#aaannnd i’m gonna end it at that
teecupangel · 2 years
I’m desperately need your thoughts on a possible idea but I’m not sure if I wanna commit. Desmond somehow finds his way to Altairs time, specifically right before Abbas begins his takeover and Des manages to save Sef and Malik. Fast forward to everyone’s return, Maria and Darim are like oh my god you’re alive and Altair is like oh my god *blushing*
Obviously Maria is cool with a third (inspired by Maria/Giovanni/Des). Altair is still in love with her but a different love than what’s going on with Des, and Sef and Darim don’t know how to cope that their father is in love and actively having sex with a man significantly younger than they are.
Bonus idea* this is the same universe as your The Relentless Pleasurable Suffering of Desmond Miles on AO3 and Darim is just ranting about everything and Sef is just sweating in the background while Des stares at him from across the yard.
Let’s set up the AC setting first, since you wish to set this after Darim assassinated Genghis Khan, we’ll have to deal with the following:
Desmond’s place in Masyaf while Altaïr and the others are away
How Abbas’ coup affects the Levantine Brotherhood as a whole
Now, we can just chuck Desmond right as Abbas finalizes the details of his coup. However, in this scenario, Abbas’ influence had been festering for a very long time now.
For his coup to be successful, he must ensure that Altaïr and his allies would be discredited to some degree beforehand.
And he has a good idea on how to do it: Altaïr’s Apple and history.
The Apple is self-explanatory at this point and I do enjoy making use of it in some of my fics, like in The Second where Abbas pretty much outright states that Altaïr is hoarding the Apple’s secret for himself.
So let’s focus on how Abbas could push others to his side by using Altaïr’s history. His main points would be:
He went rogue before and assassinated people without the permission of a Rafiq or Al Mualim (an oversimplification of what happened in Altaïr’s Chronicles)
He had failed a very important mission that led to the death of a brother and it’s only by Al Mualim’s mercy that he wasn’t killed for his failure (AC1)
He killed Al Mualim without real proof of his treachery (AC1 - this would gain him the support of those who still believed Al Mualim did nothing wrong)
He spent years away from Masyaf when he should be there, being the mentor they needed during a time of change (End of Bloodlines when he joined Maria in her travels)
Abbas would also whisper poisoned words to the Assassins who feel that their work isn’t being valued enough as the Levantine Brotherhood is structured more on the side of meritocracy. Also, at this point, there are many Assassins who are too young to remember Malik as one of the more promising Assassins in the field before Jerusalem happened. These ones would be those weak in spirit that Abbas could whisper about how Malik became the acting mentor because of his close friendship with Altaïr. Why else would they choose such a man as Malik instead of other Assassins to act as the mentor, considering what he ‘lacks’? It doesn’t matter that Malik has done more for the Brotherhood than most of them. It doesn’t matter that he has lost so much for the Brotherhood.
What mattered was that Malik is stuck taking care of what should have been Altaïr’s job high up the office while Abbas was the one on the grounds, having enough time to observe which Assassin could be turned to his side.
What about Sef then? Sef has a very deliberating factor against him. He’s Altaïr’s son. Considering his age and his current position in the Brotherhood by the time his family left for Genghis Khan, we would be around 19~20 years old when he took the role of Malik’s second-in-command. Whether this is an official position or does not matter. Sef’s high standing in the Brotherhood could be taken as another evidence of why Altaïr doesn’t deserve to be the mentor: nepotism and favoritism. If we include the idea that Malik and Sef were having an affair like in The Relentless Pleasurable Suffering of Desmond Miles, you bet there are going to be rumors about their secret affair as well which will make some of the more conservative Assassins balk.
Abbas might even stoke the flames himself.
The main reason why I spent time dealing with all that setup is that I promise that Desmond managed to save Sef and Malik (and their allies including Rauf because it’s implied his ‘sickness’ had been orchestrated by Abbas) because he immediately went to Masyaf the moment he got kicked into this time period. Desmond easily got into Malik’s office thanks to the ‘borrowed’ Assassin robes he got from the nearest bureau he found before making the trip to Masyaf and he tries to play it off like he had been made aware of a coup.
Malik isn’t stupid. He knows Desmond is not saying everything he knows but he cannot dismiss his claims as well. But, if what Desmond is saying is true, then he needs to see what can be done first.
In this case, nothing could be done.
Abbas’ claws had dug too deep into the very foundation of Masyaf itself at this point. Desmond was simply too late and the tides of change are already on their way.
What they are left with is to either hold their ground or go with the tides.
Malik chooses the later. Because he believed that Altaïr will be able to turn the tides once he returned.
Also, he cannot… he will not risk the lives of their remaining allies and their families just on the chance that they can survive the tides.
Especially his new born son and…
(Sidenote: in this scenario, let’s make Malik’s wife his beard who knows about the affair. Hell, let’s make them each other’s beard. Malik and Sef are having an affair and they married two women who loved one another. They planned for their children to all grow up as siblings.)
So Malik gets their allies out of Masyaf. Send some of them faraway missions. Get their families to leave Masyaf to ‘visit’ relatives. Rauf’s declining health got him to send him and his family somewhere else with an explanation of ‘there’s a doctor there who might be able to help’.
Of course, Abbas isn’t stupid. He sees this happening and knows something’s up. He’s not sure just how much Malik knows but he is sure Malik knows something.
So he accelerates the timetable.
This makes it easier for Malik to see his moves though. It comes to a head where both of them tipped their hands: Abbas arranged a late meeting at night. The following dawn, Malik and Sef’s family leaves Masyaf (together with Sef).
So Abbas makes his move. No fancy false charges. No assassination attempts.
He and his coconspirators take Masyaf.
Of course, with such a blatant takeover, there are more Assassins who would not like this. Not enough to push them back as Malik had made sure the ones they are sure are allied with them were far away in Masyaf already.
(It would be later on that Altaïr would ask him why he did not simply do the opposite. Why not have Abbas’ allies be the ones sent away from Masyaf. To that, Malik would answer, “To contain a festering wound, you cut off the limb before it infests the rest of the body. Masyaf’s wound has festered far too long to be saved. Not by me.”)
And Malik was the only person truly loyal to Altaïr left in Masyaf. Everybody else was either on Abbas’ side or those who didn’t care either way.
Just as Malik planned.
Because this way, Abbas would have a prize. Abbas’ anger and thirst for vengeance would be quenched even for just a bit.
Malik was betting that his death would be enough for Altaïr’s eyes to finally be opened. For Altaïr to finally do what he should have done all those years ago when Abbas used the Apple during the burning of Al Mualim’s body.
For Altaïr to finally let go of his childhood hope that Abbas would finally see the truth and they could reconcile their shattered friendship.
Even if it wasn’t…
Malik was betting that Sef would avenge his death.
And that’s when Desmond comes in and saves him. Malik is unsure how Desmond was there when he specifically ordered Desmond to ride to Alamut to tell the Assassins there about Abbas’ plans and to ask for sanctuary for their allies.
Desmond did that… by sending a pigeon then keeping an eye on things in Masyaf all in an effort to find a good time to assassinate Abbas (didn’t work. Abbas had become too paranoid because of all the moves Malik had made).
Malik is the one who stops Desmond from killing anyone, tells him that doing so would further fracture the Brotherhood.
So they run.
They meet up with their allies in Alamut and that’s where they stay, sending pigeons to all the bureaus and other Brotherhoods about what has happened in Masyaf.
(And on this part a scene between Malik and Sef concerning Malik’s plan and Sef chewing him out for it)
And it’s in Alamut that Altaïr and the others go to after their mission was done.
Just enough time has passed that Desmond was able to store the important memories in the memory seals in Alamut for Altaïr to watch.
No matter what questions they ask Desmond, he refuses to answer any of their questions.
Because he wants to tell Altaïr first.
He wants Altaïr to be the one to know who he truly is.
More than anything, he wants Altaïr to be the one to decide his fate in this world he finds himself in.
Unorganized Notes:
We can go either way with how this pairing would work. Either we make this full on Altaïr/Desmond/Maria where Desmond becomes both of their lovers or this is more of a case of Desmond being Altaïr’s lover and having a close friendship with Maria.
