#acid answers
acidartworkonly · 1 year
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Answered questions i had on my Discord for a while XDDD
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jaythes1mp · 1 month
hii jay, i just came home and ive read your reply ! im honestly so shocked at seeing how many ppl i have inspired to write (especially since im never once satisfied with my writing) but im glad me and klemen-tine are your inspirations bec your writing is very good and (also) underrated !!
and really, the inspired fic i wanted to write based off of your "here, kitty" one is about yan! batfam x angel! reader where it mostly focuses on their obsession on both the human and non human parts of the mc. i imagine a wingspan of over 7 to 10 ft with the family's favorite activity being... preening their angel's wings since it's so oddly intimate and induces both pleasure and satisfaction on both the reader's part and theirs but in different ways because it's also a reminder of how much the family has monopolized their time. and i want the relationship to thread between romantic lines but im unsure, so before i go off track with rambling— it just reminds me so much of your fanfic and i love it when other writers do non-human portrayals of the mc because theres so much potential for obsessive nature and just what truly is your identity; a human? a monster? or a pet for them to cherish?
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anyways, i have so many ideas for your here, kitty fic and altho i haven't read the second part yet, ive been thinking about something similar to the idea i pitched above wherein one of their means of inducing you to a... relaxed state is through the means of your more animal-like features. it's sometimes even so effective that even you aren't aware of just how much they truly know about you; they don't even need to drug you at all, silly!
imagine, despite being in your human form, you retain your animal instincts. threatening dick with sharp fangs and a bite to his shoulder the moment he tries to tackle you with a cuddle leads to him finding that one very pleasure-inducing itch in your head that you couldn't quite scratch no matter what form you don. his hands meticulously run through your scalp, up and down motions, fingers exerting enough effort to repeatedly scratch that spot.
"that's a good kitty..." he mutters above your head, a wobbly smile forming on his face at just how... adorable you are. even your tail rhythmically thumps at how good you feel. see? why even try to fight him when you could settle for something way better...?
it just shows how you really are meant to be cooped up and pampered by them.
you don't know how he knows where, how, why he decided to do just that— but it works... despite your previous ministrations, you melt like jelly against his muscled body and allow his left arm to lock on your waist, the right one refusing to budge from stroking the locks of your hair. soon enough, you're purring, shivering against his body and ignoring the hastened beats of dick's heart against your ear, head conveniently laid on top of his chest and your body now on top of dick's seated form on the couch.
how he managed to effortlessly distract you from his travel from standing to sitting, you don't know. how he knows all the right spots to touch you, you don't also know.
and actually, you don't care. not when he continues to pleasure you with his love-filled patting. his left hand even started to stroke against the skin of your back— and all of a sudden, you feel that buzz of your goosebumps. the only sound left that echoes throughout the room are your purring and dick's heartbeats.
you close your eyes and bite your lips to prevent any of your whimpers from spilling out of your mouth.
for now, you tell yourself, you'll let him win this time.
deep down, you know it's a lie.
not when they've already won.
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from me to you: happy bday again! hope you enjoy this short scenario i pulled out of my ass. it's been some time since i have written something but i hope this suffices! ^^
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I really really love it, thank you💚
Can I write something based off of this in one of my future chapters??
Also, the Angel reader idea is epic. If you ever write anything further on it please definitely @ me🙏 or if you don’t want to I’d for sure write it.
I apologise for the late reply, I wanted to wait till my birthday to read it💚💚
You can’t even tell that you went on break, man. It’s so epic💚💚💚💚
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Okay, is it bad that I'm kinda simping for... Gordon? 😳😵‍💫
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deltarunebt · 22 days
if spamton didn't know about the strings until neo, does that mean he didn't question turning into a puppet at all before then?
Oh that's just what Addisons look like. When you Melt their Skin off. With Acid.
He's missing his skin.
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"You wisssh to sspeak with the Ivory Dragon?"
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This is an rp and ask blog run by @peppermintstarsonamintyway and @batteryacidcookie for Snake Fruit and Longan Dragon! I (poster) haven't gone through much of Ovenbreak's story, so if characters are ooc, please don't mind! Remember to specify who when you send an ask!
