dailycharacteroption · 8 months
Deity Drop 6: Abhoth
Just as we did when be touched on Great Old Ones in a previous deity special, we are heading back to cosmic horror with our first Outer God.
But what exactly is an Outer God and how does it differ from a Great Old One? Well, a Great Old One is a demigod-level entity that has a body that can be noticeably affected by it’s mortal environs, and for all their defying of sane physics and geometry, it is possible for a mortal to fight back against such an entity and with a little luck “kill” it, forcing it into torpor or at least making it decide that being there is not worth the annoyance.
An Outer God, on the other hand, is a true deity, albeit an unknowable one that doesn’t even try, or perhaps is incapable of understanding why one would try and take a form comprehensible to the majority of mortals.
Like the Great Old Ones though, most of these entities cannot be bothered to even notice mortals, their cults often calling upon deaf ears, with only a rare few ever being granted power, perhaps as an afterthought or even without the deity realizing. While some may have specific malevolent designs, most seem content to stew in their own incomprehensibleness with no real plan beyond just existing in a way that mortals strain to understand, seeming to embody the belief that the universe is truly uncaring.
Abhoth himself is the “Source of Uncleaness”, a monstrous parent figure to all manner of horrors. His children ranging from just as formless as himself to ambulatory limbs, to surprisingly complex entities both fully formed and malformed. Most are immediately seized and consumed by him, but some escape to wander away, wandering the extradimensional tunnels of his realm until they find their way into the underground of other worlds. That’s right, many true-breeding aberrations in Pathfinder, including the classic gibbering mouther, are descended from this foul god!
All of this reflects his nature as patron of the misbegotten, an avatar of life gone wrong in violation of every natural order.
Abhoth himself is described as having a twisted and cynical personality, seeing no beauty in the world and seeking only to add cruelty to it.
This outer god is originally from Clark Ashton Smith’s Hyperborean Cycle of short stories, where he made the jump to the Call of Cthulhu and other such RPGs and then on to Pathfinder.
Though the original source describes him as grey in color, Abhoth’s art in Pathfinder paints him as a bright light (possibly glowing) blue. This may have been to help distinguish him from another cosmic horror staple in the game, the shoggoth. Indeed, for like many formless horrors, Abhoth’s only defining feature is his formlessness and tendency to form and reform various random body parts from his mass seemingly at random with varying degrees of recognizability.
While it is not given a name in Pathfinder, Abhoth’s grotto is connected to many different underground realms across various planets, and his realm itself is a maze of tunnels that he wanders through aimlessly as the spawn that survive his hunger.
As a god of fecundity, I can see some twisted remote culture venerating the Source of Uncleaness as a fertility deity, or perhaps warded against with the hope that children are born whole and fully formed. However, those that delve into his monstrous true nature may come to believe that his formlessness and cruelty are the truest expression of life, and get up to the usual nasty cult business of trying to summon him, or more likely, some of his children, and generally venerate all manner of unnatural life forms, often to the detriment of their health.
As a particularly cynical outer god, Abhoth counts none among his friends, not even his own children.
He also lacks servants in the traditional sense, being directly served by no one. However, he is able to see many worlds through the eyes of his spawn, and may even invade such a world through them on a lark.
Abhoth favors the domains of Chaos, Darkness, Earth, Madness, and Strength, with the subdomains of Caves, Ferocity, Insanity, Night, Nightmare, and Resolve. All of which reflects his cruel but not overtly malevolent demeanor, as well as his connection to caves, physical might and the horror of his own existence.
While a handful of Outer Gods have been written up in 2e, Abhoth has not gotten that treatment yet, so no list of his domains exist there yet.
Like all cosmic horror gods, Abhoth is too uncaring to offer any rewards of obedience.
With all sorts of horrors found in the depths of countless planets, you can bet your buns that Abhoth is definitely still out there in the far future of Starfinder, even if he hasn’t been officially mentioned yet.
That does it today, and yes, Abhoth’s story did inspire the demon lord Jubilex, but we’ll talk about how Pathfinder sometimes doubles up on certain deific concepts some other time. For now, eagerly await the final deity we’ll be covering this week, the first non-evil one we’ve had in a while!
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 11 months
i like writing on walls :3
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enfantrenard-list · 2 years
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virovac · 1 year
My dude Abhoth gets so much bad press these days
Called a rippoff of Shubb Niggurath when they did the horrible endless reproduction back when Shubby was still only an “evil formless cloud” in Lovecraft’s notes before later authors (Also imo everyone interpreting her as a cosmos-level horror kinda blows it by leaning too much into goats . Even Lovecraft said in his notes described it just as a particular ritual with a goat theme inherited from a preceding nonhuman civilization)
Some terrible sequel calls them an outer god , and now gets hamfisted into that despite it not fitting their vibes AT ALL unless it is one very far from home and we are going with the implication the Outer Gods are in actuality just part of a vast ecosystem beyond our comprehension and only immortal by our very limited perspective.
I’m sorry, but I’m not able to suspend disbelief that easily something that has an understanding of cosmology akin to one of Jim Henson’s fraggles a threat to the whole solar system or on the level Yog-Sothoth, unless you do some real legwork.
