#a sad lil fire bug
startsfires · 2 years
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: tanjiro as a boyfriend
characters: fem!reader x tanjiro
warnings: language, nsfw themes (no real smut)
AN: tanjiro is aged up!! we don’t date children in this house sry.
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um best bf ever
he’s an angel sent from heaven
cuddle bug fr
you are NOT getting out of bed before he’s ready
you gotta pee??
u gotta beg him to let u get up
like? uh my guy we’re finna be cuddling in a puddle if u don’t remove ur arm and let me SPRINT to the bathroom asap
mans just wants to hold you a little while longer
introduces you to inosuke and zenitsu ofc
wants you to get along with his friends SO bad
he knows they can be a lil overwhelming
so he will attempt
i said attempt
to make them behave themselves
they will not behave themselves
inosuke is tryna throw hands
zenitsu is alrdy asking for ur hand in marriage
and oh?
tanjiro baby is ur eye twitching?
and u got a vein popping outta ur forehead honey are u okay?
dude doesn’t get mad often
and he’s not mad at u
but zenitsu better back off rn
cause tanjiro
well he’s gonna make sure zenitsu gets it through his head that you are NOT marrying him
not violently!!
well he might stick inosuke on him
“inosuke! zenitsu said he’s stronger than you!”
que the one sided smackdown
he introduces you to nezuko wayyyyy later
she’s his baby sister who also happens to be a demon
which is pretty startling if u ask me
like “this is my baby sister nezuko!”
“she’s a demon with crazy blood fire powers! :)”
very important to him that y’all get along
which you do
cause how could u not
nezuko is the sweetest thing
god the kamado family could rot ur teeth
there’s a million of them
my love, darling, sweetheart, honey, flower, bUNNY
ik that the bunny nickname is so over used but something abt it gets me GOINGGG
rarely calls u by ur real name unless something serious is happening
always a pet name
dude knows how to handle u and ur emotions
that sniffer he has
ur happy? sad? angry?
he smells it
personally i think that jealousy coming from u is his favorite scent
it’s got it’s own distinct smell but it’s mixed with a little bit of anger too
when he first smelled it he couldn’t figure out wtf u were feeling
but when he finally put it together
turned bright red
like “she cares about me THAT much”
“to where she gets angry?”
surprised that u get jealous over him for some reason
which is wierd asf cause if tanjiro was my bf? i’m never letting him outta my SIGHT
hands will be thrown w any bitch that tries to speak to him
into the NASTY DIRTY
remember he’s aged up!!
the softest service dom that has ever dommed
he’s the guy that gets pleasure from giving u pleasure
and when i mean giving u pleasure
i mean ur gonna be in tears by the end of it
it’s too much for you?
“oh honey i know you can take it”
“sweet girl you can give me one more i know you can”
one more is not one more
one more is as many as tanjiro wants.
overstimulation is the tanji’s fav
and back to that nose of his
LMFAO there is no hiding it when ur in the mood
mans can smell it from a mile away
but don’t worry he’s gonna take care of u ;)
aftercare omg
he’s so sweet
running u a BUBBLE BATH
lighting candles
watch out cause those massages can get u back in the same situation that put u here in the first place
uh oh here comes the cuddle monster once again
ugh i want a tanjiro so bad
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Crosshair girlies check in are we alive after this double feature because I about died
Major TBB spoilers Season 3 episodes 6&7 under the cut (and yes this is tagged)
What the fuckkkkkk there is nothing comforting about my comfort show omg I’ve been so stressed and I did a lot of screaming (note added after I watched first time)
Rexxxxxxx 🥰🥰
He runs like Tech!!! 🫵
Oh nvm it’s not him
Was hoping for some Chuchi and Echo interaction 💗
Omega with a toothpick!!! Ahhhh she always copied Hunter and now she’s copying her other dad!! I love how Omega just picked him to adopt her like yep you’re my dad now too deal with it
Hunter telling Howzer to stand down after being all accusatory to Crosshair omg they’re brothers again 😭
Still excited to see Howzer again tho. Best hair in the galaxy kinda rude Hemlock thinks he can also pull it off
Oh shit he died!
He’s alive!! 🎢🎢
Why does the clone operator look kinda adorable limping around like a sad lil bug who got a lil squished
Crosshair baby I love your confidence in your “I’ll handle this” but your aim sucks rn babe please
Oh he’s still imperial 🙈
“You’re as bad as Hunter” “oh I’m much worse” *Nick Miller screams* fanfic writers I need you right now
I wish Tech was here to see it though, Crosshair with a kid 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
“I don’t know if I like that idea” me neither kid
“Too bad” you son oF A BIT-
AHHHHH 😨😨😨*faints*
Am I dead?
Crossy it seems hand to hand combat is your best bet rn till your hand gets fixed (get it looked at you stubborn man!!) better hit the gym with Wrecker and get some knife fighting skills from Hunter
Gregor! 🥰
Oh great now I’m stressed about Wolffe’s well being. Glad he still has integrity though
Where tf is Cody?
You think the clone operator surviving the waterfall from such a height was symbolic (🤔🤡) I will not rest till I get real confirmation on Tech’s body sorry not sorry
Crosshair fanfic writers I really need you rn some protective, angsty hurt / comfort reader insert somethingggg im a shit writer or id do it myself
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thefroggypond · 1 year
an intro post (lore infodump) for my little fanbot, insect !!
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text under the cut because there’s A Lot,,not actually that much but. i ramble abt their lore
Insect was built back in 1887, a good long while before the Walter Bots were. Their creation was commissioned by Henry Langtree, a close friend of Colonel Walter. They were used as a household assistant, as Henry needed help managing his household after the death of his wife. They also functioned as a teaching assistant at a school Henry taught at !! Their whole thing was Biology,, specifically insect and plant life,, and they were designed to look very bug-like !!
