#a little pinch of writing advice
thevagabondexpress · 1 year
reasons for a character to be angsty *other than* "abusive/deadbeat parents," "was bullied/assaulted," "queer and living with homophobic parents," or "someone died"
okay. hear me out. maybe it's just me but i'm tired of seeing the very heavy, triggering backstories listed above used to create brooding darkness within a character. now, that's not to say you can't use those. i've seen a couple authors use them and handle them very well. but i feel like they've been overused and, for the majority, not handled particularly well most of the time. hence, i've created a list of alternative reasons for your fictional charater to be a 'lil angsty without that weight of trauma that could be fumbled easily if not handled carefully. feel free to use these and share this around, that's what it's there for. feel free also to provide suggestions in the comments and i'll add them to the list.
∘ time period specific generation z angst: "the planet is turning into a pressure cooker, everything is on fire, democracy is crumbling like a dry pound cake, and nobody who has any power is doing anything because they only care about making money."
∘ habitual insomniac who just can't f***ing get their sleep schedule together. they're snarky and brooding because they're so. f***ing. tired.
∘ eldest sibling angst.
∘ middle sibling angst.
∘ youngest sibling angst.
∘ existential gender/sexuality/educational/career/faith/insert here crisis
∘ crisis of desired vs. perceived identity: "I want people to see me this way but all they ever see is this."
∘ they have a goal. they're really motivated. they're trying hard and they know they're good at what they do. but for some reason either they face consistent roadblocks from other people, or other people just refuse to acknowledge it.
∘ wanting something they can't have, but not in a whiny "he's so hot and I want to go out with him but he won't look at me" sort of way. no, as in, "I want to go visit my family in [insert country] but I don't have the time or money to go and I haven't seen my cousin in years she must be walking and drawing on the walls by now."
∘ unhealthy workaholic with a deep dark secret: that research project, etc. they've been obsessing and staying up late over and pushing everyone away for . . .
∘ sympathy angst: character has a friend/relative that cannot or will not acknowledge the emotions they ought to be feeling, so this character starts feeling the emotions for them
∘ character is caring for someone who is injured/ill (they don't even have to be dying, or in critical condition) and it's taking a toll
∘ character has been in one profession for a long time. now they've quit, moved on, and are doing something else. maybe they've retired. but they miss their old job, plus they find themselves falling back into the old habits. they worked that job so long they don't know how to be anything else.
∘ generational gothic: the character has uncovered a long-buried secret. maybe about their family. maybe about their place of work. maybe about their hometown, or the house they bought. whatever it is, everyone else seems to have forgotten it, and moved on. but they know. and they must cope with the burden of this aged secret thrown over their shoulders.
∘ performative angst: character is really into one of the fine arts. or building cars. or a martial art. or history. or science. whatever. point is, they develop angst deliberately as a performative state because they think it sounds cool.
∘ something the character has always believed to be a concrete fact turns out to be just another terrible fiction.
∘ character discovers a truth about themselves they had not previously realized. now they must analyze it, and come to terms with it. ∘ career-based moral/ethical angst: I do what I have to do because it's necessary and important (or because it's what i've always known, or both). but is it really good, or right? could there be a better way?
∘ time-period specific 1960's system-directed anger, whether that's to do with the civil rights movement or the war or both.
∘ character has moved to a new place. now, they must adjust to new societal expectations and customs, and possibly new food and culture as well. they feel strange and out of place, and miss their homeland.
∘ the character recently ended a relationship (romantic or otherwise) that was no longer functioning. they're the person who ended it, because they could see that things weren't working out anymore, but they're also very aware that the "it's not working out" went both ways and is much their fault as their friend/partner's. hence, they've gone and convinced themself that they were the bad guy, even though they really weren't.
∘ character had a massive falling out with a beloved friend or relative and now the two can't get along. they can barely be in the same room and it's dragging on the both of them and everyone around them.
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imliterallyellie · 20 days
is this thing on? 🎤
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nsfw, mdni
pregnancy love-making with ellie
a/n this is lowkey bad chat! also not proofread. nothing i ever write is proofread!
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you loved being pregnant, really. the thought of a little human growing inside of your belly was one that you'd never grow old of. the prospect of living happily ever after with your girlfriend and a little kid of your own was so enticing, you didn't even have to think twice the moment ellie proposed you two could start trying for a baby.
your ivf journey had been far from easy, to say the least. not just for you, not just for your girlfriend but also for your relationship as a whole. failed try after failed try, it was hard not to give up on your shared dream of raising a little baby together. after countless drives up and down the country visiting different clinics, getting advice from a dozen different doctors, however many late night arguments between the two of you and many, many failed tries, you were finally met with that double line on your pregnancy test. POSITIVE, it said. even after blinking profusely and pinching yourself in the arm to make sure you weren't dreaming, those 8 letters remained very visible on the little screen of the test.
the best part of it so far had been telling ellie. you found out when she was at work, and decided not to tell her over the phone - wanting it to be a little more personal than a text. her reaction was priceless, really. after the tears, the plenty of soul-crushing hugs and however many "i can't believe it" she had in her, came the seemingly never-ending night where ellie could just not keep her hands off you, as if she wouldn't be able to have her way with you anymore on day 2 of your pregnancy.
the first couple months were pure bliss. despite your best efforts to convince ellie that you were still capable of doing dishes or walking your dog, she wouldn't let you move a finger since you found out you were pregnant. she would come home late from work, already picking up extra shifts to cover your absence from work, insisting on cleaning your shared apartment because "her pregnant girl deserves a clean house".
although as time went on, you started to experience more and more discomfort from the little gremlin growing in your belly. once you hit the start of your third trimester it was as if your mood had completely shifted. you couldn't get around the aches anymore, the pressure on your joints was unbearable and let's not even talk about the amount of times you had to go to the bathroom a day - let's say your water bill was suspiciously higher than usual the last couple of months. with the physical pain came the emotional toll. as much as you tried to embrace the process of growing a kid in your belly, you couldn't help but start feeling down the last couple of weeks.
as much as your girlfriend tried to make you feel better about the whole situation, it didn't really help. you hated that you needed a supporting arm from ellie to do whatever you wanted to do, you hated that you couldn't walk up the stairs anymore without taking a break halfway, you hated that you couldn't even grab a snack from the top shelf anymore without having to ask for help, you didn't like the sight of yourself in the mirror, you felt ugly. you felt too much, you felt like a bore.
so ellie wasn't surprised at all when she came home from work on friday night, finding you curled up into a ball on the couch trying to find some comfort in your umpteenth rewatch of Friends and a bowl of popcorn at hand's reach.
she kicked off her shoes and hung her coat on the rack trying her best not to disturb you too much, quickly heating up some pre-made dinner she picked up from the store on her way home. she brought the bowl of spaghetti bolognese with her to the sofa, crouching down next to your face, which was a little puffed up due to the crying you had been doing that evening.
she caressed your cheek with her hand that wasn't holding her plate and pressed a soft kiss to your nose before speaking up. "had another rough day, baby?" you nodded and nuzzled your face into your girlfriend's chest, listening to the sound of her heartbeat while she finished her dinner.
ellie left your side after a couple minutes to quickly rinse out her dishes and came back, carefully helping you get up from the sofa. "let's get you to bed mhm, my love?" you felt too tired to speak up, so you just stood up and leant into your girlfriend's side while she led you to your shared bedroom, preparing for another restless night.
you went through your nighttime routine without too much of a struggle. despite your girlfriend having to help you to get out and in of your clothes, you freshened up your face and brushed your teeth before getting in bed.
on days like this, you and ellie tended to finish the day talking to each other, about everything and nothing trying to divert your thoughts from the burning aches in your stomach and back. but this time, your girlfriend clearly had other plans.
it had been a while since the both of you had been anywhere near sexually active. ellie had reassured you that it wasn't because you weren't sexually appealing anymore with a big belly - it was quite the opposite, really - but you decided to take it slow, not wanting to put more strain on a body that was already being put through so much. but sometimes, on days where you felt like you had the weight of the world on your shoulders, all you needed was some mind-blowing sex.
so that's how you got here, completely splayed out on your feathery mattress, naked body on full display for your lover. you were nervous, to say the least. but ellie made sure not a single insecure thought made it's way into your head.
"you look so, so pretty like this, baby" "growin' a lil baby in here huh? god you're doing so good" "y'gonna be such a great mama" "been wanting to do this for so long"
you had missed this, missed her raspy voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear, missed the sensation of her breath tickling your neck, missed the feeling of her fingers tracing patterns into your inner thighs before she slid them through your folds, who were soaking wet.
"god, baby, you're so wet f'me huh? missed my fingers so much?" your cunt glistened with your juices mixed with your girlfriend's spit. clenching around nothing, there was no need in denying that a little teasing and touching had gotten you extremely worked up.
ellie knew that you didn't want to be teased today, you didn't want to have to wait, to beg, all you needed was the comfort of her fingers inside of you, stretching you out and spreading warmth all through your body.
your girlfriend slid a finger inside, both of you surprised at how easily it went in. you felt your cheeks heat up, a small smile playing on your girlfriend's lips. she showed mercy today, and decided not to tease you about it. she needed this as much as you needed this, if not even more. so she decided to just keep going, to give you what you want and what you deserve.
a second finger followed suit, giving you that delicious stretch you were craving. ellie hovered over your pregnant body and nuzzled her face in your neck, pressing sweet, open-mouthed kisses and whispering praises in your ear, trying to make the experience as comfortable and pleasant as possible for you.
you couldn't hold back the near-pornographic noises that were leaving your mouth the second ellie started thrusting her fingers in and out of you, after having given you some time to adjust. you were tight around her fingers, your cunt harshly sucking her back in every time she retreated her hand.
the knot in your stomach started building way too soon for your liking, so you told ellie to slow down. "mhm, none of that, baby. i wanna make you feel good, 'kay? we'll just go another time, i won't stop 'til you're satisfied."
fair to say, ellie kept that promise. an hour and multiple orgasms later, your body was absolutely spent. she carefully picked herself off the bed and went into the bathroom to get you a warm cloth, cleaning up the mess she made between your thighs. she came back and carefully closed the bathroom door, not wanting to disrupt your peace. ellie climbed in bed next to you, patiently waiting until you found a spot in which you were comfortable, resting your head on her chest. the sound of her heartbeat calmed you down, a much-needed change to the fast-paced evening you and her just experienced.
"thank you, els. i needed that." "anything for you, my love."
fair to say you and ellie discovered a bit more of your pregnancy sex together, before you had a little gremlin running around the house that was strongly going to limit your private time together.
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
I have this mafia Charles hurt comfort idea. Pretty platonic but somewhere where Charles sees her and is mesmerized and slowly creeps his way in the readers life. This is till one day the opposite mafia figures out there’s a weak spot and they take and rough her up and he comes and saves her will all “Who did this to you” trope etc
A/N: I love this, because it's platonic and I don't write that often
You don't know how Charles came to be in your life, one day you were working at your restaurant and serving him, and now here he was eating your chips on your coach.
It was weird to see this man, one who for some reason were scared off sitting on your god ugly couch wearing a very expensive Gucci suit. "Charles?" The man hums and stops shoving the chips in his mouth and cocks his head to the side. "Yeah, babes?" You roll your eyes and chuckle, Charles knows damn well you wouldn't date him, but that didn't stop him from calling you babes or baby.
