#a long and winding rant
crystallizsch · 4 months
thinking about jamil’s halloween vignette where he taught epel how to waltz just because he saw that he was Not Having Fun
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also thinking about jamil’s scalding sands vignette where he haggled for the obviously fake genie lamp just for grim and the prefect as a “souvenir” when he could’ve doubled down with not dealing with the scammer
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and his moments of silent contemplation before he does something Nice (and not something he is obligated to do) is killing me help
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birb-boyo · 6 months
This is basically me describing backrooms based on the Chain, one on the safer side and one deadly and how to survive them :]
@trippygalaxy @vio-starzz @mushr0oms-and-m0ss @shadowlinktheshadow @raven-does-artstuff-894 @treasure-goblin idk who cares about this but I spent all day on it-
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His first liminal space is fairly safe. You can’t die unless you do something diabolical.
His safe room like would be basically like this
You fall down somewhere, probably on your walk home, but you pick yourself up and see that this is very much not the side of the road. This is a grassy field.
There weren’t many grassy fields where you lived. And even those fields were no where near as expansive as this one.
Upon looking around, you see a giant wall and a drawbridge. You start walking to it, thinking that you somehow fell hard enough to pass out.
You reach Castle Town and get weird glances from many. While you’re scouting the area, you spot a little boy in green picking up random dogs. You look at him weird when he puts one dog down and chases after another one.
The boy catches you staring and with one glance, you’re suddenly in that big grassy field again
So yeah, if bro looks at you, you get set back. After a while, this space will easily drive someone insane. This is because no matter what you do, you will meet him, and you both will meet eyes, and you’ll be sent back to the beginning.
So in a way, Survival Rate: 98% but it’s gradual and you might get out of there before you go insane
For his “You’re most likely gonna die” room
I wanted to incorporate Majora’s Mask into it, saying that the masks are hunting you.
There goal is to capture you and bring you to Fierce Deity. He thinks that you killed Link.
But you didn’t because this little kid who told you that he was who the deity was looking for is literally following behind you-
This kid could be regular young Link or Ben Drowned, though it would change the survival rate massively
Survival Rate for young Link: 67%
Survival Rate for Ben Drowned: 15%
This is because the only way to stop being hunted and/or not die is to present a piece of Link to the deity when you’re eventually caught
If it’s Link, he’ll accept it and call the masks off and you’ll be free to move on to the next hell or, if god loves you, you’ll go home
If it’s Ben, you better be fast on your toes because you’ll be hunted until you die or get out of there.
I want to also want to add that the masks don’t just pop up out of no where when they find you.
You know how you have to follow the music in order to learn Saria’s Song? Don’t do that. You’ll be caught
When they emit the Song of Healing, run, Link/Ben will be right on your trail and even if he wasn’t when you stopped running, he’ll always find you even if he leads a mask to you
I forgot to mention that Link/Ben will give you hints as to how you need to give Fierce a piece of his tunic or hair or something close to it
Also that Link/Ben physically can not get close to FD as they are, as the boy says, “part of the same soul”
Idea given from @tiercel13 and @link-posting
That whole game has this unsettlingly warm ethereal quality where it's like- you're comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time and it's so weird
But basically I would say somewhere like a large field that's in perpetual twilight. You've never seen it before but it feels safe and familiar, like you've been there a thousand times. Still, there's something just slightly off, and it prevents you from ever being able to truly relax
It’s a village, deserted in the canyons, it’s wooden houses crumbling with time and weathering
Survival Rate: 100%
I think we all expected this one but you’re being hunted. It’s just you, the flora, the fauna, and a big wolf trying to kill you
It’s Wolf Twi but it’s not wolf Twi. Like, that’s the Blue-eyed Beast alright, but that’s definitely not Twilight. That’s a Wolf hardened by the need to survive. A need to eat.
The thing about this room is that it’s very survivable, but only to a select few people
For people who know how to manage in the woods, who know how to make fires without lighters, who know how to properly cook wild animals without utensils and iron, for those who are experienced in the wilds, they have a much easier time surviving this
But for those who are always inside and have little to no outside knowledge, you’re cooked almost immediately
This is a genuine hunt. This wolf can hear god knows how far, this wolf can track you with even the faintest scent
The only reason why the survival rate is as high as it is, is because it hesitates.
