#actually i think this is ok for me to do bc i can perceive the future <3
crest-of-gautier · 1 year
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i got new game :D
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maaxverstappen · 5 months
Mandy… we must discuss max/oscar… what is the lore… what are the notes…. Im clocked in ma’am im ready to be deluded — wiz
ok so i called myself the unofficial head of this ship (lol) but actually looking through the tumblr tag i must denounce myself and crown @nyoomfruits instead bc she has been on it from day 1
max and oscar are just so similar i think they get each other!! they're both very down to earth and very focussed on the job. both of them hailed as extraordinary in lower formulas and quickly making their way up (ofc max's was very quick and oscar had his year out, but still all things considered). i feel like a lot of it is max being surprised about oscar, i dont think he expected that deadpan energy/serious but enjoying it/quick wit from him and now hes like oh i see, i get it. maybe also helps how much lando gets along with oscar and max obvs likes lando. trusts his opinion.
max praising oscar when he hardly ever praises anyone like this
oscar looking up at max with awe and eagerness (its a still from a video but let me have this)
this tho!!! max never sits on the floor but sees oscar doing it so joins him?! for no reason?! lando was in the chair it wouldve been so easy to sit next to him (as he then does later) "thank you mercedes" and then max's fond laugh and almost surprise. surprise that oscar can be witty like that!! max didnt expect it oscar turning around to watch the screen and being too late. max laughing at him, checking to see if lando is laughing too. if it isnt weird that max is laughing at oscar's joke/misfortune. max then doubling down and voicing what happened as if they didnt all just witness it right there.
like i said on the oscar discord too, i think oscar would indulge max's maxplaining!! he enables it and is like "Huh, I never thought about it like that. Have you considered that [x]" and then suddenly its 11pm and everyone else has left the paddock before they even look up from their convo
they would absolutely bicker over Everything but neither would really perceive it as bickering. thats just how they are
also they both have cat energy so
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arkhamjack · 6 months
CW for gore and suicidal ideation (TriMax Vol. 7) also Spoiler warning!
EDIT: I am a drama queen and just assume a lot of Trimax readers misinterpreted this scene bc I saw like only two people do it but I’m also using this as an excuse to yap about Vash and Knives’ personalities bc it was super interesting in this volume ok byyeee read on:
Is it just me or is the majority of the fandom under the impression that it was Knives who stabbed Rem?? Because it was actually Vash. Which I think says a lot about their actual personalities vs how the fandom perceives them.
Analysis under the cut!
In classic Nightow fashion, it's hard to figure out wtf is going on and you gotta read over it multiple times, but look:
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After the discovery of Tesla, Knives faints and is placed in a little incubator thing or whatever and Vash laments the fact he remained awake to mull over the horrors. From this point on, Knives is not in the picture bc he's busy honk mimimi (which is actually something he employs as a coping mechanism throughout the story... his precious beauty sleep...)
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Now, Vash is refusing to eat and lashes out at Rem, expressing his disdain for being stuck on a spaceship with all these nasty humans.
Rem once again tries to get Vash to eat, peeling him a fruit.
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Vash lunges for the knife and attempts to stab himself, but Rem stops him.
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Vash is locked in a reactive state - he's in shock and acting out. This is where I think ppl miss the mark in interpreting the twins and why Vol. 7 is so important.
Vash can actually be nasty as hell. He ain't all that babygirl. His silly goofy facade is a way of integrating himself into the human world sure - but it's also lying to himself. He's impulsive, stubborn, and dare I say arrogant with his Messianic martyr type shit. (EDIT: I’m being a bit harsh here… I mean yeah he’s the only person on Gunsmoke who’s got a chance against Knives but like getting up in townspeople’s business gets really annoying imo like I understand why he does it but man…that’s why we’ve got Wolfwood bc narrative foil and whatever… anyway)
Knives on the other hand, internalises everything. Though he may appear to be the one who lashes out, and yes of course he's also arrogant, but it's mostly projection. He is in a MAD state of denial. For all his talk of being a superior being, that humans are icky and should all perish, yada yada yada, he actually wishes for love and acceptance - he wants to be safe.
Obviously, his head is too far up his ass to admit it, and he's always too busy tweaking about how annoying Vash is and blaming Rem for everything to actually try and sit down and think of better ways to do things but ANYWAY
(You know who else's head is up their ass? Vash. The twins are actually so alike if you really study them!! Anywayyyy)
That was Knives' whole deal from THE VERY BEGINNING. Knives was the one to cry in relief when Conrad and the crew accepted them, not Vash. Vash was more like "ok cool! life might not be so bad! yipee!" and then Knives had to Big Fall about his internalised plantphobia or whatever etc etc.
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The stabbing occurs. Again, hard to tell it's actually occurring bc Nightow, but yeah Vash stabbed Rem. Not Knives! Bro has passed out for a couple days now lol.
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More evidence it's Vash - Vash was the one to express feeling suicidal. Knives cannot express anything to save his life bc he's the king of internalisation and deflection and projection lmao. Also yeah he's still eeping.
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Oh look! He rises! Completely unaware of the drama that has unfolded! Not that he'd care! He's set on a mission to hurl humanity to the dust bowl of Gunsmoke! Little scamp.
Ok take from all that what you will!