"What are you doing here? Don't you have a meeting or something?" You move from your kitchen and sit down next to Charles, pulling your legs up to your chest. "Yes, but I wanted to see you first." "To do what? Eat all my food." You snatch away the bag and he whines at the loss of his salty cheat food.
"Maybe, but np, wanted to let you know I have to go to France for a little bit." He shrugs, and you don't pry, Charles always told you when he'd be out of town and that the normal person who followed you, yet something you weren't supposed to know, would be following you. "How long will you be gone?" Charles smiles and pats your knee, rings on display.
He wore one that had an insignia on it and never took it off, you still remember when a shop clerk who was rude to you saw it. The shop clerk froze and when Charles turned and smiled you can still see the way the color drained from his face.
"I'll be gone for about a month or so, you going to miss me?" He grins and you shove his head slightly both of you chuckling. "No, I'll be free of your being a bother. And I'll have my chips to myself." Charles giggles, but stops as he clears his throat getting serious.
"Promise me, that you'll be safe, don't talk to strangers." His face stone cold and you snort. "Yeah should've listened to that advice. Then I wouldn't have a stranger sitting on my couch." You joke, but your laughter is only met with a stern gaze. "Y/n, you're my best friend, I'm serious please don't do anything crazy." He pleads and you nod your head.
"Of course, Char," You untangle your legs and move into his lap and hug him. Charles relaxes and wraps his arms around you and pulls you close. "I'll be back, don't worry." Kissing your temple.
"Anything else for you sir?" You smile at the creepy Italian man with big curly hair and round glasses on his pinched face. "No, thank you," You nod and quickly walk through the dark restaurant and shiver feeling his eyes on you still. "You alright?" One of your coworkers ask, worry evident in their tone. "Yep, just the usual weird customer." They nod in understanding and move away going to check on their own tables.
Your shift finally ends, and you shiver, shaking off the weird feeling of being watched. Tightening your coat around you, you jump and then giggle when you realize it's your phone vibrating. "Hey, Char," You knew it was him, his shadow must've told him you just left work. "Hey, gorgeous. How was work?" He asks, and you smile, missing having him beside you and walking you home.
"It was fine, the regulars, and then some gu-" The phone is ripped from your grasp and you scream but it's muffled by a hand closing around your mouth. Two men shove you into the alleyway hearing a crunch you whimper knowing they've destroyed your phone.
You want nothing more than to have Charles here, as pain explodes all over your body.
You don't know what happened, but the soft beeping has your body aching just wanting it to shut up. "mumph," You grumble, warmth is suddenly on you and fingers tracing the lines of your face. "Baby, shhh it's okay, you're safe." Opening your eyes, the best you can with them swollen you see a blurry image of Charles.
"Who did this to you?" He whispers, voice filled with anger and sadness. "God, I'm so sorry," He whispers and moves lying down on the bed with you. You whine, sore all over but it feels good to have Charles's scent and warmth all over you. "Missed you," You whisper, and Charles chuckles and cuddles closer to you. "I missed you too," He whispers and you drift off into sleep.
"Sir, we found them," Charles doesn't move and just nods his head. "Rip his head off," Charles growls and presses a delicate kiss to your temple. "Rip all their heads off for all I care,"
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turtletaubwrites · 5 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 1
Thank you @discordantwritings for this request! I've been so excited to write some Cross Guild shenanigans, I hope you enjoy it! Also, this will be part 1 because I did turn it into a whole ass thing, lol. Just a miniseries, I swear!
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader (Eventual smut, but not this chapter. Reader is in a relationship with Buggy first, then meets the others in this chapter.)
Word Count: 2863
Ao3 Link
Summary: You left your stable/boring life as an investment banker to have some adventure. Unfortunately, that sweet Warlord of the Sea didn't follow your financial advice, and now you and your clown are at the mercy of his biggest lender and his new business partner.
Rating/Warnings: Eventual Smut, 18+, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Alcohol, Swearing, Angst, Established Relationship, Canon Typical Violence, Manipulation, mention/brief threat of slavery, Humiliation, Blood and Violence, Pet names, Power Imbalance, Crocodile is a villain
A/N: The reader starts out with Buggy, so Crocodile and Mihawk will be enemies to the reader at first. Crocodile in particular is a VILLAIN toward the reader at first, threatening violence and there's a mention of paying off debts by selling Buggy and reader into slavery, as he threatened in the anime. Please do not read this if toxic, threatening relationships are triggering for you. Dynamics will shift after the initial chapters, but he's still a villain and I wrote him that way in this fic. It's very much dark romance style/bad guys need love too/Mafia boss type vibe.
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Fuck, my sister was right. 
“Hurry it up, Y/N, it’s time to go!”
“But, Captain Buggy,” you matched his near frantic whisper, “Your crew are calling for you. Don’t you need to give them orders?”
“Fine, fine! Just keep packing!”
You barely heard the commands and lies that he spewed from the balcony, your hands shaking as your mistakes blared through your mind.
You’d been so bored. You had a good, stable life. You were great at your job. You’d started at a bank, and soon you were managing investments for wealthy clients who didn’t want to do their own work to stay wealthy.
You were so good with numbers. So good at helping your clients make smart, safe choices.
Yet here you were, about to get killed by the fucking Navy because you’d wanted a little adventure.
The screams started getting louder, and you heard what had to be explosions, luckily not close by. Yet. 
Kat told me this clown would get me killed.
Tears burned in your eyes as you pictured your sister’s face, pinched with worry and shock.
“He works for the government now! I’m going to help run his organization, I’ll handle the finances, and his mercenaries will help the Navy out.”
“Are you fucking insane? He’s a Warlord! Not some Navy officer,” Kat almost yelled, face red as she leaned toward you.
“I… He’s different, okay. He’s really sweet,” you mumbled, looking down as your fingers twisted in your lap.
“Oh my fucking gods, Y/N, did you fuck that clown? What has gotten into you?”
You didn’t know what you were grabbing and packing, tears streaming freely now.
“Captain! The warships around the island are getting attacked!”
“Who’s helping us,” Buggy screamed, and the confusion and hope in his voice made you drop everything.
Racing to the balcony, you were just in time to watch two Navy warships go down in flames.
Desperate hope filled you now, and you reached for his hand.
He pulled away as news of who your savior was came closer, shouts of triumph sending chills through you, freezing Buggy in place.
“It’s Crocodile! He really does work for Chairman Buggy! We’re saved!”
Crocodile. Crocodile!
All those berries, drained away with Buggy’s antics. All those berries that you were technically supposed to be in charge of. 
All of it was Crocodile’s.
“Buggy, Buggy, please. Where can we hide?”
He turned at your hoarse whisper, his mouth hanging wide in shock.
“We don’t have the money to pay him. He’s gonna kill me!”
His strained voice grated your nerves as you pulled on his hand, dragging him away from the balcony, and the adoring eyes of his henchmen.
He was near babbling as you pulled him along, searching for anywhere to hide. 
A frustrated sob left your throat as you remembered what you’d been feeling recently, even with his idiotic spending, and refusal to listen to your words of reason.
I thought I was falling for him.
But the sight of him falling apart now, not only failing to protect you, but even himself, was making you regret every single moment.
Your heart felt raw, burning more with each yank on his hand, especially since his hand was only connected to that fucking pouch he likes to wear.
Then that hand was torn away from yours, Buggy’s yelp making you jump. 
Buggy went flying over your head, sliding down the hallway with a grunt. 
Before you could turn around, you were encased in someone's shadow. You shook as you felt the heat of a body, inches from you. The first thing you saw was the glinting gold of a massive hook, then you had to crane your neck. 
Towering above you was a man in lavish clothes, a purple vest with an orange scarf, and a fur coat. He seemed to be ignoring you, his cigar dangerously close to dropping ash onto your hair.
You felt like prey, like a rabbit. Shivering in fear, just waiting for the wolf to walk away or devour you.
“I know you,” he directed at Buggy, his deep voice rumbling through you. “I thought you’d try to flee without paying me back.”
I’m so close to him. How can he tell I’m so weak? If I had a weapon I could try to hurt him.
As if he could read your thoughts, Crocodile looked down at you, tapping his cigar off to the side before the ashes fell. 
“I don’t know you.”
Your mouth gaped open as you stared into his cold, scarred face.
“Well, you see, Crocodile,” Buggy started bullshitting, moving closer. “Buggy’s Delivery Service may look like it’s doing well, but we’ve, uh… We’ve lost a lot of our big earners, and…”
Buggy trailed on, spouting excuses that made you want to scream at him, until you felt his hand grip the back of your shirt. 
He slowly pulled you backward, away from Crocodile. New tears fell as your pathetic clown tried to shift his body in front of yours, shielding you.
He was too late.
The sting of cold metal wrapped around your neck as Crocodile’s hook captured you, like the prey you were.
He yanked you up, until your toes were barely scraping along the ground as he looked you over.
“If you can’t pay, clown, we can sell you into slavery. I wonder how much your woman is worth.”
“Come on, Crocodile,” Buggy drawled, inching closer again. “Don’t say such horrible things! We broke out of Impel Down together, didn’t we?”
“I lent you money for that sake,” he countered calmly, before looming over Buggy with even more danger edging his voice. “But if you can’t pay, you’ll have to take full responsibility.”
“Responsibility,” Buggy choked out, eyes flicking to you when you gasped from Crocodile's movements.
“I’m gonna found a new company, so I need money now.”
You could see the frantic wheels spinning in Buggy’s head before he puffed himself up, making his body look huge as he spread his limbs out in the red fabric.
“Then, let me help you with that business! This former Warlord of the Sea will serve under you. I’ll work off my debt! We have great resources!”
You brought your hands up to hold onto the hook as Crocodile lifted you even higher. You couldn’t tell if he was doing it on purpose, or if he had just forgotten that he was holding you there. You watched Buggy try to sell the plan, try to save you both. 
“We have advertising design, printing, transportation, and the finest financial adviser on the seas.”
Buggy emphasized the last with jazz hands shaking wildly in your direction, and you cringed.
Crocodile hummed, setting you on the ground in front of him, but still tugging on your neck with that cold metal as he looked you over. You let out a breath when he released your neck, but then the sharp point of the hook traced teasingly on your cheek, stopping your breath entirely.
“W-Wait, come on, Croc. We’re pals! You don’t need to–”
“If you’re in charge of the finances,” Crocodile breathed down on you, ignoring Buggy’s pleas, “then it’s your fault that all my money is gone, isn’t it?”
You started to shake your head, but the cold prick of metal held you frozen.
“No, it wasn’t her fault,” Buggy almost yelled, voice missing its chummy tone now. “Please, we didn’t– I didn’t follow her advice. Tell him baby, you’ve got all those plans you made, right? The investments?”
Your eyes clenched shut, a wave of tears cascading down as he defended you.
“Is that true, girl? Did you try to keep this idiot from wasting all my money?”
His breath was hot on your face as he leaned over you. Your lip quivered as you waited for him to open his jaws, and swallow you whole.
“Tell me.”
“I… I created a plan to manage those funds, using much of them to invest and create reciprocal income for the organization.”
His eyes burned into you, silently demanding more.
“Unfortunately, I was not able to go forward with those plans,” you said weakly, eyes looking down, seeking freedom from his glare.
“I wonder why that could be, hmm?” 
He brought his hand to your face now, huge fingers gripping your chin to force your eyes back to his.
“Tell me why all of my money is gone. You are the financial advisor, aren’t you? Should I bleed the berries out of you?”
