#actually i have no idea what monkey species these are. but anyways
hamelinsnightmare · 1 year
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monkey hug :)
🐵 💚 🐵 💚 🐵 💚 🐵 💚 🐵
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glitched-username · 3 months
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★..sooo, erm, based on your latest post regarding concepts with rottmnt g/t and stuff, a little concept has been spiraling around in my head based on - these parts of your rambles★ :
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★And this- has got me thinkinggg.. what if everyone who got mutated into an animal of some sorts just, as you said, let's the size take priority ?? Now this could go both ways, like- a person, depending on the species that they turn into after getting bitten by an oozequito (how is it spelled, help) has the misfortune of forming onto said size★
★Im, gonna give some very specific examples here★ :
|⭐| For instance, if a person transforms into some sort of a bug, it is safe to say that their size would reduce to just a couple of inches tall, maybe even smaller than that.
|⭐| They get turned into a bunny ?? Then their new found size should be about 10-20 inches tall-..I think- I dunno, (by the way, the smallest species of a rabbit is called a pygmy bunny and they can reach up to only 12 inches tall.. I think-)
|⭐| They happen to be close to an orca during the process of their mutation ?? They might just reach a length of 5.5 to 9.8 meters .. pretty big.
★You get the idea- well, you pretty much formed it.. Unlessss, the sizey thing was just a hiccup that occured because the mutant-gen was still in testing and stuff- ?? (or is it empyrean ?? Fuck I gotta go to the turtle-pedia- ) ★
★either way, it would make for a pretty cool, ermm, concept to add to the 'ROTTMNT' universe- !!★
★..(and imagine the tons of g/t content we could feast on (⁠☆‹ ☆⁠) !!)★
★yeah ermm, your rambling is quite cool by the way anddd, (I hope that..i dunno, you meet a giant in real life that just so happens to be like rise!raph)★
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Oh, Draxum 100% would not have wanted the animal height to take priority, he just didn't think of the way heights would be affected with the mutation. Many dangerous/strong animals are actually much smaller than humans (wolves, spiders, monkeys, etc.) so he would be more interested in trying to find a way to prioritize the human height to a certain point. Super dumb way I could phrase it but, it'd kinda be like
if(HumanHeight > AnimalHeight){
HumanHeight = Height;
AnimalHeight = Height;
idk if that makes sense but that's how I view it (can you tell I'm a fucking donnie kinnie lmao). And this is also my excuse so that the other mutants that appear in the show are still their OG sizes instead of getting to the heights of crabs and pigs. Would also make it funnier when the rogues gallery are giants compared to the turtles and yet the turtles still manage to kick ass.
Honestly Draxum would only recognize the boys as his creations by their height and is just like "well, they still have lou jistu DNA and survived THIS long... maybe I can still work with this?"
Anyway currently writing some stuff based on this au and I'm starting with the first meeting with April, which if you read my thoughts on how that would go... teehee
And Imma be real, I'm projecting hard when I write about giant raph stuff, because I would love to have that mystic power. idk who assembled my tiny 5 foot 2 self in the factory but I am ridiculously giant coded lmao. I would lose my mind immediately if I got some borrower friends. I even got a tiny handheld robot guy that I love because he's a tiny robot friend :))
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otacringe · 8 months
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ok this is thylacoleo its a MARSUPIAL (!!) carnivore (!!!) from australia (!!!) at least until global warming in the late pleistocene and some dudes that discovered fire took her OFF THE MAP (like many ice age mammals) and now well animals just dont get that big (some other marsupial carnivores are/were the thylacine, quolls, some species of mice etc)
ntice the face. ok thylacine evolved into eating meat. so if you look at a skull of it (do that on youir own i dont have it on hand) you can see the incisors are actually molars that jut forward and create one Super Tooth to tear meat. these dudes were NOT originally carnivorous! so why do they have those big teeth? well look at this shit
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this is its thumb, which is rotational (kind of like a monkey i think) and has a big honking dewclaw on there (like a cat) so its usually called "the marsupial lion". but its elbow joints are not locked like a lions, and are unique to thylacoleo in that they have a lot more rotation power! so its actually thought that those big rodent teeth were to GRAB ONTO PREY and the CLAWS were what they used to kill once they were grappled on! thats very unique (some sabercats also used their big teeth to stab in prey so maybe it was an ice age trend) anyway
i actually had no idea there were even prehistoric marsupials, this is cool as shit!!! thank you i will be sharing this with everyone i know now
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bonefall · 2 years
Hmm you’re definitely right about the cat human conflict... I’m now curious to what you have in mind for dealing with humans.
(Also really looking forward to seeing more of your ideas, this is one of my favorite rewrites of warriors. Thanks for answering all my questions.)
Thanks!! I try to get to as many asks as I can, especially ones for the Bonefall Rewrite... Clan Culture suggestions I keep in my inbox as reminders (and I still have all of them so thank you everyone who has sent one), and I haven't gotten to AU ones because I get a lot more asks these days plus the time it takes to make Clan Culture posts
I'm flattered everyone likes the rewrite so much, it brings me a lot of joy because it's my favorite thing to work on
Anyway... humans.
I'm super, super fond of the thought of actually including more Clan feelings about humans, and making a world where cats having primitive culture is just normal! It makes me really, really excited to think about.
I don't think very much would change at all, really, if you suddenly found out your cat has secretly been as intelligent as a chimpanzee this whole time. They still act like your cat. There's still a bunch of them living in towns and in shelters. They still go "Waaa" when you open the can of tuna.
Places that have parrots and monkeys often just come to see them as pests, but they can't really do much about it besides cull a problem group... which is difficult to justify going to the Cuddly Purring Meowmeow Species. So, the Clans just sort of leave twolegs alone, and twolegs leave feral woodland cats alone.
It's tense for Clan cats when a human comes by, and there's usually a very long pause. It's common to arch their back and stand ready... but usually the human moves on or backs away, or makes a friendly "pspsps."
I won't be including bushcraft in the rewrite (...not yet at least, the two separate projects are Dating right now but not Married) but I do have a vivid scene in my head of a RiverClan mentor and apprentice going clam-diving, bringing out a small raft, and crossing human boaters. Tense stare.
Long pause.
And then one of the humans makes an awed coo and pulls their phone out. One of them goes Pspsps, the twoleg sound of friendliness. The RiverClan cats continue their day as usual, the apprentice having learned a valuable lesson about the average human encounter.
