#a slightly different version of light would Not have been able to recover so quickly after regaining his memories in the helicopter
tentacle-therapissed · 4 months
manga Light: *loses 10 pounds in the first 5 days of using the Death Note and is constantly plagued with nightmares over the guilt of what he is doing*
drama Light: *literally tries to kill himself because he can't come to terms with the fact that he murdered two people who were directly endangering his loved ones*
anime Light, approximately 15 seconds after using the Death Note for the second time: this is great actually now I don't even have to join the police force in order to murder criminals
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bunnyscar · 3 months
tw: blood
“Sam, Kye, I have a favor to ask,” Lily said one day after theater practice. They had been cleaning up the stage, putting away their props and storing them behind the stage, when she had approached the two boys.
“Would you be willing to walk home with me? I know our houses aren’t necessarily in the same direction, but…I don’t want to be out alone on the streets.”
Sam and Kye glanced at each other. “Of course. Did something happen?” Sam asked.
“Yes... I was attacked by one of those rogue vampires.”
“Attacked?” both boys exclaimed. Marissa, who was carrying a box of props off the stage, heard their outburst and hurried over. Lily explained to the three what had happened and how two boys by the names of Jeff and Alan had helped her.
“They said I should walk home with someone, even if it’s light out.”
“That’s true, there’s all kinds of criminals in this city, not just vampires,” Marissa said solemnly.
“Are you sure you won’t mind a vampire coming with you?” Kye asked slowly.
“Of course not! You’re not at all like that vampire that attacked me. I would feel so much safer with you around, Kye,” Lily said gratefully. Kye blinked in surprise, but nodded.
“I’m glad there was someone to help you,” Sam commented in relief.
“Me too. They go to a different school than ours, but they live near me. I got Jeff’s phone number, just in case another emergency comes up. They seemed really nice, even though one of them did have quite a fierce expression. He was...kinda strong, but gentle too.” Her cheeks grew slightly pink, which mystified Sam, but she said hastily, “Anyway, we need to finish cleaning up the stage!”
When they had finished up their cleaning and said goodbye to the others, Sam and Kye took Lily home, then finally headed towards their own house. “Let’s take the bus today,” Sam suggested. Their apartment was only be a couple stops away, but it was getting dark and their mother would be home soon. It couldn’t hurt to take public transportation. Kye nodded at Sam’s suggestion, and they turned from Lily’s street onto a busier road.
“Walking with Lily was nice, don’t you think?” Sam commented as they walked.
“Uh-huh,” Kye grunted in agreement. Though Kye didn’t show an outward display of happiness, Sam could see the contentedness in his eyes and the relaxed way he was walking, a stark contrast to the way he had been utterly wretched and guilt-wracked a few weeks ago. Sam smiled. Only because their friends had welcomed him back could Kye have recovered from his guilt and shame so quickly. Their kindness and Kye’s peace filled Sam with more joy than he could stand.
There was only one person who had not accepted Kye’s vampirism: Morris. Though Sarah had tried multiple times to invite Morris to go on a picnic with Sam and Kye and their friends, he had declined every single time. His angry response to her was that he was not about to be friends with a monster. To him, all vampires were monsters, whether or not he had seen them act like one.
It made Sam angry to think about how blind and mean Morris was being to vampires like Kye, who were just trying to live ordinary lives. Perhaps it was just as well that Morris had avoided them at school. Sam wasn’t sure if he would be able to keep his anger in check if they did meet.
Engrossed in his thoughts, Sam did not notice the person walking towards them until Kye abruptly stopped and said hoarsely, “M-Morris.” Sam looked up in surprise to see Morris standing in front of him on the sidewalk. Next to him was a man who looked like an adult version of Morris and a beautiful lady who was hanging onto the man’s arm.
“Sam and Kye,” Morris muttered. He glared daggers at Kye, though he didn’t say anything to the vampire.
Anger twinged in Sam’s chest at the hate dripping from Morris’ voice, and he wanted to yell at the boy that Kye was not a monster. But he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Kye was hunching his shoulders, staring miserably at the ground, and it would only make things worse if Sam lost his temper.
“How are you,” Sam said carefully, trying to keep his voice level. Morris scowled and looked like he was going to say something spiteful, but the man who had been walking next to him suddenly stepped up and held out a hand.
“Are these friends of yours, Morris?” the man said cheerfully, giving Sam and Kye a warm smile.
“We’re just classmates,” Morris said sullenly.
“My name is Sam, and this is Kye. And you are?"
“I’m Ben, Morris’ brother. Oh, and this is Lacey, my fiance,” the man said, giving the woman beside him a loving glance. The lady smiled sweetly at the two boys and laid a hand on Ben’s shoulder. She wore an expensive looking dress, though the purple scarf wrapped tightly around her neck looked rather tacky, and she had on an excessive amount of mascara. Perfume wafted off her as if she had doused herself in it, making Sam almost gag with its floral scent. Kye stiffened at the sight of her.
“So nice to meet you two. Oh, Morris, why don’t we invite your two friends to dinner? It wouldn’t be any trouble at all,” she gushed.
Morris gave the two boys another glare, but Sam spoke before he could, “Kye and I need to hurry home, our mom is expecting us. Nice to meet you though.” Grabbing Kye’s arm, he hurried away.
Once they had turned the corner onto another street, Sam let out a sigh of relief. “Well that was awkward. Ben and his fiancé seem rather nice, but I was afraid Morris was going to make a scene.”
Kye scowled. “That lady...she’s a vampire.”
Sam started. “A vampire? How do you know?”
“Vampires can sense each other’s presence. And even if she acted nice, I got a bad feeling from her. Something was off….”
Well, Sam had to agree, she did seem a bit strange. He was about to ask what Kye meant, when Kye suddenly stiffened, then turned and ran back the way they had come.
“Kye!” Sam yelled, chasing after him. Quickly, he pulled out his phone and began dialing the emergency ministry button. Kye had not chased any criminals for several weeks, not since the car accident, and dread filled Sam as he remembered it. But when he followed Kye into an alley, he realized this was not an ordinary crime.
At the end of the alley lay a body, stiff and awkward. Bending over it was a lady, wearing a tacky purple scarf, and she had her mouth on the body’s neck. Sam felt a cold hand of horror grip his body. She was Ben’s fiance. And she was drinking Ben’s blood.
“B-Ben,” a shaky voice brought Sam out of his stupor. Morris sat to one side, his horrified gaze fixated on his brother. Kye stood next to him, fists clenched and a snarl on his face.
The lady vampire looked up and grinned at the three boys. Her eyes glittered like red stones, blood staining her teeth and trickling down her chin. Her flowery perfume mixed with the stench of the blood and almost made Sam throw up.
“Oh, you two again? Well, why don’t you join my meal? You’d make a tasty addition,” she said, turning her hungry gaze to Sam. Before he could react, she lunged at him, claw-like fingers stretched out to grab his face. Sam stood frozen. I’m going to die, he thought.
An inhuman roar rent the night air and the lady crashed into a wall as Kye ran into her. He slammed fist after fist into her chest, tearing, scratching, screaming. She screamed as well, struggling in vain to get away.
For a moment, Sam could only watch in a daze as the vampire’s blood splattered the walls and the ground. Then suddenly, he shouted, “Kye! That’s enough!”
Kye halted, breathing heavily, eyes glowing with rage at the now whimpering vampire beneath him. Sam could barely stand to look at her, she had been so torn up by Kye’s claws.
“Kye,” he said, reaching out for his brother, but Kye turned to him swiftly, hand upraised as if to strike. When he saw Sam’s surprised look, however, he froze. The rage in his eyes slowly turned into horror, and as swiftly as the lady vampire had rushed at Sam, Kye leapt away, clambering up the side of a building and out of sight.
“Kye! Wait!” Sam cried. Desperately, he looked about for a way to get up the wall, but there were no footholds for a regular human like him. He turned to the alley exit. He needed to find Kye, to stop him, to calm him before he harmed himself or—Sam halted as vampire ministry agents started to arrive.
A lady wearing a tight black suit hurried over to him. “What happened?” she asked, concern on her face.
Sam took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. It would do no good if he himself was riled up. As quickly as he could, he explained the situation and how Kye had run off. The lady nodded, then turned to a colleague. “Fred, I’m going to help this boy find his vampire. You can handle things here?”
Fred nodded. “Right-o, Sherise!” he said with a salute.
Sherise wrapped her arms around Sam’s chest. “If you’re afraid of heights, close your eyes,��� she said, and out of her back rose large, bat-like wings. With a rush of wind, she flew upwards, high into the sky above the buildings. Sam gazed in dizzying awe at the city below him, sparkling with lights that shone from apartment buildings and from streetlamps. Cars whizzed along the streets, looking like fireflies. The buildings and streets seemed to go on forever. How was he going to find Kye in all this?
As if knowing what he was thinking, Sherise said, “Don’t worry. A vampire and their caretaker share a special bond. If one is hurting or in distress, the other will know; you should be able to sense Kye that way.”
Sam closed his eyes and took another deep breath. There was something, almost a small tug on his consciousness, pointing to his left.
“That way!” he said, pointing towards a dark alley in another part of the city. Sherise told him to hold on, then swooped towards the alley, landing softly on her feet and setting Sam down gently.
Though it was hard to see in the alley, Sam could make out a crouched figure, shaking with sobs. “Kye!” he cried and ran towards him.
Kye looked up in surprise, then scrabbled away from Sam. “S-stay away! I-I’m a monster,” he sobbed.
“No, you’re not,” Sam said and drew him into a strong hug. “It’s okay. You were angry, you were trying to protect me. You’re not a monster, Kye, it’s okay.” Kye sobbed and clung to Sam. Sherise gently touched Sam’s shoulder.
“We’d better get you two home,” she said.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
What if a security guard wouldn’t let you back in the arena if you went out to get something. And they didn’t believe that you were harrys gf and just thought you were a crazy fan
oooh it’s been done before but here’s my version!! ;
You were running late.
It was already 7pm and you were only getting out of your car in the car park. Harry was due to be on stage in an hour and you hadn’t even seen him yet. The traffic around Dallas today has been awful. Chocker block. You’d been with Harry all day, up until 3 hours ago when he had to leave the hotel to come to the stadium for rehearsals. Normally you’d go with him, but you were so tired that you wanted a little nap before coming. The problem here was you overslept.
There were no Ubers available and a taxi would be far too expensive at this time, so you drive in Harrys car instead. You’d been following Harry on tour in his car, so when you get to different destinations you can go out on ball day trips if you want to without the obscenity of a huge tour bus or paying for Ubers everywhere. It was the main reason you were so tired though, travelling across country and into different time zones. It would be so much easier if this was the UK.
You grabbed your purse and your jacket, locking the car as you got out and started running for the backstage entrance. It was easy to make it there and you noticed security guards already standing there.
“Hi!” You smiled, slightly short of breathe. You were about to move past them when one of them shoved your shoulder back, making you stumble back unbalanced. “Wha—”
“ID and backstage pass to get through here.” One of them said, looking you up and down as if you were nothing.
If anything, you were quite shocked on how they just treated and continued to treat you. Normally, Harry would show a picture of you to these backstage security guards to make sure you’d be able to get in no problem, but it seemed like today Harry might’ve forgotten to show that photo. This was going to be a problem for you, because you’d forgotten to bring your backstage pass.
“I normally just go through? I’m Harry’s girlfriend.” You tried talking your way around the situation, not appreciating behind held up so close to show-time.
“Oh you’re Harry’s girlfriend? You must be the 7th one we’ve met tonight.” The security guy laughed and so did his friend, making your blood boil with how annoying they were being. Harry would be so pissed if he heard the way they were treating you.
“No but I actually am.”
“Then, ID and backstage passes.” One of then held out his hand whilst the other crossed his arms over his chest to make him look intimidating. Dickheads.
“I have ID just not the backstage passes.” You answered honestly, holding out your ID for them to check. They collected it and asked you questions on it, you answering them all perfectly.
“Well you definitely know you, but you have no proof you’re supposed to be where you claim to be.” They handed you back your ID and you huffed in stress.
“Well what can I show you? Photos of me and Harry together? Text messages?” You waved your arms around, getting really pissed off that this was actually happening. You’d probably miss Jenny’s whole set because of this and then 15 minutes before show-time Harry gets transported under the stage. So you only really would have half and hour with him, and that’s just not enough time. You wanted a safe and warm hug off him. You wanted a kiss. You just wanted him.
“Everyone knows they can be photoshopped.” One of the guys scoffs at your notion.
“Listen. You either show us your backstage pass or we’ll escort you off site.” The other one says a lot more firmer this time. It made you quite anxious for what you’d do if they did that - or maybe when they did that.
“Well I don’t have the backstage passes.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at the way this was going to end.
“Then let’s go.” One of them pointed to where you came from and to the car park, stepping forwards as he did so.
“I’m not leaving until you let me through those doors. My boyfriend is waiting for me.” You answered, taking a step back in stress of what they might do.
“Harry ain’t your boyfriend. Now let’s go!” They stepped forwards again and reached for you.
You swung your bag at one of them, hitting him in his side and he grunted because of the impact of your water bottle with his chest. The other one grabbed your arm and you couldn’t shake him, since you were not trained in any way for situations like this at all. His fingers dig into your skin and it made you scream out a cry, trying to kick him in any way to escape. The other one recovered ever ordered the guy holding you to escort you away whilst he stayed and guarded the door. The one holding you tugged your arms behind your body and held them tight there, it really fucking hurting. He didn’t care though and continued to walk you, asking you where your car was so he could get you out of here.
Once you reached your car he let you go and you wrapped your arms around you as he walked away again, not verbally saying anything but his eyes saying enough. Stay away. You shakily got your keys out of your bags and unlocked your door, climbing in and just sitting there. You could feel your hands really shaky and achy. Looking down with tear clouded eyes, you saw the red marks over your arms and slight bruising already. Your arms and shoulders hurt from being bent in an uncomfortable position.
You cared less about the pain though and how much of a disappointment of a girlfriend you were going to be to Harry. He was going to think either the worst for you or the worst of you. You reached in your bag on your lap for your phone, throwing your bag on the seat next to you afterwards. You wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your t-shirt and unlocked your phone to text messages, sending Harry a quick text.
To Harry: Are you free to call? x
No response. You sat there for a few minutes in silence, still shook up and teary. That had been a really awful situation to be in and you hated that you were nowhere near Harry to fix it. Your phone vibrated 3 minutes later, finding a text message from Harry. You sighed and felt safe when you saw his icon light up your notifications, knowing he was in contact with you.
From Harry: Of course, you okay? xx
You didn’t open your phone because you didn’t know how to respond. How do you tell him you’re not okay, only 20 minutes before he’s meant to be ready to go on stage? You didn’t want to worry him, but you also didn’t want him thinking you were a terrible girlfriend either.
Another vibration.
From Harry: Lovie? xx
Your eyes watered at that simple word, meaning so much more to you than five letters. It made you feel so much comfort, you only wished you could get that hug and a kiss now.
From Harry: Love, you’re worrying me now.
From Harry: Let me face-time you, hang on.
His icon lit up the screen; Incoming…
You shakily accepted, wiping your eyes quickly before. When he answered you could tell he was still in his dressing room, sat on the sofa that you wish you were also sat on with him. He looked so beautiful. His hair was perfectly styled and he was wearing a pearl coloured silk shirt and you knew he was wearing white silk pants to co-ordinate. You thought he looked ethereal. A glowing beacon of hope and beauty.
He didn’t say anything to you at first and you nothing to him. He just looked at you and instantly knew something bad was up. He kept eye contact with you and it was as if he was having a telepathic conversation with you, understanding that you needed him and just him.
“Hey, Mitch man?” Harry asked, turning his head to somewhere else in the room. “Could y’just give me a minute. Please.”
“Sure, sure.” Mitch answered and all you could hear was the sound of shuffling and the door shut. As soon as he was gone you started crying all over again. You cupped your hand over your eyes and your body shook as you just cried. Harrys heart broke that you were alone and he couldn’t hug you close to his chest.
“Y/N, baby. Look at me.” He asked urgently and you just shook your head, embarrassed that this was happening to you. “You’ll be alright lovie, I promise. Just look at me, beautiful.” You moved your hand away from your face and wiped your eyes and nose to try and make you look slightly better - not that it helped. “There’s my pretty girl.”
You smiled. He smiled.
“I-i’m so-rry H.” You whispered, sniffling in between words because of how shaky you felt.
“Hey, no. None of that. It’ll be okay.” He reassured you, keeping eye contact with you to try and decipher what was wrong. “Where are you, lovie? You’re in the car, yeah?” Harry asked, recognising your surroundings but you could get anywhere. You could have been in an accident for all he knew, but he was remaining calm so he didn’t send you into a panic.
“Yeah. In the stadium car park.” You saw Harrys eyes momentarily light up at that, before he remembered that you weren’t okay.
“Okay. Tell me why you’re upset, love. Help me understand.” He sounded urgent, just wanting to know so he could help you out. He wanted you to be okay. He wanted you with him.
“The security guards wouldn’t let me in, backstage I mean. I didn’t have my backstage pass. But..” You choked on a sob and Harry told you to just breathe. You were okay. “One of them g-grabbed me and escorted m-me of sight.”
“Baby, are you hurt? Is that why you’re upset?” Harry asked, standing up now in panic. His face looked angry, but you could tell he was trying his best to be a comfort for you. “Y/N?”
“Y-yes. Yes Harry, yes.” You voice wobbled out and you let out an exasperated sob. “I’m s-sor—”
“No don’t you dare. Don’t apologise for this. Not ever. You understand me?” He made very clear he wasn’t messing around.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“Alright. Now, you gotta be strong for me okay?” He asked, before asking, still checking that you were okay. He knew you would be though, because you were his bravest girl ever - stronger than you knew.
“You’re going to make your way back to the backstage entrance, alright? I am going to be there, before you get there. Those security guards won’t be there I promise. You’ll be okay. Can you do that for me?” He asked, moving around the room and then out of the door. He was walking down the corridors, ignoring the people shouting his name. He was only focused on you.
“Yes. Okay.” You nodded, wiping under your nose again.
“I love you.” He kissed the camera of his phone, looking like he was kissing you instead.
You returned the gesture, kissing him virtually back. “I love you.”
He told you that it’d be alright and then ended the call, explaining how you didn’t need to hear him get angry when he found these security guards. They would be fired even if they weren’t on his tour crew, he’d make sure of it. You made your way back to the backstage entrance again, slowing down before you rounded the corner. Taking a deep breathe you walked around and were met with exactly what Harry promised; him.
You smiled and broke out into a run to get to him, your bag weighing on your shoulder. Once you reached him your bag was thrown on the floor in front of him and you jumped into his arms. He lifted you up to sit you around his waist, keeping his arms tight around your waist and squeezing the biggest hug out of you. Your arms tightened around your boyfriends neck and you buried your face into his neck, and god he smelt like everything homely and sweet. He felt just like home.
“See, you’re alright now lovie.” He assured you, kissing your cheek that wasn’t quite buried into his neck.
“Th-ank you.” You muttered, kissing his neck in appreciation which made him hum in delight. He tasted so hot and lush. He was insatiable. You then felt him start kissing your arms, where the harsh red and purple marks were.
“Sorry y’had to go through this.” He kept kissing your arms, until you moved your head up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“If I can’t say sorry, then neither can you.” You shook your head, kissing his nose softly. You watched his eyes flutter close and felt so special that only you could do that to him.
“You’re so amazing Y/N. Truly.”
“You’re pretty special too, my love.”
He didn’t need to hear anything else from you, those words were enough, so he pressed his lips to yours softly, filling you with the love you’d been waiting to feel all day. You smiled into the kiss and he just felt so amazing. He was so soft and gentle with you - as smooth as the silk that dressed his body. He was so pretty to watch melt away under your spell and delicious tasting. Strawberries, was that?
He was everywhere. He was everything. He always would be.
