#aaron is a bi disaster
renamusing · 6 months
need robert back for my and aaron's wellbeing but also:
to comment on the new decor at all the old places
make jimmy cry
plot with nicola again
shit on mack and charity
make jacob's life a misery
con caleb out of the mill
meet eve and become her favorite person sorry aaron
continue the ugly xmas jumper tradition
FINALLY get aaron a dog
just randomly hate the HOP
wind up people at the cafe
be a bitch in general. thanks.
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old-schoolgenz · 1 month
Some Mystreet headcannons;
Aaron definitely has a tattoo sleeve on one of his arms, he still wears his dog-tags from military-school (despite the rules, he felt more free then with his dad.)
Aphmau has ADHD, like terribly, and will often hyperfixate on small things for DAYS, She's medicated, but often forgets to take it.
Garroth is a Bi disaster, he just doesn't realize it. People he currently has crushes on? Aphmau, Kim, Laurance, and Aaron (Brought on by watching how sweetly he treats Aphmau, go figure.)
Katelyn and Aphmau made out once in college, after Luca obviously. Neither have mentioned it since but both enjoyed it.
Kawaii~Chan and Aaron are incredibly close freinds, She knew about his chocolate allergy before Aphmau did and would make him peanut-butter based sweets. Aaron is also incredibly protective (and affectionate) of her, just much as he is of Aph.
Zane and Kim share snark, with them constantly trading barbs and antagonizing each other. It's fine, they love it, it drives Ghost mad.
Nicole is related to the Lycan family, not directly, but she calls the Lycan sibs "Cousin"
Vlayd can see the future, it's why he bailed after season 1, fuck that shit, he's in Vegas.
Lucinda has tried to get everyone in bed with her at least once, at varying points.
Laurance is trans. Fite me.
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rekikiri · 5 months
ace spectrum aaron minyard
aaron grew up with tilda and the hemmick’s who were very homophobic. he was constantly around them talking about gross it is that people choose to be gay, and of course, he adopted that mentality.
he always thought girls were cute, pretty, etc but he didn’t realize until high school that he didn’t feel about girls like the other boys. he wanted to kiss girls, hold their hands, hug them. but the other boys talked about wanting to have sex with them, which thinking of always made him uncomfortable. he knew he didn’t like guys, so he wasn’t gay. but he didn’t want to have sex with girls, so what did that make him?
aaron ignores it in favor of trying to fit in. he ends up in relationships where he doesn’t want to have sex, but he does it because that’s what normal guys do, right? but he can’t help the nagging feeling in his head that tells him there’s something not right.
he doesn’t really have the chance to worry too much about it because of all the chaos of meeting andrew, losing tilda, his drug addiction, starting college, etc. andrew drove away any of the girlfriends he could’ve had in high school so it was put out of mind. aaron only really starts to think about it again in college. at first it’s not much, he’s focusing himself on school and with exy, he doesn’t really have any time left to worry about dating.
then, he meets katelyn. he likes katelyn pretty early. he thinks she’s the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, she’s so smart and nice, and just always so bright that it helps light up his day. but again, he doesn’t want to have sex. he’s hesitant to say anything, because the girls he’d dated in the past wanted things and he didn’t want to disappoint them because they’d think that he was weird and not want to date him anymore.
katelyn notices something is up with him, though. she notices how he’ll be kissing her but the moment hands start to wander, he tenses up and fakes an excuse to stop. and katelyn is fine with it. she’s okay if aaron wants to take things slow, but she wishes he’d just tell her that, not constantly back off and close off to her.
she finally asks him point blank if he wants to have sex with her, and he freezes. aaron really doesn’t want to hurt katelyn. he doesn’t want her to think he doesn’t find her attractive, because he does! she’s so beautiful! just, not that way. and katelyn takes it in stride. she really likes aaron too so she accepts that for what it is and says they can just continue as they are.
aaron can’t help feeling guilty because katelyn is putting up with so much shit because of him. between andrew, the chaos with the foxes, the thanksgiving disaster, etc, he’s fully expecting her to give up on him by that point but she stays.
aaron only starts to understand that he might be asexual during a therapy session with andrew. he’s asking andrew questions about neil. he brings up the whole, “he said he doesn’t swing but then suddenly y’all are together.”
andrew finally is fed up with it and stops him. “he doesn’t swing.”
and aaron just gets more irritated. because how the fuck does he not swing if he likes andrew??