In 1893, the Langtree home was destroyed in a devastating fire, so Insect ends up in the care of Colonel Walter. Man ):
They fought in the Weekend War, but ended up suffering a major breakdown, because they’d been programmed to be unable to harm human beings and were unaware of the fact what they were fighting were basically people,,
So when WW1 comes around, they’re used as basically a medic and serve a similar purpose to @h0dgep0dgee ‘s Calliope at the time,, but days after the war ends, the Walters make the decision to have Insect permanently deactivated. They can’t catch a break can they,,
But!! A good long while later in 2014 they’re found by Peter VI and reactivated :) yay :) yippee :)
misc. hcs for them,,
in case i didn’t make it obvious they use they/them pronouns teehee
they have four arms!!
the antennae on their head don’t really serve a purpose, but sometimes they move around. when insect is happy, they’re perked up. when insect is nervous or sad, they’re all droopy.
they’re just a little guy :)
they’re such a little nerd. they love talking abt bugs and biology and anything else they can get someone to listen to
that’s all i can think of for now,, thank you for coming to my ted talk. if you want you can ask lil questions abt them,, who knows they just might answer the questions themself,, i dunno man i just love fanbots and wanted to share mine. so for those of you who made it this far, here’s a very cute insect image. they’re just a little guy.
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//art credit goes to the beloved @h0dgep0dgee ,,
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ultra-raging-ghost · 8 months
-I am sad that the lore has put a lot of individual character lore on hold
-HOWEVER, i love that players who were behind now have a chance to get caught up
-ALSO i feel like the fed lore was building too much and had nowhere satisfying to go, at least for me personally, i am enjoying more fresh fed lore
-Fred :( where's my wife :(
-Im happy cucurucho's not fired, my primary wife remains
-that rabbit looks so much like haru from beastars
-i love all the new mods!!!!!
-Im excited for the process the players are gonna go thru when finding their old builds in the future!!
-I do believe theyre still on quesadilla island, like its basically confirmed "How are you enjoying this part of quesadilla island?" quote via cucurucho like idk how ppl are still confused abt this lol
-happy lenay met sunny <333
-Where is flippa :(( where is my daughter :(( she was sleeping in eggxile where is she :(( she needs to meet her sister :(( slime please get on and do lore :((
-I LOVE THE EGG SIGNS!!!!! i watched bbh and richas create those in real time and review them and although the bugs are a lil annoying itll get fixed eventually :33
-I hope the horrors return!!!! ive seen that they are somewhat back but i want more!!
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nukitan · 3 months
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Okay so I was mildly obsessing over the Punkmon line and how cool it is when I realized it would fit perfectly with Gumdramon too. And then I drew this for some reason even though it would have just been easier to make a diagram with the reference book art or something but oh well.
I’m going to rant a little below the cut, just a warning.
So yeah, even though it doesn’t really need explaining I’ll show my findings for why the Punkmon line fits so perfectly as an evolution for Gumdramon too. This line is rocking so hard it could potentially be used to resolve two of my incomplete line OCDs which is crazy.
So getting the obvious out of the way, they’re both purple dragons. They have a lot of visual similarities. And they both use their tails to fight in some way, Gumdramon’s hammer, Punkmon’s pick, etc. And I think they both have fire based attacks so their elemental association lines up too.
Then theres the reference book entries. They’re both lil show offs! They want to look cool when they fight and pull a crowd, it’s so cute!
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It also says Gumdramon is mischievous too! A mischievous little guy becoming a hardcore heavy metal anarchist is so good thematicly!
And if you wanted to, their designs are similar enough you could insert Arresterdramon/ Arresterdramon Superior Mode as the Adult/Champion or the Ultimate/Perfect if you like them better.
I was always sad that Gumdramon didn’t get a full line and just got a bunch of mode changes after Arresterdramon and the Punkmon line could solve it so well! (I know Xros Wars/Boy Hunters wasn’t really about evolution but it still bugs me. Like Boy Hunters was way less about Xrosing than main Xros Wars so they really should have just gave Gumdramon a full line, but oh well)
But yeah! I really hope they use this line in the future in some way, it would make me so happy. Even just being able to evolve Gumdramon down the Punkmon line in one of the games would be cool.
Also I didn’t look around to see if anyone else had already said this before so if I’m like the millionth person to point this out, I’m sorry!
Thank you for reading my little rant!
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
no thoughts only reader and itward make a child for themselves like in the movie "robots". it's just their steampunk-style robot kid.
you made me replay the game. ily.
Building a robot child w/ itward!
Hehehehehe I'm spreading the sickness (the silly game with a really small fandom) (I am so sad the fandom is so small( (I'm dragging you guys down with me)
If fran bow has a million fans I'm one of them
If Fran bow has 1 fan that fan is me
If Fran bow has 0 fans then I am desd
If the world is against fran bow then I'm against the world
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Ooo okay so when I was thinking of ideas for this last night, I had a small little inner debate
Would itward intentionally grant artificial life to something? Like yeah sure hes made the wind up mr midnights, but I doubt those are... intelligent? Sentient?
COULD itward make something robotic sentient? Would he? I feel if he wanted children he would adopt (assuming skeletons cant reproduce/skeleton reproduction is incompatible with your biology)
But for the sake of the request let's say you guys agree to do it! He guides you through some parts, because afterall it tends to take two when making-
I'm just gonna stop right there
Makes a few bodies for the child, as well as extensions and stuff... I think as the child gets "older" and develops more you three work together to make a body suited to their liking!
I don't think he would treat the kid any differently than the fleshy living children he takes care of
You don't really get cold; well you can.. but like real life devices, extreme cold can make you bug out.. at least until itward makes you more capable of being able to take it
Same goes for heat and rain
Back to what I was originally gonna say; you may not be able to shiver but hes still going to tuck you in at night
He stills reads you bedtime stories even if sleep isnt how you get energy
You're probably powered by fire berries, as well as perhaps solar power
You guys measure his height before any upgrade/update to the child! Assuming fran is there the kid and Fran get measured together
No thoughts only itward taking robo kid and Fran to his lil workspace in the ship and teaching them both stuff
Proud papa
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genmaichafan · 8 months
Donna story under the cut. Lil gorey. Lil bit sad. A lot bit fucked up.
