#abel folk
boomgers · 2 years
Todo comenzó con la contraseña del WiFi… “A Través De Mi Ventana”
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Raquel está locamente enamorada de Ares, su atractivo y misterioso vecino. Lo ha observado de lejos porque, muy a su pesar, nunca han intercambiado ni una palabra. Pero la chica tiene una misión muy clara: lograr que Ares se enamore de ella.
Sin embargo, Raquel no es una chica inocente e indefensa y ciertamente no está preparada para perder todo con el fin de lograr su objetivo. Lo más importante es no perderse a sí misma.
Estreno: 4 de febrero de 2022 en Netflix.
La película está dirigida por Marçal Forés y protagonizada por Clara Galle, Julio Peña Fernández, Guillermo Lasheras, Natalia Azahara, Hugo Arbués, Eric Masip, Emilia Lazo, Abel Folk, Rachel Lascar y Pilar Castro.
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 25 days
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ericmasip: #ATravésDeTuMirada ya está en Netflix.
Abel Folk, Andrea Chaparro, Emilia lazo, Eric Masip, Hugo Arbues, Julio Peña Fernández and Rachel Lascar via ericmasip on Instagram, 02/23/2024.
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runner5ive · 10 months
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Can’t believe I never posted this here oops
Happy belated pride month
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zerothisnero · 14 days
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"Oh that girl, what was her name?...Jean wasn't it? Jean Anderson, Yeah She went missing a few years back. No one knows what happened to her I believe she was only 15 maybe 16 at the time of her disappearance? She'd always go on and on about the disappearance of the Lawman family's son. Anyways its been probably 2-3 years and her brother is still out looking for her...Such a shame that boy lost the only family he had left. He's a good sheriff, though maybe one day"
"They'll find her body."
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study-of-happiness · 2 years
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"Losing is fine, everything is fine."
Cocain and Abel by Amigo the Devil
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nonesuchrecords · 1 year
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“A musician who renews every tradition she touches, from banjos to fiddling to bluegrass to classical and now to opera,” BBC Radio 3 Music Matters presenter Tom Service says of his guest Rhiannon Giddens. They talk about her opera with Michael Abels, Omar, which just won the Pulitzer Prize, and her upcoming album, You’re the One, due August 18. You can hear their conversation here.
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Hope y’all had a nice start to the harvest season.
Hail Mary, Queen of heaven! Queen of harvest! Hail Eve! Mother of grains; of Cain! The god king is Slain! Ave Sancta John, Ave Abel.
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
alright yall, one neurospicy to another, I'd like some advice and/or opinions on how to give some more grace to another--unconfirmed but probably--neurospicy coworker.
this is me being real raw and vulnerable with my thoughts and trying not to make excuses but some of my thoughts and reactions are/seem(?) abelist and I'd like opinions on how to overcome these thought tendencies -so don't open if you don't have capacity for all this
Alright so this may just require more levels of personal growth on my part and finding better coping techniques that allow me to exist peacefully in the world without allowing the actions of others to disrupt that peace.
Okay so from my perspective and corroborated with observations from other coworkers--I know it's shitty to talk about people and I've also attempted to bring up certain things to this person but honestly feel like it's things that they probably don't have active control over which is why It's so fuckin hard to deal with cause I feel like I shouldn't get as annoyed as I do
They aren't the best at reading the tones of conversation and sometimes when they choose to speak on a topic it can come of random-to myself- and out of synch(?) with the rest of the convo
like having a kinda light hearted discussion and then they brought up the stuff that's going on with the AI and art fiasco that's a big conversation right now, and it was obviously something they were really passionate about and no one else at this going away dinner for a coworker who's leaving knew what this person was referencing except me. So I added to some of the context they provided and felt like it wasn't something that the others would really end up --I dunno being relevant to their lives? none of them are the type to buy digital art or things from random folks online, more like from a local artist or such--and maybe it's cause I have/assume that context and this person doesn't that they get really adamant on repeating how it's wrong what's going on and how people should be supporting true artists --a statement that everyone agreed with but it was an awkward atmosphere around the whole interaction.
