#actually yes Scott wtf
pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Getting into a new fandom and half of it is arguing about "shipping" ...
Good thing I am immune to "ship" discourse about whether a relationship in fiction is bad or unhealthy or whatever because I grew up on X-Men comics.
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ao3screenshotss · 2 years
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ahllohehn · 2 months
Hermits and The Olympians/Emperors of Olympus is a Hermitcraft/Empires SMP based Percy Jackson AU based off my art and headcanons!
(Please do not use the tags for other PJO AUs as I use them to specifically label what's based off mine.)
Seperated by art/doodles, headcanons/discussion, fanfics:
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lilybecca1 · 21 days
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Ayo wtf??!
I thought this was fake or some fan made game but I'm actually just finding out this is somewhat legit??
How on EARTH-
And "Don't forget the straight man" 😭😭😭 lmao which one??!
Okay I'm not even gonna question it at this point 😂 when it comes to them, anything is possible
I swear Horikoshi is about to turn into Scott Cawthon or some sh*t cause there ain't no way these are not hint bombs that they're dropping on us.
Cause you guys remember what Scott did with FNAF? It just started out as a game, but as the story got bigger and bigger and not exactly kid-friendly he instead started dropping hints in other games, books, novels, literally everywhere. And even though technically he "retired" and doesn't really control the content anymore, he still very much has an influence on everything that comes out and everything is still canon to the story even though it's technically not created by Scott Cawthon anymore.
So may I ask...wtf are you doing Horikoshi???
Because most mangas just end when the mangas end right? That's the story. The end. Nothing else to discuss. But like I guess MHA is a special case in every aspect. Maybe Hori is going towards the dropping hints style story, because there were a lot of things left unsolved right? Take Midoriya's Dad as an example. Or the fact that no one became canon, or more like Bkdk didn't become canon. So if we think about it in the Scott Cawthon sense, Scott started dropping hints partly because the content was really not on the PG-13 side anymore. So what if Hori decided not to make Bkdk canon because of the public backlash the manga would get? Cause let's admit it, there would be a LOT of haters if that happened. What if, instead of making them canon, he's just dropping hints now everywhere for us fans to figure it out?
That would be insane, but he wouldn't be the first person to do it. And yes, hints aren't exactly canon, these are all just theories...but they very much might be intentional, and that means something, right?
Anyway, here are some more stuff from the new update:
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Man I love that they added that in there
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Mhmmmmmm Suuure
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The Hey..Izuku reference 😭😭😭 stop, you're hurting my heart
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Man I love how they're both so utterly hopeless when it comes to being romantic
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This feels like that scene from that one Memories episode..
Also I have a feeling if these two ever went on a date they'd just be training together 😭 and that would be the most romantic sh*t we'd ever see from them
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Have you watched the show yet? If so, what do you think of Yandere Todd?
Just finished it the other day! I can’t believe I was so sure that we won’t be watching it for quite some time, but I guess we did manage to find a balance between rewatching the Scott Pilgrim movie/watching the anime series and rewatching Twst main story. I can still feel the weight of a clown hat on my head, but ultimately I’m very happy that we watched it now. I won’t go into details about the show itself, but it was very fun and we enjoyed it a lot. And believe it or not, Wallace and Todd weren’t the only characters that we had fun watching. I personally really liked all the girls lol
I also love how you’re bringing up the most important thing in the world: Yandere Todd. The short answer to your question would be Yes. I think I mentioned it before, but still: it’s stupid how right up our alley this whole thing is lol What surprises me isn’t just the fact that the production figured that the most logical and fun character arc (mini-arc I guess) for Todd would be to develop an obsessive gay crush (and honestly that makes perfect sense when you think about his character), but also the fact that by the end of this story this development wasn’t “undone”. The boy is still deeply in love and deeply not okay, he is basically 1 second away from becoming a yandere, considering how dangerous he actually is. But also stupid and desperate enough to make dumb yandere decisions.
So yeah, we’ve been enjoying these two a lot (there are more sketches than what we post…), and thinking about them a lot. So you know, Anon, I’ll do something that you didn’t ask for: write a couple of yandere!Todd headcanons, because why not, this is what we do in this blog.
This is more of a general consensus than a headcanon, but still: Todd won’t get over this crush. He’ll live his entire life either trying to win over Wallace or watching him from the sidelines, so it’s almost like they’ll always have been together… even if Wallace wouldn’t always be aware of that. Todd became completely delusional very quickly, so his relationship with Wallace would almost become parasocial overtime.
