#a simple breakfast of bread good butter and jam is my usual with coffee or tea and if its a weekend then its a fry up
lupismaris · 2 years
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I will say there is a gift in being so enamored with the simplest meals. Egg yolks have 16% of the daily dose of iodine apparently so I've been denied a hot fried breakfast for the last month. I've always been one for simple farmers breakfasts but for the moment they're even more precious. God I'm a sap.
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I Want You Here With Me (Is It Too Much to Ask for Something Great) ch. 8
Title:  I Want You Here With Me (Is It Too Much to Ask for Something Great) ch. 8 of 14 (ch. 1)   Pairing: Isak Valtersen/Even Bech Næsheim   Word count: 10.069 Warnings: Language, internalized homophobia, quick mention of blood (nothing serious, by accidentally cutting himself when cooking)
Summary:  The one where it’s been two years since Isak last saw or spoke with Even, and no one knows that Isak ever knew Even at all.
Coffee. He needs coffee, right now. Not working on the assignment worth half his credit in cell-biology and genetics until two days before it is due really hasn’t been his best idea. Might even beat the time he figured he could follow all those vodka shots up with a bottle of tequila.
Isak flicks the light switch on when he walks into the kitchen. Magnus’ computer is on the dining table, open, and Isak can’t help himself from gathering potential blackmail on Magnus, so he pulls the chair out and checks what’s already opened before he’ll start snooping.
Except… it’s not just any little old thing Magnus was looking at. The tab open is a movie review about “Circles”, the movie… the movie Even directed.
Once again Næsheim manages to sweep us off our feet and turn our worlds upside down, or should we say ‘spin it around in Circles’ as he’s set to win yet another award for his hard work –
No. Isak hurls himself away from the computer, forgetting entirely about his original intentions. He won’t do this to himself. He still remembers frantically reading everything about Even’s movies and watching them endlessly, and he remembers how much it hurt to think about how Even came up with the idea, his work process, did he push himself too hard, did he remember to eat, how magnificent he did – does with all of his movies. Because it did. Hurt, that is. It felt like his heart was tearing itself into tiny pieces and he didn’t enjoy the feeling, but at least in those moments he felt something.
But he’s better now. Trying to be better. And he won’t read it. He won’t.
He forces himself to look at the coffee machine instead and meticulously begins to make a cup, mentally listing all the things he’s doing and has to do in order to not turn around and look at Magnus’ computer, mentally priding himself on the fact that he manages not to. He’s getting better.
“Isak, hey! You’re up early,” Magnus says as he walks into the kitchen. He’s wearing clothes but his hair is still wet. He shakes it out of his face as he sits down by his laptop. “’Mind making me a cup as well?”
Isak only shrugs and repeats his earlier process to avoid temptation. He will not look at the review, or any other, for that matter.
“Hey, Isak, listen to this, ‘Once again Næsheim manages –’”
Isak slams his coffee cup onto the counter. God damn it, Magnus.
“He’s so cool,” Magnus says, lying halfway across the table, staring dreamily into his screen, “did you see him on the Late Show the other day? He was there with Sonja, though, so I don’t know if I believe the rumors about them breaking up.”
“I still don’t believe they were ever together,” Jonas says as he enters the kitchen. He gives Isak a careful look that’s easy enough to ignore, even as he knows he deserves it; he hadn’t exactly handled seeing – seeing him well, spending all his time since either mindlessly numb or furiously busy. The mud on Jonas’ running shoes isn’t dry yet and drags all over the kitchen floor.
“Dude,” Isak calls him out on it, only to have Jonas shrug, “sorry, man” before turning back to Magnus.
Out of all of them, Jonas was the most likely to indulge Magnus in his Even-obsession. Mahdi would roll his eyes and make fun of him, although he would listen – until a certain amount of time had passed, there was only so much Even-fangirling he could take – and Isak would, for obvious reasons, shut him down harshly immediately and then have to apologize for it later after feeling shitty about it.
It’s not fair.
“Hollywood does it all the time,” Jonas insists. “Fake romances for publicity or something.”
Magnus frowns. “Sonja isn’t famous, though. Neither of them would gain anything from an arrangement like that.”
Oh yeah, nothing at all, Isak bitterly thinks to himself as he pulls out the bread and a knife to cut a couple of slices for breakfast. Nothing Even would ever gain from being in a relationship with Sonja, nope.
“What are we talking about?” Mahdi knocks on the doorframe, grinning when Isak starts to moan about the mud he’s now tracking in. Honestly, when did Isak become the responsible one?
“Even and Sonja,” Jonas says, throwing the one apple they’ve bought around in the air rather than eating it.
“Sonja and Even,” Magnus corrects. “Sounds better, doesn’t it?”
They sound absolutely fucking perfect. Yippee.
“New drama?” Mahdi asks as he pulls open the fridge, rattling its contents around. Isak tries to narrow down on what is being moved around without actually looking.
That was a jar, the mayo? Maybe the jam – probably the jam. What else have they got on that shelf? If he just keeps focusing on those things, on Jonas’ and Mahdi’s movements, of cutting up the bread, then it won’t hurt as much to be here when Magnus is talking about Even.
“Nah,” a few clicks on the computer, “he’s set to win another award. One for ‘Circles’ this time – he better fucking win, that movie was a work of art and I will hunt down that damn committee if they fuck it up.”
Isak can hear Jonas trying to smother a snicker. Usually Isak would look over at him and share a knowing look, implying they’re both suffering through this conversation, but Jonas is polite enough not to show it.
“There’ll probably be new articles and interviews coming up with him, then,” Mahdi fishes out the butter – the butter, that doesn’t go on their jar shelf – and closes the fridge.
Magnus emits an odd ostrich-type gasp followed by a furious amount of clicks. “Oh my god, do you think he’ll come to Norway to do some as well? Do you think that’s why he was here in the first place? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”
He starts frantically typing on the computer as he keeps muttering that he needs to look it up. Isak rolls his eyes, but he keeps his mouth shut, because he’s a good friend and he’s getting better, no matter what anyone else might believe.
“How’d practice go?” Isak asks instead and then focuses all his attention on the stories Mahdi and Jonas tell him about football training and how it had been so slippery they’d almost had to cancel. The coach had finally put an end to the madness when it had turned into much more of a mud-fight than a football match.
“You don’t look all that muddy for having been in a mud-fight.” Their shoes are filthy, though. Isak’s going to have to remember to clean that off of the floor before it dries and stains the wood. Does mud stain? He isn’t particularly interested in finding out.
Jonas holds up his hands that are colored grey from the dried up mud. “T’is all about strategy, man.”
“And I hide behind him,” Mahdi nods. Isak can’t help but snort when Jonas pouts dramatically. He’s quick to turn his attention back on Isak though.
“You lot should be nicer to me,” Jonas whines.
Isak rolls his eyes as he takes a sip of his coffee, but he dutifully asks Jonas in a faux-complacent voice, “How can we ever make it up to you?”
Jonas grins obnoxiously. “Cook me lunch,” he demands.
Isak quirks an eyebrow. “Excuse me? Did your hands fall off at practice? I’m not cooking you lunch.”
Jonas holds his hands up again and, alright, fair enough, they are disgusting, but not unusable. “I can’t use these hands to cook. I’d end up eating mud!”
“Don’t eat mud,” Magnus tells them absentmindedly. He’s still clicking away on the computer and Isak doubts he even knows the context to what he just commented on.
Jonas laughs. “Even Magnus can tell it’s a bad idea and he’s off in Even-land.”
Isak rolls his eyes again. “Alright, fine. What do you want?” Anything to get the conversation away from Even, which was what he’d been trying to do when he’d asked about footie in the first place.
Jonas chants nonsense triumphantly and doesn’t even bother answering Isak, before Isak makes to leave with his coffee to go back to his room.
“An omelet!” Jonas yells at him. He reaches out to grab onto him, but then thinks better of it, which Isak is quite grateful for even if he refuses to show it. “Make me an omelet!”
“What d’you want on it?” Isak takes another sip of his coffee before he places the cup on the counter and opens the fridge.
“Ham,” Jonas decides. “Ham and red bell peppers.”
Isak grimaces as he riffles through the contents of their fridge. Not only does he like neither of those, they also don’t have either. “I can do cheese and tomatoes.”
“Done,” Jonas agrees too quickly and sits down at the table opposite Magnus.
Jonas and Mahdi strike up a conversation about a possible strategy they should probably bring up at the next practice – usually Isak would be all about that, but right now he kind of likes the simplicity of having to focus on what his hands are doing.
He doesn’t cook often – at all, more likely; he hasn’t got a clue as to why Jonas would ask him to cook him lunch. He doesn’t have the patience for it, nor is he particularly good at it – he just knows enough to get by.
But there is something mind-numbing about cracking eggs open, the yolk and whites sizzle against the hot pan while Isak takes out a cutting board and lays two big tomatoes on it. They’re still slightly dripping from being washed and it leaves behind a pool of water on the cutting board underneath them. He should probably dry that off.
It’s fifty/fifty whether or not it’ll actually keep his mind off of things, or if whatever he’s cooking is so simple or the issue so big there’s no reprieve for him, but right now he can ignore Magnus’ muttered comments and tune in and out of Jonas’ and Mahdi’s conversation.
It’s nice. It’s everything he’d hoped of getting when the boys had first asked him to move in. And it’s really the small moments like these that remind him just why he decided enough was enough, that he was done with being drunk 95% of his day and miserable 100% of it.
“There’s nothing,” Magnus whines. He’s still tapping away so Isak doesn’t know how truthful that is, or if all the articles are just saying the same thing over and over again.
“Cheer up!” Mahdi tries, pointedly talking over Magnus’ exaggerated sighing. “It’s still early. Maybe nothing’s been released yet.”
“I guess,” another tap. Then a click and a few more clicks, and then Magnus types something else in.
Isak busies himself with sprinkling some cheese onto the now golden, fluffy eggs and then finds a knife big enough to cut the tomatoes in slices.
“Don’t worry,” Isak hears Jonas say, almost like he’s further away than the couple of steps he really is. “There’ll be something soon.”
Magnus sighs again. “I’ll just keep refreshing until something new pops up.”
“That’s a bit obsessive,” Mahdi tells him. “Come on, have a bite of omelet with us and then you can check. You can’t spend your entire day just refreshing all those sites.”
Isak knows Magnus will be frowning, he knows him well enough to know that. “I sure can.”
Mahdi tuts, but he doesn’t get into it, which Isak is rather grateful for. He’s still got a bit of a headache lingering from his panicked paper-writing, sleepless night, and hearing about Even had not been the morning he’d hoped to have to wind down, but oh, well.
“Where’s the food at?” Jonas whines. He stomps his foot underneath the table like a toddler. Isak bangs the knife against the cutting board in the same pattern to mock Jonas – which he shouldn’t, because that knife is massive and Isak is going to lose control of it if he’s being a dick handling it.
“You want the eggs raw?”
Jonas probably rolls his eyes or does something equally rude and unappreciative of Isak’s magnanimity. Isak actually goes through the effort of twisting around to stick his tongue out at Jonas.
Mahdi laughs as Jonas tries to throw a random piece of paper they have lying around, but he’s forgotten to fold it or crumble it into a ball, so it just hovers in the air before it slowly falls down on the ground.
“You’re acting like a child,” Jonas scolds, putting on a posh voice that makes Isak want to laugh again. He doesn’t remember the last time he felt this light.
“Oh, yeah,” Mahdi deadpans. “He’s acting like a child. Remind me again, who was it that started that mud-fight?”
“That son-of-a-bitch Markus if anyone asks,” Jonas answers raptly. Isak snorts as he makes the first slice, carefully curling his fingers away from the blade. “Especially if –“
Magnus interrupts them when he starts screaming. All three of them jump up and Isak whirls around to him to see what’s wrong, what’s happened, what’s –
But Magnus is just looking at his computer screen, and he’s screaming because he’s excited.
“Jesus Christ,” Isak grumbles. “Don’t do that! I nearly cut myself!”
He’ll let Jonas and Mahdi deal with whatever the fuck is going on. God, he’d just been having fun, but now it seems like his good mood has evaporated as quickly as the April weather changes. He knows it’ll come back; he just needs to settle down a bit and get his heart to stop racing from the fright Magnus had given all of them.
He places the knife back onto the tomato while he involuntarily picks up on Magnus hyperventilating and Jonas and Mahdi asking what’s happening even while they still sound slightly annoyed about the scare as well. Even that Isak isn’t a good enough friend to do.
No, stop it. He’s getting better and everything takes time. He’ll get there, one day. Hopefully.
The tomato is still a bit wet, the skin smooth and slippery as he tries to make it stop rolling around long enough for him to cut it. He’s just gotten the perfect size ready to press down on when Magnus wheezes the first intelligible thing he’s said since he started shouting.
“They’ve published the marriage certificate!”
And Isak’s world stops.
Or his heart does – his world doesn’t, because if he could stop the world, he already would’ve done that. He would’ve stopped it a long time ago.
His mind is dangerously blank, no inputs or outputs and he can’t even register how scary that feels. He doesn’t register that his hands aren’t still but desperately shaking. He can’t register anything until he presses down on the knife, involuntarily following-through on his abandoned motion.
Except he isn’t holding onto the tomato anymore, not properly anyway, so the knife slips off the surface. Isak barely registers the pain from the blade cutting down his hand, leaving a big enough gash that he starts bleeding.
“Shit!” he swears and Jonas is up off his chair before Isak can even move to the sink to rinse it off.
“Jesus!” Mahdi rushes over to the two of them. He grabs the roll of paper towels on his way, already bundling up way more pieces than Isak needs.
Jonas grabs onto his arm and drags him over to the sink. The water is cold and ends up splashing everywhere from the high pressure. It sounds like bullets hitting metal in Isak’s ears.
“Hold it under the water – Isak,” Jonas says louder to get his attention. “Hold it under the water!”
“It doesn’t look like it’s deep,” Mahdi says, pressing the bundled up paper towel onto his palm too quickly so it ends up getting soaked through.
The pain is dull. Isak always thought pain would bring someone back into their body, but all it does is make him float away even further. All the noises around him sound dulled down like he’s underwater and everyone around him is trying to scream at him to get his attention, but he can’t hear them properly.
His breathing picks up and he has to stop this, stop panicking before one of the boys notice.
Jonas notices. He looks up at Isak with a worried frown and Isak can’t look at him, just keeps looking at the wet, slightly red-stained paper towel Mahdi is still pressing onto his hand.
“Hey, you alright?” Jonas asks. His hands moves up from his elbow to his shoulder to get a better grip. “You’re not squeamish around blood, are you? Do you feel dizzy?”
Mahdi makes a high-pitched groan. “Please tell me you’re not about to hurl.”
“Shut up,” Jonas doesn’t stop looking at Isak. “Isak?”
And it just – it sounds like the first of many confused, slightly scared Isak?’s that Isak has a feeling he’s about to hear for the rest of his life, and it hasn’t even started yet.
It hasn’t started before Magnus goes, “What. The actual. Fuck.”
Jonas and Mahdi don’t hear it, but Isak does. It’s the first thing he hears properly since the knife slipped out of his hand, and he wishes he hadn’t heard it. He wishes he hadn’t heard it, won’t hear it ever again, but Magnus repeats it when Jonas has turned off the sink and Mahdi has given him another, now dry, towel to press against his hand.
It’s not even bleeding anymore, but Isak holds it there anyway. His body somehow won’t let him press down, so it’s just resting there.
“What the fuck?”
“Magnus,” Jonas snaps, twisting around to look at him, “we’re a bit busy right now, think you could fantasize about Even later?”
Jonas’ hand is still on Isak’s shoulder, which means that when Jonas turns around, so does Isak, and Mahdi seemingly subconsciously mirrors them as well. Isak’s lower back is pressed harshly into the counter. He tries to take another step back, wants to get as far away from Magnus and his stupid, stupid laptop as entirely possible, but he can’t. He’s stuck, he’s stuck, and if the certificate is out then he’s also stuck in a completely different way.
Magnus’ lips are pressed into a thin line as he stares right at Isak. His gaze is unwavering and Isak feels pinned by the mere force of it, his breath halting as a chill settles over his body.
Magnus doesn’t even reply to defend himself. He doesn’t reply to explain. He just slides the computer around until the screen is facing them, and there Isak sees it.
He sees a large, blown up picture, right in the beginning of whatever article Magnus has open. The article itself doesn’t really matter, it’s just the picture that certainly does, or what the picture is of at least matters.
Jonas and Mahdi clearly can’t tell at first – they’re too far away from the screen, but Isak recognizes the piece of paper. He recognizes the info. He recognizes the Vigselattest written at the top and he recognizes Even’s handwriting and he recognizes his own handwriting. He recognizes their names and the date and their signatures. He recognizes all of it, because he has that exact paper tucked away, forever in hiding because he hadn’t been able to bear the thought of getting rid of it.
He’s staring at his own marriage certificate, blown up and on the internet for anyone and everyone to see. And now Magnus has seen it. And Jonas and Mahdi have seen it and are seconds away from realizing what it is.
And Isak doesn’t want to be here for when they figure it out.
“Oh my god –“ Mahdi starts, has barely started before all life suddenly returns to Isak’s body and he bolts towards the hallway.
His heart is pounding and the blood is rushing in his ears. He can barely hear Mahdi’s incredulous exclamations or Jonas’ surprised gasp. All Isak knows is he needs to get out of there, right now.
He’s just a couple of feet away from the doorway when he’s suddenly hauled back by the hand Jonas still has on his shoulder, has had ever since he came up to him to help with the cut on his hand, and suddenly Isak is back to standing between Jonas and Mahdi, counter pressed into his lower back.
Mahdi moves until he’s blocking the entrance to the kitchen, like that would be enough to deter Isak from trying to leave. Isak wants to laugh a bit at that, laugh the way he’s feeling; hysterically and panicked and maybe all he wants to do is scream and cry, actually.
They’re all just staring at him.
Isak is breathing heavily. It stands out in the otherwise quiet room, and all that amounts to is Isak’s breathing picking up even further. He’s still looking frantically around the room, like a new exit will suddenly pop up just because he wills it so. It doesn’t.
He can’t bear to look at any of them, but at the same time he can’t stand not knowing what they’re thinking. Can’t stand having to witness them looking at him differently, like he’s different, but also can’t stand living in this middle place, this Schrödinger’s box where they could either be looking at him in disdain or the same way they’ve always looked at him; like he’s their friend.
Friends don’t lie to each other. Not about something big like this.
Isak looks at them.
It’s just a quick glance, scanning over each of them before he can’t stand to look anymore, focuses in on the back wall in the kitchen instead. They’re all looking confused, but Jonas is also looking both panicked and pitying, like he’s afraid Isak will bolt again, which, yeah, is looking really tempting right now. Mahdi looks small and Magnus, most surprising of all, has a careful mask plastered onto his face that gives nothing away.
Isak can’t even begin to imagine how he looks right now.
Can they see? Can they see the panic and the heartbreak and all the other feelings he’s been trying so hard to hide away?
The quiet breaks.
“What the fuck –“
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god –“
“Isak, what the hell is that –“
“I don’t understand –“
“Is it real? Is it actually real?”
“Isak, what – I don’t, I –“
“It doesn’t matter!” It tears out of Isak’s throat, all guttural and anguished and Isak’s hands are curled up into fists. The palm with the cut hurts from it, but he can’t stop. His hands are shaking and so is his voice and so is his entire body, keyed up on adrenaline and pure terror.
It makes them all quiet down again, but now it seems like the words won’t stop pouring out of Isak’s mouth. Just a repeated slew of it doesn’t matter’s that doesn’t answer any of their questions and doesn’t help Isak one bit either.
“How does it not matter?” Mahdi sounds angry. Isak sees Jonas out of the corner of his eye sending Mahdi a warning glance, like he should be careful how he speaks to Isak when Isak is the one who has been lying all along.
“It doesn’t,” is all Isak seems to be able to say. He isn’t shouting anymore. As quickly as all the rage had been built up, the fight rushes out of his body, leaving him deflated and woozy. He’s still breathing too quickly. “It doesn’t matter.”
Jonas isn’t touching his shoulder anymore. As heavy as it had felt, like Isak’s knees were threatening to boggle under the added weight, as unsettling and rejecting does it feel to be let go of, to be standing on his own two feet, suddenly very, very alone.
No one is saying anything. Magnus’ computer screen is still facing Isak. Isak can’t stand to look at it, but he can’t figure out how to tell Magnus to turn it away either.