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braxiations · 9 months
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tojisun · 9 months
been thinkin about the polar opposite of bimbo reader for price so i raise yall: ‘weird’ fiancee gf x price <33
you’re into vulture culture and are probably hoping to actually get into taxidermy too. you’re also into crowcore.
you have a cat, but john never knows which one it is because every time he comes back, it’s a different one (it started with a birman and the recent one is a british longhair. for some reason, all these cats answer to the same name – cecil).
john had, one time, walked into your office only to see a horrifying long furby snaking around your computer setup.
you describe colours in hex codes. john admits it’s actually so useful, especially for missions, so he picked up the same habit. ghost and soap absolutely hate him now, but kyle rides his wavelength so he’s unofficially been dubbed as price-translator.
you have different aesthetics, and john adores all. he first met you when you were in your goth era. currently you’re in your cyberpunk era.
…you’re in this RP discord and it’s all about lovecraft monsters. you’re abhoth.
and john? john indulges you. he would be cthulhu in your guys’ chat box if you need to use him as a soundboard to see if your silly little writing is making sense. he gifted you your most extensive toolkit for your interest in bone collecting. he buys you limited editions of furbies — you don’t know where he even gets them but you’re not complaining, of course!!
all he asks is that you marry him. pretty, please?
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
The Great Game: Outer Gods and Great Old Ones
As the deities that are most physically tied to the Material Plane, it is perhaps unsurprising that the various entities collected together as “Outer Gods” and “Great Old Ones” have been paying attention to the Great Game. The allegiances of some of the prominent members of these pantheons are as follows:
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Abhoth The Unclean God is patron of disease and fecundity, and knows how these two things are tied together. More are born than can survive, and many of those that die fall to disease before anything else. As such, Abhoth is well versed in ecology, and knows that Lamashtu is overpopulating Golarion with her monsters. Abhoth’s followers seek to spread plagues among monstrous species in order to keep their numbers down, and as such, Mormo counts Abhoth as an ally.
Azathoth The Primal Chaos does not seem to have noticed the Great Game, or much of anything that has happened on Golarion in centuries. This is probably for the best. If any of his attention were to be turned onto the conflict, it could easily become a disaster for both parties…something that Nyarlathotep is hoping for, and working to make happen.
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Bokrug The Water Lizard fondly remembers Mormo from before the evolution of true mammals, and they have hunted and sparred together and even mated in the past. Bokrug may be difficult to rouse from his slumber, but his ire is terrible when provoked, and is likely to be directed at the followers of Lamashtu.
Cthulhu The Dreamer in the Deep has dreamt of Golarion, and one or two of his star-spawn have come there. But he cares not for the Great Game; he has his own stars that need to be right once again. A star-spawn of Cthulhu is a dangerous agent of its own right, and one more likely to support Lamashtu than Mormo.
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Hastur The King in Yellow respects Lamashtu and her ravenous appetites. Although he has his own plans to absorb chunks of Golarion, or the whole world if he can, into the Nightmare Kingdom of Carcosa, he is at least nominally on the Mother of Monster’s side. As long as their cultists can keep sharing the same sybaritic festivities.
Ithaqua Ithaqua is more concerned with consuming anyone on either side that he can sink his talons into. The Wind Walker is slightly more favorably minded towards Lamashtu than Mormo, but any relationship between their cults is likely to be a tenuous one that could break down into ravenous hunger at any point.
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Mhar Mhar wants off of Golarion. He sees a change in the status quo as the best way of achieving that goal, and is resentful of lamia clerics of Lamashtu for helping Karzoug the Runelord to build a palace on his surface and deface him. Mhar’s release would likely be devastating for Mormo’s goals of making Golarion a richer and more diverse ecosystem. But on the other hand, volcanic ash and lava rock makes for excellent fertilizer, and his eruption might not be as destructive as he hopes it will be.
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Nhimbaloth As a devourer of souls and a corrupter of wild things, Nhimbaloth is an ally of Lamashtu. Of course, she does respect Mormo’s goals of eating Lamashtu as a fellow apex predator. But Nhimbaloth thinks that the Goddess of Predators is too arrogant and needs to be taken down a peg. Nhimbaloth would happily eat Mormo herself if given half a chance, and for that reason, Mormo keeps a wide berth of Nhimbaloth’s home world, Voidbracken.
Nyarlathotep The Crawling Chaos is delighted by this galaxy spanning conflict, and on the surface is playing both sides. Lamashtu is his real dog in the fight, as he views Lamashtu as being more likely to lead Golarion to ruin, cracking open and releasing Rovagug. That would be a fun show to watch, seeing how the Rough Beast would react after eons of imprisonment. The Mask of Nyarlathotep that is most actively involved is the Black Pharaoh, whose cults are pushing technological advances into the hands of demon cultists and dangerous maneaters.
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Orgesh The Faceless God is technically on Lamashtu’s side, although not by any direct aiding or abetting. Orgesh wants to fight Mormo himself. And is sending his chardra to pick fights with her worshipers, and is gunning for her most powerful servitors himself, in the hopes of getting Mormo’s attention. Worst case scenario, Orgesh will be killed and be able to respawn on another planet. Unless Mormo gets sick of his interference, and starts doing research on a way to kill him for real before setting her sights higher.
