic enough game that they can connect with it in a more relatable way than more abstract types of games, but they still please the Fi desire to live their personal life the way they wish without the limitations of reality.
ISFJ: Animal Crossing
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Again, it's a familiar environment, with just a little flaire to excite that inferior Ne. You've got what seems like endless tasks (in a good way lmao) to keep you busy taking care of your island, and also forming positive relationships with your fellow residents! You get to meet new people, help solve the residents' problems, become a pillar of your community, and at the end of the day, retire to your cozy home.
ESTP: Palworld
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It's new, it's weird but somehow familiar, it's Pokemon with guns. It might not be the most "original" game, but it was an inspiration nonetheless for the simple fact that it took all of the known successful elements of gameplay that people enjoy from other games, and put them all into one game that, for lack of better words, "just gives the people what they want". What you see is what you get, and it packs a punch.
ESTJ: Dark Souls
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Although it is the more introverted game compared to ISTJ, it requires an incredible amount of strategy in order to champion this game. The medieval themes are familiar, but that's the only comfort the game provides due to its overwhelmingly punishing gameplay style that only the thickest of skin can overcome. What says thick skin like inferior Fi?
ESFP: Rocket League
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It's extreme soccor (or football for my friends from across the pond), but instead of playing as people, you play as cars with rockets to propel them. Why, they ask? Because you want to, obviously. Realisitic enough that the concept is still based in a familiar reality, but the mayhem and competetion has been dialed up to 11 simply because it makes it more interesting that way. Again, what you see is what you get, AND IT PACKS A PUNCH.
ESFJ: Tabletop Simulator
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It might seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. It's social, it's familiar, it's easy to jump into, and you're not limited to the physical copies of games that your friends have at their houses - you've got, like, any tabletop game you could possibly want to play! It alleviates the limitations we feel in real life when we want to play games with friends, but maintains the integrity of connection and fun you have with them. PLUS, you can flip the table after losing a game for comedic effect without making a mess in someone's IRL home.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Tagged by a buncha folks for fuck it Friday! Thanks @devirnis @butchdiaz @anxieteandbiscuits @alyxmastershipper @rewritetheending! I’ll post scraps form a few things…
Their first actual interaction in nurse Eddie au
In bed eight there are blue eyes and a birthmark and Eddie says “Buck,” out loud, because he’s an idiot.
“Do I… know you?” Buckley (Eddie seeks safety in the formality of a last name) tilts his head a little, eyes searching Eddie’s face for familiarity.
Saying something like You’re usually unconscious when we meet would be creepy, probably. Sometimes I feel like you're my dead wife doesn't even make sense, Eddie can't even explain it to himself. Shannon died and you didn't sounds too accusatory, and he's not sure if he wants to mean it that way or not. You saved my son's life except Eddie still isn't thinking about that, is still actively trying to forget. So Eddie says “I’ve seen you in here before,” like that explains a nickname he has no right to know.
Some sap from take you in and make you mine chapter two
Bed head, all sticking over everywhere. Buck will touch his hair, later, Eddie will let him touch his hair. Loose gray LAFD shirt, possibly Buck’s, one of the ones without a name printed over it. Buck spends a few minutes fascinated by the way the fabric folds around warm skin that maybe Eddie will let him touch later, too. Boxers, sweatpants shed for being too warm. Buck should check for fever, maybe, make sure he’s recovering okay, but his arm and hand and ankle don’t feel overly hot. He doesn’t have any blanket on him, either, it mostly migrated onto Buck in the night, and then mostly left him behind as well to rest half on the floor. He’s breathing steady, back rising and falling slowly with it. Buck glances at the bedside table. It’s early, not even 6 yet, though the room is already halfway sunny here at the height of summer. There’s one granola bar wrapper and a mostly drained water bottle from when he’d woken up starving and parched in the middle of the night, but the others remain untouched. At least that means Eddie slept through the night, probably. Rest is good, important for recovery. There’s a little twitch of pressure on his hand and Buck turns back over to watch Eddie come awake.
He does it in stages. First he holds Buck’s hand tighter (Buck hides his face in the pillow for a moment, burying his smile), then makes a grunt so annoyed and dad-like that Buck has to bite his tongue not to laugh. Then his head starts to move, looking around at the room before finally dragging his face across the pillow to blink at Buck. He looks tired, and ruffled, and beautiful.
And here’s Shannon and Eddie coming out to each other from quilt shop au
Christopher wanders towards the yarn shelves and Shannon turns to him, scratching a nail along the outer seam of her jeans the way she always has when she’s nervous. “I know I usually have him Saturdays but I was wondering if you’d be willing to- watch him, or swap days, or- or I could drop him off in the afternoon, maybe?”
“Uh-“ Buck is coming in on Saturday, Eddie was going to show him how the long arm works so he doesn’t have to keep rolling up whatever secretive larger project he’s been working on to fit in his little domestic machine. But Shannon is not generally a worried person, these days, and Eddie doesn’t like the way she can’t quite make eye contact. “He’ll have to hang out here for a while, but yeah, of course. What’s up?”
“I…” She glances at him, glances away again. Eddie keeps folding the pile of fabric on the cutting table, keeping his movements steady and calm, and she watches the slide of the colors and patterns for a minute before she takes a deep breath. “I have a date.”
Eddie makes a sound something like Oh, but without really forming the word. It’s been awhile. Shannon had tried dating much quicker and much more frequently than Eddie had after they’d split. Jealousy only lasted so long- Shannon is still one of the loves of his life, even if that love isn’t what he thought it was when he was 18 and she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. Eddie had sunk into the role of supportive best friend with a kind of relief he thinks nobody looked at too closely, and he’d been the shoulder she cried on when things didn’t work out, and the last few times things hadn’t worked out so spectacularly that as far as he’s known she’d been single for going on a year. “Who’s the new guy?”
Shannon makes determined eye contact, and her voice shakes only a little. “New girl, actually.”
Eddie absolutely cannot help the startled laugh that knocks out of him. It’s not funny, fuck it’s not funny, and her face is pinching up in embarrassed anger that he feels terrible about, but- it’s just kind of funny, is all.
“Jesus- Fuck you, Eddie-“
“No! No, no,” he catches her hand and waist as she spins away, like how they used to dance, like how they still dance, sometimes, when they find a bar with a hoedown night or when they’re lonely in this city that can feel so far away from where they grew up. “Shannon, no, it’s not-“ He remembers the last time she’d had her heart broken, how he’d held her on his abuela’s couch as she’d asked What’s wrong with me? and Why do I never feel right? and he hadn’t had any answers for her because they were questions he tried not to ask about himself. He laughs again, helplessly, and she looks more confused than angry and Eddie wants to spin her around and around because finally, maybe they both finally- “There’s a boy,” he says, and her eyes get wider. “And he’s tall, and he’s got blue eyes, and- and I love you so much but, baby, I don’t think we were ever going to work out.”
And then she laughs too, throwing her head back with it like Christopher does. “You’re- you’re fucking with me.”
“I’m really not,” he says, face aching with the smile splitting it in half.
@shortsighted-owl @bigfootsmom @rogerzsteven @kitkatpancakestack @burins @ anyone else who has stuff to share!
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Tumblr media
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Flirty
I was sitting on the small ottomans in the basement that Benny called home, Next week was Paris and we were going together as Co-Champions this year. He had graciously offered his apartment so I didn't have to book a hotel so we could train and prep for the games ahead. Plus I wanted to come to New York for some shopping anyway. But this place isn't exactly what I imagined... then again now thinking about it, I'm not sure I did imagine Benny to live any better than this, but it's just a little jarring when it's true. I glanced away from my book and looked around the grey dimly lit basement, the shower in the corner, no sofa, frosted window to the bedroom, the kitchen not much more than a fridge, a counter and a single stovetop. And there he sat utterly in his element at his table no shoes but still black socks, his dark jeans his belt sat comfortably his knife in its holster, a black t-shirt with his green textured shirt on over it with the sleeves rolled up, his chains against his chest and his arms, rings across his fingers, he sat his coffee cup on the table fixed his facial hair and focused back to his board moving the piece he had been contemplating for the last ten minutes.
"Benny?" I asked
"Yeah?" He asks glancing up
"I don't mean to ... pry into your personal business -"
"But you're going to?"
"I am going to," I nodded "Do you actually live like this?"