If you prefer for Desmond to be Altaïr’s lover alone, it could be that Altaïr and Maria’s relationship had changed. They still love one another but they feel no urge for anything physical anymore. But Altaïr felt it once more for Desmond.
In this scenario, Altaïr and Desmond would start their relationship only when Maria gives her blessing. Before that, there’s gonna be pining on both sides that everyone could see.
Once they start their relationship, it’s gonna be tricky because Altaïr wouldn’t want to hide Desmond at all while Desmond would want to hide their relationship because he knows Abbas could use their relationship to further smear Altaïr’s reputation.
And that is when Altaïr decides to do what he had always been planning to do: retire.
There will be the 12th-century version of “Oh god, he’s finally having his midlife crisis” outrage, and the fact that Altaïr is doing this AFTER Abbas’ coup will be fanning the flames even more.
So they make a compromise that Altaïr will retire once they get Masyaf back but he also makes preparations for his final contribution: to push the Brotherhood back to the shadows.
At that point, the plot can either: focus on the plans to get Masyaf back or on Altaïr and Desmond’s developing relationship. (Pick one and the other one will become the background setup, kinda like plot B)
Darim and Sef would have an awkward relationship with Desmond. Darim more awkward than Sef as Sef would play off the awkwardness by joking “should we call you ‘father’ as well?”
Sef is honestly ‘oh okay’ son in this scenario because he is in a similar situation with Malik.
Oh yeah, Altaïr and Maria knew about their relationship BEFORE they went to assassinate Genghis Khan. They were just waiting for Sef and Malik to fess up.
They still gave them hell and Altaïr enjoyed giving the shovel talk to Malik just for the hell of it.
Malik turned the table on him later on by saying that, since Desmond is technically an orphan (“He’s an adult, Malik.” “Who needs someone to keep an eye on him and it’s certainly not going to be you. How much have you spent on the gifts you’ve given him this past month, hm?”), he gave Altaïr the shovel talk as well since he is the ‘adult’ (“Again, he’s an adult as well”) who had worked closely with Desmond the most.
I do have the habit of making Darim have a crush on Desmond so if you want Darim to be super awkward, make him have a crush on his father’s lover. XD
Darim ranting about Altaïr and Desmond’s relationship to Sef is funnier when you remember Darim knows Sef and Malik are secretly lovers. Darim had assisted Sef more than once in making sure Altaïr didn’t know about it so he’s ranting to Sef knowing Sef can relate to Desmond more than anyone in Alamut. He’s doing it on purpose to make his little brother squirm.
Maria would definitely have tea parties with Malik and Desmond. Desmond dubbed it the “Altaïr Support Club” and the name stuck.
If Maria is part of the pairings, pegging will be involved. Desmond would definitely be the most bottom of the three of them and there will definitely be scenes where Maria or Altaïr watches Desmond getting the life fucked out of him.
Also…………… kinky sex making use of the Apple’s hallucinations and mind control capabilities.
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cattocavo · 6 months
So I’ve been tagged in six sentence sunday!
I’ve never done these before and I’m not very active on here so i wouldnt know who to tag in response (although if any of you are fine with being tagged, please write to me! Id love to hear what everyone’s doing, and make some new friends!!
Since I last posted on tumblr I’ve finished all the inktober drawings I planned to draw. They’re all posted on my instagram, but I’m severely behind on posting here😅 tumblr is great but I cannot for the life of me shake off the awkwardness that comes with posting on another media that isn’t my preferred one. But if anyone who doesnt have instagram wants to see the rest just lmk and I’ll post them!
Other than inktober I haven’t really done anything.. i wanted to draw something for valentines, and got an idea a day before which is obviously WAY too little time to finish anything. And well, then valentines day passed and I no longer had a deadline.. so I didn’t finish it. I cannot for the life of me finish anything without a deadline. (Literally realized like 4 days ago that ive basically never finished a high-effort illustration without a deadline or someone relying on me😵‍💫 which kinda sucks ngl)
But since six sentence sundays are for wips, I guess I can show it to y’all what i drew for valentines!
So heres the concept (which is almost better than the finished result will be. I didn’t manage sultry Simon’s facial expression very well in the actual drawing😭 he just looks annoyed instead of ‘sexy’)
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Aaannnd this is a wip of the actual drawing:
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I really might end up redoing sultry Simon’s face, cuz it just isn’t working. I wanted the “expectation” side to like be the baz vision equivalent of some sexy male models slicked in oil and faces all squinty and lip-bitey. I didn’t want there to be a trace of an actual person, only the vision of “hot” so an annoyed simon with a bow will not do :/
Sidenote about simons shirt: eat the rich more like swallow the rich amirite?
I have this dumbass obsession with putting simon in ugly T shirts where theres printed the most ridiculous quotes on. I have a whole pinterest board on it. I tastefully called it “simons questionable taste in fashion”
(It’s all dumbass crop tops and tiny shirts with big chunky shoes. Idk I just love that on him)
But uhh I think that’s all for now! Thank you for tagging me @thewholelemon and @j-nipper-95 for tagging me a lot of previous times where i didn’t do anything bc i was shy😅
See you all next time!
Also idk if people put tags on SSS but I’m just gonna do that bc its what I’m used to
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smol-stardust · 2 years
You Can't What?
Continuing with the SKK Fallen Guardian Angel au because I'm on a brainrot. Plz excuse spelling/grammar errors
In which Chuuya learns he's stuck with Dazai for longer than expected due to, uh... reasons
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Staring at the sight in front of him, Chuuya let out a string of curses. If it wasn’t bad enough that shitty Dazai was constantly bothering him, this just ruined everything. How did I even end up here? Chuuya ponders. Not that it matters, because either way, he’ll be hauling Dazai’s blood-soaked body out of the alleyway. The problem with angels, Chuuya decided, is they’re too conspicuous and weigh too much. As much as he wanted to leave the disaster of a suicidal angel in the sombre alleyway, Chuuya had an ominous epiphany that if he did, someone would get him later.
Chuuya’s next observation was that wings are a stupid waste of space. What’s the point if he walks everywhere? I doubt angels have wings to block people, namely myself, from going places and mock them. Chuuya continued cursing as he maneuvered Dazai’s body around, tempted to slice off his wings and call it a day.
“You could at least be gentle chibi,” Dazai groaned as Chuuya manhandled him. “This is no way to treat such a beautiful angel.”
“Shut up you shitty idiot. You’re the one that got shot and mangled by that ability user!” Chuuya retorted. 
“Just doing my job,” Dazai winked, not that it mattered, he was slung half over Chuuya's shoulders. (If Chuuya saw it, he probably would have commented how it looked like Dazai was having a seizure)
“I can protect myself, shitty angel,” Chuuya hissed.
“Aww man,” Dazai whined. “No prize of consolation or thanks? Here I was hoping I’d die…”
“WAIT A SECOND!!” Chuuya screeched, dropping Dazai’s body at his sudden revelation.
"Owie." Dazai rubbed his head in annoyance. "Please treat me like a princess. I'm delicate you know!"
“YOU FUCKING DIED!” Chuuya yelled, pointing a finger accusingly at his supposed guardian angel. “YOU HAD NO PULSE, I WAS FINALLY GOING TO BE FREE OF YOU!!”
“Ah, yes” Dazai nodded thoughtfully with a hand under his chin (In the finger checkmark pose… idk what it’s called) “I did mention I can’t die right?”
Chuuya stared at him, gaping. His brain stalled out for a few minutes before he snapped back to reality. 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T DIE?!?” Chuuya bellowed.
“I’m not wanted up there. God kinda doesn't like me or something, can't imagine why,” Dazai hummed nonchalantly. “Aaannnd, they don’t want me down there either. Somthing about me disturbing them.” He grinned and held out a peace sign. 
“What the hell are you?” Chuuya groaned. Great, and here I thought I was free of this waste of space. 
“Mmm, it’s not like I enjoy spending time with you either chibi,” Dazai huffed, opting to ignore the question. “But, we’re stuck together, and that’s how it's going to be.”
“On the bright side, I get to hang out and annoy you more now!” 
