#mod qrow
pictures-of-yxl · 5 months
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The winner of the A/ge Gap Bracket is Qrowin!
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Thank you to every one who participated in the polls!
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rwbysketches · 1 year
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You can't blame Qrow for not recognizing Cinder pregaming for The Fall at the Crow Bar, how was he supposed to know?
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ninjasofl0v3 · 11 months
rapist qrow my beloved 💖
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howlingday · 5 months
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Blake: ...
Yang: ...
Ren: ...
Weiss: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Nora: ...
Oscar: ...Timmy is an average kid, that no one understands...
Ruby: Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands~!
Weiss: Doom and gloom up in his room are broken instantly~!
Blake: By his magic little fish who grant his every wish~!
Taiyang: Wands and wings~!
Qrow: Little crowny things~! (Slips down the stairs)
Ren: Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod~!
Oscar: Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice!~
Nora: Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, CHOCOLATE SHAKE~!
Pyrrha: It really flips your lid when you are kid with
Jaune: Yeah, right!
RWBYJNPRO: BOP! (Sit down)
Jaune: ...Who lives in a pineapple under the-
Nora: No, no, we're done.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 months
Hey, what are your thoughts on the whole 'Qrow is Ruby's father' theory? Genuine answer, please.
Okay, let's look at it this way.
We all know vaccines don't cause autism. But anti-vaxxers repeatedly claim its a lie, a conspiracy, and refuse to listen to the CDC.
We all know the earth is round, not flat. But flat-earthers refuse to listen to NASA and treat it as a conspiracy.
How does that relate to Qrow theorists?
Monty Oum said, before Volume 2 Chapter 6? That Ruby and Yang are half-sisters. Not Step-Sisters. Half-sisters.
What do the "Monty's vision" and Qrow theorists say? "Monty meant step-sisters" "Monty was hiding the truth" "CRWBY has already retconned Adam Taurus and the show, so they should retcon this" "Monty is dead, so M&K don't have to follow this"
The very man that RWBY Critics put on a pedestal and claim to be some man whose work was ruined, but everything that comes out his mouth or tweets gets ignored and despised.
Yang talks about how Summer and Tai raised Ruby and Yang together as kids. Qrow theorists: "Yang was too young, her memory is spotty" "Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer's death" They literally ignore EVERYTHING that Yang said. Eruptionfang , the biggest Adam Taurus dickrider, made specifically suer to completely ignore the entire scene in his theory video which made sure to try to paint Monty as a liar.
Tai reads a bedtime story to Ruby and Yang about the Warrior in the Woods?
"Its not canon" "It was after Summer's death, so here's how Qrow can still be Ruby's father"
Now...how about specific things in question.
A girl named Anna masters was so in love with the theory, that when evidence disproving the theory came about, she used the R-Slur.
Another girl, Rose, kept claiming it was monty's vision, but when the mods of the facebook group showed her monty's tweet? And showed her that she could NOT use "Monty's vision" to support her claim? She started badmouthing Monty....because that's what Qrow theorists are like.
A third girl I dealt with happened to be a member of the WomenforVic movement of the vic micnogna defenders.
She had managed to get Vic Micnogna to say "Ruby, I am your father" at her camera, and she used that to claim that anything monty said was meaningless because Qrow's va , at the time, did a joke.
When Miles Luna shut down the theory on reddit and claimed that Qrow was a role model and father figure, but NOT ruby's father in any way shape or form?
The Qrow theorists immediately showed their true colors by doing mental gymnastics trying to twist Miles' words, or flat out calling him a liar and claiming that he was "Ruining monty's vision"
Anti-vaxxers. Flat Earthers. and Qrow theorists.
For these people, truth is not what is actually true. Truth for these people is what they decide to be true.
They reject reality, and substitute their own.
And if you try to show them that they're wrong, they hate you and call you toxic or other unsavory names, because these people wish to keep their delusions. They find their delusions better than reality.
Its the same way Adam Taurus fanfic writers get furious because their headcanons that they decided was somehow the actual show was debunked by the actual show. So they claim it was a retcon or character assassination.
Just ask these theorists about their thoughts of Qrow being Bi for Clover? Their responses will be full of bigotry.
But at the end of the day? There is no god. Vaccines do not cause autism. The earth is not flat. And Qrow is not and never will be Ruby's Father.