“he doesn’t like anyone, just me. he’s demisexual.”
and aaron scoffs because okay, he knows about being gay and bi, but that has to be made up.
so bee explains what it means to aaron, and that it falls onto the asexuality spectrum. she explains that too because aaron just stared at her in confusion. then, he feels a little bit of something click into place.
josten wasn’t interested in sex or romance, until he met andrew. he was part of the asexuality spectrum, which he didn’t know was a thing at all, but the not sexually attracted to anyone part feels a bit on the nose for himself.
he gets quiet for the rest of the session, choosing to just listen to bee talking while he tries to consider that for himself. he leaves therapy that week confused and uncomfortable, so he ends up biting the bullet and asking bee for a private session so he can ask more about things.
aaron feels really awkward doing it, but he tells bee about how he doesn’t want to have sex with katelyn, but that he loves her and wants to be with her in every other way. but he’s not like josten because he has had crushes before, he’s wanted to date people, he just has never wanted sex. bee tells him more about the difference between romantic and sexual attraction. that you can be asexual and still want to date people, which is what seems to be the case for him. hearing that helps everything feel a bit more steady, he no longer feels like he’s walking a fine line trying to be normal even though he knows there’s something different.
he doesn’t really tell people. he tells katelyn of course, and she is confused at first but he tries to explain and she is understanding of it. she loves him, so she is fine if that’s not an aspect of their relationship. maybe she even asks aaron if he wants them to have a joint therapy session together so that bee can explain things if aaron isn’t sure how, which he appreciates so, so much.
andrew kind of figured it out because of how he stopped antagonizing Neil as much since a bit part of his dislike for neil for a bit was that he felt like he was lying about his sexuality or only with andrew because he saw him as easy. (maybe aaron even goes to have a chat with neil, because he wants to understand).
and maybe aaron starts to slowly feel more towards katelyn, realizing that maybe sex isn’t completely off the table as long as it’s her. he still doesn’t want to have sex all the time, but he’s found that she’s an exception to the rule. so he thinks that maybe he is demisexual, but they just take things slow to see where things go.
katelyn is just an angel with aaron, and her sticking by his side and helping him through the trial for killing drake and just how steady she is for him finally tips the scale and he really starts to understand neil because yeah, having someone who stands by him no matter how ugly his truth is, that trust and feeling of safety he gets with her is what makes him feel truly safe enough to want to “swing” for her.
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the-bi-library · 1 year
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For BiHealthMonth here are some books with bi disabled MCs, bi neurodivergent MCs and bi MCs that have anxiety, depression, endometriosis, OCD, PTSD etc.
Books listed
💕 This Is Why They Hate Us by Aaron H. Aceves 💕 Izzy at the End of the World by K.A. Reynolds 💕 Monstersona by Chloe Spencer 💕 Forever Is Now by Mariama J. Lockington (out on 23 May) 💕 In the Ring by Sierra Isley (out on 15 September) 💕 Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan 💕 The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes 💕 Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett 💕 Make You Mine This Christmas by Lizzie Huxley-Jones 💕 The Disasters by M.K. England 💕 Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert 💕 The Immeasurable Depth of You by Maria Ingrande Mora 💕 Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei 💕 Speech and Debacles by Heather DiAngelis 💕 Far From You by Tess Sharpe 💕 Six Times We Almost Kissed by Tess Sharpe 💕 Failure to Communicate by Kaia Sønderby 💕 Out on the Ice by Kelly Farmer 💕 Defying Convention by Cecil Wilde 💕 Dark Pines by Will Dean 💕 Scoring a Spouse by Liz Lincoln 💕 Play It Again by Aidan Wayne 💕 Other bound by Corinne Duyvis 💕 Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
hey!! my younger brother recently came out as bi to me and he was quite nervous as he did not know i was queer too and he is living with my very conservative family now.
i want him to have a safe space for when i'm away for studies so i want to gift him some books. but i do not particularly read ya so can i have some recs for ya books with bi male characters (preferable in m/f relationships. but m/m & m/nb recs are fine too!!) thanks!!
Sure! In m/f YA, there's Tonight We Rule the World by Zack Smedley, Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan, Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong, Technically, You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson, and Coda by Emma Trevayne, plus We Regret to Inform You by Ariel Kaplan, This Time Will Be Different by Misa Sugiura, and The Art of French Kissing by Brianna Shrum all have cishet female MCs with bi male love interests.