“Piss of…”
Chuuya sighed as Dazai walked alongside him down the streets of Yokohama, waving his hands animatedly as he rambled on. Fallen angels sure are more trouble than they’re worth, Chuuya thought bitterly. I can’t believe I’m going to have to deal with this freeloading idiot even longer. Chuuya rubbed his temple at the thought. This is going to be a long night… WAIT! NO, HE’S STUCK WITH ME FOR ETERNITY! 
“AUGHHHH! I’m gonna strangle you!” Chuuya growled.
“Aww, cute.” Dazai cooed. “Granting my wish for me.”
“I'm doing this for myself!”
“I look forward to it, but might be difficult considering y’know, neither side wants me!” Dazai laughed cheerily.
"Nope, you're too fun to rile up."
"...I hate you."
"Aww, I'm glad it's mutual."
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake- Cheeky
Hey author-chan how are you? Well I saw that your requests are open and I would like to know if you write to Naruto and if the answer is yes, could I get a Kakashi x f!reader imagine/oneshot with prompt #19, please?
I ended up asking her to choose a couple more prompts, aaannnd here they are!
#19- Hmm, who you tryna’ look sexy for babygirl?
#20- Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you
#27- I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.
#30- Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay?
 #47- You’re too cheeky for you own good, kid.
warning.....I will fuck up your day. Might be OOC but almost all my shit kinda is imo lol Does anyone really care?....he spits in your mouth..... I am sorry for absolutely nothing.
“Watch it, Kid!”
“Why don’t you walk where you walk!” you caught the throwing star between your two fingers as it was hurled back at you. “You’re cutting into my training time.” you rolled your eyes.
“Damnit Y/N you could have taken my eye out.” Kakashi groaned. “Be careful with that thing!” 
“Like that would have been a bad thing.” you scoffed. “Get out of the way next time.” you rubbed your shoulder. “If you weren’t in my line of vision, you wouldn’t have almost got caught in the crossfire.”
“You know you love looking at me.”
“How can I when no one ever sees your face.” you burst out laughing. “What kinda mug you got under than mask, huh?” you challenged. 
“You’re too cheeky for your own good kid, someone outta bring you down a few notches.”
“And just whose gonna do that.” you rolled your eyes, turning away from him.
You ignored his answer and bent over, stretching to touch your toes. “My back.” you groaned. When you stood up straight again, he was staring at you. “You need something?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he blinked(...or winked?) at you.
“I can’t tell if that was a wink or not...” you raised a brow.
“You’re a real-”
“ Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you “
He walked off, undoubtedly wearing a self-satisfactory look on his face.
“How does she put up with him?”
“Damn, I thought she was really gonna kill him for a minute.”
“You’d think those two liked each other with how much they argue backed and forth.”
“It’s not nice to gossip.” you called behind your back to your comrades. You shoved the throwing star back into your pouch and walked off. Kakashi Hatake and Y/N L/N were always the talk of the town. One was always getting on the nerves of the others.
You were relaxing in your house after a long day of training. It was good to work out your skills while nothing was going on. You never knew when something was gonna happen. You stretched your arms over your head as you walked into your kitchen. 
“God I’m starving.” you sighed. Before you could dig through your fridge, there was a knock at the door.
“I’m coming!” you called, knowing they could hear. As you neared the door, the knocking only got louder. “Geez Hold on-!” You yanked the door open to see Kakashi awkwardly standing there. He wore his authoritative demeanor.
“Y/N, may I come in?” he spoke. You almost peaked behind his shoulder, people were walking around outside. ‘We must talk.”
“Sure.” you made room for him to walk in. Just as you closed the door, you were pushed up against the door. He yanked down his mask to show that daring smirk. You felt his lips brush against yours. Kakashi wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up and pushing you even further against the door.
“ I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. “ he moaned against your lips. “Shit you drive me crazy.” he growled.  “I bet you thought your little show was cute.”
“Got your attention didn’t it?” you giggled through the friction. “If we’re gonna sneak around, might as well make it fun for me too.”
For the last several months you had been more than casual with Kakashi. He trailed his hand down your spine, resting at the base of your back. 
“I have half a mind to punish you.” he began kissing down your neck. “But I missed you so much.”
“So does that mean you can stay for the night or do you have to wrangle those three morons again?” you melted into his tough as the thoughts of the Three Stooges getting into trouble that required Kakashi to clean up....again. 
“I’ll stay if you want me to.” he began kissing your cheeks, forehead, nose and lips. He kept rotating around each area of your face. To answer his question, you helped him out of his jacket. “Hm, okay then.” he smirked. 
“I don’t need to tell you where my bedroom is do I?” you stepped away from him.
... (Two days later)
Training in the woods wasn’t so bad. But training while Kakashi dragged his students along was gonna drive you absolutely crazy.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Yes. Naruto.” you seethed. ‘What can I do for you.”
“I’m gonna be the best Ninja in the world! You just watch! I’ll be able to beat you one day!”
“That’s great buddy!” you tried to laugh. Cute. No one could compare to you when it came to throwing sharp things at a target. You walked by Kakashi sending him a harsh glare. You walked ahead of the group. No one could see it, but your annoyance made him smile a bit. You stopped in front of a three, pinning a target to it before walking a good 30 feet away from it. You went into your pouch and took out a throwing star.
With a single flick of the wrist you threw it, watching it slice through the air and hit the target right in the middle. You walked back another few feet and did it again. Good to know you hadn’t lost your touch.
“Wow. Miss Y/N sure knows what she’s doing.” Sakura whispered to Kakashi. “I can see why everyone raves about her,”
“Yes. She is very capable, Sakura. She has impeccable precision.” he commented. Although he was thinking something completely different. Everyone watched as you took out your annoyance on the bullseye target, When you had ran out of stars, you trudged back up to the tree and yanked each one out.
Later on, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were all napping. All had passed out at some point after some extreme training courtesy of Kakashi. As for you, you were sitting by the lake, getting some much needed recreation. You had just gone for a swim. The ice cold water felt perfect. 
You stood up against the tree facing away from everyone. You were prepared to get back into the water when Kakashi came up, slowly ridding himself of his shirt as he did.
“Going for a-” you were cut off as he pushed himself against you, claiming your mouth in a kiss. Not that you weren’t totally happy, but his students were literally napping less that 50 feet away from you both.
“W-wha are you-?”
“Shhh.” Kakashi pulled down his mask then got down on his knees as he fumbled with your panties. “If we’re gonna do this, you gotta be quiet.”
“You’ve had some pretty dumb ideas but-...fuh.” you cut yourself off as you felt him trail his hands up your thigh. He pressed small kisses down your thighs. You were still soaking wet from the water, so your skin was slippery. He pulled your panties down, placing small kisses along your heat.
You dared peek over your shoulder. Everyone was still sleeping, but you found it hard to focus. Kakashi gently drove his tongue into your slit, causing a sharp gasp to escape your lungs. Your legs shook as his tongue flicked against your clit.
“Kakashi~” you shuddered. You found yourself running your hands against his silvery white hair. He grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder. “We could get caught!”
“Exciting isn’t it?” he giggled. “You just have to stay quiet.” you felt his fingers slither inside you. “ Come on Y/N... Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay? “ he moaned, sloppily dragging his tongue up your slit. “Shit- You’re so fucking good, Y/N. You’re soaking.” he laughed evilly. 
“Whose f-fault is that!”
He slapped your ass, making you gasp again. You could just picture that shit eating grin on his face. 
You were made to stand up straight as Kakashi rose to his feet. He hoisted you up, wrapping both of your legs around his torso. You hadn’t noticed that his pants had dropped around his ankles. You felt his painfully slowly slide himself inside. 
“They’re still sleeping.” he grunted, slowly thrusting into you. “Fuck I needed this.” he moaned. “I need you~” he coughed. “Kiss me.” 
He, in a hurry, sloppily kissed you. Your tongues clashed. You faced heated up from the lewd sounds your mouths made as they clashed together. Kakashi pushed your further against the tree. 
“Kakashi..” you were able to muster. 
“Open your fucking mouth.” he cut you off. “Now...” he growled. 
