#a thousand
weird-an · 2 years
Murray is getting on Jim's last nerve. He has been calling the station four times today already, yelling into Jim's ear how he should check on Billy Hargrove, because he's hiding something.
"He's a fucking teenager," Jim says, "Of course we don't get him, of course he's got secrets."
"No, Jim, he's been stealing stuff from Melvald's and has not gone home for the last two nights!" Murray rants. "There's something going on."
Hopper sighs into the phone. At this point he's getting a headache.
"Stop stalking a teenager, Murray."
"Then do your fucking job and investigate!" Murray shouts before hanging up.
Jim doesn't think about it for the rest of the day. But when he sees the Camaro parked at Melvald's parking lot in the middle of the night, after he's on his way home, he stops the car.
Maybe Murray is right, he considers, something is going on. And if it's not, he can tell the idiot at least that he's checked without lying.
He walks over to the Camaro, half way wondering if he'll cockblock a teenager on a date, but he stops dead when he looks inside the car.
Billy Hargrove is curled up on the backseat of his car, a ratty blanket wrapped around him and chewing on a sandwich. At eleven o'clock on a Thursday night. A dark bruise on his cheek.
Billy freezes when he sees him. Hopper can't blame him. He's a big guy.
Billy crawls in front of his car and opens the door. "Is there a problem, Chief?" He smiles at Jim, apparently unaware he's got blood on his teeth.
"Who did this?" Jim points at Billy's face. "And don't fucking lie to a police officer."
He swears internally when the kid flinches at that. He's not good at the whole talking thing.
"Um. I.." Billy coughs and it's obvious he tries to come up with a lie.
"Your old man?" Hopper guesses, because he knows the story. Because he's fucking lived it, too.
Billy stares at him with wide eyes. "It's...I'm...He... doesn't really.."
Jim tries to keep his anger at bay. "Whatever he is, he is wrong about it. You're coming with me."
"Am I... arrested?" Billy asks. Hopper wants to punch someone. Preferably Hargrove Senior.
"No. We're going to mine...and I'm...going to help you." Thank God he doesn't sound as unsure as he feels. He just needs to get Billy away from this man. He's got to figure out how to help this kid.
He wishes the worst thing of all of this would be telling Murray Bauman, he's right. It isn't. It's a fucker kicking out his son after beating him up.
But Billy follows him and sits down on the passenger's seat of his car, still clutching the sandwich. It's a start at least.
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Aftermath of a Lingchi, "death by a thousand cuts" in China
British vintage postcard
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katsu28 · 1 year
hi baby :( i’m sorry ur days been mean to u :( okay so first. i think steve would write down everything he wants to say to you during the day on a piece of paper and he’d give it to u and it consists entirely of things like. “i wanted to tell you that i liked your hair this morning but i forgot” and and “ur so pretty <3” and it’s so cute :(( and he signs them with a little heart and his name and he always addresses them to u and he writes ur name all big n in cursive with hearts n stuff <3
anyways i love you so much babe i hope ur day gets better <3
ivy this made me yearn so hard why must you do this to me (i love it so much pls don't ever stop making me yearn <3)
he's so cute wtf!!! it's all cutesy lovey dovey stuff like "ur shirt is such a pretty color on you :)" "i saw a cat walking along the street that reminded me of you" "you looked so cute sleeping this morning i almost ditched work for you". but also "ur ass looks great in those jeans <3" "that dress has been killing me all day". and also the stupidest cheesy pickup lines!!! "are you from tennessee bc you're the only ten i see!" "did you fall from heaven bc baby you're an angel" like the total dork he is :( also im gonna be honest his hearts probably look a little wonky bc his handwriting isn't the best but it's so cute and so steve it makes you giggle a little. he just slides the paper to you without a word at the end of each day and watches your smile get bigger as you read them and he falls deeper and deeper in love with u with every day and every note :')
oh oh and he doesn't know it but you keep every single note he's ever written you (even the ones from before you were together) tucked in a little box in your closet so you can look at them whenever you're not with him which lets be honest is pretty much never.
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hiveswap · 3 months
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peachdoxie · 6 months
There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function
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codecicle · 2 months
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Guys I'm so glad everyone loves hit JRWI campaign: The Suckening so much. 12 thousand notes on just a thumbnail that's so cool. Anyone think about emizel pussy-out post revival
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redgbasp · 3 months
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I haven’t seen anyone post about this but here’s jerry’s original dialogue vs the remake!
