#a rule you can bend
o5oflies · 9 months
ants ants ants
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pencildragons · 2 years
still insanely funny to me that ortus nigenad has canonically written 18 volumes of epic poetry about a bodyguard who was, in fact, Just Some Guy, and regularly quotes himself out loud in conversations on the regular. man had to die at the start of gtn because he was too fucking powerful to live
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
Joel sits awkwardly at a family dinner table that isn’t for him.
It’s nice and all, he reckons, for Impulse’s family to invite him over after he leaves the hospital. Even before—everything—Joel’s family hadn’t really been the “big meal around a big table” type, so he’s getting some new experiences here too. And it’s nice and all, that they want to thank him for his role in finding Skizz.
But like. It’s not like he or Impulse or Skizz could explain how it happened, when asked. “Magic brain ghosts” and “evil butterflies” and “Joel still isn’t certain all of that was real and is trying to pretend it wasn’t” puts a damper on that. Also, adults are kind of shit at talking around the fact Joel’s whole family is dead, so he gets the sense he’s sort of harshing the vibes, you know?
Still. It’s a nice gesture. He guesses. It’s free food at least, which is decent, and as close as Impulse and Skizz are, every time one of Impulse’s family says something stupid, Skizz taps Joel’s leg with his foot or steals a roll or something, and it makes Joel feel…
He’d have been sad if Skizz had died, probably. Like, he wouldn’t know. He didn’t come here to make friends, he came here to get a degree and get out. Also, that’s stupid, because it’s not like Joel would have known he was missing a really awkward congratulatory family dinner in which Skizz kept on trying to sneakily steal beans. Probably would have just moved right on. He’s not… friendly.
They stand outside afterwards, waving by to Impulse, promising to walk together so that neither of them Vanish. They’re quiet.
“Thanks, man. That meant a lot to them,” Skizz says.
“Yeah, well, I can do stupid things for free food,” Joel says.
Skizz laughs. “It was nice having you there, too. Man, they’re even worse with you! It’s like not knowing you means they’re even more awkward about family tragedy.”
“Trust me, most adults are way worse. You should see my social worker,” Joel says.
“Didn’t he ditch you, dude?”
“Haha, yeah, he did,” Joel says.
They stare up at the streetlamps together.
“I was really ready to go for a bit there,” Skizz says. Joel’s hackles raise. Oh no. Emotions. Bad. Go away. “It was like—man, it felt like the whole world was empty. But when you showed up, it’s like I remembered… I’d miss dinners, dude.”
“I have no idea why, that kinda sucked,” Joel says, baffled and sarcastic, because he’s a moron who can’t handle emotional conversations, this is why everyone avoided him at the funeral, stupid.
Skizz breaks out laughing.
“You’re great, man! I’m glad we met. Uh, my place is only a block away, and I won’t go following any stupid butterflies. See you at school?”
“Yeah man. See you,” Joel says—
I am thou.
Thou art I.
Thou hath formed a new bond.
With the power of the Chariot Arcana, you shall build the chains with which to hold on to reality.
“What the hell?” Joel says, tripping over his feet. “What? What? Where did—what the fuck that wasn’t Pygmalion oh god do I have more than one voice in my head—”
“Dude, are you okay?”
Skizz’s almost frustratingly strong and comforting arms grab Joel.
“Tell me you heard that,” Joel says desperately.
“I—I don’t know what you’re talking about. I could take you back to the hospital—no?”
“I am either crazy or am going to end up in a government lab?” Joel says, voice getting high and squeaky.
“We can ask Mr. Hills about it? He came to talk to me after I woke up in the hospital, apparently he like, knows stuff,” Skizz says.
“I don’t wanna,” Joel says.
“Tough luck, buddy, you just almost fell over and cracked your head open!”
Suddenly, Joel remembers a long-nosed man and a blonde in a very blue boat. He remembers a cryptic conversation about bonds and power and their importance. He takes a deep breath. “Can you cover your ears for a moment?” he says.
“Yeah, sure thing, why—”
Joel, as loudly as he can, screams. He hears several birds fly away. He pants.
“…Joel,” Skizz says.