Another recurring observation I've made (don't feel right using the word "trait" feels icky in this context?) Is that they can often latch onto a certain thought or action/task that they have difficulty deviating from if something else comes up/needs to be done instead or perhaps even someone is agreeing with them but they continue to restate their opinion in a way that I can perceive as, combative I guess. --The concept of this paragraph is one of the things I've tried bringing up to them a couple times now (they started back in september) by stating that I believe we're both misunderstanding eachother due to our assumptions of one another's tones and the way things are said. And that I think It's something that may continue to be a struggle for us but that I wanted to state it openly and try to hold one another to stopping the other and asking for clarity if we're feelin some type away about a conversation.
There are I feel a bunch of other minor things that can fray my patience but one last thing I'll mention that's come up frequently recently is tending to be very closed off and sharing offhanded remarks about having a tough time with their workload or something else but then not wanting to really have a talk to elaborate so that I or other coworkers can help remedy the situation/just be in the know-- Last week when it was just us in the office early I asked them how they were doing and how their project was going (cause their focus for their internship is a mostly independent project) and they confided that they've been really stressed tbh and then --I wanna say casually dropped but it wasn't really casual, they dropped that on top of them not having standard Microsoft office stuff on their personal computer to be able to work on some documents and create some flyers/PowerPoint presentations, they also have been working 6 days a week cause they have to work a second job to supplement their income, which NONE of us knew, so there hadn't even been the opportunity for our supervisor to then help figure out how to redistribute their workload. And I was shocked and so asked if they'd told the supervisor and they said no and went on to talk about how they're used to it, it's the way life's always been and they were obviously getting emotional about it--which I understand and tried to show support since I also have gone through times not having food available to me and such--but obviously it can be hard to open with people about trauma like that and so almost immediately they where like--yeah I don't want to talk about it anymore. And I suggested they should tell our supervisor because sometimes the way we help ourselves is by allowing other people to help us, but again they reiterated that they wanted to stop talking about it.
Because of them keeping a lot of their struggling with workload basically to themselves except for some offhanded comments about a mandatory course series they had to take specific to their project--unless one of us blatantly asks--Honestly I and other coworkers were assuming that their workload wasn't that much. Also, on certain occasions during office hours they would spend time working on these other time intensive courses for something completely unrelated to their job--granted It's to work towards a certification for something they learned about on the job and want to now pursue more of, but had been told by our supervisor that their position description duties needed to come first.
And It's like, they've mentioned around me before--earlier on in the internship, that they feel like no one ever gets them, and not feeling like they can connect with folks --and honestly for some reason I was definitely one of those cause there were things I would suggest and explain --like not going 15+ over the speed limit in our work vehicles because they'd have to pay that fine and then also lose driving privileges like for the rest of their career with our agency and they got very defensive(eventhough I acknowledge that I also can often speed in our work vehicles and definitely in my personal since I have a lead foot and am a confident driver here but also that is me knowing the risks and also being a lot better now about using cruisecontrol in our work vehicles) BUT either that same week or on the next, a different coworker of ours that this person openly admires and looks up to (I'll admit this person comes off waaaay sweeter/nicer than me often so I'll take that L) will say the same thing and they take their words in stride and simply agree then slow down. Though in a whole other week or so later they were driving by themselves to a field location and passed our supervisor's personal car on the road there going 70 in a 55 and were reprimanded for it, but no privileges or anything taken, just like Yo you can't keep doing this and need to take this more seriously and be aware that if it's observed again then actions would be taken.
But ugh this seemed like it would be shorter in my head. And honestly possibly just need to vent to ppl outside the situation. But yeah, I understand them remaining closed off cause they may still feel not understood. And it's not like any of these things keep us from inviting them to after work hangouts and group events, we're very aware of making sure not to exclude them from things just cause of the potentially "awkward" situations and such--I just hate that I get so easily frustrated and can snap at them about then unrelated things and also feeling like I need to try and help "remedy" the "awkward" situations
so yeah. just feeling like a shitty person tbh and don't need/want reassurance that I'm not or whatever. just would appreciate people weighing in if they have similar behaviors and how they would like to be addressed or not addressed about them by a coworker. I'm trying to work on curbing and shutting down my abelist conditioning/thought processes on how things "should be to be normal" if that makes sense.