Todd is a stalker, duh. He would actually consider watching over (or just watching) Wallace his mission in life. It’s one of the reasons for him to get back his vegan edge: if he becomes stronger as a vegan, he’ll learn how to manipulate his brain to be able to see whatever his most beloved person is doing at any given moment. The day he actually manages to learn this is going to be the second happiest day of his life (the first one is the day he met Wallace). Roxie thinks it’s creepy, and rightfully so.
Another thing that Roxie finds creepy (who keeps asking for her opinion, wtf?) is the fact that Todd teleports himself into Wallace’s apartment/house to steal his clothes or to watch him sleep quite regularly. Sometimes he even gets into Wallace’s bed and sleeps next to him, and a couple of times he got so lucky that he even managed to touch Wallace without waking him up. He is sure that Wallace’s reactions that day are a solid proof that they are meant to be together. In actuality, Wallace was just super drunk, tired and horny…
Todd isn’t very happy about the fact that Wallace sleeps around, but he calms himself down by rationalizing this with the thought that Wallace doesn’t get any sparks with these people, he just knows he doesn’t. And sure, he didn’t get them with Todd either, but what they had was still special, and Wallace just doesn’t want to admit it for some reason. Naturally, he got very jealous when Mobile became a permanent part of Wallace’s life. And we’re all lucky that Mobile is a medium of sorts himself, so it’s not that easy for Todd to just beat the crap out of him, even though sometimes he really wants to do that… but for now he just watches Wallace being genuinely happy with someone else. And tries to get stronger to maybe erase Wallace’s memories of Mobile or something among the lines… He would just challenged Mobile to a duel and murder him, but for some reason even Todd has enough brains to realise that Wallace probably won’t ever love him if he does that. Poor Mobile...
Speaking of memories. Todd uses his perfect vegan memory to relive the entire movie shooting experience over and over again. All the aspects of his memory: visual, audial, sensual, he remembers everything. Whenever he isn’t watching Wallace, he just sits in his bed and mumbles everything he said to Wallace back then again and again, while stroking that tattoo he got.
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pixiemage · 1 year
My time to shine is here!
Grian is like a top tier avian. He’s a great flier probably can be avian instinct brr without being a idiot. Literally has wings that is like avian beauty standard.
While Jimmy half the time forgets he has wings. And falls off buildings all the times. And like he is a absolute idiot when it comes to avian instincts. His avian instincts never fail to make him awkward or a doofus.
Also because it gives me joy literally tango will loudly proclaim how pretty and fluffy Jimmy is because BIG SOFT and WARM that probs can’t fly fast but has a heavier endurance.
And yes numerous times Jimmy slaps people faces with his wings when he’s gets emotionally excited.
Just Classy Avian that is a dangerous predator Vs dude with downy that still can’t fully fly as he forgets he has wings on a daily basis.
[For the MCYT Headcanon Ask Game]
Oh my god Jimmy lol. Now personally I subscribe more to the idea that Jimmy is just a little clumsy in general, but still a skilled flyer when it matters. When it comes down to it, he WILL save people's lives (and his own) using his flight when it counts. It's just his silly personality and not-thinking-it-through mentality and his occasional clumsiness and spaciness that give the impression that he's NOT a great avian lol. Meanwhile, Grian is just on another tier of avian that very few achieve, so by comparison, his little brother looks like an absolute fool pfft.
HOWEVER I'll agree that the mental image of that divide, of Grian and Jimmy's polar opposite approach to the avian-ness, is just - lmao - it's just so great to picture 😂 It's like in those fics where Jimmy wasn't an avian until the Watchers made him into one, so he's still kind of a noob when it comes to traditions and instincts, while Grian is over here shouting at him because he gave Tango or Scott a feather without knowing how significant that actually is to most birbs
(...someone should write a fic about that one day, where Jimmy is basically doing avian courting stuff but he isn't trying to, and NOBODY BUT GRIAN knows this, so Grian's getting horribly huffy about it while everyone else is just like "Wtf is his deal?")