“Yeah thanks man don’t worry about it let’s never speak of this again I’m sure it’s nothing. I definitely didn’t have a weird dream about this and should go to bed.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever you say,” Skizz says cheerfully before laughing, which Joel continues grumbling about all the way back to his apartment.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
People always talk about how it's questionable that trainers in the Pokemon universe should be allowed to catch legendaries, but I feel like that overlooks the fact that:
Pokemon can disobey their trainers, leave their pokeballs whenever they want, and choose what trainers they want to partner with, so some kid having a legendary is really not any more dangerous than them being out in the wild
In fact I'd argue it's substantially less dangerous than having them out in the wild. A captured Kyogre will probably not cause any serious trouble while a wild Kyogre will flood half of Hoenn because Groudon looked at it wrong
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forged-in-stardust · 2 months
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>>> Um... Thanks? I think? >>> Did you mean to give this to Pleione? I feel like she'd enjoy this more than me. And not just because it's her colour...
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
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Something about this interaction between Harry & Janeway - specifically Janeway but it's notable that Harry's the one listening because I think, say, Chakotay or B'Elanna might push back against the idolization of this 'it was different back in those days' way of thinking.
#Get the Tranq she's 'Good Old Boys'-ing!#never beating the Starfleet stooge accusations#which I think should have been brought up more between her and Chakotay#instead of just making Chakotay like Starfleet again so they can be together#the Tuvok/Chakotay/Janeway command trio should have been like#Janeway: I love Starfleet in an uncomplicated way and though it's painful sometimes I believe following code is the only way to proceed#Tuvok: I agree with the captain and this makes her believe in her decisions more - though I would attempt to obey her commands even if they#weren't regulation.#<- Janeway doesn't want to examine this#Chakotay: I hate Starfleet because of very valid reasons and I don't think following orders and codes from superiors is the best thing#in every situation. I want everyone here to examine their biases which cannot necessarily be done if biases are written into the#codes. We aren't in Starfleet space. We might have to adapt.#but it's nowhere near that nuanced bc you know. Starfleet Good. Starfleet Good. Starfleet Good. Maquis Bad. Maquis Bad. Maquis Bad.#Or you know: 'Maquis doing this the WROOONG way...violence isn't the answer :(' maybe violence is the answer sometimes.#when it's the only language the people in power understand.#maybe 'let's talk about this' is an insidious military tactic sometimes actually#Also Harry immediately going from 'They falsified logs?' to 'I always wondered it'd be like back then...~'#He and Janeway................Him and Janeway are!!! AGH#People think Harry's way too timid. They think this because he's asian and an ensign so they make him timid & obedient#But he's very willing to break or bend the rules - he's willing to fight he likes action and adventure and he's very similar to Janeway#where they'll both die and go to hell and come back just to save their crew - their friends - their family
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tricoufamily · 7 months
no ok we finished episode 2 what they have done to katara is unforgivable. they have completed zapped every ounce of her personality away. why. why. look how they massacred my girl
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
I'm rewatching the season 8 of GOT, and it's amazing how it gets worse each time each time I notice a new inconsistency. the fact that the prophecy was for nothing, and how with arya killing the night king it made me understand that anyone could kill him, this person just had to have aegon's dagger in their hands like (???)