“Angie, just get in.” Donna struggled fictitiously to get Angie in the infant sling.
”Fuck that!”
Angie ran circles around her bigger half playfully, both dawdling for it was that time of the week. The one time of week they had to do the thing donna usually dreaded the most.
the lead up was always the hard part. going outside. once they are there she would always wonder why she makes it so hard.
this time she brought some biscotti and some tea as a gift. Donna knows how the people of the village are often far from stores that sell the little indulgences that she so enjoyed.
”Angie do you think this is too much.” her voice trailed off with a pregnant pause.
”i know that our relationship is professional-“
Donna did not indulge her the dolls insight, just silently meeting each other halfway. Scooping the beloved doll into her arms delicately into the swaddle. Angie pretended that she did not like this but well, she liked being taller than normal, and the tight forward facing swaddle allowed just for that.
“GIDDY-UP” Angie flamboyantly waved her arms.
it was mid winter and the air was cold and stiff, the wind crossing the body like sickles to the core. Heavy snow crunching like bone underneath. the graveyard in front of the manor not lighting the greyess of it all. There were some jars filled with long dead lightning bugs hung from tree to tree along with the numerous dolls that littered the place.
”hello Joanne, hello David…”
she went on as she passed certain dolls that she knew. each representing someone that was no longer around the living after the graves no longer could suffice. Although as she recalled there were many times no remains were left to bury anyways.
Extended greetings aside, her eyes did not often stray from the ground, even when there was no risk of meeting anyone’s gaze. Ducking from time to time when she “remembered” there was a low hanging branch. Often missing the timing a bit, getting a fateful of foliage. Donna was getting better at it the more she had therapist visits, a relatively new thing for her.
this was not the first one that she has seen, having a history of burning through the like kindling in a burning house fire.
although this one was the first one that seemed to be the most calm about the situation they truly are in.
A hostage situation,a kidnapping, Rocky Mountain horror,, is what some of the other therapists called it. While true, their agitation easily rubbed Angie wrong, who was often the first to defend donna. Once even going as far as choking the one to death with her little doll hands.
angie often griped about how they say they wanna help people but the moment you “give em a person that needs help they don't wanna do it!” Or “Miranda is letting you live! be happy!!”
making their way into the more populated part of the village the normal sounds and sights were not to be seen.
naray a living person in sight which caused donna to ‘hum’ in thought.
”Angie there’s more dead people here than normal. I hope they are ok.” the words trailing off the more the sentence went on.
”DANG LUGG HEADS-“ Donna quickly hushed the doll by putting her hand over the limp gaping jaw.
Growling and cartilaginous crunching could be heard.
Following the sound with no regard for the gore around them, finding it more concerning to actually have to find and deal with people outside of her comfort zone, Donna just could not deal with the loud begging, screaming, crying and the grabbing without permission most of all.
yet she must prevail. Her second favorite person was on the line at the moment.
As if her mind willed it into being, there they were, covered in visera of all kinds. Covered in the blood of at least each innocent person that would no longer be living there in the waking world. Convulsing in the dirt in agony growling, yowling in pain and cannibal desire.
“Oh no dr Donatello.” Donna's voice shaking with a unique sadness all the while Dr.donatello seemed to recognize the two. Yowling comes off as poor attempts at communication. Blood clotting their throat.
”AW DANG THEY’VE GOT FLEAS.” They pair looked at each other and nodded seemingly knowing what to do. Lowering themselves to meet the soil.
”Dr please breathe in deeply for five seconds and hold then exhale for five, like you have taught me.” The mourning veil concealing all the warmth the moment had to give.
“It’ll be over soon.” DR. Donotello calmed all too quickly, eyes becoming dull not before the violent cacophony of convulsion that erupted from the lycan. Flopping around whatever is happening causing vicious heart attacks.
Donna did not respond to that, just watching as the corpse's nerves twitch the last bit of life the creature had. Donna tenderly took their hand into her feeling as they grew colder and colder.
”Farewell my friend.”
The only thoughts Donna had were of what type of precious porcelain she could make.
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ohello0 · 11 months
This doesn’t matter and it bothers me to say it but I can’t believe there’s articles and people talking about gen z being “sexless”
It’s such a strange and untrue narrative getting spun up in the media for a number of reasons but also????
Maybe it’s a lil hard to be horny when there’s multiple active genocides going on rn and like half the world is on fire or under water at any given moment??? Like I don’t know perhaps if the world wasn’t falling apart and the youth didn’t have to fix older generations mistakes we’d be passing each other around more instead of attending rallies for our rights.
Maybe I’m bugging but I’m starting to get the feeling that cishetero normative views on sex and sexuality leads people to assume that if kids don’t come out of it or it’s not done a specific way then no sex is happening. Sad but kinda hilarious.
Maybe people are quieter about their sex habits bc as soon as someone experiences sex or gender in a way that even slightly deviates from the norm some group of obsessive lunatics crawl out of the woodworks to try and make it illegal.
The focus on calling gen z sexless is millennials version of the “avocado toast” bullshit boomers pushed and y’all weird niggas playing into it perfectly
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Armored core 6 spoiler posting ! This time for the ng+ run and the ending I did, and my thoughts on ng3 thus far:
This time the ending I got for my second run was “the fires of raven”
Pretty hardcore name for recreating the apocalypse and simply leaving the planet, but I get why Walter and Carla wanted it done. They’re the kind of people where the ends justifies the means. Eliminating all life on this planet, for the sake of containing and destroying an organic energy fuel substance that was on its way of leaking out to the space, spreading to other planets, more corporate wars fought for this fuel, and in the end leading to more fires of ibis situations on other planets
Or would it?
The game intentionally never (or at least hasn’t) explained WHY the first fires of ibis happened, and I’m just gonna go ahead and guess allmind is behind this, the group that’s been the most IN GAME but with the least story impact, and my second guess is the group that the original raven is from, killed that lil bitch twice don’t show your face around me again unless u wanna talk >:|
I doubt it’s ravens group tho. A mission I did on the side made it sound like the original raven leaked the information about coral LEADING to the corporations even knowing about rubricon. And it’s giving government leak/Edward Snowden vibes which to ME is a good guy position, now ALLMIND…..