That’s how many survive their first encounter with the wolf, the wolf hesitates to take that final bite
I feel like the only real way to get out of here if to survive for a certain amount of time
Survival Rate: 52%
Another idea by @tiercel13 because they are so big brained
For safe it's the castle barracks but they have a completely nonsensical layout
there's random doors where they shouldn't be and some of the actual ones are gone, there's things in the rooms like it's just been vacated but a layer of dust covers everything
It must be vacant right? Those shadows that lurk behind the corners are just you going crazy right? Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here-
Survival Rate: 87%
Idea given by @hyrules-feral-hero
You got claustrophobia? That’s too bad, you’re stuck in a fairy bottle now
You don’t get ripped apart or anything like that
Your death will be slow and painful
Conserve oxygen? There’s no reason to, you’re not going to be set free :)
Survival Rate: 0%
I feel like being blunt with this one
Safe space is just a vacant Skyloft
No one is around, just the occasional keese and Remlits and rapid Loftwings flying about so watch your head!
It’s peaceful and welcoming and airy but empty.
I imagine that this would bring about some sort of uncanny valley feeling, but that is probably the wrong word for it. Because who lived here? Why are these birds so big? Why are these raccoon cats so aggressive at night?
Survival Rate: 100%
Get Silent Realmed😌
Basically just that. If you don’t know what the Silent Realm is, it’s basically a thing you do in SS where you have to get 15 tears
You have to get 15 orbs, if you step into waking water or a spirit’s light or take too long to get one of the orbs, the guardians will be after you
The guardians are what make this space dangerous. If they catch you, no matter how insignificant the gash was, you will die
You can get these guardians off of you when you get the next tear, but until you get all of them and retreat back to where you started, you are at the mercy of the guardians
Survival Rate: 73%
Picture this, you just woke up in this weird place so naturally, you ask someone where you are.
“This is Faron woods, are you a traveler?”
“Great! I can’t really leave this stable with my condition, so could you do me a favor and give this to my wife?” The old man asked
“She lives over in Hateno, up passed the Dueling Peaks!” He shoves a note in your hands
“Sir I-“
“Thank you so much! Here’s your pay for your kindness!” Upon inspecting what he had given you, you see that this is a bare diamond
You were bringing this man’s wife this letter.
Survival Rate: 85%
Evermean forest, good old homicidal trees, need I say more?
Survival Rate: 95%
Imagine chilling on a boat with your grandpa but your grandpa is the boat.
Yes, the waters are expansive, you haven’t seen an island in days if at all, but this boat is keeping you company, telling jokes, soothing your nerves
Maybe you should be freaking out that this boat is talking, but his voice is nice so what can you say?
You start to joke around, singing dumb sea shanties, he chuckles with your antics, but keeps moving forward.
The sea is vast, but at least you’re not alone
Survival Rate: 98%
Imagine this: You’ve just been dropped in this random place. Now you’re on a random raft in the middle of the sea
Suddenly, the wind isn’t strong enough to push you forward and you’re on top of a tidal wave
Your raft finally gets back on steady water, but now there’s a shadow looming over you
You turn around and you can even comprehend how big it is
It’s probably the Kraken btw
Survival Rate: 0%
You’re cooked 100%
I’m realizing that a good bit of these rooms are in the woods, well, Rulie’s is no better🤷🏽‍♂️
Except these woods don’t have anything trying to actively murder you and eat you
These woods have things trying to help you
Little floating glowing grandmas if you will😌
As soon as you fell into these woods you smelled sugar and sweets, you were still very discombobulated from your fall and now you were suddenly in woods?
Soon enough, you’re swarmed by lights of different colors, they ask you if you’re alright, if you’re ok, what is someone like you doing here
Then they guide you out of the Fairy woods, whether that means that you end up in another room or go home is up to god
Survival Rate: 100%
Idea given to me by @tiercel13
A neverending cave slowly circling further and further down. The deeper you go the more it seems to close in, the air seems thicker, and the voices of people you almost recognize begin to echo off the walls, crying for help
This room, similar to Time’s “safe space” is mostly a “you’re going to go insane” rather than “that thing is gonna fucking kill you” :)
Survival Rate: depends how sane you were when you entered
Imagine going on a wild goose chase for coins kinstones in a field with all the pieces hidden in tall grass
Survival Rate: 100% but it’s hell
This is gonna make some people mad but let me cook rq
You guys know Poppy Playtime? The Smiling Critters that chase you? That one clip from the Hour of Joy when they were eating that one guy alive?
