#about alastar!
Im pretty sure Alastar's soul is owned by Lilith or Eve.
Cause if Adam is in heaven and just having sex with whoever, I really think Eve isn't in the picture.
We would have seen her with him.
I do think he cast all blame of the original sin on her and she's in Hell.
Adam clearly lied or cheated his way to heaven. As in, no one seriously seems to know why he's here. Especially not Sera. Maybe not even Adam, but it's likely he knows and is hiding it.
So she could be using Alastar to fund this hotel to stick it to Adam to get him down here and torture her.
Or, the far more compelling angle I think they're going for....
I think it's Lilith.
I also think Lilith made Charlie keep her distance from her father because she blames him entirely for the fall of man.
Given what we know about the "story of hell" as it is provided to us in episode one.
Not to mention, a certain famous singer in Hell also went missing for seven years.
Alastar has also went missing for seven years.
I do think perhaps Alastar bit off more than he could chew and tried to take Lillith's soul. She is said to have a beautiful voice, and he's in the business of collecting voices. (Makes me wonder why he kept Husk Alive. Husk must of either really begged or he likes cats.)
But she was too strong for him and wrapped the chain around his neck.
The reason I'm inclined to believe Lilith owns Alastar over Eve,
Is like, Alastar HATED Lucifer on sight. Shakes the man's cane, discreetly wipes it on his jacket like it was dirty, and called him short to his face. This was even before Lucifer even got a word in about insulting the hotel.
It could be that he's Charlie's Dad, but if you remember the first episode, Alastar is the first one to mention Charlie's "Daddy issues" and broadcasted it on their first commerical.
Maybe he heard this from Charlie...but going after Luci's pride specifically (as he is the sin of pride) as her father, and constantly jabbing him with things to get under his skin.
Like Alastar knows he wouldn't win the fight for Charlie's affection. Like that is her biological dad and if they make up that's not much he can do on that.
His goal was clearly to annoy him.
So I think Lilith sent Alastar to the Hotel to protect and help Charlie.
And does that mean getting super protective and defensive toward a guy you've only heard negative things about from his ex-wife?
Also yes.
Like we all originally thought Alastar funded this Hotel as a pet project because he wanted to cozy to Lucifer's daughter and gain power by being a social climber.
THAT IS CLEARLY not the case anymore.
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
Peregrine Seas by R.C. Ballad
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Prince Peregrine couldn’t be happier to be kidnapped by pirates.
Peregrine wasn’t cut out for the restrictive life of a nobleman – he's hungry for adventure, prone to duelling, and his family refuse to believe he's any kind of man at all. Despite his royal origins, he has more in common with the outcasts and rebels aboard the Cygnus that anyone onshore.
He just needs to convince the captain of that before his ransom's paid.
Captain Alastar Macdara knows better than to trust an English prince. He has his hands full keeping his ragged crew together, and the last thing he needs is to be burdened with some foppish dandy—however charming. This particular hostage is more trouble than Alastar planned for: used to getting his own way, as stubborn as Alastar and not afraid to tell him when he’s wrong. But Alastar knows a thing or two about being an outcast, and his honourable streak refuses to let him send Peregrine back to a life of misery.
The ransom might be off, but that doesn’t mean Peregrine is part of the crew. Now he must prove he’s courageous and quick-witted enough to earn his place on the Cygnus before Alastar dumps him at the next safe harbour.
It won't be easy for Peregrine to prove himself amidst the many dangers of life at sea: navy patrols, sea serpents—and the grim, handsome Alastar. The more time they spend together the more he fears he’s falling for his captain, and honourable or not … a pirate is a pirate.
Can they chart a course to being together, or will Alastar’s secrets and Peregrine’s reckless drive to prove himself steer the Cygnus into perilous waters?
Peregrine Seas is a swashbuckling m/m romance between a merman pirate and a runaway prince, full of queer joy and perfect for fans of Our Flag Means Death.
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otomelavenderhaze · 8 months
My Hazbin Hotel Theory 💀
So, tell me I am not the only one who finds it convenient and SHADY that Lillith won't return Charlie's calls for 7 years, and Alastor, prior, had disappeared for the same time, 7 years, until he saw Charlie on THE PICTURE SHOW and now he, an overlord, will just hang out with her and help just for personal fun.
Somehow the more he says it's for fun the less I believe in my son.
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The way he shows interest in Charlie and her family, ALMOST ALMOST tells me that he's actually working with Lillith. Their goal? Simply, keep hell and stop the angels.
