#a willing accomplice
mymarifae · 4 months
hsr's a great game it's like "hey here's this guy who's a cyborg cowboy of all things isn't that fun. look at how wild and flamboyant and entertaining he is! an automatic censor was installed into his universal translator when he got his rockin robot bod so he can't swear anymore and this is especially funny in the cn and jp text of the game because his swears are replaced with things like sweetie, baby, and cutie."
"also his entire homeland was wiped out by the intergalactic capitalistic monolith that's been cruelly siphoning valuable resources from countless planets with little to absolutely no regard for the residents. they spared nothing once their boss gave them the go ahead to use military force. not even his baby daughter, who had just barely learned how to walk."
"he never got the chance to erect a grave for her. or the other loved ones he lost."
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
People rebutting the "Childe is 34" theory, have you considered this.
No way he would have survived that long with his lifestyle.
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lemonlokkich · 9 days
Writing prompt: Sky and Wind do crime together
The Mom Friend
Sky and Wind. Mainly Wind lol. Thank you for the prompt ace!
Maybe he shouldn't have stolen that gem. Maybe he should've just kept his sticky hands to himself like Legend had warned him to when they entered Castle Town in the first place.
He should've listened to Twilight's warnings about how jumpy and panicky his towns folk were. How vigilant they were after the events of his adventure.
But the beautiful sky blue Sapphire was embedded in cheap metal that looked near to rusting. The thing's beauty was obviously neglected just to make a quick rupee and he had the perfect use in mind.
500 would've been fair if it was actual jewelry instead of an arts and crafts project gone wrong.
So Wind did what any reliable pirate would do, he calmly walked along the side of the booth, pressing as close to the crowd as he could get before deftly swiping the neglected object off the table in one smooth and most definitely practiced motion.
He almost dropped it as someone screeched in his ear, loud and panicked and angry.
“Thief! Thief!” A random woman standing behind him yelled, pointing straight at him and looking close to a near faint from the shock “Guards!”
Fucking hell.
Farore strike him down.
A commotion of clanking armour erupted a few paces further from him in the crowd, the telltale sounds of a guard shouting in response to the mass of now panicking civilians who have devolved into clucking like frightened cuccos.
Wind didn't need to be told to run, he just went. He squeezed himself through the crowd, slipping the sapphire-junk amalgamation into his magic pouch where it'll -hopefully- remain safe.
Bodies pressed close as he ducked and weaved and sidestepped, the guard hot on his heels. He should've lost the guy way back in the crowd, but Twilight's era seemed to have a love for darker, duskier colours and had a clingy sort of shade to everything compared to Wind’s sunnier clothes and general vibe.
That made him easy to keep track of, even as he reached an entirely different section of the marketplace where the panic gave way to the familiar demure shuffling of the crowd.
He was so close, if he could just find an alleyway or shop to hide out in…
Cold metal clamped around his twiggy arm and he couldn't resist a tiny yelp as he was physically lifted into the air by the guard and left dangling like a misbehaving kitten in front of the knight.
This had the effect of both being eye level with the guard and being able to somewhat look over the crowd if he strained his neck a bit.
Only one of those was an issue as he locked eyes with the aforementioned guard and scowled his fiercest scowl.
It seemed to be a man around Times age, clearly strong by the way he lifted Wind up like a bag of straw. Although, his brothers claimed he really was just that scrawney which Wind sincerely resented.
He was a growing boy, okay.
The man scowled back at him, eyes narrowing.
“What do you think you're doing, boy?” The guard growled, low and timbre and reverberated through Wind who was… not intimidated at all.
Twilight told them his guards were kind of pathetic, all things considered. And Warriors definitely could be wayyyy more intimidating than this.
But Warriors also said to never speak when he got arrested until he could get ahold of any of them. Something something lawyers…
Hell if he knows.
He flattened his mouth into a thin line and started trying to wiggle out of the guards grip. The guard, who was positively shook by this very obvious escape attempt, just readjusted his grip a bit.
Which gave him a perfect opportunity to sweep his gaze across the crowd and have his eyes land squarely on the comforting sight of Sky.
Now, Wind could do a myriad of things in this situation. He could call out his brother's name, he could shout something unintelligible, he could just scream like the seagulls had taught him to back home.
Despite popular belief, those were not liable to work in any way shape or form. Because this is Sky.
But Wind has an idea… to exploit the hero's spirit.