Shub-Nugganoth* The Goat of the Woods views Lamashtu as a kindred spirit, and the two of them have indeed collaborated on the spawning of horrors in the past. They are doing so again, notably through the personage of one of the Goat’s most powerful mortal worshipers in Avistan, a fleshwarping-obsessed alchemist named Doctor Agatha Shiny. Doctor Shiny and her creations are actively hunting down Mormo’s allies in order to transform them into blasphemous horrors, or just murder them.
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Tsathoggua Saint Toad knows what it’s like to be forgotten and abandoned. He is a supporter of Mormo, if only because she’s the underdog in this fight, and Tsathoggua has a soft spot for underdogs, as much as he would deny that. Mormo knows that the Father of Night is a fickle and somewhat dangerous ally, so doesn’t rely on his help, but does appreciate his guidance and wisdom.
Yig The Father of Serpents calls Mormo “sister”, and the Goddess of Predators calls Yig “brother” in return. This may be an actual genealogical relationship, it may not be. But Yig is among Mormo’s closest allies, and the two are active collaborators. Those colonies of serpentfolk who worship Yig are hotspots for burgeoning cults of Mormo, as they see the two ophidian Old Ones as a way to reclaim some of the lost glory of the Age of Serpents without relying on the increasingly unstable Ydersius.
Yog-Sothoth The Key and the Gate views things on a vast, cosmic scale, even more than the other Outer Gods. As such, the safety and long term stability of the galaxy is his highest priority (after all, it has to collide with another galaxy in approximately 1.2 billion years, and then enough of it has to be around to decay into degenerate matter as the universe shifts past its stelliferous era. So anything that dramatically accelerates that process, or might get large portions of the galaxy pulled out of the Material Plane altogether, are not ideal outcomes for Yog-Sothoth. As such, he supports Mormo, but is doing so in a subtle way—opening portals in the right places, weakening planar boundaries—rather than sending his children to fight en masse.
*This is the name I am going to be using for that particular Outer God in the future. Clearly the same entity that has been developed into a character by Mythos authors over the last 100 years, but doesn't have a racist slur built into the name.
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queersrus · 10 months
Hemlo!! May I purchase some eldrich type names?? :333 like think silly eldrich horrors and cryptids HEHHE
we do so love lovecraftian works in this house (the genre and his work, not the guy himself)
Adaedu, Alithlai, Amaterasu, azethoth/azathoth, abhoth, aboleth, aperture, astagoth, aylith
byatus/byatis, basatan
Cthulhu, cthugha, cthylla
Dveahtehs, dagon, dhumin, dweller, dyga, dygra, dythalla
Eppirfon, Eyroix, elder, egnis
ghroth, galactus, ghadamon, giygas
hastur, havik, hydra
ithaqua, illithid
lord, lu-kthu/lukthu
nodens, nyarla, nyarlathotep, nestene
Orryx, Othkkartho, outer, oorn
phane, pride
rhan, rokon
shoggoth, skarlet/scarlet/scarlett, sothoth, sathla
tyy, tindalos, tegoth
xorn, xeelee
yanoth, yith
zalgo, zeele
typically names ending in "(g/th)oth", "(th)u", "id", "us", "on", "as" or just some odd/uncommon/unusual ending, can sound eldritch-esque.
theres also many names here(link) and here(link)
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blackmarketvoices · 5 months
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Faroe knows they're fighting again. It's upsetting.
Sounds like the perfect time for her new secret friend to make himself known.
Black Market Voices returns with PART NINE of Surrogate: The Director's Cut!
Fully scripted, cast-acted and with audio effects, some of the fandom has come together to continue this gargantuan undertaking, and we hope you enjoy it! Go on, give it a listen.
You won’t like what happens when I repeat myself. ;)
LISTEN HERE ...now also on your favorite platforms!
Stay tuned for future recordings! If you'd like to assist in upcoming acting or crew, contact Vmprsm on Discord or Tumblr. Follow us on our official socials for future updates!
Stay tuned for future recordings! If you'd like to assist in upcoming acting or crew, contact Vmprsm on Discord or Tumblr.
From the talents of:
- Vmprsm as the Narrator and Faroe AO3 Tumblr - Jasper as Abhoth  AO3 Tumblr - Igneous as Kayne - AO3 - CharlieGoLightly as Ghroth AO3 Tumblr - Fish as the Nameless Mist AO3 Tumblr
- SSJTrinity, Kraiva, and Somniate as Work Introduction
SSJTrinity: archiveofourown Tumblr
Kraiva: archiveofourown Tumblr
Somniate:  archiveofourown Tumblr
Follow us on our official socials for future updates!
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A Secret Friend - a Malevolent Fanfic
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Faroe knows they're fighting again. It's upsetting.
Sounds like the perfect time for her new secret friend to make himself known.
(Takes place in the Surrogate universe, after Once Upon a Dream.)
Kayne is only a little bored. It’s not dangerous yet.
Not really.
The metaphysical equivalent of floating around the party room, providing hors d'oeuvres to beings his level and somewhat greater, is entertaining enough—handing over tiny planets he's corrupted, or entire species he’s driven insane. Occasionally producing weird treasure thought up by some mortal and stolen.
But really, all of that is the prelude.
He’s got them all watching his favorite show now, which is deeply gratifying. The only challenge is keeping them watching and not interfering.
All I’m saying, spurts Abhoth, spraying ankle-height abominations with every syllable, is she might be more interesting with some cancerous growths.