“No, I’m sorry,” you stuttered, eyes fluttering down again until his grip on your face became painful.
“It’s okay, baby,” you heard whispered behind you.
“Ca-Captain Buggy did not follow the financial plans that I laid out for him, or my recommendations to adjust spending when funds became low.”
Crocodile’s lip twitched up, and he released you, making you stumble.
He reached for Buggy, hitting him again until he slid across the floor.
“No, please!”
“Why are you crying for this potato sack? He nearly got you killed.”
The menacing man sighed as you failed to speak, then grabbed Buggy by the hair.
“Don’t worry, we’re not killing him yet. Go get your paperwork, I wanna see if you really are a numbers girl.”
Shame flooded you as you nodded, doing nothing as Buggy was dragged away like trash. 
There’s nothing I can do. Numbers, money, that’s all I’m good at. 
Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself that you are really good at that. And maybe that skill could help you get out of here alive. 
Maybe I can help Buggy after all. 
That sliver of hope vanished when you walked through the door, your briefcase in hand.
Off to the side you saw Buggy’s officers, eating and laughing happily, as if nothing had happened. 
As if their Captain’s head wasn’t dangling from Crocodile's hand, bruised and bloodied while that hook kept shoving against his skin.
Crocodile was seated on the plush, green couch, using Buggy’s limp body as a foot rest. He held Buggy’s head over the middle of the couch, between him and another man.
The other man’s cold, amber eyes felt like blades through your skin as you froze in the doorway. You recognized him, though you’d hoped you’d never meet the swordsman in person.
Dracule Mihawk. What the fuck has my life turned into?
Buggy coughed, spitting out a piece of paper. That stupid fucking flyer his men had made. 
They hadn’t even waited for approval before spending the money on printing and distributing it. You’d wanted to strangle every fucking dumbass that touched it when you saw the bill.
“The word ‘humiliation’ isn’t enough to express how I feel,” Crocodile growled, as Buggy apologized for the Cross Guild poster, showing Buggy as their leader. 
“As much as I’d like to kill him,” Mihawk mused, his voice filled with calm disdain, “it’s not a bad idea to have him as our figurehead. I would rather live peacefully than become an Emperor of the Sea.”
He stood gracefully, heading to the counter to pour himself a glass of wine. He turned to look back, his head tilted like an animal watching for prey.
“Let him take the heat, and we can get rid of him whenever we want.”
“You’re right,” Crocodile laughed, shoving his hook into Buggy’s mouth.
You let out a choked gasp, grateful that they weren't going to kill him now, but feeling the looming threat that the future held.
And there were Galdino, Alvida, and even Mohji and Cabaji, ignoring his pain, laughing and stuffing their faces. Their betrayal made you ache for Buggy.
Until you remembered the danger you were still in. 
I’m betraying him too. I’m going to work for these men. I’m going to stay alive.
“Who is this,” Mihawk drawled as he took his seat again.
“Uh, I–”
“This might be our numbers girl. If she proves herself,” Crocodile threatened, dropping Buggy’s head onto the floor behind the couch, before patting the cushion beside him. 
“Come here, girl. Show us how useful you can be.”
With wide eyes, you walked toward them, avoiding stepping on Buggy’s body as you sat between the two terrifying men. 
Crocodile’s arm rested on the back of the couch behind you, so you sat slightly forward, avoiding his touch. 
Mihawk tilted toward you, and you found yourself staring at the beautifully embroidered details of his black and gold coat, avoiding looking at his bare chest and abs between the rich fabric.
He cleared his throat, making you jolt, before bringing your shaky fingers to unlatch the briefcase. You struggled, gasping when Mihawk reached over your lap to open it for you.
“Gods, Galdino, will you bring this girl a drink," Crocodile huffed, and you could feel his eyes on you. "Where the fuck did the clown pick up such a skittish little thing, huh?”
You focused on your paperwork, pulling out some of the plans you’d initially brought to help manage the funding Crocodile had provided. 
Mihawk took them gingerly from your hands as Galdino passed you a glass of wine. You were sure that he must be pissed at being ordered to serve you like a waiter.
You chugged the whole glass of wine, closing your eyes while Crocodile chuckled, and Mihawk reviewed your work. 
“It’s well done,” he praised, handing it to his partner. “These skills will be helpful with getting this operation running.”
“As long as the idiots in charge actually listen, of course” Crocodile joked, flipping through the pages. 
He tossed the papers aside, motioning for Galdino to fill your glass again.
“Sorry about all of that in the hallway. You work for us now.”
“Okay,” you breathed out, barely audible.
The back of his hook touched your face, the smooth metal guiding you to look at him.
He studied you for a moment, and your brain tried to make sense of him, of what was happening. His black hair was slicked back, a few stray strands falling over his forehead. The long scar across the middle of his face made your brain hurt. You couldn’t imagine what kind of wound that must have been.
His deep set eyes were judging you, and you fought every instinct to hold his gaze instead of running. 
Finally, he let out a low laugh.
“When I find something of value, I protect it. Do your job well, and you’ll be taken care of. Better than with this clown, that’s for sure.”
You winced as his foot dug into Buggy’s body, eliciting a moan from the man who’d brought you here. 
Chewing the inside of your lip, you sipped on your second drink as they discussed plans to announce the lie that Buggy really is the leader. 
They don’t need me here. I’ll just go to my room.
Each time you almost stood, or asked to be excused, your brain went blank. You just sat there, between these two ex Warlords, these two men who radiated power. The night went on, until all of Buggy’s betrayers trickled out.
Crocodile’s deep voice commanded as you stood to follow Alvida and Galdino out, desperate to not be alone with these men. But here you were.
“What’s your name? Unless you want us to call you Numbers Girl.”
You settled on the couch, still sitting away from the back to keep from leaning against Crocodile’s arm.
“It’s Y/N.”
“I am curious, Y/N,” Mihawk spoke up, swirling his wine in its glass. “How such an intelligent and attractive woman ended up with this pathetic clown.”
“Please, leave her alone,” Buggy’s weak voice creaked up from behind the couch.
“It’s just curiosity,” Mihawk continued, and you couldn’t help meeting his golden gaze, his large hat tilting down toward you.
“Come, Y/N,” Crocodile joined in, “I could use a laugh. How did you end up with Buggy?”
“We… We met at a bar.”
They stared, and your skin practically crawled at the pressure for more.
“I’m an– I was an investment banker. I was having a drink after work, and overheard Buggy discussing his new organization. I offered my services.”
You shifted your head slightly to look back and forth at them, and their confused faces almost made you laugh. Almost.
“Why,” Crocodile asked, his deep voice almost dangerous as he demanded an explanation. Mihawk just cleared his throat, and took another sip. 
You wanted to comfort Buggy. To remind him that you’d been drawn to him. That he was funny, and sweet, and that your time together that night was what made you want to join him. 
But you knew the real reason you chose to go with Buggy, and you knew they’d only punish you both if you talked about being with him. So you told the truth.
“I was bored.”
It felt like the air around you shifted. The weight of their stares, and the sound of their low laughter made your skin flush with heat.
They both leaned forward, surrounding you as they brought their glasses to tap against yours.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Crocodile’s husky voice rumbled beside you. “You won’t be bored with us.”
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! It hurt beating up my Buggy boy like this, but I made it through, lol
Part 2
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generalllimaginesss · 6 months
"Hey! Nuh uh, none of that!" reader and luke have been best friends since they were kids and recently got together and reader was visiting luke and jack in jersey and jack catches them making out and it’s disgusted seeing his little brtother and the girl he’s watch grow up and is basically his little sister make out
I actually loved writing this! Lukey Pookieeee!!! My first Luke imagine :)) Enjoy!!!
The Hughes family had been your second family ever since you were a thought. Jim and your dad were close in college, inseparable when they graduated. Wherever one went, the other followed close behind. Ellen was a second mom to you, and the boys were your brothers that you didn’t have with being an only child.
While it wasn’t necessarily an “arrangement,” both families knew you were destined to fall in love with one of the brothers. You spent any free time with them and had close relationships with each one. Quinn was your go to for advice, Jack was who you went to for a good time, and Luke was your home in human form. He was somebody that made you feel safe to be you. You didn’t have to play charades and act like somebody you’re not. He could see right through that.
You knew you were always the closest to him, but romantic feelings didn’t really develop until he moved to New Jersey with Jack. Contrary to what he tells everybody, he was the one that admitted his feelings first, although he tells everybody that “She just came onto me and I had to do something,” jokingly of course.
You had been helping him pack his childhood room and came across some pictures from summers through the years at the lake house. Some insane courage supported with the feeling of nostalgia brought out some honest conversations. One thing led to another and both of you admitted that you had feelings for one another.
All of that leads to this moment here and now. You had flown to New Jersey to watch the Devils play the Sabres. There was a couple of guys that you wanted to catch up with on the Sabres, but your focus was on Luke currently.
More specifically: Luke hovering above you as you lay on the couch he and his brother shared in their apartment.
“Luke, they’re going to be back soon,” You let out a quiet moan as he was trailing kisses up and down your neck, sucking on the spots that he knew were a weakness for you.
“I’ve caught Jack on several occasions doing worse,” He continued to tug at your hair gently, gaining access to your mouth with his tongue as you let out a louder moan.
“It’s not a big deal, trust me,” He broke apart and gave you a reassuring look accompanied with a peck on your lips.
“I just feel like it’s different…” You trailed off, but a part of you enjoyed the risk of being caught. Everybody knew about the two of you, that wasn’t the problem. Nobody knew the intimate side of you and Luke, and, in a way, that made it that much more special. It was a piece of the universe that only belonged to the two of you.
“I’m not going to do this if your not comfortable-”
You interrupted him with a deep kiss, wrapping his messy curls around your fingertips. His smile became evident, lips moving upwards as the continued to move in synch with yours. Shivers ran up your leg as his fingertips traced up and down the portion of your abdomen that was exposed from your shirt riding up. Ever so gently he pushed the remainder portion of your shirt up, exposing the sports bra that you wore.
Just when things were about to get even more heated, the door to the apartment flew open revealing a wide-eyed Nico, stopping Jack in the middle of his sentence.
"Hey! Nuh uh, none of that," Jack pushed Nico to side, forcing his way through the door, allowing his friend to follow after him.
"Nico, get comfortable because apparently Lukey Pookie here needs a refresher course on the birds and the bees," Jack threw his keys, making his way to the couch where Luke was pinching the bridge of his nose. Nico chuckled, but found refuge in a recliner in the corner of the room.
"I don't think that's-" Luke began, but was immediately interrupted by Jack forcing himself between his brother and the girl he looked at as a little sister.
Jack turned his head, staring at each person on his side with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
"I've seen you both in diapers. I've seen you both go through puberty with braces and unhinged emotions, I've seen you both ugly cry over some dumb shit, but I can confidently say that is the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen the two of you do," Jack recalled some crazy moments over the years where things were kind of questionable with you and Luke.
"You're so dramatic," You rolled your eyes and scooted away from him.
"Yeah, well, I don't want to be an uncle yet. At least not the product of you two. Quinn? Maybe. He could afford to let loose a little," Jack suggested, causing Luke snort.
"It wasn't going to go that far....at least not on the couch," You smirked, glancing mischievously at the boy sat beside you.
