#actually yeah no other ship has ever done this before I’ve just decided
chandralia · 1 year
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they’re just SITTING and I’m going insane
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 months
In today’s episode, Jaune revealed that Lewis and Alyx were actually residents of Vacuo Kingdom (surprise, surprise) during a time before the Great War. And since we know that Lewis actually returned from the Ever After, it make wonder something curious.
If Lewis was the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World fairy-tale then it would make perfect sense as to why he omitted himself from the written adventures in the Ever After and chose to make Alyx the protagonist. It makes sense since, unlike Lewis, Alyx never returned home and basically “died” in the Ever After.
So my assumption is that Lewis must’ve maintained his sister’s story through his story about her. That way Alyx’s legacy was able to live on in some shape or form despite the real Alyx practically ceasing to exist after never returning home.
Since Jaune was shown to still be have some qualms over his time in the Ever After, it got me thinking.
What if…Jaune were to (somehow) discover the original journal of Lewis which he had used to record his experience in the Ever After in the Vacuo archives?
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What if…Jaune were to meet someone closely connected to Lewis and Alyx while in Vacuo? Like a surviving member of their family bloodline still thriving in modern Remnant.
What if… Headmaster Theodore was that surviving member? I know the main popular theory is that Lewis was one of Ozma’s reincarnations but imagine if Lewis wasn’t an Ozma reincarnation but Theo’s ancestor instead?
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I haven’t read either of the RWBY After the Fall books so I’m not familiar with Headmaster Theodore in terms of characterization or like what his backstory is.
That being said, I do, however like the idea of the final maiden being connected to Theo in some shape or form.
For me, I like the prospect of the Summer Maiden being either Theo’s daughter or younger sister or cousin or niece or some important person to him as she’s probably the only family he has left.
Again, I don’t know anything about Theo but thus far, none of the other headmasters of the huntsmen academies have had any reason to be protective of their respective maiden outside of a moral obligation as per Ozpin’s instructions.
To make Theo stand out more, I think it would be a nice change of pace if Theo, the final headmaster, were to share an actual connection to the final  maiden as she is a beloved relative of his.
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Why bring this up? Well I like the idea of Jaune forming a close relationship with another Maiden candidate. Maybe he could even fall in love with the Summer Maiden.
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Technically, Jaune hasn’t had a legit love interest since Pyrhha and I don’t know about ya’ll but…after six seasons (and half a movie), I’m kind of tired of being reminded of Arkos, ya’ll.
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It was the Ship that was meant to be that never got to be because Writers decided to kill it off early.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love Arkos. Arkos was a great ship that was gone too soon.
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To (finally) close the chapter on Jaune moving on from Pyrhha (since even after all of his growth, I still don't think he's over her as the show keeps constantly bringing up whenever they can)...
I think it actually might be cute if Jaune does end up being romantically involved with the Summer Maiden who he actually succeeds in protecting from Cinder when she comes to steal her powers.
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I’ve grown tired of new maidens showing up in the story just to die for the sake of the powers being passed onto a main character.
Since Summer is the last maiden, it would be nice if Summer is the one to stop the cycle of original maiden deaths and she actually gets to live on even after opening the vault.
As much as I like WhiteKnight as a ship, I honestly gave up on it becoming canon after V5 dropped and nothing else was done to further develop Weiss and Jaune’s relationship as a prospective romance.
Yeah sure, V9 tossed us a crumb of Weiss being attracted to Jaune in his more mature Rusted Knight persona.
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But after further deliberation, I’ve concluded that that little nugget of hope isn’t enough to get me back on the horse of hoping for a romance between these two.
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Do you know what would actually be pretty wild?
If Jaune fell in love with the Summer Maiden who is not only a red-head (like Pyrhha) but is also a descendent of Lewis who is the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World and thus a relative of Alyx.
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And unlike Alyx and Pyrhha who Jaune failed to protect/help/save, Jaune is able to do just that with the Summer Maiden by protecting her from Cinder and thus, the two are able to live happily ever after.
That would actually be wild.
Not saying this would become true in the canon. I'm just tossing it out into the RWBY FNDM ether as a food for thought.
~LMS (2024)
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emilybahu · 5 months
I love 9-1-1 so much!
I have fallen in love with tv shows before, watching episodes religiously as they aired weekly. 9-1-1 has been different for me though, it’s become more like an obsession. In some ways that’s bad, it’s consuming my mind a lot of times and it’s distracting me from other things I need to get done. However, really getting into the fandom of this show has also been wonderful for me, it’s made me so happy, actually getting involved with other fans and talking to people the last couple months has been so fun! You all are amazing, funny, talented people and I’m truly grateful that I’ve been able to interact with you!
Now, I’ve heard about some toxicity within the fandom, Buddie and BuckTommy shippers turning against each other and fighting about what’s best for the characters. (Which btw, isn’t really up to us anyway)
I personally haven’t seen a lot of that, who knows, maybe I’m just ignoring it because I don’t want to see it. Either way I always try to keep a very open and and neutral stance when it comes to shipping. I let myself enjoy the stories, the edits, the fan art, and the speculation. However, I also try to stay grounded in the reality of what’s happening in the movie/book/tv show.
When it comes to 9-1-1 right now, between Buddie and BuckTommy I’m not picking sides. I like both ships the same, and I don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon. I really, really enjoy both ships! (Plus the fan fiction for both are amazing, so I’m LIVING)
Buddie is part of the reason that I started watching in the first place, Buck and Eddie are my favorite characters. I love them both to death, and regardless of their relationship status they have something special, no one can deny that! Their friendship is beautiful and deep, they do truly love each other, they’re family, they will always be there for each other whether or not they end up in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly just happy to see them together in any capacity. And yes, I will happy, overjoyed even, if they decide to make Buddie cannon, but I’ll also be happy if their relationship remains as it is.
As far as Buck and Tommy go I was surprised when the kiss happened, but OH MY GOD… I was totally there for it! I’m actually really happy with this storyline so far, (even if the second hand embarrassment nearly killed me during the first date)I think that they’ll be great together, I really can’t wait to see them getting to know each other more! Wherever this goes, I’m here for it! I’m excited to see Buck explore his bisexuality with Tommy, and learn about himself through this relationship. I’m also excited to learn more about Tommy! And if they don’t end up being very long term, I really hope that they stay friends.
I’m really enjoying being into a ship that’s canon for once, it makes me really happy. I don’t think there’s ever been a ship (apart from these ones) that I’ve been into that have even had a remote chance of becoming cannon (Stucky… my first love!)
Anyway, I digress, the writers and the actors KNOW these characters, we know that if something felt off it the story, they’d want to do right by the characters. We know for a fact how much Oliver and Ryan love Buck and Eddie, and if it feels right and true to them Buddie will happen. If it doesn’t feel right to put them in a romantic relationship, to me, it’s fine because regardless we have these two men with an absolutely beautiful and meaningful friendship, and I’m always here for that!
All of this to say, all this fighting about “who’s right for who” isn’t doing anyone any good. I mean we’re all in this fandom because we love this show RIGHT!? Being on platforms like this is meant to bring us TOGETHER!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all… so yeah, share your opinion, just don’t be rude about it. Putting someone down because they disagree with you doesn’t make you right… it just makes you mean. It scares people away, maybe makes them feel like they’re not safe in this community. I’ve seen it a couple times too, with myself and others, being afraid to make a post because of the possibility of hate.
In my experience you’re meant to feel safe in a fandom, in a community because you’re sharing your love for something with others who love it just as much as you do! We should love each other like we love these characters!
To conclude, all I need is for our boys to be happy, that’s really all we should care about here anyway. It shouldn’t necessarily matter who’s dating who, as long as they’re HAPPY! I’m really just along for the ride, I’m here for whatever they decide to do with Buddie and/or BuckTommy in the future. Buck and Eddie are my loves, and we barely know Tommy, but I’m starting to like him already, as long as they’re happy, I am too!
Thank you for reading my TedTalk…
Sorry if it doesn’t sound completely coherent, stringing words together isn’t always my strong suit…🫠
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drarryweasley · 9 months
HP Rec Fest - Part 1 (Days 1-16)
Boy, has it been a moment since I've gone through my fanfic bookmarks. Thankful that @hprecfest has given me a reason to do so and rediscover some old gems!
Anyways making this list made me realize that I'm a connoisseur of explicit content so most of these are smutty and I'll leave that up to you to decide whether that's good or bad
(These are almost exclusively post-war fics where everyone is an adult, unless otherwise stated!)
1. A favorite fic under 5k: If We Lie Like This by everythingokay
(Harry x Charlie Weasley, rated E, 4.1k)
Harry/Charlie is one of my absolute favorite ships of all time, and this is one of the sweetest pwps I've ever read of them, so you know this had to be my first rec.
2. A comfort fic: Lumos by birdsofshore
(Drarry, rated E, 41.5k)
This is one of my oldest bookmarks, and still one of the best. I love, love, love eighth year fics, in no small part because of this one. The summary really says it all:
"Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking."
3. A podfic
I've truly never listened to a podfic in my life, I just prefer reading I'm sorry
4. A fic with art: What Have You Been Hiding Under Those Robes, Professor Malfoy? by Booktopus
(Drarry, Rated E, 15k - art is NSFW!)
Finding art in my fics is such a rare, exciting surprise, especially because I rarely go looking for them. Now, a GIF? And a smutty gif at that? Of tattooed professor Draco? What. A. Find.
5. A non-AO3 fic: The Lust of Gryffindors by Fearful Porpentine
(Harmione + so many pairings/groupings, rated M, 381.5k, aged-up during canon)
Yeah, I'm pretty much exclusively an AO3 girlie, so I don't have many options for this one. Still, this is a standout as one of my favorite smutty extravaganzas.
6. An unreliable narrator fic: Touch by bixgirl1
(Drarry, Rated E, 45k)
I had this fic on my TBR for so long before I actually read it, and when I finally did, I was KICKING myself for waiting so long! I love touch-starved characters finally getting what they need (is it self-fulfilling? perhaps), and I never thought a sleep-deprived Harry could be so funny.
(I'm aware this is an unreliable narrator in the loosest sense of the word but I'm sticking with it because it NEEDS to be recced)
7. A canon-compliant fic: With the Edges Worn Down by MayatheBee
(Harry x Ron x Hermione, rated E, 13k)
By "canon-compliant," we mean "takes place so far in the future that canon can't disprove it," right?
If so, then here's my pick. After Ginny's death, Ron and Hermione decide to finally act on feelings that have been ignored for their entire friendship. It is so, so sweet and so, so hot.
8. A canon-divergence fic: Safe Word is Devil's Snare by ShayaLonnie
(Neville x Hermione, rated E, 97k)
Hot Neville Agenda? Hot Neville Agenda.
Neville is fast becoming one of my favorite characters in fic (both in reading and writing). I'm a sucker for him growing into his self-confidence after the war while still being the same loveable plant guy we know. And a forced marriage with hyper-competent Hermione? Get ready for the spice, y'all.
9. A rare pair fic: 93 Diagon Alley by Schmem_14
(Harry x George, rated M, 30k)
I'm quickly realizing that most of the fic I consume (outside of drarry) is rare pairs, but this is one of the best. Harry and George leaning on each other through their grief, and realizing what they need to get through said grief is, in fact, each other? Sign me up. I usually avoid stories that feature Fred's death as a significant plot point, but this is too well done to ignore.
10. A fest fic: Beware: Naked People Ahead by SonnenFlower
(Lots of pairings, rated M, 6.6k)
I’m recommending this fic not only because of the absolute hilarity of the premise, but because it is a part of one of the best fests I’ve ever come across — the Hermione’s Nook Naked Weasley Fest! This fic had me laughing the whole way through (and crying when I wasn’t.)
11. A dark fic: Whore by orphan_account
(Harry x Fred x George + noncon, etc, rated E, 141.6k, takes place during canon)
Listen, I don't read dark fics very often. They tend to crush my soul and spin me out. This is my "I want to hurt" fic — SO MIND THE TAGS.
12. A WIP you're following: New Blood by artemisgirl
(Pairings still evolving, rated M, currently 1.3 million words, takes place during canon)
As a general rule, I don't read many in-progress fics (this is a personal fault because I get too impatient and invested). But when I started this fic, it had over 1 million words and didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so I took the plunge. It features a Slytherin, overpowered, badass Hermione, deep fae/wix lore, and a unique twist on all our favorite characters!
13. A fic with over 100k words: Finding Sophrosyne by mlfoyskhione
(Drarry, rated T, 136.5k)
An eighth year fic where everyone in Hogwarts falls into an unwakeable sleep...except Draco and Harry. Absolutely delectable.
14. A favorite series: Harry Potter & Seven Years of Chaos by Severitus812
(Harry x Fred + Severitus, unrated, 1+ million words; takes place during canon)
When I started this fic, the first six parts were published and part of the seventh. I DEVOURED them in a week, and I still haven't gotten around to finishing it because I'm positive it's going to break my heart. Still, an absolute beast of a story that is so, so fun to experience!
15. The most recent fic you bookmarked: The Best Laid Plans by Drarrymadhatter
(Drarry, Draco x George, Harry x Fred, rated E, 6.6k)
Okay, I’ve bookmarked entirely too many fics since the start of this fest, so to avoid repeats, I’m recommending the last fic I bookmarked BEFORE then. Based on my url, it couldn’t be more perfect — Draco, George, Harry, AND Fred? Absolute perfection. Sexy, sexy perfection.
16. A fic that made you laugh: I WANNA SEE SOME ARSE by thefrancakes
(NottPott, rated E, 10.5k)
From the title of this fic through the end of it, I was laughing. And where I wasn’t, I was fanning myself because. Hot. Damn. I’d never shipped Harry and Theo Nott until reading this.
So many excellent fics here...and yet I'm even MORE excited about the next set of prompts! Until then!
