#about some random anon
dovewingkinnie · 2 months
u know what its so lonely making ocs . and not being part of a fandom too bc nothing interests you but your own ocs . like who do u talk to about them- like someone who is just as invested as you are . WHO DO U TALK TO THERE IS NOBODY im tired of people complaining that their fandom has 5 people... AT LEAST U HAVE THOSE 5 PEOPLE!!! ur gonna have to get lucky somehow and create a fandom urself for your ocs!! cause if u dont then You Are The Fandom!! you are the one carrying it!!!!! yea sure theres no drama or discourse But its lonely as fuck bro!!
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anghraine · 2 months
Hi! Can you explain what really the power of foresight was with Faramir? I read the books earlier this year and I don't really quite understand it. He could predict the future? Like he would see it in his dreams? But how did he found out from Gollum that he was taking frodo and sam to cirith ungol and that he had committed murder before?
No problem, it's one of my favorite topics!
The concise explanation: I think Faramir's foresight/aftersight in terms of visions is a largely separate "power" from his ability to bring his strength of mind and will to bear on other people and animals, and to resist outside influence. The visions seem more a matter of broad sensitivity, something Faramir doesn't appear to have much if any control over. The second power is (in our terms) essentially a form of direct telepathy, limited in some ways but still very powerful, and I think this second ability is what Faramir is using with Gollum.
The really long version:
In my opinion, Faramir (or Denethor, Aragorn, etc) doesn't necessarily read thoughts like a book, particularly not with a mind as resistant as Gollum's. Faramir describes Gollum's mind in particular as dark and closed, it seems unusually so—
"There are locked doors and closed windows in your mind, and dark rooms behind them," said Faramir.
Still, Gollum is unable to entirely block Faramir's abilities. In LOTR, it does not seem that Gollum can fully block powerful mental abilities such as Faramir's, though his toughness and hostility does limit what Faramir can see. (Unfinished Tales, incidentally, suggests iirc that Denethor's combination of "great mental powers" and his right to use the Anor-stone allowed him to telepathically get the better of Saruman through their palantíri, a similar but greater feat.) I imagine that this is roughly similar to, but scaled down from, Galadriel's telepathic inquiries of even someone as reluctant to have her in his mind as Boromir, given that Faramir is able to still see some things in Gollum's mind, if with more difficulty than usual.
(WRT Boromir ... ngl, if I was the human buffer between Denethor and Faramir, I would also not be thrilled about sudden telepathic intrusions from basically anyone, much less someone I had little reason to trust.)
Disclaimer: a few years after LOTR's publication, Tolkien tried to systematize how this vague mystical telepathy stuff really works. One idea he had among many, iirc, was that no unwilling person's mind could be "read" the ways that Gollum's is throughout LOTR. IMO that can't really be reconciled w/ numerous significant interactions in LOTR where resistance to mental intrusion or domination is clearly variable between individuals and affected by personal qualities like strength of will, basic resilience, the effort put into opposition, supernatural powers, etc. And these attempts at resistance are unsuccessful or only partially successful on many occasions in LOTR (the Mouth of Sauron, for one example, is a Númenórean sorcerer in the book who can't really contend with Aragorn on a telepathic level). So I, personally, tend to avoid using the terminology and rationales from that later systematized explanation when discussing LOTR. And in general, I think Tolkien's later attempts to convert the mystical, mysterious wonder of Middle-earth into something more "hard magic" or even scientific was a failed idea on a par with Teleporno. Others differ!
In any case, when Gollum "unwillingly" looks at Faramir while being questioned, the creepy light drains from his eyes and he shrinks back while Faramir concludes he's being honest on that specific occasion. Gollum experiences physical pain when he does try to lie to Faramir—
"It is called Cirith Ungol." Gollum hissed sharply and began muttering to himself. "Is not that its name?" said Faramir turning to him. "No!" said Gollum, and then he squealed, as if something had stabbed him.
I don't think this is a deliberate punishment from Faramir—that wouldn't be like him at all—and I don't think it's the Ring, but simply a natural consequence of what Faramir is. Later, Gandalf says of Faramir's father:
"He can perceive, if he bends his will thither, much of what is passing in the minds of men ... It is difficult to deceive him, and dangerous to try."