Of course, humans are not always friendly. When they're not, Clan Cats return the same kind of unkindness just like any other startled wild animal. The biggest difference from Clan cats and other feral clowders is that when there's SERIOUS danger (like, say, a bulldozer going right towards camp), sometimes a warrior will run towards it.
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starstrvckfool · 11 months
We haven't gotten any updates on Qiang and company's journey recently :0 , What's going on with you all!
Ok so it has been a while since I've updated you guys (reason being the DM and players have been very busy with personal activities for school and stuff)
BUT I will update you on what happened last few sessions :3
Part 1
So qiang ended up going to the apeling village and founded out that it was refurbished and turned into a full blown KINGDOM of course we look around and the ground finds out there's a fruit festival going back on
Time skip a bit later where important stuff happens, qiang confronts the imposter and finds its actually LiuYin! (Liuyin is a mimick half apeling! 🫶) Who you guessed it is the macaque of the group, LiuYin explains that after a big fire they didn't know what to do because the kingdom was really panicked so they took qiangs place expecting to only do it for a couple of days and then go back to normal life, but those days ended up turning to year's.
Qiang is understanding towards this answer, we get introduced to a new character called MeiGuei (I think that's how her name is spelled I forgor) who looks rather not like a monkey, or she does but she just doesn't fit in with the rest. But qiang doesn't think anything of it because his romantic partner liuyin is quite literally a half and half of two species anyways so she isn't judgey.
Liuyin has qiang promise not to tell his friends that they were the imposter this whole time, qiang doesn't break this promise and agrees
Liuyin puts on a disguise and Upon them getting introduced to qiangs friends they're rather friendly except jinli, he's kinda thinking everything is really sketchy.
Fast forward to more important plot points, qiang doesn't know how to properly give a speech as king (he hasn't been at the kingdom in 20 year's since he was a prince so he didn't exactly learn alot about being a proper king) so liuyin ends up doing it but UH OH the group spots the imposter and guess what they didn't know it was liuyin So jinli and shichen go to investigate when they go to the festival banquet.
They both leave qiang and go to investigate and end up confronting the imposter, jinli attacks and when qiang catches up he sees the whole thing and tried to break the two apart, this goes sorta fine until qiangs parents come up, liuyin not wanting to get caught being an imposter apologises to qiang in monkey chatter before running off. Qiangs parents see the group and ask qiang what happened because they heard a struggle. The group tries to lie but also explain what they heard at the same time and man our roles were SO BAD BUDDY HAHEJF they didn't believe any of us so they told qiang to go leave to take care of the banquet while they dealt with jinli and shichen, qiang can't talk back to his parents because *COUGH* LORE so she has to agree, again apologizing to jinli and shichen before leaving the hall.
At this point jinli and shichen are pissed at qiang, they don't exactly trust her very much anymore and feel hurt.
So the parents put jinli and shichen in jail, and while that happened qiang got to feel guilty about his actions and slow dance with his lover
And then we left off at a cliffhanger.
Ok part 2
Shichen and jinli are not having a good time in jail, jinli is pissed off swearing he's gonna kill qiang when he gets his hands on him while shichen is like, "please don't do that, I'm made just as you are but it's important fornthe journey"
So they end up talking for a bit until shichen as the idea to explain to the guards they're situation in hopes they'll let them go. After some explaining and some pretty good rolls, they're convinced so jinli and shichen end up out of the prison, YIPPE
Back with qiang, he's having a nice time but again is ridden with guilt especially when tang asked where the others are and qiang just says,"oh they're around" and manages to get qiang to believe him because he's a very gullible monk. It gets late and liuyin says they're going to sleep at a different place while qiang can sleep in his room now since he's back.
Qiang goes to his room and finds that some things are different, on the dresser there are letters but he doesn't wanna read them since they could be private, he senses something in the closet and looks in, previously liuyin kept a magical shadow cloak in the closet but it turns out it was gone which she found pretty strange. And lastly the bed, qiang senses a giant illusion spell on it which is really weird, he manages to dispell it and reveals a small hall of stairs that go up yo the roof, upon going up shichen and jinli manages to catch up with qiang.
All of them question alot of things and qiang goes up the stairs and they follow.
They hear two voices, liuyin in his real form and a new voice, she sounds cold and stern somebody the group has seen before (we theorize that it's the lady bone demon 👀) LiuYin is talking to the demon as if they're negotiating something or the demon is the boss of liuYin. They also stole a red magical sash which is an important artifact the group stole from yin and Jin that bailong seems very protective of. When the two leave shichen and jinli immediately want to investigate and stuff but qiang accidentally let's a sentence slips out which gives away liuYins secret
"Personally I don't want you guys tackling my partner to the floor-"
"Your partner?!"
So yeah they very much want an explanation, and shichen tells qiang that if they have to fight liuyin they will and qiang has to be either with them or Against (ouch)
They go to the hotel to explain things to tang and bailong and then go to the library and that's where liuyin is inna disguise, but because they've already seen this disguise jinli attacks. jinli resorts to violence and because liuyin doesn't like randomly getting tackled it ends up scratching jinlis face which does alot of damage (jinli now has a scar) qiang gets between them and asks liuyin to explain the situation because everybody needs answers.
We find out that liuyin is working for the demon we heard (not against their will tho it's for a different reason that I can't remember but it's not a bad reason dw) liuyin does NOT like qiangs friends anymore and constantly throughout the session asks qiang if he's sure he wants to continue on this journey
Part 3
It's now the middle of the night so they have no choice but to rest up, we all roll and it ends up with qiang and shichen have nightmares while jinli slept like a baby. Wonderful!
In the morning theyre all feeling very tense, there's a feeling of distrust anxiety and worry in the group, they know today is the day to leave so because jinli and shichen are still wanted criminals, tang goes up to liuyin (who's back disguised as qiang) and asks for a pardon, meanwhile shichen sees a magical cloak and BUM BUM it's a voidwalker and it's wearing the magical shadow cloak that went missing. Shichen holds the voidwalker up to make sure it doesn't get away and qiang is close enough to see what's happening and then
It goes into the shadows WITH shichen, meaning shichen is now MISSING. Qiang is already stress out as it is so now she's even more stressed, qiang tells jinli so they both along with bailong end up looking for shichen and he ended up in a tree (shichen is very fearful of going up trees and isn't the best at climbing) qiang does a little "dw guys I'll help him down" and climbs up there easily to try and get shichen down, but jinli just gets the BEST IDEA to get them down, the shake the tree.