That, but Minish :)
Survival Rate: 0%
As you traverse these woods, you realize that there are no animals in the wake. No rabbits, no mice, not even a wolf.
But this forest is littered with the bones of those lost animals.
So basically for backstory, minish got overpopulated and that meant they ate meat religiously. It was enough to feed, but soon enough, they ran out of food and now they’re hungry again
There is no survival here
There are too many Minish and you are locked in their woods
You can here their chittering and chatting, but if they spot you, you’ll only know by the dead silence of the forest
You can try breaking the bones you find on your path, opening the middle so they can smell the marrow rather than your flesh
But you only have little time and some bones are thick
And- wait…who’s bones are these? These are Hylain bones-
There are so many choices with Legend…
For his safe room, you’re just chilling on the walls. Not in the walls, on them. Your image is planted on the wall. You can move freely, you’re just glued to the wall, 2D
You’ll probably use this to scare the weird people who live around the house who’s walls you currently inhabit.
Survival Rate: 99.9% (Someone played too much and the family who lived there destroyed the house)
You guys no the movie Us? It’s basically that
There are different versions of you running around and they kinda really want you dead-
Survival Rate: 65%
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sycamorality · 8 months
i just think rain world is a beautiful game and i like doing it justice [as much as i can, anyway] when i write about it.
just consider how big the world is and how small you are as a slugcat. this world is not yours and yet it is. you've ended up here due to an incident during harsh rain. you're lost and you don't know what you're doing other than looking for home - and yet nothing is home. at least not in the same way as it was before. as the slugcat learns about this decaying world created by a now long-gone civilisation, one you can only learn about if you've seen the two biomechanical demigod constructs - and seen the city on top of one of them. the city you see as stargazer plays, just stinging you with a feeling of how alone and insignificant and small you are. the city in the distance looks so small, and yet it still looks and feels so much bigger than you and anything you've ever seen. and then you step out to the left, and then you see how vast the world is. there's so much more to it that you'll never see - so many more iterators standing there, in the far beyond, as the clouds slowly float by. if you pay attention you can see small green flashes underneath them behind the clouds. who are they? you don't know, and you never will, and you'll never know what's near them either, if there's more slugcats there, or even if there's creatures or even regions you'll see as familiar. the world is so vast and you are only so small in the grand scheme of.... everything.
and yet being there, in those moments, showing just how little you matter, and seeing them, are the only ways you'll ever be able to learn about that long-gone civilisation. you learn pebbles calls them the benefactors. he speaks of an older civilisation too, that he calls the ancients, that built temples beneath the ground and "danced their silly rituals". you will never know more about them, but you can learn small bits and pieces of what was once the benefactors. you even see the karma murals, as you go out of pebbles access shaft, showing just how important it was to the benefactors. you can find small little round shiny objects, that you can learn moon calls "memory construct pearls", through a single small line she'll say when you bring her nothing but a simple diamond sphere that's as useless as the carbon it's printed from. if you bring her pearls from the sunbaked lands with flora reaching beyond the clouds, you can learn once more about the other iterators. there's a conversation log between five pebbles, and seven red suns, someone we can assume he knows and is friends with. you learn he's angry. you learn he doesn't want to be a bug in a maze. you also learn nothing truly dies. there's another, that's just a small part of a larger conversation in a closed group called SliverOfOcean. you don't have the full context to this, but EP mentions someone called sliver of straw, and a triple affirmative. it sounds important, with how they're speaking about sliver, but you can't tell why. and then a third, giving you a little more context to the SliverOfOcean group - this time between five pebbles, chasing wind, big sis moon and no significant harassment. chasing wind mentions the pseudonym "Erratic Pulse" - if anything, it's more than clear this is the EP mentioning the triple affirmative and sliver of straw. you see how NSH jokes about gnawing through bedrock with their overseers, and you can see how moon worries about this. you learn there's something called sliverists, and someone that wants to "cross themself out". and then there's two more, one where moon says pebbles drastically increased his water intake - the iterators are behind the rains, it seems - and that he and moon share groundwater. it's dangerous for her. she has seniority privileges - further context other than forced communications is not anything you get. and she has no memory of writing this... and the last is her pleading for five pebbles to stop. he says she ruined everything. you don't get more context.