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Do you think this asshole wants hell to end???? Look at his face, he strives in hell so much, it's like he loves the place OR THE POWER he has there. As a power-hungry sociopath, I totally believe that he would work with Lillith.
Not to mention, when Zestiel asked him, he deflected about what he was doing during those 7 years away, WHY A GUY LIKE RADIO DEMON WOULD WANT TO HIDE ANYTHING?
I saw theories of people saying that he will betray hell, brother, hell is his backyard, my guy is basically, running the show and I bet that's what he really wants getting close to Lillith and Charlie: run the place, but without the help of angels (because all that those angels want is to destroy and spoil his fun).
Also, the timing, to be at Charlie's side when she most needed someone? His interest in going to the overlords meeting after 7 years away? The death of an angel, after what, centuries, like it NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE? My guy is digging because someone tipped him to start digging, and the only person with enough power to have that kind of information is either Lillith or Lucifer (but I don't think Lu will get off his ass anytime soon, Lillith seems to be the one pulling the strings).
I can't wait to see Alastor interacting with them, if I am wrong, okay, I am wrong, it wouldn't be any surprise, HOWEVER, that's the fun of theories.
Not to mention: he's hiding something. He's too sussy to not. That sussy baka!
Edit: Maybe what Alastar really want is just destroy all the devil tvs in hell and become a true media king, I wouldn't be surprise if this is all for his own self-serving interest in the end, cuz he was beat by the tv demon - THEN Alastor disappeared, it wouldn't surprise me if he just wants revenge.
Saving hell maybe just a consequence of keeping it in place so he can make his revenge against the tv demon happen.
Edit, of the edit: with episode 5 we came to know that Alastor have actually done a deal, but I don't think it was with any overlord, Veggie on the Pilot says that Alastor is the first who came to hell with such raw power and nobody knows exactly what he is or what enable him to rival the power old overlords......... Lilith has the power of creation apparently by what Charlie said in the first episode, doing a deal with Alastor for his soul.... wouldn't she be able to give him the power he needed to make a name for himself?
What if it's Lilith who's making Alastor help Charlie? Or even better, what if Alastor thinks that Charlie is his ticket to freedom? If he helps with the hotel, create a bond with her, Charlie can intercede for him, maybe even get his soul back.
If that's the case... that makes me kinda sad, I was expecting that his reasons to help with the hotel wouldn't be so self serving, but I guess that's the Radio Demon for you.
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blairstales · 4 days
Am Fear Liath Mor: The Big Grey Man of Ben Macdui | Scottish Folklore
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The second highest peak in the British Isles rises up out of the Cairngorms in Scotland, and holds the name of Ben Macdui(or Beinn MacDuibh). Visiting it’s summit is a notoriously dangerous feat; with the sudden changes in weather taking the lives of many hikers throughout history.
There is also a ghostly fairy that has made this peak famous: Am Fear Liath Mòr.
Also known as Big Grey Man, or Ferlas Mor, this resident of Ben Macdui is most frequently reported by people feeling an eerie presence; such as by an icy sensation in the air or a chilling brush against the skin.
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[“Ben Macdui and Derry Cairngorm from flanks of Beinn Mheadhoin” by Peter Hudson ]
Those who have sighted Am Fear Liath Mòr often describe him as a giant that stands over ten feet tall, with long arms and broad shoulders.
One of the most famous accounts comes from Professor J. Norman Collie. In 1891, Collie was navigating through thick mist, when he heard the telltale crunching sounds of steps following behind him…but each of those steps spanned a greater distance than his own by three or four times. Much to his growing dread, this continued until he decided to flee.
Collie’s encounter is not unique. Many climbers have reported similar experiences, including one by Dr. Kellas in 1926. He recounted seeing a figure about the same height as the summit cairn. When he asked a local living nearby about it, the old man replied without any surprise, “Oh, aye. That would have been the ferlas mohr he would have been seeing.”
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[“Trig Point on summit of Ben MacDhui” by Eric Sim]
In 1943, climber Alexander Tewnion, encountered a shape emerging from the mist. Believing it to be the Big Grey Man, Tewnion fired three shots at the figure in a panic. The mysterious entity, however, remained unperturbed, prompting him to hastily retreat down the mountain.