Thanks for reading <3
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dreamonminecraft · 7 months
Ok so u support dreamnap? Me as well but what are your thoughts bc ur extremely educated and well spoken
Okay first of all careful with the "well educated and well spoken" part. I'm 16 and trying my very best not to lose my mind. After four years in this fandom, I'm very well aware of how words can become violently misconstrued and everything is taken as the end of the world. I get it, parsing through information like this is difficult and trying to figure out where you stand is even harder- but don't take my words as final. Don't take anyone's. Consider your own thoughts and feelings against the evidence we all have and make up your own mind. That's part of the reason we're in this mess. That being said:
I think the largest factor here is that George and Caiti lived two very different experiences that night. I don't believe that George was attempting to get with her in any way- I don't think that any of the girls were invited to Dream's hotel room for any sexual reasons. I think from the first night they hung out Caiti was uncomfortable with the age gap and thought of George as weird, potentially flirty, and maybe untrustworthy. Neither Caiti or her friends liked Dream to begin with.
When they decided to go up to Dream's hotel room that night, Dream did not know how old Caiti was. Caiti says that George did. I don't know what their instagram dms were. However they interacted, they were all drunk and Caiti perceived George's actions to be sexual.
I think, based on how we know George to act when he's drunk (Sapnap's stories, Dream's stories, and the drunk banter episode) that he likely was touchy with whoever was around them that night. That doesn't invalidate what Caiti felt. She hasn't been around George much prior to this, certainly not while drunk, and she already felt like he was flirting with her. Whatever touching happened wasn't called out or even noticed by anyone in the room. Nobody remembers it happening except Caiti (and potentially George, but it's unlikely)
When she went to leave, she was already uncomfortable and then he followed her to the elevator. Benefit of the doubt, he was probably just going to walk her back to her hotel room, but she was very drunk and very uncomfortable, which he failed to recognize. The minute she told him no, he backed off and left her alone.
He likely did not interpret any of her signals that night, as she said they were all non-verbal until the elevator. He probably doesn't even remember it. We know that when George is drunk, he'll often sit on the laps of his friends (Sapnap) or hang on them (Karl) or even kiss them (Dream) but that's not okay to do with strangers.
This isn't a story about an abuse of power or age, but likely recognizing that some people just can't handle getting drunk. George is not good at reading people when he's sober, and can't be trusted not to trample on people's boundaries when he's drunk. Alcohol is not for everyone.
This is likely, hopefully, a one-off event. I believe that George's tweet yesterday was reactionary, as our first time seeing the allegations was likely also his first time hearing them. I doubt that he remembers the details of the night.
None of this is to abstract his fault. If Caiti was uncomfortable with any of his actions, he should have been able to recognize that and step away. The fact that he couldn't proves that he was too drunk and needs to reflect on his own problems with alcohol.
That being said, if what I think happened and what actually happened are the story that George explains when and if he goes live, and on the condition that Caiti believes him and accepts his apology, I will continue to support George.
I think there is a lot of growth that needs to happen in his own life. I think he's emotionally stunted, I think he uses alcohol in an unhealthy way, and I think he needs to come to terms with the fact that he hurt someone even if it was unintentional.
Lying will not get him out of this.
With all that said, I will continue to support dream and sapnap regardless of their reaction to this. Sapnap wasn't there. He has no part in this other than being George's friend. Dream didn't notice it when it happened and was never aware of any of it. He's been caught up unfairly in the allegations and I don't feel it's right to drop him over this, at least personally.
I don't think Dream or Sapnap will stop being friends with George. I think dream and George are more than friends and have completely built their lives around each other. I think sapnap's content is already mostly stand alone but dream has been his best friend for over a decade and George is such an integral part of that. I think it is naive to think George will be kicked out, and that doesn't mean that either of them are supporting a bad person, it just means they're being good friends.
Sometimes you have to be a good friend because somebody needs it. I don't know when George will go live and I don't know what he'll say, but I don't regret my time here regardless of what it is.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
seems to me that a lot of ppl are uncomfortable with the concept of sexism (when defined as discrimination based on being assigned female at birth) being a facet of misogyny (when defined as discrimination based on being perceived as a woman or feminine) bc they think in order for discussions of misogyny to be inclusive of trans women, the definition of misogyny we use cannot include things trans women don’t experience (or rarely experience). but imo this is just yet another way that trans women are pressured to conform to cis standards.
when cis women don’t experience a certain form of misogyny, most of the time we don’t use that as an excuse for why they aren’t Actually Women. we acknowledge that women have a broad spectrum of experiences based on many intersecting identities. so when we hear ra/df/ems say that sex based oppression is an integral part of misogyny, that it is a mandatory part of misogyny, it makes sense why we’d shy away from that if we want to be inclusive of trans women. but the problem with ra/df/ems’ stance isn’t that sex based oppression doesn’t exist or isn’t a very prominent facet of misogyny, it’s that they think sex based oppression is mandatory to claim you face misogyny. they think that womanhood as an identity is based in biology, so to them there is no difference between sexism and misogyny. thus, because trans women don’t face the same sex based oppression “females” do, they can’t experience misogyny, according to ra/df/em ideology.
but if you want to be truly trans inclusive in your definition of misogyny, you can’t concede to ra/df/ems’ view of sexism/misogyny. you can’t just say “ok well since you’re saying someone has to experience sex based oppression to experience misogyny, we’re just gonna throw that out! so there!” you have to acknowledge that there will be some facets of misogyny that some or even most trans women don’t face, and that doesn’t make them not women. there are some facets of misogyny that trans women face that cis women don’t, and we call that transmisogyny. just because the vast majority of trans women don’t experience sexism (as defined in the first paragraph) does not mean they are not women or that they don’t/can’t experience misogyny. and i don’t think it’s fair to any trans people to insist on a narrow and unusable definition of misogyny just because you’re uncomfortable with a framework that doesn’t force trans women to just get as close to cis womanhood as they can and call it a day. if you want to be truly inclusive of trans women and all trans people, these are conversations you need to have and frameworks you need to start deconstructing.