“You’re marri-“ Magnus starts, but Isak interrupts him harshly.
“Don’t. Just, don’t.” He wants to curl his hands around the countertop to help support him, to keep him standing, but he can’t figure out how to uncurl his hands from the fists they’d formed into, even as he isn’t even clenching them so harshly that they’re shaking anymore.
Magnus is frowning where he’s still sitting at the kitchen table. “I don’t understand.”
Isak doesn’t either. He hasn’t understood anything for a long time.
Please, he wants to beg. Please, just forget about all of it, erase it from your minds, from the internet, but he can’t get his mouth to cooperate. Even if he could, it wouldn’t work. He can’t change the past – not the one that happened five years ago when he first met Even, and not the one that happened five minutes ago when everybody found out about it.
Magnus keeps wording the sentence soundlessly before it apparently makes enough sense for him to try verbally again. “You’re mar-“
“Please!” Isak’s voice breaks and he feels like his legs might give out from underneath him.
“You’re – you’re – to Even –“
“Just don’t, stop,” the pleas are rushing out of Isak’s mouth, but Magnus just continues going over and over it without actually getting any of the words out.
Mahdi is shuffling between his two feet from where he’s standing next to him on his left, but Jonas is standing stock-still, gaze unwavering from Isak. It makes him feel like he might be going out of his own skin from how uncomfortable he is, but also like his mind is so overworked that he can’t handle this small thing on top of everything else that his mind is slowly shutting down.
“This is why,” Mahdi mutters, just loudly enough that Isak can hear him over Magnus’ ranting. “This is why.”
He repeats it one more time, like it’s the answer to every question Mahdi has ever asked, and Isak thinks that maybe it is, but that only makes something disgusting curl in on itself in his stomach.
“I can’t believe you’ve been – this entire time and with – with Even none the less!” Magnus is still going on.
But I’m not, Isak thinks he should say, because he isn’t, hasn’t been for a long time now. With every word that comes out of Magnus’ mouth, Isak feels a part of him give up. He’s been fighting for so long, and now it’s all been in vain, because everyone knows now. Everyone knows.
Isak doesn’t cry. He thinks he might’ve forgotten how to, he’s spent so long forcing himself not to after all. Now all he’s left with is a blissfully terrifying numbness that’s only ever overpowered by an encompassing anxiousness.
“It doesn’t matter,” it sounds too small. Mahdi snorts, unimpressed.
“Of course it fucking matters,” Mahdi swears. Isak might’ve flinched had he not felt like he’s not currently in control of his own body. The only thing he actually feels are his cheeks and his neck, which feel freezing compared to the heat filling his cheeks. “Why would it fucking not?”
“Because it doesn’t!” Isak tries to put more power behind his words, but he can’t tell if he succeeds. He sounds like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum, just repeating the same words over and over again. “It doesn’t matter, so can we just forget about it?”
He goes to leave again, but Mahdi steps in front of him so quickly Isak can only flinch and fall backwards into the counter again.
“We really can’t,” Mahdi sounds mean, and if there’s one thing Mahdi isn’t, it’s mean. Isak can’t seem to draw in his next breath. “Because there’s a picture in an official article that mentions you by name that says that you’re –“
“It doesn’t –“ Isak tries again, but Mahdi doesn’t let him.
“It does! You’re marr-“
“I’m not!” There are tears threatening to prickle in the corners of his eyes despite how numb Isak still feels. His heart feels like it’s permanently lodged in his throat, keeping him from breathing properly no matter how badly he tries. “I’m not, I’m not –“
Magnus’ brows are furrowed. “So it’s lying –“
“I’m not,” Isak tries again. “It doesn’t fucking matter, any of it, because I’m not – we’re not – we haven’t been for years! I signed the papers and everything and it doesn’t –“
He can’t get the last it doesn’t matter out. Isak doesn’t think it actually makes a difference based on the stricken looks on the boys’ faces at that confession. Mahdi looks like he might want to cry, and Magnus is looking so terribly confused, and Jonas seems to be looking at him in pure horror. It makes everything hurt worse.
His body is slowly starting to prickle to life again. It hurts and Isak hadn’t thought he could feel more pain than what he’d already been feeling. There’s something cold pressed into his hand, and Isak looks down to see he’s still holding the paper towel, pressed together and nearly wrung out from how hard he’d been clenching around it.
“That’s what’s been going on,” Magnus says, almost apologetically, except he doesn’t look it. “That’s why you’ve been –“
It doesn’t matter, Isak wants to shout, but he doesn’t. His throat and chest feel too tight for him to say much of anything.
“Holy shit,” Mahdi shakes his head and repeats it. “Holy shit.”
The paper towel feels like a sad, wet clump, slowly falling apart in his hand already. Isak shouldn’t be able to relate to a paper towel.
“You’re sad,” Jonas breathes out, like it’s a big revelation. It’s the first thing he’s said since he’d dragged Isak back from his attempted escape.
Isak wants to laugh, because, duh, but he fears he might let out a sob instead, so he just grits out an “I’m fine,” because he’s supposed to be at this point, it’s been so long, and hopes that’s the end of this discussion.
It isn’t. Jonas looks even worse after that. They all do.
“Why have you never said anything?” Mahdi asks, but it gets drowned out by Magnus talking at the same time.
“Since when are you gay?” Magnus asks and that – that was the question Isak had always dreaded to hear. He doesn’t actually know what to do now when it’s finally been asked.
“Magnus!” Jonas hisses. “You can’t just ask that!”
“Figured you would’ve been paying a bit more attention to the Even-part, anyway,” Mahdi mutters and Isak can’t look at either of them.
Magnus shrugs. “We’re all a little bit gay for Even Bech Næsheim.”
It startles a laugh out of him, or maybe not, because the noise that comes out of his mouth is a little too wet, too desperate, too raw to really be a laugh. It makes everyone look like they’re so impossibly out of their wits, but Isak can hardly focus on it, because – this is it.
This is the moment he’s been dreading, the one he’s had nightmares about or the one he’s been unable to sleep because he’d spend the night worrying instead. This is it.
And Isak isn’t ready for it.
“I can’t,” Isak stutters out, gasping in a breath that seems too out of place with how little he’d actually said, but it’s like there’s no air left inside of him. “I need to –“
He stumbles to his left, barely managing to right himself before he barrels into Mahdi.
Mahdi reaches out for him, like he isn’t sure if he’s supposed to catch him or if he’s supposed to stop him from leaving, but he steps back when Isak nearly manages to fall over again from avoiding being touched by him.
“Wait!” Magnus stands up so quickly the chair nearly falls backwards before it manages to right itself. “Don’t leave, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean –“
Jonas tries to reach out to touch his shoulder again, but aborts the movement so his hands are just hanging midair. He must’ve been able to see something on Isak’s face that the last thing he wants right now is to be touched.
“Sorry,” Jonas says, and Isak doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for. “We won’t say anything about it again, just – please don’t run away again, okay?”
But Isak can’t – he can’t stay in this flat, he can’t be here right now. He can’t stand having to look his best friends in the eye and know that not only do they now know he’s been lying to them, they know.
“I can’t be here,” Isak stumbles over the words and tries to curl in on himself, despite how he feels like he’s only a couple of inches tall right now.
They all look a little more broken at that.
“I promise we won’t talk about it. Why don’t we just go into the living room, sit down for a little bit? I promise we won’t –“
He doesn’t get to finish, because Isak can’t – he can’t stay, he can hardly breathe, hasn’t known how to do that for so long now. If he can’t even figure out how to breathe he doesn’t feel ready to figure out how to stay.
He can’t even look at them properly. They all look so hurt and it’s all Isak’s fault, and he knows he should feel worse about it, but all he’s feeling is the looping panic of they know.
“I can’t be here,” Isak repeats more firmly. It makes Jonas’ mouth snap shut so quickly Isak almost would’ve thought he was angry, but he just looks like he doesn’t know what to do.
Mahdi looks like he wants to argue, but Magnus gets there first.
“Where do you want to go, then?”
Three heads snap over to look at him, but Magnus doesn’t seem fazed, doesn’t move his attention away from Isak.
Magnus sighs. “I – we can’t have you run out on us again, alright? I’ve been constantly terrified that I’ll do something to make you run again and that will be the last time we ever see you,” Magnus looks out the window. Isak feels even heavier without his gaze on him. “So just – if you want to leave, fine, but I can’t – just let us know where you’re going and if – when you’re coming back.”
If. The if repeats itself in Isak’s head. If, if, if.
Somehow, despite everything else that’s going on, it’s that if that makes him tear up.
“Eskild’s,” tumbles out of Isak’s mouth before he can even think about it. It’s his default answer, has been for years, ever since they met, that if he’s in trouble he’ll go to Eskild’s. “I’ll go to Eskild’s.”
Jonas sighs, but nods, even as he looks like it’s the last thing he wants. Mahdi and Magnus don’t look particularly fond of letting him out of their sights either, but they don’t say anything when Jonas fishes his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and hands it over to Isak.
“Here,” he says. He stretches his arm out so he won’t have to move closer. “Just call him up, tell him you’re coming. Do you have his number?”
Isak’s hand is shaking when he reaches out to grab the phone. He sees how they all notice, but then they all divert their attention away from it.
He’s got the number memorized, had spent ages tracing over it, both the numbers and the pattern on a phone, back when he’d first gotten the number and had been terrified someone would gain access to his phone and leaf through it, discovering an odd contact.
Eskild picks up on the fourth ring.
“Hello?” he sounds cautious and Isak barely registers that it’s from having an unknown number call him.
“H-hey,” Isak has to clear his throat, has to do something to stop feeling like he’s about to burst out crying just at the sound of Eskild’s voice. “It’s me.”
“Isak?” Eskild sounds more urgent now, and Isak can hear things moving around in the background, like Eskild’s getting ready to leave, ready to come get him. Isak doesn’t think he’s ever deserved having Eskild in his life. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Can I –“ Isak pinches his eyes closed. It’s only a matter of time before Eskild finds out anyway, Isak should be the one to tell him.
But the words won’t come out of his mouth. He never figured out how to say the words, he isn’t ready, never has been.
“Can I come over? Are you home?” he asks instead.
Isak barely waits for Eskild’s affirmation before he just about throws the phone back in Jonas’ hand and tails it out of there, going to grab his coat. Mahdi follows behind, just to check that he’s actually putting on his shoes before he leaves. They can still hear Eskild’s voice over the phone, rambling, even if the words aren’t distinguishable.
“Hello?” Jonas says, finally turning the phone the right way up so he can talk. “Eskild? Yeah, Isak’s leaving now. It’s, uh – it’s a bit complicated.”
Isak wants to snort as he stuffs his feet into his shoes. His hands are still shaking when he tries to unlock the door. Mahdi has to come over and do it for him. It makes Isak feel so useless and so desperate and just so much worse overall.
“You should probably look it up before he gets there.” Is the last thing Isak hears before the door smacks shut behind him. “Just google –“
Isak doesn’t have a key to the Kollektiv anymore. Hadn’t really had one when he’d lived there, either. He’d been using a spare of Eskild’s, his backup plan for if he ever lost his keys whilst he was at work. It had made Isak feel good that technically that meant Isak was now Eskild’s backup plan, was how Eskild had explained it to him, with a large smile and a gentle nudge with his shoulder.
Jonas is waiting by the foot of the stairs patiently, waiting to make sure Isak doesn’t… run off or get himself hurt, or just gets there safely. He’s out of Isak’s sight, but Isak can still hear him there, had heard him all of the way over.
He rings the doorbell again, but Eskild gets to the door first, so Isak just has to hear the melody play out clearly without the door serving as a barrier.
“Isak,” Eskild breathes out. He’s slumping down where he’s standing in the open doorway, like seeing Isak in front of him made someone cut off the strings holding him up. “Isak.”
And Isak can’t handle how desperate Eskild sounds, how desperately sad and desperately hurt. Isak lets out an involuntary equally hurt whine and throws himself at Eskild.
Eskild ends up fumbling to grab onto the door so he won’t fall from the impact, but once he’s gained his balance his arms fold around Isak and hold on to him so tightly it hurts to breathe.
Eskild pulls him in and hugs him so tightly it hurts to breathe, but it feels so good. It feels like how it should feel getting a hug from his mom, if she’d ever hugged him that is. He shouldn’t be thinking about that. It doesn’t matter and this is better anyway.
They stand there for ages. Isak wants to sob, but it’s the first time in ages he feels like he can breathe. Maybe it’s just because he always knew he would be able to do that with Eskild.
“Why did you never tell me?” And fuck, Eskild’s hurt, Isak made Eskild hurt.
It’s all everybody wants to know, why didn’t he say anything, but what would he even have said? Hey, do you remember how I’ve denied being gay the entire time I’ve known you? Well, guess what!
“I couldn’t,” he chokes out, his throat tightening. “I couldn’t, I –“
Isak feels a sob threatening to burst out of his throat. Maybe Eskild can sense it, because he brings him inside the apartment and shuts the front door behind him. The click of the lock and the slam of the door sound final.
Even borrows his parents’ car, a grey thing that looks older than it is, without Isak knowing about it, or knowing why he does it.
It’s still early in the morning when Even texts him to go outside. Isak had immediately replied with an ugh with too many of every letter to tell Even how not amused he was at the prospect of wandering down four flights of stairs just to come down and kiss Even good morning – something he could do, mind you, if Even actually just came home or hadn’t left the bed at arse-o’clock in the morning.
But because Isak is a good fiancée, he walks down every flight of stairs with every intention of bitching Even out before dragging him back inside to kiss him.
It’s close to stifling already outside, even as Isak’s only standing in joggers and a t-shirt. There’s no breeze to take the brunt of the heat. It’ll be horrible later in the day when their apartment will start slowly cooking them.
He doesn’t see Even until the honking startles him. He whips towards the direction of the sound and sees Even behind the wheel, window rolled down and left arm hanging halfway out. He’s grinning widely at Isak, but Isak sees the strain to it, right in the corner of his mouth, revealing the slight tension there is to him. He’s also wearing his sunglasses, so Isak can’t see his eyes and make out what he’s really feeling.
“Hey, there,” Even drawls dramatically, doing an exaggerated nod of his head like he’s checking Isak out. It’s dumb and it’s stupid and it still makes Isak flush and giggle like a schoolgirl. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?”
‘A place like this’ is in fact in front of their apartment complex in Oslo in one of the cheaper areas, but by no means not well-respected. That’s not the point, though, so Isak leans his weight against the car, forcing Even to bodily turn around in his seat to keep looking at him.
“Oh, mister, I’m terribly lost,” he plays it up, batting his eyelashes until Even has to fight to keep the laugh down. “Can you help me?”
“Sure thing, sweetcheeks,” except it’s done in an American accent, and ‘thing’ sounds more like ‘thang’, making Isak snort. Even grins and nods towards the passenger seat. “Hop on in; I’ll give you the ride of your life.”
“What, the car or your dick?”
“Isak!” Even admonishes playfully, playing up the faux-offence by gaping disbelievingly. It’s stupid and Isak’s still grinning.
“Where’d you get this thing, anyway?” Isak pats the part where Even’s window refuses to roll down entirely. Even catches his fingers and brings them casually to his lips.
There’s no one around. They both know this, they’ve both checked. It still makes Isak’s heart pound faster for not all the right reasons.
“Borrowed it from my parents.” Even looks down at where he carefully places Isak’s fingers back on the window. He doesn’t look back up at Isak’s face, and the tension is back at the corner of his mouth, in the line of his shoulders. “They think I’m taking the boys for a trip.”
Isak feels immensely guilty. It bowls over him, leaving him feeling off-kilter and vaguely disgusted with himself for not being better, being more right.
He knows it’s always been a strain on Even to lie to his parents like he is – maybe not at first, when they were trying it out, or when they decided they were official. But ever since they moved in together and Even had to tell his parents they had to call before coming over so they could mask the fact Even wasn’t living alone in a one-bedroom apartment, Even has tended to isolate himself from his parents, and it’s wearing him down. He won’t tell Isak that, but Isak can tell without Even saying the words.
“And what are we actually doing?” Isak asks, but he doesn’t wait for Even to answer before he walks in front of the hood, crossing to the other side of the car and slides into the passenger seat.
Even’s eyes are soft, his whole expression practically screaming fond, which makes Isak squirm slightly in his seat from butterflies flapping around in his stomach. Isak prompts Even to start talking by lightly puffing Even with his shoulder.
“It’s not quite a white limo Tesla,” Even grins crookedly, but there’s an apologetic twinge to it and the tension still hasn’t left him entirely.
Isak reaches over for him, rubs his thumb along the corner of his mouth until the downward curl of it smoothes out. “I don’t need a Tesla,” he tells him, because he doesn’t. “I’d much rather just get to have you.”
He can tell Even wants to kiss him, but he doesn’t. As the time comes closer to nine, people start showing up, and it’s a regular car with no tint to the windows.
“You just want me because I can drive this thing,” Even teases instead, patting the steering wheel.
“I got into this deathtrap for you, the least you can do is maneuver it around. Which reminds me, what are we doing?”
“Ah!” Even holds up a finger, mock-serious expression on his face as he signals for Isak to wait – which he does, skeptically.
Even undoes his seatbelt with a click, and then contorts his body weirdly in a twist to reach onto the backseat. Isak can’t tell what he’s doing, but he can hear the crinkle of something – paper? – confirmed when Even thrusts a stack of papers into his hands.
“Here you go!” He’s practically vibrating with excitement, his eyes sparkling, and for a second he’s so captivating Isak literally, despite the immense curiosity, can’t look away from him.
The papers are still neat and pressed, only slightly wavy from the ink of the large pictures having long dried.
“What –“ Isak trails off as his eyes skim over the first paper in the stack. A photograph takes up more than half of the first page, depicting a rather idyllic place, taken from the terrace of some house, cabin maybe, Isak presumes, showing the horizon of clear water and typical Norwegian nature of rocks, cliffs, and trees. You can just see two chairs and a small table in the foreground, but it’s obvious the nature is supposed to be the selling point.
On the remaining part of the paper, there’s text, starting with a greeting and a thank you for booking which makes Isak’s heart rate pick up exponentially.
He skips over the text, goes straight to the next picture – a bedroom, white sheets and a window letting in what appears to be morning light – and the next picture – a small kitchen connected to a dining area – to the next picture – the living room with more couches and chairs than Isak and Even will be able to fill. Isak goes back to the thank you for booking! and looks for a date, a place, any indication of what the hell is Even up to.
Today. It’s booked from today. A couple of hours away from Oslo, the distance manageable even if they would’ve had to do it by bus.
“What is this?” he looks up at Even, then back down at the papers because he can’t believe it, then back up at Even because he can’t believe it.
Even’s truly grinning by now. “Well,” he starts, trying to appear suave and not succeeding at all, “I was thinking it might be a really great honeymoon spot.”
Isak’s heart stops. He thinks his hands might be shaking, his entire body is.
When he manages to look up from the papers, Even’s already holding up his phone, showing the e-mail that they’ve got a slot at Oslo’s City Hall today.
Isak’s out of his seat before his brain catches up.
He leaps across the gear stick to get to Even, only taking enough care not to accidentally brain him or knock him out in his haste. He hears the papers crinkle alarmingly and distantly hopes there was nothing essential on them that can’t be salvaged by a bit of smoothing out.
Even’s laughing and wrapping his arms around Isak, drawing him in closer. It’s a bit awkward, seeing as Isak’s legs are too long and also a bit stuck at the footrest of the passenger’s seat, the rest of his body draped over Even’s. He never wants to let go.
“Are you serious?” he asks, voice muffled a bit from where his mouth is pressing against Even’s shoulder.
Even laughs. “One hundred percent, baby.”
Isak doesn’t know what to do with himself. He feels too light and too heavy and too full and he’s so in fucking love. He can literally feel his brain not able to process everything that’s happening, can feel his body reacting to the shock of it. His eyes start watering, his shoulders shaking. He sniffles.
Even twitches. “Are you crying?”
Isak doesn’t even have to look at him to know he’s smiling, the asshole.
“It’s allergies,” Isak protests, presses his face harder against Even’s shoulder, his tears probably wetting the fabric, but if Even tries to make fun of him, Isak will tell him it’s snot.
Even laughs, loudly and unapologetic, his entire body shaking underneath Isak. It’s familiar and comforting, and it might even make Isak cry harder.
“To weddings?” Even finally manages to ask. “Or just your own?”
Had it been anyone else Isak would’ve been annoyed with them, but he hears the teasing in Even’s lilt and his arms are holding him tightly against his chest, hands gentle as he rubs his back.