"A strange shape loomed up, receded, came charging at me! Without hesitation I whipped out the revolver and fired three times at the figure. When it still came on I turned and hared down the path, reaching Glen Derry in a time that I have never bettered. You may ask was it really the Fear Laith Mhor? Frankly, I think it was." Evening Star, Issue 19159, 28 January 1926, Page 2: HAUNTED MOUNTAIN, A TEN-FOOT GHOST, BEN MACDHUI’S “GREY MAN.” (Quoting Alexander Tewnion from the June 1958 issue of The Scots)
One attempted explanation involves an optical illusion called Brocken Spectre. A Brocken Spectre is an optical phenomenon where an observer’s magnified shadow appears surrounded by a halo-like ring of light on a cloud or mist, typically seen from mountain peaks.
Whether one interprets the experiences of those who have encountered him as supernatural or as mere optical and auditory illusions, the stories continue.
There is one final quote from Always a Little Further by Alastar Borthwick (1939) that I want to share. In it, a man was out with a search-party, and decided to ask the local gameskeepers and stalkers what they thought of “Ferlas Mor.”
They looked at him for a few seconds before one finally stated, “We do not talk about that.”
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Further Reading:
Newspaper Articles:
MOUNTAIN GHOST IN GRAMPIAN PASS: Star (Christchurch), Issue 17752, 23 January 1926, Page 8
HAUNTED MOUNTAIN, A TEN-FOOT GHOST, BEN MACDHUI’S “GREY MAN.” Evening Star, Issue 19159, 28 January 1926, Page 2
Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore  by Bane, Theresa (2016)
Scottish folklore by Lamont-Brown, Raymond, (1939)
Always a Little Further by Alastar Borthwick (1939)
A–Z of ghosts and supernatural by Knight, Jan (1980)
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Historic Audio Recordings
(link) Track ID: 33273 | Date: 1973 | Title: The Grey Man of Ben Macdui | Language: English
(link) Track ID: 33273 | Date: 1973 | Title: Prògram Choinnich | Language: Gaelic
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
one thing i didnt like about the teaser was how vaggie complained about charlie's singing just to be a character with a negative attitude.
in the pilot vaggie said dont sing because she knew it wouldnt be well received by hell from her gf who is just trying to bring positive attention to their hotel project.
and then later vaggie didnt like alastar's song because he kept undermining her (vaggie) throughout the song so he could step between vaggie's distrust of him and charlie while distracting and convincing charlie.
in the teaser vaggie just seems so unsupportive of charlie for no reason. yeah she is trying to keep charlie's hopes low for the meeting to protect her from potential disappointment, but why does that mean shes against charlie expressing herself through song. there was no reason she had to be anti song unless viv is just reducing her character to the mean one.
maybe im reading too much into it but im just afraid of how vaggie might be characterized differently from the supportive one touching up charlie before going on camera and protecting charlie from the rest of hell later in the pilot. now she might just become the sexist nag-y negative nancy trope
Never even noticed it that way, but you're right. Vaggie never expressed disapproval over Charlie's singing before, and in fact, she smiles when she correctly susses out that Charlie wants to jazz her presentation up with some singing. It's only the possibility of Charlie doing it on air and ruining the entire hotel plan that Vaggie tries to shut down.
Why the hell would she be dating Charlie if she was annoyed by singing in and of itself? Why is every glimpse we get of this series trashing something endearing from the pilot?
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alastarsadventures · 5 months
First Bite
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Thank you @kasumitanart for the amazing commission. I love it so very much. Please go and check out their awesome art! I can't express how fantastic they work with emotional moments and just in general!
After hearing that Asher had no good experiences with biting or getting bitten yet, Alastar couldn't help but offer him his blood, hoping that might make him feel at least a little bit better about this topic. They eventually realized that they were evoking feelings in each other that neither of them had ever felt before.
An excerpt from the accompanying story, which I want to publish in its entirety in the future, can be found here.Their story is one of finding love, defying prejudices, healing and growing past their individual traumas together.
