#a reupload from my quotev
I think you'd like this story: "Beep Boop Break Beats" by GodNoNo on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/343446374?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=GodNoNo&wp_originator=pWTWdxZBRR%2B4DwMEedt3X2VVx%2FR%2BxMfPpS2SrbhgGSZeBJ3g%2B83yobQ5TrxzvrjYQzy0sHGIlzWBInv3zwXEBPPXYiwcaMF4C%2BNbSwZawwaR2Srsp3ka88s8eeJNiR8e
Pls read my fanfic :(
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amy-maguire · 6 months
An Introduction to my main fanfiction and where you can read it.
Hello, everyone! I'm Amy and I wanted to introduce you all to some of the things I like to create. One of the shows I am interested in is My Hero Academia and around a year back I started a fan fiction I named, "Toga.. that's me."
This fanfiction is up on Archive of Our Own, Wattpad, Quotev, and now it will be uploaded here. If you would like to read the story you can search for any variation of my user name (Amy_Maguire, AmyMaguire, etc.). The fan fiction name will remain the same. The only thing I'd like to mention is that Ao3 has been giving me a lot of issues recently due to our router at my house, so I will continue to update the fanfiction on the other platforms until that gets figured out.
As for Toga.. that's me here is a brief summary before I start reuploading the chapters here (this is the summary reposted from my Wattpad):
Toga Himiko is a girl the public knows of as a psychotic individual. A bloodlust-filled girl whose purpose goes past nothing more than shedding blood for her own interests. But there is more to Toga, and that includes her love for more than just blood but individuals as well. One day, as she goes on an adventure to see Izuku and experience that love she craves nothing seems to go her way. Will Toga Himiko ever really experience real love and be seen as someone who deserves it?
Major Trigger Warnings in my work involving but not limited to:
-Gore and Violence
-Blood drinking, blood in general, knives
-Fire, description of burns
-Depictions of violence and descriptions of injury
-Abuse mentions
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy my fanfiction and other creations I may post/repost here.
Chapter 1 on Tumblr
Chapter 2 on Tumblr
Chapter 3 on Tumblr
Chapter 4 on Tumblr
Chapter 5 on Tumblr
Chapter 6 on Tumblr
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
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lcs-library · 3 years
“I’m here, don’t worry.” An Axel x reader platonic oneshot!
Summary/preview: "Hey, are you okay?" The flame haired boy asked, crouching down to your level, wondering why you were in so much pain. "I'm fine, I just..." A cute platonic oneshot where Axel/Lea comforts a reader on their period!
Tags/notes: Kingdom hearts, AFAB! Reader(pronouns are gn), sfw, axel x reader, uhhh this fic was my first x reader so it’s probably not v good you’ve been warned, slight blood mention but it’s never directly said
You woke up in your bed in Twilight Town, just barely missing the sunrise. You stretched, trying to get the little knots out of you back from your wacky sleeping position, only to look down at your sheets and sigh.
Seriously?! And I was really excited for today too! It was only then did you realize the crippling pain in your lower abdomen. Why was I created this way...
You stood up nonetheless, and prepped for your full day of training with Merlin and your friend Lea.
You had been training for a while, still trying to earn the title of keyblade weilder. Lea had already earned that title, and he was training to be a master at this point, but you still were working with him.
There was another person in your group too. Her name was Kairi, but she wasn’t there often. She was mostly in Radiant Garden, sleeping, trying to bring back her old friend.
You didn’t know him that well, but you were rooting for her to find him. You finished getting dressed and walked out the door.
It seemed like every step you took was either pain or a random squirt in your pants. “Ow, ow, ow...” you muttered to yourself on the way out of the neighborhood and over to the main part of the city to go to the bistro to meet Merlin and Lea.
“Ah, good morning!” You heard from a little ways away. You didn’t even notice you had already made it to the bistro due to your concentration on the pain and suffering.
“O-oh, hi, Merlin!” You replied with a forced smile.
“It’s wonderful to see you! Come, let us start training!” He said, beaming. “Okay!” He took you by the hand, and with a flick of his wrist, you were in the world of greenery and freedom.