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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For some reason, I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve done proper fanart that isn’t just my short little sketches or ocs, so I made this
Alright, first picture, so in my Dark Mode team I have both Cherry Blossom and Dark Choco, not to mention they were originally part of one of my early teams, and I thought to myself that they could probably get along. Mainly, I was thinking that people tend to make Dark Choco like, the Babysitter of kid Cookies, and I was thinking that Cherry Blossom feels like she’d be an actual babysitter, so that’s sort of where their dynamic comes from. As shown here, Cherry Blossom just likes being friendly with Dark Choco, and while he’s a little put off at first, he eventually comes around and they become friends who enjoy tea together. Also, they have some sort of babysitters club going on, considering that they’re the main two people call. Caramel Arrow has also wanted to join the club, but ever since “the incident”, she’s been banned from babysitting
Also I don’t ship these two, I just think they’d be friends
Next, so because I was doing both Crunchy Dreams and Might of the Ancients events, I tended to have Milky Way and Dark Cacao both on my team, so I just decided that they’re friends now. I unfortunately don’t know anything about Milky Way’s character other than what I’ve seen just from her gameplay, so I don’t know how accurate this is, but I just like to think Dark Cacao’s just like “this is mine now” and now it’s his new kid. Milky Way just goes with it
I feel like Milky Way looks weird, but I didn’t know how to draw her. It’s mostly the eyes
Then I wanted to draw Pink Choco and White Choco, because personally, I feel like if any of the Chocos were to be related, it would be these two, given how similar they look. So I say they’re sisters. Not sure which one’s older though. I mean appearance wise, White Choco looks older, but honestly I’m kind of leaning towards the idea of Pink Choco being older
I also tried designing Pink Choco without her helmet, but I’m not sure about how it looks. I mean yeah it wouldn’t be in her face since we don’t see it in her helmet, but I’m still not sure about it
Anyways, so the final thing here is me trying to come up with a design for the Strawberry Jam Sword’s possessed armor. I know it doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the drawings but I wanted to draw it here, okay? Mostly I just blended design elements from the Sovereign of Darkness and the armor we see in the Black Citadel, along with the cursed weapons. When it takes Dark Choco’s body, it changes more into the Sovereign of Darkness
Anyways yeah. To be honest I’m kind of rushing this because I don’t remember how long I’ve been sitting here and I need to go get dinner before it closes. Hope you enjoy!
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jesamnelovelace · 2 years
24, 50, & 51 for the ask game? >:)
24. Ship(s) that makes you cringe.
Okay so first of all no hate to anybody that ships these. I don’t have an issue with people who ship them. It’s the ship themselves and how they’re portrayed. First off is Jayroy. Mostly because it’s usually done at the expense of Roy’s character and Roy’s relationship with Dick. I think if Roy had his original personality back it could be very comedic, but it’s usually not, so I just ignore it whenever I see it.
Second is Dickbabs as it’s being written currently. I did actually quite like them when she was Oracle full time back in the late 90s/early 2000s comics. But the way it’s written now feels super off to me and borderline unhealthy. But unhealthy in the way where it’s being portrayed as positive, so it’s not actually delving into what makes it unhealthy which is what makes unhealthy relationship portrayals fun. So again I usually just ignore it and let the shippers do what they want with it.
50. What’s something that bled into comics from a tv show or movie that you hate.
So I really do love the Young Justice animated show. It’s what got me into comics in the first place. I’ve just always seen it as it’s own separate thing from the comics, and that’s how I’d like it to stay. And for my answer I don’t even think Young Justice is entirely to blame for this, but I do think it aided it. And that’s Dick and Wally’s friendship.
Now, I don’t have an issue with them being close friends or considering each other to be one of the others best friends. But it’s felt like recently their friendship has been pushed to the front, ignoring Dick’s close relationships with Donna and Roy. (Rip to Garth. I don’t think any of the Titans see him as their best friend.) And it also seems to be done in a more telling way rather than showing because the only thing telling me they’re best friends is that they call each other their best friend.
And I do really like their friendship. One of my favorite moments was in Titans 1999 when Wally leaves the Titans, he admits to Dick he only joined because he knew Dick wouldn’t have agreed to join if he didn’t and he knew the team was what Dick needed at that time. And of course they had that comic where they had their road trip.
Basically I just hate that Dick doesn’t get to be as close to Donna and Roy now because DC has decided Wally is his best friend. And I haven’t read all too much Wally comics, but I know he should have other friends as well like Hartley who’s just now returning. And yeah it’s definitely not just the fault of Young Justice because the reason why Dick’s not as close to Roy anymore is a factor as well. And we all know why that is. But Young Justice having Dick and Wally be best friends has for sure played a part.
51. Who’s the most misunderstood character?
I feel like I could answer this the easy way and say Jason since like he’s not consistently written ever and every single person has a different idea of him in their heads, but instead I think I’ll answer Cass.
For a lot of fanon character traits that are given to characters, they usually start from something canon that is then exaggerated to the point where it’s no longer recognizable to canon. But for Cass I don’t think her fanon self even started from canon and she was just slapped with the loving older sister trait just because. And don’t even get me started on her speech ability. The amount of people that think she can’t speak full sentences is wild. There were so many misconceptions I had of her before I read her solo which turned out to be very incorrect.
And even some of the people who try to stay away from fanon, it’s hard to not accidentally pull from fanon for Cass just because it’s so prevalent. I notice myself doing this sometimes even though I much prefer canon Cass. It’s just everywhere it’s hard for it not to bleed into things, which then makes it hard for people to understand her character when they don’t get to see the real her.
In conclusion read Batgirl 2000.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 8 - Rookie Mistake [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Every agent makes mistakes.
Series Masterlist
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You had no idea what you’d done for karma to hunt you down like this, but it was very clear that at some part in your life, you had messed up.
Maybe it was because you never bought recyclable giftwraps for Christmas even if everyone told you to.
Maybe it was because you still used too much sugar in your coffee.
Maybe it was because of all the targets you had killed.
A mystery, that one.
You groaned, pressing your forehead on the window of the car as you massaged your temples.
“Do I have a tracker on me or something?” you whined, “Is that it? What are the chances I run into my fake boyfriend twice while on a mission? It’s a huge city, it’s not supposed to be possible!”
“I don’t know about you but I’m shaking,” Keith reached out to wave his hand in front of your eyes while Chloe checked you both in the rear mirror, “I’m— my hands are all sweaty look—“
“Don’t touch me with your sweaty hands!” you batted his hands away when he tried to touch your face, “How did this happen? How is this possible? Chloe? Chloe answer me, how is this fucking possible?”
“Okay, let’s all take a breath and focus on the bright side of the situation,” she managed to say, keeping her eyes on the road, “Your cover wasn’t blown, he still has no idea you’re…well, you. And everyone is alive, yay!”
“I was on the same rooftop as the world’s most dangerous assassin,” Keith let out a breath, “He was right there when I got there, he was just…. That guy could kill us all!”
“Shrike, just give the order and we will—“
“Everyone stay where you are,” you touched your earpiece, “It’s under control.”
“Let me guess,” Bucky said as he took a step towards you, “Another member of HYDRA and you got here before me.”
“Are you following me or something?” you asked and he scoffed.
“Maybe you’re not the only person going after HYDRA.”
“Maybe I should be,” you said, “Don’t get me wrong, I kind of dig the whole vigilante vibe but my superiors have more…planned strategies for things like these.”
“And who do you work for, exactly?”
You let out a small laugh, “Every girl has her secrets,” you stated, “Why are you here?”
“Why are you?”
“Because I’m getting paid for it,” you said, “You’re not. Surely a handsome guy like you could fill his nighttime with different activities rather than doing….this.”
Even in the dark, you could tell that he shifted his weight uncomfortably.
“Aw, not a huge fan of flirting?”
“Not with you.”
You couldn’t help but scoff a laugh at the irony, “Why, you got a girl at home?”
The door slammed open and one of the agents –Keith, you assumed— stepped out, his rifle pointed at Bucky while he heaved a sigh, shaking his head slightly.
“Your friend has a scarf wrapped over his face to keep his identity hidden and you call me a vigilante?”
Keith almost looked like Daredevil with Chloe’s red scarf covering half of his face.
“Mystery is kind of our deal.” you said and motioned at Keith, “Put the gun down, he’s not going to hurt me. In fact, he’s going to let me walk away.”
Bucky tilted his head, “You think so?”
“I know so. I’d hate to mess up that beautiful face during combat.”
“You sound very sure of yourself.”
“I am.” you shrugged your shoulders and walked past him.
“Who are you?” he asked and you turned around to look at him.
“Come on, you know better than that.” You said and saluted him in a mocking manner before walking to the door, “Until next time, soldier.”
“I’m serious, feel my hands—“ you were pulled out of your thoughts when Keith reached out for you and you made a face, slapping his hand away once again.
“He told me he would stay at home tonight!” you exclaimed. “I can’t believe this, how dare—“
“It’s not like he said he was going to bed and ended up going to a club behind your back,” Chloe said, “Just saying, that happens a lot in some relationships.”
“Chloe, it’s not a real relationship!” you reminded her “What, my options were him having a one night stand and him going after the same target I was going to kill? By all means, he can go and get laid then!”
“But that would count as cheating!” Chloe said, “Besides, you know what they say. Targets over...ladies.”
“No one in the whole human history has ever said that honey.” Keith said helpfully and you looked out the window.
“Wait, where are we going?”
“The base.” Chloe said as if she was apologizing, “Dad wants to see you.”
You threw your head back and slipped a little on the leather seat.
“Great,” you muttered, “Tonight is getting better and better.”
Thankfully, General decided to let you go home after an hour of briefing. He had asked you whether you would like to be pulled out of other missions and instead just focus on Bucky but ignoring Keith’s glances, you had said no.
You had to prove yourself if you wanted to be a handler.
Thankfully it was Saturday so you could sleep until late and when you woke up, instead of going over the plans and rushing to the milkshake shop and coming up with strategy after strategy.
For some reason, you felt almost excited for your second date with Bucky. Maybe Chloe had a point, maybe you had to be extra careful not to lose yourself in your own cover. Just because you hadn’t had that problem before didn’t mean you could take it for granted.
You weren’t used to this kind of a mission. Not this long anyway, tricking a target was fine, it was expected but actually forming a relationship with them was much more complicated than a couple of lies here and there.
You clicked your tongue and tilted your head, looking in the mirror. You already knew Bucky would show up on his motorcycle, so you ditched the dresses and instead picked jeans and a nice blouse. When Chloe had first recreated your whole wardrobe for this mission, you whined for days but now you were slowly getting used to it.
Even though you were pretty sure you would never get used to the uniform.
Your phone started vibrating on the nightstand and you checked the caller I.D. before answering it.
“Hi!” you said, “Are you here?”
“Yes ma’am,” You could almost hear Bucky’s grin, “You ready?”
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right there,” you said and hung up, then took a last look at your gun and put it beneath your pillow. Pushing your hair behind your ear, you locked the door behind you and made your way downstairs.
“Oh my goodness you were serious!” you said when you saw him leaning against a motorcycle and he looked you up and down, his face lighting up with a smile.
“Hi beautiful.”  
Your stomach did a pleasant flip and you didn’t even have to fake mirroring his smile, “Hi,” you murmured and pointed at the motorcycle, “You were serious about that.”
“I was, but—“ he turned around to grab something from the top case on the motorcycle, then turned to you, holding a bouquet of flowers. You gasped and reached out to take them from him.
“As promised,” he joked as you buried your nose into the bouquet.
“Thank you,” you said, looking up at him before heaving a dramatic sigh. “Well, we had a deal. I’ll have to get on this deathtrap huh?”
“Oh if you’re the type to break deals, you don’t have to,” he taunted and you scrunched up your nose. “But where we’re going is a little away from here, just so you know.”
“Where are we going?”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to explore the city?”
You nodded and stole a look at the motorcycle standing behind him, making him chuckle.
“You laugh now but if you drop me on the way—“
“I’m not going to drop you on the way.”
“Or if I die, I’m haunting you.” You pointed at him, “For the rest of your life.”
He nodded in a very solemn manner, “Deal.”
You placed the bouquet into the top case carefully and turned to him so that he could put the helmet over your head. The fond light in his eyes was impossible to miss as he fixed it and lifted the shield.
“Comfortable?” he asked, his hands still cradling the helmet and you grinned.
“Mm hm.” You said and got on the motorcycle after him, then wrapped your arms around his torso. The scent of his cologne mixed with the faint aftershave filled your nostrils, making you inhale and you adjusted your grip.
“Ready to do this?”
“Nope,” you said, making him laugh, “Let’s do it anyways.”
You had never been so good at dates. You always thought it was awkward and to be frank most of the time you felt like it was an unnecessary step to getting to know this person when you could just look them up or ask Chloe to do it for you.
Besides, the last time you had gone on a date it had ended up in what spies could get as close to a relationship as possible.
But now, much to your surprise you were actually enjoying yourself.
“Brooklyn!” you said, looking around, “Oh my God, I’ve wanted to come here for a while!”
“Have you?”
“Yeah!” you said, “Since I moved to New York. I saw it on um— I saw it on Gossip Girl.”
“Is that a magazine?”
“TV show.”
“You grew up here right?” you asked and he nodded.
“Yeah! Yeah I grew up very close to this neighborhood actually.”
“Do I get to see it?”
He tilted his head, “Do you want to?”
“Yes!” you said, “It’d be fun, don’t you think?”
He hesitated only for a moment, “Right this way then,” he said and held out his hand. You bit down and smile and took it, then started walking beside him.
“There used to be a movie theatre there,” he motioned at one of the shops, “I was actually— I came around here right before I was shipped off.”
“Mm hm. We went to this Stark Exhibition, me and—“ he stopped talking and you looked up at him before it dawned on you.
Steve Rogers.
Of course. Figures.
You cleared your throat, desperate to pull him out of his own mind.
“I can actually see you growing up here,” you said, “And for some reason you’re wearing short pants and you have a cap? And you’re like running around with a newspaper under your— am I describing a movie? I think I’m describing a movie.”
“Weirdly enough, you’re actually right.”
Your jaw dropped, “Wait, are you serious?”
“Yeah I had short pants and a couple of caps while I was growing up,” he said, making you gasp.
“No, don’t.”
“That’s such a cute mental image!”
“Stop imagining it.”
“Tiny baby Bucky Barnes with his tiny little hat—“ you started but he pulled you closer to cover your mouth while still walking, making you let out a muffled laugh.
“Hey you should see my baby pictures, they’re a mess,” you said, “I have this picture with strawberry jam covering my face and my hair— oh, I’ve heard about this shop before! They make these famous bagels, do you want to take a look?”