“No,” Kayne says, far more patiently than he feels. “That would just ratchet everything up the wrong way, and it would make Arthur, John, and Hastur work together. See? We don’t want that. That’s dull.”
Oh, says Abhoth, who wouldn’t have thought of that.
“Subtlety of a mack truck!” Kayne chirps and moves on.
Ghroth is no fucking better. Imagine the carnage if I caused the Dreamlands to erupt.
“To erupt into what, oh Maker of the Doom of Worlds?” says Kayne, who does know how to play the game.
Ghroth considers. It takes him a while. Volcanoes, he suggests.
“Naw.” Kayne pats Ghroth's enormous eyeball self and moves on.
Down below, John and Hastur have gotten into a screaming fight while Arthur rocks, holding his head in his hands; which is dull, until Hastur’s internal alarms go off and they know Faroe is on her way in with a basket of flowers and her horrible goat-god in tow.
And it is amusing to watch them all scramble, to do the equivalent of smoothing hair back and straightening ties, and when Faroe is older, she’ll know immediately that things were hardly as peaceful as projected.
She’s not quite there yet, so she smiles, tells them a nonsense-story she made up as she hands out flowers, and skips to her room.
Everyone is sullen in her wake.
Curious, says the Nameless Mist, one of Kayne’s siblings and one of the only beings he bothers actually respecting. What do you intend to do?
“Beyond ensuring these chuckle-nuts don’t get involved? Well. I have a twist for the evening,” says Kayne, for once not sarcastic. “Call it a mid-season surprise. A guest star.”
Oh? says the Magnum Innominandum. Who would that be?
“You’re about to find out,” says Kayne. “After the ad-break.”
Faroe likes shallow baths.
She does not like deep ones. She learned to swim under grave duress at her daddy's insistence (one of the few times her tears and wails did not move him). She’s a very strong swimmer, thanks to him, but it scares her badly. She doesn’t understand why.
Shallow baths are fine. She can wash, and use her cloth, and get her hair clean under running water (but never putting her face under), and she can clean Nibbles, and focusing on her friends’ weird hooves always helps. Not that Nibbles ever seems to need a bath, but that's not the point. Bath before bed. That is the rule.
Faroe thinks water is alive. It feels bad to her.
She tried to explain that to daddy, but he couldn’t quite get what she was saying. Water is not alive, he said, trying to explain chemicoles to her, and how it wasn’t living and so could not be bad.
But it was bad. She knew it was bad.
Uncle Arthur understood, though. Somehow, he did—and like he did with everything that scared her, he turned to music for a solution.
One night, after she sniffled because she’d had to have a real bath (she’d fallen into some mud and it had gotten under her nails and in her hair and it wasn’t her fault), he played something beautiful, and it… helped.
He said it was called Claire de Lune, and was about moonlight, but he always felt it was more like moonlight on water.
He played, and he told her to think about moonlight dancing on black waves, and how it could be beautiful, and how she didn’t have to go into it, but that it wasn’t always bad.
Something happened whenever Uncle Arthur played the piano.
Passing deities stilled. Monsters calmed in the walls. Sentient plants peeked over the balconies to listen.
Even the shriek-birds (which she did not like) went quiet.
And this piece… this moon piece… she liked it very much. Even if it was one of the ones that made him cry.
He cried a lot.
She hadn’t noticed it when she was little. She does now. She’s not sure what it means; he seems to just… do it all the time.
It feels bad. She doesn’t know why.
“This is concerning,” she says, because that’s how daddy talks about his people when things aren’t right. “I don’t think he should cry so much, do you?”
Nibbles bleats.
“Yeah,” she says, deciding the goat means ‘of course, you are correct,’ and gets out of her very shallow bath.
She’s big now, and can get into bed on her own.
She settles in under her sparkling white canopy, looks out her window at the velvet-blue sky and enormous moon, and sighs.
She’s in bed, She’s being good. But she’s not sleepy.
She can hear them yelling out there.
Faroe is young, but not stupid. She knows they think she doesn’t know they always argue.
“I don’t like it when they fight,” she tells Nibbles, sniffling a little.
Nibbles bleats.
I agree, Faruffin. It’s downright rude, isn’t it?
“Hello?” Faroe says, sitting up. “Mister?”
Nibbles makes a questioning sound.
Shh. She can’t hear me, little princess. Only you can. I’m your secretest friend.
Nibbles bleats again, slightly more concerned.
You can just think, sweetheart. I'll hear you.
Oh, she thinks, and lies back down.
I’m your secret friend! Everybody gets one when they’re almost four years old.
Oh! Well, that makes sense. Oh, okay. Hi, secret friend.
Hi, Faruffin!
The name triggers a memory, though she can’t quite place it. A weird day, she remembers that—but the nickname only brings good feelings. Safe feelings. Funny ones, amusing. Did we meet before?
We sure did! We made friends before, on the day you met Uncle Arthur. Remember what a mess he was? Oooh! Poor guy. He just can’t stop crying, can he? Pretty sad, if you ask me.
She ponders this.
She has no idea what to do with this information. But you’re not secret. Everybody saw you.
Oh, no, sweet thing, they didn’t. They were talking to each other.
Her brow knits. That’s not… quite what she remembers, but then, it is fairly vague. It was a weird day, tiring, and she isn’t quite sure.
