#aaaa i didn't read the missing him part
odessastone · 7 months
So I got my copy of Heroes Ascendant today and THERE WERE SO MANY GOOD LITTLE MOMENTS IN THIS STORY I MUST gush I MUST
So here are some new bits of Symmetra and Lifeweaver lore that we got! I bolded my personal favorite ones. 😚
Satya and Niran "grew up together" as friends, so they were friends in childhood too, not just at a teen or university age.
Apparently when Satya would get overstimulated and need recovery time, Niran would keep people away from their room and tell them she was sick so she didn't have to face anyone 😭
He also used to hang out and watch her practice her dancing for hours on end, without ever getting tired of it.
Satya considered (possibly still considers) Niran her closest friend.
Niran is late to everything (CALLED this one). He's even late for their meeting LOL
"He looked good. Satya almost wished he didn't." Bits like this are going to feed my Symweaver ass for YEARS
Satya is (still) extremely hurt by Niran leaving all those years ago, and perceives it as him having left her, not just Vishkar. She still misses him dearly, even though they've been apart for eleven years.
Speaking of which, being apart for eleven years means Niran was twenty when he left the Academy. For all you fellow fic authors out there 😊
Satya's autism is stated, full-out, no dancing around it or talking about being on "the spectrum". They flat out say "her autism" in a sentence. Cool!
One of Niran's first questions upon reconnecting with Satya is if Vishkar is mistreating her, if she needs help. Of course she denies this, but...
Niran can read Satya's emotions without her saying them, and even while thinking she's hiding them 😭 Several times throughout the story she's surprised because he cuts right through her stoic bullshit and gets right to how she feels about something.
The Architech Academy was really overwhelming for Satya, and it sounds like they made no effort to accommodate her needs. Unsurprising, considering they didn't accommodate Niran's, either.
Vishkar fiercely discouraged her from stimming, instilling in her a fear of looking "immature, or distracted, or rude, or strange".
She gave a speech at graduation, then had to spend a full week in bed afterward to recover from all the stress. And there was no Niran to guard her by then ☹
Even now, she finds many things about Vishkar overstimulating and uncomfortable, such as her uniform's fabric, and her living quarters.
Satya called Niran "Bua" way back when, possibly the first person to use the nickname for him. Partway through the story the narration (from Satya's POV) actually switches to calling him that, which is cute.
The Arcology seems to have uh, basically no real protection against attacks... Null Sector just shows up on a train and starts blasting lol. This is something I address in my fic The Light You Deserve, so it was kinda funny to see that I was right in predicting that.
She feels comfortable enough around Niran by the end to stim around him without realizing it (apparently she taps her fingers together and twirls her hands in circles, I guess kind of like flapping). She immediately stops and is embarrassed when he points it out, but Niran encourages her instead. She then uncertainly stims in front of him, growing more relaxed and confident as she lets herself do so (this had to be my favorite part of the story).
Toward the end they double down on Satya's belief that she can change Vishkar from the inside (girl....) but then at the VERY end, Niran suggests she look more into the founder of Vishkar and his ideals, and then says that "The Arcology will be delighted to have you". SHE MIGHT DEFECT TO THE ARCOLOGY IN CANON AND BE WITH NIRAN HHHHH AAAA sorry this was supposed to be an unbiased list I'm cool I'm cool
THIS WAS EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE WANTED IN A STORY BETWEEN THEM okay minus the random Null Sector attack tbh that was weird
Anyway the very last line says that Satya now has "whenever she needed it, a friend to return to". So they're definitely gonna interact more going forward!!
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httpiastri · 23 days
Am i allowed to ask u to share a bit more abt franco colapinto. Anything random would be really appreciated if u’d like to drop a few fun facts u find interesting/cool/funny ❤️
I don’t know much abt him yet but i’m simultaneously happy for him getting the f1 opportunity and concerned about how things are gonna go for him, knowing williams
oh you're allowed to ask anything you wanna ask love !!! honestly i don't think i'm the right person to ask because i don't know him as well as some others, but he's really such a sweet guy. my dear friend @brururun tells me so much about him and i may have gone on a little trip down our tumblr and discord chats to find stuff... including this:
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(for context: he then proceede to WIN in monza 😶)
it's kinda upsetting because apparently his interviews in argentinian media arent rlly translated that well ?? so us international fans miss out on so much info on him :( but he's very loved in his country, i tried to look for her messages about some kind of like fan meet they had ?? but i couldn't find it aaaa maybe you can put something about it in the comments? 😭
but she also sent me the following link, go read that bcs it's very cute also (i hope the translation button works):
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and im assuming part of why hes so sweet and humble is because he didn't come from a crazy rich family like so many other drivers. he has struggled financially throughout his career, but thanks to fans and support from other argentinian celebs, he's able to be where he is today. even when he was confirmed in f2, he wasn't fully set with the funds.
idk i know i wanted to write something else but i can't remember.... but im just so upset that he's getting so much hate when he's not the one who did anything wrong!! let's just keep our fingers crossed that he does well and has a good time <333
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MAC. OH MY GOD. HEAD IN HANDS. HOLY SHIT. ashe is in college (normal college i think??) VYCNENT IS IN SUPERHERO COLLEGE!!!! wiwi fucking around in the woods..... dakota also in college i think??? idk that wasn't super clear 2 me but i think he's there IDK I WAS JUST SO EXCITED FOR ALL OF THEM TO BE LIKE. EXISTING IN THE SAME PLACE!!!! ashe oughhh ashe i missed u ashe <3 i like to think he still has the trickster's wings. thats canon 2 me idc. oh my godd they're doing like. relatively normal shit!!!!!! aaaa!!!! oh i need 2 write a fic about them in college. i got 2. i MUST. even just a oneshot idc i wanna do it!!!
