#absolute pricks
tophat-owl · 2 years
Funny thing with having a nerdy dad (gamer and knows a descent amount of what is going on on the internet) is that we can talk about games/shows that my more internet aliterate mom doesn’t quite understand.
Now why am I saying this?
It’s because this factors into that I know my dad’s kins (his blorbos if you will) and I am seeing a pattern…
Little bastard men
And it’s not just a select few no no no no
It’s all of them
And the worst part? I understand why he kins them… because he is just as much of a [effectunally] bastard as them
Remove the atrocities, leave the personality and that’s my dad right there
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suntails · 6 months
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margle · 11 months
dee is a tragic character because of the silent faces she makes while dennis is talking about the gutter ball and trying to rile her up. she's trying so hard not to have a reaction so that he wont pounce on it. reminds me of that bit from chardee macdennis where mac and charlie talk about how good dee is at not rising to their personal insults. how it got really personal but she didnt appear bothered at all. thinking about how she must have had to learn that skill because of dennis. who jumps on any insecurity and exploits it. who wont let her have one day out with her friends. who twists the narrative and pits her against other women so she wont rely on them. who wont let her have one small thing to herself without trying to ruin it. who wont even bother to stick around and see her win. so she has to stay silent and pretend not to care. has to bury everything deep down. so that he doesnt take more things from her. doesnt find even more ways to hurt her.
she barely flinches when the waitress tells her she doesnt like her and that she's ugly. but she looks shocked that she is standing up for her.
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k-wame · 2 years
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мaтт вallιn & davιd 'wolғмan' wιllιaмѕ
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imagine-shenanigans · 6 months
something something ghost is an irresponsible pet owner something something he gives his pets (Johnny and Reader) separation anxiety on purpose send tweet
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skylarbee · 8 months
miles watching 505... and putting on a brave face
(via kkmeeluqq's IG story, 17.10.2023)
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thetarttfuldickhead · 2 months
Suddenly somewhat sad Roy and Jamie didn’t get more violent with each other in 1x05, not because I’m Barbara and like them a bit bruised*, but because having them both getting red-carded would have been extremely funny.
And by extremely funny I mean them being sent to the dressing room all by themselves and worked up, and the tension and frustration and anger and shame and—
Because the thing is, they’d still be really fucking furious but without the presence of an audience spurring them onto Extra Performative Masculinity, and with the dawning embarassment of being sent off for fighting your own team mate and leaving your team two men down…
Mmm. Super tense. Uncomfortable. Weird. Could go a number of ways, and they’re all really fucking delightful.
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
I'll never be over Sally calling her own son a dreadful child or saying she should've ended him before he was even born. I don't give a single flying fuck about the crimes he's committed (at least in this context). Nobody should talk about their child like that. And you know this absolutely vile woman probably told him this and much worse shit straight to his face. She said all that shit to a small kid that was presumably still innocent at that point. Aka, she most likely told her child it would be better if he were dead. Aka, she told her kid to kill himself. A FUCKING CHILD. And thx to the Belladonna lying around in their kitchen, I'm still convinced she tried to kill Gortash once he came back.
'Sold him cuz they needed money' my ass. You made your own kid, the person you were supposed to protect, pay for your own fuck ups and debts and mistakes and send him straight to hell. LITERALLY. FOR SOMETHING HE HAD NO FAULT IN. AND THEN THIS THING HAD THE AUDACITY TO TRY ND KILL HIM.
The absolute hatred and disgust I have for this fictional woman. I despise Bhaals A+ parenting, but this woman is worse than the fucking lord of murder. Imagine being more loathsome than an evil deity whose whole bit is goddamm murder and death. I swear to fucking god-
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heylittleriotact · 2 months
All the uncertainty about Astarion’s age due to the numbers on his headstone very possibly being incorrect absolutely fucking tortures the mortician in me: errors on monuments are sometimes a thing and they fucking SUCK, especially when the error is incorrect dates of birth or death - families understandably tend to get really upset about that sort of thing: what do you mean you put the wrong day or year of birth? That day each year was so special to us when he lived! What do you mean you put the wrong date of passing? We’ll never forget the day that he left us, but it obviously means nothing to you if you can’t even bother to confirm the date yourself!