"Just...use protection and keep it quiet. If you don't have a condom, there's some in my nightstand. I can give you money to go buy some! Grab some cash out of my wallet! I just don't want to see or hear anything from y'all, ok?" Jack was grossed out by the thought of what goes on behind Luke's closed door while you're visiting.
"Hmm, I'll think about it," Luke chirped as he stood up, grabbing your hand to get you to follow him to his room.
As soon as the two of you disappeared, Jack looked at Nico pleadingly.
"You don't think they're..." He trailed off, but Nico knew what he was talking about.
"Surely not," Nico comforted, but a loud, obnoxious, and obviously dramatic moan echoed throughout the apartment.
The guys in the living room couldn't see it, but you and Luke were laughing your asses off. That's one thing the two of you did best, pushed Jack's buttons.
"My apartment will not be a daycare for their lovechild," Jack announced as he got up to grab something to drink from the kitchen.
Nico laughed, enjoying the scene that had played out in front of him.
Who knew Jack and Luke Hughes could provide more entertainment than the NHL?
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yanxidarlings · 5 months
what's this? for once i am listening to a poll and not getting distracted by something entirely different?
fair warning this is probably my darkest yandere hp writing, reader goes through some shit (said shit being the slytherins shit) it's mostly just angst and misery with a hint of fluff (if you squint) honestly not that crazy about this, but i hereby present
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"remember, m/n, you have to do everything to be put into slytherin, no matter how it is the sorting works" draco levelled with m/n l/n, holding an uncomfortable amount of eye contact.
breaking away from the blond's gaze, m/n let out a snicker "i don't know what you're so worried about, draco, i'm the most slytherin person i know!" internally, everyone who wasn't m/n sighed. it was no secret m/n wasn't exactly.. slytherin material. but neither was enzo, or goyle and crabbe for that matter. but they'd all end up in slytherin together anyway, right?.
swinging an arm over the other male's shoulder, enzo pulled m/n in close "we just have to act as slytherin as possible, it'll be a lap around the quidditch pitch getting sorted if we just think things like.. how wicked snakes are- especially green ones! and.." the brunet furrowed his brows as he paused to think. "and just say mudblood over and over again as well! that'll convince them for sure"
m/n laughed, wiggling out of enzo's grip. if only he had actually taken the advice, maybe he wouldn't be where he was now.
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"ravenclaw" "hufflepuff" "gryffindor"
what did the hat even yell out? all m/n knows is that it wasn't slytherin. he sat motionless on the stool, gripping the edges, waiting to hear 'slytherin' yelled out.
"mr l/n, please make your way to the ravenclaw table" a stern voice spoke.
he looked up to see professor mcgonagall staring at him, indicating towards the ravenclaw table. "what, why?" he gave the old woman a confuddled look "that's you're house, mr l/n" the look of confuddlement had turned into pure shock "the.. over there?" when mcgonagall quickly confirmed yes his mouth went agape "are you sure? i.." he pointed towards the slytherin table, where the rest of his childhood friends had been sorted "whilst i'm not entirely convinced, the sorting hat is, move along child" ushering him off the stool and towards the ravenclaw table, mcgonagall quickly went to call out the next name as soon as he was down the steps.
taking a seat at the very edge of the table, m/n ignored the greeting from the boy sat next to him to stare over at the slytherin table. only lorenzo was looking over at him, the rest avoided his gaze.
the boy pinched his forearm, leaving a red mark. but he didn't wake up in his bed nor the slytherin dormitory.
looking down, he saw his robes had taken on the blue and bronze colours associated with the eagle house. his stomach dropped, the reality of the situation coming crashing down. m/n l/n's life was effectively over
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• the next day at herbology, the ravenclaw first class that day with the slytherins, none of them acknowledged him. it stung. sure, the reader had heard of purebloods not getting sorted into slytherin and being alienated from their family and circle, but it was never supposed to happen to him!
• the invisible treatment, alongside the howler he received from his guardian was enough to make him cry in the owlery after curfew. where else was there to cry? his new dormmates were mudbloods out for his magic! and the prefects patrolled the halls at night. imagine the humiliation if weaslebee or whatever the ravenclaw prefect's name was saw him balling his eyes out?
• lorenzo spoke to him, for a little while. but he knew the boy's parents would nip that behaviour in the bud eventually. the prestigious heir of the berkshire family? associating with a blood traitor? m/n knew none of them wanted to be dragged down with him.
• for a little while, he thought they just needed time to adjust to him being in a different house. it was just a house? the day after ravenclaw beat the slytherin team in first year, all hopes of that came crashing down.
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"draco!" m/n smiled as he came past malfoy in the halls, "can you believe wattle stole the snitch? she must have knocked it out of higgs hands, i swear he had it" quidditch was safe, right? m/n had never given a hoot about quidditch in the past, but if it meant getting back in draco and his gang's good books, call him a connoiseur.
malfoy shot m/n a glare "let's see you do any better then" he spat. crabbe and goyle had their arms folded, as if they were the blond's bodyguards.
the ravenclaw went agape before puffing his cheeks out, trying to think of something to say "i- i was just chatting" he folded his arms, not in the intimidating way crabbe and goyle were, as if to make himself smaller.
"you're pathetic, l/n, you think i'd want to be friends with a disgusting blood traitor. know what? i'm glad you got sorted into ravenclaw so i didn't have to find out the hard way, you would have taken us all down with you, wouldn't you?" draco sneered out, eyes narrowing.
m/n looked down, his face painted with shock "draco.. i swear i'm not a blood traitor, the hat got it all wrong!" there was no reasoning with someone like draco, who had been raised with the strict pureblood beliefs shoved down his throat.
oi!, a voice rang out from behind him, turning halfway, m/n saw a boy in slytherin robes that he had never met before "who's this" "who are you" m/n said in near unison with the stranger "he's no one, riddle, nothing but a worthless blood traitor"
with that, malfoy, crabbe and goyle pushed past m/n, and began chatting with the other boy- riddle.
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• to say the first few years at hogwarts are hell for m/n is an understatement. it wouldn't be a surprise if he developed anxiety, depression and paranoia from the constant ridicule and bullying. every corner he turned, one of them was there, calling him foul names, telling him he's a disgrace to his family name.
• who would want to stick around and become a victim as well? no one. that's who m/n had, no one. they brought anyone who he spent time with the same hell. it wasn't even just insults, it was physical, from getting into petty fights with mattheo, to theodore using the levicorpus charm to give him a concussion.
• if he so much as looks one of the greengrass girls way, elio would pour one of snape's potions over m/n's head and then tell the professor that m/n had stolen the potion. if he got the best grade in any class, enzo would accuse the reader of stealing his work, although tom always seemed to be the mastermind behind it.
• there was this one time when a girl a year below him, luna lovegood, began hanging around him, declaring that they were now friends. but m/n knew better than to get used to it, and he was right. within a few weeks of the friendship, a rumour started spreading that m/n was sleeping with rita skeeter and shit talking the quibbler. lovegood never looked at him the same.
• not to mention, the situation at home only got worse. the house was no longer a home, if it ever was. everything he apparently 'did' at hogwarts got reported back to his parents, who disowned him in fifth year.
• m/n didn't return to hogwarts after the winter break when his name was burnt off the family tree.
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the great hall was bustling with students, catching up with friends after the yuletide season. the 'best spot' on the slytherin table (where the roasted turkeys were) was dominated by what was best known as the 'slytherin gang'.
blaise was quiet, but when wasn't he? he only spoke when something needed to be said. eyeing the ravenclaw table for his favourite person to lovingly stare (glare) at, he saw no familiar face.
darting his eyes back and forth between the entry and the table, a solemn look crossed his dark features. "what's got you so pissed, mate?" theo leaned over, following zabini's gaze. blaise briefly made eye contact with theo before taking a bite of roasted potato
"i don't see him either" riddle, tom, to be exact, remarked. theo made an 'o' face, the name didn't have to be said for everyone to know who they were talking about. they spent their days thinking of ways to torment him, who else would they notice the absence of?
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• nobody explicitly said they missed the reader, but actions speak louder than words.
• tom was the first to notice something was amiss. you couldn't waterboard the information out of him, but he couldn't stand not to know where l/n was. he honestly thought the bullying was a bit ridiculous, but as long as he was isolating the reader, he didn't care how it was done.
• he takes action the quickest, stalking the long halls, trying to determine whether or not m/n was just avoiding them.
• it became something of a group mission find out where m/n is. before, they were just possessive, but now, now they were becoming obsessed.
• when the darling finally returned to hogwarts after weeks of being MIA, all the torment, all the bullying, it just stopped. they were being nice which only scared m/n even more. five, even four years ago he would have eaten this up. but he knew better than to trust people now- no, he was straight up paranoid.
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• blaise was one of the only ones who truly believed m/n was a blood traitor. but he never gave up on him. in blaise's mind, the years of 'torment' was him helping show the reader the importance of blood purity and status.
• blaise won't apologise for what he did, not sincerely. it'll be more of a 'i'm sorry it took you this long to understand the point'. he truly thinks he was just molding the reader into the perfect future spouse for him.
• the reader has simply traded one hell for another with blaise. refuse to agree to the arranged marriage? won't spend time with him? then the reader truly must be a blood traitor.
• blaise has his softer moments with the reader, where he'll reassure them that he never actually hated them, that he didn't mean any of what he would say to them. but the damage is done.
• when it's his night with m/n, sometimes he'll be awoken at 2am to the sound of m/n getting ready for the next day. when he tried to open the door to the bathroom, he had never heard such a panicked "don't!" when he asked m/n why, "i'm not presentable yet" it broke his heart.
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• draco had been encouraged by his parents- no, by his father, to put m/n in his place. now that he looks back at it, it had nothing to do with m/n, it was about making sure draco never even considered betraying his blood status.
• he engulfed the reader in a hug when he finally saw him on the way to class. whispering apologies, holding back tears. "i thought- i thought you had done something stup-" but he was quickly shoved off, m/n even mocked him for the tears.
• for the first time in his life, he understood what it felt like to be in the readers position. merlin, he was a git, wasn't he? he'll spend his entire life trying to make up for it if he has to.
• what he couldn't handle was m/n rejecting his attempts at friendship. gosh fucking damn it just love him already, draco makes it clear that the bullying might be over, and he's really sorry it ever happened, but the reader is never allowed a life outside of the slytherins.
• people who interact with the reader are still targeted, leaving him as isolated as ever. at some point he might accept draco's offer of friendship, but he'd never be stupid enough to actually buy into that bollocks.
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• lorenzo was kind of like the readers guardian angel throughout his years of torment. he might have been a bystander, but he never directly took part in foul 'pranks' they'd pull on him. it hurt his heart to see m/n so misrable, but he had a reputation to uphold and parents to keep happy.
• whenever the chance would present itself, enzo would try and make m/n's day a bit better. he sent anonymous chocolates from hogsmede for a good while, until pollux and draco started calling m/n a pig when he'd eat them at dinner.
• but it was the thought that counts! and that's what enzo tries to tell m/n in fifth year. he got punched. m/n told him to get lost in the forbidden forest and to take the rest of them with him.
• time heals all wounds, enzo probably has one of the best chances of developing an actual friendship with the reader. but they all want more, especially enzo. who believes he has some sort of precedence over the others for being 'so good' to the reader when everyone else wasn't.
• he thought he was being slick, discussing the possibility of an arranged marriage with his parents. but blaise has made plans a while back, and tom had taken the dark mark with the promise that his father would oneday have m/n marry him.