If they ever are to tell anyone, which Isak sincerely doubts, he’ll make sure Even won’t mention this part.
Knowing Even, he’ll specifically do it just to get Isak huffy so he can kiss him sweet and pliant.
“Weddings,” Isak answers, drawing back and wiping shyly at his eyes. Even’s staring at him like he never wants to see anything else the rest of his life. “But my own might be an exception.”
Even grins, his hands smoothing up and down Isak’s sides. “Should we go check, then?”
A laugh bubbles out of Isak’s throat, a bit wet and it makes a few more tears spill over and down his cheeks. He nods, keeps nodding until Even’s laughing and nodding as well, leaning forward until their noses brush. Isak doesn’t even have it in him to check if anyone’s nearby, can’t look anywhere else than at Even.
It’s the first time they kiss in public when the sun is shining and they’re not tucked away in an alley or behind a shed in the bushes.
“I’m always serious about you,” Even tells him when he pulls back. His eyes are wet too. “And I seriously want to marry you. Today.”
Isak grins, presses another peck to Even’s mouth. “Let’s go do this, then.”
Even’s the only one who has a full suit – or, something close to a full suit, the jacket a little too modern and wonky to fit formal wear outside an artistic gathering. By the time they make it to City Hall it’s too hot to wear a jacket anyway, which leaves them wearing chinos, Even in a white button-down and Isak in a grey button-down with short sleeves.
They’re both hot and sweaty, lungs hurting from laughing whilst running from the parking space they’d gotten ages away and through the hallways so they wouldn’t miss their appointment.
The officiator doesn’t bat an eye at the two of them being boys, but he does look surprised and then pitiful at the completely empty hall that he has to perform the ceremony for. The guilt churns around in his stomach when Isak forces himself not to think about Eskild, whom he knows would not only be happy to witness but happy for him – once he got over the shock of never having been told. He knows Even’s thinking the same about his own friends, his parents. They’ve both got people they want to be here, they’ve just… never told them.
They end up pulling two secretaries on their lunch break in to witness. They’re two elder ladies, and one’s smile reminds Isak of his mother so much from when she was well, when she still recognized him, that he almost wants to give her a hug.
It’s a quick ceremony, only a little more than ten minutes. The remaining paperwork doesn’t take nearly as long as the initial paperwork had, and then –
Even’s eyes are sparkling, Isak knows his own are too. God. God. And then they’re married.
It’s the first time in – ever that Isak doesn’t care who is watching, that there are now essentially three strangers who know about him, who know about him and Even, and he doesn’t care because he’s married and he’s going to kiss Even.
He nearly tackles Even with how he bodily throws himself at him, but Even had been prepared and only laughs as he wraps his arms around Isak’s body, holds him close and leans down so he can kiss him again.
No one throws rice at them since it isn’t allowed, but Isak doesn’t mind. Can’t really seem to mind when Even’s holding his hand right until they get to the entrance, and then they’re both running again to get back to the car, to get to whatever Even has planned, to get to be alone, for Isak to get to kiss his husband.
The car ride takes simultaneously longer and quicker than it should to get to the cabin – Even’s driving just a bit too fast, not enough to make Isak anxious, but enough that he gains time, but then they have to pull over at rest stops or park behind gas stations just to laugh or press their lips together or be married.
It’s well into the evening by the time they get there. Their legs are tired from being cramped up for so long, so they park down by the beach instead of by the cabin.
“What’s all this, then?” Isak keeps looking at the scenery, then back to Even, then back on the beach, back to Even again.
It’s windy. His hair keeps getting pushed down in front of his eyes. Even is holding both of his hands, though, so he can’t brush it away.
It’s not important, anyway. He can see Even clearly. Can see him smiling and his eyes, bright and blue and happy and Isak fills giddy with it, even with the confusion.
“Your beach story,” Even tells him, finally stops walking backwards but keeps pulling Isak towards him until they’re pushed together and it’s easy to lean down and kiss him.
The cabin is as lovely as it had been on the photos. It’s the exact same, but with a larger deck than Isak had thought it would have. They sit there, eating pizza that’s lukewarm with how much time has passed since they picked it up at the closest pizzeria.
The cabin itself is secluded, hidden away in a corner of the universe that Isak and Even are taking for themselves. There are other cabins nearby, they both know, but they can’t see any from where they are.
So when the sun is setting, the last rays reflecting in the water, the sky colored pink and yellow and orange, a few crusts scattered around in the cardboard box all that’s left of the pizza, Isak doesn’t hesitate to climb into Even’s lap and kiss him.
The wind is colder than it’s been all day with the night settling in, but Even’s a warm heat pressed against Isak’s chest, between his thighs, his hands warm as they slip underneath Isak’s t-shirt and roam across his back.
Their lips smack against each other’s a lot louder than they’ve ever dared to before when not hidden away under covers or behind locked doors. It’s liberating. Isak feels like he could float away right where he is, would spend an eternity right here in this moment if the universe would let them.
“I love you,” Even whispers, the words broken apart by their lips. Isak’s too busy enthusiastically kissing him to say it back, so he says it with soft touches, with his thumb smoothing down along the curve of Even’s eyebrow, down to his cheekbones.
I love you, too he screams in his head. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Isak gets lost in Even. Can’t remember that he’d already started undressing him before they got inside until the next day when they find Even’s belt and button-down next to the now empty cardboard box that’s been picked clean of pizza by the birds and any other creatures to have passed by. All he remembers is Even, Even, Even.
Even kissing him; his mouth, his neck, his chest, his thighs. Even inside of him. Even crying as he tells Isak he loves him, that he’s so fucking happy.
They wake up in a bed with messed up white sheets, the sun shining in because neither of them had thought about drawing the curtains.
It’s stupidly early because of the Norwegian sunrises, so they just lie there for ages, lips moving over lips lazily until they drift off. When Isak wakes up again, Even’s lips are smushed against his cheek, his nose scrunches up periodically every time Isak blinks, his eyelashes tickling Even’s skin.
He giggles as it happens, then has to kiss Even awake. From there it’s easy to roll onto his back, pulling Even along with him until Even can sink in where Isak’s still wet and open from last night.
They spend long mornings in bed. Then Even makes them scrambled eggs, and Isak distracts him by ‘apparently’ eating berries suggestively, which Isak will deny until the day he dies, so they don’t actually end up eating before the eggs have gone cold. They’re still good, though.
They go down to the beach, they sit on the rocks, messing around, they explore their surroundings without going too far to risk accidentally bumping into anyone else, bursting the bubble they’re in.
Even films them for a bit, just small tidbits. Tells Isak that one day he’ll use it in the greatest film he’ll ever make, the one about Isak.
Isak blushes and tells Even he’s an idiot, and any movie he’d make about Isak would be a pompous piece of shit that Isak can’t have associated with his name, it would be slander. Even laughs and kisses him quiet as Isak tries not to think about how Even is currently giving him the story he promised him over the phone years ago by now. A story on the beach. One that isn’t sad, one where the two people in love do end up together. That means more to Isak than anything else.
All in all, Isak can’t imagine a better honeymoon. Has to kiss Even until his lips are swollen and numb whenever he thinks it.
They don’t exchange rings.
Neither of them really wears any rings anyway, but wearing one on their ring finger can only mean one thing, and they still don’t know how to answer people’s questions were they to ask, “Oh? Who’s your wife?”
Instead, Even makes Isak a flower crown out of dandelions that’s quite shoddy at best, and a few petals and leaves keep falling off, but Isak loves it and can’t stop smiling. That romantic fool, of course he had to make a subtle reference to how they met.
Isak slips Even a little note that’s folded in half. Even’s eyes are shiny when he reads the single sentence Isak has written.
This will be epic all on its own.
Next part
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shit-she-wrote · 5 years
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Genre: Crime
Summary: An elder woman enjoys a splendid morning in her house. Her husband, however, is unusually quiet.
Word count: 1954
Content warning: murder, blood, death
Author’s note: Another prompt-fill for a Reedsy contest (with Agatha Christie inspired prompts, I really couldn’t resist!) a while ago and y’all, I had so much fun writing this!!! Also a big shoutout to all the lovely fellow writers on my favorite writing discord that were cheering me on – if you see this, y’all really motivated me to write this, thank you so much!!! Enjoy reading this! :D
(also, if anyone would be so kind as to by me a coffee on kofi for my work, it would be greatly appreciated 😅💗)
Barely Alive
a short story
For the first time in quite a while, Mrs. Merlyn Marble wakes up with a smile on her face. What a beautiful morning, she thinks, quiet and peaceful and fresh. A breeze of morning air is coming through her open window and she half sits up, regarding the curtains in their slow morning dance against it. Getting up, she crosses the room to catch a glimpse of the view from her bedroom, for the day outside was truly something to behold. Her garden blooming with spring flowers, her grass greener than green, and the slow-paced stream of the River Eye right beneath her window alight with a silver sparkle of the grey skies.
She puts on a morning robe and ties her gray curls into a low bun before heading downstairs. She stops in the living room for a second, determined to tidy it up a bit, just to make it as pleasant as she feels. She rearranges the pillows on the sofa, places the remote control by the television, pushes the big vase on the cupboard just a little to the left to have it right in the center. To top it all off, she even turns on the old gramophone, switching her husband’s favorite record for her own, and she hums along to the evergreen songs of Ella Fitzgerald as she is finally satisfied with the way her living room looks. Her husband isn’t going to like it one bit, especially not the new pillow arrangement and the fact that he will have to get up to get the remote, but today Merlyn hardly cares about his possible complaints.
Speaking of her husband, she finds him in the dining room, still sat at the same spot as last night.
“Good Heavens, Joseph,” she playfully berates him. “Did you even move since last night? You look like you haven’t slept a wink.”
Joseph Marble very pointedly doesn’t answer her. Alright, so maybe he is still a bit sour about their fight at dinner. Nonetheless, Merlyn isn’t going to let him spoil her pleasant mood with his stubborn antics.
Putting on the kettle, she hums along to the sweet music coming from the living room, as she rearranges the boxes of tea before picking a bag from her favorite brand, then a bag of her husband’s favorite for him. Maybe they have had some disagreements last night, but she isn’t going to be too petty to make him a cuppa because of it.
Glancing out of the window, she notices the postman approaching their house. Oh, Charles! He is always so delightful when it comes to exchanging pleasantries. She rushes to the door to greet him, smiling brightly.
“Oh, Mrs. Marble, good morning!” he calls to her when he sees her stepping outside and carries the mail straight to her instead of placing it into the mailbox.
“Merlyn, Charles, please. How many times do I have to tell you?”
“Yes, yes, of course, apologies. How are you doing today?”
“Oh, quite well, thank you! It’s such a beautiful day today, isn’t it?” Merlyn exclaims. “Joseph and I were just fixing to start breakfast. Care to join us? For a cup of tea at least.”
“No, no, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” Charles chuckles and starts rummaging around his satchel. “Besides, the new issue of Lower Slaughter Gazette came today. Joseph was telling me just last week how you keep your nose buried inside their crossword puzzle section whenever you get your hands on it.”
“And the day gets better!” Merlyn cries gleefully as she accepts the local newspaper. “Thank you, Charles. Have a nice day.”
He leaves just as she hears the kettle whistling. Of course, Joseph doesn’t care to take it off the stove, she has to do everything herself.
“One or two sugars, darling?” she calls out to him. No answer. Very well. One sugar, then. He has to watch his blood pressure, anyway. She sets his cup of tea in front of him and hers by the newspaper. She cuts up a few loaves of bread and sets it on the table along with some butter and her cousin’s homemade strawberry jam, which she usually saves for truly outstanding days.
“Oh, the Mill Museum is getting renewed, that’s nice,” she mutters around her cup of tea. “Don’t you think it’s nice, dear?”
She flips through the pages, glancing idly at the titles, and stops at the obituaries.
“Oh, dear,” she says remorsefully. “Gilbert Blight has passed away two days ago. What a shame. He’s always reminded me of you, you know? A bit rough around the edges, but quite sweet when he wanted to be. And now he’s dead, just like that. We’ll have to attend the funeral, of course. Tomorrow afternoon, at three o’clock. Oh, and those poor children of his! I’ll have to ask if there is anything I can do.”
She puts the newspaper down to spread butter and jam on her slice of bread.
“I’m surprised how long you’re keeping up with the silent treatment, Joseph. I’m just talking to myself at this point. You usually have a snide remark to go with everything I am saying. Am I not rambling on too much today?” She pauses, waiting for an answer as she bites into her breakfast. “Well? Nothing? Hm. You know, this just proves my exact point last night. But I’m not getting back into that. Let’s just have a nice, silent breakfast.”
And silent it is, for the next ten minutes. Joseph doesn’t touch his food, nor does he drink the tea before it gets cold, but Merlyn lets him sulk in peace. They have said everything that needed to be said last night, no need to drag it all on forever. At least she can look past her anger to have a lovely breakfast and enjoy a morning as nice as this one.
She flips over to the end of the newspaper where her beloved crossword puzzle is waiting, gloriously blank and absolutely perfect for a morning such as this one. Ella Fitzgerald is still playing in the background – it’s almost odd to hear it, having grown used to the perfect silence that Joseph has always demanded at breakfast. But Joseph doesn’t seem to mind it this morning and it makes Merlyn happy to finally enjoy this simple pleasure.
“Hm, what was that actor’s name again? Grant something, four letters … Hugh!” Victoriously, she writes the name down. “Oh, and that makes for a … murder … of crows, across.”
Usually, Joseph would already start complaining about her annoying habit of thinking out loud. Just as he would complain about the music and the rearrangements in the living room, and about his tea not being sweet enough.
“You know,” Merlyn ponders aloud, “I quite like this new you. The strong and silent type, who opts to suffer in silence rather than just complain about everything that’s bothering him. This silent treatment isn’t so bad. In fact, I’m wondering why we haven’t had last night’s argument sooner.”
She takes another sip of her tea and adds another word to the crossword.
“Well, I suppose this is not even that different from any other time. You never really enjoyed talking to me, did you?” She discloses the statement in a half-whisper as if it were an unspoken secret between them. “It makes me wonder sometimes, why you even married me at all, a chatterbox you didn’t care for. Because you never actually cared for me, did you? Not enough for us to have any children that I have always wanted, anyway. Not enough for you to even notice when I’ve dyed my hair a different color. At some point, I even stopped dying my hair altogether and your only comment was that I suddenly looked older than before.”
Even after such an earnest speech, not a single word of protest comes from Joseph. She is almost delighted to be finally saying this to his face, even if thirty-four years too late.
“I don’t even think you noticed how miserable I was, not really. You were too wrapped in your own misery to think of my own, weren’t you?” Turning her attention back to the crossword, she almost laughed at the irony of the next clue. “Would you look at that, Joseph. End of marriage, seven letters across. Do you have any guesses? Of course you don’t. Had you ever thought of the word divorce, we wouldn’t be in this mess now. It’s kind of lucky I thought of another word that is just as effective, wouldn’t you agree?”
Still smiling, she looks up at him and beams at what she sees. Her dear husband, Joseph Marble, whom she had promised to love until death did them part, is half crouched in his chair, sickly pale and unmoving. His glassy eyes are staring into empty space before him and he no longer needs to blink, nor close his hung-open jaw. His shirt is painted red-brown with the dried stain of blood that spread from the wound in his chest, right where Merlyn had rammed the kitchen knife into his chest last night and left it there. She is going to need to take it back and clean it by lunchtime, of course, it would be a nightmare cutting up the vegetables with any other knife. But for now, it looked quite nice with the blade stuck inside of Joseph’s torso.
“So? You’re still not going to say anything?” she taunts him, almost mercilessly. “Well, you can’t really be this bitter about me killing you. Let’s be honest, you’ve barely been alive for most of our marriage, anyways.”
Sighing, she regards him for a moment. He looks unreal, like a disgusting puppet set up clumsily in a chair. Some of the blood has sprayed the table, she will have to clean that up. She always had to clean up after his own messes. But it’s not like he can lift a finger to help her with household chores now. What a perfect excuse to sit around all day death has given him.
“So, what am I going to do with you now?” she asks him, leaning her head a little to the side to catch his empty stare. “I can’t just bury you out there in the garden. Whatever will the neighbors think? And I can’t move you to the basement, you’re far too heavy and I am no longer as young and spry as I once was. I must say, this is the one consequence of mariticide I hadn’t thought of.”
Joseph, bless his soul, remains compassionately silent. She really doesn’t need him telling her how stupid she is for not planning ahead.
“Well, I suppose you can stay here for a few more days until I think of something,” she decides after a brief consideration. “It’s not like we’re expecting any company soon. And I can open up some windows when you start to smell.”
She sets the crossword down for a moment to clean the table after breakfast and pours herself some more tea. Sitting back down, she looks at the deadman across from her and helplessly allows another giddy smile to spread across her face.
“So, do you have any plans for today? Anything that needs doing?” She is met by blessed silence. “No? Well, then I am sure you���ll be more than excited to hear all about my plans for today and for the rest of the week. Just stop me if you feel like I’m talking too much.”
Joseph simply sits there, eyes open and unblinking, chest bloody and unmoving. He has never been such a great listener as he is now.
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disgrays-on · 6 years
state of grace
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairing: Jason Todd // Reader
Summary: You wonder what you’ve done to deserve this life sometimes, wonder how it’s real, how it’s even possible that you get to wake up to Jason every single morning, so happy and safe and in love and loved.
A/N: god this is probably boring but i just really wanted to write it. had to cut it off bc it was getting too long for my attention span lol this’ll probably look better/make more sense on desktop than on mobile though
The sun pours into the room, flooding it with bright, golden light. Outside, you hear the hustle and bustle of the day, cars as they went by and mild chatter whenever a group of people walk by. You’re still in bed, still in Jason's arms, head propped on his chest and fingers splayed over his steadily beating heart. You breathe the scent of him in, comfortable and familiar and home, letting your eyes fall shut when he nuzzles into you, still half-asleep and drowsy. One of his arms snakes around your waist, keeping you pressed against him almost protectively. You wonder what you’ve done to deserve this life sometimes, wonder how it’s real, how it’s even possible that you get to wake up to Jason every single morning, so happy and safe and in love and loved.
Breakfast is the usual spread, simple and easy. Eggs and different kinds of bread and butter and jam. Tea for you and coffee for Jason. You find comfort in the habit of it all. In seeing Jason’s small smile, the one he reserves for only you, so shy and yet so wondrous and never failing to bring you so much joy. In watching him cook, bare-chested with sweatpants riding low on his hips, even against your better warning. In hearing him hum along quietly to the music playing soothingly from the speakers where he plugged his phone to. He catches you looking sometimes, a glint of mischief in his eyes as they flicker up to meet yours, the smallest hints of a smirk on his face. You try your hardest not to flush under his gaze.
“Talked to dad yesterday.” Jason brings up this morning, eyebrows furrowed and eyes focused on the eggs he’s frying, voice still husky from sleep.
You look up from your laptop, a plaintive hum leaving your lips. Usually, you try not to work at the kitchen table but this time had been an unavoidable case, last minute emails to read and respond to. Jason's back is still against you, one of his hands gripping the handle of the pan, the other holding on to a fork. You take a second to wonder when this could have happened and how you could have missed it. “How is he?”
You can’t see his face but something in him changes, like he’s resigned. He shrugs noncommittally, “He’s alright.”
“You guys aren’t still fighting, are you?” You can still remember how awkward the last family dinner had been, the tension hanging heavily over the dinner table, so thick you could have sliced right through it with a knife. You can still remember how furious Jason had been but at the same time, how lost he had been because he and his dad rarely fought. You can still remember the way he'd clung to you, arms tight around you but still trying to pull you closer.
“No.” He sighs, “It's just- I don’t know. They’re planning on coming over next week.”
“Oh. That’s a bad thing? I thought you missed them.” You sigh when he remains quiet, only the sizzle and hiss of the eggs and the sound of Jason’s soft music filling up the air. “Your dad loves you, you know that? He only wants what’s best for you.”
“I know.” He murmurs, before he shuts off the burner and slides the cooked eggs onto an empty plate. There’s relief in the corners of his eyes and a small smile on his face when he turns to place the plate in front of you. Jason has never really been good with emotions, either receiving or showing them, so you’re not surprised at his sudden change of topic. “Here you go. Better eat up if you don’t want to be late.”
