#a little abnormal. its my brand. its my brand!
bobzora · 1 year
got to the disaster of floods in my orv reread im on the floor
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twstthing · 2 months
[Bake Bread] 1/2
Minecraft Single Player! Yuu AU
Summary: Yuu baked(?) bread for Azul.
Part 2/2
Yuu has insanely fast-growing wheat on their farm located at Ramshackle grounds. Azul has been so, so shifty about wanting to own the property, but he has continuously and fabulously failed at acquiring it.
But what kind of business man is Azul to give up on such an opportunity? Wheat can take up to 2/3rds of the year to grow, but the wheat this abnormal student plants takes approximately 1 and a half days to be completely grown! Not only that, it is beautifully, so beautifully consistent in its quality.
Yes, sure, there are PLENTY of magic agriculture brands that sell amazingly consistent produce, but this wheat? This wheat is terrifyingly accurate to the industry standard. Azul had to confirm to his two associates that no, he was in fact not tripping balls ("You are MALDING over overrated grass, Azul. You sound just like Jade.")
Just to confirm that he wasn't insane, he had gotten his hands on some legally obtained samples of the wheat (He politely asked for a bundle of wheat from Yuu with a contract where he promised to not commercialize nor generate defamation/slander associated with Yuurmom because of the wheat.) and had Jade take it to his Science Club to study it.
Even according to that Heartsyabul Clover, he was thoroughly impressed at the remarkably consistent quality of the wheat.
Trey had kindly indulged Jade's questions about the wheat, explaining one of the most business-booming, profit-generating, game-breaking facts about this produce
This wheat does not expire.
It doesn't expire? Are you kidding? No preservatives, no drying processes, no water rot, none? None at all?
As Clover explains, "Uhh, yeah. It doesn't go bad even when carried around for months. Yuu gifted me some, but I don't exactly know how to process wheat into flour, so it's been sitting in the pantry for some time now. I've been wanting to put it to use though, so this week I'll be meeting with Deuce, Epel, and Jack to help me process it."
So yeah, Azul is definitely NOT crazy for losing his mind over this farm that Yuu has going on. If he can have Yuu make a contract with him to exclusively sell their harvests to Mostro Lounge, he'd be booming! Fast crops, no preservatives, no need to watch for shelf life, do you even understand what kind of miracle crop this student has?!
When Azul comes knocking at Yuu's door once more, he is greeted with the expected presence of the Ramshackle Housewarden, but also a basket of... Flatly stacked pixelated bread?
"Why, Yuu, I wasn't aware you enjoy my company so much!"
"Come in. Bread, eat."
Azul is slightly surprised by the sudden hospitality, but accepts it to see if he can further his advances in getting his hands on those crops.
Upon being seated in the common room, Yuu takes one of the breads from the basket and begins to eat it in their really loud and strange way. Crumbs are flying everywhere, yet not one speck actually makes it onto the couch or floor. Azul wishes he could forget the way Yuu tried to eat the food at Mostro Lounge for the first time.
Jade sets the plate down, and gives a simple smile, "Please enjoy your food." Deuce and Ace usher various forms of a curt "Thanks." before digging in, but Yuu continues to stare at the plate in front of them. Ace raises an eyebrow, but before he got to make a snarky comment, Yuu grabs their Sirloin Steak with Mushroom Sauce and Stir-Fried Vegetables with their bare hand and proceeds to begin ripping at it.
Ripping is not a strong enough word to describe their eating process, Yuu's mouth was barely open yet there were steak shreds and mushroom sauce flying everywhere. The two little card soldiers were trying to fend themselves from the food splatter onslaught, Jade was collapsed to his knees trying to hold in his laughter, Floyd dropped the food he was supposed to serve in opt of releasing howling laughter, and Azul felt like crawling into a ditch.
.. Maybe this was a more prominent memory for Azul than he initially thought.
But! Azul has persisted through worse, really strange eating mannerisms do not compare to the Leech's impulsive personalities. Therefore, this is nothing.
"So, Housewarden, how do you fare? I can see that this place has recently been cleaned well, was that your doing?"
The sounds of disconcertingly loud bread munching fill the room for a solid 4 seconds. Yuu is staring straight at Azul, and Azul stares back. Azul dully notes that their pupils are square-shaped. He's aware of slit eyes and horizontally slit eyes, as evidenced by goat beastfolk, but he's unsure if a person with square pupils is simply born like that or had an extreme cosmetic surgery.
Yuu audibly gulps and burps after finishing their loaf, the bread vanishing from their hand with the blink of an eye.
There are a lot of things running through Azul's mind right now, but his goal was not forgotten. Get closer with Yuu, get that wheat, make business boom. Thus, he slightly extends his hand out to the basket of pixelated bread that is stacked upon each other like cards, "Mind if I have some?"
Yuu nods, so Azul reaches out with his gloved hand to take one of the reasonably sized hard-as-rock pixelated loaves of bread.
He goes in with two hands to rip the bread in half, but finds that it is rock solid. Of course it is. It is a physical slab of a pixelated graphic of a loaf of bread. Azul feels a bit stupid. ("Of course you are, normie! You should've expected that!")
Despite the failed first attempt, Azul tries to rip at it once more with more force. Fingertips pressed into the slab, he pulls his arms away from each other horizontally in a final attempt.
Rip? Azul looks at the now split pieces of bread in his hands, and the previous rock-solid pixelated graphic has turned into actual bread.
Azul blinks. He looks at the basket of bread, and the pixel graphic was still there stacked neatly. Bringing his arms back, he observes the bread in his hands that looks to be an ordinary, warm, freshly baked loaf of bread that bore no resemblance to what he initially held in his hands prior to tearing it.
"You ever eat bread before?"
Azul nearly whips his head up to look at Yuu, who's unconcerning gaze never left him.
Pushing up his glasses, Azul speaks, "I assure you I know of bread, Housewarden. I was simply wondering.."
There are a lot of questions Azul wants to ask, those related and unrelated to the current situation, but he pulls through and selects a question that would give him more insight to the Housewarden's stranger properties.
"I was thinking about how you made this. It's still fresh and warm after all. I didn't know the oven in here was operable, no offense to you and your skilled craftsmanship."
Yuu shrugs, "Just 3 wheat, bread made."
Azul blinks.
"Do you mean 3 pounds of wheat? That's quite a lot of crop to process."
"No. 3 wheat makes 1 bread."
Azul Ashengrotto is one of the youngest genius businessmen to enter the world. His thorough work and sound words carry his reputation as smoothly as sea currents, letting all know of his benevolence and charm. However, such skill was not born from nothing. The young man had persisted through harder times, fought his way to the top, wrangling only the best of deals and people to keep his position rising, an experienced businessman as he is no stranger to challenge.
However, interacting with this abnormal Housewarden has somehow managed to shake the reality and logic of such a esteemed man more than thrice.
".. Do you mind explaining what that means, Housewarden? I feel that you might be referring to a unit of measurement from your home, which I'm unfortunately not familiar with."
Continued in Part 2
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yonpote · 5 months
as someone who wasnt here at the time (was a fan from about 2011-2013) what exactly defines the "softlaunch era" pre-coming out that i hear you and others refer to?
you've come to the right place cuz this is the era when i truly became a Phannie... "gay softlaunch" is generally considered 2017-18, but to be more specific it was october 31, 2016-june 13, 2019!
before they came out this was also referred to as "post-baking universe" referencing the halloween 2016 monster pops video that had an (at the time) abnormal amount of raunchy humor and just general derangedness. nothing like it is today, but that point felt very significant and dan even brought it up in liveshows like yeah idk what happened there and when phil called a peach an ass in a gaming video dan said "we live in a post-baking universe" (i believe fans coined the term tho).
people have also called it the "glass closet era" which is a divisive name for a lot of people cuz "glass closet" can be seen as kind of a mean term and it implies like, stereotyping or speculating or the "we been knew" behavior dan had talked about in BIG. which i understand that feeling, but i don't think that's what was happening, because the way i see it was queer flagging. ways they could show a little bit who they really were without saying it just yet. they weren't Out out, but they were just like. openly talking about attraction to men and finding men hot and not calling it a Man Crush or anything. dan would bring up queerness more often in liveshows, which hes mentioned queer artists and stuff before but now it was also making jokes about like.. being in a gas leak man porn fantasy in his first livestream of 2017 LMAO. phil would make a lot more innuendos, which hes always done, but now he wasnt pretending like he didnt know what he was saying. dan started wearing a single hoop earring on his right ear. this is an old school form of queer flagging, in The Olden Days (im too lazy to look up when but like my 70-something year old history teacher knew about this) if a man had an earring on his left ear, he's straight, and if he had one on his right, he's gay. that one's pretty subtle if you don't know much about queer history and there were Great Debates over whether or not we should take it to mean he is gay, but personally i saw it as like. he was letting us know without needing to say the G word out loud just yet!
i think a really important part of this era was even outside of directly discussing queerness, they were both trying to become more authentic online and figuring out how to do that without compromising their own privacy. dan stopped straightening his hair and rebranded and opened up about his mental health. phil's authenticity journey seemed a bit slower and wasn't as overt or seemingly drastic as dan's was, but it was happening! he changed up his hair!!! which yes its kinda silly to talk abt dnp's hair but the emo fringe was Their Brand. phil in particular said that, the emo fringe was a comfort place but he was feeling like he was trapped in having it forever because it was Who He Was, so it was a huge deal for him! he opened up a little bit about his physical health, both of them were a bit more honest about all the stress and anxiety they were dealing with (the mukbang is a pretty good video where they talk about that and an interesting one to watch in retrospect) and their whole 2018 tour was themed around whether they should Give The People What They Want or do what they wanted to do.
god i talk too much ANYWAY then dan disappeared in 2019 and phil was manning the helm for a good five and a half months and then the Big Gay hit! the Hard Launch Era if you will :) and now i would say 2023-present is the Unhinged Era so i have no clue what the hell their next move is gonna be...
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sonderwrit · 6 months
C119: Uncontrollable
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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Merry Christmas brothers! A strange play (ah? ) Although the young immortal sovereign isn't bad, but [I'm] still looking forward to the adult immortal sovereign! Two more chapters!
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*lightning dissipates*
Wang Yi: Hah….
WY: (Scared me to death.) [It was so provoking to recover my memories]
WY: (Although I'm not sure why that little child seemed to be familiar with the plot.)
WY: (But he got hit by the Heavenly Will's "gun" because of us. It's not a crime that deserves death, so I'd help where I could.) 
[FLASHBACK: "Hahaha, you central air conditioner!*]
*Wang Yi's nickname from his school days, meaning he's a guy who treats everyone well.
WY: (I keep feeling that other people would laugh at me if they knew about this.) 
*[Qin Xian] can't read his mind from behind*
WY: (Where's Sao Ling? Where did Sao Ling go? I even heard the system transmission just then and wanted to ask about a bunch of things.)
WY: (It's all too bizarre.)
[FLASHBACK: S-0 telling Wang Yi it'll be easier for the Main System to find him if he knows too much, and how he's going to erase Wang Yi's memory.]
WY: (He said we had to hide from the Main System's investigation, but another guy came to break the plot.)
[FLASHBACK: The protagonist shou claiming he can see the future.]
WY: (Moreover, he was suspected at the moment of rebirth by the Heavenly Will and caught red-handed before being eliminated.)
WY: (As if…)
WY: (Someone wanted to tell the Heavenly Will… [Here's the bug you wanted].)
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WY: (Other than that, what's with those visions occasionally appearing in my head?)
Qin Xian: (Disciple is so quiet.)
WY: (It might be someone else's memories, but it feels related to S-0 and those group of Systems.)
WY: (After leaving the visions, the System Shop's props and their uses all appeared before my eyes one by one.)
WY: (As if I've already seen them thousands of times….they're familiar?)
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Heavenly Will > S-0 > Wang Yi
Heavenly Will > A.I. > Bai Mo]
WY: (Logic tells me the Heavenly Will isn't omnipotent. All of "Its" actions costs a certain amount of consumption.)
WY: (Otherwise, it wouldn't need the Systems to act as its "eyes.")
WY: (Or transmigrators to act as its "hands" to complete missions.)
[FLASHBACK: The protagonist shou sobbing that he doesn't want to die.]
WY: (Therefore, as long as you make good use of points covertly, you can prevent the protagonist's soul from scattering away.)
[True Cultivation Treasure: Reincarnation Vessel:
It can take a small piece of soul from a scattered spirit and transform it into a brand new soul. Although it cannot cause a soul to rebirth, it can send them onto reincarnation. 
Recommended Use: For worlds with Open or Bad Endings
Recommended Rating: 3 Stars]
WY: (But why do I know about these things?)
WY: (This isn't something I could've figured out through logic alone.)
WY: (This is bad…)
WY: (Why do I feel like I'm brushing the edge of the truth?)
WY: (I can't keep thinking down this line anymore…)
WY: (I need to trust S-0 and Qin.)
Qin Xian: For now, we can't return to the sect.
WY: ?
WY: Master…
WY: (This world's Qin has no memory, so I have to exercise self-control against his mind-reading and maintain my character settings.)
WY: Just then that little daoist incurred an abnormal heavenly tribulation.
WY: Doesn't Master need to tell the higher-ups?
QX: That's for later.
QX: Right now— *digs into his sleeve of a hundred treasures*
QX: Eat this. (Can't trust other's medicine, but I can trust my own.)
[NOTE: Realgar can be used for medicine but also has detoxification properties. It also acts as an insecticide, treats damp and phlegm, and malaria.]
WY: ?!
WY: Realgar…
WY: Master why are you—
QX: Eat it.
QX: There aren't any outsiders right now.
WY: (What does he mean by this? He's feeding me realgar because he suspects my snake bloodline?)
WY: ……
WY: Is Master worried I'm really as that little daoist friend said, here to hurt you and the sect?
QX: Mm.
WY: ……
WY: (It's very normal for him to do this. It'd be irresponsible if he allowed the demonic clan members to infiltrate the sect.) [To avoid the Heavenly Will's notice, I'll have to maintain the character of an obedient disciple for now.]
*I'll need to act a bit aggrieved….*
WY: (But for some reason, I'm feeling pissed off.)
Very pissed off—
QX: ?
QX:  (He seems to be..angry.)
QX: (But he doesn't resent me.)
WY: UrrrrRRrrkk— (It's disgusting, I'm dizzy and my vision's spinning.)
QX: Disciple.
QX: How is it, do you have any bloodthirsty impulses that don't belong to you?) [Realgar won't cause real harm to snakes.]
WY: Hahah….
WY: How do you know that.
WY: (Is this the power of the primitive beasts….my body is shaking, and my fangs and abdominal cavity feel hollow.)
WY: (I'm about to lose control.)
QX: Disciple?
WY: Master, leave quickly— It'll be bad if anyone touches me now….
QX: It's fine, you can't hurt me.
QX: After you show me all your symptoms, I'll be able to understand your bloodline and suppress it as described in the book.
WY: (Is this really the time to bring up that book now?!)
WY: !
WY: (Wait? He said suppress the bloodline?)
WY: (That book indeed tells how the master used various methods to suppress his possessed disciple's demonic energy.)