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sillytorch · 2 years
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RWBY Super Smash Bros Ultimate Mod by Dakavos
There’s more RWBY characters to come soon too since the mod creator has plans to put in the rest of Team JNPR, Cinder, Sun, and Qrow
The mod creator has a Twitter too where they post updates and teases on upcoming mods
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evilrwbyfan · 1 year
dumb headcanons i made during class (some have heavy bias, some are heavyv projections)
all of team strq has anger issues, each of them deal with it differently and some deal with it better than others. tai and qrow are probably the most chillaxed regarding their temper
raven has always found summer intimidating and looks up to her, her crush started around their second year at beacon
ruby hates having dry skin
weiss doesn’t do well with physical touch, but she usually always accepts small stuff like hand holding and shoulder holding, ruby being the exception with more bigger forms of physical affection
raven’s love languages are acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch
raven listens to 90s alternative rock when she actually feels like listening to music
yang has a minecraft youtube that she makes videos with, usually showing off her private builds or reviewing mods
weiss cannot be trusted in video games, she will destroy everything unintentionally
ruby bakes, yang grills, blake cooks, and weiss does absolutely nothing. dont trust her near the kitchen
summer is a comic nerd like ruby, before she died she had a box or two just of comic books that have been lent to ruby
blake makes music but she is a beginner. she takes tips from weiss
ruby and sun are fans of weiss’ music, think of swifties sort of likers
raven and cinder’s odd relationship started during their teamup, one night they had a hookup and haven’t stopped having flings every so often. their relationship is built up on hatesex stress-relieving (aka pretty unhealthy) but overtime, they end up falling for the other in some sort of sense and neither of them know what to do
raven still has summer’s cape, she sleeps with it sometimes
ruby’s love languages are quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation
90% of the rwby cast are trans and gay
during their beacon years, qrow would taunt raven with her crush on summer since he most likely wouldve found out before the others
despite summer’s resentment towards raven, she still cares about her and misses her. she doesnt do anything about it though, both of them know raven can’t really come back from that
winter plays shooters and she’s a fucking boss at it
penny had a youtube where she talked about betta fish (*smiling*)
penny enjoyed walks through the night
blake and yang make card towers together to pass the time, ruby joins in occasionally
cinder is illiterate due to her upbringing
blake probably listens to k-pop and if not blake, then definitely ruby
if fnaf exists in rwby, ruby is a fnaf kid
pyrrha was a painter and taught weiss how to use watercolors. weiss doesn’t paint as much as she used to because of her association of it with pyrrha
ruby and pyrrha did gardening together, granted pyrrha was mainly in control of the garden. ruby was really just there to spend time with her, but she did help with what she could
yang had a small crush on pyrrha when she was around
penny liked to collect things, no matter what it was. usually nature sort of stuff, like rocks and sticks, maybe even sand until it got everywhere
penny made paper puppets
before flash got shut down, sun would make shitty sonic flash games
sun was a newgrounds kid
neo uses her semblance to reach tall things and to bring stuff to her when she doesn’t wanna stand
raven cries listening to autoheart (cause it’s funny)
neon uses her tail to bring people closer to her or to “hold their hands”
ruby always thought neon was cute
summer’s love languages are quality time, physical touch, and gift giving
cinder has trouble connecting with people and she doesn’t try to, so when she felt an unsettling feeling in her stomach due to neo’s (and emerald’s lol) absence she didn’t know how to deal with it
^ (adding onto the emerald note) cinder convinces herself she doesn’t really care about Emerald, because for the most part it IS true, but she was oddly hurt to see Emerald’s change. She got attached to Emerald during their time together (mainly because of emerald’s OWN attachment), but she was never aware of it
blake likes to sleep under beds, but she doesnt tell anyone
90% of the rwby cast is autistic
RUBY IS AUTISTIC!!!!!! and has ptsd (pretty sure the ptsd one is canon tho)
raven has bpd and ptsd
ruby has a lot of ocs she doesnt know what to do with. she doesn’t even remember most of their names
emerald is a roleplayer
weiss prefers to follow schedules and routines heavily
pyrrha and ruby probably wouldve bonded over the pressure of high expectations, being a leader/a warrior, and ended up getting closer that way
during beacon, summer was always the one to make sure raven got to class on time, she would either be late or just try skipping usually. there were rare moments where raven convinced summer to skip with her, just to be alone together
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: RWBY
Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long
Characters: Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Qrow Branwen, Summer Rose (RWBY), Raven Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long
Additional Tags: Fluff, Near Future, Confessions, Stargazing, I am once again insisting Blake is a star nerd, STR are useless when it comes to advice, Shockingly Qrow is helpful, Blake and Yang are so grossly in love, it's what they deserve, Bumbleby Week (RWBY)
Yang sighed, feeling completely defeated. She would have thought that her parents, being in a relationship with two other people, would have some good advice about love.