THE IRL MARIOKART AGAIN!!!! LE FROG!!! WILLIAM'S FUNERAL!!!! THE SILLIES ARE BACK!!!!!!!! SHENANIGANS!!!! oh that was so good. that was SO GOOD!!!!! oh im going 2 cry. i didn't cry and then it got to dakota with his aunt and i teared up a lil and then it had william falling off the cliff and landin gin the dirt and just. holding the soil in his hands and feeling it and i actually cried a lil. man. also CANTRIP IS NOT IN THE SPIRIT WORLD!!! WHERE IS SHE!!! DOES THIS MEAN SHE'S ALIVE OR IS SHE A GHOST I DON'T KNOWWWW GOD I WANT 2 KNOW. I WANT 2!!!! and atlas being killed. an X being carved into him. XAVIER VILLAIN ARC????? 👀👀👀👀 PERHAPS??? god i hope so. i would love to see him as a villain. i rly like xavier actually and i think he deserves to go a little apeshit <3 SO EXCITED FOR WHATEVER THE FUCK IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH MAL!!! GUY WAS ALREADY FUCKED UP AND NOW HE'S EVEN MORE UNHINGED!!!!! i like mal a lot. he fucking sucks. terrible horrible awful little man. i love him so much he's such a cool fucking character i want to throw him out a window <3 idiot shit bastard man!!!!!! and william asking vyncent if he would come to ghim funeral. bro was like THIS CLOSE 2 asking him out. i am telling u. and btw william's fucking "vyncent did you realize anything while i was gone?" right ebfore vyncent just passes tf out in ep39 was so fucking. yeah. that's ghostknife!!!!!!! it always almost happens and then it fucking doesn't!!! i love that for them i hope they're ten times as gay and awkward in s3 <3
GOD. that was so good. finales always fuck me up dude. im so fucking emotional. i feel like my entire being is vibrating like a lightning rod or some shit. ALSO u gotta send me more trivia abt the episodes!!! i think the last one u sent me was for episode 15 of s2. GOD PLS SEND ME GREYSCALE AND DEADWOOD TRIVIA!!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!! I WANT 2 KNOW WHAT THE HELL CHARLIE WAS THINKING DURING GREYSCALE. WHAT WERE UR THOUGHTS KING!!! TELL ME MR SLMCL!!!!!!!!
man. im gonna listen 2 bitb next but i feel like i gotta take a few days first yk??? i gotta let that shit sink in. i hope ur havin a good time reading worm <3 i wil start worm soon!! i just wanna get thru jrwi first bc if i try to get into more than one thing at a time that i know will inhabit my entire brain i feel like my brain is melting. too many blorbo thoughts i gotta stick to one thing first. anyway yeah that was. fucking wild <3 ty for getting me into jrwi i regret nothing
HIIIIIIIIIII WHISKEY. SORRY I LET THIS SIT IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG I LOVE YOU.AUGH. PRIME DEFENDERS MY LOVE. every day i think about yakko showing up in cosplay . that made me so happy. ashe winters i love you so dearly. i have so many thoughts about post s2 ashe. if ashe isnt in s3 im going to fucking riot.
when i tell you that fucking part with the cliff made me UGLY CRY . like full on. "and you stay there" lives in my head forever.
EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT A POSSIBLE XAVIER VILLAIN ARC. LIKE. THATS GOTTA BE HIM RIGHT. THAT CANT NOT BE HIM. i wonder if allen is with him. fuck. AND WHERES CANTRIP. GOD. i miss her :( i think she deserves to go full vengeful spirit on williams ass and haunt him like a fucking poltergeist. god forbid women do anything.
dude finales fuck me up so bad too. god. 39 hurts me just a little bit more than 40 but 40 is still SOOOO insanely good to me. 40 was like the breath of fresh air we needed. i dont think 40 hit me as hard as a finale because i know we're getting a 3rd season so its not OVER yet. but something about it just made it feel so much more impactful than a regular season finale. god. i miss them so much.
IM SO GLAD YOU GOT INTO JRWI !!!!!!! ITS BEEN SO FUN SEEING YOU GUYS REACT TO EVERYTHING!!!!!! jrwi has been like. HUGE main hyperfix for me since like. last october. so im having sooooo much fun forever. hehehehe. me when my beloved mutuals and i are all into the same piece of media again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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frikatilhi · 8 months
Ok so the Eurovision final night is one of your Bojere roman empires right? Cause it definitely is mine and I think we as a society should not stop talking about it, even if it happened exactly 8 months ago (wtf how)... Can you like pinpoint the best moments that made you go AAAA or just tell some thoughts idk? I wish I could come up with a decent question to make it easier for you but my brain goes brrrr and I just want to talk about them 🥲
Aaaahhhhh omg well there are two different answers to this.
Um, apparently this got long so. In this essay I will
Eurovision final night, you say? Look, this post and its notes cover a lot of what makes me want to flip tables and gnaw my own arm off about that night. That hug? And how Bojan dropped everything and comforted him and made him laugh? How Jere cried in the bathroom and one reason why was that he didn't know when he'd see Bojan again? How Bojan lost his phone and missed his flight? (Matti in a recent interview said that the afterparty at the hotel was epic, and please, I need to know more why didn't they ask him to elaborate asdfasfgg) Soooo, yeah, all of that. The emotions ran so high that night that I feel like we got to see behind the public image they wanted to convey, behind the stories and clout. There was nothing to promote anymore, the only thing that was left after the results came was what they were to each other. Everything we know about them that night has come from other people, and it's not even that much.
Which brings me to the other part, which is your wording "Can you like pinpoint the best moments that made you go AAAA" (and here is where I'm sidetracking from your initial ask about esc final night)
I have a confession to make. I wasn't on board the bojere boat at that point, not yet. I was following Jere on insta, so I saw the stuff he was posting, and there was a big deal being made of their bromance in Finnish media, but at that time? I thought it was cute, but I also thought I was immune, brainrot/shipping-wise. I really thought the bromance stuff would not affect me, no, I had been burnt too many times by the straight dudes who hugged each other to make fans happy and earn those screams and clicks. I wanted the real thing, you know?
So I thought it was cute. Until a little after ESC when it didn't seem to die down and then suddenly I was watching clips and stories and catching up on stuff I had missed during the preparties and Liverpool and then I was reading fic and reading what people said about them and.. it was downhill from there.