“Thank you.” You beam up at him appreciatively, before shutting your laptop and pushing it aside. He takes the seat across you with a plate similar to yours, the mug of coffee that you had poured for him, still steaming hot, not too far from his reach. Breakfast conversation topics usually range from your plans for the day to weird articles that either of you find on the internet but today, the both of you opt for silence.
“Oh, we’re still on for tomorrow night, right?” You ask afterwards, tilting your head up slightly to meet his eyes. He’s right beside you, insistent on drying the plates that you’ve washed, even though you tell him that he doesn’t need to. You’d actually been really excited for the little date night. A movie and a nice meal, a night when you could forget all your responsibilities for even just a little while and enjoy. Truly, you adore the kids that you work with - and you’d never admit this to them or any of your colleagues - but Jason’s Jason. Nothing could ever possibly beat spending time with him.
“Of course,” He bends down slightly to press a kiss on your temple. There’s heat in his eyes when he looks up to meet yours, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You roll your eyes, shutting off the tap before flicking the excess water from your hands in his direction, ignoring the twinge in your heart at his burst of laughter.
The little school you work in isn’t too far from the apartment. A few minutes away, past a decently sized park with huge trees and beautiful flowers. You can never go to work without stopping by for a while. You and Jason frequent the place, taking long walks to clear your minds when neither of you can sleep or picnics on bright sunny days. It’s as picturesque as always this morning, clear blue skies and fluffy clouds, the sunlight bathing the landscape, the cool air of the morning filling up your lungs. You spare a few minutes to take in the view before moving on, mentally reminding yourself to bring Jason back for another picnic.
“Can we read this book today?” One of your kids - Little Coraline, your mind supplies, a sweet but shy young girl - ask, peering up at you with shining eyes, a book clutched in her hands. You’d been cleaning up after the last lesson, picking up stray crayons and loose paper. Behind her, a few others look on excitedly. It’s their break time but how could you even say no to their excited little faces? They’re all such a delight, nothing as difficult as some of the students that your colleagues had. They bicker from time to time, but it’s usually over the tiniest matters and they’re easily resolvable.
“Of course,” You smile at the little girl, plopping down to the carpeted floor, “What do you have there?”
“The little red ridin-” Her face scrunches up with effort, mouth twisting into a frown, “Little red hood!”
“The little red riding hood?” You hum as she hands you the book, you don’t remember ever seeing the book in your classroom but the kids brought their own books in from time to time. “Really? You promise you won’t get scared by this one?”
“I won’t!” She giggles, clambering onto your lap as you open the book. The rest of the kids hurry to sit around you, huddling together with sweet grins on their faces.
The rest of the day goes by as quickly as it does whenever you’re with your kids. Jason picks you up at the end of the day, even if you tell him that he doesn’t need to. He’s leaning back against his bike when you first see him, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed thoughtfully. You’re not sure if it’s because of his helmet, but he looks a bit frazzled, hair tousled and form heavy.
“You okay?” You ask him, after he gives you a distracted little kiss.
He nods, finally returning to you, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just work stuff.”
“Okay.” Even after all the years that you’ve been with him, there are still things that he isn’t particularly comfortable with sharing. You’re fine with it, really. Some secrets are better off as secrets. “Well, thank you for taking time out of your very busy day to pick me up.”
He gives you a little squeeze before he hands you your helmet.
Jason’s no longer so preoccupied with whatever it was that happened at his workplace by the time the both of you arrive at a grocery store. He’s enthusiastically telling you about this recipe that he’s been meaning to try as you walk down the frozen food aisle, a dumpling recipe that he found online, fingers intertwined with yours in the pocket of his jacket. The both of you discuss what needs to be bought - fresh ingredients, meat and vegetables and other kitchen necessities - before parting to cover more ground.
When you finally find Jason, all of the items you needed in your arms, Jason’s speaking to a petite old woman with salt and pepper hair, clad in a huge red and blue sweater. You recognise her as one of your neighbours, a few floors below yours, and you’re not surprised that Jason’s so friendly with her. He would never admit it but he had such a soft spot for your elderly neighbours, loved helping them or sitting down for tea with them whenever he could.
“They’re green peas, ma’am.” Jason nods, handing the can back to the old woman.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Her smile is bright, her laughter frail, “Sometimes things just don’t seem right to an old woman like me.”
“Any time.” Jason’s proud smile squeezes at your heart and you have to bite down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from squealing at how adorable he’s being. “Do you need help with your basket?”
“No, I’ll be alright. Thank you, dear.” She gives Jason a few pats on his forearm before she shuffles away, basket and can in hand.
“You’re adorable,” You nudge him slightly after placing all of the items that you’ve picked out into the basket he’s holding. You take a quick moment to see what he’s picked out, a few bottles of seasonings, sesame oil and rice vinegar and fish sauce, the ingredients he needed for his dumplings. You pick out a box of cereal that you’ve never seen him buy before, alarmingly bright in colour and frosted in more sugar than you think is healthy.  
“Dick likes those, wanted to try them.” You hear him murmur, and when you look up, his eyes are elsewhere.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Dick?”
“Never mind, it’s nothing.” He shakes his head, “We done?”
This time, at home, you cook alongside Jason. You work on tonight’s dinner, plain old grilled chicken and mashed potatoes while Jason works on his dumplings, hands steady as he pleats his dumplings. You tell him about the silly things your students did today, a young boy and his increasingly ridiculous reasons for not doing his homework, and later in the day, the same one trying to revolt. He chuckles, low and quiet, eyes still focused on the dumpling on his palm, as he begins to tell you about his own day.
“Taste this.” You hold up a spoonful of gravy to his mouth.
There’s a boyish grin on his face after he tastes it, “So good.”
You get dreams sometimes, and it’s always a cycle of the same few.
One, it feels like you’re flying. You feel the rush of the wind against your cheeks, and you hear laughter that isn’t just yours. There’s thrill in your bloodstream, adrenaline fuelling the pump of your heart. Jason’s there too, face pure happiness. But there’s something heavy lodged in your chest, a sadness hanging over your head, almost like there’s an impending doom around the corner.
Two, the both of you are on the ground but you’re surrounded by thugs. Jason’s masked but you know that it’s him. You’re throwing punches and kicks and a quick peek at Jason tells you he’s doing the same. You’re not scared, and it doesn’t seem like Jason’s scared either. The two of you are trading quips, laughing and joking around as if this was something that happened a lot. He tells you that he’s going to finish up first, playful and almost daring you to prove him wrong. You do.
Three, there’s only blood and darkness and Jason’s groans and grunts of pain. You’re gasping and panting for air and you don’t know why, but it doesn’t seem like there’s enough air for you or for him or for anybody. He’s on his back, clutching at his side that’s sliced open and dark blood is pouring out of his wound and you don’t know how you know, but you know that there is no coming back from this. This is the end. You can never shake the panic and you wake up crying every single time. It’s the worst out of the three, you think.
But whenever you wake up from it, Jason’s there. He’s awake and he pulls you back down to his chest, where you can hear the soothing beats of his heart. He curls around you tighter, and he murmurs quiet words to you, comforting and calming. You don’t think to ask him why he’s awake in the first place.
Sometimes, it feels like there are gaps in your memories. You don’t know your family, who or where they are, you ponder as you watch a couple clutching at their child’s hands cross a road. You can tell anyone about a random event that happened a few years ago but you can’t seem to remember what happened before you woke up a few days ago. Sometimes, you look outside and you see darkness, grit and grime and dirt and crime, broken things instead of the peace that you always see and it terrifies you.
At first, you think, maybe it’s you. Maybe there’s something wrong with you.
But there are gaps in your cognition, blurry little slots where memory should be but instead, there is only a void. It's empty, cold and bleak. And you know, you just know, that this isn't possible. That, surely, something should be there. It creates a dissonance within you, a disconnect from the world around you and the one that fills your memories, a thick bold line drawn to separate the two. There's an odd lacking, like the final piece of a puzzle has gone missing but instead of it hiding at the bottom of a box, it's just gone, like it never existed in the first place. And it makes you doubt, makes you so uneasy, makes you think that something's not right. That nothing adds up. That it doesn't feel right.
And you’re not sure why.
Or what to do.
“Hey.” You flinch at Jason’s voice, pulling you out of your little reverie. Water’s still gushing out from the kitchen tap, a pile of dirty dishes still at the bottom of the sink, and you rush to shut it off before turning to Jason.
“Have you seen those books that Bruce gave me?” He asks you, eyes flickering around the room, “I’m pretty sure I left them around here somewhere.”
“Um, no. I-” You furrow your eyebrows, as you take the sight of him in. He looks like how you feel. Lost. Exhausted. Confused at the words that just left his mouth. “Who’s Bruce?”
The feeling is still at the pit of your stomach, discomfort settling in your bones and unease snaking around your heart. It’s slightly cloudy today, dark grey clouds and a dark shadow covering everything. It feels different, like there’s a storm is brewing and there’s this electricity in the air. You bite down on your bottom lip. It just feels different.
“Thanks for your advice, by the way!” Your co-worker smiles at you from across your table. You didn’t even hear her come close. She must have noticed your confusion because she rushes to explain, “Remember the other day when one of my kids got blood on my skirt? Your advice worked! How did you know that the ammonia thing would work?”
“Right.” You gulp, returning her smile with a small one of your own. You don’t remember. You can’t. Your nerves are sharp, jagged glass. “Must have read it online somewhere.”
The date with Jason takes most of your mind off of it, the discomfort slithering away as Jason throws an arm around your shoulder and talks your ears off about a friend at work. The movie is hilarious, a buddy cop adventure turned romcom movie but the both of you spent quite a bit of time making out so you can’t really be too sure. His hands, warm and wandering. His lips, heavy and distracting. You had to put a lot of effort to not just moan out loud. At the end of the movie, he pulls you close to him, hips pressed together, a smirk on his face.
He gives you his jacket a quarter of the way to the restaurant, looks really pleased with himself as you slide it on. It’s huge on you but it makes you feel safe like nothing else ever has. His smile reaches his eyes as you tease him about it, and it’s breathtaking, and gosh, you’re so in love with him. You tell him as much and he tugs you into a kiss almost instantly. He only pulls away after he gives you one final kiss on the tip of your nose.
It’s all well and the feeling of unease doesn’t return until you hear muffled yelling and sounds of a scuffle as the both of you walk past an alleyway. Your first instinct is to turn around, to find the source of the voice and to help but Jason tugs you close and leads you away before you can. You can’t read his face but his lips are pressed in a line and his grip around you is tight. The rest of the walk to the restaurant is spent in silence. (There are flashes. Of the both of you in a similar situation. Except in that one, you’re in the alleyway. And Jason’s masked. And he’s fierce and angry and you can hear bones crack after each punch. You wonder and wonder, and the discomfort slithers back around you.)
Everything goes back to normal when the two of you arrive at the restaurant. Or at least, it seems that way. It’s loud, chatter from all the other patrons and cheery music blasting from the speakers. It’s nothing too fancy but it’s still quite an established restaurant so you settle into your seat quickly. The both of you talk about the movie - 9/10, you’d watch it again - and then move on to random things like the little kitten that you’d seen at the park and Jason’s newest client and their ridiculous demands. About a meal in, the two of you are already laughing and snickering, discomfort and troubles all forgotten, feet tangled underneath the table. He orders a milkshake and you steal it because he teased you about your fascination with him and he deserved it. He orders another one about ten minutes later and he lets you steal that one too.
But the dreams are still there and it’s the same but just ten times worse this time. This time, it just feels all too real. A part of you knows that something’s wrong. Heart pounding, sweating bullets, you sit up. Jason’s not in bed this time to pull you close so you shove away the covers and move to find him sat in the kitchen, a half-empty glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t sleep?” You ask him, taking the seat next to him and leaning your head against him. He lets you, pressing a small kiss before you feel him heave a deep sigh.
“Bad dreams?” You press your lips against his shoulder. He rarely ever talks about his dreams or his nightmares but something tells you that tonight would be different.
“Sometimes, it feels like I’m dying while I’m asleep.” He says to you after a stagnant silence and you bite down on your lips to stop yourself from reacting. “And it feels real but I—”  
And the thing is, you know exactly what he’s talking about. You wrap your arms around his middle, pressing your face into his shirt. You’re not sure what pushes you to but the words spill past your lips before you can stop them, “You and I…We’re real…right?”
You feel him tense beneath you. You don’t dare to look up, to look at his face and see it flickering like everything around you seem to be doing recently, to look up and see flashes of something else, to look up and see him fading away. You didn’t know what’s happening or why it’s happening or what it means but you just want it all to be alright. You just want it all to be normal again.
He knows too, you think. That something’s not right but neither of you seems to want to admit it. Maybe it’s instinct, maybe you’re crazy but deep down, you know and Jason know that nothing is right. You know that when he’d picked you up that day, when he’d seemed so distracted, it had been him mulling everything over, when everything started to piece together for him. You didn’t know a Dick or a Bruce but he did. And the flashes of dreams are too real to be anything but a memory but it didn’t fit anywhere, like a too-big piece of a puzzle that couldn’t fit anywhere, that belonged to a different puzzle set altogether. The overlaps between your dreams, whenever he tells you about his - the rush of wind, the fighting, the masks - it’s all too much to be a coincidence. Even deeper down, you feel like all of it, this life right now, has always been too good to be true.
“Of course.” He says, voice thin and soft. You’re not completely sure he believes it either.
It all comes crumbling down a few days later, at a coffee shop near your shared apartment, in the middle of another one of yours and Jason’s playful bickering.
“Jason!” You hear someone call out and the sight of him stirs something inside of you. A young man with dark tousled hair, familiar blue eyes and a stature that’s so familiar and yet you still couldn’t quite put your finger on it. There are bags under his eyes, frustration and exasperation in his voice. You know this person. The words you want to say falls away, the conversation faltering.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” Jason asks, even as the realisation dawns on him and the furrow of his eyebrows smooths out. He knows him. The both of you know him.
The masks, the fighting, the Red Hood.
And then everything just clicks and suddenly, it feels like the reality you know is falling around you, taking your heart along with it. Your first instinct is to deny everything that he - Tim - is saying as he begins to explain. Because it couldn’t be real, because everything that happened so far had to be real because even if there were moments when you’d been dubious about everything, it had been the greatest moments of your life and it couldn’t not be real. It wasn’t possible. A world where you weren’t actually together with Jason, where you didn’t really live with him or have this perfect domestic life with him where he made you breakfast and picked you up after work and the both of you are happy and safe and in love couldn’t be real.
And yet, it makes perfect sense. With everything that’s been happening, the little moments when your reality seemed to flicker in and out of existence, the emptiness and the dreams and the memories that should be there but aren’t, you realise that it makes the most sense. That being stuck in a weird time pocket, a fantasy alternate world, a different timeline than your original, isn’t so far-fetched. Because deep down, you’d known. And Jason had known.
The memories are quiet as they come back, slow but unforgiving as they crawl back to where they belonged. No matter how much you want it to be true, this world where you were together with Jason, where you lived with him and had this perfect domestic life with him where he made you breakfast and picked you up after work and the both of you were happy and safe and in love wasn’t real. Because in your world, Jason’s birth parents are dead and his relationship with his adopted family is shaky at best and he’d died and sometimes almost dies again when he gets too reckless in the field. Because in your world, there’s pining and heartbreak and blood and tears and pain. Jason isn’t in love with you and the both of you aren’t together and nothing is this simple in the other world.
Your hands tremble in your lap as you hear Tim and Jason discuss how to escape this weird situation that you were in, how to get back to a world where everything is dark and painful, how to get back to a world where you aren’t with Jason and he isn’t with you and it almost breaks you. None of it had been real. None.
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rdclsuperfoods · 4 years
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To the relief of cooped-up powder hounds everywhere, skiing has proved to be relatively safe during the pandemic, thanks to the abundance of fresh air and natural social distancing on the hill. But one aspect of a day at the resort still poses significant COVID risk: the ski lodge. To avoid crowded indoor spaces, many Outside editors have been trading their slopeside burgers and chicken fingers for meals prepared at home. 
But which brown-bag lunches are best for getting you through a day at the resort? We rounded up the Outside staff’s favorite to-go meals, below, then asked Kristen Gravani, the director of sports nutrition for Stanford University athletes, to weigh in on our choices. Gravani, a former college ski racer, says there are three components of a good to-go meal: 
The right balance of nutrients. Generally, you want your meal to be higher in carbohydrates, with a moderate amount of fat and protein. Carbohydrates are a skier’s main fuel source, and a little fat and protein help stave off hunger longer while providing slowly released energy. (Exact proportions will vary depending on your individual nutrition needs, but typically, the more intense and sustained your ski day is, the more this ratio will skew toward carbs.)
Ingredients that sit well in your stomach. If you know that spicy chili makes you sprint for the bathroom, leave the beans at home. The less your stomach is churning, the more you can enjoy your turns.
Food safety. If you’re carrying a meaty burrito around in your pocket, that’s the ideal habitat for bacteria that causes foodborne illness. Ideally, you want to keep perishable foods cold, or just stick with shelf-stable options. 
With those criteria in mind, here’s what Gravani thinks about Outside editors’ ski-day lunches:
Breakfast Burritos
Pandemic or not, my go-to is a homemade breakfast burrito: a ten-inch tortilla, hash browns, scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, and green chili. It’s really two meals in one. I eat one half on the drive to the mountain, then wrap the other half in tinfoil and stash it in my jacket for lunch. That, plus an energy bar in reserve—I’m a fan of GoMacro’s maple sea salt flavor—always gets me through the day. —Chris Keyes, editor 
I have two go-to ski lunches, depending on how much I rallied that morning. If I’ve given myself enough time to get a breakfast burrito from my favorite spot in Santa Fe (hello, Betterday Coffee!), I will eat exactly one-third of it for lunch, with a Modelo on the chairlift. (The first third is consumed on the drive up in the morning, and the last third on the drive down at the end of the day.) Betterday burritos are made up of five key ingredients: tortilla, egg, cheese, and chile. Sometimes bacon, too. If my morning is rushed (or my bank account strained), I’ll eat a Perfect Bar for lunch—it’s my favorite on-the-go snack. Its macros are pretty well-balanced, so it feels less like a sugar or protein bomb and more like a meal. I also wash that down with a Modelo. —Abbie Barronian, associate editor 
“You’ve got really good combinations of carbs, fat, and protein,” says Gravani of the two burritos. The tortilla and hash browns provide a nice boost of carb-based energy, while the eggs and cheese round things out with protein and fat. Gravani thinks the GoMacro and Perfect bars are also solid choices. Food safety in regards to the burritos, however, docks them a grade. “When you put a warm burrito in your pocket, keeping that moderate temperature as it’s cooling down over time puts it at risk for microbial growth,” she says. If you’re going to go with a perishable lunch, it’s better to refrigerate it first. 
My go-to lift lunch is the eggadilla. First, fry two eggs, making sure to break the yolks so they don’t run all over your gloves when it’s time to eat. Then sauté whatever veg you have on hand—onion, bell pepper, zucchini, etc. Finally, stack your eggadilla on a tortilla, with a layer of cheese on the bottom, your egg and veg in the middle, and another layer of cheese on top, and then add the second tortilla. Heat the whole thing in a large frying pan, or just microwave it. Cut it into quarters, and put it in a Ziploc bag, so you can throw in your pack or even a jacket pocket. It’s portable, squish-proof, delicious, and filling. —Luke Whelan, senior research editor
An excellent ski lunch consists of a few triangle-shaped sections of leftover, cold, homemade quesadilla—I use flour tortillas, sautéed mushrooms, chopped chicken breasts, Mexican-blend cheese, and canned green chile. It carries well, because it’s already flat. I also take along some good salsa in a small, leakproof container. —Alex Heard, editorial director
“I love the addition of vegetables here,” says Gravani. “Along with that lean protein and carbs, it seems like a nice combination.” The quesadillas, above, have a similar protein-fat-carbs ratio to the breakfast burritos, making them a well-balanced choice for a midday ski meal. But they also lose points for the elevated potential to bring on a bout of foodborne illness.