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam ok now i would love to know if you have any jji hot takes 👀
KJSDBVDKJFBV trying to get me #canceled i see i see /jkjk
i kind of only have one really Hot Take i guess (i have an uncountable amount of opinions but those have been said before by myself or others, or are just... yknow. vibes and feelings and preferences), and it's that:
gege is a character writer, specifically with an emphasis on character relationships (mirrors, foils, family, [perceived] romance, etc.), but he is not particularly skilled at plot (and specifically seems to struggle with balancing story within the plot), and i think a lot of the current animosity towards jjk would not exist if he had really buckled down on and maintained the level of character-centered storylines that we got at the beginning.
i will elaborate under the cut bc i don't think everyone needs or wants to read my thought processes KJSDBVJKDBV
jjk, in my opinion, has a very clean dividing line that is Everything In The Beginning and then Everything Post-Shibuya. up to the end of the shibuya incident, the story is character-driven (though a bit fast-paced, it still manages) and has a very clear and defined goal (not for the characters, though they also have their own motivations, but for the plot): get yuuji to eat all of the sukuna fingers, and then execute him. obviously a story has to story, so there are antagonists getting in the way, and there are underlying themes and actions that make that goal more heartbreaking, but it is laid in stone right away that there is no happy ending here (yuuji will die) and the best we should hope for is happy memories along the way, while the best we can hope for is the characters figuring out a way to get around this doomed reality. we had a great main cast and a through-line for the plot and, most importantly, circling themes of character/relationship mirrors, cycles in general, and the connecting thread between power and a severing or loss of humanity (which all created a story).
there's a reason so many readers are unhappy with the culling game arc and the sukuna fight, and i think that reason is the really hard pull away from characters being able to drive the story (it's a little bit about pacing too, i think, because the culling games were long and boring, and the sukuna fight has equally been long and predictable). i truly think the worst mechanical decision gege made for jjk was separating the main cast during the culling game arc. it created a "need" to introduce a million new (pointless) characters, and all it did was underline and emphasize that character (as a writing tool) doesn't actually matter to the story anymore.
like objectively it's not... bad. there is (probably) a plot that he's following, and he (probably) has an end-goal in mind and a conclusion that he is gunning towards. he is maintaining continuity and wrapping up loose threads that were mentioned in previous chapters. things are linked. but like.... it's just so, so hard to care about what's happening in the plot right now because A) so much tragedy based around characters we don't know has only made me exceptionally numb to everything gege decides to do now, and B) we the audience have been seated next to the narrator instead of next to yuuji or gojo or yuuta or whoever. it's soooo drawn back, it's so far away from character. and i think that was just.... a really bad decision.
anyway, i think, all else equal, jjk would be on better footing right now if gege had decided to maintain the writing from Pre-Shibuya and stick to a character-driven plot. at least all of the carnage would mean something, then 🤷
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
saiki k headcannons (very very long post)
-kurumi + kuusuke have weird unnaturally sharp teeth that are lowkey scary if you look at them for too long. kusuo also has it but he hides it.
-if you think at kusuo, he can hear you no matter where you are. the psychickers (+ his family) know this and use it against him.
-kusuo is an unwilling empathy crier. if someone starts crying near him, he will at least start to tear up. he finds it an extreme inconvenience and does everything he can to hide it. this only really happens with people in his direct vicinity though, so no movie characters or random people in his telepathy radius.
-too many characters have similarly colored eyes, so here’s a lightning round with some eye color changes
akechi: periwinkle. it just makes sense to me ok?? a silly color for a silly goober. it grows on me more the more i think about it.
aren: dark magenta with a hint of red. i think it represents his personality better
toritsuka: dark grey. i like it and have no explanation for it. honorable mention goes to pink because it makes him match with saiki
also aiura has neon yellow eyes not green they are not green her eyes are not gre
-kusuo gets a pretty normal amount of sleep all things considered, in fact he probably gets maybe an hour or so more than average most nights because he just loves sleeping so much. kuusuke does not even go out of his way to get a bed for himself because the only sleep he gets is when he forgets to take his bi-hourly injection of whatever he’s using in place of caffeine and passes out on top of whatever he’s working on for ≈3 minutes before jolting himself awake and going back to work. if he really has to nap for whatever reason he claims the floor is plenty comfortable.
-kusuo has sedatephobia (fear of silence). while the peaceful tranquility of putting people’s thoughts on mute with the ring is nice, if he were to somehow be put into a situation with no noise at all or even just very little noise I think he’d be pretty freaked. he’s never had a truly quiet moment before, so it’s only a natural reaction to be uncomfortable with it. he would avidly deny it if asked though, even if he gets visibly anxious from it.
-kuusuke has never used bugs against kusuo directly because he thinks phobias are a cheap and uncreative tactic. the birthday card thing doesn’t count because that was only psychometry images.
-it’s not really a psychic power but all of the pk psychics have extremely strong intuitions. like they just Know things sometimes. this is basically canon for at least kusuo but that besides the point. the jury is still out on whether akechi also has the psixth sense or if he’s just weird but he is definitely on the same page as everyone else most of the time because of his near psychic analysis of his situation and surroundings
-kusuo can use transform on other people but it never comes up bc why would he do that when hypnosis is so much easier? something something genderbend episode
-kusuo had a very bad no good week like right before he got his limiters where his hair became uncuttable and he was forced to have a mullet until it culminated in kusuo willing himself into developing heat vision and cutting his hair with it to mixed results.