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moonmothmama · 2 years
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public service announcement: charcoal pencils are a BITCH. stay sharpened you goddamn little asshole
anyway. this is just practice. i used to draw these boys a lot, but it's been a hot minute. gotta get back into the swing of it because i have a bit of an art project lined up for myself. expect to see more of Cain and Abel cropping up here.
also i gave him a forked beard but i cut it off in the photo
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aces-and-angels · 2 years
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abel x mc's first kiss in connor's room (ch 13)
we love a man who asks for consent
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carolpresents · 1 year
Havanera 1820 | 1995 Movie.
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10moonymhrivertam · 1 year
Last Line WIP Game
Thanks for the tag, @wyvernquill !! (That Passing Stranger snippet made me cheer and punch the air, Soulmates Death is finally setting him straight!!)
I’m not super committed to this one but this one’s from me trying to cross over Netflix!Lucifer & Netflix!Sandman without Dream and Lucifer starting a fight with each other cuz Ellis!Lucifer doesn’t deserve that sjdjdjdns
“I was told I might have some luck finding Lieutenant Pierce here?” Chloe glanced over. He was like a lot of the club’s patrons - skinny and goth and pale as death - but his voice cut cleanly through the music, and he sounded just this side of too-tired-for-this-shit. He must’ve already had to go through the station. Patrick’s eyes found hers and she gave him a slight nod.
Hmmmm lessee….
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marthalovesu · 20 days
Okay, the next one might be a bit controversial for some folks, yet I still choose to be cringe & free rather than mean, so here goes!!
Spcial thanks to @breedtheseed for helping me build my own courage to post mpreg stuff with her wonderful, tender /and spicy, hehehe/ art!
Since Lucifer is able to shapeshift, he's surely can do the same to others, right? So, fallen deeply in love with each other again after years of Adam being a sinner, they got married and started thinking about kids eventually.
Surprisingly, Adam was the one to express his willingness to bear their kid. I personally think it's due to his past trauma with Abel and Cain. He wants to be a better parent, even though he knows he can never fix it for his first sons.
Lucifer is overwhelmed with love and typical parent anxiety all the way through Adam's pregnancy. And I bet, one day he decided to check their future baby's gender himself by placing his palms on Adam's belly and using some magic. Only to find out, that Adam bears twin boys🥺
We made this all up with my friendie! So its up to her now to design the seconnd boiii, but here goes Luca, designed by me🥰 All the translations will be under the sketch!
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Luca – 1 y.o ——> 240 y.o :
• has a chirrup between tooth and fang
• probably wants to be on stage, be a singer
• loves his dads and siblings a ton
• also loves to party a ton
• Beelzebub is favorite among sin-uncles and aunts, they get along af
Lucifer @ pregnant Adam: I'm home, my boys💕
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destinygoldenstar · 13 days
'Jax is an NPC'
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Hm... ... ...
It's a good theory, don't get me wrong, I see the evidence, I see where you're coming from.
But it's not a theory I agree with. Let me explain.
Caine's line "But if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC who knows what could happen" is very vague as is. This could mean a whole lot of things.
I said this in another post of one of my own theories. I think it's possible that Caine could've killed a human player and his trauma of that was showing.
We know A.I's can shed traumatic emotions. Look at Gummigoo.
Now, yes, Caine couldn't 100% kill a human. Otherwise he would delete the abstractions. And it seems like human players abstract when they die and that's the only way they CAN die.
So therefore Caine having killed a human player should be thrown out as a possibility.
BUT. Hear me out.
Abstractions are shown to be able to glitch several in game objects because of their abstraction. And we actually do NOT see if all the abstractions look exactly the same as Kaufmo's abstraction.
They could very well not.
Going to biblical text, Caine was the first murderer and received a permanent consequence.
Could a permanent consequence be, idk, failing at your programmed job over and over again and be forced to watch these humans abstract and perish forever?
