#a pink sweater in spring
crossingdesigns · 2 years
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sakura set ✿ by darling.crossing on ig
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gluupotki · 2 years
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darlingdawnvintage · 2 years
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Pretty in Pink 🦩Vintage 1950/1960’s • Available now in the shop see my Etsy link in bio
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suharenn · 1 year
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thestylesplash · 5 months
Neon Check Blazer + Style With a Smile Link Up
It’s already late April and the weather continues to be disappointing. I remember in 2020 during the first lockdown we had glorious warm weather. No sunbathing this Spring that’s for sure. This neon check blazer had me reaching for my sunglasses though! There’s no denying that I have a blazer addiction. They are my favourite pieces to look for in charity shops and on resale sites. This neon…
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galaxychaos78 · 2 years
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northlt03 · 7 months
Amortentia (Jegulus)
Regulus didn’t smell. It drove James insane sometimes. 
He didn’t smell after quidditch practice, or even after just waking up. It was another one of those things about him that made him seem “perfect”. James hated it. 
Regulus was so much more than the image he presented himself to be, but he’d gotten too lost in playing the part, maybe that’s all he’d become. 
Every single “imperfection” had been driven away by his mother. Not just for Regulus, but for Sirius as well. The Black family had an image to maintain, high society they had to live in. They couldn’t accept body odor, crooked teeth, or any blemishes on their skin. 
James didn’t know how they did it. But none of the Blacks had any negative body odor. No matter how much they sweat. 
It’s not to say they don’t have a particular smell. According to Slughorn, everyone had a distinct smell, something unique about them. 
Sirius smelled like wet dog fur, James knew this because he slept in the bed next to him and every night Sirius turned to padfoot in his sleep. 
Narcissa smelled like spring, like her namesake— narcissus. Strangely intense, yet cool and floral. James had only placed the smell last year when they had grown the flower in herbology. 
Walburga black smelled like roses, James imagined that’s what the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland smelled like. It was suffocating if you had the displeasure to be near her, like a thousand thorny plants squeezing your windpipe. 
James wasn’t padfoot, he didn’t memorize smells. But it’s hard not to notice how his closest friends smell. It made him feel warm, to be surrounded by so many people he loves, all with a distinct smell. 
Remus smelled like chocolate, like wet fur, wooly sweaters, a warm fire and old books. James could tell that’s what Sirius was smelling in his cauldron right then. That’s the reason he was thinking so much about smells in the first place. 
Sixth year brought with it responsibilities, but also more advanced potion making. James always wondered why he didn’t drop potions when he had the chance. 
Sirius was blushing so hard, his skin tone matched the pink potion. James had to stifle his own laughter as Remus tried to go over the recipe once again to make sure they had made it correct. They were all paired up for this particular class. Sirius and Remus at one cauldron and James and Peter next to them. It used to be Sirius and James together, but after one too many pranks in the classroom, Professor Slughorn had separated them. 
“Clockwise!” Remus corrected Sirius just before he could have ruined their potion. They were the second ones to finish their potion so Slughorn was already making his way towards the boys. “Bloody hell, Sirius. Stop overmixing it”
James exchanged a look with Peter. Why had he let Sirius pick Remus while pairing up again? Oh that’s right— Wingman duties
James was nowhere near as great as Lily or Remus or even Snivellus in potion making, but he managed. Mostly he used Remus’ notes and applied common sense. It drove Remus insane sometimes, how much work he’d have to put in to memorize something, only for James to make an educated guess about it. James couldn’t really explain how he knew stuff, he just did. Call it pattern awareness, or whatever. 
“So from the way Moony was yelling at Padfoot, I’m guessing we have to stir it clockwise?” James raised an eyebrow.
Peter only snickered as he watched their other two friends bickering like an old married couple. “What’d you think Moony smells, James?”
“Wet dog” James replied easily, “And that awful old leather jacket Padfoot refuses to throw away,”
“I bet Sirius smells chocolate and wool” 
James had known Peter for years, they'd had baths together when they were babies, learned how to ride a bicycle from James’ father, spent ten christmases trying to make gingerbread houses and so many more memories. 
That’s all to say, James knew what Peter smelled like. He had a distinct cologne he swore worked wonders on the ladies, and as stereotypical as it was for the rat to love cheese, he really did. 
So if James was in love with his best mate, that’s what he would have smelled. 
But instead when he dared to take a whiff of the potion (after coughing violently because it was pretty strong), all he smelled was broom wax, old books and paint. 
“Mmmhmm” Peter grinned, “Camembert, and candy. Smells so great I’m hungry now. And you?”
“Old books” He frowned, “And paint”
“Careful, Pads might think you’re in love with Moony too”
James wasn’t sure what he was expecting. He was glad he didn’t smell lilies, relating to his old embarrassing crush. It had been months since he had obsessed over Lily Evans and even thinking about that time made him cringe. 
James had quickly realized he had no idea what love was supposed to be. He grew up watching his parents so immensely in love he’d been in love with the idea of love and the idea of Lily Evans. And ideas are dangerous things to be in love with. 
For his sake and Lily’s, he was glad he stopped liking her. 
But after Lily… well, there had been someone James had grown a liking too. And he couldn’t help the disappointment when he didn’t smell Regulus in the potion. He took a few more whiffs, just to be sure. But to no avail. The potion still smelled the same. 
James wasn’t sure why it bothered him so much. Maybe he was just incapable of loving. Because he couldn’t smell Regulus, that had to mean he wasn’t in love with the boy as he had previously thought. This was clearly a Lily situation again. And that bothered James. Mainly because he wanted to be in love. Not just because of his fantasy of being so in love with someone, but also because Regulus was so lovely. 
He was witty and sharp, beautiful and sarcastic, knowledgeable and petty, headstrong and stubborn but also sweet and funny. He seemed to positively glow under James’ praise. James loved it when he flushed pink, James loved it when he shot back a retort, when he smiled a secret smile for only James, when he dragged his long fingers over James’ skin— touch for the sake of touch. James loved every single thing about Regulus, the way his eyes crinkled when he tried to stop himself from laughing at one of James’ bad jokes, the way he sneezed, the way his lips parted, the way he tasted so sweet when they kissed, but most of all, James thought he was in love with Regulus.
He wasn’t sure what smell he was searching for. He knew Regulus didn’t smell. He didn’t have a signature smell like Peter’s cologne. But James was still disappointed. 
He wanted to make Regulus feel loved, he wanted to be in love. He had said it once and Regulus had said it before. 
Three simple words. 
And what if they were a lie?
A knock on the door made Slughorn change directions. He had been heading toward James and Peter’s potion to check it, but he walked toward the open door. 
James would have recognised those curls anywhere. 
Even before Regulus was fully visible, stepping into the doorway, eyes searching the class, James was grinning. Who cared what the stupid potion said? The potion could be wrong. Maybe James and Peter brewed it wrong. 
All that mattered was that Regulus lit up James’ world, it genuinely felt that way. Just passing him in the hallways, getting to stare at him as he stared at the stars, just listening to him talk about astronomy or his favorite paintings felt like a reward to James.
So yeah, fuck the potion. 
James Potter was in love with Regulus Black.
That’s when he spotted the paint splattered on the edges of his otherwise neat robe. He was handing a book he must have borrowed back to Slughorn. His eyes landed on James and though he tried to keep his composure in thanking the professor, James grew ecstatic at the acknowledgement.
The effect Regulus had on him really had to be studied. 
Just before he left, he sniffed the room, his eyebrows furrowing in that Regulus Black way as he mock glared at James. He had the face of an aristocrat but the mind of an artist. Maybe he was both.
James was thankful his table was the closest to the door and the others were too busy either bickering, fawning over their potion or still completing it. 
“You smell, Potter” Regulus scrunched his nose in disgust, turning to walk away, “Didn’t you shower after quidditch? It’s disgusting, it’s a wonder the whole room isn’t gagging with how strong it is, even your sandalwood perfume can’t mask it.”
James could barely say anything before Regulus had walked away. 
Paint splatter, the old books in the room of requirement and Regulus’ personal collection, the broom wax from when James had watched him polish his broom before a match against Hufflepuff. 
Slowly the pieces floated together and James thought he had started floating too. He felt light, like a floating lantern, a ball of warmth in his chest. 
And what had Regulus been talking about? James twisted his ankle his last game. Madam Pomfrey hadn’t cleared him to fly the whole week, he had been moping about not being able to play. 
When he looked at Peter, his friend was looking back with an amused look. 
“Fucking hell, Prongs”
“Don’t tell Padfoot”
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inkskinned · 6 months
we were drunk off mezcal and my dog had his paws crossed like he was fancy and we were giggling about it and i told you that with the sun coming back i can feel my fingers again and you grabbed my wrist and jokingly shook my limp hands while saying i have you i got you and i wanted to tell you i love you in that moment but it's actually just that it's spring and love actually seems like something that i can afford once in a while so long as i'm not overwhelmed by the crushing weight of having to do my laundry
i don't get so sad on sundays anymore and part of that is you but also part of it is that i've been watching a bird melodrama in the tree outside my window - first the robins had the run of it, then the doves. most recently a family of sparrows came through. the sky was pink today like a kiss, and i felt the pastel wrap in a warm piebald snake around my chest and hum herself into my bones
thank god for every person that forgives me for the depressive spirals i go on every winter without-fail like i swear there are absolutes in this world and it's stuff like. stoats go white in winter. the sun comes over the east. when it gets cold all parts of my soul go numb and the light can't pass through my iris without a tattoo gun. how many times can i tell a friend i'm sorry i wasn't talking to you, i truly wasn't talking to anyone
thank god i can feel my skin right now and you hold my weak little hand in your hand and then you flip it over so you can read my palm and you're smiling while you run fingertips over lines and read out my fate like it says here you like a good grillcheese sandwich and admit it you make salads by buying the pre-made spring mix and i have all your astrology shit memorized and i read your horoscope first when i'm checking my own even-though-i-don't-believe-in-it (but just in case) and i want to kiss you just to watch the blush spread in a tulip from under your freckles in that way it does, how you pull back and wrinkle your nose in laughter
thank god but today for the first time in a month i finally texted my friends back and actually made plans to hang out (how's that! barring disaster!) and i let my dog put his big muddy paws on my nice sweater and yeah actually when it's bad i always think i can't do that again. i can't crawl back up that mountain
but the sun touched me on the face this morning and we had a nice long talk about it and i said i gotta go the long way again huh and she nodded and shook back her solarflare hair and looked over to her moon girlfriend and she said you can do it. better things on the horizon.
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aronkiepronkie · 3 months
haikyuu is having a comeback guys and i need to express my extreme obsession with kenma so lipstick testing ok lets go
your phone rings with kenmas display name glowing on the screen, 'pudding head', it reads. after a few moments he wakes up, answering the phone in a groggy voice. "yn?" he voices out your name and audibly clears his throat. "hey you. come over, i need your help with something." you chirp and ruffle through a bag, lipsticks, lip stains, lip gloss, and even chapstick clanking loudly against each other, kenma hums in confusion when the sound escapes his phone speaker. "come over why? are you gonna do something evil..." he sighs. "just get over here!" before he gets to respond, you hang up and text him hurriedly. "i'll be waiting".
your phone dings, causing your shoulders to jump and you read the notification. "pudding head: knock knock". you spring out your chair and run to your front door, opening it to reveal kenma, in his usual red sweater and he itches his scalp nervously. "are you gonna tell me what happe-" you cut his sentence short by dragging him by the arm and shutting the door loudly, pushing him into your room. kenma has a tendency to observe your room every time hes in it, no matter if it hasn't changed whatsoever. his eyes pause at the absurd amount of lip products splayed on your desk. "uh..." he breaths out. he looks back at you with literal concern on his face and points at it in confusion. "why?" "we're going to do lipstick testing! sit down." he obediently sits down on your cushiony bed and stares at you with expecting eyes while you grab a hand full of lipsticks. "how are you gonna go about this? why do i need to be here...?" he mumbles as you grab makeup wipes, his eyes following your figure as you move around. "just wanna try some colors out on you." you tell him simply and smile at him, dropping lipstick containers into his lap. "on...me?" kenma glances down at the lipsticks and tilts his head to the side and points at himself. "yes, you." you say with a smile, pulling out a few hair clips, some in star shapes, some in hearts, some normal ones, and some sparkly ones. "which one should we use, hm?" you ask him, displaying one of each on your hands. "...why do i need to pick?" he looks up at you with big eyes, his golden eyes meeting with yours for a few seconds before looking down shyly. one thing about kenma is that he absolutely sucks at eye contact, especially during more intimate moments or when your close to his face. "because its going in your hair." he stares at the hair clips, seemingly deep in thought about which one to choose just for him to say a quick, "i don't know." you sigh and put all the clips down. "then i'll choose!" you take two baby blue star clips and lift his face up gently, clipping his silky long blonde out of his face. it truly is a mystery on how hes able to keep his hair so soft and silky even after bleaching it. you start applying a red lipstick on your lips and grab his squishy cheeks, pressing your lips against his soft, slightly chapped ones and he kisses back eagerly. his hands instinctively go to your waist, making an attempt to drag you closer to him but you pull away, he pouts. "why'd you-" "this is lipstick testing kenma, not a makeout session." you chuckle sweetly at his wide eyes and red blush, ruffling his long hair and reaching for your makeup wipes.
after awhile, kenmas soft, blushing face is covered in kiss marks, a variety of reds, pinks, and nudes contrasting with his pale face. "alright, all done!" you exclaim and admire your work with a proud smile, your palms still holding kenmas warm face. "you're done?" he asks, disappointed. "i still want more kisses."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
would you please write a spencer x reader where she's at the conference (? not sure if thats what it technically was) where spencer gave his speech and everyone was just like 😶😶 but not her
and immediately after the speeches when everyone is talking she comes up to talk to him and shes being so kind he doesn't even notice that shes the only one paying him attention, just immediate infatuation 🥺
"I liked your joke, Dr. Reid." You approach the man from behind, but you neglect to tap him on the shoulder. You'd seen him apply hand sanitizer on his way out of the lecture hall without ever having touched anything inside, so you have a feeling he's more conscious about germs than most.
He turns from the proximity of your voice, and so does Agent Rossi. You're ecstatic to be in both of their presences, but Dr. Reid is an extra something special.
Agent Rossi takes one look at the flustered expression on Dr. Reid's face as he tries processing your remark, and turns around with a stifled grin.
"Uh, thank you," Dr. Reid stammers, blinking fast, "It didn't seem to be much of a crowd pleaser."
"Nothing pleases this crowd," You lament, "We're all overworked and sleep-deprived. But from an avid patron of the campus library, your joke made me laugh. And- uh, I'm Y/N. By the way."
He nods, lips pulling back into a smile that's more of a straight line than anything. You like it, it's cute.
"This campus's library is incredible," You seem to have unlocked Dr. Reid's hidden passion, as he springs into conversation without hesitation, "Unfortunately I wasn't able to explore before we got here because we got stuck in traffic, but we walked past it and I could see that the philosophy section goes all the way through to the other side."
His eyes are wide as he speaks, hands aiding his speech as he rambles.
"It's actually," You chuckle breathlessly, a tad sheepish to admit it, "It's one of the reasons I came here instead of my other potential university. I couldn't pass up the library."
"A girl after his own heart," Agent Rossi sets a hand on Dr. Reid's shoulder, finally tuning back into your conversation with a kind smile towards you. Dr. Reid turns, effectively broken from his passion-fueled library reverie.
"Unfortunately, we've just gotten called away," Agent Rossi informs you, "But Spencer, I think you should give her your business card in case she has any questions about our lecture."
Dr. Reid stands frozen, blinking once, twice, thrice, then-
"Oh! My card," He fumbles with the chest pocket of his sweater, then when he comes up empty (save for a speck of lint), he switches to his messenger bag.
"Uh," He jams his hand into a sleeve sewn to the lining of the bag, then thrusts a slightly rumpled business card towards you, "Here, um, yeah, if you have any questions. Or- or if you'd like to talk about philosophy? I've, um... I've got plenty more jokes if you ever have time to listen."
"I'll make time," You promise him, and you don't miss the way his eyes go wide and his cheeks glow pink, "Thank you, Dr. Reid."
"Uh, Spencer!" He decides, calling after you as you part ways, feet shuffling over tile as he tries keeping pace with Agent Rossi, "You can call me Spencer!"
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anathemaspeaks · 5 months
fluff 1 with bakugou?? :3
“can i borrow your sweater?”
check out my prompt list and request stuff!
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katsuki bakugou was a force to be reckoned with. he was a talented man of tact, analysis, and pure skill.
so why he was so painfully oblivious to your flirting was beyond you.
you talked his ear off at any given opportunity, never passing up a chance for a bad pick up line.
"hey katsu, is your name google?" you asked, hope in your voice. this one would work for sure, you thought.
"no, shitty woman. y'just said my name," he grumbled, rolling his eyes. there goes your line. you sighed.
it was a good one, too.
you'd compliment him every moment you could, trying to get closer to him.
"you have a really cute laugh, y'know" you thought out loud, moving near him so that your shoulders would touch as you walked to training.
you had just tripped on air, the scene making the ash blonde crack up.
he rolled his eyes and turned away, a barely noticeable smile still on his face, and a light pink dusting his cheeks.
he tolerated you more than those shitty extras. he thought that alone was enough of a sign that he liked you. he was never good at expressing his feelings.
but turns out he wasn't good at perceiving them either.
you're so sure you could confess your undying love for him, and he would still pretend like you just hit him with a casual 'hey!'
it was the middle of spring, the cold air nipping at your skin as you walked with him to your dorms. you had just come back from grabbing a pizza together. the two of you. alone.
but no, it wasn't a date.
of course it wasn't.
but while walking, with you talking his ear off and him nodding along, you felt a little bold.
(you weren't even sure if he was listening. he was hooked onto every word.)
so maybe it was the chilly winds brushing past you gently, or maybe it was the intoxication you felt from being with katsuki alone, but you decided to try something new.
"can i borrow your sweater?" you asked, voice hesitant and soft.
his breath caught in his throat, ears now red. you wanted his sweater? he rolled his eyes, "tch, told you it'd be cold, dumbass."
but to your surprise, he took it off and gave it to you. you grinned up at him, eyes glinting with a mix of joy and disbelief, and wore it.
he swore lightly under his breath. you with your pretty smile, in his sweater - it made his heart beat faster, butterflies in his stomach. you were so gorgeous.
but then he did something you really didn't expect.
"looks good on ya, shitty woman" he grumbled, taking your hand into his own, a giddy smile on your face.
katsuki bakugou was a force to be reckoned with. he might not be the best with words or with feelings, but he'd treat you better than any of those other shitty extras. that was for sure.