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zorria · 1 year
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I wasnt sure how to go about answering this because you said you wanted your name hidden so I hope this is okay lol 🥺❤️
But anyways in my opinion I don’t see it as Nakaba putting Percy on this pedestal and saying fuck you to Tristan at least not in my eyes
It’s just More so the fact that the demons love Percy because percy saved the dying demons when he was a baby from the behemoth so they ended up seeing him as their savior and treating him like one of their own
Now with Tristan it’s different because the demons hate Tristan and are racist towards him because he’s half goddess and as Gawain said in the beginning of the arc some demons still hold a grudge for what happened in the holy war. Now this doesn’t condone them being racist and hurtful and straight up threatening to kill Tristan just because he’s half goddess like that’s actually fucked up cause like what the hell he can’t control that, that’s not what I’m saying but what I am saying is them acting like that is in my opinion In character.
The way Tristan reacts to this situation is also In character in my opinion because it starts to bring out his self conscious side and makes him start to have doubts and leads to him feeling like he’s not even worthy to be in the demon realm at all and it’s understandable why he would only want to visit the demon realm once thanks to how they treated him
The reason I say it’s not Nakaba putting Percy on a pedestal is because he’s not actively using it as a way to pin Percy against Tristan it’s just more so the fact they both had to different experiences while Percy is loved by the demons Tristan is not
But I can definitely see the demons coming around towards Tristan once he shows them how powerful he is and by helping save the demon realm
Now as for the rest of what you said in my opinion zeldris didn’t just immediately shoot down chions idea of them using Tristan’s Saint coat to protect them what he said was
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That while yes they may get some protection with Tristan’s Saint coat it won’t be enough to withstand the negative force of the behemoths negative energy. So mainly he was just saying they can use it it just isn’t an affective means to get to the behemoth. At least that’s how I see it
And as for the demons loving Percy and them seeing him as someone who can do no wrong well that has at least some what of a reason
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As zeldris said in this chapter the demons owe their lives to Percy because he was the one who saved them in the first place they quite literally would not be alive without him. So them not blaming Percy when they should and yes I agree they probably should’ve been a little mad cause wtf lol snd maybe not let him off Scott free it’s understandable why they don’t blame Percy because if not for him In the first place they would already be dead
So to them being sealed is a worthy Sacrifice because Percy already saved them once before so that’s why they aren’t all that mad which is a little strange cause like again tf but makes sense
Now as for why zeldris and the others aren’t mad like Nasiens it’s mainly because as much as they should be angry and upset it won’t realistically get them anywhere it won’t help fix their situation so as like Tristan Said they’ll just have to leave it up to faith and let things unfold but until then they can worry about what they can change right now which is the behemoth situation
And well as for Nasiens being mad that’s still valid as fuck because Percy quit literally betrayed him when he told Percy not heal that chaos knight and still healed her anyways without thinking of the consequences so him being mad this chapter is very much valid in my opinion he’s still hurt
But yeah this is just my opinion sorry if it’s long as fuck I just had to break stuff up in parts ❤️
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helluva-dump · 1 year
Just gonna say it here
As much as I dislike Vivziepop and how much it a crybaby brat she acted in twitter yesterday… can you like not defend right wingers that literally donated to politicians that want to eliminate the right of lgbt people????
Like wtf… is this the hill you guys wanna die on??? Literally defending right wingers that want people like me dead????
Listen I love FNAF but I honestly cannot stand Scott, I see him the same way as Doug TenNapel. Loving their works but that doesn’t change the fact they have harmful politics. Like the dude donated to anti lgbt causes and you call people that bash him “SJWs???” Who the fuck still lives under that mentality???
No Shannon, getting rightfully angry at someone donating to bigoted people and causes doesn’t make someone an “sjw” it’s literally basic human rights.
Yes, he may not react like a baby on twitter like Viv does and I don’t think he deserves to get doxxed and harassed, but that doesn’t change the fact he donated to donations that harmful to queer people.
I swear being a critical myself, I see antis hate shit over the dumbest reasons and now I see some going too far to justify and defend someone that’s a bigot.
The only “sjws” are mainly antis that take fiction too seriously…. Like if you like a problematic character or ship, that means you support abuse and abusive irl 🙄🙄🙄 like god forbid you can’t like blitzo or Verosika because “they do horrible stuff and if you like then your horrible too”
Like holy shit, just because I like a few questionable characters doesn’t mean I support their actions. And this is coming from someone like me who doesn’t like Stolas or Stolitz but just saying people actually support abuse and r*pe is a little out of the line…
Yes, I’m annoyed with how Viv is writing the character and I want her to make them face consequences, but literally getting mad at those that still like some of these characters is honestly childish and you need to touch grass.