So, IMO, Faramir's quick realization that Gollum is a murderer doesn't come from any vision of the future or past involving Gollum—that is, it's not a deduction from some event he's seen. Faramir does not literally foresee Gollum's trick at Cirith Ungol. His warning would be more specific in that case, I think. What he sees seems to be less detailed but more direct and, well, mystical. Faramir likely doesn't know who exactly Gollum murdered or why or what any of the circumstances were. Rather, Gollum's murderousness and malice are visible conditions of his soul to Faramir's sight. Faramir doesn't foresee the particulars of Gollum's betrayal—but he can see in Gollum's mind that he is keeping something back. Faramir says of Gollum:
"I do not think you are holden to go to Cirith Ungol, of which he has told you less than he knows. That much I perceived clearly in his mind."
Meanwhile, in a letter written shortly before the publication of LOTR, Tolkien said of Faramir's ancestors:
They became thus in appearance, and even in powers of mind, hardly distinguishable from the Elves
So these abilities aren't that strange in that context. Faramir by chance (or "chance") is, like his father, almost purely an ancient Númenórean type despite living millennia after the destruction of Númenor (that destruction is the main reason "Númenóreanness" is fading throughout the age Faramir lives in). Even less ultra-Númenórean members of Denethor's family are still consistently inheriting characteristics from their distant ancestor Elros, Elrond's brother, while Faramir and Denethor independently strike Sam and Pippin as peculiarly akin to Gandalf, a literal Maia like their ancestress Melian:
“Ah well, sir,” said Sam, “you [Faramir] said my master had an elvish air; and that was good and true. But I can say this: you have an air too, sir, that reminds me of, of—well, Gandalf, of wizards.”
He [Denethor] turned his dark eyes on Gandalf, and now Pippin saw a likeness between the two, and he felt the strain between them, almost as if he saw a line of smouldering fire drawn from eye to eye, that might suddenly burst into flame.
Meanwhile, Faramir's mother's family is believed to be part Elvish, a belief immediately confirmed when Legolas meets Faramir's maternal uncle:
At length they came to the Prince Imrahil, and Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he saw that here indeed was one who had elven-blood in his veins. "Hail, lord!" he [Legolas] said. "It is long since the people of Nimrodel left the woodlands of Lórien, and yet still one may see that not all sailed from Amroth’s haven west over water."
In addition to that, Faramir's men believe he's under some specific personal blessing or charm as well as the Númenórean/Elvish/Maia throwback qualities. It's also mentioned by different groups of soldiers that Faramir can exercise some power of command over animals as well as people. Beregond describes Faramir getting his horse to run towards five Nazgûl in real time:
"They will make the Gate. No! the horses are running mad. Look! the men are thrown; they are running on foot. No, one is still up, but he rides back to the others. That will be the Captain [Faramir]: he can master both beasts and men."
Then, during the later retreat of Faramir's men across the Pelennor:
At last, less than a mile from the City, a more ordered mass of men came into view, marching not running, still holding together. The watchers held their breath. "Faramir must be there," they said. "He can govern man and beast."
Tolkien said of the ancient Númenóreans:
But nearly all women could ride horses, treating them honourably, and housing them more nobly than any other of their domestic animals. The stables of a great man were often as large and as fair to look upon as his own house. Both men and women rode horses for pleasure … and in ceremony of state both men and women of rank, even queens, would ride, on horseback amid their escorts or retinues … The Númenóreans trained their horses to hear and understand calls (by voice or whistling) from great distances; and also, where there was great love between men or women and their favorite steeds, they could (or so it is said in ancient tales) summon them at need by their thought alone. So it was also with their dogs.
Likely the same Númenórean abilities were used for evil by Queen Berúthiel against her cats. In an interview with Daphne Castell, Tolkien said:
She [Berúthiel] was one of these people who loathe cats, but cats will jump on them and follow them about—you know how sometimes they pursue people who hate them? I have a friend like that. I’m afraid she took to torturing them for amusement, but she kept some and used them—trained them to go on evil errands by night, to spy on her enemies or terrify them.