They got some scary descriptions for the allmind arena. Yeah, AllMind exists for mercenaries (aka me) but.. the descriptions include stuff talking about fusing mech with the human mind to make some sort of link, make the body of the mech feel like the body of the pilot? Weird stuff, Also the allmind lady called me a “humanoid”, what’s that about???? Rusty seems to know my true identity since the second he met me (Walter suggests this), and Ayre suggests we’ve met before? So I’m thinking 621 was involved in the fires of ibis situation somehowwww
Then there’s all the hidden notes about these 2 scientists? And their sons that pick up that their scientist dads are losing their minds? There’s a lot im not piecing together at the moment, but there’s a lot of things that haven’t been explained fully, not that they need to, but I can feel an “aha” moment coming. I’m taking a break from the game tho I speed ran the game to get the second ending over with for this upcoming ng+ 3 run that I started (😭 I’m tired)
Back to the ending tho
She was SOOOOO annoying the whole run. I’m so bugged by her doting girlfriend, yelling at me to survive WHILE all I’m doing IS surviving, her character is shoved on you, she hardly has offers any insight into coral other than coral is alive (you call them your brothers and sisters but can you get the mechs powered by coral to stop killing me????), ayre get a life!!! I hate mascot characters and I hate bitches (whiny girls) SHOVED ON YOU in any game, sorry!!! And u know what? she did actually get a life, I was so happy she fucked off, got in a robot herself, and started doing shit for herself even if it meant the first thing she did upon gaining autonomy was going in to kill me. Go girl!!!!! now what hurt was putting down rusty, but I killed him too fast, so fast that my monkey brain outsped the sad feeling I was supposed to associate with doing that, and I was glad they gave him two health bars.. because the first one I kinda mowed down and I felt semi bad about it and then when he got back up I (in full video game enjoying mode) went all chuuni and yelled “I LIKE THAT AMBITION OF YOURS RUSTY” and Then mowed him down again. So now I’ve gotta go to YouTube bc I didn’t save the fight to fully process what Rusty was yelling at me because when I’m under high stress I don’t hear anymore I just get the job done 😫
Gotta take a break tho, ng3 gave me a mission that wasn’t in my first 2 runs of the game and in that mission they shoved in those wheel skeletons from ds1 on me (😡😡😡) and THAT was the hardest mission I’d had in a while, so much so that it drained me of wanting to play after that (that and I had been doing nothing but play the game for the past 2 maybe 3 days) 💤
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8aji · 1 year
Do you any books recommendation??⁉️
OKAY SO !! i gotta start by saying that i havent read many books and thats one of the reasons i didnt respond to this ask aside from me taking a break i was a lil embarrassed ngl BUT my response is finally here and i hope you enjoy my rant/rec list !!
all quiet on the western front - erich maria remarque
when i tell you this book destroyed the view i had of life and then built it back again...im not exaggerating. its so beautifully written, and the characterization is wonderful. the narration felt very personal to me, like the story was a little secret between me and paul (the main character), and i don't think it was bc it was written in 1st person pov. ofc im sure it influenced my perception of the story, but the language that was used and constant contradictions and the way paul would go on long, eloquently put together, tangents about his thoughts and emotions and opinions to then disregard everything he said with a sudden wave of doubt and hopelessness — i think it made him very human. i felt very connected to his character, and i do think it was bc i had grown fond of the version i saw of him in the 2022 film (which has nothing on the book, can't even compare em really), the already preexisting feeling was only amplified by the narration and the intricate sentences AND AND i saw my own writing be reflected on the book — for instance, i noticed there were very long long sentences, which is something i rlly like doing. all in all, it showcases the ww1 soldier experience very crudely, in a very beautifully sad way; you can feel remarque's pain and anger in every sentence — his opinion about the war and its futility are very clear, and it honestly makes the book a 100 times better. though i do think my opinion is VERY biased when it comes to this book so please do take it with a grain or a spoonful really of salt
everything i never told you - celeste ng
i read this book a while ago, but even so it remains as one of my top 3 i dont read a lot bear with me TT the book has a very catchy opening line, which instantly had me hooked — it narrates the story of a mixed-race, chinese-american family in the 70s and how they navigate the disappearance of their daughter. i think the book does an amazing job at juggling multiple povs without neglecting any character. it develops each individual storyline very well and the way it delves into the internal conflicts and psyche of each character is just 10/10
little fires everywhere - celeste ng
i gotta be honest, this book didnt "hook" me as much as the other two did, but i still think it was very good and definitely worth a read. i think celeste ng has the tendency to start her books very actively? what i mean with this is that she opens up the story with a very shocking fact or occurrence (?) and then ties everything back to the beginning — almost as if she started writing the story backwards. i think that's really cool, bc even though we as the reader know the "climatic" event, we dont exactly know what happened and are left at the edge of our seats wondering what exactly went down for this to happen, ya know?
the metamorphosis - franz kafka
now, this is also me being biased bc i have the biggest and greatest, most softest spot for kafka and this book. in short, and i mean in very short, the story's about a man who suddenly turns into a bug — the beauty of simplicity in summaries. i read it when i was 16 in literature class and i was absolutely smitten with the story the main character...i really wanted to fix him, kay?? at the time i wasn't at my bestest in terms of mental stability, so im sure that influenced my love and understanding for the book, but analysing it in class and delving into the context behind the book and the author, and interpreting it from my own pov just sigh it was so good.
like water for chocolate - laura esquivel
FUCK i can't express how fun this book is. its a romance book, and also a perfect example of magical realism. AND IT DOES IT THROUGH FOOD !! tita (the main character) has a very deep bond with cooking, and because of this, the food she makes is a direct reflection of the emotional state she was in while she did so — cook the food that is. and, if im not mistaken bc i also read this book when i was 16, each chapter starts with the recipe that tita will prepare — i loved that detailed so much because i love cooking as well, tho i prefer baking. and though it is technically a tragic-romance novel, it is very lighthearted (and i mean this in the bestest way possible) and very funny imo. i would recommend it to anyone in the blink of an eye.