"This isn't like some elaborate prank? And this is like where you store your chess board or something and you actually have a decent semi-detached townhouse in Queens?" I asked
"You're really struggling with this aren't you?"
"I'm just... curious."
"I like it"
"I mean I know New York isn't the cheapest place but..."
"But ?"
"But come on. I cannot repeat this enough: your shower is next to your fridge. You wash your ass beside where you make food. You have a window in your bedroom. That's not wallpaper that's just concrete"
"I like it"
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you can afford better"
"Are you now?"
"We're co-companions I know how much you earn. Unless you're getting a bonus because of your additional appendage"
"Appendage?" He asked looking confused
"Your penis"
"Oh. No y/n, price money does not differ between appendages"
"Every other job I've ever worked does"
"The chess federation doesn't give a damn about appendages y/n"
"I like this place"
"...that brings up a good point actually... I'm not seeing a washing machine. Anywhere?"
"Is there... a secret Washing machine?"
"Okay, do you need to go to someplace in the building and do laundry?"
"You wanna do some laundry?"
"Yes please"
"Alright, get your stuff," he says getting up and heading into his room, I gathered my laundry unsure what to do with it all and he returned with a large drawstring bag "Throw your stuff in here," he says dropping it on the floor with a thud
"In there?"
I pulled the bag a little to peek inside "Ahhh I'm not putting my laundry in with yours!"
"Why not?"
"Because that's gross!"
"But we're taking it to clean? So what does it matter?"
"It just does Benny!"
"You can put it in the bag or you can carry all your laundry by hand, up to you"
I sighed and out of my clothes, getting my bag and my shoes as he got his shoes and his jacket grabbing the bag and putting it over his shoulder
"Come on then," he says heading out so I followed him he locked the door behind us and we headed up to the dirty New York streets I followed him down the pavement past cars and trash bags for a good while, it felt like we'd been walking forever at least ten blocks by now until finally we arrived at a little hole in the wall laundromat between a record store and a pizza place we headed inside and it was much as you'd expect a little place with a line of washers on one side and dryers on the other a few tables and chairs in the middle and the back wall has a few vending machines on it and a change machine in the centre.
"This is where you do laundry?"
"Well yeah?" He shrugs slipping his jacket off throwing it over a chair and bumping the bag In Front of a machine heading to the back getting change from the machine "You can pop the first load on" he says throwing me a coin from the machine
"I am not touching your underwear"
"I didn't ask you to,"
I sighed and put the first of what I'm sure will be many loads in "washing powder?" I asked
"Uhhh cherry blossom, clean linin, or tropical?"
"Whatever cheapest"
"They all the same"
"Alright, here," he says getting it from the machine and throwing it over so I put the laundry on and sit at the table
"So we're just gonna sit here all day?"
"Why not go back to the basement?'
"Because by the time you walk back to the apartment, it'll be time to turn around and walk back and the machine will just have finished" he explained sitting down too "It's up to you"
"Fine" I sighed "Why do you come here though? It's dead and it's so far from your apartment? You're not telling me this is the only laundromat in New York?"
"I like this place, it's quiet. Everything is machined so I don't have to deal with people, it's cheap, and the place next door does great pizza"
"The more I get to know you the weirder I think you are Benny" I sighed
'It wasn't a compliment"
"I'm taking it as one" he shrugs getting a deck box from his jacket pocket opening it up pulling out a very nice deck of cards which he shuffled in his hand "You can pick"
"AHH nothing to bet with I don't play poker unless I'm better try again'
"fine rummy then" I answered so he shuffled and dealt the cards letting us play for a while "Why do you use this place? really?" I asked as he put the next load on
"You really wanna know?" He sighed
"Fine" He sighed sitting back in his seat, "The Guy who owns this place, and the two places next door"
"The pizza and the record store?"
"Yeah, he's also my landlord"
"So long as I pay my rent I get free pizza and free records, he even takes money off my rent when I do my laundry here"
"Hu... What a nice man"
"Yeah he's great, and I like helping him out. he's doing his best to make it on his own and get out of the family business"
I was confused a moment before it clicked "Holy god- If your landlord is a maf-"
"Yes. His dad runs the New York Mafia. He wants to go straight so I'm more than happy to help"
"Your life is insane"
"At least it's not boring."
"I'd argue this is incredibly boring"
"I don't know, I like the quiet routine of it all"
"Had it ever occurred to you Benny that you're boring?"
"I think I'm pretty damn excited"
"Do you? Really? Like honestly Benny?"
"My life is very exciting."
"Sitting in a laundromat for six hours? Watching your underwear go round and round?"
"I don't know," he says "I've heard many lovely ladies complimenting the excitement of washing machines"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure many ladies find washing machines exciting." He says
"Do they?"
"I have read."
"I have read. Such."
"Ohh in your pervy penthouse magazines?"
"I'm simply saying most girls would like being able to sit on a washing machine for a few hours"
"I doubt that"
"I don't know, I'm sure this would be more exciting if you sat yourself on the washing machine" he smirked
"That's not a real thing Benny"
"I'm sure it does" "Its not"
"You willing to prove that?"
"I'm not sitting on a washing machine to amuse you"
"It's not going to amuse me it's to prove if it's true or not"
"You're disgusting" I sighed getting up and grabbing my bag "I'm going next door for pizza,"
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thebigqueer · 9 months
"Crooked Glasses" - Valgrace - One-Shot
Summary: leo & jason confess their feelings for each other in an arcane-themed alternate universe. Word Count: 5620 TW: blood, violence, gore (sort of). Read on AO3
Jason knows it’s probably a bad idea to be playing with Leo’s newest stink bomb. He has no idea how it works, and it’s possible he might just trigger it, but he doesn’t really care. He needs a distraction. 
They’re in the training room, for whatever reason. Leo didn’t really give Jason much explanation other than, “I’m bored. Come with me.” And Jason, being Jason, didn’t think twice about following. It’s a natural instinct at this point — Leo tells him to do something, and he’s already on his knees, ready to do whatever it is Leo tells him. It should embarrass him, but he’s too desperate for any moment alone with him to care. 
Leo’s on the other side of the room, in the corner with the punching bag and a few other various machines. Jason can hear him clanging around, probably trying to be interested in doing something, but Jason hopes he gives up. They only just came back from their latest haul an hour ago, and he has no energy to do anything but sit here and play with Leo’s bomb.
So he’s not surprised when, eventually, Leo calls, “Jason!”
Jason suppresses a groan, fixes his glasses, and looks up. “What?”
“Fight with me.” Leo gestures to the machine next to him, which has painted faces and bright lights whirring now that Leo’s turned it on. Instead of waiting for an answer from Jason, he immediately starts putting on boxing gloves from a box on the floor. 
“Leo, I’m tired.” Jason shakes the bomb in his hand. “How do you turn this on?”
“You’re just afraid you’re gonna lose,” Leo jeers, throwing over a grin. As he starts tightening on his next glove, he stalks over. “What could you possibly be tired from?”
“Being around you all day.”
“If it weren't for me, you’d have no excitement in your life, Sparky.” Leo slides down next to Jason, nudging him with his shoulder playfully, and Jason’s heart pounds at the touch. He buries his gaze back into the stink bomb, if only to try to hide the blush raging across his face right now. 
At this point, he’s decided there’s no use denying his crush on Leo. It’s been there since they were fourteen, maybe even before, and he’s learned to live with the ache in his chest at every sight of him and the ringing in his stomach every time he said something flirtatious. After all, if he can’t get rid of it, he might as well accept it as a part of him. 
For a good portion of his crush, he was sure that Leo had no idea. He was convinced that in all his time staring longingly at him from across the room, he’d never notice. But it’s not like he entirely hated that, though — he liked where they were in their friendship, and he didn’t see a point in ruining something that mattered so much to him. Besides, he never was good with crushes. 
For example, when they were twelve, he had a small thing for Piper. But that got shut down real quick when, during one of their sleepovers, Piper crawled over to him and, staring at him with her big eyes, asked him if Thalia liked girls. That was when Jason realized she might not like him back.
There was also Luke when he was thirteen. Jason, Leo, and Percy worked with the pawn shop owner in the Lanes, where they met him. Jason was pretty sure he wasn’t the only person totally gutted for him, based on the way Leo and Percy would blush around him, too. It’s not like any of them actually had a chance, because Luke was already nineteen and had a girlfriend, but that didn’t stop the boys from dreaming about him. It was all fun and games, trying to battle each other for even a glimpse of a smile or the smallest laugh — until Luke got arrested for a disruption on Topside. So maybe it was better that he never got the chance to confess. 