-each of the saiki’s think they’re the more normal one balancing out the rest of the family’s weirdness but no. all of you are weird there is no balance
-more of an opinion than a headcanon, but being average/“normal” was never really what saiki wanted. what he’s actually after is peace, and he just happens to associate those things with it. that’s why he changed the world to perceive his unusual attributes as normal when he was younger instead of changing himself to appear normal, what he truly wants is a world that he can be himself in and be at peace at the same time. the reason he refuses to admit this, even to himself, is because of his own lack of self-acceptance. you guys don’t understand he’s such an angsty and tragic character actually ! a poor little meow meow even ! listen to me !!
-kusuo and kuusuke NEED to have a “let’s take ibuprofen together” moment i will not be explaining further
-kuusuke works above board a lot, but he is definitely doing some “under the table” stuff when it comes to selling the shit he makes because he just does not care and wants money to fund his games. he is confident he will never get caught and even if he’s wrong kusuo is reversing that shit to avoid the trouble it would cause him.
-kuusuke does love robotics (specifically with making weapons but he does indulge in the gadget or two), and that is definitely his favorite to do stuff with and the thing he is most passionate about, but don’t be fooled, he does everything. any science under the sun and he is probably an expert on it. special mentions of things he knows a lot a lot about go to neuroscience, physics, biology, first aid/general medicine, pharmacology (technically canon because of that muscle relaxent from the cattank arc) and anything that you could realistically make a psi pun with.
-sometimes kuusuke randomly decides that a random ass guy is the person of the week he wants to piss off (to him it’s like being annoying to an animal, very amusing ^^). positive things about this: it’s normal a really bad person he decides to be a menace to like a rich guy or a corrupt politician. bad things about this: he has had to deal with hired hits on him before
-aiura can get a very accurate read on someone’s personality near instantly and has an encyclopedic knowledge on everyone. she knows your birthday and she knows what you want. teruhashi too but not because she’s psychic she’s just also weird.
-aiura has a very bad sleep schedule because she gets woken up in the middle of the night by visions of disaster. this is NOT THE SAME as kusuo’s visions !! kusuo is tormented in his sleep, she is kept awake. aiura also sometimes has visions of shit right before it happens and if it’s a bad thing she has to think quick on her feet to stop it.
-aiura does not stop helping people she just gets a little bit better at being discreet. eventually she goes freelance and owns her own shop for occult stuff good for her
ok that’s all i got for now. tune in whenever i decide to do this again for more bangers
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rweoutofthewoods · 2 months
I don’t really know how to explain it but regulus having bpd makes more sense than james having bpd. and the black brothers angst just made me want to curl up and cry. but we at least had our remus and regulus friendship, ever since i read anti-hero i loved how you wrote their friendship. and honestly mere try not to kill us with this fic bc the first chapter was better than i excepted. so can’t wait for the next chapter!!
sending you all the chocolates🍫
1. I LOVE PLATONIC MOONWATER!! Just something about them sharing similarities but also differences and not always understanding each other but still being careful with each other 🥲 in this one it’s definitely very big brotherly so that’s been a fun take on their dynamic, but I love Remus being overly affectionate when he usually might not be just to keep reminding regulus he’s loved.
2. I think I really wrote ppp because it made less sense for people to see James as having bpd. And as someone who’s also very bubbly and outgoing irl I kind of saw myself in the happy go lucky version of James people perceive him as and wanted to say ok, and what if it wasn’t real? exploring regulus with BPD is very different. In a way, James’ need to please and constant awareness of how he’s being perceived is actually very reflective of someone with bpd while regulus has the textbook trauma for it and is more likely to lash out and break down. So it’s kind of like quiet vs not quiet BPD. anyone of any type can have since it’s largely caused by trauma, but reg is more of a textbook expectation and I’m certainly not worried about him having it making him seem OOC in this one, bc really it makes sense if I do say so!
AND ACTUALLY despite the themes there’s some really interesting parts of James and regulus’ relationship and I’m obsessed with their little romance, there will be some really sweet parts!! And ofc some angst but honestly the worst of it comes from Sirius and Regulus’ relationship…
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slaingelo · 4 months
pride headcanons and boy do I have a fuckin lot so take your pic ig, (oh yea they’re all transmasc hcs ofc so I’ll just list it)
transmasc Ruto, Botw paya and Zelda, Cia
oh also Botw Zelda and Link are Transmasc for Transmasc, they are very gay and very in love
feel free to draw which one you wanna or not one at all you don’t have to answer this!
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this might've made me go a bit insane ok. first thoughts upon seeing this; LACE UP BINDERS T4T BOTW ZELINK HELPING EACH OTHER LACE THEM UP PROPERLY. gotta draw that, might come back to do those other ones though bc boy do I have thoughts about those also !
second thoughts. holy Fucking shit this gives me an excuse to go off about trans masc zelda and how inherently interesting that can be to the entire narrative. and then realizing how amazingly it could mesh with botw zelda's story specifically into a queer retelling.
zelda's role is to take up the powers of hylia. zelda has always been a girl, a woman. of course all of them would be. hylia is a goddess. the first zelda was hylia's personal vessel.
botw zelda [ going to call him zel here on out in this post for clarity lol ] would have to come to terms with how his feelings don't align with his self-perceived role. at first, he thinks his yearning to be a boy is more to do with hating his responsibilities. i think his relationship with both his gender and his role in destiny is an incredible complicated one because of all of this.