*unable to control himself*
WY: (Did Qin Xian feed me medicine out of sight from anyone else, not only because he was worried I'd hurt others, but because he wanted to—)
WY: ("Treat" me?)
QX: Disciple is being naughty.
QX: (He really grew snake fangs and snake scales.)
QX: (But it isn't so much that it's past the point of no return.)
*garbled noise*
QX: Don't move, I don't want to use too much strength.
WY: (Ah, I think I know why I was mad. Just you wait 'til you recover your memories.)
QX: !
QX: (Has the pain reached a point where he's experiencing hallucinations?)
QX: Sigh—
QX: Apologies.
QX: Usually I'd kill monsters outright after discovering one, but I didn't expect disciple's case to be so severe.
WY: ?
QX: So consider this compensation. *undos protective layer of true qi*
WY: (He removed the true qi shielding his shoulder.)
WY: (Does Qin Xian want me to…bite him?)
QX: Yes.
QX: Come on.
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[SPECIFICATION: Realgar's effects on snake demons come from legends, but it's used rarely against snakes in modern times. If you need to (deal with snakes) please take a more scientific approach.]
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anthonybialy · 1 month
Back to Not Abnormal
Most people would claim to prefer sanity.  Thinking clearly seems logical unless you’re insane.  There’s a good test if anyone’s worried about being infected.  Discarding maniacal idiocy is apparently the wisest course.  If you are familiar with many of humanity’s regrettable tendencies, you understand why there’s no certainty.  We tried out lunacy just to see if we enjoyed it.  Keeping an open mind allows for new experiences even if trying once turns out to be sufficient.
You’re no longer deemed racist for existing, which is nice in the way no longer hitting yourself on the head with a claw hammer feels better by comparison.  One scumbag cop kneeling on a suspect’s neck is no longer valid as an excuse for telling one race of people to pipe down and listen as if another is more authentic in its experience.  You can fill in any group and it’s wrong, which is a way to check.
Grievances aren’t necessarily accurate.  Take how in this case they were totally inaccurate.  The sort of subjective beings who say things like “My truth” may not perceive reality with clarity.  Admitting to subjectivity is a good start even if it’s inadvertent.  Pent-up venters just happen to be the same ones who think Hamas represents the persecuted and this White House has made everyone rich just because the dollar figures seem so high.
Government will cure you, according to countless epitaphs.  It turns out coerced care is the precise opposite of compassionate, what with creating shortages while raising prices.  Micromanaging your breathing and associating only sound like exaggerations.
Getting up in your grill doesn’t just apply to nasty flus inflicted by inept supervillains.  Violating the health of your liberties leads to your physical being declining, too.  Deciding something others provide for you is a right leads to it becoming unobtainable.   Other than the philosophical and practical failures, everything works out.
Billing the collective is a bad way to get goods.  Stuff is supposed to become affordable by billing all of us, meaning others.  Forcing the collective to pay results in an unwieldy cost burden where people either pay ridiculous prices that inevitably result from removing competition or force anyone who makes more to pay way more in taxes, which results in a downturn of spending and hiring.  You can’t choose which way coercion causes ironic woe.
The notion that government is good at anything at all runs counter to every moment we’ve endured, so at least ceaseless suffering had a purpose.  The incumbent claims to have experience yet runs against it.  Aren’t you enjoying your newfound wealth?  There’s the little catch of how we’ve been handed Monopoly money, with the difference being it’s fun to outfox art history majors who think gentrifying Marvin Gardens with hotels would displace the indigent.  A game where entrepreneurs must put others out of business defines liberalism as much as the way they’re terrible at it.
The notion that politicians should seize lucre in order to spend wisely never made sense.  But we tried it just to make sure.  The rather pushy redistribution wasn’t voluntarily, of course, unless signing over one’s autonomy permanently is the consequence of voting once.  That’s Democratic policy.
Coerced cooperation was always preposterous.  The ominous notion now features the immediacy of many horrid examples.  Thank Joe Biden for disproving everything he believes.  
Seeing results is bad news for the theoretically-minded.  Self-branded intellectuals can’t even think of appealing schemes.  Patent claptrap has been inflicted upon everyone for a couple years as part of a rather dubious trend that’s hopefully never treated as a throwback.  We live under a government that’s only semi-skilled at stopping crime, which is the one task it’s neglected.  One of its very few actual assigned roles has been swapped out for ensuring diversity.  Risk is ubiquitous for equality.
Everyone was benefiting from open markets and locked prisons to the point that ingrates decided the solutions were the problems.  The unappreciative naturally kvetch about what allows them to idle.
Removing safeguards went as well as declaring politicians are better at spending than whoever earned the money in question, which is to say not very.  Take a look at who decided what we didn’t need luxuries like autonomy to learn why letting someone else make decisions is a very bad idea.  Biden’s staffers are so bad at being productive that they had to find work hassling those who are.
This decade is not just an experiment to see how woeful life can get, although that was the result.  Change for the sake of it needs specifics.  Imposing daily burdens differs entirely from preserving fantastically counterproductive mandatory programs with coerced funding.
Anyone sick of feeling perpetually fed up might even get to the point where they seek a president who suggests you can choose things for yourself.  All it took was trying the opposite.  Voters consented, once.
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wulvert · 1 year
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i wouldve eaten brain juice (and the teeth this gave me a craving 4 thst teeth candy acrually) in seconds i was a very brave little kid. nd also bc i too believed i was too cool for girl brand candy. or maybe that was the gender idk. i was never afraid of picking a hole into my brain but i did accidentally snort a bead up my nose once as a child and panicked and thought it was gonn go directly into my frontal lobe nd murder me instantly. i didnt die tho im still here i just snifed it back out
i dont respecr any fruit flavoring that isnt blue colored tex and terry are stronger than me. and red i absolutelt despise peeps theyre JUST MARSHMALLOWS THATS ALL THEY ARE!!! AARRRGGHHHH!!!!! tara is also stronger than me i catn eat tootsie rolls. the entire triptrack cast is stronger than me. except toad i could eat limited edition rare 5 star haribo easily. anyways
I HAVE NEVER SEEN THOSE IN MY LIFE but they remind me of something deep in the recesses of my brain... idk what though. k now that ive typed everything out i think its just those gummy burgers you build urself that i never got bc my sister would get one to share with her friend and i was left out and nobody bought me one. i want those tho and thts literslly toad
i did eat the brain juice over the lipstick ones iirc- i just felt weird abt it- i think i took the lip ones when i was forced 2 conform by society...... (when there were no blue raspberry brain ones left) but i miss these. i want one. but they were almost too sweet when i was a kid and now as a grown adult elderly 19 yr old who barely likes milk chocolate idk if i could take it.
i was so scared of having a hole in my brain. iirc i had a little cut on my head then i picked the scab bc i was like 7 and i was like holy fucking shit its over for me- then i realised i had a HUGE DENT IN MY SKULL ( i have an extremely normal shaped skull i promise ) and it was definitely over me bc that meant i had inadvertandly dug into my brain and was dying. never snorted a bead tho. rip to u.
tht is a fair opiniom i wont attack you. i like grape, blue, apple and
....... strawberry is okay. :/ (😒)
blue 2nd 2 grape though. blue is easier to find than grape so grape has a novelty 2 it.
hmmm ok well I havent had a peep since i was like 4 i thought they were life changing- THOSE peeps were freeze dried. so....theyre different...
I LIKE TOOTSUE ROLES i bulk bought 60pc of them when i was like 14 bc i had them once when i was 8 in the guides but for smaller children bc a strange man fed them to us. 60pc of tootsie rolls was too many tho i have no urge to buy them now.
the person was selling it for £30- its a malfunctioned haribo thats only the foam bit. second hand haribo
life changing investment.
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I'm drinking from my reusable glass water bottle that I've been digging lately. It's a real upgrade from the ones of yore that always left this faint chemical aftertaste, like you were sipping truth serum manufactured by Fisher-Price. Anyway, I happen to glance down at the cap, and there it is - these tiny little specks of black mold metastasizing on the rubber seal like the primordial ooze that culminated in the Mos Eisley Cantina. My brain does that thing where it instantly jump-cuts between two opposing thoughtwaves: 1) This is surely howided Spider-Man, and 2) What if I've already consumed enough moldy particles to birth a brand new phylum inside my stomach?
So I stop drinking, because I'm not trying to get haunted by a malicious mold Candyman. I try to clean the cap when I get home, scrubbing furiously until I'm reenacting that one scene from Slumdog Millionaire where they're jamming the toilet. But the mold won't dislodge. It's almost like it manufactured its own microscopic adamantium-esque exoskeleton specifically to mock my impotence. I give up and revert to my trusty plastic water bottle - you know, the one leaching disruptive chemicals that will inevitably cause pubescent kangaroos to sprout abnormal secondary vestigial arm-branches. Such is life, I suppose. It's all just degrees of consuming ambient poison anyway.
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boutiqueseven · 1 year
Luxury Meets Sport: The New Rolex Cosmograph Daytona as a Symbol of Style and Performance
This year at Watches and Wonders 2023, Rolex once more set a new watchmaking record with its Daytona model. Being the 60th commemoration of the watch's unique delivery, this truly doesn't astonish anybody. In a similar vein, the relatively minor adjustments that Rolex made were not particularly surprising given that Rolex is a massive, incremental brand that does not tend to make significant adjustments. All things being equal, the brand likes to bit by bit move its models across various cycles to get them where it needs them (or forsake them by and large, as it did with the Milgauss and Cellini this year). The Daytona has undergone a few more minor tweaks this year than in 2016, but they are more significant. At the show, we had the opportunity to try on two brand-new Rolex Cosmograph Daytonas: the platinum reference 126506 and the steel and yellow gold reference 126503.
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The Daytona's immediate aesthetics have not changed, but we are well aware that the devil is in the details. The 40mm case diameter has not changed, but the lugs have been slightly widened to give the watch a more contemporary feel. Since watches are becoming smaller rather than larger, this seemed ironic to me. You can rest assured that the Daytona still looks fantastic: It is, has been, and probable will keep on being quite possibly of the best-wearing chronograph available Rolex watches online.
However, in addition to the improvement to the lugs, there is another modification that does give the watch the impression of being a little bit larger. The Daytona got a Cerachrom bezel in the 2016 update that covered the entire bezel. This gave the watch a dramatically wide appearance and made the dial look a little smaller than it was. A small polished ring has been added to models with the Cerachrom bezel to surround the insert. It also has a recessed appearance (despite being flush), which makes the entire case appear more present around it. This makes the dial a little more prominent and thins out the bezel. Again, the watch's physical feel has not changed, but the lugs and bezel have been changed to make it look slightly bigger on the wrist.
On the models with valuable metal bezels, the edge is essentially cleaned (in lieu of some abnormal differentiating ring). The models remain unchanged from previous iterations except for those case modifications. Despite the 100-meter water resistance provided by the screw-down Triplock crown and pushers, I have always preferred the unscrewed pushers on the Daytona and any chrono with screw-down pushers. Perhaps that is simply me.
The etched scale on the bezel of the platinum and black-and-gold models is made of PVD platinum or gold fill to match the cases. This is a small change that you might not notice, but it makes the watch look nice and makes it more cohesive when you do. Both the sapphire crystal and the bracelets remain unchanged, with the bracelets sporting an AR coating and the very convenient and simple-to-use Easylink extension mechanism for the sapphire crystal.
One thing to specify is that the platinum form is a weighty watch. You immediately feel the weight; I quickly got used to it, but when it stopped, I felt a lightness that almost jarred me. It was just as shocking to switch to a different model, like this two-tone 18k yellow gold and steel one. You should be fine as long as you don't switch from the platinum Daytona to the new titanium Yacht-Master.
The platinum 126506's strange combination of brown and ice blue, first seen 10 years ago when it debuted for the model's 50th anniversary, looks absolutely stunning in person. You don't think it will work, and it might not have to, but it does. A surprising and pleasing chromatic balance is provided by the warm-to-cold contrast. The two-tone 126503 is honestly not my cup of tea. Beautiful watch, but I find the white, steel, and yellow gold to be too bright and 1990s for me. I'm going yellow on yellow on yellow if I go gold.
Regardless, the dials. The dials, like the case, appear identical from a distance, but they immediately have a lighter, more open appearance. Rolex has made little acclimations to the markers to make them longer and more slender, disposing of the in fact squat files that graced the past age (however they actually highlight the brand's splendid Chromalight lume). The chronograph registers' rings have been thinned, further refreshing the dial. This open dial might appear a little odd to people who are accustomed to the coziness of older Daytonas, which was never cluttered, but the thicker markers and rings made it feel fuller. That was the opinion of a few of my coworkers—almost all of whom are more knowledgeable about Rolex than I am—but I prefer the new dials because I don't like the chubby markers on the old dials.
Did you really think I wouldn't mention the most significant change? The platinum 126506 Daytona presently includes — without precedent for a Rolex sports watch — a showcase caseback. All things considered, this isn't significant. You won't see it on your wrist, and the movement isn't particularly impressive. When I held the watch, the caseback was more remarkable for the fact that it was made for the first time than anything else. Remember, Rolex is extremely late to this game. The caseback, on the other hand, isn't just about following a trend or making people happy—Rolex is terrible at the latter. A solid platinum caseback would be very expensive, and the brand probably found those savings and the chance to start a watch nerd frenzy too tempting. This is going to generate irrational excitement among people. In case it wasn't obvious, the other models still have sturdy casebacks.)
As previously stated, looking through the caseback isn't much of a show, but it is better than the previous generation of Daytonas. This is due to the updated caliber 4131 automatic chronograph movement found in the current generation. This new type, similar to the watches it powers, is a development, not an unrest. It still has all of the Rolex bells and whistles, including the Chronergy escapement, Paraflex antishock system, and blue Parachrom hairspring, and the specs are the same: 28,800 vph with a 72-hour power reserve. It is still a Superlative Chronometer, having passed Rolex's stringent in-house testing to -2/+2 seconds per day in addition to being certified by COSC. However, it uses fewer components than the 4130 thanks to incremental updates, resulting in greater reliability (fewer things to break).
However, the most significant changes made to the 4130 are cosmetic and beneficial to the caseback ogler: a steel-and-solid cutout 18k gold oscillating weight (the 4130's) and a new style of striping that the company is calling "Rolex Côtes de Genève." This style adds narrow, polished bands between the traditional stripes. They can be difficult to find in pictures and, frankly, they were difficult to find face to face, depending on the light as they do.Order now Rolex Cosmograph Daytona at  Boutique 7.