Frito Pie
I always bring a thermos of good-quality chili, like Annie’s, and a bag of Fritos. When I’m feeling fancy, I’ll top the chili with shredded Tillamook white cheddar. Bonus: it’s gluten-free, which is a must when you have celiac like I do. —Aleta Burchyski, associate managing editor 
My boyfriend and I are known for only bringing Frito pies on backcountry and camping trips. It’s what we ate growing up at the Santa Fe ski area, and we’ve been continuing the tradition during the pandemic. We bring a bag of Fritos, a thermos of hot beef chili, and sometimes also a bag of shredded lettuce and cheese. It’s full of carbs, protein, and salt—what more could you ask for! We accompany the meal with a thermos of hot chocolate or tea. And as any ski day should have, a candy bar will always be on hand. —Petra Zeiler, art director
“I give them points for being able to navigate that meal and bring it heated,” says Gravani. And while the macronutrient balance is decent, this meal’s potential to cause tummy troubles warranted a grade reduction. The combo of fat, fiber, and spice can lead to an upset gut. “Especially with beans, it can cause GI distress for some people,” she says. Being at a high altitude doesn’t help the stomach situation either. Some people may have no issue with the magical fruits, and GI problems are very individual, but if you’re unsure about your reaction to beans, you may want to save yourself—and everyone in your group—the trouble. 
I keep it simple with an almond butter and jam sandwich, usually on Trader Joe’s Super Grain and Seed bread. I pack on the almond butter, and go light on the jam so it doesn’t get all sticky, and put it in a small Ziploc bag. It’s great fuel, and I can cram it in a ski-jacket pocket and eat it on the lift. It doesn’t matter if it gets smashed. In fact, it tastes better smashed a bit, because the jam marinates the bread. I also always keep some peanut M&M’s or a Kind bar in my pocket for extra fuel when needed. —Mary Turner, deputy editor
PB&J all the way! This sandwich is a classic and might be the ultimate-adventure pocket snack; we even have articles to prove it. But I don’t make just any old PB&J—if it’s going in my pocket, it has to be a “dub” PB&J. Instead of loading up just one side of the sandwich with peanut butter, I prefer to coat each slice of bread with a thin layer of peanut butter, and then add the jelly in the middle. This is key for keeping your PB&J al dente all day, an improved sandwich structure for zero sogginess and better pocket durability for the inevitable yard sale. If you’re looking for something a little more gourmet, just add bacon. —Jackson Buscher, video producer
It’s hard to beat the humble PB&J. Not only does it meet the right balance of nutrients that you need to keep skiing through the afternoon, but it’s also easy to digest and shelf-stable. Gravani herself likes to pack a PB&J when she hits the slopes. “Having a less heavy lunch, and being able to supplement with some snacks, sets you up to avoid that post-lunch slump,” she says. Chairlift grazing not only reserves more time for skiing but also can keep you energized throughout the day. 
Cold Pizza
During ski season, Friday nights at my house are usually pizza nights. Homemade pies loaded with cheese, veggies, and pepperoni are the ultimate comfort food and the best way to cap off a stressful workweek. The leftovers also make the best ski lunch imaginable. My boyfriend and I always make extra to bring to the mountain the next day. A few slices fit neatly into a Ziploc that lies flat in my jacket pocket, and they’re easy to eat one-handed (and glove-handed if it’s frigid and I’m really desperate). It feels more indulgent than the usual PB&J or energy bar but is still easy to snack on during lift rides without making a mess. Plus, cheese and bread are good endurance fuels, right? —Ariella Gintzler, associate editor
A cheesy slice contains more fat than would be ideal midway through a ski day, according to Gravani. That means you may feel sluggish after eating it, as fats tend to sit heavier in the stomach and digest slower than carbs and protein. 
Tortilla Wrap
With a kid at home, I’m all about efficiency on the slopes. My go-to lunch is a simple flour-tortilla wrap with peppered salami, cheddar cheese, avocado, and hot sauce. It’s easy and tidy to eat on the run, but the protein hit gives me sustained energy without bogging me down. —Will Taylor, gear director
“I do love that he chose a shelf-stable meat, and the rest of the components are really quality, too,” says Gravani. Salami is still a fatty meat, though, so swapping it out with a low-fat alternative like turkey would make this meal perfect and help avoid post-meal sluggishness.
Cheese and Crackers
Since I won’t be able to treat myself with chicken fingers and ranch dressing this year—the absolute best ski lunch, in my opinion—I’ll be packing my favorite backpacking meal: cheese and crackers. I prefer a solid hunk of cheddar cheese paired with Wasa Multi-Grain crispbread. And I’ll throw in a beef stick or jerky if I get really hungry. —Kelsey Lindsey, associate editor
“This one is lower protein and higher fat than is ideal,” says Gravani. Adding in a lean meat like turkey jerky to increase the protein would achieve a better nutrient balance.
via Outside Magazine: Nutrition
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dentalsleepmaster · 4 years
16 Top-rated Tourist Attractions In Lone Tree - Planetware
We usually reserved those daydreams for biscuits, pancakes Tyler Tysdal and Lone Tree, or hash (find our faves below ). But after that we fed on a heaping serving of Onefold's stunning deep-fried rice with Chinese sausage(" lap cheong" ), and also all that altered. Garnished with sauted slices of sweet, meaningful lap cheong (or duck, ham, or bacon) and two deep-fried eggs, it's a rewarding shock that we intend to eat on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food writer in Denver has actually proclaimed Kyle Foster's biscuitsand right here we go once again. They are baked to get as well as have crusty sides that ruin just so when you attack into them. They hurt inside, salty, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite flaky texture Denver business broker, yet they're also somehow pillowy and also certainly hold extra butter than a regular biscuit. Foster is, basically, a biscuit brilliant. As well as please inform Foster that, this time, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Celebrity Kitchen on Mississippi Method for the very best dim sum in town. You'll wait for a table on weekend break early mornings, yet the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and also congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you're going to spend your weekend break early mornings enjoying Premier League matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a" banger"( sausage)," rashers"( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, and also toastat this 12-year-old Five Points pub.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Opportunity's Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a - business broker in Denver.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Boulevard forwhat else?a steaming bowl of its signature brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, as well as flank, is a traditional Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora's Sunburst Grill, where a passionate plate of" tocino "( Filipino-style bacon healed with pineapple juice), eggs, as well as rice prices simply$ 7. Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain cup of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
Where To Eat And Drink In Denver - Eater Denver
's bright, bustling area on Central Street is a gorgeous means to welcome the day. The beans originate from Denver's Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been attracting neighborhood java fans with its artisan, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe're positive avocado salute has nothing to do with millennials 'reduced homeownership prices, but paying even more than$ 10 for the fashionable staple isn't an excellent concept for anyone's purse. Fortunately, Steuben's Avocado Goddess Toast will only establish you back$ 5and it's absolutely divine. The cooking area salutes ciabatta, slathers it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, tops it with thin slices of buttery avocado, as well as garnishes everything with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Virtually. steubens.com LoDoWe have actually consumed scores of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community recognized for the dish, is even more than a little frustrating. Thank goodness for Urban.
Farmer, after that, where the Denver omelet obtains its due. Available throughout weekend break breakfast and weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus 'model is studded with portions of roasted environment-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as regional ham and also covered with a generous( if ultramodern) pour of barnaise sauce. Finally, we can claim an omelet deserving of our city's reputation. urbanfarmerdenver.com Multiple locationsNot only is the Article's fried poultry consistently stunning, with a fantastically crunchy, completely experienced crust and also juicy meat withina mighty great meal all on its ownbut the homey restaurant's a.m. food selection likewise grants our want multiple brunch-acceptable methods to consume the simple bird. postbrewing.com Photo by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt's simple to put pancakesfilled with chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped lotion or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed visitors might consider temptingon a breakfast menu.
What's even more challenging is to make a pancake that tastes good solo. Wendell's, the high end diner that took control of the initial DJ's Coffee shop space on Tennyson Street in 2015, has achieved the last with its massive buttermilk elegances, which are lightened with whipped egg whites as well as seasoned with brandy, vanilla paste, as well as lemon enthusiasm. wendellsbreakfast. TIVIS Capital.com Approach: To assign a rate each for each and every of these meals, we completed the average expense of an entre, a coffee, as well as an alcoholic drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) elastic trousers before taking on the Sunday breakfast buffet at this hotel near the Park Meadows shopping center. The cost consists of online jazz, bottomless mimosas, and an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, and carved beef ribs. Its closeness to matine reveals at the neighboring Denver Doing Arts Complex merely includes in the appeal.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek astonishment inside the Halcyon hotel offers distinct, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from a roving cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye salute with caper lotion cheese and smoked salmon )with a rally top. investor and entrepreneur Tyler Tysdal. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a large lineup of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside area is ideal for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon trip.
26 Cool And Unusual Things To Do In Denver - Atlas Obscura
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as you question between getting the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and also grits. Get hold of a coffee from Crema Bodega, an alcoholic drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus mixture called Dead Presidentsand a large cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakeshop to take pleasure in at one of the food hall's lengthy neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Obtain the many bang for the least dollar at the Sloan's Lake station of this preferred counter-service place. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Platte Management). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt's virtually difficult to select just one thing from Annette's breakfast food selection, yet when pushed to do so, chef Caroline Glover's waffles float over the rest. Their light texture comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests over night for ultimate taste growth and also loft. Also much better, the topping combinations alter regular and with the periods, from apples with salted sugar as well as whipped cream in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd as well as whipped lotion in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are often riotous affairs, especially if you go throughout brunch, when the restaurant supplies rotating amusement with motifs like burlesque, yoga exercise, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you obtain three beautiful deep-fried orbs that are crispy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated exteriors, feather-soft within, and also kindly filled with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dance may not be everyone's thing, but we're rather certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian and vegan Denverites need not experience via boring tofu shuffles as well as butter-free toast, thanks to Cap Hill's hipster organization, City, O' City, where the whole a.m. My individual fave would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not enjoy mozzarella cheese, avocado and fried plantains!.?. !? Photo thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the very best brunch option in Denver. It's a gooey and also divine mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and syrup.
Tyler Tysdal is a long-lasting business owner helping fellow entrepreneurs sell their service for optimum worth as Managing Director of Freedom Factory, the World's Best Business Broker. Freedom Factory helps entrepreneurs with the greatest deal of their lives.Image politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not only housed in the stylish and also homey neighborhood of Wash Park, but it has an awesome food selection that is continuously transforming. Every active ingredient they use is regional and homemade, and while they always have sandwiches and salads, they switch over up their specials and sides so you can try something new every time you go.
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Photo courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not distinguish this image, this is the very best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, homemade dough as well as neighborhood, natural components baked with each other in a conventional brick stove makes these pizzas taste like they're appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Basic components and also conventional techniques make Pizzeria Area a must.
20 Best Things To Do In Denver Including Outdoor Activities
You get to pick the base, healthy protein, kind of curry, veggies and flavors to develop a custom-made Indian curry bowl that has unbelievable taste as well as spice. The active ingredients as well as options are amazingly fresh and continuously changing, allowing you to switch it up every time you go, however I very suggest the coconut curry as well as chicken.
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Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce as well as tomatoes make this cheeseburger a must-have. They throw on a few of their unique sauce for the best combination of mouthwatering as well as tasty, as well as their newly baked bun is the cherry ahead. While their delicious burgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger's truffle french fries are my favorite fries in Denver, hands down.
I would certainly do anything at any kind of provide moment to consume these french fries as well as I mean anything individuals. Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver establishment. They make their homemade gelato as well as cones on website every day, and have a wide variety of scrumptious flavors available (business broker in Denver).
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Whether it's a summer's evening or awesome afternoon, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with satisfied children, family members, as well as big groups of friends - Lone Tree. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a nationwide track record for dishing out insanely excellent biscuits, as well as this credibility might not be more exact. Their biscuit french toast has the excellent degree of sweetness and is deliciously indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most rewarding method to begin the day.
from https://dentalsleepmasters0.blogspot.com/2020/05/16-top-rated-tourist-attractions-in.html
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intphys · 4 years
The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
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ultreiadenver.com City Park WestUntil lately, fried rice wasn’t the initial, and even second Denver business broker, thing we thought around when we considered a big , brunch-y bowlof carbs. We generally booked those visions for biscuits, pancakes, or hash (find our favorites below ). However after that we devoured a heaping offering of Onefold’s magnificent fried rice with Chinese sausage(” lap cheong” ), and all that changed. Garnished with sauted pieces of sweet, meaningful lap cheong (or duck, ham, or bacon) and also two fried eggs, it’s a satisfying shock that we plan to consume on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food writer in Denver has proclaimed Kyle Foster’s biscuitsand below we go again. They are baked to purchase and have crusty sides that smash so when you attack into them. They are tender inside, salted, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite half-cracked structure, yet they’re likewise somehow pillowy as well as absolutely hold a lot more butter than a typical biscuit. Foster is, put simply, a biscuit wizard. As well as please inform Foster that, this time around, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Star Cooking area on Mississippi Opportunity for the best dim sum in community. You’ll wait on a table on weekend break early mornings, however the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant Tyler Tysdal SEC, as well as congee with duck egg.
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deserve it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, due to the fact that if you’re mosting likely to spend your weekend break early mornings watching Premier Organization matches, you might as well do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a” banger”( sausage),” rashers”( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, and also toastat this 12-year-old Five Factors club.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Avenue’s Africana Cafe, which opens at 9 a – Platte Management.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Boulevard forwhat else?a steaming bowl of its signature brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, and flank, is a traditional Denver hangover treatment. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora’s Sunburst Grill, where a passionate plate of” tocino “( Filipino-style bacon cured with pineapple juice), eggs, and also rice prices simply$ 7. Picture by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain mug of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
26 Cool And Unusual Things To Do In Denver – Atlas Obscura
‘s intense, busy space on Central Street is a lovely means to welcome the day. The beans come from Denver’s Queen City Coffee Collective, which has actually been attracting regional java enthusiasts with its craftsmen, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe’re certain avocado toast has absolutely nothing to do with millennials ‘low homeownership prices, yet paying greater than$ 10 for the stylish staple isn’t a terrific concept for anyone’s budget. The good news is, Steuben’s Avocado Goddess Toast will only set you back$ 5and it’s absolutely divine. The kitchen toasts ciabatta, slathers it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, covers it with slim pieces of buttery avocado, and also garnishes everything with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Practically. steubens.com LoDoWe have actually consumed ratings of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community understood for the recipe, is greater than a little frustrating. Thank goodness for Urban.
Farmer, then, where the Denver omelet gets its due. Available throughout weekend brunch and weekday breakfast, chef Chris Starkus ‘model is studded with portions of roasted eco-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as regional ham and also covered with a charitable( if nontraditional) put of barnaise sauce. Ultimately, we can claim an omelet worthwhile of our city’s reputation. urbanfarmerdenver.com Numerous locationsNot just is the Blog post’s fried poultry consistently stunning, with a wonderfully crispy, perfectly experienced crust as well as juicy meat withina mighty great dish all on its ownbut the homey dining establishment’s a.m. menu also approves our want multiple brunch-acceptable means to consume the humble bird. postbrewing.com Photo by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt’s easy to place pancakesfilled with chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped cream or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed visitors may take into consideration temptingon a brunch food selection.
What’s harder is to make a pancake that tastes great solo. Wendell’s, the upscale diner that took control of the initial DJ’s Cafe space on Tennyson Street in 2015, has attained the latter with its enormous buttermilk appeals, which are lightened with whipped egg whites and also flavored with brandy, vanilla paste, as well as lemon enthusiasm. wendellsbreakfast. Colorado resident Tyler Tysdal.com Method: To appoint a cost each for every of these dishes, we totaled the average price of an entre, a coffee, as well as an alcoholic drink or beer. Bust out your( fancy) elastic trousers prior to dealing with the Sunday brunch buffet at this resort near the Park Meadows mall. The cost includes real-time jazz, bottomless mimosas, as well as an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, as well as sculpted beef ribs. Its proximity to matine reveals at the nearby Denver Executing Arts Complicated simply contributes to the allure.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek astonishment inside the Halcyon hotel uses special, Italian-inspired brunch fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from a roving cart. Our best: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye salute with caper lotion cheese and also smoked salmon )with a rally top. Tyler T. Tysdal. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a big lineup of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside place is ideal for family members and revelers alike. Order a bacon trip.
Where To Eat And Drink In Denver – Eater Denver
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as you dispute in between getting the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and grits. Get a coffee from Crema Bodega, a mixed drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus concoction called Dead Presidentsand a huge cinnamon roll from Izzio Pastry shop to delight in at one of the food hall’s lengthy neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Get one of the most bang for the least dollar at the Sloan’s Lake station of this popular counter-service area. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Tyler Tysdal). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt’s virtually impossible to select just one thing from Annette’s brunch food selection, however when pushed to do so, chef Caroline Glover’s waffles drift over the remainder. Their light structure comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests overnight for ultimate taste growth as well as loft. Even better, the covering mixes change weekly as well as with the seasons, from apples with salty caramel as well as whipped lotion in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd as well as whipped lotion in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are frequently riotous affairs, specifically if you go during brunch, when the restaurant uses rotating entertainment with themes like burlesque, yoga exercise, and also bluegrass music. For $7, you get 3 incredible fried orbs that are crunchy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated outsides, feather-soft within, and kindly loaded with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dancing may not be every person’s point, however we’re pretty sure these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian as well as vegan Denverites need not suffer via boring tofu scrambles and also butter-free salute, many thanks to Cap Hillside’s hipster organization, City, O’ City, where the entire a.m. My personal fave would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not like mozzarella cheese, avocado as well as fried plantains!.?. !? Image thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the very best brunch choice in Denver. It’s a gooey as well as beautiful mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla as well as syrup.
Tyler Tysdal is a long-lasting business owner helping fellow entrepreneurs offer their business for optimum value as Managing Director of Freedom Factory, the World’s Best Business Broker. Freedom Factory assists entrepreneurs with the greatest deal of their lives.Photo politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not just housed in the stylish as well as pleasant neighborhood of Clean Park, but it has a killer food selection that is frequently changing. Every ingredient they utilize is neighborhood as well as homemade, as well as while they always have sandwiches as well as salads, they switch over up their specials and also sides so you can attempt something brand-new every single time you go.
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Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not distinguish this photo, this is the very best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, self-made dough and local, natural ingredients baked together in a traditional block oven makes these pizzas taste like they’re appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Simple active ingredients as well as standard approaches make Pizzeria Area a must.
20 Must-visit Attractions In Denver – Culture Trip
You get to select the base, protein, sort of curry, veggies and flavorings to create a custom Indian curry bowl that has extraordinary taste as well as flavor. The ingredients as well as options are unbelievably fresh as well as regularly altering, allowing you to switch it up whenever you go, however I extremely advise the coconut curry and chicken.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce as well as tomatoes make this cheeseburger a must-have. They throw on some of their special sauce for the best combination of savory as well as appetizing, and their fresh baked bun is the cherry on top. While their delicious burgers are a reason alone to go, Larkburger’s truffle french fries are my favorite french fries in Denver, by far.
I would certainly do anything at any kind of offer moment to consume these french fries as well as I suggest anything individuals. Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a true Denver establishment. They make their homemade gelato and cones on website each day, and also have a wide variety of delicious flavors offered (Tyler Tysdal).
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Whether it’s a summer’s evening or cool mid-day, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with happy youngsters, households, as well as large teams of buddies – Freedom Factory. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a national track record for providing insanely great biscuits, and also this credibility might not be more accurate. Their biscuit french salute has the ideal level of sweetness and also is delightfully indulgent, while their egg biscuits are one of the most enjoyable means to begin the day.
syndicated from Originally posted on The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
Syndicated From The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
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chefkonstantine · 4 years
The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
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ultreiadenver.com City Park WestUntil lately, fried rice wasn’t the initial, and even second Denver business broker, thing we thought around when we considered a big , brunch-y bowlof carbs. We generally booked those visions for biscuits, pancakes, or hash (find our favorites below ). However after that we devoured a heaping offering of Onefold’s magnificent fried rice with Chinese sausage(” lap cheong” ), and all that changed. Garnished with sauted pieces of sweet, meaningful lap cheong (or duck, ham, or bacon) and also two fried eggs, it’s a satisfying shock that we plan to consume on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food writer in Denver has proclaimed Kyle Foster’s biscuitsand below we go again. They are baked to purchase and have crusty sides that smash so when you attack into them. They are tender inside, salted, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite half-cracked structure, yet they’re likewise somehow pillowy as well as absolutely hold a lot more butter than a typical biscuit. Foster is, put simply, a biscuit wizard. As well as please inform Foster that, this time around, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Star Cooking area on Mississippi Opportunity for the best dim sum in community. You’ll wait on a table on weekend break early mornings, however the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant Tyler Tysdal SEC, as well as congee with duck egg.