The more formal version of the Berúthiel lore recurs in Unfinished Tales:
She had nine black cats and one white, her slaves, with whom she conversed, or read their memories, setting them to discover all the dark secrets of Gondor, so that she knew those things "that men wish most to keep hidden," setting the white cat to spy upon the black, and tormenting them.
Faramir, by contrast, has a strong aversion to harming/killing animals for any reason other than genuine need, but apparently quite similar basic abilities. He typically uses these abilities to try to compassionately understand other people or gather necessary information, rather than for domination or provoking fear. Even so, Faramir does seem to use his mental powers pretty much all the time with no attempt to conceal what he's doing—he says some pretty outlandish things to Frodo and Sam as if they're very ordinary, but it doesn't seem that most people he knows can do all these things. This stuff is ordinary to him because it flows out of his fundamental being, not because it's common.
It's not clear how much fine control he has, interestingly. This is more headcanon perhaps, but I don't feel like it's completely under his control, even while it's much more controlled than things like Faramir's vision of Boromir's funeral boat, his frequent, repeated dreams of Númenor's destruction, the Ring riddle dream he received multiple times, or even his suspiciously specific "guess" of what passed between Galadriel and Boromir in Lothlórien. Yet his more everyday mental powers do seem to involve some measure of deliberate effort in a lot of the instances we see, given the differing degrees of difficulty and strain we see with the powers he and Denethor exhibit more frequently and consistently.
This is is also interesting wrt Éowyn, because Tolkien describes Faramir's perception of her as "clear sight" (which I suspect is just Tolkien's preferred parlance for "clairvoyance"). Faramir perceives a lot more of what's going on with Éowyn than I think he had materially observable evidence for—but does not see everything that's going on with her by any means. He seems to understand basically everything about her feelings for Aragorn, more than Éowyn herself does, but does not know if she loves him [Faramir].
I'm guessing that it's more difficult to "see" this way when it's directly personal (one of the tragedies of his and Denethor's relationship is that their shared mental powers do not enable either to realize how much they love each other). But it also doesn't seem like he's trying to overcome Éowyn's mental resistance the way he was with Gollum, and possibly Frodo and Sam—he does handle it a bit differently when it's not a matter of critical military urgency. With Éowyn, he sees what his abilities make clear to him, is interested enough to seek out Merry (and also perceive more than Merry says, because Faramir has never been a normal person one day in his life) but doesn't seem to really push either of them.
So I tend to imagine that with someone like Faramir, Denethor, Aragorn etc, we're usually seeing a relatively passive, natural form of low-grade telepathy that simply derives from their fundamental nature and personalities (as we see in Faramir with Éowyn, possibly Faramir with Aragorn). That can be kicked up to more powerful, forceful telepathy via active exertion of the will (as described by Gandalf wrt Denethor's ability to "bend[] his will thither" to see what passes in others' minds, and seen with Faramir vs Gollum, Aragorn vs the Mouth of Sauron, more subtly Faramir vs Denethor). At a high point of strain this can be done very aggressively or defensively (Denethor vs Gandalf, Denethor vs Saruman, Denethor vs Sauron seriously is there a Maia that man won't fight, Faramir vs the Black Breath given his completely unique symptoms that Aragorn attributes to his "staunch will", possibly Aragorn vs the Black Breath in a healing capacity...).
Anyway, I hope these massive walls of text are helpful or interesting! Thanks for the ask :)
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arttsuka · 4 months
Jed and Oct need a bigger tank- who put them in such a small tank???
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I like to think Larry was like "I'll go buy a big tank tomorrow for you to stay until we figure out how to turn you back" (because the shops wouldn't be open at night) and then he put them in two glasses of water. Jed had a panic attack (almost dying in a hourglass will leave some trauma behind) so Larry just went to his house, found an old fishbowl he had (for decorative reasons, filled with little rocks etc) and brought that back to the museum.
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hella1975 · 1 year
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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no but why are trans women talking about transmisogyny such an offensive thing to you. you literally arent a trans woman and you dont experience transmisogyny. you can’t argue against that? it’s a literal fact that trans women are demonized and targeted more in society? you’re doing exactly what these “baeddels” are complaining about, doesn’t that make them legitimate? you are straight up offended that other people experience worse oppression than you. why. why do you think that is justified.