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Especially if because of the human player death's abstraction glitch, is WHY the other human players cannot leave the game!
If you look at Pomni's room in one shot, there's a couple of blocks that are stacked from top to bottom 'ABXEL'.
Could it be that the human player Caine killed was named Abel?
But there is also the other possibility that somehow, there is an NPC among the circus. So let me explain my thought on that possibility.
I don't think it's possible.
I think Caine would've noticed, especially if he immediately recognized GummiGoo wasn't supposed to be there.
If one of the circus folks were an NPC, their figure would've appeared with the others in the backrooms.
Now, there is the possibility that it was placed somewhere else, that place is huge after all. So take that with a grain of salt.
I'm not completely eliminating the 'Jax is an NPC' theory.
I get the evidence. He's constantly breaking the fourth wall. But I think that more so has to do with what I’m about to say.
He has keys to people's rooms. I get that one. That is definitely sus as hell and I'm not denying it is sus.
He also ‘lacks human physics.’
So does everyone else in the cast. Pomni can stretch her body out like Elastagirl. Ragatha has stuffing instead of blood. Kinger has his own glitchy moments. Gangle has two faces. Zoobles body can fall apart.
I’m just saying. These are not human physics either. So Jax being able to keep in place whenever he wants being only a Jax thing is not too far fetched compared to all these other examples.
But I also think, and this is my opinion, that he's much more compelling as a character as a sociopathic human player that is beyond saving and MENTALLY cannot be humanized again.
What I mean by that is that while he is TECHNICALLY a human player, MENTALLY, he is so detached from his humanity and moral code often associated with humanity that he acts more NPC-like as a side effect.
Jax is not designed to be a morally grey character. He is written to be the least moral of the entire show.
It would be SO EASY to excuse those moral wrongdoings as 'well they were never human to begin with'.
But I think that's the lazy way out, and I think this show is smarter than that.
Because here is the thing, there ARE some really REALLY terrible humans. Evil humans in fact.
WHY they're so terrible varies, but that doesn't make them less terrible.
And yes while some terrible people can get redeemed if they themselves can, this is NOT absolute. There are people that are just plain beyond saving. So beyond saving that they ditch their moral code, a code drilled into the human mind, that they SEEM inhuman to humans who can't relate.
This is a very real psychological thing.
With how many morally grey characters get thrown around as compelling these days, Jax NOT being written that way and instead being written as the morally worst would naturally make people go 'he must not be human'.
In psychology, behavior like that doesn't physically inhumanize them, but it MENTALLY does, they behave in a set of rules so different from the normal that it's corrupt to the normal.
So I think he is a human player like the others. But his MENTALITY is not, so he ACTS NPC-like as a side effect to that mental loss.
Not every human is morally grey and get cozy redemption arcs. There are some truly awful people in the world with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. I like that he represents that. I like that there's a character on this show that acts as that huge wake-up call of 'Yeah some people just plain suck and you shouldn't have to deal with them.'
But while I don't think Jax being an NPC would be the best route to take. That is just my opinion and I am not the one writing the show. If that IS the route they are taking, I am fine with that so long as it is written with proper care. I could definitely be reading this wrong.
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for-a-longlongtime · 4 months
About shooting Triple Frontier, singing Moana songs on set, and The Hat
(disclaimer: this post includes some pap shots at the end, sorry. I'm conflicted about sharing them, even though these are really old at this point, but just given you a heads up in case you want to skip it - I've cropped them to show the hat on Oscar)
I've been meaning to make a post about this sooner, because a while ago I came across the Happy Sad Confused podcast (2019) where Oscar talks about shooting Triple Frontier - and it had some interesting things in it that weren't in the group promo for the movie. E.g. he talks about how he has videos of Pedro and Garrett singing Moana songs while holding assault rifles, "that's quite a bit of a mindfuck" (that tracks, I remember Bella talking about singing Moana songs with Pedro on the TLOU set).