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violetnotez · 3 years
fic or whatever concept: fushiguro is in love w the reader but they have a huge crush on yuuji and it’s just megumi suffering as the reader and yuuji get together and they’re actually really,,, happy??? and in love???
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This is the shit I LIVE FOR -also I made a whole playlist for this idea-you can watch the vid here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Megumi x reader (not really?), Yuuji x reader
Songs to Listen to: Treat You Better (but the Kurt Hugo version, seriously, thank me later!)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Maybe if he had tried harder, this wouldn’t have ended up like this. He just felt alone, empty, with nothing to show but a broken heart and head full of bitter dreams.
Did he fool himself? That maybe, some miraculous way, he would have won?
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Megumi lay on his bed, worn sweatshirt making his skin crawl and his black sweats uncomfortable to wear, his toes curling from disgust.
Nothing could get his mind off of you, even months after you started dating Yuuji.
 It almost got worse, now that you were off limits.
Funny how it works like that.
His brain seemed to just always want to think of you-the way your voice seemed to sparkle when you yell out his name, the way you look too damn cute when you’d walk out of your dorm room in the morning, hair messy and feet bare-
Fuck fuck fuck.
Megumi groaned, placing a hand on his forehead and smoothing his hair back in exasperation.
You weren’t his, and you’d never be his-he shouldn’t be thinking of you like this. You were dating his best friend after all-didn’t he have any shame?
Even though he was in so much heart ache, so much pain from the fact he couldn’t have you.....he couldn’t ever hate his friend from taking you away from him.
Yuuji was good to you, and painfully, he had to admit Yuuji was better than him in every way as a boyfriend.
Yuuji was sociable, able to strike up a conversation and make everyone feel like his best friend-Megumi wasn’t like that.
Yuuji wasn’t afraid of physical touch, constantly having a hand on your hip to keep you near him or swinging you around lovingly like he hadn’t seen you in years- he was terrified of physical touch.
Yuuji was strong, powerful, and able to protect you from the world- he couldn’t say the same for himself.
Megumi’s insecurities were infesting his body, gnawing at his bones, squirming through his muscles and into his skin, making his jaw clench and nails dig deep into his skin from disgust within himself.
Why hadn’t he at least fucking tried?
But he had been too placid, too worried of rejection, too worried of ruining your friendship-
But then again....he was just too selfless. He was willing to let everyone around him surpass him if it meant they would win, thrive, and live happy lives- even if it meant he had to suffer the consequence.
Megumi squeezed the white sheets around him, twisting them into tight spirals around his digits.
He let it happen again-he had succumbed to that fear.
Years worth of affection, years worth of admiration and dedication-washed away like it never happened., because of it And now he was dealing with the repercussion with phantoms of what could have been, with the jealousy, and a broken heart.
Megumi shifted in his bed, feeling his sweatshirt stick to his back, his hand reached out to grasp at the white beams of moonlight drifting into his room.
What would have happened if he had said no that day? Would anything have changed-if he had admitted that he did like you, that he had wanted to call you his?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
He remembers that day like it was yesterday, that feeling of dread filling in his stomach as if he knew something was about to change, the shift of energy making an icy chill run along his back.
Yuuji has been behind him, leaving training as they usually do with his hands in his pockets.
It was quiet, the hallways empty except for the two of them, the wooden floors making soft clicks as it reacted to their footsteps. It should have felt peaceful, a soft breeze fluttering in from the opened windows as the sun began to set outside. But that errie sensation was still boiling in Megumi’s gut, that gnawing feeling of dread making him unable to enjoy the peace.
“Hey man, I wanted to ask you something real quick,” Yuuji’s voice stopped Megumi in his tracks, his feet halting with an echo in the empty corridor.
Megumi turned around slowly, tentatively, almost too worried to face what was behind him. 
Maybe at this time he knew what was about to happen, the feeling of dread settling.
“Sure,” he simply stated, shrugging nonchalantly as the golden sun set the room in a red hue.
“This might be a little personal,” Yuuji began, hands placed in the pockets of his sweatshirt still, “but I got a question about y/n.”
Yuuji looked at him, staring him down like two men in a duel. He was serious, more serious than Megumi had seen him in a long time.
“I know you guys are pretty close...”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Megumi stated, swallowing a ball of saliva down his dry throat.
“Well, I-“ Yuuji sighed, pink hair swaying as he looked down at the floor quickly, almost preparing himself for what he was about to say next.
“I-I wanted to ask them out.....out on a date....”
“- it okay with you?”
Megumi’s eyes widened in shock, the his whole body feeling as if hit by a ton of bricks from Yuuji’s words.
This was it-the worst case scenario, the worst thing he knew was happening but didn’t want to admit.
Megumi tried to recover quickly, his eyes slanting back down to unamused slits in a matter of seconds.
“Why are you asking me?” he questioned, trying to keep the growing panic inside him at bay,” It’s not like I dictate who she dates.”
“I think you know why.”
“I don’t.”
Megum sighed violently, eyes looking up at the ceiling as he tried to fight the growing pain in his heart.
“I don’t dictate your life-I don’t dictate them-and you don’t dictate mine. Do whatever the hell you want-“
“I won’t date them unless you say it’s okay for me to Fushigoro.”
Itadori’ voice had none of that boyish, playful tone to it. It was more mature than Megumi had even heard it-but something behind it was different.
It was almost like there was this desperateness to it- Yuuji needed him to say yes. Yuuji so badly wanted to call you his-just like him.
“You can say no-“ Itadori rushed on, eyes intense with anticipation, “-I won’t think less of you or hate you for it.”
Megumi watched as he shuffled uncomfortably, the knowledge that he just admitted his crush making him slightly sheepish as he scratched the back of his head.
“Hell, I know I would-” he said truthfully, “ I just don’t want to ruin our friendship by going behind your back.”
Fuck, Megumi wanted to fight for you. He wanted to so so badly.
Megumi had known you for longer, you two were close friends, he had a connection to you-didn’t he deserve to be yours after being so dedicated to only you?
Fushigoro was there for when you cried over your stresses, rubbing your back patiently as you let everything out of you, summoning his animals because he knew how much they made you happy.
He was there for your late night study sessions, the lighting hazy as the pouring rain pounded on the window, cleaning up your room of the papers and flashcards after he convinced you to go to sleep.
He trained with you when you worried you weren’t strong enough, always making sure to congratulate you in someway, fighting the redness in his cheeks after you had successfully completed a new move, your skin dangerously close to his.
God, he had waited for so long-why did the world have to fuck him over? Why did his best friend, out of all the people in the world he could form a crush on, like you like that?
But looking at Yuuji, he knew he wouldn’t win this war. Him and Yuuji were very similar in their passion and devotion, but the simple difference between them was Yuuji wasn’t afraid to be selfish.
Megumi was accustomed to backing down for everyone, sacrificing himself so the people he loved could succeed. It was an awful habit of his, maybe due to his insecurities, maybe just a routine he learned at this point, he would never know- but the fact was he knew that Yuuji would never stop fighting for you. Even if Megumi screamed at him, cursed at him, told him to fuck off and leave you alone-Yuuji wouldn’t ever stop loving you. Itadori would respect Megumi’s wishes, but he would still protect you, fight for you, and love you with everything in him.
And that much devotion coming from someone as charismatic and kind like that-what person wouldnt fall for that?
Megumi sighed, his heart breaking in two at the sudden realization hit him-he was too weak to be any threat to Yuuji.
”You’re not going behind my back.” He finally said, looking down at the floor as the self loathing boiled in his stomach.
“But you-“
“I don’t. Like them.” Megumi was seething, hating every fiber in his body for doing this to himself. Each word was choppy, the sentence laced with sternness and bitterness.
“-Do whatever the hell you want.”
Megumi needed to leave, and leave quick. He hadn’t felt this emotional in a long time, and he didn’t want Yuuji to start thinking that he was actually bothered by all of this.
He turned on his heel, ready to get out of there as quickly as possible-
“Hey Megumi- you really okay with this? This won’t change our friendship? I won’t do this unless youre okay-“
Yuuji took a step forward, hand reaching out to his friend as a peace offering, a sheepish smile on his lips.
Megumi turned, his chest tightening as he looked down at his hand, too tired to reach out for it and pretend like he didn’t hate his friend at this moment.
“They dont like me. They like you- I see it. You’ll make them happy, and that’s all I want for them.”
Yuuji smiled , seemingly content with his quiet friend’s answer.
“Thanks man,”
Megumi turned again, head hanging low as he quickly left the corridor, desperate to get out of there.
“Tell me thank you when they say yes.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
He groaned, letting the painful memories overtake him as he turned his back to the wall.
It just hurt-maybe he would get over all of this one day, but right now he couldnt.
As if on cue to deepen his torture, he heard a giggle from you across his room, the muffled noise of Yuuji’s voice making him cringe.
Thin ass walls-you were probably visiting Yuuji again for the night, staying up all night to watch movies.....
This was destroying him-but he couldnt ever blame you for it, because you were oblivious to his love for you. He had made sure you would never catch on- and now you would never know because he was too cowardly to ever say it. 
God, what he’d do to have the roles switched though...with you breaking school rules to come visit him at night, to here that sweet laugh in his room, to feel your head cuddle into his chest, or see you slowly begin to wake up in the morning....
Megumi felt a pain in his chest at the wanting feeling that would never fully be satiated gnaw at his chest, his hands despertedly grabbing at his pillow and shoving it against his ear.
He didnt want to hear you, he didnt want to see you...at this moment he didnt want anything to do with you or Yuuji. 
This hurt too much...
Fuck, he really screwed up.
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usaginotwst · 3 years
the entire angst category for the emoji ask but for ... 👀 jamil and azul
oh hey now!! 👀👀👀
pain train incoming
💔— What could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
🚪— What would kill their trust in their partner/close them off? Could this ever be amended?
(these two go together in my opinion)
If Azul got the courage up to show his partner his cecaelia form and they reacted negatively, he would be heartbroken. There's a reason he still hates the way he looks and he thought that they were going to be accepting. Maybe they just aren't the one...
If Jamil's significant other confessed that they actually had feelings for Kalim instead it would cause irreparable damage to his heart. If it had been anyone else it would have stung, but to hear Kalim's name come out of their mouth was just solid proof that he would never get out from underneath that idiot's shadow.
🥀— How well would they handle a break up?
I think that Azul would compartmentalize things and take it relatively well, actually. He would handle it like a business deal, asking you where he went wrong in a way that made it sound like he was asking for his year-end review. Once you part ways he continues on like nothing happened for a couple days. However, there's only so long a person can go without feeling their feelings, and only so much room for work before you reach a breaking point. He will sob at his desk when he reaches this point and then misses class for a week before the twins drag him out.
Jamil would also compartmentalize and focus on work to distract himself, however I think that he would deny the breakup at first, not understanding what you're talking about. How could he be getting broken up with? You were in love, or so he thought. He was only a teen, but Jamil's mind had created scenarios of married life with you, far away from the Al-Asims and The Land of The Hot Sands entirely. You were his escape, his life, his love. He might get indignant about the whole thing, refusing to understand what you're talking about.
But when it finally hits him, he shuts down. He doesn't speak to anyone, but continues on like normal. He pretends you never existed. It was easier this way, easier to move on, he told himself. But the worried looks Kalim and the basketball club gave him in passing made him think twice. It wasn't until he looked at his reflection, gaunt and lifeless, that he realizes that he needs to take time for himself and process things.
⛈— How often do they get emotional? Are they open with their partner about it?
☔️— What are they like when they’re emotional? How quickly do they recover?
(i'm covering these guys together!!)
Once Azul trusts you completely he'll be more forthcoming with his emotions, though it took ages for you to get past his posturing showman's exterior. It's difficult to allow yourself to be emotional when your genuine distress was dismissed as you being dramatic or a crybaby during childhood, so when you finally seen his tears, it's a breaking point of emotional exhaustion. You see, despite no one at NRC doubting his power and reach, Azul works tirelessly to prove himself. Though it seems he's trying his hardest to live up to some unattainable standard he's set for himself rather than proving himself to others.
This kind of stress can lead to him leaning on your shoulder in private, sighing deeply before he finds himself soaking your shoulder with his tears. Never again will he allow others to tease him about being a crybaby so you're the only one that can see him like this.
I feel like Azul also has the potential to be a sap when he's down bad for someone, so if you kiss him in intimate places like his pulse points, he melts. His eyes soften, his brows knit together, and if you look close enough, you can see his bottom lip tremble slightly as the feelings of love become a bit too much for him to process.
Once he's had his cry and the worst is over, he sighs and then falls asleep for a good nap. Once he wakes up, it's like nothing ever happened.
Jamil is a different story. From a young age, Jamil realized that whatever he felt didn't really matter because his needs would always come second to Kalim. He wasn't a slave, but with the way his family operated and idolizes the Al-Asims, Jamil was placed in a position much lower than others in matters of importance. So for all intents and purposes, Jamil shut off his emotions. He became reserved and got his frustrations out through other outlets - cooking, dancing, and (in my opinion) working out.
Jamil was hesitant to allow himself to get into a relationship in the first place. Relationships were a liability should he get the ideas of autonomy, and to be frank, if he loved you, he wouldn't want you to to be subjected to his fate. However, you got through. Bit by bit, you made your way through his defenses and slowly, he let you see the broken and damaged bits he hid away.
All at once you saw the resentment of a childhood taken away, the anger boiling under the surface, and as time passed you could start to tell what his mood what just by the glint in his charcoal eyes.
Once he trusts you completely and you're alone together, he rants and complains and punches pillows, showing you his anger. When you place a gentle hand on his arm, he flinches, takes a breath and apologizes for forgetting himself. But you assure him that you don't mind and that's the first time you see him cry. He cries out of thanks, out of love, and out of necessity - it's been too long. As long as you're patient with him, he will be able to work on expressing his emotions in a healthy manner.
Master of squashing his emotions, Jamil can turn them off like a light switch. He can feel his anger rising and then suddenly he's calm again. After having a long cry, he gets embarrassed and flustered, but he feels better. Will probably also go take a nap.
🔪— How would they react to injury/misfortune befalling their partner? Do they feel at fault?
Azul will regret not having been with you when something happens, but he quickly rectifies the situation by having the twins do a little recon work. If they figure out what, or who, caused the issue, he will have them taken care of without letting you in on the plan, so as not to upset you.
If it wasn't a situation that could be fixed with Floyd's brute strength, then Azul might fluster a bit. He can't keep you under surveillance to keep you safe and he's already blackmailed everyone in charge to be sure that every building was in accordance with Twisted Wonderland's version of OSHA regulations.
He would get anxious to the point of an upset stomach at the thought that maybe he truly was powerless if he couldn't keep you safe and unharmed. The thoughts would plague him.
Jamil would react one of two ways. 1) if it was a non-threatening issue that simply upset you or gave you some scrapes, he would poke fun at you for being clumsy or careless. Or 2) if it was something on a grander scale, say a broken bone, he would chastise you to an almost insulting degree before he begrudgingly takes you to the nurse. He would feel guilty afterward for being rude to you, but it was his first response to the panic that gripped his heart. He would apologize with a hearty meal and by listening to whatever boring story you wanted to tell him that he would normally drift off during.
Scratch that, there's a third way. If it wasn't injury that befell you, but hard times financially with your family or what-have-you, then he would truly panic. He family was okay by their standards, but he wasn't in a position to help you. He would become irritated and would pace around his room, tossing ideas around. If it were severe enough, he would consider sucking up his pride and asking Kalim, who he knew adored you and would do anything for you. But the idea left a bitter taste in his mouth.
💧— Random angst headcanon
Jamil breaks up with you before graduating because he doesn't want you to be sucked into his lifestyle until he can create a better situation for you. But when he finds you again, you've already moved on. It's for the better, he tells himself.
Azul is consistently worried that you secretly think that he's slimy and gross, whether physically or personality-wise. Sometimes he gets bitchy because it makes him so anxious.
that was a lot, but if you want to send in an ask, here's the prompt list!
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
Orange Sherbet
ao3 link
tw: suicide attempt, overdose, painkillers, mentions of self harm
words: 3.5k
He was a drain on Gai.
His students didn’t need him—they’d surpass him soon enough.
There were still villagers who called him Friend-Killer Kakashi.
He still saw faces every time he laid down to sleep.
He felt Rin’s blood splash onto his chest every time he used the Chidori.
He couldn’t help Itachi.
He couldn’t help anyone.
Sometimes he understood what must’ve gone through his father’s head.
Sometimes, the corner store doesn’t have orange sherbet.
Kakashi is suicidal and we hope Gai can help.
If there was orange sherbet at the convenience store on the way home, he’d stay alive. They always had pints of ice creams and other frozen treats—it was something he had promised to treat himself to when he felt this way. They had made him write down all these promises during his last few mental health sessions with various Yamanakas, listing three people he could talk to when he felt lonely, three distractions he could use to keep himself sane for a few minutes longer, three reasons to stay alive. When he felt like he couldn’t stand to live another day, he had to summon Pakkun, read Icha Icha, and eat something special and different. Pakkun was still recovering from their last rough battle together. He had read each volume of Icha Icha so many times they risked falling apart upon his next touch. So orange sherbet it was.
He’d never cared much for sweets, of course. But there was something nostalgic about orange sherbet, it wasn’t quite as punch-in-the-face sugary as ice cream, but still gave a slight buzz and coated his tongue. In the back of his mind, he remembered his father—or was it Minato?—buying a pint for each of them and snagging two disposable spoons so they could enjoy them as they walked back from the training grounds. Or was it three pints with Rin and Obito after difficult missions? Something Gai or Tenzou insisted on buying for his birthday one year? Everything blurred in his mind, unable to clearly break each memory apart to see it again.
He pushed open the door, hearing the dull chime of bells as it swung forward to let him into the packed corner shop. He made his way to the freezer without taking in any of the other colors, sights, or smells around him. He remembered his goal. One pint of orange sherbet. Buy one, eat it, and try life again tomorrow.
The freezer door was coated in a light fog, but he was in no hurry to see through it. It was just him and the shopkeep cashing out an older civilian woman. He skimmed his eyes across the rows, looking for the familiar orange carton.
Where was it?
He tried again, looking more carefully at each row, all the way across, then moving down to the next systematically. His heart rate jumped roughly 15 more beats per minute.
They always have it.
He opened the door, searching furiously with his eyes now that there was no frost in his way. He knelt to the ground, checking the bottom rows thoroughly.
It has to be here.
He glanced at the shopkeep, bagging the woman’s groceries as she talked animatedly about something he didn’t care enough to make out. He slid his headband up a couple of inches, barely exposing the crimson eye hidden beneath. With as much chakra as he dared use given his current state, he searched the frozen rack again.
Every flavor of ice cream he could think of, and a least a dozen more he would never consider. And toward the bottom, there was lime, lemon, and raspberry,
No orange sherbet.
He wasn’t sure how long he remained squatted down with the freezer door open, focused on the empty slot where it should be. The shopkeep, now with no other customers, cleared his throat loudly and gestured for Kakashi to shut the door. He blinked twice, then rose, hearing the door seal as he returned to his feet.
“Anything I can help you with?”
Kakashi blinked, again. There was all this noise roaring in his head, and he felt flushed. After a beat too long, he understood what had been asked and shook his head.
“No, ah… Thank you.”
He nodded and quickly ducked out of the store.
That was it. He had to write down three reasons. Reason one was currently out of commission because of him. Reason two had been violently abused so that he had something to do with his hands when he was so full of fire and anxiety that if he wasn’t holding something he’d— well, whatever came easiest or first. Digging his nails into his arms, forming tiny red divots. Scratching until the skin was raw and angry. Slamming fists into his thighs. Step one was always untying his kunai pouch and letting it fall. He’d learned that early on.
Reason number three to stay alive, and the agreement he’d made with himself today, was the convenience of dropping by the store for a small treat. Without that, he wasn’t sure how to proceed.