and then you're left wondering.... what was any of that about? you find a yellow pearl in the decaying body of moon, hidden in a little crevice, and you bring it to her for her to read. it's about sliver of straw. she's legendary among the iterators. a big problem, the triple affirmative... you're finally given context to the SliverOfOcean broadcast. "affirmative that a solution has been found, affirmative that the solution is portable, and affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable"... whatever that may mean? sliver of straw is dead. it's extremely hard to kill an iterator. you learn more about how iterators split into factions regarding sliver of straw - and how moon thinks she should just be allowed to rest.
so you go searching for more pearls. none of them ever mention sliver of straw again, or the triple affirmative. but you learn about void fluid, the void sea, and how moon's creators' ancestors learned to use it to create energy, and that void fluid drills started a big technological leap. if you go down there, you don't return. then you find whats supposedly a small plate, which is a little text of spiritual guidance. there's a name tied to it. four cabinets, eleven hatchets... what an odd name. it's from before the void fluid revolution... does this relate to the big technological leap mentioned before, you wonder? regardless, it's how to starve yourself on herbal tea and gravel but disguised as a poem. you learn there were horror stories of leaving echoes behind when you jumped in a vat of void fluid, and how some would still starve and drink the bitter tea instead of taking the risk. you remember you saw one of these colored memory construct pearls on top of pebbles when you went there and saw the city in the background. it's still as breathtaking as it was the first time; you feel just as insignificant as you really are when you stand there. you bring the pearl to moon and you learn that five pebbles is "Gift of Charity from Us to The World (unable to reach Enlightenment by itself - being composed mostly of Rock, Gas, dull witted Bugs and Microbes - and towards which We thus have Obligations)".... whatever any of that means. enlightenment? odd. the slugcat doesn't really understand this, and neither do you, as the player.
... you saw a golden pearl on your way here when you got lost, you think. you go looking for it and bring it to moon, too, but not before getting bitten by a few lizards and hauled off by a few vultures, only just managing to kill the last vulture by pure luck as it tries to stop you in your tracks. it's illegal information, sent over pearl to avoid being overheard on broadcast... huh. it's something about circumventing the self-destruction taboo that iterators have, and how there's more, but the slugcat isn't told, and neither are you, but they're written into every cell of their organic parts. as she explains.... this feels like it relates to the breeding program mentioned a certain EP individual doing. hm.
you remember, a few times while being chased by leviathans and salamanders and nearly drowned by leeches, you've seen two pearls in shoreline and you go looking for them, bringing them to moon. the pink one has the genome for a purposed organism. you learn moon is one - but only a small fraction of one. you learn most of her is in the walls.... she is the walls? was it the same for pebbles? was that why he berated you for crashing through his memory conflux? most organisms barely even looked like creatures. she mentions primal fauna. what does she mean by that? you can guess she means creatures that weren't purposed. she mentions its highly likely you're a descendant of a purposed organism. then there's the purple pearl. you learn how water is vital to an iterator, otherwise slag will build up and they will painfully die. you learn that iterators haven't ever really seen a river, so the analogy of an iterator drinking a river is completely lost on them. water supply was important when placing iterators, until a great equalizer, the fact they breathe as much water out as they breathe in, where they could be placed almost freely. apparently building pebbles so close to moon was believed risky.... both of you can see that it was a good decision in hindsight, despite how little the slugcat, and you, know. hm. you remember a bright blue pearl somewhere in industrial complex and you go looking for it and bring it back to moon, but not after dying to lizards a few times. something about bone masks, and how they were used to abate the self, and then later used for self expression. something about radiating the material with holiness. this record of a mask factory is from Side House, on pebbles grounds. is that what industrial complex once was? the slugcat, and thus, you, the player too, will never really get an answer to this. but you can wonder. many old industrial-religious were reused and incorperated in iterator projects, so, it is possible...
just how much more is there, to this world...? this is nothing but a tiny piece of what is out there. and yet you feel like you've learned so much you'll never quite understand. and that's because the slugcat won't ever understand it, either, it's as clueless as you, the player, are. you're on the same line as it. you can guess and wonder as much as you want to, but you'll never learn about everything there once was. and that's the point. you'll never learn about everything and you can't because it's gone. you're not the main character to learn every little lore detail about this wonderous, new world, you're a slugcat doing it's best to survive in this unfamiliar ecosystem.
and i think that's rain world's beauty.