There was also Percy when they were fourteen, but that was smaller than most of his crushes. If anything, Percy was just a distraction from Jason’s raging feelings for Leo. There was that one night, when the four of them — Jason, Piper, Leo, and Percy — were in the training room, with a bottle of beer that Percy had stolen from his step-dad. Jason and Percy were alone, sitting and watching Piper and Leo drunkenly try to spar each other, when Percy leaned his head against Jason’s shoulder and joked about how stupid Leo looked. Jason doesn’t know what did him in — maybe it was something in the drinks, or maybe it was something in the way Percy’s eyes looked like buttons of the glimmering sea trapped in his eyes. Whatever it was, he couldn’t take back what he did next — he kissed him. 
At the time, Percy kissed back. But the next morning Percy told him he had a crush on Annabeth, and that was when Jason started wondering why he was cursed with liking people.
But now, at sixteen, Jason doesn’t feel so nervous with Leo. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s more comfortable with rejection. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s more mature now. 
Or maybe it’s the fact that he’s pretty sure Leo might like him back. 
Leo has always been flirty. When he casually smirks at Jason and tells him how handsome he looks; when he bites his lip suggestively and tells Jason that no, he doesn’t mind if he changes his shirt in front of him; when Jason asks what’s for dinner and Leo responds, “Not sure, but I know you’re the desert,” Jason doesn’t make much of it. Sure, an occasional blush and an attempt at jokingly flirting back, but Jason knows he doesn’t mean it. Besides, he isn’t special. If Jason had to count the amount of people Leo had made out with just in the past year, it might take both his hands. 
But lately it’s been different. There’s a softness in Leo’s eyes when he catches sight of Jason, a more soulful smirk when he offers that they sleep in the same bed, a hopefulness when he asks Jason if he wants to come with him on his next haul. 
It’s possible that it’s really just all in Jason’s head. But he doesn’t think he’s imagining the way Leo’s leaning against him now, his bare shoulder brushing against Jason’s own. He doesn’t think he’s imagining the way Leo’s ankle is locked into his. He doesn’t think he’s imagining how close Leo’s lips are, so close that if Jason bowed his head even a bit, he might just be kissing him. 
Jason looks away, if only to distract himself from how pretty Leo’s eyes look. He starts shaking the bomb in his hands again. “How do you work this thing?”
Leo rolls his eyes and pushes Jason’s glasses down the bridge of his nose, and he laughs. “Stop playing with it!” Leo demands. “Unless you want to smell bad. Then by all means, do it.” 
“Fine.” Jason holds it out for Leo to take back, but Leo only raises his eyebrows and holds out his box-gloved hands. Jason snorts and fixes his glasses. “I’m not going to spar with you, Leo. My neck still hurts from last night.” 
“Aw, does he have an owie?” Leo throws off one of his gloves and presses his hand to the side of Jason’s neck, pouting. “Does he need a widdle bandage?”
“That’s weird,” Jason says, but he’s laughing. “Don’t talk like that.” 
Leo switches back to his normal voice, but his words bubble as he brushes a finger against Jason’s cheek and says, “You look so cute when you blush, though.” 
Jason hesitates before responding. This is one of those moments, again — he knows Leo’s just trying to get a rise out of him. But this time, Jason decides maybe it’s time to start playing his game. He turns to meet Leo’s eyes and, tilting his head, he says, “Then all you have to do is just keep sitting next to me.” 
A wave of pride surges through Jason’s chest as Leo’s eyes widen. He wishes he could just frame the blush on Leo’s cheeks and pin it to the wall. He’s quiet for a moment — which Jason considers a pretty epic feat considering Leo never shuts up — but the warm blazing in his eyes and the flushed smile against his lips send Jason’s skin aflame, prickling with anticipation.
Jason sighs, then leans his head back so it rests against the wall. “I feel like we need to talk.” 
Leo leans his head back, too, so that he’s following Jasons’ gaze. “About what?”
“I think you know.” 
“Jason, just because we’re best friends doesn’t mean I can just read your mind.” Leo taps his head. “Sometimes even the most intelligent people need things spelled out for them.”
Jason lets a beat of silence pass between them. There’s an eagerness in Leo’s eyes, a sort of excitement that has Jason’s own heart thumping. He takes a deep breath, and then, with all the courage he can force out of himself, he murmurs, “Just friends?”
Now Leo’s eyebrows jump in surprise, and he bites on his bottom lip to suppress a grin. “I don’t know,” he says, leaning closer. “Is there something else you had in mind?”
“I think I might have had a couple.” 
Leo opens his mouth to say something, and Jason steels himself for whatever response Leo has — but then his face falls and he snaps his gaze to something in the corner of the room. “Did you hear that?” Leo whispers. 
Jason’s heart falls in his chest, and he sighs. So much for confrontation. “If you didn’t want to talk about it, then you—” 
Leo throws a hand over Jason’s mouth and starts looking around more nervously, a frown carving itself onto his features. “No, I’m serious,” he whispers. “I feel like I heard a… shift. Like metal.” 
Now Jason’s own eyebrows scrunch into a frown, and he tilts his head, trying to hone his ears on any sort of noise he can. For a moment, he hears nothing — until, there, he hears a low, frantic whispering… 
And it isn’t coming from Leo. 
Jason’s eyes widen, anxiety surging through his veins, and he lets out the smallest squeak. Leo takes his hand off Jason’s mouth, his frown deepening, and he leans forward, trying to listen closer. The whispering continues, and while Jason can’t decipher what’s being said, he’s pretty sure it’s coming from behind one of the machines in the far right corner. 
“Do you think it’s Piper or Thalia?” Jason asks. 
Leo shrugs. “I’m not sure. They’re supposed to be out at the Night Market.” He squints his eyes and cranes his neck up and down, trying to look for some sort of glimpse of the intruders, but after a minute he just shakes his head and glances at Jason. “Better to be on the safe side. Could be thieves.” He throws off his other glove, leaving both his hands now clad in their wrist wraps, and opens his hand. “Give me the bomb.”  
Jason nods confidently, but it’s only a mask to hide how fast his heart is beating. Not just out of anxiety — though that is a big part of it — but rather, because of the determination in Leo’s eyes and the straight set of his mouth and the clench of his fists. The sight of him, so rigid with confidence and courage, makes Jason’s stomach ring with a nauseating yearning. There’s no time Leo looks more attractive than when he’s ready to beat someone’s ass.
Jason drops the bomb into his hand. Leo juts his head towards some of the “weapons” to the corner nearest to them, and Jason realizes he’s telling him to get something in his hands. 
He tiptoes over and grabs a bat, and when Leo sees that he’s now properly equipped, he offers the barest nod. He pulls up his fingers and starts counting down: Three, two, one…
And then he launches the bomb. 
It lands with a soft clang near the machine in the far corner. For a second, everything’s quiet. Jason briefly wonders if maybe the bomb is defective.
But then a low hissing starts through the bomb, which turns into full blown jets of terrible gas — and then the screaming begins. Two boys jump up from behind the machine, coughing and sputtering and stumbling as fast as they can away from the stink bomb, and Jason would grin if he weren’t so freaked out by them. 
Jason raises his bat higher by reflex, and next to him he can feel Leo tensing up, throwing his fists into defensive positions. Even from this far away, his nose burns at the scent of the gas, probably made of some science-y gas that Jason has no idea how to pronounce. His glasses start fogging up, and he has to lower his bat for a second to clean them. 
As the haze clears, the figures of the intruders become clearer. One is tall and bulky, with buzzed black hair; the other is lanky and skinny, with curly hair that flops with each cough. At the sight of them, Leo grits his teeth. “You guys. What the hell do you want?”
The beefier one, who Jason realizes is Sherman Yang from the building just a few blocks down, starts to step forward. He coughs a few more times, and then, in a raspy voice, he says, “Relax, Valdez. We’re not here to hurt you, so you can lower your baby hands.” Sherman points a look at Jason and smirks. “And you can lower your bat.” 
Leo shakes his head at Jason. Jason only holds onto his bat tighter. 