meeting link, the other destined one, probably really fucks him up more. link being a trans boy himself, on a surface level, one might think would bring zel relief; someone like him, so close to him. but it does the opposite. link has always been a boy. this link, being assigned female at birth, is a boy as well. to zel, this reaffirms his thoughts that destiny has locked their genders into place.
in general, i don't think transphobia is a huge thing in the loz universe. it's like, a very niche kind of bigotry thankfully. it's MY childhood fantasy games and i get to mostly poof it out. i think the big exception to this would be those associated with destiny, prophecies, and of course, the reincarnation cycle.
zel is pressured to not only be a good daughter and princess, but to take on the powers that should be blessed to him by the goddess herself. everything just drives him further into hating everything, including link early on.
a big part of zel being able to actually unlock his powers would be both what i think happens in game [ desperation to protect ] as well as acceptance of himself. zel's inner turmoil over his own identity, where his duty as holder of the triforce of wisdom starts and right to be himself ends.
of course, there's no actual reason for the holder of wisdom to be a woman; as there is none for the holder of courage or power to be a man. it just so happens that it tends to be like that.
i think a retelling like this could add such a strong layer onto zel's character arc. it's so good. augh. thank yuo i hope any of this is somewhat coherent. they kiss in the end
btw i think generally trans masc zeldas go for the name sheik [ thank you OOT sheik you walked so the other tran masc zeldas could run ] but botw zelda specifically would take the scientific name of like, a small critter or plant, and alter it so it sounds kind of like a hylian name. OR just go by 'zel'. or both ! idk.
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intersexcat-tboy · 3 months
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"I put it on the tag so that intersex people would be more likely to see" you want to subject us to your bigotry? GTFO of our tags holy shit you really posted this whole ass expecting a minority to educate you out of your bigotry? While FIGHTING them on it?
First and foremost, intersex is not a sex nor gender. While some may claim objections to the term 'transintersex' sound reminiscent of TERF rhetoric, it's crucial to acknowledge that they stem from entirely different foundations, TERFS ultimately and completely lacking one.
Saying "it's something you're born as" isn't inherently TERF rhetoric. There are many things someone must be born for them be. That's what congenital means. Intersex, by definition, is innate. Womanhood does not have this restriction, in fact, it's impossible to be born as a woman, as it's based around being an adult.
"intersex is something you're [born] as" [innate] is in fact the definition of intersex. It is an innate characteristic. Womanhood does not have this definition
These are going to be out of order, also I ended up deciding fuck anonymity halfway through getting the screenshots. There's a line of intersexism I'll excuse, mainly in ignorance, before I warned people about about you
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It does not matter what you think! Our oppression is not accurately understood by our oppressors! You are not the target of harm, so you have no real concept of what actually occurs to us. This is no different than a cis person claiming they don't see transphobia or don't understand why something is transphobic, so it must actually not be harmful, since the bully doesn't think so! I said multiple times it IS happening. Also, weird I can't say that trans women often follow a route to transition (first SS), yet you can claim bigender is wanting both genitals and it's ok to point that out (second SS below, highlighted)??
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"you're transitioning into a stereotype" is said to trans women regardless of how they transition, it's mainly about social transition. People say they're transitioning to intersex mainly to describe the change of genitals or hormone levels, but it's nearly always genital surgery.
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There it is folks! Idk how much more clear I can say "unless you consider intersex to be a separate gender/sex, which is harmful on itself", but somehow it's read as me saying "intersex isn't about sex"
I'm cutting myself short bc there's a lot more and I don't have the energy, so sorry if some parts don't make sense. One earlier screenshot was combined to shorten it to focus on the ascepts I would respond to, so that one is understandably confusing.
"If I'm wrong then educate me!" I have tried like four fucking times (not pictured bc repetitive), idk how many times I have to say things.
When everything you say is so blatantly misconstrued, to the point it almost seems on purpose, and it's hard to take these people seriously.
I genuinely worry sometimes, how can one manage through life when their perceived reality is so flawed and skewed? Sometimes this shit fucks me up too, and I start to question myself. I have to constantly scroll back and make sure that no, I did not "literally" say the things claimed. It would be gaslighting if it went on longer I'm not even kidding, it's meant to make you question yourself and there's times I do
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fuck-customers · 10 months
💋omfg PLEASE stop sending your dad or your boyfriend or whatever the fuck to buy your makeup. If he’s a straight man I can guaran-fucking-tee you this idiot will be pestering me over every goddamn cosmetic item on the shopping list you gave him and probably then some. Ladies if y’all need makeup just get it your damn self stop sending me your dumbass men who take up all my time bc they can’t be bothered to actually look around the makeup dept. I have shit to do and if you’re coming up to me more than three times to ask where something is, I’m getting pissed off.
Dude just now came up to me with a fucking slideshow of makeup products asking where they all are. I just looked at him like “seriously dude?” Like bro I’m not your personal fucking shopper. I’m not gonna sit there and hold your stupid fucking hand while we find these ten products. But even then, I pointed and told him exactly where each item was and he STILL couldn’t find shit. It was like that ep of SpongeBob and he’s like “the lid Patrick. The lid. The lid. The lid.” I told him one of the items was over in the corner and the dude doesn’t even go to the corner. He says “where???¿?¿” over and over again like,,, my brother in Christ,,,, do you not know what a fucking corner is? You are very clearly NOT in the corner right now like this should be a no brainer???