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• mattheo is by far, by a long mile, the worst of them all. he used to cruciatus curse on more than once on m/n whenever he was in a particularly jealous or bad mood. objectified him based on his looks "i'd bash your face in but then i'd ruin the only thing you have going for you."
• he didn't even know the reader before hogwarts, he just saw the way draco treated m/n, felt a funny warm feeling, and decided that meant he hated the reader.
• but god forbid anybody else does what he does, mattheo sometimes even tells off the other slytherins, the ones he doesn't like (draco lmao) to back off. maybe if he took his own advice m/n wouldn't be as traumatised as he is.
• lost his shit when m/n didn't return in fifth year. felt like he was dying, it was then he realised that maybe m/n is more important to him than he thought.
• babies the shit out of m/n when he comes back- he tries to at least. offers to carry his bags, trys to sleep in his bed with him, patches up even a small paper cut. it's a startling contrast, m/n probably feels like he has to go along with it, or risk becoming mattheo's target again.
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• theo wouldn't have gotten in on the bullying if it weren't for his father and the others encouraging him. he didn't do nearly as much as draco or mattheo, but was still considerably worse than blaise or enzo.
• he would always hover around m/n, using his robes, sometimes skin as an ashtray. always making some sort of sarcastic or witty remark. and he always had a glare that would sink though m/n's skull, leaving him constantly on the edge.
• even during the earlier years of hogwarts, theo would have moments of softness, where he dropped the hateful act. which is why he was the one m/n trusted the least when the torment finally stopped.
• m/n keeping his distance, emotionally at least, is what drives theo over the edge. instead of saying something demeaning when he gets like that, theo now has outbursts where he demands closeness: mattheo will often have to drag him out of the room.
• there's always an over the top apology, only for it to go horribly wrong when the reader doesn't eat it up. he drowns in self hatred and anger, wouldn't it be great it time turners could go back years and none of this happened?
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• tom honestly thought the reader deserved the treatment they got at first. to be born with pure blood and to throw away the privileges that came with it so easily? absolutely disgusting.
• he used to mastermind the bigger plans, until he came to respect m/n's intelligence and strength. anybody else would have ended themselves by now, and he had never met anyone as intelligent as himself. of course at first he developed his own hatred towards the ravenclaw whenever he'd get the same or a higher score on a test than him.
• his attraction to m/n causes him to pull out of partaking in the bullying by around third year. he's got better things to do, like being the top of the class over the likes of an ungrateful blood traitor.
• his main motivation in helping his father resurrect was the power it would give him over m/n. once he became a loyal death eater, he would be rewarded with m/n. the readers feelings be damned, tom wasn't above the imperius curse, amortentia or the cruciatus curse.
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rashomonss · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could pair Simeon with the dumbification prompt for the Valentines Treat event 🥰 thank you for taking the time to read! I love your stories btw <3
hello hello!! so sorry I’m getting to your request so late! I planned on getting the valentines requests in a lot sooner but i ended up getting into a car accident and this past week was absolutely insane haha but i’m good now
but that’s besides the point! ofc you can and thank you sm! I’m so glad you enjoy my work, i hope you enjoy this, i enjoyed writing it. tbh I always love writing for simeon he’s one of my favs haha. anyway love ya! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Warning: NSFW (read at your own discretion) / gender neutral
“my cute little slut”
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“What was that my love?” Simeon said with a smile.
No coherent response came from your lips, just moans and mewls of his name. Babbles or things here could be heard there as he made you finish for the hundredth time tonight.
Continuous tears fell from your eyes and you tried to think just how you got into this situation. However it was a bit difficult to think when Simeon’s cock was filling every inch of you.
“Shh it’s okay, don’t even try to bother with thinking love, I’ll just fuck all those thoughts out of your pretty little head.” Simeon smiled.
Though his voice did not match his pace whatsoever.
It was rough and deep, he made sure to hit all of your favorite spots and he practically knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Look at you, aw what a precious little thing for me. You’re taking me so well MC” Simeon said softly in your ear as his fingers worked at pinching and massaging your nipples. You were getting close, he could feel it.
It wasn’t that hard to not notice the way you would clench around his cock each time you came. Though he loved that about you. Your pretty little hole belonged to no one but him.
And, no one but him could make you feel this way.
No one but him could take away all your worries and leave you a dumb fucking babbling mess on his cock.
That was a luxury he alone had, and boy did he love it.
You had come to visit him early in the afternoon at Purgatory Hall. Luke and Solomon went out to buy dinner so Simeon was alone for a while.
Because of this you figured he was the best to vent to about your current troubles.
He understood from the moment he saw you that something was wrong, and when you explained to him how your week just continued to get worse he listened intently and gave the best advice he could.
However he also explained that he would be there for you in any way he could…and of course one thing led to another and next thing you knew you were naked on his bed with your face down in the pillow and your ass in the air.
Simon started out slow and steady making sure to tease you just a bit. He’d bring you close to an orgasm then stop and continue at a slow pace again.
After a good amount of time it drove you absolutely insane to the point you began squirming and begging him to just fuck your brains out.
So, ask and you shall receive.
Simeon wasn’t gentle in the slightest after you spoke. He grabbed your hips and roughly pounded into you until he was satisfied. You came at least twice before he finally finished in you.
That didn’t stop him though. After that he flipped you around on your back to face him and teased you as he continued to pound into you, filling you with his cock.
“You’re taking all of my cock in your tight hole so well, only I can make you feel this good huh love?” Simeon said with a chuckle.
You didn’t respond as he continued talking, all that left your mouth was moans of his name and how it was too much. He in turn noticed and began to slow down with each thrust until you noticed.
“MC are you listening to me?” Simeon asked with a teasing smirk, his voice now finally reaching you. He had been talking to you for a bit but you never responded so he finally stopped causing you to squirm and beg for him to move again.
“’m listening I swear” you cried out.
“Really what did I say then?” He chucked. His dick throbbed inside of you and you tried to move your hips for any type of friction since he refused to grant you any, but it was no use, Simeon just pinned down your hips with a smile.
When you didn’t respond he laughed and pulled completely out of you.
A whine was about to leave your mouth again as you were getting prepared to beg, but his cock returned inside you in less than a minute causing a gasp to leave your mouth instead; your back arched and your hips buckled into him as you came just from how deep and harsh he entered.
“You’re just a dumb little slut for my cock aren’t you?”
His words had you tightening around his dick in an instant. Out of everyone in the Devildom you never expected an angle to say something that dirty to you. It shocked you but you loved every moment of it, he could tell.
“Uh huh” you cried as you gripped the sheets beneath you.
“Who’s the only one who can make you feel this good?” He said, followed by another hard thrust.
“You” you cried softly.
“I can’t hear you love”
“You- AH…!”
Before you could even string together a sentence he made you come again. Fresh tears left your eyes as he rode you through your orgasm straight into another one.
“Don’t stress with anything else for today my love, just let me fuck you till all you can think about is me and me alone” Simeon said as another orgasm ripped through your body.
You didn’t bother answering him, besides you couldn’t even really understand what he was saying. Your mind went blank as he continued fucking you and even going so far as to whisper a few praises and a few degrading comments with each thrust.
Orgasm after orgasm he had you remember just who’s cock you were coming on.
After all his name should be the only thing you remember in that fucked out little head of yours.
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sharkorok · 1 year
skz is the type of boyfriend to…
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tw/genre: fluff, g/n reader, lots of hugs and kisses
requested: naur
a/n: actually cried writing this. im delusional but so are you
-is the type of boyfriend to hold you close after not seeing you for a long time, tracing your waist before squeezing tightly like you’ll disappear if he lets go, the type to text good morning and good night every day, the type to paint your nails and laugh when they get messy, the type to look at you like you’re the only star in the sky—with complete and total adoration.
lee know
-is the type of boyfriend to insist you eat after a long day and begrudgingly cooks you a meal, the type to kiss your cheek and hug you from behind while you get ready in the morning, the type to randomly call or send voice messages out of context, the type to swing your hands wildly when he holds them, the type who squishes your cheeks and gushes over you because he can’t get enough of you !
-is the type of boyfriend to always talk about you, the type of boyfriend to whine if you get up from his side, the type to randomly pick you up and squeeze you, the type to start humming on face time when it goes quiet, the type who peppers your face with kisses while holding you close, the type of boyfriend who motivates you and is always by your side
-the type of boyfriend who sends you souvenirs or flowers from every city he visits, the type to brush your hair out of your face when you’re talking to him, the type to kiss the tip of your nose and chuckle when you get flustered, the type who demands a selfie of you and his camera roll is just a gallery of pictures of photos of you, the type of boyfriend who embraces everything about you with nothing but care
-the type of boyfriend to go on late night dates for fun, the type of boyfriend who always goes to you for advice or when he needs comfort, the type to let you cry on his shoulder whenever he needs it, the type who wakes you up and asks to cuddle closer, the type who could kiss you for hours on end, the type who gets so giddy with excitement whenever your name is mentioned, the type who loves life with you
-the type of boyfriend to tag you in tik toks when he’s sitting right next to you, the type to lose at games on purpose to see you laugh, the type to rant to you about everything and anything because he finds comfort in you, the type to buy two drinks or snacks every time he goes to the store because it’s just a habit for you, the type to crawl into your arms when he comes home late, the type who never fails to make you smile
-is the type of boyfriend to run his thumb over your cheek before pinching it, the type who remembers every little thing about you, the type who encourages you to be the best you can be and would follow you to the ends of the earth, the type to come up with the most niche date ideas and still have fun, the type to tease you before giving you a kiss to make up for it, the type who can’t stop grinning when he sees you
-is the type of boyfriend to grab your hand before crossing the road, the type to smile when he’s kissing you, the type who gets you matching promise rings, the type who randomly shows up because he misses you and needs to see you, the type who plays with your hands when you’re sitting together, the type who gets shy when someone calls out how much he adores you, the type to love you completely.
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shelbygpryor · 1 year
"Pain is Plain."
Let's face it; saying " it was very painful," falls just a little flat. You want something that will empower your writing, enrichen it. Using words that vividly describe a situation or feeling will help your readers "visualize" the scene. It will make them wonder " How is the main character going to survive this?" Or, if the hero is inflicting rightful pain on the antagonist, it will cause them to cheer and anticipate what their favorite character will do next. But none of this will work if you describe a deadly wound as "It really hurt." Here are some alternate words for "painful."
Dull aching
Cold sensation
Electric shock
Pins and needles
Got other ideas or something you'd like to ask me? Go right ahead! I'd Love to hear from you!
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moonxytcn · 16 days
could you do a Billie Eilish x reader fanfic where reader covers one of bullies songs in her live and billie ends up seeing it and forces Finneas to stalk readers social media with her?
cover of Billie's song
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – You cover a Billie song and she makes her brother stalk you on social media
warnings – fluffy
a/n – Thank you for the request and I'm sorry for the delay in posting
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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You sit in your cozy room, bathed in the soft, glowing light of your fairy lights. Your laptop is propped up on a stack of books, angled just right for your live stream. You glance nervously at the viewer count – there are a few more people than usual tonight. It’s both exciting and terrifying. Your fingers hover over your guitar strings, trembling slightly. Tonight, you’ve decided to cover a Billie Eilish song, a bold choice for your small but dedicated audience.
Taking a deep breath, you adjust the microphone and start strumming the opening chords of "Ocean Eyes." Your voice, a bit shaky at first, gains confidence as you lose yourself in the music. The chat lights up with hearts and encouraging comments. You can almost feel the virtual applause as you finish the last note, a sense of accomplishment washing over you.