Sherman shrugs. “Suit yourselves. I—” 
“Answer the question,” growls Jason. “What do you guys want? How did you even get in?”
“Come on, Grace,” the other boy — who Jason realizes is Connor Stoll — says, rolling his eyes. “You guys make breaking in too easy.” Connor raises his eyebrows at Leo. “Don’t you remember who taught you to pick locks?”
“If you wanted to come in so bad, you could have just knocked.” Leo crosses his arms, so Jason lowers his bat, only a little bit. “What could be so necessary that you had to break in?”
“We’re not here to pick a fight,” Sherman says, and his muscles loosen as he puts his hands on his hips. “We were just looking for something, but since you’ve caught us, might as well ask you.” 
“What is it?”
Sherman’s eyes narrow as he steps closer. Leo’s fists rise again, determination reborn in his eyes, and Jason takes that as his cue to raise his bat. Sherman only smirks. “Word on the street is your mommy’s got her hands on some shimmer. We were looking for a fix.” 
Leo’s eyes widen ever so slightly, only hinting at his shock. Other than that, though, there are no other tells — at the very least, his reaction could be taken as just a flinch of surprise.
But Jason knows better. 
The only people Leo told were Jason, Piper, and Thalia, and he swore to them that they had to keep it a secret. “She didn’t actually tell me until I found a few jars of it,” Leo explained a week ago, his voice shivering as it came out. “But she said she wasn’t using it; she’s only experimenting with it, trying to see what chemical properties it has.” 
“Do you believe her?” Piper asked, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
Leo looked at Piper, and at the sight of his dark eyes glazing over in fear, Jason’s stomach sank with guilt. “I don’t think I can afford to not believe her.” 
It’s not really that she’d had much of a history with drugs in the past, Leo explained to them. Sure, the occasional pipe, but that’s as much as Leo really knew about it. And anyway, she liked to experiment with new chemicals or discoveries at her machine shop when she could get her hands on them. So when shimmer started cropping up, and with barely much information about its effects or how it worked, naturally she was interested in experimenting with it. At least, that’s what Leo was choosing to believe. 
“Did you ask her where she got it?” asked Thalia, her eyebrows furrowing. 
“Yeah, but she wouldn’t tell me.” Leo took a deep breath, and then he leaned back on his hands and exhaled. “But I trust her. I’ve never had a reason not to.” 
At the time, Jason felt a little frustrated. If Leo could have so much trust in his mother, why couldn’t she have the same in him? And why was she hiding the shimmer, anyway? In Jason’s experience, that was the most suspicious thing a parent could do. Why didn’t she just show Leo right away, so he was aware? 
Maybe a part of that frustration also came from Jason’s jealousy. The fact that Leo had the privilege to trust his mother so much even when she was acting so suspicious… Jason could never relate. His dad left him and Thalia when they were younger, and their mother went into a life of drinking and sabotage, to the point that she died alone in a bathtub. Their parents left them to fend for themselves, so the fact that Leo’s mother was risking a bond so strong with her son over a science experiment… it just didn’t sit right.
But now, as Sherman’s eyes gleam hungrily at him and Leo, Jason understands why she was so quiet about it. The less information, the better. 
“Look, man,” Leo says, stepping forward, his eyes locking onto Shermans. “I don’t know where the hell you heard that, but it’s not true. And anyway, why do you care? Do you know the kinda shit that could do to your body?”
“If it’s not true,” Sherman mutters, thudding closer to Leo, “then why did I hear it?” 
“I don’t know,” Leo bites out, and even though he’s at least a head shorter than Sherman, the blazing in his eyes makes even Jason nervous. “But if you don’t step back, the only thing you’ll be hearing is the ringing in your ears when I crack your head against the wall.” 
“Look,” Jason calls, and everyone’s gaze turn to him. “Even if it were true, we don’t have anything here. We don’t mess with that. So you can leave and find someone else to get your fix.” 
Sherman’s eyes glaze over, and for a second, Jason allows himself to believe he’s finally bored him enough to make him want to leave. But then a revitalized energy broils in his eyes, and he throws Leo to the side and starts walking towards Jason. “That’s cool,” he says, shrugging. “We can do this the hard way, then.” 
Jason starts to step back, his heart hammering in his chest. He doesn’t like the hunger in Sherman’s eyes, the cruel grin slicing across his face. 
Connor, who’s been quiet up until now, lets out an exasperated sigh. “Man, come on. We can just search the place, and if there’s nothing we can just leave. They’re just kids, anyway.” 
“Yeah,” Jason mutters, trying his hardest to keep his voice from breaking. “Doesn’t it look a little pathetic for someone your age to be messing with sixteen-year-olds?”
“Does it?” Sherman cracks his knuckles, and Jason can only think of it as a foreshadowing of the sound his own bones will make soon when Sherman slams him around. “That’s too bad.” Then he whips his gaze to Connor. “We asked nicely, Stoll. If beating them up doesn’t get an answer out of them, then we can leave. Not like they’ll be able to talk, anyway.” 
Sherman starts to turn his gaze back towards Jason — and then lets loose a piercing howl when Jason cracks the bat against his left arm.
His face burst with red and he claws for his arm. In the time it takes for him to recover from his shock, Jason’s already back at Leo’s side with his bat raised again and a new rush of adrenaline flooding his veins. Leo offers him a hint of a smile, and all Jason can think about is how anyone would need shimmer when just the sight of him is enough to send him into a frenzy. 
“Oh, you think that was funny, don’t you?” Sherman growls, turning on them again. “Don’t worry, I’m going to have a nice laugh, too.” 
He charges. 
But Leo’s quick on his feet. As soon as Sherman throws out a punch, Leo dodges and kicks him in the ribs. While it doesn’t make him fly away like Jason wishes it would have, he still stumbles back, and that’s as good a win as any. 
Sherman straightens and scowls at Leo, then throws a look at Connor. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Don’t just stand there!” 
Connor catches Jason’s eyes, and regret flashes across his face before he rushes towards him. Jason raises his bat to strike Connor, too, but this time he doesn’t have the element of surprise — as soon as he starts to bring it down, Connor gets a grip on it, stopping its momentum, and throws it to the side. Jason’s bones shiver with each clacking of the bat, and he looks at Connor in newfound fear.
“Sorry, dude,” Connor mutters, then slams Jason against the wall. His head rings with pain when it collides with the cement, and his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose, but he barely has time to process any of it before Connor throws him to the ground.
Jason groans, his head pounding and his shoulders aching. The lights above him shine too bright, and he has to squint up at Connor, who towers over him as he waits for a sign that Jason’s alive. In the distance, Leo cries out, but Jason’s powerless to stop it; he’s too busy not trying to get murdered himself. He just hopes Sherman has enough sympathy to not kill anyone tonight. It would be really sad if Leo got killed before Jason could even kiss him. 
Connor bends over Jason, hands on his knees, and tilts his head. “Come on, dude. Just tell us where it is, or where to find it. We need something. Then we’ll stop.”
“I don’t know anything,” Jason spits. “And the fact you’re so desperate for it is just really embarrassing.” 
Connor shakes his head in shame and sighs. He opens his mouth to speak, but whatever he wants to say, Jason beats him to it. “Why do you let him bully you like that?” he demands. He’s really just stalling, trying to gather his strength and think of a plan. 
“He’s not bullying me,” Connor scoffs. “We’ve been best friends forever.” 
“If he’s not bullying then how come you just do whatever it is he says?” Jason tries to raise an eyebrow. “What happened to earning pride, Connor? Are you really making a name for yourself if you just do whatever it is he says?”
“Man, don’t talk like that.” Connor rolls his eyes. “You sound like some prissy councilor. It’s really not that deep. We’ve just been friends forever.” 
“And you’ve known me and Thalia since we first came here. Doesn’t that count for something?”
“None of this is personal. This is just how Sherman is.” 
“So you just let him bully you because it’s just how it is?” Jason claws himself up, trying not to hiss through the pain, and the fact that Connor doesn’t seem to acknowledge is only a good thing. “Might as well call yourself a Topsider with that attitude.” 
The betrayal striking Connor’s face is all the distraction Jason needs. He pounces, his hands colliding with Connor’s shoulders as he forces him to the ground. Connor wriggles under his weight, and it takes all of Jason’s strength just to keep him down. He catches sight of the baseball bat, which is only a few feet away, but then he looks down at Connor, whose eyes echo with betrayal and frustration, and Jason considers the chances — stand up to get the bat and risk Connor escaping, or keep attacking him? 