Why are you so concerned with who has it worse? Why is trans men talking about their lived experiences, their struggles with the cis-hetero patriarchy, and their feelings classed as "speaking over trans women." This discussion isn't a pie. I am not coming onto blogs talking about transmisogyny and inserting myself into the conversation because it's rude. You would not in fact be having this conversation with me if you hadn't been trolling through the transandrophobia tag looking for something to get mad about.
And where on earth have I ever gotten mad about trans women talking about transmisogyny? Get a life.
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
Does En have some kind of anxiety disorder? How do you think?
I don't think so. I think he's just faint at heart. I already talked about why he's a product of his time, quick to always run when faced with danger. Rather than anxiety, it's just survival instincts with En
The post in question
He doesn't panic until his life itself is threatened. He let Midoriya run around and do his thing, and whenever he appears as a vestige to advise Midoriya, he's not anxious or anything. He's just telling Midoriya his own limits, which is pretty in-line with how En views himself: he always talks about his limitations as a weak Quirk.
It was just facing AFO and the threat of being stolen we see him lose his cool. AFO probably sparks some bad memories and trauma in En, considering he just turned to run and got sawed in half by the guy that killed his Banjo-senpai (who some vestiges openly admit has a great, really useful Quirk).
If AFO could get Banjo, he could definitely get En, who's weaker than Banjo in. Everything really. Mind, Quirk capability, physical strength, etc.
To reiterate something in the first paragraph: it's not anxiety, it's survival. En's behavior is more like a prey animal than a predator. Even Banjo, when pressed against a wall (they can be stolen), panics.
But other than that, the two are pretty composed and view their Abilities as tools in their arsenal. Banjo views his as good for capture and mobility (both moving around and wrapping himself up), and En uses it to obscure vision and thinks about the cover's use.
Notably, Shinomori didn't panic when he saw AFO's looming hand. The only ones to freak out that AFO could reach them were Banjo and En, two city boys from when society was still ruined and trying to collect itself. The only two active wielders AFO managed to get his hand on to steal OFA. The others aren't as panicked.
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buckera · 4 months
why do you ride so hard for these problematic men? first ryan and his racist anti vax ass and now lou with his ableist trump supporting? you know you can like the characters they play without riding for these grown men right? lou wasn’t hacked. why would he delete that specific instagram post if he was? why would he like his most recent like if he was hacked? why wouldn’t he say he was? you guys just like making up excuses (even ones that make no sense) to give your favs a pass and it’s weird. just admit they are human and fallible and maybe not the best people and that’s okay. you don’t need to stan these men to enjoy their characters.
okay. i'm gonna try to be patient and assume that you're here in good faith, even though I know for a fact, that you're not.
I will also ignore the Ryan thing because what do you mean "first"? I haven't even been in the fandom when that whole thing went down, but I believe in calling out bad behaviour to help people learn to do better, otherwise what's the fucking point? moving on.
so first of all, do not tell me what I should say but especially do not tell me what I should say, when I already said it word for word here:
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second of all, I do not ride hard for Lou, in fact I do not ride hard for any of them. what I care about is actors (and the crew and the showrunners cough cough) not being harassed and treated like crap for doing their jobs, which, let's be real fucking honest here, the fandom has a history with, especially when it comes to love interests — as Oliver himself has pointed it out.
do I know what happened? no. do I think there are a lot of suspicious beats around the incident? yes, very much so.
btw no one would even assume hacking, if certain people could just act right. just a few weeks ago, no one could've plausibly make the claim, now however... this is what bullying and harassing and making fake accounts and so on births, this is all on the fandom. if not for that shitty behaviour, this would be much more clean-cut.
if it was him; he deleted it immediately which tells me that he's at least aware of how it reflects on him, if not how and why posting something like that is not okay. we can't be responsible for other people's values, but can only hope for them to always try to do better. and that's just step one.
the thing is, if we as a fandom can collectively ignore other things that have been deleted by other cast members, then instead of making a spectacle out of this, we can all just hope that it's a beginning of a learning curve.
anyway. do not come into my inbox — on anonymous, no less — to try to police what I say on my own blog. I always choose my words very carefully and I never claimed to know exactly what happened and as a rule of thumb, I don't allow myself more than a certain amount of time a day to dwell on these type on things (that time for today is up with this ask, by the way), because I'm in the fandom for fun and when it's no longer fun, I just leave.
but it's my blog and I will post what I think and if you don't like that; no one is forcing you to see it. unfollow and block and have a nice day.