Why would you do that to yourself?? Forget rewatching, I haven't even watched the final episode (and I never will) 😭
The past few seasons of that show made no sense and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. It was literally that "anyone could've killed him"; they just shuffled through characters to find one that "felt right" and even considered the Hound or Brienne. The only options should've been Jon or Dany, but Jon would've been "too obvious" (as though being able to tell where the plot is going is a bad thing) and Dany killing the Night King would've been "too heroic" for a character they desperately wanted to demonize. So we were left with...what we got, which really highlights how poorly D&D handled all of these characters. They made Arya's story all about being a fighter, erasing the majority of her development from the books, and then they didn't even make space for her to use those skills. Her face-changing skills never came up after she killed the Freys, she didn't carry out any actual assassinations (they didn't even consider sending her to kill Cersei?), and if they hadn't decided that she would kill the Night King she wouldn't have done anything significant. With the "Ed Sheeran was a surprise for Maisie's last season" thing I doubt they even initially planned for her to survive the entire time, which would've made her story even more pointless. They put no effort into writing her character and just did "whatever was most badass", but I'm supposed to believe that their writing for Arya is anywhere close to what George is writing for her 🥴
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pkmoth · 4 months
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i made sprites for the twins :D
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tswwwit · 1 year
dip 🤝 bill
both liking their hair pulled/played with
#answers#Bill ruffles Dipper's hair all the time. But that's condescending and generally leads to an argument#Playing with Dipper's hair is only available when Bill thinks he can get away with it. Can't look *too* sentimental in public#They've still been caught multiple times. Dipper just never commented on it#Dipper has more chances. Mostly when Bill's dropped his head in Dipper's lap and smacking him in the face inevitably leads to more touching#It's also one of the few ways he doesn't feel awkward about initiating gentle touch. Since Bill's basically offering there.#The Cuddling™ is still a recent development and he's not sure where the boundaries are#If these two were better at communicating he would learn that Bill's full-on dived into the decision that nonsexual touch actually rules#Hug that demon Dipper. He'll let you cling to him and nuzzle up against his neck and giggle about it#semi-nsfw: Bill really had to egg Dipper on to full-on pull his hair when he goes down on him#A little pain adds spice!! Yank away sapling it's encouraging AND really hot#Dipper prefers a much lighter touch himself but hey! If Bill's into it he'll go ahead and tug like hell#Bonus fact: Dipper watching Bill bend over to get something under a table or low drawer#Raising an eyebrow at the presented rear end#Then the sudden realization: Wait Bill does this to *him* all the time. They're married. He doesn't just have to stare#He can actually-#The ensuing butt slap made Bill jolt up and smack his head against something. Swearing and surprised.#And Dipper made his escape while Bill was still too engulfed with confusion/amusement/annoyance to take quick revenge#Mission: Success
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griseldabanks · 5 months
for the ask game, would you do #23 for link and zelda?
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Prompt: "I feel like we've met before…."
“You only want to go there because you think she'll be there.”
“I do not!” Link retorted, hanging his helmet on Epona's handlebars while holding his phone to his ear with the other hand. “I'm going to study for midterms, like I said. Not my fault you didn't want to come along.”
“And watch Malon making googly eyes at you the whole time? No thanks.”
Link paused halfway through slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “What? Malon?”
He could practically hear the rolled eyes across the phone line. “Oh brother. She's had her eye on you since orientation!”
“Really? How can you tell?”
“Because I have eyes in my head!”
Suddenly, Link spotted a familiar pink backpack weaving through the tables outside the coffee shop, heading towards the door. “Sorry, Navi, gotta go.”
“Hey! Listen to me—“
He hung up and darted over to the front door, managing to reach it just in time. He grabbed the door and pulled it open.
The girl who'd been reaching for it started at his sudden appearance, then let her extended hand fall back to her side. “Oh...thanks!”
She smiled up at him before stepping inside, and for one glorious moment, their eyes met. Link grinned stupidly, but she'd already passed him.
Heart pounding in his chest, Link followed her into Lon Lon Cafe. He stuffed his hands into the pocket of his green hoodie, trying to act casual as he stepped into line right behind her. He glanced up at the girl behind the cash register, and the pleasant giddiness in his chest deflated somewhat as he remembered what Navi had said. Sure enough, Malon spotted him and immediately shot him a grin, tucking a lock of red hair behind her ear. And she kept glancing at him as she listened to the next customer's order.
Link looked back at the girl in front of him instead. Zelda. So was so pretty, her blonde hair pulled back in a half-ponytail, golden earrings dangling from her ears and catching the light.... And there was an elegance to all of her movements, even simply in the way she pulled her wallet out of her purse. Like a princess...if princesses ever graced college-town coffee shops.
Suddenly, she looked over her shoulder and turned to face him. “Hey, do I know you?”
The bottom dropped out of Link's stomach. “What?”
Zelda cocked her head to one side. “I feel like we've met before....”
Link swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. “Uh...History 101. Professor Rauru.”