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beastabyss666 · 2 years
i wonder why viv is bad at character design like that
didn’t she major in animation?? didn’t she learn any sort of basics that you can still look up online?
she has potential but she ends up sticking with the same familiar designs and ends up with characters all looking the same
literally characters like lucifer and alastar and stolas all scream “TUMBLR SEXYMAN” in bright neon lights…nothing wrong with wanting to have sexy characters but giving characters similar designs is just lazy imo
That's a good point, anon. I think Viv's main problem is that she can't get out of her "comfort zone"(which is pretty bad for an artist). It's when you don't want to draw something more varied. The thing is, Vivzie likes slim characters, so she draws everyone with slim figure. She likes long eyelashes, chokers, suits, bow ties, so many her characters have these details. Also, I remember Vivzie say that she finds muscular bodies disgusting (it was on some stream). Well....Yeah. She doesn't have much practice with drawing diverse body types or diverse faces, simply because she doesn't want to. This problem is clearly seen in her comic "Zoophobia"(I will talk about this comic later btw). Just look at this picture:
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These werewolves have the same face, body type, hair, even the same shorts, lol. I think, to improve yourself as an artist, you just need to force yourself to draw more diverse things and shapes, otherwise your work will look dry and shallow, and your audience will get bored sooner or later.
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Witch Tools | Herbs Used In Wicca
Like Herbal tea/Baths or would then later become smudge sticks. List Of Herbs: Sage. Rosemary. Ginger. Garlic. Chilli Nutmeg. Cloves. Bok Choy. Cinnamon. Capers  Pepper. Dill Banishing. Bay Leaf. Thyme Dill. Allspice. Vanilla. Cardamon. Chives Mint. Rocket arugula. Sage. Bay Leaf. Basil Chamomile. Vervain. Lemon Balm. Mugwort Wolfsbane. Rowan.
*Authors Note: Take this post with a grain of salt/most sources came from pinterest/internet. And nothing goes into detail about flowers/Herbs and the difference between the two.
Herbs Used In Wicca
Four Corner Home Blessing. Four clear Glass Vessels, For North, south, east and west.  Lavender: For peace.  Sage: For good vibes.  White Rice: For Abundance.
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How to dry Herbs:
Air-drying works best for low-moisture herbs like marjoram, oregano, rosemary and dill. Trim fresh herbs at an angle to protect the rest of the plant. Gather 5-10 branches together and tie with string or a rubber band. The smaller the bundle, the easier and faster they will dry.
Put the bundle of herbs, stem side up. Hang over a week ideally in a cool dark place.
Herbs are best stored in airtight glass containers, they’re uses range from cooking, tea, tincture, even decoration.
What herbs can you think of to use in your craft?
Tea Magick
[Reminder that Alastar Crowley added a K to Magic to differentiate between the craft or magician parlour tricks]
Green: Energy immunity cleanse. Peppermint: Decongest, clarity, tummy ache.
Chamomile: Anxiety, stress, sleep. Hibiscus: Blood pressure. Love, Harmony.
Black: Strength. Repel negative energy. Ginger: Nausea. Menstrual pain, tummy ache.
White: Cleansing, protection, antioxidant.   Cinnamon: Cold relief, anti inflammatory, metabolism
Matcha: Mental clarity, tasty af detox. Chai: Calming, energy, digestion.
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-> Flowers Page
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the-radio-demon-blog · 2 months
Alastor, you want to know what annoys me most?
People misspelling your name.
I mean, they go Alastair, Alaster, Alistair, and loads of others and it takes all my self control not to yell at them. But some people call you AlaSTAR because you are a star. I’m fine with that one.
How do you feel about people misspelling your name when it’s probably one of the easiest names to write?
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Sure! I would love to know!
Well, I do not mind that. If anything it means that folks are listening to my radio show! I'm sure they are simply hearing my name and they are spelling it as they think it is spelt which of course is wrong but it s a fair try.
AlaSTAR? I quite like that. I am just a rising star in Hell, aren't I? Hah!
I don't truly mind as I stated above. I am used to folks misspelling my name all my life even when I was alive. As long as they know I'm the fearsome Radio Demon then it truly does not matter.
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I know the debate is up in the air what Alastar's motives are if he doesn't care for or want to schmooze up to Lucifer at this point.
I know the "Lilith owns him" theory pretty much took off after I talked about it. Which is probably the case. I love it when shows use foreshadowing like this.
But disregarding that for a moment.
There's also something else saying that Alastar was a master manipulator playing the long con. Intentionally pissing Lucifer off so that he would help Charlie with her goals.
Which, I would be inclined to agree with.....
If Alastar himself wasn't pissed off and disgusted himself by Lucifer on sight.
Gets the first fuck bomb out of his lips, squints at him the moment he's in his vision. He even gets so angry his ears tilt backward, something we haven't seen of him even when he's going "spooky radio demon" angry.
I think there's a bit more to it then that. I don't think he was thinking of the end goal in this instance.
I think he just wanted Lucifer out of his hotel.