Walking back to his apartment, he thought about the previous weeks. Those promises had all begun the same way, but ended in a different direction. The format was simple: if blank, then I won’t kill myself today. He used to use a similar format: I can’t kill myself until blank. The problem with that was dreaming far enough ahead to find a goal worth the pain, effort, and time, and also, what to do when the goal was met. You can’t kill yourself until you make chunin. You can’t kill yourself until you complete an A rank mission. You can’t kill yourself until you make jonin. You can’t kill yourself until… what? Until I come back from a mission with no casualties? Until I can become close to someone without them dying in front of me? It spiraled too quickly to come back from.
The simpler way to go about it was short-term goals. Can’t kill yourself till after dinner. Then you’ve gotta brush your teeth. Then read a chapter of a book, or two. Then you’re tired, and you can sleep until the alarm wakes you far earlier than the sun would, and you live until you feel like you can’t again. But even that had its downfalls—if you can’t be bothered to brush your teeth tonight, you’ve gotta find something to keep going.
It had been Gai who suggested rephrasing the prompt to its latest version. On a day I challenge you, Rival, you can’t end the passion of youth! The challenges had been almost daily for a couple of months after that, until Gai had left for an extended mission and Kakashi had been thoroughly encouraged to stay a similar amount of time in the Yamanaka’s care. He’d begrudgingly admitted later that both of those developments had helped, and it had been a few years since his last bout with depression like this.
But it had been like this for a few months now, and the clouds fuzzing over his mind didn’t seem to be letting up. So he revisited some old advice. If it doesn’t rain on the way home, he’d stay alive. The sky remained cloudless. If Naruto pulled something stupid during training, he’d stay alive. It only took fifteen minutes before Sakura started yelling at him. If there was orange sherbet in the corner store—But there wasn’t.
Somehow, he made it inside his apartment, not quite recalling the rest of the walk through the dull ache behind his eyes. He slipped his unzipped vest off his shoulders, not noticing it hit the floor. Routine dictated that next was the kunai pouch, then the bandages, then—
He was sitting on the floor and wasn’t sure how he got there. Sitting was a generous term, he supposed, as his legs were fully outstretched and he was propped on one forearm with his head against the wall. His eyes slowly screwed tight as the dull ache sharpened briefly, then the static between his ears picked up in volume. He shook his head, trying to clear it, and gradually got back to his feet, stumbling into the living room.
He slumped across the couch, staring at the ceiling. He remembered the routine, drilling itself into his head. His vest was off, he needed to remove the kunai pouch, then the bandages, then the shoes, and put all of that away before removing the rest of his clothing to take a shower. After that was dinner, then two hours of free time to fill with whatever he was capable of, then bed. Lately the free time had been compromised of staring at the pile of clean laundry on the chair opposite him that had needed to be put away since Wednesday. He knew the routine. He decided to get a jump start on free time anyway.
He began counting all of the socks he could see sticking out of the collection of clothes. Organization and listing had always helped situate his mind and get him back on track. After ten or so minutes, he was finally able to unstrap the kunai pouch, tossing it across the room, taking care to not pay attention where it landed. There had been a week where Kakashi didn’t even carry the bag because Gai had taken it and every sharp object he could find in the apartment under the pretense of helping him hone his taijutsu by not relying on weapons. He had been content to let Gai keep the explanation at that. That might be something to revisit soon.
No. Gai had already done more than enough for him.
Kakashi found himself standing in his small bathroom. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he’d been in the living room, but he was now free of his bandages and shoes. He shrugged, reaching behind his head to untie his headband. Somehow, it had gotten knotted worse than usual and a section of his hair was caught in it. He yanked viciously at it, breathing in through gritted teeth at the sting then feeling himself relax ever so slightly. Forgoing undoing the knot, he slid it along the trapped segment of hair until the headband came free. That made it on to the counter. That never saw the floor, unlike every other part of his wardrobe had
.Next to the headband on the counter was a scattered collection of varying sizes of orange plastic bottles with thick white caps. The clinical labels all had his name, and the names of various antidepressants and antianxiety medications, as well as several painkillers and muscle relaxants and some antibiotic from the mission a couple years back where everyone returned miserably ill. Most of the bottles were empty, and he had held on to them meaning to get them refilled. He always had good intentions, but there was so many things to do in a day, and he ran out of energy usually three or four items into his list.
The one thing he could always count of having around, though, was some kind of pain relief.
Missions were hard, somehow harder now than ever with him as a jonin leader. He still had teammates, but they relied fully on him to take the brunt of every attack and to protect them at all costs. He couldn’t blame them, of course. They were children. He wanted nothing more than for them to be children and not suffer the same losses he had.
Still, he was sure to return from every mission above a D rank with at least a few nasty bruises. And any time Gai could rope him into a training session, he knew he’d come home needing ice packs and the heating pad and whatever else he could get to be able to train with his team the next morning.
And that was how he found himself glaring into the mirror, the bottle of white tablets shaking in his fist.
He was certainly in pain, that couldn’t be argued.
But how many to take?
No orange sherbet.
He shook his head vigorously again, walking back into the living room and falling onto the couch. He focused on a mark on the ceiling, breathing faster than he understood why while his vision started swimming.
There wasn’t orange sherbet.
He was a drain on Gai.
His students didn’t need him—they’d surpass him soon enough.
There were still villagers who called him Friend-Killer Kakashi,
He still saw faces every time he laid down to sleep.
He felt Rin’s blood splash onto his chest every time he used the Chidori,
Sometimes he understood what must’ve gone through his father’s head.
He couldn’t help Itachi
He couldn’t help anyone,
Sometimes, the corner store doesn’t have orange sherbet.
Sometimes, the little orange bottle that rattles doesn’t rattle any more.
He was in the kitchen, water dripping off his face and hands as he panted over the sink. How did he get here? He swallowed hard, his mouth somehow still dry, and turned the water off. The prescription bottle was laying on the floor. Then so was he. Against the cold tile, he was able to relax just a bit again.
It’d be over soon. He wouldn’t hurt anyone else ever again.
His thoughts became harder to string along, but that didn’t bother him. The thoughts he could connect didn’t sting as much as they usually did. It might be nice to put away that laundry, actually.
Every muscle was heavy. There was so much weight on him, and he couldn’t move. How much time had passed? He thought his heart was starting to race, and wondered if he was having second thoughts. But he couldn’t feel the ground beneath him any longer. He struggled for hours, days, to move his index finger to trace the hem of his shirt over and over. Could he feel it? Was he moving?
He rolled to his side, slowly bringing his knees up to prepare to stand. But his body didn’t move. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. He couldn’t? His… It was his body. But? Was he? Could move? …Him?
Several centuries had passed before he heard the key in the door, and the door had already been sealed shut before he understood what the noise was.
“Ka-KASHI! In celebration of your return home from your latest mission, I made sure to grab a treat. Do you remember when you left the ANBU and we went to the corner store together? What a celebration to end all celebrations that day was! I was sure to grab the finest, most youthful of every snack—orange sherbet!”
Gai held the thin plastic bag up triumphantly, two pints rolling against each other. Normally he would have also grabbed spoons, but assuming Kakashi would be home, he was sure he could find two spoons somewhere in the apartment, even if he had to wash every dish himself.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed to him that Kakashi was on a downswing lately, but he’d always been the counter to balance his own exuberance, and he had complete confidence that they would move past this, too.
He nudged the flak vest that was crumpled on the ground at his feet. Kakashi must’ve been itching to take it off to have removed it the second he got inside. But why wouldn’t he have hung it up, or placed it at least near the hamper? This wasn’t part of the routine. Had he been badly injured on this last mission?
That must be it. He would have come home, shed his clothing, and jumped in the shower to clean his wounds and begin loosening his muscles. Much to Gai’s dismay, Kakashi seemed to be magnetically repelled from hospitals, preferring to treat his wounds himself as long as he could walk. So he must have some sort of torso injury, maybe bruised ribs or a minor stab wound, and he was surely tending to it quietly deeper inside the apartment.
The laundry he had helped Kakashi wash last week was still in the soft, cushioned chair in the dim living room. That wasn’t too surprising, he knew that was the first thing Kakashi would let fall by the wayside if something wasn’t going to get done. As long as the clothes were clean, he could wear them, even if they hadn’t been neatly hung, and that was something Gai could live with.
What he did not appreciate the sight of, however, was the kunai pouch halfway under the end table near the entry way. With such an inconvenient location, Kakashi surely must have made an effort to lose the bag and the knives it contained. He felt his heart swell with pride that Kakashi had the forethought to disregard the bag, but his heart deflated just as quickly with the knowledge that Kakashi felt it necessary to do so.
As he continued into the apartment, he called out his rival’s name once or twice. He must be home. The barrier seals hadn’t been placed over the front door, which means he either was here, or kidnapped from here, and the building still existed, so he must not have been kidnapped. So where was he?
Conscious of the rapidly melting sherbet in his hand, he turned down the hallway to the kitchen to leave the bad in the freezer while he helped Kakashi, presumably in the bedroom, bandage his wounds.
As he rounded the corner, flipping on the lights as he went, he heard a small groan. Nothing at eye level. Cautiously stepping forward, his foot sent a small orange plastic bottle skittering across the tiles.
Gai was barely aware of the sherbet hitting the ground.
Kakashi looked terrible. It was not particularly strange to find him lying on the ground, but there was absolutely no color in his face. Both of his eyes were lazily opened, and neither focused on Gai’s as he kneeled down to check his vitals. His breathing was shallow and his heart rate garbage.
“What did you DO?”
Gai yanked Kakashi up into a sitting position, grabbing for the prescription bottle. Depending on what it said, maybe this wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Maybe he’d been poisoned. Maybe even food poisoning. But the signs of an opiate overdose matched the label printed in cruelly clinical terms and he crushed the plastic in his fist. Kakashi needed to get to a hospital, and he needed to get there immediately.
He gathered his rival in his arms, not noticing his weight nearly as much as he noticed how limp he was, making no effort to not be ragdolled around. As he stood up, he took stock again of Kakashi’s breathing—shallower than a moment ago. After a second’s hesitation, he reached for the edge of his mask and yanked it down under his chin, hoping the direct access of air to his lips and nose might help. His lips had some color in them still, and he looked away, trying to respect the privacy of the man who he would kill as soon as he was saved.
Some time in the next twenty-four hours, Kakashi’s eyes opened. When they did, blinded by the light and surrounded by medical whites, he was shocked to find himself actually in heaven. What brought him back to earth was Gai, unceremoniously slapping his shoulder.
“What, my dear, dear rival, were you thinking?” he said, thankfully not as loudly as he could have.
Kakashi was at a loss. There were dozens, hundreds of thoughts racing through his head, but they all seemed password-protected and he didn’t have administrative access. He could barely open his mouth, covered by a thin towel, let alone form an explanation that would have made any sense to Gai.
Instead, he surprised himself by feeling the towel suddenly go cold and cling to his skin.
Gai panicked for a moment at the sight of Kakashi’s tears, then took a deep breath and slid forward to the edge of his chair. He brushed a warm, calloused thumb across his rival’s face.
“I know you’re in pain. I do. I don’t understand it, but I believe that you’re in pain and we’re going to help you get better.” He took a shuddering breath, noting that it was thicker with emotion than he had anticipated. “I don’t know what the future is going to hold for us, but the passion of our youth, and especially of your youth, Kakashi, is not close to over. So, whatever it takes, whatever the Yamanakas advise and whatever you need, we’ll make it happen. I love you, and you’re not going anywhere.”
Kakashi’s eyes widened, and Gai became aware that he had opened his Sharingan at some point to record this moment in his memory. He swallowed, feeling his throat begin to ache.
“I love you.”
Kakashi’s tears began falling in a steady stream, and Gai remained exactly where he was, brushing soft, silver hair off of his rival’s forehead. After a moment, he leaned further forward and pressed his forehead against the space he had just cleared.
In a small, scratchy voice he had not heard from the man laying before him ever in the past, he heard a whisper that nearly broke his heart.
“I love you too.”
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mochegato · 4 years
Chaotic Neutral
Dick knew something was wrong.  He even knew what was wrong, he just didn’t know what to do to help her.  Marinette had been distant since they found the trail Black Mask left for them, for her. She smiled, but it wasn’t her real smile.  Dick knew the difference.  It was the smile she gave when she wanted everyone else to be okay and not worry. The smile she gave when she wanted to disappear without anyone noticing.  As though he would ever not notice her.  
He always noticed her.  He noticed when she was happy.  He noticed when she was sad.  He noticed when her eyes glimmered with light and when her eyes dulled.  He noticed when her laugh was real and when her laugh was forced.  He noticed when she stayed up all night working on a design.  And he noticed when she stayed up all night wallowing in guilt.
Last night was one of those nights.  She had left before he woke up but the pristine appearance of her side of the bed indicated that she hadn’t made it to bed at all.  She was getting worse and nothing he had tried in the last week had done anything to help.  Dick knew it was time for drastic measures.  She didn’t like talking about things directly.  He couldn’t confront her and make her talk, but he could make her feel how much he loved her, how much he supported her without using words.
When he got home from his shift he made their apartment an oasis from stress for her.  Dick bought a bouquet of her favorite flowers.  He queued up her favorite movie and set out the comfiest blankets on the couch. He had her favorite bath bombs sitting by the bath.  He bought her favorite dessert and did her the favor of not destroying the kitchen attempting a terrible tasting and looking version of it.  He had ordered her favorite food to be delivered any minute now.  
Everything was perfect except she wasn’t here to see it.  She was running really late.  She should have been home an hour ago and Dick was starting to get worried.  He had texted her a few times throughout the day but hadn’t gotten any response, which was not like her at all.  He was about to pick up the phone and give her a call to check on her when he heard keys in the door.  He grinned and bounced to the door ready to give her a big hug as soon as she walked in.
“Hey, I missed you today.” He said as he moved to grab her into a bear hug.  
“Awww.  I didn’t know you cared Dickiebird.” Jason cooed at him, shoving him to the side before he could finish the hug coming at him.  “Here,” he placed the bags of delivery food he was carrying on the counter.  “Intercepted the delivery guy in the hallway.”
“I missed you, too.” Marinette said with a big smile, walking out from behind Jason to give Dick a hug and a quick kiss.
“I didn’t know you guys had plans for today.”  He eyed Jason suspiciously, watching him help himself to their cookie jar.
“We didn’t.” Jason said through his mouthful of cookie. “Spur of the moment kind of thing.”
“We decided to spend the day hanging out.” She smiled gently up at Dick. Dick looked into her eyes and saw them to shining like they used to.  Dick’s smile faltered slightly.  He had been trying for a week to bring that light back but nothing worked.  A few hours with Jason and the light was back in her eyes.  
“If you need me again, just let me know, Pixie Pop.” He gave her a strong, lingering hug and kissed the top of her head.  “See ya, Dickiebird.” He waved as he let himself out of their apartment.  
“You smell like gunpowder.”  He observed trying to sound nonchalant.
“Yeah, Jay took me shooting… and we may have also blown something up.”  She winced as she said it.
“It was abandoned and falling apart.” She waved him off walking over to the coat rack to hang up her coat.  “…and it was being used by Black Mask for a slaughter house.” She muttered under her breath.
“WHAT!  Marinette! That is beyond dangerous.  What were you thinking?”  He threw his hands up in the air.  He expected something like that from Jason, but Marinette knew better.  It was childish and petty and dangerous and she knew better.
She huffed out a breath.  “I was thinking I needed to do something.  I was thinking I needed to act.  I was thinking I needed a distraction from thinking about what he did, what I couldn’t stop him from doing.  I was thinking I needed to blow something up.  Win, win.  I feel better and he won’t be able to use that warehouse to hurt people again.” She got louder and more annoyed as she spoke.
He ran his hand over his face.  “You can’t just go around blowing things up.  You’re going to start a war.”
She looked down and sighed, a guilty and melancholy look settling on her face.  “We didn’t kill anyone, Dick.  We didn’t even hurt anyone.”  She said quietly.  “We just… I just needed to break something.  Make something look like I felt.  I’m sorry.”
He sighed to himself and looked away.  She was finally feeling good again and he was making her feel bad.  The entire point of tonight was to make her feel good.  “It’s fine, Sunshine.  Don’t worry about it.  Let’s just eat.” Dick huffed quietly turning toward their kitchen.  “Unless you guys grabbed something to eat between explosions.”  He said a bit more bitterly than he meant to.
She looked up and stared at him for a few moments like she was trying to figure something out.  “Wait, you’re not jealous of Jason are you?”  
Dick’s head fell slightly but he recovered quickly. “No!  If you want to hang out with Jason instead of me you’re allowed to. He’s your friend.” He winced at himself when he heard the words come out of his mouth.
“So you’re not mad about the explosion, you’re just jealous I did it with Jason instead of you?”  
“No.  I just…” He sighed and leaned against the back of the couch.  “Why didn't you come to me?  Why didn’t you let me help you?”
She smiled gently at him and moved in front of him so she was standing between his legs and could caress his face gently.  “Because you would have given me the responsible, healthy way to deal with my emotions.  But, I didn't want the proper answer, I wanted the feels good answer, the irresponsible answer, the blows off steam answer, the chaotic neutral answer. You make me feel right, but I needed to feel wrong for a minute.  I needed a moment when I didn’t feel like me and you always make me feel like the best version of me.”
He looked deep in her eyes and lowered his head until their foreheads were touching.  She didn’t come to him because he made her feel too good.  He could live with that.  There was only one issue to clear up.  “Okay, but you like me better, right?”
“Dick, I love you.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I want to fall asleep in your arms every night and for your face to be the first thing I see when I wake up every morning.  I want to work beside you and start a family with you.  I love you.”
He smiled lovingly at her for a moment then narrowed his eyes at her, “Yeah, but you didn’t answer the question.”
“Yes, I like you better” She yelled in pretend exasperation.
“Good, as long as you still like me better.”  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, nuzzling into her neck.  Her giggles turned to raucous laughter when they fell back onto the couch, his arms still loosely around her waist.  He leaned his head back to look at her and ran his hand along her cheek.  He sighed contentedly, reveling in her beaming smile and sparkling eyes.  “I’m glad you have someone that can help you when I can’t… even if it is Jason.”
“Jason might be my best friend, but I’ll always come home to you.”  She looked up at him slyly and bit her lower lip.  “You know, I am feeling better, but I can think of something that would make me feel amazing that only you can help me with.”  She smiled seductively at him as her hands made their way under his shirt.
“Only me, huh?”  He grinned back at her, cupping her face with his hands.
She nodded.  “Only you.  Always you.” She whispered pushing forward to give him a passionate kiss to dispel any lingering doubts about her affection.
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Part 7 of my Hero of Wild series! Wow we’re here already
I’ve had this idea for so long and I finally get to write it! Uhh I don’t have any clever jokes for April Fools, so take this instead. Honestly the most April Fools thing about this is I didn't get a chance to edit much sooo sorry about that.
Hope you enjoy!
Wind narrowed his eyes at the scene before him.
Why did Twilight get to be best friends with the mysterious new hero!
Of course Wind was happy Wild seemed to be finding his place among the others. It started when they found out he had the cooking skills of a castle chef. No, scratch that, his skills had to succeed any castle chef. He had tried food in Warriors and Twilight’s Hyrule Castles, and nothing beat what Wild could do with time and a proper set up!
Man, he was hungry.
Not the point!
The point was, Wind watched Wild silently laugh at something Twilight said to him, Wind couldn’t help but huff. Jealous wasn’t really the way he would describe his feelings. Wind was happy when he saw Wild getting along so well with Twilight, especially with how shy he seemed to be around other Hylians.
That was another mysterious trait about Wild. His name, Wild. It implied someone savage and not caring of others and their rules. That wasn’t Wild.
Wind discovered what his name really meant. If Wind’s name was the gentle tuseling of hair from the high seas, then Wild’s meant the course but soft feeling of grass beneath one’s feet.
Their names were similar, not just in the lettering, but in the feelings they both provided. When Wind thought of their names, he thought of freedom. And with Wild perhaps a few fires along the way.