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i hope you liked it, anon <3
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atxxzist · 30 days
spring in our hearts | c.s
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summary: the spring where you finally fall in love and experience everything that comes with it; the good and the bad
pairing: choi san x f!reader
genre: angst, slice of life, slowburn, romance, fluff?
word count: 21.4k
everything outside is turning pink. the petals fallen from the cherry blossom trees sweeping the streets as the wind carries it away with the cold chill, making the arrival of spring feel so much more real.
pink has always reminded you of love though your best friend tells you to not think about it often. he believes you're horrible at it and has a shallow view on it.
you wouldn't say you're horrible if you don't exactly have the experience for it, your only romantic relationship ever was freshman year of college with a boy from english who found you cute but broke it off after only 3 months because he thought you weren't interested.
yeosang still brings it up occasionally because only texting a boy when they texted you and telling them you could only hang out once a week isn't the way to show someone you do like them.
you thought it was quite the statement coming from yeosang because he wasn't much of a prize either before his current relationship that finally managed to last longer than 6 months.
but he think he has finally found the one. he's sure of it. and maybe he's right about you being horrible to some extent because you wouldn't understand or know the feeling of when someone is just right.
you still don't get how your uncle was willing to move halfway across the country for the 'love of his life', leaving everything he knew behind in hope of making it work, or how your mother married your father against her parents wishes although you know him to be a great man.
even the compromises both yeosang and grace have to make can be hard to wrap your head around, but yeosang always says every time that once you meet that person, you will understand.
"this seat taken?"
your thoughts are broken and your neck snaps away from the window and its petal shower to the voice beside that takes your breath away momentarily because though he's just standing there in his morning hair, grey hoodie, and sweatpants, he looks absolutely out of place in this small cafe.
you shake your head, a knot forming in your throat the longer you stare at this stranger.
"i'll take it, if that's okay with you."
"go ahead," you assure, no idea why you're so captivated by this stranger you've known for less than a minute, eyes unable to leave as he removes his backpack to place in the seat next to him and finally takes the seat across from you.
you clear your throat, scanning the surrounding and just noticing how packed it has gotten within the few minutes you were out before looking back down to the half finished sketch on the table.
"you go there?"
the question pulls your head back up, meeting eyes once again with this stranger who has now comfortably seated himself, confused as to what he's talking about until he points with his chin to the sweater you're wearing that has your school logo plastered all over it.
you let another second of silence slip through before answering in your most friendliest tone because you don't usually get people trying to start conversations often, or at all.
"oh, yes," you say. "it was a shirt my friend didn't want."
you regret the words as soon as they leave, feeling like you wanna smack ur head onto the table because you don't know why you needed him to know that.
you really are not big on school spirits or whatever, but yeosang had offered it to you after he bought a size too small.
and this stranger is probably able to sense your nervousness just now that he attempts to giggle it off, dimples emerging from his cheeks all of a sudden that you can't keep your eyes off of.
you've seen a fair share of good looking guys in your lifetime, but this dude might just be at the very top and you're thinking the only obvious reason he'd even wanna sit with you is because all the other seats were taken.
"well that's nice of them," he says with a warm smile. "it's a well designed shirt."
you nod slowly at that.
"i guess so."
"i just transferred the beginning of this year so i just thought it was cool to run into someone alike."
"oh?" your pitch piques with a unique kind of interest. "y-you also go there?"
"yes. junior, going onto senior next semester. you?"
"same..." you answer, fighting the tiniest smile that wants to break out because what were the chances the two of you are the exact same age, and it's not like you plan on seeing him after this, but to hear how big the possibilites are is a little crazy.
he chuckles, one hand running over his disheveled hair as you're sure the same thing is also going through his mind.
"and then what?" yeosang asks, after you finish the retelling of your encounter with the incredibly cute and kind boy from the cafe.
"what?" you repeat, one eyebrow raised.
"what happened after?" he states, as if asking the obvious while spinning around in the computer chair that belongs to his girlfriend.
"i had to go to class," you answer, unfazed and oblivious much to yeosang's frustration which is why he wanna facepalm right then and there.
"you didn't even ask for his number?"
you shake your head. "no."
"i bet you don't even know his name," he says only sarcastically but he would be right.
"i don't."
you watch in bafflement as yeosang continues to sigh and complain before grace comes bursting through the door with the two boxes of pizza.
"you won't believe what your girl just told me," yeosang opens his big mouth and tells on you the second he can, prompting grace to hum in curioisity because she's just as equally nosy.
"what happened?" she says, placing the boxes on the stand next to the door.
"little miss over here had a cute boy actually talk to her and didn't even ask for his number nor his name," yeosang spews, accusation in his tone like you just committed a crime. "and worst of all, she lost the pen i got her for christmas."
grace gasps in response and plops down next to you as her weight makes the bed sink.
you roll your eyes, dismissing the last comment but going on to defend your name, "okay. you're being dramatic. it's not like i want him to be my boyfriend. i just happened to meet someone pleasant and i'm okay with the idea that nothing more will come from it."
your best friend shakes his head in disapproval and mutters, "you anti-romantic."
"and where did you meet this boy again?" grace asks.
"the cafe i usually go to."
"maybe you'll run into him again." she shrugs.
"maybe," you utter lowly. "but it's ok. like i said, i just thought it was a nice encounter and had to tell yeosang about it but if i knew he was gonna make a big ass deal, i would've just told you."
"excuse you," yeosang chimes in, "i was just looking out for you. you need to get yourself a boyfriend or at least a friend of your own so you won't be cockblocking all the time."
"first of all, i did get myself a friend," you say, your voice a type of snarky, "but you had to go and make her your girlfriend."
yeosang scoffs, the topic making rounds once again and proceeds to stop spinning himself to churn out another comment to annoy you.
"well maybe she became your friend because she was always meant to be my girlfriend."
you met grace as soon as you stepped foot onto campus given she was your literal roommate, and it only took a couple days to become comfortable with each other because the girl was so friendly and welcoming unlike anyone you've ever met before.
it wasn't until a week later that you considered the two of you actual friends, taking in the fact she was someone you saw yourself sticking by even in the far future.
but it only took another month for yeosang to see what you saw in her and snatched her away, recalling how fast their relationship went from friendly to romantic, you were so annoyed with yeosang because if anything went awry, it would've costed you the first friend you've made besides him.
but here's to them going on 2 years and a half so you really hope yeosang doesn't fuck it up because you think with his track records, you're in the right to have some doubts.
ignoring his response, you go on, "and second of all, your bitch ass invited me so how am i cockblocking?"
grace lets out half a chuckle and stands up to head for the boxes earlier, turning to the both of you.
"you both are hangry. pizza?" she offers.
yeosang takes a slice while you shake your head, telling her you're not hungry right now.
"my point is," yeosang continues, "it was the perfect chance and you completely missed it, but it's whatever now. i summoned you today because i've only seen your hermit ass like three times ever since the start of the term."
"well, yes. i wanted to focus on my studies."
"you need to learn how to relax once in a while," he says, with actual sympathy this time, "which is why i think you're gonna love what i have to say next."
but it just mellows out into an almost sarcastic-like tone, as if he knows you're gonna hate the idea but he's still persistent to go through with it.
"what?" you say, unamused.
he adjusts himself in the chair and puts the barely bitten pizza on standby as grace stares in anticipation because you're sure she already knows exactly what he's gonna say.
"so like, remember yunho?" he squeaks.
it takes a raised brow and maybe two seconds, but you manage to remember, blurting, "jeong yunho?"
"yes!" he nods way too excitedly.
all you really know about jeong yunho was that you've met him probably only twice and had less than a conversation when you did, though not failing to recall how soft-spoken and kind he also was.
"it's his birthday... well, technically his birthday already passed, but he's gonna be holding a late party to celebrate it and i might've maybe told him you're gonna come," yeosang announces, ending the ment with a stupid goofy smile like that's gonna lessen the impact.
"what the fuck, yeosang?"
you scowl, and grace jumps in, "i told him not to but he didn't wanna listen."
"it's a great opportunity!" he cowers back, high-pitched and all as he tries standing his ground.
"you know how much i hate parties!" you yell back just as loud.
"you've been to one!"
"one too much!"
"oh come on, y/n!" he slumps back in the chair staring at you like a disappointed parent. "you only have a year left after this semester. do you really not even wanna have some fun?"
"no. i really don't," you deadpan, much to an eyeroll and sigh from him while grace just sits by idly watching.
"it's not gonna be one of those crazy weird frat parties, i promise. just a house party with close friends, yunho said. plus, there's gonna be plenty of cute guys there."
"good for you. maybe you can find someone there," you say unseriously much to a giggle from grace but to an unamused yeosang because he seriously mean it.
he wants you out of your comfort zone at least just once and go and talk to people you might potentially like, having stayed in your own bubble for so long.
the desperation makes you fight the urge to give in but you're losing, only huffing in annoyance.
"what happened to 'you're horrible at this romantic shit'?" you cite him word for word, throwing it back in his face.
"that's cause you really are. plus, you were being annoying at the time. but still doesn't mean i don't want you to try."
you think you're gonna regret. you know you're gonna regret it, but a part of you want to do it just for your best friend so you cave.
"i'll go. but if someone pukes on me again, i'm making you clean that shit with your own mouth."
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the party starts at 7 p.m. sharp but yeosang's late birthday gift run leaves you guys almost an hour late, lightly knocking on yunho's door at 7:54 p.m. expecting for the house to be flooded with even more people you don't know but you're surprise to see a couple familiar faces in the background when the door comes apart.
"hey!" the tall birthday boy greets all of you, a lady by her side and arm wrapped around his who you can only assume to be his girlfriend sends a friendly smile the same time.
"come in, come in," he ushers, the three of you stepping inside to the much humble and comforting interior, nothing alike a stereotypical party setting and it's already managed to be the better party you've attended.
it's homey, a bit classy, and you should've expected it because the house is also in a relatively safe part of the neighborhood.
"you guys made it!" yunho welcomes again, his voice loud and excited, eyes traveling between your friends before it eventually stops on you.
"y/n, right?" he says, your name almost foreign sounding coming from him.
you nod in response and the taller boy smiles in relief, not typical of him to forget names but also not wanting to mess up and offend you.
"glad you could make it. i was afraid you couldn't because yeosang went on and on about how much parties scares you."
you narrow your eyes at your best friend and his habit of oversharing before a loose chuckle escapes.
"did he now?"
"he did," yunho says, also a small giggle out of him as if trying to ease the mood and make you comfortable. "but don't worry about it. it's not gonna be crazy, i'm sure of that."
"i appreciate it," you thank him, touched by the kind gesture of assurance although the man barely knows you. "i'll try to enjoy myself."
again, you've only seen yunho on two occasions before this and you can barely even recall the second one, only seeing him in passing along with others currently at the party when you'd go seek out yeosang inbetween classes.
yeosang smirks from beside you, happy and impressed from how you're already easing yourself into the situation, clearing his throat and deciding it's his turn.
"this is for you, birthday boy," yeosang says, presenting the gift in his hand proudly as if he didn't panic just almost 2 hours ago when you brought up if he was gonna get yunho something.
"appreciate it, man. i'm gonna put it with all the other gifts to open later."
he takes it into his hold, attention shortly pulled away by another knock at the door.
"i'm gonna get that. you guys make yourself at home," yunho says, excusing himself with his lady still at armrest.
"see, that wasn't so bad," yeosang takes the first chance he gets as soon as yunho's out of earshot, nudging you by the shoulder much to an eyeroll in return.
"don't speak so fast, we haven't even made it past 10 minutes."
"it's gonna be awesome," he states, convinced of his own words. "you, grace, and all the other girlies can hang out or something while i'm gonna go chat it up with the boys."
a visible annoyance paints grace's expression as she huffs, "if that's the case, i'm coming with. you seem to get stupider with every party."
a couple minutes later and a banter between the lovebirds about how reckless yeosang gets when he's drunk, you wind up in the downstairs bathroom of yunho's house, regretting that you didn't take grace's advice of peeing before coming.
at least the bathroom's nice but you don't wanna have to go out of your way and look for your friends in midst of all staring eyes. you already had enough of those making your way here.
the two had said they wouldn't leave you and it's best you guys stick together, but when you finally spot yeosang, he's already chatting it up with someone new when he was talking to wooyoung before--someone you also don't know well except the fact he's loud and extroverted the last time you met him.
grace is nowhere to be found and you're thinking whether you should just go look for her or insert yourself into the conversation yeosang and this stranger who's only visible from the back of his head, is having.
you don't get to make a choice because yeosang is quick to make it for you, sneaking over this person's shoulder and locking eyes with yours, one hand in the air motioning you to come as if you're his pet while his other is now occupied with a red cup.
you can hear him spewing from a distant as you make your way there, telling the person before him, "oh right, san, this is--"
"--strawberry peach?" the voice not belonging to yeosang says, so strange but familiar and recent at the same time, it stops you dead in track once you meet his eyes.
"strawberry peach lemonade?"
you pick your head up at what sounds like a question, following his gaze to your drink on the table, answering a mere, "yes."
"you came to a cafe to get lemonade?" he tease, delivery a type of amused that would've offended you if not for the smile on his lips.
"what's wrong with that?"
he snickers lowly and shakes his head before going back to his book and muttering, "nothing."
"oh?" yeosang is as confused as the both of you. "you two know each other?" because very rarely do you ever know anyone before he does.
"we met the other day," san tells your friend, your lips tight and body too in shock to answer properly. "at a cafe. she got the strawberry peach lemonade."
"oh. oh!" yeosang's volume turns an octave, a realization hitting him and making the corners of his lips go up because this is the guy you were going on about who was so cute and left such an impression you had to tell him when he knows you to not even look twice a guy's direction.
"thank god," you friend says. "i was afraid she went by some alias on the internet i wasn't aware of."
the comment makes both you and san freeze in place before a chuckle comes hurling out of him though he was fighting to bite it back.
you don't blame him because why would you when your best friend just implied he thought it was your possible camgirl name.
"you're fucking stupid," you hiss, a mix between laughing it off and feeling extremely embarrassed in front of the sole person you didn't think you'd ever meet again and this is how you're officially reintroduced.
"well," yeosang exhales, quick to brush off the remark because he has other things in mind, "i'm gonna go look for grace."
you knew it was coming and that he was gonna try to get the two of you alone but you didn't think it'd come this fast, your palms already starting to sweat and your feet feels like it's gonna make a run for it.
"i'll catch you guys later. you two have fun," yeosang bids goodbye as san returns one while you're just standing and thinking of all the ways to get back at him if this doesn't go well.
"a bit crazy, isn't it?"
that soft, melodic tone pulls you away from yeosang's walking figure and to his eyes that could almost melt you on the spot, that strange sensation settling in the pit of your stomach from his lingering gaze.
"definitely a bit crazy," you manage to say after composing yourself, because you do wanna talk to him and not scare him away, but you're feeling a lot more self-conscious than usual.
but whereas you cave easily under stressful situations, san treads through them with confidence, breaking the ice by asking a question.
"that guy, yeosang, you guys together?"
and if you were in the middle of drinking something, you would've spat it right out at such question.
"definitely not," you deny passionately, though it wouldn't be the first; you and yeosang getting the accusation from time to time because you two happen to be of opposite sex and are actually just friends.
"i'd rather lose an arm before picking to settle with him," you add.
you love your best friend, you do. he's always there for you when needed and has been with you through everything, but he's also messy, lazy, and probably the most disgusting person you know.
grace is a soldier for putting up with it for almost three years now and you don't know how she does it.
san chuckles at the response and the pure offense on your face.
"why not? sounds like an overall decent dude."
"i've known him since middle school. he's more a friend than anything and sometimes like a brother. plus, he has a girlfriend, grace."
"ah," san coos, "so you're the friend. he did say he came with his girlfriend and a friend but he thought his friend was trying to hide."
you shouldn't have expected any better from yeosang but you still wanna kick when you do see him, opting to calmly explain yourself, "was just taking a while in the restroom, that's all."
though you're not sure if it was necessary to address that, your cheeks burning a light pink after that san takes notice to.
he giggles it off and you're glad it made him smile at least.
"if i knew i was gonna meet you here, i'd bring your pen, but i don't think neither of us were expecting such coincidence."
your eyes swell a kind of surprise, almost stuttering when you finally speak, "you got my pen?"
you had quickly packed all your things, afraid you were gonna be late for the next class and you were so sure you got everything. it wasn't until you got back to the dorms that you noticed the stylo sketch pen yeosang got you for christmas was missing.
it didn't take long for it to be considered lost forever because there wasn't much hope of finding it even if you went back, but you didn't think it'd wind up in the hands of the boy you met that day.
"yeah, sorry if you came back looking for it. i had noticed you left it and thought it was rude if i didn't do anything. maybe that's why fate sent me here today," he says, snickering at the last comment, though at this point blaming it on fate doesn't seem so crazy.
"thank you," you tell him quietly, moved by the consideration but volume falling behind the progressing loud music though he can still make out your lips.
"no problem." he smiles.
and you don't know how it's possible but he looks even better than last time, the black attire and slicked back hair a contrast to the other day but when you speak to him, it all still feels the same... the slightly mischievous but easygoing personality turning away your initial worries and nervousness until you can't even remember why you had them.
the only thing left to weigh heavy is his usage of 'fate', the impression that you two meeting today was because of destiny and something already set in stone, but you might be overthinking.
"do you wanna go outside?" he asks, practically shouting at this point because the music has completely drowned out his voice.
he can tell you didn't hear him by how you confusingly squint your brows and unintentionally lean closer, to which he returns, whispering into your ear that shouldn't have sparked whatever it did.
you pull away to nod hesitantly and follow him out the backdoor, your throat clogged and body almost frozen if you weren't walking, glad he isn't looking because never in your life has a man smell that good before.
it's probably not the best idea to be away from your friends with someone you barely know, but you also don't have any reasons not to trust san... for now.
the spring air hugs your skin and you shiver slightly, only a thin cardigan to protect from the cold that makes san second guess coming out here.
"if it's too cold, we can go back inside. i just thought maybe you'd prefer somewhere where we could actually hear each other."
you shake your head but throw in a small smile to show you appreciate the consideration.
"it's okay. it is definitely way too loud inside there."
"yeah," he agrees, "and whoever's phone is connected to the bluetooth has a horrible taste in music." the now muffled audio a rock song you cannot make out the lyrics to even back at the house.
you laugh at the remark, the both of you staring into nothingness but yunho's backyard fences, yet it feels nice. safe. comfortable.
"i bet it's yeosang. he puts on the shittiest songs," you talk bad behind your friend's back, getting a giggle from san that makes it worth it.
"by the way, what did yeosang say your name was again?" he asks, turning to you with his full attention after realizing this whole time he doesn't even know your name.
"y/n," you tell him, locking eyes and ignoring the sensation in your stomach again from being this close and alone to someone who looks like that.
"y/n." you listen to him repeat your name under his breath. "you definitely look like a y/n."
the comment makes the corners of your lips turn, telling him he sounds so silly.
"it's san, right?" it's your turn to ask, sure you got it correct because yeosang's voice is loud, annoying, and hard to miss.
"yes," he confirms. "san choi, or choi san."
"choi san," you mumble, "it definitely has a beat to it."
and you're both laughing together the next, it doesn't feel real how easy being with him is. how, you were so hesitant about showing up and not being able to talk to anybody and now you're actually enjoying yourself, the state of your friends completely forgotten.
you don't usually wanna know many people but you wanna know more about san, every expressions he makes and any words he says paid attention and listened to carefully, you hope you won't scare him off just yet.
the conversation taking place after feels never-ending from him telling you about the transfer process to sharing majors and learning he specializes in math, you don't even realize you've both been standing in the cold for a while until a voice calls out to you.
you look over your shoulder to find grace standing there, only half her body out the door and moving her eyes from you to san, the slight surprise when she sees you're with someone.
"there you are," she says. "i thought you had left without telling us."
you're now fully facing her with san following, watching from the side as you two carry on.
"what happened?" you ask.
she sighs before telling you it's yeosang, not to anyone's surprise.