And the dude can see by now I’m getting annoyed by this shit and he snaps at me like “well clearly I’m not someone who uses makeup so I don’t know what I’m doing here” ok so why would you agree to go shopping for it.?Tell your lazy ass daughter/wife/gf she needs to come and get it her damn self. Save us both the fucking headache.
I also think some kind of weaponized incompetence is being employed here. Like it’s not fucking rocket science to look up at the giant, lit-up signs in each aisle that say where each brand of makeup is stocked, and then go from there to find your item. But I think these men are afraid of being perceived as “gay” or whatever tf if they’re seen shopping and taking their time in the makeup dept. so when they’re sent on these shopping trips they just skip any kind of attempt at looking for the shit themselves and instead make a bee line to me the second they walk in. And then they expect me to take their shopping list and do it all for them like no dude fuck off I have tasks to do, come back when you have a real question and not just “can you help me find these 10+ items bc I’m too lazy/too straight to do my own shopping in the makeup dept”
(Lastly I’d like to mention that some of these men even have the gall to come up to me, with their girlfriend/wife/daughter on FaceTime, asking me to color match them. Yes, you read that right. They want me to find the correct shade of foundation based on a blurry ass face on a screen. So as you can imagine, I just laugh in their fucking faces when they ask this, I just cannot believe how stupid ppl are omfg)
My first thought (being in retail 30 years) Is they don't really want the makeup but some creepy way to make conversation with the (sometimes underaged) sales people.
Or like you said they have such a fragile masculinity just being near it upsets them.
If you can get away with it, tell them you will have to charge them the "personal shopper" charge of $25 to walk them to more than three items.
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6kuros · 4 months
do u have any tommatt hcs :3 like pet names or something?? i luv the ship and how u draw them sm
you guys are feeding into my insanity thankn you...thank you......
matt uses pet names for tom (babe, sweetheart, stud) (tom is embarrassed at first but he likes it), tom doesnt rly use pet names especially early into the relationship, later on tho i think he'd occasionally call matt honey, casual simple things
despite appearances matt is the one who orders at the drive thru
both fashionistas lel but in their own way- matt has respect for tom's style bc even if that's not how he'd dress he can appreciate when someone knows how to put an outfit together. same goes for tom
i drew this bc of a convo w a friend a while back but they both love cats and send each other cat memes all the time. their text messages look like this
Tumblr media
ok now time for the Serious stuff
got together post The End, tom coming close to dying made them realize their feelings for each other and take a risk in entering an actual relationship. i think bc they knew each other so long and were housemates when they first started getting feelings they brushed them off bc they didnt want things to be awkward (tom especially- matt probably acted on his feelings first bc i think matt is slightly more emotionally intelligent and has the confidence to go for anyone)
elaborating on this tom takes a while to accept his feelings for matt bc of how he wants to feel masculine, he's fine w being trans + attracted to men but he initially imagined he'd be with a 6'5 hardcore metalhead with a bunch of piercings not a charlie xcx-britney spears-listening twink....lol...
matt helps tom a lot with being more sensitive/in touch with his feelings and being less of a dick who says the first rude thing that pops into his head. he's still like this at his core tbh but it takes much more for him to get actually irritated by other people and bc of how matt is he becomes more emotionally aware
tom also helps matt be less self centered and more emotionally aware bc tom doesnt vocalize the root of his issues most of the time- instead of actually talking he'll make a rude comment or complain about something seemingly minor when it bothers him for a deeper reason and matt has to be able to recognize this for the relationship to work
they also help each other w confidence- tom was hesitant to act on his feelings at first bc he's like matt could pull almost anyone if he wanted to why would he go for me (not quite true but that's how he sees it) and matt secretly craves affection and validation from tom bc tom seems to not care what others think and about superficial appearances (also isnt rly true but its how matt perceived tom when he started crushing on him)
ok this post is long enough
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monkeytrick · 3 months
I am so fucking enraged at the way I’ve been treated man I have fucking nobody I can go to in real life. Getting kicked out of my house that I escaped to from my insane abusive family BECAUSE my roommate-turned-landlady who used to introduce me to people as her ‘new son’ got mad at me for seeking help for being fucking suicidal because of my aforementioned insane abusive family. Dude I started crying when she kicked me out and she just grabbed some fucking tissues and went on about how people have it worse than me like. Bitch I hope you’re haunted every night thinking about the fact that you left me for dead I hope I do fucking die and it ruins your life. Literally everyone who shows me what I perceive to be genuine kindness always turns around on me like this I’m so sick of it man why am I so disposable to everyone I meet?!? Why do I exist just to be exploited when I’m barely exploitable because I’m fucking rslurded for real I don’t get it. I don’t understand. I literally want to understand so bad. Every fucking time man every time someone actually helps me out with my miserable evil hell life on even the smallest level I’m like nooo you don’t have to do this it’s ok and they’re like haha no it’s fine and then as soon as I’m like hmm yeah maybe they mean it maybe I do deserve to have something good happen for once in my fucking life. They immediately pull the rug out from under me and reveal they don’t give a shit about me and just want to make me their fucking paypig or whatever. I’m so sick of man and I’m so sick of panicking and going to people I think I can trust and being like ‘hey man I just got set on fire and covered in ants and every coyote in the world is running after me can I get some help’ and having them be like. ‘Haha! Lol. Good luck with that man.’ And looking way, forever. Or better yet being like ‘hey man! Don’t worry. It’s ok! Don’t feel bad man! Don’t kill yourself! But don’t try to do anything that would remove the ants and coyotes and fire from your body bc frankly I think that would be incredibly selfish since you know I love pouring gasoline on you and all’. Like. I have nothing! My mom has been finding my shit again somehow despite me blocking her everywhere and she’s been sending the most horrible messages berating me for hating her BECAUSE I’M FUCKING HOMELESS! I might fucking die man! And if I do I hope it destroys everything left of these people’s fucking lives! I hope they can’t wake up without immediately thinking of me and how I suffered needlessly
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fmet · 4 months
I understand if you’d prefer not to talk about this bc, like you said, it’s a very emotionally fraught topic, but do you think Fujimoto is handling the topic of SA well in CSM? I ask bc I’ve seen a lot of negative reactions to this chapter in a way I’ve never seen about Makima’s, Himeno’s, and Fumiko’s actions
It’s OK. I’m sorry that the response I’m gonna give is somewhat of a nonanswer, but I think dumbing it down to a simple “yes” or “no” might be worse given the subject of discussion anyway, so whatever.