And while it could be that he was fed bad propaganda about Lucifer from Lilith, who might blame him for humanity's downfall.
It's easy to see the instant dislike of him.
Alastar had to work for his position in Hell. That's his entire point. Alastar wants to make a name for himself. He gets extremely upset when people don't know who he is or heard of him. Alastar is the pure epitome of what we EXPECT the Devil to be like.
A demon who broadcasts screams throughout hell for all eternity sounds exactly like something you would read in the Bible.
Meanwhile, Lucifer in Hazbin is nothing like that. He's literally a fallen angel with good intentions and fumbling.
I'm sure to someone like Alastar, someone who had to do horrific things for his overlord status, wanting to make a name for himself on noterity and power, and seeing Lucifer, a good guy, who was born (more or less) into the ruler of all of hell.
It's insulting.
It's demeaning.
The fact that Luci says he can wave a magic wand and make everything better, when Alastar said he put a lot of work into this place....
I don't think that's an exaggeration. Or a lie.
Like it or not.
We all know Alastar is a manipulator.
I think the fact of the mater is that he DID get attached. As the hotel is something he built his brand and radio tower into. We know Alastar takes great pride in things he invests his time into.
Not in the way that he is proposing to Lucifer to piss him off as "I'm basically her dad now"
But I do think he is attached to the hotel more then he wants to admit.
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the-umiran-amulet · 4 months
Cary, Alastar, any plans to tell your folks about what’s going on?
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Absolutely, as soon as we get back from Gotham. We couldn't keep it from them even if we wanted to. Seeing as we only just got into Pirate's Cove though, it's going to be a couple months before we'll see them again.
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alliesdelimma · 8 months
What’s the toughest decision that you’ve had to make this week? How did you make it?
The Little Sparrow balanced, hands pressed flat against carved stone as sweat trickled down her face. Crystalline blue eyes tracked the little droplet as it crept down the top of her nose, swelled, then took flight to impact against the grey stone below her. A handstand atop a wall of Stormwind was perhaps not the best place for such things. A scant few inches from her fingertips stone gave way to air for a dozen or more feet before cobblestone wound break her should she fall.
Her concentration as she shifted her weight then slowly the grey stone grew within her vision as elbows bent and shoulders and biceps burned with the effort. That burning was nothing compared to the trembling burn that followed as she pushed herself back up into the air. Here she carefully bent at the waist until booted feet could find her weight and soon enough she was standing upright again.
Then the questions came and with a weary sigh the short woman settled down, feet kicking into air as they dangled below the wall and she looked out over the city. How to answer that? There was much she had considered this week and started the process towards.
Did she say her investigation into changing her name? Did she talk about looking for a healer to rid herself of the scars that plagued her legs and to make the nerves of her fingertips stop tingling? No, there was something else harder than all of that.
A wistful and melancholy smile tugged at her lips, “I climbed a mountain, and left flowers at a doorstep.” Leaning back on her hands she laughed, mostly at herself. “Silly for that to be difficult, right? Lily of the Vally, roses, some kind of bright blue things…the florist said it was the perfect bouquet for an apology. Wrapped up in a nice reddish bow and I even included some freshly baked biscuits for a dog to go along with it.” Allie tugged at a lock of her own dark red hair for emphasis.
“But it’s a step. I’ve walked the path up to his house half a dozen times only to chicken out and flee. I’ve watched every face that passes beside me and below me when I’m on a roof…” Trailing off she leaned forward to do that very thing. “I thought about writing a letter, I think I’ve ruined a dozen by now trying to write an apology, an explanation…something.”
Her smile became wry and tugged itself into something brighter. “Maybe I’m too much like my namesake. Not the girl I was nicknamed for but for a bird itself. Easily wanting to take flight when startled….”
There was a long pause as she watched the people moving about their business below. With a shake of her whole body a grin tugged at her lips. “I was too scared to leave a note still, and it’s presumptuous he’d even realize it was me. I can imagine how confused he’d be when he finds them.” Giggles burst forth as she laughed at it.
“It’s been a long time coming. It’s time for me to stop being a scared little chicken and to fly with the bravery of a Sparrow. Little as they are they live and breathe and dance upon the winds! So even if it might seem small, it was a choice made right?” Hopping up, Allie dusted her rear off with her smile still dancing about her lips.
“Enough about that though, I’m hungry and the biscuits smelled amazing even if they were meant for a dog. Time to get some biscuits for me, care to join me stranger?”