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deserve it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, due to the fact that if you’re mosting likely to spend your weekend break early mornings watching Premier Organization matches, you might as well do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a” banger”( sausage),” rashers”( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, and also toastat this 12-year-old Five Factors club.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Avenue’s Africana Cafe, which opens at 9 a – Platte Management.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Boulevard forwhat else?a steaming bowl of its signature brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, and flank, is a traditional Denver hangover treatment. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora’s Sunburst Grill, where a passionate plate of” tocino “( Filipino-style bacon cured with pineapple juice), eggs, and also rice prices simply$ 7. Picture by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain mug of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
26 Cool And Unusual Things To Do In Denver – Atlas Obscura
‘s intense, busy space on Central Street is a lovely means to welcome the day. The beans come from Denver’s Queen City Coffee Collective, which has actually been attracting regional java enthusiasts with its craftsmen, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe’re certain avocado toast has absolutely nothing to do with millennials ‘low homeownership prices, yet paying greater than$ 10 for the stylish staple isn’t a terrific concept for anyone’s budget. The good news is, Steuben’s Avocado Goddess Toast will only set you back$ 5and it’s absolutely divine. The kitchen toasts ciabatta, slathers it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, covers it with slim pieces of buttery avocado, and also garnishes everything with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Practically. steubens.com LoDoWe have actually consumed ratings of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community understood for the recipe, is greater than a little frustrating. Thank goodness for Urban.
Farmer, then, where the Denver omelet gets its due. Available throughout weekend brunch and weekday breakfast, chef Chris Starkus ‘model is studded with portions of roasted eco-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as regional ham and also covered with a charitable( if nontraditional) put of barnaise sauce. Ultimately, we can claim an omelet worthwhile of our city’s reputation. urbanfarmerdenver.com Numerous locationsNot just is the Blog post’s fried poultry consistently stunning, with a wonderfully crispy, perfectly experienced crust as well as juicy meat withina mighty great dish all on its ownbut the homey dining establishment’s a.m. menu also approves our want multiple brunch-acceptable means to consume the humble bird. postbrewing.com Photo by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt’s easy to place pancakesfilled with chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped cream or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed visitors may take into consideration temptingon a brunch food selection.
What’s harder is to make a pancake that tastes great solo. Wendell’s, the upscale diner that took control of the initial DJ’s Cafe space on Tennyson Street in 2015, has attained the latter with its enormous buttermilk appeals, which are lightened with whipped egg whites and also flavored with brandy, vanilla paste, as well as lemon enthusiasm. wendellsbreakfast. Colorado resident Tyler Tysdal.com Method: To appoint a cost each for every of these dishes, we totaled the average price of an entre, a coffee, as well as an alcoholic drink or beer. Bust out your( fancy) elastic trousers prior to dealing with the Sunday brunch buffet at this resort near the Park Meadows mall. The cost includes real-time jazz, bottomless mimosas, as well as an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, as well as sculpted beef ribs. Its proximity to matine reveals at the nearby Denver Executing Arts Complicated simply contributes to the allure.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek astonishment inside the Halcyon hotel uses special, Italian-inspired brunch fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from a roving cart. Our best: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye salute with caper lotion cheese and also smoked salmon )with a rally top. Tyler T. Tysdal. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a big lineup of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside place is ideal for family members and revelers alike. Order a bacon trip.
Where To Eat And Drink In Denver – Eater Denver
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as you dispute in between getting the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and grits. Get a coffee from Crema Bodega, a mixed drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus concoction called Dead Presidentsand a huge cinnamon roll from Izzio Pastry shop to delight in at one of the food hall’s lengthy neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Get one of the most bang for the least dollar at the Sloan’s Lake station of this popular counter-service area. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Tyler Tysdal). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt’s virtually impossible to select just one thing from Annette’s brunch food selection, however when pushed to do so, chef Caroline Glover’s waffles drift over the remainder. Their light structure comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests overnight for ultimate taste growth as well as loft. Even better, the covering mixes change weekly as well as with the seasons, from apples with salty caramel as well as whipped lotion in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd as well as whipped lotion in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are frequently riotous affairs, specifically if you go during brunch, when the restaurant uses rotating entertainment with themes like burlesque, yoga exercise, and also bluegrass music. For $7, you get 3 incredible fried orbs that are crunchy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated outsides, feather-soft within, and kindly loaded with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dancing may not be every person’s point, however we’re pretty sure these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian as well as vegan Denverites need not suffer via boring tofu scrambles and also butter-free salute, many thanks to Cap Hillside’s hipster organization, City, O’ City, where the entire a.m. My personal fave would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not like mozzarella cheese, avocado as well as fried plantains!.?. !? Image thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the very best brunch choice in Denver. It’s a gooey as well as beautiful mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla as well as syrup.
Tyler Tysdal is a long-lasting business owner helping fellow entrepreneurs offer their business for optimum value as Managing Director of Freedom Factory, the World’s Best Business Broker. Freedom Factory assists entrepreneurs with the greatest deal of their lives.Photo politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not just housed in the stylish as well as pleasant neighborhood of Clean Park, but it has a killer food selection that is frequently changing. Every ingredient they utilize is neighborhood as well as homemade, as well as while they always have sandwiches as well as salads, they switch over up their specials and also sides so you can attempt something brand-new every single time you go.
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Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not distinguish this photo, this is the very best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, self-made dough and local, natural ingredients baked together in a traditional block oven makes these pizzas taste like they’re appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Simple active ingredients as well as standard approaches make Pizzeria Area a must.
20 Must-visit Attractions In Denver – Culture Trip
You get to select the base, protein, sort of curry, veggies and flavorings to create a custom Indian curry bowl that has extraordinary taste as well as flavor. The ingredients as well as options are unbelievably fresh as well as regularly altering, allowing you to switch it up whenever you go, however I extremely advise the coconut curry and chicken.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce as well as tomatoes make this cheeseburger a must-have. They throw on some of their special sauce for the best combination of savory as well as appetizing, and their fresh baked bun is the cherry on top. While their delicious burgers are a reason alone to go, Larkburger’s truffle french fries are my favorite french fries in Denver, by far.
I would certainly do anything at any kind of offer moment to consume these french fries as well as I suggest anything individuals. Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a true Denver establishment. They make their homemade gelato and cones on website each day, and also have a wide variety of delicious flavors offered (Tyler Tysdal).
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Whether it’s a summer’s evening or cool mid-day, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with happy youngsters, households, as well as large teams of buddies – Freedom Factory. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a national track record for providing insanely great biscuits, and also this credibility might not be more accurate. Their biscuit french salute has the ideal level of sweetness and also is delightfully indulgent, while their egg biscuits are one of the most enjoyable means to begin the day.
syndicated from The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
Syndicated From The Best Places To Live In Denver Colorado (2019) – Bellhop
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poolenick-blog · 5 years
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Singapore is not only known for its world-class airport facilities, heart-pumping theme parks and awe-inspiring city skyline but also for its finger-licking dishes — after all, much like what the famous show of ‘Crazy Rich Asians‘ had shown us, Singapore food is a wonder of its own!
As time has it, Singapore’s seaport history surely gave way to a diverse culture with various Asian and Western influences, and this has been perfected for years. No matter where you go, you can enjoy a myriad of options: from cheap hawker centre fare to heritage restaurants serving fresh seafood and hearty rice and noodle meals.
Traveling in Singapore is definitely a delight and in order to help foodies like you, I’ve put together a list of some of the most flavorful Singaporean dishes that you must try as you eat your way through this mega city!
RELATED READ: – Things to Do During a Singapore Layover – Singapore Tours – Best Hotels in Singapore
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Top Singapore Food
#1 – Chili Crab
Photo from bonchan/Shutterstock Ask any local about Singapore’s national dish and chili crab is bound to be a clear favorite! Truth be told, it was even voted as one of the world’s 50 most delicious foods in a survey by CNN.
So while in Singapore, make sure to enjoy these juicy crabs soaked in a sweet & spicy tomato and chili sauce and then pair it off with steamed or fried mantous (buns).
Where best to eat it? Try out the spicy chili crabs at Long Beach Seafood Restaurant found in East Coast Seafood Centre, 1202 East Coast Parkway. This place actually serves a variation of the chili crab: the black pepper crab. Instead of the chili sauce, this signature dish is created with black pepper seasoning.
#2 – Chicken Rice
Photo from showcake/Shutterstock Another contender for the nation’s most popular dish is chicken rice — also called as Hainanese Chicken. In this Singapore dish, the chicken is cooked in a blend of pork and chicken bone stock for a flavorful bite. After cooking, it is sometimes immersed in ice water to create a glazed look. The rice is then cooked in chicken stock, ginger, and garlic. Now of course, don’t forget the garlic and chili sauce before digging in!
Where best to eat it? Brave the long queues at Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken Rice found in 1 Kadayanallur St, Maxwell Food Centre.
#3 – Char Kway Teow
Photo from wong yu liang/Shutterstock Savor these wide flavorful rice noodles that are stir-fried with crispy bean sprouts, Chinese sausage, clams, dark soy sauce, and shrimp paste.
Relish in the filling meal with a distinct smoky or wok hei (‘breath of a wok’) flavor.
Where best to eat it? Hill Street Char Kway Teow found in 16 Bedok South Road,  Bedok South Market & Food Centre.
#4 – Nasi Lemak
Photo from Ariyani Tedjo/Shutterstock Delight in the different textures and flavors of the Malay dish: nasi lemak. The term translates to “rich rice”, perfectly describing the rice steamed in creamy coconut milk.
This national dish of Malaysia comes with fried chicken, ikan bilis (dried anchovies), roasted peanuts, egg, otah (grilled fish cake), and of course, sambal (chili paste). Switch up your meal with add-ons like ikan kuning (fried yellowstripe scad) and paru (beef lung).
Where best to eat it? Boon Lay Power Nasi Lemak found in Boon Lay Place Market and Food Centre, 221 Boon Lay Place.
#5 – Kaya Toast
Photo from bonchan/Shutterstock Start your day at a kopitiam (traditional coffee shop) and order a delicious kaya toast. This dish might seem simple at first but it’s a well-loved Singapore food. It basically consists of sweet kaya (pandan-flavored coconut jam) and a slice of butter that are sandwiched between toasted slices of bread. Typically, this is dipped in a mixture of soft-boiled eggs, pepper, and dark or light soy sauce.
To complete the authentic experience, sip on full-bodied kopi (coffee) with condensed milk!
There are also variations on this breakfast staple such as round buns, a baguette, or even crackers instead of the usual sliced bread. Other coffee shops, like Good Morning Nanyang Cafe, puts their own unique spin with the addition of caramelized orange peel.
Where best to eat it? Ah Seng (Hai Nam) Coffee found in 7 Maxwell Road Amoy Street Food Centre for traditional, char-grilled bread. Otherwise, Good Morning Nanyang Cafe found in 14 Scotts Road, Far East Plaza and 32 Maxwell Rd.
#6 – Satay
Photo from szefei/Shutterstock Any trip to a hawker centre will not be complete without your fix of satay. Relish in this delectable skewered, grilled meat, that’s typically served with ketupat (steamed rice cake), peanut dip, and sometimes cucumbers and onions too.
The meat can vary: pork, chicken, lamb, beef and so on. Personally? I like pork satay best!
Where best to eat it? Haron Satay found in 1220 East Coast Parkway, East Coast Lagoon Food Village.
#7 – Bak Kut Teh
Photo from Sirisak Chantorn/Shutterstock Bak kut teh, which translates to “meat bone tea”, gets its name from the Chinese tea that’s typically paired with this pork rib soup dish. Basically, pork bones and meat are boiled together with a delicate amount of herbs and spices.
Afterwards, it is served with tofu puffs, mushroom, rice, and you tiao (dough fritters).
Where best to eat it? Song Fa Bak Kut Teh found in 11 New Bridge Rd. (Upp Circular Rd,
#8 – Sambal Stingray
Photo from Fariq Amin/Shutterstock Another well-loved hawker centre or Singapore street food fare is sambal stingray, also known as ikan bakar (barbecued fish) in Malay.
This Singapore invention is quite a treat as it is originally grilled in banana leaf in order to retain its natural flavor. To complete it, top it with some spicy sambal paste made from chili peppers, belacan (shrimp paste), shallots and spices. Balance your meal with the salty chinchalok or cincalok, a dipping sauce made of fermented krill/shrimp, lime, and chili.
Where best to eat it? Chomp Chomp Food Centre found in 20 Kensington Park Road.
#9 – Laksa
Photo from richardernestyap/Shutterstock A highlight of Peranakan cuisine, combining Malay and Chinese influences, laksa is a creamy coconut curry sauce that is often served with cut-up noodles and fried bean curd.
As a delicacy, laksa is offered in many variants and much like the other famous Singaporean dish, fish head curry, the Assam-style has hints of sourness from mixing tamarind.
Where best to eat it? Katong Laksa, a street food stall found at 328 Katong Laksa, 53 East Coast Road, Singapore.
#10 – Bak Chor Mee
Photo from Hatchery Design Studio/Shutterstock Chow down on the hearty bak chor mee, which translates to “minced meat and noodles”. This is a delicious bowl of noodles topped with sliced pork, dumplings, pork liver, and salted fish or fish cake slices coated in a spicy vinegar sauce.
You can also choose from different noodle types such as the mee pok (flat noodle), mee kia (thin noodle), bee hoon (rice vermicelli), mee sua (wheat vermicelli), and mee tai mak (rice pin noodle).
Where best to eat it? Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle found in Blk 466 Crawford Lane.
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Singapore Food Tour Sample the best dishes at famed hawker centers.
Universal Studios Singapore Friends and family fun!
Gardens by the Bay Singapore’s iconic attraction!
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There are obviously a lot of other amazing Singapore food such as fish head curry, hokkien mee, oyster omelette, chwee kueh, durian, roti prata, popiah, and so many others!
But hopefully, this list is already a start to treating yourself to these delectable eats.
How about you?
What do you think of these Singaporean food?
Would you like to try them out? Why or why not?
Or have you tried any of these before? How was it?
Did you like this article? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and be notified about my newest posts and updates!
The post Singapore Food: Top 10 Must-Eat Local Dishes appeared first on I am Aileen.
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6. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları Ve Cevapları
A: Complete the table with the words from the table. (14*1=14 pts.)
 Cucumber, yogurt, cheese, nut, mushroom, sandwich, sausage, chicken, ham, potato, rice, pork, banana, beef.
B: Underline the correct word(s) in each sentence. (5*2=10 pts.)
Would you like any / some tea?  
There aren’t any / some good restaurants in my town.
She takes a lot of / any sugar in her coffee.
How much / a few time does it take you to get to school?
Are there some / any lentils in this bag?
C: Match the expressions from the box with the products. (5*2=10 pts.)
A glass of –a kilo of- a cup of- a carton of- a slice of
________ milk
________ tomatoes
________ water
________ coffee
________ pizza
D: Answer the questions below in full sentences. (6*4=24)
1: What time do you usually get up? (07:15) __________________________________________
2. What time does she usually go to school? (08:45) _____________________________ ________
3. What time does he usually have lunch? (12:10) ___________ __________________________
4. What time do they usually do your homework? (16:50) ___ ____________ ________________
5. What time does Ali usually watch TV? (20:21) ____________________ ___________ _________
6. What time does Sevda usually go to bed? (25:48) _________ _____________________________
   E: Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (14*1=14 pts.)
Manuel and Lila Vega (1) ________(have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor at a hospital. He works at night, so he (2)__________ (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and comes home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at a bank. She (3)__________ (go) to work at 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don’t see each other a lot during the week. Manuel and Lila also (4)_____________ (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every morning they all (5)____________ (have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla (6)___________ (go) to school, and Lila (7)____________ (go) to work. Manuel (8)_____________ (do) the dishes, and then (9) __________(go) to bed. Carla usually (10) ___________(do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and Luis (11) _____________(have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., he (12)______________ (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he (13)________________ (go) to work. Manuel and Lila (14) ___________________(have) a busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax.
F: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (6*3=18 pts.)
Take a nap, have a shower, have breakfast, visit grandparents, learn folk dance, help mother, leave home
G: What do you do in your daily routine?  Write ten sentences.
A.Match and write the phrases
1) do                       a) relatives
2) meet                  b) soccer
3) have                   c) guitar courses
4) visit                    d) online
5) play                    e) friends
6) take                    f) snack
7) go                       g) karate
 B.What time is it?
  C. Fill in with  “how many, how much, some, any”  
1.     There isn’t ……….. milk in the fridge.
2.     We have …………. apples , but we don’t have …………. bananas.
3.     ………………… students are there in your class?
4.     …………………. money do you spend?
5.     Would you like …………….. sugar in your coffee?
6.     We need …………….. butter for the cake.
D. Circle the correct one
 1.     They  don’t / aren’t like eating junk food.
2.     Do / Are  you get up early every day?
3.     Do / Does  he go to work by car?
4.     Would /  Are  you like some biscuits?
5.     Esra  don’t / doesn’t like watching TV.
 E.Fill in with  “Where  / When /  What time /  What  ”  
……………  does your brother live?                                     - In Ankara.
……………. does your mother get up?                                - At 6 a.m
……………. do you play soccer?                                           - I usually play soccer.
……………. do you go shopping?                                          - At the weekend.  
  F.Fill in with appropriate phrase or sentence  
1.Would you like    2.It’s all gone   3.Excuse me     4.Enjoy your meal
 A: The breakfast looks great!
B: Bon appetit!
A: ………………………………………….?
B: It means, ……………………… in French.
A: …………………………. some cheese and olives?
B: Sure. Thank you.
A: Can I have some more cheese please?
B: I’m sorry, ……………………. .
 G ) Fill in the blanks and match.
always    /   sometimes    /   usually   /    often    /   never  
1- I  ________________  have a rest at the office.  (40%)    
2- My brother ____________ has a snack after school. (80%)                  
3- Burak   __________  does homework at week days. (100%)
4- Yunus _______________  plays soccer before exams. (0%)
5- My sister ___________________   goes online at weekends. (60%)    
 H)Doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alın.
1.Do / Does  he  read sometimes comics ?
2.Do / Does    the girls like football?
3.Do / Does  they go to sleep at 9 o’clock?
4.He  don’t / doesn’t  live in Mexico.
5.She  don’t/ doesn’t  work in a bank.
6.I  don’t/ doesn’t  play golf onca week.
7.She sometimes  have/ has a snack.
8.They never  visit/ visits their relatives
9.Bulut always play/plays with his toy cars        
J=Match the questions wıth the answers
_____How often do you play soccer?
_____Who is your best friend?
_____When does she go shopping?
_____Where do they play?
_____What time does your mother go to bed?
_____How do you go to school?
A) In the park
B ) At weekends
C) By bus
D) Melis
E) Once a week
F) At 11.30 p.m
K. “Any” “ ya da “SOME” KULLAN
1. Is there ____________ cheese in the fridge ?
2. I have ________________ pancakes.
3. I would like ____________ bananas.
4. There is ______________ egg on the table.
5. I like pancake with _______ honey.
6. Would you like to eat _____________ oranges?
  L. Fill in the blanks with in / on / at.
1 Mrs. Nelson reads short story books _____ nights.
2 Children have a nice breakfast _____ the morning.
3 Ted meets his friends _____ Saturdays.
4 My family and I have a picnic _____ the weekends.
5 We usually have a holiday _____ June.
6 The lessons start _____ 8 o’clock.
7 Students get up early _____ weekdays.
M: Match the time.
1) 06:15                    a) It is twenty past ten.
2) 20:35                    b) It is five past eight.
3) 08:05                    c) It is quarter to six.
4) 22:20                   ��d) It is twenty five to nine.
5) 17:45                    e) It is quarter past six.
  N: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the brackets in Simple Present Tense.
1 Steve _____________ (have) a snack at home after school.
2 David and Tom _____________ (not stay) at home after school. They _____________ (go) out and
_____________ (play) basketball with their friends.They usually _____________ (do) their homework in the evening.
3.Jennifer _____________ (do) her homework in the afternoon. She _____________ (not go) online.
She  ___________ (take) guitar courses at 5 o’clock.
4.My mother _____________ (leave) home at 7 in the morning. She _____________ (not work) all day. She _____________ (come) back home at 13.00. In the afternoon she _____________ (cook) dinner for us.
 O: Categorize the words.  
• salt   • bread   • cucumber   • honey   • rice   • egg    • olive   • butter   • tomato    • croissant
COUNTABLE                                          UNCOUNTABLE
1 ___________________     1 ____________________
2 ___________________     2 ____________________
3 ___________________     3 ____________________
4 ___________________     4 ____________________
5 ___________________     5 ____________________
 P: Fill in the blanks with some or any.