The exact moment it all really clicked for me was when Bojan turned up in Finland. Those motherfuckers were actually keeping their promise to see each other again? And that soon? The utter joy together on stage? Bojan's face in the piggy train? All their shenaningans that weekend? Bojan's naruto run at the airport?
Um yeah, that's when I knew it was over for me. Goddammit.
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butterscotch-goat · 2 months
heyy haha hi twirls hair do you have any Elijah fun facts or perhaps Lucy
OOOOOH LET ME SEE WHAT I CAN COME UP WITH!! Thank you so so so so so much for asking aaaa <33
Alright!! Eli!!!!!
-their nose is naturally hooked, but it's bumpy and lopsided because it has been broken!! he has been in a fair share of fights, never starting them, but they've gotten pretty good at ending them all things considered
-i have given them the title "The Apostate" :]
-they would go to church with Martha because it would make Grace too existential and scared but Martha didn't like going anywhere alone, sooo
-he tried to teach Martha to read but gave up; Martha got too frustrated (she learns eventually, thanks to Beatrice!)
-they know how to sew! fixes his own clothes and stuff
-Grace offered to try and heal his foot before but he politely declined; it's a part of him that he's accepted
-Grace's trial and execution was the front page story for a hot minute, so he had to shout about his best friend's death and sell biased & inaccurate stories about it so he could get paid :"]
-occasionally refers to Martha as "Marty" (Beatrice parallel BEATRICE PARALLEL)
-after Martha disappeared they started learning piano. He didnt get far though because he couldn't stand going in the church (to use the piano), especially without Martha
-when Martha returns, the only thing she could bring back of Grace was a jar with her heart in it (since her body got Dissected as fuck, chopped up to study n stuff) and anytime Eli is over at Martha's house (Martha kept it on her windowsill (where else is she gonna put it lol)) he like,, greets Grace's heart? I used to do this with an urn, it's a thing I swear. he would greet her heart,, he'd say hi to Grace, idk man.
-He and Martha still celebrate Grace's birthday; they set her heart jar on a table in front of a pastry or something. They don't take it very seriously (they need some lighthearted moments in their life god let them joke about their trauma please)
-after The Plot, Eli often goes with Martha on her (every-other-year-ish) visits to Aster and Beatrice. Beatrice and him get along very well (because of course they do) while Aster kind of scares him, but it's all good :]
-this one doesn't happen anywhere near the plot, only happens when hes like an adult n stuff but I think it's funny so...Eli COULD NOT keep a straight face at his Lavender wedding with Martha. Martha was more composed but Eli was NOT helping her keep it together Lol. After the fact he makes fun of Martha for being a terrible kisser (THIS IS SILLY GUYS PLEASE IM BEING SILLY)
Lucy time!!!!! Silly little guy!!! Pathetic man!!!
I'm reaaallllyyy struggling with the whole Dawn rework (ask Sen and he'll tell you,, I'm struggling so bad) so I don't have much at the moment. BUT I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I DO HAVE!!
As of writing this, Lucy WILL be a lot more active in the plot!! He's looking to prove he's still a powerful demon, so he goes with Gene to hunt down Frappe (and Dawn by associatio). He does, in fact, suck at his job though, so if anything he probably slows them down,, but that's okay...
Uhhh random stuff GO!!
-his glasses were accidentally stepped on by Ronnette when she was trying to wake him up one time (he passed out on the floor) but Lucy would rather DIE than go to the optometrist again so he's dealing with a cracked frame right now
-Lucy hates Juno almost as much as he hates humans,, but like he's never gonna hate anyone as much as he hates humans so (sorry Dawn, he wants you to perish so bad)
-Lucy is so sure that he's a MASTER at blending in with humans. He is not. He and his garish purple vest, unkempt And uneven long ass hair, and a shirt that's either A. Probably Gene's and therefore too big for him, or B. His shirt that has an entire sleeve missing. He doesn't remember where he lost the sleeve but he hasn't gotten around to getting a new one yet BUT HE WILL SOON GUYS TRUST (it has been 5 decades at LEAST)
-as of writing this I think I'm gonna make it so demons can actually control/choose what their humanoid form looks like, and I think Ronnette would pick on Lucy a lot for making his humanoid form so scrawny.
Uhhh I don't have anything else,, here's some Eli doodles WEEE (featuring his section of a bunch of character profiles I impulsively made in my sketchbook with NO PLANNING WHATSOEVER???? WTF IS WRONG WITH ME)
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
god i read the chapter yesterday before going to sleep and i woke up to find out that a part went missing… that was great beacuse when i read about the meet with muscular i was wondering if i miss something cause i didn't remember a thing, then i supposed that you decided keep that out of the story and just go ahead. but after you repost it i went and read that part and of course reread all the rest of the chapter and wow i love it and got me holding my breath just like last night
also i must say that it was odd reading about shiggy being sexy with some random guy but apart of that i'm so thrilled that we can know so much of dabi's feeling and i love how you represent the way he think about himself and his caring for others and above that the fact he don't forget about his personal mission but instead decided to change the way to work it through.
and honestly i was so worried reading the part with moonfish i though for a moment that you would k*ll onigiri so Dabi could enter on scene but i'm so relieve that you don't.
the presence of Stain and the so needed kick to earth for toga and spinner , the buttons and that last line were everything and so unexpected and now i wanna know.
before you posted it, i was gonna ask you if, as you refered before, tomura will be first sigh attracted to dabi and maybe after knowing that he uses fire and that onigiri'd never meet him he'd be torn apart between the love for his cat and his horniness for Dabs
and now i wonder if maybe you would use stain knowing the truth for create some funny interaction with tomura getting jealous that not only his cat likes stain more that him-in his mind- but now also the "new" hot recruit, the one who he wants to get his hands on also if dabi appears as human, would toga sense his attraction to shig?
aaaa thinking of all the possibilities and yet i know you'll take it to places i don't expect and thats the best.
idk if i'm making sense but at the end i just wanna say i love your writting i'll patienly wait for the next update
I'm so glad you went back and enjoyed the missing material!