“Sure, why not?” he said and followed you into the shop.
“Oh come on…” he muttered as he took a look at the menu board “Why does everyone put everything in food nowadays?”
You stifled a laugh and turned to the woman behind the counter, “I’ll get a cereal rainbow bagel and he will get something….classic.”
“We have plain bagel with cheese?”
“That sounds good. When exactly did people start eating lavender?” he asked you and you shrugged,
“Pretty recently I think,” you said and reached for your wallet but Bucky shot you a look.
“Don’t even think about it,” he quoted you and paid for the food, then you both grabbed the small paper plates and sat down on the small bar stools. You crossed your legs, turning to look at him better.
“I could let you try mine?” you taunted him and he chuckled.
“No thank you.” He eyed your bagel as if it was going to come alive any time. “I like the smell but…”
You tore a part of your bagel and put it on his plate. “Live a little Bucky Barnes.”
He held up the piece as if toasting you and you held up your bagel to touch his, giggling.
“So,” you said, “Could you rest last night? At least a little?”
His gaze lingered on you for a moment, as if trying to decide what to say.
“Yeah,” he said eventually, “I did.”
Of course he would lie, it wasn’t as if he could tell you—
“I just had to go outside for an hour but it was fine.”
Your eyes snapped up to his and you blinked a couple of times, taken by surprise at his honesty. It would’ve been so easy for him to flat out tell you a lie, but for some reason he chose against it. You knew he wouldn’t tell you the whole thing but the fact that he hadn’t brushed you off somehow made you feel all warm.
“Oh?” you asked, “Is—is everything okay? You were safe right?”
“Of course.”
You raised your brows, “Bucky.”
“There’s just this…crazy person I keep running into but it’s fine, no worries.”
Crazy person?!
You stared at him but you managed to pull yourself together and sat up straighter, picking at the cereal on top of the bagel.
“As long as you rested just a little, I still take that as a win,” you pointed out, making him smile.
“How about you?” he asked, “How was your night?”
I ran into you right after assassinating another member of HYDRA.
“It wasn’t as exciting as yours,” you took a bite of your bagel, “Surprising isn’t it? Here I thought I was the dangerously adventurous one.”
You were one hundred percent sure you were somehow doing this whole mission wrong. In fact scratch the mission, you were doing this date thing wrong.
You weren’t supposed to like it this much.
You had never enjoyed any of your earlier dates with other people this much. By the time you decided to go back, it was the middle of the night and you had spent the whole day together without even realizing it. It didn’t feel like it was a mission you had been put on, it almost—
It almost felt real.
You frowned at yourself, reminding yourself to keep your head in the game and got off the motorcycle when it stopped in front of the building your apartment was in. As soon as you took off your helmet, you started fixing your hair while he watched you with a smile on his face.
“I have a confession to make,” you said as you handed him the helmet for him to put it on the motorcycle.
“What is it?”
“There’s a slight possibility,” you said, bringing your thumb and pointer together close, “Very slight possibility that you may have been right about the motorcycle.”
“Oh was I now?” he asked, feigning surprise and you let out a giggle.
“Maybe,” you said, “I mean I didn’t die, that’s something.”
“That was an expectation?”
“That was a possibility,” you corrected him, “But I got on a motorcycle and you tried a weird bagel. As far as putting ourselves in dangerous situations on a second date, I’d say we’re even.”
“You know, thank you for acknowledging it,” he played along, “It was really intimidating at first, but I’d like to believe I pulled through in the end.”
“You did,” you said, “So proud of you. Maybe the next time you visit me at the shop, you can finally try Unicorn Cotton Candy.”
“We’ll see about that,” he said and shifted your weight, taking a deep breath.
“Thank you for today. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun.”
“I’m glad,” he said with a smile, “Same here, aside from your quite disgusting taste in bagels, it was—”
“You didn’t like it?” you exclaimed and waved your hands in the air, “You know what, it’s fine. I have this strategy and you’ll—you’ll get there. We’re going to find something that is both completely modern and you like very much.”
“I think we already have,” he stated, his gaze locked in yours and you couldn’t help but smile at that.
“I’d hope so,” you replied, “Really.”
A silence fell upon you and you pushed your hair behind your ear.
“I should probably get going,” you pointed at the building with your thumb, “I have this very curious elderly neighbor, and trust me, she wouldn’t even wait for the morning to ask me about you if she saw us.”
“Oh we can’t have that, can we?” he said and you nodded your head, then gasped.
“Wait—Bucky, my flowers!” you said, “Give me my flowers.”
“Right,” he snapped his fingers and turned around to grab the bouquet from the top case, then paused.
“What?” you asked and he looked at you over his shoulder.
“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to keep them in a very hot box whole day?” he asked and pulled out the bouquet, making you let out a whine at the sight. The flowers looked nearly withered and you took them from him, pressing your lips together.
“Okay, it’s not so bad,” you said as if trying to convince yourself, “It’s alright, I can fix this.”
“Darling I don’t think—“
“I can!” you insisted, “I’m gonna put them in water tonight or—or find some solution. I’m gonna google something, I’m pretty sure there are ways to save them.”
“Or I can just get you new ones.”
“That’s not how it works,” you pointed out, still holding the bouquet carefully over your chest as you assessed the damage, then looked up to find his eyes fixed on you.
“I’m—I should go now.”
Neither of you moved for a moment before you took a deep breath, your heart slamming against your chest. You knew what your cover would or wouldn’t do, but somehow you had this urge that told you the situation probably called for your decisions, not your cover’s.
“Oh screw this,” you muttered as you stepped closer to him to stand on your tiptoes and pull him into a kiss.
Well, for you or your cover that felt like the best decision you had ever made on this mission.
He pressed you closer to his body, his hand cradling the back of your head and as if on cue, your stomach did a pleasant flip, giddiness filling your whole system. You rested a hand over his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat under your palm and let yourself get lost in the kiss until he pulled back slowly. A small giggle escaped from you as his arm around you got tighter, a smile lighting up his face.
“Well, you weren’t going to do it,” you commented, making him chuckle.
“I was waiting for the third date actually.”
“Oh how I’m glad the times have changed,” you said and caught the sight of the bouquet currently crushed between you two. You took a step back, tilting your head.
“Gosh, I don’t think I can fix this.”
“Yeah I’m pretty sure we just murdered them,” Bucky stated and you heaved a dramatic sigh.
“Worth it,” you grinned, “You win some you lose some.”
“New flowers next date, got it.”
A look of mischief crossed your face, “Deal. Good night Bucky.”
“Good night darling.”
You bit down a smile and made your way to the building, then hopped on the steps to get to your floor, somehow way too excited to get in the elevator and wait. As soon as you got into your apartment you leaned back to the door, closing your eyes.
Just your cover. You knew you had to act like your cover and that was why your heart was beating this fast, no other reason.
You pushed yourself off the door and stepped into the living room, still holding the flowers tight in your arms. You knew what you were supposed to do, back at the academy when you were being educated on seduction of the enemy, they always told you to draw the line between yourself and your cover. One of the easiest ways to do it was getting rid of every single thing your target would give you as a gift, keeping these gifts posed the danger of making you hesitant when it was time to bring the target in.
You couldn’t keep anything. You knew that.
It would be a rookie mistake.
You lingered on your steps, then approached the dinner table to touch the vase Chloe had put fake flowers in. You grabbed the fake flowers and pulled them out of the vase to throw them into the trashcan, then filled the vase to the brim with water and carefully placed the bouquet into it before putting it on the table again.
You were a professional spy. Keeping something as simple as flowers only for this one instance wouldn’t hurt anyone after all.
You were sure it would be fine.
You stepped back to take a look at the vase and shrugged your shoulders.
“My cover likes flowers,” you muttered to yourself and made your way to your bedroom.
Chapter 9
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wandaswifeyforlifey · 3 years
Hey could I request a Brie Larson x r where they meet at the set of Avengers endgame and they both have a crush on each other and their co stars make fun of them and they just blush and it's really
A/n: Thank you for requesting this! I try to write them within 24hrs of either the request being sent or me seeing the request so sorry if this is a bit later. I do most of my writing at like 12-5 am so some of it might be shitty lol. I love doing requests tho and will always try my best to make them work for your taste.
Word Count: 1048
Warnings: None really, just pure fluff
Ship: Brie Larson x Reader
"You better get up soon or you're gonna be late!" Called Scarlett from downstairs. Scarlett and you had met on the set of one of your first movies and quickly began to hang out more and more until you decided to be roommates. You had finished shooting Avengers: Infinity War about 2 months ago and were exactly 2 weeks into filming Avengers: Endgame which you were pretty excited about because you would get to film with some actors that you never had before.
"Coming!" You shouted back. Sadly, you weren't quite adjusted to the earlier mornings yet which definitely wasn't helpful considering you would be doing tiring work all day. You dragged yourself out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast.
"Hey sleepyhead," Scarlett smirked at me as she cooked her omelette.
"Any news that could redeem my mood this morning?"
"Well… you are filming the 'female empowerment' scene today. You've got to be pretty excited to be acting with some new people, right?"
"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that. I've got to admit Scar, that has perked me up a bit so thank you."
"Wow, you don't need to sound so surprised." She laughed.
You made yourself a coffee, had some cereal then went to have a shower. You put on a comfortable outfit considering as soon as you get on set you'll get your costume and makeup done.
Once you arrived you were swarmed with people filling you in on the scenes and telling you where you needed to go but they were all talking over each other so you understood nothing. Thank god I have my assistant, you thought to yourself.
*2 hours later*
You had your hair and makeup finished when you heard a knock on your trailer door.
"Come in!" You called while wondering who could possibly be seeing you when your assistant was on their break and you were already prepared to film.
"Hey, Y/n? I'm Brie. I just wanted to introduce myself before we started shooting."
You were just looking at her with pure adoration as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen stepped in.
"O-oh, yeah, sorry, hi." You cleared your throat because you noticed you were staring. "So I assume you're doing the all-female scene with me?"
You moved along your sofa so that she could sit down next to you.
"Yeah, actually and I'm super excited for it. I think it's brilliant to team up all the female superheroes."
"I could not agree more! But it sucks that Natasha isn't in it."
"Wait, she isn't?"
"No, I was chatting with Scarjo this morning, because we share an apartment, and she said her character wouldn't be in it."
"Oh are you and Scarlett, like, a thing? Because it would be totally fine if you were and I just didn't know your were interested in women and-"
"Hey, hey slow down," you laughed, "no me and Scar aren't a thing but I am interested in women."
"Me too! I don't really like to use labels because I find them too constricting though."
The conversation died down but not in an uncomfortable way, more in a content way. You stared into each other’s eyes until Brie said:
"Anyway. I should really get going. I haven't even got my makeup done yet." She spoke hurriedly and quickly left the trailer. You weren't sure how to feel about her sudden departure but deep down it hurt you a little. Why would she leave so quickly if we were having a nice time? Did she find it uncomfortable? I really hope the conversation ended positively in her books too, you thought.
You shot a couple of scenes before the all-women scene and took a break just before it to talk to Scarlett.
"Hey Scar, have you seen Brie? She came into my trailer to chat a bit and it seemed like we were having a really nice time but then she just left all of a sudden."
"Uh, no I don't think I have since our second scene but it sounded like you had a good time, eh?" She smirked and nudged you. You knew she noticed how concerned you were about Brie.
"Fine, maybe I thought she was really pretty and sweet but I don't know how she feels."
"Well from the glances she sent you during our first and second scenes I’d say she likes you back.”
“I never said I liked her, ok? I just said I thought she was amazing and charming and attractive and stuff.”
“That’s literally the same thing.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I need Y/n and Brie over here please? You guys are going to be opening the Female Avengers Unite scene so we’re just going to give you a little run-through,” shouted Joe Russo from across the set.
“Oo-ooh you enjoy yourself, Y/n.” taunted Scarlett. You playfully stuck your tongue out at her as you walked over.
*Once shooting was done for the day*
Yet again you heard a knock on your door as you were just finishing packing your stuff up to leave.
“It’s me, again,” announced Brie as she stepped in. This time though, she wouldn’t make eye contact with you and seemed to be rather nervous.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, it's just, um… so Scarlett told me how you felt after I left and I felt pretty bad so I just thought I should come back and apologise and tell you that it wasn’t your fault, it had nothing to do with you. I promise.”
“Oh no, you don’t need to apologise! I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I absolutely didn’t mean to.”
You saw the heat rise in her cheeks.
“To be perfectly honest, I didn’t just come here to apologise. I came here to tell you the truth. Okay… I just need to get this off my chest. I think I have feelings for you.” She looked at you hopefully, only to have a blank stare in return. You weren’t sure what to say. You were so overwhelmed with excitement and happiness that you just stood up and hugged her. Burying your face in the crook of her neck you whispered, “I want to stay in this moment forever.”
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serpenteve · 3 years
I'm having the horrible realization that Aleksander never actually did any serious wooing of Alina in the books. It's all just Alina her self being horny attracted to him. But this is supposedly???? His grand scheme???? Of manipulation???? Implications! It seems like the girls in these books wasn't the only one slut shamed. I'm- ☠
Leigh wrote a man sexy and captivating and said "it's his fault, actually, that Alina got a crush on him. He shouldn't of.... uh.." Flips through papers. "Ah, had such pretty eyes."
Okay! 👀Yes, we are finally doing this!
I'm flipping through my copy of Shadow & Bone and noting down all the interactions between the Darkling and Alina which I've put in chronological order beneath the cut.
First of all, the Darkling and Alina are only alone together in about a handful of scenes. Most of the time, the are surrounded by other Grisha or Baghra or are in a public place. A lot of the Darkling's actions and words are clouded by Alina's own insecurities. She constantly voices how she feels like she's not good enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough and he takes it in stride and gently encourages and placates her. There are a few lies he does tell her (that the Black Heretic was his ancestor, that he wants to destroy the Fold, and he doesn't know what Baghra's power is, etc) but if we extrapolate the trajectory of her ill-fated romance arc, I think even book!Darkling would have told Alina about his real plans if she seemed like she'd accept them.