Clearly she was wrong.
Day 8 of Bumbleby Week: Bonus Day
Last day! I want to give a big shout out to the mods over on @bumblebyweek-blog who have made this possible, go check out the blog and all the other amazing art/fics everyone have made!
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isolaradiale · 1 year
howdy mods! i'm going away for the next three weeks so i'd like to put qrow branwen (rwby; redreaping) and V (original character; antiqam) on a full hiatus. i'd also like to place hunter (the owl house; grimflyer) and locke (original character; eirineftis) on semi-hiatus too, please! thanks so much!
sure thing! those hiatuses will be noted for you.
– ⋆ solaris
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livestosave · 1 year
Pet peeves? What is on your wishlist?
Send Liz a Question for Munday!
Pet Peeves:
Oooh, the other question I didn't have a quick answer for! Hm. As far as RP goes, I don't think I have pet peeves (beyond the normal like, no god-modding sorts) so much as just. Hard preferences or writing styles I know just don't mesh with mine. I guess a pet-peeve is folks being pushy with me, in RP relations and in real life (I have suffered too much as a customer service person). Otherwise...I'm usually pretty laid-back? Hm. Actually, maybe using the same word over and over in writing (and not intentionally or stylistically), because that irritates me in MY writing.
I have a lot on my RP wishlist lol. Let me see, a short list of my Forever Wishlist:
Qrow addressing how his nieces drawing weapons on him made him feel/his lingering anger & hurt with them from the course of Volume 6 (either with them, or with another adult who will listen to him)
James and how his inorganic pieces of him affect him. Including but not limited to: telling someone he trusts/loves about how he lost his right side; post-Beacon loss of his left arm; the loss of his organic heart.
Ozpin surviving Beacon, and the madness that can ensue.
Grimm!Qrow (Salem caught him, fed him a small bit of a Grimm pool and let him go. Now his corvid form is a nevermore, and he struggles with the personality & physical changes)
Faunus James, because PLEASE. In conjunction with absolutely any other au.
Likeminded Soul James (It's actually amusing but also very sad)
Headmaster James (After Beacon, the Atlas Council stripped James of his military rank, leaving him as 'merely' the Headmaster of Atlas Academy. His replacement is significantly more paranoid and aggressive than he is.
Oobleck in Atlas! (Post Beacon he goes to teach there, in blog canon)
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angara-mfrp · 6 months
hello hello ADZ, my name is Soul, and I would like to reserve Octane from Apex Legends, Xiao from Genshin Impact, and Qrow Brawnwen from RWBY! Today is 12/31 and my Twit handle is @oksoulstfu. Also I do apologize for any future haunts in advance xoxo
Hi there Soul! We love the enthusiasm, but as things are, you can only have one active reserve at a time. If you can narrow down which muse you'd like to write first, we can put a reserve on them for you! Let us know which one that might be when you figure it out.
Mod Dingo
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dreamcrush · 10 months
hey, we're a new follower (sent over by Mod Story /hj /lh) i was wondering if i could get a tumblr header of me (Qrow Branwen) and my niece daughter Ruby (in red, themed after us if possible), please? thanks ~ @prismatic-bones (Qrow requesting)
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HIIII I was So excited when we got this rq rwby was a huge hyperfixation of mine in the past and i love qrow so i was like !!!!! But these are in queue for you now i’m sorry about the wait!!! - 🏹
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storyventure · 1 year
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#STORYVENTURE  ——  an  independent  multimuse  blog  with  muses  from  various  games ,  animanga ,  webcomics ,  and  animated  movies  and  shows currently  low-activity  due  to  life.