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exonerin · 9 days
you became one of my favorite writers with your amazing ideas and writing. i'm so happy that your next work includes a submissive alpha anakin haven't seen that much so i'm very ready
Thank you! I'm very honored. Yes, we'll be having more submissive alpha Anakin (it's going to be so much worse (better) than in Speak no Evil). There's just something particularly lovely about it, and I have so many ideas for alpha Anakin, I'll ever be able to write them all. But I have this amazing Zygerria arc idea cooking for months now with alpha Anakin taking Ahsoka's role because she's gone in heat. Then, Obi-Wan assumes Anakin's original role, and it's all a big disaster (and I totally didn't mean to go on that tangent).
Either way, for this fic, I shared two snippets already: 1 | 2
It's going to be a bit shorter. Nevertheless, I tossed out 10k from my draft when the story got stuck. But we're back on track, and I'm quite thrilled with it so far. (In link 1 , I just read I was operating on vibes alone, and that explains a lot about the mess I had to untangle, actually)
I promised it would be posted first on Tuesday, and I'll have over 10k for the first chapter (on Tuesday!). Then, the second and last chapter will follow a bit later, but that depends on my ability to stop procrastinating.
I shared the synopsis before (it's in the post linked as 2 )
Both links contain snippets, and I'll add a third snippet because I can't resist:
Anakin hadn't lost his alpha aggression, he discovered. Unfortunately, he made this discovery while snapping at an unimpressed Obi-Wan. Which meant he had lost control anyway.
"I can do it," he protested, his shoulders squared, fists balled, eyes glinting, and his upper lip pulled back in a snarl. Hopefully, Obi-Wan didn't notice Anakin's alpha fangs hadn't elongated. "Do not underestimate me, Master."
"Anakin," Obi-Wan cautioned him, and a hand curled around Anakin's shoulder. Although Obi-Wan didn't squeeze or apply pressure, Anakin still froze, his mind stalling. Static filled his ears as he breathed through the urge to whimper.
Anakin Skywalker did not whimper ever.
So, he pressed his lips into a tight line and shuffled away from the Holo table awkwardly, which made Obi-Wan's hand slip from his shoulder. Nevertheless, a phantom touch still burnt hotly, so close to the crook of his neck that Anakin's instincts had gone haywire as a precaution.
However, the initial urge to lash out was soon overwhelmed by the need to comply and bare his throat. Fortunately, he had growled lowly during that initial burst of aggression, masking that his scent hadn't followed suit or that his growled threat was remarkably short-lived.
"My apologies," Obi-Wan said, sounding shocked. "I don't know what came over me."
Alphas only reached for other alphas' necks when they tried to establish dominance; it was a provocation at best and a declaration of war typically. But Anakin had frozen after that first growl, staring at the projector wide-eyed while his lips moved around silent words.
"I'm very sorry, Anakin," Obi-Wan continued, concern thick in his voice. Whether this was concern about Anakin's lack of reaction or his own uncharacteristic loss of control, Anakin couldn't tell. Likely the latter, he judged.
He twisted away further, needing the space between them as he panted at the Holo table, his frenetic expression staring back at him from the shiny durasteel. Conflicting impulses battled inside him, and the overwhelming urge to collapse on the Holo table in complete surrender for Obi-Wan appeared to win.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, his sharp Coruscanti accent turning Anakin's name odd. Sometimes, this aggravated Anakin. Other times, it amused him. Now, he turned automatically, his mind replaying Obi-Wan uttering his name. This old familiarity reassured him; it reminded him he could fall back on these old habits when his body failed him.
"Yes, Master?"
The confused concern in Obi-Wan's expression made him bristle for a split second. He was an independent knight, an alpha who had proven himself, and Obi-Wan should do well to remember Anakin could and would bare his fangs if provoked. In fact, he just had -- minus the inoperative fangs, but that was semantics.