A lot of speculation has been made about the Darkling's seduction of Alina and honestly???? Aleksander literally just exists and Alina is thirsting for him because she's desperately looking for validation and re-assurance. I initially head-canoned his first kiss by the lake as being pure calculation and the kiss at the Winter Fete being 100% accidental (because Dark Lord Sasha played himself lmao) but on this re-read, I don't even know anymore. He already came close to almost kissing her after they have a tender moment, catches himself and then immediately leaves before he can catch feelings. Then when they share another tender moment at the lake, he kisses her and then is surprised by it and before he can really process it, Ivan comes by to cockblock.
Like, even Leigh (as much as she has shit on this ship) said at one point that the Darkling has strong feelings for Alina, even if he may not necessarily quantify them as love. So looking back, I don't read anything the Darkling did as manipulative seduction. He obviously lied about some stuff and wasn't transparent about his real plans for the Fold, but as a military commander who sees Alina as an opportunity for a coup, it makes sense that he'd play that a little close to the chest---especially when Alina has proved to be wary of his powers and has a very black-and-white sense of morality. If anything, this is less "the Darkling seduced Alina to manipulate her into being used!!11" and more "local dark lord tried to encourage his protege and accidentally caught feelings and it was a mASSIVE FUCKING INCONVENIENCE TO HIS EVIL PLANS"
But you know who does slut-shame Alina a lot? Baghra. Seriously, Baghra makes Alina feel like shit for her crush on the Darkling numerous times. She has all these lines:
"You want to be [his pet]...Don’t bother lying to me. You’re like all the rest. I saw the way you looked at him."
"Dreaming of dancing with your dark prince?"
"Foolish girl." (After Alina shamefully admits the Darkling might come to her that night)
At one point Baghra creeps on Alina and the Darkling's interactions and even though literally nothing happens between them and when the Darkling leaves, Alina catches Baghra giving her a snooty look. ("For no reason at all, I blushed")
She is determined to shame Alina for her feelings and make her feel like a lovesick idiot for daring to crush on him and this is in addition to all the slut-shaming Mal does. The narrative revealing the Darkling is the bad guy all along while leaving Alina no compelling arc to discover this on her own feels very much like Leigh hitting us all with Baghra's stick, like "Foolish girls! You thought he cared about Alina just because he has a sexy jawline??? HAHA HE LIED YOU SLUTS"
Scenes with Alina and the Darkling in Book 1
Their first scene together is in the Grisha tent. Based on Alina's description of him, she already thinks he's hot as barely any other character in this godforsaken series gets so many descriptions of their grey/smoke/slate/quartz eyes as Aleksander does 😏
The next time they're together he saves her life. Alina is traumatized from seeing a man sliced in half and the Darkling instructs her to keep her eyes on him instead. She is disturbed that he killed the person about to murder her and this aversion seems incredibly contrived and arbitrary on behalf of the author. It's almost like she wants Alina to be vindicated and shamed for not trusting her initial bigotry against him or something 🤔The Darkling admits even he can make mistakes and then he touches the back of Alina's neck (with some secret Heartrender/Healer abilities?) and she falls asleep riding on his horse.
They spend the next few days traveling. Alina notes that the Darkling hasn't spoken to her (probably because he's focused on getting her to the Little Palace without any more assassination attempts) but Alina is a paranoid she's offended him somehow. Again, this is just Alina's insecurity painting a narrative that simply doesn't exist based on what actually happened so far.
They exchange a few words by the stream and Alina fishes for pity points by saying she's ugly and can't possibly be Grisha. Aleksander appears 100% done with her stupidity and says she doesn't understand but he's not in the mood to explain at the moment and walks off ☠️
Alina joins the Darkling and his men for a meal. She notes that the grouse they've killed is meager shared meal but that the Darkling doesn't want to put his men in danger by sending them out to hunt in the forest at night 😌He also sits on the floor to eat like they do and he doesn't take more than the regular portion than they do 😌. Sorry, how is this man the most ~evil~ wizard on the planet? He is obviously a good and fair commander and beloved by the Grisha.
Alina has been checking Aleksander out the entire time so when he catches her, he walks over to talk. He fishes around for information on what Alina has heard about him. He seems sad when Alina mentions she has heard that Darklings are born without souls, though not surprised. He then spins the story about the Black Heretic being his ancestor and how the Fold was a mistake and how every Darkling since then has tried to undo it and how Alina is "the first glimmer of hope" he's had in a long time.
Because Alina is still on that "Grisha are unnatural monsters" agenda, she asks him about the Cut and he explains it but she's still distrubed. He asks her if it would have been better if he used a sword and she replies: "I don't know". The Darkling gets offended and leaves. Alina tries to convince herself she can't have possibly hurt his feelings (because Darklings don't have souls or feelings?) and then feels paranoid that she's failed some secret test. Yeah, the test you failed is called "empathy", Alina 🙄
Two days later, they arrive at Os Alta. Aleksander roasts the Grand Palace as the ugliest effing building he's ever seen. He leaves immediately after dumping Alina at the Little Palace and Alina actually seethes that he isn't paying more attention to her? I understand that it's overwhelming to go to a brand new place, but Alina expecting him to constantly hold her hand and explain everything to her after she basically insulted him is a bit strange.
The next time Alina sees the Darkling, they are scheduled to appear before the King and Queen. The demonstration is a surprise for Alina and Aleksander's lack of transparency of what's expected of her means she's forced to rely on him and trust his instincts. This might be his underhanded way of getting Alina to see that she can trust him; that he will not make her look like a failure or humiliate her; that they are in this together and it will only work if she trusts him.
After the demonstration, Genya and the Darkling trash the monarchy for a bit (Alina is horrified) and then the Darkling orders Genya to get a black kefta for Alina, to which Alina infamously wants a blue one. The Darkling doesn't really put up much of a fight, merely wanting to know why. Alina decides he doesn't approve of her choosing blue and wonders to Genya if he's angry.
After Alina's first day, the Darkling calls her to his quarters to ask her how her day was. Alina is surprised that this is all he wanted to know because she was paranoid he was going to torture her??? She says: "Why shouldn't I be afraid of you?...You can cut people in half. I think it's fair to be a little intimidated." If the Darkling is offended or angry about this, he doesn't show it and merely indulges her. He notes that she has a habit of running her hand across a scar on her palm and asks her about it, tracing the scar himself. Alina gets distracted by his touch but manages to answer his questions: she got the scar at Keramzin, Mal is also an orphan, he is good at tracking. He shows her a secret passage back to her rooms to avoid the main hall.
Alina starts her training and at one point laments that the Darkling is rarely at the Little Palace and when he is, he never speaks to her or barely looks her way and she is convinced it's because she's a failure and can't summon light on her own. It could also be because, you know, he's the commander of the Second Army and is usually seen in talks with other military advisors and the fact that Alina kinda lowkey insulted him with her wariness about his powers???
The next time they are together, Alina interrupts him and Baghra arguing. He politely asks her how she is. Baghra antagonizes her. The Darkling defends her. They talk about amplifiers and because Baghra is being a snarky little shit about it, they take their conversation outside.
Aleksander complains about how annoying his mom is and then asks Alina what stories she's heard about Morozova's herd. At one point he laughs for the first time and Alina practically creams her pants at the sound. Alina expresses her concerns that she can't summon any light and the Darkling says he's not worried and it will happen when it happens and worse case scenario, it will happen once she has the stag. They have a quiet intimate moment, gazing softly into each other's eyes and then suddenly Aleksander realizes he's catching feelings and steps back suddenly like "GoodLuckWithYourLessonsOKayBYE". Baghra watches this interaction from her hut and gives Alina a slut-shaming look.
Alina eventually does learn to summon light on her own. Baghra gives her grief about how it's not enough. The Darkling shows up during one of these lessons and says as much. Alina says she's useless. The Darkling corrects her (“I don't think you're useless, Alina....No Grisha is powerful enough to face the Fold. Not even me”) and then he apologizes for letting her down ("I've asked you to trust me and I haven't delivered"). He wonders if his mother is right and he's crazy to hunt the stag. They have a nice bonding moment, Aleksander lies about Baghra's power, and then he asks if Alina would think him crazy for still wanting to find the stag. She asks why he cares what she thinks, he seems genuinely surprised himself that he cares. Then he kisses her. He seems not to have meant to kiss her because then Ivan shows up for his 5 o'clock shift of cockblocking and the Darkling immediately pretends like nothing happened and walks away with him. Like dude is acting like a fucking dork who's allergic to feelings at this point. I should note here that Alina practically has an orgasm from how giddy she is about this moment. She can barely think of anything else.
The next time they're together, it's at the Winter Fete. They do their demonstration and Alina accidentally reveals her insecurities about how he had kissed her and then disappeared. He responds, "Did you really think I was done with you?" and then they enjoy some steamy kisses and thigh grabbing in an empty room before a random round of Grisha show up for their 6 o'clock shift of cockblocking. Aleksander is annoyed at his own attraction to Alina. He asks if he can come to her that night but Alina doesn't get a chance to respond.
and then the Darklina romance arc falls off a giant cliff and dies a terrible death 😭😭😭
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mcheang · 4 years
@pendoodlex Do an Adrien Salt where Lila lies about Chat Noir and Ladybug being in a relationship and Adrien confirms the lie.
It’s my love life!
It’s easy to lie about stuff people want to hear. Alya was greedy for any gossip about Ladybug and loved support for her theories on Ladybug.
Recently they debated on Ladybug’s true age. Was she an immortal with teenage hormones and atttiude? Or simply a teenager?
Now they were on to Ladybug’s love life.
Lila: Of course LadyNoir is a thing. Ladybug just denies it because she doesn’t want to give Hawkmoth any more reason to target Chat Noir, but it’s obvious how much they care for each other.
Alya: Yes! A witness to Ladynoir!
Marinette: a lying witness
Nathaniel frowned. “I don’t know, Lila…”
Before Lila could insist she was correct, Adrien actually jumped in. “It’s true. Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple. Sorry, Nathaniel, but she’s off the market.”
Marinette froze. Did Adrien just lie to Nathaniel about her love life? Just so no one would interfere with their beloved Ladynoir fandom?
Overwhelmed by her hurt and rage, Marinette actually grabbed Adrien’s hand and dragged him out of the classroom, her face burning red.
Some assumed she was trying out another one of her confession schemes. Lila thought Marinette was going to tell Adrien she was a liar (eh, he already knew.)
In a far off corner, Marinette was whisper-yelling at Adrien. “What are you thinking? It’s one thing to ignore Lila’s lies, it’s another to endorse them! LadyNoir is not real!”
Thinking that Marinette still had a crush on Chat Noir, Adrien winced and rubbed his head. “I’m sorry, Marinette. But it’s true. Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple.”
“No, they are not! Where’s your proof?“ She demanded.
Adrien thought quickly. “I saw them kissing on a rooftop last week.”
Marinette raised a brow. “Are you sure you weren’t just dreaming?” Her voice was heavy with skepticism.
Adrien: Positive.
Marinette: Well, I’m not sorry to say that you’re wrong. Ladybug and Chat Noir are not a couple.
Adrien: and how are you so sure? Just because you have a crush on Chat-
Marinette: Because Ladybug visited me after my dad was akumatized!
Marinette took a deep breath. She hated lying but she also couldn’t stand lies about her.
“Ladybug consoled me after Chat rejected me. She reminded me about the other great boys in my life and ones I have yet to meet. And I asked her why she wouldn’t date Chat. Do you know what she told me?”
Adrien was quiet.
“She said she was in love with a boy from her own civilian life, not Chat Noir. To be honest, he’s not even her type.”
Adrien perked up. “Ladybug has a type?”
Marinette: Obviously. From what I hear, she’s more into the sensitive soul kind of guy.
Adrien: Chat is sensitive!
Marinette just stared at her crush in disbelief. “Um, yeah, no. The dude sulks whenever he gets rejected and has no idea what no means. For crying out loud, he gave me a pink rose before dumping me, and that was after he ate the treats my dad baked for him.”
Adrien: For someone with a crush on the hero, you sure sound bitter.
Marinette exhaled again, calming herself. “I’m not bitter. I’ve moved on, truly. Enough to see what Ladybug meant when she said I’ll move on soon enough. I’m over Chat.“
Adrien raise his brows.
Marinette continued, “I’ve been able to analyse his actions without the hero-crush filters. Be honest, Adrien, how would you feel at having to constantly reject the same person over and over again? Wouldn’t you be annoyed by their repeated flirtations?”
Adrien shrugged. “I reject fans all the time. Well, not exactly. I just ignore their love letters.“
Marinette shook her head. “That doesn’t count. You don’t know those people. Let’s say Chloe was going to confess her love to you every day. And you have to reject her every day. When you reject her, she raises a fuss and causes an akuma. How would you feel about your childhood friend?”
Adrien grimaced. “That would suck. I would avoid Chloe just to avoid her confessions.”
Marinette raised her hand, like there you go. Point proven.
Adrien wasn’t done. “But,” he insisted stubbornly, “it’s different for LadyNoir. They’re partners. Yin and Yang. A superhero duo. Who else is she going to end up with if not her partner? These kinds of pairings always win in the end.”
Marinette: that’s just sad. You’re comparing Ladybug’s love life to fiction. Life isn’t a fairy tale, Adrien. you don’t decide who Ladybug ends up with, and it’s not right for you to lie about her either.
Adrien: LadyNoir will happen. I’m sure of it.
Marinette: You’re not even going to take back that lie, are you?
Adrien: Why would I? It’s going to be fact.
Marinette said sadly, “Goodbye, Adrien.”
After school, Marinette tore down her posters of Adrien. Filters removed, indeed.
Tikki: Don’t worry, Marinette. I’m sure things will come right in the end.
Marinette: that doesn’t mean I can’t help set things back in order. Tikki, spots on!
Alya turned around at a tapping on her window.
Alya: Ladybug!
Ladybug: Hey, Alya. Listen, I’ve been reading your blog, and I need to set some facts straight.
Alya: Is this about revealing your love life? Because honestly, it would be better to be honest about your love life than to let others hope they have a shot with you. Remember Copycat?
Ladybug: That’s my point. I’m not dating Chat Noir. I don’t even like him that way. Lila has been lying to you, Alya.
Alya: Um, she’s your Best Friend…
Ladybug: When did I ever say that?
Alya:…….. ……….Why didn’t you correct me before today, then?