mobile - accessible  links :
Carrd (under construction)
Rules (check “read more”
Muses (check “read more”)
Docs Page (under construction)
Interest Tracker (under construction)
Steven Universe: 150 ep left
Invader Zim: 21 ep left
Retold by Salem
Muse Count: 53
Adora (Shera)
Entrapta (Shera)
Hordak (Shera)
Horde Prime (Shera)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Willow Park (The Owl House)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
Million Knives (Trigun Stampede)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Salem (RWBY)
Roman Torchwick (RWBY)
Adam Taurus (RWBY)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars Rebels)
Cal Kestis (Star Wars Fallen Order & Survivor)
Darth Maul (Star Wars Rebels)
Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Verse)
Drew Anubis (Dislyte)
Triki Loki (Dislyte)
Xiao Yin (Dislyte)
Trevor Sphinx (Dislyte)
Lucifer Morningstar (Obey Me)
Leviathan (Obey Me)
Belphagor (Obey Me)
Diavolo (Obey Me)
Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
Crona (Soul Eater)
TERTIARY (On hiatus, but will write upon request only)
Alucard (Castlevania)
Dracula (Castlevania)
John Morris (Castlevania)
Maru Mori (Blue Period)
Haruka Hashida (Blue Period)
Yatora Yaguchi (Blue Period)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Vee Noceda (The Owl House)
Hunter Wittebane (The Owl House)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Tallest Red (Invader Zim)
Dib (Invader Zim)
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Hooty (The Owl House)
Legoshi (Beastars)
Louis (Beastars)
Haru (Beastars)
Rezaren Ammosine (Dragon Age: Absolution)
Fairbanks (Dragon Age: Absolution)
Qwydion (Dragon Age: Absolution)
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
BASIC RP ETIQUETTE: No God-modding or power-playing allowed. Trim your replies please. Do not force ships. Just don't be a jerk.
SHIPPING: I love all kinds of ships. Romantic, Slow Burn, Unrequited Love, Familial Bonds, Platonic. I am open to developing relationships with all of my characters as long as there's chemistry. And both muses are of the same age. & as stated before. Please do not force ships on me if I'm not interested in the idea of it.
ACTIVITY: Due to life. I am very low-activity. But I try to spend my time here as much as I can. Please be patient with me.
MEMES & THREADS: Memes do not expire. So, please go ahead and send me memes from months ago or years ago. I don't mind at all. Always feel free to turn any meme response into a thread. I am a huge fan of multiple threads with my writing partners. Never hesitate to start something new with me even if we have a lot of other threads already. If sending memes isn't your thing, I would love to plot something out with you, don't hesitate to pop into my ims. If I spam you with memes please do not ever feel obligated to respond to them.
TRIGGERS & THEMES: Please note that there may be dark or sensitive themes present on this blog from time to time. If there is something i’ve neglected to tag, please kindly let me know.
FORMATTING: If you need any adjustments to the way I format my replies please do not hesitate to ask! I am using the legacy editor.
ICONS & THREADS: as a friendly reminder. Some of muses like Dislyte and Blue Period maybe iconless for awhile. Until I can commission someone for icons. If you choose to use icons in your own replies. That is fine with me. If you don't. That's also fine. I don't really have a preference on icons in threads.
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yourfaveisafictive · 1 year
The Crow, Destiny 2! Just to put that out there that we have More! Though he goes by Dove in our system.
Also thank you guys so much for doing this for us systems /srs it means so much to us specifically I know to have flags like this!
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You're super welcome! It's a labor of love, indeed!! (genuine and sincere)
Also I have an uncle named Qrow. Hehe. -- Mod Ruby
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goldstride · 2 years
personally i think team rwby and gang should have piercings bc they’ve been through a lot and deserve to look even more kickass (v3 spoilers below idk how to spoiler tag so be warned)
personal hcs:
blake: 2 ear piercings in the same ear, almost always studs bc she’s fighting and whatnot but occasionally does a little chain between them. very close to being convinced into a nose ring
yang: *points at lesbian flag* septum. maybe bridge as well if we’re feelin especially goofy. always has cleaning supplies since she has to upkeep her arm somehow and piercings are also metal!
ruby: good ol’ eyebrow stud! she’d also be That Person with all the different ear piercings (helix, etc.) but really the most important one is the lobe bc she changes out which dangly earrings she’s wearing (absolutely has a mini crescent rose set)
weiss: has to get lobe piercing for her father since clip-on earrings are “undignified” (fellow unpierced lobers like me y’all are valid) so feels like such a rebel when she gets her second lobe piercing at beacon, post v3 gets a silver nose ring that she treats like it’s her child. queen of post-piercing care
nora: got a bellybutton piercing WAYYY back but took it out since it kept getting caught on her skirts, then got a smiley but it chipped a tooth during a fight so she gave it up, now has matching ear studs with ren
ren: matching stud with nora and …do i really have to say it? snake bites *laughtrack*
jaune: this poor man. he is afraid of needles and barely makes it through one side of lobe piercings before he taps out (wanted to be able to wear earrings of pyrrhas symbol :((((( yeah that’s right surprise angst)
oscar: turned away by every piercer ever even with blake or yang pretending to be his guardian. does not trust nora enough with a needle to let her diy a body mod
qrow: this man has a lip ring, an eyebrow ring, and ear gauges (which ruby liked to stick her fingers in as a kid—who’s kidding she still does it now) i just know it
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