Errors sometimes mean the monument company is eating the cost of providing an entirely new one to the family (rightly so) and they’re not cheap, and they take a decent amount of time to make so it’s not like there’ll be a replacement ready in the next week or two. No. It can take months to finalize a new one and arrange for it to be placed, and in the meantime the one with the error is just… there for everyone to see, robbing the deceased of the simple dignity of having their correct age - the span of their entire life - displayed.
So what gets me - what reaaaally gets me in regard to Astarion’s headstone, is that if it is in fact incorrect, it has been incorrect for around two centuries, meaning no one who knew him in life noticed the error - or cared to have it fixed. It also serves as one further little cosmic “fuck you” to Astarion: a reminder that he matters so little that no one even gave a shit that the permanent monument over his resting place in the cemetery had a glaring error on it.
He neither seems to notice or care during the graveyard scene because he’s got other (better) things on his mind, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be annoyed about it.
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le-panda-chocovore · 8 months
Alright we gave a lot of shit to Luther for his "DAd sEnD mE ON thE MOON" whiny discourse but I think we don't talk enough of Five's "You think I had it easy ? I was ALONE for 45 YEARS!!" whenever someone talk about how awful growing up with Reginald was. Like. Dude, okay you're a grown ass man in the body of a 12yo boy and you're mad about it, that's fair. But it's not your siblings fault, so stop yelling at them because all of you had it rough. Besides, you CHOOSE to not listen to your fucking dad while they were FORCED to obey him.
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lycoris-artcorner · 10 months
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Uncharacteristically smiley prick car
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orphanbasement · 3 months
Seeing as I've just noticed the Wonka experience trending literally everywhere, I'd like to note this sort of situation (minus the AI) is common across all of Scotland - particularly when it comes to poorer towns. Or at least it is in me and my family's experiences, both our own and heard from others
I distinctly remember my mother taking me to a Santa's grotto that had something like £15 entry and it was in the back room of a fucking pharmacy. Had two vaguely wintery posters pinned up for ~ decor ~ and the Santa was drunk
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midnightfire830 · 8 months
I’m sick today so imma share a few band AU idea blerps:
Black Hat got really controlling over the band especially over costuming, makeup, and maybe a few of their songs. He absolutely hated the members wearing ridiculous costumes and extravagant makeup.
So of course Cuphead doubles down. Cuphead and Bendy made a western album consisting of bendy playing acoustic guitar and Cuphead playing piano. (I put a couple songs I had in mind for that album tho its mostly based off of Poor Man’s Poison). And when they went to perform it live Cuphead asked Alice to make him the most over the top cowboy costume.
Stars, of course this just made me think of Ken and Barbie’s cowboy outfits from the movie.
Alice: So you want me to completely redesign your costume for the performance? *sighs* ok what do you want?
Cuphead: PINK.
Cup the night of the show walked out of the dressing room with this hot pink cowboy costume and full makeup. The rest of the band also wore accents of pink somewhere in their costumes but Cuphead went waaaaaaayyyyy overboard.
Cuphead: strikes a pose “So Hat! What do ya think?”
Black Hat: “I THINK I’m not being paid NEARLY enough for this…”
Of course the moment that Cup walked out the crowd went cussing WILD. Alice and Cala were standing off stage and watching cussing proud of what they did. That tour turned out to be one of their best selling performances. (I’m so half debating drawing this dear god….)
It’s safe to say that it definitely taught Hat to back the cuss off.
Yes I made a playlist for this au. I’ve made like cussing 3 at this point. Fight me.
Okie. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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fairweathermyth · 2 years
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I'm, uh, I'm... I'm sorry for your loss. Yeah. We're really gonna miss that prick.
BAD SISTERS 1.01 The Prick
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teslathelame · 2 months
I LITERALLY TOLD THIS BITCH I WAS ACTIVELY PERSUING A FORMAL ASD DIAGNOSIS AND HE WAS STILL LIKE "yeah well, you should be more mindful about how you come across :/"
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royjamieprompts · 8 months
Roy x Jamie Prompt:
Jamie is looking for something to watch at Roy's and stumbles across Lust Conquers All on a streaming platform with continue watching over what was clearly the last episode he was on.
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