[Muses And Who They're Played By!]
-Snake Fruit Cookie (Played by Poster(peppermintstars)) -Longan Dragon Cookie (Played by Battery Acid(batteryacidcookie))
Snake Fruit Knows How to Use Tumblr (link to all of Snake Fruit's asks, posts, and interactions!) Longan Dragon Does Not Know How to Use Tumblr (link to all of Longan Dragon's asks, posts, and interactions!)
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howlonomy · 6 months
Woe, more Pixel Clover be upon ye
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Decided to update it so that the loop is less noticeable. Infinite Acid Glitch, let's go
INFINITE ACID GLITCH LETS GOOO guys its raining acid :(
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silverskye13 · 5 months
What's water like in your hels? Is there any there? Is it there in limited quantities? Does it rain at all? Is there only water in specific places? Was it brought from the overworld? I'm curious
There is water in hels! Just barely! It was one of Evil X's gifts to the server, getting it there. I imagine the city has a cistern he artificially filled, which is where the water from the fountains in the city and the tap water comes from. Hels is very much like the nether though! So to raise the boiling/evaporation point of the water so it stays liquid where it's supposed to be, the water is acidic. It's not eat-your-skin acidic, but its corrosive enough that using it to, say, polish armor, will lead to breakdown over time. Metals and stones they anticipate coming into a lot of contact with water [fountains, pipes] probably need regular maintenance and water proofing.
It doesn't rain in hels, all water there was brought there artificially, but I do imagine they have some weather phenomena. The peripheral of the city has a small geyser problem [any time water leaks from the cistern and comes in contact with the hotter stone around the city, you get a geyser.] There is still a cycle of hotter/cooler air, so they do get wind, and that wind will bring dust clouds and gas clouds from surrounding lava lakes and things. They get a lot of fog and fog-adjacent weather patterns, and a haze of clouds is often passing through. I also imagine they get "snows" of ash from eruptions around basalt deltas, and there are probably times of year where the different shroom plants release their spores, causing colored snows of red and blue. [We have cottonwood plants around here in the summer that coat the roads in a false snow, especially around the river where I live. I imagine whenever the warped / crimson fungus lets out spores, it would look a bit like that].
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aaabatteryy · 19 days
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grumpy/sunshine trope but it's skk........
Dazai being an actual ray of sunshine while still managing to make Chuuya's job and life more difficult. Chuuya just wants to get that money but he can't do that if Dazai's alive 😭 Chuuya visiting Dazai's coffee shop constantly and unintentionally becoming a regular Dazai gets to know by name and Chuuya's just like, dang, he didn't realize how hard taking out some barista would be. DAZAI GIVES HIM A RUN FOR HIS MONEY
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hongluboobs · 3 months
oooogghhh hang on just a SECOND. "jade eye/hong lu as the jade in the cycle" is THAT why hong lu (translated as "precious jade") isnt called jia baoyu, the main character of his literary source, like everyone else is named after theirs???? i THOUGHT that was odd
ogghh i mightve just been slow on the uptake + didnt truly Realize until now but i GET it now. HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS EARLIER.
what does it mean what does it all mean....
(ask in reference to this post )
Thank you for your interest :)))
First off, I think you got them mixed up... Bao-yu does actually translate to precious jade :) he has that name because of the jade he's born with in his mouth. (precious= Bao jade=Yu)
About Hong Lu's name:
Here's a screencap from a prerelease promo saying it translates to "Great Jade"
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Another fun name thing that i have to bring up or I will regret not doing so:
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trans gender🏳️‍⚧️...
Hong Lu's name comes from the Chinese title of the book (hóng lóu mèng). I haven't fully cooked on this but him Being the book could mean any number of things. He's the only sinner named in this way and it's genuinely so fascinating to me.
I think we can consider one of the alternate titles for this book (The Story of the Stone) here. There's five proposed names for the novel, but the author died before picking a name so Dream of the Red Chamber is just one of five potential names for the book. The best english translation (for most people to read) chose that alternate title because the translator believed it suited the book better.