And Wind was gonna be his friend dammit.
His sign was outdated, the other Links weren’t the only ones who didn’t understand him. Like many things, sign has evolved without him. The only one who truly understood that was Zelda, and she was in Hateno.
Wild didn’t have many memories, but he did remember talking to her after they finally got along, only with her. Verbally. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t even remember what his voice sounded like.
Would he have a similar accent to Zelda? Posh and regal? Probably not, accents could be changed and acclimated and it had been over one hundred years since Wild had heard anyone have that accent but Zelda, and perhaps the ghost of the king. No, his accent would probably develop into a mix of things.
  As for his voice itself, would it be soft and quiet? Loud and course? Did the two feel different when you spoke? Sure Wild had made noises before. He laughed when he was alone, sometimes the noise just bubbled up and he couldn’t stop it. But talking? Wild didn’t know how, and that was embarrassing. He could read, he could write, and he could understand how other people spoke. He couldn’t speak.
He had watched how others talked. He tried to copy it. When they said an ‘oh’ sound, they made the same shape with their mouth. He was positive he was doing it right, he copied it exactly, but nothing pushed passed his mouth. Nothing of importance anyway.
Just as it had the past couple of days, Wild’s mind flashed back to Sky’s offer. He had seemed so genuine, it didn’t seem to be something the man would offer simply to be nice. But perhaps the man hoped Wild would forget about it, maybe Sky himself had already forgotten about it. Still, there was just a small ember of hope in him.
He imagined himself finally keeping up with conversations, laughing loudly, maybe even surprising Zelda. He shouldn’t let himself get lost in fantasies but he couldn’t help it, not when it was a small possibility. There was no telling if Sky’s offer was truly genuine, or that Wild would actually be able to follow through and speak, but what if he tried. 
Still that would require reaching out, approaching Sky and asking for help with one of the most basic actions one could perform, something many did without even thinking about it.
Yet Sky understood that, didn’t he? He had been open with Wild, told him of his childhood struggles. Perhaps there really was no shame in asking. Wild let out a low sigh, not aware of the figure stalking him from behind, eyes narrowed slightly, plotting.
Now, how was he to approach him? Wind mused on the answer as the group walked forward. No one had claimed this Hyrule as their own yet, the best they could do is walk the main path and search for a town, and keep their guard up.
Truthfully Wind didn’t know Wild well enough yet to determine the best approach. Would a direct question work? He had tried that before and had been mostly brushed off, but that was before Wild knew who they were. Wind decided ultimately to be honest and say whatever was on his mind, Wild could probably tell when someone was being dishonest or not genuine. 
Twilight bid Wild a short goodbye before speeding up to talk to Time near the front of the group, and Wind saw his chance. Wind took a deep breath and trotted up to be beside Wild, giving the fellow teen plenty of room as the rest of the group tried to. They did the same thing for the more antisocial Links at the beginning of their group as well.
“Hi Wild! Breakfast this morning was really good.” Wind complimented, trying to start up a casual conversation. It was true, the food Wild called ‘crepes’ had absolutely blown Wind’s mind. Maybe Wild would be more inclined to talk if it was about something the teen enjoyed, and Wind could tell he really loved cooking.
‘Thank you’. Wind felt success at the small sign, preparing to talk again before Wild continued his signs. ‘There are a lot of flavors’. It took Wind a moment to remember the word for flavors, but Wild signed slow enough for him to figure it out. ‘Depends on the ingredients.’  
“I bet! Feel free to experiment with ingredients, I'm sure we’ll all thank you for it.” Wind joked, chest feeling light at the small smile he earned from Wild.
‘Will do.’ Wild joked back, and Wind bit his lip at the lull in conversation. Now or never.
“We don’t know each other very well.” Wind observed. “Can we ask each other questions?” Wind didn’t know what making friends was like in Wild’s Hyrule, but at Outset it was very forward, hopefully he wasn’t crossing a line. Wild’s steps seemed to falter for a minute, and Wind felt another spike of worry, before Wild nodded.
“Really? You don’t have to.” Wind assured, fearing Wild was only saying yes to be polite. Wild nodded once more, and Wind’s eyes lit up in excitement.  
“What’s your favorite color? Your tunic is blue like mine! Where’d you get it? Where’s your Zelda? Where are you from? In your Hyrule I mean. Do you have a favorite animal? What-”
“Woah there Wind.” Warriors physically stepped into the very one-sided conversation, placing a firm but gentle hand on the sailor’s shoulder. “Give him a minute to answer.” Warriors noticed the wide eyes Wild held under his hood and his twitching fingers.
“Oh! Um, sorry Wild.” Wind rubbed his neck, embarrassed. He just couldn’t decide what to ask first!
‘Don’t have one. Zelda made it. In Hateno. Everywhere. I like horses.’ Wind’s eyes lit up, excited someone had kept up with questions, but halted himself from asking anymore.
Wild however, felt sadness bloom in his chest further. 
He wanted to say that his favorite color depended on the day, on what marvels his Hyrule had in store for him. 
He wanted to say Zelda made it for the champion, her duties as a princess, but she was a scholar at heart and she was pouring over books and reaching out to leaders to make her kingdom better as they spoke. 
He wanted to say that he loved his horses and the companionship they provided, but he thought bears and elk were fun to ride and foxes were so cute with their fluffy tails and huge yawns he only killed them when absolutely necessary.
He wanted to say that, but he didn’t. Because he couldn’t.
Before Wild could raise his hands and ask a question in return, a shout was heard from the front of the group.
“Watch out!” Twilight yelled, unsheathing his sword. What? Wild’s head whipped around, eyes scanning for any sign of a threat. He summoned his sword with the others, lucky enough to have a royal broadsword with minimal damage. The rest of the group stood in different stances, ranging from wide to more narrow and showing how different they were from one another. It appeared they were all waiting for the enemy to make the first move. And make the first move they did.
 A creature launched out of the trees in an instant, right towards Warriors, who expertly lifted his shield  to protect himself.
“They’ve surrounded us!” Called Legend, blocking another creature attacking him from the other side of the path. Wild could now see they looked like a different version of Lizalfos, green scales shimmering in the sun contrasting the pale milky yellow of their stomachs. They didn’t look like his Lizalfos, their heads rounder and bodies thicker, but that was something Wild would need to get used to.
“Keep an eye out for the black one!” Warriors shouted to their group. Black one? Did they not have black Lizalfos? Something in Wild’s head screamed at him and he summoned his shield from his slate and parried a strong hit from yet another of the creatures. They really were surrounded, but Wild was used to fighting this amount by now. He raised his hand to his slate to summon his bomb arrows before pausing in growing realization. What was he thinking? He would hit his comrades!
His hesitance resulted in a strong punch to the chest, Wild’s breath caught and he stumbled back, running right into Sky behind him who was fighting off his own Lizalfos. Wild quickly recovered, almost dodging the next attack before realizing that if he did the creature’s sword would ram right into Sky’s chest. Wild clumsily blocked, chest constricting, desperate to get away and cursing himself for his own weaknesses. Quickly he lurched to the side before the Lizalfos could raise his sword, and ran right into Legend this time.
“Watch it!” Legend snarled, not even noticing who it was in the heat of battle. Wild’s eyes darted around, looking for any opening, anything to do. If he could get into a tree he could jump out and take them out with his arrows, no, no opening. He continued to use his sword and shield, hyper aware of all the bodies surrounding him that weren’t enemies.
And at the worst possible moment, Wild’s shield broke. He really should have expected it.
The Lizalfos made a deep growl in its throat, smashing its shield into Wild’s head causing the boy to stumble and fall, landing on his back, his sword skidding away from him. The Lizalfos didn’t hesitate, raising its sword to plunge into Wild. This was going to hurt…
With a cry from the left, Wild watched in awe as a small body parried the sword above him, Wind. The boy swung his sword in an arch, cutting right into the Lizalfos chest. It was shallow, but it allowed Wind to gain the upper hand. How had he made that big an arch without hitting anyone? Wind launched himself from the ground, mercilessly driving his sword into the Lizalfos’ chest, crashing them both to the ground.
As the other Links finished up their own fights, ensuring they were truly out of enemies, Wild stared in awe and shame. Everyone had taken out at least one enemy, everyone but him. Wind had to step in and save him. Wild’s cheeks were bright red, an uncomfortable heat across his face, ears and neck. Without thinking Wild yanked his hood higher, chest constricting. They were all looking at him, they were all seeing how inept he was at this.
“Are you okay? I think he got hit in the head!” Wind called out to the other Links. Oh, so that’s what felt wet on his face. Oh well, head wounds bleed a lot. Wild silently begged Wind not to draw anymore attention to him. He just wanted to forget this ever happened. They were all looking at him.
“I have a potion!” Hyrule called, rushing over. Wild shook his head as Hyrule approached him. He was fine, he didn’t need it. He had already messed up.
‘Fine’. Wild signed as Hyrule sat in front of him, perhaps normally this would be fine, but everything was too much and Hyrule was too close.
“Wild, you’re bleeding.” Hyrule stated, reaching for Wild’s face. Wild quickly flinched away, hand flying towards his slate in momentary panic. Hyrule’s eyes widened, realizing what he had done and pulling back. “Sorry! Sorry just… you’re bleeding. We have extra don’t worry.” Once again Hyrule offered the potion, holding it far away from himself for Wild to grab. Wild didn’t know Hyrule all that well yet, their shield surfing adventure aside, but he knew the other boy would probably persist until Wild drank, and the last thing Wild wanted to do was to make a large spectacle. Well, more than he already had.
Wild reached out to grab the potion, ensuring he didn’t touch Hyrule’s fingers, before slowly sipping, only consuming enough to heal his head wound. Almost instantly he felt fog he hadn’t even known was there clear up, allowing him to relax, only slightly. There was still an uncomfortable heat in his cheeks and ears. He handed a skeptical Hyrule the bottle, gesturing to his healed head no longer gushing bright red. Hyrule reluctantly clipped the almost full potion back onto his belt, but didn’t leave Wild’s side.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Wind approached Wild. It was too much, it was all too much.
‘I’m sorry’. Wild signed shakily to Wind, eyes focusing anywhere but on the younger boy who had perhaps saved his life. ‘I’m sorry’. He signed once more, this time in the direction of Time and the others. That could have gone so much worse, he could have gotten someone killed, specifically Wind. 
“Wild, it’s okay we’ve all had to save each other’s asses before.” Wind piped up, but Wild only shook his head, he lifted his clammy hands, but nothing would form. What could he say? That he was sorry he put them all in danger? That he was sorry he almost blew them up without thinking?
“Teamwork is hard when you’re not used to it.” Wild’s shocked eyes darted to Hyrule in front of him, the other boy having a look of sudden understanding of what had happened, and that understanding dawned on the rest of them. 
“Do us a favor and don’t almost electrocute all of us like Hyrule did.” Legend smirked at Hyrule’s red cheeks and betrayed glare.
‘I almost blew you up’. Wild signed without thinking, feeling regret pool in his stomach. He expected a scolding, a remark about how reckless and dangerous he was, how they shouldn’t let him fight. He did not expect them all to burst out laughing. 
“Great, there’s another one!” Four groaned, but he didn’t sound very upset.
“Like you’re one to talk!” Warriors laughed, dodging a kick from the smith.
“Let’s not stay here for too long.” Time announced, however the clear smirk on his face told everyone how amused he was. Honestly, Wild was scared he would get a verbal lashing, but Time would probably wait for later to do that.
“Are you okay to walk?” Hyrule asked, and while Wild appreciated the concern he was confused how a small head wound would impede his movement at all. Still Wild shook his head and stood, ignoring the slight tremble in his legs from the feeling of the world imploding just a moment ago. Wild had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at how pathetic he was being.
It seemed unnatural to be on the road again. The others chatting even while keeping a far sharper ear out for what lurked along the path.
“Hey Wild.” Wind greeted once more.
‘Thank you’. Wild signed with as much feeling as he could have while not making eye contact.
“Oh! Uh yeah, no problem. Those bastards are slippery.” Wind smiled at him, the same as before, and Wild felt himself calm slightly. “Listen…” Wild cocked his head slightly at Wind’s sudden serious tone. “I know…  I know what it’s like, to feel embarrassed when someone else has to save you. I’m the youngest so…” Wind trailed off, gesturing his hands vaguely, but Wild could understand what he was trying to say. “It, well, it took me a while to realize that getting help isn’t something you should be ashamed of. I used to feel bad whenever someone stepped in to help me, but Warriors told me that it’s okay to accept help, and I had forgotten that. That’s what being a group is. Don’t feel bad.” Wind smiled up at Wild, who looked as shocked as he felt. It’s okay to accept help. It was such a simple sentence yet it sent Wild reeling.
‘Thank you, Wind’. Wild signed, and Wind lit up once more at the sight of his name sign he was so proud of. He nodded and he and Wild spent the next hour exchanging questions and answers. They were all simple, nothing that dug deep, and Wild wasn’t as overwhelmed as he thought he would be. Yet something still weighed heavily on his mind.
Sky was well aware of the company he had. The others had taken to doing their chores before settling in. It was a general unspoken rule that if they had the opportunity, Links that had their tasks done could do whatever, just as long as it was near camp or someone else knew where you were and you were within someone else’s eyesight. It certainly helped them all, especially those who were used to traveling alone. The tasks weren’t really assigned, most of them just did what was closest and others filled in the rest. Sky had already ensured that Epona was properly taken care of while Twilight secured the perimeter, and was content to work on his latest woodworking. It wasn’t the only hobby he had, but it was nice for evenings he was content to sit back and observe.
Currently though, his main point of interest was awkwardly shuffling behind him. Sky wondered if he would come around in front of him to talk, but ultimately decided to be the first to speak. Sky shifted from where he was leaning against the tree to face Wild, meeting questioning but troubled blue eyes. He had been wearing his hood around camp less, and Sky wanted to think that was a positive sign. It seems being acknowledged only troubled Wild more. 
“Hi Wild! Is there anything wrong or would you just like company?” Sky offered, always so considerate for his feelings. This only made Wild more flustered as he stood there, awkwardly shuffling his feet. “Wild?” Sky pressed, no impatience, only concern and confusion. Wild squeezed his hands close to his chest before raising them. 
‘Is your offer still open?’
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boltwrites · 4 years
Mako Headcanons - NSFW
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A/N: this is part one of a two part general Mako headcanons set! just some spicy headcanons for a spicy fire boy! fair warning that some of this is nasty because he’s nasty.
by clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
Mako is a complicated character. a lot of these headcanons focus more on books 1-3 Mako. book 4 and after, he’s a bit more open about his emotions and as such is more emotional in bed
books 1-3 Mako is more likely to initiate hookups and other no-strings relationships. book 4+ he’s ready for a more committed relationship, and although it would still take him a while to be emotional around you (especially submissive) he would be a lot more open to working on himself and making those changes so that you two could have a more well-rounded relationship - in all aspects, including those that are sexual
starting with size, Mako’s a... decently sized boy. he clocks in at around 8-9 inches, with relatively average girth. big enough to please, but not so large that he would make the average person uncomfortable
when it comes to experience, Mako’s an enigma. he acts like a guy who’s been with multiple people before you, and he’s certainly experienced once you get him in the bedroom. but for the life of you, you can’t tell if he’s been with one to two other people, or if he’s been with dozens. the man is a mystery
however, this can create problems. sometimes he thinks that he knows exactly what you like just because he’s done it with other people, but it doesn’t work that way with you. he doesn’t like admitting he’s wrong, so it can be a little awkward for him to admit he isn’t some all-knowing sex god
he doesn’t see sex as something inherently romantic. he sees sex as a means for release for the two of you, and as such he doesn’t mind one night stands or friends with benefits. he’s ok if you don’t want to get involved, and sometimes if you start off in a fuck buddy relationship, it can be difficult for him to switch gears and realize that you want a committed relationship
even though Mako can separate sex and romantic intimacy, he can be a romantic lover, when he really loves and cares for someone. it can take him some time to reach this level of trust with a partner, because it makes him feel vulnerable, but once you earn his trust, he can be just as gentle and loving as he is rough and kinky
speaking of kinky, Mako’s adventurous when it comes to sex. he has a few kinks he’s already aware of, and he’s open to new ones as well. he likes a partner that is at least somewhat open to experimental sex and exploring new kinks with him, even if not all of them pan out
Mako is a dominant top by default. he likes to tell his partners what to do, and he’s not afraid to try and break bratty bottoms
he’s not too vocal in bed. it’s mostly grunts and very quiet moans, the occasional breathless moan of your name. he’s able to keep his composure, and that makes him unreasonably good at dirty talk
he has. a LOT of stamina. it takes him a longer time than most to come, and while this is very good for partners who like longer sessions, for partners who come quickly this can actually be annoying, as they can become overstimulated waiting for Mako to finally finish
his desire to cuddle directly correlates to his relationship with you outside of the bedroom. if you’re dating, he would like to cuddle, but his aloof attitude means he won’t ask for it if you don’t seem interested. however, if you’re just there for casual sex, he’s up and out the door before you’ve even recovered from your session together
his sex drive is slightly more active than the average person. for Mako, he not only sees sex as a means for release between two parties, but also as a skill he can hone, which can be strange for some of his partners
Top/Dominant Mako
Mako is a very dominant top. he’s a very dominant person and he’s used to being in charge. he knows exactly what he wants and how to get you there
Mako loves teasing his partners as well as edging them. if you share this kink, he’ll keep you on the edge until you’re practically sobbing, begging him to let you come
he’s also a fan of light bdsm themes, like having punishments if you don’t follow his orders. this would obviously require some discussion beforehand, but if you’re into it as well, he’s got a lot to bring to the table. he likes degradation and also using you for his own personal pleasure, if that’s your thing. if that’s too much, he’s also into spanking and restraints
he’s not a big foreplay guy. honestly, he lasts so long in bed he hasn’t felt the need to really develop those skills. he’s ok with a fingerbang in a pinch, but his head game isn’t the best. he’s a big baby when his jaw gets tired
his default speed is hard and rough. he can literally rail you so hard the bed breaks, he has the stamina and strength for it
he’s into risky sex in the sense that he loves it when he works you up in public and you have to run off to a closet or something because you’re pleading for him to take you in front of everyone
his favorite positions are doggy and the variation of missionary where your legs are over his shoulders. he’s not as big a fan of cowgirl positions, he gets antsy because he can’t control the pace as well
he also likes marking you, biting, and choking. he’s uh, rough
he likes marking and claiming in all its aspects. he likes to pull out and paint you with his come
Bottom/Submissive Mako
unlocking submissive Mako is a very special feat indeed
Mako doesn’t like being submissive. he’s been in control and making decisions for basically his entire life. he sees himself as a provider and leader, and he trusts himself to make important decisions with poise and intelligence. however, he doesn’t usually trust others to make those decisions, or even much smaller, less significant decisions, especially for him. in a way, he’s too independent, and you’ll need to work on your relationship outside of sex for him to trust you enough to bottom for you
once you’ve got him comfortable though... oho. Mako’s definitely more vocal as a bottom, and more reactive as well. while he’s incredibly collected as a top, as a bottom he can be a gasping mess
he can be a brat in the sense that he has a lot of pride as a bottom. he doesn’t like to beg or plead, and he resists following orders that he sees as demeaning, even if he secretly would enjoy the activity (like dressing in fancy lingerie, or kneeling for his partner) 
it takes him significantly less time to come when he bottoms, and this embarrasses him to no end. it’s hot though.
his most prominent kinks when he’s bottoming are praise, ass play (he is. weak for getting pegged but he refuses to admit it), and most bdsm. he loves being given orders and having some sexual related punishment if he doesn’t complete them (like restrictions on when he’s allowed to come or jack off, being forced to edge himself, etc)
he swears he doesn’t need aftercare. he does. he absolutely does. his version of aftercare differs in that he prefers just hanging out with you, listening to the radio or drifting off to sleep. he likes gentle, non-obvious aftercare that tells him you love him, without you doting on him like he’s incapable of caring for himself (which to him is more of an insult). if you bathe him as aftercare for example, he would want to help wash you as well and might deny you the opportunity to scrub his hair
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rewritethestars5218 · 4 years
Febuwhump 2021
Here is the link to my febuwhump fic on AO3. 