You didn’t know exactly what the world was called, though. One time you asked Merlin, but forgot it due to your nature.
You looked around. Even when you were in your personal hell, the beauty of the place never ceased to amaze you. After taking your routine look around, your eyes met with another certain someone’s.
“Heya, Y/N!” The familiar voice rang out.
“Hello!” You sang, still forcing that smile of yours.
“Alright then,” Merlin said promptly, “I have a small errand to do seeing as I am helping in the search for Sora, so I will be leaving you two alone today. All I expect from you two is to spar and practice summoning your keyblade. Now then,” he turned around, “I will be leaving now.” And with that, Merlin disappeared and left the world.
You never knew how he did it without a dark corridor or a keyblade. Maybe it was some sort of teleportation magic? You never decided to dwell on it.
“Well, are ya ready for a little training?” He said, summoning his keyblade, taking his usual fighting stance.
“Oh, you’re on!” You replied, summoning your keyblade as well, although your form was off, and your stance was a little wonky.
Lea gave out a small chuckle, “Then, let’s fight!”
You decided to make the first move. Despite the pain, you managed to get to his chest with your keyblade in an attempt to win by softly stabbing his chest, to which he dodged. He then decided that it was his turn to make a move, going in for a slice at your abdomen with his keyblade.
You tried your best to dodge, only to have his keyblade come in contact with your side. It wouldn’t usually hurt since you guys played nice, but this time it did so more than it should have.
“Agh!” You cried, almost crumpling to the ground. You bent over yourself, hoping to ease the pain. Lea, being the kind soul he was, rushed over to you, worried as ever.
In a more soft spoken tone, he asked you if you were okay, apologized over and over again, and just rambled all over the place. You told him you were fine, it wasn’t his fault you were hurting.
“What?” He asked in response. “I’m fine, it’s just... that time.” You replied.
“That didn’t help anything.” He proclaimed. “I mean that, um, I’m uncomfortable saying this for some reason, but I’m, er, on my period.” You tried to articulate your words, but they wouldn’t come out quite the way you wanted them to.
You were just angry at yourself. Angry at your body. Angry that you were angry.
You tried to stuff it down, put a smile on your face, but it just wasn’t enough for you to not be afraid of it all spilling out. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone talking.
“I don’t know much about how that works, but if there is anything I can do to help you, I’d be more than happy to do it.” He said to you softly. You looked up at him again, this time with tears in your eyes.
No! Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t- Your thoughts were again interrupted by Lea, although this time it wasn’t his voice, but a simple touch on the arm.
He looked at you with the most reassuring smile, letting you know that it was okay to have your emotions be all over the place (even though he didn’t know the anger you had been feeling throughout the rest of the day), despite the fact that he didn’t know what was going on or why you were starting to cry.
You knew it hurt, but you stood up straight, looking back at him with a small smile and tears running down your face. You felt safe with him.
He didn’t really know why you were crying, but he hugged you anyways. It wasn’t anything tight, but it wasn’t too loose either. Feeling his large arms wrap around you was enough to start the waterworks.
You, in turn, wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tightly as if to anchor yourself to reality using him. He giggled at this and pulled you closer.
You buried your head in his chest, noticing that your tears had stopped flowing as suddenly as they started. Instead, they were replaced by giggles.
“What’s so funny?” Lea asked you, pulling you out of his chest so he could look you in the eye.
“I don’t really know, actually, I just tend to giggle after I cry. Kinda weird, huh?” You replied.
This time, it was Lea’s turn to laugh. “Yup.” “But,” you started, “I’m really happy you pulled me out of this weird little emotion blur.” You finished with a smile.
Usually after the crying, you would be genuinely happy for the rest of the day, and you were glad that Lea let you cry safely.
“Heh, anytime.” He replied. “Oh.”
“Hm?” You questioned. “Do you wanna get ice cream with me after we’re done here? I know a little place in Twilight Town and we can bring Roxas, Xion, and Isa.”