"he's stupid drunk already and picking fights," she adds, getting second embarrassment again just thinking about how mad her boyfriend had got when he found out wooyoung had gotten yunho the same gift.
it wasn't anyone's fault; yeosang just loses half his braincells when he's under the influence.
you shake your head unamused and swipe san a glare, apologizing and telling him you have to go.
"wait," san stops you before you could completely leave him standing alone in the cold. "your pen. can i still give it back to you?"
you're standing there almost starstrucked-like and nodding your head, stuttering at the fact he wants to see you again.
"perfect." he smiles. "how about the cafe again? we're both familiar with the place."
"that'll work," you say. "this monday?"
"this monday."
"cool. i'll see you then, san."
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"what? no way!" grace yells, after you finish telling her about san and how crazy the coincidence is.
"yeah... i didn't really think i'd see him again," you say softly while settling down on the edge of your bed with grace across in hers, your heart doing a turn just thinking about the exchange between you and san again.
"you're blushing," grace snaps you out, meeting her gaze and batting your lashes.
"what? i'm not," you deny, adjusting yourself in the seat like that's gonna make her less suspicious.
"no. you are." she giggles. "you like him."
the bold statement makes your eyes go wide, shaking your head and denying the accusation on the spot because you can't possibly like someone you just met.
"i don't even know the guy," you tell her, trying to convince her as much as you are to yourself, hoping she won't catch how tense you're sounding at just the mere topic of this guy.
"so?" she shrugs, leaning back with her hands to the sheet. "you can't know a person within one night. finding out about the person is all part of the journey to eventually, a relationship."
you just learned the guy's name and now she's already bringing up the possibility of a relationship.
"believe me, y/n." she sits back up, intensely locking eyes with you and voice stern as if schooling a child. "the almost 3 years i've known you, i've never seen you look at anyone like that."
"you're being dramatic," you say, but the girl is still persistent, repeating herself and assuring you san is special.
"you're meeting him monday, right?"
"yes." you nod, a part of you still nervous but also excited to be seeing him again.
"tell me how it goes!"
when monday rolls around, you don't wanna think grace is right, but from how your heart is pitter pattering in your chest and you even glanced an extra time at the mirror before coming, you're afraid she just might be.
you don't have class till noon, and though he didn't specify the time, you just assumed it was around the same as last time, making yourself comfortable and occupied by scrolling through your social feeds.
the opening of the cafe door is missed and you don't fully comprehend he's here until a small 'hi' pulls you from the screen, looking up as he smiles down at you and you're reminded of why it's so hard to look away from this man.
"hey," you greet as calm as your nerves allows you to.
he takes the seat across and settles his backpack the same as he did before, the smile on him never having left his face the entire time.
"no drinks or what?" he says, the slightly teasing tone lightening up the atmosphere.
"i wanted to wait till you get here," you tell him. "i thought it would be rude if i ordered ahead of time."
he chuckles and shakes his head.
"no worries. i would've understand, but i appreciate the consideration." there's a split second of silence before he continues, "tell me what you want, i can go order."
you hum and think as if you don't get the same thing everytime; san jumping in when you can't seem to make a choice.
"strawberry peach, right?" he asks, an eyebrow raised.
"strawberry peach," you confirm, reaching for your bag to give him the change. "here's--"
but he kindly interrupts you, waving it off and assuring he got it
"are you sure?" you ask, a kind of worry in your voice because you feel slightly bad he has to pay for your $3 drink.
"of course. i'll be back."
and he goes off with a smile; you catching the dimple poking out of his cheek before he left and you think it just might be your favorite thing about him... not that you're keeping track of others.
you thank him quietly when he returns, mind suddenly empty when it comes to topic although you two were just talking a few days ago like you were never gonna run out of things to talk about--then you remember.
"right... so my pen," you bring up, hoping it's not too straightforward but you really wanted to say something.
his face lights up, the realization hitting him as well.
"oh, right right. give me a sec," he says, pulling his backpack and digging through it before pulling out the sketch pen yeosang got you almost two christmas ago. "your pen."
he hands it to you and you accept it with the sincerest 'thank you' you could let out, playing with it in your hand because you did think the old thing was lost for good.
"don't forget it this time," he teases; your head picking up to let out a snicker.
"i won't."
he nods, staring at the pen you've still yet to put away and thinking back to what you were doing the last time you were here.
"you're an artist?" he asks, the question casting your eyes with a twinge of shyness at such wording.
you've never considered yourself an artist. if you did, you think it'd be an insult to actual artists.
"i draw and major in arts but i'm not an artist," you tell him with a shake of your head and a dry snicker this time.
"then you're an artist," he says, shrugging with the most nonchalant expression painting him.
you chuckle, continuing to deny such bold claim.
"just because someone cooks that also doesn't make them a chef."
"that's fair," he agrees, thinking the logic makes total sense. "but i'm sure your arts are amazing."
here's to sitting with probably the cutest guy you've ever met, and he's telling you you're amazing at the one thing you're passionate about and you're not sure how to feel about that.
"you haven't even seen my work," you say, the mischievous tone in this back and forth feeling more like a banter at this point.
"no. but i saw a glimpse," he defends, really set on the fact he thinks you are totally good at what you do even if you are correct about him not having seen the whole thing, "and i'm sure the actual work is amazing."
you reframe from rolling your eyes and bite at your lips instead so the smile doesn't slip, moving the discussion along because you're more interested about him than your unsatisfactory artist journey.
"so what do you do with you know... math?" you ask, trying to not sound ignorant on the topic but that's exactly how it came off.
thankfully, he finds it cute and laughs it off.
"i went into it because the people around me said i was good at it," he says, a bit unfazed and dull. "that's pretty much it, i guess." and ending it with a smile when he catches your gaze again.
"but do you enjoy it?"
there's a quick silence and san tilts his head slightly, quirking his lips to the side before answering.
"it's not bad. if anything, it's been easy, so i'm glad for that at least."
you nod, smiling in return.
"that's good. only one more year and we'll be done."
"yeah," he says, letting out a loose chuckle after. "i can't wait. there's something i want to do after, but for now, we'll have to see what happens."
and you wanna ask him more about it; what is it that he wants to do after and just more about him in general, but you have taken notice of the clock sitting behind him and the fact you only have 20 minutes to get to campus.
you kindly thank him again for returning the pen as well as the drink, and in the midst of all turmoil and conflicted feelings because you don't know how to ask if you're gonna see him again, he's the one who fortunately suggests you guys exchange numbers.
you leave the shop with one last wave to him and his handsome smile ingrained in your head for the rest of the day.
but you're still not sure you like him just yet. not until summer.
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after almost six hours, a few rest stops, and long stretches of desert roads, the heat of the much southern california is felt along with the sight of palm trees spread out everywhere.
"we've arrived, ladies," yeosang announces, finally parked into the hotel's parking lot after missing at least two turns before he found the place.
as soon as you step out, the summer air is annoying and you wish you hadn't wore long sleeves. but you like summer because it always marked the end of a semester and then the beginning of a new one--the fact you're so close to almost graduating.
you were planning to not do anything all summer, just eager for some rest and break away from the stress that came with school and your part-time job, but yeosang was quick to scrap all plans and make some of his own.
said his friends were gonna go down south and out of town for a whole week and invited him, and he wanted you and grace to come along since it would be the last summer break you all would share before graduating.
you told him you would come as long as he would be driving and he didn't have any problems. he thinks you and grace are terrible drivers though you would say otherwise.
"and who are these friends of yours again?" you ask, taking your luggage out of the trunk and staring up into the hotel you guys would be staying at, amazed at the amount of floors the building holds.
"you know," yeosang replies, shutting the trunk after he's made sure nothing's left behind, "yunho, wooyoung, and some others at the party."
you hum at the vagueness of the answer, following both your friends to the hotel's lobby that has a mix of modernness but also slight tropical and beach vibes, the color scheme a combination of white, woodsy brown, and green.
after being given your room keys, you don't wanna do anything but lay down and rest for a bit though yeosang should be more tired than you, he still has enough energy to roam the rest of the hotel when grace asked.
your room is a single queen bed and has almost the perfect view to beach if not for the huge palm tree that happens to sit in front.
yeosang and grace had initially wanted just one room together to save on cost but you didn't wanna be that person, and especially the third wheel to everything, so you cut your losses.
it's gonna be hefty on your wallet but it's only for a week, and plus, you get your own privacy and space away from the eyes of your friends.
the late preparations and long drive left almost no free time, so instead, the night is spent on the rooftop restaurant of the hotel where grace wanted to eat at, and after finishing your meal, you excuse yourself to go shower and sleep first because you want to wake up early for breakfast.
you wind up in the dining room alone at 7:30 in the morning because both your friends moaned and groaned about it being too early.
your breakfast consists of two pancakes, scrambled eggs, a banana, and a cup of coffee; choosing to settle on a table in the far corner.
you watch the many guests go in and out of the dining room, also keeping yourself occupied with your phone while eating hoping to finish fast enough so you'll be able to go back upstairs to do your makeups and pick out an outfit since your friends want to go sightseeing later.
and you were doing pretty good keeping your eyes to the entrance of the dining room, but you must've missed their arrival, because as you go to shove a piece of pancake down your throat, the slight tap on your shoulder makes your head turn.
"san..." you say his name so naturally, it just instinctly rolling off your tongue.
you haven't seen him in a while, but now he's standing in front of you although you're almost 6 hours away from home.
"hey, y/n," he greets, the smile you also haven't seen in a while making all of that strange sensation come back as he takes the seat across from you.
"hey," you say, your shock now morphing into actual joy at the fact he's here. "what are you doing here?"
"wooyoung invited me," he answers, nodding off in a direction that your eyes shoot to, seeing wooyoung, yunho, and a couple others from the party just as yeosang said, huddled around an area of the room you can't believe you missed.
"oh," you mumble, as if all of this should've been expected and it's no surprise san is here too.
"and where are your friends? what are they doing to be leaving you alone like this?" his voice a mix of teasing but also concern, it's hard to tell which one is louder.
but you laugh, telling him your friends stayed up way too late last night and didn't wanna get up this early.
"i see." he nods. "well, good thing i found you." he smiles again, every single time making your heart strangely tight.
you didn't see san much after the cafe meeting, or at all. the both of you busy with either school, work, or other responsibilities, most of the interactions were limited to texting, and even then, it was hardly a daily occurence.
though you guys did exchange instagrams and he poked fun of you because your profile picture was a digital painting you did of yourself and you had 3 posts only--all of them also of art works, he at least complimented you.
said you have an amazing gift and all that even if you're still trying to believe it yourself, you appreciate the kindness.
"yeah," you say. "kind of crazy we were going on the same trip and didn't even know it."
the realization makes the both of you giggle in sync, the conversation and atmosphere so easy flowing, it's hard to believe you haven't talked to him face to face for a few months now.
"but again, we were kind of occupied with our own thing and all that," he tries reasoning. "but i'm glad you're here. it will be fun, you know. wooyoung they're all a little loud but i'm sure you got a friend to match the energy."
you nod, a smile on your lips almost the whole time and your food going cold because san just said he's glad you're here.
"oh for sure. we will fit just right in with yeosang."
it was a night where you and san texted for much longer than usual when he told you how him and wooyoung became friends. the boy younger than him by a few months but so much more extroverted and chaotic in every other way.
nonetheless, he said wooyoung is a great friend to have and he's grateful for the wonderful people he's met through him.
you were mostly focus on the initial surprise and shock of seeing san here, you didn't even realize he's sat down with you the entire time before he's even got anything to eat.
"you should probably go grab something," you tell him, your tone sweet and concern even if you've yet to really become close to this man.
he briefly checks over his shoulder to find his friends still occupied and not seated, shaking his head.
"i'll wait for them. besides, if i go, i'm afraid you're gonna try to run away."
you can't help the squint that takes over one of your eyebrows, the line between teasing, being friendly, and flirting blurring into one and you feel you're giving yourself too much credits for even thinking of the possibility of the last one.
but before you can say anything, a rather familiar and nice-sounding voice beats you to it.
"hey, y/n!"
it's yunho, face and body language as kind and welcoming as ever, and with his girlfriend wrapped around his arm who you've also learned from san, prefers her korean name, jiwon, over her american given one.
"hey!" you try to be enthusiatic as much as you allowed yourself to without the help of yeosang. this is usually his field of expertise.
they ask about your friends whereabouts the same as san, and you give the same response as they hum and nod in understanding.
"well it's perfect we ran into you here then," yunho beams. "we're thinking of hitting the pool this evening, you guys care to join?"
you're probably the worst person to ask out of your group, swimming not really being your thing and all, but you give yunho your words that you'll ask yeosang and grace first, guaranteeing the fact the two are gonna say yes.
they eventually excuse themselves and bid you goodbye, the process catching some of the other guys attention as they take notice to you and give out small waves before disppearing to get breakfast.
"awesome. i guess i'll see you then."
san snaps you back, meeting his gaze and throwing a smile that could melt you on the spot.
"we'll see," you mumble.
"i should probably leave you to finish your food then. you leaving soon?" he looks down at your plate and you follow, feeling almost embarrassed at the mess that you've only half ate.
"yeah. i think i'm good for breakfast." you chuckle lightly.
he pretends to pout, quirking one side of his lips.
"aww i'm sorry for distracting you. yeah i really should get going."
"oh no you're good. i'll just be on my way."
"alright. i'll see you later?"
"yeah, i'll see you later."
and with that, after watching him walk away as he bids one last farewell, you clear your table and head back upstairs; the encounter heavy on your mind as you start rummaging your luggage for an outfit.
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"no no. you don't understand. you need the perfect swimsuit!"
grace's voice ring throughout the tiny store at the beachfront and you're regretting telling her san's gonna be there at all. because now, she's dead set on impressing san and making sure you wow him tonight.
currently, she's trying to convince you to give in to a black two piece that has the bottom hiked so high up your waist with barely any coverage for the buttocks, you think your father would disown you if he sees you in it.
yeosang distracts himself by the glass and hat sections, leaving you girls to talk amongst yourselves, though he doesn't shy away from passing snide remarks because he knows you even better than grace and that you're shopping way out of your comfort zone.
"girl, i'm looking for clothes to swim in, not to seduce him," you say annoyingly when she won't give up.
"you don't know that!" she squeaks, giving the two piece another once over. "you're gonna look totally hot in it!"
"then buy it for yourself." you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at her. "i'm not wearing that in front of like what? 8 or something guys."
she frowns before dropping a loud, "fine!" placing the piece back on its rack and turning to you to mimick your posture. "you are such a pick me."
the comment makes you scoff, rolling your eyes at your best friend's antics.
"excuse you. just because i'm a lot more reserved and hesitant doesn't mean i want to be different or whatever society wants to paint us more shy girlies."
"yeah yeah," she brushes you off, waving in the air. the topic one you two already had one too many times. "but i won't need it for myself because i already brought a cute swimsuit from home."
"well that's great. then maybe we can just head back to the hotel," you say, delivery a type of sarcastic to play along but she clearly isnt very amused, pouting and scoffing at you the entire walk back.
"i don't wanna be the only one in a swimsuit!" she yells at you in the comfort of your hotel room, having came down a few minutes ago because she wanted to know what you're gonna wear.
but you dismiss and excuse her complaints with a roll of your eyes. "you'll be fine, grace. and even if, more power and attention to you."
little did you know you'd end up being the odd one out, finally showing up to the pool with your friends and seeing everyone in appropriate attire while you're out with a pair of gym shorts and a black t-shirt, having told your friends you're probably not gonna swim.
"hey guys!"
the voice just now belonging to hongjoong, who you recognize and remember the few occasions you happened to see him with yeosang. he's a year older and already graduated but is definitely the backbone of the group, yeosang said.
everyone already there greets all three of you, friendly smiles and welcoming body languages, the amount of people is quite overwhelming but you try your best to hide it, returning the gestures with a smile of your own.
some's sprawled on the lounge chairs, some already in the pool, and some sitting idly in the hot tub.
but you don't see him anywhere.
you didn't come for him in particular (if you did, you would've bought the two piece your friend so hard tried pushing). you came for your friend and the kindness of his other friend group, but your eyes do naturally search for him and you notice his absence immediately.
but you don't wanna ask. it just doesn't feel right to.
"well don't just stand there! get your butts in the pool!" wooyoung splashes the three of you as you flinch and instinctly try to protect the sketchbook you broughtly along in case your friends get pulled away by their extroverted activities and you don't have anything better to do.
"jung wooyoung! i'm gonna get you for that!" yeosang shouts, the boy's teasing doing exactly what he wanted as your friend jumps in the pool and chases after a giggly wooyoung.
grace chuckles beside you, pulling you by the wrist. "come on, let's go." but you're quick to stop and tell her you're gonna sit for a bit first.
she sighs but lets it go, threatening to get you wet and soak the sketchbook if you don't get in after a while.
you watch your friends and even if you're not the one having all the fun, the fact they look like they are makes you happy enough, shaking your head and giggling when you see grace and yeosang attempt to do a breath-holding contest or tries submerging the other's head into the water.
you made sure to choose the chair furthest from the pool because you don't want yeosang pulling anything funny.
a couple doodles and swimming competition between wooyoung and yeosang for the 4th time, the sudden voice in your ear makes the hair on your skin raise, flinching slightly to turn and meet his gaze.
he goes from expressionless to a smile that you almost want to poke his dimples for having the guts to show up this close.
and when he pulls away, asking what you're doing, you barely register his words because you're too busy trying to not drool over this man being shirtless and looking like the best art you've ever seen, making anything you've ever created pale in comparison.
but fortunately (or unfortunately), you don't get to dissect him for too long because you're more curious who the lady standing beside him is and why you haven't seen her before.
she's in a ruffle yellow swimsuit with sunglasses and a sunhat that goes perfectly with whatever aesthetic she was going for. and you think she looks like what grace probably had in vision for you when she wanted you to wow san.
"san! ashley! get over here!" you all snap to the call of hongjoong as he waves in the air from the pool, the water stopping at his armpit.
"you coming with us?" san asks, his tone welcoming and inviting, but you're gonna sit this one out.
"i'm good," you answer with a small smile, and he quirks his lips to the side at that, dropping his shoulders at the answer before nodding.
"alright," he says. "but you can always join us whenever. if not, i hope you'll have fun," he refers to the sketchbook in your hands and you feel it sinking deep into your chest, a bit embarrassed by the fact but he just laughs it off.