You obediently did as he asked, sticking out your tongue as Kakashi let a line of drool go from his tongue to yours. He claimed your mouth again while he dug his nails into your thighs. His cock twitched inside of you as his thrusts grew sloppy. 
You couldn’t even talk through his kisses. Your insides clenched around him, feeling yourself grow more and more sensitive at his touch. You didn’t care how loud you were anymore and he didn’t either. 
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna fucking cum. I’m gonna- ARGH-” 
You felt him practically bottom out inside of you, cumming inside your depths. To avoid making any sounds, he kissed you again. With one harsh thrust, you came too. You heard those lewd watery sounds as liquids dripped out of your pussy, down your legs. Poor plants. 
“Kakashi~” you moaned again.
“It feels good?” he talked down to you in a babyish voice. “You like my cum inside you don’t you.” he spilled the rest of himself into you tightness. “And they’re still sleeping.” he smirked. “You were worried about nothing.”
“Shut up.” you rolled your eyes. You whined as he slowly removed himself from you. 
“It’s running down your leg.” he laughed. “Shit, you’re so sexy.” he dragged his tongue down your neck. “Shit-”
“You’re lucky we didn’t get caught.” you shakily spoke. “And you call me the cheeky one.”
“Hm, don’t be like that, babe...or else I might not to easy on you this time.”
(This one was not so much hardcore, but it was something, so I’m all caught up with requests I think! Does anyone here fucks with Haikyuu?.....Can I- Can I write for Haikyuu?)
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ziondpreboot · 4 years
So, since @enmitypark made a post about what Dash and Danny are like to each other in a post, I figured I’d do something like that.
This is just about all the things I’ve done with basically any character. No real order to this.
I have Danny as ftm trans. When Danny first came out to the school, the teacher was like “I don’t like it, but I’m gonna respect you not wanting to go by your first name or have female terms used with you, by calling you by your last name and not using any gendered terms.” Dash on the other hand was the first one, other than Sam, Tucker, and Danny’s family, to call Danny “Daniel”.
Dash: “DANIEL FENTON!! I failed one of my test! You know what that means?!” Danny, use to Dash’s bs: Let’s just get this over with Dash. Wait, did you just call me Daniel?!” Dash: Just because I don’t like you doesn’t mean I’m gonna name you, Fentwerp.” Danny: “Aaannnd we’re right back to insults mixed with my last name.”
Dash will use slurs at times, but that’s partly because his parents only talk about the LGBT+ community with different slurs. The rest of the reason why is because he doesn’t know any better. If you call him out on it though, he will try to remove those words from the words he uses. Doesn’t mean he’s immune from slipping up.
Dash is gay and Paulina is a lesbian. Dash is aware that he’s gay and shoves himself as deep in the closet as he could because of his parents, Paulina is in denial over the fact that she’s lesbian even though it’s kinda obvious to everyone but Paulina and Star that Paulina has a crush on Star.
Paulina’s “crush” on Phantom is just because she picked him out as the boy she though she should have a crush on.
Paulina ends up asking Dash out at one point, and even though he was confused about why he agreed, because his parents kept nagging him about getting a girlfriend, and saying shit like “If you don’t start dating a girl soon, we’re going dos tart thinking you’re one of those [slur]s!”. He feels kinda bad for basically using her like that, but at the same time a lot of the guilt he would feel about doing it is erased by the relief of not having to hear his parents direct stuff like that at him.
Dash is fully aware that he might have a crush, or just hero worship, Phantom. He tries to hide it. He’s not very successful.
He doesn’t actually like football. He’d rather be an artist of some kind, but he’s unable to pursue that as much as he’d like because of his parents. His dad is the one making him do a sport because “Every male in our family has been a major sports star at Casper High for as long as the school has been open! I’m not about to have you breaking tradition!”
He chose football because Kwan found out and said “I was gonna join the football team anyway. Why don’t you join with me? It would be nice to have someone I already know on the team!”
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Can we elaborate on Booker’s small run for the hills when they mix up the dates on when to end his exile? Maybe a frantic escape when they find his first hideout, followed by them trying to stealthily track him down because sober booker is a force to be reckoned with when he wants to disappear?
I'm assuming you are asking about tell me what are my words worth (also available on AO3)
Okay so I'm gonna do this outtake headcanon style.
First place he checks is Copley's. The man isn't home and it was way too easy to break into his home to check on the status of his family. When he knows they are fine, it is a bitter sweet thing because on one hand he is happy they're safe half the world away but it's mired with the knowledge that they forgot
Booker books it right out of London
Considers going to drown down the bottom of a wine barrel or two but then rethinks that decision because, he's made it thus far without resorting to alcohol, he can get further without it
He spends two weeks wallowing with the tubs of ice cream and Adele in the Scottish Highlands before he packs his things, shaves his beard and cuts his hair, and spend the better part of the month making his way through the back roads of the world to Costa Rica
Booker meets a beautiful man the first day he arrives and spends a week in his arms
He's preparing breakfast, contemplating on whether to spend his day by the beach or to scour the antique markets for something he can restore when there's a knock at his door
Booker goes immediately on alert; he only had this place for a year so it is relatively unknown still and he made sure he wasn't officially on any systems that could track him on the ownership and he never brought the beautiful man back here
He gets his gun, ready to shoot when he hears Andy's voice saying don't shoot Booker it's us
He opens the door, gun right in Andy's face before he drops his arms, ignoring the way he can still tell Joe and Nicky wants to rush at him and wrap him up in a hug
"Right, you guys might as well come in. I'll make coffee"
They end up staying there for the next two weeks. Only one death happens. It isn't Booker's.
Joe, Nicky and Booker do the reconciliation and they decide to take it slow because they want to get to know each other again and when they speak about the day they forgot, and Llewellyn comes up, Booker is assured of the direction they are going because he spies the way Nicky's jaw gets a tick and Joe narrows his eyes when he says he wants to pay a visit to London for the kid to thank him
Aaannnd that's it for this outtake. Do you have any curiosities about the fics I wrote? Drop me an ask and I'll answer them with outtakes!
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
Character Interview
(Premtively) tagged by @statichvm​ last night so I’m just getting ahead so I can stare at my blank Nano doc longer. 
Tagging: @foofygoldfish​ @devotchkas​ @colesphelps​ for the Pike wife, aaannnd anyone else who wants to do this again
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name ➔ Scott Ryder. Don’t listen to anybody who says it’s Scoot on paper. They’re a buncha JERKS. 
are you single ➔ Nope, taken. Sorry all the genders. 
are you happy ➔ As can be. 
are you angry ➔  Not at all. Takes a lot to get me angry. 
are your parents still married ➔ No. Well, it’s uh... complicated. See, they were together and very in love, then my mom died, it broke my dad’s heart, fast forward to now, my mom’s actually alive, but my dad’s dead, so... if life didn’t get in the way, they would be. 
birth place ➔ Earth
hair colour ➔ I don’t even know what this is. Brunde? Bredwn? What’s it with red, blonde and brown all at the same time? 
eye colour ➔ Blue
birthday ➔ September 15th. 
mood ➔ Happy!
gender ➔ Male!
summer or winter ➔ Summer! Love warm weather. Keep me as far from the cold as you can get. 
morning or afternoon ➔  Afternoon. Sleeping in is the best thing you can do, so mornings basically don’t exist.
are you in love ➔ (giddy laugh) Uh huh. 
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Didn’t ‘til Gil. 
who ended your last relationship ➔ He did. Technically. No comment. 
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Nope. I’ve gotten my heart shattered, though. Not cool. 
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Not really. I mean early on I was, but with age comes wisdom and wanting to settle. 
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔  I hugged Kar and Harry- don’t listen to him when he says I didn’t, he’s just mad I’m a head taller than him and lifted him off the ground. 
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I mean, probably? I wasn’t the best at picking up signals back in the day. 
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ No. Listen, I love me, I can’t do that!
love or lust ➔ Love.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Blue raspberry lemonade. 
cats or dogs ➔  Both. Give me more dogs though. 
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best!
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Yes. 
day or night ➔ Night.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Ha, yeah. Thought Mom was gonna kill me. 
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ I’m 6′5″. Adjusting to being a giant was rough. 