Day 1 
An ominous feeling hung in the air, putting all nine heroes on edge, especially Wild.
The group had just shifted to Wild's Hyrule, but instead of feeling happy to be home, he immediately felt a sense of dread.
"Something's wrong," fretted Wild as he looked around. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he glanced around nervously, expecting something to jump out from the treeline and attack.
The group stayed close together, their eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of an ambush.
Hyrule leaned towards Legend as he continued to scan the area. "Do you sense that?" he asked nervously.
Legend nodded slowly as the rest of the group glanced at them curiously.
"It's magic, but it feels...wrong," the vet said, his voice faltering slightly.
"This is dark magic," Hyrule added. "Powerful, dark magic."
Twilight saw Time glance his way, and he knew the older hero was wondering if he recognized this magic.
Twilight shrugged. This was no magic that he had ever sensed before. All he knew is, whatever it was, it made the air feel heavy.
A flash of red caught the heroes' attention, and they all drew their weapons as they turned to see a hooded figure step out from the treeline.
The figure wore tattered, dark purple sorcerors robes with a dark purple cloak with yellow detailing. The stranger kept his head low, his hood obscuring his face.
Wild gasped. This person had what looked to be a great ancient core in his hand; only this one looked like it was infected with malice.
Warriors glanced over at Wild and could tell that, whoever this person was, he was not an ally of the champion.
"Who are you?" Time demanded, his grip on his sword tightening.
The figure slowly raised his head, his yellow eyes looking towards the core in his hand.
"I am a seer, hero of Time," the man sneered as he glanced at the older hero. "My name is Astor."
Time's eye widened in shock. How did this person know who he was?
"I had a vision of a great Calamity befalling the land of Hyrule," he began, and Wild felt his breath catch in his throat.
"I did all that was in my power to make sure that the vision would come to pass, but no matter what I did, YOU were always in the way," he growled and pointed towards Wild.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Wild demanded, the confusion apparent in his voice. He might not have all of his memories, but he was confident he never encountered this person before.
Astor looked around for a moment before his eyes went wide, and he turned back to Wild.
"This is the Hyrule from my vision," he stated. "This is the Hyrule that fell to the Calamity!"
"What do you mean 'this is the Hyrule from your vision'?" Wild demanded, his voice sounding more distressed as the seer spoke.
Astor ignored Wild's question. "This can't be right," he said almost to himself. "If the Calamity was successful, why can't I sense his presence?'
"If you're talking about Ganon, I killed him!" jeered Wild.
The seer's eyes flashed dangerously as he stared at Wild.
"So it would seem," Astor said dangerously.
"I must admit, when I attempted to travel back through time, I didn't expect to end up in a completely different timeline," the seer mused.
"I might not be able to take my revenge out on the hero of my time, but I will take satisfaction in knowing that not only did I kill you," he gloated as he pointed at Wild, "but that I will use you to take out all the heroes of Hyrule's history!"
Before anyone could fully comprehend what the seer had said, Astor raised the corrupted core into the air.
The core began pulsing brightly before a beam shot out and hit Wild directly.
Wild let out a pained cry as he dropped hard to his knees, his whole body consumed by the bright red energy from the corrupted core.
Twilight immediately ran to Wild to help him, but as soon as he reached out to touch him, the red aura surrounding the champion flashed brightly and knocked him back.
Warriors and Legend made a beeline straight for Astor, but suddenly a small, black mechanical device crawled out from behind the trees. If Legend didn't know any better, he would say it looked like a tiny version of a guardian.
The mechanical device quickly emitted a red, glowing pulse that swept across the field, knocking the heroes off their feet.
Astor laughed maniacally as the group struggled to get back on their feet.
"You might have defeated Ganon, but I take great pleasure in knowing that you will bring the demise of all the heroes that came before you. Farewell, Hero of Hyrule."
Suddenly the black, mini guardian began playing a song, and Time felt his heart skip. Suddenly, a portal appeared, and Astor and the little guardian quickly stepped through it, disappearing as the portal vanished.
Sky stared in disbelief. The portal reminded him so much of the Timeshift Stones of his era.
Twilight's distressed shouts snapped him from his daze.
"Wild, are you ok?" he yelled, careful not to touch him.
Wild was on all fours, his hands gripping the ground desperately as he tried to fight off whatever magical attack the seer unleased.
He knew what this was, and he knew he could not let it infect him.
Twilight looked up desperately at Time. "What do we do?" he pleaded.
Time stared at Wild. He had no idea what was happening or how to stop it. "I don't know," he finally answered.
He turned to Hyrule. "Have you ever seen magic like this before?"
Hyrule shook his head. "Never. I can try to see if I can repel it."
Legend quickly grabbed Hyrule's arm. "Don't be stupid. We have no fucking clue what kind of magic that is. For all we know, it will attack you if you try to mess with it."
Wild let out another distressed cry as he continued to fight against the aura surrounding him, sweat beginning to drip from his forehead.
Hyrule quickly pulled his arm away from Legend. "I can't just sit here and do nothing!" he yelled.
He quickly dropped next to Wild. The evil energy pouring off the champion made Hyrule hesitate. He swallowed thickly and slowly raised his hands so that they were hovering just over Wild.
Hyrule closed his eyes and concentrated. The others held their breath as they looked on.
Suddenly, Hyrule yelped and pulled his hands away as if he had been burned.
He stumbled back into Legend, who let out a low curse as he reached out to catch him.
"What happened?!" Time demanded, unable to hide the worry in his voice.
"This is Ganon's magic," Hyrule finally said after a moment.
"You mean like malice?" Sky asked.
Hyrule nodded. "We can't touch him; we can only hope he can fight it off."
Just then, the red aura that had surrounded Wild faded away, leaving Wild panting on the ground.
Hyrule scooted towards Wild again and carefully placed his hand on his shoulder.
When nothing happened, he quickly put his other hand on Wild's shoulder, pink light emitting from his hands as he tried to heal whatever damage the malice had done to him.
He could feel Wild tense up, but he was so focused on healing him he didn't notice the champion's hand grasped his sword.
The movement caught Legend's attention. The vet lunged for Hyrule and pulled him away just as Wild swung out with his sword.
The blade sliced across Legend's arm but he didn't' dare release Hyrule.
The others froze where they stood, unable to process what they had just seen.
Slowly, Wild stood up; his sword gripped tightly in his hand.
Wild looked up at them, his normally teal blue eyes glowing a dangerous red.
"Shit..." Time breathed.
"Wild...?" Twilight called out hesitantly as he stood behind his protégé.
Time saw Wild tense up.
"Twi, get back!!" Time shouted just as Wild spun on his heels, his sword arcing up towards his mentor.
Twilight barely got his sword up in time to parry the attack.
Wild began feverishly slashing at Twilight, pushing the older hero back on his heels as he tried desperately to block the assault.
Twilight stumbled on a branch and momentarily lost his balance. It was all the time Wild needed to deliver a fatal strike.
Twilight watched helplessly as Wild prepared to strike him.
He was sure the look in Wild's eyes would haunt him for the rest of his days.
Just then, Time came out of nowhere and tacked Wild to the ground.
Wild was able to roll away the second his body hit the floor and get some distance between him and the older hero.
Time was already up in a crouched position, waiting for Wild to make his move.
"Wild, you have to fight this!" he pleaded as the two stared each other down.
"I know you are in there. You are stronger than Ganon. Fight this!"
Wild growled ferally and rushed Time, but not before something snagged his legs, causing him to crash into the ground.
Time looked up and saw Sky, whip in hand.
Wild recovered quickly, a bow materializing in his hands as he turned to face Sky.
Sky lunged out of the way, the arrow barely missing him.
"What the hell do we do?" Wind yelled in frustration. He's gonna kill one of us at this rate!"
Wild loosed another arrow, causing Four to almost crash into Twilight as he dove for cover.
Four looked at Twilight as an idea suddenly hit him.
"How were you able to lift the twili curse?" Four asked quickly.
"The Master Sword broke the curse," Twilight answered, noting how Four's eyes looked almost purple in color.
"If the Master Sword can banish dark magic, it should be able to work on Wild," Four offered.
"We don't know that for sure," Twilight doubted.
"We have to try. It's the only option we have."
Twilight growled. Four wasn't wrong. They had to try.
Twilight waited for an opening before he took off towards Sky.
Four saw Wild turn towards Twilight, so he stepped out and threw his boomerang towards him.
It was enough to distract Wild, who easily dodged the weapon before firing an arrow back at Four, catching him in the shoulder.
The force of the arrow knocked Four off balance, but before Wild could get off another shot, Time appeared, shield at the ready, and blocked the volley of arrows as they took cover.
"Are you ok?!" Time asked anxiously.
"I'll live," Four grunted. He reached up to grab the arrow but Time grabbed his hand. If Time noticed the flash of vibrant blue in Four's eyes, he didn't say anything.
"I don't have any potions, and we are not in a safe area for me to wrap that," Time pointed out. "We have to get this situation under control first."
"We have a plan," Four suggested.
Time narrowed his eye. "What plan?" _________________________________________-
Twilight was able to reach Sky before Wild realized where he had gone.
Twilight looked at Sky. "Four thinks we should use the Mast Sword."
Sky furrowed his brow. "Use it how? I can't attack him with it. Possessed or not, Fi will not let me attack him."
"Remember when we had to help Legend that one time?" Twilight noted.
How could Sky forget? It wasn't every day one of your friends transforms into a pink bunny.
"We are dealing with malice. Even if it works, it's not going to be as simple as it was with Legend."
"We have to do something, and I can't think of a better idea," Twilight argued.  
Sky nervously ran his hand through his hair. "Alright, but how are we going to get close enough to him?"
"I'll distract him; you make sure you stay out of his sight. When I get an opening, I'll grab him."
Sky shook his head. He did not like this plan, but Twilight was right; they had to at least try.
"Be careful," Sky cautioned. "Malice is powerful, and right now that is not Wild..."
Twilight nodded. He took a steady breath, pulled out his shield, and started to advance towards his protégé.
Legend saw Twilight step out into the open, his shield at the ready. He also noticed Sky start creeping around through the treeline as if positioning himself to come at Wild from behind, Master Sword in hand.
Legend cursed, drawing Hyrule's attention.
Hyrule narrowed his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"I think I know what those idiots are planning," Legend declared.
"What are you talking about," Hyrule began, but Legend stopped him.
"We need to keep Wild distracted at all costs. Keep his attention away from Sky!"
Hyrule wasn't sure what was going on, but he trusted the vet. He nodded, and the two split up. __________________________________________
Twilight took about four steps before Wild turned towards him, an arrow already notched, but he didn't release it.
Twilight noticed the hesitation. "You're stronger than this Wild!" he shouted as he continued to walk forward slowly. "You have to fight it!"
Wild didn't react, and for a second, Twilight thought he was getting through to him, but then he saw Wild's eyes flash, the red intensifying as it did.
Twilight saw Wild reach for his slate, his arrow replaced with one crackling with electricity.
"Damnit," Twilight growled, realizing his metallic shield wasn't going to protect him.
Just then, a fireball hit the ground directly in front of Wild, making him jump back.
Twilight turned and saw Legend, fire rod in hand.
The second Wild recovered and went to aim at Legend, another fireball shot towards him, putting Wild on the defensive again.
Twilight turned to the other side and saw Hyrule, his sword engulfed in magical flames.
"Move, ranch boy!" he heard Legend shout as the vet fired off another fireball. "We've got this!"
Between Hyrulel and Legend's attacks, Wild couldn't get a shot off. He growled in frustration as he was forced to stay on the defensive.
Legend started to think that maybe this would work, but that was before he saw a very familiar blue bomb soaring through the air right in his direction.
He barely got behind a bolder before the bomb exploded, causing dirt and debris to rain down on him.
"That's dirty fuckin' pool, Wild!" Legend snarled as he popped back out from the bolder and shot another fireball his way.
Twilight knew this was his chance. Wild was currently unarmed and wouldn't be able to use his sheikah ruins for a while.
He changed at Wild while he was distracted by Legend's attack and managed to get up behind him and grab him from under his arms, making it so Wild couldn't move his arms.
Wild yelled as he fought against his hold, and Twilight found it hard to keep his grip.
Just then, Wild froze, and Twilight looked up to see Sky in front of them holding Master Sword.
He could feel Wild's body tense up at the sight of the sword. Maybe this could work. The malice inside Wild was clearly reacting to the sword's presence. It could be enough to force it out of him.
Twilight was knocked out of his thoughts, literally, when Wild flung his head back and head-butted him.
Twilight cursed as he tried to shake off the pain radiating from his face. He felt Wild pull free from his grasp, and suddenly he found himself falling towards the ground.
Wild had dropped down and kicked out Twilight's legs, sending the older hero falling hard to the ground.
Sky went to grab Wild but noticed the last bits of blue fade away as Wild spun on him with a sword in hand.
Sky tried to spin out of the way, but he wasn't quick enough, and the blade Wild had sliced through his side.
Sky hissed as he stumbled backward, holding his side.
Wild took a threatening step towards him but paused when his eyes saw the red seeping through Sky's tunic.
Wild looked Sky right in the eyes, and for a second, the chosen hero thought he saw a look of concern flash across the champion's face.
Sky seized the opportunity and dashed towards Wild, but the malice quickly took back control, and suddenly the air felt heavy.
Sky had experienced this feeling before.
Before Sky could even register the implications of what he was sensing, he found himself flat on his back, the Master Sword no longer in his hand. He gasped as the laceration on his side flared in pain.
Wild had managed to dodge at precisely the right moment, slowing time down as he did. He spun under Sky's outstretched arm, knocking the Master Sword from his hand and sweeping his leg to knock him to the ground.
He stood above Sky, an Eightfold blade in his hand.
Sky looked up at Wild, his eyes wide. He could see the malice coursing brightly through Wild's eyes. Whatever control the champion had over it earlier was gone.
Sky's breath caught in his throat. Was this really how Hylia was going to let this end?
A figure suddenly appeared behind Wild. Sky saw him tense, and he knew he could sense whoever was behind him.
Wild spun, blade already arcing out, but Twilight anticipated the move. He quickly dodged the blade before bringing the Master Sword up, piercing Wild through the shoulder.
Twilight hissed as the pommel immediately burned his hand, but he didn't dare let go.
"Forgive me cub," he muttered as he gripped the Master Sword tighter.
Wild let his weapon drop as he tried to grab the blade, but the Master Sword flashed brightly, illuminating the whole area.
Wild cried out and dropped to his knees, but the Master Sword continued to shine brightly.
Sky could only watch, too stunned to do anything else. He suddenly noticed red flakes begin to float out from where the blade had pierced Wild.
Twilight noticed too, and he kept his resolve as he watched the malice being forced out Wild, the red flakes disintegrating in the air like ash.
As soon as Twilight saw the last remnants of malice disappear into the air, he pulled back the Master Sword and tossed it to the ground.
Wild immediately collapsed, but Twilight managed to catch him before he hit the ground.
He slowly lowered himself down, careful not to jostle Wild's shoulder as he did.
He pressed his hand on the wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding.
He only looked up when he could sense the others around him.
Sky was half propped up off the ground, his arm still clutching his side.
Time, Wind, and Four were quickly making their way over to them just as Legend and Hyrule got there.
Hyrule's eyes darted to the three injured heroes. Four looked like he would be ok with just a potion, but Sky and Wild were another story.
"I'll be fine," Sky assured. "Help Wild," __________________________________________
Time had the other's set up camp and gather supplies while Hyrule tended to Wild and Sky.
Despite Sky's protests, Hyrule insisted he heal him, explaining that the quicker they could get the wound to close, the better the chance that it didn't become infected.
By the time evening arrived, both heroes were patched up. Sky was sitting up, the combination of Hyrule's healing and a health potion healing his wound to the point that it was only slightly tender to the touch.
Wild's shoulder had also healed nicely, but he had yet to wake up.
As soon as Hyrule assured the group that Wild was physically ok, Twilight got up. He made a quick mention of patrolling before disappearing into the treeline.
Legend gave Time a worried glance. Normally, when Wild was injured, they had to pry Twilight away from him.
Time seemed to share the same concern because he got up almost immediately after Twilight left.
"I'll talk to him; just let us know when Wild wakes up," he said before walking in the direction he saw Twilight heading.
Time didn't have to go far. He found Twilight sitting against a tree, staring off across a small stream.
"Everything ok, pup?" Time asked cautiously.
When Twilight didn't answer, he walked up and took a seat next to him.
Time didn't need to be a mind-reader to know what was bothering his protégé.
"You did the right thing," Time finally offered. That seemed to get Twilight's attention.
"Yeah?! Doesn't feel like it," Twilight snapped.
"No? Ok, then what do you think Wild would rather us do?" Time countered. "Do you think he would want us to allow him to continue to attack and possibly kill us, or do you think he would want us to stop him and release him from the control the malice had over him?"
Twilight didn't answer at first.
"I thought...I thought I could get through to him, Twilight muttered. "There were moments where it looked like he was trying to fight it, maybe if I had given it more time..."
"If you had waited any longer, Sky would probably be dead," Time declared, causing Twilight to look up at him.
"Malice is powerful magic," Time continued. "Honestly, I think Wild fought it the whole time. He is a fierce fighter, and with malice granting him more power, I'm surprised we walked away from that fight."
Time's expression darkened. "I know that if it were me that got possessed, I would hope you would put an end to it as quickly as possible, with whatever means possible."
Twilight looked away, briefly flexing his hand as if it were uncomfortable.
Time furrowed his brow. "Let me see your hand."
Twilight startled slightly at the request. "It's fine," he said dismissively, but Time just reached over and grabbed his hand, causing Twilight to hiss painfully.
"Why didn't you tell us you were injured?" Time demanded when he saw the burns on Twilight's hand.
Twilight quickly pulled his hand back. "It's nothing," he said.
Time sighed. "Even though he was possessed, she still burned you?"
"It's the price for using her against one of her wielders," Twilight stated.
"You need to let Hyrule look at that. It's going to get infected."
"You either tell Hyrule to look at your hand, or I will tell him, and then I will tell Wild that you tried to hide it because you feel that you somehow deserve it as punishment for saving him.".
Twilight shot Time a dirty look, feeling a bit betrayed by his mentor, but he knew better than to argue with him.
The two heard footsteps quickly coming up from behind them.
"Wild's awake," they heard Legend say. __________________________________________
Wild was sitting up, bookended by Wind and Sky. Besides his shoulder being sore and suffering from a pretty intense headache, Wild seemed to escape his possession relatively unscathed.
The last thing he remembered was seeing a stranged, cloaked man approach them.
It was decided that Sky would be the one to recount what had happened that day.
Sky was careful with the details, purposely omitting the parts where Wild shot Four and stabbed him, but Wild wasn't dumb. He could see the bandages that Four and Sky had, and the somber looks they were giving him.
"I hurt you guys, didn't I" Wild finally said when the realization hit him.
"It wasn't you," Four insisted. "Nothing about today was your fault."
"I can't believe I let myself be used like that," Wild blurted.
"Stop that," Legend scolded. "Didn't you tell us that one of the dragon spirits got possessed by malice? If a damn spirit dragon couldn't fight that stuff, what makes you think you could?"
Wild scoffed and shook his head. As much as he wanted to argue, he couldn't think of a way to counter Legend's point.
"How did you all stop me?" Wild finally asked. He didn't miss the way the others seemed to look away as he asked.
"I stabbed you with the Master Sword," Twilight confessed.
Everyone's eyes landed on Twilight, who was starting at Wild, bracing himself for whatever response was going to be thrown his way.
Wild stared, unblinking, at Twilight for a moment, his fingers unconsciously ghosting over his now healed shoulder.
"H-How did you know that would work?" he finally asked.