Zelda's face brightened with recognition, and somehow she looked even more beautiful that way. “That's it! So are you ready for—“
With a little start, Zelda quickly turned around and stepped up to the front of the line. While she was ordering her drink, Link couldn't help noticing that Malon wasn't smiling anymore, but answering Zelda tersely and stabbing at the register with more force than necessary.
When it was his turn to order, Link was a little nervous at how Malon would receive him, but to his relief, the second her eyes landed on him, a huge smile lit up her face again. He might have been imagining things, but he thought he detected a hint of sharpness in her gaze that wasn't there normally. “What can I get you?”
Link opened his mouth to reply, but she talked over him.
“Pumpkin spice latte, right? As usual?”
He'd actually been thinking of trying out something different this time, but she was already ringing him up, and he did like anything pumpkin spice-flavored, so he remained silent and just handed over a couple blue rupee notes.
Zelda was still waiting for her drink at the other end of the counter, and Link's heart skipped a beat when she glanced up from her phone as he strode over to her to wait as well. “So, what's your major?” she asked, her blue eyes bright and interested.
“Uh...undeclared, so far,” Link admitted, feeling his cheeks go warm. “I came in with an archery scholarship, but I don't know if that's what I want to go with....”
“Well, that's okay,” Zelda said. “You're a freshman, right? You've got plenty of time to figure it out.”
“Wait, are you not a freshman?”
Zelda giggled. “Oh—no, I'm a sophomore. I just didn't get around to history last year. I wanted to take harp lessons, and my schedule didn't work out.”
“So you're a music major?” Link brightened at that. Maybe he should've signed up for singing lessons or something after all.
“For now,” Zelda said with a thoughtful frown. “I love the harp, but I've been thinking about switching to political science instead. Do some real good in the world, you know?”
The more they talked, the more relaxed Link felt, just like he was talking to Navi or Saria—except that every time their eyes met, he felt a glorious swoop in his stomach. “Maybe your harp can usher in world peace,” he said with a grin.
As Zelda laughed, the barista slid their drinks across the counter towards them. “So do you play any instruments?”
“Oh, just the ocarina—“
They both reached for their drinks at the same time. Both froze, staring at the backs of their hands. Link's left, Zelda's right. Like a strangely geometric birthmark, against their pale skin was the clear outline of a triangle divided into four smaller triangles. On Link's hand, the smaller triangle on the bottom right was filled in; on Zelda's, it was the bottom left.
Link stared at their hands, the marks upon them perfect mirrors of each other. For his whole life, his soul mark had been there, as familiar a sight as the moles and freckles on his arms. He knew it was supposed to be a reflection of his soul, and the legends went that somewhere out there, his soulmate bore the mirror image of it. But who that person was, or if he'd ever meet them...that just wasn't something he bothered thinking about too much.
Just like anyone, there had certainly been times when he'd wondered who his soulmate was. Growing up, he'd compared soul marks with his friends—Saria had been extremely disappointed when she realized that the swirly mark on her shoulder was nothing like his soul mark. In idle moments, he would daydream about whether his soulmate would turn out to be someone he married, like his parents, or a really good friend, or maybe even one of his children someday.
But then life got busy, and there was no time to think about something so frivolous when school and archery club ate up so much of his time. If he ever met his soulmate, he would deal with it then.
Then was now.
Slowly, Link's eyes traveled up Zelda's arm to her eyes, which were open wide with shock. “Does this mean...?”
“Oh my!” Zelda's face instantly grew as red as a tomato, and she whirled away from him, covering her cheeks with her hands. Link's eyes were glued to the back of her right hand. The soul mark was unmistakable.
Without warning, Zelda began speed-walking back through the cafe, almost knocking into several people on her way out.
“Wait—Zelda!” Link grabbed both of their drinks and rushed after her, finally catching up to her where she had collapsed into a chair at one of the tables under an umbrella out front.
Hesitantly, Link set Zelda's drink down in front of her, then slipped his backpack off his shoulder and sank into the chair across the table. He looked over at her staring fixedly at the cast-iron tabletop as if she could melt it with a glance.
Just to have something to do, Link sipped his pumpkin spice latte, but it scalded his tongue, so he set it aside.