The Stone mentioned within that title is none other than the Jade that became/was Bao-yu. Within the story, the entire text of the novel was engraved onto the jade at its final resting point, which a monk copied down and brought into the world for publication. It's pretty unserious but classic novels LOVE frame stories the same way hong lu fans love over analyzing his five lines per canto
I do think there will be some kind of "ambiguously human" angle for Hong Lu. Project Moon LOVES exploring what it means to be human (looks at Angela) (looks at Nagel Und Hammer) (looks at. really anything they write) and what better character to explore that with than the one who is simultaneously human and inhuman within the source material!
I don't think it means Hong Lu couldn't be a straightforward-ish adaptation of Bao-yu or anything, but it was an Intentional choice by PJM to choose the name Hong Lu instead of going with Jia Bao-yu or even Bao-yu (there is a "mirror Bao-yu" within the book. it's very scary)
They could do so much with it if I'm being honest. He could very well be a mix of multiple characters within the book and we won't know til the canto drops or he says something incredibly telling :)
The jade is so fascinating to me. I can only really guess at what Hong Lu's deal is until canto 8 drops but theres SO MUCH to bite on oh my god. Project Moon please let me see all that shit early i PROMMY i won't tell anyone if you let me experience canto 8 ahead of time. please. sobbing crying I need to know what it all means!!!!
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milk-ducts · 10 months
I'm so glad to have encountered a fellow Cecil stan. I freaking love coming up with headcanons for Cecil, platonic or romantic, because he's such an interesting character. For real though feel free to dump any Cecil headcanons (platonic or romantic) on me anytime.
AWAAAA!! YES HAII OTHER CECIL AFICIONADO !!! im so glad theres more of us sprouting out here. my wife is so underappreciated, you have no idea how much he means to me. i'd love to req n swap headcanons anytime !! I have so many thoughts on that morally ambiguous gilf.
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[messy, disorganized surface level autism rambling ahead. this will be just random scenes and characteristics i like of him]
BUT YES .. cecil's character is just so interesting to analyze. he does unethical, necessary things. But he doesn't subscribe to idealistic notions of "the greater good" or justifying his actions to make himself sleep better at night. He knows the harsh reality that someone has to make the difficult decisions, no matter how unethical. The psychological toll it takes to calculate how many civilian lives can be spared, and how many are inevitably lost in order to achieve the optimal outcome. He doesn't celebrate after victories like the other heroes do. After the dust settles, his mind is already racing - calculating, strategizing how to prevent future catastrophes. How to minimize casualties next time.
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his methods are...questionable,, as ive said,, but there's a hint of nobility to it that just makes you respect him, A SHADY GOVERNMENT CHAR that does the dirty work and takes in all the heat for it so no one else has to? SIGN ME TF UP! i love exploring his character and all the little glimpses of humanity we get to see from him,, especially with debbie, SO SOFT FOR HER, there's so much depth there. that old fuck would MOVE mountains for her if he could,, TRUST. EVEN though he doesnt deserve her .. <<
LETS CONTINUE TO CIRCLE BACK TO S1 with his confrontation w Nolan in the desert, the way he entrusted his survival to the skills of his team operating that teleporter watch (I'm aware he can control it himself, I think this was just my interpretation of it since the employees seemed directly involved here). The margin for error was nonexistent. One miscalculation, one millisecond too slow, and Cecil would have been reduced to a red smear across miles of sand. MY WIFE HAS BALLS ON HIM. (also love walton goggins breathy lil giggles here .. hwaghffhh)
All this, All the whilst Nolan could have ended him with a casual backhand, as easily as swatting a fly. And for what? For humanity's (mostly his) right to know the truth. For Debbie's right to understand what she had truly married because Cecil respects her that fucking much for her to have a part in all of this, and what fate may lay in store for her son.
AND what I particularly liked about that scene is that unlike most SHADY GOV CHARS ™.. Cecil isn't afraid to regularly place himself in life-threatening situations, and for that im just.. FKING obsessed. finally. a hyper competent gov char that gets shit done and occasionally by his own hands instead of always puppeteering in the shadows. Love u .. love u honey snooch, please stop putting yourself in danger for your crazy alien side-hoes .