And before you call me an ass kiss, I do NOT like Viv. I criticized the shit out of her many times and I don’t like how she works as a “professional”, nor how she treats her employees, giving fans false hopes, and I don’t like Stans that blindly eat shit up and worship her without question.
That being said, the antis getting to the point where they will literally defend a right winger content creator or even get angry if someone likes problematic characters like blitzo or Verosika and call you a r*Pe sympathizer is insane.
If you seriously have this mentality, fucking unfollow me and do not fucking interact. If you actually that queer people are sjws for getting rightfully angry at Scott, please go fuck yourself and fuck off the critical tags.
Your only proving Viv’s point with the homophobia and that’s not fair for criticals that had valid reasons to dislike her, cut that shit out.
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eusuntgratie · 27 days
🔥 1, 2, 9 for sterek
oooooh thanks i love it <3
the character everyone gets wrong
ooooh. um. all of them? laksdjflkasdlf BUT its hard to blame anyone when the writing is a little all over the place. i think its easy to boil characters down to oversimplified traits that ignore other important parts of those characters' experiences. obviously this happens with scott REAL BAD but it happens with stiles and derek too. i think for me a big thing is that those boys are both INCREDIBLY fucked up. in very different ways but, still. stiles is not a happy go lucky nerd. he's violent and stubborn and yes he's smart as hell but he's also carrying a lot of baggage. derek is trauma personified, and it can be really fucking hard to write him because we don't usually see his responses to that trauma on screen and the show sometimes forgets or conflicts itself with regard to what happened to him but no matter how you slice it that boy is deeply fucked up.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
NEVER top or bottom? nah. my boys are vers kings for sure (if for no other reason than that they WILL be fucking in every conceivable location configuration style position etc no stone left unturned type of shit) BUT i hc that derek prefers to bottom. why? because he deserves to get tenderly railed by his scrawny ass boyfriend and because i said so and because look at that ass somebody should put a dick in there and stiles is happy to volunteer
9. worst part of canon
wheres that video about teen wolf where the girl is pretending to talk to jeff davis and she says 'look at him! you took a perfectly good himbo and gave him ptsd!' or something to that effect. a lot of it? teen wolf is fucking poster child for wasted potential. the characters are so fucking compelling but then the show forgets what happened to them two episodes ago. its a lot. why did erica and boyd have to die? why dont we fucking see derek dealing with that? or with isaac leaving? why don't we ever do anything with both stiles and derek living with the guilt that they killed their moms (GOD the fic i wanted to write about this aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh it would be so dark and angsty and you would hate it mwah). we dont get consistent pack lore. WHY DONT PAPA STILINSKI AND MAMA MCCALL EVER GET TOGETHER WTF?!?! why doesn't melissa put her fucking hair up at work? why does nobody acknowledge that theres a sterek mpreg baby in the movie? you know what, we shouldnt talk about the movie, we don't have time for all that. what even is stiles and why don't we ever fucking figure it out? re: kira - WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! how is everyone on this show queer but nobody is actually queer except cory and mason and one of the weird twins. why did someone approve the two twins becoming one werewolf? ew. idk man. i could keep going but we've all suffered enough. teen wolf my most beloved terrible tv show <3 always in my heart
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥(specify which fandom)
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miiilowo · 1 year
I just like the simplicity of the original games, i don't like the hard left turn towards science fiction(?) and whatever the hell you were saying about the books because what the fuck bruh. At some point I just feel it got too 'mysterious and weird for mysteriousness sake' instead of the vagueness actually serving the story well.
Like. Chuck E Cheese. There are ghosts in the Chuck E Cheese. There is creepy phone calls and signs on the walls that hint at toddlercide. Evil shitty restaurant chain. There's a serial killer. The serial killer also becomes one of the ghostbots except more zombielike? Cool. Also Springtrap is genuinely Slasher-worthy like wtf look at him. his design. he's so beautiful he's so fucked up he is a killer robot rabbit man what.