Besides, it’s a grown-up voice. She remembers he was nice. Okay.
You can call me Brother Kayne, okay? But here’s the thing—you have to keep me a secret. Every time you tell someone about me, I get pushed further away! Eventually? I could shout at the top of my lungs, and you wouldn’t hear me ever again.
Well, that sounds terrible. Faroe wipes at her eyes. There is some reason that… someone going away forever is bad.
She can’t really put it together. Okay.
Our secret?
Our secret, Brother Kayne.
The voice laughs. No, that’s… yeah, I can’t do that. Just Kayne, okay?
Okay. Grownups are strange.
Wanna learn a trick?
And Kayne teaches her a simple incantation.
She speaks it aloud—opening herself to magic the way her daddy’s been teaching her—and magic immediately happens.
The canopy overhead fills with stars.
She gasps.
The canopy is white, diaphanous, lovely; it shifts in the breeze from her window, and now, stars float through it, a lazy and lovely rotation, and she made it happen all by herself.
Nibbles bleats, then calms down. Maybe she likes stars, too.
What do we say, Faruffin?
She remembers that name, now. It’s a good name, a silly one. She liked him when they met. Thank you!
Good girl. Now, go to sleep—you have a lot of growing to do.
Faroe watches the stars, tracing them, counting, until she finally falls asleep.
Kayne bows to his audience. “Will this come up again? Will it matter? Am I a Chekhov’s gun? Stay tuned!”
I don’t get get it, Ghroth says.
“Philistine,” Kayne says almost fondly, and pats the enormous world-ending eyeball. “Go on, now. Off you go!”
Would Faroe keep the secret? He didn’t know. If she didn’t, he’d disappear. If she did… well.
There were a lot of things he could teach a boring little girl on her way to becoming interesting—things that could actually make her worth a spin-off, once this all went to hell.
“It’s all about planting seeds,” he says.
Hypnos twitches, and might or might not have comprehended what Kayne said. But probably not.
“A smart little Sheila told me that some plants need to be babied. Have to say, I agree.”
Hypnos looks blank.
Kayne sighs. “Always boring when they’re broken.” And he wanders away. There are plants to tend, after all, and victims to visit.
And safe in Hastur’s castle, Faroe sleeps through further shouts about marks and ceremonies and owning, and dreams about singing stars.
That note about plants being babied will come up again, we promise. Muahaha.
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yureipunk · 2 years
Hey there! Could we mayhap get some titles/names related to eldritch beings + octopi? Many thanks if so =3!
all under the cut! (long list!)
eldritch names:
Lu-Kthu Nath
Ryonis Tamash
Yidhra Zo-Kalar
Eldritch Titles:
The Ancient Entity
The Caller within the Fog
The Dweller between the Earth
The Eldritch Horror
The Horror of the Eldritch
The Fear from the Blackness
The Sorrow from the Unknown
The Plague of the Darkness
Octupi Names:
Octupi Titles:
The One with Eight Limbs/Tentacles
The Kraken
Cthulhu the Cosmic Entity
The Cosmic Entity
The Call of Cthulhu
The Eight Limbs/Tentacles
Entity of the Sea
The Waterborn
The Sea Dweller
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homebrewsno1asked4 · 2 years
First monster of 2023, and it’s a doozy.
I know you’re not supposed to fight Lovecraftian gods because larger-than-life unimaginable cosmic horror, but like… what if you want to?
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Art by Erol Otus!
A place as much as a creature, vast Abhoth’s form is a pit of gray organic matter – not quite flesh nor organ meat nor fat nor feces – dotted with hungry mouths that appear and vanish like bubbles in a pond. Just gray protean muck, constantly frothing with awful creatures born and re-assimilated in a matter of seconds. Blind Abhoth extrudes tentacles the size of serpents to flail about its cavernous lair, feeling for any escaped children to consume.
Abhoth is one of the Outer Gods, and one of the few that deign to live in some version of our material plane. They dwell in the deepest cavern of a remote island, a sanctum spiderwebbed with tunnels ending in portals to numerous worlds. Though Abhoth never moves from this lair, they can see, explore, and infect any world through the senses of their children – those few that escape the churning womb. Fugitive spawn grow and evolve rapidly, their sizes ranging from “dog” to “small mountain.” Many worlds’ horrors – those one-of-a-kind monsters that defy explanation – are actually Abhoth’s twisted hodgepodge children.
Like other Outer Gods, the sight of immortal Abhoth is enough to break most mortal minds. Although mad themselves, Abhoth is far from mindless; if mortals don’t go mad from first contact, Abhoth might engage in telepathic conversation. Visitors find the Outer God cynical but chatty, possessing a sense of humor as black as the void.
Abhoth is a recluse, even by Outer God standards, with little interest in worship. However, there are a few cults dedicated to the Unclean God – mostly comprised of underground horrors, intelligent oozes, and Abhoth’s spawn.
Gargantuan aberration (outer god), neutral evil
Armor Class 21 (non-Newtonian physiology)
Hit Points 578 (35d20 + 210)
Speed 0 ft.