1 There isn’t __________ jam in the kitchen.
2 There are __________ houses in the village.
3 We have got __________ bread. We can make
4 Susan hasn’t got __________ new e-mails.
5 Would you like __________ coffee?
6 Are there __________ students in the garden?
7 Jane doesn’t drink __________ milk at breakfast.
8 Do you read __________ magazines?
9 There aren’t __________ museums in our town.
10 Ted meets __________ friends at the weekends.
 R: Fill in the blanks with
How much / How many?
1 How ___________ sugar do we need for the cake?
2 How ___________ oranges does she eat?
3 How ___________ bread is there in the kitchen?
4 How ___________ water do you drink every day?
5 How ___________ sandwiches are there in the box?
6 How ___________ rice is there on the plate?
7 How ___________ pancakes does she eat at lunch?
 S: Categorize the following words to make sentences.
• six apples  •some bread   •an umbrella  •some bananas  •two sausages •some cereal  •a bagel  •some salt •two muffins • some olives
THERE IS                         THERE ARE
1 ___________________ 1 ____________________
2 ___________________ 2 ____________________
3 ___________________ 3 ____________________
4 ___________________ 4 ____________________
5 ___________________ 5 ____________________
0 notes
canlocaride · 8 years
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I’ve decided that, instead of working on my paper right away, to make a post to glorify breakfast foods. Why a love of breakfast? I love mornings, I love waking up content, knowing that I’ve got the whole day before me. I love sharing moments with people, over coffee, and obviously over breakfast. Especially when you’ve got the time, no rush. The morning at your disposal. I also love traveling, so in this post I’ve chosen some photos (randomly off the internet) that made me think of delicious breakfasts I’ve had around the world! I’ll write a little note about each. 1. The quintessential French breakfast. Coffee being most important. Second is a bread product (usually just bread with butter or jam, but if you’re feeling fancy make it a croissant. If you are feeling extra fancy, or perhaps childish, make it a pain au chocolat). Third is orange juice. It’s easy, basic, and simply delicious. I’ve had quite a few breakfasts in France in my life, and it has always been more or less the same. 2. This is a heart-stopping american brunch. It looks very much like a plate we had in Wisconsin. Biscuits and gravy (godbless the gluttonous recipes of the south!), eggs over easy, and some potatoes- why not! Obviously a rare treat as far as American breakfasts go (hopefully you don’t eat this every morning!) but I’d say that eggs are very important in American breakfast cuisine. 
3. This was tricky to find, it’s actually a photo of Japanese Red Miso Soup, but it was the closest thing I could find to the bean curd soup I had almost every morning during my teaching in China. I prefer savory foods, so having a soup like this in the morning wasn’t too strange. At this point of my life I was living in a hotel with AC, so in the mornings before I left for work, I hadn’t quite remembered yet that I lived in a sub-tropical humidity wave. Earthy and delish.
4. Ah yes, Börek mit spinat und Käse! This delicious savory pastry is Turkish, but I had it several mornings when I worked in Berlin. Our studio was right across the street from a mom and pop-type Turkish bakery. I’d pair it with loads of coffee (artists need fuel). Side anecdote- two years ago when I was a cake designer, I worked with several immigrants from Bosnia. One day, my co-workers daughter came in to bring us a traditional Bosnian dish...it was Börek! (or the very similar Bosnian version), with spinach, cheese and egg. OH MY was I so delighted to have it again after never having seen it after I left Berlin...food memories bahah
5. Tostado con Tomate- my dear friend who lives in Spain introduced this to me while we were in Madrid. Toasted bread with tomato and olive oil, optional side of ham (and of course the coffee). Another savory breakfast option which I appreciate. Very simple, but with good ingredients, also very delicious. I have a very fond memory of eating this with him in a crowded cozy restaurant while we reconnected after have not seen each other for so long...perfect ambiance :) 
Well that’s all! I hope at least one person enjoys this post...if that’s not the case, tant pis! I had a love of fun writing it. 
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foodreceipe · 4 years
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What Is a Typical French Breakfast like – and Why? Alysa Salzberg  June 26, 2020
“French breakfast”: The phrase might conjure up an Instagram-worthy image of a croissant on a pristine white plate, an espresso in an equally pristine mug beside it.
Instagram isn’t reality, but this image actually isn’t too far from the truth.
A typical French breakfast is light, sweet, and fairly simple. Let’s find out why, and what the French really eat for the first meal of the day.
1  In France, breakfast is the least important meal of the day    
2  If there are croissants, they aren’t always fresh         
3   The coffee isn’t always freshly ground    
4   The typical French breakfast checklist    
5  Some realistic views of a typical French breakfast    
In France, breakfast is the least important meal of the day
Many cultures, including mine, American, raise children with the belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Our parents tell us this, TV tells us this, doctors tell us this, and so on. It makes sense: breakfast is when you “break” the “fast” after a night’s sleep. It’s the meal that will get you through a busy morning until lunchtime. It should be filling, right?
So then, why is French breakfast so light? Essentially, it comes down to this: lunch is the most important meal of the day for the French. Even serious corporate businesses often look the other way if employees take more than an hour at lunch.
For the French, lunch is that big meal that’s supposed to get you through the day. A late-afternoon snack is perfectly acceptable for kids – there’s even an official name for it, le goûter. But in my experience, at least, for most people in France, it’s considered more shocking for an adult to have a snack than a cigarette. So, make sure your lunch is filling. Having a light breakfast helps with that.
If you’re having or serving a typical French breakfast, there are generally no salty foods. Instead, think a light pastry, toast with butter or jam, or cereal. I say “or” because most people only choose one of these things, not a smorgasbord combination.
French people are advised to eat un produit laitier (dairy product) like milk or yogurt (cheese is completely unheard-of at breakfast in France) and some fruit at breakfast, as well, but they don’t always follow the rules.  
The lack of interest in breakfast in France can be problematic. According to this recent news segment, 1 in 5 French children never eat breakfast. Sometimes this is due to lack of time or not understanding the importance of the meal, and occasionally it’s also for economic reasons (although, fortunately, this is not extremely common in France, where there are an excellent welfare system, food banks, and other aids for less fortunate people). The report hits home: This year, my son’s school started serving a collation (small meal to tide you over) of different fruits when the students get to class.
If there are croissants, they aren’t always fresh
One way your Instagram vision of a typical French breakfast probably isn’t accurate is that, sadly enough, most French people don’t eat a fresh croissant every morning.
If they did, it would mean having to get dressed (no one in France goes out in their pajamas or sloppy sweats) and heading to the bakery, which may be far away if you don’t live in a city or the center of a town or village. Since the French don’t generally eat “on the go”, you couldn’t just enjoy your croissant on your way to work or while standing on the corner. And they don’t do the Italian thing of standing at a counter in the bakery, either. So, you’d probably have to come back home or wait till you get to work to eat it (depending on your office culture).
So, most French people who want a croissant for breakfast – or a baguette, or anything else you’d find in a boulangerie – either eat something they bought the night before, or have une pâtisserie industrielle (mass-produced, prepackaged pastry).
These certainly aren’t fresh or healthy as what you find in a boulangerie, but most of them still taste pretty good, at least. My personal favorites are Pasquier brand briochettes (little brioches). This commercial makes me chuckle – some kids enjoy a breakfast of Pasquier pâtisseries industrielles, which hurts and disappoints their boulanger father, who unexpectedly shows up.
Some French people might use their toaster (un grille-pain) to toast slices of baguette or other types of bread from the boulangerie – or, more commonly, prepackaged sliced bread. They then spread butter (du beurre) and/or jam (de la confiture) (of which there is a huge range of flavors in France), or Nutella on it. This typical French breakfast fare is called une tartine.
Other French people – including my French husband and our half-French son, prefer to eschew bread altogether. Instead, they eat cookies (des biscuits/des gâteaux).
Sometimes, my son has cereal (des céréales), which has become increasingly popular for breakfast in France, especially for kids.
Interestingly, the French generally don’t like for things to be extremely sugary, but just about any kind of kid-oriented cereal you’ll find here (as well as many for adults) are very, very sweet. I hate sweet cereal and have only found two regular (not marketed as healthy or affecting the bowels in any way) kinds that aren’t covered in sugar and artificial flavoring: Rice Crispies and Corn Flakes (yes globalization is everywhere, even when it comes to cereal).  Though I don’t like sugary cereal, I love the jingle for Miel Pops.
Cereal may be a popular French breakfast food, but it’s not without its critics. This documentary’s opening scenes show a typical French breakfast and how it’s been transformed (in the documentary team’s opinion, for the worse) by the introduction of cereal. It’s understandable that anyone would rail against mass-produced, artificially colored and sweetened foods, but at the same time, the documentary does point out why cereal has gained ground in France: it’s easier to serve and prepare than, say, a tartine made with non-industrial bread.
The coffee isn’t always freshly ground
That charming little espresso you pictured when you thought of the typical French breakfast is also pretty accurate.
French adults usually drink some kind of coffee for breakfast. However, many of them prefer café au lait, which they often drink in bowls, rather than mugs.
Bowls of coffee tend to be an at-home thing. I’ve been to a few cafes or restaurants that offer them, but most of the time, coffee in a café or restaurant is served in a small mug. This can be off-putting to people from cultures where coffee comes in big portions. So, many cafes, especially in more touristy places, offer something called a café américain (American coffee). This is coffee served the typical American way – less strong, and in a large mug.  As its name suggests, it’s not a typical part of French breakfast.
Ground coffee isn’t necessarily part of a typical French breakfast, either. While many French people do drink this, there’s also instant coffee, as well as Keurig machine capsules.
What do French people drink for breakfast, besides coffee?
Although it’s very common, not everyone drinks coffee for breakfast in France, of course.
In the north of France especially, many people drink chicory (la chicorée), a coffee substitute with a distinct taste that comes from a plant common to France. Although people in many cultures have drunk chicory throughout history, in France it was popularized during World War II rationing and food shortages. It’s considered somewhat old-fashioned and unfashionable, but you’ll still find it, especially the most popular brand, Ricoré (a chicory and coffee blend), in just about any French supermarket.  
Other French people  – especially ones who are watching their health or weight – might prefer tea (le thé). This might mean a common tea from a brand like Lipton, or an organic, herbal tea, with homeopathic qualities (promoting things like calm, energy, weight loss, etc.).
Kids and some adults will often drink milk (du lait) or orange juice (du jus d’orange).  
Hot chocolate (du chocolat chaud) or chocolate milk (du lait chocolaté – more commonly referred to as du Nesquick, for the most common brand of chocolate powder mix for kids) are other fairly common breakfast drinks.
The typical French breakfast checklist
So, if you wanted to have a typical French breakfast, on your table there’d be:
des céréales (breakfast cereal)    
du pain (bread)    
frais (fresh)
d’hier (day-old)
industriel (mass-produced and prepackaged)
en tranches (sliced)
des pâtisseries (pastries)
de la boulangerie (from the bakery)
industrielles (mass-produced and prepackaged)
des biscuits/gâteaux  (cookies)    
aux céréales (cookies made with a mixture of different grains but also often something sweet (pieces of (dried) fruit, chocolate, etc., considered to be a healthy energy source for breakfast) NOTE: This is just one option; there are lots of other choices, including quite unhealthy ones!
Pour faire une tartine ou des tartines (For making toast with a spread):    
de la confiture (jam)
du beurre (butter)
du Nutella
À boire (To drink):    
du café (coffee)
au lait (with milk)
noir (black)
en capsule/en dosette (in a coffee pod)
filtre (filtered coffee)
moulu (ground coffee)
instantané (instant cofee)
de la chicorée (chicory)
du lait (milk)
du jus d’orange (orange juice)
du thé (tea)
du chocolat chaud (hot chocolate)
du lait chocolaté/Nesquick (chocolate milk)
Example : Au petit déjeuner chaque matin, mon mari boit un café au lait dans un bol et mange une tartine au beurre. Mon fils mange des céréales et boit un jus d’orange. Parfois, je descends à la boulangerie en bas de notre rue pour nous chercher des croissants. Mais d’habitude je mange une pâtisserie industrielle et un jus d’orange.
(Every morning at breakfast, my husband drinks a cafe au lait in a bowl and eats a piece of bread with butter. My son eats cereal and drinks an orange juice. Sometimes, I go to the bakery at the bottom of our street to get us croissants. But most of the time I eat a prepackaged pastry and drink an orange juice.)
Some realistic views of a typical French breakfast
Although that Instagram image of a French breakfast isn’t completely false, to get a more realistic glimpse of where, how, and what the average French person eats for breakfast, there’s a better source: breakfast food commercials.
Here are three that give a good general idea of what a typical French breakfast in a typical French household looks like:
1. A commercial for Prince-brand breakfast cookies.
2. This clever commercial for La Française des Jeux, the French national lottery, features a lottery winner sending a personal message to his ex. I love the fact that, despite having won the lottery, he’s still eating a typical French breakfast. No lavish spread, no expensive food or pastries – just a few more croissants than usual.  
3. This Ricoré ad is a relatable reminder that lots of French people say, Je ne suis pas du matin. (I’m not a morning person.).  
Now that you know all about what makes up a typical French breakfast, does it sound better than the kind of breakfast you usually eat? What French breakfast food would you most like to try?
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weditchthemap · 5 years
A Look at Argentine Cuisine and Customs with Photos
For us, one of the highlights of travel is sampling the local foods. Food reveals a lot about a country; the spices and ingredients tell you about the climate and agriculture and the culinary rituals provide a glimpse into a country’s soul. While spending the last two months in Argentina we eagerly familiarized ourselves with the cuisine and customs. The tradition surrounding food in Argentina is special and unique. The culture thrives on social interaction and connecting with others over food and drink. Consequently, the customs affiliated with asado, maté, and café are as significant socially as they are gastronomically.
With substantial European heritage, Argentine food is influenced by Spanish, Italian, and German cuisine. You can find pizza or pasta on almost every menu. In Buenos Aires, the bustling capital city, you will certainly find culinary diversity but when it comes to food it seems that Argentinian’s have a strong preference for their familiar favorites. Many of which are very rich or “muy rico,” as the locals say, leaving me ready for an afternoon siesta. Truthfully, we found it challenging to make healthy choices when eating out in Argentina. This isn’t too surprising considering beef is king, white bread (preferably crustless) ranks second, and the ubiquitous ham-and-cheese duo is a close third. Let’s just say that I’ve had enough ham, cheese, and mayo white bread sandwiches for a lifetime.
Despite the rich foods, Argentine’s typically don’t over-indulge. They linger over meals and generally subscribe to a slower pace of life. Here, a meal is a commitment. One shows up fully present, ready to eat, socialize, and enjoy. Full attention is devoted to the food and company during meal times. These leisurely daily meals consist of a light breakfast, moderate sized lunch, merienda (a pre-dinner coffee + snack), and a late dinner; think 9pm or later. We were invited to one asado where dinner was served until 12am.
While I admire the food culture in Argentina, I find myself at odds with the eating habits. The small sugary breakfast, though tasty, sets me up for an early afternoon crash and going to bed with a full stomach, after a late dinner, certainly doesn’t benefit digestion. That said, I’ve come to love some foods, scorn others, and have remained loyal to my beloved dessert through it all. Fortunately for me, Argentine’s love sweets as much as I do. Seldom will you find a block without a panadería (pan=bread), or bakery. I called these bakeries panda-rias for longer than I’d like to admit….which I assume is a store where one buys pandas.
The Foods We Found in Argentina:
Medialuna translates to “half moon” these crescent pastries can be served salty or sweet. Paired with orange juice and coffee, this is the breakfast of choice for many an Argentine. Sometimes filled with ham and cheese because in Argentina ham and cheese makes everything better.
Bizzchotos buttery, flaky, layered breakfast biscuits. Have it with coffee and call it breakfast. 
Sandwich de Miga crustless white bread sandwich typically filled with ham and cheese. One thin slice of ham, one thin slice of cheese, a layer of mayo- call it a sandwich. Consider yourself lucky if you spot one on “pan integral,” or wholewheat bread. Not too many textures at play here, just a soft sandwich that’ll lodge itself to the roof of your mouth upon first bite.
Dulce de Leche the milkier cousin of caramel. It’s a sweet spread found in desserts and pastries. You can dunk all sorts of stuff in this confection- crackers, apples, bread- trust me, I’ve tried it all. A swipe of dulce de leche truly makes everything better.
Chipa absurdly delicious cheesy dough balls. An ideal on-the-go snack. The perfect stretchy consistency when you take a bite. Unexpectedly gluten free and made with cassava flour. Highly tasty. Highly addictive. It’s not possible to only have one.
Alfajores buttery shortbread cookies sandwiched together. Traditionally dulce de leche is the “glue.” Freshly made at bakeries or mass produced, dipped in chocolate and sold at kioscos- they’re a highly popular and ever-present sweet treat. You can find them with other fillings like fruit or chocolate. Stick with the simple ones, they really let the dulce de leche shine.
Dulce de Membrillo in Argentina the double l is pronounced “sh,” so, mem-bri-sho. Dulce de membrillo is made from quince and the similar tasting dulce de batata is made from sweet potato. Both are a firm jelly-like paste. Exceptional when paired with cheese.
Pasta Frolla a tasty tart or pie filled with dulce de membrillo, quince jam. Crispy crust + sweet filling = yum.
Tostado a few simple slices of white toast is a common breakfast choice. Served with butter and jam or sandwich style filled with ham and cheese.
Coffee Culture is strong in Argentina and there’s certainly no shortage of cafés. Stop by any time of day for a cafe con leche (half coffee, half milk) or cortado (expresso cut with a little milk) and feel free to linger for hours. You’ll always find a good deal on “promo.”
Café a shot of espresso in a teeny tiny little cup paired with a teeny tiny shot of water ‘con gas’ or juice. If you order a coffee without specifying any details, this is what you’ll receive. Argentines know how savor these minuscule cups as they sit, sip and chat for hours.
Mate it’s more than a drink, it’s a social ritual. Dried yerba mate leaves are steeped in a gourd shaped cup (sometimes made from a real gourd) and filtered through a straw called a bombilla. Mate is so ubiquitous that you’ll see people on the street with their mate cup in one hand and thermos of hot water tucked under their arm. On it’s own, mate is bitter. A rare few prefer it with sugar. Preparation requires skill; you need to consider the water temperature, the angle of the mate in the cup, the angle of the straw, and the way the water is poured. Mate is shared with friends, family and acquaintances. Consider yourself “accepted” if asked to share a round of mate. The full cup is drank in its entirety by one person and then refilled and passed to the next person. There are some rules associated with the mate sharing ritual. An important one: don’t touch the bombilla. That’s a real rookie mistake. To learn more about mate, click here.
Facturas step into any panaderia and you will find dozens of inviting facturas, or pastries. Usually very sweet, sometimes filled with dulche de leche. For mirenda enjoy a coffee with these treats.
Milanesa similar to schnitzel. Chicken, steak or veal cut thin, breaded and pan fried. Aka chicken parm sans cheese and sauce. Served with a squeeze of lemon on a plate with fries or inside a sandwich.
Morcilla blood sausage. An asado staple. I can comment further as I wasn’t daring enough to give it a try…
Asado this is not a barbecue, it’s an art form. The asador, the person manning the grill, tends to the meat and restocks the smoldering embers with meticulous devotion. The meat sets the pace for the evening as it’s served in courses when it’s ready. The meat is cooked low and slow for hours. The best cuts of meat are saved for last. While the meat is the star of the show, the social element is just as important. Everyone chats and snacks on picadas and wine while awaiting each course. To learn more about asado, click here.
Choripan not to be confused with a lowly street-side pancho or hotdog; this is a hulking grilled chorizo sausage, dripping with juices, and served on crusty baguette with all sorts of toppings. To find it, follow your nose to the source of the tantalizing smells on street corners, in parks, and at festivals.
Empanadas the omnipresent grab and go snack. Served baked or friend with a variety of fillings, including chicken, beef, corn, and ham and cheese. It’s a cheap and quick meal replacement. Always on a desperate search for vegetables the ‘verdura’ empanada quickly became our favorite. It’s super taste and filled with spinach or Swiss chard.
Chimichurri a garlicy sauce with olive oil and parsley. It’s used as a condiment for grilled meats. Don’t expect it to be hot or spicy. Argentine’s are adverse to food with a kick.
Lomo beef fillet or tenderloin. The leanest of the land.