“I’d love to!” You said ecstatically. You were happy that for the rest of the day, and at least you could smile through the pain.
“Thanks, Lea.” “Call me Axel.” “What?” Where did he get Axel from?
“Got it memorized?” “Um, okay then, Axel.” You smiled up at him once more before letting go of the prolonged hug.
“Now that you’re back up to speed, en grade!” Lea, or now Axel, said playfully, summoning his keyblade.
You giggled. “Prepare to get your butt kicked!”
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etceteraon · 3 years
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Harmony, but you’re welcome to call me whatever. I’m twenty-three, and a full-time student. I try to write decent fanfiction, but my posts will probably range from constant to very few and far between depending on my schedule and how much muse I have to write. I’m online most of the time however, and I’m always open to conversation.
I am a huge multistan, have been involved in Kpop since 2012 and have been writing for just as long. I used to write over on Quotev and Wattpad and just recently decided to get back into it and moved here instead. My current ults are Stray Kids and Plave. I only write for them currently, but that may change over time as I know and stan many other groups.
I will be writing a few series, but they will probably take longer since I tend to run into writer's block fairly often. Drabbles and short fics will probably be much more prominent. Please also expect a daily rant about how much I love/hate Bang Christopher Chan.
Here is my Navigation page for easy access to everything on my blog!
Please do not copy/reupload/translate or do anything else with my work without explicit permission from myself. Thank you.
The groups I accept requests for and will write series/drabbles for are as follows (This list can change over time). :
Stray Kids
Please note I will not write any sort of suggestive or mature themes for these select members:
Yu Hamin (PLAVE)
I will write drabbles and fics containing them, but do not ask or request for any suggestive or mature themes for them because I simply will not do it.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
OMG!! Aren't you MoltenGold from Quotev?? I've missed you!! T___T I was so sad when I went back there and couldn't find your works anymore, you were my favorite author! I've been hoping that you would come back one day and god am I happy to find you again! Do you plan on reuploading all your works besides de CP Scenarios? I would love to read them again. But either way, I'm just sooo happy that you're back! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Anyway, I hope you have a nice day! <33
For some reason, it never occurred to me that people would have both Quotev and Tumblr (and remember me).
Hey! Your message just absolutely made my day... no, actually, like my entire month. I unfortunately lost a great deal of my work when Quotev updated and my account was glitched but I managed to find my CP scenarios so perhaps I'll find some of my other work hidden away on my computer! If so then I'll definitely be updating it.
Thank you for the amazing message and I hope you have an amazing day also <3.
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grimalkinmessor · 5 years
Ok so I went on a trip out of town and didn’t check my activity or anything for like a week so I forgot what I was talking about! Could I please ask for your usernames on any fanfic sites so I can check your stuff out? ☺️🙏🏻💛
I'm AlastorGrim on all of the sites, by which I mean Ao3, Quotev, and Wattpad.
Ao3 is where my shit kept getting deleted, so it's mostly what I was working on when I scrabbled together a new account, which means it's mostly Squichael, selective Harrymort, Blackice, selective Grindelnewt, and my one (1) Spideypool fic. Not to mention my recent faceplant into Starker, so there are also some of those 😅
Wattpad is more of a master list of every fic I've ever started, back from the very beginning of my writing days (for the love of God don't scroll back too far, for the sake of my sanity) which means every Billdip fic, BMC fic, Rorty fic, Harrymort fic, Grindelnewt fic, Blackice fic, and the occasional scattering of one or two chapters of a Tree Bros or Maxvid WiP are all there. But I've yet to post any Starker on there yet, because I haven't had the time with trying to reupload some fics back up onto my new Quotev account.
Though, if it's fic recs you're looking for, I would stick to Ao3. I mostly use Wattpad and Quotev as promotional platforms. I always have an overabundance of bookmarks to share with the world!