STR 27(+8) DEX 1(-5) CON 23(+6) INT 10(0) WIS 26(+8) CHA 8(-1)
Saving Throws STR +16, CON +14
Skills Animal Handling +13, Athletics +16, Intimidation +7
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Damage Immunities acid, nonmagical, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, diseased, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious
Senses blindsight within lair, passive Perception 15
Languages unlimited telepathy, ignores language barriers
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +8
Innate Spellcasting. Abhoth's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 24, +16 to hit with spell attacks). They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components.
At will: dominate monster, suggestion 
Alien Mind. If a creature tries to read Abhoth's thoughts, that creature must succeed on a DC 24 Intelligence saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Deathless. If Abhoth drops to 0 hit points, they don’t die. Rather, in a howling rage, Abhoth will sink 500 ft, boring a deep smooth hole in the earth. Every time Abhoth receives damage before recovering, they bore another half-mile hole into the ground. Abhoth bubbles up to the top of this hole in 1d6 days.
Godly Anchor. Abhoth exists where Abhoth is meant to exist. Any spells or abilities attempting to transport Abhoth automatically fail.
Godly Might. Abhoth’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
Lair Sense. Abhoth’s version of blindsight extends throughout their domain – but this blindsight only tells Abhoth the locations of creatures, not their appearance or nature.
Maddening Form. The first time a creature – aside from other Outer Gods or similar types - sees Abhoth, they must roll a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature suffers 39 (6d12) psychic damage and a form of short-term madness. On a success, the creature takes half of this psychic damage, and barely escapes the throes of insanity.
Oozegod. Oozes roll disadvantage on saves against Abhoth's innate spells.
Poisonous Body. A creature that touches Abhoth or hits them with a melee attack while within 5 feet takes 18 (4d8) poison damage.
Regeneration. Abhoth regains 80 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If Abhoth took any fire damage in the past round, they only regain 40 hit points.
Spawn of Abhoth. Every round on initiative 20 – winning ties – 1d6 Spawn of Abhoth manage to crawl out of their parent’s primordial soup without being consumed. Normally, these escapees will crawl into the nearest portal and wreak havoc on some other plane – but assuming Abhoth is battling intruders, the Spawn instinctively protect their parent.
Abhoth can peer through the eyes of any of their Spawn, no matter what plane the Spawn inhabits.
Unusual Nature. Abhoth doesn't need to sleep, breathe, eat, or drink.
Multiattack. Abhoth makes 3 attacks on their turn – two pseudopods and a bite. If there are no creatures in biting range, Abhoth can substitute their bite for another pseudopod attack.
Bite. Melee Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 35 (5d10 + 8) piercing damage. On a successful attack, Abhoth has grappled their target. If the grappled character can’t escape by Abhoth’s next turn, Abhoth can swallow the grappled character, replacing its bite attack.
Pseudopod. Melee Attack: +16 to hit, reaches anywhere in Abhoth’s lair, 1 target. Hit: 21 (2d12 + 8) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage.
Abhoth’s pseudopods contain various alien sensory organs; touching a creature gives Abhoth much stronger insight on their guests. The second a creature touches Abhoth – whether via pseudopod attack, unarmed strike, or walking on Abhoth’s protoplasmic body – Abhoth knows that creature’s species, abilities, and mood.
Swallow. The swallowed character falls 1d6 x 5 feet (with appropriate fall damage) into a digestive chamber that’s formed beneath this particular mouth of Abhoth. Climbing the slippery walls of Abhoth’s shifting mass requires a DC 20 Athletics check.
Every time the creature starts its turn in Abhoth’s digestive juices (which seep in from all surfaces), the creature takes 22 (4d10) acid damage plus 22 (4d10) necrotic damage. If Abhoth’s digestion damage reduces a creature to 0 hp, they die instantly, absorbed into Abhoth’s mass. Abhoth regains hit points equal to the absorbed character’s maximum hit points. Only wish or similar magic can resurrect the absorbed character.
Roiling Mouths. Abhoth can make 1 bite attack – as attacks of opportunity - per turn of combat.
Legendary Actions
Abhoth can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Abhoth regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
Devour Spawn. Abhoth snatches up and eats one of its Spawn, provided the Spawn is still in its lair somewhere. Abhoth regains 15 hp per Spawn consumed.
Instant Swallow (Costs 2 Actions). If a creature is standing on their body, Abhoth can open a new mouth right underneath them, essentially using Swallow without needing to land a Bite first.
Thrash. Abhoth makes 2 pseudopod attacks.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Abthoth can take one of the following lair actions; Abhoth can't take the same lair action two rounds in a row:
Fast-Growing Spawn. All Spawn on the battlefield undergo rapid mutation. For each Spawn of Abhoth in play: add 2 to STR, DEX, or CON; add 1d8 to their maximum hit points; and roll another Unique Ability.
Primordial Song. Abhoth whispers and beckons. Abhoth casts suggestion on one creature of their choice, even if that creature previously resisted one of Abhoth’s spells. Usually, Abhoth will make the charmed creature walk into their protoplasmic body and accept digestion.
Quake. Abhoth’s cavernous lair shakes as the outer god shifts its monstrous bulk. Every creature touching a surface of the lair (Spawn included, Abhoth not included) makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, these creatures take 5d6 force damage. Creatures that succeed take half this damage.
Regional Effects
The region surrounding Abhoth’s lair is altered by Abhoth’s magic, creating one or more of the following effects:
A snide, mocking voice tries to make conversation with you when you’re alone.