It's important for me that everyone (especially Dabi) knows that Shigaraki fucks 💕 And it's important to me to showcase that just because the world had changed, the core aspects of these characters remain the same! Dabi still wants to kill Endeavor even as a cat, he's just now using the League more directly to help him to that goal than he was in the real story.
Toga, as always, will be able to smell high emotions between characters, but anything else will have to wait for later chapters!
Thank you for commenting!
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slowd1ving · 3 months
Goodness, FIRST OF ALL, I thoroughly enjoyed how you added your own narration to what could've been going in through vil's head leading up to the overblot, the deteriorating thoughts and the desperation,,, so awesome, and how he finally reaches the stage of acceptance both in terms of his rivalry with neige AND the MC?? Ah yes, how bittersweet. And also, I love how the little idea that MC can sort of "read" / look into people's memories post overblot was implemented here, I legit just pointed at the screen and went "AHA. 🫵 GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE"
Aside from that,,, besides The fact that the chapters were appropriately labeled before being posted, I actually kind of predicted what MC might have asked for had they won hehe they're so wicked LMAO (which, speaking of, even if it's not relevant anymore, what would have been their score? I'm quite curious! But it's okay if you didn't think about that particular detail lol, there was a lot more to look toward to hehe)
AND OMG THE PARALLELS BETWEEN VIL'S DREAM AND THE ACTUAL SCENE AAAA I LOVE IT, I LOVE SEEING HIM LOSE HIS MIND LMAOO (also stockings????????? I had to take a walk for a moment 🫠🫠) and rook being an absolute menace when he puts two and two together 😭🙏god bless that freak
Wahhh just a very delightful series overall, your writing is just wonderful and you just earned yourself a new follower HALLO :333
yeah honestly the twst writers missed out on a treasure trove of content when it comes to thoughts pre-ob; like that haze you go through when you're losing it 😔and for the acceptance bit - I feel like Vil's a more dynamic character than one to keep such a grudge without it changing (he's still petty to neige now over MC LMAO). I like how twst did the peek-into-memories bit it makes the ob seem so much more human 😭had to include it ofc
bro MC was DEVIOUS especially with that little flirtatious thing they were doing right after the assessment...in terms of their score they won lmao (like a biological weapon vs a poison comeonnn now) in the original I'd posted on ao3 a while back I did include that they still came out on top with the magical resistivity in play - but only in the notes not the actual work
cuz I felt like not revealing it showed growth for vil since the letter was still unopened by morning which meant he was focusing more on human connection (literally lmao) rather than his 'perfection' for once 😭but yeah revealing it in the fic would've still been brutal for poor vil
YESSS THE PARALLELS WERE MY FAVOURITE PART TO WRITE!! like I needed him to question whether they'd seen his dreams and not just his memories lmao (honestly I'm still not sure if their dreams connected or MC just saw it like they did with the original scenes with the original films - but that would've been a pretty interesting out of body experience)
smth about men in stockings bro.... had the most DEVIOUS smile like hed totally wear them anyway because theyre elegant or whatever bros a little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with it 😭😭
rook was putting two and two together a long time ago 😭nah but writing him being romantic earlier made me tempted to make it about him instead
thank youuu i might write a similar style with alhaitham or smth because GODDDDD academic rivalry is so 🤩
you earned yourself a follow back 😭 these comments made me genuinely so happy to read through
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belit0 · 1 year
Graciasss for the AMAZING work you did aaaa!! It was so interesting to read! The princess was exactly how i imagined her to be! Indra too! I am glad you wrote about the living struggles he bad to face after leaving his home.
The story was sooo good I was wondering maybe you can do part 2? It was like left on a cliffhanger and knowing the ending would be perfect!
Here we go!💕💕💫🤗
Tw: none Pairing: Indra Otsutsuki / Reader SFW
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He fled during a storm.
Indra had no choice. From the day (Y/N) caught him red-handed, explicitly seeing his Sharingan, there was nothing else to do. He couldn't find her around to try to explain, to prove to her the rumors about him were not true.
Indra expected a horde of people banging on his door and demanding his head, but nothing of the sort happened.
(Y/N) vanished inside her home, and refused to leave her room for days. So much so that her own father approached Indra to ask if he had any idea what could have caused such an attitude in his daughter.
Apparently, she said nothing regarding what happened, choosing to completely ignore everyone and everything. He felt grateful, but he couldn't count on that luck lasting. What would happen if she suddenly needed to tell what she saw, sought support from someone, and the word spread? He would have no choice but to eliminate anyone who dared to act against him, and considering how distorted his legend had become, there would be a lot of people.
He waited a few days, until he decided to disappear. He would leave no trace, no one would know where he went or why. At some degree it broke his heart having to give up such a beautiful place, which opened doors to a world of possibilities. It was the first site where he felt peaceful enough to socialize, calm enough so that he didn't have to constantly hide.
One simple mistake erased it all, and there was no time to look back.
He would miss (Y/N), even her family, and he would treasure them in that part of his heart she helped him rediscover. He hadn't felt that way in years, time spent buried in his grief and anger. She brought out the best in him and showed him he could be more than a cold-blooded killer, a tyrant, the villain of the story.
He timed his departure to coincide with a terrible storm. The water would help him erase his tracks, and he would be sure to leave his hut as if he had never occupied it in the first place. As the rain began to fall and the sky darkened, he steeled himself and escaped into the shadows.
His absence was quickly noticed. The palace dawned without one of its most faithful workers, and no one had any explanation as to what had happened to him. The news of his absence was the only thing able to make (Y/N) come out of hiding, looking totally furious.
Her family was subjected to her bad mood for days, her father refusing to let her go out to look for him. The man was not unaware of the feelings between his daughter and Indra, and decided that perhaps his mysterious disappearance was a good way to sever their bond. (Y/N) was royalty, and should be paired with someone of the same social status, make some profit from her marriage.
Indra erasing himself without explanation made things easier.
Faced with this situation, (Y/N) made up her mind the same way he did. With the help of her trusted servants, she managed to get the means and tools to disappear. No one would open their mouths about it, owing her more affection and respect for treating them as equals.