"i'll see you," he bids, making his way to the others and guiding the new girl (to you) by the small of her back.
and you really try to focus on the sketch, your inspirations drawn from people, places, and things around you. the current sunset absolutely beautiful in its orange hue, but you can't miss the laughters and fun san is sharing with the new girl, and you don't miss how the more you're with this man, the more a type of longing blossoms.
how, everytime he's in sight, your eyes just naturally follows him. settles on him. like you just wanna look at him all day.
you shake the thoughts off, which becomes quite easy once yeosang and grace along with a couple others decides they're done for good, and seonghwa, the oldest of you all, suggests to end the night by sharing dinner together.
it's on him and hongjoong, he said.
the rooftop restaurant feels different this time in the company of others. you stick close to your friends and observe everyone else like a lost little puppy when you have nothing better to do.
it's loud and chaotic and you're struggling to keep up with everyone and everything, but you manage to catch the smile of san when grace starts going off about something embarrassing you did in freshmen year as revenge for not getting in the pool.
you shout and defend your name and dignity but it doesn't help much with yeosang jumping in, leading to a long night of teasing and bullying from your friends in the face of everyone as they laugh at the 'endearing' friendships you guys share.
and by the end of the night, you almost forgot about san or the fact you guys barely interacted. not until you're fresh out the shower and recovering your social battery that you get the first text from him in a while.
san: it's true the story your friend told?
you can't even help the chuckle that escapes, catching yourself and going on to reply.
y/n: 😭 i hate grace lmfao
san: it's okay😅 we all just casually poop our pants in the middle of the night
y/n: 🙄
san: kidding 😁
san: hey. i was thinking if you'd like to get breakfast together tomorrow?
san: im sorry we didn't get to talk a lot today. you looked so uncomfortable during dinner 😅
the comment flusters you, thinking about the fact san was watching and saw how out of place you really looked.
y/n: just not used to big crowds lol
san: i can see that
san: but it's okay. it'll just be us tmr 🙂
y/n: won't your friends be there?
san: nope. they dont like the food lol
san: how about urs? will they be coming?
y/n: most likely not. those two don't wake until almost noon
san: perfect lol. i'll see you then?
y/n: maybee 😀
and he probably didn't push too hard because it's almost like he knew you're gonna be there; waking up before it's even 7 and sitting at the same table from before, watching guests go in and out of the room hoping to catch the boy that sent you the text last night.
his face lights up the same as you when he enters, waving in the air and heading your direction, you really shouldn't feel so nervous but excited at the sight of him walking.
"hey!" he greets cheerfully, sliding into the seat across with a smile.
"good morning," you return, hands curled in your lap and happy he can't see them because you wonder what he'd think.
"how you'd sleep?" he ask the same time he combs over his morning hair, never in your life has someone looked so good doing so, you didn't even think it was possible.
"good," you manage to answer with composure. "and you?"
"alright." he shrugs. "wooyoung was just mostly drunk and annoying from last night's dinner."
a small giggle also laced with empathy escapes from you. "well i'm sorry to hear. i hope today will be better."
he nods. "hopefully." then realizing you haven't even gotten your food, talking in a concerned tone, "don't tell me you were waiting for me."
"i was," you say. "don't worry about it. i'm not that hungry. the dinner last night kept me filled plenty."
"if you say so..." he lingers a bit before continuing, "should we go now?"
you also get close to the same thing you got last time, with the exception that they've switched out pancakes for waffles, getting a question from san after sitting down about your food choices.
"well, i really only eat korean foods," you tell him. "i'm not too fond of anything else besides what's on my plate right now."
"ahh. so you're a picky eater?"
"somewhat. that's why yeosang hates going out to eat with me."
san lets out a quiet snicker, something more mischievous bubbling in his eyes that you don't read into.
"you talk about yeosang a lot... does yours and his relationship ever bothers your other friend?" he asks, the question stopping you from sipping your coffee.
the friendly and harmless tone still in the air but you can't hide the fact the question flusters you a little.
"well, me and yeosang have known each other for a while... even before grace, so she understands that we don't see each other like that at all."
san quirks his lips and nods, taking your words for it.
"why?" you speak again. "do we give out that kind of vibe?" you ask worriedly, because you would never want to unintentionally (or intentionally) hurt grace in any ways. on your life you have never seen yeosang for more than the annoying middle schooler you couldn't get rid of.
but as san shakes his head, you feel a sense of relief, watching as a light smirk creep up on his face.
"just wondering," he says, so calmly but eerie at the same time, you can't quite grasp the intention. but then something else comes over, and you forget all about deciphering san's answer; not really wanting to but letting the intrusive thoughts win.
"and that girl you were with yesterday? you guys together?" you ask, no menance in your voice; just a natural curioisity because you wanna know... not for any reasons deeper.
"she's a friend," he answers fast and casual. "i know her from my previous school because we were under the same program and have similar interests and whatnot."
"i see," you mumble, a light smile anyone would've missed because you don't wanna admit to anyone why the fact brings you a sense of comfort.
but it doesn't cut it with grace.
"that's what they always say!" she cries dramatically, after storming into your room when she was finally done sleeping past noon and the events of yesterday hit her.
but you don't have any reasons to doubt san, even if you love your best friend and wanna take her words for it, you don't think it's fair to assume someone you barely know is trying to take your man that isn't really your man.
"for all you know, they could be fucking behind doors."
"grace!" you yell your friend's name at such accusation, your ears turning red at even the thought of it.
"sorry," she mutters, but barely meaning it, only shrugging off what needed to be said.
"i just don't want you to be hurt in the end," she says, voice a kind of sympathy you didn't even know you need.
because yes, you think san is handsome. he is kind and unusually attentive to you for whatever reasons, and seeing someone else by his side made your stomach queasy all for the wrong reasons... but you don't feel justified in feeling a certain way just because your friend says you should.
you're not with him and you still don't even know if you wanna be with him.
“trust me, grace,” you assure her, a confident smile settling on your lips that she only frowns to. “i’ll be fine.”
and as much as she wants to believe it, it’s hard not to doubt knowing the way you are.
how, though you’ve navigated through life barely getting romantically involved with boys, it wouldn’t be difficult for someone like san to get you wrapped around his fingers if he wants to.
the guy way too charming; how he just casually checks all criteria from looks to personality, the girl herself rooting for you and him initially, but quickly rethinking the choice after last night.
yet, you don't let what your friend says get to you. or at least you try not to, but it's loud and it bothers you through the day... if someone as likeable as san would be able to hurt you.
if he could lie and deceive you and not even feel bad about it.
but when he pops by your side at night; yours and his friend group having the want to go clubbing, and he stays with you almost entirely, neglecting the girl grace said you should be worried about, you can't even remember why you doubted him in the first place.
not when he'd ask questions about you all night long as if he really wants to know you, so interested in the arts and work you do and accompanying you when everyone else is busy enjoying themselves.
and especially when he'd get breakfast with you every morning until the trip is over, a part of you glad but another saddened by the fact because you know you won't get to see him everyday anymore.
you'll have to go back to the old routine of working and assignments, no more butterflies or feelings of tightness in your chest and stomach, uncertain when you're gonna even get to see or talk to him again.
but one thing you know for sure, is that by the end of summer, you're positive you like choi san.
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you're positive you like san, because every time your phone rings with a notification, you can't help but wish it's him--replying to a meme you've sent a few hours ago, or asking how your day has been.
that when grace commented on how your art style has changed, as if they've been pulled and inspired by someone or something, she wasn't just trying to tease you.
grace also being the same person to explain the feelings in your chest and stomach, and why your breath is taken away each time whenever you see him.
even if she was skeptical a few months ago and yelling in your face he's gonna hurt you, seeing the way he is around you has calmed her mind to some extent.
the way he actually treats you with interests and and respect, listening and nodding when you talk and asking you about everything, managing to convince your friend somewhat he might take a liking to you and that you won't come out of this wounded.
he's even become closer with yeosang; the craziness of just how different but also alike these two are, able to carry a conversation on for hours and making grace and you feel forgotten.
"so you guys are coming, right?" san asks the three of you in a corner of the library, quick to associate the spot with you and your friends after asking about your whereabouts one day.
"of course!" yeosang beats you to it, both you and grace narrowing your eyes at the boy in the middle. "we wouldn't wanna miss it."
grace sneers and throws yeosang another look.
"right, because the other two parties where you made a clown show of yourself wasn't enough." she shakes her head and lowers it back to her notebook, mumbling under her breath, "i'm not babysitting."
yeosang pouts immediately, putting on an act and a voice to go with it that makes you wanna throw a punch his way.
"babe, please..."
"it'd be the last college party before we graduate."
then he turns to you and hopes you'll take pity.
you fume under your nose and follow grace as you start scribbling so he gets the hint, because you also don't wanna go to this party. even if wooyoung's the one throwing it and you're all gonna be graduating soon.
you'd rather just end your college career in peace.
"san's going so you're already automatically going anyway," yeosang says, losing his patience and throwing you under the bus to be petty, receiving a kick to his ankle from under the table in return.
"you really should think about coming," san brings it up one more time on the walk to your next class, after leaving the lovebirds in the library to talk it out between them.
you come to a stop when you've both reached the building, standing before him with your textbook curled in your arms and quirking your lips to the side.
"i'll think about it, but if grace don't wanna come, yeosang probably won't."
"why not come by yourself?" he suggests, like it's the easiest thing in the world. but he knows you well at this point, adding, "i know it's probably scary going without your friends, but trust me, you won't be alone. i'll be there so you won't ever have to worry about it." he smiles.
and his words. his body language. his smile. they all come off so sincere and genuine, you just wanna believe him and everything he says.
that he won't ever hurt you. make you feel inadequate and question everything about yourself, because liking someone isn't supposed to feel painful and it isn't supposed to make your heart ache.
but when you show up to the party without your friends, the people you recognize doesn't do anything to ease your anxiety, especially when the number pales in comparison to people you don't recognize.
and by now, you're more than sure you like san because despite his efforts to make you feel welcomed and comfortable amongst the sea of strangers he knows scares you, it doesn't matter when the girl beside him makes you feel uneasy all night.
when butterflies and a beating heart are replaced by the wish to run, liking someone is no longer fun.
"what! you are such a liar!" ashley squeaks with a giggle, pushing san's shoulder lightly in a friendly banter. the kind that makes you feel like you're intruding and disrupting something confidential by following san all night like a lost puppy.
"no! i'm forreal," san defends himself from the girl's teasing, his cheeks flushing pink even in the bad kitchen lighting.
"you were messing with her!"
he chuckles and you're wondering why you're still even here--or how the conversation of san and another girl not you or ashley even started.
"i promise, we were just friends," he says.
ashley shakes her head, smirking the same time she drinks from the cup in her hand, and when she looks san in the eye, she isn't just the girl san's friend with anymore.
because if grace were to yell in your face again about this girl and all the reasons you should be worried, you would agree with her.
even if you still don't feel justified... you like san now, and you can't help but think she's a threat.
"cute, isn't he?" she turns to you, her gaze burning and making you feel small on the spot. her confidence something she walks with proudly and with an aura you hate yourself for even admiring, "but unfortunately a hard one to tie down."
her words and tone cryptic, you can only blink as you try to digest what she said just now and if it was meant to be a dig at you.
you clear your throat, not feeling any bigger with the volume but excusing yourself either way to use the restroom.
just sit in there and think of any excuses in order to get out of here, regretting not staying with yeosang and grace to watch alice in borderland for the 5th time while eating wingstop.
because if you did, you wouldn't be feeling this way. out of place and with the boy you like slipping right by the palm of your hand.
your phone buzzing in your lap takes the moment away, looking down to see the one person you wanna hear from, even if he's also responsible for the doubts in your head.
san: hey. you good?
san: im outside the bathroom. i don't wanna knock though bc im scared it might not be you in there lol
you don't respond, instead going to open the door even if you should be contemplating about a valid reason to go home, chest and face nearly knocking into him, you can only gulp.
"hey." he smiles.
"hey," you mumble, wondering if he can even hear especially with the amount of bodies littering the hallway, but he does judging by the reaction.
"you okay?" he asks, voice concerned the way it always is.
"yeah..." you answer, your stance so awkward. "just needed some space." you try laughing it off, to which he returns one much to your relief.
"i see. well, should we go somewhere quieter? with less people?"
"actually..." your volume simmers, afraid he's gonna take it the wrong way. "i was thinking of going home."
he stares at you a second too long before responding with a simple "oh." the wheels going off in his head until an idea comes over. "that's fine. i can take you home."
"no, you're good. yeosang said he'd pick me up when i'm ready."
"no, let me. i want to. plus, i invited you so it's only fair."
and you weren't gonna argue with him; not when he was already pulling out his keys and telling you to follow him out the house and into his car.
"aren't you a little drunk?" you tease, after watching him pull at the seatbelt.
"a little." he smirks, turning to you. "but i'm good for the most part. i didn't drink that much."
right. because he was mostly engaged and immersed in conversations and banters that you weren't a part of, with the girl you're still wondering what happened to.
"where did your friend go?" you ask, as casually as possible.
"ashley? she got pulled away by some pool table game wooyoung they wanted to play."
you just nod, though the many unanswered questions about this friend bothers you, moving to look ahead and admire the size of wooyoung's house the same time san starts the engine. and that's when you realize, this might be the first time you and san are actually alone.
without hotel guests, nosy friends, partygoers, or people that frequents the cafe, but more importantly--without being behind the screens of your phones.
"the university's dorms, correct?"
as he drives you back to the place, he can't stop asking questions.
"how'd you like it there?"
"pretty good. i have all i need, and the best part is i get to room with grace, so."
he sends a small smile your way in midst of driving, and you think he looks so attractive doing so. his hands on the wheel and his relaxed stance as he listens attentively like the boyfriend you never had.
"that's great," he says, coming to a stop at a red light, looking your way immediately. "that's a nice outfit by the way. i can't believe i didn't tell you earlier."
and you really wanna blush and grow shy at the fact he pays you this much attention, but you really just giggle instead.
"well thanks. you look pretty great yourself."
he steps on the gas at the green and scoffs but the corner of his lips pulling into a small smile.
"you're just saying that to say it."
you wanna tell him he don't even know how much you mean it. how unbelievable it is-- the fact he just walks around looking like that all the time.
but you chuckle it off and you're sure he's just playing with you, the drive weaving through the fall weather and city lights as an air of fresh and relief come over, you can't believe you were so apprehensive not even 40 minutes ago back at wooyoung's party.
"here we are," he says, pulling into the dorm's parking lot you had to help him find.
"thanks," you tell him. "i appreciate it."
"no problem," he replies, a silence lingering after and an expression on his face that something's clearly bothering him. "hey..."
"i'm sorry about tonight... if anything made you uncomfortable."
you only smile, though the reminder makes your heart heavy with today's events, you're happy he noticed and care.
it seems to just be how he is; eyes and ears always attentive and sometimes a little too curious.
"it's okay," you assure. because even if you are upset, it doesn't feel like you have the rights to. as if you're just making all of this up in your head to ruin the night. "i think it was mostly because yeosang and grace wasn't there," you lie.
"i understand. would've been a lot better if they had made it."
"yeah, but it's okay. you going back after dropping me off?"
he nods. "i have to, unfortunately. wooyoung would want me to."
you hum lowly in acknowledgment, your legs closed together and your throat tight all of a sudden.
"well i hope you'll have fun the rest of the night. i'm sorry i couldn't stay longer."
"i'll try to," he says, a quiet giggle leaving. "won't be the same without you but probably should've picked a better place, you know."
"it's all good," you say with a smile, head whipping around to the darkly lit dorm building and its entrance. "i should probably get going."
"should i walk with you?"
you look at him while unbuckling your seatbelt, shaking your head. "i got it. i'd rather you get back to your friends."
he opens his mouth to say something but quickly takes it back, trying again.
"hey," he says so softly, you can almost melt into the look in his eyes, staring at you with blinking lashes.
"so i thought this was really nice, you know... the car ride and all." he stops for a second to find his words. "i was wondering if you'd like to do it again? i think the cafe's nice, but this is a good change of scenery."
and you wonder if san can hear the beating of your heart especially in the quiet of his car, but you quickly pick yourself up to answer, "i'd love to do this again." you smile, and san returns one.
"perfect. i'll text you."
"i look forward."
which is why even if you didn't have the greatest of time; most of the night spent in self-doubts and regrets, you also don't beat yourself up for what he could be doing after he dropped you off.
what he's doing at the party or who he's having fun with, because afterall, he asked you out.
said it with a sweet look in his eyes and a tone to match, you'd rather look forward to what went right than what didn't; sleeping under your sheet in the dark of the night, sacrificing any uncertainty for restful sleep.
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"these fries are way too salty."
you listen to san complains, his posture relaxed but face scowling at the fast food he just shoved down his throat a few seconds ago.
a laugh bubbles out of you and you shake your head, munching on the fries you protested on getting, but san way too stubborn to convince otherwise.
"you're right. maybe we should've gotten burgers," he says, looking at you and placing the food back in the bag. "never again."
"maybe," you mutter with a quiet giggle.
san had texted you exactly two days after the party, the reminder cracking the biggest smile on your face that grace took notice to and immediately wanted to know the cause of.
"it's totally a date!" your friend says, squealing after you tell her of why you wanna blush just now.
"it's not a date."
she sighs and rolls her eyes, prying your phone right from your hand that gets you up from the bed to fight her.
"he even put a smiling emoji. what else would that mean!?" she continues squeaking and dodging your attempts, until you manage to snatch it back.
"i think he's just being nice."
he picked you up, asked for suggestions on what to eat (and didn't listen), and paid for everything before pulling into the parking lot of a store opened 24 hours.
"so..." he starts speaking, hands cleared of salt from the fries and now looking at you through his car's lighting. "excited to graduate soon?"
you nod. "of course. and you?"
"for sure," he answers, attention pulled away to the front merely before meeting your eyes again. "any plans yet?"
"not much luck. kind of figure i'll think about that after," you answer with a dry chuckle. your bleak future not something to laugh about, but it's a way of coping. "you?"
and you asked out of pure curiosity and interest, but at the way his face falls, you would've thought you insulted him. watching his eyes go dark and almost nervous, the atmosphere shifting when he just sits in silence for too long.
"sorry," you mumble apologetically, bringing light to his eyes once more when he just shakes his head.
"no, you're good. i'm sorry. i was just thinking."
"it's okay," you assure, "if it's still something you're thinking of."
"yeah." he smiles, the act almost forced, but you try to not linger on the thought. why he tends to shut down when you ask too many questions and want to know too much... the same he does to you.
"hey," he attempts to revive the atmosphere he was responsible for killing. "can i ask you something?"
you tilt your head slightly at that, placing the empty bag of fries back where it came from and nodding in response.
"we talked about this briefly, but i really wanna know how you felt about the party. you didn't look like you enjoyed it at all." and it wasn't because yeosang nor grace were there.
you swallow, unprepared for the topic to make it back around, but answering with honesty to the best of your ability; just slightly leaving out what really shattered your confidence that night.
"it's just hard for me in general to really enjoy myself in that kind of setting." though you tried and was having some fun, until you weren't.
"i understand, and i appreciate you for trying. i just still feel bad for pulling you along when it was clearly out of your comfort zone, so i have to make sure."
it's the way he speaks and acts, always asking about you and caring about your wellbeing more than he should--that makes it hard to want to be upset when he doesn't want you to do the same in return.
when he closes himself off, always with the invisible barrier you shouldn't cross because he doesn't wanna tell you more than what you should know.
"it's just more so i also didn't really know anyone there. everyone else were occupied, and you were uh... talking to your friend," you say, mumbling the last part because you think you might be pushing it, but san doesn't seem fazed. he just shifts in his spot.
"yeah," he answers coolly, "hard to get her to stop talking once she starts." a light smile curls up at his lips and you try to not let it bother you.
but it's like he can read your thoughts; knows exactly the concerns running through your head and the apprehension overtaking your face when he spits the next sentence, "there's nothing going on between us, if that's what you're wondering. when i said she's a friend, i mean it."
and you don't know whether to be relieved or embarrassed he knows you a little too well.
"though she did like me at one point, that's the past," he adds, searching you for any signs of a reaction, and he gets one he also knows too well.
when your lips goes into a pout and your eyes swell with a type of curioisity in them, eager to poke your nose where it doesn't belong.