Then, the impulse to react to an imaginary challenge, for Obi-Wan would never debase himself to acting like a stereotypical knothead, died.
He huffed, annoyed with himself and oddly intimidated by Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan's presence felt large, though Anakin stood slightly taller than him. Obi-Wan's steadfast gaze and innate confidence in his stance communicated that Obi-Wan expected his commands to be followed. He unconsciously projected alpha dominance all alphas vied for and coveted, but Obi-Wan commanded it like it was meaningless or trite.
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fumifooms · 6 months
What do you think of Lamari (Laios and Namari)? Both as a ship and the relationship between the two.
I don’t like it sorry broski 😔 Seeing them interacting in ep 9 again made me see the appeal more, it’s cute how they interact, how they trust each other’s abilities and judgement! But ship wise…… I can’t. I’ve been seeing cute fanart of them around though, and I know a few people on discord that like them too. Like hmmm I guess I can see the appeal in the dynamic even if it doesn’t grab me but I can’t form a narrative for them… Usually I need both to truly get into a ship, a dynamic I find fun or interesting + some sort of progression and impact it’d leave on the characters, I don’t really see the character/relationship arc that’d happen, or at least not one eventful enough for me. When it comes to how I think their relationship is during canon, I see it as being professional and hinting at maybe friends, a neutral rather than negative thing mind you.
With Laios, well I’ve spoken about his character and arc before a bunch, but with Namari the part that interests me most is the whole exile thing, how she works hard to fit in both with keeping a good work reputation and shaving, for example, and how she’s not all that good with it because of presumably her bold personality... Because of this and more, and spoilers but I’ve planning on making a rarepair post about it for a while, I like shipping her with Toshiro mainly. I think that she balances out his doormat tendency but his cool attitude would be soothing and grounding and- Well gdbdgdg you see how it is. And to a certain extent I can see why people would want to apply the same logic to lamari, but… I don’t even think Namari and Laios would be able to bond over both being foreigners much tbh, I feel like Laios would sort of remain an odd mystery to her and though they could connect in a weird roundabout way I don’t think they’d exactly understand each other— and see this is the part of lamari appeal I get, the sort of tentative tension of "oh you actually respect me. That feels… Rare. And nice." Thouuugh like I was saying to be fair, it’s true Laios also tries and fails to fit in so that could be an interesting angle to go at it with. I think Namari wants stability and I just don’t really think it complements Laios well. I think trust’s the most important thing with Laios so on his side him liking her enough to be interested or open to a relationship I could see, though in a kinda mild and dry way imo… Like with Laios especially when defining how he and someone fall in love, there are sort of two modes right, and of course these coexist to some degree, but there’s Laios being his partner’s silly goober, and there’s Laios being very mature, more of his subdued stoic but composed self, all king-like, the more like connecting through meaningful conversations side. And idk how to put it into words but with lamari, I feel like Namari being paired with him doesn’t give a fresh spin on the former, and with the latter I feel like they’d always keep missing each other halfway communication wise, I don’t see them ever getting to that level where they deeply intuitively know and understand each other and how they work, maybe Laios -> Namari yes but Namari -> Laios I don’t see it, like I said I think it’d remain like, a mystery that nags at her and she might feel attracted if anything, but I can’t see them as more than casually dating idkk idk.
Namari has that fun ‘gets fired up about what odd things Laios is doing and reigns him back in’ dynamic but it’s something that literally so many other characters have too. I’m not knee deep into Namari yet so who knows maybe I have a wrong angle, but I did start giving her some thoughts bc I have a fic I have in mind for toshimari I wanna do. But yes it’s cute how protective she can get even if it’s shouty or tough love, like how she looks out for Laios’ equipment and for him not to get scammed, or brings in Toshiro here in the convo because she doesn’t want Toshiro to do his conflict avoidance thing and not stand up for himself & stay in the party even if it sucks hah. That bold borderline rude protective personality of hers with that awkwardness with intimacy/non-professional relationships is what’s unique to her I think, but yeah the laios & namari duo strikes me as strangely distant yet strangely interested coworkers who exhange glances over the cashier desk but personally I can’t see myself doing anything with that.