(( Thank you for the ask!
@alastar-wyatt for mentions!))
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Hartley's S/I List
I have so many S/Is because I get too confused using the same one over and over again and having to change the lore each time. Also, I just love thinking about character names.
Alastar O'Reilly (MCU) Billy Snart (Flash) Bryn Bowen (Dead Boy Detectives) Cai (Lucifer) Cedar Allaway (Repo: the Genetic Opera) Charlie Aldana (Obliterated) Ciar Callaghan (Supernatural) Claude James (Scott Pilgrim) Cody Doyle (The Magicians) Conor Kennedy (Resident Evil) Devyn McKendrick (Supergirl) Drai Harria (Sandman) Eden Ryder (Arrow) Gael (Les Miserables) Hadley Parson (Check, Please) Harlow Woods (Preacher) Hemming Wolff (Blue Exorcist) Izar McDevitt (In the Heights) Jase Thorn (AEW) Killian O'Neil (Umbrella Academy) King Eirian (Galaxy Express) Kurt Coghlan (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) Layne Miller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Lex Phaelyn (Hunger Games) Luca Fletcher (Dollhouse) Lucian de Rolo (Vox Machina) Lyall Kirby (WWE) Morgan Urbina (Marvel Comics) Niko Perry (DC Comics) Nolan Payne (Icebreaker) Olly Malone (Z-Nation) Prince Trystan (Disney) Quincy the Red (Our Flag Means Death) River Cassidy (Marvel Comics) Rowan Maximoff (Marvel Comics) Sage Archer (AEW) Salem Saxon (Doctor Who) Sawyer Mahoney (DC Comics) Siobhan Maddox (WWE) Tiernan Quinn (Brain Dead) Tierney Constantine (DC Comics) Toby Donne (Beetlejuice) Will Francis (WWE) Wyatt Rothschild (Jack of All Trades) Wynne Hardie (DC Comics) Zorion Roux (X-Men)
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slasher-jax · 19 days
For all your OC
Who are you and Why you think you exist?
Sorry this took so long, I have over 30 ocs
Cole Jane Rhue
"Uh, I'm Cole Rhue, AKA C-4. I don't know why I exist, but I think it might be because my parents didn't know how to use protection."
Cindy Clare Collins
"Uhm- I'm Cindy, and I don't exist, I'm dead."
Genie Uzu Xyno
"Ooh! I'm Genie, but you can call me Gene, or Z. I exist to help people of course, being a herb witch and all."
Vincent Zeno Clark
"Uh- I'm Vincent Clark. I don't know why I exist, probably because my mom's a whore."
Jordy Clark Stevens
"Uhm- Hi, I-I'm Jordy, and I exist solely for Zara."
Zara Trudy Freeman
"Get- GET AWAY FROM ME-" *several minutes later* "I'm Zara, please save me- AGHH-" *fifteen minutes later* "I'm Zara and I exist for Jordy."
"I'm Jaxon, please call me Jax. And I exist to write and draw!"
Jared Ford Thompson
"Fuck off." *one ass beat later* "I'm Jared and I exist to fuck your mom."
Bones the Skeleton Clown
"I'm Bones, and I exist to make you laugh!"
Winifred Iris Afton
"I'm Winnie, and I exist because my sister needed someone to be better than."
Rosabelle Krista Stuarts
"Oh- HI!! I'm Rosabelle, and I exist because Jax tends to get baby fever despite only being 15 I'm adorable!"
Test Subject 1593
"*cries* I don't have a name."
Gina Clark Lewis
"I'm Gina, I exist for population control."
Francine James Graham
"Just a question, you do realize that I'm about to kill you, yeah?"
Vesper Hugo Daniels
"I'm Vesper, and I exist to fight for this country."
Vivian Hill Daniels
"What kinda quesion is that? I'm Vivian, and I exist because Vesper chose not to eat me in the womb."
Caecilius Alastar Mori
"I'm Caecilius, I know it's a mouthful, just call me Cae, and I exist to protect the royal family."
Bowie Daniel Remington
Celyn Hira Pekkanen
"Celyn, I exist to fuck with Christina."
Christina Babirye Nolan
"I'm Christina, I guess I exist to clean Celyn's messes for them."
Courtney Imani Paige
"Hi, Courtney -CARAMEL APPLE MOCHA FOR JOSH- and I exist to fill the gap that was made for people's coffee in the mornings."