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felt-squirrels · 11 months
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greetings-humans · 4 months
suo hayato - martial arts rant
(minor plot spoilers for up until episode 4/chapter 8)
(all the stuff here also otherwise spoil suo's fighting style which you first see at ep 5/ch11-12)
now do you see this? (from ep 5)
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and this (chapter 12)
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so I have some experience in martial arts, like im a black belt in zendo ryuu karate do (a decently niche style of karate and like I also did a bit of jiu-jitsu, tho no competitions for any of these) but anyways this feels wrong.
now I don't claim to know all there is about martial arts but um. given the power behind even the weakest of punches (and kanumo (the opponent) survived shishitouren during its extremist phase so he can't be that weak), putting your hand in front of an incoming fist is a recipe for disaster and so much pain. the same can be said for attempting to... grab (??) the fist from above with your palm and your extended fingers, like you can see in the panel.
my poor, abused, tendinitis-ridden arms feel the pain for you, suo, please stop it.
we know from the manga, that suo isn't one of the people with "monster strength" (and those people also shouldn't be doing moves like this but I'll assume that monster strength also comes with insane muscle support on their arms/forearms/hands and they're also not trained in martial arts so whatever. let them make their mistakes since it doesn't hurt them that much) because suo is never described as having "monster strength" so him doing this is just off.
but, dee, you might say, this is a fucking manga/anime about teenage gangsters were you expecting realism??
as of episode 5 / chapter 12 (?), suo has confirmed that he's dabbled in mixed martial arts. you cant have him making these sort of mistakes for the shits and giggles.
and these feel like a decently basic mistakes, too. i asked my brother his opinion on this as a blue-belt in karate and he agrees with me that suo is off here. i asked my bsf (who has like a yellow belt in taekwondo but hasn't practiced martial arts in like nearly a decade) on an opinion on people using their palm to block an incoming punch and he thought that's weird. I asked google and even fucking wikihow disagrees with the palm thing.
like. use your opponent's momentum against themselves yes. but also.
nowhere is there a mention of stopping the momentum with your palm. your fucking palm??? hello??? or stopping the momentum by grabbing the fist like that?? who grabs a fist from above😭😭 suo look at your goddamn wrist. joints are scared of you.
out of the top of my head, suo is in danger of breaking his fingers or spraining/breaking his wrist or fucking up his elbow, or some funky combination thereof. and he's also definitely getting in some sort of trouble with his tendon. but c'est la vie, ig.
and btw. he has pulled this off correctly a few times in the manga.
chapter 11
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in the bottom right corner you see him deflecting properly and safely. and then rushing ahead to get out of Kanuma's range (wouldn't want a falling Kanuma to grab him on his way down lol). no clue what his left hand is doing tho. even if he was attempting to assume a ready stance. what the hell is his elbow doing that high? and why is his palm open and looking away from him? fuck if I know, this doesn't look like karate but there are like thousands of schools of karate with different variations so who knows. it's vaguely giving king fu or jiu jitsu but take this with a grain of salt.
or this from chapter 68. also correct technique. don't come at me for spoilers btw, I've literally given you zero context.
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tho to be fair, I'm a little confused as to the angle that he's hand is at? like it seems like his torso is in front of the punch (which vaguely makes sense because the other guy can presumably aim towards center mass aka torso), but like suo should already be moving his torso away so his arm shouldn't be reaching out from that angle. whatever. I'll forgive this. it's super minor.