"and did you... like her back?" you ask timidly, knowing it isn't your ground but unable to help it.
san's snicker leaves you in confusion, and even more when he just shrugs.
"we're better off as friends. that's what matters."
the answer doesn't lessen the knot in your stomach nor does it bring you any form of relief, even if san doesn't particularly owe you any.
"what's with the face?" his voice snaps you out of your thought and to puppy eyes and blinking lashes staring right back almost mocking you as if he knows exactly what's making you so upset right now.
"nothing," you say, faking a smile. "just thinking."
but there's a shift in atmosphere again, whether you and san wanna acknowledge it or not. something tense that makes you a little on edge, but in a way different from before--the food and drinks and being parked in a public space forgotten at this point.
"have you ever been in a relationship before?" he asks abruptly, the question making you swallow the tension as you try your best to keep the composure.
"i've been in one," you answer, not disappointing him when you return the question, "how about you?"
he smirks, one eyebrow raising when he simply says, "two."
"two?" you repeat, voice raising like you don't believe it. "you look like you'd have a lot more experience."
the comment makes him laugh, his body falling and head thumping against the car seat while his gaze never leaves you.
"what makes you think that?" he says, the smirk once again creeping to his lips as he stares at you in amusement, the scene and tension having switched up so fast, you don't even remember when it ever felt like this in the presence of san.
when all friendliness and formality were gone and replaced by something else that makes you wanna be bolder and get closer to him.
you shrug lightly. "guess it's the way you carry yourself." that makes it so hard to believe.
"either way, if i'm gonna get into a relationship with someone, i have to know them well first and i'd have to be sure it's something i want."
you nod in agreement, though san never particularly striked you as the type to think so much about these kind of things... but again, you feel he's also just barely letting you into a certain part of him he haven't ever.
"that's fair. i would agree," you say, only to a chuckle from him that makes you squint in confusion. "what?"
both his hands are now behind his head and he's looking so entertained for whatever reason.
"you just seem more like the kind to go out of your way to avoid any romantic interactions," he says, giggling after with dimples you can't even admire because you're more flustered by the comment.
"it's more like... i find those things hard unless i'm attracted to someone," you clarify even if you know he's right to an extent, "and it's not often i am attracted to someone, so."
and how funny that when you finally are, he's sitting right across from you with a smirk and unaware of how he's making you feel just being in the same perimeter--or so you think.
"the first guy i was with, i always found intimacy difficult... especially kissing," you add, unsure if you're stepping over the line but you and san are old enough for this.
you're sure he even enjoys it, if the mirth in his eyes and the widest smile on his face says anything.
"maybe you didn't like him that much?" he suggests, tone thrilled like it's some form of fun guessing game. "or he was probably just a sloppy kisser."
"no, like... he was good but i was the one who couldn't kiss for shit," you defend your ex's name, feeling like you have to because he wasn't a bad guy.
"i see," he mumbles, the smirk settling into a soft smile. "at least it was enjoyable for you."
"yeah," you answer, the conversation getting so much more awkward for you. "how was your first kiss like?"
"it was okay." he was anticipating such response by how fast he replied. "it was both of our first time and i did it at the time because i really thought she was the one, but funny to think about it now."
there's a quick silence after as you just stare, the next question already at the tip of your tongue.
"and did you also thought the same for your second relationship?"
he nods to it, gaze now locking yours right back and the even longer silence makes you think he's gonna kiss you. with only the two of you in the car and the moon high in the sky, it's the perfect setup.
but instead, he takes you back to the dorms after moving on and forgetting about the whole conversation and drops you off with a sweet and friendly smile.
he doesn't kiss you. not this time or any others when he could've.
even if it would've been nice if he did. if he was sure it was something he wanted, and that you were the one. but it's okay, because you've convinced yourself that being with him is enough.
happy and content he still sends good morning texts, and still wants to hang out once in a while. that he still comments under your instagram posts that happens once in a blue moon, and he still sends you stupid memes.
because you're just the slightest afraid that if you try pushing your feelings onto him, he might not wanna do any of those things anymore.
so you keep him close; even if not in the way you really want, he's still beside you. that's what matters.
"he likes you, y/n!" grace preaches while pacing back and forth.
you were just enjoying your day off and with a book in your hand when your roommate and best friend came back from a date--with the first thing on her mind somehow being you and san.
"he doesn't," you answer, annoyed at this point and already having put down the book after losing your place at least three times due to her.
"no." she pouts and plops down on her bed facing you. "i've seen the way he looks and act around you. my instinct has a 90% accuracy."
seen how san's eyes would always linger on you whenever you're in the room, and having caught the smiles that would usually decorate his lips when you do something clumsy or endearing.
going above and beyond to do and say things that if yeosang was to do and say to another girl, she'd drag him by the ear and make him sleep outside.
but the statement's only met with an eyeroll from you.
"your instinct said san and ashley were fucking and they weren't, so?"
"that was the other 10%," your friend yaps, calming one second after. "i want you to just trust me on this one. if he doesn't like you, he wouldn't do what he does for you."
but you just can't help but to grow more irritated even if it's done out of good intentions. you're already frustrated and confused and grace isn't helping.
"maybe because he's just a nice person in general," you tell her, never having witnessed san be rude and unkind to anyone ever.
your friend sighs, her shoulders dropping but still wanting to encourage and give you some form of hopes, because she knows how much you like san. how much you wish he'd ask you out.
"he might be just as scared of rejection or messing up the friendship," she says, then pauses because it's gonna be out of your comfort zone but you have to try. "why don't you ask him out?"
your eyes go wide and you cringe at even the thought of it, telling your friend she's crazy for even thinking of it.
san doesn't like you and you're sure of that.
if he did, he probably would've told you by now, and he would've kissed you all those times when he had the chance. when it was just you and him in his car, in your dorm room, and back at the restaurant.
so you didn't plan on telling him, because you didn't think you could like san even more than you already did.
like him so much to the point that keeping it in was actually painful; when it felt like the only form of relief was to tell him.
at least not until spring again.
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"what are you doing?" san's voice pulls your eyes from the sketch and to his face as he stares at you amusingly, your posture incredibly funny to him since you're trying to hide what you're working on.
feet planted on the cushion of the cafe's chair and elbows on your knees with your sketchbook just below your eyes, gawking and peeking at him for the last hour or so.
"i'm making art," you tell him, a giggle bubbling out after that san shakes his head to.
spring has returned. the petals once again fallen from the cherry blossom trees with the wind carrying it away in the streets as the cold chill from winter quiets down even if you still shiver and need a sweater.
you and san are seated at the same table in the corner and he's currently watching the spring show, his eyes following lone petals when they're still attached to the root until they become nothing but scatters on the streets.
his grey hoodie and sharp features a sight to see, especially when it's next to a big glass window with a view to match, though you think san is more beautiful. more than any spring blossoms or art.
feelings of butterflies and a fast heartbeat now replaced by something else--not that you still don't get them once in a while, but everything feels more natural. comfortable.
you find yourself caring for him in ways you usually didn't before. whether he ate, slept, or is genuinely feeling okay--you wanna know and hear all about it.
when he's happy, you're happy with him. but when he's sad or dejected, you also can't help but to feel the same. the last couple of months a ride of events that really tested just how strong the bond and friendship between you and san really is; never would you have predicted you'd grow to care so much about anyone else besides yeosang and grace.
"you shouldn't really be doodling. instead, use the time wisely to really think about what you wanna submit for the exhibition," he says, arms now crossed and eyes away from the window.
"don't worry. i already got an idea," you assure, a playful smile on your lips.
among other things san has helped you with, he was the biggest advocator in you entering the student art exhibition that will be taking place shortly just after the end of the semester.
you've always felt self conscious putting your work out, always choosing and picking carefully even when it came to posting on social media. and even then, your account is privated so only those close to you could see.
art is the only thing you've ever felt truly good at, letting your creations define you more than necessarry, and you're so afraid you'll be told one day that what you do and love isn't good enough.
"i want to but i'm also really not sure," you say, in the peace of the library with san across; the distress and conflict on your face as clear as day.
"why not?" san frowns. "i've seen your work. they're good enough to go in a museum, y/n."
the compliment makes you roll your eyes the same time you let out a scoff. "you're just saying that."
he shakes his head. "i'm so forreal. you're the best artist i know."
"i'm the only artist you know."
"that's not true. i also know uh... leonardo da vinci."
you laugh at that. "but i don't have an artwork worth at least 800 million, so unfortunately i am not better."
"i really don't think the mona lisa's all that great. any of your work would blow it out of the water easy."
there's a second of silence before you start laughing again, prompting san to giggle in return, but he starts, "i'm serious. you should really do it. plus, you'll be graduating soon. i think it's a great opportunity."
"when is it again?" he ask.
"june the 18th," you say, placing your sketchbook and pen down. "you'll be there, right?"
he nods at first, a simple smile settling on him. "of course," he answers, "i'll be there. i promise."
and as the day goes on, sitting in the comfort of the cafe with san as you continue the sketch you started and he occasionally switches between sipping his coffee and the assignment on his laptop, it gets harder to ignore the even stranger feeling that encloses you almost completely.
when the blooming of flowers and trees are fresh, along with the soft, gentle breeze of spring--you think you might be in love with san.
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it seemed like it was just yesterday that you were talking graduation with yeosang and grace, but not even a year later, it's become a reality with your cap and gown sitting on your bed and the graduation ceremony merely a week away.
you think, even if with barely any plans after but to move back with your father and see where life takes you, you're still excited.
excited for the next step and for what's to come.
but san on the other hand, never seems too thrilled whenever you bring it up.
you know him to be an open person, always willing to talk about anything and everything; not a single mean bone in this man, except when it comes to talking about himself.
who he really is and who he wants to be after... he never wants to talk about it, so you try to not push it. be understanding and figure that maybe he isn't ready, yet.
that when he wants to tell you and wants you to know, he will.
but it's been a year since you've known him, and with each passing day, what you feel for him only grows gradually; so much that being friends just doesn't cut it anymore.
the feeling of love both exciting but also suffocating, you didn't even know.
you don't mind being friends with him, but staying that way means stopping what could be, and for some reason, the confidence that san feels the same also grows with every moment spent with him.
you didn't use to think so. dismissed grace's "instinct" and all that, chalking it up to san's natural personality to be kind and treat everyone with respect. but you started to see what she was talking about a while ago. you'd like to believe it.
how he's been a lot more touchy and sentimental these past few days; a look always in his eyes like apprehension that you can't quite read into but know something's on his mind. like he wanna say and tell you about it but can't.
then when he texts you the day just before graduation, asking if you two can talk later on in the evening, you certainly feel like this is it.
that he didn't do all of those things for you just to be nice or to be a friend. why else would he had asked to talk if it isn't something significant that he couldn't annouce through text?
you enter san's car that evening with a beating heart and a tight stomach, feeling so nervous and sick, you feel the food you ate just an hour ago coming back up.
and though it's a scene you're all too familiar with--you and san in the parking lot of the university's dorm building, there's an air in tonight's meeting you can't quite gauge.
something tense that makes the both of you sit in silence for a few seconds too long, nervousness gnawing at you once more while you start to doubt if the same is what's causing the current discomfort on san's face.
"hey," you start, trying to lighten the atmosphere that has gotten so awkward already, and you haven't even confessed. "how has your day been?"
he finally lifts his head up to look at you, his hands off the steering wheel and settling on his lap as he try to smile forcefully, you can tell.
"it was good, yeah..." he answers, tone dull and tired, you wonder if maybe he didn't get enough sleep. "you?" he asks in return but it doesn't sound like any other times.
like he didn't ask because he's genuinely interested, but because he has to.
"it was also good. yeah..."
you swallow down the knot in your throat, another long silence engulfing the car as you and san listen to footsteps and chitters of students having just arrived.
"i have something to tell you," you both say and turn to each other at the same time, the scary coincidence of the timing has both your eyes wide as echoes of giggles let loose temporarily.
despite the unpredictability of the other person and the possible turmoil after, you both can laugh for now.
"you go first," he says, nodding his chin your direction and sitting with a beating heart just a tad lower than yours that to you, fills your ears and the entire car.
you take a deep breath, your fingers naturally finding each other in moments of distress and finally uttering the words you've been wanting to tell him for a few months now.
"san, w-we've known each other for about a year now and i know this might be dramatic of me, b-but you're probably the best thing to happen to me," you speak so fast, another habit of yours when under pressure, barely looking him in the eyes to even notice the look in them, "and, and... i think what i wanna say is i like you. i really really like you and i wanna tell you that."
and when you finally level his eyes again, so relieved it's out now, but when you only see the cold, indifferent reaction, nothing like you predicted, you fear the worst.
and when san breaks your heart for the first time, you know you messed up majorly.
"i'm sorry," he mumbles, almost murmuring and keeps his head down as if ashamed to say such thing, "really really sorry."
messed up by letting feelings get in the way of a wonderful friendship with a wonderful person, and let his act of kindness get to your head because how could san ever possibly feel the same?
"no. i'm sorry," you say, volume barely above a whisper and voice between crying and staying strong in front of him. "i-i shouldn't have said that."
"no. it's okay. don't feel bad," he tries assuring in his usual calm and collected tone, but even he knows you don't believe him. but he means it, because he has way more to feel bad and be sorry for. "it's just..."
he can hardly look you in the eyes, your expression of heartbreak and guilt something he should be going through instead.
"i'm gonna be leaving in two days."
it suddenly feels like the world stopped at the drop of those words. your chest constricting and your breath hard to catch, the rejection nothing compared to the realization.
the hard reality that you're gonna be losing san. one moment as if he's right in front of you, you could almost grab him, and the next he's slipping right out of your grasp. just like that.
loving someone is such a horrible, awful feeling.
"w-where to?" you ask, the crack in your voice makes san wince and he can't wait for the night to be over with. for him, and for you.
"seoul, south korea," he answers lowly, pausing before adding, "that's what i wanted to tell you tonight."
and suddenly, everything makes sense. like having found pieces of puzzles you couldn't ever; it all hits you at once.
the first time you met him.
“i went into it because the people around me said i was good at it,” he says, a bit unfazed and dull. “that’s pretty much it, i guess.” and ending it with a smile when he catches your gaze again.
“but do you enjoy it?”
there’s a quick silence and san tilts his head slightly, quirking his lips to the side before answering.
“it’s not bad. if anything, it’s been easy, so i’m glad for that at least.”
you nod, smiling in return.
“that’s good. only one more year and we’ll be done.”
"yeah," he says, letting out a loose chuckle after. "i can't wait. there's something i want to do after, but for now, we'll have to see what happens."
the party.
“cute, isn’t he?” she turns to you, her gaze burning and making you feel small on the spot. her confidence something she walks with proudly and with an aura you hate yourself for even admiring. “but unfortunately a hard one to tie down.”
and all those times he'd dodge your questions and never want to answer anything concerning what it is he actually wants to do, or even how he grew up.
simply because san never planned to stay.
he was always meant to go after... even if he got to know you. he never wanted to be anything more with you.
you can't help the sense of betrayal that blooms from deep within, never wanting to have any ill feelings toward san but the hurt is so strong, you don't remember a time in your life you've ever felt this way before.
being mislead for so long and kept hidden in the dark. but even then, you can't seem to bring yourself to hate him.
a tear pricks your eye and you attempt to wipe it away, voice hoarse when you speak again, "that's what you always wanted to do, right?"
san just nods, unable to see him clearly through the tears multiplying and his gaze that has turned away.
"hey," you say, a soft call that san responds to, his fox eyes staring back that you're gonna miss. "i hope it goes well." you smile, a mixture of bitter and sweet.
"i know it will," you say once more, swallowing the knot dying in your throat and searching san for any reactions.
maybe you don't know who he was before or who he's gonna be after, but you know him right now. the boy you met a year ago and made you feel so many things; butterflies down to heartbreak--who, you're still so madly in love with, you don't even have it in you to wish him anything but well.
why would you wanna keep him in the small palms of your hands when there's a world out there much bigger waiting for him. a world that could make him so much happier and content.
you would never be upset about that.
when it looks like san isn't gonna say anything, his mind continuously in thought but lips unable replicate, you're the one to break the tension yet again, figuring he just needs time.
even if he's had time... to prepare all of this and for what he was gonna say, yet he's drawing nothing but blanks in the actual presence of you.
"i should uh, i should probably go," you announce when the silence sits for too long. "graduation is tomorrow and grace wants to wake up early in preparation."
he nods just as he's done cowardly before.
"i'll see you there?" your voice squeaks slightly for the first time tonight; some kind of hope and excitement in them.
you don't know whether he nods or hum, or if he even answers. just a vagueness to his expression that you take for a yes, because why wouldn't he be.
but if you knew at the time, that when you go to search for the familiar head of black in the crowd during the ceremony and you wouldn't find him, you would have said more
if you knew that even during the celebration after; a restaurant across the streets your friends wanted to go to, that he still isn't gonna come, you would've stayed longer last night.
tell him everything and wish him all the good in the world... if you knew that was the last time you would see him.
act like you're not constantly checking the door of the restaurant in hope he'd show up even for one last time so you won't feel so dejected and have all of yeosang, grace, and wooyoung look at you with pity.
say you're just tired and continue acting like your heart didn't do a flip at the drop of his name when yunho asks about his whereabouts and wooyoung tells the group he's busy packing for tomorrow morning.
none of them seem to be aware he was leaving, besides wooyoung and your friends (for obvious reasons).
hold back your tears and attempt to not crack when you finally get wooyoung to yourself, telling him if he could give something to san.
something you've been planning to for a while but wanted to wait till it was finished, and when it was, you kind of forgot about it. until suddenly.
assure wooyoung it's okay when he tells you he's told san on plenty of occasions he needed to let you know.
and finally, when you get back to the dorms, you allow yourself to cry in grace's arms but also assuring her you're gonna be okay and she doesn't need to stay up with you
when it's past midnight, hugging your knees on edge of your bed in the dark watching as the trees sways outside the window, you wonder if this was how your uncle and mother felt.
why your uncle decided to move halfway across the country and leave everything he knew behind just for love, and why your mother still married your father despite everything against them.
a part of you finally starting to understand all the sacrifices and compromises yeosang and grace makes.
love is so strange.
you give into the events of today and curl up in bed, pulling the blanket over and closing your eyes.
before the blooming of flowers and trees, and the soft, gentle breeze of spring could even pass, san leaves you.
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a month later
"don't be so nervous. you look great."
grace turns you by the shoulders to the mirror and you can hardly recognize yourself. the short black satin dress hugging your body and skin adorned in jewelries that doesn't even belong to you, nor are the heels on your feet.
you really didn't even think you'd be going, let alone have your work accepted for the exhibition among hundreds of other submissions.
have your work out in the open and on display for people other than your friends to see and judge. it's nerve-racking, but grace think you should at least dress for the occasion.
"yeosang said he'll be here in 15," she tells you.
you're nervous just sitting around, and even more so on the way to the gallery, the awful music yeosang has blasting not helping a bit.
"cookie points to whoever finds y/n's art first," grace says from the front, her lips turning upward as she challenges her boyfriend.
"that's easy. we can probably see the watercolor and blue from a mile away," he teases, prompting grace to smack him lightly by the arm; his comment making a scoff leave your mouth.
they don't know what you submitted. you didn't want them to, saying you wanted to really surprise them and get an honest opinion as it was the piece you probably took the longest on and put the most thoughts to.
the arrival doesn't make you feel any better, more cars than you predicted lined up at the front and in the parking lot, you have to take a deep breath.