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Oh, absolutely.
wanted to disappear ➔ Never, thankfully. I have enough good in my life that I never wanted that. 
smile or eyes ➔  Either. 
shorter or taller ➔ Either again. I mean, small’s nice but not being the tallest guy in the room is nicer. Getting all of the “get this from the top shelf” requests all the time is agony. 
intelligence or attraction ➔ Both. I’m an idiot, somebody needs to be around to even it out. 
hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship
do you and your family get along ➔  My sister Kara’s my best friend, Mom... well, we did, hope we still do when she wakes up, my dad... ... it was complicated, he wasn’t the best dad, but the guy died saving Kara. I can’t really fault him for that, nor can I say he was rotten to the core. A little overambitious dropping all that pressure on her with one decision, but... ... .... no, he wasn’t awful. 
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ By some miracle, I don’t. My sister’s the one with the messed up life, I’m just trailing a few paces behind and cleaning up some of it and trying to keep her sane as we go. 
have you ever ran away from home ➔ Thought about it. Never did though. Neither did Kar. Neither of us wanted to leave the other in... that situation. 
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Never!
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔  No! Why would I be friends with someone I hate? 
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ You mean you can be less than good friends with people? Ha, nah, I know. I’m just a friendly guy, I like being close to my friends, that’s how I - and we work. 
who is your best friend ➔ Again, Kara. I’m one of the lucky ones who can say their sibling is their best friend. 
who knows everything about you ➔ Kara, Gil... kinda sorta Harry, but not as much as those two. Gotta keep the decent father figure in some suspense. 
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ablog4mymuse · 4 years
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2/1/21 As many times as I've seen this movie, I found it on YouTube tonite & watched it again, but this time...I don't know...maybe it's because of the unrest that seems to have permeated the fabric of this country, land that I love, home of the brave -- (screech! not turning this into a political rant), or maybe it's the almost-year-old pandemic that has clipped my traveling wings in a MAJOR way...Anyhooz, so I'm glued to the movie, found myself catching my breath early on and, by the end, nose was burning, throat felt like it was in a vice grip (not gonna cry..or so I thought), aaannnd my face was damp with tears 😢 as I clapped & cheered at this 100+ year old woman as she slowly made her way to that water fountain; her gait was slow but it was purposeful & the look she gave that officer I imagined it was full of a cross between "what'chu gone do" to "I wish a mofo would". Slurp 💧 Yeahhh, I'm well aware that she was a fictional character, BUT I guarantee you..some of us know (or knew) some people with that same strong & determined backbone. That's why I cried. Even now as I write this some 4 hrs later, got my tissues on standby. So when my artistic muse gave me a gentle nudge, took over & along came this li'l creation...& I kinda smile thru my tears as I go thru a mental Rolodex of the movies/tv shows that starred this great actress (I'll prolly hit up YouTube & make a list this weekend) 😉 Rest in Paradise, Cicely Tyson 💜 (at Charleston, West Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKyO0gKBC1Y/?igshid=1wtpgvyddtkpm
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starwarsolo · 7 years
got back from tlj aaannnd [SPOILERS probably...... nah surely!]
kylo ren is definitely a Punk Ass Bitch whom i love and adore but the more we advance in these movies the less i see a redemption for him, i honestly think “Hüx” is gonna finish what he almost started and end him one way or another, i seriously think that’s how it’s gonna and how it should go for ren like i love him but if leia doesn’t manage to bring him back with how far gone he is now i don’t think there’s any stopping him unless rey decides to actually end him for good or that by some miracle whoever manages to make him see how wrong he is and that he has to stop, and reeeeeyyyy baby you tried, you really tried, you tried to save “ben” (if ben solo ever existed, i’m seriously starting to think he never did actually, not 100% at least) but he doesn’t wanna be saved AND he just wanna use you just cause you got powers, just like snoke did with him, that was really interesting actually, i was really scared of where all this was going but there’s really nothing but the one thinking the other is somebody they’re not and being hugely mistaken: rey thinks she can “save ben solo” when she doesn’t even know him and doesn’t even realize how he does not wanna be saved, she basically probably sees herself in him so she wants to save him to maybe somehow save herself because she knows pain and betrayal and abandonment from family, and ren thinks she’s gonna turn for him just bc they share those issues and bc she seems to be thinking more favorably of him and it really looks like he’s got that idea of her and he’s also really elitist in thinking she’s the best option just cause she’s got powers almost if not equal to his but like she’s just that, an idea he’s made for himself and he doesn’t even love her for her he just sees her as a trophy kinda thing, it’s made clear in this movie he’s not even attracted to her and that their Force-bond is just that aka a bond just cause they’re both Force-users and the opposite of each other ideology-wise, (so like really how are there still romantic reylo shippers after tlj??? i mean how were there any after tfa, but like even after tlj????? anyway)  okay but shirtless kylo ren was :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) adam looked SO fine throughout tlj wow i fucking love him and once again he delivered SO much feelings-wise, what a pleasure to behold!!! other than that i thought finn’s story arc was fucking ace, i loved rose but the love declaration and kiss thing was ???????, loved poe’s story arc along with admiral holdo’s and leia’s (LEIA FUCKING SAVING HERSELF FROM AN EXPLOSION AND FROM SPACE WOW WHAT A BAMF), still got surprised ren couldn’t kill her but like didn’t save her either, there’s also such a lack of interaction between him and her when clearly if ANYBODY can make her son come back from the terrible path he’s going down it’s her (i mean han tried, luke......didn’t even try, rey tried, still nothing), even then i don’t think it’s gonna end up nice and easy for Upgraded Punk Ass Bitch so yeah
im so happy rey’s parentage was addressed and that she’s really her own person, that was cool, even though it’s really painful for her (ren telling her “you’re no one” reminded me of that fuckboy on that mmo the other day who told me i was “useless” just cause he was the highest level and i was barely 10 levels below him when there’s 70 of them lmao, what an arrogant bitch), kinda disappointed with the lack of snoke background but given what happens to him it was probably not that useful, i still think they should have given us more of how he’s been grooming ben into ren from as early as leia’s womb but yeah...really i needed way more answers from ben/ren’s story arc but we got given so few and it still doesn’t explain how fucked he’s become, like it really seems like he was just born bad and kept becoming worse and worse with time but if there’s struggle in him and if he couldn’t kill his mom and hates luke this much (aka hates him as much as he probably loved him once) and had a not-so-easy time killing his dad then that does mean there’s still something redeemable there, right? i think the biggest issue with ren is that he’s convinced what he’s doing is right, he’s convinced he’s on the right path, now we even learned he’s convinced rey will turn to the dark side (honestly maybe she will, but that will be because she’ll see no other solution than to physically kill you to stop you i’m afraid), like the only solution to stop his stubborn ways is to make him realize how purely impossible his “project” is, lmao he’s such a hypocrite too like “no more sith, no more jedi, no more rebellion, no more first order” lol duuuude you’re literally here using your powers to do wrong and doing so with a red-crystalled lightsaber just like who? that’s right just like the Sith so please open your eyes man, if you really followed your own ideology then logically you’d have to end yourself my man, but hey maybe you just need to kill rey and IF you manage that you’ll actually do it???? allow me to doubt that..... still you acknowledge you’re a “monster” and that it’s “too late” for you so maybe that’s your actual plan? 
anyway i LOVED all the humour there was, especially in the first part of the movie, the Gareth Edwards cameo!!!!, ALL THE FEMALE PILOTS (i even noticed a Black girl piloting how fucking dope and finally!!!), canto bight was fun, still can’t believe what happens to paige tico, still did not get much the rey + mirrors + show me my parents but oh wait no it’s just me moment but..., phasma my babyyyyyy;;;;;;;;; but you had it coming, hux!!!! im loving him more and more as time passes (please be the one to deck ren if no other solution is possible), KYLO REN FIGHTING AND HIS FACE AND HIS SHIRTLESSNESS AND HIS POWERS AND HIS FUCKBOYERY AND HIS FUCKED-UPNESS, crait was nice, YODA, luke’s death and every luke moments were so awesome wow (the twin suns of tatooine right before he goes poof!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;), FINN AND REY REUNION HUG AFTER ALL THIS TIME APART i almost fucking cried, actually got teary-eyed by leia moments bc i was thinking about carrie, idk idk there was so much i really need to go see it again!!!!