Ladybug sighed. “Because i had called her out in front of Adrien, and she got akumatized. And when she disappeared for a while, I figured there was no need to bring her up.“
Alya: Hold on. Adrien knew Lila was lying?
Ladybug: Yes. Though I’m sure he must have his own reasons for protecting Lila. But back to my point. I am not dating Chat Noir, and I am not interested in him like that. My love life is mine to decide, not for others to insist on just because they prefer me with Chat. How would you like it if Parisians started pairing you with Pegasus or Monkey King instead of Carapace? With them insisting you break up with Nino just to be with someone they chose for you?”
“That would be annoying,“ admitted Alya. “And invasive.”
Ladybug: I want to do a live interview, to clear the matter up once and for all.
In this interview, Ladybug was professional and succinct as she stated she doesn’t know Lila Rossi and she is not in a relationship with Chat. She doesn’t want to hurt her fans, but her love life is for her to handle.
Unable to help herself, Alya asked, “If you don’t like Chat, who do you like? You don’t have to give any names, but just one little tidbit, please?”
Eh, why not?
Ladybug leaned back on her hands and smiled, her eyes going faraway and dreamy. “Mature. That’s all I’ll say.”
After all, Luka had always supported her crush on Adrien. He never pushed her, but was always there for her. Why didn’t she how good he was? Oh right, Adrien filters.
Lila was fuming. How could she show her face again? Where was an akuma when you wanted one?
The akuma was drawn to a LadyNoir fanatic.
Fight fight fight. Chat was noticeably sulky at having been rejected on air.
When Alya came over to interview, he insisted he would not give up on Ladybug. Alya raised her brows, “Yeah that’s fine. But just don’t be pushy about it. And from your attitude earlier during the battle, I don’t think you fit Ladybug’s ideal criteria.”
Chat flushed and turned away, using his baton to propel himself home.
At school, Lila was playing truant, and Alya was grilling Adrien for keeping quiet.
Adrien: her lies weren’t hurting anyone!
Alya: I’m taking into account your isolated childhood, so let me just say, lies are hurtful. And it’s not right to encourage and spread her lies either.
Adrien: LadyNoir has to happen!
Nino shook his head in disgust. “You sound like that akuma last night. Ladybug has the right to decide who she wants to be with. If you ship LadyNoir, that’s fine. But you shouldn’t let it get this far to decide for Ladybug who she ends up with.”
Alya sighed, “Let’s blame Gabriel for this and hope Adrien can still be saved.”
Alya also understood when Marinette gave up on Adrien after seeing his behavior. She was interested in Luka but decided to wait because she didn’t want him to be a rebound guy.
Anyway, Adrien learned to keep his opinions to himself when all they got him was disapproval.
Ladybug’s interview caused the Parisians to question if the Italian diplomat should even still be in Paris if her daughter likes to spout lies about their heroine. How could she let her own daughter lie about stuff like that? It was enough that Mrs Rossi was questioned at work and her ignorance unveiled.
Yeah, Mrs Rossi would be lucky to keep her job after this but it was suggested Lila be sent outside Paris since she would certainly be unhappy with her new pariah status. Lila was sent to a correctional facility where no one was charmed by her falsehoods. Hell, she couldn’t even contact her mother because she was even busier trying to make amends.
When Ladybug finally told Chat she was happily in a relationship with her new boyfriend, he was sulky. Oh sure, he continued to fight alongside Ladybug but he was hopeful that she would break up with her boyfriend.
Plagg: that’s a horrible reaction. Can’t you just be happy for Ladybug?
Adrien: love is irrational and can’t be reasoned with, Plagg.
Plagg: then can you at least be polite and respectful to Ladybug’s wishes that you stop flirting with her?
Adrien: fine. Being Chat Noir was a chance to finally express myself, though.
Plagg: there’s a difference between freedom of expression and being rude/disrespectful/obnoxious
Adrien tried to date Kagami, but she broke up with him. There was no point in continuing the relationship when Adrien was so fixed on Ladybug.
I’m gonna leave this open ended. Any ideas how you would end this story?
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lienwyn · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Oh my! Thank you <3
It's honestly a little difficult to pick, but I think I have to go with:
1. Hyperborean - The Losers (Cougar/Jensen, 127 000 words)
Will forever be a favourite since it was the first novel-length AU I wrote where I just let my imagination and world-building run WILD. I just had so much fun with the world I created, the various details, the lore, the social structures etc. It was also challenging to write (in a good way) and managed to include some twists for the reader ;) If I ever were to file the serial numbers off a fic and try to publish it as an original novel, it would be this one. Because, well, this kind of made me realise that, yeah, I CAN write a book if I want to — and I can make it dramatic and epic and wonderful. I’m actually capable of that. Yay me!
2. Autonomy - Marvel (Bucky/Tony, 184 000 words)
I guess I can’t NOT mention Autonomy? Just like Hyperborean, I went crazy with the world-building and had so much fun exploring the HYDRA virus vs. the Rebirth Serum, Tony’s backstory, and just... everything. It was my first for the ship and I remember being SO nervous about the characterisation, but I’ve been told it’s pretty solid, so thank god for that x’D This was also the fic that more or less introduced Winter to the Winteriron fandom (and he has, since then, become a fanon staple, to the point where not many even know this was his origin) and I guess I can feel a little proud over that?
3. Allies - The Hobbit (Bard/Thranduil, 20 000 words)
I am so ridiculously attached to this fic it’s kind of funny, since no one really cares about it? Except me, I guess (and my wife, but she’s partial). I LOVE this one since this fic, more than any other I’ve written, is where I managed to hit JUST the right tone and pitch. This sounds and feels EXACTLY the way I want it to and I had a lot of fun with the more old-fashioned, fantasy-ish style. Also,Thranduil’s POV is, hands down, one of my favourite POV’s I’ve EVER written. I had an absolute blast and some of my absolute favourite lines I’ve ever written are in this fic.
4. Who Holds the Devil - The Devil Judge (Ga On/Yo Han, so far 142 000 words)
Not finished yet, but already a favourite. Possibly one of the best things I've ever written? Not in terms of pacing, perhaps (since it's hella long already and nowhere near done) but because of the way I get to really pick these characters apart and explore their behaviour and emotions. There are so many nuances, details, and facets and it’s just SO fascinating. Also, I feel like I get to be more experimental with my word choices and sentence structures thanks to all the dreams, which is an absolute delight. I’m just really enjoying this one since it feels like I’m growing and learning a lot. Also, it’s very satisfying to write such complex and fascinating characters. Will, without a doubt, beat my current record for The Slowest Burn Ever to Burn a.k.a. “It took them HOW long before they kissed?!” (see below).
5. The Thunder Moon Chronicles - Teen Wolf (Derek/Stiles, 292 000 words)
The first. The one that started it all. While the writing isn’t on par with what I can do today, this was still the start of something so much greater than I could ever have imagined. I’d promised myself I had to write at least one fanfic before I died and decided I might as well go big or go home. So I wrote a third season for Teen Wolf which ended up being almost 300k. Yeah. My first fanfic was 300k. And it’s not even one of those “let’s write and see what happens” fics. Oh no. This is a tightly planned epic with three parts, each with their own dramatic curve that together form a cohesive story, with a burn so slow it took Stiles and Derek 200k to kiss. To this day, I still can’t understand how I managed to pull that off. My guess is blissful ignorance. I just didn’t understand how easy it would have been to crash and burn and just embraced my own eagerness and enthusiasm. And that is why this fic will forever be a favourite. The sheer and utter JOY it brought me as I wrote it and the doors it ended up opening for me later on.
I swear I didn't intentionally pick from five different fandoms, it just happened x'D And I know this looks like I’m just choosing my longest fics, but that wasn’t intentional, either. I guess it’s just easier for me to feel proud over the long ones? Since I got to really show off my skills, both in terms of writing and storytelling, but also world-building, characterisation, and my ability to convey emotions etc. SO YEAH.
Also, fun fact: the reason why I figured I would only write one fanfic was because I assumed I wasn’t a very good writer and no one would want to read them anyway. And I don’t mean that in a “without readers, it wouldn’t have been worth it” way. I just assumed that once I had written one, I could cross that off my bucket list and move on with my life. So, uh, that backfired. SPECTACULARLY x’D
And, before any of you start to worry: I know I’m not a bad writer. It took me YEARS to accept and there are times when I still can’t quite grasp what it means — since I don’t know what I’m doing that might qualify me as a Good Writer — but enough people have told me that I am that I can’t just ignore them.
But, also, most importantly: I enjoy doing it. I truly LOVE writing. So that, more than anything, is why I’m still sticking around ;)
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pairing: teacher!tom x teacher!reader
summary: your colleague is insufferable, really. the way he’s so cocky, so lenient with his students, so nonchalant, so attractive with no effort whatsoever––you hate him, really.  
warnings: smut near the end + this is really long fyi 
notes: this literally came out of nowhere, i thought about it before i fell asleep last night and luckily i remembered it today. i was kinda hesitant to write it out and post it but here we are! 
leave feedback :)
so you and tom get your jobs as high school teachers at the same time
you first meet during the training sessions during the summer before the semester started
and you immediately can’t stand him
he just––
he’s too much
with his charming accent
and his smile
and his perfect hair
how does someone look good with both gelled hair and messy hair?
when you had to spend too much time making sure you looked good every morning
it was unfair
some days he shows up in fancy clothes
a button down and pants
maybe even a trench coat
some days a leather jacket and oh how you hate that leather jacket and hoodie combo
it’s not professional in the slightest yet he still manages to pull it off
he even shows up to school in sweats
how? you have no idea
he manages to charm literally everyone 
from the students (including yours, thank you very much), the lunch ladies, even the principal for christ’s sake
all the girls love him, they swoon over him every day
you see how your girls brighten up whenever he strolls into your class to bother you 
he lets his classes watch movies way too often
he hasn’t even done some of the reading for his assignments he’s handed out
he constantly shows up to your classroom for the sole purpose of teasing you
‘looking as beautiful as ever, y/n’
you turn to look at him, a deadpan expression on your face, ‘some of us have actual work to do thomas, so if you would please leave––’
he interrupts you with a gasp, bringing his hand to his chest and he gapes at you, ‘how rude’ but you can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s not actually offended
you constantly have to physically shove him out of the class
and every time he just laughs, obviously enjoying himself, only pissing you off even more
he takes every opportunity he can to bother you
like when he interrupts your class, a cheeky smile on his face as he opens the door
‘sorry to bother you, ms. y/l/n’
you both know he absolutely is not
he turns to the students and waves like he’s a goddamn celebrity and they all swoon, and you roll your eyes
‘mr. holland,’ you see his eyes,, darken? at the sound of you saying his last name but you brush it off, ‘to what do i owe this displeasure?’
his usual smirk is plastered back on his face, ‘well i just needed to borrow a marker, love.’ 
you try not to let the nickname have an effect on you, especially when you hear your students perk up at the name as well
‘you know you could have just asked a student to come over here, right.’
he turns to your class playfully, ‘does she treat you lot like a bunch of servants?’ 
they laugh and you sigh, exasperated but somewhat amused, making him turn back to you
‘you don’t even use the white board in your class.’
he shrugs easily, ‘well today i am.’
and your students are loving the banter between you two
they all ship you and they’ve told you multiple times
tom’s students have done the same to him as well
you roll your eyes for what feels like the fifteenth time and nod your head to the tray under the board where all the markers are and he doesn’t move a muscle, he even dares to lean against the doorframe
‘well how am i supposed to know which one you don’t mind me taking?’
you glare at him and walk over to the board, picking up a random marker and throwing it his way
he catches it easily and slides out of the classroom and you can hear the grin in his voice as he walks off, ‘cheers, love.’
you just go back to teaching your class, ignoring some of the knowing stares your students are throwing your way
after class you go over to his class to see what was so important that he needed to get one of your markers 
you walk right in because of course his door is wide open
...he wrote the date
that’s it.
he looks up from his phone to see you standing there and he straightens up, his eyes widening slightly as he sets his phone down
‘uh’ he scratches the back of his head, ‘i erased it all, obviously’
you narrow your eyes at him, obviously not buying it
‘i can assure you we took the most intensive notes you’ve ever seen’ 
you laugh and walk out of the class, ‘yeah and i’m the pope.’
he smiles, shaking his head slightly as he watches you walk away
sometimes when you’re walking in the hallway, he somehow finds you, easily sliding up next to you
‘you following me?’
‘tom you came up to me.’
‘nonsense, really.’
sometimes during lunch, he’ll stop by your classroom if you’re not in the cafeteria
and you’re too bothered and hungry to kick him out
so you both just eat and “enjoy” each other’s company
he’ll make small talk with you and it’s actually not that bad
you share an office with him and the other teachers in your department 
your desks are right next to each other, because apparently whoever’s in charge of your life just isn’t on your side
he tends to look over at whatever you’re doing
‘geez darling, you really are a harsh grader...’
you look up at him, and back to the sheet, offended
‘no i am not! i’m checking the answer sheet and this is simply not correct––’
you plan on defending yourself further but then you see him trying to hold in his laughter and realize he’s just teasing you
you look back to your paper, hiding your smile, ‘ha ha. very funny tom.’
sometimes he’ll even roll his chair over and lean on your desk
you look over at him hesitantly, ‘do you need something?’
he just smiles lazily, ‘oh don’t mind me, just enjoying the view.’
you brush him off and try to ignore the fluttering feeling you get in your stomach
you’re with your other colleagues one day on lunch break, 
luckily tom hasn’t decided to torture you that day
and they ask
‘so you and holland gone on a date yet?’
and you choke on your food
and the other one goes ‘or have you at least fucked––’
and you properly choke on your drink this time
when you finally calm down, they don’t even try to hide their smiles
‘what are you talking about?’
‘oh come on’
‘you can’t be serious’
when you look at them like they’re crazy their smiles drop
‘oh so you’re either stupid or oblivious’
‘i mean come on, the way he looks at you––’
‘his teasing’
‘his comments’
‘we don’t like each other, he’s insufferable...’ you say but it really sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself
‘you know we don’t even have any policies on that stuff, sooo...you could if you wanted to.’
when you don’t reply, they go on,
‘so you don’t think he’s attractive at least?’
you roll your eyes, ‘don’t be stupid, i’ve seen him before, and he knows he’s attractive which is the worst part––’
and you get interrupted by a very annoyingly familiar british voice
‘who’s attractive, darling?’ he slides in and takes a seat next to you and your friends can’t help but smile knowingly at each other
you send them warning glares and they ignore you
he sends them a charming smile, ‘hello ladies’
their soft, completely charmed responses make you gag
and tom can’t help but shove your arm playfully, ‘play nice, darling.’