Infections and other ailments proliferate in Abhoth’s domain. Medicine checks for healing are made at disadvantage.
Most animal life within 1 mile of Abhoth’s lair are either Spawn of Abhoth, or descended from the Spawn. At a glance, many of these creatures may resemble familiar fauna, but on closer inspection, they have unusual and nauseating mutations. Roll on the Spawn of Abhoth Unique Ability chart for any beasts encountered near Abhoth’s lair.
Generating Spawn of Abhoth:
STR, DEX, CON: Roll 1d20 for each
INT, WIS, CHA: Roll 1d6 for each
HP: 3d8 + CONmod
AC: 10 + DEXmod
Give Spawn movement speeds (burrow, climb, fly, swim) as appropriate with the abilities rolled – base speed 30 ft.
All Spawn have darkvision.
All saves and DCs are 13.
Base Melee Attack Damage: 2d6 + STRmod
Ability Damage: 9 (2d8) of appropriate element
Unique Ability: (6-by-10 chart; roll d6 for column, d10 for row)
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This jerk took a WHILE. Like over a month. My own fault for making a final-boss-tier monster, I guess.
I’m aware that running an encounter with Abhoth would require a TON of bookkeeping. But also, I kind of feel like that’s how a big epic fight should be? Not just 12 turns of “it punts you for 200 damage, again”?
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hungry-skeleton · 2 years
Okay so this is the next part of the info dump on Cthulhu mythos/Yog-Sothothery and now we are going into the actual gods/great old ones so not to keep you all waiting here we go
yig: is the father of serpents he created all insect and reptiles the things about him making humanity is a complete myth just to get more followers and he has big mood swings he can go from happy to pissed off because you messed up one of his followers orders. I'm going to be honest i started with yig first because i knew you would like him
Ghatanothoa: first born of c̷̡̧̦͙͖̪͓̫̪͉͈̺̖͔̪̬̻̜͙̠̞͚̟̪͉͖̹͕̏̉̿̈́̃̇̈̚͜͝͝ͅͅͅt̶̢̧̛̰̼̻̦̠͕̖̭͇̰͎̘͕̱̫̂̀͒̄̔͐͌̎͐̈́͂̈́̍͑̔̂͗̍̐͑̑͛͒̈́̈́̈͐̈͑̓͘̚͠h̴̢̢̨̘̺͍̫̭̬̺̼̻̪͎̦̤̮͚͈̥̼͖̘̖̭̜̯͎̩̞̲̝̗̽͌͑̓̈̓̾̿̍̐̅̌̔͌͑͋̐̍͗̊̒͌͠͝͝͠͝ư̶̧̢̛̛̯͍̿̅̍̏̿͐̒̂͌͒̓̊̎́̀̈́̽̈́̄͗̈̓̍̓̋͑͊͂̚̚̚͠͝l̶̨̛̖͚̟̻̲͓̹͚̪̪͎͖̞͓̭̹̩͔͓̜̩̉̃͛̂̓̂̓͒͌̑̉̒̇̍̄̏͆̿̃͑̌̏̅̄̚͠͝ͅh̴̢͇̹͙̰̬̥̹̩̙̅́͑̂̎̋̉͛̎̌̈́͋̍͐̂͑̂͐̏̑͒̀̈́̃̚͜͜͠͠͠͠ͅų̵̡̡̨̤̙̲̪̫̱͎̫̙͙͙̲̜̫̖̱͇̪̘̩̜͍̗̱̫̖̙͓̃̀̋̇͆̌̕ͅͅ, he's ugly like really fuckin ugly to the point anyone who sees him has there skin turned to leather
Tsathoggua: he looks like fuzzy toad with bat and sloth parts on him his cult gets power from sex and sacrifices well Tsathoggua gets more powerful from war, he threats his followers with respect
Cthuga: long before time had a name this dunce through himself at the earth back when it was just a giant molten rock and was served by fire vampires and that's it, well one of his kids might have caused the great fire of london
Atlach-Nacha: resembles a giant spider with an anthropomorphic human body so basically just a Arachne but bigger, she spins a great world ending web and has worked with the devil himself. spider milf much much
Shudde M'ell: remember the Chthonian well this is there queen bee
Quachil Uttaus: he can reduce all living tissue he comes into contact with to dust associated with age, death, and decay. and subconsciously entertains thoughts of bad things unless you follow him then he gives you good thoughts and dreams
Abhoth: is said to be the ultimate source of all miscreation and abomination or in other words this is the reason why you might have a kink, Obscene monsters constantly form in Abhoth's gray mass and crawl away from their parent none of them look alike but there almost likely really ugly and smelly.
shathak: she is married to Tsathoggua
funny thing is pretty much all the great old ones and there cults are more like found families then cults but with the next ones...