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but ahem ... back to s2.. and some flaws of his that i'm not afraid to point out. the way he's been treating mark is killing me. manipulating my son by comparing him to his dad then keeping him on lock by saying he's not like him??? The breadcrumming definitely didn't work out at all, cuz Mark is too damn stubborn to continue to be swindled by fear tactics he does not give a shit for anymore (homegirl DEBBIE taught him better) hes not gonna listen to a cranky skullet-having side bitch of nolans who clearly has been tryna manipulate him since s1. i HATED how he went "ur broke tyrannical bitch father felt the same way" in the last minute when mark tried to leave earth and yet i still lobve ceci cause ough,,.. my bastard wife knew something was probably up.
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Him wanting to keep a short leash on MARKY could be summed up after all that has happened in s1. i'm not going to justify his scummy manipulations or paranoia,, especially after all the shit mark has done and endured to prove himself over and over again that he's not like his father BUT its somewhat understandable for cecil 2 be wary if you look from it in his perspective.
moving on from that, lets dive back into ep 2 ..
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Debbie was semi-right in her deduction in s2 ep2, that this is what it's really all about for Cecil - being in control. Not of any situation, but of Mark. To ensure history does not repeat itself in the form of Mark becoming another Nolan. imo He likely doesn’t actually view Mark as his father, Not saying the possibility of it being a part of Cecil's subconsciousness is out of the equation but the way I see it? He was just exploiting that one weakness, that one insecurity Mark has - the fear of becoming like Nolan. And it’s a fear Cecil seemed to prey upon to keep Mark under his thumb and in the fucking GAME.
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awaaaa :3 !!!! psychologically damaging teens by comparing them to their abhorrently shitty fathers !! FUCK YOJ STEDMAN (love you snookums..)
,,,,I'd also like to think in my warped deluded perception (aka hcs) that he sees Debbie in Mark, so he can't help but care for the kid too. IVE ALWAYS seen a lot of comparisons between Mark and his dad, plus the whole motif of this new season hasn't helped it allay. But Debbie and Mark share so many similar characteristics as well and i wish that was talked a bit more often &lt; 3 (I will go in depth about it at a later post.)
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n umm like ...,,, bck to cici in gen. I guess the safety of earth is one of Cecil's redeeming qualities along with his compassion for side characters like Debbie. His pragmatism and utilitarianism define him. He lacks normal morals but has his own code that cultivates to his character. this ramble could not do justice to him ughfglg..,, what a compelling jezebel.. how can u captivate me so !!
My inbox is always open to discuss this multi-faceted rat man. here's to more cecil content in s2..,... hopefully with more of his dynamic with Debbie because I LIVE for that shit. though its unlikely their interactions could range to anything positive now since they may be hinting to cecil becoming an antagonist and/or taking extreme measures w/ mark. soo.. i dont think debbie's scolding was enough for that slut 2 take in ..
in the mean time i'll be catching up on the comics/re-reading them, look up more of his backstory and hopefully create 10 novels worth of google docs of analysis' of his character < 3 cuz .. he means .. that much 2 me.. and i want to prod at every crevice n brain matter he has inside that megamind head of his .
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((hwaghhhhhh << hoping that one day the discord moots ive been keeping in my basement and most invincible fans fall victim to cecil stedman propoganda.. no one should be immune to my girlboss and his awful skullet.))
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hi! just wondering if you had a source for this pic! and the character if possible.
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K-BOOKS New School Year Special 2009 Artwork — H2SO4
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acidartworkonly · 2 years
I saw that doodle pile you posted, can't believe no one got acid pregnant and she became the next virgin mary
Lmao, imagine if she gets a message from Heaven
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jaythes1mp · 1 month
hii jay !! i dont know if you have noticed my absence for more than a month but i just wish to say happy (advanced) bday to you! tho you want to get it off ur mind, so instead i just want to say how big of a milestone you have reached when i first saw your writing and on god you have produced so many well-written works in such a short span and that's honestly amazing.
you've been one of my first few supporters when i first wrote yan! dc content but you've proven time and time again how much support can affect one person (you alongside many others are a big inspiration for many including me!)