Afterall no hero can resist the call of a child in danger… separated from their family perhaps.
Wind took a deep breath, and in the most boyish, shrieky shout he could manage he screamed.
Several heads in the crowd swiveled around, mainly women and a few elderly folks.
But most importantly, Sky's head shot up and locked eyes with Wind and his totally hidden smug expression. He could spot a range of expressions flitting over the older man's face, glancing around before diving into the crowd and making his way towards them.
Wind could feel the guard stiffen, fingers tightening patiently as a collage of images of a thousand angry mothers flashed before the poor guy's eyes. Clearly experienced in the wrath of entitled mother's with their ‘little angels’.
It wasn't long before Sky burst into the little pocket in the middle of the crowd where Wind dangled.
Wind, who's smile sharpened in absolute delight before calling out in a very convincingly teary voice, “Mom! This mean guard grabbed me! He thinks I stole something…”
Sky's expression twitched between perplexed and incredibly amused before settling on a fake grave expression which made Wind's heart soar. He may get off scott free yet.
Sky put his hands on his hips, squinting upwards at the guard and teen duo.
“Well, did you?” He raised one eyebrow convincingly, voice pitched in a pretty convincingly feminine impression.
Who knew Sky was a man of such absolute skill? Wind did, Wind never doubted the Skyloftian for a second. Anyone who did is obviously a hater, looking at you young-Groose.
Wind let his eyes water a bit to make it even more convincing, flailing as a response and wiggling in the guards grip. The guard, who was way too haunted to recognize that Sky was a full grown man.
“No! Of Course I didn't! I was just looking I promise, you know I'd never, Mom! You would kill me!” Wind would like to credit his amazing acting skills towards Tetra, who had pulled the same stunt in front of his very eyes once.
Good job Tetra, go girl.
Sky gazed up at Wind for a longggg long moment, long enough that sweat was starting to bead at the boys brow in fear of Sky maybe backing off.
Sky definitely knew he stole something.
And then Sky glared.
The air went suffocatingly still for a moment, the guard shuddered and leaned back and as Sky locked his glare onto the guard the man dropped Wind.
He did not stumble, that was just… intentional. Part of the act.
Sky was quick to wrap an arm around him and pull the boy into his side protectively, all like a mother he was pretending to be, still glaring.
“You don't lay another hand on my poor sweet angel again y’hear?” He clucked, wagging a finger at the guard for dramatic effect.
The guard sputtered, “B-but ma'am? I saw him, he stole-”
“He did no such thing! Didn't you hear him? He knows the consequences of stealing and my darling sweet child-” okay, laying it on a little thick there Sky- “would never lie to me, he may be a bit overamaginative, but a liar he is not!”
“Don't you dare suggest such preposterous things ever again. My baby boy and I will be taking our leave now! Good day sir.”
“I said, good day.” Sky growled.
The guard just sagged, a hopelessly defeated sigh escaping the poor fellow. “Good day, ma'am.”
With Wind still tucked under his arm, Sky turned and made his way back through the crowd.
“So, what'd you steal?” The Skyloftian asked, promptly dropping the act as soon as they were out of range.
“I'll have you know your sweet baby would never, mom”
Thank you for reading! My prompt inbox is always open if you wanna give me smth to write! This was written in like 1 hour and I proof read it only one omw to school so excuse my spelling and stuff. English is my second language.
If you wanna read more fics check out my ao3:
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oldtestleper · 6 months
personally i love the trinity of sol, galicaea, and helio. the father the son and the holy spirit but make it the sun, the lifeless rock that's only visible when it reflects the sun's light, and the cringefail monoculture that grows because of it
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
The Jin wasn’t the only clan involved in the Qiongqi Path ambush:
Many people emerged from countless hiding corners on both sides of the valley. There were over three hundred of them. Most wore robes of Sparks Amidst Snow, although some wore other uniforms as well.