10/10 for just grabbing the damn wrist instead of what he was doing before.
tho once again to be fair, I'm also a little confused about what his free hand is doing but whatever. and how did the other guy lose his balance? idk suo tagged at his punching arm hard ig. and giving the "whap" sfx then he might have somehow hit the other dude's leg? certainly not with his free hand cause given his stance, he's still not low enough to hit the foot or shin of the other guy (which is what the panel insinuates). unless he ducked? like crouched down while holding the dude's wrist and used his free hand to 'whap'? or maybe suo used his front leg? idk. whatever. still better than before.
nii satoru (the mangaka) so far seems great, because windbreaker has a nice plot and a fun, diverse cast of rather realistic teenagers (given the plot). he does seem to have a weakness when it comes to official martial arts styles, though, and that transferred towards the animation, as well.
hey wbk fandom give me your thoughts. idk if there are more ppl into wbk that also dabble(d) in martial arts but I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially!
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lafragolina · 10 months
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just kill me
#this whole article is bad but this was the WORST#not even for the reason you think (819 reasons)#Eliza you've already heard this rant but#if I can be way too sincere and long-winded for a moment#'always if I ask him something he helps'#how many quotes do we have from teammates over the years saying that exact thing#michael latta saying 'it doesn't matter if you're a top pair dman or a 4th line peasant; he'll do anything to help you'#christian djoos saying 'he's always there for you no matter what time or place. if something's up he's always there'#HHA saying recently nicke gave him his number and told him 'if you need anything just call me and I can help you'#carly in that interview when this was announced saying how nicke has been the support for everyone in that locker room from himself and osh#to guys who haven't been there long like strome and even pacioretty#I know holts and batya and andre and rasmus and jojo and tj and tom and karl alzner have all said stuff like this too#and that's just who I can think of off the top of my head#like. that's it. that's nicke.#if you ask him something. he helps.#for such an amazing athlete. for such a crucial part of making hockey A Thing in DC.#what his teammates want to talk about is his kindness#and that speaks so highly of him and is so genuinely admirable to me and worth aspiring to#I don't want to put anyone on a pedestal because we don't know these guys#but like. in terms of impact. nicke really genuinely made me try to be a better more thoughtful more actively outreaching friend#because I saw the way his teammates talked about him and that's how I want to be thought of.#I want people to know I'll be there for them. & not that I haven't been willing to do that but I've been more active about offering it#and part of that genuinely is because of his example#there's a million other things about his kindness I could mention before I even get to his hockey but this has already gone on far too long#so anyway#he is so dear to me#I hope he is happy and healthy#and that he knows how loved he is#nicklas backstrom#hockey
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meara-eldestofthemall · 5 months
Tim and Damian: A Tale of Two Robins
The latest issue of Batman (# 147) clearly underscores the differing ways Tim and Damian each approach the role of Robin. It's why DC has been able to get away with having two very different characters simultaneously wearing the mantle.
For Damian, Robin is fundementally a position of honor and a source of pride. It's an affirmation of his unique status as the biological child of Bruce Wayne. Damian wants to do good and he wants to be the best at it. There's nothing wrong with that per say. Many heroes are driven by the same inner need for validation. Being Robin is an honor to which Damian feels he has earned the right.
For Tim, Robin is foremost a calling or vocation. The Robin mantle is definitely an honor but it's not the primary driving force behind why he's in the cape. To him Robin is much more than just a kid who fights with Batman. Tim is heavily invested in in protecting the symbolism of what both Robin as well as Batman and Robin stand for. Please note that it's not Damian or Dick that tracks Bruce down in this issue even though they're both quite capable of doing that. It's Tim who goes after Bruce.
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Tim being the one to step up to save Bruce from his own worst impulses is what he does. He's an Emotional Support Robin as much as he is a partner to Batman. From the very beginning Tim saw Robin as someone Batman needs to function properly.
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To this day Tim still maintains that Robin's primary responsibility is not to be a sidekick but be someone who will save Batman from both external and internal threats when required. He's a vital balance, a counterweight to the shadows that Batman inhabits.
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In many ways that idea is at the crux of the differences between Tim and Damian's approach to being Robin.
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Damian initially saw the mantle of Robin as his birthright due to his being Bruce's biological son. Yes, it seems like a strange idea but let's cut the kid some slack. Damian was all of ten years old when he first met his father. He'd also been raised in a cult that all but worshipped the AL Ghul family. He was an arrogant little princeling because that's what he was raised to be.