She made it out of the perimeter of her palace undetected, and with help she reached the nearest town. Moving incognito, she gathered information about the mysterious and charming brown-haired gentleman, who offered services in exchange for goods wherever he went.
People seemed to adore him. Every time (Y/N) asked about him, no matter who it was, they would remember him with joy and gratitude, commenting on how good he was to them and how he helped them with different things. Indra was leaving a positive footprint everywhere he went, which made it easier to track him down.
Thus, she arrived at the small field of an old woman, who offered her a cup of hot tea while she conducted her inadvertent interrogation.
"Tell me, madam, you haven't seen a tall man with long brown hair passing this way? His name is Indra, and he often offers help in exchange for things. He has his little reputation formed around here, from what I hear."
"Ohhh yessss! Wonderful, helpful boy! You see, at my age, we need more help than usual! One of my cats went astray months ago, and somehow, he found it the day after he arrived! He helps a lot with my crops too!"
"Helps? Like, present tense? He's here now?"
"Ohhh nonono! He went out a while ago to get me some things from the village! You see, at my age, we need more help than usual!"
"I understand... would you mind if I wait for him here?"
"Does he have problems? I don't want to harbor a criminal under my roof, but... you see, at my age, we need more help than usual!"
Saturated with hearing the same speech over and over again, (Y/N) decided it would be torturous to wait at the old woman's house. She had no idea how Indra was coping, but it seemed to be his current location. She would stay at the village inn, and return the next day to rebuke him.
Problem struck when, with the next sunrise, she presented herself again before the old woman, and she delivered bad news.
"Ohhh yeah! He came back. I told him about the beautiful young lady who was looking for him, and he ran off! He didn't even start with his chores for the day, he just disappeared!"
That zeroed her out again. Why would he run away if she came alone? Was he afraid she'd come with an army to try to wipe him out? Did he feel persecuted? Either way, she set off again. The old woman gave no details of where he was going since Indra was careful not to mention it.
Around the field, there was only one town he could have gone to, so she started on her journey again.
The path to her next target was through a forest, where the woman warned her, many thieves were waiting up in the trees to pounce on unsuspecting people. (Y/N) took special precautions, disguising herself as much as possible and being attentive to her surroundings.
However, nothing prepared her for when, in the middle of her walk, a kunai rested flush against her neck. She thought she had been vigilant, trying to catch every ambient sound and carefully watching all the shadows. Apparently, she had missed some important cue, because someone was threatening her from behind.
"If money is what you want, I can give it to you. There's no need to do anything hasty."
"Hasty is keeping track of the man with the worst reputation in the world, (Y/N)."
That voice brought a myriad of emotions together, rumbling against her back and traveling straight to her chest. Indra had her at the edge of his weapon, and she surrendered herself completely to his mercy. If he wanted to slit her throat right there, so be it.
"Why did you run away, Indra, why did you abandon me there?"
"Abandon you? That is your home, (Y/N), where you belong."
"Home is where one chose it, and I thought it was clear I chose it in you."
"You mean the time when you ran away from me and locked yourself without seeing the sunlight for days...?"
That question left her speechless, and as she tried to formulate an answer, Indra withdrew the gun. She turned to look at him, and in his expression, she could only denote sadness, pain, and anguish. He seemed to have aged ten years since he left, and she knew negative thoughts were regularly in his mind since what had happened.
"I didn't mean to... it wasn't my intention, Indra. Just... how should one react to a situation like that?"
"You reacted in such a way only because you thought you had the monster of those terrible stories sleeping in your backyard. You didn't doubt those terrible rumors, and your body acted alone. That was the truest reflection of your head, (Y/N), and what confirmed that I should leave."
Indra sat on the ground, leaning his back against a tree. He looked defeated, uninterested in continuing the conversation. She could get an idea of how difficult that situation was for him, putting into analysis the bond they had both built over time.
She knelt down in front of him and took his face in her hands so he would stare at her. His eyes were red, glowing both black and crimson.
"Aren't you afraid, (Y/N)? To be in front of the beast with blood-colored eyes?"
He asked bitterly, expecting to see a physical reaction from her when she met his gaze. Instead, and with no more words to add, (Y/N) threw herself upon him, pressing her lips against his passionately.
They held each other close as long as oxygen allowed, expressing feelings through contact.
"You do not frighten me, Indra Otsutsuki. I choose you despite your past, and I hope you will agree to forge your future with me."
A sincere smile appeared on his lips, and he embraced her until the sun disappeared from the horizon.
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ellenent · 2 years
Triangle Strategy spoilers!
Just finished playing the Golden route! Finally got my happy ending ;w;
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If they showed us more about the wedding I would cry lol but yeah, I was so happy!! I know maybe this ending is too optimistic, but after seeing the other endings, I don't care lol
Also, I saw this and I'm like Anna is so short? kdjfkdj She looks like a child
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Or Benedict is too tall? I wish we had the height chart for all of them, didn't know Serenoa is also higher than Frederica (in my head they had the same height)
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I was wondering if they would reunite, I was happy that they did! Of course I would prefer like a scene where they meet again and talk "hey I'm your mother" (and I was expecting something like this in the battle with Lyla, but the dialog was kinda vague). And now I feel kinda bad for killing her in Frederica's route ops But Anna can still adopt Quahuag, she already got Decimal adopted lol I think I missed the final side story of him, but it's okay I think
I really liked the part that Serenoa finds another path option; I tried to think for myself what the solution would be, and I was pretty satisfied with the plan!
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He looks so sad and small lol
The part where they divide the regiments caught me off guard; at first I was in panic, because I was so used to my favorite units, that I wasn't sure if I would succeed in the battles. Not knowing how they would go, which characters would fit the best the strategy and not being able to change them later got me nervous lol but I tried to balance all regiments (put at least one mage in each, one archer, etc) and leveled up the characters I didn't like to use that much (and later realize some were great actually!). The Frederica's regiment was the one without a unit, I never got to recruit Cordelia, so If I replayed the game again in the future, I would go for her! But the Benedict's battle was the hardest, at least I knew a strategy that would work best because of that one battle in the first chapters of the game.