I think a lot of people are horrified by the chapter, and rightfully so, both because I contest Fujimoto wanted this sort of response and because 167 has gone further than either Makima, Himeno or Fumiko have gone in terms of physical sexual assault. Like, he was actually molested in this chapter. Himeno was drunk and vomited in his mouth, Fumiko felt him up above clothes, Makima groomed him into the mentality that this sort of behavior is permissible, but Yoru went “all the way” for lack of better term. Even if 167 is narratively consistent and unfortunately fulfills what Denji’s chara and Chainsaw Man have been leading up to since part 1, this doesn’t make that any less horrifying. Makima and Fumiko and Himeno’s respective attacks on Denji, while terrible in their own rights, just were not as grossly severe.
NTM that him and Asa’s relationship development was actually framed in a positive light for a while, unlike any of the former, so this happening may seem like a sort of “betrayal” from Fujimoto to people who perceived their hypothetical relationship as a source of catharsis for the both of them.
So I think a lot of people saying it was handled badly are just caught off guard and sensitive to having had to see it, which makes sense, because I was too. There are also a lot of people who have valid criticisms of Fujimoto given that he’s treated sexual assault against men as a joke, as something attractive, etc, before. Even knowing this was an inevitable there can still be criticism made of the way it was delivered.
But going into that realm of subjectivity also opens up the discussion of WHAT depictions of sexual assault should look like to be “accurate” and “respectful” to the survivors experiences. How should a victim be portrayed feeling during the assault? How, if it’s in comic form, should the pages lay out? How explicit should it be? Where should the focus lay? What demographics should the victim and assailant belong to? When you start asking these sorts of questions with the intention of concocting a “well-handled” sa depiction, at least for me, you begin to realize that there aren’t any—barring its large scale framing as negative, ofc. Every victim and every act of assault are different, with different reactions and feelings and circumstances leading to it. Every artist and author has a different style of storytelling that may or may not lean into depicting acts of SA in more socially acceptable ways (e.g., completely expunging it, or fetishistically, or with delicacy and care).
Denji is not the type of victim we most commonly see depicted in fiction at all. He’s a boy, he’s hypersexual, his assailants are all women, he doesn’t display much (TYPICAL) sorrow/pessimism and he actively pursues further sexual contact during and following his abuse. I think looking to more common archetypal depictions as a frame of reference to how Denji’s sexual trauma should be handled is asking to be frustrated and confused as to why his is the way it is, instead of illuminated onto whether it’s quote good or bad unquote.
So, if I’m asked to whether it’s well-handled, I would say that it’s clearly horrifying and uncomfortable and unforgiving enough to be a clear reflection of the kind of person Denji is and how he would react to such a thing happening. I think, given Fujimoto’s goriness and tendency to sexualize his women characters, the chapter is very tame. It only shows what it shows to communicate what happens and trigger your revulsion. 167, in it’s entirety, is about as respectful a depiction of SA as you’re going to get with an author like him. But nobody reading csm has to suddenly conform to Fujimoto’s weird fucked up standards, so if you think it’s badly portrayed, then it is. SA is a widespread issue, but it’s also deeply personal, so you are entitled to your feelings towards the chapter as much as Fujimoto is entitled to representing this atypical character’s trauma in an atypical way.