0 notes
sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Apple CEO Tim Cook kicked off the annual occasion on Wednesday with a three-minute video depicting how the Apple Watch has saved lives by calling for assist. One man described how he was skating on a frozen river when the ice gave out. Another survived a airplane crash in a distant space in the course of winter. And a highschool scholar escaped a bear encounter. Another instance from the occasion centered on a 27-year outdated highschool instructor went to the emergency room after her Apple Watch detected an abnormally excessive coronary heart fee. According to the instructor, "My doctor said, 'It was your watch that saved your life."Apple has lengthy offered its merchandise as instruments for creativity, productiveness and a constructive, if aspirational, way of life full of family and friends, wholesome habits and outside actions. Some of that was nonetheless on show at this yr's occasion, however there was a brand new messaging, too. The firm positioned lots of its merchandise and options as security nets in a shaky world. Apple introduced new car-crash detection know-how on each the Apple Watch and iPhone which it says can decide the "precise moment of impact" utilizing the system's barometer, GPS and microphone. "We truly hope you never need it, but feel a little bit safer every time you get into a car," stated Ron Huang, Apple's vice chairman of sensing and connectivity, in the course of the announcement.It additionally unveiled a groundbreaking Emergency SOS instrument for iPhones that depends on satellites if, for instance, you are misplaced within the wilderness and mobile service is not working. And it launched a brand new temperature monitoring instrument on the Apple Watch that can be utilized to trace sicknesses, at a time when many should still be wrestling with pandemic well being anxieties.While arguably a continuation of Apple's give attention to well being options, significantly with its smartwatches, the emphasis on these fearful use instances nonetheless raised some eyebrows amongst business watchers. "It was a little surprising to see Apple reach for the alarmist approach and position their devices as potential life savers," stated Ramon Llamas, analysis director at market analysis agency IDC. In current years, Apple has promised prospects that its merchandise can assist create a safer digital environment for them -- one with stronger privateness protections and family-friendly content material. Now its pitch seems to have expanded to protecting folks protected in the actual world."These emergency features are like the safety bags in your car: you aren't going to need them all the time, but you're grateful when you do," Llamas stated. The shift in tone comes as Apple confronts a brand new financial panorama that would make it more durable to persuade prospects to pay three- and four-figure quantities to improve their gadgets -- particularly when a few of these merchandise will not be considerably completely different from the prior yr. The firm launched comparatively minor updates to its devices throughout the board on Wednesday. The iPhone lineup, for instance, offered updates to the digicam techniques, a brand new interactive lock display screen and on the Pro fashions, a lot sooner efficiency. Meanwhile, the brand new high-end Apple Watch Ultra is focused towards excessive sports activities lovers; whereas a marketplace for rugged watches exists, not everybody wants monitoring for deep ocean diving or triathlons. "Refinement over revolution isn't a bad thing but if purses are tightening with the economy then these announcements are a harder sell without anything groundbreaking," stated Eric Abbruzzese, a analysis director at market agency ABI Research.The emphasis on well being and security may additionally assist Apple bolster its subscription companies enterprise, Abbruzzese stated, which has been one among its fastest-growing income strains in recent times. As he factors out, the satellite tv for pc connectivity is "only free for two years.
" (Apple has not specified how a lot it prices after that.) Moreover, "advanced health tools seem like just another way to sell Fitness+ more strongly." [ad_2] Source link
0 notes
animetrashlord-007 · 2 years
A Knock At Midnight;; Tanjiro
Word Count;; 1.1k
Genre;; Yandere
Pairing;; Demon!Tanjiro x Reader [Demon Slayer]
There's a monster hunting you. Every night it comes knocking on your door, pressing your limits and toying with your sanity.
Anon said: Can I request 15 in the summer creepy prompt with Tanjiro
Prompt 15 = The Knock!
Demon!Tanjiro, horror elements, predator / prey, branding, blood
I'm not a fan of making characters into the thing they hate but it also just kind of wrote itself that way
My Masterlist
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   It comes every night.
   Heavy knuckles rapping against your door, sharp nails scraping the log panelling of your cabin, open palms eliciting moans as the windows threaten to shatter beneath them; it comes every night, emboldened by your passivity. No matter how still you are, hands clamped over your mouth to prevent even the tremble of your lips, it always knows where you are. Shadows do little to camouflage you. When it wants you, it finds you.
   The first knock came at midnight – one loud bang that rattled the door on its hinges. Harrowed by the appearance of a stranger so far into the wilderness, you pretended you weren't home. It seemed to work, and silence fell across your property. Not a single animal dared make a sound. Not even you.
   When the sun rose and your restless sleep came to an end, you had planned to move on from the whole incident. There was no reason to dwell on it. It wasn't scary unless you allowed it to be. That had been your mindset when you swung your front door open but your resolution wavered once you saw the scorch mark branded upon the dark wood.
   It came every night henceforth.
   Even now as the clock strikes midnight and bile rises in your throat, you know it'll come. Sometimes it waits until your guard is down, arriving early or waiting until dawn is near, but it always comes. Without fail, it haunts your every night.
   And it's growing more brazen with every passing day.
   Ravenous growls flood through the crack beneath the door, followed by incessant inhalations as it sniffs you out. Your eyes flicker to the trembling wood. Groaning under the pressure of the body pressed against it, hairline fractures materialise.
   The knocking begins. It reverberates inside your skull, rattling your brain until your eyes sting. Covering your ears does naught to dampen the sound. The beast pounds against the walls without reprieve as it creeps toward your hiding spot. Past the main hall and living room and around the corner to your bedroom, taunting you all while closing the distance. Fists loosen to open palms and it's the screech of nails against wood that breaks you.
   "Go away, go away, go away," you whimper, the words wet with tears. "God, please, just leave me alone!"
   It pauses and the silence is heaven-sent.
   Taking a deep breath, you hold the air until it burns. Shivers tear down your spine. Releasing a shaky exhale, you repeat the process, willing your nerves to settle. For the first time in weeks you're able to think with some clarity. Did it leave? Did your cries satisfy it for the night? A glimmer of hope passes through your mind as you look toward the bedroom window.
   There's only darkness.
   Standing on unsteady feet, you wipe away tears and snot with the back of your sleeve. You've never seen the beast, always too scared to face it. Would it be monstrous and grotesque? Would the mere sight of it petrify your very soul, sealing you within this endless nightmare? Only something truly hideous down to the core could be so relentless in its torture.
   You need to see it.
   You need to know what face it wears.
   When you reach the windowsill you expect a jumpscare, for it to reach in and rip you away from the sanctity of your home. There's nothing. No movement, no marks, no trace of the monster. You strain your eyes to catch sight of anything abnormal. It should be easy to tell – it's your own land after all – but everything looks wrong.
   Finger-like branches lurch toward you, eager to snatch you up the moment you flee. The garden pulses with a beating heart. Clouds open wide to swallow the moonlight, allowing shadows to expand along the tree line.
   If it's anywhere, it'll be there. Watching. Waiting.
   You squint into the distance.
   All is quiet.
   Leaning forward, your breath fogs the pane. With a quick swipe of your arm, you scour the landscape. Forest stretches for miles in every direction. A thick ball of saliva threatens to stick in your throat. You gulp it down before propping yourself up on your tiptoes. Your hands rest against the sill to support your endeavour, old paint flaking under your fingertips.
   Pressing your cheek against the cold window, you search the distance for any sign of movement. Moisture slides up your face. You're still, not moving even when you gasp, and yet the glass continues to lick your skin. A chilled breeze wisps past your stomach. The deafening silence of the great outdoors invades your bedroom.
   Dropping your gaze, a scream tears past your lips. Claws snap forth from shadow to wrap around your wrist. Tight enough to break skin, the hand yanks you forward. Fissures explode across the window as your face slams into the glass.
   "Caught you," your monster purrs.
   Searing pain etches into your skin where it holds you. It burns through the muscle all the way down to the bone. Your shoulder threatens to dislocate when you try to pull away. It's too strong, unnaturally so. There's a loud crack and for a moment you fear it's your wrist snapping in two but the stench of iron is coming from your cheek, not your arm. Warm blood stains the glass, creating a kaleidoscope of reds and pinks as your tears mix with it.
   Splinters break off into your hand as you push against the window, creating some space between your eye and a shard large enough to blind. When your leverage gives way you yelp. To your surprise, the beast's grounding hold is gone, and with nothing to keep you upright you crash toward the hard ground.
   Squeezing your eyes shut, you await your next dose of pain.
   It doesn't come.
   Your chest shakes as you cry, knowing what you'll see long before you force your eyes open. One limb at a time he invites himself in, bending at angles that defy the laws of nature. Your shirt tears under his jagged claws as he holds you upright. His second hand reaches for you, petting the top of your head like one would a puppy. Sharp teeth protrude from his widening lips.
   Your monster is like you, young and human and far from menacing.
   Or he was at some point at least.
   There's nothing humane in the way he regards you. To drive this point home he grabs both of your wrists, indifferent to how you wince as he inspects them. Small drops of blood trickle down one hand while the other throbs.
   Twisting the limb within his grasp, your eyes widen when you catch sight of the damage he’s left behind. The same symbol scorched upon your front door now decorates your wrist like a brand.
   "Caught you," he repeats, licking your bloody hand. "Now the real fun begins."
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taking-thyme · 2 years
A Guide to Changelings
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The term "Changeling" refers to two varieties of Faerie-related creatures. A Changeling can either be a Fae adopted by Humans, or a Human adopted by Fae.
If a person is adopted by Fae, this essentially means that a Fae has taken a particular liking for a Human and claimed them. It’s like the Fae is adopting the Human, but the bond doesn’t necessarily have to be a parental one (although it certainly can be). It can be a Mentor/Student bond, a Friendship bond, or even a bond between Lovers! It’s most often done at Birth, but sometimes a Fae will take a Human Lover and claim them as an adult. The claim marks them as belonging to that Fae, like a brand. It creates a magical bond and also lets other Fae know not to mess with that human. (Information sourced from the marvelous @generalwitchery who has a great comic on this subject)
If a person is a Fae adopted by Humans, this likely refers to the phenomenon of Fae swapping a child with a human, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Because this Fae is now expected to function in the Human World, they can often feel out of place among other humans, as well as exhibit other strange and unexplained behavior. It's said that some folk practices may entice the Fae into taking the child back, though these practices are often horrible abusive.
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Some Tell-tale Signs of a Changeling include:
🌱 Often times, in my experience, Changelings can be categorized under names such as "Highly Sensitive Person" or Autistic. In fact, the myth of Changelings may stem from people's reactions to Disabled and Autistic children before science could explain their conditions.
🌱 Feeling unusual, out of place, or underdeveloped compared to your peers. Changelings may often be bullied for seeming "strange"
🌱 Having a deep, unexplained connection to Nature or the Supernatural. They may seek out nature-based jobs and be restless or unhappy if they're not around nature, and they may dabble in spirituality and witchcraft.
🌱 Having unusual birthmarks or disfigurements. Again, this leads back to the 'Changeling as Disabled Kid' theory.
🌱 Being Left-handed
🌱 Particularly Mischievous, Intelligent, Mature, Wise, Withdrawn, Introverted, Antisocial or Strange compared to others their age
🌱 Feeling unusually cold to the touch, or having an abnormally low body temperature
🌱 Having unusual sleep patterns, such as sleeping too much, too little, or having habits like sleep talking or walking
🌱 Children and Animals seem to like them for seemingly no reason. They seem to have "good energy"
🌱 "Hearing" white noise even when its quiet
🌱 Having a higher sensitivity to Electric, Electromagnetic or Magnetic Fields, as well as having heightened sensitivity to Sunlight
🌱 Having a high frequency of supernatural encounters and interactions with the Fair Folk
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Types of Changelings
🌙 Celtic Changelings: Usually sickly and small by human standards, these changelings sometimes never speak and often have strange eating habits. Some of them are described as strikingly beautiful and immensely talented, particularly in the arts.
🌙 Germanic Changeling: These folks don’t live as long as other changelings, typically leaving around young adulthood, at which time they either die, return to their Faerie home, or even both. These changelings are insatiably hungry and notably strong, much stronger than humans could ever hope to be.
🌙 Troll Changeling: Insatiably hungry, these changelings are cheerful, noisy and disruptive. They are often very strong and tall compared to others. Troll changelings love to have fun, throw parties and steal. However, they are far from actively malicious, and are instead just a wily handful at worst. Like their name suggests, these changelings are specifically the product of trolls swapping one of their children in place for a human, or alternatively, a human adopted into a troll family.
🌙 Log Changeling: Unique from the other varieties, these changelings are the result of trolls carving a human child out of an old log and giving it life. The exact opposite of the troll changeling on paper, log changelings are sedate and quiet, preferring to be alone and laze about the woods all day.
There are many, such as Dwarf Changelings who are known for their short stature and wizened personality. These are just a few examples I could find in my books and across the internet.
🍄 Remember to respect the Fair Folk, Be Kind and Never say Thank You!! 🍄
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whatanoof · 3 years
Battling Death Itself
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Anon I am so sorry that this took so long. Stuff happens, but it's still frustrating to not know if someone is ignoring your ask, if tumblr ate it, or if(like in this case) requests are just taking abnormally long. But here we go, hope you're ready for the angsty angst:(
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gif credit to @badbatch
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader
Word Count: ~3.5k
Warnings: angst, injury, blood, swearing, death omen-like stuff, creepy dream, fluff
Summary: As a medic, you’re used to battling bleeds, cuts, burns, etc. You’re used to patients who are willing to heal, not one reckless Jedi Padawan who is ready to throw everything away to accomplish his mission.
A/N: A huge thank you to my friend @marvelassassin221b for the help with this prompt when I got stuck. You da best, and never forget it
One cannot go through a war and come out unchanged. You can pretend that the terror, violence, anger, anxiety, and selfish instinct didn’t affect you. You can gaslight and fool yourself until the bantha come home, but no one, not even the smallest civilian child, walks away without it burning into their minds like a brand of survival that will cost some of your humanity.
When you dream, you dream of a pile of lightsabers. There must be hundreds, maybe thousands, piled high enough that you cannot make out the ground from your position at the peak of the mountain. They clink and jangle under your feet, like a death rattle that refuses to leave you alone.
You want to leave. You have to leave, you can feel the spirits of the fallen Jedi Order hovering over your head, gazing down at you in disapproval everytime you disrespect their revered weapons. You take a step off of the peak.
A rending screech echoes into the death filled air, and the metal handles collapse under your feet, sliding down the side of the mountain like an avalanche and taking you with it. The sabers pile over your head, blocking out the already dim light.
Have to leave. Have to fight. So you thrash furiously, clawing at the tomb encapsulating your living body among the dead. Somehow, you find the surface. You break through the pile with a gasp, inhaling air into your starved lungs, hands pawing at the moving surface to keep you afloat in the raw desperation of survival instinct.
A weathered lightsaber is clenched in your hand, double bladed and beaten up. With a shaking hand, you press the button to activate the blade. The blue blade slices through the air with a throaty thrum and through the reality of your dream, dropping you into the darkness. You hit the ground with a grunt, somehow not impaling yourself on the lightsaber even as you stare in awestruck horror. Because you recognize the blade and handle.
A heavy hand lands on your shoulder, and you whirl with a gasp. A tall figure stands behind you, a Lasat male with kind eyes and clad in robes belonging to a Jedi. He holds a hand out to you, “That doesn’t belong to the living world.”
The crackle of the comm yanks you out of your fitful doze, but as you strain to listen from your position in the sitting area, no words come through the white noise. You sit up and look into the cockpit. Cere is typing furiously with eyes glued to frequency readings in front of her.
Seconds later the array in front of Greez begins to beep and the Latero leans forward to study the sensor map display. A tiny ship lit in red dances through the grid. Greez grabs the holo and enlarges it, examining the lines of the ship carefully.
The two stop and look at each other before Cere takes precedence, “I’ve only seen these kinds of frequencies from one kind of occupation.”