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Tim sees Robin as Batman's partner but not his subordinate. Sure, all the Robins started as "sidekicks" but Dick and Jason's Robins never had the kind of independence Tim's Robin enjoys. Remember that it was a lack of autonomy that drove Dick away from Bruce in the first place. Jason's Robin rarely, if ever, worked independently of Batman. Tim, on the other hand, started handling his own cases less than a year after debuting in the role. Tim doesn't see himself as an apprentice but as a full partner. What's more he throughly enjoys that aspect of being Robin.
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People wonder why Tim hasn't created a new identity that's not linked to Batman. The short answer is that Tim feels that he's already doing that. Robin is an independent hero and has been for years. He's been more than capable of operating without a net since before Damian showed up. Tim isn't shy about that view point, either. When Bruce tries to push Tim's Robin in ways Tim doesn't like, the kid will tell Batman "no" then continue doing things on his own .
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Damian, on the other hand, constantly chafes against how Bruce's Batman wants him to act as Robin. Just like his father Damian doesn't like to be wrong and that shared stubbornness causes the two of them endless arguments. Damian's earliest teachings within the League will forever be at odds with Bruce's demands of Robin. The clashing expectations cause an internal conflict that leaves him at war with both his father and himself. No wonder the poor kid has a short temper. Trying to be both Damian al Ghul and Damian Wayne has got to be exhausting.
It's a testament to Damian's strength of character that he's been able to overcome the indoctrination from the League as much as he has. It's never going to completely leave him, however, because the lessons engrained into Damian at such a young age formed the core of his personality. Working with Dick's Batman helped him to learn some empathy and the value of tempering his worst impulses. Unfortunately Damian is primarily working with Bruce not Dick.
Damian is also 13 years old who has been seeking his father's approval and respect since the day he met the man. Bruce, being the emotional disaster that he is, fails to recognize that most of the time. This is why Damian is so completely taken in by Zur pretending to be Bruce. For the first time Damian is getting both approval and positive attention for being more violent than is necessary. His dysfunctional childhood and his work as Robin are finally in harmony and Damian loves it. It's also why poor the poor kid is so crushed when he figures out what's going on.
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Tim, meanwhile, has stepped into his role as Emotional Support Robin (whether that's a good or bad thing is a debate for another time). His ability to ground Batman is why he can have this conversation with Bruce:
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Tim also has one other crucial advantage that Damian, Dick or Jason never had. Tim was Bruce's partner long before he became his son. He's able to slide back into that role at the drop of a hat.
Damian will always be the son of Batman first and Robin second. That father/son dynamic that Bruce isn't very good at will try and lock Damian into a subordinate position in a misguided attempt to keep his son safe. That kind of micromanaging is something Dami will only tolerate for so long. Leaving Robin to take up a mantle of his own creation is all but inevitable.
Tim and Damian may both be Robin to Bruce's Batman but their perceptions of who and what Robin should be is radically different. And as I said before, that's not a bad thing at all.
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kyonshi-8610 · 1 month
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trying sometin out // id in alt // unrelated babblings in tags
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silliestnico · 5 months
i don't think giorno giovanna's survivors guilt after the end of part five and his trauma as a whole is spoken about enough. i do think he is more emotionally repressed than jotaro at times. as you read through this i want you to keep in mind that anytime there's a scene with young giorno before saving the mafioso's life, he never smiles, which is incredibly unusual for a child aged 1-5.
let's begin at his conception, giorno doesn't know who dio is, where he is, if he's even alive, or what he really looks like. all he has as proof that dio was real is himself and a single polaroid. the reason he doesn't know what dio looks like is because he isn't even fully facing the front of the camera. it's highly likely that when giorno was young, anytime he saw a tall, blond, muscular man, whether it be on the tv, in a magazine, or in real life, he thought 'is that my dad?'
his life in japan wasnt good either. his mother would abandon him as a toddler at night to go out partying. bearing in mind, he was still being bottlefed at this point. in the scene where it pans through the apartment(?) he and his mother lived in, it showed a baby bottle with a little milk left inside. giorno was so afraid at night he couldn't even cry, a baby/toddler not crying is not fucking normal. 