Pizza expressing how I really feel about the Argentinian pizza is bound to offend a few Argentines, but the pizza is woefully unappetizing in appearance. Honestly, looking at it makes me sad. A (usually) precooked, thick, bulky crust is coated by a blanket of flavorless cheese, suffocating any traces of sauce. Always a strange splatter of olives tossed on as an after thought. I admit I am biased because my preference is for Neapolitan style pizza.
Proveleta crispy and golden brown on the outside, gooey and stretchy on the inside. Proveleta is cheese that’s topped with herbs and spices and baked or grilled until irresistibly bubbly. Just writing about it makes my mouth water. It’s also a reliable vegetarian option at an asado.
Fainá a flatbread made with chickpea flour. Another trusty vegetarian option. Fainá is served atop a slice of pizza or eaten on it’s own. It has a moist consistency and pleasant, subtle flavor.
Papas Fritas french fries are the most popular side dish and frequently accompany meat entrees. Mayonnaise is the dip of choice.
Tarta similar to a quiche, it’s a savory a lunch pie. Usually made with eggs and cheese and filled with different types of vegetables or ham.
Malbec Argentina produces more of this variety of wine than anywhere else in the world. The Malbec grapes are predominantly grown in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in the Mendoza province. Though Malbec translates to “bad beak” or “bad nose,” it’s anything but bad. Argentina has given the world a real gift with its Malbec. Read about Argentina’s wine region here.

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21 Ways to Cook
So a Lot of Us eat carrots mainly Raw likely turned right to a bowlful of ranch dip sticks or crunched on to chips along with our sandwiches. Carrots, on the other hand, are relegated to playing with roles in stir-fries and stews, in which the more daring ingredients overshadowed them. Daily Health Study
But there is something Concerning the caramelized crispness of a roasted lettuce, the tender sting of a ribboned lettuce"noodle," or the glossy sweetness of a pureéd carrot soup. Additionally, studies show that its nourishment are retained by the origin veggie longer in form.
It is time to find the magic Carrots are effective at using these 21 carrot recipes that are breakfast-to-dinner.
1. Carrot Cake Oatmeal
Carrot Cake Oatmeal Recipe
Photo: Adventure Blooms
This bowl carries the goodness of this Timeless carrot cake--the spices, the nuts, along with the carrots, of course--while still leaving out the sugar and butter leaving you with a super-healthy breakfast which nonetheless manages to taste like dessert. Who said ?! has been dull
2. Healthy Carrot Muffins
Healthy Carrot Muffins Recipe
Photo: Kate and Cookie
Carrot muffins involve projecting the Type into the batter, but this recipe requires roasting the carrots. The procedure provides them a natural, caramelized sweetness which provides a layer of warmth and depth into the batch, while traces of orange juice and zest lift up it.
3. Harissa Roasted Carrot Toast
Harissa Roasted Carrot Toast Recipe
Photo: Obviously Ella
Tossed in harissa and united with crumbled This sweet, feta, lemon, and pineapple, hot, and tasty carrot mix provides a run for the money to avocado guarantee. By including a poached egg on high take it; the yolk pops over veggies and the bread is walnut paradise.
4. Shredded Carrot Breakfast Hash
Shredded Carrot Breakfast Hash Recipe
Photo: Fit and Fed
If You like the Notion of a breakfast decoration Are a fan of their count, swap potatoes for carrots rather. This one does exactly that but is still currently filling thanks. The lime and cilantro juice go the excess mile to keep the dish.
5. Spiced Carrot Congee
Spiced Carrot Congee Recipe
Photo: Greatest Model Vegan
Variations of rice porridge, or congee, We are imagining a number of these include, although are popular breakfasts around Asia. Before jasmine rice has been added to the mixture, here, a cup of this vegetable is stewed with coconut milk, raisins, cloves, and cinnamon.
The end result is a and Delicious union of oatmeal and rice pudding that is guaranteed to become your favourite breakfast.
6. Chilean Carrot Frittata
Chilean Carrot Frittata Recipe
Photo: En Mi Cocina Hoy
With emphasis on the veggies than the This take to a breakfast staple, eggs is a wonderful way to begin off onto a note. Then skillet-cooked make browned and crispy, which makes without the carbs that were additional.
Appetizers, Soups, and Sides
7. Vegan Roasted Carrot Soup
Vegan Roasted Carrot Soup Recipe
Photo: Curry Route
Cream and thought butter could produce rich And velvety? Try roasting, a pile of onions and carrots, and you will be amazed by the outcomes are without a fall of milk. Even in the event that you exit the optional (but recommended!) Coconut cream swirl, it is going to feel as though you're ladling up than it is a dish that is a lot more indulgent.
8. Carrot Fritters
Carrot Fritters Recipe
Photo: A Dash of all Megnut
Pan-cooked in a tbsp of oil These carrot fritters would be appetizer or the light, ideal and crispy side. Garlic seasoning and the cumin provides them a earthy flavor, although them cool down.
9. Immediate Pot Honey Soy Carrots
Immediate Pot Honey Soy Carrots Recipe
Photo: Immediate Pot Eats
To get Been cooking for way more than 10 minutes, these Immediate Pot carrots are you covered. The honey and soy mixture forms a glaze that coats the veggies along with a scatter of scallions on top makes for the picture end that is ideal.
10. Baked Shoestring Carrot Fries With Za'atar
Baked Shoestring Carrot Fries With Za'atar Recipe
Photo: A Clean Bake
Spiced with all the Middle Eastern (and simple to Locate ) za'atar spice, coated in olive oil, and roasted until these carrot chips are tasty in their own, but the sauce may be what takes them. Having earthy notes of parsley, a tahini foundation, along with a squeeze of lemon, it.
11. Savory Carrot Tarte Tatin
Savory Carrot Tarte Tatin Recipe
Photo: Wanderings in My Kitchen
The words"tarte tatin" might sound fancy, however From puff pastry Due to some help, you do not have to roll a dough to create this version of the traditional pie out. It is a dish, Together with the coriander and carrots sitting beneath the crust. And nobody needed to understand it was to collect.
12. Moroccan Carrot Salad
Moroccan Carrot Salad Recipe
Photo: A Thought for Food
In the currants along with the carrots Into the dill vinaigrette coat the peas along with the onions, this isn't your salad. Pair this up with a protein or like it on its own.
13. Carrot, Ginger Soup, and Coconut
Carrot, Coconut, and Ginger Soup Recipe
Photo: She Can Not Eat Everything?!
Together with parsnips adding sweetness that is alongside The carrots, a chunk of ginger for only twist, this soup, and also a few milk for freshness strikes all kinds of taste notes at the same time. Additionally, it is low-FODMAP vegan, also gluten free!
Main Dishes
14. Creamy Carrot Noodles With Cashew Alfredo
Creamy Carrot Noodles With Cashew Alfredo Recipe
Photo: Paleo Gluten Free
Zucchini noodles are excellent but may be rather Delicate. Elect for carrots If you will need a more sturdy option to pasta which could hold up to a sauce. The orange ribbons remain"al dente" when tossed into a wealthy but heart-healthy cashew and coconut Alfredo, which makes you feel as though you're digging into real spaghetti.
15. Easy Savory Carrot Balls
Easy Savory Carrot Balls Recipe
Photo: Green Evi
The answer these vegan, to meatballs Bites include a oat and carrot base that is bound with a carrot egg and bread crumbs. Whereas the choice keeps them sharp and grease-free at precisely the exact same moment, curry powder, paprika, and chili powder include a great deal of spice.
16. Carrot Noodle Bowl With Ginger Peanut Sauce
Carrot Noodle Bowl With Ginger Peanut Sauce Recipe
Photo: Veggie Jam
Carrots Can Frequently Be found at a peanut Dish, however, in this circumstance, they play with the function, taking the place of soba or the lo mein. Whereas the peanut butter, soy, and ginger sauce is a healthier alternative to the sugary restaurant variations, tofu adds some vegan protein.
17. Vegan Gluten-Free Carrot Gnocchi
Vegan Gluten-Free Carrot Gnocchi Recipe
Photo: Blissful Basil
Packed with flour and potato gnocchi Can be somewhat heavy. This recipe utilizes oat flour and almond milk rev up the fiber to decrease the count, and also make for normally healthy gnocchi and swaps out that the spuds for carrots. They therefore are beautiful from pesto and're amazingly easy to create at home.
18. Carrot Farro Risotto
Carrot Farro Risotto Recipe
Photo: Quinoa and Coffee
With both grated and pureéd carrot from the mixture And protein and farro this riff on risotto, rather than white arborio rice fits the bill as an impressive meal that is both nutritious and fairly. For an excess something fennel and the cumin in here go with the mildness of their carrots.
19. Carrot Hot Dogs
Carrot Hot Dogs Recipe
Photo: Nutritionist Meets Chef
Their similarity to the actual bargain is uncanny, But rest assured these are really. Peeled and cut to match the buns, poached until tender, and topped with an easy yet sexy parsley and mustard dressing, the carrot"puppies" are fitter than pork sausages, less processed than imitation meat types, and ridiculously easy to create. You are going to be wondering why you did not try them.
20. Roasted Carrot Sandwich With Sunflower Cream
Roasted Carrot Sandwich With Sunflower Cream Recipe
Photo: Obviously Ella
It isn't usually made by carrots in to Sandwiches as lotions, but this recipe is putting out to change that--and it makes a case that is powerful . The vegetables are roasted till tender and sweet tucked between pieces of whole grain bread with avocado spread and a creamy sunflower seed. We are sold--and we've got a feeling you'll be.
21. Vegan Carrot Chorizo Tacos
Vegan Carrot Chorizo Tacos Recipe
Photo: My Sweet Potato Life
If carrot sandwiches and carrot dogs may Exist carrot tacos are a. The roots are roasted with cumin, chili powder, coriander, and paprika to mimic the flavor of chorizo sausage. Twist them to soft tortillas, include cheese dip and a few avocado, and then devour.
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dentalsleepmaster · 4 years
16 Top-rated Tourist Attractions In Lone Tree - Planetware
We usually reserved those daydreams for biscuits, pancakes Tyler Tysdal and Lone Tree, or hash (find our faves below ). But after that we fed on a heaping serving of Onefold's stunning deep-fried rice with Chinese sausage(" lap cheong" ), and also all that altered. Garnished with sauted slices of sweet, meaningful lap cheong (or duck, ham, or bacon) and two deep-fried eggs, it's a rewarding shock that we intend to eat on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food writer in Denver has actually proclaimed Kyle Foster's biscuitsand right here we go once again. They are baked to get as well as have crusty sides that ruin just so when you attack into them. They hurt inside, salty, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite flaky texture Denver business broker, yet they're also somehow pillowy and also certainly hold extra butter than a regular biscuit. Foster is, basically, a biscuit brilliant. As well as please inform Foster that, this time, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Celebrity Kitchen on Mississippi Method for the very best dim sum in town. You'll wait for a table on weekend break early mornings, yet the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and also congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you're going to spend your weekend break early mornings enjoying Premier League matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a" banger"( sausage)," rashers"( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, and also toastat this 12-year-old Five Points pub.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Opportunity's Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a - business broker in Denver.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Boulevard forwhat else?a steaming bowl of its signature brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, as well as flank, is a traditional Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora's Sunburst Grill, where a passionate plate of" tocino "( Filipino-style bacon healed with pineapple juice), eggs, as well as rice prices simply$ 7. Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain cup of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
Where To Eat And Drink In Denver - Eater Denver
's bright, bustling area on Central Street is a gorgeous means to welcome the day. The beans originate from Denver's Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been attracting neighborhood java fans with its artisan, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe're positive avocado salute has nothing to do with millennials 'reduced homeownership prices, but paying even more than$ 10 for the fashionable staple isn't an excellent concept for anyone's purse. Fortunately, Steuben's Avocado Goddess Toast will only establish you back$ 5and it's absolutely divine. The cooking area salutes ciabatta, slathers it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, tops it with thin slices of buttery avocado, as well as garnishes everything with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Virtually. steubens.com LoDoWe have actually consumed scores of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community recognized for the dish, is even more than a little frustrating. Thank goodness for Urban.
Farmer, after that, where the Denver omelet obtains its due. Available throughout weekend break breakfast and weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus 'model is studded with portions of roasted environment-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as regional ham and also covered with a generous( if ultramodern) pour of barnaise sauce. Finally, we can claim an omelet deserving of our city's reputation. urbanfarmerdenver.com Multiple locationsNot only is the Article's fried poultry consistently stunning, with a fantastically crunchy, completely experienced crust and also juicy meat withina mighty great meal all on its ownbut the homey restaurant's a.m. food selection likewise grants our want multiple brunch-acceptable methods to consume the simple bird. postbrewing.com Photo by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt's simple to put pancakesfilled with chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped lotion or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed visitors might consider temptingon a breakfast menu.
What's even more challenging is to make a pancake that tastes good solo. Wendell's, the high end diner that took control of the initial DJ's Coffee shop space on Tennyson Street in 2015, has achieved the last with its massive buttermilk elegances, which are lightened with whipped egg whites as well as seasoned with brandy, vanilla paste, as well as lemon enthusiasm. wendellsbreakfast. TIVIS Capital.com Approach: To assign a rate each for each and every of these meals, we completed the average expense of an entre, a coffee, as well as an alcoholic drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) elastic trousers before taking on the Sunday breakfast buffet at this hotel near the Park Meadows shopping center. The cost consists of online jazz, bottomless mimosas, and an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, and carved beef ribs. Its closeness to matine reveals at the neighboring Denver Doing Arts Complex merely includes in the appeal.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek astonishment inside the Halcyon hotel offers distinct, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from a roving cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye salute with caper lotion cheese and smoked salmon )with a rally top. investor and entrepreneur Tyler Tysdal. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a large lineup of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside area is ideal for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon trip.
26 Cool And Unusual Things To Do In Denver - Atlas Obscura
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as you question between getting the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and also grits. Get hold of a coffee from Crema Bodega, an alcoholic drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus mixture called Dead Presidentsand a large cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakeshop to take pleasure in at one of the food hall's lengthy neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Obtain the many bang for the least dollar at the Sloan's Lake station of this preferred counter-service place. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Platte Management). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt's virtually difficult to select just one thing from Annette's breakfast food selection, yet when pushed to do so, chef Caroline Glover's waffles float over the rest. Their light texture comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests over night for ultimate taste growth and also loft. Also much better, the topping combinations alter regular and with the periods, from apples with salted sugar as well as whipped cream in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd as well as whipped lotion in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are often riotous affairs, especially if you go throughout brunch, when the restaurant supplies rotating amusement with motifs like burlesque, yoga exercise, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you obtain three beautiful deep-fried orbs that are crispy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated exteriors, feather-soft within, and also kindly filled with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dance may not be everyone's thing, but we're rather certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian and vegan Denverites need not experience via boring tofu shuffles as well as butter-free toast, thanks to Cap Hill's hipster organization, City, O' City, where the whole a.m. My individual fave would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not enjoy mozzarella cheese, avocado and fried plantains!.?. !? Photo thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the very best brunch option in Denver. It's a gooey and also divine mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and syrup.
Tyler Tysdal is a long-lasting business owner helping fellow entrepreneurs sell their service for optimum worth as Managing Director of Freedom Factory, the World's Best Business Broker. Freedom Factory helps entrepreneurs with the greatest deal of their lives.Image politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not only housed in the stylish and also homey neighborhood of Wash Park, but it has an awesome food selection that is continuously transforming. Every active ingredient they use is regional and homemade, and while they always have sandwiches and salads, they switch over up their specials and sides so you can try something new every time you go.
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Photo courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not distinguish this image, this is the very best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, homemade dough as well as neighborhood, natural components baked with each other in a conventional brick stove makes these pizzas taste like they're appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Basic components and also conventional techniques make Pizzeria Area a must.
20 Best Things To Do In Denver Including Outdoor Activities
You get to pick the base, healthy protein, kind of curry, veggies and flavors to develop a custom-made Indian curry bowl that has unbelievable taste as well as spice. The active ingredients as well as options are amazingly fresh and continuously changing, allowing you to switch it up every time you go, however I very suggest the coconut curry as well as chicken.
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Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce as well as tomatoes make this cheeseburger a must-have. They throw on a few of their unique sauce for the best combination of mouthwatering as well as tasty, as well as their newly baked bun is the cherry ahead. While their delicious burgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger's truffle french fries are my favorite fries in Denver, hands down.
I would certainly do anything at any kind of provide moment to consume these french fries as well as I mean anything individuals. Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver establishment. They make their homemade gelato as well as cones on website every day, and have a wide variety of scrumptious flavors available (business broker in Denver).
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Whether it's a summer's evening or awesome afternoon, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with satisfied children, family members, as well as big groups of friends - Lone Tree. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a nationwide track record for dishing out insanely excellent biscuits, as well as this credibility might not be more exact. Their biscuit french toast has the excellent degree of sweetness and is deliciously indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most rewarding method to begin the day.
from https://dentalsleepmasters0.blogspot.com/2020/05/16-top-rated-tourist-attractions-in_19.html
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maximumfoodie-blog · 6 years
Packing a lunch
...Doesn’t have to be complicated. (Although I suppose It can be if you wanted.)
First off, I need to come clean and tell you that I have a general dislike of sandwiches. This is mostly due to the fact that I have worked in a lot of cafes over the years and, of course, almost every single one had it’s particular way of preparing sandwiches. I have used steamers, toasters, convection ovens, toaster ovens, hot plates, microwaves, grittles, stoves, presses...and with almost any kind of sandwich-carrying “vessel” you could imagine; bagels, croissants, baguettes, sliced fresh bread, frozen bread, cakey breads (lemon pound cake, brioche,etc), rolls, shitty american white bread, fresh sourdough, focaccia, english muffins, and even cookies (don’t ask). I’ve prepped and used so many different combinations of jams, butters, meats, cheeses, veggies, fruits, spreads...and I have stories of some requests that you probably never have, and probably never want to, hear about. (soft croissant sliced and buttered so heavily that it was thicker than a cheese slice, then steamed with roast beef served with a side of mayonnaise, as an example. I really wish I was kidding.)
Needless to say, preparing and eating sandwiches practically causes a gag reflex at this point. But i’m working my way through my fears. I have been packing sandwiches for lunch lately (even though we have them at work...of course), but I realized that I can handle it if I keep the ingredients very simple like cheese and some seasonal veggies, or veggie ham or Tofurkey deli slices with lettuce and tomato. I still can’t do the sliced bread though, It needs to be on a baguette or something a bit less...generic. 
The other day however I wandered to the store on my lunch break...I had brought a hardboiled egg with me but nothing else so I figured I’d see what I could find to go with it. I didn’t really have a taste for anything so I just kind of wandered around to see what caught my eye.
First thing I saw was a beautiful heirloom tomato and they were local and on sale so I grabbed one (yep, just one.) Next thing I saw was a really interesting slice of cheese, it was picorino toscano Stagionato and the wedge I found was $3 so I got that, then I kind of put the rest together with a demi baguette and a small box of mixed greens (which I would also use for a salad later at home). all in all it cost about $8 and I had extra stuff leftover to work with for dinner.
Here was what my lunch turned into: 
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People were laughing at me and saying they wished they could afford that kind of “indulgence” for lunch. This was healthier, and probably cost less than their over-processed insta-lunch they picked up. Also less wasteful since there was little to no packaging on this stuff accept for the baby green and the slice of cheese. No plastic cutlery needed, no single-use plastic cartons, bags, or sauce packets.
When eating well, simplicity is often the key and I don’t mean giving up and just going to the nearest drive-thru. What looks good? What fits your budget? Sometimes the good stuff is actually cheaper than the crappy stuff that you douse in sauces and shovel into your face. Just try it. take a moment to wander around and really LOOK at what the markets have to offer. If you don’t have time, make time. If your breakfasts or morning coffee is rushed, maybe try getting up a bit earlier, get your food and/or coffee and SIT DOWN and enjoy it.
For instance: Instead of buying a quick lunch container of what I call “Adult Lunchables”, buy these items when you go to the store next time, prep a few ahead of time and then you can just throw it in your bag to take to work for a healthier way of eating your “usual” but at least now you know what’s actually in it. Maybe every week try a different cheese in there, or instead of crackers throw in a slice of fresh bread, a roll, or a tortilla. switch from a stem of grapes or sliced apple to kiwi or fennel root. make it interesting! It’s might not be much but a good starting point with preparing your own lunches is think about what your usual “default” is and try to recreate it, then shake it up a bit with swapping out ingredients. Just a thought. Until next time!
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