—Chapt. 76: Nightfall, exr
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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VALAENYA TARGARYEN daughter of destiny (asoiaf) // (VALA)ENYA DAYNE sword of the morning (asoiaf)
IOVANNA DAYNE mistress of mists (hotd) // UNA NATHAIRA ULLER mistress of misery (hotd)
ELAENAERA TARGARYEN the lady of luna (hotd) // LAENAERA VELARYON siren of the sea (hotd)
TAGGED BY the darlings @florbelles, @phillipsgraves, @jendoe, @chuckhansen to make the dears in this cutest meiker! ty ty so much! <3
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @kingsroad, @risingsh0t, @denerims, @leviiackrman, @queennymeria, @nightbloodraelle, @shellibisshe, @fragilestorm, @noonfaerie, @marivenah, @jacobseed, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @arklay, @50sjello, @pearlcscent, @leondaltons, @lollyhaze, @aartyom, @unholymilf, @loriane-elmuerto, @girlbosselrond, @jillvlntine, @morvaris, @blissfulalchemist, @malefiicarum, @roofgeese, @hoesephseed, @themysteriouslou and you!
#oc: valaenya targaryen#oc: iovanna dayne#oc: una nathaira uller#oc: elaenaera targaryen#oc: laenaera velaryon#there she is!!!!!! baelors beloved! vannas daughter in law <3 my sea girl at last! 🌊🐉#leg.ocs#leg.tagged#t: picrews#lae is bonded to a dreamy dragon by the name of salokaniir 🕊🕯#her and baelor ​they have such a cute meeting and relationship dynamic i love them dearly! DEARLY!!!!!#they’ve been friends since they were babies! they were seen playing together at the tourney at harrenhal!#she was his (willing-ish) accomplice when they snuck into rhaes wedding! (she didn’t want him getting in trouble and caught alone✨🥺 preshy!)#(yes that DOES MEAN she’s there when baelor calls daemon (his dad) a stupid man KAJZJXJX ✨😂#i think they always just.. knew? and it came as no surprise when it was announced <3#(theres also a period where they almost married different people and una almost was betrothed to baelor WHICH THEN aeggy finds out ->#and glares at his bestie baelor the whole supper alsjjxjx even in spite of it not working and he didn’t even know una then thats uh….his 😵‍💫#SO UHHH THE DRAGON BOOK DRAGON SHOW BRAINROT GOT WORSE AND I GOT (almost) THE ENTIRE ASOIAF SERIES 🤍🕊😵‍💫#and im veeery excited for enya and her pirate boy to meet <3#sylvenna her mommas did a stint in the small council and she was like ‘hmm he would be lovely for my daughter’#AND MOMMAS MUST BE A DRAGON DREAMER HERSELF BC.. ksjzjxjx 🕊🤍😵‍💫🥴 iconic of her! she knew!#her targaryen looks and her sword of the morning looks <3 thats iovannas descendant! she’s iconic!#SPEAKING OF!!!!!! it’s giving when valerion introduced her to daemy!!!!!! that first meeting! he was head over heels!#he’s so real for that <3 AND IN SPEAKING OF HEAD OVER HEELS I mean UNA??? IM LOSING IT? she turned out lovely in this! ahh!#aeggy didn’t but her that dress that isn’t giving what she would wear in the fic at his coronation 🐍💚😌 GAHH#woo ur (not)witchy girl by gifting her works of art she can wear 💚💚 that or this would be GREAT for her introduction at the trial <3#ella my moon girl ella my dear ella you mean the world to me!!!!!! 🕊🤍 my woman in white!
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Top five aspects of/things about ✨that maritime aesthetic ✨
I hope this does not make me sound like an insufferable wiseass with no original thoughts (does anyone have original thoughts about the ocean? mine are: I've nearly drowned twice and I'm a little superstitious about rules of three, and yet here I am year after year), but:
(1) "For all that has been said of the love that certain natures (on shore) have professed to feel for it, for all the celebrations it had been the object of in prose and song, the sea has never been friendly to man. At most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness, and playing the part of dangerous abettor of world-wide ambitions." (Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea)
(2) "We cannot think of a time that is oceanless Or of an ocean not littered with wastage Or of a future that is not liable Like the past, to have no destination." (Eliot, The Dry Salvages)
(3) "She turned her face seaward to gather in an impression of space and solitude, which the vast expanse of water, meeting and melting with the moonlit sky, conveyed to her excited fancy. As she swam she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself.