Porphyrios Hadriana Hepburn
"Are-Are you joking right now? My name is Porphyrios, child of Hades and Persephone, the god of death. I exist to ensure Percy Jackson makes it to and from missions mostly unharmed, which is pretty funny considering I'm the god of death."
Chrissy Carolina Mollown
"Oh! Hi! I'm Chrissy. I'm exist to make everyone's day a little brighter!"
Valeria Nikhila Janda
"The fuck d'you want? Yah, yah, whatever. I'm Valeria Nikhila Janda, I exist because my mom decided to fuck Satan."
Caroline Zitkala Merkel
"Oh! Hi! Hehe. I'm Caroline, and I exist because Jax decided he didn't have enough assassin ocs, hehe."
Isabelle Erna Nicholson
"Hmm? You can call me Ms.Nicholson, I exist because Jax was going through a I wanna be a teacher phase."
Florian Herminia Cano
"Huh? O-oh, I'm F-Florian. I-I don't know why I exist."
Jace Verian Taylor
"... *stabs you*"
Tags: @zeroisreallygood @puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @im-a-simp898 @th3-r4t-48 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Alastar rant: I've known Vivziepop since I was 11, I'm 23 now, and let me tell you. He is proof she hasn't changed as a person only opting to double down, especially in the area racism and culture appropriation is concerned.
Heads up this is addressing the fact he's supposed to be a wendigo, but also addresses the fact he is more like a Skinwalker. I'm not censoring either of these words so this post doesn't bypass people's attempts at filtering these words out of their Tumblr feed, as someone who has had filtered content go left untagged properly and bypass my own filters.
With out any further notice:
So like Al is a weird odd ball case, he's mixed, specifically Creole which according to Google is a potential mix of French, Black and Native American, but doesn't generally specify, it seems to be a catch-all term for anyone vaguely meeting those standards and was from in Louisiana during the french and Spanish periods. It's a grey area that isn't exclusive to those ethnicities but Google suggests it commonly refers to those groups, especially slaves. Former and then current slaves. It doesn't mean you're black automatically, or native but one of the two and most definitely if not highly likely mixed or racially ambitious. I'm not here to speculate on what specifically Al is just on other things about him.
I will say I don't remember this detail from back in the day and that it's 100% a much newer addition to his track record of notes and stuff to who he is as a person, character, concept, etc. And that the jokes about him being Vivziepop's edgy black and red middle school deviant oc aren't actually jokes but facts. And given overall the only major changes he went through is he's now Creole and he's got less black in his overall colour palette.
Him having "voodoo" powers but poorly depicted ones isn't the only culture appropriation he's got under his belt. Before his powers were seemingly defined as being specifically lovecraft's version of what voodoo is, (and I say that because in the pilot he summons a lovecraftian tentacle monster from a mortal to take down Sir Pentis) his man thing was he was more a shapeshifting deer cryptid, and was described as by Viv herself, wendigo inspired.
Now, coupled with the fact his powers are lovecraftian inspired, there is something to note here. The wendigo has a history, a very modern history of having its pop media depiction getting changed drastically, from a frosty ghoul that grows in height with each meal consumed never being able to fill it's stomach as punishment for its acts of cannibalism during it's previous life as a human. To a deer skull headed humanoid that can sometimes shapeshift and mimic human voices, maybe other acts of paranormal but unspecified magic.
This depiction doesn't originate from Lovecraft himself, but rather some righting their own spin off lovecraftian horror and admitted (allegedly) to make the changes they did because they wanted a scarier monster for their story, instead of just making up a monster or reaching for a monster he thought was infact scarier. I don't remember the author and it's not that important to this only vaguely coherent ramble rant. The only other important thing to note about this earliest reported shift of depiction is that it pulls heavily from the skinwalker, an often agreed if depicted correct scarier monster because of how it preys on a lot of primal human fears.
Skinwalkers (or Skinnies) have some things in common with Wendis, (wendigos) such as a thin, dirty, corpse like figure, in their "normal" form, but also a tendency to cannibalism, but its not a necessary for skinnies, as they'll prey on just about anything. Both are also formerly human.
But that's it. Unlike a Wendi, skinnies can shapeshift, they aren't limited to much, but seemingly take forms of prey previous or soon to be prey, coyotes, dogs, DEER and humans are this the most common, while larger prey like moose, bear and horses are uncommon or outright rare, but I've heard a story or two personally. They only take on what they can reasonably take down it would seem. Additionally the only other limit I hear of is no raven or crows.