Little do you know, on the other side of town, Billie Eilish is lounging on her couch, scrolling through Instagram. She’s idly checking her notifications when she stumbles upon your live stream, shared by a fan account she follows. Intrigued, she taps the link and starts watching. She’s immediately struck by the raw emotion in your voice and the intimate atmosphere you’ve created. There’s something genuine and captivating about your performance.
As soon as the song ends, Billie’s fingers fly across her phone screen. She sends the link to her brother, Finneas, with a simple message: "You have to see this." Finneas, in the middle of mixing a new track in his home studio, pauses when his phone buzzes. With a sigh, he checks the message and clicks the link. Within moments, he’s as engrossed as Billie was.
"We need to find this girl." Billie texts him, excitement bubbling in her words. Finneas, ever the supportive brother, agrees with a chuckle. He begins a deep dive into your social media profiles, following the breadcrumbs you’ve left behind – Instagram, Twitter, even your less active TikTok account. Billie joins in, her heart racing with the thrill of discovery.
Meanwhile, your stream is winding down. You thank your viewers, blushing at the outpouring of love and support. As you log off, your phone buzzes with a notification. Your heart skips a beat when you see that Finneas has followed you on Instagram. You double-check to make sure it’s not a fan account. Nope, it’s the real deal. Before you can process this, another notification pops up – Billie Eilish herself has followed you too.
Your mind races. Is this real? You pinch yourself, just to be sure. The adrenaline surges through your veins as you type a thank you message, fingers fumbling over the keys. You hit send, half-expecting no reply. But to your astonishment, Billie responds almost immediately.
"Loved your cover! Want to chat?" She writes. You stare at the screen, momentarily paralyzed. Billie Eilish wants to talk to you? You quickly type back, trying to keep your cool, and soon you’re exchanging messages, your excitement growing with each reply.
Over the next few days, you find yourself in a whirlwind of communication with Billie and Finneas. They ask about your influences, your favorite songs, and your musical journey. They share stories from their own experiences, offering advice and encouragement. It feels surreal, like a dream you never want to wake from.
Then, one afternoon, your phone rings. It’s a video call from Billie. You take a deep breath and answer, your face breaking into a smile as her familiar features fill the screen.
"Hey!" Billie greets you with a grin. "I was just talking to Finneas, and we think you have an incredible talent. How would you feel about collaborating on something?"
Your heart skips a beat. Collaborate? With Billie Eilish and Finneas? You can hardly believe your ears. You nod eagerly, words failing you for a moment.
"That would be amazing!" You finally manage to say, your voice trembling with excitement. Billie’s smile widens.
"Great! Let’s start brainstorming. I have a few ideas I think you’d really shine on." She says, and just like that, you’re discussing music and melodies, your nerves slowly giving way to pure joy.
Over the next few weeks, you work closely with Billie and Finneas, exchanging ideas and crafting a song that feels like a perfect blend of your styles. The experience is intense, challenging, and incredibly rewarding. You learn so much, not just about music, but about yourself and your potential.
The day the song is released, you watch in awe as it climbs the charts, your name next to Billie’s in the credits. Your phone buzzes non-stop with messages from friends and family, and your social media explodes with new followers and comments.
In your room, the fairy lights casting a warm glow, you strum your guitar and sing along to the song you helped create. It’s more than just a collaboration; it’s a turning point, the start of a new chapter in your life. And it all began with a simple cover, a leap of faith that led to a dream come true.
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
two pieces of not-so-often-mentioned writer adivce
I've seen these mentioned only rarely, but that i think they're good enough advice, i want to make a post on here where maybe they'll get shared around. someone told me i ought to go ahead with it so here we are.
i. staples (no, not the store)
it's my belief that every writer needs their personal staples. the best and most famous authors have them, why shouldn't you? go back through your works and look for scene types and character types and other plot elements (or even plot structures) that come up a lot. make a list of these, and refer to it often. it'll be more useful than you know. firstly, it marks your work as 'yours,' separating it from other people who might be writing in a similar vein. secondly, it helps you if you're stuck: not sure how to get these two characters to talk to each other? see if there's a scene scenario you use frequently that you could place them into that'd convincingly make them do so. need a guy to show up for one scens and never appear again? find a stock type in your list that you know you use a lot and will therefore be comfortable writing. slap a name and some facial features on it. and third, knowing your staples can make your writing more versatile. say, you're a dark fantasy writer trying to branch into historical drama. look at how your staples can be adapted from one genre to the other, and then you can lean on them to get yourself started. is one of your staples a deeply disadvantaged underdog character struggling for freedom in a society that denies it? perhaps try writing from the perspective of a trapped wife before divorce was acceptable—or her teenage daughter, facing a marriage she desperately doesn't want. or both.
ii. love/hate relationships (with media, not between characters)
take a look at a book or a show etc that you have a deep love/hate relationship with, and try to analyze why. what makes you love it? what makes you want to pitch it across a room? if i love an author's worldbuilding, and her characters, but hate her plots and subplots and shipping and who she does and doesn't choose to kill, i might want to look at just what she's doing in those areas that i love…and what she's doing with her plotlines that i would do differently. if i adored a first book but loathed the rest of the series, because i was in it for the "mystery with limited suspects in a dark fantasy setting" concept and lost interest when later installments turned out to be a save-the-world epic, i might want to find a way to take that idea and make it my own—perhaps i'll put my favorite character type at its centre, someone i'll relate to and i'll write well.
these have been, without question, the two things i find myself utilizing most often as a writer, outside of writers' block strategies. the ones i wish someone had taught me ages ago when i was just getting started. so now, with both hands, i'm passing them on to anybody who hasn't stumbled across them somewhere else yet.
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littlesunshine1223 · 2 months
Hey you should totally write some fluffy/smutty head cannons for Marko and Dwayne plz
TLB Dwayne and Marko Headcanons
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(CONTENT WARNING: the following content contains things such as feral vampires, blood, biting, smut, etc… Viewer Discretion Is Adviced)
- He’ll cuddle you after a long day and listen to you rant
- Laddie thinks of you as his new parent too and started calling you mama/papa
- sometimes when you’re both bored the two of you will make beaded bracelets for the others
- he loves to wrap his jacket around you whenever he knows you’re getting cold
- if you bring him gifts or do sweet gestures for him he’ll get flustered
- he buys/“barrows” anything you like from the boardwalk and any of your favorite foods
- whenever you’re around him he lets his walls down and will let his silly side show
- he loves tilting your chin up to look at him before he kisses you
- if you braid his hair then he’ll love you 100 times more then he already does
- You and him sneak into the movies all the time for date nights and sometimes the two of you bring Laddie along (like a happy family)
- he’s a dom 100%
- he can be whatever you want him to be in bed, you want him to be rough then he’ll be rough and if you want him to be gentle then he’ll make the sweetest love to you
- he loves to cover you in hickeys, bites, and just any marks that he can still see for a couple days just because he loves the reminder of what the two of you did
- when he bites and ends up drawing blood from you he goes absolutely feral but he will listen if you tell him not to drink anymore
- if he’s worked up and you tease him then he’ll drag you off away from the others and bend you over the nearest surface when the two of you get privacy
- want him to make some pretty noises for you? Ride him and pinch his nipples or leave marks all over him
- wanna get him all hot and bothered? Bend him over something or grab his hips then tell him all the things you want him to do to you
- he’s really sensitive around his ribs so if you manage to be in charge and leave a few kisses there then he’ll whimper and beg for you
- if he’s in one of his feral ruts be prepared to wake up the next morning covered in love bites, unable to move properly, and him sleeping peacefully next to you
- if you’re in charge for the night then he’ll act a little bratty and try to hold back his noises of pleasure and he becomes really sassy
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- his pigeons will start to flock around you whenever he’s busy somewhere else in the cave or wrestling around with Paul to settle an argument or just goofing around
- he will snuggle up to you and refuse to move if he knows you’re feeling sad or upset
- if you want a certain food from the boardwalk then he always magically has it with him
- if you give him a pin then he’ll draw on your arm, it helps him calm down if he’s upset too
- every time the two of you cuddle he will always want to use your chest as his pillow
- he’ll find the most random thing and bring it to you as a gift (bottle caps, pop tabs, shiny things, a spray painted brick he ripped out of the wall of a random building)
- if you’re tired he’ll let you lay on top of him on the couch and won’t let you up until after you’ve had a nap
- kisses with him are either really sweet and gentle or deep and rough there’s no in between
- if you’re cold he will bring you whatever you want to keep warm and if you want his jacket he’ll tell you to just be easy with the patches
- he loves when he wakes up and sees you waiting around the cave for him
- he’s a solid switch (you can’t convince me otherwise)
- he can be rough and mean if you want him to and after at least a couple of spanks he’ll listen to you
- he loves to be balls deep inside you as you boss him around and tug his hair
- he loves to bite you and leave hickeys everywhere on you. you’ve had hickeys on your thighs, a trail down your stomach to your private parts, your neck, the bottom of your back, everywhere
- he will act like a brat if he doesn’t get what he wants and if you deny him a kiss when he’s subbing for you then he will start crying
- he wants you to be touching him 24/7 and never wants it to stop
- if he’s in a feral rut then he’s pinning you to the bed and ruining your chances of walking properly for a couple of days at least
- he loves the noises you make and if you try to hide them then he’ll stop completely and refuse to continue until he gets to hear how good he’s making you feel
- if you take his jacket off him then that night he’s pinning you down and punishing you by overstimulating you till you’re to the point of tears or on the verge of passing out. he will praise you by telling you how hot and sexy you look wearing it though
- he will go feral if you overstimulate or edge him for more then 3 rounds
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Underworld Insomnia || 1 - B.Barnes
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Character : Bucky × Psychiatrist Female!Reader
Summary: As a ruthless contract killer, Bucky is feared in the underworld of criminals. His opponents freeze when they see him, as he is feared among them. However, they don't know that he could be warm to only one person: his pshychiatrist. The only person who could make him fall asleep.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , -
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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In the world of secret societies for underground criminals, there's a secret place for criminals to stay, a shop for criminals to buy their weapons, basically, criminals live like normal people but they can only go to places that are built for criminals.
That's the rule.
There's also a particular psychiatrist for criminals only. Since many of the criminals have demons in their minds.
For this job, Dr. Ben is the only person the criminals could go to and ask for advice and medicine so they could go to sleep. Most of them can sleep.
But the only person who has trouble is Bucky Barnes.
His name is enough to make everyone in the underworld shiver. His eyes are enough to make his opponents freeze.
Bucky is their answer if anyone wants a job done without any mistakes.
With the money from the job he finished, he could have a comfortable life for generations. But he doesn't need it because all he wants right now is to sleep.
"I tried what you told me. Work out until I'm tired, learn something new, clean all my weapons, upgrade my car, renovate my house with bulletproofing, sex," Bucky said while he lay on the couch, looking at the ceiling.
Dr. Ben kept writing while listening to his patient.
"I even went to pottery class, baking class, painting class, and sex," Bucky counted on his fingers.
"Still. Nothing works. I still can't sleep. It's been 7 years," Bucky said.
Dr. Ben, who kept writing, replied, "Yeah, you have mentioned sex multiple times."
"White noise, pink noise. In the end, I smashed the Bluetooth speaker. None of your methods work," Bucky said as he sat up and glared at Dr. Ben.