Some other recs, which are pretty much all m/m: This is Why They Hate Us by Aaron Aceves, The Disasters by MK England, The Rules of Mediating Myths and Magic by F.T. Lukens, Autoboyography by Christina Lauren, They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera, Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley, and Running With Lions by Julian Winters.
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gayest-classiclit · 1 year
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crumble-stew · 2 years
aarmau? garmau? LAURMAU?
i literally JUST jouned the aphmau fandom?? tf?? Its blue haired girl (not the green eye one, the other blue one) x aphmau, aaron is totally internalized homophobia gay man with religious trauma who has simped for every boy on the block at least once (when they were adults, yes the bitchless emo too), the blonde jock is definition of “im cishet (lie bitch u bi) and buy binders for my brothers and iron my besties pride flags + did their makeup and outfits for pride events, and the laurence is like!! disaster pansexual!!
I’m not a massive mystreet enthusiast
Aarmau in mystreet is bad on account of Aaron being 18 and Aphmau being 14 when they meet
I am a Katemau enthusiast (blue girl and Aphmau)
In mcd it was originally a love triangle with Garroth, Laurance and Aphmau
You’re also so right about Zane
Laurance is a mess
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nightphans · 4 years
self indulgent aaron/kevaaron headcanon
aaron absolutely loves sweater weather . he didn’t even know it was a bisexual anthem , he just loved the song. then one day, he actually goes to the comment section of the song and sees all the comments about how it’s a song for bi people. instantly, he is one of those people that is like ‘ i’m straight and i like this song.how is it even for bi people ! shut up.why do gay ppl always take over shit smh”. and then, he stopped listening to the song because, him liking a song??that apparently is connoted with ‘bisexual energy’??whatever that is??? yeah, internalised homophobia shuts that down real fast.
fast forward to a rainy day years later ; kevin is curled asleep with his head on aaron’s lap, while aaron sits up against the wall,runs his fingers through dark curls and reads a book that andrew sent him *. music is playing in the background, and soon the soft rhythm that lulled kevin to sleep changes to a song aaron hasn’t heard in a while.
before the first lyric is even finished, aaron is already pulled away from his novel and reminded of memories ; chilly october nights at the skatepark, the drives from and to colombia, that day when he removed the song from his ‘favourites’ with a scowl after arguing online with a bunch of people online.
aaron listens as the song plays, and once it ends he reaches over to grab kevin’s phone and plays it again. and again.and again. he can’t help but find it both amusing and infuriating that those comments were actually right, but he pushes that aside for now and just let’s himself indulge in his favourite song layered over the sound of raindrops hitting the roof of their apartment.
* (after aaron discovered his brothers’ obsession with reading, he started leaving books around for him. of course, andrew could not let the favour be one sided, so he returned the gesture. now, years later, they still send each other books every so often. they never talk about it, but aaron finds comfort in the fact that his brother thinks of him enough to find a book and know that aaron would enjoy it. but whatever, that’s a whole other story)
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron minyard headcanons bcs i love him <3 (ft. kevaaron)
starbucks is a guilty pleasure of his. probably loves all things caramel ( he just gives off those vibes ) and his favourite is caramel macchiato.