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erregiuly · 7 years
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and it’s finished! oh man, i really ended up putting A LOT of effort into this and i feel like i can be proud :D 
i mean i even re-drew the WHOLE lineart. it was pretty crappy tbh I MEAN THE WHOLE LINEART! THE WHOLE LINEA- yeah so anyway i also tried following some tutorials for the coloring instead of just going randomly like i usually do for the shading, aaannnd, well, it took me like two days in total haha...
flowers are beautiful but fast to disappear, just like human life! :D aren’t i deep
i love how tales of graces f’s moral is “we’ll solve eveything with the power of friendship” but then you play the epilogue and it becomes “EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE ONE DAY AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT”
Seriously, Sophie should just found a “i’m basicly immortal and all of my human friends are gonna die before me” club, i’m sure several others Tales of characters would be “happy” to join and they could bond over their traumas!
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
YOI Child AU ! First OS ~
Ok seriously, you guys deserve to know how the Child AU happened. So, @rilya-dewilder and myself were kinda angry (understatement) with all the hate in the Otayuri tag lately (aaannnd we both ship Otayuri like hell. Seriously. That ship will be the death of me and I love it more than my life. Moving on ~) so we got an idea to troll em. Annnnd thus, this OS was born. But it ended up being too good of an OS to actually let antis read it (ok no seriously, I don’t know if it’s actually good since I’ve only had one person read it, and although I’d never doubt Riri’s tastes in fanfcition, I’m worried about the quality of my own work lmao) Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it, sorry if there are grammar or spelling mistakes (and feel free to tell me if you spot any !) !! And while tumblr isn’t really a fanfiction platform (well... isn’t supposed to be lmao) I’d be really glad if you could provide me with some constructive criticism to help me improve >W< OS under the cut !
A/N: Steven is Mystery Man’s name (I’ve seen people calling him that so I just kinda went with it lol)
Such a nice and sunny winter afternoon rarely came in St Petersburg. What was even more rare was that both Viktor and Yuuri had managed to get a day off.
The latter was peacefully taking a nap on one of the couches, Makkachin laying at his feet. He had been pushing himself too hard lately, given that plenty of old ladies in town needed help with their grumpy cats and other ill puppies. Moreover, he had been taking in wandering pets that their owners had lost or abandonned, and currently was dedicating himself to finding them new homes. That’s why Viktor didn’t dare waking him up, choosing instead to enjoy some time with the children. Ever since Ekaterina and Dmitri had been made part of the family, Viktor’s daily life had become both a mess and an everlasting party, full of the ‘L words’; namely, ‘Love', and ‘Life'. If it was hard for him to manage his job as an assistant coach, it was even harder to deal with Yakov’s frequent angry rantings about the drama queen team he was training that season. And Viktor being their second coach did nothing to ease him. The living legend of Russia chuckled, suddenly remembering Yuri’s face upon learning he was to choreograph his free skate.
‘Why are you laughing, Daddy ?’ Ekaterina asked when she heard him.
They were watching Anastasia, a movie they all loved. Dmitri often would joke that the male lead had been named after him; while Ekaterina would tell him to shut it and watch the movie. They were eight and eleven, respectively, and thankfully none of them had begun their rebellious phase, although Dmitri had taken a bit of a sharp tongue from Mila.
‘Just wondering whether Guang Hong is mad at Yuri for getting gold again or not.’
‘He wouldn’t’, Dmitri objected. ‘They're friends. Also, Guang Hong is a good sport, unlike some people…’
‘Are you implying that Uncle Yura isn’t a good sport ?!’
They exchanged a very serious look. And then, Dmitri snorted, and started laughing uncontrollably. His loud laugh woke Yuuri up.
‘Dmitri…? Oh, I thought you were screaming because of something…’
‘Don't mind him, Papa’, quickly said Ekaterina. ‘He's just being dumb and rude towards Uncle Yura.’
She went near the couch, kissed her father, and then went back to watching her movie. Yuuri yawned, then shot a look at his phone.
‘Ah, speak of the devil. I got a text from Yurio.’
‘What's he saying ?’ Dmitri asked eagerly.
‘His plane has just landed ! He’s exhausted, though, so I don’t know if we should invite him for dinner…?’
‘Of course we should !’ the young girl said, tugging at Yuuri’s t-shirt. ‘I bet he missed your katsudon ! Also, it’s been a while since we’ve last seen him.’
‘It’s barely been a week.’
‘That's too long !’
Smiling, Viktor ruffled his daughter’s platinum blonde hair. She pouted, muttering something along the lines of ‘stop treating me like a baby !’.
‘She's right, though. A week might be nothing for old geezers like you but…’
‘What did you just call us ?!’ Viktor screamed before throwing himself at his husband. ‘Yuuri, did you hear that ?! He called us, old geezers. Old geezers ! We’re barely in our mid-late-something-thirties, Yuuri ! Are we really that old ?! And who taught him that, anyway ?!’
‘I'm guessing it’d be Yurio’, the ex-skater sighed.
‘Old geezers !’
‘At least, it’s better than… What was it, last time ?’
‘Out-of-date dinosaurs. Something like that. Yuuri am I old ? … Am I getting even more white hair ?! Is it getting thinner ?!’
‘Daddy, your hair is silver’, Ekaterina muttered.
She was more than used to her father being all dramatic about getting older. She, for one, couldn’t wait until she was old enough to compete in the senior ice-skating category. While Dmitri had given up on the sport, being more fond of reading or learning how to play the guitar, she loved ice-skating and was aiming to win at least six World Cups, to beat Viktor’s record, even though she wouldn’t compete in the same category.
‘Ah, I got another text.’
‘Are you not going to pay attention to me, Yuuri ?’
‘I'm paying attention to you every night, Vitya.’
‘... Smooth.’
The children exchanged a puzzled look. The adults were so very weird sometimes… All they knew was that they were doing ‘nasty adult stuff’. And they honestly didn’t want to know what that was.
‘He says that he’s gonna go home first to get rid of his stuff and hug every single cat he owns. And then he’ll come. Says he missed you two as well !’
‘How sweet of him. A few years back, he’d have gone with ‘who needs some dumb katsudon anyway. Still coming though, ain’t gonna let you waste your money over some rubbish.’’
Ekaterina’s eyes widened. Her Papa was the best cook in the entire world, she was sure of it.
‘Would Uncle Yura really say that ?’
‘Haven't you seen the photos ? He used to be such a drama queen - and, according to Dad, a tsundere.’
‘Dmitri, how do you even know what a tsundere is ?’ Yuuri sighed.
‘Went on a website called ‘tumblr'. There’s a fan page - well, over ten thousands, really - for the ‘Ice-Skating Prodigy Family’. Which apparently is made of the three of you. Ekaterina isn’t there, though.’
‘That’s because I’m still a junior competitor !’
‘Dmitri, don’t go on tumblr ever again, please.’
‘Why ? I mean, the fan page is pretty cool. There’s a lot of pictures of y’all. Like that one time you two skated together at the 2016 GPF Exhibition Gala. Pretty sure you wouldn’t fit in your costumes anymore !’
‘Dmitri, that was unnecessarily mean, and offensive, and rude.’
The boy rolled his eyes, and both men couldn’t help but do the same. He was taking a lot after Yuri. Feeling like getting in an argument would ruin the mood, Viktor paused the movie and turned to both the children, and his husband.
‘He'll want to eat katsudon and pirozhki, knowing him. Maybe we should make him some.’
‘Daddy, please don’t put a single toe in the kitchen’, Ekaterina begged. ‘Last time, when we tried to bake a cake for Uncle Otabek’s birthday, you managed to turn it green. Green, Daddy.’
‘That was -’
‘Definitely not an accident’, Dmitri smirked. ‘It's when you actually cook something edible that it is.’
‘Hey ! I’m not that bad, and -’
‘Also, both Yurio and Otabek got sick for two whole days after that. If I remember well, Yurio tried to kick you in the face with his skates when he got better.’