‘can i help you with anything?’
‘just wanted to say hello to my favorite colleague,’ he turns to your friends, ‘and her lovely friends, of course.’ 
you roll your eyes, ‘isn’t harrison your favorite?’ you ask, bringing up the pe teacher he’s always with
he was a nice guy really, you’d talked with him a few times, he was always making jokes
he brings a finger up to his lips, ‘shh’ he winks, ‘don’t tell him.’
eventually he leaves you alone with a promise to stop by your class again before the day’s over  
you respond with a ‘there’s really no need!’ 
and he turns back to face you as walks out, ‘sorry! can’t hear you anymore!’
you look back at your friends and they’re giving you a ‘really, bitch.’ look and you can’t help but shrink in your seat a little bit, lost in thought
‘does he really like me?’
‘do i really like him?’
you try to push it aside and focus on your work for the time being after that––you are at work, after all
when parent teacher conferences come around tom obviously finds a way to sneak into your classroom before they start
you hate to say it but your breath hitches and your gaze lingers a little too long on the way his arms strain in his tight shirt, the part of his collarbone you can see peeking past his slightly unbuttoned top, the shiny watch on his wrist, his hands––
‘well you somehow managed to look even more beautiful than you always do, love. can’t say i’m surprised.’
you look down at the dress and heels you’d changed into after class ended, suddenly feeling undressed under his gaze
‘um thank you. you look good too.’
he seems taken aback for a second, and is he blushing?
‘thanks, love.’ 
he puts his hands in his pockets, a casual smile on his face, ‘so are you ready for the next five hours of forced social interaction?’
‘no but i have to be,’ you sighed. ‘i’m sure you’re fine though, you’re a people person.’
‘what can i say, people love me.’
‘alright,’ you say getting up, you don’t know what comes over you but you place your hands on his chest gently, ‘we have like’ you glance at the clock ‘two minutes so,’ you look up at him and the look in his eyes knocks you breathless
‘off you go...’ you trail of softly
his hands come up to hold you wrists gently, his thumbs caressing the skin, a soft look in his eyes,
‘if you say so, darling.’
it feels like time stopped but a knock on your door reminds you where you are and what you have to do
your hands hesitantly slide down his chest and back to your side and he sighs at the feeling, unwillingly letting you go
‘looks like my first parent is here.’
he backs away slowly, blinking out of the daze you both seemed to be in, ‘right, i––good luck, love.’
you reply quietly, ‘same to you.’ 
and so you introduce yourself to the first parent and go about your night
when you have a small ten minute window, you go to the bathroom and when you come back you find a small cup of coffee on your desk, just the way you like
there’s a sticky note next to it and you can’t help but smile when you read it
‘thought you might need this. knock em dead, darling. you’ve got this. :)’
when you’ve finally said goodbye to your last pair of parents, many long hours later, you prop your door open and take a seat again
it’s not long before you hear a knock at the door, you turn to see tom strolling in, two bottles of water in his hand
yes one hand, you tried very hard not to think about it too much, especially not about the way his fingers wrapped around the––
‘here you go, love.’ he hands you a bottle and you thank him as he sits down in the seat across from you where the parents were sitting all night
‘so how was that for you? first parent teacher conference done.’ he sips his water and you try not to focus on the way his throat bobs when he swallows the sips
‘i think it went well, they were all really nice, honestly. how was it for you?’
‘great, i mean it was honestly kind of fun, but now i’m exhausted’
you nodded in agreement, ‘oh! thank you for the coffee by the way, i––i really appreciated it.’ you give him a small smile
he returns one back to you, ‘of course, love.’
you can’t help but ask, ‘so do you just do this for everyone?’
he furrows his brows in confusion and you continue, totally disregarding the fact that he looks really cute when he’s confused
‘the coffee, the water, the nicknames...’ you trail off
he lets out a small chuckle, ‘i will admit i am a charmer––’ he looks into your eyes, ‘but i promise it’s just you. you’re...’ he trails off for a bit, ‘different.’ 
he can see you’re unsure about how to take that, ‘in a good way,’ he clarifies, ‘a really good way.’ he smiles
you lick your lips nervously, ‘well that’s...good. i––yeah that’s nice.’
you mentally curse at yourself, really? nice? my god––
luckily he lets it slide and soon enough the both of you get dressed and he’s walking you outside to your car
you both say goodnight and once you’ve driven off, tom gets in his car and heads home too
when the winter formal comes along, everyone is very excited, people are asking each other out, and all that fun stuff
being a teacher, you get to hear all the gossip in your class and in the halls and it’s honestly quite entertaining
‘now you didn’t hear this from me,’ you pause for dramatic effect while tom tries his best but fails to hide his endeared smile. he leans in over his lunch, ‘but apparently sarah lewis, the blonde girl in my class?’ you pause to make sure tom knows who you’re talking about
when he nods you go on 
‘thought that david––’
‘is that the bloke on the football team?’
‘yes, him. she thought he was going to ask her to the formal, right?’
‘yeah i mean i’ve seen them flirting in the hallways, only makes sense.’
you shake your head in sympathy for the poor girl and his mouth drops, ‘no––’
‘yes... he asked her best friend instead.’
tom sits back in his seat, ‘that fucker––’
‘tom!’ you laugh, though you really shouldn’t, these were students for christ’s sake.
‘what? come on, he deserves it, the player.’
you nod, ‘yeah i guess he does.’
you both laugh and when it dies down, he speaks up again,
‘speaking of the formal,’ you perk up and try your best to seem nonchalant as you look up at him.
he’s looking down at his food nervously, as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. 
he clears his throat and looks up at you, his eyes vulnerable, ‘will you be uh, chaperoning?’
you swallow, weirdly nervous all of a sudden, ‘yeah,’ you tilt your head slightly and tom almost combusts at how cute you look, ‘will you?’
he snaps out of his reverie, ‘yeah! yeah i will.’ god he felt like he was back in high school again, this was ridiculous––
‘i guess i’ll see you there, then.’ you smile shyly.
he smiles back ‘yeah i guess i’ll see you too.’
tom shows up early to the dance, because he’s a nerd––he’d even put on his nice shoes, his extra shiny watch and gelled his hair for an extra ten minutes to make sure he looked good
he was hoping to catch you before everyone started piling in, but unfortunately you were nowhere to be found
nonetheless he helped with last minute decorations and such and stood in the corner when the dance started, to make sure nobody died or anything on the dance floor
he was sipping his punch, totally not judging the students dance moves when he noticed you walk into the gym, a look of awe on your face as you looked at all the decorations and lights
and you––
you looked like a princess 
your dress was long and flowy and there was a slit (a perfectly appropriate one) on the side and when tom noticed that he just about choked on his drink 
you made your way around the room, saying hi to the other chaperones and some of your students as well
a lot of people wanted to talk to you, tom found out rather impatiently
but soon enough, you made your way towards him, near the punch
‘funny seeing you here, holland.’
he smiles, ‘likewise, love.’
you both go off near the side and start small talking
soon enough you’re making jokes, enjoying your time
‘i have to say i really am impressed with how this turned out, it looks great,’ you say, your eyes exploring the room
he hums, ‘not as good as the ones in london though.’
you turn to him, amused and intrigued, ‘oh yeah, why’s that?’
he leans in to whisper in your ear over the music, ‘cause we’re allowed to drink booze at our dances.’
you snort and roll your eyes
and he can’t help but feel his heart flutter in his chest at the way you laugh at him
he wanted you to be his so badly
after a few moments of scanning the crowd and doing your job, tom speaks up again
he holds his hand out and you look at it and back to him ‘may i have this dance?’
you can’t help the smile that makes it’s way to your lips, ‘aren’t we supposed to be working?’
‘we can watch and dance at the same time’ he responds, even though he knows once he has you in his arms he won’t be able to focus on anything else but you
you say fuck it and grab his hand
he grins and leads you to a spot on the dance floor after discarding your cups
his hands gingerly find their way to your waist and it’s cliché, truly
but you feel all tingly when he touches you and honestly it seems like he does too
you slide your hands up to his shoulders and he takes a deep breath
you start swaying slightly to the song
and now that you listen to it, it sounds a bit too sensual for a high school, dance. but anyway––
tom’s eyes are entranced by the way you’re glowing in the light and the way you’re looking up at him
your lips looks so soft and inviting
your eyes are shining
and that dress
meanwhile, he looks dashing as ever
his jawline, his hair looks so perfect––you really wanna pull on it and mess it up...
you slowly inch your way towards each other and soon enough, you’re so close that if you just tilted your head and pushed forward, you’d be kissing
realizing where you are, you both snap out of it slowly
and as a slow song comes on, you lean your head on his chest and he holds you close
you can hear and feel his heartbeat and it makes you smile
you sway together and you can tell there are some students and even staff members who are staring at you two
when the song is over you look up at each other and the tension is unbearable, and oh so thick
‘do you wanna––’
you both laugh, still holding each other
‘let’s go, darling’ he grabs your hand and leads you to grab your coats and your purse and then out to his car
before he opens the door he catches a glimpse of the way you’re looking at him with your bottom lip caught between your teeth, your eyes looking him up and he just loses it
he practically lunges towards you and you yelp when he attaches his lips to yours, immediately melting in his touch
one of his hands is cradling your cheek, while the other reclaims it’s spot on your waist, gripping you softly but firmly
without detaching his lips from yours, he turns you around and presses you against the door to his car and you gasp slightly into the kiss, making him smirk
you raise your leg up slowly, trailing your heel up the back of his leg and he groans as he presses himself into you 
you hear a group of teenagers shouting and laughing as they step out for a breath of fresh air and the two of you pull away from each other reluctantly, panting as you stare at each other as if you want to devour the other
and honestly––you do
he opens the door for you and tries to calm himself down when he shuts the door for you before walking over to his side and getting settled in his seat
he looks over at you and notices the way your clenching your thighs together, how your breaths are still heavy and he bites his lip, unable to look away from you
you break the silence
‘are we really about to fuck in your car?’
‘of course not,’ he looks offended, ‘for our first time together? absolutely not, i have more manners than that love.’ he pauses, ‘unless you want that?’
you can’t help but laugh, ‘take me home, tom’
your eyes widen slightly, realizing how domestic that sounded and you go to take it back but he interrupts you, placing his hand on your thigh
‘let’s go home’ a smile on his face as he pulls out of the parking lot
the whole drive to his place, his hand is gripping your thigh teasingly and you’re surprised you didn’t leave a wet spot on his seat when you got up
he opens the door for you and takes you up to his apartment, using all his self control not to take you right there in the elevator
when you get to his door, it takes him way too much effort to put the key through the hole
though he’s not drunk, it feels like he is when he’s around you
you’re absolutely intoxicating
your hands are rubbing all over his body as you hold him from behind, your face nuzzling into his back and he can barely focus
as soon as you step inside his apartment, he locks the door and his lips are back on yours as you take your shoes off and hastily throw your jackets on the couch as you walk past the living room
once you get into his bedroom, he turns the bedside lamp on the lowest since he doesn’t want you to trip and fall over anything
you both quickly undress and tom stops you before you can take off your undergarments
‘let me,’ a cheeky look in his eyes as he does so
he turns you around and grazes his hands up and down your sides before bringing them behind you and unhooking your bra
he slides it down your arms teasingly slow and the silence in the room is deafening as you hear it drop to the floor
he steps closer to you, pressing his bare chest against your back and you hear him take in a breath as looks at your breasts
he brings his hands to your waist in a silent question
and you lean back in response
he takes the invitation and glides his hands up to grasp your breasts and your back arches, a soft sigh escaping your lips and he basks in the sound, wanting to hear it again
‘so pretty, darling’ he plays with your nipples and you whine, wanting to feel him already
‘alright,’ you hear the smile in his voice before he turns you around
then he bends down all while keeping eye contact with you, kissing your skin as he makes his way down
then, this cheeky bastard, places his hands on your thighs, while he looks up at you with those innocent eyes and grasps the waistband of your panties with. his. teeth.
he drags them down oh so slowly down your legs and once they reach the bottom you kick them aside
he stands back up and you waste no time, smirking at him before you bend down, ‘my turn’ 
you get on your knees and drag your fingertips down his abs while you do so, relishing in the shivers he tries to contain
you hook your fingers into his briefs and pull them down, biting your lip at the way his cock is standing up proudly
you lick your lips as he steps out of his underwear, ‘is that all for me?’
he bites his lip, bringing a hand down to hold your cheek and you turn your head to kiss his palm
and how you managed to make that hot? he has no idea
‘of course it is, darling. it’s all yours’ he grabs his cock and starts stroking it slowly, hissing at the feeling
you quickly take control and he moans out loud when you lick along his base and put the tip in your mouth
you swirl your tongue around him and he swears he sees stars
‘you’re––christ, you’re making me forget my manners, love. i’m supposed to take care of you first.’
you roll your eyes, taking him out of your mouth while you keep stroking him with one hand and play with his balls in the other
‘you wanna make me happy right tommy?’ you bat your eyelashes and he twitches in your hand at the sight and the nickname
‘then let me do this please? wanna make you feel good’
he nods entranced and you continue, putting your mouth back on him
sucking and bobbing your head as his eyes flutter shut and his head falls back
he gets lost in the pleasure and honestly almost blows his load unwillingly but he pulls you away and leads you to the bed
you climb on and get settled in the middle, enjoying the look in his eyes as he climbs after you like a predator eyeing its prey
his eyes lock in on his target and you close your legs teasingly as you look up at him
he shakes his head slightly at your antics, ‘ah ah, open up, pretty girl. i wanna see you.’ he nudges your thighs open with his hands and the feeling of his fingertips pressing into your skin send tingles all through your body, making your pussy clench around nothing
he looks between your thighs and back at you, ‘can i?’