Never got into security breach but I don't really care about the sentient, actually-talks-to-you robots.
i think the bleakness and desolate hope (ahoaheoheuahaigeihghigh) you get from the first three games is rather unique and got lost post-fnaf 4. there was some remnants (ahanwhegheneghebeh) of it in fnaf 4, but it just didn't feel the same. the uncanny look of the animatronics, the actual sadness and feeling of loss with the dead kids, the fact you couldn't sympathize with william afton because he didn't even have a name at that point. The lore was confusing back then, yeah, but it still felt solvable. It felt intentional. There was a concrete story being told that you could piece together if you paid close enough attention, and it was elevated by the fact it was told through those grimy minigames. There's a certain emotion I get from the initial FNAF trilogy that hasn't once been replicated by anything else, which I find is best communicated through this son of a bitch:
Maybe it's just because I was there when it happened, and maybe its just nostalgia, but this song fucks with me. It was a perfect choice and I could go on for AGES discussing why, but it's genuinely this song and this Feeling i got from it & the minigames that make FNAF 3 my personal favorite fnaf game. the gameplays not great, and sure, springtrap is there which is cool, but it nailed exactly what made fnaf intriguing, and that was the story. The feeling you got from it. Or that I got from it, anyway. To me, it encapsulates the horror of the situation, which largely lies in how unbelievably sad it is!!!!!!! They were just kids! It feels old, it feels both unsettling and gentle and bittersweet all at once and AAAOAUEGRGRGRGHR
anywho. this is what fnaf was to me. once scott introduced scifi elements, it got lost on me, which i think is a shame. i referenced it earlier, but the desolate hope, one of his earlier game endeavors, is sci-fi but still executes that nasty grimy and, well, desolate feeling really really well. you can see TDH leaking into sister location at times, but i wish that the game felt more like this instead of what it ended up being:
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is it incredibly crowded? yes. does it fuck anyway? also yes
i know why he took the route he did. he's a storyteller at heart, he's said it himself, and he doesnt actually like horror that much; he just sort of...stumbled into fnaf. Regardless, seeing it slowly slip away sucked. The focus pivoting away from the kids and their silent suffering to the afton family & their endeavors detracted from the overall energy of the games, and it crushed the one thing about FNAF that i feel really made it special.
Even now, sister location sticks out like a sore thumb in the main line of games. Nothing about it fits in with the others, even FFPS, but it also sort of served as a tone reset for the series. I don't think Scott intentionally decided to fuck it up, not at all, it was just an unfortunate series of missteps that led to things progressing past FNAF 3 in the first place. (if you werent aware, the main reason FNAF 4 was made was because scott was upset that people thought springtraps jumpscare wasn't scary, and he didn't want the series to end on a sour note.)
Then, after FNAF 4, he made FNAF world. Not because people thought fnaf 4 was bad, but because he needed to step away from horror. thats fine; its a spinoff! he did it for fun! i like fnaf world, even if its objectively not very good, but everybody else hated it. so he fixed it. and then, people found out about the intended story for the games (the dream theory) which fnaf 4 confirmed, and everyone hated it, which led to him making sister location, but SL was too vague and weird, so he made pizzeria sim. Then steel wool got involved, and instead of making a new chapter in fnaf, they completely fucked any coherency in the lore (both scott and steel wool) and started strangling the life out of it.
sometimes, you have to let a thing die! not everything needs to be 100% ideal 100% of the time, but his pursuit of perfection was what ultimately led to the series' downfall. and it sucks. but i suppose its a good lesson to impart upon people. the other lesson being to never let your political donations get leaked of course
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tybalt-you-saucy-boi · 9 months
Omg, you‘re into the life series???? Until now I thought you‘re just into pjo.
I‘m sorry, but this is very exciting news to me.
YES YES YES YES YES! I actually put down my PJO hyperfixation in favour of Life because of Secret Life being released and got way back into MCYT in general and a ton of people I never watched before! I watched every single perspective of Secret Life it was so so so so so good and I have so many animatics I watch daily now!
I was super huge into Hermitcraft 6 and watched almost all the Hermits at that time but I had a break from it for other interests for a while and now I'm catching up again!
I've been a fan of Etho and Bdubs for over a decade :D and Joe and Cleo I've known about since Race for the Wool. I love MCYTs soooooo much, and Life series is the best thing ever!!! It reminds me of Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore but more tailored to longetivity, better pacing, and better entertainment value in how it's recorded and edited.
I'm going back and watching all of the other Life seasons now because previously I had only watched Etho's Last Life and Double Life POVs and I didn't really know the non-Hermits or understand how the series worked very well. Now it's all I talk about, I live and breathe Life. I'm pulling theories out of my ass and I even started reading FANFIC again. I opened ao3. This is like huge for me. I even drew ART wtf
My younger sibling actually got me into Secret Life by telling me about it when I visited and the tasks sounded so funny I had to watch. And apparently my other brother watched some of the previous Life serieses too which surprised me?? But my 14 y/o sibling and I put it on TV and watched a bunch of the episodes together, and then a bunch of Scott's episodes from previous series while waiting for new SL episodes.