Greez nods, “I recognize the ship. It’s Haxion Brood.”
You stand and approach his chair, “Axiom what?”
Greez replies, arms darting across the controls with ease as he manipulates the energy to further analyze the readings from the environment. “The Haxion Brood, kid. Biggest smuggling and gambling ring in the Outer Rim.” He turns his head to address Cere. “I can decode their transmissions. Transfer the readings to my screen.”
Cere hits a few buttons and Greez pulls a headset over his ears. The air in the room is so thick that you could cut it with a vibroblade, until Greez speaks, “We have to go. Cere, set a course for these star coordinates.” Cere takes a single look at the symbols and nods before heading to the navigation map.
Your brow scrunches, “How do you understand their code?”
Greez waves your question off, “Not important. Point is, I can, and I know where we have to go.”
Everything is moving far too fast for you to understand. “And where is that?”
Greez barks out a sharp laugh, “Officially? Nowhere.” One arm distracts itself from the preflight check to dissolve the coordinates from the holo projector. “Unofficially? Ordo Eris.”
The Mantis lurches as it takes off and you stumble, “Wait, we have to wait for Cal to get back!”
Cere speaks from her position at the map, “He’s not coming back. We’re going to get him.”
‘Why would you need to go to Ord--’ You feel the blood drain from your face with the realization. What did the dream mean? A grim understanding filters into the processed air so that no words are needed.
“Get your kit ready. We’re going to need it.”
“Strap in, kid!”
Even with all of your preparation for the moment of contact, you’re still not ready for the awful screeching and rending of metal that echoes through the hull as it contacts the floor of the arena. Above the chaos and noise, you hear Greez curse. The harness digs painfully into your skin, but it keeps you in your seat long enough for the Mantis to jolt to a stop. The door opens, and Cal stumbles on board, lightsaber glowing in his hand while the other clutches his side. BD-1 clings to his shirt, beeping and chirping as it hangs on for dear life.
“Go go go!” Cal collapses against the wall, gasping for air. BD screeches and jumps onto the floor, gazing up at Cal and blipping while glancing at you periodically. You can’t tear your eyes away from the lightsaber, which has slipped to the ground in the frenzy. That doesn’t belong in the living world.
Greez hasn’t stopped swearing colorfully in at least five different languages excluding Basic, but it all fades to the background as you fumble to release your harness. “Cal!”
It’s not releasing, why isn’t it releasin--
The mechanism clicks and you’re out of your seat before the Mantis is fully off the ground. You reach Cal right as he begins to slip, “Whoa, careful there.”
Damn he’s heavy. You lower him to the ground, supporting his head on your lap. He chuckles breathlessly with eyes half-closed, “Why should I try to be careful when I have you?”
You laugh shakily, “I can’t be with you all of the time.” BD-1 bobs its head in agreement, dragging your med bag within reach with one foot.
Greez calls back, “Hang on, making the jump now!”
You grab a support bar and hunch over Cal. BD hops into your lap, and you wrap your other arm around the little droid to help hold it steady against you until the ship stops shaking around you and the peaceful quiet of hyperspace fills the hull. You allow yourself to breathe as the asteroid fades into the distance out the viewport. For now, the world will hold together.
By the time Cere comes back to check on you, you’ve maneuvered Cal into an upright position propped against the wall.
“Hey.” She sounds tired, stressed, strung tight like a bow string that’s about to snap. “Greez set course for Kashyyyk. We can lay low there, the Rebels have all but driven out the rest of the Imperials.”
You nod in acknowledgement. Cal is silent beside you. BD-1 boops its agreement.
She continues, “That rescue tore up the Mantis a bit. Overworked the thrusters and damaged internal regulating software, so Greez and I are going down to run diagnostics and see what we can repair en route. BD.” The little droid chirps. “Gonna need your help with the electrical portion.” BD-1 bobs its head and scampers over to her, and Cere puts a hand on the floor so that the droid can climb her shirt to her shoulder. She straightens, and regards the two of you, “All good here?”
You nod. “This guy needs a little patching up too.”
Cal gives a halfhearted wave and grin from his position on the floor, “Can confirm.”
Cere chuckles, “Alright then. Comm if you need anything. And be responsible.”
“I’m always responsible.” Cal protests. Cere doesn’t respond to him, opting instead to glance at you with an amused resignation in her eyes. She turns and leaves with BD, who chirps a goodbye as they vanish through the trapdoor that leads to the engine room.
You sigh and turn back to Cal, “I don’t even know where to start. Here.” You tug his poncho to get him to sit up.
“Careful. There’s acid.”
You yank your hand back with a hiss, shaking it off as you study the cloth. He’s right, there’s discoloration around his abdomen and the poncho is smoking, something that you missed in the chaos of landing and taking off from Ordo Eris. Upon closer examination, the acid had eaten through the poncho and soaked into the shirt below. Luckily, none touched your skin, but more unluckily, Cal has been wearing his shirt for far too long to be healthy.
“Take it off.” You lift the edge of his shirt to help him pull it over his head.
He grunts as the fabric lifts, revealing reddened and irritated skin that you begin to put healing balm on, “If you wanted me shirtless, all you had to do was ask.”
Blood rushes to your face even as you send an unimpressed look his way. He’s grinning, a smug and infuriating grin that lets you know that he knows that he got to you. You spread more of the medicine onto his skin, “You’re surprisingly chatty for someone who almost died.”
He stretches his arms, painfully attractive with how his chest and arms flex and his face scrunches and his hair--
You blink, abandoning the train of thought and finishing your work. You cap the medicine and return it to your bag. “Let me check your leg.” He sends you a look, a frustrated look that is so unique to Cal that it makes you chuckle. “I saw you limp in here, don’t give me that face.”
He groans, “I’m fine. It got me in the door, didn’t it?”
You roll your eyes. Typical. “Take them off.”
“Is this a strip game or something?” He’s… flirting with you?
“Do it.”
You did not think that this is how you would be getting Cal Kestis pantless in front of you for the first time. You’d imagined that you would be more excited with every inch of skin exposed, that your heart would race and the blood would rush to your face and your… yeah.
But instead, your stomach drops with every bruise that is revealed, the lump in your throat grows when you hear him suck a breath through gritted teeth when the cloth rubs over sensitive skin. By the time he’s pulled the pants around his ankles, your jaw is clenched hard enough to hurt. There’s a gash the length of your hand slicing across his skin. Although it’s gratefully shallow and mostly clotted, it's ugly enough to garner a double take and a long stare as you consider your options. When you speak, it’s a barely breathed whisper.
“Damn it Cal.”
He laughs, but you can hear the pained grunt that he tries to hide when he shifts, “I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“When did you do this to your leg?” You yank a bacta bag out.
He hisses as you disinfect the area, “Uh, a little after I found BD. Right before I went into the arena.”
You stop cold and stare at him, “You fought on this?”
“Well what else was I supposed to do? Roll over and die?”
You sputter, “No, but I-- no.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, a single, infuriatingly sassy, red eyebrow and lays back to allow you to apply the bacta infusion.
“How’s it going in here?” Cere chooses that exact moment to walk in, and you suppose you should be grateful that she didn’t witness the petty argument.
You shoot a look at Cal, but he’s refusing to meet your eyes. So kriffing immature. You respond to Cere, “Good. Could be better.”
She nods once, “We received a transmission from the rebel. Tarfull is willing to meet you, Cal. There are contacts on Kashyyyk that will direct you to him.”
Cal’s face is drawn and serious, aging him ten years as he considers her words. “Tell them I’ll be there. How long until we reach Kashyyyk?”
“An hour. Enough time to finish the inflight electrical repairs, so BD will be available to go with you.”
“I’ll be ready.” What? Did you just hear him correctly?
You wait until Cere leaves the room before you whirl on Cal, “Are you crazy?”
But you’re not listening anymore, “No, you’re definitely crazy, or I’m going crazy, because I just heard you tell Cere that you would be ready to plunge into the wilderness while you’re half dead.” A pile of lightsabers.
“It’s a cut, I’m hardly half de--”
“Okay, a cut. A cut that could get infected, or could start bleeding again, or could slow you down. It won’t be such an easy fix next time if you go out like this.”
He says your name sharply, “It’s my job to go and get that holocron.”
You cross your arms over your chest tightly, hugging close enough in hopes that you can calm your pounding heart, “And it’s my job to keep you alive.”
“The longer we wait, the more danger Tarfull is in. The Rebels can’t stay in one place forever.” He pushes off of the wall, aiming to propel himself off of the ground and stand, but you catch him with a firm hand in the center of his chest.
“You need rest. Bacta might be a miracle of modern medicine, but it can’t work in an hour.” A death rattle that refuses to leave you alone.
He says your name, so seriously and rigidly that you stop and look at him, “Let me get up. I need to go.”
“No!” Your fingers twitch over the needle. “Cal Kestis. You stay right there, or I swear to the Maker I will sedate you!” Fallen Jedi hovering over you.
“This isn’t a matter of my own well being anymore, our mission is on the line!” He pushes your hand away and sits up. “This is for those children out there, so that the Sisters don’t get to them, so that they can have normal lives.”
“Don’t you fucking put that on me Cal, I know what is at risk. I know that you are the only stars forsaken Jedi in this Maker damned galaxy who can help those children, but what use are you to them if you’re dead?!” Lightsabers rattling over your head, trapping the living amongst the dea--
“It doesn’t matt--”
“Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!” You’re screaming, you know that you shouldn’t be screaming when he’s lying there injured and possibly dying, when you know that his heart is pure in intention, but why can’t he see how much you need him to be okay. Your fists are clenched, waving in the air above him and its only when his eyes widen and he puts his hands up defensively that you realize you had picked up the hypodermic needle.
Your eyes meet his and your body trembles, whether from rage or fear you can’t tell. Carefully, moving millimeter by millimeter, you lower your hand and drop the needle. It makes no sound as it hits the ground, which is remarkable considering how effectively it had silenced the situation.
“I--” Your voice cracks and in any other situation you would be embarrassed. But you clear your throat roughly, “I can’t lose you. I won’t let you go off and get yourself killed. You need to let your body heal, because you can keep going, keep pushing yourself to the limit and I have no doubt that you are strong enough to, but your body is going to fail you one day, and it’s my job to make sure it doesn’t just yet so please listen to me, I’ve never asked for you to stay before.” You’re rambling, you’re talking too much because you scraped just a little too close to the surface with that first sentence. “Please Cal, I couldn’t live with myself if I let you go out there like this and yo--”
You’re cut off by Cal’s body contacting your firmly, arms curling around your body as he hugs you tight to his chest. And all of your worries and problems that you were ranting about seconds earlier fade away because his bare chest is right against the skin of your cheek and he’s so warm and smells so good and you’ve forgotten why you were--
“Breath. It’s okay.” He demonstrates with several deep breaths, chest rising and falling against your cheek. You hear the whoosh of air in his lungs, and you shakily try to imitate. You fail the first two times, your pounding heart and surging adrenaline forcing your breaths to come shallow and fast. But he stays close to you, radiating comfort and calm that soaks into you and gradually slows you down.
“You’re still not going out there on that leg.”
Cal shushes you, “I know. I need you to calm down before we get to Kashyyyk. I’m not going to leave until I know you’re okay, and those children still need saving.”
Annoyance sparks through you, “I told you not to put that on me.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. That was a cheap shot.” You wriggle to try and get out of his grip, but he only tightens his arms around you. “Stop fighting me.”
“Only if you stop fighting me.” Still, he’s too strong and you can’t deny that you’re exactly where you want to be.
“Oh I intend to. But I can’t stay forever. How long do you need me to rest?” His chin rests on the top of your head.
You hum thoughtfully, snuggling closer with your fingers drumming gently on his skin, “Bacta treatments optimize after five hours of immersion in the tissue.”
“I’ll give you two hours.”
“Three.” You counter. “I can accelerate the healing if you give me three hours.”
He hums deep in his chest, vibrating against your skin, “Deal.”
You stay like that for a few more minutes, peacefully breathing the filtered Mantis air that smells like antibiotic burn cream and metal. When you open your eyes, your gaze lands on the lightsaber, which has rolled into a corner since the hit and run on Ordo Eris.
“Cal.” Your voice is raspy from the lump in your throat. “The lightsaber.”
He hums, calling the handle to his hand with the Force, “Yeah. Should keep it safe.” He clips it to his belt with one hand, the other still crooked firmly to cradle you.
“Where did you get it?”
He pauses for a fraction of a second, then his arm returns to stroke the back of your head, “It was Master Tapal’s. The Purge. It’s all that I have left from before.”
“Your Master. Was he a Lasat?”
Cal chuckles, “Most intimidating one that I’ve ever met. Wisest one too, but he had a leg up on the competition, being a Jedi Master.” He pulls away slightly to catch your gaze. “How did you know that he was a Lasat?”
You hum, burrowing back into his chest, “I’ll explain later.” For now, the world would hold together.
Cal Taglist: @marvelassassin221b, @my-awakened-ghost
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shotofire · 4 years
A Life Saver
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•Overview: Levi saves you, someone he barely knew, from certain death
•Warnings: mentions of death, gore description, cursing, near death experience, bit of angst, very brief mention of sex
•Season: season one range with a few altercations
At first, you didn’t want to become a scout. The thought of putting your life on the line wasn’t appealing, and it really just scared the hell out of you. Serving in the military police was a path you chose to go down. It was what you wanted for awhile then things started to not feel right.
The scouts were putting other lives before their own and you began to admire their bravery. Even when things looked like there was no light on the other side they pushed through. They proved that even mass death can result in a small victory that gave the people hope, something to help the nation push forward.
After serving in the military police for many years you decided it was time to step down. You wanted to become a scout, you wanted to help make a change. Your comrades thought you were absolutely insane, and they begged you to not make the choice. You refused, and soon you joined the scouts.
Mission after mission you survived and killed titans. You lost friends way too often, and the hurt and loneliness that came with the job would make anyone break. You’d been broken from the inside out in ways you’d never imagined. At the end of the day, you knew it was for the greater good.
The hope for a change only became greater when a boy showed up with the abilities of a titan. You knew to have such strength on your side was promising, and you saw light at the end of the extremely dark tunnel.
You’d served many long heart wrenching years by the time hope like that had shown up, and it only pushed you to keep going. You longed to live in a world without titans. All you wanted was to run free in field and see new things.
Today was a normal day, but that’s how any bad day starts. You’d woke up early to watch the sunrise with your close, and pretty much last friend, Molly. She was the best person you’d ever met and had been by your side for years. You had never admired anyone more than her.
“You know that titan kid is only fifteen, isn’t that insane?” She says before taking a sip of the coffee you had made her.
Your eyebrows raise at her words, “Wait really?”
The women laughs a bit at your shocked reaction then nods her head. She sets her coffee on the blanket you two are sitting on then leans back onto her hands, staring up at the sky that swirls with colors of orange and pink.
“To have this kind of hope is the best feeling i’ve had in years,” she says, “this is going to unlock so many closed doors we don’t know about. I think that finally we’re going to get some answers about how the hell the world turned into this mess.”
The smile on her face was full of such joy. She truly was excited for the future, you’d never seen someone actually look forward to what is lying ahead. A few days ago everyone thought titans would rein for hundreds of more years. Then all of the sudden that perspective has changed and no one knows what is going to come next.