In the end only qiang got knocked down due to a very high roll by shichen, but by the second time the big blue lion ended up coming down, and bailong caught him so HORRAY!
when they finally get shichen tang id being escorted to the group by liuYin and MeiGuei, which they all realize they can leave and continue their journey.
Qiang is very hesitant to leave but knows she has too, so saying his goodbyes in monkey chatter to liuyin they say one final message for qiang
"don't let the other's get you in trouble"
Qiang just nods and after that they CONTINUE THEY'RE JOURNEY WESTWARDS ‼️‼️
and that concludes the apeling kingdom, I was meant to make many drawings based off it but i got sidetracked with school and OC work aswell as me being hyperfixated on LMK but ya that's what happened
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whatyourusherthinks · 6 months
Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire Review
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Yay more Godzilla!
Quick rundown on my thoughts of the Monsterverse: I haven't seen the 2005 King Kong movie but I don't know if that counts. I really don't like Godzilla (2014). Skull Island was much better, but had some structural problems. King of the Monsters is the best movie, and probably the second best Godzilla movie ever. (You all know which is the best.) And I watched Godzilla Vs Kong right before going to the theater to see this movie. It was pretty good.
Just like Saints and Sinners, I need to start with a full disclosure: I was somewhat intoxicated watching this movie. I can clearly remember what happened and comprehended the movie, which is why I'm still reviewing it, but I might be nicer than I would be sober. Probably not though, I think I've made it clear in my other reviews I love kaiju movies.
What's The Movie About?
Monarch (the scientists who watch over the giant monsters) receives a signal from Hollow Earth, and with an older Kong goes to investigate. Also Godzilla takes like 3 naps before turning pink and fighting Kong again.
What I Like.
This movie shifts a lot of the focus on the Kaiju characters, specifically Kong. And the physical performances are amazing. There are several scenes of just Kaiju communicating with facial expressions and mime, but you can still tell exactly what the movie is trying to convey and what the characters are thinking. I also didn't mind the human characters. All the humans in this movie (and in the last one thinking about it) are mostly one dimensional, but they have more entertaining personalities and interact in more fun ways. I didn't really like Bernie except when he and Trapper were flirting, but Brian Tyree Henry was really good. My favorite character was Jia, I love that they've kept a deaf character as one of the human leads. Not only that, but she's an adopted character in a happy family. I also liked her mom quite a bit. Anyway, I hope Jia continues to be in the movies. The Hollow Earth people were pretty cool, I liked how their civilization looked and all the crystal spears were cool as well. Of course, the action is awesome. Spoilers, but the finally is basically Godzilla Vs Kong but it's a doubles match and it's so awesome. Also, I joke about Godzilla being pink now, but the entire movie is super neon and colorful. And the Monsterverse should have been like this from the beginning, it's super fun. (Hem hem GODZILLA (2014).) The needle drops in the movie were weird, but I still really liked them. My manager said that the plot seems like it was written by a seven-year-old, and I agree. It's the bet thing about the movie. I'm not saying this to put the movie down! What I mean is it's quite imaginative with the worldbuilding until it randomly gets bored and decides everyone needs to fight a tree. Or that some giant monkeys need to punch each other. And I goddamn love it. Like Godzilla Minus One is obviously super amazing and a better movie in almost every regard to all of the Monsterverse movies, but it is nice to have a movie that just goes "Godzilla now fights a giant squid-crab" at the twenty minute mark for absolutely no reason.
What I Didn't Like.
I'm mixed on using conspiracy theories as world building. On one hand, the Hollow Earth is cool! But on the other, aren't you somewhat giving legitimacy to people who actually believe that stuff, which at best is lending credence to anti-intellectualism, at worst inadvertently supporting harmful ideas? The movie also clarifies that all Titans are supposed to be the same species, which I find to be really weird since about half of the titans look like lizards, a third look like bugs, and one of them is supposed to be the Loch Ness Monster. The movie also missed a great opportunity for a classic Godzilla callback but I won't say what it is because it's a spoiler.
Final Summation.
Just like all the other good Monsterverse movies, Godzilla X Kong is good fun! I'd say it's better than the last one but still not as good as King of the Monsters. I really like the new direction though, bright neon colors, ridiculous plots, and just plain cool moments loosely strung together is what these movies should have been from the beginning, frankly. Excited for more!
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science-lings · 2 years
Good evening/day/morning! May I ask what you headcanon what each of the LU boys would turn into if they touched Twilight’s crystal? Thanks!
Hi! I’ve actually made an in depth analysis of this exact topic including both crack and serious answers, however that was a while ago and my opinions have probably changed so I’m willing to redo my list, though bc it’s on my phone I won’t go into paragraphs of explanation lmao.
Wind- I still really like him being a macaw, they’re silly loud colorful piratey and a whole lot of fun. He’d be one of those green and blue ones and would have some subtle white wave/swirly designs on the ends of his feathers.
Four-I also like my old idea for him being four separate mice, each color coded. They’re small and proven to be clever and able to work together. Obviously shadow is the rat that bothers them for attention. Maybe they could have a feathery tail like the Minish…
Hyrule- although I like my old idea of him being a fox, I think it would be more interesting if he was a raven. They have very occult and magical associations, they’re resourceful and intelligent and will pick up anything interesting they come across. Also I like them a lot. Ravens usually have a bit of a purple blue iridescent look, but with Hyrule I’d make it more green and a bit of a orangey rusty red on the beak and talons. But overall he’s kind of a brown rather than black if that makes sense.
Legend- Ferret. Little snake kittens with attitude. I love them. He’s still very pink, that or one of those little island monkeys that terrorize tourists and steal things and accidentally jumpstart their own species evolution.
Sky- Lion, though my first thought would be something with wings, I think it’s important for him and his wings to be separate. Also I really like leaning into Sky’s regal/ future king thing. I also like associating him with red and white, but it wouldn’t be as vibrant as his loftwing.
Warriors- I still really like him being a warhorse. Maybe I’ll make him a unicorn to give him a built in sword. Anyway he’s very pale but with a distinctly blue-green-gold sheen.