you nod before he can even finish his sentence and he’s too eager to please you to make a joke about it
he lies down between your legs and wraps his arms around your thighs as he holds you in place and dives in
his tongue is slow and teasing as he licks through your folds
he’s making eye contact because of course he is
and you can’t look away, and neither can he 
you can tell he’s enjoying this and it makes it all the more enjoyable for you
he’s taking his time and savoring you, coaxing you to the edge 
your hands grip his curls, ‘i’ve been wanting to mess these up all night’ you admit
and he growls into your heat, speeding up his movements
he shakes his head and lets you grind into his face as he focuses on your clit
and soon enough your back is arching, your eyes shutting closed and your body tenses around him, your thighs holding him close
he licks you up through your high and when your thighs loosen around him, he kisses your clit and sits up, rubbing your thighs soothingly
you sit up and kiss him slowly, passionately, letting your tongues taste each other as you feel each other up
‘come here,’ he mumbles between kisses while he moves around
he lies down on the bed and you go to straddle him when he stops you
‘just a little bit higher, love.’
your eyes widen, ‘you want me to sit on your face––’
‘been dreaming about it for a while now actually. please darling?’ he gives you those puppy dog eyes of his 
and though you didn’t know if he meant metaphorically or literally, you decided to climb up, you’d figure it out later 
you settle down on top of his mouth and he pulls you down, immediately getting to work as he watches you through hooded eyes
you’re still sensitive from your previous orgasm so you feel yourself get close quickly as he sucks on your clit
you mewl and he hums into your heat, loving the reactions your giving him
when he feels you about to tip over the edge he grabs your ass and helps you grind on his face as he flattens out his tongue
your thighs close around his head for the second time that night and his cock throbs at the sight of you and the feel of you pulsing on his tongue
he licks you clean and leaves soft kisses on your thighs as you come to your senses again
you get off of him and switch places
he licks his lips as he reaches over for a condom and puts it on
he watches you breath deeply, the light coating of sweat on your chest glistening under the soft light, your wet pussy 
he strokes himself and lines up at your entrance, rubbing himself through your folds and teasing your clit
you can’t help but shiver and jolt at the feeling and he bites his lip, hiding his smile
‘you ready, darling?’ he asks, wanting to make sure you still want this
you nod, looking up at him and he slides in, bottoming out slowly
‘god you’re so wet for me––’
you can feel every inch as he enters you and your walls are so tight he’s sure he won’t last––just seeing you come already made him want to
he starts thrusting into you slowly, holding your thighs up as he moves his hips and the both of you let out a string of moans and curses
he hits the right spot inside of you and your eyes roll back as you whimper, your hands gripping his as they hold you open
‘always wanted to see how you roll your eyes while my cock’s inside you––’ he teases
you can’t even be bothered to reply with a witty comeback, he just feels too good
you wrap your arms and legs around him pushing him deeper inside you and he groans, his hands sliding down your body to rest on either side of you as he pounds you harder
‘god you feel so good angel’
your heart properly bursts at the new nickname, your limbs tightening around him as you turn and kiss his neck
he couldn’t help it, just watching you tonight at the dance and just now underneath him, it was the only name that seemed fitting
‘fuck, i’m close––’ he pants 
you perk up and clench around him, wanting to make him feel good
he curses into your neck and keeps pounding you, sliding a hand down to rub at your clit
you jolt underneath him, moaning breathlessly at the feeling of his soft fingers in comparison to his hard thrusts
he reaches his high first, his hand and his hips not stopping until he feels you convulse around him
‘oh god tommy––’
he crashes his lips against yours and grinds his hips into you as you settle down from your orgasms
after a few moments of you giving each other soft kisses here and there, tom pulls out of you
he goes to discard the condom and leads you to the bathroom to pee, giving you a kiss on your forehead as he leaves you to do your business
it all feels very mundane and home-like and just warm
when you’re done, tom has a glass of water for the both of you and you take a sip before getting into bed and under the covers with him
he opens his arms and lets you slide in next to him, resting your head on his chest, wrapping your arm around him as he holds you close
after a while of comfortable silence, he speaks up
‘i’ve been wanting to do this for a really long time, you know’ he says absentmindedly as his fingers trace patterns on your waist
you nuzzle into him, ‘yeah?’
he hums, ‘always found you beautiful’
you’re glad he can’t see how flustered his words make you, ‘mm i always found you insufferably hot’
he laughs and his chest vibrates under you
‘you know how you are’ a teasing tone to your voice as you answer
‘fair enough’
after a small pause you speak up hesitantly, ‘so...what now?’
you can hear and feel him take a sharp inhale before he responds, ‘well i was hoping i could take you out soon? i know we’re doing this all backwards but––i’d love to call you mine if that’s alright?’
you smile, delighted by his response, ‘i’d like that a lot.’
you can hear the smile in his voice, ‘yeah?’
you laugh, ‘yeah’ you kiss his chest and he squeezes your waist in response
the two of you talk for a little bit more and soon enough you drift off to sleep
tom drives you back to school on saturday to pick up your car after he made you breakfast, of course
and honestly he wasn’t a bad chef, he’d apparently learned from his younger brother
and if that didn’t make you fall for him more, you don’t know what would
he leaves you with a kiss and makes sure to wait until you’ve pulled off safely to make his way back home
when you come back to school the next week, your friends quickly bombard you in your office and practically drag you into the hallway
‘so we noticed you left with mr. charming on saturday...’
‘and left your car here’ they wiggle their eyebrows suggestively and you can’t help but roll your eyes and laugh
just before you answer tom walks in and winks at you, a grin on his face, before stepping into the office
oh he so knew what you guys were talking about
your friends turn to each other immediately, 
‘oh they totally fucked’
your eyes widen and you shush them aggressively
‘this is still a school you know??’ but you all fail to hide your laughter
‘so how was it?’ they ask
you turn to make sure no one’s listening and look back at them, biting your lip 
‘pretty fucking amazing’
they shout and cheer and you slap them playfully telling them to calm down
‘i’ll tell you more about it later, now shoo.’
you make your way back into the office, a playful and slightly embarrassed smile on your face as you feel tom’s eyes watching your every move
he scoots over next to you when you’ve settled in your seat and you can feel his minty, tea flavored breath tickling your neck ‘so did you tell them about how you sat on my––’
‘shut up!’ 
he cackles and slides his way back to his desk
you’re walking down the hallway later on when you bump into a familiar face
‘oh hi harrison’
he lights up when he sees you ‘haven’t spoken to you in ages, y/n how are you? heard you and tom finally got together, about time––he’s been moaning about you for months now’ 
you can’t help but smile knowingly at the fact that he’d told his friend all about it just like you did 
and speak of the devil, tom comes strolling in out of nowhere, and walks up to you and haz in the hallway
you can’t help the smirk on your face when you see him and he immediately knows something is up
‘what did this div tell you?’
and your smirk turns into a grin, ‘oh nothing, just how you’ve been obsessing over me for months now,’ the glint in your eyes brightens and tom turns to glare at his friend
‘right,’ harrison speaks up, laughing, ‘well i’ve got things to do, you know sports to coach or whatever so i’ll leave you to it!’ before running off
you get tom’s attention again, a teasing sing-song tone to your voice, ‘you’ve had a crush on me’
he smirks down at you, his hands sliding down to your waist, ‘don’t act like i didn’t see the way you would look at me, darling.’ he grabs your ass subtly, and you gasp as he presses you closer to him ‘we both had it bad.’
‘now be a good girl and get to class.’ he walks off leaving you there gaping like a fish, your cheeks heating up as students start crowding in 
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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tomatograter · 4 years
New to the fandom, Could you explain June? 💯 Love and support her. But homestuck 2 doesn't have her and I'm just confused?
June Egbert precedes the concept of homestuck^2! I’ve seen a lot of people be confused about this because they weren’t active on the fandom at the time the epilogues dropped, when reading her as a trans woman got a lot of discussion going and eventually lead to multiple confirmations.
So here’s an attempt at contextualization:
Throughout Homestuck, a few key ideas about Egbert’s identity and motivation to push forward with her hero’s journey are dropped like breadcrumbs. She’s meant to play the default straight-man protagonist. Her defining traits are ridiculously… generic, when compared to how all the other kids present themselves and stick to exaggerated bits. She’s a perfectly normal, regular suburban kid with normal, suburban issues. 
She may not leave her room a whole lot. She may not have a lot of real life friends in the neighborhood. She holds a comical irritation for the concept of birthdays, even though her father is extremely supportive, and is delighted to see his son grow up nice and healthy. There’s no reason for her to be so irrationally upset at cakes and gifts, and that’s what makes the setup funny! June doesn’t even know why she’s annoyed with half of the things that annoy her, what the heck.
But under all that playing around there is a sense that her life is so normal, so blasé, so unexciting and limiting and hollow and fake that she’d give anything to not be herself, even if only for ten minutes. This goes way, way back. It’s why June needs SBURB to happen.
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June lives as though her life hasn’t started yet. She’s stuck in the Tutorial stage. I would argue while most kids (and trolls) play SBURB to escape a shitty environment or the end of the world as they know it, June plays for a simpler reason: She needs to escape herself, and she needs to do it before it is too late. 
Being thirteen means crossing the homeric abyss between being a child with no care for the world sporting a generic hand-me-down identity and becoming a Teen (capital T) who needs to figure out how to cope with atrocious bodily changes while building the adult they’re meant to be AND deciding what the fuck they want out of life, and how they’re going to work to get it, forever and ever.
When you’re trans, and you don’t yet know you’re trans (or that this is a thing you’re even ALLOWED to be) the above feels a lot like serving a life sentence for an intangible crime.
You know what you’re supposed to do. You’ve seen it on tv, you’ve heard it from your dad, you know what are the normal trials and tribulations. You know you'll grow a few pimples and stubble and you'll need to learn how to shave, obviously, because it's basically a tradition in your family, and no one is really happy to be a teen. You know at some point you'll find a nice girl and you'll grow a hat out of your skull and then you will have to pay taxes and maybe you will have a baby daughter? You'd like it to be a daughter for no particular reason. And when you get a daughter you're going to name her Casey and she's going to be adorable and this is something you've dedicated a lot of thought to. Maybe its because you thought Nic Cage looked really cool with those long flowing locks in con air, the movie who featured a trans woman as a minor character for a few minutes (and she gets quite a bit of compliments, regardless of how the movie has aged), and he had a really exciting life, but goddamn did he love his daughter. There is no purer love than the bond between a father and his daughter. 
This absolutely has nothing to do with your father and you, or how you hold no excitement for becoming an adult man, or how your father's excitement for you becoming an adult man in your stead feels a little stifling.
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But i digress.
June spends her time on SBURB mostly hassling karkat, and readily following the instructions of zany, dangerous, COOL girls that seem to know what they're doing. June lets Terezi lead her to certain death without blinking. June lets Vriska dress her up as soon as opportunity presents itself. June thinks its really funny to trick this troll Who Types Really Oddly into believing she's Rose, and also into believing that she's a very silly girl. You may even say Homestuck employs a few of jokes pertaining to how her name looks like EGG !
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June has a ball playing this game until it starts to get shitty. She's never able to mend her relationship with her dad, as he's one of the first causalities. She has to spend a lot of time waiting around with jade on a ship until things get cool and exciting again, but she never stops growing during those three years. Its fine, though, because there's always more things to be done and more people to fight.
Until there aren't, and they make a new earth, and while everyone cheers and claps for the birth of a new planet June realizes all her excuses are over. Her friends begin to grow up. Rose gets married. Jade is living her best life. Dave has a not-boyfriend glued to his hip. Jane has a job. Jake is on TV for some reason. June doesn't want to leave home. June's birthday is around the corner again. Here come all the congratulations for becoming a strong lad for yet another year! Vriska is gone. Terezi is gone. SBURB is over. Wacky hijinks have been swapped for real-ass, boring-ass Regular life. We watch her unsuccessfully chase after the glory of days gone by when Rose presents her the possibility of going back into the game, when things were cool and mattered, or her flimsy decision to settle down with a nice girl she hasn’t really made an effort to know and become a father and be absolutely miserable for four decades as she asserts nothing is real, not anymore, and this is just how it is.
Depersonalization, depression and general apathy towards the world are all pronounced aspects of dysphoria that seem like unrelated incidents for someone who hasn't came out yet. June's trainwreck of a life post-game, specially her feeling of hollowness and chasing after anything that could fill it struck a chord with trans readers who left the epilogues to read HS again and discovered this has always sort of been here. June being a trans woman who doesn't have the proper vocabulary to express she is a trans woman makes a lot of earlier bits from the comic click into place, now in a broader context. We settled in the name "June" because it's what she imagines Vriska is calling her at some point, amid laughs, but even that was discussed for a lengthy period last year. What would she want to be called, what are possible tags for this, etc. But it was mostly for fun and games, because the prospect of the protagonist of a 10 year old beloved cult series being ACTUALLY confirmed as a trans woman just wasn't something that was done.
Until word got around to Andrew Hussie and he was reportedly so pleased with this interpretation of events he’d be making references to it, and some time later, a box of toblerones was left in a cave as a gift for fans to find. The first person to find a toblerone thought it would be funny to dedicate it to June, because now she was an ongoing reference that was fun to make. Instead of it ending there, Hussie logs on twitter for the first time in a long while to say 'Oh yeah, i'll make it happen' and that's when the whole thing exploded. I have a post detailing this made a year ago (with pictures!) so i won't keep you here.
In the year since, June has been vaguely alluded to in Pesterquest (in jade's end card, she's having her nails painted by rose.) Has been widely adopted by the community, those making their own fanventures and continuations, and the team behind Homestuck^2. In every way that matters, she's already thriving within the community that brought her to light a year ago. But her coming out in canon is something that will take time and a proper narrative arc to happen, one that is still being set up. We know it'll come eventually, the only question is “how”.
Not that the wind waits for anyone.
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 years
Chapter 6: A Jedi
Warnings: traumaaaa, lots of anxiety, like lots of anxiety, the reader really hates herself in this one, minor minor violence, references to violence, mostly just anxiety and hate.
Author’s Note: This is where the series starts to pick up, so I executed it as best as I could! I also went a little off canon with this one, so I hope it makes sense with the story. Thank you for any support!
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Your journey to Sorgan was pretty smooth… but Mando was tense.
You tried your best to reassure him multiple times that this was the best choice for the kid and that you could help him with any challenge thrown at him, but he would just respond with a sigh and a solemn nod. So, you decided not to push it.