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unclerippuascension · 2 years
Scarlet and Violet are out, let's talk new pokemon designs Under a readmore because of spoilers and because it's long. I'll do a reblog with the rest of the pokemon because tumblr only lets me have 30 images per post.
1: Sparigatito Line
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I really don't like this line as a whole, which sucks becase I liked Sparigatito when it was first revealed! I love cat pokemon, but Floragato and especially Meowscarada soured it for me. I don't like it when starters become bipedal for no reason, based on Floragato and Meowscarada's dex entries, it could have stayed on all fours; and I think Meowscarada's whole camo-coat thing would have been better if it had a more grassy wildcat design instead of the whole half-baked sorcerer idea (plus it would make the dark typing feel less tacked on). Not since Sobble have I felt so utterly disappointed in a starter's evolution line for a starter, Meowscarada's design was so bad I thought it was a fucking fakemon for Christ's sake. 4/10
2: Fuecoco line
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I like this line the most out of the three starters, but the line isn't perfect. Fuecoco and Crocolar do kinda tread similar ground that the Totodile line walked back in Gen2, but thankfully Skeledirge does differenciate itself from Feraligatr and save the line from being samey. Fuecoco is a solid design, my only real problem being that the flames on its head don't look like flames; my issues with Crocolar is the fact that the fire around its head could have been a black smoke, and the whole egg thing doesn't make a lot of sense or add anything; and Skeledirge's design problems are that it doesn't read as a skeletal crocodile, and again the fire bird doesn't add much, nor does its whole singing thing (i know male crocodiles do make mating bellows, but it still feels a little weird to people who aren't biology nerds like me) 8/10, Skeledirge does still kinda feel like a fakemon and the whole line does have a lot of fat that could have been cut but its by far the best starter line in SV
3: Quaxly line
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I was never a big fan of bird pokemon to be honest, I don't hate them but they also never really got me particularly hyped up; so the Quaxly line is very 'meh' teetering on 'bad' for me. I don't like that the evolutions lose the blue feet for no reason, and Quaquaval is just Intelleon but a duck design-wise. 5/10, it sure... it sure does exist!
4: Lechonk line
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One thing you'll learn from this post is that I don't like it when Pokemon are so obviously based on real life animals with no spin or flair to them, and Lechonk's line is a good example of that. Lechonk is just a pig and Oinkologne is just a pig that smells nice. I would have preferred it if Lechonk evolved into a literal trufflehog, but the evolution we got is just so boring. The whole line is boring and it didn't have to be, especially when previous pig pokemon were really cool! 4/10 I expected nothing and I'm still let down.
5: Dundunsparce
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Another thing you'll hear me complain about a lot is evolution designs that are just "the previous form but bigger". I'm so mad that this thing exists as Dunsparce's official evolution, because its so fucking LAZY. I like Dunsparce, its a cute lil tsuchinoko that digs in the dirt, and I always hoped that Dunsparce got an evolution that leaned into that youkai inspiration; but instead I got an actual, literal JOKE. 0/10, I fucking hate it, Yo-kai Watch did a far better job with the evolution for a tsuchinoko-inspired monster.
6: Tarountula line
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Can you believe it gamers?! Game Freak finally made a spider pokemon that has EIGHT LEGS!! Joking aside, this dude's cool; a pretty cool early game bug type Pokemon. 6/10, they finally got a spider pokemon with the correct amount of legs.
7: Nymble line
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First thoughts: Nymble looks so sad, like this is a pokemon that goes "aheem heem heem whimper" and I feel so bad for it. Lokix is a pretty solid design too, though it being a dual dark type is a little odd when it could have been a fighting type. 7/10 another good bug pokemon, I like Nymble's sad bug face.
8: Rellor line
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Rellor and Rabsca are kinda meh for me as bug pokemon go, they're kinda just dung beetles. The whole psychic energy and later psychic typing is a little odd, but it does give the pokemon some interesting traits. I also find it funny that its dex entry says it rolls up mud and sand, like Game Freak is afraid to mention poo-poo. 5/10 its a bug :I
9: Greavard line
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Once again Game Freak drops the ball with a dog pokemon. Greavard is a pretty good puppy pokemon, but man does Houndstone disappoint. Its just Greavard but bigger and a skeleton, fanartists did a better job with evolution designs what with greavard becoming a spooky candle dog; and Houndstone is just. Boring. Like Boltund and Hisui Arcanine, and once again I called it.
10: Flittle line
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Again, I'm not too big on bird pokemon; and as Espathra is concerned its got a solid design, but Flittle is weird. Mainly because its beak looks more like lips and thats really bothering me. Though I will say the fact that this line is just... weirdly aggressive and vengeful is hilarious, like yeah ostriches are just like that dude.
11: Farigiraf
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On the one hand I like that Girafarig got an evolution (one of my favorite gen 2 pokemon) but on the other hand I don't like the whole hoodie thing it has going on. Maybe its because the head is less of a living being like Girafarig's tail, maybe its because its black when the rest of Farigiraf's neck is brown, it just feels wonky to me. I always hoped that if Girafarig ever got an evolution that it'd be something like the beta design it had before GSC released. That said, I do love the colors Farigiraf has. 7/10 I wish the hood element was just emitted in exchange for something more creative and less odd looking
12: Wiglett line
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These pokemon are so lazy, man. Like they're not even regional variants, their dex entries say they're completely different pokemon that just look like Diglett and that is so fucking lame. This pokemon has no reason to exist and its not even interesting. 2/10
12: Dondozo
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First off I love the headband around this pokemon, gives it a nice Japanese flair. Secondly, the concept of it being the henchman to another smaller pokemon (and the two have moves that work alongside one another) is pretty clever. That being said on its own Dondozo is pretty standard for a mono-type water fish pokemon. 5/10
13: Veluza
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This has to be one of the most metal Pokemon ever. Veluza will literally rip off its own skin to become faster and open up its mind pathways, that is... that is so fucking cool. The design is pretty nice too, being such a sharp looking pokemon. 7/10 based on concept alone
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lainsshop · 7 months
Talk to Her ౨ৎ
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Pairing: Alastor x Radio Host ! Reader
Tags: tbh, I don’t really know..