“Yeah, I hope the future is bright,” you whispered.
You lay down to stare up at the sky, and Molly follows your movements. The two of you lay there in silence, thinking of a peaceful world where so much fear and death does not exist. You turn your head to look at your bestfriend to find her eyes are already on you.
“Our futures are bright, (y/n),” she says with a smile, “We’re going to live in cute little houses by the ocean!”
You can’t help but smile and roll your eyes at her. She always brought up this big body of water she’d read about in an illegal book when she was a teenager. The women could go on an on about it, as if she’d seen it before herself.
“If the ocean is even real,” you say with a smirk.
She scoffs at you before rolling her eyes harder than you just had, “Of course it’s real!”
You two spend the next hour talking about what you’d do or who you’d be doing if life were different. Molly wished for a family, to fall in love. She’d talked about it many times before but she refused to bring children into a world like this. You felt similar, expect children weren’t really on your radar. You longed to fall in love and grow old with someone.
But everyday brought death and destruction. You didn’t want to fall madly in love and then watch your whole world crumble as a titan took them away from you. The pain you had from your friends screaming your name as monsters had them in their grip was already too much to bare.
Heavy footsteps came in your direction at high speed, and soon you could hear heavy breathing along with it. You and Molly sat up quickly and saw one of your comrades running at you with pure fear in their eyes.
“Wall rose has been compromised!” They scream, voice laced with panic.
Molly’s eyes widen right as yours do. The feeling of uncertainty course through your veins almost instantly. You’ll never get used to the way your stomach drops when you hear things like that. Who could ever get used to that? Knowing you’re about to watch more people die would make anyone feel this way.
Before you know it you’re running to get your uniform on and strap on your gear. No one saw this coming. Then again, how the hell would they see this coming? You scramble to find you gear and you panic as it’s no where to be found.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You yell as the panic begins to set in.
Hands grab each of your shoulders to hold you still, and that’s when you see Molly’s worried eyes. She looks at you with concern. The last mission had both of you on edge more than ever before. Both of you lost someone dear, someone who was close to you as you were to each other. Knowing that today you could lose Molly was making your mind and body think like a mad man.
“You gear is with my stuff, remember? You didn’t want to lose it so you asked me to hold onto it,” she reminds you.
The sweet women pulls you into a tight hug, and you can feel her body trembling. The two of you had no time for this, people were probably already being slaughtered. Right as you begin to think this a scream rips through the air, one that makes you two grip one another tighter.
“We’re going to fight and we’re going to survive,” she says sternly, “do you hear me? Don’t you dare die on me (y/n).”
You nod into her chest as tears begin to form in your eyes. So much could change in an instant and you wished time could freeze so you could hug your bestfriend forever. But reality was sinking in and you knew you had titans to kill and lives to save.
The hug was short lived, and soon you were faced with the destruction held within wall rose. Titans stomped around mindlessly, some with those creepy smiles that you absolutely hated.
Your blades cut through nape after nape and your head was starting to spin. Somewhere along the way you lost Molly, which had never happened before. You hated not having her around. The constant fear of not knowing what position she could possibly be in made you sick to your stomach.
You flew through the air at a high speed, trying to get leverage on the abnormal that was chasing after you. It’s mouth hung open as it’s disgusting blood drenched touched dripped into the buildings below. You’d never faced an abnormal and didn’t expect it to dodge your attack minutes ago.
Sure you were extremely skilled but it’s hard to work your way around a fast moving titan. It’s arms flew in the air behind it, the beast was an odd sight. You’d never witnessed a titan act so strangely before.
You’d been observing the monster too closely, but only for a few seconds. But as any soldier knows, a few moments can cost you your entire life. You turned your attention back infront of you but you didn’t have time to react before you slammed into a chimney. Out of all things that could’ve contributed to your death it just had to be a damn chimney.
The impact made your vision blur and you couldn’t even really feel the pain. The sun beamed down on you as your body layed limp on the rooftop. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and you wished you could fly up there with the birds and be free.
The abnormals hand picked you off the home as if you were nothing, only a small ant compared to it. It’s eyes were completely lifeless as it stared at you with hunger.
“Don’t you dare die on me (y/n)!”
Molly’s words rang through your mind but you couldn’t move. The injury to your head made you feel as if you were in a dream. There was no sense of reality right now, you couldn’t even comprehend that you were about to reach your end.
In a way you knew, reality wasn’t too far off. But you couldn’t find the energy to fight back. It had all been drained from you as the battle continued, and the final blow left you motionless.
You closed your eyes hoping somehow that’d stop you from feeling the coming pain. Every part of you didn’t want to die. Molly’s dreams about living by the ocean had become yours as well even if you wouldn’t admit it. The thought of leaving her with no body brought tears to your eyes.
That’s when you tried to move with the little energy left in your body, but it was no use. The tears began to stream down your face and the fear began to set in. Fear like this had never been within you, it was a brand new feeling. You guess certain death does that to you.
“No!” You say as loud as you can, “Someone please help me!”
Knowing this is what so many of the people you loved had to experience broke your heart. It was already bad enough to know they were gone and you couldn’t have saved them. But this was so much worse, they died with such fear. Fear that almost paralyzed you.
The sound of blades ripping through skin filled your ears. The titans grip on you loosened, then let go completely. You felt yourself falling, but you kept your eyes closed. Fear had already made its way to every inch of your body and you couldn’t move even more than before.
Right before you slammed to the ground below strong arms caught you. A grunt slipped past the unknown persons lips at the impact of your body. They carried you into a near by tavern that was deserted of people, then set you on one of the tables.
“Hey,” the deep voice said, “c’mon now I know you aren’t dead, don’t go out like this.”
Your eyes fluttered open to see the dangerously handsome man in your face. He was awfully close, you could feel his breath on your nose. His eyes were wide with concern.
“Captain Levi?” You asked followed by a gut wrenching cough. Blood splattered onto your lips and you groaned.
He couldn’t have been the one who saved you, right? You’d only talked to Levi a handful of times, and all were him giving you orders. You’d never had a desire to talk to him even if you found him incredibly attractive.
You’d admired the man for years as well. He has lost as many people as you, maybe more. He had already been on the scouts for many years before you joined. The man had watched the passion you held as you killed titans at alarming speed. He knew exactly who you were and what you had to offer, that’s why he saved you.
He smiled softly at you, not even enough for you to notice. For a second he thought you wouldn’t wake up and he’d be carrying a lifeless body back to medical. You cough a bit more before sitting up. A gasp slips past your lips and pain shoots through your body.
“Holy shit that fucking hurts,” you curse.
You see the fresh blood on your hands and wonder if it’s yours. The pounding in your head only increases as you move. The room felt like it was spinning and you may vomit any second.
“Do I need to take you to medical?” He asks with concern in his voice.
Your vision looks at the raven haired man and your memory starts to come back. One second you were flying through the air and then stupidly slammed into a chimney. And that damned titan was about to feast on you, what a bitch. Then you realized Levi was the one who stopped you from your near death.
“Why did you save me?” You ask without answering him first.
He sighs at your question. He had only moved that fast to save someone a handful of times. It just felt right to save you. He was there, you were there, he couldn’t just let you die. It wasn’t too far out of reach, he had already been headed in your direction.
“Because you’re strong and the scouts need you,” he answers, “now tell me if I need to take you to medical.”
His features were stern and it made your stomach flip a bit. If there weren’t titans outside and pain wasn’t consuming your body you may have thrown out a stupid flirtatious remark due to your bubbly personality. But this wasn’t the time and place no matter how good the captain looked right now.
“I just need a minute,” you said softly as you pushed your weight off the table.
You hissed in pain before stretching your body. The bones in your body crack loudly and you let out a low grunt at the feeling. The pounding in your head began to simmer and you took deep breaths.
“Thank you captain Levi,” you said, “my friend would’ve personally brought me back to just kill me herself.”
He chuckled a bit at your remark and you couldn’t even recall captain Levi smiling let alone chuckling. This whole situation was weird and unrealistic to you. Maybe you were already dead and this was your afterlife. A hot guy saves you and later you two will go to bone town, sounds pretty fun.
“I literally ran into a chimney,” you grumbled.
Levi’s eyes squinted at your words in confusion, “You what?”
“I didn’t get caught by a titan while trying to kill it heroically. I wasn’t paying attention for like three seconds and slammed into a damn chimney, not too sure the scouts really need me,” you say.
He shakes his head at your words and was becoming annoyed by your self doubt.
“I know, I saw,” he says and your cheek almost immediately turn red, “and I still saved you cause I thought you were worth it.”
You couldn’t get words out after what he said. You only stared at him in shock. He saw you make a foul out of yourself but yet still risked his life to save you. Levi truly was an interesting man.
“Well then, thank you again,” you say, “maybe I should thank you in a different way.” You wiggle your eyebrows then let out a laugh into your palm as his face falls at your words.
“Holy shit i’m kidding, please don’t make me do laps for that. Jokes make me feel better,” you still were holding back laughter at the face Levi made. You never thought you’d make the captain flustered like that.
“Uh,” his cheeks redden, “We need to get back out there. It’s starting to get worse, are you sure you’re okay (y/n).”
You take a deep breath before nodding your head. The two of you immediately begin to speed walk towards the open door of the tavern.
“I’m going to need you to follow me. The titans are huddled in the west and help is needed there,” he orders you and you respond with a yes captain, which always makes you cringe.
“Oh and by the way,” he says with a smirk, “that other way of thanking me is always welcome.”
This time he leaves you flustered. He heads west and you stand there for a few seconds before you remember you’re supposed to be following him. His remark might have you slamming into another chimney.
After fighting for hours many people had been successfully moved to wall sina. Some titans still mindlessly walked around within the walls of rose, but atleast many people were saved. There was still a great heartfelt loss that day.
When you got back to base your heart was pounding in your ears. All you could think about was Molly and if she was okay. You hadn’t seen her since you two got separated during the hell bent events. Your eyes scanned frantically through the base, searching for her everywhere.
Your mind went to the worst place possible and you begin to panic. She had to be okay, she was all you had. You needed her more than anyone else. If she’s gone you might as well let a titan eat you during your next mission. Molly kept you alive, and kept you fighting.
“(y/n)?” You hear a familiar deep voice ask.
You spin on your heals and are met with the same deep brown eyes that saved you earlier today. Levi looked upset, face a bit fallen. That’s when your heart sank to your stomach. Did he know where Molly was? Or if she had even made it back?
“Follow me,” he says without any other detail.
He starts walking and you immediately follow as your heart races. At this point you wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it. Your eyes scan to a sign that says medical as Levi opens the door below it.
You’re led to a the back of the room and you gasp at the sight. On the bed layed Molly with bandages covering many parts of her body. Your eyes fill with tears at the safe shes in, this was too much.
“She’s going to be okay, and the nurse told me she should be up soon,” he says.
You nod your head at his words before reaching to hold Molly’s hand, it was cold as ice.
“Can you please get her a blanket,” you state, it wasn’t even a question. It was more like you weren’t letting go of her hand, more like you couldn’t.
Levi nods and fetches her a couple blankets. He covers her for you and you thank him. The tears still run down your face, but you had already stopped wiping them away. It was no use because they just kept coming harder and harder as you looked at your bestfriend.
“Thank you Levi, I would’ve gone crazy looking for her back there,” you smile through the hurt.
He only hums in response to your words, letting silence fill the air. His hand comes to rest on your shoulder and his fingers move slightly to give you some comfort. It truly was a nice feeling to have someone with you right now, you might think too hard if he wasn’t here.
“I’ll give you some space-“ “no,” You cut him off, “please don’t go.”
Levi sees the hurt in your eyes. He could tell you needed someone right now even if he wasn’t much of a comforting person.
“okay,” he whispers.
He then pulls up a chair next to yours and sits with you for the next few hours in silence. It was somewhat nice, for both of you. Molly begins to stir in her sleep and your perk up. Her eyes flutter open and the first thing she sees is you and she smiles.
“We’ll look at that,” she smiles, “you’re just obsessed with me aren’t you (y/n).”
You laugh through happy tears forming in your eyes. She takes a deep breath and tries to stretch her body but the pain to still too much. She feels your grip on her hand and she squeezes at yours.
“You didn’t think i’d go out that easily did you,” she asks with a smirk on her chapped lips.
“Not for a second,” you said back almost immediately.
She lets out a small laugh at your words. For a second she did think she was going to die as a titan smacked her body mid-air, but that’s all she can remember. It was that, and then she wakes up in medical confused as hell. But seeing you made her know she definitely was okay. Her eyes scan to the figure next to you to see captain Levi. You’d told her before that you’d totally jump his bones if he let you.
“Did you screw the captain while I was out?” she asks playfully.
You and Levi’s breath hitch at her words and she can’t help but let out a laugh. It hurt her chest to laugh that hard but it also in a way made her feel better.
“Really Molly? You were just half dead a few minutes ago and that’s what you wanted to say?” You couldn’t help but laugh along with her. You’d rather her make you and the captain flustered than her be dead.
Levi couldn’t help but smile widely, but he put his head down to hide it. That day you and Levi developed a liking for each other, and both of you couldn’t remember the last time you felt this way.
The lives you each led was going to make it hard, but feelings are strong.
After an hour or so of talking to Molly she fell back asleep for some well needed rest. Levi walked with you down the hall back to your room, making small talk that was hard to even keep going.
“Thank you again Levi,” you look at him with sparkling eyes, “I’m pretty sure anyone else besides Molly would’ve let me be titan desert.”
“Of course, I would never let you be titan desert,” he mumbles the last part. He’d never heard someone refer to themselves as titan desert before, it almost made him laugh.
You stop at your door and look at his with an adoring gaze. He truly was nice looking, and incredibly brave. You wanted to be just like him, you wanted to be even stronger than him one day.
Before you could think you were leaning in to kiss his cheek. His eyes widen and his face heats up. The action rendered him speechess and he watched as your reached for the handle and opened the door before slipping in your room without another word.
He stayed in the hallway for a few seconds staring at where you just stood.
“Shit,” he whispered.
That only sparked his feelings for you further, and he knew this was the beginning of something he’d been avoiding his whole life.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Comparing the original Best Partner character song series and the new one, and what that says about the 02 cast
So if you haven’t heard yet, a new series of 02 (it’s actually Kizuna) character songs dropped! Allegedly intended as a slightly delayed 20th anniversary project, the series is a callback to the original “Best Partner” character song album series that released during 02′s actual airing.
If you know anything about the original Best Partner series, it’s one that sets an insanely high bar, even for Digimon standards (and that’s saying something, given the deep associations this franchise has with music). The series of character songs before it, Adventure’s “Character Song + Mini Drama” series, has a…kind of questionable amount of relevance to each character; it’s not like they’re super amazingly out of character, but they don’t really tell you a lot about each character beyond some gloss details (this is probably best demonstrated in how Mimi’s song is blatantly just an AiM single disguised as a Mimi song). Best Partner, on the other hand, very intimately goes into each character’s head and their relationships with their respective partners, even putting in direct words what wasn’t stated explicitly in the series.