"We didn't," Twilight stated. "All we knew was the Master Sword could ward off dark magic, and we knew that she was powerful against malice...it was the only option we had."
Wild suddenly stood up, pausing for a second to let the dizziness subside.
Twilight watched, wide-eyed, as his protégé walked up towards him.
Wild got right in front of Twilight before dropping to his knees and wrapping the older hero in a tight hug.
Twilight froze in place, unsure what was happening.
"Thank you," Wild said.
Twilight stayed frozen in place for a moment longer before slowly returning the hug.  
He understood why Wild was thanking him. It was for the same reasons Time gave him earlier, and for the same reasons, Twilight would be thanking Wild had the roles been reversed.
Twilight knew that he would rather die than hurt any of his brothers, and he knew that's precisely how Wild felt too; how they all felt.
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handmaid - 07
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Y/N was excited, too excited even. If she had to choose a place to live for the rest of her live it had to be Paris. As a child, she used to read about it constantly, learning French when Gwen went through a phase of wanting to go to boarding school in France after watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a decision which quickly went downhill as she lost interest which Y/N remembered being very sad about. However, now, she finally got to go to Paris in her own terms, or at least Sebastian’s terms which were slightly more freeing than those normally put out by Gwen and her need to stay inside whatever resort or hotel she was staying in, drinking and eating everything on the room service menu along with some flirting on the side. No, this time if Y/N wanted to go out, maybe she could as the bodyguards probably did a better job at defending Gwen from danger than she could ever do. In all honesty, if someone had them both at gunpoint, Y/N wouldn’t know exactly what to do. Her role was always mostly to be a company to Gwen, a company approved by Mr. Forrest and one that wouldn’t falter. 
After warning Gwen about the plans to go to Paris, the heiress, still very much suffering from a headache caused by the hangover, simply ordered one of the maids to prepare her suitcase before returning to drinking yet another cup of coffee. Y/N clapped her hands like an excited child, returning to her room and going through her clothing to put in a suitcase. You’d think that living with an heiress who travelled more than once a year would’ve lost interest, but not Y/N. Y/N loved travelling, loved packing and going to the airport, awaiting her flight in the lounge area drinking a very fancy mocktail and guessing where other people were flying too.
She was sat down on her bed, French travel guide she had gotten as a teenager in hand as she brushed up on her unused French, thinking about the things she could do once she landed. What she didn’t know was that Sebastian was observing her from her bedroom door. He had passed by to ensure she was alright and to warn her about the time they were leaving and had stayed once he noticed her mumble to herself in French, sentences normally used by tourists. Sebastian had to admit he found her rather intriguing, mostly her unwavering positivity and curiosity about the world she had been in since she was younger. It was refreshing to see someone like her not trying to climb up to the top of the chart by betraying, lying, and cheating. She was just there, living life as it came to her.
    - Y/N. - he called out for her attention before she could catch him stare at her from outside her bedroom. She raised her head from her book, hair messily wrapped around a periwinkle scrunchy. - We’re leaving at 6 PM, ensure Genevieve is ready for it. 
    - She is. She got the maids to pack her bag and is probably recovering from last night at this moment. - she put her book on top of her suitcase which was neatly placed on top of her white cotton duvet. - We shan’t be late, don’t worry. 
    - Hope you’re not afraid of heights, angel. 
    - Why do you call me angel? - she furrowed her brows, noticing how frequently he addressed her by the nickname. Was it coming from any other man she probably would have some sort of hatred toward it but coming from him ... she didn’t know, it just felt absolutely perfect, meant to be even. Even so, if Y/N had to describe herself it wouldn’t be as an angel, god never one, if she had to describe herself she would describe herself the way Mr. Forrest second wife had described her to one of her friends one late afternoon when Y/N was 5, a gullible little fool. In all honesty, everything but an angel. 
   - It’s a rather good fit, don’t you agree? - he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame. She shifted glances all around the room, staring at every single thing near her while shifting her weight from side to side. Sebastian merely stared at that behaviour, smirking at the effect he had caused on her and in little to no time, the lip biting was back. He cleared his throat, hands going back into his trousers’ pockets. - If you want you can grab any book from the library. 
   - No, I ... They’re really priceless copies, I might damage them. - she stuttered through her words, almost unable to accept another one of Sebastian’s offers. 
   - Pick whatever you want, angel. I’ll see you in a few hours. 
God, that man. She sighed once he left her room as if she had been holding her breathe. Had she? She did not know, all she knew is that being around him made her forget all the politeness and all her etiquette she had learned during her early childhood. He was just a magnetic, a sort of magnetism that Y/N herself couldn’t explain despite him belonging to a group  she had grown up within. No, there was absolutely something that differed Sebastian from Mr. Forrest. What it was? She didn’t exactly know and something told her not to protrude too much into that question.
Y/N just shook her head, deviating from those treacherous questions and took to pick one of Sebastian’s library’s thousands of books. She had to admit, he had quite the collection, just entering the library itself you could see piles and piles of shelfs stocked full with various book and as you ventured further into the room more would show up. However, it wasn’t the amount of books that made Y/N happy and warm inside. Although the amount helped, it was the smell. Old books in libraries had that sort of smell that was sweet and musky, warm like a blanket on a winter night. However, Y/N knew she had limited time to discover which books she would bring on her journey so with great sorrow she stopped her basking in the atmosphere of the library to pick two old favourites of her - Jane Eyre and Dangerous Liaisons.
With the two books on her hands, she paced down the halls onto Gwen’s bedroom, slowly and gently pushing the door open. To no surprise, the heiress was already dressed however she was sleeping, sprawled on her bed, head buried in her mountain of pillows. Y/N smiled amiably, edging over to her friend’s bedside and placing a soft hand over her arm, lightly shaking her awake. 
    - We have to leave for the airport, Gwen. - Y/N spoke in a silvery tone, returning to her standing position. Gwen rubbed the sleep off her eyes, not moving any other part of her body. - I’ll take your bags outside, please don’t go back to sleep.
    - Yeah, okay. - she moved her hand, gesturing for Y/N to exit her room which she did after ensuring the bodyguard who was constantly outside her door would make sure Gwen did not return to sleep. After placing both their suitcases at the top of the staircase, she returned to her room to grab her jacket and phone alone, ensuring everything was sin good condition.
As she closed the door of her bedroom, her head swivel vaguely to the right side of the hall and to the slightly open office door. She could see Sebastian walking from side to side, left hand griping his phone as he spat some very passive aggressive French to whomever poor soul was on the other side of the line. He wasn’t wearing his typical blazer, instead his perfect polished white dress shirt was slightly opened, sleeves pulled up to his elbows showing the definition of his forearms and a lee way into his chest. 
Y/N bite her lip, eyes slowly blinking as she took in the sight of him. Of course she was not gonna deny that he was an handsome man, he was, probably the most handsome man she had ever met despite everything. Her mind, however, scolded her for this behaviour, telling her not to go and play Acteon. She knew exactly how untrustworthy people were dealt with in the mob. 
   - I better return with two more suitcases for this to be worth it. - Y/N was removed off her “teenage dream” like thoughts by Gwen who had a pair of sunglasses firmly pressed against the bridge of her nose. - You must be excited, you’ve always liked Paris. 
   - Well, you did never leave the resort last time we went. - Y/N followed one of the employees who was holding their bags,  and the bodyguards down the stairs, the laid back image of Sebastian still tattooed on her mind.
The two women were accompanied into one of the cars by by driver and the bodyguards. Y/N had quickly learned that, almost as if they were some deviant version of the royal family, Gwen and Sebastian barely travelled together in cars, unless strictly necessary. She would guess it meant someone would survive and carry on the legacy if an accident was lethal, however, it still felt very much wrong. 
After quite a few minutes in the car, she could make out the airport yet instead of seeing it drive through departures, the car instead took onto a very controlled track on the landing area of the airport which made her eyes widen with enthusiasm. The young woman couldn’t help but remove her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head, as she saw the planes up close from the car’s.
The car came to a halt and like a child on Christmas’ morning, she was the first one out of the car, observing the rather smaller plane in front of her when in comparison to commercial planes. Sebastian was still on the phone as he climbed the stairs inside the plane which made a switch turn on into Y/N’s head, this was his jet. He had his own personal jet and the idea of being able to travel everywhere and anywhere at any personal time. 
Gwen, unlike her friend, didn’t seem that bothered with the fact he had his own plane, despite the fact her family did not own one. Tired, the heiress was the second one inside the plane while Y/N still stood outside, watching the light hit the material of the plane’s outside. Her mind could not wrap around both of them not being totally stunned.
   - Miss Y/N? - one of the bodyguards by the staircase extended his hand to her, wondering if she were scared. Y/N merely joyously smiled, taking his hand as she climbed up the stairs inside the jet. 
Once again she was wondered by the sheer luxury of the planes’ inside. It was painted a soothingly beige with accents of a dark coloured wood, possibly rosewood. The chairs were in a white leather material and unlike commercial airlines, there was plenty space for her to sprawl her legs. 
Gwen was already sleeping on one of the chairs and Sebastian was still on the phone, speaking in very menacing French. Y/N decided not to interrupt either of them and took a sit on a window side seat, putting her earbuds on and opening Dangerous Liasons. The flight attendants had placed some appetisers by her side and as the plane was about to take off, a very annoyed Sebastian took a place near Y/N. 
Y/N closed her book as she noticed his lips mashed into a fine line, forehead tense. Removing her earbuds, she slightly moved her body so it could face him and lifted the arm rest.
  - You seem awfully sad. - she commented, earning his attention. 
  - I’m not sad, angel. I’m just surrounded by a bunch of fucking idiots. - he rubbed his hand against his face, stopping at his temples to massage that spot.
  - You can’t control everyone, Sebastian. - she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. - It’s not worth worrying about it. 
  - Everyone is controllable, angel, you just need to know their price. You, of all people, should know that. 
  - You did say I’m incredibly sheltered from this sort of lifestyle. Maybe I’ll learn it someday, but until I don’t, I’ll stick with my opinion. - she opened her book again, leaning against the comfortable leather. Sebastian, however, was not done with their conversation.
   - Dangerous Liasons, loving Paris ... One would think you have a lover there awaiting you. - it was mostly a detective-like question, the type of question his father had taught him to ask. This was the sort of common talk, innocent question that most of the times gave him the information he so preciously kept for his own personal and professional use. Y/N felt a flush of heat travelling up to her cheeks, she really was not one for lovers, or at least did not have the time. She had had fun with a boy back in university whom she had kissed and felt none of that special thing they spoke about in books but other than that she just stood on the shade of the much more appealing Gwen. 
   - It’s not a lover. 
   - What is it then? It cannot simply be because you’re an English student that you hold Paris in such high regard. It’s just a city. 
   - When I was younger, Mr. Forrest was in France for almost a full year. Me and Gwen stood with her first step-mother, Eliza ... She was a horrid woman and I think I wrote postcards to Mr. Forrest every single day writing him to come back. - she smiled in recollection of her childhood self, the bad almost unreadable calligraphy of the postcards and how she and Gwen would hide in the kitchen from Eliza until she screamed her head off in frustration. - He couldn’t come back, that was business, but when he did he brought me this stunning music box. I still remember it, it was white with golden accents and when you opened it, it had a little crystal dove in the background of a hand painted Paris scenery. It used to play ‘La Vie en Rose’. I always promised myself that one day, I would sit down in a balcony looking at the same scenery listening to it.  
  - You’ll probably only hear the sounds of loud shops and cars. You would be better with your little music box.
  - It broke during my teens. I tried glueing it back with stick glue ... - she giggled at her own childish mistakes. - But that’s the thing of dreams, isn’t it? You can’t always make them come true. 
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea​
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luciferloser · 4 years
Brothers reacting to a parent MC
as always the reader is GN
When you first arrived in the Devildom with a small child resting on your hip, Lucifer was one of, if not, the most composed out of the brothers. Paying no mind to the toddler that was burying their face into your neck, he began his speech about you being selected for Diavolo’s programme and your upcoming year in the Devildom.
When you moved into the House of Lamentation, you discovered that everything the miniature version of you needed had already been provided. “If anything is missing, please, do not hesitate to ask for it. While your child may not technically be a student here, they are still going to be provided for during your stay here.” Lucifer declared, standing tall in the doorway.
“Ah, no I think everything I need is here, thank you Lucifer...” you trailed off as you noticed your child had made their way over to said demon, and was using his leg as a climbing frame.
Glancing down at the toddler, he looked to you as went to pick them up, silently asking for your permission. When he received the nod of approval, he picked up your child and rested them against his hip. “Let’s hope you’re a lot less problematic than the last child in this house was.” he mused, already spotting the similarities between you and your child.
Glancing at the strange men in front of you, your baby nuzzled their head even further into your neck than they already were. Leaping up from his seat, Mammon shouted “Oi! I thought we already had a human student, so why’s there two over there?” 
After Diavolo introduced himself and all the other formalities were out of the way, Mammon soon realised the baby in your arms was nowhere near old enough to be a student at RAD and was a mini version of you that had to be even more protected than you were.
“So, what can the lil one do, anyways?” Mammon asked, as he sat down on the edge of your bed, eyeing the baby in the cot warily.
“Honestly? Not much because they’re only a few months old, although they’re getting pretty good at rolling onto their back!” you chuckled, looking fondly at your child. 
“Huh, doesn’t sound that impressive to me. When Satan was a few days old, he was already shattering windows with his scream. But either way, can we make money from it?” taking one look at your alarmed face, he scrambled to add “Aha I’m just kidding! The Great Mammon wouldn’t dream of putting the little tyke in danger!” 
There was certainly never going to be a dull moment with Mammon around...
It wasn’t until you had moved into the House of Lamentation that Levi even realised you had a child. During your induction, he was too busy playing a newly released game on his DDD to even notice the small human clutching at your clothes. When you first received the text from the otaku; telling you to come to his room, you asked if it was okay for you to bring your child along while you got used to your new home. 
Now, when you said child, Leviathan assumed you had a pet or something, because that’s what normies call their pets, right? So imagine the poor boy’s surprise when you had a two-foot-tall lookalike standing beside you. 
“OMG this is just like that anime I watched ‘My new housemate has a tiny doppelganger and they’re both from a different realm!’” He exclaimed in delight, tugging the both of you into his room. “But anyways, that’s not what’s important right now, I called you here for a specific reason, so come in before people start to think I like being associated with not just one, but TWO normies!”
Maybe this otaku has a soft spot for normies after all. 
Taking in the sight of you with a child clinging onto you like a koala, Satan on the outside didn’t show much of a reaction. However, internally, he was rather excited. All of his brothers had a hand in raising him, but he didn’t have anybody to return the favour for. He has also read a few parenting books so he’d like to think he’ll be able to provide some assistance. 
“Oh sweetie please stop crying, there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing’s going to get you in the night, not while I’m here.” You were currently in the process of trying to put your child to bed in your new home, however, your child had other ideas. 
Hearing a knock at the door, you winced when you saw Satan stood their with ruffled hair, in his nightwear. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from the Avatar of Wrath, the string of apologies died in your throat when Satan breezed past you to kneel beside your child, where they had flopped in their bed in their tantrum. 
“Hey kiddo, having trouble sleeping?” He muttered to you child, smiling gently when they nodded, rubbing their eyes. “Well, how about a bedtime story, unless of course you’re too old for them?” chuckling lightly at their sudden change in demeanor, Satan sat down on the floor by their head. “Well then, buckle up because this one used to knock me out like a light when I was a kid.” With that, the blonde began his story about a powerful angel and his 5 brothers’ fall from the Celestial realm. Your child wasn’t the only one who thought the bed time story was immensely interesting. 
After the light faded away and the demons took in the sight before them, Asmo was the first to react. Squealing in delight at the small child resting in your arms, the Avatar of Lust was awestruck. “Oh my Diavolo they’re almost as cute as me!” 
Clutching your child imperceptibly closer to you at the strange man’s outburst, you questioned where you were and who each of the men in front of you were. After recovering from the initial shock of the situation you now found yourself in, you were still quite hesitant to hand your child over to the man who introduced himself as Asmodeus. 
It took nearly a month before you trusted the Lust demon enough to let your toddler spend time alone with him unsupervised. However, after your child came back from their first shopping trip together, you couldn’t deny that your baby had never looked so happy before. Smiling down at your beaming child, you cooed “Okay, what did Asmodeus treat you to?” 
At that question, your toddler and Asmo wasted no time in tugging you into his room to show you all the amazing outfits the pair had bought. You had no doubts that your child was going to be the best dressed child the Devildom had ever seen.
Because his dinner had been cut short for this council meeting, Beelzebub had food on his mind even more so than usual. As a result, he couldn’t help it when he blurted out “ooh snack time” when he spotted the baby in your arms that was swaddled up in their favourite blanket. Gasping at the tall demon in fright, you quickly hid your baby against your chest. No matter how big he was, he certainly wasn’t going to make a snack out of your child.
Unsurprisingly, Beelzebub wasn’t your first choice when it came to a babysitter for a while. However, after your bedroom wall was destroyed and you and your baby had to stay with Beelzebub while it was being repaired, you realised just how family-oriented the redheaded demon truly is. 
Your baby was now at the age where their lungs have the capability of waking the dead, or in your case, a rather large demon. Before you could even finish wiping the sleep from your eyes, Beel was already up and beside the cot where your baby lay. Fearing the worst, your parental instincts went into overdrive. Yet, just as you were about to leap to your child’s rescue, you paused at the sound of Beel’s soft murmuring.
“Hey there, you really are tiny aren’t you? But for someone so small you sure can produce a lot of noise huh? As much as your screams don’t bother me, I’m sure the person who spent all day looking after you would like some rest now, okay? Tell you what, if we both go back to sleep now, we might wake up early enough to have a pre-breakfast snack! How’s that sound?” 
It was at that moment, you realised that if a demon that large can pacify your child with his words alone, he must have a pretty big heart.
Belphegor didn’t meet your child when the rest of his brothers did. Because of that, he tried to avoid you and the toddler that was never too far behind you. That wasn’t the only reason Belpie kept his distance from you, he felt guilty for what he did to you. Even though you had already told him you had forgiven him, he was afraid the same thing would happen to your child not that he would ever do so deliberately.
The first time he was left alone with the miniature version of you, he was taking a nap in the lounge. He opened his eyes to see two large doe eyes looking straight at him. Jumping slightly, he sat up and mumbled “where’s MC?” 
“Gone shopping with Uncle Luci.” the toddler stated, raising their arms at him “Can I nap with you? Your brother’s told me you like to nap.” 
“Uncle Luci, huh. I thought kids hated nap time?” Belpegor quizzed, tilting his head slightly.
“I dunno. I’m tired and you always are.” your child shrugged stepping closer to the tired demon. 
“I mean, you’re not wrong, kid. Come on then, let’s take a nap.” Belphie smiled pulling the tiny human on top of him and tugging the blanket over the top of them both.
You came home about an hour later, to find the two curled up on the sofa together. Who says sleep doesn’t help people to bond?
will post a second part soon for the undateables because my mind is already simping over Barbatos with a child 🥴🖤
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smokahuntis · 4 years
When We Were Young
When we were young
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Song: When We Were Young - Adele
Summery: As the Jedi’s hold a banquet to reunite all the Jedi from all over the galaxy, Obi-Wan finds a familiar face in the crowd that he can’t help but miss.
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Everybody loves the things you do
The banquet was huge, Jedi from all over the galaxy attended. Retired, working, Masters in the force and even padawans were here for the Reunion. He could sense so many auras and presences and forces combined, but nothing compared to the aura he felt when she entered the room.
He was looking for her in an instant, knowing the familiar pull all to well. But would she feel it too? Had she moved on? Would she even recognize him? Last time he saw her they both had a braid in their hair, and she wasn’t a sergeant major of the Jedi forces. She was such a big deal it made him wonder if he should even try. No one but her troops had seen her in almost a year, and the only people to speak to her was usually master Yoda and Windu.