Time- honestly this one was the hardest for me but I’ve settled on a fox. They’re associated with fae and are trickster spirits and are more feral than more doglike animals. I also think it would be fun if he was small. Either that or a bear…
Wild- I’m really into the big cat thing with him but I struggle to decide which one… like he could be a bobcat or a Lynx, small and ferocious, a jaguar, good at climbing and being in trees, a cheetah, fast which could be a nod to his power over time and also very anxious and requiring emotional support dogs sometimes (which would be twi in this case), anyway he’d either be of a golden color variant, replacing all black with a more orangey tone and adding a more stark white, or fully teal that is very reminiscent of the spirits in BOTW and the lost woods mist and the general vibe of the lord of the mountain and the blupees.
Twilight- dog. Wolf dog. Not quite full wolf, like a husky or a German shepherd.
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hiruzensux · 1 year
where does and doesn't he have fur??
(nothing explicit, just putting it under a readmore bc long)
somehow, despite the Hiruzen x Enma porn drawings* that have been floating around half-formed inside my skull for years now, it is only NOW that i realize: i have no idea what Enma looks like underneath that iconic fit
so analyzing the images:
on his head we see both furred (hair + beard + sideburns -zones) and seemingly non-furred (middle part of face) areas
(tail is furry, obviously)
his hands + feet are mostly non-furred, but there is fur on at least the back of his wrists + ankles visible below the edge of his sleeves(/l...leg sleeves? is that what they're called?? sleeves, but for legs instead of arms)
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regarding his neck, without going through the episodes he's in, the only shot i've been able to find with the right angle seems to be this MTG/YGO-style card of him:
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(the origins of which i do not know. fanmade? official merch? is the image a still from the anime, or was it originally drawn for this card? and by whom? i haven't bothered to try to find out, will update if i do. but anyway)
it looks like there isn't any fur on his neck (except maybe down the back underneath where his long hair hangs down and obscures the area)
we also do not see any chest fur extending up past his neckline
...and beyond this, we know nothing.
i'm already exercising some creative license in how tall to make him (i've got a working number BUT i'm not saying yet in case i decide it's completely wrong whilst trying to actually draw him lol), since a) manga evidence is limited + anime evidence inconsistent, and b) i habitually will just directly contradict canon if i have an idea i'm attached to anyway... so i've got no issue on principle with just filling in the blanks according to my whim...
but i'm kind of just not getting any clear impression of what to picture re: fur pattern
considering looking at photos of actual monkeys to see if i that gives me any ideas... but in that case, what kind of monkey??
it's also complicated bc in a lot of shots he looks to me more anthropomorphic than the avg monkey? (but this is harder to tell w/ primates than w/ other creatures anyway...) (and not to mention the limited pool of Enma reference imgs AGAIN, but damn... a tiny handful of manga panels, and then his brief anime appearance was in the middle of the arc that brought us some of THE most iconic moments in wonky-lookin Naruto animation. if that fight in the anime was my sole reference for Hiruzen and Orochimaru, i wouldn't be very sure how anthropomorphic they were supposed to look either lmao)
do YOU have opinions about Enma's fur distribution?
thoughts on which monkey species he's based on?
got a monkey fursona?
any and all insights welcome 💖
(*update: i actually drew one if you want to see the the hilarious fur-placement i went with (just warning for. yknow. porn lmao.))
#monkey king enma#PANTLEGS.#that's probably a better term than 'leg sleeves'#fuck i forgot abt image credits#these were both yoinked straight from google images#should i add links to from whence i yoinked em?#(#i think 'from whence' is maybe redundant actually? like 'whence' already includes the 'from' or smth?#nnnn idk actually nvm don't listen to me#i got overconfident. tried to flex my Word Smarts.#i guess solving the leg sleeves mystery must've gone to my head#)#but yeah. i feel like i should have an image of where the fur is and isn't but im kind of stumped honestly#the voice of my self doubt: ''if you were a REAL furry you would KNOW the answer''#maybe one day i'll actually make a proper fursona#i tried one time. he was going to be a bat.#but then i realized i'd probably have to decide between him having wings or having hands. unless i did both. but that wouldnt be realistic.#if he's a bat then he's gotta have wings right? but will he be ok wothout hands? i could see that beinf really inconvenient.#but also: could he wear shirts? would they have to be those open-side bro tanks? bc i had strong feelings abt thos back then (high school)#and which way would his feet point??#and at that point i got too overwhelmed.#i've had lots of ideas since#but i haven't managed to develop any further than that#a lot of those didn't have fur though. so more accurately i'd be a scaly (or some things i dont know how to name. osteoderm-y? denticle-y?)#...#yeah these tags derailed harder than usual this time#anyway. for anyone still here. i eagerly await your thoughts re: the distribution of Enma's fur
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matt-db · 1 year
Module 13: Not Seen on TV
This video is quite different. I never knew ‘Whip It’ was done by these guys. Anyway, it seems like they’re going for a dark tone. It becomes really apparent when they switch to black and white - which is obviously dark and contrasting, but it felt kind of dystopian which correlates with the song lyrics a little bit. It was interesting to find out that DEVO is actually a short term for devolution. Given that the song has themes of a dystopia and the song discusses the idea that humanity might be devolving. The video is a bit disturbing, I don’t know if that is because it is out of the ordinary or my comfort zone but I would think this is done on purpose to help drive home their point even more. The lyrics, such as “monkey men in business suits” is an interesting phrase. I would say we can all be primitive in nature, with our business suits or professions, anything that make us appear more human. What I’m struggling to understand is why they would think we are devolving as a species. Is it because we are too reliant on technology? Given the fact that this was recorded in the late 70s where technological advancement was astronomical and it still is today I suppose that could play a part. The whole thing reminds me of that one scene in the 2005 version of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory where they all have the goggles on and they shrink the bar and the kid along with it. The whole thing was creepy and unsettling, not necessarily because of what they were trying to say in the lyrics but because of the visual representation.
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tammyhybrid21 · 8 months
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Part the Third
Well actually mostly just me trying to justify the idea that scavengers are colony insects and not monkeys but anyway...
Also scavs are really annoying to try and draw consistently, like what even is their anatomy thankyou?! Also most of these kind of lead into each other more than the Iterator and Slugcat headcanon thoughts because I have, strong opinions... more than I expected since I am kind of indifferent to Scavs in the game(well outside of Artificer’s campaign where it’s very much, please leave me alone or die faster)
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I so dearly wish I could rant all about insect wars and how they relate to scavs, but it’s not something I can really sum up succinctly. But it’s in their fight first nature and all over how they react to things. Of course it’s not the start and end of my headcanon, but it’s certainly one of the big things. Reminds me especially of how ant colonies are, although scavs in Rain World are much more universal in their interactions as the reputation system goes...