And I really like how the battles went! I liked that even I couldn't edit the units, if you got a good strategy, you can work it out! I think I just didn't like that I couldn't edit the rings each character got (like Benedict had one that I wished to remove and give to a character in another regiment, so yeah makes sense we couldn't do this). Anyway I was happy to get out of my comfort zone for a bit!
The revelation of the hierophant was a little weird for me, because I already didn't expect it to be a person lol actually I didn't even think something was behind the curtain lmao to see it was a robot was the least of my problems. The battle against Idore was way harder on Frederica's route, this one was pretty okay after I killed all the automatons. I liked that all the characters had something to say to him lol
Overall, I really really enjoyed this game! I like tactics and political games like Fire Emblem, but I liked this even better; it feels more realistic, the gameplay is harder too (at least for me that likes to over level my units, TriStrat said I couldn't lol), the fact you have to make decisions all the time and they all have consequences is pretty nice and made my anxious lol convincing the others to vote for the path you wanted made me feel good lol I was a little afraid of playing this because I didn't like Octopath Traveler that much, so it was a great surprise for me! :D
I haven't done Benedict or Roland's route yet, but now I'm at 100 hours and I feel I must play another game right now lol and I don't know if I have the heart to do them actually lol I want to make some fanart aaaa I already read lots of fanfic, avoiding spoilers, but now I'm free lol
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ariapmdeol · 1 year
8:11 anon here again. Wow. W o w. Brain empty but just. Wow.
Went through all the endings and then had to go back to Arrival Point S to cope with all the other ones. And, as expected, the first ending and S destroyed me. Cried at least two times. My god. It's been a while since media made me cry, and I certainly didn't expect to get so emotionally invested in CoE.
However! I have questions!! Spoiler-y ones? If you don't mind, of course. Sorry if it's a lot?? I'm definitely going to re-watch everything again to connect whatever is left.
First off: is there a "canon" ending? Surely S is what everyone wishes to be canon (although E is pretty good too, in its own way, definitely wouldn't want it to be canon, though) but is there a defined one by the developers? Actually, what even is the first ending gotten before S?
Second: what triggers change the endings? I figure that for deaths it's mostly a matter of wasting time, which is really neat and genuinely puts urgency into the situation.
Connected to that, what's the blue-colored person speaking at the end of most endings? The one who "guides" the player on what they missed to try again?
Third: honestly what (and who) the hell is Kanou. Man shows up as quickly as he dies, reappears in like two endings, commits suicide in both. Is he just the local cryptid? A doll? There's something going on with him, between the Told You So death, the text about murdering coworkers at a previous lab, and his corpse disappearing (and, in specific endings, showing up as...human? Dialogue specifies that)
Fourth: you mention the DLC, but also Hermits Room and Interlude, however I don't see them in the playlist? Do they have to be played specifically as there's no uploads?
Fifth: wow Utsugi is so incredibly fruity. My god that guy is gay, good for him, good for him. That's not a question just need to state it. Also Sanemitsu being emotionally not there ever and Atou threatening him every five seconds. Peak dynamic, love them all so much. Shinano being happy. S ending my beloved
Sixth: I heard something about a...cipher? An art book cipher? Or an ARG? Idk but if you're willing to explain.
That's...it? Surely I have more questions but these are the main ones I can think of now. Again, sorry if this is a lot???
And!! Enjoy 8:11 whenever you get the time for it!! It was so fun to play and mind-boggling.
CONGRATS ON FINISHING AAAA!! i'll answer all these in order!! let me know if you need clarification on anything <3
Yes, there is a 'Canon' Ending'. S+ is considered the canonical ending! This actually answers the other part of this question: the Ch 8 Arrival point S goes through S (Future), which directly leads into S+ (Empyrean Point). The two endings are connected, and S needs to happen in order to achieve S+! OH ALSO. THERE ARE POST-S CHANGES, which i will put under the cut bc I have collected them <3 These technically happen in S+, but we don't see them bc we only check back in when Atou is in ch 8 already. The DLC (Records of Sanemitsu Isoi) takes place almost exactly 3 years after S+. (These are shown in the playlist after the Ch 4, 6, and 7 extras <3).
ENDING FLAGS: Fun bonus fact: the purple text will tell you what you missed, and this changes based on what you did wrong! S Root: get all the info, don't let anyone die. A Root: keep everyone alive but don't get all the info. Ensure that you have charged Shinano's Phone B Root: everyone alive but Shinano's phone was not charged or unlocked. C Root: Succeed in saving Yanagi. Fail in Saving Karen D Root: Succeed in Saving Karen. Fail in saving Yanagi E Root: EVERYONE DIES!! YIPPEEE Mx. Purple Text is something that you'll learn about in the DLC, so I'll RAFO you for now (Read and find out). It is purple specifically! (though i also made that interpeted it as blue at first sdajkldsjkal)
Kanou Flag: in Chapter Four, you can read Yuusuke Aiba's Journal without Kanou (this is shown in the extras for chapter 4). This starts the kanou flag. This is what triggers a couple of small changes surrounding Kanou (the quick flash of him in ch 6 comes to mind) and grants access to the kanou elevator scene. TLDR Kanou was infected with cells, which let him live a little longer, but not enough to grant abilities. They talk about dying as a 'human' because if he lives longer, his cells will morb and he'll become a doll or a creature. He also gives us a Note that says something like 'live for me'. This note gives us a buff during the origin beta boss fight (his "curse" protects atou <3)
The first Five records of the DLC (+ the intro) are in the playlist! for anything beyond that point, contact me here, on discord (@ ariapmdeol), or on twitter (@ AriaPMDEoL ) and I'll help you!