But in the time that it takes for Jason to make his decision, Connor’s gathered all his strength and shoves Jason off, this time making it his turn to pin Jason by the shoulders. A new rage flames in his eyes, and he opens his mouth to say something, but then Jason kicks Connor in the stomach, yanking any and all words out of him. He grunts and tumbles to the ground, and Jason takes his chance to scramble away and reach for the bat.
When Connor gets back up, holding his stomach, he glares at Jason. “Got your toy? Good. It’s only a fair game.” 
Then he charges towards him, arms outreached, his face bubbling with rage. At the last second, just as Connor is about to grab for Jason’s neck, Jason jerks out of the way and extends his leg to trip Connor. He slams face-first into the ground, a sickening crunch following after him, and when he turns onto his back, Jason sees that his nose is a little crooked, blood leaking from his nostril. Guilt starts trickling through Jason’s veins at the sight, but he pretends not to notice it as he leans over Connor and presses the bat against his shoulders. As Connor’s eyes widen, Jason starts dragging the bat so that it digs into his throat. Jason wishes he could say he’s proud to finally have bested him, but Connor’s gasping and blubbering only make Jason’s heart pulse with regret. 
“Do you really want to see how the rest of this goes?” Jason asks. He means it to come out as a growl, but it only sputters out of him, like a dying machine trying to exhale its last breaths. “Worst case scenario, you could be lying dead on my ground. Up to you.” 
Connor glares at him, and Jason’s about to say something again when, behind him, Leo calls, “Jason!” 
Just like that, all of Jason’s attention is violently twisted away. He whips his head at the sound of Leo’s voice, and it takes a moment for his eyes to make sense of the scene before him — Leo stands with a foot over Sherman’s lumpy, unconscious body on the ground, panting and running a hand through his sweat-lined curls. There’s a bit of blood spattered on his face and knuckles, and some dripping off a cut at his temple, but for some reason, the only word that comes to Jason’s mind is godly.
“It’s cool,” Leo pants, nodding towards Connor. “Let him go. I think we’ve reached an agreement.” 
Sherman just groans underneath Leo’s foot. 
Jason wishes he could have gotten to see Leo beat the Sherman Yang. Not that he’s surprised — testing Leo is the dumbest decision anyone could ever make — but he would’ve loved to proudly announce that he saw every detail of Leo beating his ass.
Jason offers a slight nod, then bares his teeth at Connor. “Consider yourself lucky.” 
Then he punches Connor across the jaw and releases his hold on him. Connor rolls over and spits out blood and a tooth on the floor, and Jason briefly wonders how they’re gonna clean all this when they leave. 
“Come pick up your friend,” jeers Leo. 
Connor struggles to his feet and narrows his eyes at him. He crawls his way to Sherman and, after several minutes of tripping, groaning, and bickering, he gets the two of them onto their feet. Sherman leans against him, one of his legs crookedly bent underneath him and an arm around Connor’s shoulders to keep balance. Now that he’s upright, Jason has a better view of Sherman’s face, and he’s just glad he’s not him right now. His teeth are stained with blood, and a gash on his forehead makes Jason want to rub his own head in sympathy, not to mention the swelling in his cheekbones.
Connor and Sherman limp towards the staircase, but not without a whole lot of threatening on Sherman’s end. “I'll get you for this, Valdez!” he exclaims through his bloodied lip, and Jason has to move out of the way to avoid any of the blood splattering onto him. “Just you fucking wait.”
Jason and Leo watch as Connor tries to drag Sherman up, and it takes another several moments before the thudding on the stairs stops. Jason swears he hears something shatter upstairs, but he figures that’s a problem for later. 
Finally, after what feels like ages, a door slams upstairs, and Leo exhales. Jason’s attention turns back to him, and with a start, he notices the exhaustion weighing on Leo’s eyes. Leo runs a hand gingerly against the right side of his ribs, and his breath hitches as he runs over a spot at the center. His right eye is swollen, and next to the blood splattered over his cheek (which Jason is pretty sure is Sherman’s) a bruise starts to form. Another trail of blood leaks from the cut at his temple.
Jason’s chest rings with guilt for him. He fixes his glasses on his nose — which have, by some miracle, not shattered — and walks over. He lays a hand gently on his bicep, and at the touch, Leo looks up, pain sizzling in his eyes. “You alright?” Jason murmurs. 
Leo takes a deep breath. “Yeah, I will be.” He does his best to straighten himself and smirks. The pain in his eyes gives way to glimmering adrenaline, and Jason can only hope that he doesn’t hear the way his heart is beating at the very sight. “That was eventful.” 
“Yeah.” Jason huffs out a laugh. “I can’t believe you beat up Sherman. He’s literally so much taller than you. And stronger.”
“Are you surprised?”
“No.” Jason smiles. “I think I’ve gotten used to you impressing me.” 
“Don’t say that.” Now Leo steps closer, his eyes simmering with electricity, and some of that energy must transfer into Jason because he swears he can feel his blood singing. “It’ll make it harder for me to impress you.”
He locks eyes with Jason. And then, after a beat of silence, he rests his hand on his chest. 
Underneath the weight of his palm, Jason’s heart ticks like a bomb; if Leo moves his hand even a little bit, he might just explode. Despite all the pain in Jason’s body — the overwhelming ringing in his head, the throbbing pain in his shoulders, the pulsing in his back — all he can feel is the warmth of Leo’s hand over his T-shirt. 
Jason’s gaze is glued to the hand on his chest, and he has to force himself to look back at Leo again, but that only makes matters worse. Leo’s eyes, so big and brown and brilliant, like stars captured in dense amber, swallow him whole. Even with all the scars and bruises and blood mapped onto his face, Jason decides that he’s never looked so mesmerizing. 
“You have something on your face,” Jason whispers. He raises his hand and brushes his thumb against Leo’s cheek, wiping away most of the blood. Even though he gets most of it off, it still smears across his skin. 
Leo smiles, but doesn’t move his eyes away from Jason’s. “We should frame it,” he murmurs. “‘Sherman Yang’s blood.’”
“Yeah,” Jason breathes. 
Leo squints at him, then reaches for Jason’s glasses and fidgets with them. “They’re crooked.” 
Jason smiles. “No, they weren’t.”
“No.” Leo returns the smile. “They weren’t.” 
And then he kisses Jason. 
Jason’s brain sizzles into static. All he can hear is the ringing in his head and his heartbeat echoing in his ears, and he’s certain that he has a concussion, because his senses are completely overloaded. He swears he can taste sound.
But he comes to senses quick enough. He closes his eyes and lays his hands on Leo’s waist. Leo wraps his arms around Jason’s neck as he tugs him closer, and he smiles against his lips. Jason loves the way he has to get on his tip-toes just to kiss him properly. He loves having to hold him just to make sure he doesn’t trip. He loves kissing Leo, period. 
It’s better than he could have ever imagined. He might just have to thank Sherman for this.
But just as Jason’s getting used to this, Leo pulls away, and it takes all of Jason’s power to not just pull him right back in. 
“Is there anything you want to tell me, Jason?” Leo asks coyly, brushing his hand against Jason’s neck.
Jason smiles, then takes Leo’s hand and rubs his thumb — the one not covered with blood — over his knuckles. He runs over all the calluses and cuts and scars raised above his skin, and he has to fight the urge to kiss all of it. “I do, actually,” he murmurs, chewing on his bottom lip. “I think I like you. And I think you like me, too.” 
“‘Like’ is a strong word,” Leo says, squinting in feigned contemplation. “I would say ‘tolerate,’ maybe.” Then he tilts his head. “But if you keep kissing me like that, I might reconsider.”
Jason kisses him again. “What about now?”
“Well, scientifically-speaking, you can’t have a theory without—” 
Jason kisses him again, if only to make him shut up. 
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justarandomidiot1 · 9 months
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Hi, @thousand-winters!! I'm your Secret Spirit! I apologize for posting this late, but I hope it's worth the wait! I combined your prompts of Mob and Tsubomi hanging out and Mob and Reigen hanging out because I couldn't pick between the two, so here's some photo booth shenanigans with the three of them!
Thank you @mp100secretspirit for hosting this and for also being accommodating with me!