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Colony Insects and good lord do they change the environment. Also I directly relate this point back to the Metropolis scavs. Who booooy will I talk about them again later. I’m working on individual scribble headcanons somewhere down the line and man-- I think the implications of the scavengers in Metropolis say SO MUCH. Both for Scavengers and Five Pebbles.
It’s a bit of a miscommunication but plain terms...
Pebbles might have had better luck dealing with things if he invited Slugcats in over Scavs... because as insect based colony creatures-- Scavs going to look at the environment and go “we will make you work for us!” while Slugcats-- rodents find their way in and adapt to the environment instead... I mean look at how Mice and Rats live out in our world... sure they can and will make new dens, but more often they just find a space and adapt.
Insects though, hah.
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But seriously, decoys! I think the pearls are double timing. It’s not just that they’re shiny and nice to look at. But it’s protection. This is PURE headcanon, but if they really are insects, well Eggs. And again kind of going on ants because there are... some that will bring pebbles down into their nests and well-- yeah.
I also have more thoughts on the hoarding behaviour, but it’s hard to fully explain... Also yeah, Scavs are army ants... well not really, but one of the big species that I immediately thought of. Especially once you have Chieftain and they just send a whole Guard Squad to “help” you sometimes. Like good lord, does anyone else find that their “help” is WORSE that when they don’t care about you and are neutral?! Because lordy I do.
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Hah, I mean, they do value karma flowers if you trade them. So I just extrapolated. It’s probably to do with the reincarnation cycle. Also I have... other thoughts on that, but it’s minor. Bet the ancients were more likely to become scavs down the line, those who did-- Scavs or Scugs... but I lean more to scavs for... reasons.
Pearls as well the masks of the elites. Also another point of the insect wars comparison. Because man, when you look at the game there are different tribes kind of... depending on which regions you’re in. Although, it’s very possible that they’re all the same colony under the one Scav Chief since well-- The reputation with them is Universal between Moon and Pebbles’ grounds.
Oh, and just a bonus picture at the end of this all...
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Not entirely serious, but-- just something funny I suppose.
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fansids · 3 years
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Sketch Request for @sketching-shark
I have a lot to say about this one. I'm putting it all below the cut:
Let me start by saying this is the last of the three requests I got before I updated my rules, and I am not drawing a background like this for the others. Ya'll already know how I feel about backgrounds.
And sorry this took so long but I'll explain why below
Sketching-shark...buddy...friend...my dude, why you gotta put me back on my bullshit???
"idk if this is something you'd be interested in imagining/portraying-"
Firstly, this drawing was an EXPERIENCE. I knew about the four spiritual primates, but the other two are mentioned once each in the entirety of jttw. I spent quite a bit of time trying to find like ANY other information about like what they're intended to represent/symbolize in jttw, but I came up pretty much empty. Though I did find out that they can also be translated to be called the "The Four World-Wrecking Monkeys."
Anyway, meet Cháng-bì Yuán [left] and Mǎ hóu [right], aka the Long-Armed Ape and Red-bottomed Horse Monkey. I really hope their names translated the way I wanted them to.
I have spent so many hours trying to figure out their species and designs.
I originally intended to design Cháng-bì off of an extinct species of gibbon, but I was unable to find any reconstructions or artistic renditions of any of the three extinct species, so I decided to leave Cháng-bì's specific species vague.
Mǎ hóu on the other hand was far more complicated. Some translations called her a bare-bottomed ape, or horse monkey, and others said baboon. I have no idea what a "horse monkey" is and my searches didn't yield much. It definitely didn't help that baboons are not native to Asia. I decided to make her a gelada, cause they live in grasslands and eat grass which is kinda horse-like I guess? They also have these gorgeous manes and lion-like tails. (Have you seen their teeth? That shit gave me nightmares as a kid)
Cháng-bì's clothing gave me a bit of trouble. I know gibbons have long arms, but drawing them is so weird since my brain tells me she's heavily disproportionate. I covered her arms with sleeves both because I like the look, and it helps me ignore her arm length.
I looked up a lot of different styles of hanfu before settling on this one for Cháng-bì. I actually finished this pic like two days ago, but I went back and completely redesigned her hanfu cause I really didn't like it. I don't think this will be her final look, same for Mǎ hóu. I have a number of issues with both of their clothing. Cháng-bì's collar and embroidery looks off. And do me a favor and pay as little attention to Mǎ hóu's armor as humanely possible. But this gives me a pretty good starting point.
I am not the best at clothing design, as you've probably noticed by now...
I can't find much information on them outside of their one mention in jttw. I'm not expecting that they themselves appear anywhere, but like what do they mean?? What do they represent? What would be proper powers to give them? Cause currently Cháng-bì's possible abilities sound the most terrifying.
Guys, I need answers, I need information. Or ideas or something. I am not knowledgeable enough in the Chinese mythos to plan these two out the way I want to. I have a very vague idea about their pasts and personalities, but nothing I'm comfortable with solidifying.
Any form of help or resource is very welcome.
Overall, this was a pretty fun mini project. I even got to draw a protective SWK.
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Hey, can I complain about ppl spreading lies about Macaque and Wukong being brothers in the original JTTW? Yeah? Yeah ok:
I already went over this in my "ranking LMK ships" post, but I really need to get this out of my system because it has been frustrating me to no end. Seeing as I already went over how there's no evidence to support the idea that Macaque and Wukong are related, I'mma just quote what I said in my ship post:
"To all the dumb brains out there spreading misinformation about JTTW, lemme put this misconception to bed now... MACAQUE AND WUKONG WERE NEVER BROTHERS IN JTTW! Buddha stated that they're vaguely a part of the same species, but not brothers. Wukong and Macaque have precisely zero deeper connection to each other in JTTW, Macaque's birth was never even detailed in the book and Wukong doesn't even have parents. I have researched this topic for weeks, I've read parts of the original JTTW, I have even talked with actual Chinese people on this stupid ass issue, and as far as I can tell, this is just a stupid fan theory being passed off as canon by non-Chinese ppl who haven't read or even properly researched the original JTTW. Shut the actual fuck up, I don't want to hear it."