This weekend though we're gonna watch the PJO show! I bough blue candy and koolaid, I'm forcing them all to have some.
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mangoposts · 6 months
OMG I HAVE MORE ABT ROLLING LOUD. first of all the added thursday just for kanye to preform and let me tell u i’ve never been happier in my life. i love kanye and i was so excited bc his new album is my life. so tell me why he’s an hour late, he pulls up in his fuckass all black suit that covers him head to toe, and he also doesn’t perform at all?!? he didn’t even have a mic in his hand. for an hour and 15 minutes he just danced around the stage while his album played on the speakers. AND THEN AT SOME POINT HE LITERALLY JUST LEFT AND WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO GO GET A SPECIAL GUES OR SOMETHING BUT NO. HE NEVER CAME BACK. so they ended up just playing his old songs on the speakers bc he was supposed to have a 3 hour set. i was actually so depressed at first bc i was expecting way more but it i was fine bc it was just like a giant kanye listening party so it was still fun ig. and then i actually lost my shit on sunday. future and metro boomin brought out fucking TRAVIS SCOTT TO PREFORM. i literally didn’t go to school for a week after the travis concert bc i had post concert depression and if someone asked me how the concert was i would break down in tears. travis is my mannn my mann my mann and his concert changed the course of my life. anyways he came out and played fe!n twice and that was just 😍😍😍😍. but yea next year ur coming with me 💋💋💋
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spacedykez · 1 year
Helluuuu I wanted to answer your ask answer but the finale threw me off into a frenzy sooo YEAH - I still can't believe Martyn really won!! I'm so happy!!! AHHH THis ask will prob be super messy bc I still am processing ksksks
I haven't watched any Trafiic!Scott before now so I really REALLY want to know more (and ofc watch LOL) so it's very cool and convenient for me that you know him so well!! And yes the being lonely and scared of being left again - that also got me very into it NGL. (why is the projection so strong with him, hm? q.q /pos). But also as a Martyn viewer that was one part that drew me in for him which is that Ren just picked him up in 3rd life and damn if that isn't smth to project onto as well for me ksksks - but yeha enough stuff about me!
I find it super funny and amazing that you're super into 3L and DL and here I sit with still brainrot from LL B) I just love how different each series feels to everyone and we all have such valid favs/favours!!! but yeah I love how u can see those parallels and now even with the parallel in the battle royale between Martyn and Scott - I feel like scratching my eyes out the parallels are too strong and too good!
okay I def need to watch flower husbands (and maybe empires s1 too ig??) myself but tumblr osmosis told me a bit BUT AHH THE PROTECTION THINGY SCreAMING!!! in this season the "i love you" took me out in the best way q.q scott felt like he was ready to blow it all for jimmy something something
Also as a valid and verified Scott viewer: do you think he purposely tried to not win this season? i'm not sure about this but he was giving lives away so freely (esp in the end) and i feel like I've missed a reasoning there)
and ohHHH yes I'm so happy you watch so much scott that's so cool and all i'm super happy for u!!! wanna watch him more too now for suuuuuure - also I'm so excited for martyn's lore/q&a stream today I am vibrating and also it feels sooo so good when your fav won??? like??? i am unser how to behave now bc i didn't actually think it'd happen and now he's just in line with grian, scott and pearl and I'm just like "ahhh that's my shitty /pos blorbo i picked up bc he's just as rootless/homeless as me <3" (not actual homeless but more so the moving around a lot and not havung 1 dedicated home stated by themself) and so yeah I really think u got martyn down well and that makes me scream so much /pos
!!!! hihi im super happy the ending was like. pretty much could not have gone better ngl. i loved it. literally perfect tbh.
oh yay that is convenient!! yeah im more than willing 2 brainrot abt my blorbo. like i said i never really got into LL but i've watched 3L, DL, and now LiLife. also it's the sad dramatic theater gay vibes. my silly little blorbo <3 i don't know how many of scott's series you've watched but osmp scott is literally the guy ever for angst like. im not starting on o!scott because i WILL ramble for YEARS but he is so SAD and i love him 4 it. and esmp1!scott is on his elsa kinnie arc (INCLUDING the trauma <3)
THE PARALLELS W THEM... THEYRE SO STRONG. talking abt Scott there are SO many parallels between martyn & jimmy; the pufferfish, the blond hair, the protectiveness (just reversed), and more i'm sure i'm not mentioning.