So does the new series live up to the high bar its predecessor sets? Answer: on top of some abnormal attention to detail on the covers, it is very obvious that the new series not only has a lot of the depth of the 02 characters in mind, but also is made in direct response to the original series itself. Moreover, putting the original Best Partner series and this one side by side reveals a lot about each of the 02 characters and what they got out of 02′s story, in a surprisingly neat summary.
Let’s go into how!
Since this is something that has a deep relationship with all of these characters in regards to the series, this particular meta would not have been possible without input from multiple people who know these characters better than I could ever hope to by myself. Thank you for all of your help.
A bit of historical context
The original Best Partner series consisted of a set of albums, one representing each pair of partners in 02. Notably, even though nowadays there’s a specific order of the Adventure/02 characters that’s used in modern media, not only does the original series not follow that ordering (as it hadn’t been set in stone at the time), it also leads with the original Adventure characters and not the 02 ones, which is pretty unusual for a series that’s ostensibly supposed to be for 02 (modern lineups will usually favor leading with whichever group the relevant product is branded with).
A lot of this probably makes more sense when you realize that the original Best Partner series was released during the first half of 02’s airing. The final album was released on August 23, 2000, four days before the fateful 02 episode 21 (yes, that means the third track on Ken and Wormmon’s album is actually a spoiler). So in other words, while the original Best Partner series accurately reflects the older Adventure group’s character development and what problems they were able to sufficiently overcome, the 02 group does not have anything about their character development from 02′s second half reflected in it at all.
That’s actually a really huge disparity, when you think about it, especially because a lot happened with the 02 group in that second half – that second half was where the emotional payoff and the results of everything that had been building up over that first half came together. So in comparison to the Adventure group, composed of people confidently talking about what they’ve decided for themselves from now on, you still have the 02 group drenched pretty deeply in insecurity. Watch 02 to the end and listen to those songs again, and you might even think “wait, this is supposed to represent these characters?” So, in essence, the new Best Partner series serves to address that gap, and what the 02 group gained and learned out of 02′s second half.
Best Partner (and its successor series for Tamers, Best Tamers) follows a uniform format: a solo song for the human partner, a solo song for the Digimon partner, and a duet between the two. (Given that, the original Best Partner series was really huge, at a whole 36 songs.) Recalling that, in the Adventure universe, a Digimon partner reflects the human’s inner self and psyche, it’s pretty extensive coverage: what the human has to say about themself, what place their Digimon partner is in relative to that, and what the nature of their relationship is due to that.
Let’s go into each pair of partners in detail!
Daisuke and V-mon
For those who love 02 and love Daisuke in particular, when you ask “what kind of character is Daisuke like?” or “what’s Daisuke’s best quality?”, you’re probably going to get answers like “forward-thinking” or “positive” or “good at uplifting others” – basically everything to do with how Daisuke is an encouraging presence who doesn’t give in easily and has a strong mentality of moving forward in the face of despair. Someone who appreciates and understands others’ best qualities, and loves them for everything they are. So when you look at his original Best Partner solo song, Goggle Boy…
But more than just saving the world I really don’t want to lose, you know
These goggles are my proof Given by a certain someone to me The precious thing he handed over It’s just like his Crest, you know Aren’t they cool?
…Well, that’s nowhere to be found.
This is the kind of song that might make you think “wait, this is supposed to be Daisuke’s representative song?!” (It’s possibly because of this that Daisuke’s song from The Bridge to Dreams, Tomorrow, generally tended to be far more favored among Daisuke fans, although it’s more relevant to 02 as a whole than it is to Daisuke in particular.) if you listen to Goggle Boy knowing about what Daisuke’s best qualities should be, this is almost a little frustrating, because this is the kind of thing he really shouldn’t be pigeonholed as – basically, begging for others’ approval and praise and focusing on idolizing others. Even his most insightful moments in this song come from his appreciation of something that came from someone else (Taichi), not from himself.
Well, the thing is, that was Daisuke’s character for most of the first half of 02. Of course, even in early episodes, there were many times where Daisuke’s potential for positivity and forward-thinkingness were starting to poke through, but most of the time he was rolling over trying to please others and chasing after his seniors. The real period of time he started to grow into his own about this was 02 episode 24 and its aftermath – when his time spent with his friends started to fill the void in his life and his need for validation, and the escalating situation, especially with Ken, led him to have a proper grasp of what was properly important and what needed to be done.
So when we get to his new solo, RUNNING MAN…
I’ll keep on running far ahead Let’s bring everyone along with me, today, too Really, always, thank you, Thank you so much Riding the wind, going past the sky Grasping your hands and flying I’m even starting to see beyond my dreams
Even in only one section, you can get an instant image of the Motomiya Daisuke we all know and love – someone who appreciates his friends’ role in his life, loves their company, and moves positively towards the future. Because, again, after the events of 02, and after being able to bond further with his friends and gaining his own strengths in leading everyone forward, he became able to more properly express his love for everything instead of constantly vying for others’ attention. Even the title reflects the change, from a “boy” who’s flashing the symbol of courage he got from someone else, to a “man” who’s positively running forward on his own merits.
(Interestingly, RUNNING MAN is composed by Ohta Michihiko, a legendary composer who’s made many of some of the most important songs in the franchise, and also composed many of the original Best Partner songs, including Goggle Boy. It’s interesting how RUNNING MAN is the one most like the original songs in atmosphere as a result – possibly representing how Daisuke is a simple-minded person who ostensibly doesn’t change drastically in disposition – yet has lyrical content that’s so starkly different.)
As a result, this is subtly reflected in the other two songs in each album as well – remember that V-mon is one of the partners who most “matches” his own partner in terms of disposition and mentality. So as Daisuke shifted his own priorities, V-mon did too; we go from Go Ahead! being about taking a stand and fighting, whereas Beyond the Future is about a similar forward-thinking mentality to Daisuke’s.
Likewise, the duets have different priorities as well; 2-TOP was composed of Daisuke and V-mon bickering for the most of it, and the most substantial point you could get about it was that despite their bickering, they made it work, whereas HEY-rasshai! has them almost entirely in sync (with one minor moment of deviance). It’s also interesting to see the topics covered in each; 2-TOP is about soccer, which ultimately is revealed to be a fairly incidental hobby for Daisuke, whereas HEY-rasshai! is about ramen making, which, while comical, also has a very strong tie to “Daisuke’s dream for the future, and his willingness to single-mindedly dedicate himself to something when it’s something he truly wants”. In other words, while Daisuke knew what he wanted since elementary school, it says a lot that he’s at a point where he and V-mon are now taking proactive steps to have that dream achieved, now that they’re able.
Ken and Wormmon
Like with his position in 02 itself, Ken’s is probably the easiest to see the contrast without trying too hard, but there’s still quite a lot to unpack!
When you think about it, in the modern era, it’s actually surprisingly hard to find stuff too relevant to Ken’s time as the Kaiser. The reason is, simply, that the series itself discourages this – Ken himself had an obvious aversion to dwelling too much on it, and the entire series itself has a strong theme of “moving on”. It’s not to say that the Kaiser doesn’t have a fanbase (I’m sorry if you’re reading this and find that I might be implying too hard that you don’t exist), but rather that there’s a franchise and fanart tendency to focus more on “Ken-chan” than “the Kaiser” these days, and old merch from the first half of the series will all too often get responses of “it’s really sad Ken-chan can’t be there…” Of course, 02 itself was also about accepting one’s mistakes, not pretending they never happened, so it’d be foolhardy to deny Ken’s dark history entirely, but it’s retroactively interesting to see such a prominent and persistent piece of merch like Ken and Wormmon’s original Best Partner album focus so largely on Ken’s time as the Kaiser when most of the franchise ended up trying to move on.
Starting with Ken’s solo songs, and his first one, ONLY ONE:
I’ve lived without showing my true feelings, wearing this mask
Well, this was easy to tell from the series itself, but the point driven home is that Ken didn’t want to expose his true self to others, putting on a front of “strength” and smashing his true feelings into the corner so that he could become more of the “perfect” person he thought he was supposed to be. There’s also another interesting line that one should pay attention to:
I polished the knife in my heart and put my belief in infinite power
Basically, putting up a defensive front to prevent anything from approaching his weaknesses.
Anyway, moving onto his new song, Never Ending:
If I want to be proud of tomorrow’s version of myself I wonder, what can I do? Never Give-up I’ll keep fighting, even doing someone else’s part No, I won’t be afraid anymore
First of all, the main theme of the song is about putting conscious thought into understanding how to stay true to himself – basically, understanding what it is he really wants to do and become, instead of putting on fronts and hiding it from others. Not only that, we see traces of what exactly he gained over the course of the second half of 02 – because so much of it involved constantly trying to blame himself for everything, this song is about what he came to learn in terms of proactively making it up and actively fighting forward. He’s working hard!
We also have this part:
The knife that’s pointed at someone, or at myself If it’s been let go of
Two things going on here: firstly, we have an explicit reference to the metaphorical “knife” Ken referred to putting up in ONLY ONE, talking about finally letting it go instead of bothering with this kind of front. He also points out that, in a sense, the knife was pointed at himself too, either in the sense of actually having hurt himself through this entire ideal, or in the sense that he constantly was trying to blame and punish himself for everything. None of that should be necessary anymore. Moreover, Never Ending contains a lot of references to “daily life” and the happiness that comes with the simplicity of just being alive – because that was indeed what Ken gained through his experiences, the ability to treasure living life in itself instead of aspiring to an impossible standard.
Another interesting thing about Never Ending is that it’s technically in a similar rock genre to ONLY ONE instead of being “soft”, like Ken’s personality is often thought to be. This was a surprise to a lot of people who commented on how surprisingly “cool” the song was, but this is actually completely in line with Ken arguably being one of the most openly assertive people in this group even after his reformation. Note that it’s very difficult to call this song purely angsty – it’s definitely positive and forward-thinking, and the chorus itself is partially in major key – but it has the vibe of someone who’s fully aware of everything that’s happened, is putting proper thought into it, and is pushing on despite everything. Remember, the intensity the Kaiser had originally came from somewhere; Ichijouji Ken is the same person, in the end.
In regards to Wormmon’s song, the contrast is also obvious: The Future You Dreamed of, the Future I Dreamed Of. is of course about Wormmon’s tormented feelings during the Kaiser’s abusive relationship with him, whereas can change it! is about its aftermath and how they made up (including copious references to the events of 02 episode 23). Even then, there’s a certain “forward-thinking” attitude that marks this song as being representative of being after 02’s events and not during – see the line “The mistake we made that day/is exactly the reason we’ll never let it happen again”, instead of the self-punishment and shame Stingmon expressed in 02 episode 26).
On top of that, the duet song Forever Adolescence also marks a subtle progression from the point they were at from True Strength – remembering that Best Partner 12 was released at a time when True Strength was actually a bit of a spoiler, while Ken and Wormmon obviously had made up by that point, the key line in it is still “everything truly begins from here”. So what, exactly, happened after that? According to Forever Adolescence, the decision made was to keep moving forward, and, moreover, to stay “the way they are”, especially with the nuance that it means it’s okay to not force oneself into the role of an adult and stay “young at heart”. This is really, really important in light of the events of Kizuna, the 02 group’s unusual role in it and its relevance to 02′s themes (more on this below), and how Spring 2003 referred to the pressure placed on Osamu as him being “forced to grow up too quickly” – in essence, Ken and Wormmon have firmly resolved to actively move away from that kind of pressure.
Miyako and Hawkmon
I’ve pointed out several times on this blog that the actual complex Miyako was going through in 02 was that she hated herself more than anyone else in the group would be willing to criticize her – and if you don’t believe me, it’s put in a pretty heavy-handed manner in her original song, Crash and Bingo!:
Fussing about it won’t get anything done But my selfishness and problems and panic keep coming out
…and even more viciously in her own and Hawkmon’s duet, Fly High:
I can’t do anything right, besides playing around with computers
Everyone would be still be fine if I weren’t there
If you thought it was subtle in the main series, it certainly isn’t here: Miyako considered herself good for absolutely nothing and unable to be accepted by others for being too useless – in these songs, despite Hawkmon’s attempts to uplift her, she criticizes her own messy tendencies and considers herself a burden. Best Partner is a positive series, so it still has the attitude of “we’ll try anyway”, but it’s clear that Miyako really didn’t have the highest opinion of herself at all. Hence, Fly High also shows off the worst of Hawkmon having to deal with the fallout – with Miyako flailing around in panic and considering herself good for nothing, he’s forced to carry her around.
But come Miyako’s new solo, From Spain with Love!, we see a huge contrast all over the place:
I, who have evolved into an adult make everyone do a double-take at me when I walk by!
Exhibit A: actual confidence in herself and ability to consider herself worth something;
If I can always, always be honest with myself Even if I don’t put together some program, even if I keep screwing up Ah, you understand me
Exhibit B: understanding that she’s worth something to others besides her utility abilities, and knowing that she has friends who’ll support her despite her flaws (which is very true);
When things are feeling hard, the first thing you should do is call me, okay? I’ll take the wings of love and purity, spread them, and get there as fast as I can Ah, I’ll open up any gate I need to
Exhibit C: indulging in her capacity for helping and supporting others;
Al mal tiempo, buena cara We laugh exactly when things are hard
Exhibit D: understanding the strength to get through hard times, instead of emotionally crumbling under the pressure.
Yep, that’s exactly what her character arc in 02 was about; 02 episode 31 was a huge turning point for her because, in the depths of her berating herself for her messiness and expecting Hikari to be secretly judging her the whole time, Hikari revealed that she was outright jealous of Miyako being able to speak her mind, and Miyako shortly after ended up showing her true capacity for reaching others who needed her help and supporting them, a role she ended up growing into for the rest of the series. Note that, other than the casual remark of confidence at the beginning, Miyako hasn’t necessarily become arrogant or anything – it’s just that, by focusing her energies into how much she loves everyone and turning her “nosiness” and “sticking herself into others’ business” tendencies into positive energy to help everyone, she gained more confidence in her ability to be loved and accepted by others.
This is reflected as well in her new duet with Hawkmon, where, instead of Hawkmon dragging her around everywhere, their differences and mismatched personalities are outright celebrated, and while Miyako still has awareness of her messy tendencies, she’s no longer letting it emotionally rip her apart and has confidence that Hawkmon can be by her side to help her through it. Perhaps reflecting that, Hawkmon himself goes from the over-the-top, dramatic, high-strung Knight of Love to the more calm and straightforward Gentle Tornado, perhaps because his own partner isn’t constantly bouncing off the walls recklessly nearly as much anymore.
Incidentally, it’s not like all of this is without nuance, either; even if Miyako’s become more of a confident person, she’s not all put-together. Considering that the entire song has her gushing about how she’d be willing to drop anything to go see her friends (which was pushed forward in Kizuna itself, what with her willingly taking the same request she’d refused to do earlier just because her friends were involved, and even inventing D-3 gate exploitation just to go see them), when you get to the end, and her gushing about her fun in Spain suddenly derails into reminiscing about the events of 02 episode 42, the implication is clear: for as much as she wants to be wholeheartedly enjoying this fun trip abroad for what it is, she can’t help but let her thoughts float back to memories and friends she cares about, and her bonus conversation with Hawkmon drives it in further that, ultimately, she dearly misses them too much.