Now I know what some of y'all might be saying, "BUT-BUT I LOOKED IT UP ON GOOGLE AND I SAW A WEBSITE SAYING THEY WERE BROTHERS SO IT MUST BE TRUE!" Yeah...let's go over those sources.
The source ppl have been showing (on tik tok anyways) is this fan theory on Villains Wiki:
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Key word: fan theory. The wiki never actually quotes the book directly and basically assumes that Macaque and Wukong were born the same way and also makes the massive leap in logic that them being born the same way somehow makes them siblings. Tell me, if two baby chicks are both hatched from different eggs, does that automatically make them siblings? No, no it does not.
Regarding Buddha explaining Macaque's background, this is what he actually says from the English translation:
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"The Intelligent Stone Monkey" is obviously referring to Wukong, but wait, why is Wukong the "Stone Monkey"? The title of "Stone Monkey" suggests that being birthed from a stone is something unique to Wukong and the other spiritual primates were born differently. This tracks cuz the spiritual primates are very mysterious beings who have very little lore in the actual JTTW, so them all being born differently wouldn't exactly be strange.
But yes, Buddha never mentions that the four spiritual primates are all related. If they were, he would've mentioned it especially since he's an all-knowing being. He had no reason to keep information like that a secret when asked.
Some have also claimed that they've heard from Chinese people that they are brothers or are "culturally considered brothers", whatever that means. I, once again, cannot find any evidence to support this on the internet and speaking to actual Chinese people I know irl and on Twitter on this matter just confirms the opposite: that most ppl consider them to be unrelated. The only people I've seen claiming this are or seem to be non-Chinese, so I can only assume that they're either A. Cherry picking and/or exaggerating their sources or B. Made it the fuck up.
"BUT SURELY MACAQUE AND WUKONG HAVE A DEEPER CONNECTION CUZ THEY'RE BOTH MYSTIC MONKEYS RIGHT!?!?" Well, you'd think that but...no. Macaque quite literally shows right the fuck up outta no where in JTTW, commits identity theft and then Wukong fucking kills him. That's it, that's literally it. Macaque's only purpose in JTTW is to be a very on-the-nose metaphor for Wukong overcoming his rebellious past, Macaque is just supposed to act in a similar way to Wukong when he was younger. Another thing: a lot of ppl are also claiming that Macaque is a physical manifestation of Wukong's worst impulses or an alter ego of Wukong's. But no, as Buddha says, Macaque is his own separate, unrelated entity from Wukong.
Now, if Wukong was created asexually and Macaque is completely unrelated to Wukong, why do so many ppl believe that they're twins? Because Macaque in the original JTTW is seen as anticlimactic. Yep, that's literally the reason. And I get it: Macaque, this mysterious powerful monkey the same species as the Monkey King, Wukong's equal, out to replace the Great Sage is... just some guy. He exists, and he has no deeper connection to Wukong outside of that. You'd think he would, but no. So I think a lot of ppl just automatically assume that they're brothers because them being completely unrelated just won't click for them.
One obvious reason is that ppl are genuinely being misinformed and don't want to question others because they're afraid of being wrong, which I completely understand and sympathize with.
Another reason could be that well...and this is going to be a bit controversial but- Maybe ppl are just trying to shut down discussions of queer romance or queer relationships? Now I'm by no means saying this is actually true, but this whole situation reminded me of something similar. Have you ever heard about Patroclus and Achilles? The two historically gay power couple who tragically died together? Well, in 2003's "Troy", the movie rewrites the two as cousins so they could write off all that pesky queer romance as "Just a couple of guys being dudes."
Am I saying that this is definitely a reason why ppl are claiming that Wukong and Macaque in LMK and JTTW are brothers? No. Am I saying it's a possibility to look out for? Yes. I absolutely hate this revisionist history of mythology, even when you point out that someone's wrong they just go, "Well, you must be disrespecting the myth's influence on culture! How dare you question my claims about the original story!? Are you saying that you don't care about Chinese culture!?" And it's like, slow your roll there bud. I've grown up on this story and done plenty of goddamn research on it, I like to think I know what I'm talking about. If the text says they aren't brothers, then they aren't brothers. Period.
But see, that's what I love about JTTW: small, insignificant details about characters can be left up entirely to interpretation, but the core message and story are still intact. That's why JTTW is such a popular story and why it's survived throughout the centuries, it's thanks to it's sheer flexibility as a story. You can give Macaque and Wukong any relationship you want, friends, brothers, the same person, it's all up to your imagination!
That's why I find it so annoying that ppl are barging in with their fan theories and claiming it's canon to the original JTTW, because not only is it just ignorant, but it completely undermines the original story.
Anyways, here's a picture that'll piss off the anti-shadowpeach bitches out there:
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Did you see the K Doubutsu short where everyone was an animal? If so I wonder what about Yata is monkey-like? I personally think a coyote or wild dog would suit him, or a crow like his name! For that matter why would Anna be a prarie dog, I think, or Kama a boar (besides being a lot like Pumbaa)?
I don’t know if this was ever actually confirmed but I do recall reading somewhere that Yata was intended to be a monkey and Fushimi a crow (for imagery reasons) but a kanji got misread and that’s how we got Penguinshimi :P If that’s the case it does make sense and I think Yata works decently well as a monkey, they’re clearly going for a more playful and wild sort of imagery that I think works for cute li’l monkey Yata. I could definitely see him as a Chihua—er, dog or something similarly energetic but I think a monkey works, the idea was definitely for him to be something small, athletic and energetic which all fit his image. Something like a wild dog might be harder to show off his athletic side too, since a monkey has a fuller range of movement to work with. I actually think monkey works better than a crow would for him anyway, since a crow gives off a ‘darker’ more gloomy imagery which I don’t think quite meshes with Yata’s personality unless they were going for an actual three-legged ‘Yatagarasu’ look (though I do have a shirt from some collab K did that has a little three legged crow on it wearing a beanie and riding a skateboard, it’s cute). 
For the others, with Kamamoto I assume they were going for an animal that’s more bulky in look, and presumably also intending a ‘ha ha Kamamoto’s fat so he’d be a pig, get it? Get it?’ kind of thing. As for Anna….I honestly have no idea why they decided on prairie dog for her. I assume they wanted some kind of small animal and maybe they decided prairie dog worked better than something more energetic like a squirrel and without the predatory connotations of ferrets or weasels. I could see the idea being that prairie dogs are like less outwardly energetic and more shy, hiding underground away from people and keeping to their family groups. They also have pretty complex ways of communication and I saw on Wikipedia that for certain species a group of them is referred to as a ‘clan.’ I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Gora saw that last fact and thought it would be a good fit for one of the characters and decided that Anna fit best out of the main cast.