About making the characters their own and bringing the story to the screen:
"There was not a ton of dialogue or backstory that you get to see about these guys. So there was an element of how do you show these people, how do you not make them anonymous? That didn't necessarily just jump out of the page. So a lot of that is trusting JC, and particularly trusting him in the edit. That's where he just, he really shines a lot - you can feel and trust that you can try a bunch of stuff. Things might not go great when you're shooting your production - the other was definitely a lot of like wrestling with ideas and things -, but in the edit, he sticks with it and he stays at it, and he is relentless."
At one point Oscar is asked about the Standard Heating Oil hat in the movie. For those of you who do not know the background story there; several years before Triple Frontier, Oscar worked with JC Chandor on a movie titled A Most Violent Year. He played Abel Morales, a Colombian born businessman who lives in Westchester, NY and owns the Standard Heating Oil company.
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And we all know the hat Frankie (Morales...) wears in Triple Frontier:
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Josh Horowitz from the Happy Sad Confused podcast is a real movie nerd, so he asked Oscar about it mentioning the JC Chandor Cinematic Universe. Here's what Oscar said:
"I know. That was, I gotta say, that was me, because I was like 'Can I, can I wear the Standard Hat?', and then he [JC] started thinking like 'Yeah, maybe', but then he was like 'It's too much, but Pedro can wear it'. And I was like okay, alright!"
Which brings me to my last point...
We know about those beach pics that were snapped of Oscar, Garrett, Charlie -- and then another set of them with Pedro and Tom Ben -- when they were in Hawaii to shoot Triple Frontier, right? As Oscar mentions in the interview, it seems like someone from the team [I'm assuming he means crew] ended up tipping off the paps for those photo ops.
I just randomly came across a much bigger set of those photos than I've seen before, and my heart suddenly stopped. Because...
...Oscar is wearing Frankie's hat?
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I mean.
I know it is/was Oscar's hat first, and I think it was @legendary-pink-dot who mentioned that a bunch of people on the crew had them, but as far as I can see, this was the only moment he was captured wearing it - so I love it. I'm having a moment.
If you haven't heard Oscar on Happy Sad Confused before, check out the podcast here.
tagging some folks for heads up: @sin-djarin @legendary-pink-dot @magpiepills @perotovar @romanarose @penvisions @prolix-yuy @writefightandflightclub @ezrasbirdie @astroboots @pimosworld @alltheglitterandtheroar @nerdieforpedro @wardenparker
ok my brain is asleep at this point, so consider this a tag for everybody
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thenightling · 2 years
Why does Morpheus make Nightmares?
As we have a few newbies in The Sandman fandom I have seen the question of "Why does Morpheus make Nightmares?  Why doesn't he only make good dreams?"  Because that is not his function...
I'm a little insulted on Morpheus's behalf that you would expect him to only make happy / sweet dreams. He's the ruler of dreams and nightmares. He tells you this in the very first issue. Dreams AND Nightmares.  And he loves his Nightmares. 
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Cain, Abel, Lucien, Eve, Mad Mod Witch... These are nightmare folk. And good people in his eyes. Loyal subjects who do what they were made to do... scare the Hell out of you.
Think of “This is Halloween” from Nightmare before Christmas. "Tender Lumplings everywhere. Life's no fun without a good scare.  That’s our job but we’re not mean."
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Morpheus loves his nightmares. He loves all things Gothic and spooky. From Gothic castles, ravens, Jack-o-lantern headed grounds keepers, haunted houses like the House of Secrets and House of mystery..  He seems to even favor creating Nightmares over happy / pleasant dreams.
Nightmares are just as important as "good" dreams. They teach you what you are afraid of. They show you your fears. Sometimes they help you to confront and face them. They also teach you to appreciate what you have because often you wake up and thankfully it was just a dream, none of it really happened. You still have your loved ones or your home.  Sometimes pleasant dreams can be crueler than nightmares because the pleasant dreams are about things you’ve lost and will never have again.
Nightmares can be cathartic. They teach you what you fear, how to face them, and to appreciate what you have. Sometimes they can be thrilling and inspire creativity just as much as a pleasant dream if not more so. How many great horror novels and films were inspired by Nightmares? Most of them, on some level.  We need our Nightmares as much as we need our Happy dreams if not more so.
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