Dr. Ben adjusted his reading glasses. He remained calm, probably one of the few people not afraid even though Bucky was angry.
He clicked his pen and put the report on the table.
"Do you want to try reading fairy tale books?" Dr. Ben asked.
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you joking with me?"
Dr. Ben replied, "Most of you people have a shitty childhood. Have shitty parents. Perhaps deep down, your kind wants something related to fulfilling your inner child."
Bucky exclaimed, "Woah, doctor, calm down. You're brutally honest here." He sighed, because he knew this method will failed like the rest. "Fine. I'll try." Then he lay back on the couch and closed his eyes.
Dr. Ben picked a children's book and started to read, he flipped through the pages, and began to read aloud, "Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave little mouse named Timothy."
"Timothy was no ordinary mouse," Dr. Ben continued, "for he possessed a heart as courageous as a lion and a determination that could move mountains."
"Stop. Stop. It's so weird listening to you. Get someone else," Bucky interrupted, feeling uncomfortable.
Dr. Ben closed the book. "I'll get my apprentice."
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "You've got a new one?" He knew that none of Dr. Ben's employees stayed that long, given the fear of criminals who kept coming for therapy.
Dr. Ben adjusted his glasses. "She could tame Bruce Banner; I think she could do the same to you."
Bucky rolled his eyes. "Fine."
Dr. Ben got up from his seat and opened his office door. "Y/N, help me for a bit," he called out.
Bucky heard a melodious voice respond, "Yes?"
The door swung open, revealing a woman with a confident stride and a calm demeanor. She had striking eyes that seemed to hold a depth of understanding, framed by a cascade of dark hair that fell gracefully around her shoulders.
Her posture exuded poise and assurance, hinting at a quiet strength within. She carried herself in professional attire with an air of authority, yet there was warmth in her expression as she met Bucky's gaze.
As you approach your boss, he suddenly puts a children's book in your hand.
You look at him, puzzled. "Huh?"
Dr. Ben pointed at Bucky and explained, "This person can't sleep for years. So I want to see if reading a children's story could make him fall asleep."
Bucky huffs in frustration. As a top assassin in the underworld, it's humiliating if he can only fall asleep with a children's book. "Just do it."
You flinch, knowing the man in front of you is dangerous.
Dr. Ben pats your shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, he's just cranky. I'll be here too. I need to see if it's working or not."
"Okay," you respond, then sit in the chair near Bucky's couch.
Before opening the book, you can't help but notice the tattoos on his neck and hands.
"Are you done staring?" Bucky asks, irritation evident in his voice.
"Oh, right, I'm sorry," you apologize quickly. "I'll start reading. Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave little mouse named Timothy. Timothy was no ordinary mouse, for he possessed a heart as courageous as a lion and a determination that could move mountains."
As you continue reading, Bucky listens intently, his eyes focused on the ceiling as he tries to relax.
"Despite his small size," you continue, "Timothy dreamed of embarking on great adventures and proving himself to be the bravest mouse in all the land."
Bucky's tense expression begins to soften slightly as he listens to the soothing cadence of your voice.
"One day," you narrate, "a fierce dragon threatened the kingdom, causing panic among the inhabitants. But Timothy, undeterred by the danger, volunteered to confront the dragon and save his home."
Bucky's breathing starts to slow down as he gets engrossed in the tale, his earlier restlessness fading away.
"With unwavering courage," you go on, "Timothy faced the dragon, armed only with his wits and determination. And through his bravery and quick thinking, he managed to outsmart the fearsome beast and bring peace back to the kingdom."
As you reach the end of the story, Bucky's eyes grow heavy, and he finally begins to drift off to sleep, a sense of calm settling over him.
Dr. Ben watches silently, nodding in approval as he sees the story's effect on Bucky. It seems that, perhaps, there is power in the simplest of tales to soothe even the most troubled minds.
Bucky's eyes felt heavy. The childish story and your calm voice made him feel relaxed. Your voice seemed more effective than white noise in soothing his troubled mind. As he listened, the tension in his muscles gradually melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility.
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Then Bucky opened his eyes, only to realize he wasn't in the same place in Dr. Ben's office anymore. He found himself on a bed inside an unknown room. Panic surged through him.
Had he been kidnapped?
It would bring shame to his name as the feared killer if true.
As he processed his surroundings, Bucky's hand instinctively went for his knife, ready to defend himself. But soon, he recognized the familiar surroundings of Dr. Ben's building. Relief washed over him, though he remained on edge.
A door creaked open, causing Bucky to tense, his grip tightening on the knife. But to his surprise, it was just Dr. Ben.
"Did you have a good sleep?" Dr. Ben asked calmly.
Bucky clicked his tongue in annoyance and massaged his shoulder. "No. Your methods didn't work. I'm still tired."
"Well, that's natural since you've been asleep for three days," Dr. Ben replied matter-of-factly.
Three days?!
He can't believe it, since he has only been able to sleep for one hour each night for the past seven years. Bucky's eyes widened in disbelief as he checked his phone, seeing the date and numerous missed calls and unread messages.
"It worked?" he muttered, incredulous. He had been able to sleep and hadn't even realized it.
Bucky's amazement lingered as he realized that he had slept for three whole days without even being aware of it. It was a stark contrast to the years of insomnia he had endured, struggling to find even a moment of rest.
The tension that had plagued his body for so long began to ebb away, replaced by a newfound sense of calmness and clarity. He couldn't deny the relief that washed over him, knowing that perhaps, just perhaps, there was hope for him yet.
Then, there was a knock on the door. It was you.
"How is he, doctor? Is he still asleep?" you asked, but you gasped when Bucky's intense gaze met yours.
Was he angry? Did he blame you for making him sleep for three days?
"Y/N, is it?" Bucky inquired.
You responded groggily, "Yes?"
Bucky got on his knees, his right hand resting on his left chest and his left hand reaching for you. He looked at you earnestly and asked, "Will you work for me?"
You were taken aback, as was Dr. Ben. Bucky's unexpected gesture felt like it could lead to a significant misunderstanding, resembling a proposal rather than a job offer.
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Join the taglist? 🩷💙🩷
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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cozycottagetarot · 11 months
Quick Pick: Messages From Your Person
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Hello, my loves! It's been way too long, but I'm finally back (hopefully for a long time) with a new reading as well as a bit of a rebrand. Today's reading is focused on messages from your person (kind of in the realm of a future spouse but generally a long-term partner) but I think for some of you it may come across as a current partner as well.
This is a pretty experimental reading for me. I want to start including an 'energy check' of sorts to help you better figure out if a pile is for you or not. I've done 'channelled' messages before but I felt weird about them so I've decided to give it a try again. The message aspect of this reading is just a free-flow writing of the cards that were pulled. And of course, I decided to play around a little bit more with my graphics. I'm always open to feedback, so I'd love to gather your thoughts on the set-up and reading itself.
Elle 🌿
P.S. I'm trying to re-do my masterlist but can't locate all my old pacs easily. If you come across one, I wouldn't mind if you send me the link. 🙏
Support My Work | MASTERLIST
Disclaimer: When reading tarot, my aim is to focus on self-reflection and seeking guidance. The readings you'll find here are designed to add a pinch of fun and entertainment to your day. While I might sprinkle in some advice that hopefully vibes with you, please remember that these insights aren't a substitute for any professional advice you might need-- after all, you know your journey best! For any love-related or future-focused readings, consider them captivating musings exploring possibilities. Divination inspired stories even. I can't predict the future but I do hope to add some enjoyment and insights into your everyday. Lastly my darlings, please take from these readings what resonates with you most, be it some, all or none, and leave the rest. 🌟
Note: Pile 1 your pile gave me absolute hell the first time around 😭. I was writing/channelling the message and the energy literally just gave way at one point, I was flabbergasted 🫨. Anyway, the second pull was much clearer, but I included notes I felt were important from the first pull in the post-reading notes section.
Your Energy:
Going through an awakening. A need or call for self-reflection. A new cycle is beginning. You must face what you are running from within, but you must also be patient. Rely on your inner strength. Needing to learn more about yourself before doing/trying something different. Potentially finding yourself in part of a mentorship. Connecting with people similar to yourself. Navigating regrets. Needing to let go of the old you. Needing to ground yourself.  A strong energy of needing to look within yourself. It is time to prepare yourself for your next journey.
The Message:
Can you let the past go? We’ve been through so much, the both of us, on our own and together. Why do you hold on to it when our future is waiting for us? I know I hurt you and I apologize. You didn’t deserve any of the pain I caused you. I don’t blame you [it felt like there was a specific reason but I couldn’t get the specifics] but I feel lost without you. I could tell you why, I want to, but words mean nothing without action. You know my story. My relationship with my mother, how that shaped me. You know I love the attention of it all, having everyone’s eyes on me. Makes me feel good.. makes me feel. But no one else’s attention mattered like yours did. I felt most close to myself with you. Please, please let go of that version of me you’re holding onto in your head. I’m taking space because I need to heal. I need to heal my relationship with me first before I can heal it with us. This isn’t goodbye; just so long for now. I’m taking time to put that me in the past too and find myself and what I want from this life. I mean it’s simple really, I want you, us. I want to give you the good life you deserve, but I need to fix myself first. Give me the self-love I deserve.
Post-Reading Notes:
There’s a mature, sad regretful energy. Someone on a journey of self-exploration. Two hurting souls who met at the wrong time. One of you may be further along in your healing journey or you’ve both healed parts of yourself and your relationship that the other one hasn’t healed yet.
First Pull Notes:
One of the first things that came to mind for me is a dark night of the soul… I haven’t heard that term in so long and I’ve completely forgotten what it means, but for someone in this pile, I feel like that may resonate a lot. Going through a tough time. Blow after blow. Your higher self or inner wisdom is trying to reach you. Introspection before a new beginning. An ending of something you don’t want to let go of?
Big things are happening in your life, and significant changes are taking place even though it might not seem that way right now. Lots of air energy. Gaining mental clarity is super important for you right now. Breakup vibes? You two are like opposite sides or motivations of the same energy. Holding on when you know you should let go. This is definitely your person (one of the cards literally says ‘You’re my person’).
Your Energy:
For some of you are at the end of suffering but lying to yourself about the truth of the outcome, while for others you’re running from the mistakes made along the way. Maybe it's both. You’re still grieving all that is lost, be gentle with yourself. Hard work and consistency may await you but keep at it. Adventure is closer than you think. You’re on the brink of success. Moving forward hurts, but you must. Your person (or something you've been romanticising) is waiting for you. You just have to be brave enough to step through the gate. Opportunities are coming your way. If you're interested in floral hobbies or embroidery go for it.
The Message:
I hear you. I haven’t given up on you. I hear the songs you play for me, I hear the songs of your heart. You’re my love, my soulmate. We were meant to be, you and me. You’re not crazy or insane, or any other term you demean yourself with. You’re my everything. I can feel your soul even though we’re apart. If I close my eyes hard enough, I can feel you there. I can see your sparkling soul mirroring mine... sad eyes, bright smile, you leave me in awe. I know you call to me, and I’m sorry I’m not there. Don’t hate me for it, please. I’m leaving behind all that has been holding me back… the same as you. I’m sorry it’s so lonely. I want to meet. What do you say? Impromptu trip to the tropics? Somewhere cold? I just want to escape the world with you and lie in your arms. You’re my home. I sit in your energy and let it guide me your way. But I do need time. Please be patient with me. I haven’t abandoned you. I’m finding me, for you. I dream about you so often and being the kind of person you’d inspire me to be.