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spectralscathath · 2 years
What species of scorpion have you made Tyrian in Antares?
Well, with the caveat that scorpion faunus in the RWBY are definitely fantasicalised the same way most faunus are*, because RWBY faunus animal traits play real fast and loose with actual animal science and biology.** For one thing, scorpion tails in rwby are apparently prehensile. Is it biologically accurate? No. Is it cool? Absolutely, so I'm keeping it.
But, however, I do have an idea for Tyrian, and therefore Ruby, that's based mostly on personal preference, and also just for fun. I base them (I'll admit, somewhat vaguely), on the Black Rock Scorpion, Urodacus manicatus, which is a burrowing scorpion found in regions of Australia that tends to be dark brown or reddish brown in colour that detects prey by sensing vibrations through the ground and attacks with ambushes.
It is also a scorpion that has a venom that is not all that dangerous, although it's gonna hurt like the dickens because it's also known as the wasabi receptor toxin, which on my limited research seems to state that it targets pain receptors specifically. However, I'm also taking creative liberty with the idea that most scorpions are very smol, and then I'm scaling the effects of the venom up from there to a big person creating the same equivalent of that venom, which means that a sting from Tyrian or Ruby is gonna be a Problem (that I take creative liberty with for Drama TM)
Most of the other standard scorpion facts apply: the carapace glows under blacklight (a very fetching neon bluey-green in this case), young scorpions are more likely to sting because they don't have as much brute strength to just kill their prey like adults do, and in RWBY the eyes glow the same colour as the venom as a form of warning colouration that they're ready to sting.
Anyway thanks for listening to my TED talk on why Tyrian's Australian! 🦂
* eg. Sun is a generic monkey in the show, but his allusion is meant to be macaque-like, but his tail is prehensile which is a thing that only occurs in monkeys that evolved in South America, such as the capuchins, spider monkeys, and howler monkeys, and technically if we were being anatomically accurate there'd be a bald patch on the underside of his tail for grip, it's a whole thing-
** I still think that Sun should be a Howler Monkey of some kind because its cute tho. He's a loud boi
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
Okay so thinking a bit more about the miraculous AU: Freddy/Sigfrid (because trans girl Freddy is perfect for this AU) is obviously the ladybug, and thus the inexperienced team leader. I like the idea of naming her Catarina because Spanish.
Fred is the black cat, and tbh I don't have any good name ideas for him. Maybe Bombay? (After the cat species, not the city). Or maybe Wildcat, which is more his style but not particularly original or creative. I'm still not sure what his relationship with Sigfrid will be- maybe a love square like in the show? Maybe they're rivals as civilians but firm confidants as heroes? Twins that keep worrying about their sibling's safety without knowing they're risking their lives every day? There's many interesting angles and I'm not sure which would be the most interesting.
Fox/Aiden is the fox and his name is Rennard. I like to think that he's actually not that happy about his choice of miraculous since the fox is more about fighting with cunning and illusions rather than brute force, so it takes it a bit of time until he finally figures out how to use his powers properly instead of just hitting the akumas with his flute.
Golden is the dog and his hero name is Retriever (get it? Golden retriever?). In this AU he's kind of like the Adrien, in that he uses his miraculous as an escape from his shitty family. Because he doesn't want to get replaced, he's very eager to please and always does what Catarina says, which Fred thinks is insanely annoying and tryhard, so they have a bit of a rivalry going on.
Bonnie is the monkey and... I also don't have a name for him. Not even an honorable mention- all my ideas so far have been bad, so rip. Anyway, I think he's probably the one in that most often goes off and does his own thing instead of following the rest, which is a bit of a double-edged sword; sometimes it means that he ruins the other's plans, but sometimes he gets an advantage while the rest of the team is fighting amongst themselves.
Chica/Ann has the bee miraculous and her name is Honeybee. Her role in the team in basically to keep the team in check- because sometimes Sigfrid and Fred argue about the plan, and Fox wants to run off to hit things with no regards for the plan, and Bonnie is completely ignoring the rest of them, so she needs to be the one to wack them all over the head and remind them that a lot of shit is at stake so they can't afford to lose. Basically, she's the mom lol.
I also have stuff about the villains but this is long enough for now.
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mintenochian · 4 years
what other people want added to Minecraft: g u n s
what I want added to Minecraft
-For multiple biomes, but mainly for the forests.
-Songbirds would add SO MUCH life to the otherwise quiet areas of the game
-Ravens and crows would be awesome and could use some of the parrot mimicking AI
-Cardinals in the snow biomes would bring a GORGEOUS pop of colour into the white atmosphere
-Seriously we need something to populate the sky, parrots do NOT fly like they should
-nests in trees, can find eggs in them
-doesn't really add a use but fun new feather types would be cool
-technically still a bird but would go really well in covered rooftop forests and snow biomes
-we're already getting larger avians added in the form of vultures so why not more large birds?
•Mice and / or rats
-absolute precious babies
-sadly would go well with owls :(
-with cave update coming we need adorable rodents scurrying around
-lil bastards could make mouseholes inside of blocks
-will they be tameable? idk.
-adds the necessity for cheese
-MOJANG this is a MUST, this is a NEED
-You literally have pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep spawning in forests what the fuck
-Deer with spotty baby fawns??? Yes
-Young bucks with different stages of antler growth? Yes
-Fawns frolicking in flower forests bc they feel safe
-Stripped wood appearing on trees where bucks scrape velvet off their antlers
-Being able to collect sets of antlers when they fall off periodically (would NOT be attainable by killing the deer, you have to wait for them to shed)
•Elk and Moose
-Same vein as deer
-Bigger, much bigger, neutral instead of passive, less shy
-Snowy biomes
-Better additions than fucking llamas tyvm
-Sidenote but savannahs could also really use some endangered deer-like species to help raise awareness for their status
-Mojang plz
-Adds nuts to Minecraft ;)
-Black, grey, red, and mixed colour squirrels and breeding
-Brings life to forests like songbirds and deer
-Mojang bby you literally already have a neutral bear in Minecraft why have you not reskinned it for grizzly/brown/black bears?