Also while not a limit, this seems to be commonly reported: lack of tails in animal form, forms in various states of decay and injury, human like eyes in animal form, animal like eyes in human form, and also have a "jointless, noodle limbed gait" like walk. They also seem most comfortable in humanoid form as this walk isn't reported as often in human form and it's very common for people claiming to have seen them and report upright walking animals. Given they themselves are former humans this does make sense.
In their human lives they were- and this is where the fact Al knows "voodoo magic" comes into relevancy, usually former native American medicine men. But they basically appropriated it, twisting it to benefit them, and generic using it in destructive, disrespectful ways while dabbling in other taboo things often murder and cannibalism. This is actually where their ability to shapeshift comes from, them basically trading away their morality and humanity for power.
So like him being Creole in this list makes sense, especially given their are similar creatures to the skinwalkers in other cultures, shapeshifters who are sometimes former medicine men who use animal pelts, furs, bones as well as what they've learned from their former lives as healers to gain power and shapeshifting capabilities, there's also an African counterpart! I forgot what little I know about beyond ..it exists.
So given what I know about slaves during the time period Alastar is from, that many did bring over their cultures from their relative regions including ones that have magic and spiritual rites and rituals, voodoo included, like i can see Alastar as Skinwalker who was a former Creole man who abused and appropriated his own ethnic cultures to gain power over those who hurt him and those around him he cared about and just loosing himself drunk off power, but that's not what Viv intended. It's not what he was originally, nor does making him creole years later fix what has been done.
Like she called him wendigo inspired despite basing himself off the skinwalker inspired pop media depiction of wendigo. And while she's free to change her OC's race which that's all he is. He is HER oc, people deciding one day that they want to rewrite major aspects of their character including what race they are are free to do so but it's very clear to me as someone who's been following her work for a decade or so now that he was never meant to be representation, let alone a character that could be used in a way to depict a story about a poc who wanted to hurt his abusers and oppressors only to loose himself in the process because of the methods he choose thus telling a tale of humanity and what being at someone's lowest breaking point can do to a person. Or if he did it to protect a loved one, etc. etc. etc. like theirs room for nuance.
Just one small problem with trying to come up with these nuances to not justify, but come to the conclusion as how he got this way.
It's blatantly obvious this is not what she intended to do with him to begin with and it's clear that's not a route she'll ever take with him and honestly given her lack of ability to decently write morally grey characters or generally morally fucked character you can see yourself rooting for she would not have the skill let alone talent to write that nuance. She's literally just culturally appropriating multiple cultures, native and African because of the aesthetic without thinking of nuances you'd need to bring to the table in using these details on a character who's supposed to be villainous and heinous.
It just doesn't work. Like it could but Vivziepop isn't the kinda of artist who can make it work and coupled with WHY he is what he is on a meta level it's just not gonna work. It's just culture appropriation.
Thanks for listening to my ramble rant that's only middle coherent to why I don't think he's entirely irredeemable as a character concept on paper, but the fact his Creator seems to think a wendigo and Skinwalker are interchangeable names for the same creature is proof he's always been cultural appropriation even before he was rewritten to creole and thus so long as shes in charge of him that character concept redemption will never come.
No admittedly edgy but nuanced exploration of humanity and basically hitting the viewers head with a baseball bat with messages like power corrupts and skinwalkers bad, don't be a Skinwalker. We don't get that and never will even if it would be far far more interesting story to tell in the right hands.
Because Viv culturally appropriates without research and can't write for shit.
In short? Vivzie's got about 38 seconds of research in her for any given topic, which is especially disastrous when it comes to real life cultures.
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saltyy-cs · 24 days
wolfie/alastars is definitely under 13, i wouldn't mind if they were just a bit annoying or childish ('cause tbh who cares) but their level of immaturity has actually made a lot of people really uncomfortable. not to mention they're obsessed with a show that is 100% way too raunchy for them. not to mention, they've broken so many rules and are just generally demanding and disruptive, but the mods don't give a shit.
we experienced this in the goatlings server (where they're from originaly) and people had the same complaints about them there and on the goatlings vent blog, too. (i am no longer in goatlings so i can't comment if they are still there or not, but i believe they left for chickensmoothie)
i get that these are kids' websites but discord is strictly 13+, and it's shitty that the mods just don't do ANYTHING about them. nobody has the balls to try to spell out to them what they're doing wrong
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