th e re f un ☻
the dunwich horror: he isn't a great old one but i still feel as if i should give him a spot somewhere. the dunwich horror is a misshapen chaotic amalgam of creatures which haunts of town of arkham massachusetts as if that town wasn't fucked up enough, normal the dunwich horror is invisible to the naked eye unless you use some powder or a spell/hex from the Necronomicon, but be warned once you see him you will be driven mad from it, before the dunwich horror was haunting the town he lived in Whateley farmhouse where he fed on cattle, his twin brother was Wilbur Whateley, grandfather Old Whateley, mother Lavinia Whateley and his father was Y̴̡̧͙̘͚̫̥̬͚͖̝̲̖͔̞̬͓͖͇̘̭̝̤̪̩͔̞̦̭͈̭̼̳̗̻̯̻̣̼͖̦̑̒͐͛̐͋͐͌͆͛̉̊͒́̀̿̐̄̈̇̀̽͂̈́̔̿̌̈́͒̽̑̐͑̆̃͋͊͒̕͘̕͠͝͠͠͠͠o̸̧̼̼̹̖̥͔̥̤̩̹̤̗̣͖̘̫̝̜̺͚͌̉͑̈́̍̀̌̐̓̓͌̄̈́̓͛̿̐̔̇͌̓͒̆̀͂̃̈͐͗̾͑̒̎̚̚͘̚͠͝͝͝͝ǵ̵̨̡̡̥̟̹̙̟̻͈̲͎̙̫͖͈̟̱̲̗͓̫̞͓̰̲͕̤̜̼͔̺̜̮͚̮̦̼̻̥̘̹̩̬͍͕̫̻͇͚̀͆̃̀́̐͘-̶̧̹͔̤̩̭̭͓͇͓͍̲̝͎͖̻̩̞̝̠̤̝̲̖̠͚̠͕̹̪̺̣͆͊Ş̵͖̠̺̓̄̓̓͛͐̔͆̓̄̽̑͛͆͋̈́͆̈́̽̀̈́͊̐̉͌͒̒̏̒̋̐̂̇̾̃̃͗̚̕̚ͅơ̴̠̭̗͈̲̼̝̺̹͉̠̖̈́̏͒̐͊͐̈́̽̆̏̒̅̿͗͑͒̅͘͝ͅͅt̴̨̢̢̛̥͙̹̻̩̗̪͖̺̻̪͙̦͓͇̮̲̰̼̺͙̫̭̜̜̲̙͕̘̼̜̻̯̾̿̓̑̌̆͋̀͂̄̌̋̈́͐̏̈́̔̌͑͂̆̔͗̏̿̒̐̒̍͐̀͘͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͠h̴̨̡̞̪̱̫̼͇͈̱̯̱͍͖̺̣͇̟̣̹̣̩̥̔̀̾̇͐̈̍̓́̂͆͌́̈́̆̈̏̓́͛̕̕͜ͅͅͅo̶̢̧͚͓̫͈̱͖̹̻̫̣̝̲̹̠͕͕̦̻̗͍̝̩̹͖͎̗͓̹͆̾͐̑͐͋̒̀̔̌͌̉͑͒̑͋͂͑̍̏̋͛̆͒͑̍̾̄̿̈́̎̉͊͂̽̓̓̔̄̇̏̈́̕͜͝͝͝͠͝t̴̼͔̬̃̓̐̓̄̈́͋̃̎̌̔̑́̌̌̍̆̔̄̉́̀̊̅̉̂̌͐̓̾͑͆́́̃͆̈̈̽͘̚̕͠h̸̛̛͙͔͙̮̜͈̙̠̠̻̝̤̠͒̈́̋̓̊̾̑́̔̒͛̈́̄̿͗̆̈̄̓̂̅̾̅͗̌̈́̾́͑́͘̕͠͝͝ ̶͈͛̔̑͒̄̂̀̈̅̒͒̊̋͑̈́͛̍̇̄̉̅̒̃͆̈́̈́̓̍̈̽͘̚̕̕͝͠͠
Thank you again anon, very good read after I finished watching a horror movie 👍
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tanukutie · 12 days
The abhoth of gorgs, the fount of miscreated amphibiamorphs.
The best organ in a gorg contains the essence of gorgness, and is universal even when incorporeal.
Even the most pathetic gorg inspires adulation among all sophonts with an ounce of sense in their minds.
Gorgs, of course, are the most blissful beings in the entire cosmos, because they know nothing about the Force.
Everyone knows a gorg when they see one.
A gorg cannot be taken for a fool.
A gorg is loved.
Each gorg is unique and eternal, perfect in its divine imperfection.
You cannot kill a gorg in any way that matters.
Hunting a gorg is nothing like hunting rabbits.
(some Gorg Thoughts me and my friend @sensitiveasks came up with in a blue milk-fueled frenzy one night)
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braxiations · 9 months
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Randomly generated enemy variants for an endless dungeon battler concept (Dungeon of Abhoth.)
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pog-soth · 11 months
[pokerap bgm playing]
Cthugha, Mary, Ithaqua, Bokrug, Zushakon, Mnomquah, Tulzscha, Nodens, Orryx, Armandra, Sysyphyx, Lilith, Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, KzadoolRa, Tru'Nembra
Rlim Shaikorth, Gol-Goroth, Azhorra-Tha, Eihort, Kthanid, Hypnos, Vorvadoss, Bastet, Mh'ithrha, K'thun, Ghroth, Thasaidon, Red Flux, Dagon, Cthalpa, Aphoom-Zhah,
Quachil~Uttaus, Gla'aki, Abhoth, Cyäegha, Arwassa, Apocol~lothoth, Mormo, Noth-Yidik, Lythal~lia, Aza~thoth, Nyarl---
[i explode live on stage for cheating several lines and invoking too many gods]
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