-Bear caves
-Hibernating mobs
-Brings more use to the beehives and bees, bears could be attracted to any area that has more than one bee hive with honey
-They NEED the ocelots and cats update
-More wolf types (red, timber, snow, black, etc)
-Actual wolf packs (the AI would be difficult to program but the doges are worth it)
-Please let the howl at the moon, if foxes get to say ringdingding all night long wolves deserve to be allowed to howl
-More dog breeds (I know that there's no reason for domesticated dog breeds in Minecraft but ACTUALLY THERE IS)
-Hunting dogs like springers that can jump and run faster
-Foxhounds :D
-Most Important Goodest Boy: Herding dogs like collies and sheepdogs
-Herding dogs could be found in plains where cows and sheep spawn and create herds
-Instead of having to pen up and enclose your livestock you could form herds of cows and sheep
-Your Goodest Boi herding dog would protect them and move around with them when they graze
-Just soft peaceful minecraft tingz
•Salt licks
-Something SO SMALL but would make SO MUCH HAPPINESS
-Drawing new cows into your herd by putting up a salt lick
-I'm soft
-I guess salt would be a new ore???
•Bird feeders
-idk I think it would be cool
-excess seeds used for SOMETHING
-The coolness of wolves, the chaos of foxes, the cunning of cats
-be gay do crimes
-can open chests (trigger trap chests to catch them?)
-Fantastic little shits
-Not tameable but will trust players like foxes do
-I know it's a lot to ask and it would be hard to make them look good
-But??? Imagine a tiny lil garter snake in your garden
-unlikely but would be so fantastic
-please Mojang we need this so badly
-imagine the ships? The bridges? The bell towers and everything?
-super easy to add, just reskin vines and add a string crafting recipie
•Butterflies and Moths
-Bflies could be a unique mob to flower forests and friends with bees
-if moobloom is added they would all be BEST BUDS
-get it "buds" ahahaha
-help with flower polination but just gives a TON of life to flower forests
-We literally have lanterns in minecraft why do we NOT have moths? Such a cool aesthetic addition.
-helps fill both the daytime and nighttime sky
-fourth member of BEST BUDS
-just soft baby
-i love birbs okay
-the only avian who does not work for the bourgeoisie
-10 million of them please
-they give great hugs
-adds so much atmosphere to the night world
-We have milk
-We have, presumably, goat milk
-Quit being cowards and add butter and cheese
-Butter churn job block for villagers
-V funny bc they have no arms to churn with?? Oh well
-Something decorative and beautiful that could 1) liven up beaches and 2) have snails and crabs inside!
-Mojang plz do not add sand dollars to the game people already don't know how to tell if they're still alive before trying to take them home
-Imagine something as massive as the ender dragon but peaceful. Allows you to stand on them (idk how but make it happen Jeb)
-Being so deep and far out into the ocean, and when the moon is high in the sky and you're sitting in your boat, you just hear the beautiful melancholy sounds of the whales in the distance
-Idk if y'all know this but the glow squid is a bad idea
-Dream buddy you fucked up, please use your influence to get in contact with Mojang and have them redo the vote. People would have so much regained respect for you if you tried to fix your mistake.
-Also why does a speedrunner get to tell millions of people what mob would bring more life to Minecraft? He's only playing the game for 5 minutes smh
-Jellyfish could literally do everything the glow squid is going to and look better for it AND possibly be neutral instead of peaceful
-Not much to say but it would liven up the frozen water biomes a bit
-You already know why
-Imagine giving a new home to all the Club Penguin players? Legendary.
-Gender doesn't exist in Minecraft but we all know penguins would be hella gay
-I think they would be cute
-Never going to happen since passive mobs are generally real life animals but it would be so cool
-they can hold hands
-brings life to the rivers
-super cute
•Frogs and possibly toads
-Swamp gods
-Absolute mad lads
-maybe grow from tadpoles
-wouldn't do much but needed
•Fairy Forests
-NOT Twilight Forests. Not a new dimension.
-Just gentle hidden groves in forests
•Big cats
-Tigers, lions, bobcats, panthers
-Literally anything that could finally add a strong predator possibility to savannahs and jungles
•Zebras and Giraffes
-Shy and skittish
-cannot ride (their skeletal structure is NOT MADE FOR CARRYING HUMANS)
-Super cute tho, brings much needed life to savannahs
-The better llama
-Can honestly just be a reskin
-brings much needed life to the desert
-spits and wears carpet and forms caravans like llamas
-Easier to add to "jungles" than monkeys
-it would be really cool if we could just get a Rainforest biome
-King Julian stans awaken
•Red pandas
-we need them
-cuter than normal pandas and you can @ me
-better idea than sloths or koalas
•More Eldritch Horror Hostile Mobs
-Fun fact time
-The enchanting table language already has Lovecraftian references
-"phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn" is literally a quote from the enchanting table
-translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
-Bet you didn't know that fun fact
-aNYWAYS add the Kraken to Minecraft instead of the shitty guardians. Thanks.
-imagine how cool it would be to see lights slowly extinguish as something terrifying and dangerous slowly moves in for the kill
-torches get extinguished and can get relit
-if not relit fast enough Something will be waiting
•Ice statues
-We have giant fossils and ship wrecks and cool stuff like that but please imagine finding a GIANT humanoid ice sculpture in an ice spikes biome
-maybe bones inside to show you that... That wasn't carved or naturally generated.
-Not a mob but a decoration block
-Found in temples, mineshafts, and caves
-implied to be the remains of miners and explorers
-also implies that every skeleton you kill has some backstory since they look the same
-Not real world star maps but completely unique to Minecraft
-chance for LOTS of fun references
-The stars are your only companions in an apocalyptic world where you are the last of your kind
-Space is gay minecraft is gay thus minecraft space is gay
-we have butter in this list
-we have salt in this list
-popcorn. That is all.
And finally
-mostly a joke but would be a cool crop
-100% a reference to Hatsune Miku the creator of Minecraft
DISCLAIMER: I recognize that mobs are added to Minecraft to serve a purpose within the game and that many of these mobs would be better in mods and such, but I also feel like many of these suggestions would really bring so much more life to parts of the game that really need it. Even if they don't serve a huge purpose, they would still be really amazing additions imo.
I would love to see the ideas and suggestions that other people have for what they want added to Minecraft, please TAG ME if you make a post like this, I wanna hear and read it!
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