UTSUGI FOREVERRR HE'S SO. he makes me so emotional i love you noriyuki utsugi. Sanemitsu my darling my beloved he is trying but he also sucks so much <333 i love him. The Reiji-Sanemitsu-Haruki family means so much to me. they make me emotional UEEEE. S and S+ make me explode,,
YES there are ciphers!! there's an official artbook for COE (which unfortunately isn't being sold right now orz orz) Which has a few ciphers in it! The one that i was looking at is HORRIFICALLY warped (i genuinely don't think we were actually meant to solve it LMAO) but I solved it and a friend was kind enough to translate it for us! There is also a Cipher in DLC, and a few others in the DLC 2020 credits! I have solutions to all of those as well. It's less 'ARG' and more "here's some information hidden behind a cipher." They're not REQUIRED reading but they help a lot with theorizing, and I've been finding it to be a lot of fun :D
OK POST S CHANGES ( you'll have seen one of these before). These are sorted by chapter. DON'T WORRY IF THESE DON'T MAKE SENSE TO YOU YET.
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"You want to forget the rat without a head" has been changed from Red to Purple.
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There is an Item on the floor in chapter 4 (the room that you have to walk through in order to get to Aiba's journal) which reads "Zero Does not Exist".
Chapter 6:
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This document has been replaced, the first time you look at it, by a document by CODE:DANTE. This one is a little long so you can DM me and I'll grab it for you!
Chapter 7:
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ok so. this is shown in A root but it's not an A root thing, it's a Post S root thing (it's because of how the YT translator got their endings, dw abt it). All mentions of Seodore Riddle have been removed
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This text has changed (both in normal vision and in Vision shift. it reads:[normal vision text] 'This is not the start of a nightmare but the end of a peaceful dream' and 'but what will you see when you wake' is added post S. [purple text] 'Aare you enjoying this divine comedy?' with 'i'm glad, you've enjoyed the love of god' added post S.
^this section was translated by tumblr user hermitroom!
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
hi rebs! it’s been so loooong i honestly miss you and your blog sm but i barely even have time to breath nowadays i hate college 😭 but i was studying right now and i couldn’t stop thinking about the traitor series like i’m so excited for happier (whatever the ending is but just to let you know i’m rooting for haechan hehe)!!
also the ones i love by olivia (https://youtu.be/3mlwCQ6z7EA) suddenly came to my mind and i kinda see that it could fit haechan (if he redeems himself) and mc too (if she doesn’t end up with jeno PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU MY DELUSIONAL HEART CANT TAKE IT jk or not? ajdhs) so now my mind is full with the traitor universe(? AAAH can’t wait to read the ending even tho i know it will make me cry. i honestly don’t even remember when happier comes out but i will wait no matter how long it takes for the ending bc is my favorite series in this whole app<3 meanwhile i will try to catch up with all your works that i’ve missed these weeks!
hope you are doing well rebs, good luck with whatever is going on with your life, im always rooting for you 🫶🏼
- 💌
hi honey! no it's fine don't stress yourself even more, i'm always here and the stories are not going anywhere.
why didn't i know this song?? goshh you're right it's totally him. "cause you really trusted me, and what did i do? what did i do? i built you up, abandoned you. and i’m too proud to say sorry" TEARS the 'if she doesn't end up with jeno please im begging you' made me scream.
it should've come out yesterday lmao but i decided to push back the release date. it's mostly done and i already know who ends up with who (it's a secret) but i felt like rushing it and i still need to fix some scenes (especially the smut parts because they suck) so it won't come out soon rip. i'm not really at my best lately and i don't want this to reflect on the series. i'd like to tell you more but i feel like everything it's a spoiler AAAA i hope it won't let you down
good luck to you with college, stay safe and don't stress yourself too much, okay??? love you ♡
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itstillstings · 7 months
¡¡Small TW for implied SH¡¡
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I miss you so much. My best friend. Idk your opinion on soulmates, but I think you were mine. We were soulmates. I hate myself for what I'm doing and continuing to do. I just don't know anymore. I'm on the verge of doing something very bad (to myself) right now and I wish it never came to this and I wish we could start over. Where did it all go wrong? I wish I wish I wish I weren't fucking like this. I want to be soulmates still, but I know I don't deserve you at all anymore. I fucking hate the things we couldn't control.
I would still see you every day if it didn't exist. It's no one's fault, and it's just life being completely unfair, but still. I look through our messages all the time and wish I had the guts to text you. Because I miss it. I miss staying up until four am just talking on Discord. Sometimes I see a picture, or watch some funny video and think '[redacted] would love this!' I go to send it to you and then remember. Talking to you has always been the best part of my day and I miss it.
Do you know how many songs I've written about you? How many poems? Long ass pieces of writing on tumblr that no one will read? You are my muse, always have been, and possibly always will be. You are the sole reason I am who I am today. Our past conversations will both haunt and bless me forever.
You made last year the best year of my entire life. Do you know what that means to me? Life is hard. Previously it has been extremely difficult to determine which year was the best, because they all hurt. You make the distinction easy. Additionally, this year has been the worst one yet. Maybe it's because you aren't here with me. I genuinely believe that you have forever changed my life for the better.
God, I really wrote all this just because you messaged me. It's a simple text, just one two letter word. 'hi' what do I say to you? All the emotions are all coming out, and it would be so awkward to send one of those sentimental paragraphs we used to send each other so often. But I can't just say hi back. That wouldn't even get close to getting my point across. You aren't a simple 'hi' to me. You're more like:
'AAAA [redacted]!!!!! I miss you so much. I wish we talked more. Here's a song I wrote about you it's kinda bad, but I'm still learning. Here's some poems. The titles spell out you name. Do you want the playlist I made you too? I know you were never a big fan of music lol. How have you been? How's your leg? Last time we talked said you were relearning to walk soon right?? Have you gotten used to it yet? It must've felt so strange to have a different foot and shin 'n stuff. I wish we could see each other in person sometime soon 😭😭 I missed you so much. I love youuuu /p'
But I can't say that. You just said 'hi' I've always been a little much, but that would just be weird wouldn't it? I could tell you about my life now. I got a boyfriend. You're older than him. You've never been older than anyone in the friend group. He's one of your friends too, so you probably know a lot about him. I'm failing gym class because I suck at athletics. But none of that would be important because I'm finally talking to you again.
Maybe I should respond to you now. I guess I'll just say something normal. Although we both know nothing about us is normal. But just know, I feel more about you than you could ever possibly know. /p.