This shut Viktor down. He pouted, slowly went back to sitting on the couch, and tightly hugged Makkachin while pretending to cry.
‘Do you hear that Makkachin. This family hates me. This family hates me, Makkachin. What have I ever done to deserve that.
‘Vitya, I swear to… Ugh. Nevermind. We’re going to make that katsudon and those pirozhki.’
‘Yuuri is so cruel to me Makkachin. He hates me.’
The black-haired man rolled his eyes again, then went into the kitchen without his husband noticing his smirk. I’ll hug him later.
The two children listened carefully to Yuuri’s instructions, and even though there were some… flour battles when making the pirozhki, everything went rather smoothly. They had barely been done cleaning the kitchen that they heard the bell ringing, and Viktor went to get the door. He had stopped sulking, at least it seemed he did, because when he saw Yuri, he immediately shot him his heart-shaped smile and gave him a tight hug.
‘Viktor, stop, I’m suffocating and besides this is embarrassing, also -’
‘Uncle Yura !’
Ekaterina ran to hug the blonde, mercilessly pushing her father out of the way before she crashed onto the young man’s torso, crushing his bones in an even tighter hug.
‘Ekaterina, I can’t fucking breathe’, he muttered. His skinny built had never been much for bone-crushing hugs, especially the Katsuki-Nikiforov daughter’s.
‘No swearing, Yurio !’ Yuuri claimed before hugging him as well.
‘Yeah, yeah. Beka said he’d be coming later, he wanted to finish washing his bike before that. Is that okay ?’
They went inside, and Yuri had a bit of a hard time dealing with an over-excited Makkachin - the dog really did like him, and even though Yuri was definitely more of a cat person, he actually had nothing against him and even played with him a little.
‘Where's Dmitri ?’ he asked after Viktor had managed to calm Makkachin down.
As soon as he asked, the brown-haired boy came dashing from the corridor.
‘Papa !’
He threw himself onto the blonde’s back, and the latter, unused to having unexpected weight being thrown at him, fell down on his knees as his son started tickling him.
‘Dmitri - fuck, Dmitri stop it I - I said, stop it, ugh, stop, my sides hurt !’
The boy obeyed, albeit reluctantly, and offered his father his brightest smile.
‘Where's Dad ?’
‘He'll be late. How’re you, lil’ monster ?’
‘Hey. I’m more of a gremlin, really. And I’m great ! Uncle Vitya lent me a few cool books, you should totally read ‘em Papa.’
‘Uh, tell that to Beka. Y’know I’m not that much of a book person.’
‘Liar, I saw Romeo and Juliet on your bedside table just last week.’
‘When have you become such a ninja ?’
‘Oi ! Dmitri, don’t keep Uncle Yura all for yourself, that’s unfair !’
The two children started bickering, and all three adults exchanged a knowing look. They had always been like this.
‘So, Uncle Yura, what does Beijing look like ?’
‘I sent your dads a few pics already, y’know. It’s pretty cool, I guess, just a bit… crowded. But Guang Hong and Leo took us to some restaurant and even though I still can’t use fu… frea… um… chopsticks, we had some good time.’
‘And then ?’
‘And then what ?’
‘Dad said he wanted to take you on his bike and drive around the city. Said it’d be romantic.’
Yuri almost instantly went red. Despite him being twenty-six already, he still was embarrassed by Otabek’s not-so-well-hidden idea of romance, and his face showed it quite well. Viktor and Yuuri smirked at the ice kitty of Russia, who, fortunately, didn’t see them. Otherwise, he’d probably have punched them both.
Just as he was mumbling something like ‘Otabek you’re such a dumbass why did I even marry you’, the bell rang again, and this time, Dmitri went to open the door. As soon as he recognized his father’s black coat, he hugged him tight, and Otabek smiled gently before stroking his head. He closed the door behind him, then went to meet the little committee.
‘Sorry for being late. I really wanted to get this done.’
‘No problem, Otabek’, Yuuri smiled. ‘Actually, Yurio’s been here for just a few minutes, you know.’
They started chatting, mostly evaluating the chances of Yuri winning this season’s GPF - even though he had won gold for both qualifying events, he was to compete against some new skaters, who were inexperienced indeed, but extremely talented. Besides, Yuri had already proven that experience in the Senior bracket didn’t actually matter as long as the skaters worked hard and took full advantage of their talents - which had granted him a gold medal for his Senior Debut.
‘Hey, Dmitri, given that both your dads made it to the GPF this year, who will you be rooting for ?’ Ekaterina asked.
‘Dunno. Both, I guess ? At least if I’m in both fanclubs, I’m guaranteed to be satisfied.’
He smiled at his parents, and they chuckled, smiled, and Otabek fist-bumped him.
‘I hope Guang Hong and Leo make it, too.’
‘Yurio, is JJ really going to be singing for the opening event ?’
‘Uh… I didn’t ask him and I really hope he’s not ‘cause I seriously won’t have the time and fucking patience to deal with him…’
‘Come on, you two are friends now. And that dress he wore for your wedding was fabulous.’ Viktor winked at the children, who didn’t know of that story. After all, Ekaterina had been part of the family for eight years only, while Dmitri hadn’t spent more than five years with his foster family.
‘I still have the pictures Phichit took ! They must be in some photo album, I’ll show you later’, Yuuri smiled.
‘Mr. Katsuki, I don’t think it’s a good idea.’
‘You know, Otabek, you can call us Yuuri and Viktor. I mean, we’ve been Mr. Katsuki and Mr. Nikiforov for years now. I know, I know, you think it’s disrespectful but, really… Nevermind. Why is it a bad idea ?’
Otabek shook his head.
‘Mr. Giacometti is featured in a few of them.’
Silence fell upon the room, and Ekaterina broke it first.
‘As in, Christophe Giacometti ? Daddy’s best friend ? Uncle Chris ?’
‘Himself', Yuri groaned. ‘Why did he even have to come… He spent the entire afternoon getting drunk off his ass with Emil and Michele… Not to mention Georgi giving Minami some makeup advice… And Mila and Sara flirting… Ugh… Seriously, the only guy who stayed chill until the end was Seung-Gil.’
‘Leo went wild on the dancefloor, and both Yuris had a dance-off with him’, Viktor smirked.’
‘Leo did ? I thought he was cooler than that…’
‘What's that s’posed to mean, Dmitri ?!’
‘But Uncle Chris is so sweet !’ Ekaterina said. ‘Last time, he brought us Swiss chocolate for the Easter holidays !’
‘Yeah well now he’s calmed down, especially with Steven tempering him. But seriously… I’ve seen things at the GPF Gala that I’d rather not remember.’
‘Like what, Papa ?’
‘I said I didn’t wanna remember that.’
When the clock hit nine in the evening, they suddenly realized they had completely forgotten about the katsudon and pirozhki, and both Yuris went extremely pale, fearing for their beloved dishes’ lives. Turns out they actually weren’t half bad at all, and they ended up staying up quite a while talking about different things - although Yuri fell asleep halfway, his head laying on Otabek’s shoulder while the latter was starting to get tired as well. After all, he also had had an exhausting trip from Beijing to St Petersburg, and he moreover had to wash his bike and prevent their four cats from running away.
Seeing how tired both of them were, and having a hard time dealing with Dmitri and Ekaterina’s over-cheerfulness, Viktor and Yuuri let the Altin-Plisetsky couple sleep in a spare room. When they were done making sure that everything was comfortable enough for them, they went back to the living room, and found their sweet daughter, fast asleep on the couch.
‘Awww, Yuuri, an angel has dozed off on our couch. Should we wake her up ?’
‘No, let her be… Let’s just bring her a cover and that cat plushie Yurio gave her, she loves it.’
‘That reminds me… Where has Dmitri gone ?’
They went back in the kitchen, but the boy was nowhere to be seen. Viktor quickly checked in Yuri and Otabek’s room, but he wasn’t there either. They kept searching for a few minutes, until they heard someone sneezing, only to find a wide-awake Dmitri on the balcony.
‘You're going to catch a cold, Dmitri’, Yuuri said as he gently took his hand to lead him back inside.