"hey," yeosang says, his head peeking over the car seat with a small smile, "tonight's gonna be great. you go in there and get familiar with everyone and we'll meet you soon?"
you nod, unbuckling your seatbelt and undoing the wrinkles on your dress, ready to head out.
"good luck!" grace squeals just before you're out the car, waving to your friends as they grow further away to find parking.
you've been here a couple times before but never for your own work, of course. making way inside and glad that the first face you see is one of your professors from a class you had, his smile welcoming and you keep yourself close until it's time for the showcase, your natural tendency to stick close to people you know.
you finally spot your friends halfway into it, the two shamelessly standing in front of your work and shooting you looks they know is gonna make you flush in embarrassment.
the night goes on and that feeling of nervousness and anxiety easing the more other students also talk to you and compliments your work with you doing the same in return because everyone here is truly talented.
each and every artwork telling a different story and probably held closely by the artists themselves.
"see! that wasn't so bad," grace says, having ran to you the second you're free from the circle of students and professors, pushing you playfully by the shoulder and getting a giggle in response.
"i guess so."
"by the way, love the art!" she squeaks, so much happier and excited than you.
"and it definitely wasn't because your name was written on top that we knew, but your style is just too distinct," yeosang adds, "only thing different this time is it's pink."
you smile, the process of having to come up with something you'll be okay with everyone else seeing all coming back. how, it took a while, but once you knew, you wanted it to be as perfect as possible.
the pink cherry blossom tree next to a body of lake and the field next to it decorated in countless dandelions, all painted in the style you're best at--the watercolor really bringing life to the picture.
it's not often you can say you're proud of your own creations, but you can say you really like this one.
"well thanks, guys," you tell them, a laugh bubbling out at the end. "really appreciate you two coming out tonight."
"well, duh." grace rolls her eyes dramatically, her lips turning to a smile after. "we know this means a lot to you."
"for sure," yeosang says, checking the surrounding briefly before continuing, "you should probably finish up things here with everyone else first. me and grace are gonna head out to a shop nearby and we'll come pick you up when you're ready?"
"yeah. i probably should." because seeing the rest of the students and professors stuck in conversations, it doesn't seem right to just up and leave. you need a proper farewell at least. "i'll let you guys know."
you spend the next couple of minutes out of courtesy attempting to talk to anyone you could until the place mostly start clearing of visitors.
saying one last farewell to the professor you're most familiar with, you turn a corner to head out with the plan to call yeosang when you're stopped in your track by a figure suddenly emerging from the walls and now in your way.
when you meet his gaze and take in the fact he's dressed for the occasion, the suit he's wearing clad onto his body too perfectly (though when does he not look good in anything), you almost want to be angry it looks like he planned to come here tonight.
"san..." his name falls off your lips. a name you haven't said since a month ago and didn't plan to any time sooner.
"hey," he greets, awkwardly and quietly, his hands shoved into the pockets of his suit pants that shows off his legs you didn't even realize were so long.
but you're mostly just thinking and wondering why he's here. he isn't supposed to be here. he left a month ago to go chase his dreams, so why is he all of sudden standing in front of you in such a small gallery.
"w-what are you doing here?" you ask, no anger or pain in your voice though he thinks there should be; only curiosity the way you always sound.
"i promise i'd come, remember?"
“when is it again?” he ask.
“june the 18th,” you say, placing your sketchbook and pen down. “you’ll be there, right?”
he nods at first, a simple smile settling on him. “of course,” he answers, “i’ll be there. i promise.”
he did. but he also left.
you feel you might be going crazy, like this is all a dream and he's only a figment of your imagination because he wouldn't come back just for this. not for you.
"san," you say, a knot on the horizon, "you left. you left a month ago." like you have to remind him of the fact as if speaking to a ghost.
"i know i did..." he hangs his head in shame and you can only stare, the situation so unreal, you wanna try slapping yourself to see if you'll actually wake up. "and i want to apologize for doing so."
such words bringing upon a web of emotions, both you and san still standing smack in the middle of the public gallery and you're trying to keep your composure.
heck, you're still trying to process the fact he's really here.
"can we talk about this outside?" you say, voice soft and timid, alluding to the current scene that san takes a hint to. the walk out the most quiet and awkward as you both try finding some form of seating, settling on a bench not too far from from the entrance.
a couple seconds that feels like an entire minute passes before you start again, san's heartbeat loud and hammering from beside you.
"you don't have to apologize. you went after your heart, why would i be mad about that?" you mumble, but the volume still loud in the quiet night, the air of spring about to be summer soon.
san exhales in preparation, his chest rising and falling to what he knew you were already gonna say because that's just how you are. all of what makes you so likeable and easy to fall for. though right now, he doesn't need forgiveness or even an ounce of your kindness.
he doesn't deserve any of it.
"because i lied to you," he breaks it, straight and clear, and the reminder throwing you back to the month before that you wanted to forget so bad.
you don't wanna cry and you didn't plan to cry tonight but the tears you're currently trying to blink away says otherwise.
"you didn't lie... you just kept things from me," you try justifying, part of it to console your own self. because you'd like to think that though san omitted details, he never said anything that wasn't true.
"and that makes it any better?"
there's a quick, uncomfortable silence before you speak, eyes down on your lap. "i'd like to think so."
it would be a lie if you say you don't think back to that night often. the conversation and then the awful realization in the car that gave you one of the most most awful case of a heartbreak. nothing in comparison to your mother's death, but a different kind for a different lesson.
how, you've tried so hard to not linger because the longer you did, the more sick it made you, creating doubts in your head that you were certain could never be answered because san left.
but you do think about it. if san simply struck up a friendship with you and did everything he did knowing you were exactly the kind he could never develop romantic feelings for.
that the reason he never seemed to really want any of that, or even gave into advances from other girls was only because he was leaving. but if he wasn't, would he have given any of them a chance? would he have given ashley a chance?
but you don't really wanna ask him any of that.
"so, are you visiting, or? what really brings you here?" because you don't believe that he came back just for this. just for you.
he told you leaving was what he always wanted to do, and now he's suddenly back here, and you can't think of any good enough reasons to do so only after a month of being gone.
he takes a deep breath and for the first time after sitting down, you turn and look at him, even if he's avoiding your gaze to look ahead into nothingness.
"you know, i probably moved more in the span of 4 years than you have in your lifetime," he speaks, face in eternal concentration, you just wanna listen. "i don't know. it's complicated i guess... but it was difficult to really feel like i belonged anywhere." he shrugs, the same time the bittersweet smile at the corner of his lips is visible.
"wasn't ever that close to my family members and i try to not stick with the same people for too long. ashley and especially wooyoung were just more persistent than your average person." he pauses, then continues almost hesistantly, "because i knew if i did, i'd end up hurting them."
and how funny and hypocritical of him because you're the person he ended up hurting the most. the one he completely shut out and gave no closure to, because he didn't think he'd grow so attached to you in the matter of just a year.
"but that's just how it works, right? there are things you have to sacrifice in order to find happiness," you say, at this point still trying to excuse his actions although you still remember feeling hurt and betrayed not that long ago.
"but i wasn't happy over there." he squeezes his eyes shut and his lips curl together in frustration, as if trying to get through you because you're failing to understand the point. "i came back because i was the happiest while i was here. i came back for you."
he knows it's selfish. how beyond hurt you must've felt when he left, and now all of a sudden showing up asking for a chance, the turmoil of mixed emotions you're probably going through at the confession.
just a month ago, he literally ghosted you. and just a few months before that, he made you think he was gonna kiss you... when it was not kissing you that he had a hard time with.
he wanted it be as quick and painless as possible, and kissing you was only gonna do the complete opposite. if he kissed you, he would've wanted to stay. but given how everything turned out, he should've just not pushed the friendship at all.
should've never texted you, never invited you out, and he especially should've never talked to you to start with. but again, he's a bit selfish by nature and couldn't help but to be intrigued by you when he shouldn't have.
but he especially shouldn't have opened the door to wooyoung that night of the graduation, still able to recall the exact outfit he was wearing as the boy glared at him with a certain look of disapproval before he could even say a word.
"y/n asked me to give you this," wooyoung says, sounding tired from the day or maybe he's still just mad at san and doesn't really wanna talk.
san sighs and hesistantly takes the pink envelope, wooyoung's gaze burning into his before the boy says his final farewell.
"you know, you're really an asshole."
and it was almost like wooyoung showed up at 1 in the morning after a long day just to give it to san out of spite in hope he'll feel guilty, and it worked.
because the content in it played a big part in san ultimately deciding to come back, the sketch of him that day in the cafe with his grey hoodie watching the petal shower along with a short note attached to it haunting him day and night.
Because of you, I had one of the best years of my life. I hope things are better in Seoul, and thank you truly for being the greatest inspiration - y/n
so he came back for you, and he means it... though you don't look like you believe it the slightest and he doesn't blame you. he's done nothing but fed you doubts.
he hears a hard swallow from you that he finally turns to, your eyes glossy and lashes fluttering to hide it.
"san, you shouldn't be saying things like that. you know how i feel about you," you say, sniffing due to a clogged nose because you're not doing very good at not crying.
san's scooted next to you, his leg brushing yours and hands on your jaw as you look up at him, never this close or intimate before, butterflies in your stomach that you wish wasn't there.
"it's true. i mean every word of it. i've liked you for so long, you have no idea."
he's not sure when he started liking you, his guess is probably during the summer trip. but he remembers looking forward to your texts and thinking how pretty you are and how he wanted to get closer to you, even if he shouldn't have.
"then why did you leave?" you ask, your eyes vulnerable and lips pouting that he wanna kiss and soothe.
you understand him chasing his dreams, but if he liked you; if he came back afterall, why did he leave in the first place?
"because i'm not used to staying in one place for too long." his thumbs drawing circles and tending to your cheeks. "i want to travel. i want to see the rest of the world... find a purpose in life and see what else is out there waiting for me."
you open your mouth to say something but it's like he already knew, cutting you off before you could even start doubting again, "i don't see it as having to make sacrifices in order to find happiness, more so just putting it off for the time being. the rest of the world can wait because right now, i want to be happy with you."
he can still be happy with you and achieve his other dreams when the time is right. he don't wanna have to choose one or the other when he can make both work with efforts.
"so you don't have to think about it now, but when you do, i just want you to know i like you. really really like you, and i'd love to give it a shot if you're willing. only when you're ready, of course."
and yes, the man quite literally ghosted you and broke your heart in such a short amount of notice, you could barely process it at the time. but you also can't deny the way he makes you feel.
how, whenever he's near, your stomach still feels funny and your heart wanna do flips. and with him this close, you definitely still wanna kiss him.
it's not possible to get over such a man in just a month, but you were healing slowly and ready to accept the fact you won't ever see him again. and then he comes back and is inches away from your face, telling you everything you've ever wanted to hear.
the sudden sound of your phone going off at a notification makes the both of you jump as san pulls away and clears his throat.
you quickly search your purse for your phone and see a text from yeosang on the screen.
yeosang: u ready?
"it's yeosang,'' you tell san, locking eyes with him briefly and awkwardly. "he wants to know if i'm ready to be picked up."
san nods, the air going quiet until an idea comes over. "i can take you." and when you don't answer, he tries testing if he can lighten the atmosphere even if just a bit. "i am renting the car so just don't make a mess."
but when the silence drags on and san can't read your expression, he thinks you don't want anything to do with him at this point, and rightfully so.
"yes," you say, the response picking san's head up to see a small smile you're trying to fight, "yes we can give it a try, and yes, you can give me a ride."
there's something shy but also daring in your tone, san sees the blush raising to your cheeks that brings out the widest smile from him, jumping in your arms to give you the biggest hug.
when he finally pulls away, the look of surprise on your face has him apologizing but you only shake your head with a smile.
"thank you," he whispers, "for giving me the chance. i promise i'll make it up to you."
you nod to his words, the smile still on your lips but unable to say anything due to the overwhelming (good) feelings.
then he goes to scratch the back of his head, a look of awkward and hesitant crossing him before finally saying it, "can i uh, can i kiss you?"
"yes," you actually answer, a giggle that cannot be contained leaving shortly.
and when he does kiss you, his lips just as soft and gentle as you imagined, the kiss even better than you had in your head, you're glad that your friend's instinct was right.
that san does indeed like you and everything he did wasn't just out of kindness and respect.
when you're both pulling away and indulging in a fit of laughter after and shaking your heads at the turn of events, you know he kissed you because it's something he wanted. because he thinks you might be the one.
when the blooming of flowers and trees are fading, along with the soft, gentle breeze of spring that finally passes, you're still in love with san and you're sure he feels the same way.
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mandarinmoons · 1 month
Hi Kettle, I was wondering if I could request perhaps a small fluff blurb where you and Spencer get married and live happily ever after in ur dream house. No pressure xoxoxoxo
You know I'm not one for writing something too self indulgent, but I could never pass up a request from you sweetheart hehe. Not exactly written as per request, but I think it's cute and that's all that matters x
“Hold on, I got it!”
Spencer grabbed the box out of your arms after you not even holding it for five seconds. You weren’t the strongest person, sure, but you were able to lift a few pounds, or twenty.
“Spencer, I can handle it. I’m not going to crack like a piece of China.”
“That might be true, but you definitely need to be handled with care as if you were a piece of fine porcelain.”
A chuckle left your lips as Spencer pressed a kiss to your cheek and strode off as he took a box of kitchen ware to the correct place.
A cool breeze brushed over your skin and you went to close the ajar patio door, but the sight of falling colorful leaves invited you to step outside and admire the beauty. Fall was your favorite season and no one was going to stop you from taking a moment to enjoy it.
Walking out and breathing in the crisp morning air felt satisfying beyond words. Spring is usually the time of year for people to start anew and get a fresh start, but for you, that feeling crept up during the last few weeks of summer. Relieved didn’t even begin to describe how you felt when your skin didn’t feel as clammy anymore due to the sweat brought on by the summer sun and as you packed away the swimsuits and made room again for the cozy sweaters.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when a hand snaked around your waist and were brought against their chest, but feeling the familiar sensation of nuzzling against your hair made you keenly aware who the person was and accepted the sweet gesture.
“What’re you thinking about?”
“Just how perfect everything seems.”
“I second that thought.”
Spencer’s thumbs caressed your side as you both took in the sight in front of you. Piles of red, orange and yellow foliage gathered around the backyard and in the distance you saw squirrels gathering up all the acorns they could find. All the greenery around you seemed to be wilting, but you found comfort in the fact that in due time it would bloom all over again.
“Do you want to go in and have some tea?”
“In a moment, I want to savor the feeling just a little bit longer.”
“Aren’t you cold though?”
You chuckled as you turned your head to look at the man behind you. His cheeks were already tinted pink from the cold, meanwhile you hadn’t felt a chill go down your spine since he took you in his embrace.
“As long as I’m in your arms I could never be cold.”
Spencer nuzzled his face into your hair more, leaving a trail of light kisses behind, “Good to know I’m doing my job well.”
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @cynbx @kimm4710 @niktwazny303 @reidsdaisies @mindfullycriminal @cumulo-stratus @gayfor-rosadiaz @gubsbuubs @multifandomsimp69 @chyozai @deppfanatic @potatovoyager @indyvelazquez @nini123 @justlivinginadaydream @kers505 @dan-the-womans-blog
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bachibabe · 9 months
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— Heaven
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synopsis: choso never expected spring break to be so difficult, honestly. just a few weeks to relax with his brother and his brothers girlfriend… it sounds like the dream doesn’t it? seeing his brother happy, so in love with you. but heaven for one is hell for another-- and it seems to be your very life goal to make him live with both.
✧*̣̩┊: choso x fem! reader (some itadori x fem! reader)
✧*̣̩┊: wc: 7.0k
✧*̣̩┊: content: dubious consent at times, cnc + full consent at others, switch! reader,switch!choso, dom!reader, sub!choso, nipple play, voyeurism (choso listens to itadori and reader have sex), m!masturbation, pervert choso, massages, blowjob, p in v, overstimulation, multiple creampies, choso is kinda gross, cheating!reader (as far as choso knows), choso is refered to as puppy/cocktoy, degredation (choso receiving), choso degrading himself too, please lmk if I missed any!
✧*̣̩┊: notes: it’s lily! back again with another perverted jjk man! this turned out way longer than i originally thought it was going to be. originally it was just going to end with the masturbation scene buuutttt i got a little carried away :DD i love how this fic came out and i hope you guys do too <33
18+ → minors / blank blogs dni
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God, he wants to die. He deserves to. Choso has no right to live after the way he’s been looking at his brother’spretty little girlfriend. He deserves to be jailed for life, eyes gouged out for even considering sending a glance to your ass; bent over grabbing something from a cabinet in the kitchen. Leggings that are too tight, practically transparent. He swears he can see the tinge of your pink panties through them.
He should die. He places his face in his hands, arms propped up as his legs. One of them bouncing in, fuck, he doesn’t know what. Really doesn't know what. He doesn’t think he wants to, honestly. God how did it end up like this? How did he end up here– Itadori perched up on the counter, while you start to work on breakfast. How is he going to make it out alive? How is he going to survive spring break?
It wasn’t supposed to end up like this. When Itadori, his dear, beloved brother called, asking if it was fine to bring his girlfriend home for break, Choso thought nothing of it. Even if he hadn’t met you, Itadori told him plenty. Every conversation he had with his sibling always found itself filled with fond stories of you. The nice date you went on, the delicious food you cooked for him. How horribly you destroyed the poor guy in mario kart. He thought he already knew you— it felt like he did at least.
He could tell the moment you walked into their family home that he didn’t. He had no clue the woman you were. A problem he would never be able to rectify. How terrifying that was for poor Choso. Can you imagine? Your little sweater crop top, unzipped low to put your perfect, pretty breasts on display. Your jeans, fitting just so right around your hips, practically putting your ass centre stage for the world to witness.
He hits his forehead with his hands a few times, trying to get rid of the image of your lips. They were in a pout, gloss on them as your jut out your bottom lip. You kissed his cheeks. Held both of your tiny hands around one of his large ones. 
“Thank you for letting me stay Choso, you’re the best big brother to Itadori ever!” Your voice rang so pretty, shiny, new in his ear drums. A sound he had never heard before invading his senses for the first time. He simply nodded his head, hugging his brother after you took a step back. Introductions were fast, Itadori dragging you off to give you a tour of their family home. It was probably to his benefit, to get you away like that. He didn’t know how long he could hold back the colour rising to his cheeks.
You were beautiful, gorgeous, even. Any adjective in the world to describe your beauty, he would use it. But that would never be enough to make a man like him crack. One with morals, one with some shred of pride. While the interaction left him slightly flustered, he quickly brushed it off of his shoulder. It shouldn’t matter anyway. 
Only it does when you’ve positioned yourself between his legs, tongue between your lip as you put your all into the game of mario kart against the two men. 
“I can’t see the tv from up here!” Your peach voice whined after your second loss in a row. “I’m more comfortable on the floor anyway.” You tell them, a slight pout on your lips. 
“You’re such a sore loser!” Itadori laughs, teasing as you slide yourself onto the floor. Right in front of Choso’s place on the couch. He looks down, eyes increasing in size only a fraction as your frame is incased by either side of his legs. His eyebrows raise, legs shifting farther apart as to not touch you. He wants to be respectful, afterall. 