From the way you talk, to the way you move
When he finally got threw the crowd and saw her standing there, she was regal, stunning. Covered from her neck to her feet in a beautiful golden silks gown that had silver beading flowing up the skirt and long sleeves. A sash of blue across her chest with all her pins and medals, at the end of the sash was her lightsaber. If he remembered correctly it was a double sided blade with a dark blue hue. Of course he remembered correctly, he could never forget.
He paused before stepping forward into her direction, not knowing what to say and not knowing how to handle it. What if she really didn’t remember him. He had to try, at least congratulate her on her progress with the clone wars. Even he an actual general didn’t see her often.
Everybody here is watching you
Right when he actually found the courage to move forward towards her, so did everyone else. Going to congratulate her and speak with her. He sighed not wanting to just be one with the crowd, he needed to really speak to her.
But he could tell by the look on her face, the familiar smile he saw many times when they were still padawans. She was uncomfortable with all the people around her, she didn’t know many of them, but she put in her brave face. Just like she always did, but when one familiar hand reached hers a real smile coated her face, her master, Mace Windu.
Cause you feel like home, you’re like a dream come true
It was a smile he once was able to call home, the same smile that greeted him in the training yard and the day she made her lightsaber. But it was different from the smile she held for him in private, that smile was like a dream he could get lost in for days. It was bold and bright and beautiful, only kept for him. He always saw it when he snuck out of his room to go to hers at night, or when they both skipped training and ended up star gazing.
She was a dream come true, she’d grown to be just as stunning as he dreamed. Wishing Nothing more then go speak to her, but he didn’t want to bother her. She was busy and probably had a million other Jedi to talk to, padawans asking for advice. She would always greet everyone with a warm smile even if it wasn’t genuine, she hated events like this still, he could tell. But it was sweet she tried.
But if by chance you’re here alone
He was so distracted by over thinking what could happen he didn’t think of what was happening as her golden covered figure moved towards him. The bright smile from years ago covering her face as she looked at him.
“Obi?” She asked smiling at him in disbelief, his eyes met her and he smiled, all the feelings of when they were young flooding back to him as he met her kind eyes again. “Obi-Wan Kenobi...” she said his name again in more of a pleasant tone, happy and like a song. But she kept it professional, realizing he may not remember her.
“ Sergeant Major, (L/N)” he said taking her hand, still almost exactly like he remembered it, so much smaller then his, not as soft. It still fit into his like it was made to be there.
“No need for formalities, Obi-Wan...” she said looking at him.
“I think your husband wouldn’t like me calling you by your name Sergeant.” He replied and her eyes softened at his response before fixing part of his suit.
“If I had one, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
Can I get a moment, before I go?
His heart swelled knowing she wasn’t taken, knowing he could come back to her in ways he thought weren’t possible anymore. He held his hand out for her as he looked her in the eyes.
“May I have this dance then?” His voice was soothing to her, after all the years of combat. She smiled sweetly and took his hand.
“Of course.”
He moved with her to the dance floor, his empty hand finding the curve of her waist and sliding to her back, as hers rested on his shoulder.
‘Cause I’ve been by myself all night long
He swayed with her gently, being years since they’d both danced, specifically with each other. A calming silence fell over them, the only noise they really focused on was the soft music playing as people danced. Her eyes trailed his figure in front of her, still in somewhat disbelief of him being there, but his eyes never left her face. Trying to memorize it in case this was his last time with her again.
“I’m surprised you aren’t married, Obi-Wan...” she said finally looking back up to meet his eyes, he chuckled and moved his hand away from hers to push hair from her face and behind her ear.
“I could say the same to you...” he looked at her, all he could see was the Padawan version of her, small and ready to bite the heads of those who opposed her. The version of her he once loved, and the version of her that loved him.
Hoping you’re someone I used to know
“No man wants to marry a women who is of higher rank then him.” She said looking at him, he didn’t think before he spoke.
“I’d marry you.” After the words left his mouth he instantly went into shock and started to try and recover. “I-I mean I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t mind-“
“It’s okay Obi-Wan.” She smiled and moved the hand that rested on his shoulder to his cheek, he leaned into her touch, missing the familiar feeling much more then he realized. “I know what you meant...” she smiled and put on that cocky tone that always made him laugh.”you don’t mind living in my shadow...”
You look like a movie
“Yes that’s it.” He agreed and she laughed, the sound of music to his ears. But she was so beautiful in that moment, the way the light of the room danced on her face. She didn’t look real, she looked like a Star. She was to perfect to be here, dancing with him at the banquet.
When she calmed down and smiled at him her eyes caught something behind him. Turning his head to see who it was she frowned realizing this moment with her would quickly be over.
“Is that Anakin?”
You sound like a song
She smiled seeing him, Obi-Wan expected her to part from him completely to see Anakin but she didn’t. She linked arms with him as the young Apprentice approached them. She looked so graceful holding onto him like this, like they were her together, a couple. Just like they should’ve been.
“Sergeant Major (L/N)” Anakin states as he reached his hand out for hers, she took his shaking it firmly and giving him a small smile. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”
“As it is to see you, you’ve grown so much.” She smiled taking him in, his all black attire raising questions in her head but she quickly dismissed them.
“And as have you, more beautiful I mean.” He said giving her a kind smile which she returned with a slight blush, but her other hand gripped Obi-Wan’s arm slightly tighter, sending a pride threw him he didn’t know he needed.
“Oh Anakin,” she giggled “as much as I’d love to continue this conversation, I have some serious catching up to do with-“ she was about to say his name, the name that always fell off her tongue with the most beautiful sound, but she was called over by her old master.
My God, this reminds me
“I’m sorry Obi-Wan, but I probably shouldn’t keep him waiting.” She kissed his cheek and walked over to Windu quickly. Leaving him with Anakin, and their eyes on her.
“You still love her?” Anakin asked causing the general to look at him in shock.
“I never-“ he started to protest but Anakin cut him off.
“You always perk up at the sound of her name, can feel her aura from miles away and you haven’t taken your eyes off her all night.” He started. “Expect for now, and it’s because we are talking about her...”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the woman in question, laughing and speaking with her Master and some other council members. It was like Déjà Vu.
Of When we were young
She looked so regal, so beautiful by the large windows of the temple. Laughing and smiling with her old friends and basically her family. He didn’t think he’d ever seen Mace Windu smile as much as he did when he bragged about how she was his Padawan.
Soon she moved away with just Mace Windu talking privately. Obi-Wan so badly wished to know what they spoke about, but she gave herself away with the small glances she gave to Obi-Wan as she spoke. However the face She made over something Mace said upset him. She was shaking her head and excusing herself quickly before walking out of the large ball room.
let me photograph you in this light
He quickly gave mace one last look before following after her, Anakin tried to grab his sleeve to stop him but Obi-Wan pulled away and followed her into the empty balcony that connected to the hall.
She stood alone looking over the railing of the balcony upon Coruscant. She knew he was there, she always felt his presence when he was close, always drawing her to him. She turned looking at him, he knew that look. It was the same look she gave him every time they almost got caught. It was worry, a little bit of guilt. She always hated going behind the Jedi’s back to be with him but why would she feel that ways now.
In case it is the last time that we might
“Obi-Wan” she said giving a weak smile before moving over and hugging him tightly. His arms instantly finding her waist as he held her close to him. He didn’t care that her pins and badges dug into his skin as he held her like this. He didn’t care if they made him bleed, he just wanted to hold her like this, like when they were young.
“(Y/n)” He said tucking her head under his chin, rubbing circles into her back. He hasn’t felt like this in years, like he was flying, like his skin was on fire and his heart was about to explode.
“Stars, I’ve missed you.” She said holding him liked her life depended on it. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as she spoke.
Be exactly like we were before we realized
She pulled away and looked at him, her eyes were watery and tears almost spilled the edges. It hurt him. “Obi-wan-“
“What did he say to you...” he asked quietly before catching a single tear that fell down her beautiful face. Moving his hands to cradle her head and look at her.
“The truth...” she said finally letting out a quiet sob as she tried to hold herself together. She was a strong woman, the strongest he’d ever seen, and to see her like this was a full 180 of who she was to the public eye. It’s who she was with him all those years ago, soft and open, caring. “That this-... seeing you Obi-Wan” she looked back up at him. “After all these years I thought I was over you, and seeing you tonight I ... I know that I’m not and it’s not right...”
We were sad of getting old, it made us restless
He let out a sigh and shook his head, giving a reassuring smile to her before kissing her head. “It isn’t right...” he started and it crushed her heart instantly. “But that doesn’t stop me from still loving you, it doesn’t stop me from wishing you’d never left all those years ago.” He passed coming to a question he never asked himself until now. “Why did you leave?”
“Windu... he... he knew and instead of taking me and you down from the rank of master he asked me to become a General for the outer rim Jedi...” she sighed feeling almost broken, but slowly picking the pieces of herself up. “I agreed so he wouldn’t expose you, but it got me where I am now.”
“And you’re a legend.... because you wanted to protect me...” he said taking it all in slowly.
“I almost said no, but then you took in Anakin after Qui-Gon and I decided it was for the best...”
It was just like a movie
He nodded and wiped away more of her tears. “You made a good call... but now that’s all over and we are both of the age for marriage given by the council...”
She looked at him in shock as she realized what he was saying. He was right, they’ve both been masters long enough for the Council to approve them of marriage. “I’m still a Sergeant Major of the Jedi Order and you are still a General...”
“And being able to share our love together once again will only make us stronger...” he pushed hair from her face and took her hand. “We don’t have to get married now, or this year or the next. But I don’t think I can go another minutes without having you, 16 years was enough...”
It was just like a song
“Obi-Wan...” she whispered as she moved forward, leaning in. He quickly met her half way, there lips locking together in a kiss that felt like life itself. Her hands moved to his face holding him there, his falling to her waist once more and pulling her closer. It was all just like when they were young.
Like when they would sneak out after training or find themselves in each other’s rooms late at night. They were like reckless teenagers again, stupid and in love. Not caring who saw them or who might find them anymore, because this was a love they wanted to show the world, it was a true love.
Oh god this reminds me
He pulled away first, resting his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes as her eyelashes fluttered at him. The feeling of here really being here, in his arms, in his heart, and in his soul, it was overwhelming. It was pure and a bond he never wanted to loose again.
“I love you...” she whispered only for his ears, only for him. “Oh stars I love you.” She laughed saying that one louder not caring who heard it this time.
“I love you too” he said using his thumb to clean up the smudge of her lipstick, she giggled and wiped it from his mouth as well. He held out his arm for her as he moved away. “Shall we, my love?” He asked and she quickly took his arm holding it securely, showing possession this time, not just the kind gesture as they reentered the ball room, exposing their love.
Of When we were young
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Taglist: @jediminddicks1000 @hxldmxdxwn @muted-mayham @scarletsoldierrr @thisis-theway @everythinggeeky
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minky-for-short · 4 years
An Unexpected Bond
A Perc’ahlia fic feat Fae!Percy <33
Special thanks to my betas @mollymauk-teafleak and @spiky-lesbian <33
Vex pulls her cloak tightly around her as she keeps her pace into the deepest parts of the woods, Trinket following closely, letting out small groans of unease as the trees grow denser. Vex smiles assuringly as she pats his head.
“It’s alright, Trinket” she soothes, looking ahead as her dark vision allows her to catch sight of a clearing surrounded by tall, ominous looking trees, “Remember, we’re doing this for Vax..” Trinket responds with his ears flattening sadly against his head, and Vex can’t blame him..
Between the two of them, Vax had always been the one who was stuck in bed more often with a cold or fever when they were children. She remembers spending warm, sunny days inside, sitting beside her brother’s bed, entertaining him with stories and feeding him soup when their mother was in town buying more medicine, because the thought of playing in the woods without her brother was just unthinkable to her younger self. Even when they were taken to Syngorn to live with their father, she would sneer at the clerics who would try and get her to leave his room so they could treat his fever. By the time they were traveling on their own, Vex always made sure to have enough money set aside to buy medicine, just to be safe. And even when money was tight, a wink and showing off the right amount of cleavage was always enough to make sure her brother had enough medicine to last through whatever sickness had come over him in the colder weather.
One thing she could always count on though was that no matter how ill he became, her brother would bounce back from it with determination and good humor.
Until now..
Even Pike, one of their closest friends and the best cleric within the entirety of Tal’Dorei, was puzzled when he had just collapsed. Burning to the touch when he had no sign of any ailment beforehand, and even as he tried to wave off her concern and that of their friends, he could barely walk with her assistance. In the end, he ended up having to be carried back into bed by Grog. And that’s where he’s been confined for the past two weeks. 
Vex had done her damndest to share her brother’s optimism that this was a seasonal fever that would pass, but days of seeing the same furrowed expression on Pike’s face as her magic does nothing more than provide a brief reprieve from this ailment, the worry on Keyleth’s when none of the herbs she’d mixed into a medicine seem to take...it was becoming increasingly difficult to remain hopeful. 
Two days ago, when Vax fell into a coma, Vex finally became desperate. All that Pike and Keyleth have been able to do is keep him stable, and while she will never be grateful enough for all their efforts, “stable” wasn’t good enough for her. 
She wanted her twin. Awake and alive as he’s always been.
And she was prepared to sell her own soul to do it.
While her friends convinced her that selling her soul would not go over well with her brother, they did share in her determination to find any other means to save their rogue.
And that’s when Scanlan shared a story he had heard while he was traveling with his old performance group.
A forest, far north in the continent, that was said to be home to a rift in a clearing in the middle of the forest, where the plane between the Material Plane and the Feywilds was the weakest. Scanlan had never bore witness to it himself, but he had heard tales from those who lived close to those woods about a figure who would appear there every so often, only exposing themselves to those who caught their interest.
What the being looked like, however, seemed to vary on whoever told the tale. Some would say they took the shape of a shadowy creature, others would say it took the appearance of a man in a bird-shaped mask. Regardless, one thing remained consistent: this figure would make a deal with whoever caught their interest. The price of the deal would vary, depending on what was being asked.
So Vex had no idea what to expect if she came across this figure, she may end up selling her soul after all.
But it didn’t matter. She would do whatever it took to save her brother. 
Keyleth accompanied her and Trinket while the others stayed behind to look after Vax, her Tree Stride turned what would be a week long trip into mere seconds, but that was the easy part. Vex made her agree to stay put while she and Trinket travelled into the thick of the woods alone.
And that’s where they were now.
Vex stepped into the clearing with the briefest moment of hesitation, not sure what to expect. But she holds onto her resolve as she moves further in until she’s standing in the center.
“Hello?” she calls hesitantly. Nothing. “Hello?” She calls again, her voice stronger, more determined. She received no response besides the wind blowing through her hair. Had she been paying closer attention, she would’ve realized that there was no sway to the trees surrounding her. 
Instead she felt herself growing annoyed by the thought of being ignored. “Now you listen, whatever you are, I don’t give a damn if you think I’m worthy or not. I came here for a reason, and I am not leaving until I get what I need!”
“Stubborn little thing, aren’t you?” A warm voice chuckles near her ear causes her to quickly jump away and draw her bow and arrow, “I like that.”
Vex’s dark vision allows her to see the figure that wasn’t there a moment ago, wrapped in shadows, a bird-shaped mask obscuring their face, making both versions of the stories true, but she doesn’t lower her weapon. “Who are you? Are you the creature that makes deals?”
“I see you don’t have much experience in dealing with the fae” the figure converses, clearly not phased by an arrow being aimed right at him, “We don’t give our names to anyone; far too much power to give to a stranger.”
“You’re fae?” Vex confirms, her eyebrows furrowing curiously before remembering, “Right...I heard rumors that the veil between the Feywild and this plane was weak in these woods.”
“Not the entire woods, my dear,” The fae corrects politely, “Just this particular clearing. Why that is, I’m not entirely sure. It probably existed for years before I happened upon it, and as a naturally curious being, I decided to see where it led. And now here we are, having a nice conversation under the moonlight.”
Vex tilts her head at the fae, an eyebrow raised curiously as she slowly lowers her bow, “Do you give this spiel to everyone who finds their way to your clearing? Or do you just like the sound of your own voice?” 
She is answered by an amused chuckle. “You might be the first mortal who didn’t bow before me like I was some type of deity.” He takes a step closer to her, the mask hiding a smile, “I think I might like you.”
“Enough to help me with my problem?” she asks intently, and for the first time since the fae approached, she can see flashes of blue from within the eye sockets of the mask.
“For the right price.”
Vex takes a deep breath, steeling her resolve, “Before I ask you of anything, I refuse to deal with a person who hides their face, fae or not.”
The fae tilts his head curiously, impressed by her wording, “Very good, my dear lady,” he nods in approval, “I can’t tell you how many mortals have made the mistake of asking to see my face.”
Vex eyes him suspiciously, “and why is that?”
“Because then I can say ‘No’.” He answers simply, “You must choose your words carefully when dealing with the fae...and since you have…” he trails off as he lifts a pale hand to his face, and Vex watches with fascination as the shadows dissipate as he pulls the mask away, and Vex is struck speechless by what stands before her now.
At first glance, Vex would think he’s an elf, but as she studies him more carefully, she can see his features are more exaggerated. His ears for instance; longer and more pointed than that of a full-blood elf. His skin was pale as moonlight and seemed to have the same serene glow, and his short white hair seemed to flow in a breeze that didn’t exist. But what Vex found herself most drawn to were his eyes, crystal clear and a shade of blue that she’s never seen before. She could sense a warmth hiding behind the steely gaze.
He was without a doubt the most beautiful man she’s ever seen.
“Now then, my dear..” The fae brings her back into focus, conjuring two chairs into existence as he looks at her with intent interest, “what can I help you with?”
Vex hopes that the dark cover of night can hide her blush as she takes a seat in the chair across from him, setting her weapons down beside her, “You seem to be quite powerful, Mr. Fae, tell me...are you powerful enough to cure someone who is ill?”
The fae hums as he folds his arm, his eyes closing as he contemplates, “It depends...this ‘someone’, are they dear to you?”
“Yes.” Vex answers immediately, “He’s...he’s my brother. My twin. He’s had many illnesses before, and he’s always recovered from them, but this…” She clenches her nails into her palms, “..this is different. We’ve tried everything: clerics, medicines, herbs, spells...nothing is working. I’m afraid this might be my only option left.”
“I see..” the fae hums, his blue eyes softening as he looks up at her. “Well, I truly hope your brother knows how fortunate he is to have a sister who will go such great lengths for him…” he pauses, thinking, “Very well. I will heal him.” 
Vex’s eyes light up, “You will?” She lets out a shuddering sigh of relief,, “thank the Gods…”
“Don’t..” the fae interrupts her, “thank me just yet. We still need to discuss your price.”
Vex rolls her eyes slightly as she sits back against her chair, “Of course we do..” she puts on what her friends call her ‘business’ face, when she’s getting ready to haggle with a merchant, “so what is it that you want?”
The fae grins at her as he thinks, “well, let us see...you are asking me to save the life of one of your loved ones...so I believe the only fair price would be to give me one of them. Perhaps, ah yes…” his eyes gleam in the moonlight, “...your firstborn child.”
Vex blinks at him, and she can’t suppress the breath of laughter that leaves her, “Seriously? You’re going the “firstborn child” route?”
The fae shrugs, “The classics are classics for a reason. A life that is nearly ending for a life that has just begun; a fair trade if you ask me?”
“But I’m not even pregnant.” Vex points out, “and what if I never am? The life I lead isn’t exactly ideal for raising a child.”
“An interesting point..” the fae hums, “Well, let us consider it a wager then..” Vex narrows her eyes at him, “..let us say you have...three years to give me your child. Otherwise our deal will become null, and your brother will go back to being on death’s door.”
Vex is ready to snarl at him, to jam one of her arrows in his throat for trying to force her hand by threatening her brother. But something stops her, and she realizes what it was: his wording. He says she has three years to give him her child...yet he doesn’t seem to realize he just gave her the power to choose who the father will be.