But the boy didn’t move an inch, and kept looking at the scenery that spread before his magnificent blue eyes. The ever-so-cheerful St Petersburg was drowned in its own silence, beautiful and intimidating. They could see some lights coming out of other houses, where other people lived other lives. Both adults stared at the boy.
‘Is it bad that I’m different from everyone in the family ?’ he finally said in a quiet, shy voice.
‘Are you ?’ Yuuri asked. ‘Different, I mean.’
The boy seemed to regret his words at first, and it looked like he wasn’t going to try and answer Yuuri’s question. Instead, he went back inside to grab Otabek’s giant coat, put it on like some kind of oversized costume, and sat down on one of the balcony chairs. His gaze fell upon the peaceful city again, as he started talking in a voice that didn’t quite sound like his.
‘Ice-skating isn’t my thing. Sure, it can be cool. Sometimes. Mila said that I would grow to like it. But it’s not the same ‘like' as you two or Ekaterina or my parents’ ‘like'. It’s not even a hobby.’
‘Does that make you feel… Apart from us ?’ Viktor muttered.
‘Kinda. I mean, I won’t force myself to like it just because the people I love do. But I don’t like being left out either. Papa and Dad spend so much time abroad because of it. And yeah, I know they come back as often as possible ‘cause they wanna see me, and all of us really, but… It’s not the same…’
‘If this is what worries you, Dmitri, know that they love you. Deeply’, Viktor smiled.
‘It's not. I know they do. I guess I just missed them quite a bit and I really want to spend more time with them. I know what it’s gonna be. One of them will get gold at the GPF, and then they’ll go for the Europeans, the Four Continents and the Worlds, and then they’ll come back, only to go away again…’
‘Geez, aren’t you too small to worry about these ?’
All three turned around, and met a pair of tired, green eyes. Yuri was leaning against the door, staring at his son.
‘Papa ! I… I thought you were asleep…!’
‘I was. But Beka snores like a freaking grizzly. Shouldn’t have given him any booze.’
He sat down, his torso and bare arms inside the living room while his legs laid on the balcony.
‘I’m sorry’, he said. ‘I'm sorry we don’t get to spend as much time with you as we’d all like.’
‘... I didn’t really want you to apologize, y’know ? It’s not really your fault if you like skating that much.’
‘This one is our last season.’
Yuuri couldn’t help but let out a faint exclamation, but he was quick to cover his mouth, afraid he might wake Ekaterina up. Viktor simply frowned, and then sighed.
‘I knew there had to be a reason for you to be this invested this year.’
‘We’re not gonna stay competitive forever. Besides, we’ve been talking a lot about you, lil’ monster. Viktor and the piglet aren’t always gonna be taking care of you when it’s our job.’
‘You can’t ! You… That’s your passion ! You’ve loved it since you were three !’ Dmitri yelled. ‘Don't give up just because I’m an attention whore and -’
‘Language, kid. And trust me, if you were an attention whore, I’d have punched you long ago so don’t go around saying that.’
‘Then, Yurio, what… What are you going to do ?’ Yuuri asked.
‘Dunno. I’ve been asked to work as a model but to be honest, it’d be a pain in the ass. Beka thinks he’s gonna start in the music industry, though.’
‘Are Uncle Yura and Uncle Otabek retiring…?’ asked Ekaterina’s soft voice from the couch.
She was looking at them with bright grey eyes, her hair falling before her face as she slowly stood up and went to sit next to Yuri.
‘Yeah. We are.’
‘We'll never get to see you skate again ?’
‘Not during a competition.’
‘But… You’ll keep loving it, right ? Like Papa and Daddy do ?’
‘Course we will.’
He patted her head, and yawned. She looked like she was about to cry, but she didn’t and simply went to hug Yuuri.
‘Yuri', Viktor said. ‘If none of you win gold this year, or beat your records, I’m keeping Dmitri here and you’re not taking him back ever again.’
‘What ?!’ both Yuri and Dmitri screamed.
‘That's so fucked up, old man ! Who d’you think you are ?! Also are you serious ?! I knew you were stupid but this is some JJ-level bullshit, have you even heard what you -’
‘Yura ? Why are you and Mr. Nikiforov arguing… Again...?’
Otabek had just entered the room, still sleepy.
‘Beka ! Tell the old man that he can’t keep our son all to himself even if none of us win gold !’
‘... What ?’
‘That’s his way of encouraging you’, Yuuri sighed. ‘Well, as long as none of you ask him to marry you if you win gold…’
‘Not happening, the guy’s way too old for me, you can keep him.’
‘Yuri, that was rude !’
‘But I don’t wanna keep living with Grandpa and Gramps, though.’
‘Why would you call my Papa and Daddy ‘Grandpa and Gramps’ ?!’
‘Well, remember that website I talked about earlier ? Tumblr ? People say that Papa is Viktor and Yuuri’s son. So, technically, they’re my grandparents.’
‘... Does that mean Uncle Yura is… Big Brother Yura ?’
‘That also means Dmitri is your nephew’, Otabek said bluntly.
‘Which is fucked up. Also, I’m not their son for fuck’s sake ! Could they stop with this bullshit for even a fucking minute ?!’
‘Yurio, I’ve been trying not to pay attention to it but please don’t swear that much in front of the children’, Yuuri begged.
‘Yeah, Papa, listen to Grandpa Yuuri !’
‘Wait, I get to be Gramps ?! But… But I wanted to be Grandpa !’
‘Dude, you have your priorities set straight.’
‘I'm pretty sure he’s not.’
Silence followed Otabek’s declaration as he stared extremely seriously at everyone in the room. Yuri ended up facepalming, stood up and pulled his ear.
‘Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my bad-puns-free-Beka.’
‘I'm Drunk Beka.’
Then, Otabek collapsed in his husband’s arms, who winced before putting him down on the ground.
‘Wow, now that’s a side of Dad I didn’t know’, Dmitri smirked before taking a picture.
‘Don't even try blackmailing him, kid.’
‘Aww, Yuuri, our son is so protective of his boyfriend !’
‘Viktor, shut your fucking mouth ! He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my husband. And. I. Am. Not. Your. Son.’
Viktor was going to reply, when Ekaterina sneezed. Everyone agreed to go back inside. They hadn’t even realized how cold it was. They spent another few hours talking and playing some board games while Otabek was still asleep on the fluffy carpet; Ekaterina and Dmitri then went with Yuuri to take all covers and pillows off the beds and out of the closets, and gathered them all on the floor. Everyone fell asleep together, Yuri hugging Dmitri and Ekaterina being comfy between her two fathers.
Needless to say, the following week, they were all tied up to their beds with a nasty cold, and Yakov came running to scold every single one of them, even the two children who knew that the man was much, much kinder than he’d ever let people think.
AAAnnnnnd done !!! I hope you liked it, and especially Dmitri and Ekaterina >W< Sorry it ended up way angstier than expected - I do that, sometimes. Truth is, I love writing angst so... Beware of your feels 8D Anyway
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stardustdaemon · 8 years
Tagged by @littlegraymouse to spell my url in kpop song. god here we go
E - Electricty - 2PM
T - Take it Slow - Taeyang
E - Everytime - Chen and Punch
R - Radio - CnBlue
N - NalinA - Block B 
A - Action - Nu’est
L - Love is not Over - BTS
Y - Yoo Hoooo!!! - Seungri
O - Okey Dokey Yo - Minho ft. Zico
O - Only Girl - Jang Wooyoung
N - Nevermind - Suga (BTS)
G - Girls Girls Girls - Got7
I - I’m Good - Se7en
Okay to so that ended up more diverse than I thought it would yay!
I’m gonna tag @nochyus @taepilogue @skinnyred @eternaljimin @taebab @kpopandfitness @agustd-dtownsuga aaannnd @dream-foreverweareyoung
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ungodlyy-hour · 4 years
i dont know if i ever said this but in nov. 2018 i got my belly pierced and i finally changed the piercing for the first time and it’s so cuute .
and in dec. 2019 i got my wisdom teeth pulled and had to take out my nose piercing which was super fucking lame . the hole ended up closing and i just got my nose pierced again .
aaannnd nov . 2019 i got my first tattoo
by the end of this year i’m gonna have both my nostrils pierced and maybe another tattoo
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