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ao3feed-loki-tv · 3 years
by Altin_707
Cassidy has arrived in the MCU from our world, and lets just say she doesn't intend on being a background character. However, after being associated with Loki for crimes against humanity, being the hero of her story doesn't come too easy. Before she can move onto saving the lives of her favorite characters she must first prove herself worthy and learn to adapt to her new world. With a power of her own to discover and a timeline to change, Cassidy is determined to make her new life worth living. And who knows, maybe she'll find love along the way.
(Avengers - Endgame, no TVA) *Og cover art by DarkSistersofLoki on twitter Reupload from my Quotev account @gayfortheegg93784
Words: 14103, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Other Avengers
Relationships: Tom Hiddleston/Loki/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Loki/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Original Character-centric, Mythology References, Marvel Norse Lore, OC from our Universe, their name is cassidy, this is basically a self insert, will it be a slowburn, Maybe - Freeform, idk yet lol, slowburn, Trans Characters, loki is nonbinary, Genderfluid Loki, Genderfluid Character, oc and loki are both prisoners, Rune Magic, Portals, Short Chapters, magnus chase inspo, magnus chase - Freeform, World Tree, Avengers 2012 - Freeform
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Portals, Runes, and a little bit of Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36PsJ3B
by Altin_707
Cassidy has arrived in the MCU from our world, and lets just say she doesn't intend on being a background character. However, after being associated with Loki for crimes against humanity, being the hero of her story doesn't come too easy. Before she can move onto saving the lives of her favorite characters she must first prove herself worthy and learn to adapt to her new world. With a power of her own to discover and a timeline to change, Cassidy is determined to make her new life worth living. And who knows, maybe she'll find love along the way.
(Avengers - Endgame, no TVA) *Og cover art by DarkSistersofLoki on twitter Reupload from my Quotev account @gayfortheegg93784
Words: 14103, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Other Avengers
Relationships: Tom Hiddleston/Loki/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Loki/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Original Character-centric, Mythology References, Marvel Norse Lore, OC from our Universe, their name is cassidy, this is basically a self insert, will it be a slowburn, Maybe - Freeform, idk yet lol, slowburn, Trans Characters, loki is nonbinary, Genderfluid Loki, Genderfluid Character, oc and loki are both prisoners, Rune Magic, Portals, Short Chapters, magnus chase inspo, magnus chase - Freeform, World Tree, Avengers 2012 - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36PsJ3B
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
Ever been hacked and had to reupload everything?
Ever since my first YouTube got hacked when I was a dumb kid and deleted the channel because I didn't know what to do, being hacked has been my #1 fear. Especially since I want to be widely known for my online stories. And want to write very long and amazing fanfics and stories.
But my chapters are small. They're not huge chapters like the og web novel Worm or fanfic The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest. If my stuff got hacked and deleted, I would have so many chapters to copy and paste again. And only my og story has backups(I post on Quotev first and then copy and paste to the site where people actually read the thing)
Has anyone been hacked and had to painstakingly reupload all their stuff chapter by chapter? Assuming you had backups?
submitted by /u/WoodZillaTV [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2CR9zPa
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ao3feed-toukenranbu · 7 years
Saint and Sinner
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uOFBEI
by gay_kratos_aurion
A collection of IshiKari one shots, with the first two reuploaded from my Quotev.
Words: 602, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 刀剣乱舞 | Touken Ranbu
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nikkari Aoe, Ishikirimaru, Kousetsu Samonji, Souza Samonji, Sayo Samonji
Relationships: Nikkari Aoe/Ishikirimaru
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uOFBEI
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starwriterulia · 7 years
Random PSA #38
I came on to check my notifications which blEW THE FUCK UP, LIKE WOW. THIS SO POPULAR SUDDENLY. I'd seriously love it if I actually became popular when I come back, aaaa. There's a picture before it, but eh, I'm not complaining about my 'fame'. XDD Shookga is also still contributing to the 'fame' as well. HOW...?! I DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THIS GIF, I REUPLOADED IT WITH PERMISSION FROM GOOGLE+, GUYS. 
I will reblog a few things before I roll away to write more on my Quotev~. Random PSA #37 is still in effect, yo.
Also, this was made for me by a Quotev user. I think we call ourselves Quoters. Yeah.
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