Song: Talk To Her - The Marias
A/N: I don’t know about this one.. but I’ll accept any feedback to this!
A/N 2: This was made weeks ago and I honestly didn’t liked this but I’ll heard out your feedbacks! Plus Happy Valentine’s Day mwah!
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Now, the Pride Ring had a well known radio host, The Radio Demon aka Alastor. Locally known in the Pentagram City but of course not everyone knew about him, cough cough Lucifer cough..
But there was another Radio Host in that same city, you.
Alastor never knew about you until you randomly appeared here on hell and everyone started to talk about you. You were a modern sinner, you died just one year ago and you already had your own broadcast? Interesting..
Obviously, Alastor was kinda.. intrigued by this since he thought he was the only one making broadcast in that city.
You could say he was a tiny bit jealous at that since you were you were the new talk of the city! How could he not! Of course, he won’t admit it cause of his pride and big ass fragile ego- okay okay, maybe he’s not like that..
He decided to hear one of your broadcast this midnight, Gods knows why you decide to do it at those hours but it’s cause it’s more “comforting” to you.
It’s just you talking about your human live, what happened in Pentagram city, gossip but it was mostly your thoughts and you alone in that studio of yours.
It was finally midnight, Alastor was in his radio tower, black coffee in hand as he waited for you to start your broadcast and..
“It all comes and goes in waves, everything looks the same.. the cornfields, the cows, the flies, the coughing, the musky air that fills our rows and permeates.” You started out. No introducing? That’s interesting. He thought.
“Even through the ash infested vents from the fires, eating away at the barks of trees like this moment.. eating away at the last dose of happiness lingering on the dust of our bones.”
Looks like you were talking about your human days. “That night, wrapped in crispy motel sheets..” I chuckled a bit remembering that time.
“I clenched my body and pretended I was an embryo in my mothers womb, funny, isn’t it?” You commented. “It was the only source of warmth and comfort that could sing me to sleep.. But now, I see the sheep out the window on green pastures, I hope they have water..”
“I sometimes imagined myself.. being reincarnated as one.. and jumping over those low wire fences to freedom, I wonder how far I could make it without a human catching me.” You sounded a little bit sad when saying that.
“Taming me, bringing me back to their living painting, a life to look at as they wash the dishes.. smeared with my mothers milk that they stole from me..” Silence could be hear after you said that, people thought it was over but you spoke again
“It’s raining finally,” I won’t lie that some sinners did looked at the window when you said that but remembering that in The Pride Ring it doesn’t even rain.
“And the van was slowly drifting into the other lane, I was driving, everyone else was asleep, sometimes coming up for air, their heads poking up like groundhogs,” You laugh a bit.
“Before sinking back into their holes but it’s not all dark and grim.. there are moments of hope, they came to me when it’s quiet.. they came to me when everyone is synched in their levels of happy, which- it didn’t happen often.. but when it did, it was.. nice.”
“I wonder if we’ll look back and think that these miles of cornfields.. these anguished breaths, these forced smiles, these moments that were gone, the momentary calms.. and the thousands of lil bugs pressed against our windshields,”
“God, those are the worst.” You said complaining about it.
“But they were all worth it..” You said. “I honestly don’t know.. where I’m supposed to be right now, like yes, I’m in hell for a reason but.. what’s my place here?
“There’s a hollow thought that takes control of me..” You said before the broadcast finished. Alastor didn’t expect this, he thought it was another cheap mediocre podcast under Vox’s stupid name but no.. you were different? Refreshing? He couldn’t find the words but you were now even more intriguing!
The next day, everyone from the hotel was having their usually morning routine before Charlie spoke up about this Radio Host that she heard about while her and Vaggie went to gather sinners who wanted to redeeem themselves. She can’t lie that she mentioned it only cause Alastor also has a radio broadcast.
All of them talked about it, about how maybe you would consider to redeem yourself or how it would be nice if you and Alastor should collaborate or or or- yea.. that’s just Charlie saying stuff at this point but! Collaborating wouldn’t be a bad idea, right..?
“You should talk to her!” Charlie says to Alastor. To be honest, he also wanted to met you, you seem interesting plus it’s not like you see someone broadcasting while using a radio unlike.. others. So he did, he went to meet you cause now you were a new source of entertainment along with the hotel!
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nani-nonny · 8 months
Lord, oh lord oh lord oh LORD!!!
Ch 10, we needed to go through 10 chapters so we can know what would happen to lcd after he expose the truth, and we now know, I swear Big blue going for the kill across the fire was so similar to the part of " lion king " fighting the uncle.
The moment where dmd sharing his story i teared up for him, he hated himself, hated his existence and covered with bloods.
Big blue begin the funniest peepaw in the group, i bet him raising his hand was from one of the siblings taking almost control, i think...
And Reunion as LCD called him " mystery " he's correct, am laughing at the idea you don't have much lore about him so you make him ✨mystery ✨ 😂
And then there's LCD, ngl the build up to him made me nervous, palm sweaty, and checking if you're not gonna pull a d**k move by ending it there without letting us know the peepaw's reaction.
DMD joining in got me nervous and scared but then reunion get in like a boss- nope, like a dad to stop a sibling fight.
" I've got your back " was quite reassuring to me and at the same time was scary as LCD mentioned.
But what was scarier in this ch was reunion himself; he could be lying about 'helping building April's school' and be doing something else, his cold eyes are giving me the CHILLS!! Forced smile it makes me believe he has the power to put everyone in their place.
But now am much more scared what will happen AFTER this event?!
Lord, nonny you completely f**ked my mind up./pos
Even right now my heart can't stop pounding from excitement.
You thought of lion king too??? Hahaha! I even made a tiktok for that moment !! Chapter 10 wooo!!