“Uhg! As if!” You shoot back, a small glare landing on Itadori. Though Choso can tell none of it is serious. Suddenly, before he can think about the action any further, you turn to him. Delicate hand placed on his knee, nails digging into the flesh ever so slightly. Anyone else wouldn’t notice it. But of course Choso does. Of course he had to. Because he's a disgusting pervert who blushes from the touch of a woman. Well, not any woman. Just you.
“You don’t mind, right Choso?” Your voice is practically a purr, eyes filled with nothing but the glow of innocence, “Here’s the only spot that’s comfortable.” God, he swears he sees your tongue flick over your bottom lip, wetting the surface. But he forces himself to shred that to pieces. A trick of the eye. 
He nods his head, “Guests comfort.” He swears, your smile might blind a man. You threw your arm up, a small victory, your body turning back around. 
“‘Sides, Yuuji’s gonna start kicking me when I win anyway. He’s such a baby!” You stick out your tongue in mock disgust, Choso’s face moving into a light smile. 
“Am not!” Itadori argues back, throwing a pilling in your direction. Choso’s smile only grows, catching the pillow right before it lands on your face. Your voice squeals in delight, making a quick, mocking joke back in the direction of Yuuji. 
“He is. A baby in every way. You know when we were younger he used to sing this song–” This time, instead of a pillow, Yuuji throws his body, pinning Choso to the couch. A hand clamped over Choso’s mouth. You break out into something that sounds like music– oh. It’s just your laugh. Choso can’t help himself laughing either. 
Itadori starts laughing as you begin to beg, to do the same song that he had done when he was younger. Eventually he gives in, turning the night into somewhat of a good memory. Even if you remained planted, not daring to move from him even after a movie was put on. Falling asleep, head propped against his leg.
Yuuji carried you to bed that night, Choso retiring not long after.
If Choso was any slower, he would have completely missed the way you looked at his arm. The way your eyes trained to the muscle of it. The way your eyes would sharpen ever so slightly, your teeth almost biting your lip whenever you even gleaned at his calves or thighs. 
If it was just that, he could handle it. Even if he is a man, he’s not primal. He has self control. Even if he found you attractive, that means nothing. Probably. You’re his brothers’. It would be pathetic for him to fall over something so simple. 
Only it wasn’t so simple. It never could be. 
He quickly learned how dangerous you could be when it was just him home. How little you cared for the intricacies of being coy when no one was watching. 
“God your tits are so big~” Your voice feels like a moan in his ear. Your hands wrapped around him from behind, squeezing his pecks. Nails digging into him, so much so that it almost hurt. “It’s no fair…” 
His face is flush, his posture stiff. Stunned into an unmoving demeanour from just how… direct you’re being. That is the best word he can think of for it. At least it is right now when his head is all scrambled at the feeling of your perfect chest pressing into the firm muscles of his back. Your breath right in his ear with every short exhale. 
When he came home from work, tired and useless, the proposition was innocent enough: ‘Ah Choso~ You look so tense from work! That’s no good, you know? Oh! Lemme just give you a little massage yeah? Help you relax right up!’ That look on your face, so docile and cute, didn’t help any retorts he had under his belt. Not to mention, any persistence he thought Yuuji had was far surpassed by you. Begging to give poor, old Choso a massage. Fix his creaky joins and stiff bones.
Maybe it was the wear he had received from an all-too-hard day at the office, or maybe it had been a lapse in judgement from the cloud that seemed to cover him. However the decision came to be, he thought it might be good. A nice chance to finally relax a little.
He had been needing a massage lately, anyway, the certificate Yuuji had bought him rotting away in his closet from his last birthday. Yet, he just didn’t have it in him to actually book the appointment, no matter how desperately he wanted to feel the muscles in his body unwind. Honestly a little nervous to have a stranger's hands on him.
But you aren’t a stranger. You’ve become friends. 
So, when you urge his shirt off, saying that you don’t want it to get all sticky with lotion, he doesn’t fight back. Letting you slight the slightly scratchy material of his dress shirt over his head. He lets your pretty hands work out the hair ties in his locks, allowing the neglected black hair fall over his shoulders. He needs a haircut, he knows it in the way his hair falls a little lower than it ever had before. Plans, yeah. He has lots of things he needs to do. Dinner, cleaning, making sure the report comes in on time. God he doesn't need another lecture from–
“Fuck-” His is sudden, low as you press into one of the knots permeating his back. He hadn’t even expected it to come out. He doesn’t think you did either, based on the little squeal that leaves your throat.
“Did that feel good?” You ask simply, continuing to rub circles deep into his shoulder blades. Your tone light, happy. Probably from helping someone relax, yeah, that's probably it. “I’ve taken a few classes, I was thinking about becoming a masseuse awhile ago.” He knows your glossy lips are smiling.
A breathy exhale leaves his lips, your thumbs digging into another sensitive tangle. “Oh really?” He’s not focusing much anymore. There must be some kind of drug laced in your touch. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” You giggle, hands cresting over the tops of his shoulder, gently rubbing his neck. “Mhmm, I’m real good I think.” 
If he responds, he has no clue what he says. Good is an understatement. Your hands must be god's gift to man. That can be the only explanation. No other human could be capable of this, he doesn’t think. Allowing one’s mind to turn into mush with just simple touches of fingers along their back. It shouldn’t be allowed, legal.
He doesn’t know how much time passes as he sits there, letting you work through his back until it's tender. Needing love and affection when it was just broken and reformed by your hands alone. Your nails gently scratch the skin. He’s forgotten who you are, what you are. You are euphoria across his skin. A feeling swelling in his abdomen as he sinks into total relaxation. 
Well, that is at least until suddenly your hands are on his pecks, your voice cooing in his ear as you fondle him like a porno. The innocent delight in granting someone relief has vanished from you, someone else taking your place. His eyes wide open, heart rate as high as the ceiling in a matter of seconds. 
“See and if you just sit like this–” Your left hand moves to his lower back, forcing it to curve just so, “They look even bigger. Have you ever thought about getting them pierced? Then we could be matching~” His brain can’t wrap around your words, nevertheless what they imply. His head has gone a bit fuzzy, finding trouble keeping up in the shift from cloud nine to being in one of the circles of hell. 
Your voice sounds so sweet, yet your body behaves as a different animal.
Your fingertips flick over the nipple, “It doesn’t hurt too bad I swear… and you’d look real pretty with them too.” Your other hand leaves his back, slowly sliding around his hip. Your fingers dance along the contours of his body, finally resting just along his v-line. Thumb gently running itself across the ridge. Not daring to go any lower. Not yet, anyway. 
If he had anything to say, the words are lost in his throat. How could a delicate touch be so sinful? He has no idea. He can’t find himself moving his head, moving away at all really. Stuck in a state of indecision. Hoping the little balls he feels pressing into his back may or may not be the piercings you speak of so fondly covered by one of your too thin tank tops. He isn’t sure which. His brain is blurry, but his body is responding. His pants are beginning to feel stiff. 
“I can show you if you want~” You purr, your voice somehow closer, etching even deeper into his ear. Lodging itself in his brain in a way that he can't ignore. His body grows tense pulling away ever so slightly when your hands suddenly retract entirely. Finding purchase back on his back as if they were never there to begin with.
“Kidding!!” You giggle, patting his back as your too-sweet nature returns like nothing. Once again leaving him a little more confused than he would like to be. “Don’t be silly Choso, I was only playing. Don’t get your panties all up in a twist!” 
And that was the end of it, at least until Yuuji got home. Until he could retire to the privacy of a shower to manage a little issue. One that didn’t seem to want to resolve itself. One that meant his panties stayed in a twist.
Dinner was had like nothing happened. And it didn’t. Because it was all a joke right? So he shouldn’t dwell. Not when Yuuji smiles at you like that. Not when you two seem perfect for each other. 
His feelings on the issue shouldnt matter. And therefore, they don’t. As long as Itadori is happy, as long as he can keep that smile on his little brother's face, nothing else in the world is of importance to him. 
No matter how much he has to endure. However many times he has to apply sunscreen on your bare back, bikini top untied so as to not miss a spot. However many times he feels your ass pressed against him as you slide in front of him in the kitchen. However many times you fall asleep, clinging to his arm on the couch. Breasts pressed against him just so. However many times he has to ignore your subtle, almost streamlined touches. However many times he has to ‘take care of business’ in the privacy of his own room, triggered from nothing more than watching the way you speak. Watching the way your lips move in their pristine little pout. However many times he has to ignore that feeling bubble up in the pits of his gut. 
Choso is a man with patience. The ability to hold himself back.. He is able to be a pillar of fortitude where most would crumble under the pressure. Women aren’t an issue when it comes to him. He can be sweet, the type of man to look at the ceiling when walking up stairs, the type to walk closest to the road. The one that stays sober at company parties to make sure he can keep his co-workers drinks safe. But this is too much– you are too much. Last night was too much. The very cause for his mental breakdown today. 
He’s a disgusting man. One that has crumbled into a pile of rubble for the woman brought onto his doorstep. One that has dragged him deep down to a place he may never find himself recovering from. He’s a freak, awful, pervert. The worst man alive, if he had to guess.
But your moans are a siren’s call. One he was unable to lure himself away from. One he could no longer battle against. 
When he heard the first pitch from his desk, he ignored it. His imagination had to be the culprit. The second, third, however, no. Those had to be real. Right? His doubts were still clear. Yet, as if his body was acting on its own, he found himself befalling in a way that had long been forgotten in his past. A pervy college freshman, planting his knees on his bed, ear pressed deep into the wall. 
He knew that the moment he did it. He couldn't pull himself away. Even though a voice was screaming at him to stop. To go back to his desk and place his headphones firmly in his ears. To stop listening to your beautiful sounds, those that were filled with pleasure. To move away from the wall as the bed on the other side rocked against it. To stop imagining the skin slapping against your own was his. 
He was too far gone. Too far deluded as his hand found his cock, not bothering to pull down his sweatpants. He still had some class, some grace, he liked to think. He wasn’t completely abhorrent. Even as he ran his thumb over the head, feeling the pre-cum. Sliding it around messily as he tried to find some purchase on sanity. 
His hands were too shaky, from nerves or excitement he could not tell. Maybe he didn’t want to. That would be for the best wouldn’t it? His thumb, shakily, almost impatiently teasing him under the guise of starlight. What would you think if you saw him now? Palming his cock while his thumb ran over the almost red head. Trying desperately to conceal any shred of dignity the poor man had left. To try and go back to before his shaky fingers reached below the hem of his sweats. 
As the thrusts from the other room quickened, your pants and moans quickly quelled any lucid thoughts he may have had left. His hand reacting to the sounds, palm finding the base easily. The groan he let out was a mistake, but fear no longer exists. Not in this world. Not with the direction of his hand, the speed of it as it moves from base to tip. Quickly. Tightly. Almost painfully. He was too worked up, too frustrated from everything you had given him before. Almost, yet never enough. This was the last straw. The last piece of clarity he had before he completely fell to ruin. Imagining himself in his brother's place. Imagining how you must feel. 
He’s a complete sicko. But in the moment, he doesn't care. His arm comes up, resting against the wall. His forehead does the same. His nose scrunches, eyes shut tightly as he tries to picture it. Picture you in his bed, your legs wrapped around his hips. Right above his ass. Ankles trying to cross behind him. Yeah, you would be really pretty there, wouldn’t you? 
If your hands were god’s gift, your pussy had to be heaven. He knows it, right? Cause you're his in this little world. His fingers would slide up your lips, spreading you just enough so he could admire you. See how pretty you would look all puffy from his tongue alone. Fuck– his hips jerk in his hand. He won’t last. 
How could he when you’re under him? Right, cause you’re under him. Letting him fuck you. Every gorgeous moan of his brother's name is his own. Just like you said in his ear that night. 
‘Choso, Choso, Choso~’
Does Yuuji eat you out? Fuck your cunt with his fingers first to make sure you’re ready to take him? No, No! Don’t think about him. Bad Choso, don’t be mean to your brother. Don’t think. This isn’t about him. This is about the new reality, the pretty one where you’re a mess, all sweaty and tangled in his sheets. 
Holy fuck. Your voice is suddenly wild, an orchestra he wishes to listen to every night, and his illusions return to him. His hand moving faster, somehow gripping his cock even tighter. This time, however, you’re in control. Pinning him to the bed, his cock buried deep in your pretty, wet hole. You’re not moving, you refuse to. Grinding your hips in slow, deliberate circles to bring him to the precipice, yet not allowing him to fall over the edge. To see the light of day yet never experience it, locked in a battle of wills. Who will fall first, who will beg. Who will be so desperate for release that they can’t do anything else but turn into a messy puddle.
It will be him, you both know it. At least in his head, you do.  
Your voice cracks, and so does his. A groan he barely muffles with his hand is all he allows himself to manage as he hears you fall over the edge into climax. He does the same, imagining he’s buried deep inside, filling you with his cum. You didn’t let him wear a condom, you never would. 
Thick ropes of white cover his hand as he calms down, rejoining the rest of the world. Panting, teeth marks imprinted into his hand from the force of his jaw. 
He’s been spiralling since then. Afraid he’s gone insane, truly. Maybe he should check himself into a psych ward, yes. That would be for the best. Someone like him shouldn’t be allowed on the streets. A pervert like him that gets off on the idea of fucking his little brothers girlfriend shouldn’t be allowed at all. He’s a sick fucking freak. 
You have to know it, don't know? That’s why you’ve been looking at him differently today? Like there’s a little spark that just has to mean that you know, right? Or is he really going crazy? Imagining that too? He doesn’t know anymore. He doesn’t know much at all. The only reality he knows is the chair he’s sitting in, planting his seat in it since the morning. He hasn’t moved since then– his chin resting in his hands, his knees against his elbows as he stares at nothing in a random corner. Thinking about everything, nothing. 
How could he possibly face you? 
The answer to that question has drawn nothing but blanks in his head. Yet it is answered for him that very afternoon. How lucky he is, huh? His brother waving ‘bye’ to hang out with some of his highschool friends. You felt “sick”, claiming an upset tummy so you didn't want to go. Despite his subtle protests that you should tag along with them anyway, he finds himself alone in a house with the object of both his desires and his downfall into depravity.
Luckiest man alive. Yeah. They should say that at his funeral. But he isn’t going to die, not anytime soon at least. 
He knows that well, not moving from his eyes from their spot in the corner. He can’t now, even if he wanted to. Not with you right in front of him– two, maybe three feet at most from his legs. Pearly yoga mat neatly laid across the floor; water bottle, phone, and towel placed neatly beside on standby. Leggings, too tight leggings stretched across your perfect skin. Tits held in place with a matching sports bra. Following along to the workout video. Pretty, alone in your head. 
In downward dog, ass facing him. Mocking him, scandalising the mere thought of looking away from the corner. If he could see all of that from his peripherals alone, there's no telling what he could see– what he wants to see, from straight on. So there he sits, in his corner. Wishing he could be alone in his own. Wishing you didn’t occupy every crevice of his brain matter. Wishing he was a better man. 
His focus has to be made of stone, face scrunched in that annoyed little manner. Lip up in a little tick. If he was staring any harder, a hole would have bored itself into the drywall. If his attention was any less he would’ve noticed you moving closer, sliding backwards on your hands and knees. Pressing your ass against the erection he had been dead set on ignoring. 
A groan resonates through his throat at the contact. Sudden, unavoidable. Here, now. The supple flesh of your ass against him, teasing him. Taunting him in some way he can’t ignore. His eyes shifting quickly to his lap, looking at you in all of your glory. His hands gripping the arms of the chairs, nails embedding themselves in the cushioned material. The place they will find refuge, home for the next few hours. 
His face finally meets yours, eyes connecting as you look at him from over your shoulder. His brows crease, an ounce of confusion overtaking him. You look annoyed… frustrated. Your eyebrows pinched together, venom in your gaze. Fuck. He must’ve messed up. Did he move closer? Did he accidentally pull you towards him when he wasn’t paying attention? Oh fuck, fucking shit. 
Just as the apology starts to leave his lips you huff. Spinning on your knees, moving right between his legs. Looking up at him from his lap. 
“I don’t fucking get you, Choso.” You say, the hiss of a snake practically wrapped around your vocal cords. What are you talking about? What could you possibly mean? He’s the pervert. He’s the one that needs to be jailed for his crimes– not you. You’re the angel. The one who’s brought so much joy to his little brother. 
Before he can respond, before the words even think about leaving the tip of his tongue your hands are on his thighs. Moving upwards, finding purchase on the hem of his sweatpants. Directing him upwards. Pulling his sweats– the same pair as last night, down over his knees. 
“Like, seriously!” Your voice trills in a whine, annoyed. Once again, he can’t move. Can’t find himself wanting to. He wants to experience this, to experience you firsthand. A better man would move, a better man wouldn’t let their most base desires control him. But he is no better than an ant now, following in your lead. 
“Uhg, I do so much work–” Your hand has found its way inside of his boxers now. He wishes he changed them after last night, but it’s too late for wishing now, isn’t it? “And you don’t even make a move?! Like you’re kidding me, right?” 
He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know a word that’s leaving your lips. If he thought he did, its vanished by the feeling of your smooth, gentle hands wrapped around his cock. Flicking over it almost painfully, like you want to hurt him. Just a little. Just to get back at him for all the turmoil he’s apparently put you through. 
He’s panting now, breath coming out in short bursts through his nose as he watches your hand. Feels it actually touch his skin. Anything he could have imagined was negligible compared to this. Something that couldn’t be reached by anyone else. No one other than you. 
“I play with you so nice too! I treat you like a good toy!” You whine, seeming to get more and more irritated by the second. More and more irritated that he isn’t responding to your words. His cock jumps, more and more precum collecting at the tip. That seems to make you happy, a cute little hum leaving your lips.
 “You want me. Don’t you Choso?” Your eyes are round, looking up at him almost like a puppy dog. No one could turn you away. No one would ever want to when you look at them like that. A curt nod is all he can manage. All he can force out of his body to do with your hand rubbing his cock in a way that should be illegal. Anything more and he would look like a babbling idiot, he’s sure of it. 
You must have some sympathy, some compassion for the man as you let him go. Pull your hands from his boxers. So down on his luck, the most beautiful girl in the world between his legs. A small smile aids itself to your lips as you speak. 
“Let's get these off of you, yeah?” You hum, fingers gently playing with the ridge of his boxers. He doesn’t fight you, doesn’t retreat as you pull them down. “Aww poor thing, you liked the show a little too much last night, huh? Just a mess, huh? You giggle, mocking the state of his undergarments. The places he just couldn’t get clean enough with a towel. God, he really is gross. 
He’s once again wrapped up in himself. In his own thoughts, thinking of trying to get out of your mocking tone. How to save face in front of what he deems perfection. So much so that he entirely misses the way your eyes widen at his size. Whatever you dreamed of, it could not have been this. It’s too big, too big for most anyone to handle. Longer than your hand, thicker than your fingers could wrap around. Pretty veins running along the left side. 
It could destroy you. But it won’t.
“It’s not like that–” His voice is cut off once again with your tongue. A thick strip painting from base to tip. Tasting his salty skin.
Fuck, he falls back into the chair. Trying to find some facet to cling to so he doesn’t black out into utter hysteria. His fantasies never even touched your mouth. Thought of how it might move across his skin. No, he wouldn’t dare. Yet now that he is living it, experiencing it he knows that it wasn’t meant for him to. The mere knowledge that your lips might wrap around the head of his cock sends him teetering over an edge that shouldn’t exist. 