and ive had a fair share of reading your writing (including the one with theodore nott in hp which is one of my favorites) and let me tell you, you write very well! i love the details and descriptions you give for each and every character and how well grounded you turn the setting to be!
oh, and! i read the first part of "here, kitty" and i seriously feel inspired to write something inspired about it tho it's up to you if u wish to hear ideas or not. anyways, this is becoming a very long ramble but i hope ur having a swell day over there in australia and the heat isnt as bad as over here in the Philippines!! ^^
and lastly, this is a reminder to take a break some times if you ever feel overwhelmed and to drink lots of water and to take careee !!
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Guys— GUYS! @acid-ixx likes my work!!!!!💚💚💚💚💚💚
Much obliged for the birthday msg🦖
Ong Yael, you and klemen-tine (not @ incase they aren’t comfortable with @‘s) were the reason I started writing again in the first place, I fucking love your work sm you got no idea💚
Honestly dude, you could take a year off and I’d still wait to read all of your work.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I actually hate my Theo work, let’s pretend it never existed🦖🦖 though I am really glad that you enjoyed it💚💚
Pookiebear, I’ll hear any and every idea that you come up with, especially if it’s inspired by one of my works. PLEASE rabble for as long as you want🙏
My day has been alright so far, it’s actually winter over here in Aus, so I haven’t had to deal with the heat. Hope you’re doing okay over there though, I know how shitty summer gets over here and would hate if it’s the same there.
Thank you so much for the messages! I’m really happy that you, along with all of my other readers enjoy my work, I swear it’s so amazing, I really appreciate it
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AND FINALY:: b day present????🫢🫢😍💚💚
If I could request, then could I hear some ideas that you had based on my work?💚 or even a scenario, anything is epic💚💚
Would actually make my day💚💚💚
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thegeneticopera · 4 months
hi, any idea if there's any way to see more of the myspaces than just the front page? and/or any confirmation about the whole pavi using the accent to cover the stutter thing, i've heard it was confirmed on the myspace but can't find it. thanks!!
no, thats not really how wayback links work. its just snapshots of the way the page look at the specific time a snapshot was taken. you can however flip through different dates.
and yes the pavi thing is canon, I cannot for the life of me remember where to find the confirmation for that because its one of those things that's just always been universally known.
we do have luigi's twitter and this is from a QnA that took place on myspace so perhaps this is the origin:
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hii! it's me again🌷🌷
well, this night i had a dream where supervillain broke into the heroes lair and killed everyone but hero managed to escape and went to villain's house and it was like that "i didnt know where else to go" trope y'know, could you pretty please write something about this?? only if you want ofc!!!
hope you're doing well and happy birthdayyyyyy you're amazing!! <3<3
“I’m fine, I swear,” the hero said, eyebrows knit together. Aggravated, unfocused. The villain read them like an open book.
“You have just lived through a traumatic experience. You’re anything but fine,” the villain said. They stared down at the tea they had made for their nemesis. Sweet. The hero preferred sweet drinks. Would talk about coffee as if it was poison.
Smoothly, they let their eyes wander to the hero’s hand. Steady.
They were trained incredibly well which shouldn’t have surprised the villain — heroes could be the coldest people on earth. Methodical, intelligent, calm. Who else could be capable of such a job?
A job that forced them fight others, payed them to be perfect, demanded to be obedient. No wonder most of them were just as fucked up as the villains they were fighting against.
“I’m a hero. My life consists of trauma,” they snapped but there was more to their usually cold tone.
“Ah, that’s why you’re so unpleasant.” The hero shot them an evil glare but stayed quiet. Without any other complaints, they picked up the cup of tea and drank slowly, carefully.
It was horrifying from what the villain had heard. In the middle of the night, the supervillain had attacked the lair, killing everyone but the hero. They weren’t wounded — thank god — but the villain knew they would have to deal with several symptoms of stress very soon.
The hero hadn’t been prepared to lose all their friends, despite the cold mask they put on, they had colleagues they got along with rather well. People they cared about. People worth protecting.
The villain exhaled audibly.