All the drawings in a photostrip and a fic to go with this under the cut:
“Shishou! Tsubomi-chan!”
Mob lifts his hand up, pointing to the photo booth some ways away. His eyes shine with excitement, a small smile on his face.
Tsubomi grins widely, her hands clasped together. “That’s the perfect way to end the day! Come on!”
She rushes ahead, Mob just behind her. Reigen tails behind, his hands full as he carries various shopping bags from the goodies Mob and Tsubomi wanted to buy: a small teddy bear Mob said reminded him of Reigen, a Hagemon shirt on sale that unfortunately looks just like Mob’s… interesting monkey shirt so Tsubomi can match with him, a couple of cat plushies Reigen won for both of them at a claw machine, among other things.
It’s winter break for Mob, meaning he’s been able to stop by the Spirits and Such Consultation Office after cram school more often, something not required of him, but Reigen appreciates it all the same. It feels like old times, just the two of them (and Serizawa and Tome) doing exorcisms together and solving customers’ problems.
Today, Mob had decided to bring his friend to join him, the girl who had rejected him earlier that year. Yet despite her rejection, it didn’t stop them from reconciling their friendship. From what Mob had told Reigen, Tsubomi’s family didn’t move too far away, just to the other side of Seasoning City, so the two of them were able to meet up in person once winter break had started.
Tsubomi had only been in the Office for about half an hour when Tome declared that the three of them (Reigen, Mob, and Tsubomi) should spend the rest of the day hanging out together.
(“Wait, why me?! I have an office to run!”
“Because you and Mob-kun haven’t spent any time together lately aside from work, and I know you want to again! And I know he does too, as much as he wants to spend time with Takane-san! Besides, Serizawa-san and I got the office covered!”)
Tsubomi and Mob agreed that the three of them spending time together was a good idea, and Serizawa agreed that he and Tome could handle the Spirits and Such Consultation Office on their own, and after a lot of insistence and maybe some pleading puppy eyes, Reigen finally relented.
Of course, before leaving the office, he forgot to ask Tome where they should spend the rest of their day— it was her idea for them to do this, she could’ve at the very least suggested something. But he figured the Seasoning City Mall was a good spot; if they didn’t know what to do, they could find something to do here. It’s a pretty big mall, after all.
At least Mob and Tsubomi are following the “no more than a total of ¥4000 a store” rule that Reigen established when they arrived, deciding he’ll pay for anything they do since he’s the adult, but also there’s just so much that they seem to want. He’s kind of regretting saying that he’ll pay for everything they do or want at the mall with how much his hands hurt from all the shopping bags. They haven’t even seen a quarter of the stores here. (How many stores can one mall have?!)
Reigen’s just glad the photo booth is pretty cheap.
“Shishou, join us!” Mob says with a smile, halfway into the photo booth.
Reigen puts all the bags on the floor— almost drops them really, but he’s pretty sure there might be something fragile in one of them. He shakes his hands and stretches out his fingers, holding back a grimace. God, those bags were heavy. “You kids go on ahead, I’ll watch over our things.”
“But it’s more fun with more people, Reigen-san!” Tsubomi insists, picking out a winter theme on the screen in front of her for their photos. “Come on!”
“No, seriously, I—”
Something tugs at his arm, but there’s nothing there. It doesn’t take long for him to figure out it’s the work of psychic powers, and one look at Mob’s face and the way he lifts up one hand confirms it.
Reigen yelps as he ends up stumbling into the photo booth, landing very ungracefully onto the seat while Mob and Tsubomi laugh.
“What the hell was that for?!” Reigen exclaims, pushing himself back up.
He’s only met with laughter.
“You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve just–”
“Quick! Smile!” Tsubomi says between giggles before he can lecture about how rude pulling him into the booth was.
There’s a few seconds left on the timer, and admittedly Reigen feels a little bad about wanting to just leave the two of them and not join in for the rest of the photos. So he leans an arm on Mob’s shoulder and smiles at the camera, Tsubomi on the other side of Mob holding up a peace sign.
“What next?” Mob asks as the next countdown begins, still smiling.
“Silly faces,” Reigen immediately suggests. “You always gotta do the silly photo when you do these things!”
And so they do. Tsubomi squishes her cheeks with her hands, sticking out her tongue. Mob puffs out his cheeks, crossing his eyes. Reigen just smirks, holding up bunny ears behind Mob’s head.
The countdown begins one more time.
“What should we do for our last photo?” Tsubomi asks, watching the timer go down.
“I know what I want to do!” Mob says after a moment, immediately wrapping one arm around Tsubomi and one around Reigen, pulling them closer to himself. Seeing the smile on Mob’s face as he hugs them close, grinning so wide and bright, Reigen can’t stop himself from smiling back.
Once the last photo is taken, Reigen feels himself practically being shoved out from behind, Mob and Tsubomi eager to see how the photos turned out.
“H-Hey, give me a second! You don’t need to push!”
There are four photo strips that are produced from the photo booth, all of them decorated with a cute winter theme.
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Tsubomi hands them all out, Reigen taking two of them and saying something about being able to pin one onto his client satisfaction board. He tries to act like he doesn’t care to do it, but the looks in their eyes let him know they know better.
Reigen takes a moment to look at the photos, finding himself smiling softly.
Seeing Mob smiling so wide and being so expressive, it’s still taking some time to get used to, but Reigen can feel a sense of pride welling in his chest. This kid, who once held back his emotions so desperately, now allowing himself to smile and laugh and have fun just like any kid his age should, having touched the lives of so many and made so many friends of his own…
Reigen looks back up, seeing how Tsubomi and Mob happily talk about the photos with each other, Mob pointing to one of them before the two of them laugh a moment later.
Reigen pockets his photo strips.
Mob really has grown so much.
“All right, kids, you ready to head back?” Reigen asks, ruffling Mob’s hair.
With a nod, the three of them pick up their shopping bags (which Reigen is thankful for because he was not excited about carrying all of that back to the office) and start heading out of the mall. Tsubomi and Mob just continue to talk along the way, Reigen on his phone calling a taxi to take them back, the same taxi service they used to get here.
“Reigen-san,” Tsubomi speaks up once they’re outside, waiting for the taxi, “I’d like to keep visiting the office over the break and see you and Mob-kun more often, if that’s all right with you.”
“Tome-san says she and her friends from school hang out in Shishou’s office all the time!” Mob answers before Reigen can even open his mouth. “I’m sure it’s fine for you to come over, too!”
“My office is not a teen hangout spot!” Reigen immediately retorts, before clearing his throat and turning back to Tsubomi. “But yes, I… suppose I wouldn’t mind you visiting the office again…”
He tries to act like he could care less whether Tsubomi decides to stop by again, but something must give him away because she’s beaming wide, her eyes shining at his answer. She bows slightly, her hands gripping tighter onto the shopping bags she carries in front of her. “Thank you so much, Reigen-san!”
Mob bows slightly as well, holding his shopping bags at his sides. “And thank you for taking us to the mall, Shishou! I had a lot of fun!”
Reigen just turns away from them, pretending to cough into his fist. “Yeah, well, winter break is for having fun, you know? Just enjoy yourselves.”
But even if he acts like he doesn’t care, he can’t deny that he had fun with them as well. They should really do this more often.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Class 1A as Baristas at a Coffee Shop
TW: this is aged up bc there’s references to alcohol and 🍃, so if you’re a child of god then read no further 💀 also mineta isn’t included because i hate him, and you should too 😊
A/N: i’m a barista so i’m qualified to make these claims. also i know i haven’t written any of my actual requests. i’m depressed and my life is chaotic. besides this is just for fun and didn’t really take much effort so leave me alone 😤
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literally the best barista boy on the planet
his customer service skills are GOD-TIER
even when a customer is being rude to him, he’s just such a lil cinnamon roll back to them and kills them with his kindness
has amazing relationships with all the regulars, completely memorizes all their names and orders
legit has full conversations with them
“hey carl, how’s the wife doin’?”
“welcome back emily, did you get into that university you told me about?”