from martyn's pov... i don't know. i feel like i have martyn wrong. sigh. he's just! as a first time viewer of martyn he seems to me very loyal but also haunted by the watchers/listeners/narrative- i don't KNOW most of martyn's lore !! and i was never EXTREMELY into treebark like i was w flower husbands. its just. im trying to figure him out but i still feel like i have him all wrong and the moment i think i've got him figured out someone tells me i'm wrong. trafficblr was all "omg martyn loyal hand killing scott like he killed ren" and im like YEAH YEAH!! and then he wins and its like "no youre fucking wrong he was never loyal ever" and im just like bro wtf. its just ive not WATCHED martyn a ton before LiLife (i watched a few of his 3L & DL videos but not all of them and not anything else outside that) and i'm still trying to get his characterization down and tumblr isn't helping because i was like yeah yeah okay loyal hand this lines up with what i've seen from him, this makes sense, i've got him. and then the finale happens and all of a sudden it's "no you FUCKING IDIOT he's NOT loyal FUCK you"
...sorry if you read that whole rant. anyways!
yes. from a meta perspective: yes. scott DOES NOT want to win again, especially not a third time in a row. yes, technically pearl won DL, but a lot of people do count it as a joint pearl-scott win, so if he won LiLife it would be a third scott win to them. to be honest, scott is just really good at the game and at surviving. he doesn't seek out conflict a lot, tends to stay in his own little area building and surviving, and because of that he usually doesn't engage in a ton of the fighting until later episodes. he's also in a LOT of series & events (cough mcc cough) and he's just good at Minecraft. traffic!scott as a character does not want to play the game, isn't trying to win, and he is kind. but also, yes, cc!scott does not want to win this game. he gets ENOUGH hate for winning mcc, and the amount of hate and negativity certain groups would give him for winning a third season in a row would be AWFUL. also i'm sure he (cc!) wants to give his friends a chance to win, because he's a nice person. but there is DEFINITELY that element of if he had won twitter would be FURIOUS.
YEAH!!! if you want to watch more scott i am here for infodumping hes one of my favorite youtubers genuinely and i love his videos and everything he does. also yeah i like seeing my guy win!! its fun when that happens. and i'm glad you think i've got martyn down because i am definitely not very confident in my characterization of him.
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were-wolverine · 1 year
okay so
hear me out
rafael mccall as anakin skywalker
scott mccall as luke skywalker, who is raised by his mother melissa (there’s not really a padme, but melissa is still scott’s mom) on a moisture farm or whatever tf it is
stiles as leia organa (so yes they’re not *actually* related but shush). he’s the son of senator organa (sheriff stilinski) and his wife (claudia stilinski). from a young age he’s aware of the resistance
senator organa worries about the (highly political) pressure on his son, and after multiple incidents of stress-induced panic attacks, he sends stiles to go live with melissa (claudia’s best friend) and her son scott on Tatooine
they’re about 7 when this happens and are raised together for the next 10ish years. they spend their youth finding scrap parts, stiles building stuff, and scott testing them out (which usually ends in disaster, but neither of them have died!)
stiles calls his mom and dad every day and visits often, but honestly prefers being out of the spotlight and getting to just be himself with his best friend/brother scott
stiles eventually goes back to alderaan when they’re around 17 (funnily enough, scott and stiles were born the exact same day in the same year so they like to joke that the universe wanted them to be twins 👀)
anyway flash forward about a year or so, stiles is captured by darth vader, scott buys R2D2 and C-3PO, he finds the message and is like “wtf that’s my brother! i need to go save him!” and goes to see ‘ben kenobi’ (deaton ofc) etc etc
deaton and scott meet a man named derek hale and his wookie friend isaac in a seedy alien bar and somehow they get onto an imperial ship together to save ‘prince stiles of alderaan’ (scott is like ‘oh damn i forgot he was a prince’ and derek is like ‘??what?’)
by the way yes this is all a long winded way to have stiles!leia and derek!han
cue the iconic “you’re a bit short for a stormtrooper” and yay sibling reunion
also thinking about the wookies just being. wolves. but like massive wolves. isaac as chewie. and. and derek being literally raised by wolves (or some weird giant version of them). they’re still called wookies but they’re basically giant sentient wolves
(derek’s family died when he was a baby so the wolves found him and raised him. there will definitely be a ‘were you raised by wolves/wookies?’ joke)
god someone please help me the brainrot is too strong
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miraculousbohemian · 1 year
his name is Lucas Scott and his birthday is 25th October 2001. He was adopted (by another oc but she doesn't appear much because i created her because i needed to) by Gianna Morales, Miles's Aunt, thus making them cousins.
he will mostly appear in my other fic, and already did in my main focused fic, wtf (yes that's the name.). His best friend is also another OC of mine, actually the MC but ight.
also did i mention his face claim is Colby fucking Brock? s
to be specific, that weird blue/green hair era Colby, yk this one?