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saturday-byte · 6 months
Thinking about the angst potential that specific building quirks have . Please let me elaborate ,
(boy I'm yapping in here you're warned)
So the bots have pretty much embraced their silly and nonhuman nature right but the "wanting to be human" thing doesn't really seem like something that you could get rid of that easily, especially since they were designed to be as human as possible and trying to fit in is already as difficult as it is. Now imagine that you're literally The only person that feels like you Actually
Getting into the specific part, all the bots Do have the same purpose but their ways of achieving/approaching it are all different (this is where I get into the Making Shit Up part) - The Jon feels like the one that was designed to be the most human-like in functionality (runs on Pepsi [humans drink that right?], human fingers [probably the one that can feel the most physically]) and Peter leaning into that while building him just feels right but that would be so fucked up for him
Do not fact check me on this one but do we even know how good the senses of the bots are bc imagine he's literally the only one to actually be able to smell things or feel textures well (I'm not making sense please bear with me), his siblings just think he's making stuff up most of the time and those are the ppl he's supposed to relate to in this kind of problem. This is also why he's all fucked up inside he doesn't know how much Feel is normal
Hatchworth's years or being a butler + trapped in vault probably fucked up how he perceives relationships in general - He's your friend ! He's at your service ! PLEASE GOD AM I USEFUL ENOUGH . AM I WORTH HAVING AROUND THIS TIME . I PROMISE I WON'T BE A PROBLEM <- ok no that's the projection showing . But abandonment issues (and claustrophobia/fear of the dark) are definitely there, plus aromantic hatchworth is literally canon to me sorry that also affects how different he feels about people than his siblings. Literally programmed to be useful but doesn't know how to interact with people in a healthy way woww
Upgrade was definitely designed to be just visually great to me, she's stiff not because Erin is just really good at what she does but because her insides aren't as polished and thought out, this robot moves by miracle. She's obsessed with being pretty because she thinks this is the only thing she could ever achieve and being intimidating can only hide so much
And Zer0 . Sigh Zer0 there's so much I could say about him I think about him so much it's really baffling to me I never draw him </3
First just the cultural shock of being freed from the basement must have been INSANE that's already so fucked, but all the upgrades basically gave him a fully new body and that just adds to the whole 'new thing' fear/anxiety. He does not know what is going on and he can't even ask his siblings because he thinks these are normal things his body is supposed to be doing - most of the time they aren't. He doesn't know how to regulate shit and breaks way too often to learn what's healthy for him
I could yap about the spine's and rabbit relationship with humanity all day and how that relates to how they work but I'm not gonna bc this is already barely coherent and I'm so tired
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firenati0n · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you to @alasse9 @anchoredarchangel @myheartalivewrites @anincompletelist @cricketnationrise
@tailsbeth-writes @cha-melodius @ninzied for the tags! i am so so so behind on all tags and questions and asks and i am sorry for the delay!! <3 thank you for your patience :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 under my name, 1 anonymously
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
rwrb :)
Top five fics by kudos:
An Amateur's Guide to Piping That Cream and Beating That Meat (5,094 words)
our world, mine and his alone (the midnight train to go) (2,970 words)
cause you're classic, and i'm reckless (5,422 words)
each time we touch / i wanna take too much (1,339 words)
who truly stuck the knife in first (3,697 words)
Do you respond to comments?
yes! i haven't replied to any on angel fic yet bc they make me cry LMAOOOO but i will get to them soon :) comments mean everything to me. receiving any is a privilege. connection is so lovely.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i would say who truly stuck the knife in first but it's not angsty, just open-ended. they're spies, so happiness for them at the moment is fleeting lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i always write happy endings but i think and all i can taste is this moment, and all i can breathe is your life aka the angel!henry fic is the sappiest. it's so sappy I'm giving it a sequel for more sappy endings. it's the happiest ending because it also makes me cry.
Do you get hate on fics?
not yet, thankfully. people have been very nice and welcoming, which has been a real blessing.
Do you write smut?
no lol i got into my M game with who truly stuck the knife in first (sexually charged wrestling), keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface (prosey fade to black), and each time we touch / i wanna take too much (fingers in mouths) but i don't think I'll be writing smut anytime soon.
i could barely handle arms and legs in spy fic (@cha-melodius knows how terribly i struggled jfalksdjflkjasdlkf). how the fuck am I supposed to factor dicks into the equation????
Craziest crossover:
none yet but i am cooking up a sci-fi thriller au that may never see the light of day based on Dark Matter by Blake Crouch but no promises jfalksjdlkfadsf
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of. I've had art and moodboards and a podfic but no translations.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i am writing one right now with [redacted] and it's going to be so fucking good y'all are not prepared for this AU fr
All time favorite ship?
firstprince forever. alex and henry are my babygirls. Close second is Sydney and Vaughn from Alias or Chuck and Sarah from Chuck.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a lot of docs with bullet points but typically if i start WRITING real words in a doc, i will be finishing it EVENTUALLY. it will either take me 4 months or 4 hours and there is no in between unfortunately, considering i write most of my fics between the hours of 2am - 7am in a fugue state. fatal flaw. all of my docs with actual snippets in them WILL be completed at some point. it's just going to take me. forever.
What are your writing strengths?
i hate perceiving shit like this bc i always think i sound like I'm blowing smoke up my own ass lmaoooo so I'll go with dialogue. i like the dialogue i write.
@anincompletelist also told me that I can "curate a VIBE and TONE like nobody’s BUSINESS" which is extremely kind (ily) and i think i agree. I do like experimenting with tone and atmosphere. I have been playing with genre and expression with each fic and i like what I've done so far.
i also just love a silly goose time fr ok i love my fun fics like amateur's guide and worm fic and actor au. they make me laugh.
What are your writing weaknesses?
i struggle to plot things out bc i get so caught up in dialogue and snippets of things i actually want to write LOL so weaving the snips together is always a pain for me. i am also a perfectionist so it takes me way longer to get over my mental hurdles and put words on the page. i also struggle to write angst sometimes like angst does not come as naturally to me as zippy banter. neither does prose. i have to work at those.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
love!!! i find it so beautiful.
First fandom you wrote in?
i do not count the 1d fanfic i wrote in my notes app as a mentally ill thirteen year old as actual writing, so let's go with RWRB :)
Favorite fic you've written?
and all i can taste is this moment, and all i can breathe is your life. it's my most personal and a fic I used as a coping mechanism to get through some yucky times. i also like the emotional beats in that one a lot. it is my least read / least popular but my favorite.
no pressure and open tags under the cut <3
@wordsofhoneydew @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @magicandarchery
@getmehighonmagic @indestructibleheart @14carrotghoul @onward--upward @sparklepocalypse
@porcelainmortal @nontoxic-writes @piratefalls @dumbpeachjuice @clottedcreamfudge
@tintagel-or-cockleshells @orchidscript @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @smc-27 @everwitch-magiks
@kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @ships-to-sail @rmd-writes @welcometololaland
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