“good afternoon joyce, how’d your husband’s gallbladder surgery go?”
comes up with really creative drinks to use for the monthly specials
is secretly all of the managers favorites because he just works so hard (even bakugou’s)
whips through all the cleaning so fast at the end of the day
todoroki: “okay so we need to wash the utensils, mop the floors, and clean the espresso machine…”
midoriya: “oh, i already did all that todoroki!” 😊
loves coffee but is very sensitive to the caffeine so the managers have to make sure he doesn’t have more than two shots a day 💀
one of the managers
honestly the least likely person you’d expect to be a barista
can only work morning shift bc he goes to sleep at 8:30 (nerd)
his customer service SUCKS but he’s literally so good at his job they can’t really fire him
he just hardly ever runs the cash register and assigns it to one of the more sunshine-y baristas (usually deku or uraraka)
not usually trusted with training new recruits bc he’s such a bully
if a customer is being rude to one of the baristas he won’t hesitate to clap back, because HE’S the only one allowed to bully his employees 😤
uraraka will just step away from the cash register and go “bakugou i need your help with something” and he whips around with the most deadly grimace
bakugou: “is there a problem, sir?”
customer: “n-no problem here, the coffee tastes great” 😄
god forbid one of them gets snappy on one of the rare occasions he works the register
customer: “i demand to see your manager!”
bakugou: “you’re lookin’ at him, dumbass”
damn near explodes when some white girl comes through wanting a mocha caramel latte-cino made with skim milk and no whipped cream in a medium cup with the same amount of coffee as a small so she can stir in her own nutmeg
doesn’t give a single fuck about regulations if he thinks they’re unnecessary
iida: “bakugou, the health department says these bagels have to be thrown away after six days!”
locks the doors ten minutes before closing time and won’t let anyone else in
bakugou: “i don’t give a damn what the health department says, i’m not throwing away six perfectly good bagels!”
punched the espresso machine one time when it wasn’t working and it fucking exploded 💀
iida made him walk across town to buy a new one
another one of the managers
is tasked with training the majority of the new recruits since bakugou cant
the most level-headed chill person to have around during a rush, he never loses his head
can instantly correct someone’s order if they mistakenly got a hot or iced coffee
customer: “excuse me, i ordered this coffee iced.”
todoroki: “oh i’m so sorry, lemme just-“ *touches the cup with his right hand and it fills with ice* “there ya go”
customer: “i don’t mean to be a bother, but i wanted a hot coffee and this is iced.”
todoroki: “yeah gimmie a sec-“ *heats up the cup with his left hand and melts the ice* “should be good now”
likes macchiatos because the separated milk and coffee reminds him of his hair 🥺
pisses off the rude customers with his indifference
customer: “i’ll just take my business elsewhere!”
todoroki: “okay well, it’s your money so you can do what you want with it”
gets flirted with all the time but is too oblivious to notice
kaminari: “dude that girl TOTALLY just gave you her number”
todoroki: “nah she probably just wrote it down in case we needed a survey” *throws it away*
kaminari wants to go off on him but he racks in a lot of money in tips for all of them to split so he keeps quiet
general manager from hell
runs the shop like it’s the fucking army
really nice if you follow all the regulations tho 😀
he’s the best person to have around during a rush because he just kicks his engines into maximum overdrive and speeds through all the orders
also does deliveries on the side because he’s a fast boi
tried to implement a demerit system, but bakugou took one look at the poster and tore it off the wall 💀
everyone prays to god that they get scheduled with momo instead of him
constantly taps the other workers on the shoulder to hand them a wash cloth and a spray bottle and goes “if you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean”
everyone acts like they hate him, but when he gave a really touching speech at the christmas party everyone started crying
also organized the secret santa
ends up apologizing to customers for bakugou’s terrible customer service and hands them like a thousand coupons
customer service skills only come second to midoriya’s
she’s a DELIGHT to talk to
even at 7 am when you’re sleep deprived and caffeine deficient, the sight of her smiling face behind the counter will cheer you up :)
during a rush she forgets not to grab the receipts with all five fingers, so they’ll just start floating everywhere
bakugou: “hey round face, all my orders are on the ceiling!”
uraraka: “oh shoot, sorry!” *puts hands together* “release!”
draws cute little pictures on all the chalkboards 🥰
somehow knows exactly what a customer would like when they ask her to recommended something? people start wondering if that’s her real superpower
ironically doesn’t like the taste of coffee… her favorite drink is a hot chocolate with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles
only got the job to be closer to her best friend uraraka but ends up really enjoying it
gets nervous talking to customers so she mostly just sticks to making the drinks
has to be reminded not to grab things with her tongue because it’s against the health code 💀
when a customer is rude to her the ENTIRE team gets pissed at them, because she’s an angel and must be protected 😤
hates when people watch her make their drinks (she gets anxious 🥺)
pretty much the baby of the shop, whenever she accidentally burns herself steaming milk everyone rushes over like “OH MY GOD TSU ARE YOU OKAY?!?!”
one of the only two baristas trained by bakugou, so he ends up being really good at making coffee
is able to memorize large orders really quickly
“alright i’ve got a skinny macchiato no whip, iced dirty chai with oat milk and an added shot, two americanos extra hot, and a vanilla frappe?”
is the designated carrier of the cold brew kegs
AND the delivery boxes
AND the milk jugs
pretty much anything that’s heavy, he happily carries it
eventually becomes a team trainer, which suits him perfectly because he’s always boosting the team’s morale
bakugou giving the morning debrief: “alright guys, today’s gonna be super busy, and it’s gonna suck.”
the OTHER only employee that was trained by bakugou
tries so hard to flirt with customers but fails miserably
is really good at making coffee but he makes a decent amount of mistakes, like using the wrong milk or making drinks hot instead of iced (good thing we have todoroki!)
also wanted to become a team trainer but couldn’t pass the servsafe exam 😀
hooked himself up the espresso machine after bakugou broke it so they could use it until he came back with a new one 💀
does stupid shit with kirishima whenever the shop is dead
bakugou walked in on them making a castle out of cups and knocked it over, then screamed at them to get back to work
conveniently goes to the bathroom every time a huge group of people walks in
sneaks his phone in the bathroom with him
is also a chronic stoner and can’t get through a shift without hitting his pen
he accidentally left it in his apron one night and the next day iida gave everyone a talk about paraphernalia in the workplace
and everyone just had to act like they didn’t know it was kaminari’s 🤡
only has this job to pay for weed
is basically a glorified janitor because he’s not good at making coffee at ALL
he tries tho 😗
has the worst memory ever
customer: “can i get a small hot vanilla cappuccino?”
sero: “yeah so a large iced mocha frappe?”
customer: “no… a small hot vanilla cappuccino…”
sero: “yeah, that’s totally what i said.” 😀
also can’t remember how to make drinks to save his life
sero: “i’m sorry but what the hell is the difference between an iced coffee and an iced latte?”
goes to take out the trash with kaminari and they don’t come back for like twenty minutes
and when they do they’re coughing up a storm and reeking of weed 💀 like they don’t even try to hide it
would have gotten fired months ago if they weren’t so short staffed
is also a team trainer because she’s good with people
tries to get everyone to hang out outside of work, and she usually succeeds
made everyone go to karaoke and get drunk together
iida was QUITE the life of the party after a few drinks, and she evilly videotaped it all
makes memes about the managers and sends them to the barista group chat
spontaneously starts dancing while working, even when there’s customers
drinks like eight shots of espresso a day
is also the shop’s social media manager
constantly takes pictures of everyone and posts them on the shop’s instagram
manages the shop playlist
kaminari tried to get her to put a bunch of inappropriate rap songs on it but she didn’t want iida to get mad
sings to herself throughout the entire shift, everyone thinks it’s really cute
except bakugou, he isn’t afraid to tell her to shut up
only drinks black coffee, she doesn’t like milk or sugar
always spices up her uniform with cool accessories and jewelry
she’s not going to sacrifice her individuality for a corporate position 😌 (even if iida constantly lectures her… momo didn’t want to hear it anymore so she started scheduling jirou with her)
assistant general manager
everyone loves her, she’s an amazing boss
always releases the schedule two weeks ahead of time
is everyone’s barista crush
literally, a new man asks her out every day
is in charge of keeping inventory and ordering ingredients, she’s good at math so everything is always well stocked
is super nice to all the new employees she trains
is a tea enthusiast
sources a bunch of fancy tea and recommends it to the customers
she’s actually garnered a few coffee converts, no one is really able to say no to her pretty face 🥰
never gets made at anyone for requesting time off, in fact she’ll excitedly ask them ab their plans
also never guilts anyone for being sick and not coming into work
pretty much everyone’s mom, if anyone comes in looking upset she’s immediately like “okay what’s wrong, tell me right now”
sneaks up on people all the time
like someone will go up the counter to get their coffee and just see a floating apron
customer: “um, i ordered a latte and-“
hagakure: “yeah, it’s right here!” 😄
customer: “OH MY GOD-“
LOVES to gossip with mina
always has way too much energy early in the morning
*todoroki barely being able to keep his eyes open as he unlocks the door*
refuses to wear a hair net
DEVOURS croissants
wants to put cheese on the menu, and doesn’t care at all that it’s a coffee shop
buys fresh flowers to put on all the tables 🥰
one day the open sign burnt out so bakugou made him shine his navel laser though it 💀
goes on his phone during his shift ALL the time, and never listens to iida when he yells at him to put it away
everyone likes being scheduled with him because he’s basically two baristas
“hey dark shadow, can you make this order for me while i stock the bakery case?”