He had done even riskier missions on his own, so he can handle this one.
Once you arrived, you walked into the common house and met a woman named Cara Dune.
She introduced herself to you and she seemed very friendly, but when Mando mentioned that she was an ex shock trooper for the Republic, that is when you tensed up.
You had done things in your past that you knew would offend her. Not even offend her, but provoke her to strangle you alive. The fact that she was from Alderaan made it obvious enough that the Empire had hurt her deeply.
The only way to protect yourself was to hide who you really were, and your heart sank.
You felt like you had finally broken away from that way of life. The hiding, the anxiety, the fear. You felt like you could be yourself with Mando and the kid and not have to worry about that anymore. But the galaxy was cruel like that.
After the brief introduction, Mando proceeded to outline the plan and everything that the man on the recording (who you later found out to go by the name Greef Karga) had said, and Cara looked far from impressed.
“I don’t know, I’ve been advised to lay low,” she said, “If anyone identifies me, I’ll rot in a cell for the rest of my life.”
That makes two of us, you think.
“I thought you were a veteran,” Mando mumbled.
“I’ve been a lot of things,” Cara replied. “If I so much as book a passage on a ship registered to the New Republic-”
“I have a ship,” Mando replied, “I can bring you there and back with a handsome reward. You can live free of worry.”
“I’m already free of worry,” she said, “and I’m not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting a local warlord.”
“He’s not a local warlord,” Mando replied, “He’s Imperial.”
You could see how Cara visibly tensed up at the word “Imperial.” If you weren’t scared of her before, you sure as hell were now.
“I’m in,” she responded, and you smiled at her.
She grinned back to you and asked, “Where do you fit in in this plan?”
You looked at the child in your arms and said, “My job is to keep the child safe. So I will protect him until he is used as the bait, and I will adapt to where he goes from there.”
“She can defend herself plenty,” Mando says, and Cara nods at you.
“I believe you,” she says, and you give her another smile.
I really hope I don’t let her down, you think.
Within the next hour, the four of you had arrived back at the Razor Crest.
Mando started the ship on track to Nevarro while Cara took a look at the weapon arsenal.
You watched as her eyes scanned over the array of options, and you couldn’t help but feel deep sorrow for her.
Her life was torn apart by the Empire, and now she was getting thrown right back into a fight. The fact that she wasn’t even going to join the mission before Mando mentioned that the client was Imperial made you nervous. She was not a woman you wanted to mess with, so you hoped and prayed you would stay on her good side.
The kid had somehow managed to make it to the controls and grab hold of the throttle, which made the ship veer abruptly side to side.
You ran to the child and lifted him away from the throttle while Mando stabilized the ship.
“Are you sure one set of hands is enough to watch that little beast? Worst case scenario, we made need y/n to fight with us. Maybe an extra set of hands could help,” Cara said, trying to catch her breath from running all around the ship.
Mando looked back at you and you nodded.
“She’s right. I can watch the kid as long as you need, but if you guys need me in a fight I can’t keep him with me. He could get hurt.”
Mando nodded and sat back down in the pilot’s chair.
“Looks like we are making a pit stop,” he said.
The Razor Crest landed on the property of a man named Kuiil. Mando said that he had helped him greatly in the past and he trusted him, and if Mando trusted somebody, you did too.
He greeted you with open arms and was incredibly nice. He led the four of you inside his humble home, and you never realized how long it had been since you stayed in an actual home.
Kuiil studied the child in your arms and said, “it hasn’t grown much.”
“What is your name,” he asked you.
“I am y/n. It is nice to meet you Kuiil,” you said and he nodded reverently to you.
“What about this one? Does she have a name,” he said, gesturing to Cara.
“This is Cara. She was a shock trooper,” Mando said.
“You were a dropper,” Kuiil said, and Cara nodded.
“Did you serve,” she asked.
“On the other side, I’m afraid. But I’m proud to say that I paid out my clan’s debt, and now I serve no one but myself,” Kuiil said.
The other side, you think. Kuiil served the Empire? And Mando had worked with him before?
You couldn’t deny the fact that this got your hopes up. Mando… working with the enemy.
If only he knew, you thought.
All of a sudden, the door behind Kuiil opened, and an IG droid stepped inside with a tray in his hands.
Mando immediately sprang to his feet and pointed his blaster at the droid. Cara joined him, and you blocked the pram the child was in with your whole body.
“Would anyone care for some tea,” the droid asked, and your eyebrows knit in confusion.
Weren’t these droids normally hunters?
“Please, lower your blasters. He will not harm you,” Kuiil said, obviously trying to diffuse the situation.
Mando, however, didn’t seem to want to go that route.
He kept his blaster pointed directly at the droid’s head and said, “That thing is programmed to kill the baby.”
You straightened your back at his words, blocking as much of the pram as you could, until Kuiil shook his head and said, “Not anymore.”
He then explained how he found the droid at a battle site and brought it back to his workshop. He decided to repair it, and then spent many days teaching the droid everything from scratch. It developed a personality, Kuiil mentioned, and it’s experiences helped the personality become unique to the droid.
“Is it still a hunter,” Mando asked.
“No, but it will protect,” he said, and Mando finally lowered his blaster.
There was no way Mando was going to let that robot anywhere near the child.
Later that night, you and Cara were sitting in Kuiil’s house while Mando was outside speaking with him, no doubt trying to convince him to protect the child.
“So what’s your story,” Cara asked, taking a sip of tea.
“Oh.. well… Mando picked me up on Tattooine. I worked there as a mechanic for a woman named Peli. It was a good job, but I wanted to get off that planet. I had lived there for a long time, and I wanted to explore the galaxy for once. It sounds cheesy, but I’ve always wanted to do that at some point. Mando agreed to take me with him on his missions in exchange for the child’s safety,” you say, and Cara nods.
“Nice. You made a living for yourself, and were brave enough to walk away when you knew the time was right. Most people never leave their home planet,” she says, and you nod.
“Yeah… I tried my best,” you say, and you try not to let your eyes darken. You didn’t like talking about your past. All it did was stir up old memories that you had worked to push down for years. You hated your past, and you didn’t know how well you could hide it much longer. Especially when you were being questioned by someone like Cara.
“The Empire… hurt me a lot. So, I am excited to hurt it back,” you say, and a big grin shows on Cara’s face.
She takes another sip of her tea, and looks up to find Mando walking through the door.
“Any luck,” she says to him, and he shakes his head no.
“Kuiil said that the droid can protect the child, but I don’t trust it,” he says and Cara chuckles.
“Yeah.. I think we got that,” Cara says and you smile.
Mando goes to sit down next to Cara, so she scoots over a bit to make some room for him.
You heard something hit the floor, and you realize Cara had knocked over your bag on accident. You had brought it into Kuiil’s house because you used it to store snacks for the child.
You stored other things in there too, and under no circumstance was anyone allowed to see them.
That was going pretty well, until Cara knocked the entire thing over.
“Whoops. Sorry,” she says and goes to start putting the items back in.
Your body is frozen in place and you feel like your lungs are being squeezed. Your limbs have turned to putty, and you cannot take your eyes off her hands.
If she sees it, I and dead. I am so dead
“It’s- It’s ok Cara. I’ve got it,” you say and start to stand up.
“No no it’s ok, I can-” she says, before her eyes widen.
She picks up an item and starts raising it to eye level, and you are just about ready to vomit.
Your saber.
You feel like your entire body is crumbling before her and she can’t even tell. Your breathing has become almost erratic and the sweat on your forehead starts to drip down to your eyes.
This whole experience, this whole journey with Mando and the kid could be completely undone right now. Everything you have hidden, everything you’ve buried, and everything you hoped you left behind on sandy Tattooine is staring you right in the face.
And Cara is….smiling?
“No way,” she yells excitedly, before laughing and smiling at you. 
“No wonder you were so secretive about your past! You’re a Jedi,” she says.
You take a glance at Mando, who is staring at the saber, looking confused as ever.
Ok, maybe this is good, you think to yourself, trying to relax.
I can pretend I was a Jedi. Sure. I have basically the same training as them.
But who were you kidding. You knew that wasn’t going to cut it.
“A Jedi?” Mando says, and Cara goes into a whole tangent about how amazing the Jedi were. How they fought the Empire till their dying breaths and defended the galaxy. They had been betrayed by their own clone groups, and most of them died in Order 66.
“But you didn’t!” she said and smiled at you.
You managed a smile back, but you had to have looked like a psycho. You were in so much physical and emotional pain from the amount of anxiety flowing through you. You had felt out of control before, but this was more dangerous than you knew.
You were such an idiot getting your hopes up. Thinking that a Mandalorian actually cared for someone like you. How could you have been so stupid.
“Even the colors of the sabers are legendary,” Cara said. “Aren’t they y/n?”
You nod back, but you know what’s coming.
Your truth was about to shine throughout the entire house, reflecting back at you like some sick joke. And you were screwed. You were so screwed.
“Well, let’s see it then,” Cara said and ignited the saber with both hands wrapped around the handle.
“Wait” you scream, but it was too late.
The tears hit your eyes before she even ignited the weapon.
The deep, burning red saber was ignited, and there was no going back.
It’s burning, fire like glow illuminated Cara’s face, and a sunset like tint was shining on Mando’s armor.
He always looked so beautiful when light would reflect off of him, but not like this.
The red from the saber was vibrant, but you had never seen a glow as red as the anger in Cara’s eyes.
She knew what this color meant, and your identity was revealed in all its glory.
A Sith
Tag list:
@leahkenobi @pinkninja200 @bookloverfilmoholic @farfromjustordinary
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I wonder how long any further stay I have in this fandom will be.  On one hand, this is the blog on tumblr I post to the most among my blogs.  I have four of them.  One is a Junk Drawer, one is This She-Ra blog, one is a Zelda blog, and one, for anyone interested, is an original stories writeblr.  I’m fixing for the Zelda one to be frequently posted to next month since the Linktober art challenge is a thing and I want to do it - hope I don’t run out of steam doing a drawing a day.  I’ve done Linktober before.  Quite fun, quite challenging.   And I plan to post stuff for a challenge in the She-Ra fandom next month, a series of fanfics that I already have done.   And that’s when I realize I partly did the fanfic challenge out of spite.  I know that the person who issued the challenge, and who handles other challenges for my main ship / sphere in the fandom has me blocked / dislikes me / probably thinks I’d be better off to the world dead.  Meh.  They probably don’t really care about me *that* much, but they’re someone whom I don’t ever recall ever having any personal issues with, but are apparently in a group of people who have put me on the outs and that’s just the way it is.  And I’ve decided if that’s the way it is, I’m gonna stick around the fandom like ants in the kitchen.  Just doing my own thing, too bad your challenge-prompts are reblogged by lots of people and are viewable on the whole of tumblr / don’t take a master hacker to see.  Don’t know if they even care about me doing their prompt fics, but if they are put out by it, it’ll just be frosting on the cake.  They *probably* don’t have a problem with any particular person doing prompt-fills / just don’t care and just don’t want to have any personal contact with me, which is fine, but imagining that they might be mildly annoyed by me doing the prompts and generally being around and feeling petty gives me life.  Spite has gotten me through more shit in life than you can imagine.   And... feeling spiteful is kind of what’s kept me in this fandom.  I do genuinely enjoy the characters, certain ones especially.  I enjoy viewing and collecting fanart, reading fics, especially new voices who weren’t there for some of the great fandom wars.  However, I don’t actually go back to re-watch the show very often and I feel myself pulled into other interests (including that nagging voice in the back of my head whenever I feel I’m fandoming too much of “shouldn’t you work on something you fully own? Even if you’re just putting it out for free on the writeblr?”)   It’s like, I’m fiddling around with a retro video game right now, Zelda fandom is going NUTS because of a new game release date announcement. One of my old favorite animes, which was a major fandom for me for a long time is getting a remaster next year.   And at the end of the day, I feel like I’ve seen every flavor of Entrapdak done five ways to Sunday, I like Catradora and Glimmadora, etc. but they were never my main-enthusiasm ships (you know... lacking that mad science energy I vibed with).  I almost feel like there’s nothing new left that I or anyone else can give to this ship - just a lot if similar plots cycling over and over again with a few standouts of Really Good Fic and Really Good Art mostly from the fresh voices.  Clone fandom, too... okay, let’s level. It’s always been weird.  Weird on top of weird on top of weird.  I’m not even talking about my own contributions.  The inside jokes are odd, sometimes unsettling, a lot of the drama people write and draw is unsettling (which is to be expected, actually, when you explore their predicament more than the show did).  A lot of it was always sexualized in a way I always felt odd about (not all the fans, but...quite a lot).  And Prime-simps outright scare me.  (I don’t think it’s wrong or bad in any way, I just... personal vibes for me).   Writing from prompts has shown me that, yeah, it’s fun, but also restraining.  My favorite of my latest batch of stories involves a plot that is blatantly out of character for the nature of the canon, but I needed to do it to make the plot idea I had work.  And I feel almost as if I’ve just made my favorite characters more “my own” than what is canonical - basically Fandom Syndrome.  I am having fun discussions in this fandom, and I do have a weird crossover I’ve been mulling over, but I feel like some of my spite is waning and the original interest I had is waning, too.  I’ve been in this fandom a long time - not nearly as long as others (I’ve been a Zelda-nerd for over a literal decade), but this fandom isn’t really... ongoing, nothing fresh and only so many ways to play with what’s there before you’re tired of eating the same food all the time. I was a fan of Spop from the first season, lured in by being a nostalgia-fan of the original who wanted to see what the new show was going to do to my childhood.  And then I stayed for Entrapta. Was impressed with Hordak’s upgrae from the get-go, got into him later into the series. I was *here* and doing *fanart* and writing *fanfic* before a lot of the Big Name fans showed up.  I was shipping Entrapdak as a lark / crackship since Season 2.   I’ve been...here... for a while.  And, in part, I feel like “that old, lame, smelly dog everyone wants to put down.”  *Shrug.*    I definitely will not leave the fandom on anything less than my own terms.  With fandoms I am no longer in I’ve never just quit them.  I’ve always kind of petered out and faded off as my interests changed, with it happening gradually.   I feel like I’m sticking around in this one out of spite, but I ‘m watching the light of day change.  
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