She was so pretty, even with the blush extending all the way down her neck. Actually, the blush made her look even prettier, the pink tinge of her skin setting off the pink shirt she wore.
She's my soulmate, he thought numbly. All I wanted was to talk to her, maybe ask her out eventually...and she's my soulmate. The most important person in my life.
“Um...sorry,” Zelda said with a shaky laugh, looking up at last and tucking a strand of golden hair behind her ear. “I didn't mean to run out, I just...that took me completely by surprise!”
“Yeah, uh...m-me too.”
They both realized at the same time that they were staring at each other's hands, and broke into nervous laughter.
“So, we're...soulmates.” Zelda let out a long breath. “No, saying it out loud didn't help. It still doesn't sound real.”
A sudden thought occurred to Link that made his heart sink. “Hey, um...just because of this,” he pointed at the back of his hand, “that doesn't mean we have to...I mean, it's just a legend. You don't have to feel, like, obligated to...to hang out with me or....”
To his relief, she smiled sweetly at him. “You're right. But...I'd still like to get to know you. If...you don't mind.”
“No, of course!” Link said, a little too quickly and too loudly. He cleared his throat, his cheeks burning again. “Can I buy you coffee or something sometime? I-I mean, I know we already got coffee, but....” Crap, he was making such a fool of himself....
But Zelda just giggled, hiding her smile behind the hand that bore the mirror image of his soul mark. “Yes, you can take me on a date sometime. But, um...what's your name, anyway?”
“Oh!” They'd been talking all this time, and he still hadn't introduced himself. “It's Link. Nice to meet you.”
Zelda cocked her head to one side. “Link...strange...it feels somehow familiar....”
Link realized he'd felt the same way, the first time he'd learned Zelda's name. He'd passed it off as merely thinking it was a pretty name, but...maybe it was a sign that their souls were bonded to each other.
Either way, as they sat at the coffee shop and continued to get to know each other, everything felt right with the world in a way it never had before.
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o5oflies · 2 months
fishos fishos
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seaofreverie · 3 months
Well, it's fine. I'll just have my second attempt tomorrow at making my university let me start studying without retaking the damn exam.
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nullio · 2 years
I rlly rlly hope I'm not mistaken in this but
I LOVE how Blood Origin did the "homophobia does not exist here 🤺" thing, like when Eredin and his bf (his name escapes me, I'm sorry) were talking abt how their relationship won't work, internally I was like
"Oh here we go :/ too men together would be unnatural 🔪🔪"
But nah!! It was a class issue!! And I was suprised and happy
Then it happened AGAIN, Meldof talking abt how much she loved her GF and her massive tiddies and noone had pause or gave her a weird look- she was a lesbian in peace and that's pog as shit
I just rlly hope that carries over to The Witcher proper- like I have an awful feeling that when the Human Sphere(tm) merged that the humans brought their homophobia with or something 🥲
Here's to a Queer season 3 🎉🎉🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🐦❤️🐺
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amazingdeadfish · 9 months
I... I keep forgetting that your fanfics aren't canon, I can't read any other fanfics because I'm like "why do they ignore the whole macaque and mayor's story? It's so important, it shows the motivation of the characters and- oh yeah, that's not canon."
Well, if this isn't one of the greatest compliments of all then I don't know what is XDD. Besides from being able to make people allegedly cry (or, somewhat make them feel emotional), the fact that I must have accidently brainwashed you into thinking what I have written is canon, and not just a jumbled mess of my self indulgent headcanons is single handedly enough of a compliment to make me exactly 1% stronger than previously.
Because it simply means that what I have written is enough to align with canon. So thank you :DDD. I guess this means I am using the source material faithfully after all. Deep down in my heart, I know that Macaque and Mayor must have some sort of beef with each other, and Macaque being handed the Skeleton Key could not have been as easy as LBD just 'handing it to him'. Because how does that even fit on the LMK timeline??? It makes no sense, she should be imprisoned when Macaque died, right?
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cicadabite · 2 months
i don’t think a lot of ppl know what good font pairings look like. or what good font design looks like. but also who cares
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