Iori and Armadimon
Iori also went through some drastic changes in character over the course of 02, so when you look at My Conclusion, it’s basically Iori at his “worst” point of black-and-white morality:
Everyone, I will be speaking my conclusion Evil will not be tolerated Even evil in itself will be defeated by justice That will always be a certainty in the end
I mean, let’s even consider the fact that the song is called “My Conclusion” in the first place. Iori’s slamming this all down like this is the end-all of everything, and you can’t change his mind! He does briefly admit that there are certain things reason itself won’t change, but it’s more like he’s on the verge of having an out, because in the end, really…
Everyone, I will be speaking my conclusion Our enemies are beyond reason Again and again, to the very end They will certainly use cowardly means to come and attack us
Rationality. No feelings involved. Evil is evil, and justice is justice. No takebacks. Life exists by rules, and nothing else.
Message to the Future is possibly one of the most interesting songs in the original Best Partner collection, because it does actually provide hints about where Iori should be going in the future, and also has a lot of things that retroactively hit a lot harder from the meta perspective. The song fully fleshes out Iori’s feelings and concerns about how to grow up into a proper adult (which was hinted to be his real motivation as to why he was so strict with himself in 02), and that, most of all, what he wants is for his “feelings” to never change no matter what happens. Iori expresses concerns about how he might change as an adult to Armadimon, and Armadimon assures him that he’ll still be “Iori”, no matter what.
So, come the new character song collection, Iori’s new solo song is aptly titled “Things That Won’t Change” – because, in the end, despite everything that changed, his feelings did not. He says it himself: the important parts that he really wanted, the desire to do the right thing and to protect others, never changed a bit at all since “back then”. What did change, however, was his way of going about it.
Rather than what someone else has decided I’ve chosen my own future now
and again:
Rather than imitating someone else This is to shout out my own future
The emphasis on this being Iori’s own choice is important because Iori has finally decided not to live by strict rules imposed on him nor by imitating others (remember, part of the reason he kept doing what he did back in 02 was because he had such a strong belief “my father would have done this”). Others had been encouraging him to “make his own decisions” from the get-go – even Hida Chikara himself had told him that he was the one who needed to decide what to do in any moment in 02 episode 5 – and after dealing with a violation of his own morals in having to kill a Digimon in 02 episode 44, one episode later, in discussing with Takeru, Iori has to come to terms with the decision to continue fighting because “this is what I have decided myself”, because it’s not about whether he has an obligation to keep fighting for the sake of justice, but because he, himself, wants to protect others, and will do what it takes to do so. There’s no more of these strict rules of “because it must be this way” or the black-and-white morality that caused him to be so initially hostile towards Ken and Oikawa, but an understanding that these things need to be decided from the heart.
Moreover, unlike My Conclusion, Things That Won’t Change isn’t written like Iori’s turning in some school essay, but rather, more than half the song is in casual-form Japanese (which was associated with Iori when he became more emotional and wasn’t keeping himself in check anymore), and is more of a thoughtful reflection of his own feelings rather than trying to pass itself off as following rules because he must.
Thus, while the duet Choo Choo Tryin’ isn’t as heavy-handed as Message to the Future, Iori and Armadimon acknowledge that they need to be forward-thinking and keep going (generally tied to the message of 02 in itself), and Iori outright discusses the potential pitfalls of becoming too stiff. Furthermore, the song has copious rap portions, which seems rather unfitting for Iori on its face – until you realize that not only was Iori sometimes willing to indulge in more fun even back during 02 (just because he was strict with himself didn’t mean he was a complete killjoy), Iori’s also just a lot more flexible-minded in general, and has a penchant for wanting to do things right when he’s given a task. (His delivery of the rap in the song isn’t monotonous nor overly emotional, but has the nuance of someone who’s trying to recite all of it with caution.)
The part that’s particularly striking from the meta perspective is that Iori and Armadimon are no longer voiced by the same voice actress; Message to the Future was essentially Urawa Megumi talking to herself. So now, Iori has a new voice actor, and in many ways has become very different from Armadimon – but because Armadimon sounds a little like Iori, you could say he’s helping preserve the childish side of Iori that’s more important than ever to hold onto, especially since Iori himself worried about changing too much. And so, Iori’s still willing to indulge in a sort of “fun” song like this, and in the end, despite everything, you understand that they haven’t drifted apart at all in the slightest.
That’s not to say that Armadimon himself hasn’t changed either – in fact, he’s changed himself in response to how much Iori has. His original solo song had a lot of easygoingness to it, and some constant reminders for Iori to please, please chill – but his new one has a much stronger sense of resolve and forward-thinking attitude, reflecting that, while Iori himself technically had to learn to embrace more emotional uncertainty through the events of 02, it was also able to give him much stronger resolve that this was something he was doing because he was emotionally prepared for it, not out of some sense of moral obligation.
Takeru and Patamon
I’ve already covered Takeru’s original Best Partner song Focus and how it’s probably not about shipping as much as the fanbase tends to pin it as, but in any case, the operative part is here:
Before I knew it, I was watching over you Still standing at a skewed angle from behind The focus of your heart I wonder, is it on me, or… No, I can’t ask
Takeru couldn’t bring himself to ask sensitive questions or be straightforward about his emotions – which is basically what was Takeru’s lingering problem over Adventure and 02, that he kept swerving around or even lying about sensitive topics and holding everything inside, until one of his triggers was hit and everything exploded. Therefore, even when an important question about someone else comes up, he “can’t ask”. Moreover, for all Takeru is known as a lighthearted and kind person, Focus is a really turbulent song with a really harsh arrangement, and it’s a pretty accurate view of all the complicated and sometimes even negative emotions that Takeru was (badly) coping with over the course of 02.
This was the whole issue with Takeru and Iori’s Jogress arc in 02 episodes 34-36 – that Iori felt he couldn’t understand nor communicate well with Takeru, and had to eventually take matters into his own hands in order to properly understand his feelings. Takeru’s further interactions with Iori were significantly more straightforward for the rest of the series, and the experience also led to Takeru being able to more openly communicate with Ken as well, since the two had been on awkward speaking terms for most of the third quarter of the series.
So when we get to Step High Step…
You lament, you don’t have confidence in yourself I’m saying this to you as I’ve been watching you You’re amazing at all times
The song features Takeru being fairly straightforward about his feelings and opinions instead of just dodging it and going for an “everything’s okay” keeping-the-peace attitude, and not only that, he’s commenting on someone else, something that he probably would have refrained from in 02 for being intrusive. Of course, Takeru was always a nice person, but he wasn’t exactly straightforward about being nice back then – and yet here we are.
Since Focus is probably about his relationship with Patamon and how he kind of wasn’t exactly straightforward about his worries with him either (see 02 episode 34), it’s also interesting to compare Takeru and Patamon’s duet songs as well. Steppin’ out does portray a progression from Adventure in that they’ve accepted they can “do things over” again after things crash down (presumably referring to Angemon’s death and rebirth), but you’ll notice there isn’t much in the way of actual communciation between the two – something that’s not only present in Le Lien, but also portrays them as outright in-sync to the point of “telepathy”. We’re talking about a pair where the fanbase has historically had doubts about how similar they were back in 02 because of how “mismatched” they seemed!
Which, incidentally, they weren’t actually – you can see Patamon pretending he’s not about to cry in his original Best Partner song Don’t Stop Pata-Pata, much like how Takeru would cover up his own emotions, and gritting his teeth and resolving to fight harder. Meanwhile, while Ring of Smiles ostensibly continues to have Patamon be “sweet and cute”, it contains a lot of important nuances of “appreciating daily life with friends”, even if Patamon himself can’t quite find words for it – in other words, it’s actually some rather insightful and thoughtful sentiments from Patamon about the importance of being with and connecting with others, mirroring what Takeru himself learned in connecting with the others around him, especially Iori.
Hikari and Tailmon
Remember, Hikari has two lines (one in Adventure and one in 02) that basically summarize the main “issue” she was dealing with in both series: she was selfless to unhealthy levels, and would prioritize others’ welfare over herself to the point of self-destruction. So in her original solo Best Partner song, Gentle Rain, she puts it pretty explicitly:
I want to always be wearing nothing but smiles But I can’t be cheerful all of the time
So that I can become a greater version of myself Please give me strength
All things considered, Gentle Rain is full of Hikari’s own insecurities, and her belief that she doesn’t have enough strength to do anything for herself. She makes references to being pulled to the Dark Ocean, mainly because – as she says – she doesn’t want to go there, but she doesn’t have enough strength or willpower to resist it. In fact, Best Partner 11 is full of a lot of angst; Gentle Rain is Hikari angsting about her own weakness and inability to do much for herself, Getting up is Tailmon angsting about her painful past and everything to do with it, and Shining Star is basically a plea for both of them to be able to do anything despite all the pain. It’s all pretty severely heavy content, despite the initial sparkly-looking sentiment of it all.
Considering the circumstances, it’s not really all that surprising. Hikari spent her time in Adventure and the first half of 02 very “emotionally isolated” from the others, to the point very few people could understand what she was thinking, and while she’d never hesitate to put herself out for other people, anything to do with herself, like getting pulled to the Dark Ocean, would result in resignation “it’s over” and “I can’t do anything about it”. Tailmon came from the background of being effectively raised by the abusive Vamdemon, so 02 was really only part of the earliest portion of her moving on with her life and being able to spend happier moments with Hikari. But, of course, the real turning point was 02 episode 31, when Miyako finally managed to break through to her and convince her to not accept the inevitability of things happening to herself, to accept help with the support of others, and to not take things happening to her as a sign she’s doomed.
So when we reach Hikari’s new solo song, Tomorrow’s Blue…
I want to chase after my dreams and hopes, it’s fine even if they’re incomplete I won’t lose, I won’t stop, I’ll do this to stay true to myself
The most striking thing about the song is that it features Hikari assertively talking about her own desires and feelings, when back in 02 she basically tried to kick them out of the picture for the sake of everyone else (and, really, even in Tailmon’s new solo song, Tender tale, she outright calls Hikari out for still prioritizing other people over herself). It’s not demeaning herself, it’s not resigning herself to anything, it may have a slight admission that she’s not super-confident about everything yet, but it’s still her looking forward and choosing to pursue what he wants. It’s a big deal!
And instead of the constant angst that permeated Best Partner 11, the new album is about Hikari and Tailmon talking about their feelings towards each other – something that neither of them really verbalized that well over either Adventure and 02 – and contextualizing their importance to each other over the course of their “story”. Hikari talks about Tailmon’s role of assertiveness in helping her break out of her shell, and Tailmon generally provides an extremely accurate description of Hikari in a nutshell – that she’s a bit mysterious, that she’s emotionally sensitive, that she’s cheerful and lifts others’ spirits. What’s more, Tailmon makes a reference to the same kind of “pain” and “losing things” she referred to in Getting up, but instead of angsting about it, she positively accepts it as something that may happen in the process of protecting others. (Oh, and it and the new duet A Tale of the Light also make reference to Hikari’s photography hobby in 02, contextualizing it as something Hikari did to chronicle their precious memories.)
So in summary, Hikari and Tailmon have both been able to accept 02′s philosophy of becoming forward-thinking, positive, and accepting the help of others in order to move forward. Not bad!
Conclusion and digression
Despite how these songs are almost polar opposite in portraying their before-and-after development of the 02 kids, nobody’s really argued that any of them are out of character! In the end, it’s a pretty succinct depiction of what these kids were dealing with and what they grew into by the end of the series. Seriously, I never, ever want to hear that these kids were underdeveloped nor that they didn’t go through any significant development over the course of 02 ever again. That’s just not true at all, and this simply happens to be one of the many illustrations of how.
Moreover, the songs themselves and the “conversations” that came with the new albums solidify firmly that the 02 group has extremely tight relations with their partners even at this time – with Daisuke actively consulting V-mon for help, Miyako, Takeru, and Hikari actively dragging their partners everywhere with them, Ken having Wormmon be his effective alarm clock, and Iori being so close with Armadimon that his Nagoya dialect is rubbing off on him. Daisuke, Miyako and Hikari have a huge point made that, regardless of the rather easygoing way they’re going at it, they’re very aware of what they want to do from this point out and are following it with gusto (and while it’s not stated in words, Iori carrying a huge textbook, presumably a law one, with note markers all over it drives the point home that this applies to him, too). It’s a really, really huge contrast to what was going on with the directionless Taichi, Yamato, and Sora effectively neglecting their own partners back in Kizuna – and further reinforces the reason the 02 group was in such an unusually favorable position during the movie.
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roobylavender · 2 years
could you give your full thoughts on new teen titans? Im trying to read it but I find the writing just so....idk trashy? lol and everyone seems to praise it and I think im missing something lmao
i blazed through ntt last summerish so my memories are more vague now but my central problems with it have to do with a) the way wolfman writes nearly every single female character he can get his hands on, and b) the way so much of dick’s development as a leader is built on painting other members of the team as deficient in competency or proper heroic rigor
wolfman to me is someone who indulges in melodrama to his heart’s desire, which isn’t inherently flawed, except for when it renders all of your female characters into prop pieces to be put through a repetitive mental or physical torture scheme where they can never be truly happy bc soon enough the next traumatizing event to debilitate them will show up and take center stage. i absolutely believe this is why none of the headlining female characters from his run have significantly progressed thereafter. the popular perception with their characters has been to always see them suffering and incapable of escaping this never ending cycle of trauma that at some point becomes nauseating to read about bc like! why do the girls almost never get to be happy. like ok i get it the same somewhat applies to the boys who are trapped within wolfman’s scheme as well but for the girls i find it to be particularly abhorrent bc of the additional ways in which they’re often demeaned and tortured (i.e., the entire terra affair, the way kory is treated for her cultural values, donna essentially being wolfman’s escapist fantasy to project a predatory escapist fantasy onto, raven forever being victim to repetitive body possession plots via her demonic father, etc.). the melodrama of it all is absolutely what drove its popularity imo but to me that came at the cost of keeping the characters in a forever regressive state, esp the girls 
on my second point i should clarify that this phenomenon admittedly predates wolfman. if you’ve read the 1966 teen titans run you see it there too with how roy, garth, and wally are turned into blithering, womanizing idiots half the time meanwhile dick is the clear-headed leader who calls the logical shots and knows better than to flirt with donna bc he truly values her as a friend. in that run it’s a little annoying at best bc while the boys are robbed of the competency they otherwise exhibit in their parent titles, they’re not turned into outright awful people? but wolfman kind of takes it an extra mile in his run bc not only are other members of his team portrayed as brash and incompetent and secretive in comparison, they are also sometimes made into outright bigots and misogynists? 
idk maybe it’s bc wally is a personal favorite but seeing what wolfman did to him was absolutely awful bc it’s antithetical to every single thing wally stood for as a hero in the flash title. the basis for his entire foray into heroics was his belief that being vested with powers entailed a duty to do good that must be taken seriously and ntt did nothing short of obliterate that, not to mention it made him into a conservative despite the fact that that identity is also pretty much antithetical to what wally stood for too? that’s the most egregious example of wolfman character assassinating other team members but his modus operandi in general was to go with the idea that other members were not as put together or morally straightlaced as dick so as to be able to successfully participate in/and or lead the team and it eventually got on my nerves and forms the basis for most of my gripes with dick as a character. i do think he’s abnormally hyper competent and has a stick up his ass which contributes to his specific brand of leadership but i also think that’s something you can portray without character assassinating the people around him, which to me wolfman was utterly incapable of doing (and like don’t even get me started on the way he had dick treat kory under the guise of maintaining standards of morality. . .) 