And as she glances him over, she decides that while he might present himself as a pretentious asshole...she can’t pretend she isn’t attracted to him.
So she smiles and folds her hands on her lap, “Sounds like an interesting wager. I agree to this deal: you save my brother, and in exchange, I will give you my first child.”
She sees the slight shift in his expression, and she can tell that this isn’t the way these types of deals usually go with him. Perhaps he was expecting her to fall to her knees and beg that she gives him anything but her hypothetical child. But she is also certain that no one has ever tried to twist a fae’s words before.
But his questioning look quickly fades as he smiles at her, holding out his hand, “then we have an accord. By the time you return home, you will be greeted by the sight of your brother: healthier than he’s ever been.”
Vex looks down at his waiting hand for the briefest of moments, and then takes it, and she can feel the magic swirl around their joined hands as their contract manifests into existence. When she pulls back, she looks over her hand; no physical mark, but she knows that the magic is there, and somehow, she knows that her brother is waking up from his illness-induced coma.
“Thank you.” she smiles, sincerely, looking up at the fae, “Well, seeing as I have three years to fulfill my end of the bargain..when would you like to start trying?”
For the first time since he manifested in front of her, the fae looks confused, “I...admit, my dear, I’m not entirely sure what you mean?”
Vex blinks at him, feigning innocent obliviousness, “Well, I promised that I would give you my first child, correct?”
“But you never specified who I had the child with..”
A minute passes. Another one passes, and Vex will forever relish the look of flustered realization that fills the fae’s expression as he realizes exactly how he messed up.
But she will also remember the bright laughter that comes out of him once his shock passes.
“You clever, tricky woman.” the fae breathes between fits of laughter, “Serves me right for underestimating you.”
Once Vex realizes that she wasn’t going to be subjected to archfey-level fury, she begins to relax, and laughs with him. “You’d be surprised how many do.”
“Well,” the fae chuckles, looking at her with what was probably the first sincere smile he’s given her, “a mistake I will not make again, I assure you. And seeing as it is too late to change the terms of our deal, we will need to make certain I am able to help you fulfill your end of the agreement.”
“Oh?” Vex raises her eyebrow, smiling curiously, feeling much more confident that she was at least on equal footing with the fae now, “and how do we do that?”
“Two steps, actually” he answers, “First: I will bestow my mark upon you. Not only will it allow me to find you, it will also serve as a protective sigil for you. I can’t have the mother of my future child in mortal peril after all.”
“Fair enough” Vex nods, “and the second step?”
“We introduce ourselves to each other” he responds, standing to move closer to her, and Vex can’t help but stand with him, “by giving each other our names, we create a bond. It is normally used in the feywild as a way to take ownership of others, that is why giving your real name to a fae is normally advised against.”
“But if you give me your name as well, then I own you, as much as you own me..” Vex finishes.
The fae smiles, taking her hand in his, “that is one way to look at it. And to prove this is no trick..” he leans in close, and Vex can feel her heart pounding against her ribcage at how close he is now, how warm his breath is against her ear as he whispers a name:
She pulls back to look at him, and she sees in the fae’s eyes, in Percival’s eyes, a fear that hadn’t been there before, and she realizes the amount of power, and trust, he’s just handed to her.
And the thought of taking advantage of it absolutely repels her.
“Vex’ahlia.” is the only thing she responds with. “Or Vex...as my friends like to call me.”
Relief fills his face as Percival lets out a small chuckle, “then this the beginning of quite the friendship, Vex.”
Vex can’t fight the heart that fills her cheeks, something about the way he says her name just causes something in her that she’s never quite experienced. “Well then, Percival. Now what?”
The familiar, devilish smile crosses his face as he covers her hand with his, “Now…” he starts as a warm, tingling sensation fills the back of her hand, “you go tend to your brother. And we’ll talk later.” 
Before Vex can ask what he means, he presses a brief, warm kiss to her lips, and before she can properly respond, his warmth is gone, and she, and Trinket, are back in the entrance of the woods.
“What the-”
“Vex!” Vex turns at the sound of Keyleth’s voice, and she sees the red-haired druid running towards her, out of breath, but smiling brightly. “Wow, you literally just appeared out of nowhere, but that doesn’t matter. I just got a message from Pike. Vax woke up! And it sounds like he’s even healthier than before he was sick!”
Vex can only stare blankly at her before her words catch up and she’s laughing as tears of relief fill her eyes. “Well he certainly works fast..” she murmurs under her breath”
Keyleth tilts her head at him, “what was that?” Vex just shakes her head in response.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just happy it worked.”
The smile fades slightly from Keyleth’s face as she looks at her with concern, “so, there really was a fae...they didn’t ask too much from you, did they?”
Vex brings her hand up to wipe the tears from her eyes before she notices it: a faint, glowing symbol of a six-sided star on the back of her hand, and she just smiles.
“Honestly Kiki, I actually think I got a pretty good deal out of it.”
Keyleth looks confused, but she shrugs as she begins moving towards the tree they arrived out of, “Well, you’ll have to tell me more about it later, I’m sure you’ll want to see Vax now.”
Trinket nudged Vex happily and she smiles as they move towards the tree. “Yes, I really do.”
Keyleth and Trinket step through the portal first, and just as Vex begins stepping back into the familiar grounds of their home, she feels a warm breeze surround her as the portal closes behind her.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Meet Cute
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: Your late night thesis work leads you to meet the ever-charming Dick Grayson. Warnings: Language, implied smut Word Count: 1.6k A/N: I was just remembering my long nights at Starbucks while writing my thesis…and thought of this. A thesis is basically a super long and excruciating research paper you have to write to get a post-graduate degree, for any of those unaware of the term!
All you had wanted was a peaceful night. You knew you could make your next thesis deadline without any all-nighters, as long as you didn’t run into any major problems. Though it seemed the universe just wanted to challenge you. It was pushing midnight, and though Starbucks closed almost an hour prior, your frequent long nights at the coffeehouse allowed for friendships to form. You often stayed while the workers did there closing duties, and tonight was no different. All the baristas had stumbled into the back to finish working when a man clad in a black and blue suit crashed through the storefront window. You watched in awe as he slid back into the counter, trying to cover his head. Another much bigger man staggered in through the new opening.
Both men seemed completely unaware of your presence, as the larger man drew nearer to his foe…still incapacitated on the floor. Without thinking, you picked up your laptop and slammed it into the back of his head. You watched as he slowly began turning towards you, that is, until you once again cracked the computer against his face. He collapsed backwards just as the man clad in spandex regained his composure and jumped to his feet.
You just stood there in shock. I can’t believe I did that. All my work, all my programs, how am I going to finish now? You glanced down at your hands, still clutching the remnants of your laptop, and then up again at the stranger.
He looked back at you noting the panic spread across your face, “Hey hey hey, it’s alright. It’s over.”
You realized he was trying to calm you down for all the wrong reasons. The emotion written on your face was not caused by the man laying unconscious before you, but the realization that anything you had not saved prior to your thoughtlessness was gone. The realization that all the programs you had bought to conduct your analyses were gone. This was a problem that would take weeks of sleepless nights, as well as an ample amount of funds – which you did not have to spare – to fix. You looked down again at your computer, still unable to speak, and gathered your things. Leaving what was left of your computer behind, you got in your car and immediately drove home.
“Did she just…leave?” Dick asked himself in disbelief. He walked over to pick up the broken pieces of your computer, “maybe Timmy can fix this for her.” Quickly, he scooped it up and headed to the manor.
You got back to your apartment and couldn’t even make it to your bedroom. You immediately collapsed on your couch and stared into the darkness. Everything you had been working so hard for had come crashing down on you. Eventually you began running scenarios in your head, because what else could you do? Your presentation was in a week, and your thesis had to be approved by the committee even before that. You had planned to make the final touches today and tomorrow.
“Okay…think Y/N. You can open programs on the school computers, but they would be read-only since the school only has the student license. Then if I printed them, they would have that stupid ‘student version’ watermark.”  You stood up and began to pace in your living room. “Okay, well maybe I won’t need to make changes to my analyses…that will just depend on the committee review. So, how do I get into the program I was using to actually format my thesis?” You sat back down, trying to think of someone who could help. Eventually, you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you know you an unfamiliar sound jogged you awake. Quietly you reached over to the end table and picked up an empty glass, hurling it towards the figure. You ran to turn on the light and noticed it was the same stranger, clad in that spandex suit.
He sat up on the floor and grabbed the back of his head, “I guess I kinda deserved that…though I have to say I’m surprised. Not many people can hear me coming, and even less have that kind of aim.”
“Sorry…I just…well…I live alone…and not in a great area.” You stuttered through your words, still unsure why this masked man was sitting in your living room. “Why, exactly, are you here?”
“Oh right! Well, you seemed kind of out of it earlier…and at first I thought, well duh, crazy people just crashed through the window. Then I realized you may have some important stuff you just lost on that computer, when you, ya’know smashed it into the other guy’s head.”
At the mention of your computer, you instantly froze up. Reading the signs strewn across your face, he continued, “Anyways, my brother is pretty good with the technology thing. He said he was able to recover everything.” Standing up, he picked up the brand-new computer which had landed next to him. “I hope I didn’t break it in the fall,” he chuckled as he handed you the new computer.
Normally, you would never be inclined to take such a gift. But, in this case you couldn’t see any other way around it. “I…I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” You moved to sit on the couch, “My thesis presentation is next week. I thought I was going to miss my deadline. You just saved my life…or at least my graduation date.” You smiled up at him.
The next week went by way too quickly, and you were at the school setting up your presentation. One by one your committee members filed in, but just as you were about to begin a stream of students came through the door. Great, more people to watch me stumble through this presentation.
Panic set into your mind as the teachers asked everyone, yourself included, to step out of the room so they could deliberate. This is normal, you knew this would happen. You started pacing in front of the door, when a man approached you. His brilliant blue eyes stared at you just a bit too long, before he spoke.
“Well I thought you did great.”
“Oh, you saw that? How, uhm, or why did you come?”
“It sounded interesting, so I thought I’d check it out! Clearly, a bunch of people thought so.” Mentioning the crowd of students that attended but leaving out the fact that he gave them each fifty bucks to attend. He couldn’t be the only non-committee member there, that would be a little suspicious.
“So do you…” you’re next sentence was cut off by the sound of the door opening. You smiled and nodded his way before heading back into the room. Well that was shitty timing.
“Congratulations! We are passing your presentation, but there are some changes and we would like to make to the analysis to help with comprehensibility.”
Dutifully you took notes, though this milestone was over, you still had work to do before you passed. Almost an hour had passed when you exited the room again, only to find the mysterious attendee sitting back on the bench. Excitedly, for more than one reason, you walked over.
“I did it! I passed! I never have to give that presentation again!” Why you were exclaiming such news to a stranger was beyond you, but it felt right.
“That’s fantastic! I had no doubts, Y/N. Celebratory drinks?”
“It’s ten in the morning…”
“Celebratory brunch?”
“Honestly, coffee sounds amazing.”
Dick was pleasantly surprised by your answer and motion for you to follow. “There’s this great place just up the street.”
Soon the dates grew more frequent and before you know it, over a year had passed. You came home late from work one night to find Dick sitting on your couch, enveloped in the tv.
“Using me for my cable again, Dick?”
“Whaa…” he put his hand to his chest, “Y/N, I would never.”
“Sure…oh I picked up Thai food, I got enough for you too.”
“You know me so well”
“It doesn’t hurt that your here nearly every night.”
“Yeah, about that…don’t you think it would be easier if I just, well, lived here?”
Slightly stunned, you stared at him, not realizing you had yet to answer.
“I mean, I don’t have…” You cut him off once your daze subsided.
“No, that would be great! I’m just surprised you brought it up.” I mean how is he going to hid the vigilante thing now?
Almost as if he read your mind, Dick continued, “There is one more thing you should probably know before you say yes.”
“Okay…what’s up?” You questioned, sitting on the couch next to him.
“I’m Nightwing.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Confusion spread across his face, so he decided that maybe you didn’t understand. “Like, the vigilante, the one from Starbucks, just before we met.”
“Yeah, Dick, I know.”
“But…but how?!”
“Dickie, come on. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. Your ‘sickness’ comes whenever Nightwing appears on the news getting beat to shit. All the cuts and bruises.”
“When did you figure it out?”
“Like a month after we started dating,” the look on his face was priceless. You just shrugged and continued, “I asked around after my thesis. Students told me YOU paid them to watch it.”
A deep crimson spread across his face, and all you wanted to do was worsen it. “That, plus…who couldn’t recognize an ass like that.”
You let out a laugh as he pulled you on top of him. “I’m going to get you back for that Y/L/N.”
“Do your worst, Grayson.” You chuckled as he lifted the both of you up and carried you into the bedroom.
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
Triskele: fic
Late season seven, just before Requiem. Maggie POV. For @purrykat who asked: I'd love to read a beginning of relationship fic where Maggie first discovers Mulder and Scully are involved! :)
The three Scully women are eternally connected. Even death will not separate them. A triskele of Scullys. The Celtic symbol of life, death, rebirth; of female growth - maiden, mother, crone; of earth, sea, sky. Missy never got to complete her journey on this earth, Maggie thinks, swallowing back the onset of tears that threaten when she recalls Melissa’s face. But she’s with her all the time. Fly high, darling girl.
With that thought still in her mind, a bird flits above her and she looks up. She catches sight of Dana, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. So contained, so grounded. Nothing out of place. Where Missy was all feel my chi, look at my crystals, see the colours of my aura; Dana has always been primly folded and neatly fitted into whatever box she felt she needed to be in. Tomboy. Daddy’s girl. But now, Maggie sees, beautiful woman.
It wasn’t that Maggie hadn’t noticed the thousand small rebellions along the path of Dana’s life. The smoking. That Marcus boy. The FBI. But Dana kept her inner mutineer in an even more secretive place, locked in the dark, should the light ever display her frailties.
Since Missy’s passing, Maggie has often felt her oldest daughter inside, as though their souls have coiled together in the same eternal spiral as the triskele. Missy is guiding her and the sensation can strike at the oddest times. She bought soy wax candles and the unfurling smoke, the earth-sweet scent and the bright flame reminds her of Missy whenever she lights it. Just last week, she had a flash of spontaneity and booked into a spiritual retreat, complete with Himalayan salt baths and group Chakra readings. She can practically see Dana’s eyebrows rising, when they have that conversation. But, whatever differences the sisters exhibited, they shared some similarities. They were both just too stubborn to see it.  
Dana had lived a big life already, but her abduction had effectively killed that version of her. She was still fierce and compact, but the incident had torn open a vulnerability that left her exposed in a way she hated.  
“I feel like Shrodinger’s cat,” she confided in Maggie once, her voice a thready whisper on the phone. “I have been dead and alive at the same time and sometimes I still feel like that.”
Maggie has always felt that Dana’s recovery was a miracle, but she also knows her daughter would deny such a declaration. Missy believed it was proof of a deep, spiritual connection between body and soul. Dana would write off such belief as superstitious hocus pocus. That Missy didn’t recover from her own tragic circumstance was a hard blow to deal with. Maggie could have used some of Dana’s clinical acceptance of the facts of death.
But through life’s miracles or death’s certainty, their bonds are still strong, the Scully women. And Maggie feels a change has come. Inside her, their eternal spiral is turning, shining, glowing.
Maggie looks at Dana now, where she’s standing with Fox under the shade of a wide stripy umbrella, twirling a straw in her lemonade as ice chinks against the glass. She’s laughing at something he’s said, following him with her eyes as he walks to the buffet table. Missy’s voice whispers on the breeze, something like, do you see what I see?
Dana catches her mother looking at her and flushes, dips her head, sips her drink. Oh, my. Of course. Thank you for pointing that out, Missy.
“Lovely afternoon tea, Mrs Scully,” Father McCue says, laying a hand on her arm and smiling out at the garden. “Your roses are splendid.”
“I use dish soap for the aphids. Something my eldest daughter…Melissa…got me on to years ago.”
“Very environmentally friendly,” he says, reaching out to shake a passing guest’s hand. “And Dana? How is she?”
They look over at her, nibbling on a carrot stick as Fox bends to whisper something in her ear. Blooming, she thinks, as a waft of rose perfume fills her nose. “She’s very well,” Maggie says. “As you can see.”
“And this young man is her partner?”
Is that the term, these days? Missy giggles. Mom. Maggie has no idea what people say these days. In her day, she courted William Scully. Or rather, he courted her. And Dana would be so very closed off to the idea of anybody pinning labels on her.
“Fox…Mulder. Yes. He’s…been through quite the ordeal these past months. He was very sick last year. And his mother passed, but you know Dana,” she says, touching the base of her throat as pride blooms in her chest. “She was there for him. She always is.” Nearly adds, always will be, but catches herself.
“They look very companionable. It must be comforting for you to know Dana has such a caring and solid relationship with her partner. I know her work can be dangerous, but she’s always been so strong, hasn’t she?”
Too strong, Maggie wants to add. “Dana! Fox! Come over here. Father McCue wants to say hello.” She waves at them and the skirt of Dana’s dress swishes as the pair walk in unison. Such synchronicity. So in tune with each other. Perhaps even more so, now.
The smile on Fox’s face is broad, proud. A giveaway. He holds out his hand and pumps Father McCue’s hand. Dana tiptoes to kiss both the older man’s cheeks.
“You two look very…” Maggie doesn’t even choose a descriptor before Dana issues an embarrassed ‘mom’ and blushes the shade of her Madame Bellon rose. Fox chuckles. It’s a delightful sound. One she’s not sure she’s heard before. “I was going to say happy. Am I not allowed to say that?”
“We are,” Fox says, looking down at her daughter.
It’s possible Dana missed his use of the personal pronoun. Such a tiny word but from it burst a gargantuan secret. Maggie’s pulse quickens, the way it might when you are expecting some grand announcement. But she’s rushing ahead. She must temper her elation. Besides, Fox is still talking. “You throw a lovely garden party, Mrs Scully. The chicken sandwiches are delicious. What’s your secret?”
“The mayonnaise is homemade. You remember how Missy would complain about the shop-bought stuff but never bothered to help me make it?” Dana nods, but she’s distracted, as though she wants to get away, to seek privacy. “Anyway, I’m so pleased you were able to come. It’s so nice to see you, Fox.”
“I did wonder if you’d recognise me outside of a hospital,” he says and Father McCue coughs in surprise. Dana twists her top half round quickly, shooting Fox a look. “Can I get you a drink, Mrs Scully?”
“Oh, call me Maggie. And I’d love a lemonade, thank you.”
Father McCue walks with him and Dana holds a hand up to her brow, regarding the rest of the guests.
“You have some news?” Maggie asks. 
“What do you mean?”
The spiral inside tightens. Dana must come to you, mom.  Missy’s right. Time. Dana’s always needed time. Holding her secrets, seeking validation, demanding certainty.
“Nothing,” Maggie says, planting a kiss on Dana’s cheek. “I just meant, what have you been up to?”
Dana crosses her hands in front of her, linking her fingers and swaying slightly. She looks so girlish, so pretty. “Oh, you know, the same. Mulder trying to save the world. Me trying to keep him in line as he does it. We have the auditors in tomorrow. Should be fun.”
“Well, you make sure you make time for fun, Dana. It’s important.”
“You sound like Missy, mom.” As she smiles, Dana’s eyes tell a story that fun is being had. Most definitely. “Besides, you probably don’t see it, but working with Mulder can be very entertaining. He’s a funny guy. He’s…anyway…life is good. For now.”
Fox returns with three glasses on a tray. They each take one. On the point of the umbrella, a bird lands, twittering a merry tune. Missy, Maggie thinks.
She proposes a toast. “To the Scully women.” She chinks Dana’s glass first, her eyes water almost imperceptibly. Then she touches Fox’s glass and after he tears his eyes from Dana, he delivers Maggie a slow nod of understanding.
“To the Scully women,” he repeats, looking back down at Dana with the eyes of a man smitten.
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