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I’m not here to say it’s a bad ship or anything obviously! It just really doesn’t call to me personally and I don’t see stuff with them that I’d find interesting to analyze, if anything it’d involve the wider party a lot. I do want to make a masterpost on Laios’ career history and the old members of his party so I might analyze how Namari and he interact in those pre-canon comics idk. But yeahh like I find nothing to dig deeper at personally, you could make cute fics of them hinting at interest between the two, if Laios went to get drinks with her at a tavern etc etc, but all I see with them is just what canon straightforwardly showed us and I don’t get the urge to explore the possibility of them at all.
Sorry to disappoint, but yeah I won’t be a good source of lamari content or thoughts. I have wayy too many drafts I actually want to get out so I’ll be storing further Laios & Namari analysis for a big maybe, one day. I feel so bad I really hate to be negative at all and as a fellow rareshipper I send u my best wishes truly, good luck y’all deserve fellow stans and content. Feel free to leave pro-lamari arguments in the comments or reblogs if you want idm but preferably not asks (and just don’t be aggressive & don’t expect me to respond/react 🫶) like truly this post isn’t meant as a diss but anon asked me about my personal thoughts so… I love youuu lamaris hope y’all thrive 🙇🙇
Trying to think of crumbs and it’s true she blushed when she saw him in his cape at the end so y’all got that W. Namari having a thing for tallmen is so real
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Edit: oh she went with him for equipment shopping… Ok that’s cute
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fungus-no69 · 21 days
Same anon that send that ask, he does not need my protection but I would give my life to Cain
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Cain will fight god for you now I hope you know this
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earlgodwin · 6 months
Annoying blog, always posting millions gifs of shows most people dgaf
then why can't you seek other blogs instead of being this heated and popping muscles over what i post lol
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fossys · 9 months
having really vivid source memories is fucking weird, esp when im close to source.
like. im just vibing then suddenly *vivid memory of me brutally killing someone* and its just like. yeah. that happens sometimes.
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optiwashere · 9 months
How do you manage to write smut that's like, actually arousing? What's the secret?
Well, first of all thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it, I really am. Happy to hear from you here as well 💜
Also, I'll let you in on my secret — I can't stand almost anything I write after it's posted. I see nothing but the flaws, grammatical choices, and technical foibles. This extends triple, quadruple, to smut. So if you're feeling the same kinda way, that your writing feels somehow off, then just know you're not alone.
I could give some pointers, but I don't really know how much benefit anyone will get hearing these from me of all people. But in my opinion it's a lot of the non-smut aspects that highlight the smut and make it shine. So here ya go.
Keep it in-character. I'm not out here talking as an authority on anyone's characterization, nor am I saying I'm some master of it and there are plenty of people out there with differing opinions, so take this with a colossal mountain of salt. But you should focus on making the voices, internal thoughts, and prose in keeping with the POV character. This is something called "POV control" and it's a very useful skill. Be able to flow in and out of a character's POV as the need arises. How Shadowheart interacts with sex is very different from Karlach is different from Orin, for example.
Strong focus on dialogue. This is a sorta addendum to the first point. Characters shouldn't suddenly turn silent when they're having sex. That is, unless that's the point of the story! They should also be speaking in-character even (or especially) during sex. Also, "porn dialogue" is something that gets brought up a lot in writing, and I think we all know it when we read it. That being said, people in the real world do say things during sex that, out of context, are hilarious. So it's a balancing act.
Fitting descriptions. This is actually one of the more important ones! If a scene is very romantic and meant to be light and fluffy, maybe avoid words for genitals altogether and focus entirely on simple visual aesthetics (how moonlight plays on a body, to give an example). If it's meant to be rough and focused on bodies or the mechanics of the scene, ham it up on those words. This also isn't a binary. Things flow back and forth all the time.
Firm language. I don't mean, like, power dynamics "firm." I'm talking about a willingness to use the words that fit the descriptions and sticking to it. Some people despise certain words, but other people will find the alternatives hilarious and completely tone-breaking. Find the words you like and stick to them; consistency gives your voice strength.