Tumblr media
you can't really see it but OK MOVING ALONG
he's my baby 'n i love him sm <3333333
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thesnailkiwi · 2 years
i wanna hear more about your weird vivid 3rd life dreams /not forced
Mkay mkay I really want to talk about this
First time it happened, or as I call it "first session". (Side note, everyone looked like their characters but realistic.)
Started out (normal?) And collected stuff. The usual. I didn't know anyone at all and it was weird. Everyone felt so familiar, yet I couldn't place who they were. I met Martyn pretty early on. We talked, and he threw seeds at me and ran off. I settled in the roots of a tree the first night (the rain was unpleasant to say the least). Eventually I dug out the area around the upturned tree and put a roof so it was kind of like a burrow. Boy, how I envied Dogwarts at the time.
I met Joel next. He... was something, alright. He insulted me half the time and actually does swear a lot. Oh, and he was like 5'6 so that made it even funnier. He was annoying, though. He kinda just broke into my house tbh.
After that, I heard about Tango’s game but thought it was too risky. I was also afraid because of Scar since I didn't know him and from the stories I had heard he was cruel and merciless. In my defense, he was a red.
I met Jimmy after his first death. He's such a nice dude omg. He's also easy af to fluster. I complimented him and he turned bright red. He, seeing my pathetic house, invited me back to the flower valley for the night. Scott was offended that he brought home someone other than him lmao. At first Scott was defensive but after Jimmy convinced him I was fine then he loosened up. I felt like a third wheel the whole time. Jeez Louise the sheer amount of affection between those two.
Ahaha the next day I wasnt too lucky. I got caught in a TNT trap someone set (I think it was the Crastle, but I'm still unsure) and exploded. Not fun, exploding. Let me tell you. At least it was quick ig.
Bdubs was grumpy about that since it wasn't meant for me. Sir, how am I supposed to know that when you set it near MY HOUSE?
This is where things started going downhill.
Dogwarts was starting to rise. I was allies with the flower valley so I quickly was introduced to the desert duo. I felt kinda bad for Grian since he couldn't use his wings, but realistic harpy things are weird looking. Scar was terrifying. My dude is like 6 feet tall, grey, and littered with scars. Jimmy was red and he still wasn't scary! Wtf!
Ah yes. The burning of the banner. How could I forget? I wasn't there for it, but Scott sounded scared when I visited them next.
I had seen Ren from a distance, and I was so, so angry at Martyn for becoming the monster he did. Oh yeah, and the two of them kept beating around the bush in their relationship and that was annoying as well. Like, dude, just tell him already.
I never really met the Crastle. But I did meet Martyn again and blow up on him about being part of Red Winter.
And here we are! The bunker battle.
I don't really remember much about this part. Pure adrenaline took over. But I did die to being shot by an arrow and falling into the lava moat. I ran back as fast as I could with literal leather armor. Jimmy was dead by then, and when Scott realized, oh jeebus bleebus.
Anger, sorrow, revenge. He definitely was NOT thinking clearly. Since I was closest to Jimmy in the battle, he blamed me for his death. He attacked me and killed me with his sword. Very uncomfortable way to die.
Session two.
Started out on bad terms. I killed a few of the villagers Grian saved and he definitely was NOT happy. I swear he meant the creeper for me and it agro-ed on scar instead. But we'll never know ig.
The Crastle became my home this time. Cleo was recruiting so I signed up.
It went how you think it would. Except this time I played Tango’s game. I failed and died.
Then Dogwarts invaded the Crastle. The others except Impulse got away, but then I realized he was a traitor. I got sacrificed on the altar. Dude the Red Winter axe is a huge ceremonial battle axe. Ren laughing is extremely eerie.
Then during the final siege, Martyn took my last life. Pretty anticlimactic if I say so myself.
Anyway, any questions? I can talk for hours.
I swear every time you send an ask, it turns into a whole essay lmao /pos
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