As of right now, the villain was the only one left for the hero and even though they were on opposite ends, had other values and morals, the villain saw how truly hurt the hero was. For a long time, the hero had had this little part in them that dipped them in darkness every now and then. And every time the villain noticed (they couldn’t deny it at this point) they pushed them to the light again.
They knew what hatred did to a person.
“When I was young,” the villain said, “like five years old, my mentors would lock me up in a tiny room with a body.”
The hero stared at them, eyes widened, horror reflecting. They nearly choked on their tea.
“They locked me up with a dead body. Three times a week, maybe? I’d forgotten it, actually. Until I looked through my own file a few months ago.”
“Didn’t you kill your mentors?”
“I did,” the villain said. They let themselves fall onto the lavish couch as their own eyes bored into the red carpet under their feet. “I buried that for a long time. Made my performance suck.”
The hero stared into their drink. Bait swallowed.
Manipulation was something the villain found useful. Whether it was for their own secret goals or to simply destroy each other — it was an intriguing tool in their arsenal.
The story was true but the intention behind could’ve been considered cruel. Opening themselves to the hero, being vulnerable was a very important step towards gaining someone’s trust.
They felt bad and truly despicable but if they got the hero to talk about it, if they had the chance to find someone to trust, then maybe the villain could find peace on their own.
All the damage they had done wouldn’t be forgotten by one good deed. But helping the hero could make them feel a little more…human again.
“I’m not forcing you to tell me anything,” the villain said. “But carrying around all this stuff on your own doesn’t make you a better hero.”
It was sad to the villain that ambition was most likely to be this hero’s downfall.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 18 days
Understandably So no one mentions charles when talking about the Logan movie and again Understandably So This Aint Bout Him however i do confess that as someone who had never seen Logan until like. a month ago when i was binging all the movies and without knowing a single thing about it aside from laura i cant lie i was in fact jumpscared by him being there. especially for at least like 3/4s of the movie
#xmen#logan movie#snap chats#i be ramblin today hello ...#it was a pleasant jumpscare. yk until he died. after realizing he committed atrocities by accident 😭😭💀 OLD MAN NOOO#but no please LIKE I READ THE DESCRIPTION WHEN GOING TO WATCH RIGHT#AND I WAS JUST THINKING 'oh he'll probably be here for like twenty minutes. wdym he's here for way longer than that'#i THINK years ago i REMEMBER seeing a screenshot of the hotel bit with laura and charles but again that was years ago#and i might be tricking myself maybe its a false memory jealvvelka either way i just know they were cute :(#point is he was here for. i cant even say So Little cause again He Was Here For An Hour And Thirty Minutes Out Of Two Hours#and lets be clear 'snap has your brain molded that much you know exactly how much screen time charles gets in the movies'#girl no not yet i only know exactly when he punches his clock cause i had to keep restarting the movie cause it kept pausing vjAELKAJE#and it just so happened to struggle literally like. ten minutes after he dies- like when logan was dealing with x24 THAT part#so rude for that.. anyway I Repeat i miss charles and laura bein cute :(#it wasnt a lot but it was just sweet.. i always like how charles always got that Professor in his soul with these movies#like in dofp when logan's losing it after. getting future ptsd jvALKVLAJ??K charles is there to ground him#despite being. Like That vjeaLKj like sir please ily. i will accept the Youre On Acid answer youre trying your best#and then with THIS movie evidently charles is having. the worst time upstairs#but he's still super sweet with laura like oh stop you grandpa im gonna throw up#and to STRESS. they were EVIL about that wholesome dinner bit like :((( oh to see the fam happy and safe again :(((#like im throwing up frankly. people were right this movie IS sad i underestimated their assessment 😭#to lighten the mood in my heart. charles really do be an old man in this movie hes such a menace to logan JELKAK#god. Most Normal X-Men Movie Watcher Focuses On Professor X During The Movie About Logan VEJLKJA#ok im done. sorry i just keep replayin that bit in my head where theyre in the car and logans just 'Did You Take Your Meds SHOW'#like pelase. jaeRLKEaj ok im gonna try drawing i looked at my wall long enough and i think i can draw something
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