Once she turned and looked toward the shore, toward the people she had left there. She had not gone any great distance—that is, what would have been a great distance for an experienced swimmer. But to her unaccustomed vision the stretch of water behind her assumed the aspect of a barrier which her unaided strength would never be able to overcome." (Chopin, The Awakening)
(4) "It’s well;    Atlantic, you are fouled with the blue sailors,    Sea-monsters, upward angel, downward fish:" (Lowell, The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket)   
(5) "Till, gaining that vital centre, the black bubble upward burst; and now, liberated by reason of its cunning spring, and, owing to its great buoyancy, rising with great force, the coffin life-buoy shot lengthwise from the sea, fell over, and floated by my side. Buoyed up by that coffin, for almost one whole day and night, I floated on a soft and dirgelike main. The unharming sharks, they glided by as if with padlocks on their mouths; the savage sea-hawks sailed with sheathed beaks. On the second day, a sail drew near, nearer, and picked me up at last. It was the devious-cruising Rachel, that in her retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan." (Melville, Moby-Dick)
Ask me my “Top 5” anything!
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khihi · 1 year
I'm dying of your tag omfg 🤣🤣🤣😂
Thanks for the laughs <3
mikke chose his career to make beautiful works of art and you're bullying him for ending up photographing HIS BROTHER'S GAY PORN in the tags!!!!!! 😭😭😭
(your tags made me laugh first ahfjdjk <3)
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dent-de-leon · 11 months
I feel like I know in my heart that Plank King Kingsley would attend a fancy diplomatic royal ball somewhere and steal everything he can from Lord Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Role III. And that Ashton in turn would absolutely steal something from Plank King King's throne room in Darktow--
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aknolan · 2 years
Just watched the episode where Nate hypnotizes Hardison to play the violin really well, and the thing that gets me about it is that it really wasn't needed. It wasn't! Or rather, it didn't need to be a violation of Hardison's trust.
He could have asked Hardison, told him that this was what the con would require. Hardison would have accepted that. And no one in the episode claims it wouldn't have worked if Hardison knew it was happening.
Nate did it to prove a point. And his point was that to lead a crew you need to be capable of doing terrible things to your own crew. Capable of running a con on your own crew. The thing that Nate got really angry at Sophie about in season 1, the thing he did himself in season 2.
Maybe it is necessary sometimes, maybe that's how you save lives sometimes, but this time wasn't the time it was necessary. This time, Nate was just an asshole.
(And Sophie knew, sure, she was part of this one. But Nate already conned her to get her to say who would be easiest to hypnotize. After all, why else would he have to explain to her that he used her information on candidates to hypnotize Hardison?)
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spaceandfiction · 2 years
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ladykyriaa · 1 year
Chat Noir hasn't managed to hold back from cataclysming anyone since season 4 and honestly I'm here for it.
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badjokesbyjeff · 3 months
What Pets Write in their diaries 
Excerpt from a Dog's Diary.........8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 PM - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 PM - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 PM - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 PM - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 PM - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 PM - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 PM - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Excerpt from a Cat's Diary...Day 983 of my captivity....My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of.. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards. There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event.. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.'I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow - but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously stupid. The bird has got to be an informant.I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe...for now.
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apricotmayonaise · 4 months
my flaming hot but also niche ace attorney take is that i do not think april may was a manipulative conviving gaslight gatekeep yas queen girlboss. she was not doing any of those crimes based on her own free will. she was terrified of being murdered by her boss. like, textually. she's not putting on that ditsy sexy persona for shits and gigs and to Scam Men For Fun she's putting on that persona to avoid getting murdered by her incredibly powerful employer. the day we acknowledge that april may was not a willing accomplice is the day i can rest.
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gojoest · 9 months
COMPETITION — gojo satoru
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satoru tries to beat the bad cook allegations and win his girls back
girl dad satoru, established relationship — you’re married & have a daughter (oc), her name is sora, f! reader, reader is referred to as “mama”, mentions of food, this is a silly little thing, not proofread, wc: 1.2k
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satoru can be a lot of things — the strongest sorcerer, the most loving and devoted husband, the world’s greatest dad, society’s biggest menace, and according to some “the owner of the most annoying heh”  — but there’s one thing he most definitely isn’t. a good cook.
but ever since you had a family brunch gathering at nanami’s place where the latter had singlehandedly prepared a feast, without letting his wife lift a single finger even when it came to setting the table, satoru took it upon himself to prove that he can be as good of a cook as nanami, or even better.
the way you and your five-year-old daughter, sora, looked as if you’ve just tasted heaven while savoring each bite was a blow below the belt for satoru, while the finishing one was you complimenting nanami and telling his wife how she is the luckiest woman alive to have a husband who’s so skilled and willing in the kitchen because satoru can’t even boil water — to which sora nodded in agreement, “papa really sucks in the kitchen.”