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hamletthedane · 4 months
Thinking about him (the soldier in Poynter’s Faithful Until Death painting watching an apocalypse unfold around him with horror in his eyes as he tries to keep himself standing beneath a doorway, based on an actual 19th century archeological find of a man in full soldier’s garb under a doorway at Pompeii)
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s-lycopersicum · 6 months
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on May 23, 2018
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 1, 2018
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on August 30, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on August 31, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on September 6, 2022
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 17, 2023
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 21, 2023
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Untitled by Pas (paxiti), on June 22, 2023
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ducktracy · 3 months
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sharing a very sage bit of advice from The Simpsons' own John Swartzwelder that i've been trying to hamper down in my writing and drawing alike. let your inner crappy little elf do his worst
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Mattresses, unbeknownst to many, are a lot like cars. Every year new ones roll out, they’re always tweaking and innovating and you’ll never find the same one you loved decades ago when buying a new one.
Where I sold mattresses had a three month return or exchange program for this reason. New beds take a while to break in, and they’re a big expense. Your body is used to the old one. So we made sure people were loving it. If a bed got returned we’d take it back, sanitize and clean it, then sell it again on clearance.
To sell these we always had to disclose what clearance meant to customers, and they had to sign that they knew what they were getting. (FYI, not every company is as… forthright about the used bed situation)
In clearance we had beds that were floor models, we had returns, and more rarely we had old models whose line had been discontinued. These clearance beds were always final sale, so a bed could only be sold twice.
Now, the manager at the store I was working at had realized a vital fact. Clearance beds in the warehouse didn’t sell, especially old models that salespeople weren’t familiar with. And even more especially in odd sizes, like twin extra longs. So he set up a split king on the showroom floor to exhibit clearance beds, pulling all those forgotten twin extra longs out onto the showroom.
Almost all of these were brand new discontinued models. Beds I’d never learned in training were exhumed to be displayed. The manufacturers had moved on to new lines and they’d been left behind. Why would he take such in interest in selling old stock, you might wonder? Because we made double commission on the sales margin of clearance beds, and if we’d had a bed long enough they dropped the cost in the system so it was a fucking cash cow to sell these. Even with huge discounts the commissions were wonderful so it was a win win.
When I got started I was jazzed about this program, I was so on board to sell weird old brand new beds and make a ton of money. I had a wonderful older couple come in, looking for a split king adjustable set. This was a white whale sale.
The current clearance models on the floor were a latex mattress that was brand new despite being of an age to start first grade, and a tempurpedic floor model. The couple laid down and it was like magic. They each loved the bed they’d laid down on. They wanted to buy the whole shebang.
I. Was. Thrilled. I told them about the clearance program and what that meant, and they weren’t bothered in the least. I wrote up the sale then dashed into the back, fizzing with excitement to tell my manager what I’d done.
“You sold the death bed?!” He asked in delight.
I pulled up short, my smile freezing in place. “What…?”
“Didn’t you check the notes?”
I hesitated for a long beat then slowly shook my head. You see, dear reader, all beds had a personal history. Every clearance bed had logs written up by the person who took the return, as well as warehouse crew after sanitizing. It helped us know what to expect when selling them. “Wasn’t it just a floor model? You said it was a floor model…”
He slowly shook his head. I checked the notes.
It turned out, it had been sold as a floor model. The first time. But the company had made an exception and taken it back as a return two months later. Why? Because it’s owner had passed away.
I stared at the computer in horror and my manager shrugged. “They signed the clearance form. Technically it was a floor model.”
“We know for a fact that a man died in that bed!”
“What they don’t know can’t haunt them,” he said philosophically.
The man came back a week later for more sheets, utterly delighted to tell me how well they were sleeping. I clamped my teeth down around the secret of the deathbed, choosing to let them love their new bed without the stigma. Only one person would be haunted by that deathbed, and it was me.
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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helpimstuckinafandom · 5 months
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hiveswap · 8 months
It IS true that being on here gives you a tumblr accent. This morning my mother asked me something and i replied "i don't know i've never heard these words in that order" and she nearly choked laughing. It wasn't even that funny
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thefantastician · 1 month
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the thousand year door comics!!
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shinseifer · 1 year
"average cat owner spends 3 years in prison" factoid actualy just statistical error. average owner spends 0 years in prison. Miette's mother, who kicked her body like the football and went to jail for One Thousand Years is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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