His hips buck upwards, trying to get a small piece of anything you’re willing to spare. “Ah ah, we can’t get ahead of ourselves, yeah? I deserve this, you know? All for me~” He doesn’t know how a voice as pure as yours can touch him like this. Gripping his cock at its base, squeezing it just enough that it hurts, yet not too much so that it’s uncomfortable. One stroke, two is all you give him. Your wrist flicking over the pretty head, spreading his precum all along his length as lubricant. 
He does all he can to stifle his groans; pretend he isn’t completely falling apart. But your lips lick the head, smiling at the taste. Moving to just take the head inside of your mouth. Slowly moving your head up and down. Watching him, perceiving him. Observing the twitches of his mouth, the brace of his hands, the plant of his feet on the floor. The way his hips beg to move, to piston upwards to fuck your throat dry. Awww~ but it doesn’t look like he can even do that.
His eyes are glossy. Face red up to his ears.You gag, taking in just a little bit more than you were meant too. A smile twitching to your mouth as you finally hear it, the thing you thought you heard last night. Ah, his voice! Who would have thought, truly, that a man could turn into this? 
You did, of course. And ever since first laying eyes on his pale face, his tired eyes, you knew you wanted to do it to him over, and over, and over again. Good thing Yuuji said you could, huh? Even if it took a little begging. 
A choked cry leaves his throat as you pull away. His hips arching, bucking up to try and find relief once again inside of your mouth. He’s desperate, brought back down to his base instincts as a man. A short whisper of a word leaves his throat as you stand, thinking you’re leaving him. Leaving him with nothing but a sore cock once again.
“You’re gonna fill me up good, right puppy?” But you’re not leaving him. You’re pulling off your leggings, panties following suit. You’re crawling onto his lap. Knees balanced against the arm rests as you position your tight, practically dripping hole above his cock. God, you look so needy. Probably are so needy, just wanting him. Only wanting the satisfaction he can provide. 
God, your fingers. They’re spreading your lips so he can see. See just what he’s done from sitting there and taking it like a good boy. He was right. Your body was constructed by the heavens above. Perfect in all its glory. A finger running between your folds, collecting yourself on your fingers. 
“Will it fit?” He asks, though it almost comes out as a plea. Desperate to feel you, to have you wrapped around him. “Let me~” You shush him, fingers sliding into his mouth. Letting him taste you. Taste what he is missing out on.
“Mmm mmm.” You mutter simply, though he’s too distracted. Too distracted until you lower yourself onto him; just enough so the head inside. Just enough so that you can at least try to adjust to the intrusion that he brings. His head is a messy fog. Hips gently rocking, trying to gain some relief while not pushing your poor, under prepared hole.
Your hands on his abdomen as you slowly begin to slide up and down, taking in a little more and more with each motion. Filling you up completely, painfully. Heavenly. His hands find your hips. Soothing the burn, rubbing gentle circles into whatever flesh he can find. Thanking you for not pushing him away. 
“Shit–” The cuss strings past your lips as your hips meet his, a loud groan leaving his own. The light of the living room proving evidence of your sin. 
His eyes look down, finding where your bodies meet, “Fuck me…” He groans, his always tired eyes looking more alert, more at attention than they ever have before. Watching as you rock your hips slowly, deliberately. You only watch him. A sheen of sweat already covering both of your bodies. 
His thumb slides down, finding purchase on your clit. He groans at the sight, rubbing circles into the soft bundle of nerves. He’s not going to last. He knows it. He’s going to completely blow his load before your first bounce on his cock. Fuck, he can’t take it. He knows he won’t be able to with the way you squeeze around him. The way your walls flutter so tight over his length.
God he should have taken his time, urged you to let him eat you out or something so he could have had the chance to calm down. To relax for a moment before his cock was nestled deep inside. Fuck. 
And now you’re moving. The pain subsided, turning into nothing but pleasure. And god he must be leaving holes in the fucking chair, his hands returning to their places on the arm rest. He makes the mistake of looking, watching his cock glide inside your pussy effortlessly. Watching as you make a mess all over his lap. Watching as he makes a mess all over you. 
God and it’s over for him, his head thrown back against the chair. His hips jerking wildly into your wet heat as he fucks his cum deep into your walls. Watch as the room goes white, euphoria filling his senses. 
Shame is all he feels as he drops back against the chair. He’s disappointed you, he knows he has. There is no other explanation. You didn’t get off at all and he's received, well, everything. Apologies tumble from his mouth, over and over again they are spoken. Yet, when he finds your eyes already staring back down at him, there's something off. A fire inside of them, one that refuses to be quelled. 
Your hips don’t stop moving, don't stop the ease of grinding against him. Sliding almost all the way out, just until he can see the start of the head before landing all the way back down. You’re not stopping, and his cock isn’t getting soft.
“Awwww!” You giggle, hands pressing against his pecks, leaning close to his face so he can hear you nice and clear. Hear the smile, the mockery in your tone. “You just couldn’t hold it in huh? What a cute, pathetic little thing!” 
His cock is growing sore, it’s hurting. It’s too sensitive. He can’t take it. He doesn’t want to.
“Don’t worry, yeah? I’m still gonna cum so don’t feel bad, hmm? Just be a good little cock toy.” 
Or does it hurt? Does it feel good? His head arches back, conflicting feelings of both pain and pleasure overtaking his senses. He tries to focus on one or the other, anything really, but he can’t. He can’t do anything but sit there and be good just for you. He knows he wants to do that. It’s the least he can do, right? For being just a wretched, pathetic man. 
Too bad it's so hard to pull away. But you’re addicting, and he can’t help but try to find his fix. No matter how much it hurts, he can’t help but find sparks in the way you move. Your hips moving rapidly, fucking yourself onto his cock without a care for how he might be feeling. How good he must be feeling dancing along the fine line between pain and pleasure, not daring to stick a toe into either side of the tides for fear of not returning. 
Not a care for how you grab his hand, press his thumb against your clit and rub circles until he gets the hint, gaining enough clarity to do it on his own. Your voice is all he can hear through his rough pants, air catching in his throat forming a groan every time you move. Every time you test him, urge him to stop if he can’t take it.
But he will take it. He’ll feed himself to you on a silver platter, apple tied in his mouth if you wanted him to. He takes all of it. Basks in the glow of your pussy finding pleasure in his cock. And once again he can feel the bubble in the pit of his stomach growing, telling him once again that he’s close. So terribly close he doesn’t know how much more he can take. 
So he focuses on your voice– tries to at least. As much as he can while his head is spinning. Filled with clouds and spinning like a cyclone. The beautiful melodic voice he heard when you first arrived. The pristine laugh you let out on the first night. The whines you’d release when he’d rub sunblock into his back, and now the same voice he heard the night before. Chanting his name, whispering it close in his ear. Only this time it’s real. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your moans filling his ear drums. 
His name falling from your lips as you moan about how close you are. About how good he feels. 
Your hips moving faster, harsher against his own than ever before. His thumb pressing against your clit, urging you to your release as he hangs on the precipice of his own. Cock twitching with every menstruation, walls fluttering against him until finally, your hips fall against his own. Your voice letting out a moan, his own doing the same as he releases thick streams of white into your walls for the second time that night. 
You tighten around him, almost unbearably so with how sensitive, how much of a mess the poor man’s cock is. Your hips grinding gently, coaxing the both of you through your orgasms until bodies fall against one another. The waves of pleasure soothing into a gentle tide, neither of you moving to remove yourselves from the other. 
Your head rests against his shoulder, his hand coming up to hold the back of your neck gently. To keep you there, to bask in the moment before the timer comes to an end and he realises what he has done. What the both of you have done. He should panic. He should. But all of the energy is sucked dry from his body. He can’t move, he doesn’t want to. Not when his cock is still tucked deep inside of you. When he can still feel you. 
After the glow has faded and only sweaty bodies are left in the room you get up, though he isn’t entirely sure when. His eyelids heavy, falling down no matter how hard he tries to keep them awake. 
When he wakes up, nothing is amiss. His pants are up, his hair is combed. You and Yuuji are sitting happily on the couch watching a movie. Was it all a dream? No, no it couldn’t have been. That doesn’t make sense. He knows it was real. He knows it. 
“Morning.” Itadori smiles, noticing his big brother awake. Looking around the room in utter shock and confusion. His eyes slowly drift to the both of you, Yuuji’s arm tucked around your shoulders like nothing. 
The knowing smile you give him is all the evidence he needs that it was real. 
“We didn’t wake you up, right?” You ask innocently, head tilting to the side. He shakes his head, still in a bit of shock.  “Good, good…” you sing song, turning your attention back to the tv with ease. 
“Did you wanna tell him the good news or should I?” Yuuji asks, looking over to you with that confident smile he always has on his face. The smile Choso loves. The one he wants to protect and keep safe as his big brother. 
“Me! Me!” You say excitedly, almost bouncing in your seat. “Yuuji invited me to stay over the summer too! Isn’t that amazing?!”
Choso is going to die. For real this time.
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slmjaeyuns · 2 years
☼ kim sunwoo fics that altered my brain chemistry ☼
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all time favourites ♡
(fics contain a combination of genres including fluff, angst, suggestiveness, smut)
♡ the boy ♡
♡ blurred lines ♡
♡ this is how we fall ♡
♡ heart shaped exhaust pipes ♡
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fluffs ❀
❀ pose ❀
❀ odds ❀
❀ yūgen ❀
❀ rekindle ❀
❀ love sick ❀
❀ seat filler ❀
❀ safe place ❀
❀ you’re safe ❀
❀ hoodie talk ❀
❀ aquaphobia ❀
❀ when it’s right ❀
❀ goal: your heart ❀
❀ walking on sunshine ❀
❀ from my moon to yours ❀
sequel: ❀ under our stars ❀
❀ you look hideous on me ❀
❀ when the hydrangea bloom ❀
❀ what type of cheese are you? ❀
❀ what happens in vegas, stays in vegas ❀
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angst ☽
☽ jeong ☽
sequel: ☽ commitment ☽
☽ clouds ☽
☽ daisies ☽
☽ die for you ☽
☽ going high ☽
☽ dandelions ☽
☽ spring snow ☽
☽ run with hell ☽
☽ take me back ☽
☽ dear stranger ☽
☽ stubborn love ☽
☽ bloom for you ☽
☽ come back home ☽
sequel: ☽ promised you the moon ☽
☽ today’s happiness ☽
☽ the girl i haven’t met ☽
☽ maybe in another life ☽
☽ a pink sweater in spring ☽
☽ rewind, revive (all that we are.) ☽
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suggestive/smut ☁︎
☁︎ ridin’ ☁︎
☁︎ bbgg ☁︎
☁︎ insanity ☁︎
☁︎ attention ☁︎
☁︎ unnamed ☁︎
☁︎ consuming ☁︎
☁︎ lucky charm ☁︎
☁︎ plein d’amour ☁︎
☁︎ ditching plans ☁︎
☁︎ st. fratty’s day ☁︎
☁︎ relax, let’s do it ☁︎
☁︎ so much for self control ☁︎
☁︎ a little tmi between friends ☁︎
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strawberriianime · 10 months
♡ Kirara Hoshi x Reader x Kinji Hakari
♡ It was supposed to be a study session for finals but things took a turn~
♡ cw: college au, threesome, 18+ descriptions of sex, oral sex both giving and receiving, fingering, double penetration, Kirara has a pp but they/them pronouns (love them), unprotected sex, cum swallowing, nastyyyyyy just read!
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A loud sigh rang across the room belonging to no other person but Kirara. When it came to studying Kirara was always the first to crack due to it being "boring". You closed the text book seeing you were the only one still paying attention to it as Kirara was laid out on the chair and Hakari scrolled on his phone. "I suppose we can take a break it is getting quite boring." You stood up deciding to stretch out your back hearing the satisfying crack. "Hey?" Kirara spoke gaining your attention. "Do you think people think we fuck?” The question made you choke on air. It wasn't uncommon for you to come to their dorm to study but you never really thought what other people would think. Yeah, you guys spend a lot of time together but that’s what friends do. “Well uh, I?…” you were lost for words honestly not knowing how to respond. “Hmm ever had the idea of fucking me or Hakari hmmmm?” Kirara leaned up propping themself up onto their elbows. You’d be lying if you said the idea hadn’t crossed your mind once or twice, it’s no secret really. A couple times you’ve gotten drunk and made out with them but hey it never went that far. You were in college and single you could do whatever you wanted to do. Making your way to Kirara, you sat crisscrossed bringing your face close to theirs. “I maybe had a fantasy or two” you spoke, they could smell the spearmint gum you were chewing earlier lingering in your mouth..
Hakari sat back quietly watching the situation unfold between you two. "How about we make that fantasy come true hmm? Or are you scared?" Kirara's face came closer to your own lips just centimeters apart. Without a second thought, you brought your lips down to theirs tasting the strawberry chapstick they had coating their lips. Hakari watched eagerly as Kirara pulled you in by your waist, causing you to straddle them deepening the kiss. Your tongues brushed against one another both battling for dominance. Your hands ran under their shirt feeling their slender waist, rubbing circles on their hip. With a quick tug, Kirara was quick to remove your sweater leaving you in your baby pink lace bra. "Oh, how cute!" they exclaimed admiring the fabric rubbing their finger across. "You can take it off if you'd like" You smiled as you felt their hands come to your back toying with the clasp allowing your breast to spring free. "Hakari would you like to join us?" you extended a hand to him watching as he shuffled in his seat. He was quick to sit on the other side of you leaving you in the middle of them. You felt a pinch of your nipple before feeling something wet on your right bud. You arched your back as you felt a similar feeling on your left and your pants being shuffled down. Placing a leg on Hakari's leg, he snaked his hands down your pants feeling the thin fabric that separated his fingers from coming in contact with your dripping heat.
Nodding your head you allowed him to pull the fabric down your legs allowing him to rub his fingers up and down your aching slit. The feeling of Kirara sucking at your nipples and Hakari playing with your heat was enough to get you moaning. Once Hakari gathered enough of your juices he began rubbing circles on your clit. His touch was rough, but rough in just the right ways. You felt two fingers poking at your entrance causing your to arch your back when they made their way inside. Based on the technique you could feel that it was the middle and ring fingers rolling along your insides. He began pumping his fingers inside the sound of your slick filling the room. Your legs twitch at the feeling pussy clenching on his fingers longing to be filled more. You moved your hands one to each of their laps and began palming them through their pants. Deciding that was not enough you slipped your hands under their pants palming them both with a steady pace. As your hips began to stutter against Hakari's fingers your climax was just about to peak he pulled his fingers out leaving you clenching around nothing. He brought his fingers up to his mouthing tasting the sweet saltiness of your essence.
Removing your hands from both their pants, you dropped to your knees in between both of them. With ease, you removed both of their pants allowing them both to spring free. Licking your palms, you grabbed both members taking one in each hand and starting off with slow stroaks. You teased at the tip rolling your thumb and collecting the precum that bubbled from the slit. You licked your lips eagerly as you moved over to Kirara, licking slow and steady strips along their member. You didn't stop stroking Hakari as you licked up and down taking Kirara into your warm mouth. They let out a low moan enjoying the feeling of your mouth licking every inch of them. With a pop, you released Kirara from your mouth and made your way to Hakari whom you swapped now using the saliva from your mouth to stroak Kirara. Following the same steps you were quick to lick at Hakari's dick, placing small kisses along the shaft. With a quick drop, you had taken Hakari's deep into your throat almost gagging considering how thick he was. He was quick to grip your hair pushing you down even lower, nose being tickled by his pubic hair. You continued to stroke Kirara as you felt them twitch in your hand knowing they were close to their release. You felt Hikari's dick pulsate in your mouth causing you to such even harder. "Fuck I'm going to cum Kirara don't you cum yet" You bobbed your head even faster feeling the build-up of his release coming. Within an instant you felt Hikari's release flood your mouth, his cum not too thick with a slightly salty taste. On queue, you were quick to swallow every drop not leaving any behind.
As you caught your breath, you felt Hakari pull you up and place you on the chair so you were on your hands and knees in front of Kirara. You were almost confused when you felt a sudden wet suck down in your nether realm. You gripped the couch not being able to shake the feeling of Hakari lapping at your pussy. You licked at your lips once more, ensuring Kirara did not feel left out. You licked slowly at their tip watching as precum began forming once more. Coating your hands in saliva, you use your hands to pump up and down to cover what your mouth wasn’t reaching in the position. Kirara let out a series of groans to pair with the moans you released upon them.
Hikari placed delicate kisses along your fold before hooking his hands on your underside roughly palming the fat of your ass. He used this leverage to pull you lower to his face as you practically sat on his face. His tongue moved fast as he licked up and down your fold collecting the natural juice that formed from your needy hole. This tongue made way from the ball of your clit to the warmth of your hole licking around the aching area. He was quick to thrust his tongue in causing you to let out a high-pitched moan.
Just as you knew you were about to cum, you could tell Kirara was as well. Hallowing your cheeks, you sucked harder going down deeper and grinding yourself onto Hakari’ face. With a few more pumps and a couple sucks you and Kirara were both moaning together. Your release coating Hikari’s face as Kirara came in your mouth. It took a moment for you all to catch your breaths
“Tired already?” a voice rang through the room. You were brought out of your thought feeling a poke around your entrance. You were pushed onto your back, your back meeting Kirara's chest. You felt Kirara grip around your waist raising you slightly, feeling a second poke at your entrance. "Think you can take us both?" Before you could respond you felt something hard poke around pushing its way inside based on the movements it had to be Kirara adjusting you and lowering you down onto their length. They let you adjust to the feeling before Hakari began rubbing circles on your clit. You let out a whimper feeling your nipples being played with once more, your pussy clenching around Kirara wanting to feel some form of movement. "Had to get you nice and wet" Hakari said as you felt another poke at your entrance, looking down you were already stretched so seeing Hakari attempt to stretch his way inside you. There was a slight discomfort as your leg shook with the painful stretch of having two people inside one hole. Once he was able to push himself fully in, he threw one leg over his shoulder and the other on the side of the chair allowing comfort for all.
Once they figured you were comfortable, they began moving at a push-and-pull rhythm allowing nonstop pleasure for you. "Shit you're soaking wet" You knew it was true you could hear the squelching of your pussy with each thrust. The amount of pleasure you felt was overstimulating considering you were taking both there wasn't a second gone by where you didn't feel pleasure. "You both feel so good inside me" You threw your head back on Kirara's shoulder. They took this advantage and began peppering kisses on your neck. "I don't think I can take this much longer, I'm going to cum." You whined out. "Hold on a bit longer we're almost there" You felt their movements pick up causing you to moan much louder than before. Taking your right hand you began circling at your clit making you clench down even harder. "Shit, I'm going to cum" you whined out feeling their thrust getting more jagged by the minute. With a few more pumps and the stutter of their hips, you felt yourself spasm warm liquids mixing with their own. Grunts, groans and moans filled the room as long-anticipated orgasm came over everybody.
A couple of minutes had passed before they both pulled out of you slowly making sure to not further overstimulate your body. It took some time for you to catch your breath and to calm your nerves. "Here you go!" a towel was put onto your body suddenly. it was Kirara where was Hakari? Speaking of, he walked back into the main room "Let's get you all cleaned up I was running a bath for you." What have you gotten yourself into?
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