But yes! He finally rips the bandaid and confesses his crime! Tensions are higher than ever hehehe
And my poor, sad lil peepaw… my og peepaw, the one who started it all. A man filled with so much grief and survivor’s guilt, but showing growth. Brings a tear to my eye /hj
Mwahaha! Big Blue aka WDS is getting real bothered lol his ghosty brothers keep bugging him hehe
Reunion’s the biggest mystery and also the spookiest because of his mysteriousness hehe
But the buildup is what made me so excited to write this chapter!!! It was so fun!! I love tense scenes I get so immersed! I always said that Big Blue would hate Achilles aka LCD the most haha! You’d think Barbarian would be the first to attack like he’s done in past I’m Blue chapters lol
But of course Old Timer being the wise mutant, he broke the fight and attempts to ease tensions… even though he’s very spooky lol he lies a lot and without hesitation. He omits the truth just like the other peepaws and filters what he shares hehe, but with expertise
Don’t be scared sniper! You know what happens in the next chapter! It’s gonna be exciting!!!
I’m glad I got your heart pounding and all excited because that’s what I’m aiming for! And that’s how I felt writing it!
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onsunnyside · 3 years
Can we know more about Tarzan steve!?🤎
༻ a lil about steve
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | fluff, soft!steve, he's clueless and lonely :(
𝗪/𝗖 | 849
𝗔/𝗡 | i didn’t want to spoil anything (his backstory/parents) but here’s a bit about stevie baby. Check out this beautiful art by @n00t-no0t of baby stevie<3
Feel free to send blurb requests or asks about this series!
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Growing up (alone) in the jungle wasn’t easy by any means.
Steve missed a lot of life lessons that would be mandatory to keep any normal human being alive in the wild. Things like building a shelter or fire, cooking, knowing what animals were friendly and which ones weren’t. Early on, he found out that he could eat almost anything (raw meat, bugs, fruit and it didn’t matter if it was good or bad, his body could handle anything), and Steve figured it must’ve been normal.
Until Bruce came along but that explanation involves spoilers, so shhh.
Steve is most proud of his beloved treehouse. It’s taken the most of his time too, stemming all the way to his childhood.
It started as a little hangout for him when it rained in the jungle, and his little tent couldn’t survive the puddles or sinking mud. So, he started sleeping in the trees and eventually found a favourite branch that had enough room for him to comfortably rest, with the perfect view of the daytime blue sky and the stars at night.
Slowly but surely, he began constructing his own base in his chosen tree. After plenty of logs, wood slabs and weaved vines over the course of his early teenage years, Steve made his safe place.
It wasn’t the best at the beginning, he wasn’t strong enough to carry what he needed or construct properly, even though he is enhanced, (he was too baby).
So, over time, he renovated his treehouse. Fixing as the days went by, expanding to the other branches, adding little ‘decorations’ like extra loincloth curtains (it was originally because his monkey friends would come and go as they please, and as he got older, Steve started valuing his privacy).
He even tried to make chains of his favourite flowers from around the island, tying them to a vine to add a little colour to the brown and green of his home, but those flowers wilted quickly. He was sad about that until he found that coconuts could be small portable homes for plants (he was stunned, plants growing not from the ground? World-breaking), so he found soil and picked his favourites, then gently replanted them in the hard coconut halves and spread them around his treehouse. He made sure to water them too. Because he knows he needs water, the other animals need water, so plants must too.
He’s gone through his own ‘phases,’ just like any other boy. Given the circumstances, his were very different.
He whittled his own toys to pass the time and carved into the bark of trees. Eventually, he made the (quite remarkable) discovery of charcoal and boom—he was drawing and sketching on cave walls and boulders.
He loved it.
It was magic to him, projecting his own memories and anything he desired onto a surface. It had the chance to stay there forever, and it helped him feel less lonely.
He also drew his friends, which were basically any animal he came across. The elephants, monkeys, gorillas, sloths, parrots, even a jaguar. His favourites to draw were Wendy and Peter whenever they stayed still for long enough.
It was always apparent to him that he didn’t look like his friends, he didn’t have fur all over his body, or spots or large claws or whiskers. The memories in the back of his mind were always hazy and he didn’t know why.
So, when he found a strange thing that stood on two legs, built of shiny material and emitted soft whirring noises, he was rightfully terrified.
And, he smashed it to pieces.
Shattering that thing’s screen face and tearing it limb from limb. He didn’t know what it was, and he didn’t know how to react, (fight over flight for this fella).
After hiding away and examining it from a distance by poking it with a stick, Steve determined it wasn’t an animal, but he didn’t know if it was safe either.
So, when another arrived, he destroyed that one too. And the next. And the one after that, and so on.
Honestly, he didn’t know what was happening.​​ To him, anything unfamiliar was a threat (poor baby).
Although, one time, it made a noise, “Wait!” The screen, the head, showed a creature who had the same evident features that Steve had.
Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with squared teeth—no claws, or razor-sharp fangs, or fur. The only hair was on their head and above their eyes.
Still, fear won over curiosity, and he tore the head straight off that thing too.
Admittedly, he was upset. The first thing that ever remotely resembled him was lying on the dirt ground, buzzing and twitching.
He sulked for a few days after that until a new one arrived. It looked different, it was taller with thicker plating, it was stronger.
This time when the creature spoke, Steve didn’t tear the head off but a nearby gorilla did.
Steve didn’t know why, but he had a strong suspicion that the thing would return again. He just has to wait.
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hopefully I kept this as vague as possible while also giving you all a taste of Tarzan!Steve—I’m always open for feedback and feel free to share your thoughts !
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠.
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader in: Mall Madness, Pt. 3
12 Days of Batmas || Day 3—Getting Lost at the Mall
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↞ previous: it’s always the little things… || cuddling by the fire
|| ao3 version | 12 days m.list | batboys tag | main blog ||
|| dames day 3 | dick day 3 | tim day 3 ||
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Out of all the Bats, Jay’s probably the got the most chill when it comes to shopping. Who saw that one coming?