now onto his life in part 5 onwards. throughout part 5, the viewer rarely sees him express the extreme of any emotion, aside from pain after giving himself the antidote to purple haze's attack, and anger during his and cioccolata's fight. even as he's greiving the loss of his allies, he doesn't express much in terms of sorrow, yes, he cries when he can't save narancia, and his voice sounds incredibly hurt when he can't save narancia or abbacchio, but his reaction is still relatively calm compared to the likes of mista and narancia respectively, which brings me back to my point of him being more emotionally repressed than jotaro - the viewer sees jotaro express extreme emotions, whereas they don't with giorno. it almost feels like giorno is a side character in his own part because of how little focus is put on him and his trauma by the fandom.
upon moving to italy, he may have thought the neglect and abuse would stop, and it probably did for a short time, until his stepfather decided to start beating him. as i previously mentioned, during majority of the scenes with young giorno, he never smiles. he doesn't smile at his mothers wedding, which should presumably be a happy occasion, not during the ceremony when his stepfather is kind to him, not in the photographs shown later on. giorno also didn't have a safe space outside of his abusive household either, he was relentlessly bullied by his peers for being half japanese, having anti-immigrant rhetoric spouted at him anytime he was near his bullies. his life only started to look up after he saved the mafioso's life. even then, his stepfather was angry at the fact he couldn't beat his like four year old stepson for merely existing. yes his bullies stopped tormenting him, but, there was likely still underlying resentment on their side.
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ibrokeeverything · 8 months
Missing cole ninjago just hit me like a truck
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menlove · 2 months
the way I cannot stand sa//ltburn but I've made people watch it with me 3 times
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tommystummy · 3 months
“We need more complex queer characters” y’all couldn’t even handle Ben Hope, and that’s not even y’all’s fault! Heartstopper couldn’t handle Ben Hope.
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rowrowronnie · 3 months
why the hell has no one been talking about the pantheon show on amc why the hell is there legitimately No Way to watch the show without pirating and again, to reiterate: WHY THE HELL HAS NO ONE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS SHOW!!!!
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alchely · 3 months
This is catering to a very niche audience but the youtube reactor 7 Deadly Bananas is a couple episodes away from the S7 Gallavich reunion and I am Sooo excited to see it!
Idk I love this guy's reaction, I hate when reactors don't get on board with Shameless dark humour/ gallows humour, or just in general don't vibe along with a show's tone.
I am literally collecting scraps when it comes to Shameless reactions, it's so weird, like the show is definitely popular enough and Shameless reactions do relatively well on the few ppl who have reacted to it and yet...
It's probably cause it's too long 🙄
I really want to get a queer reactor to watch it cause Gallavich, but honestly I'll take anyone at this point.
This guy's commentary is also fun, but at the pace he's set for uploading he's almost doing a season a year, so no chance of getting to the juicy parts any time soon.
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cinnamon-bunni · 1 year
so far in nightbringer (currently in chapter 5) all ive learned is is that Lucifer truly is such a good source of angst. he 1) will never let his brothers know what he is thinking or feeling, 2) sees that this leads to misunderstandings between him and them because of this, but doesnt do anything about it because 3) he can and will do anything for his brothers and their wellbeings. he loves them so much and only wants what's best for them, even if they disagree. even if it actively hurts them, he will do what he believes is best for them because he loves them and if that isnt good Angst then i dont know what is
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rattherat · 16 days
MORE G&B OC ART!! THIS IS MY SECOND ART POST,AND IS MORE 'FILLER' ART IF ANYTHING, I'VE POSTED THEM HERE BEFORE BUT HERE IT'S JUST ONE OF EM. ANYHOW, i just wanted to do a quick little drawing of one of them aND HIS NAME IS PAVEL, and he originally was meant to be more "serious" than he is now, he was originally going to be a surly little fella (which he still kind of is) BUT NOW HES A LITTLE HYPERACTIVE ANNOYING LITTLE SHITHEAD (though, like i said, he definitely still has anger issues 😌. also i know this isn't much but im probably not going to finish the first WIP of these little goobers that was like 5 months ago and my art has changed quite a bit since then and i dont particularly feel like it. but maybe i'll do a revision of it)
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