has a southern accent that's usually pretty mild but becomes stronger when he's drunk or sleepy
aaron, early in the morning, pouring coffee, wearing one of kevin’s oversized jerseys, hair ruffled and eyes sparkling: hey, darlin'
kevin, disintegrating:
can dance decently. c’mon, we all know he's on the dance floor with nicky every weekend at eden’s, and he’s definitely not the type of person who’ll dance if he’s not good at it so-
speaking of nicky!! he and aaron have a really awesome relationship after aaron works on his internalised homophobia. that was a huge setback in their relationship, and aaron realises how wrong he was and apologises to nicky ( who cries and hugs him )
loves andrew even tho neither of them ever show it. after going for therapy together, their relationship improves so so much and they know they can always rely on each other, even if they’re both super reluctant to ask for help ever
eventually becomes friends with neil. they bond over having shitty mothers that they still loved maybe a little bit, and neil gets injured a lot ( he is not fine ) and aaron helps abby with patching up injuries, so they're stuck together lots of the time
andrew would never in a billion years admit it, but he’s happy that two of the most important people in his life get along
will never ever ever let himself be taken care of. he’s going to be a doctor, he can handle it by himself. tilda never took care of him, and he managed alright, so fuck off, kevin
kevin always takes care of him anyway, and he always relents, bcs maybe there’s a part of him that wants to be fussed over and coddled
oh even tho he’s gonna be a doctor and everything, he still eats like, shit. this irritates his health-freak boyfriend to no end. his eating habits aren’t as bad as andrew’s but seriously aaron, you’re gonna give kevin a stroke
also, can we talk about how awesome he is. like, he’s literally a med student, which is hard enough as it is, and a backliner in class 1 exy. that’s like so badass i'm going to cry
has the highest grades in the entire team. kevin's pretty close behind him. i know nora said something in her extra content about him having second highest but fuck nora's extra content tbh. aaron’s the best med student in his class, bcs he works for it
he probably had friends before andrew came along, right? well, they obviously drifted apart after he and andrew's deal, but after they break it off, what’s stopping him from reconnecting with them?
he used to practice exy with them, so a few went on to play in college, and they’re all shook that he went on to date the son of exy when he was like the least exy-obsessed in their little group
“you? you’re dating kevin day? the kevin day?”
“aaron ‘i’m only doing this shit to avoid my mom’ minyard is dating the kevin fucking day? the son of exy?”
“well i mean he's hot so why not.”
makes stupid science puns all the time. andrew threatens to disown him. he does not stop
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The votes were very unanimous. Aaron would be yeeted.
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andruwu---minyard · 5 years
Aaron, Born And Raised In The South, Tired: hey sweetheart could you pass the sugar??
Kevin, bi, having a crisis:
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sadboyayeron · 4 years
Frank Ocean + Aaron’s CO story
Aaron basically amit’s his feeling to Kevin while Lip singing Thinkin Bout you looking him straight in the eye while the foxes are talking and sipping beers. Kevin is just captivated by the whole situation.
“My eyes don’t shed tears, but, boy, they bawl,
When I’m thinkin’ ‘bout you”
Aaron comes out to Nicky as bi when he just sits next to him out of now where, just them, on the couch, Plays Chanel. Nicky is confused until the lyrics start and Aaron whispers them.
“My guy Pretty like a girl......
I see on both sides like Chanel”
Aaron and Kevin pretty much come out to everyone blasting Forrest Gump!
“I know you, Forrest. I know you wouldn't hurt a beetle. But you're so buff and so strong...I'm nervous, Forrest. Forrest Gump.
My fingertips and my lips. They burn from the cigarettes. Forrest Gump. You run my mind, boy. Running on my mind, boy. Forrest Gump”
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chaossmagic · 4 years
sebastian sugden-dingle-white really is that all powerful and we have no choice but to stan
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lovely-cri · 5 years
10 good reason to be bisexual
10 good reasons why I'm grateful to be bisexual
1. Eva Green
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2. Chris Evans
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3. Kat Dennings
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4. Charlie Hunnam
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5. Jaimie Alexander
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6. Aaron Taylor-Johnson
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7. Ariana Grande
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8. Michael B. Jordan
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9. Constance Wu
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10. Colin Farrell
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llampacaeatingguppy · 5 years
Hiroki's thoughts, abridged, early relationship stage
??????? Cute guy??????
Y there phone number inside pizza box???
Oh W A I T-
Le spend most of your spare time looking at hair inspirations because it's gotta look pretty but not like he's trying too hard but he has to try because THIS GUY IS CUTE
Gay Panic
Emotional pain
More Gay Panic
I need to leave in half an hour and MY HAIR LOOKS LIKE A BIRD NEST I AM GOING TO DIE
Gay Panic (somehow) intensifies
*incomprehensible internal screaming*
Hug… nice. Nice hug. Want more hug
Oh no is that kid in my AP lit class????
Oh no
Yes she is this is not good I swear if I am met with students gossiping about my love life on Monday-
Flee and hope she didn't notice that her teacher was on a date
Arrange date two
I sit in haze and fantasize about cuddles and raising cats together now okay yes good plan we'll have at least 7 over the course of our marriage-
Also dread Monday
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sunshinehighway · 6 years
please tell me there is SOMEBODY out there who watches the bi life and will cry about ryan and matt with me???
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