This man’s the best shopping buddy a person could ever ask for—well, providing you don’t get separated, that is…
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↠ Requested By: Not a soul lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW with a dash of angst b/c I’m terrible like that ((but my blog’s 18+; if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Some PTSD vibes on Jay’s part, as well as a described panic attack. See the note before the HC for more info. ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ↠ Total WC: ~1k
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So this isn’t exactly new content—sorry to anyone whose hopes I got up.
In my efforts to make my posts a more, ahem, ✨~aesthetic reading experience~✨, I’ve been going through and editing my old posts. My original post for day three has always bugged me, so I’ve decided to break it up so that all the boys get their own posts. Also, I’m leaving Damian’s as the original post, so that’s something.
Other than the look of things and a few light edits, there aren’t any major changes. It should make for better, more streamline reading tho. ((thinking about it now, this is more like a quality of life patch than anything lol…))
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Headcanon || WC: ~1k
This… got a lil bit sad. Again. I’m so sorry lol. I love Jay, I truly do! He’s actually my favorite out of all the boys, which leads to me delving deeper into who he is as a character and given all he’s been through… Well dude’s a walking angst factory if I’ve ever seen one. That being said…
TW for mentions of a panic attack, though I don’t go into great detail about said attack. I more so touch on helping him to work through it and the aftermath, and even that’s not super detailed. If you want to skip it, keep scrolling until you get past all of the ‼’s (6 in total).
🌟 Out of all the Bats, Jay’s probably the got the most chill when it comes to shopping. Who saw that one coming?
He’s got his list—which is p. short as he’s already bought most of his gifts months ago—so everything’s well in order.
🌟 He’s also v. flexible, able to adapt to any shopping style.
You more of a mission based shopper that likes to get in and out? Give him half of your list and send him off to hunt that shit down for you. Also keep your phone handy in case he needs to hit you up for some clarification.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, do you like to go in and just wing it? He’ll use his detective prowess to help you analyze any recipients you may be having trouble with picking something out for.
If you’re one of those people who gets easily distracted he’ll either help you stay on task or go off on a tangent with you depending on what you want to do.
You wanna touch all the things? He’ll only stop you if it looks like you’re gonna break something lol. And if you do he’ll pay for it with minimum grumblings on his part, though he will tell you that you need to be more careful in the future.
🌟 Doesn’t tend to get bored too quickly as he enjoys people watching.
He’s so damn tall that he can easily see over most displays, and thanks to his dip in the Pit his hearing’s enhanced*. If he focuses he can listen to the argument that a couple is having three aisles over or the total meltdown that somebody’s brat’s having over not getting whatever toy it is that they want lol.
If you want he’ll gladly narrate the goings-on for you.
*((I have no idea if that’s canon or not, btw. Regardless, I personally give anyone who has been inside of a Lazarus Pit freaky good reflexes and sensory intake. But anyways…))
🌟 More than okay with being a pack mule if you need him to be—after all, all those muscles gotta be good for something.
🌟 Also okay with being left on a bench somewhere with your haul. Again, people watching’s his jam and this gives him ample opportunity to indulge.
🌟 But that’s all only tangentially related to the prompt so let’s move on…
🌟 As far as getting lost in the mall… That shit would freak him out big time. He’s a former Bat, thee fucking Red Hood. He does not get lost–
🌟 –well until he does, clearly.
🌟 Depending on the headspace he’s in this can go one or two ways.
‼ If he’s already feeling stressed for whatever reason getting lost will freak him out as I’ve already said, though to a much greater degree. His anxiety will spike, potentially throwing him into a full blown panic attack.
‼ If you’re with him, try to pull him off to somewhere less crowded. A bathroom is one of the better options, though if the men’s room isn’t a viable option for you a dressing room will do as well. Walk him through some breathing exercises as those are the most effective method for calming him, and just stay with him until he levels out.
‼ Once he’s a bit more stable get him home asap. Plot out the fastest route to the nearest exit and find your way back to your car from there; he’ll be better off walking outside in the open air than trying to fight the crowds.
‼ He’s gonna be feeling p. fragile for a bit afterwards, so be sure to love on him as much as he’ll let you. He’s probably not gonna want to talk about it, not that there’s much to say. You both already know about his anxiety and the potential for crowds to set it off. Stuff like that’s easier to deal with when he’s in vigilante mode, but when he’s just Jason he finds that he’s not always as strong as he wants to be.
‼ And if you’ve managed to get separated… that’s just not gonna end well. Like at all. He’ll focus all of his anxiety into finding you, and getting in his way is not at all advisable. Once he finally locates you, you’re going home. Full stop, that’s it, drop whatever it is you’re holding unless you plan on stealing that shit because you’re leaving right the fuck now.
‼ He’s not trying to be controlling or anything like that, he’s just freaked the fuck out. He needs to get back to a space where he can feel comfortable and in control of his emotions again, and ofc he needs the one person that he trusts most in this world (i.e. you) to be there with him.
🌟 If he’s in a better headspace he’s gonna be annoyed more than anything.
How tf did he let himself get lost? And in a mall of all fucking places. Disgraceful, truly.
If there’s one available he’s gonna pull up a map on his phone to help orient himself, and barring that he’s gonna look for one of those directories that most malls have on a wall or stand somewhere—or at least they used to have them. I haven’t been to a mall in ages (the one in my city is p. empty so I do my shopping online) so idk if this is still a thing.
He is not above asking a guard or store employee for help, esp. if you’ve somehow gotten separated from each other. Your safety (and his sanity) comes well before any pride he may have.
Expect him to bitch about the whole ordeal for the next several minutes. He’s also gonna want to hit up the food court as he feels like he’s earned a snack after all that fuckery lol.
🌟 So overall he’s an excellent shopping buddy—10/10 would bring along again.
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Up Next:
🌟 Day 4: ‘Martha Stewart’ Who? || Wrapping Presents
You wait with bated breath as your man inspects the parcel before him.
With its sharp creases, smooth sides, and expertly tied bow your offering would be considered immaculate, flawless even, to anyone else—but Jason Peter Todd isn’t just ‘anyone’.
It’s on sight, Ms. Stewart.
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2020 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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