it’s been two weeks ever since and you regret ever making that snarky remark about satoru’s incompetence because you’ve been banned from the kitchen all along, not even allowed to pour yourself a glass of water — all you have to do is ask and your husband will do it for you while you sit back and watch as the state of your kitchen worsens with each passing day.
he would occasionally have sora keep him company and help him prep the ingredients, sometimes even take the first bite if the end product looks edible, but for you the kitchen was completely off limits, he’s got a point to prove — that he is the best husband and you should’ve never said those flattering words about his friend in the first place because he can’t stand it when you acknowledge in any way any other man that isn’t him.
satoru’s determination is strong. he has no intention of letting this matter go, not until he sees that same expression on you and your daughter’s face — this is his life goal right now, he cannot have his two most important girls swayed by another man’s cooking, not even if that man is nanami (and especially because it’s him).
you might be running out of usable plates and pans, as they’re either broken or burnt, but satoru is definitely making progress. all the cooking videos he’s watched and the tips he’s gotten from talking to mothers on online forums are finally paying off because today, for the first time ever, he didn’t burn the pancakes for breakfast.
“papa”, sora looks with disapproving eyes at her dad, her cheeks squished between her tiny palms as she’s leaning her elbows on the kitchen counter.
“yes, my life”, satoru crouches down to her level. even though she’s standing on the toddler step stool her head can barely reach his hips. but whenever satoru talks to her, he always, without fail, either squats down or leans forward or holds her in his arms — because in those moments it’s just him and his little princess against the world, on equal footing always so he can hear her better and never miss a single expression she makes. “what’s with that look, hm?”, he nuzzles his flour covered nose against hers, the action itself causing some of the white particles to smudge on hers too.
“the pancakes look like pancakes this time but mama will not like this mess you made, again” — the sink is filled to the brim, there’s flour and baking powder on every single surface — counter, table, chairs, floor, the butter has started melting because satoru placed it too close to the stove after using some of it, there’s eggshells on the floor — any clean freak’s biggest nightmare.
“the mess i made?”, he gasps, “aren’t you an accomplice in this, little miss?”
“no”, she flatly denies, “i only watched you and broke the eggs”
“on the floor, that is”
“it’s because you said pick three eggs while i can only carry two, look—”, she stretches her tiny hands forward, palms facing up, to prove her point, “i have only two hands and they’re not big like yours, how am i supposed to hold the third one?”
satoru chuckles at her genuinely puzzled face, “you’re right, my life”, he replies through a soft smile after taking her hands into his and peppering kisses on the inside of each, “papa didn’t consider this”
“it’s okay, papa”, sora rests her forehead against her dad’s, “i am a big girl now, i will help you clean after breakfast”
“but you’ll always be my little girl no matter how old you get”, satoru whispers softly, lifting her up with just one arm so his free hand can gently caress the back of her head as she comfortably nuzzles her face into the crook of his neck, “which is why papa will take care of it”
“but first”, he sits her on the countertop and cuts a small piece of the pancake for her to taste. “say aah”, he holds the fork to her mouth, eagerly observing every gesture on her face as she takes the bite and starts chewing. it’s definitely not the look she made while eating nanami’s cooking but she doesn’t seem to hate it either.
“yes, my life?”, satoru looks at her expectantly.
“can i be honest with you?”
“yes, of course you can”
“uncle nanamin does it better”, she admits to which satoru instantly deflates, “but—”
“but?”, a tiny spark of hope makes it back to his sulking eyes.
“i wouldn’t trade your pancakes for the world”
“YESSS”, satoru triumphantly pumps his fist in the air and spins around beaming with joy, “got one of my girls back on my team — now let’s hear your mother’s verdict… but hold on”, his face painted in concern again.
“hmm?”, sora questions the sudden change in his demeanor.
“sora.”, satoru speaks in a rather serious voice.
“you’re not saying this just because i’m your papa, right?”