Don't try to appease everybody. You just can't. You have to write what you personally enjoy reading/writing/doing/thinking about, and go with it. If you try to cater to everyone's whims with any of the above, you'll wind up with a beige platter of nothingness. That doesn't mean you can't explore other tones or flavors, but don't try to do too much in one story.
Focus on emotions. Emotions could mean anything from love to lust to anxiety to fear to uncertainty and so on and so forth. My strategy is to center a fic on a theme/emotion that resonates with the characters involved and then I explore the smut around that central point. Revisit the idea between the action. Show how the characters' feelings around the theme change or how they're reaffirmed.
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randomnameless · 6 months
If we ever get Genealogy remakes (fingers crossed), are there any things you would like the remake to do differently from the original?
Based on your profile pic, I figured you might appreciate a Judgral ask
You can always send me jugdral asks anon ! Party!Julia's from 2014 iirc, when I fell in Jugdral hell and she remained there since then.
As for different things from Fe4...
Well, add more convos between characters, like support convos especially with characters who "are/became" married !
And maybe... Make fire tomes not so damn heavy to the point they're not garbage anymore, ditto with giving one or two more point of weight to wind tomes, jugdral really needs some balancing (but it shouldn't balance the general unfairness that is HB and the associated HW).
Oh, and of course, correct Hilda's major Dain blood lol, and give the ish sibs minor Fala blood (but still nothing for scipio he'll forever remain a joke !).
As for the plot...
It's opening another can, rather, super container of worms anon !
In a nutshell, give more plot importance to Julia so she's not in her own tier anymore, maybe have Tine not join if Arthur is the one who killed Ishtore (give him more relevance damn, Tine is supposed to like/love her cousins but dgaf, after crying for his death for 3 seconds, when the LA wants to recruit her ?), kinslaying being so vile in Jugdral verse, Johan/lva doesn't die when the other is picked up, let's have them maybe be a green unit sometimes met in a castle, or have him lead off screen armies (like they're sent to meet with Leif before Seliph officially rescues him in Fe4) etc...
Oh and unless it's a pure Fe4 remake, incluses elements from Fe5 (with Fe5 remake proper being another game), like the feud between Galzus and Shanan (resolve it ffs, let us have the reason why Shanan's dad slaughtered one of his sisters and threw his nephew in exile, but didn't want the same fate for his other sister), Faerghus shenanigans and, of course, Saias stuff (him joining Julius' side and picking Valflame in the last map, only being recruitable by Julia).
Edit bcs I forgot :
Give Julia the Lord status, aka when she dies it's game over because she's the only one who can use Naga to defeat Loptyr !
For all of the narrative integration in its gameplay, Fe4 really dropped the Ball with having Seliph and pals be able to defeat Julius once he's fully Loptyr'd
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pardonmydelays · 4 months
Saying it's not your fault is weird af energy does he know about the other guy?
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
Sharmaji (Not Namkeen)
Naam to suna hi hoga (a million apologies for any of the self entitled Sharma's you might have encountered...) Technically speaking intro dena humko aata nahi kyunki hum hai distracted ultra pro max insaan. Bakte bakte kab kahan kis tangent pe nikal jate humko khudko pata nhi hota. The thing is don't be surprised if you randomly find words that don't make sense (they do, just not to you) cause I'm a multilingual insaan with a few words of lotsa languages thrown into my vocabulary making a right khichdi of words and feelings up there. But then again sometimes I don't even understand what's going on up there myself so we can drink to that. (I don't drink. We'll be getting high on jaljeera and air)
As for this blog, it's a metaphysical (is that the right word?) representation of me (I guess?) Not really sure. Definitely this insanity is a part of me. But is not all of me. I mean agar khudko utna accha se jaan hi liya hota to phir zindagi me confusion thori hota. Chale gye hote hum bhi kahin pahado me zindagi ke sach ki khoj me. As for the people I have met here. They are downright amazing. Maane kya hi bataye. Simp karna ho, ya laash thikane lagane ke upaay dhundna ho, they will have my back. (Oh and don't even think of hurting them, you won't just regret it but regret your entire existence. And that's a fucking promise)
Wanna read me turn Lilac's brain children into psychologists horror?
Compromised . Chapters : One, Two, Three.
To coming to the reason why me actually went ahead made this intro post... My tags:-
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