wants to be emo like jirou and only drink black coffee, but can’t stand the taste
“yeah jirou, we’re the only strong ones in the shop!” *dumps three creams and five sugars in his coffee when no one’s looking*
made everyone wear costumes for halloween and handed out candy to customers
purposefully messes up rude customers’ orders 💀
like if they ask for almond milk he’ll put in whole milk so they shit themselves
or if they want it skinny he’ll use the regular syrups so they get sugar overload
doesn’t know how to answer the phone
customer: “is this my hero coffee academia?”
tokoyami: “no, this is fumikage.” *hangs up*
almost has a meltdown everytime he spills something, has to lock himself in the freezer to calm down before walking back out like nothing happened
only works night shift for obvious reasons
multitasking king
all his arms allow him to do different things at once
him and iida are the speed demons of the shop, so when the two of them work together everything gets done in like two seconds
iida will be running around making all the orders while shouji is cleaning everything all at once
is pretty much everyone’s therapist, he’s just so easy to vent to
gives the best advice
is so huge and intimidating that there’s hardly ever any rude customers during his shift
gets so upset every time a bug is killed in the kitchen
momo: “koda i understand this is hard for you, but we cannot have a spider roaming freely around the food”
squeals whenever a customer leaves their dog outside
he’ll be standing at the window with his hands pressed up against the glass and tears in his eyes
todoroki: *sigh* “you can go pet the dog if you want-“
koda: “THANK YOU” *sprints out the door*
starts buying dog treats to give to the owners, he even offers to put them in a little cup of whipped cream 🥺
gets sato to make some vegan baked goods :)
cant spell customers’ names right to save his life
ojiro: “alright, can i get a name for this?”
customer: “yeah, it’s brian with a y!”
ojiro: “got it!” *writes yrian*
or he just writes the wrong name altogether
sharon is now shannnon
tyler is now tyson
jack is now jake
let’s kaminari fluff his tail when he gets overstimulated during a rush 🥺
is constantly apologizing to everyone for accidentally bumping into them with it
the faithful head baker
comes in at 4 am everyday to prep the baked goods
always asks everyone if they have any special requests <3
customers are constantly complimenting the stuff he makes and asking who made them
the baristas just smile and they’ll them that their baker sato made them, and if he’s still there, they’ll drag him out to accept the compliments 🥰
isn’t very good at asking for help, but hagakure and aoyama are always around to frost donuts or decorate cupcakes when he’s running behind :)
(BONUS) aizawa:
the area coach that stops by every so often to make sure everything is running up to standard
everyone is really scared of him but he honestly doesn’t give a single fuck so long as they’re not serving trash
only comes by during the night shift because he refuses to wake up early
and of course that’s when they least expect him
iida and momo are just nervously leading him around the shop while kirishima and kaminari are sprinting to the kitchen to throw away all the expired food 💀
tells them they’ll get shut down if they don’t get enough customer surveys, which makes everyone panic and hand them out with every order
they still didn’t have enough so sero and mina were in the back filling them out the day they were due 🤡
turns out they were never going to get shut down, he just lied to them so they’d push surveys 🙃
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thinkingjasico · 4 months
Ok so I don't have other mutuals into PJO but I must confess I've been thinking about a scenario. Gender bend Jasico with Nico as the scary goth girl and Jason/Julia being the local prom queen and they maybe are roommates and fall in love. Have I watched the wicked trailer 200 times? Mayhaps. But I just think it kinda fits them, and I love to make my faves lesbians so. Yeah.
I love this! It also makes me think of an coffee shop AU!
Nico is a barista at this very charming café on campus. She's always very quiet; studying or reading on the other side of the counter when the café is not very busy. Julia always has a million things to do during the day, so she lives off coffee and has been a regular custumer there since her first year in college, until now, in Julia's second year, Nico starts working there and Julia not only becomes terrifyingly fascinated by her, but also obsessed with the playlists Nico puts on during her shift. Julia seems very confident to others, but in reality she's not at all confident about these things; which means that for the entire first semester that year all she said to Nico was: “good afternoon”, “an espresso, please” and “thank you” . She ventured to comment on the rain once, but Nico didn't hear with the noise of the coffee machine, so Julia didn't venture to say anything more.
But when the winter break arrives, Julia's roommate tells her that from January she won't be able to live with her anymore because she's moving in with her girlfriend (Piper and Annabeth? Who knows…).
The problem is: Julia has to share the rent. The person who helps her with the bills, since she has a full scholarship to college, is her older sister Thalia--- who never went to college but has her own business, and neither of the girls has any relationship with their parents. Also, Julia hates the college dorms because she had a horrible experience living there in her first month of college. Her roommate was always taking boys there and ignored her requests to stop doing that, so Thalia said she could pay half of a cheap rent for her, so she could concentrate on her studies (I don't even need to say that for Thalia, Julia is the most perfect creature ever to walk the earth and she would kill and die for her sister to have a good life and not have to go through the things she went through).
Anyway, she's desperate and put up notices all over the college buildings, because if she doesn't find someone to share her apartment, she'll have to move out at the beginning of January. But the campus is practically empty, it's unbearably cold and she should have gone to California to spend the end of the year with her sister already. She goes to the café, upset and anxious, and for the first time she doesn't think about Nico as soon as she walks through the door. Instead of going straight to the counter, she sits down at a table in the corner of the empty café, takes off her wet coat and beanie and leaves her flyers on the table. She's reaching for her cell phone to text Thalia and tell her she won't be able to travel until she's sorted this out; when a cup is placed on the table. She looks up and sees that it's an espresso. She looks up more and sees that Nico is standing there, with her long, black, wavy, voluminous hair tucked behind her pierced ears, and her painted black lips with a piercing in the middle say: “I saw this flyer in the English building today.”
It was just those words.
The flyer had many ways of contacting Julia, with all her social media accounts there so you could see the image of perfection that everyone had of her. Maybe all the problems that would ruin her end of the year and her next semester would be solved now, but all Julia could think was: She knows my order?!
Julia nods, “Yes, I'm looking for someone to share my apartment with. It's right near the campus entrance. The building is pretty old, and I live on the sixth floor, with no elevator, but the apartment is nice, I promise. I'm not noisy or messy and I don't have any pets.” She could have shut up after explaining the location of the building, which was already in the flyer, instead of saying it all in one breath like that, but anyway… “Do you know anyone who would be interested?” Please be you, please be you…
Nico glances to the counter, “I lived in the dorms at first, but my roomate was the most shitty person I've ever met. So I moved into the second floor of the café; not exactly with Luke's permission at first, but when he found me there he let me stay until New Year's.” She turns back to Julia and says nothing more, so Julia assumes that the person interested in the place is Nico herself.
There was a possibility that Julia would fall in love and spend the rest of her college years suffering in silence for that girl, but even if she only got to be friends with Nico, that would be enough for her.
Julia smiles and holds out her hand to Nico to close the deal. "It seems we were fated for each other then." And that was precisely why usually Julia only said the same things to Nico. "I-I mean, destined to be roommates, you know? And solve our housing problems."
But, thank God, the girl didn't seem to pay much attention to what Julia said, because she seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't take Julia's hand. “Hm, I kind of adopted a stray cat that kept eating the café's garbage.”
Julia smiles more broadly; her hand still held out. “Great! Take the cat with you.” And then Nico gives what Julia would later learn is the beginning of a smile, and takes her hand. Julia is actually allergic to cats, but at the moment she couldn't even see it as a problem.
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