“well, it’s partly because of it actually”, sora pauses for a second, trying to pick the right words before continuing, “but it’s because you put so much love and effort to make me and mama happy that it makes anything you do my favorite thing in the world, and i wouldn’t trade it for anything, papa”
“i haven’t tasted the pancakes yet but i must agree with sora on this”, your voice reaches them from behind as you stand leaning on the doorframe. you came following the sweet and warm aroma wafting through the air but found yourself accidentally eavesdropping on their little heart-to-heart talk. “you put your heart and soul for us always — aren’t we the luckiest girls in the world?”, you wink at sora and she nods.
satoru sighs in relief, “if i can’t give you the best of everything that means i am a failure both as a husband and as a father. because you two are my biggest blessing and i only live to make you happy. also — you’re still not allowed in the kitchen, so just stay there and wait for the pancakes.”
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dawnchorus-if · 2 months
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ Your sister is dead, murdered and mutilated and left to rot in a brothel like a sickly dog. You finally know your purpose: revenge.
DAWN CHORUS is an 18+ interactive fiction about death, love, and the song of new morning. Demo TBA.
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You live in The Rocks, a decaying settlement in the shadowed outskirts of the kingdom, Cape Lyra. Once a cozy village, The Rocks has withered into a decrepit ruin since the assassination of King Cedric. Queen Lyra, for whom the kingdom was named, became consumed by grief and neglected the outer villages. Now, The Rocks is a place where even the birds come to die.
Desperate to earn money for the both of you, your sister ventured to Cape Lyra with her best friend, Jax. Only Jax returned, covered in your sister's blood, with a hazed description of her killer. Driven by the need for retribution, you and Jax set out for the kingdom, determined to find and punish the sick soul who took your sister's life. When revenge is your only remaining purpose, a life for a life only seems fair.
You hope.
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‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎Fully customise yourself, from your name and appearance to your sexuality to your greatest woes and wants. Choose your approach to grief, to anger, to revenge—drown in your sorrows or push them aside in favour of a... different kind of vice. Curate a story that revolves around who you are, and what you'll stand for.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Explore relationships with six different romanceable characters, and a multitude of other characters to befriend (or behead). Interact with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own impact to leave on the story. Just... be careful who you trust, some people might not be who they say they are.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Find out what really happened to your sister. Hunt down her killer, or killers, and determine your own ability to play executioner on her behalf. Open doors to dark rooms in the royal family history, find out that there's a lot more darkness in Cape Lyra than there is light.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Get involved in the politics of Cape Lyra. The people can only be neglected for so long before they start to revolt, right? What side of history will you be on? Or will you be too blinded by grief to care who gets hurt?
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Exorcise a demon, maybe.
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DAWN, born amidst the morning birdsong, the cherished youngest child of King Cedric and Queen Lyra, and the heir apparent to the throne. They don't often get to see outside of Cape Lyra's walls, so don't fault them for being a little juvenile in their knowledge of the world, it's not born from a lack of desire. There's a youthful charm to Dawn, and a deep-seated eagerness to know more about the kingdom they'll one-day rule. [M/F, 22]
ASA KYNES, climbing the ranks as one of Cape Lyras most dedicated royal guards, Kynes is as formidable as they are resolute. You won't get past them very easily, they've got keen judgement skills, and you're up to something, they're sure of it. Kynes is loyal, and more than willing to lay their life down in servitude to the monarchy. Getting Kynes to open up is hard, but may be more than worth it. [M/F, 26]
JAX HANSLEY, your sisters best friend and now your accomplice in avenging her. Jax is royalty in The Rocks, charismatic beyond belief and has been teasing you since you were just starting to walk. Extravagant and always looking for something to do, you'll never find yourself bored around them. Plus, you couldn't get rid of Jax even if you wanted to, they're the closest thing to family that you have left. [M/F, 24]
CERYS SELINE, owner and face of The Rabbits Foot, Cape Lyra's busiest tavern. Cerys is a stern woman who works her ass off day and night, but there's a sweet undertone to the way she speaks: something nurturing. She's a pillar of the kingdom, well-connected and respected. There's more to her than meets the eye, sure, but for now she's more than willing to aid you in finding your sisters killer. [F, 26]
ARTHUR CASE, a priest who has been ousted from the kingdom for reasons he just won't speak aloud. Left with only one leg and crumbs of his faith, he's living in his late father's old church a short trek from the kingdoms gates. Pop in for a service one day, maybe confessionals don't always have to be one-sided. [M, 29]
??? — something cold in the shadows, and its eyes are on you.
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DAWN CHORUS contains some heavy topics, such as graphic depictions of death, violence, drug use, explicit language and skippable sexual content. Classism is also a present topic. Readers discretion is advised.
reblogs r so appreciated and asks are more than welcome ^^
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