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obsessedwithstuffff · 10 months
whY THE fuCK am I part of a poorly written romance novel And one day I encourage my best friend to hit on the guy she has a crush on which is also the guy I had a situationship with, And one day I break up with some other guy, and one day he writes me the most toxic shit i've ever read, and one day I talk to a lawyer to ask how binding are the contracts he wanted me to sign, and one day I go back to the country where I live and I start developing a crush on my flatmate, and one day I get obsessed all over again with the guy I almost had something with but I didn't because I was still seeing the guy I had a situationship with, and one day I talk to the almost-had-something guy when I'm at a party and we tell each other how obsessed we are with each other, and one day I realise that my best friend is hitting so hard on my ex situationship since months and I've even encouraged her and now I feel so bad, and one day I flirt so hard with my flatmate, and one day the almost-had-something guy gives me a 15 pages long letter about how he couldn't get over me during the summer, and one day I reply to him with a 20 pages long letter, and one day I realise how much I miss the situationship guy and how stupid I was to not make it official, and one day I run away from a field trip because I was going to throw up after seeing my situationship guy so fucking cuddly with my best friend, and one day I keep on thinking about writing to the almost-had-something guy and then I delete the message and then I take my phone again and then I put it back again and then aaaa, and one day I write a 6 pages letter to the situationship guy, AND ALL OF THIS IN JUST TWO FUCKING MONTHS JUST END ME ALREADY I WAS BORN TO DO FUNNY LITTLE COMICS NOT TO WRITE TEN THOUSAND LETTERS AND CRY IN MY BED
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neonacity · 2 years
I missed lucid so much this fic lives in my heart srly. Renjun's famous painting of mc looking out the window aaaa. Him founding a school for abused children is so heartwhelming and mc becoming a teacher again. Wait but after she lost her memories she went to that hotel and came back to Jeno, in the renjun part didn't that happen? Oooh they all left her nooo but anyway the end was so cute, I have a soft spot for renjun, he was always the kindest of them all even though he was a bit sadistic lol. Did you watch the cover renjun did? It was so beautiful god I love him (and you)
Aaah I knew you were going to be the first one to read it, Mari! But yes, all the endings are not connected to each other because all the boys are meant to have their own versions. (Jeno's and Jaemin's can somehow be connected though since MC was with Jeno first before he married Jaemin).
Since this is Renjun's alternate ending though, MC didn't really go back to meet Jeno at the hotel. Oh, and yes, I did watch Renjun's cover already and found it so beautiful! His overall aura there was so soft, the video actually part-inspired his ending here. 😭
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sheep-sorbet · 2 years
meep meep meep! OP i am metaphorically kissing u on the mouf, your hc are SO good and your ship dynamic is literally how i see nagisho, your brain is so fucking galaxy tier, incredible. do u have any specific requests for the scenarios for og hanging out and/or nagisho? if not i'll just pull something outta my voluminous asshole but if you have any particular scenes that you'd like to see written, hmtfu (hit me tf up). also LEGIT thank u for the ramble, it's so much fun to see + read ____〆(✧ω✧)b
aaaa tysm!! i'm so glad i wasn't boring you (xwx")
svdkhskxng HMM my head is always so full and yet so empty...
for the OG gang hanging out: i always like to see reunion-type stuff! i think neo really missed the opportunity to go hard on how much everyone's grown in the last few years, and how badly they missed each other; i wish we got more on what everyone's been up to and how they've been coping without Neku. i especially feel like we didn't get to see nearly enough of Shiki. like, girl owns a BUSINESS now?? that's seemingly successful?? where's Eri??? (it's my personal hc that Shiki and Eri are running the business together, share a place, and are fairly well-off. Not mega rich or anything, especially cuz we don't know how far gatto nero reaches outside of Shibuya specifically, but i think they're doing really well for themselves... and that Shiki helps Neku initially afford a place now that he's back hdjdhjfy.)
with the OG gang, it's v comparable to when you meet someone in an unexpected place, hit it off, and then you don't get the chance to see each other again for a long time, maybe even ever. You had so many memories in such a short period of time and you can't help but wonder what life would be like, sometimes, if they were still in it. i think Shiki, Rhyme and Beat would have that feeling about both Neku and Joshua; wondering where they are, what they're up to, if they're safe, wishing they were here, etc. Perhaps moreso Neku than Joshua, since Joshua is a shithead and seemingly left a pretty iffy impression on them? but I'd like to think that they all consider him in a well enough light deep down, that they'd be open to getting to really know him.
As for NagiSho... i already rambled a bit about how i headcanon their relationship would be in nature so i'm not sure i have much new to say on that front shdjhdg. i think any noodle-incident type scenarios with them are gold, they're at their best when they're causing problems or being openly weird together (we love to see aut4aut representation).
OH a hc about sho that i've incorporated that i think you'll find funny: So, yknow how in a new day, Ramen Don is Sho's dad? i think it's most funny for that to still be the case in the regular twewy universe, and it just doesn't come up because he's too busy trying to murder some slightly younger teenagers. He still visits Don for the holidays, and he doesn't know Sho is dead or a reaper or anything; He was concerned about Sho disappearing for long spans of time, and all the Tattoos he was showing back up with, and freaked out thinking his son became a yakuza. He's FAILED as a FATHER. Sho gets a thorough lecture before finally cutting his dad off and saying he's not a part of the fucking yakuza, he's just an artist, and god dad you don't understand me at all--
And then suddenly he shows up with his girlfriend and then leaves after like 40 minutes of arguing because it's all so annoying and he didn't actually care to tell Don about Nagi because it's not his business and it becomes like a Whole Thing. And Nagi is just sitting there eating curry like what the fuck do you mean this is your dad?! i've been eating here every week for the past month!!! i was in his brain and you weren't there at all!!! what's going on!!!! she's dying inside.
ANYWAYS... no specific scenarios for them unfortunately but i trust you to come up with something regardless of what u go with, tysm!! i can't wait { @ ò ꈊó @}
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rwbykin-things · 7 years
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Aesthetic for Neon Katt who misses Flynt Coal and was his QPP for anon! Art comes from @kitanorr ! Ask if you’d like anything changed! -🍷Mod Qrow
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