Post-Reading Notes:
"I need you to run to me, run to me, lover." (Run by Hozier, the chorus specifically. I know the song is supposed to be a metaphor but I'm suggesting it at face value). A very healing energy to your person's messages. Your person could also fantasise about you a lot... in a non-x-rated 18+ kind of way. It was mentioned on one of the cards but that part of the card felt awkward in the rest of the cards. They’re possessive, it doesn't seem like in a negative or extreme way but again, that's not something that was strong or clear. There’s something to do with the attention of others. They just want to be yours completely… Honestly, a submissive yet dominant kind of energy. A protector and/or provider (take that as you will) who is absolutely smitten with you and will do anything you say.
I don't typically read for it, but one of the cards had twin flame written on it. It could also be symbolic of mirroring each other in your personal journeys in life.
Your Energy:
Powerful yet solitary energy. A new chapter of your life. Accomplishing a big goal. Moving to a new location. Creating a good foundation for yourself in preparation for what comes next. Balancing your energies. Sleep issues. Struggling with anxiety or managing thoughts after a traumatic event. Celebration. Having security. Authoritarian role or vibes.
The Message:
Okay, I can do this: I can’t get you off of my mind. I’m constantly thinking of you, viewing your content, trying to set myself up to run into you. I know it’s silly, especially since you hurt me. Who pines after the person that hurt them? Well, it wasn't meant to be mean. You’re just so mysterious I can’t ever read you and it or you make me nervous. I’m always worrying about what to say. I want to talk to you but opening up to others is hard. I’m afraid I’ll start crying or you’ll hear my voice crack. You’re my person. I’m sure of it. You’re everything I’ve hoped for in a person, everything I dream about before I go to sleep at night. You’re doing so well for yourself, but I want to spoil you and be there for you. Not always materially. I know you can cover that for yourself. But being there for you and spending time with you… I heard you were seeing someone. I hope it’s not true and even if it is, I hope it doesn't last. No, I’m not sorry. I’m going to work up the courage to reach out to you soon.
Post-Reading Notes:
Oh Pile 3, you’re so intimidating to your person. Secret admirer vibes. I definitely think you’ve got a very serious or professional energy and an intimidating appearance. That may especially be true if you’re taller than average for your demographic/s. The energies here feel very balanced or neutral (not heavily feminine or masculine) on both your end and theirs.
Your Energy:
Such a beautiful light-hearted energy. There’s such a beautiful and hopeful energy in this relationship here but it’s also possible someone or something is working against you right now. A very important decision is being made. Someone could be trying to take something from you, but keep going. You’ve got this incredible power/energy to you. Vows are super important, be it making them with someone else or making a vow to yourself to gain or achieve something. Collaboration. Having everything you need to succeed. There could be challengers coming your way but you're strong enough to overcome them.
The Message:
I’m sorry. I don’t know, that was immature of me. I swear it wasn’t like you thought but don’t worry I’m going to do better. Honest. You know, I dream about us being together and growing old. I dream about our kids. They’re so stinking cute. We’ve still got growing to do, ok, or I’ve still got growing to do. Please talk to me. You know I hate it when you give me the silent treatment. I know I disappeared on you and that wasn’t cool. I just get so… I care about you a lot. I don’t want to see you hurt. I want the best for you. I know I act all big and bad but I’m a softie at heart. That fight was weird. I don’t like it. It wasn’t like us. It meant nothing I know. Would you pack up and run away with me if I asked? I hate the distance between us right now. Im always listening to our playlist. I know I acted like I'm uninterested in something serious but I am. I want you. I miss you. I want to spoil you and give you everything you deserve. Just give me a chance. Please hear me out.
Post-Reading Notes:
The vibes while doing the reading felt like very young vibes? There’s a youthfulness there. Someone who either is actually young in age or hasn’t grown up emotionally in a certain aspect. It felt like they did something prideful that was hurtful to you and you two are in a disconnect during the moment captured in the reading. It didn’t feel like a serious fight. More so when you’re upset with someone and acting like you’re madder than you really are (your vibes) and the other person is sweating and begging you to talk to them again (their vibes).
Also, idk why but Peter Parker kept coming into my head 🕸️. I’m not feeling to analyse it so take it as you will.
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partycatty · 3 months
Hiee! I love the way you write bi han. When i read new tricks i IMMEDIATELY ascended. The depression i got when i finished reading them was tragic…
Me thirsting: I really wanna make out wit that man, like… imagine a situation where all you do is stare at him and hope he telepathically gets what you wanna do, but he just ignores you cause he dunno know how to initiate that shit 💀 he just needs a little push per say! Maybe one day you decide enough is enough and you sit your happy ass right down on his lap and bat your lashes at him like a menace 💕
ps: i hope u don’t mind me yapping… ik cage is your man, i apologize 😔🙏🏾
bi-han > see me now
notes: i've noticed i've kinda diverted my attention to other mk boys lately... namely raiden, kuai liang, bi-han and liu kang... so this works perfectly for me...
[ masterlist ]
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• bi-han was a common victim to your teasing, particularly because it would render him entirely speechless and still. for a man that tends to rant about glory and strength, you shut him up like nothing else.
• it was really hard to ignore the fact that you were super into each other, the air thick and tension high when you two were in each other's presence. his brothers would roll their eyes as their grandmaster stands dead-still, as if you had the ability to sense fear when you'd bat your eyelashes his way.
• he can't go to anyone for advice. what, he's gonna talk about his feelings? like a loser? no. real ninjas let emotions fester.
• which brings us to where we are now
• bi-han sat at his desk, physically straining himself to focus on the scroll in front of him when he sees your presence in the doorway. shit, he recognized your footsteps down the hall the moment you were in earshot.
• trying to act as if you weren't shitting your own pants at the thought of your plan, you plant your ass on his desk, sitting and dangling your feet from the wooden furniture with a singsong look about you.
• the silence is so thick is almost halts your breathing. his stone-cold face makes you wonder if this was a bad idea in hindsight, at least, until his lips part to speak.
• "what are you doing?" a simple question, really, but the answer was completely lost on you. thinking back, you didn't actually have a plan. what did you expect to happen? this is bi-han we're talking about.
• "sitting," you reply with your nose high, looking down at him like his question was idiotic.
• "on my desk?" another long silence hurts your ears as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "what do you want." his question sounded less like a question and more like an annoyed statement. then again, everything he says sounds annoyed.
• "what's your deal?" you ask your questions in such a light tone, bi-han feels more obligated to feel threatened. "do you like me or not?"
• clearly this isn't getting far. "what?"
• you huff and decide it was now or never. sliding from his desk, you saunter your way around and swing one leg over his thighs, then the other. his hands shoot out to support you, right on the plush skin of the outside of your thighs. bi-han's eyes are wide.
• "you see me now?" you try to sound triumphant past your nerves, looking up at the ninja through your lashes. "always so afraid to look at me. you're not subtle, grandmaster."
• forced to face you, his gruff words feel choked as they come out. "i don't—"
• "yes you do," you smile, albeit a little wickedly as you shift on his lap, making a cold breath slip past his lips.
• "what are you getting at?" he seems eager to end this, to cool his heated temperature.
• you hum in thought before wrapping your arms around his neck. "i want you to kiss me."
• "now?"
• you roll your eyes at his chipping resolve, tugging him in by the back of his head. both of your eyes wander across each other's expressions before bi-han hesitantly meets his lips with yours. as expected, they have a bit of a chill as he makes contact, but even still you feel him melt into the touch, gripping harder on your thighs to ground himself.
• you only get a moment to pull away and breathe, relishing in taking what you wanted from the hard ass grandmaster. the triumph is short lived when he thrusts his head back in, connecting his lips with yours with more fervor after successfully testing the waters.
• he's hungry, craving more of what he sampled after successfully tearing down this stupid barrier he put up. god, your taste drives him wild as his hands guide your hips along his, grinding with hard pressure.
• it becomes open-mouthed and messy rather quickly, bi-han's hands wandering up from your thighs to your waist, the touch making you shiver and gasp as he uses the opportunity to lick his tongue into your mouth, completely absorbing every whimper you give.
• your hands snake into his hair, deepening the kiss when you snag a fistful of his dark locks, and he groans into your mouth just as the tie falls loose. strands litter his face and swirl about, you hadn't even noticed they were wavy from how often he keeps his hair up.
• the want for more is overpowered by your critical thinking skills. "weren't you busy?"
• bi-han shakes his head slightly, jumping up from his chair and bringing you with him. instinctively, your thighs clasp around his middle, holding his shoulders as he shamelessly uses your ass to hold you up. you're slid onto the desk as various items clatter and fall to the floor, his hard body fitting perfectly between your legs as he reaches forward to kiss you again, chasing your lips when you pull away.
• "it can wait."
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 4 months
PALentines day 💋
Bale!Bruce Wayne x reader drabble <3
A/N: we all know about Valentines day, we've beard about Galentines day, now get ready for Palentines day!! A day to celebrate the most platonic of friendships... most of the time.
(I'm sorry that this is so short, I've been trying to write some shorter stuff lately <3)
~Fi 🐝
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Friends. That's what you were. The friendliest, most platonic tier of friends. Okay, you were good friends. You did hang out a lot, and it was always fun. Maybe best friends is a better term. You went to each other for advice and whatever was on your mind, always having someone to confide in.
Bruce was the best best friend, which is why he stood in front of your door with a overly dramatic bouquet of flowers and a disgustingly expensive box of chocolates.
Because, if your friend doesn't have a valentine, you step up and make them a little surprise to brighten their day! ... right? This isn't weird. No, he's just being a good friend, that's all.
At least that's what he told himself when his brows furrowed and a subtle feeling of regret started to seep into his bones. He hated how much this felt like he was actually taking you out and not like a thoughtful gesture you'd get from a friend.
And it didn't help his case of being madly in love with you, either. He hated himself for how much he liked this, being able to pretend that you were more than just friends for even a split second. That he was able to do what he's been wanting to do for years; show you just how much you truly mean to him.
Bruce has had a gray, dull and gloomy life. Everything seemed to go wrong for him, throwing him deeper and deeper into emotional ruin. But then you came along and made everything just that little bit more bearable. You were like his little ray of sunshine that broke through the heavy clouds and make him see the beautiful colors of the world again.
And he knows that he can never give you back just how much you've given him, but some flowers and a box of pralines are the steps in the right direction... right? Jesus Christ, what was he doing? He's just your best friend. God, this IS weird.
And for a beat, he'd actually thought about turning straight on his heel and sinking into a pit of shame once he was back in the privacy of his own home. Bruce huffed in frustration at himself. He'd been standing in front of your door like this, like an idiot, for the past 10 minutes and still hadn't found the courage to knock.
The crease between his brows softened. What if... you appreciated his gesture? What if, this was exactly what you needed after a rough week. Just someone thinking of you. And, what if... you felt the same? A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, along with a pinch in his heart.
Bruce wanted nothing more than for it to be true, to know that you've been loving him just as he's been loving you. He was never a fan of hope, but that's all his lovesick heart was filled with now. Overflowing with the desperate hope that he has the chance to make you his and treat you like the treasure you are.
He had the urge to fall to his knees before you and just let everything spill out, how you made his life better in every way, and that he was but a man who couldn't help but fall for his guardian angel.
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