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mimibtsghost7 · 3 years
Fuck you and all your little brain washed rats sending people hate because you cant take responsibility for your actions!! But go on stay silent like you always do, pretend its nothing of your business, keep being a fetishizing racist delulu like you love to be while pretending to be the best blog on tumblr!!!
NOT like anyone will see this but YOU will so LET’S GOOO!!!~~
TW: mental health and more (if you feel like this can trigger you, pls don’t read this, breathe in and out and listen to this HERE and remember I love you), loads of tea and Mimi NOT being a friendly and kind ghost. 
funny enough: 
I never pretended of said I was the best blog. But I guess the fact that you say it might be because you heard it frequently? Thanks for thinking so^^
I sent hate to no one and u r the one sending it to me rn ^^ In my whole 4 year journey on Tumblr I received a lot of love but also worse hate that you can imagine. Yes you are saying now you are receiving hate ... funny how it’s bad when It’s addressed to you but when it’s at me and my dear followers it is not. Still, I never told anyone to go hate on you. You were the idiot that tagged my old blog and as soon as my blog was gone pple searched me and found out you were the reason behind this. But as you keep hating on me. Let me tell you I am kind but don’t mistake that for me being a coward.
I am not into insulting others and I don’t care much if you insult me. BUT don’t YOU DARE touch my dear followers. Insulting ain’t hard. Let me try: The only rat here is you hiding in your hole as an anon. I went and compared your writing with this ask and previous hate asks. And it was you~ Good for you~ the sewers smell just like your filthy mouth spilling sh*t left and right. So on brand. However, I know who you are @hobisbeautifulass Hi ^^
Me racist? HAHAHAHAH you truly know NOTHING about me nor my ex-blog’s message. It was a place when you were welcomed no matter your skin color, religion, gender ... proof? well it got deleted thanks to you. but ask around this time and search for who reblogged my posts as they were always the top of the tags (even if I don’t trust how bad you are at research). I supported the BLM movement and still do and will always do but I did so veeery early without anyone telling me. Not for the notes but because of my humanity. I wished my dear followers’ happy holidays no matter their religions. And never cared about those things. Why judge someone on something based on religion or how they were born. As for the LGBTQ+ community, I was always and will always be there for love being love. I talked about mental health and opened venting nights. I helped left and right and when I was receiving hate because of people like you spitting lies about me. What did I do? Did I go online and called people bad? No. I looked back at myself and asked myself if I did anything wrong. I tried to educate myself and apologized sincerely when I had to. I read books and watched documentaries to learn how to become a better human. AND never repeated a mistake twice. You tend to forget that our cultures are different and sometimes you grow up to see some things as normal when they are not. This is not an excuse tho, so I always believed that I was lacking and if someone had something to say against me, there is a chance they are right and just in case I should reflect on myself. But for your case it was pure nonsense. ME? a stalker? how can I stalk when I have social anxiety and at that time couldn’t even leave my room? I am even afraid of taking public transportations and just the other days I was crying from joy when I took a taxi alone. they said I was in Japan stalking Jimin and Jungkook and took a pic when I was NEVER EVER was on that land. You put me on the same list as people who bought info about BTS’ flights to be on the same plane as them? I was stalked before and let me tell you it ain’t cute and fun. I am even scared of the idea of being followed. that’s why I never shared openly my age, country, or anything about me on my blog. that’s why I have no personal social media to this day and that’s why making my ex-blog was some sort of miracle in my life. 
Silent? yes I was silent when I received hate and didn’t even vent to my dear followers or pointed fingers. Why? because I thought as my day was hell I shouldn’t make anyone’s day worse. I was worried about my dear followers with mental illnesses being triggered. I tried to take my life so many times I lost count but I still came here and smiled. It was my safe place and you took it away. Yet, I should pity you? You hated on me first for no reason and you know it deep inside but right now you are trying to convince yourself that you are the angel and feel no guilt. Compared to you. I pointed fingers at no one and didn’t name you when my blog was gone. Why? because compared to you, I thought you will not be able to manage the hate and what was done .. I didn’t want you to suffer the same way I did when you are the one who made me suffer the most the past couple of days. But the kind Mimi is someone you will never remember because you dared touch the friends I love and calling them names. I don’t mind people insulting me but don’t you dare touch my people. I know myself best. My dear friends/followers know me best. I thought ... I could leave without this mess but you keep barking in my ask box and it’s annoying. I left this backup account just to talk to my friends and yet you are here to ruin things again? I should stop being kind to the ones who deserve non of it. I ignored you when I had so many followers and you went silent too because you were scared of me. But as soon as I lost my blog because of you, you went, edited and then reblogged that stalker post. How can I be a stalker? do you even know the definition of a stalker? do you even know shame? well .. I don’t think so.. you said it yourself. You are NOT ashamed (and you reblogged that so many time lol). 
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Death threats? this is no competition but thanks to people like you I have been there and wish no one to be there not even you. The only difference is that you almost killed me for real. You were not the sole reason? Great job walking away from you beloved word: RESPONSIBILITY. And I didn’t get just anon hate, I got literal tagging by people like you, DMs, and people pointing guns at me. That’s why I didn’t mention you. I was worried about the one who took away what I worked for for 4 YEARS. I was more sad and concerned about the ARMY fandom here. Do you know how many rely on my updates? do you know how many people said I helped them? do you know any of that? do you think 200k people were “rats”? Do you think if I did and say wrong thing I will not be questioned by those people. I always told my dear followers: “friends, if I do or say anything wrong or share anything that hurts anyone please tell me. I am willing to learn from everyone.” But what did you know? what did you do? Well ..  guess you love notes? As the most notes you ever got and the most attention was when talking about me? 
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Love how you talk about fetishing when my blog was what people call “family friendly”. I also like BTS. I love them for their music, talent, personalities and the happiness they give me. I also enjoy BTS’ bond and love their interactions. I posted content of all kinds of interactions JM X JK, JK X V, V X JIN, JIN X SG, SG X JH, JH X RM, RM X JM ... If you are calling this fetishing asian men just because I scream over BTS as a fan and love their bonb. Then aren’t you against the idea of being an ARMY? I was a clear OT7 and you were told that you weren’t right: 
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 Then you answered this without even explaining the nonsense about me: 
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idk .. I am trying to find sense in your nonsense so .. wait wait let me look at the definition of fetishism first. 
Fetishism /ˈfɛtɪʃɪz(ə)m/ noun: a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc.
Then .. judging from your URL alone hmmm ... cute. I won’t even talk about the SMUT you write that is full of kinks and fetishism. Well I have no problem with fan fiction but the irony you spit is out of this world.
Also, I made money out of mimibtsghost? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH no lil one. I worked day and night for FREE. At some point when BT21 just came out and there were no products on AMAZON or anywhere but S.Korea, someone reached out to me to offer 20% off or something for my dear followers. When they asked what I wanted I said what about international giveaways for my dear followers. Basically, made gifs, found content, updates, analysis, edits, and so on for free. Again, w-wait .. Aren’t you the one asking for commissions? Well .. It’s not wrong. But again THE irony. 
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So, I went to see that post you made about me with “PROOF” and it was just another person who was salty as I got them blocked I can’t even recall who they were but oh well. Their arguments according to YOU and many should be taken as FACTS just because they said them?  You said HERE that your first comeback was MOST:7 that came in just last year (2020) SO what the hell do YOU know about what happened years before you came when all the proof you pointed at where baseless without any backing?
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Let’s see this so wise person you used to delete my blog and what I have done ^^
The gifs: There is a story to this. The first week I came to Tumblr, It was my first time on this site and the first time I share anything. I shared some content and my analysis had a lot of notes for a small creator that started just a week ago. But I made a mistake, I found a gif and posted it while crediting the gif maker. At the time I had NO idea it was wrong. I logged off and after 5 hours I log in and there was a WAR for that ONE gif. The big blog had me blocked and her friend was telling me to take it off. As soon as the person told me I did IMMEDIATELY and apologized againa and again and told them to tell the original gif maker to deblock me as I want to apologize directly and that they can block me after that. They did and I apologized but they just kept insulting me. Of course it was MY mistake and that’s why I apologized. But for them. for a mere gif (yes I say a mere gif because I made so many gifs and they were used on all platforms but I never thought it was necessary to hate that much on someone like they did to me). That blog was big and had big blog mutuals. Thanks to that, I became someone you do NOT become mutuals with but block and never reblog content from. Without any big mutuals. Without any shoutouts. Only my love for BTS, my dear followers’ support and my hard work.. My blog, became bigger and FAST (I got 10k in less than 6 months after I started) and that brought loads of jealousy and thus more rumors. Even if, I apologized and since then made my own gifs. And I made SO many gifsets that I can’t remember how many there were. What I can recall is at some point I made them daily and many times a day.
Ships Jikook? I posted content of ALL the members interactions. I was here at a time where Jikook stans and Taekook stans where always fighting. BUT I posted about both and even made so many posts to encourage loving all the members and all the interactions. I also used the tags solely used for shipping with other big tags to show that BTS’ interactions are all important and their bond is beutiful. That our fandom shouldn’t hate on a member just because they are not part of a ship we like. And wait .. even if I shipped Jikook? I got called ALL those names by someone who ship the members with readers and write sexual scenes? Like, wait ... I am truly confused. Like, write fanfic and do all you want as long as you hurt no one I guess but why am I getting hurt for doing non of it? Like according to you, the person you should be cancelling is yourself?! I am also not into cancel culture like you so hahah whatever.
Posted stalker pics: well wow the story changes each time. Next thing you will hear that I was the one holding a camera for a member in a Vlive lol. Let me teach you about this update thing I was doing. I follow accounts I trust and that’s how we get info circulating fast. I always do reasearch but sometimes mistakes are made. For example when lately people shared pictures of BTS leaving their virtual concerts and schedules. There was a watermark of a news outlet. Normally we trust those but only later we realized that those people stalked BTS. You clearly can’t know it all. But I still didn’t share many pics related to many events (I will not name those as pple can search them even now because some pple never deleted those). And all big accounts shared many pics then deleted later. This happens all the time but it happened like ONCE for me. However, I am called a stalker for that? 
When Jonghyun passed away ... I don’t even wanna recall that night as the memories just ... when that happened I posted about it and send my condolescences. that post had over 10k notes and was at the top the tag. Why did I do that? I was devastated. Yes, many were but I will talk about me rn: I was suicidal the days before that and one of the songs that I listened to when I was broken where by him. I has been in the kpop world since 2006. And learned about his group since their debut with ‘Replay’. I was never a stan but I still knew of many groups and listened to all the songs I liked. I was very sad when he was gone and ANGRY mostly. Why is this angel leaving? Why is someone like me still here? Why did I not leave instead of him? How much did he suffer? And in the midst I posted a post from twitter that stated how agencies usually put down pple with mental illiness and hide it in the industry. Yes, that was important but NOT at that time. I shouldn’t have posted that and I realized after 5 min of doing so that it was WRONG. So I deleted it FAST but it kept being reblogged and I kept getting hate and people telling me: “Go kill yourself”... the sad part is that I almost did as my answer was “true ... why am I still here?” I apologized and logged off then to this day won’t forget crying at 3 AM while walking outside next to my dad. I was outside as I couldn’t breathe anymore and the idea of seeing the walls of my room was hell. I cried and cried and the teary eyes that my father looked at me with are something I am ashamed of to this day. To add one more thing while I am spilling the beans. I hate learning about someone dying. My grandma passed away sometime before that and it was so shocking to me. and some people came and told me when I was mourning her: Go follow that bitch of grandmother of yours. And for what? At that moment I didn’t think I would live to see the next year but I went to therapy and took medecine that was hurting and made me shake all day just to turn somewhat sane. No one knew tho ... I smiled all day and cried all night.. Even on the blog I fought no one of the ones who hated me. I just blocked them but even that was an insult to them?
Again, you said no one should defend me. Yet, you were ready to fight whoever touched anyone around you. What about changing your URL to beautifulassirony
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Also THE hypocrisy. If you are sorry then why are you answering an ask of someone isulting someone you want to apologize to? Just make a post wher you apologize or ignore it from the start?
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One more thing but surely not the last. You said you were good with research which you are NOT. So, let me show you what an OG detective ARMY can do. But first, as I was scrolling I saw some of your “work” (let’s not even talk about those gifs) and I am just giving my point of view here: I hate how you painted Namjoon as this horny-idiotic-make-dog. Like I get it it’s a fanfic or Namjoon as a dad but ... Namjoon is such a smart man who is very respectful and ofc he is a human with needs like many but what the hell is this way of portraying a character? Also a character is not cool, amazing, and a strong woman just because they curse and belittle their partner. 
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Oh well, only you kept reblogging that as it show 36 reblogs when only 33 as still there when I looked and out of those 13 reblogs are yours? (you might have reblogged it more) but again some people might have liked ... people have different taste ... so ... whatever. 
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Let’s continue, shall we ^^. You said you were the victim here when I was the one getting robbed right? How can I believe someone who reblogged the post below and was proud calling themselves an abomination or how the Oxford dictionary defines it:  a thing that causes disgust or loathing. For once you weren’t wrong.
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What can you expect from someone who has the “I am not like others” kinda mentality while stating relatable things that everyone goes through?
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This is getting pretty long. So to sum this up. You are now telling others that hate is NOt ok and that they should be ashamed of themselves when you yourself is not ashamed of hating on me?
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I am not the type that sends anon hate. I might ignore some barking but the past days you came and bite me hard. I face the ones I have to face without fear. I know I am not the bad guy here and I don’t care much what you think about me. Even BTS got haters. This says a lot. BUT do NOT dare talk badely of my dear friends/followers. You said you do research well? Start by deleting the post below that was originally by ME from your blog ... oh how meticulous you are. From your baseless receipts to your twisted logic. Indeed people on the internet can say anything and it will be FACTS. You painted me as the devil and painted yourself as this researcher? What’s next you receiving a Phd in ‘pity me’ after your MBA in lies and irony? Whatever~ 
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Whaaatever~ Karma will have upcoming talks with you. No need for you to apologize. I never cared about you and you only got attention using me. But I am not here anymore how will you get that blog running now? Are you gonna add me in a fanfic next? No need for you to send me my appearance fee when you do so~ And no need for you to apologize to me just apologize to you conscience if you have any left.  As for me @hobisbeautifulass​ you are just someone I will forget soon anyway~~ 
And because according to what you said HERE when you described the things you hate about people and I thought that was VERY close to how you treated me. Thus, you might really not stand yourself rn.
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Do.Not.Worry. BTS are starting the Love Myself campaign again and just in time for you to jump in (you are good at jumping to conclusions about me so I won’t worry about you). I know you don’t like me or my friends but be sure to love yourself at least ^^ 
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You are a Hobi stan? Then learn from Hobi to share some sunshine not bring the storm. Have a good day~
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